University News, May 1 Students of Boise State University
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Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 5-1-1985 University News, May 1 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. 1" , .,i i BSI.JtOreceive9.7 percentrnore -f by Rita Bibb ,/ "Under the circumstances, we are lucky. meeting. "The budget will be approved on by student fees. The fee increase will take care The University Neil's We feelthat the formula distribution is the' that daY,' Thrner said. - ofa lot:' most equitable:' Thrner said. Thrner said most departments will see in- Thrner said that the increase in revenues BSU will be receiving $31.3 million in state Turner said that the rest of the budget has creases in funds. is good except that it does not include salary revenues and student fees next year, a 9.7 per- not yet been decided. "We have to see where "Generally, I guess lhat there will not be increases for classified or professional staff. cent increase from last year, according to the money is most needed and where infla- . any decreases in funds for anydepartments:' "I think we need inflationary increases in BSU's budget director, Ron Thrner. .tion will hit:' he added. "We also have fixed Turner said. "The budget will be similar to funds for operating expenses, such as supplies The .appropriation for BSU includes costs and utilities to work into the budget!' last year's, except some departments will get and' traveling;' Thrner said. $857,000 to solve accreditation problems and According to Turner, ali operating budget more money" Thrner said he thinks the needs that arc not other critical program needs, and $594,000 has to be put together by June 27, in time According to Turner, BSU is not indebt. metin this year's budget will be met in next ,'.', for salary equity, 'Ilirner said. for the next State 'Board of Education "We have bonds;' he said, "but they arc paid year's budget. p' ,( '. , .' , - • A ~ • .'. 53 fee for 'News' may be reality Senate okays fee, calls for bids on student newspaper by Peter Takeda the n The University News Idea of what kind o! role We are trying to get an Ple~setake a few mInutes to ~nsI wO~ld be Willing lives of BSU students. of a BSU Marching B:~d s~hPPOrt the formation The ASBSU Senate has reaffirmed its sup- . pe - rough it $1 O() ,~ r semester ihlditi . ..' port for a $3 dedicated fcc for The Universi- (C ire l e YES rend theU~lversity News? onal dedlc~tpd fne? 43 ty News in a meeting on April 29. The senate 1. How often ~o you has also voted by consensus to put the BSU Rarely NO -44 newspaper up for anonymous bids with pro- Regularly I Would sup • • the follO\' . port a $3.00 P _ posals due May 1. _ fol1Towing questions uSing . lanaI dedicated f e r s<'mC"t01' adlli t- r The result of the bidding will be announc- Ple~se nnswe the cAgree 3cNei t her Agree nor Dlsagr Studt'rlt new co to bc u'wd to fund. ' lcStrongly Agree 2 \spaper, 1~E UNIVI'f'cJ'J'Y t"V ed immediately following the process on May • ---~._-~:!~~ of ~ student newsp~pct ~t BSU. 6. If the current organization, the Universi- 2. I suppor.t the idea ty Community News Service, is not chosen, YES 4 The University News will be given two days . \ - to vacate the. premises. X Karl Vogt,ASBSUSenutor and ASS ".c-''''':-I~that l ~~!~.~..s)t.\I.N.e\~~,.~~5?~t:~.!_i.",f9 »' " representative to the Publications Advisory, Board, which oversees The University News, said, "The senate voted to put publishing up for bids in accordance with Senatc.AcU7. Bidding will be open-to all recognized stu- dent clubs or organizations. I'm enthusiastic about the dedicated fcc. I think it is YES 52 something we really need:' 5. I think tl\dt It is illlpol'lant Jocelyn Fannin, Chair of the PAB. is in full support of the dedicated fcc. How- A survey of 222 students (left) and the ballet Question (right) were returned before the senate gave a consensus in Iuvor of the $3 dedicated fee. ever, she said she was isurpriscd. by the proposal 10 put The University News up fcc has been the subject: of discussion on for bid. campus for sometime, according to Fannin. "The process is a surprise with regards to "The funding for The University News has Benefit dance planned. bids. The student government never tells us been traditionally allotted by the ASBSU. about these things. Our liason, Karl Vogt The contract negotiations of the last few by Peter Takeda become a campus-wide event. The Campus doesn't do a good job about this;' Fannin -years have usually been difficult. In my opi- The University News Network, the Resident Housing Association, said. nion. a lot of politics has been involved;' she Student Programs, the ASBSU and Saga are "The student senate never tells the PAD said. Concern over world hunger has not been helping out our project and sponsoring their about their upcoming actions. In addition, The funding arrangements have led to overlooked on the BSU campus, Assistant own ideas:' Kreider said. thcy never consult the PAB about any actions some difficulties, she said. "Last year at the Director of Student Activities Jim Kreider "Diane Ralphs, our new ASB Vice- related to The News," Fannin said. end of June the ASBSU decided that they said. President has maintancd contact with local She added that "The ASBSU did not didn't want to put up the allocation. This was "For the past two years I was working to high schools. She has been informing high notify myself or the PAB about the opinion the result of their desire to maintain funds get an event together on campus to raise relief .schcol age kids on the problem of world poll in the recent election concerning The for fundraising activities. It was following this for world hunger. We never really received hunger and what they can do about it. One News. Last week they put out a survey con- incident that ASB Pres. Steve Jackson pro- much support from the students until the goal is to have a donation box in every high cerning campus sentiment towards The News posed a dedicated fee to free the ASBSU situation in Ethiopia developed. Currently school to raise some funds:' Kreider said, ad- . and related issues. Most importantly. the budget. This would also result in freeing the support to fight world hunger is tremendous . ding, "The high schools arc being very ASBSU did not tell us that they were con- newspaper from student politics:' she said. Our big project is a USA for Africa Benefit cooperative:' sidering putting the newspaper up for bids. Fannin said, "The PAB began to move to scheduled for May 3:; Kreider said. The work for the humanitarian cause ex- This reflects the sort of relationship that the pursue the idea and broughtit to the atten- Student Assistant for Student Activities, tends beyond the educational system. PAD and the ASBSU have had in the past" tion of The University News editors:' Marie Cheung, said, "The idea for a benefit Kreider said, "The effect in the community Vogt said he believes that the surveys were With interest expressed by the different VIastaken up by many campus organizations. is snowballing. Everyone who hears about a good idea and serve the purpose of gain- groups, the Vice-President of Student Af- lIThe fund raiser is to be presented by the Stu- this cause wants to help. Businesses, radio ing student input on a confusing issue. fairs, Dr. David 'Iaylor, launched a project to '~'dent Activities Office, Student Programs stations and various organizations arc con- "We have looked at the issue and gained bring together the university deans. Univer- Board and Campus Network. The proceeds tributing goods or serices to help out. For ex- some input from our surveys and polls. The sity News editors, the ASBSU and the com- arc going to the USA for Africa Fund" ample, the Veterans Association is working surveys have been criticised by many as be- .munication dept., Fannin said. The Ml,ly 3 benefit will start in the SUB on their own project to raise money or food. ing biased or too limited to get any real in- "The ASBSU project intended to gain a Ballroom at 7 p.m. with the 9O-minute video, There arc lots of volunteers and positive formation.Some said that they were unscien- dedicated fee tied in with the appointment Ziggy Stardust and (he Spiders from Mars, response from all areas" tific. We were limited by time and we were of a .University News adviser. The student Cheung said. The Resident Housing Association is spon- busy with two processes-the fee and the bid- senate is currently acting only on the The movie features David Bowie in his soring projects to bring food and critical sup- ding process:' Vogt said. final performance as the! character Ziggy plies to the drought~stricken outcries of The idea for a University News dedicated Stardust. The Bowie film costs $1 for -Africa.