Official Ceremony Notes

1. The first person to speak should (a) remind audience to mute cell phones and (b) acknowledge dignitaries on behalf of all subsequent speakers.

Example “ it is my honour to acknowledge those dignitaries joining us this afternoon/evening.” (If you have not received RSVPs from the invited Ministers and MLAs it would be silly to recognize individuals that are not present).

2. Name the dignitaries in order of precedence. Acknowledgments for the MC should be worked out in advance based on confirmed attendees. (Contact the Protocol Office for assistance as this order differs by event).

3. Do not include spouses (exception is spouse of His Excellency the Governor and Hon. Premier)

4. Do not mention post-nominals in verbal address (CVO, OBE, MBE, JP etc.)

5. Advise all other speakers to address audience “distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.” Subsequent speakers SHOULD NOT repeat acknowledgements so please advise them in advance.

6. The following should be provided with parking, greeted upon arrival and escorted to their seat by a senior event host: His Excellency the Governor; Hon. Premier; Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and all Members of Cabinet: Hon. Deputy Governor; Hon. Deputy Premier; Hon. Ministers of Cabinet; and the Hon. Attorney General.

7. As possible, the following should be greeted upon arrival and escorted to their seat by a senior event host (also be provided with parking if possible): Ministerial Council Chairs, Hon. Leader of the Opposition, Deputy Speaker, and other elected Members of the Legislative Assembly.

8. The event should begin within ten minutes of arrival of the most senior invitee (e.g. His Excellency the Governor/ the Hon. Premier/ Hon. Minister, etc.). So be specific about the time you want them to arrive.

9. Platform seating should usually be reserved for speakers, presenters and/or graduates in some cases. It is not necessary for officials to sit on the platform, they are optimally placed in VIP seating in the audience or at head tables.

10. Plan photo opportunity in advance and notify the official upon arrival of intent.

1 11. Make every effort to ensure that the Union Flag and the flag are displayed and in their correct position on the platform. The most senior flag should be on the observer’s left.

12. The Cayman Islands is sung before the Cayman Islands National Song Beloved Isle Cayman.

13. More than three speakers usually makes for a long ceremony. Please advise each person about how long their speech should be.

14. Everyone does not have to speak. One minister can defer to the other responsible.

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