1 Bectamt, D n n iH , (U N (iOfflOT) S, 1911 rniinUo Mad farms, tobeidiMNativo WEDDING. Rambling Notes. The Wise Colleges, import pedigree stock and still have thousands of pounds to MPAtfA—OLIPHANT. Buy tM r PIANOS, ORGANS erect dipping tanks against East eah»« i«omi.-ii«di.b.. DmHiKO tsa lekgabo kgono tsa Babereki CO B NE TS, VIO LIN S, A prolty-WJddias took pl«< on tb* toajta.FMEtewii.S.S.Iw. |„ kana tco Ji b. il.n*,... o 1 Coast fever whilst Government is A U TO H A B P S aod other 6 h Of Jaly at the Bun to ludepcodeat batRbode*' Cspi to Cairo scheme hut M u sica l In stru m e nts still wondering what to do, and how Obuith, Graaiff-Reinot, beiwocn Joeiih- kaoeked all terrors oat of diatuice; and' to do it i if a few Natives in out-of- Jolly Mpetaa, aid tat ann of July llpama. Ean; koa ga twe«a Pert Elisabeth and Elisa^U ViU* the-way oorners like Basutoland and ktaoeebnrj;, aid Hybio^ Uliphaut, •econd dsughter ot tho tale Timid ia not ao formidable w*pt when it bt- Transkei can do that, what then are BLACKLAWS Oliphant, of Gruff Beicet. comm ones lot to toot tie tall Tbe the sums contributed to the Union Tbe Bride wore a •iai|>le no»n at Satiabury Hcnii reprodocca a par from Ho Di Toits pan Rq^ ootfeni by tho millions of Natives in cashmere eatio, aad c«rr*<.! ao ahowor ihe UnM\£ ibe Bay, wbiob lb< Nor­ bouquet ot whito roMt tnd snow drops. thern mmteako thioka is of io par Unco 77 Strand Street, (JAPE TOWN. the Union, who arc literally fleeced Sfitoro sa K tlla sa Ditlhako lela mono Bhewisglvou away by her Unde, Jrr tu IthudeaiaBa Sundry caaVs of cement bj the postal, customs, railways, Joa Oliphant, whilst Ur. M. Bimito wsro liodid at Algoa Bay reoeoUj, ibeir UNIVERSITY end of that war, that the Basutos bosides maintaining a separate de­ acted ai best mao, aod Uin Polly Ooliatb, altmaw doettcation being tbe growing K i m b e r l e v have had a real chance to prospor. partment to whioh no ’whito man •as bndeamsid, wu dressed in |» city of Blinbolhville, ia Ibo ■ U«lgi>o \ — ...... i ...... gown (fcryttalino with loaches of pink, How thoy have piogres«ed since contributes a penny. Things being and carried a bouquet of pink roeea. THOTI) e NTSI n .ka itlh.opela m o go eona so thou someono would like to ask BLOEMFONTEIN. ' that date is shown to conviction by reception wu afterwards held at casks of cemsnl were loaded on a iTSS di THATA tsa BANNA .Jfl/-1 1 /9 g o 15/6 both this report and the Rev. E. “wbat Ihanka^lo the much despised Mrs. Qoliatb'a boose, where ureryuody and drapatchwi from Fort KJiubetb ALL Hatire JT.tdi n, and print* Jacottet’s lecture at I'urlao last Natives get for all these payments?” treated to taa aod cakes, and a most Elinhethtille, which b a tu cry. Aod ' TSA M E M O ea BANNA tse dincho le ta e di eojoyihie treeing wu spent After month. Tbe Rev. E. Jacottet said wbaa the cement hid anirad ai Kluabeib \ KhDIlOU V , 12/6,13/6,15/6, go ea go l| 15/. i S S S S S S S ng a few days io Graafl-Keioetthe • iUe, tbe man nolo whom it wu the 400,000 people of Basutoland are EAST COAST FEVER. happy coaple left for Johannesburg. wbo ia called U» conaigni*. sud, ~ BO HOLDFAST, tse di ttata-thata tsa Baepi, Z csn6ned to little over 4.U"0 square SET Entty Foma lm oa «i Tbeie wer« numerous preaeuia, and the now. her* ia £10 worth of oeooat, I -"1 ngoe le ngoe - ,c,e miles of land that being the habit­ ing were present it tbe Inoction aell it for £3) aed shall thns t* moom' id Mrs. Van Niekcrk, Ur. and Mrv pussed to tbe extern of 100 per cool' able portion of this mountanous w Y f to the fact that TSA a BASADI D iteba-tebela pars Pritchard, II ra. Bebone, M'sim-s Psnoeys And thoo be prooeodod ao lo do. Aod 01 P 0. Bca 414, Bkwofouteia.—St. country. It i>. thorefore. all the, batting Kast (loast fever the Trans- Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman, Ur. and tboa be rrcilrod so sccoanl from tb« batlang fela fa garega 5s, le 30s. more interesting to learn from the1 koian Nativo Council has shown Borman, Mr. and Urs, Qolialb, Jlisses y, and tbe amooni thereof WANTED Resident Commissioner s report, itself morn progressive than tho Poleroens, Mr. J, Petorun, Mr. T. Polar- i Mo Wenkeleng e tshesanyane CgauJi le Central Mr, and Mra1 Bashaenge, Ur, and mWO Fe®alo A*&Uot Tc»oben<,for that the export from tie Protect*)-' (Jontral OovornmenL, and the fol- 1 ibe Foartecn Streams »nd Grcef ■ Mia. Vitrre, Mr, and Mra. Jooeten, Mr. Hotel) ea ga dale Mission 8choo!i respectively rato amounted, in the yesr under' lowing item from tho Umtata paper and Urs. Woolf, Mr. and Mra. Hiilar, Mr. toogevity, erideuMy Knows litUe about Both abcnld be tally qealificd. DaUes D- S F BLACKLAW S review, •1909-10, to £34!).P84. an | would appear to bear out our con- the Nahveaof Boutb Africa or be woold to tdHCM oo Jsly 17,191L and Mra, Louw, Miss C, Oliphant. Mr. and without doabt haro hsd sws'thmg Dutolspan Road.. 13er.d applications tnd testimonial! to increase of £156. 7ij2 on the year ] umtion “ Evidently what is Bauce Ura U ,i*i, Ur. ai to say .boot them. 800th Afn-1 KIMBERLEY. Kev.J. UT0BL Ura. Nkoei, Mr. and Mra. Ndiia, Ur. sod can modi coo n«»er tin ot telling J Newtoo, Kimberley. before. Import came to £S.'8.VS4,, for the Goose is no: sauce for the “ the anhealthy properties j 1 Mrs. OHpbant, Missis. Enoch and Joa in soared milk, yet soar milk ia lb* staple or an increase of close on > Gander. The Govornment has Thnkaoi, &tr. and Ura Lodwig, Ur. and diet of tbe NaUm of the Tnnaaci aad (I- N otice— Ourageuta lliroogh- The chief items of export were : urgod aod insisted upon, the speedy Mra. Coriags, Mra. Jevalu ood Ur. J. the 1904 Census showed lhat th* oldest | T. W. L B , .AD.] oat tbe country cannot do Wool, £139,022: maiie. £7.'».20l ; construction of dipping tanks Nkomo of Jobsnnobarg. C cobi a w f IVlTl ' “ < ^ 3 to j better than remit all out- ado that old Natinairtp-.nl ed ss to whi 1 Angora hair, £49.721; whoat, throughout the Territories, and the arilisedaod«doc»trfiH.u*oediew>*oo' ■ DITORE T S J W E ST END. and enlist £48^79; cattle, £9,1!13. and horses work is being pushed ahead under An eiplanitioo m y be found m the (vt I sabscribera and advertisers Municipal Debts. t*aI educated Niu'es soldom 1 (Qo lebagana le Wenkele ea i.7,638. In import* the chml item> the most adverse circumstances, at j Diilhare fa Keiekeng ea Wesele/ meat the expenses of the Bom* inridioua rumoara are sfl,al ' Kgatlho tsa Barkly Boad Ic Green enlorged paper. were: Blankets and shawls £84.830; liic uipunso, of oourse, of tho KIMBESLErfl POSITION now, which ahow thst the scrambl. , Street, West End. KIMBERLEY. Diaparo, Ditlhako, Bohe- articles of food and drink, £31,Mfl': Natives. Tanks are the sauce for the A statement of tbe dobU and rales per I" the fsr intenor, that tho NaSra, of the Keiaoga r^s« haberdashery and millinery, flS.Olf (iooso, On the otho: side of the head of the population of the principal wlU soon duoorer Iho fact to Ihelr c at. Ko sbono Sotoro SO 86 gologolo sa mpe Ic dilo ootlhe tse di TSALA EA BECOANA cotton goods, and appnrul,1 Trannkoian border, how towns In Sooth Africa.wis preaonted at s recent mrutiog of the l’orl Eliaaboth “ " di (The Friend of the Bectoua.) £12,773. Agricultural implements, | tliore are Kuropean farmers, and ot-e, as they are go-ng to pay rory dearly batlang dl teng. Town Ooaucil In sommary form it is yo.y.1 d ..to ^ Shnto(> Mh>l batloang ke Becoana. Published every Saturday morn­ £4844, and animals, principally Government ha? beot: askei territorior Here graphs.- Flanolete. Kommerese. DltJ ing at Kimberley 4 sires to improve the breeds of horses1 them to erect a line of tank? along Port Elaabetb—Total debt £771,389 ; hako, Dikaashu, Dlkopl, le ENGLISH & 8ECHUANA, Conaidorsblo eidteoent wss earned and cattle, £4,120. lievenue in- the border, the Assistant Secretary debt per head of while population £42 ; in town last oreutng bj ibecircol*lion Megocana, Dlketlele, Dipitsa Btaatxirnox _ — 15- debt per bead of whole population. £2v of s rumour tbst tte R»UngV»t.r« Dipelkere Dinoto Dikurufo, Bo Sale, Dikgole tsa Di- creased £98,5 l.'i, for tliey ext betorr. lor Agriculture has replied 'ei- hadsseu aod bad ‘ wiped oot" ibe Capetown—Total debt, £2£9&ttU. debt Garase Dipeke. Gotlhe tse u Advertisements: to £119,974 and expenditure came pressing Government's fuli concur- white lobat-itinta of Kliaabetbville. per wbitr, £Si; dobl per whole. £41. The rumour appwmtly haa its origin di batlang ka tlhoatlhoa tae pilse le eng le eng, to £110,444, leaving a surplus of renee with 'Jio Society's wish lor Johana«bnrg—Total debt, £i "50,000, in tbe newi from Iariogxtone. that a dlOleng police oootingunt bad mot with d^ 48,530. The oountry has no public compulsory cleansing in tbe ilistrict, | debt |>er white, £47. debt pe* whole £2t. aster in North-Western Khodoaia. I Bloemfontein—Total debt, £ ( , Thoee in a p»ition to know, however, Megoina le dilo tsa Stand" o? Advertisements: debt, but an unencumbered bank bal-, but exprftvong regret lhat i: could 868 00 il»ht p*T ubite, £t>6. debt per whol». £23 ny lhat the tttitode ot. the KaUogs Dikgomo! le »• per inch per ttoath Single Ool once of £12.),000 odd In education not see the necessity for tanks along natirea ia by no aeaos satisfactory. . . Double OoU East London—Total debt. £379,932' A gentleman wbo hrs joat retunied Tshimo, jalo, jalo. i —o - the Basutos are progressing slowly, j th' Tratiskeian Border.’ No tanks debt per white, £29: debt per whole £16. from ibo North aays tbe Naiirca are abaolutely oat of haod. They are in­ Dihutshane I! The only anthoriaed median for reai and the latest returns gave tbo nnm- are necessary for the Gander' Yet, Durban—Total dobt, £2,560,000. d„U mt HnUra consumers ia tho OR. solent and trocolenl, and theu at- |>«r white, £6S; dobt ji« wboir, £38. btnda ia a distinct meoaoe to tho tw MaV Griqaataod West aod Uechn- bar of children in the elomentnn'! ngtun, we have Mr. Duos of tho ONA Bafantisi re ntloalsa Klmhwley-Total debt, £10,878 dobt white community, Thia gentleman ONABi schools as 13,37;i, as against 1 1,770 Veterinary Department, travelling slates that the Governor-General fa re no le difsntigi tsa F, J, per wbite, £2; debt for whole, £1. himself wto recently left by hia R in the preceding year. 8tntintics! *11 over the country Jut the country' Kimberley u thus Uie least indebted bearer*, m*nT miles from tbo to»0. msnio. They spat lo hie face, and insolently famished by the l’ojt Utfiw are! expense, lecturing tbe farmers on town in tho whole of tbe Union. For thia told him thi! tbey were not going to Wunat&ga oa Ntlha oa Kgoedi THB EDITOR, healthy slate of aflaira, we are ss much do any more for him. cotlhe koa TWBK8PROIT especially interesting. Thns, postal the need of dipping tank.- and the indehU'd to tho magnanimity of Uie De losegi oa Diaparo. Box 148, STATION, Distnot Thabo orders were issued in the Terntorv 1 virtc* ot anwnite ol “Oda. l>et u; There is a tot of •‘grooaiug' going on Kimberley. ageiooneocountoflboNaiirc*. They 'Ncho II Old Inin stmt. to the value of £17.732, and paid to j uuote : • Fear not tb« confusion are getting rery 'cheeky" to tbe white men, acd do not treat thenf the valne of £17..'<79. wbiic £3,iKw I outside ol thwv hat that within thoe MUNICIPAL EttBATICIBM. with pr«.per respect A good msny Gaufi le Oflsi ea Dipase, o f tjie §«j)u a n a . of tho goveroiag rsc» sre to be blamed was deposited in the Saving* Bank.' slrivo * ^ r '>ni:v. bnt seek it not ii for soch a state of sITitira It is no oao ••grooaiog” aod grumbling Fraser & Scott, and £2,058 withdrawn The popn 'uniformity' Entirely applicable to .Something mrnit be done to alter thia OBEELET, AOGDLT 5, IWI. lation of Basotoland at the last I the Government'# Kast Coast Fe condiuoo. Althomh there ia plenty live Stock Auctioneers peaos snd natlroe, hy domsadiog ih.i the of -rk for the Natire, ooe caonoi census in 1901 was 34MXH', ami the ^ethoii.- nsMro applicants should gire their 6-gtr gat him 10 do anything. Thoee who BLOEMFONTEIN. BASUTOLAND AND TRANSKEI. imprinta. It would seem ss though some ba«Mtood hoys sre rery fortunate criminal statistics show thut .iurinc I ------“ ponny.in.the-alot minded official had g„t / I A lo nka lo belaela sepe fe r p iiK public should devote a littlo that municipalitr by ibe neck, out wo mo tshegong ea gagoe. cannot belioro Uloemfuntein will b< so All prOapecUng and trading in the i more attention to the Official re- Better Late t a lever. lusane as to abide by such interference ot tenor 10 this part of the oountry w clril right*. Thero i» rory bad tsate e^n beat a standstill. One enn , m m , O tla lo segela fela js lie back before meins thst tho ertJ will' be corrected moment's aotice th»r desert or forthwith, that tbe blonder maj be for- to go on. Testeraiy morning tbo mo Becoaneng. ports oa Basutoland is now I oopntry by the Imperii, tiovosn- ihe end of tho preeent month M' aotteo. We do not suppose tho Bloem- cam not 000expedition refused U> hsa recently hsd a iiniqoc expenenc fnuteinltea are going to *tand at tbeir proceed, and when asked tbe reaaon >. us, aod Oh, that those hard facts mentin 1884.- Ut us say again, at appe«ti tbal some labour agents bad been ahap door crying stinaing-fiah ; and now of tbeir conduct, tbe spok omin, in tbat tbe maUer (we bop*) ia •efficiently an impudent maooar, iif.rtn.d tbe THABA ’NCHO. Mid cold figures were only read, the risk of repetition, it uir pullin' recruiting Nslifes in prohibited sreas. under ro'iow, tbat there will b> nothing chief of the expedition. "It is loo ■ especially by those people who are only read these rejioa'' Toe Treas­ fined alone by the huge capitation fees furth*r of tbai oort to refer to. warm." Tho carriera d:d not proceed Maria Smouse, Oar C5ot«mporary will, wo are sure, paid by the mining authorities, other never as happy as when they attest urer of the Transki'un iiKneral r'gret to learn tbat tbe Bloemfontein The only any to pat a atop to Uiw is to Moagi, Mothudi oa Dikoloi Islxior sgonls recruited Nallti* noder Monioipality pat nff the trprroeoUtic1 a .'their patriotism, or, (shall wo say ?) Council has a report in th*' current (.is* pretenoos tolling them ihsl tbey are of the NaU»e> by saying that tho mallei tboa* existing in Britab East Afrisa le Tlhako tsa Dipitse. should rrciere s six months Irisl. and Myunda Moro powra mast be Oo lebagana le 8 Star Bakery, r::'- crusty- Soulh Africanism. Almost number of the Union Gazote, show- IMiaii bi sweep Trrandsbs ur assist dam giron to the Obef de Zone 1 District New Main Street, KIMBERLEY- | like the Zulus usder Tshaka, bui •rrtprrs. when in truth they sre rcqoirod Commiesioner), who trill than besblo ing that the Native Council s [la­ to doal with recalcitrant Natirea io a (ur undirground miaiog work, Whon more rankly, the Basntos art ments and receipts amoimted to proper manner. Ho aboold be able / 'A ikana gore ga go ope >< thear Islae reprreootalions became a to ord«r Natinw wbo ref'iae to carry heterogenous consolidation the kaopelelang KoJoi jak*. Rovenne, £61,71" If,,. 6n. ami ex­ «oaudal lb' Pretoria Commissioner rtf jS"d oat their cootreet or. dwerl to be In Hooth Africa (retntrka the Natal Bogged Until this ie done we shall ^.■outcome of the diplomacy of theii penditure, £17.7811 J"s Ji; i BNB. iu sliest any Nslirrs io wlioai the ooo. IKitaesi of Mcndsy), the iocslled farntrr always sifftr from thodnfectaof laws Kitsisho. V i n i c i w Moshuiohue, fomewhere sideling that the Nat:v- i „unri tracts were oot fully explained aod is too often merely a supertisor of Matin passed by men who do not enow tbe laboor, who feebly call* U> theSorero- rendition! of tho oountry. aod wbo aboat the time Qncon Victoria as­ had recently lavi.iim; ihou»nd> of woer. the Natire were allowed to go menl for aid. when h« llnda that hil wanl cannot realise Uie working of the Uk (recruiters p ofiis also went, with of enerry haa ended in failure, Tbe re­ Nativa miad. Barolong Mothudi oa paolr- 11 TSALA” 0 otedlcws 'me cend ed the British Throne, so that, money in its fight mti, .-»tti» sults are wbat might be expected : An- bakoadl bs lseloa me- the rniull that tbey came down npoo ths Tbe ahoa . . ke eol 1 * nation, tho Ba-mtos are not postilencc, the result sjm.jk- vr„iin.e« i .mmis'inoer fordamsiios. AfWraoteral graoarios_____ of ths world, while 8ooth Africa oatesi by Bri'iah subjeeia, . .. tncted to ths Belgian Coloay by the freed laoeii kgatisho. (a) Koalaog i .Ip ta lOO years old. That probably for the fitness of Native* :ii nrtair. |vwtp.jnemeuti. the claim against tbe !s onable to feed ita own noty pepal * tion. And thia qondiiioo of things w 1 for gold, sad they plead for British . uiniissiooer was dismiaaed and |he C V . ihe r e tso n . why the first l’iris their self-governing iiimhuiim:- wil­ prevail ootil we ntablisb a fsiem «f senile. Koalo lo to -a 1 -.usrsal Nstives c -ngrslulatal him i aloser aettlemeoi, wbiih 0'ir roler.|»pp -e language. Tb 1 plea for Bnttah awiboda alwsp called them Bt* der Govornment luteiagr i,o; in.» forreaaoui thst aro self-oriden-. the souodi rery itrange when w* onrsidor "alegeng lo ka gatisioa fear thst e largo inlelliirent p>palation lhat British courts haa* been sending xhuanas. From 1835 io 1S6.S wj many European would-t» i«.i ii on tb* par of bis pjon-era, an outcry ia The Potteries. W Allan King, Kiog, Eeq.. minded prejodieee of thuir lupportera to W l | (D) Koalang is • ' £ ;4«i»-'atoniately taken such a thing as Ihe Native > uuna Sab N.ii'o Coaunisatoaer. support their polio/. , Soqlh A fries can which oar fint General. Missionary Coo- never adraooe uodsr sucH a coatrel, aod ftr'oco heartily joiood lodged ooe of 57-59 Jones Street, British Oovern- ol the Transkei' This ignorano^ tias it ia for the people tbemselroo to make a tbe first declarations made by tbe new ntlha ngoe fell sa psispfrl, fi Dusr Sir —We bs*e watobod ths King of the Belgians ia tbat hia chief b~>n the ruic ot South A Inc* If change. Wo believe that tbs intelligent KIMBERLEY. loilo lo lo koadllveng is . I^^B^aBd abandoned again to thuir i snliO'^s ol the caa>) Van der Mrr . ... holders of the land do not favour the ex­ cooeeru wu going to be the amelioration Kiug aod lira-dun with ibe kouotat of the Natives, a declaration forced by f pwh They wen, no noner >. I'd istent slate of things ; ind are oerUin ntlha cooped! ga lo I loteaesl. Wo aro all jubilant oror Iho tbat tbe townsmen aro distinctly oppoeed isaolotiona,atao* amounting to ihreata, n .0 atloa ga go choane le go iponals 1 decision beiug in your favour. Wo, thrro- finally saved hykthat Govern-cent Ip it. What la wanted are loaders, who from British quartan; aad to write now fon>. beg t<> heartily cougtitulaw you on will Butdo tbo commuuitlee aright, and that the Belgians are. too-'mild with the In mat'ho. Mathauaanta a ma- amsgeloe; (0) Itorantafa . 0 ^ th- Boon, wheo on j - - ' tliem »oul>i pans' and ask If a yoor worthy QIOMfn. hero ii ao fcppo'lnnity for oar youngar Natirea aoondg just a little bit trooioai; May tbia siriuglhtm you


Profenor London Doaglea, F.IL&B. oa Karolaoo o koa yaana mo 'Cham­ ber!' Joaroal' ka mokgoa ot bogole- roIo tile oa nitrite M ko botlhib*-

bolnlot MQtle ko BoUbabateitai muhl t kgomo a dom teoelo. Bogdo-golo ult muhi i bodila ooe diyo tou mme mo lokoalong lo* BaitlLodi (mo Bd- al'Uhai it*celi upo ja kgomo. .Nukifi* b«lfog) go boleloa tirigiloe o Wish*- gang e e ne ole ft giro ga Joe! 1* Sum kiodht e* go ooa maihi a bodila Nulling Siteri erile baltdtd: be gagoe ba «*na TMT8ALA cotlhe di itiWoe gore tuli go fengoe, ba ba ba ftladioa, a falolela I ) ga loot MESEUOH N. RaMAI- lo moUaagaog oa ga Joel moaadi oa LANE oUt bula NTLO et DUO le M A- BOBiLO mooo motMOB oa BECOANA mo-Btdoniol, a kopa mosi a ooaoga WAAlBOEK, Lokiil No. 231 ka la.tei Tsa Bakoaledi. bodila n n morago ga moo a mmiticla. ii Iflth Phokni 1911 (July), Bloem­ Oator Dijocha, MoOotlegi J B fontein, O.BB. ka tlhoatlhoa . lamala- Polalo o e ka eloa-tlhoko ka e tbnpa le BaUamai, Dikepo-Kira in Lang* o U* tekiu gape k* I'hato I. Noka e Tshetlha. gon It mo nakong tu Beibele muhi a Baocho di stone taedi kopenyetuuff Treioc ootlhe, dl Ua loltagona,gil* bolo choonji'- Kopanoea Dltlhogo tsa Merafe i Ke tuot'hango inongoo i»' mongo* eo bodila a no a iuioe, mme ko Egepeta, J» bob) LOGAE I LOO AE I Terkry, Bulgaria le ko mataUhiog a le fa (lase ga legodloio, nang lc ilitacbe o* bi i tit alio* taelao Fa lo koala ?r Molehami ba Klipdtn, maoui a botlbaba-UaUi a bidioa ka London. J sly J6-J9, 1611 ka teabe c-yi pedi. bo lira diio booe ba main a u fnrologtnycng obile a diriiioa M. N. BAMAIUNK, laboga dltaai* lu bom P.O. Box 573, roroma ntiito b> ituny* inangola. ba rumauoag ku*i„ • ytka dijro eaeog yak* nna Qi aa ga Bagtocho rapelelaog lotaaWi loo. tUh*di*bu Dijoclie co ga eke ere fi • nalr lobaka lemogoa ka nako tseo, (ela yaka mo KlTbapO RAVAIUXS. Btgucho ikubeng la pro ga Modimc 11 roaf .Uhiog ano, (a eare telemo maahi a Bagaecbo kopolang malatai ao 11 loa gc baka tnoiho eo moniuo • iclioka l®li Ur it Stiv Mou tkocioaooo bodila ka bonako, mme maubtgo. (a diroa Inkoki ye muhi a kgomo tor E, Biuhcgc Modimong mmopi i Baocli. eli- buhepi b> pop>u. ta ea* dicbaba cotlhr |, t>ocoo. Kt mokgot o Dtaeag ytlo masbi e batla moroeteana Euuueru Mmopi oe legodimo It lelicaht le 11 (a ba koptm ic oioth> mo taeteag bl • oe > bacoa ka bonako, I a nooc t u E MoLisaeilASd, o tile a Ui.get* ooetdi mogolo mongoe ot raotlboaligadi. mo demed'tc, Ih ram ba minoUi coa ko kgomang. Oo chotoecoe go otho kgolo ke lelelo. Ekare kgono a bo mafoko Ke tliOne •» earj It b*r* ‘ n ^akologcloa I* ko miftUhiag a botlbt- i le koa goora Uanknroaoe gonne ke j Kamtsho ka DaUi ja Korcoei.hene ba ta>tai maahi eoeeie a dikgomo fela; oiMot>«Dio* Tlhaping. Ka ele moro* oa Ida ule moii-unc mokgosi, mepliato mmunye' b» b» b* »' r«* go gadima tuna tholofela makao a a ia nyalang i ho no go bile go otle a dikameta, diotre, Ui re nimitllia. Leina jt gtgoe jt Tsa oi tea i»oile Morent Jablvo, ! ea coda kot nagcoj le bipilimi ba Ma. gonoe tomato •• otic nUc ■>* bom dioke, le dipodi, mmo le bo gompiooo Beooani ke Siono. la Sekgooa ke Ann*. Tumaea La kairiaho motllitnka u dipittf. Bi'loeU nt^a* bale dlt'lio- Bt bl ka atloali'aag ko*l«lana Moral*- ea go botsaay* mtljko, t k» gor Ida muhi t dipholofolo In a u dirisica Modimo. j padhopa, bapalami t»v dipetae bale fa i koa Kimbwlay, lefa elt ooa ki- Lekgooa > v k» lc boc ov mahko. | gotlhe aio botlbabi-UataL Ko Baaaia, 09, Krugardorp. Tumaea ka lorato otmine • toot-ton* C ! P»le ga bone. i'-rtmoool Chief I muhi a bodila i\ dipitso a bidioing DANIEL BOUELE, . Tin e (ona ea Mlaiomc *» Setebele, Kgamo > setoo ko Vliphacboa morago Qenonl Doalor, ba le Ubome mitlho | "koomiM* a diriiioa that* mo di itep- molemo oa go alafa dintti. Kgoai an Tao e uhtjotng kf bophiri uhetlha. ka kola e chooc ea matlalo a dipodi i p«ng mme ere a fiUheloa & godiaa ''Tumaea ngouiki keUtgoara,* Ka Tane font-iong bo-phage, dioakedi It ole ft pile ga one ea kgeni o» one Mr Bui1* a ubedilaa bile eatoe a foditi (a e Ua romaia koa go esc mophtlo o ea botlhoko yoa mtkgoifo. (J«too le Dibitioi c.itlhe b>e di ikactwiang. D. Bailitladi i golota" moltla jtkt go.tbibi kgomo in merakana eabo tala Mr. J D. Mlgodi ot Uteabwg, le ena | phali Ft magogo* Mathohila a le btoai ba ooe ba tabela aebtkt ie m wUbe; eiile are "ka bolatloaag?" yj Et go r.-eletst mertfe e menoho, I (a mongo g> booe ka kola • 0 fltile kt fam • et go e**!a bo m-igoloe telele. Ko India mtebi t bodila a Kgotl eare ; " Ko oo bt molemo ea Photo e e siam eng. Dikgtng tu botabolo, tat loaha pbttshoa et mtulu a dipodi t .1 koa Kritijtoe. Mrs Mtribt Mtqoai bidiot ' dtehi," ko EgcpeU “lebeo," dintat.'' Oocoa foog tiro o a roeUW 'M Boaboa jit baot ht bana hi rona. K okeconyant ea M adi a m ahi- | etclrcoe pele kt Ur. F, S. S. Sekgomt, ot Krtdock le eo' o •'.••tu bo»r> | mme ko fitahiog ya Balkan, ko a diri- baikobcdi ka elt boee buhotltgi. jika A inafokot boUhtlo ' a mantle jtng ' bidu a a tleteeag I "bill go booila [> ele kgoai >■* one rnrr, I aioaog thala teog a bidioa "yoghoart" le-lechologoiUoajelafa." Dilgokong A botlbe jtng ' A kopano et merafe ■ | a btpile le Mr. (J K. Sakgoma eo o loetoog koa Boihotlio Mr Matlhtre Ooa gakgamataa ka palelo oa muhi

  • 0” *0 o aa oatka. Fa { bophirima-tMtili. Go batla go ta.be- bo Mofete le bo Ngtke bt dale g> bon* Itctcge f» gooo go itsioe bogoiogolofa folang, ba ba fodileng thata A Modimo mongos ttaato eoUh-, buimtoe bt l» tooanyaoa kt kolt e go re leretne nfangeli re choancts* go 1 j muhi a bodila a Ubedist ka boleele, Mafoko aga Kafore a untie a opia .-gj ba ba senang boitnmelo bope; Modimo moiui-dilo eotlbc, oeho ea mati , i dipodi, kgroi ra one Kairit S-ilo* e l»Ui Hire bo ka rona tn'eog mo bo Miliii lc bn Bate diUhogo. Mehta ' Moflftno motimolodl-tabitmo ooilli \ Ur. P.-H M r * * K»la poielnng \ mtnf fa lingotg* trt botibelo tta Ba- mo botshelong. t)ijo .ga di booelnig. 1 pattriirka tae beleelo yoa oone bo u go no go nale pico ea btsadi ko* j 0 go boloke dinteloog ua Icottle, P. ltamorata a 1 >akeog yoa danieloa di oe di ka lekv Johtncetborg, Mix Nelioi alt ^ « g ba kgothatee, ba bolaoi fe I) go bate, o go gorote gtpe ki Mrt T. I). I' l.*nknen* co „ a tie a ogoa lo taa bopbelo yoa malattl aoo setelong. Mr*. Toompaso a UhtgiM .yj mala a a thata, ba uba uba boltemolo- '■a Kradoko o fetil* kt (alr bantai ba febela ba ba ba one a Johaoeetbarg gore t otsho ta’ lhiikt Modimo naronv 1 I'homim- tail* le ttropv I' toooaloag loa ka metlba. Fa ; «go a boor, t gaotii go fitlheloaag a u ke bo met to bt baaboee, ca ditale la Molepolole Mahtkor’ moth - ot l)oeholhv boaliot I yo iijlcoie yoa batbi ba Bolagana bo Qo Mcecuouivi oa " Ts»;.»" go tolos batlhank* ba btnua ba bancbo I J0t gagoo joa bogoai Am a ten* go I no t>o dioa ko go bo b* ne ba tot fela Ik Aototsego ea madi. Kc lopv ke ikokobeco aokooouc ba htroo mo go bo kontraktere, ene era I bolelt holtamelo are a go oe pait, I mat til t bodila ka metlha, mogolo oa Madi a maxima, a mahibidu; tsttii lo phtrima bo kontrekteie ba , nyutee t*mtna dl w kao mo Taaijuiti. ! morafe oa bitos pnla gtraro. Ctpk I batituilhobi ba eae elo lWtttur go tie itefanelo e o unetseng Ka S3 Beetebotigo gooo gole phathtgo ! Murry, M tgasntntt ot gi Maotroato le \ Kimborl- Meiclikoff oa loititoto ea 1‘orit, mmi o goicga koioi b* lit go b* ph*lba ao ne a illioilhomii* tiro e ka botlalo yo dibaialcg, ht ba 1st kw lokailhaoe; ^ ruri, botatiolo le boitnmelo ea Biroti t pboUiegou« mo Ne* York. noe t bolola kaft 0 itoontaeng ka Makirrot i u r. o* t iiola Kouipoui tpt»lu«ug a sa ibboklle, e diKf.ta* mafoko . ao tgt Mr*. Btoneth, molbo mateauaante a banna le basadi oa booe Mias K. Bharp. Ale teng muhi ka uda ngoe • tlhopcgiieog. , oobdaneUe go tla. Oa twoe Stephen mowtnna oa boamarari Mia* 0. tliini(UaujitapAn Mine) oot a aas are uoa gt ko Ubole ko rtW go bagolo le banana baa bo ba Moal*flie eo oa tla a fetolakanye i- iiatwcgi lila botilie. bogolo Mme maihi a etitilocng jalo t one iej* btrekelca | ke Toiao gomplooo, Jimi | MoHhakine, a Clbigisa ka gore Monoa ntse ba baa sengbe sa molemo te ho ilameng thite, te te nhedumg. |kamoaho, Chtrlio ktmoaho 0 mongoe, setoloo ohoaneUe go bkoUa btibo, Jalo ho, pbokoet botsbolo jo bo lee'e |ba ntw b* tl* go oleloa k» koloi tnt- ‘ U faffi setlhare se. 'b«4goa ba leiekoe, o laaea bttho ga e be e uiblomo thata, mme o ka bohJoa le jiuibooa bt coga ba Uwt go aila. •, cV-'? Dr.WilHams Pini Pills di pbtko tae diogoe tao di dilaf«tung, dl oedo«in*cheete, di diaang awln- le choanetae go diriiioa mo le dilo tse dingoe tie di cueot' ja'o Mrt S dgtstt a t’olelt godimx Ue dinui. maloetsong otlhe a a diroang Are Mil1* to o ohoamioang bithvka te madi a a itsheiologileng keUUbtoka ka ene oiaiu^ggokk gapt. Ar* nna ke lekile baUhtska a a maaeeanyane a etete ba buboel la ba baocho, mme1 ga metee, jate go nnann, go nkako ko bira lekgooa. Mm. BarneU TABATA ELIKULU LIKA oa Rindtontela le eae a ritlo. Mia ^ la n y a ga mararo, maoboe- (JborrinMn trt> eoe o damtltna le nyego ga.. zdala, masaleia a WOOD I mafoko a ba bt reag a go lelekr* t v i p i , motlhagare le tlhogo, | dikafotv. Mtkgooi a toog'aadirang tiro eo tola, (a ant a bt (lot; se o ee tlhobogilong ka.grre Oaroaaato o ka tumaea a Uemeiela topo ea bone. Are dikafore le tae di nuMffH ill rlirlina

    Dsoelug babadi baTuu- . .-r . .. K i BK0AN1 (The Mead of Ae Bcchnana),tebBum), ITIBRRWT,niBBRH T, PHiTO (WBCSf) 5, 1«U. Mafokonyana KORANTA ea Iona e okc* diooe, jadnong e batle* DE IQIS M StH H E H B , I leng babadi. Kokeco ea Koranta e godisitse madi $t Mdt tpeee clipl jati e] 51-80 Dutoitspan IM a eone e tsaea pampiri [Metlobo ea Komponi ea ga Mokebisa.] (QAUFI LE KEREKE EA ROMA) K IM B E R L E Y . tse di kgolo le toabereki babanui. Fa losaeme1 b a b EREKI BOTLHE BA BA BATLANG TIBOMO DIKEPONG T8E ZT Mo Weicng eno ro ololotse thoto e nUintsi e* — senile kafa go eone e|gA LAEL0A G() B0TgA AGEN't E OA CONE : U R . Ii. S. G LO VJ^I

    i IAMAIE E TONH Et HITBI. Are boneng babadi batfcOBATSI. i Ga eae go ko go bonoe se aho'.o se se kaaa ka sc. bantehno kgoeding eno, | Hoto.di itseeloa fela. Tlang lo itlbophele kapelapela 16/- ka ngoaga 7/6, ka' Babaogoe ba ka ea fela koa Dihekeng tsa Dikomponi mo Kimberley 1$ Lefa re kadi nm»h gai.fe kako ra ba ra dishoeUa. sesemarie 4/- ka kgoedi Be tla umaka dise dintsi. tse Tharo. E dueleloa Beaconsfield. Maina a Metlhatlhelole bo Menenchere Botlhe ke a Bohempe ba basadi ba Flanelete 9d. 1/. 1/6 jalo pele, Rock Shaft Compound BULTFONTEIN : Mine Compound 1 T v Marukhoe a. basadi a Flanelete 9d. l /■ 1/6 jalo 8table Compound Surface Compound J J-»«JnouWt Floor Compound | 0. E. H op ^ Hempe ba basadi ba bosigo 1/6 1'9 2/6 jalo G im .—K bonyoe mo politing Mine Oomponnd ngoe koa Strakeng u Aliwal North KIMBERLEY No. 2 Compound . P. W alusk. , DUTOITSPAN : Mine Compound )> » • » _ 6d h 9d jalo jalo Hempe eo bobooaoa kafa teng •kate dikepo di tloga di gakala thata Floor Compound Surface Compound ■Ba ba mabogo ma telele 9d. tint* tJBP. Mine Compound Floor Compound I J. SwAirgo*. Soso ea jeremane e e boncho 4$d. Surface Compound WORKSHOPS: Compound j 8. Tidd. “ Tu u " — Modin CENTRAL POWER Marino eoditsela, gale 9d. gompieno t>d. Floor Compound taolo; auat badiri bt " T u u ” bana STATION : Compound | E. Gauoki, Flanelete tsa go ira diblausi 3d, jarata bare ka kaaa, beog ba TaaLa ga ba Sampole tsa marukhoe le mahempe a banna ka koa ba tlhokomtlt kampo ga tot ba trbala TLANG LO DI BONE KA LOST. jj$- tengagalearekoangfelaka 2/- gompieno 1/3 ka mba j ika noga gt te itat. Thoto o Ntsi, e Ntlo oa I'ikooicrese. Dics'e le Methale eotlhe on Dilo TSA MARICH. TKAasaiL-LekgotU jt Matebcla le DIKOMERESE 1/6, 2/•, V . i / 6, 5/6, 6/6. 9'-, 10.6, 14/. 17/- lopile Goromootc gore gt ao kt gt DICALE 5/-, 6/-, 7/6. 10/., W-, lo - DIKHAI 6d.. 9d. le 1/. JARATA. Ilta * lotlhe TLANG KA80KAKQ FMTISI B SE 8 FEU, tlbola go letloa dinka tae di incgatU- nytat n dipcnt go Wwut tno TmukeL Diketlele, Dipitsa, Ditlhako, iHhIiiim), Mfttlolc. Ulkgele, Dll.j cutlhecotlhe koa Goora Bare nka taw) di Benya boboot jot TrantkeL Goromeota a dtuactan. m i THOS LEASK & Co., Klerksdorp, Bojaloi — Kgooana lengoe lent It itkaeditae go bapila ka go ___ T R A N S V A A L batho tojaloa, la neiloe kgoedi dit a i m i t o . . 12. Uo Banoai le gone kara • taha- UNIVERS1T r EXAMINATIONS ] bilo ka 1/ekgooa ca thula mcaetaa- g a mangoe pole ka Ditiro. nytoa eo mo'b on ea mmolaela teng HICH SCHOOL FOR NA~TIVES. AII Batla go Boloka Madi! DIJO. DINO, DIAPARO THOTO TSA MATl " It T8HIPI taa Btlemi. 61 gona Wenkele opa o THOTO » kana kt N order to affoid iocilitiea (or the proaet ntion ol higbtr itudiei ind lor B O N A F A : ea rona mono T H A B A N C H C Vanis.—Uagodu ga a boboi. Koa I qualifying the Nftivn for the azaminatiooa prolonged l'f th* C«pt Vredta bonyt ft go ncjtla batho Dnirersity t High Schcol haa been opened at Lota, ldotywa, Trinntri; claai-a Oa re nbhe Dltempe, mron Re iktna gora TLHOATLHOA EA RONA e M08E8E le baki mmogo tsa ZBFARA le MA8LIN1 SIAMEKAMETLHA. flit go it thnte tope. A cia go 5/9, 7.6 le 10/6 ISoto taa Iona Be di reka ka Rontaor. Be reka ka tlbo*tlbo» o o godileng. Poliot Steiabone a uco« £15, MATRICULATION, BI.OU8E tse di lotsatsa 1/6, 2/. le 2/6. XMIDI, KOBOMG, MABELE, AIOROKO. KAFA. FOBU, jalo, jUo. Ebile madi a Goromente. Hiehoropo t L*tm—Grim but. OompwiUon, DnMtni !trj Phy i'-tl S MEM ESE ea DITOFO 2/9, 3/6, 4/9. BetrektR»reHa», R<* »n*nv. ka Dihatshtne, Dikeomo, DipiUc it Dwelc , , . . __ .na net noon Uietory—UninT.lly Ryllibm fltptwMagwtaaDIKOLOI, DIKOOHEKARA le Dikoloanata. itamtla .it Goroatota kt a uc^acct Greek-Gnomar. Oompoiition, Dn*en. A'iUimetie—The whole ei6;«t t ME8K8B le baki u« DHX)PO 16 9, 21/-, 2o di tumileng tsa bo Glennies. Itena le mokooa oa D'senke, motlhtmongot o tla taitiayega a asd8etBookj Matric Bittern B.AKI Ua BASADI tsa DITOFO 8 8, 12/6 le 15/.. s , F rewh-Gnmmir, Compootion tnd Hrt Rngliab—I.llcrataie, Gnarut.' >nd Set I Ditlhomesho le tlioto tsaj go aga Megala ea DiUhipi e e oketae mapolisi. Books- CALE Ue dincho Ua KA8UIRI10/6,15/- le 17/6, nritioa le Dipale. ii. ■ Algebr»—Throogh Himultaneon* (jta* Kifir— Ktfir (irin CALE Uo di mebala le dikobo 5/. go ea 21/.. ft iu .; DIKOMMERBSE 2/6 go ea go 10/6. Tebele mongoe o bidiot Uangiaa o EE KOALELE, RE ITEBLB MOGALA, GONO D ITERB, SCHOOL HIGHER. DII'UKU Ue di siameng 6d., 9d. 1 /'- go ea 5/6. GA NKE U IKOATLHAA. fiUhecoe a bolailoa ka thipa, ga go KAU8HD tsa banna Gd., 9d. le 1/- para. ila* ope gore ke mang to o tn»oiai- j Wbah^mnmai. Oompo.itbn and 8tl Greek—PI Stept, tie. I’hj’eie* -Elemenlatj PmcUu*! Kcich MAROKGOE a kinna 3/6, 4/6 lo 5 6. leng. Kot UoUobong oa Oriefootein Algixn-Thmoab Qo«d»tip E JDI. 1,1911 Fa!! It fa t smtae t leUle For Inrther inrticulir- tpply lo M M. MAXEKE, B A , Vi^enkele oa Disholo. ktlJbolo ' i Attorney General mo = ^Weakele eo poptlQ^o mo Hukung go leba Post Office i l/>U Hii'l. School. kgolegoog o ta ntae a jt hojtng. Lot>, Idntyvt. Tnntkc. ' {F*;Oea go NYALA kgotaa D eaSELALELONQ. iMirj-osTau Muta.—Kgoot lengoe .1 pb.tltktocoe ke teiemtlte mono a)uobt. Ei thunyi ea mo at-ol. tnpa Bokago ihomola kt ptka go M* ka Monoto go » tot Phog-ng. u lota malt koa. Koto je leagoe it P» c tt go Ltna kfoio u aa Diklemmg, Bo kt g„ bnk.ny.taa .par W . N. COOPER. W. M. CUTHBERT (CO. jon* jt fitlheloa le garoooi 1* lie go ttt aetiiala E o t l h e tae di that) tilts , T.a B .U r.ki, (LIMITED.) tall file. Go no ge aent kafa moot ItiM U u bttle Ptkt eotlhe U ka reki BAKI, BOBCKHGR. HEMi’E. o ka diegang kt goae mo makgateug Morckisi oa Ditlhare, West End fpnO ^S AX O , a HDT8HE, KOLOBO, kSono eng >• II mm. I.u „ U T ie Great South Afiican a a ntaeng jalo a nama, [Le koa MAFIKENG le ZEERUST koa MADIKOE] te batlang C tla it fitlhela. r______Motlotlwi H. BnsToa K.O.— , o naea TIhako tee di siameng ka Tlhoattttoa Kr» . Ditiro u. B..C. . iuiO",™ « aw om toto . » I.LoIpIo thata, obiie o sotse a ioto tsa Banna fela ga gona tsa Baaadi le Bana, Qkocoloooeng. J.»], OU.ri.ki b.M. b*b“k,";“ 'liafc»"' lekt mothtwho ea booa kn kgoedi ea Phito ftla kot h TIhako tsa Babereki go simolola ka . . . . 7/6* _ iORI o mo Lewenkeleng, o ka go segcia fola jaka Zulnland. Ko rt a. tlh.kigai.ytag j PECTORAL BALSAM (Molemo 68 DlgOtlhpla) 1/6 rctt o tla diragataa leng tholofe

    TIhako ta MaWi le dislmse go.simolola ka 5/0 “Mr. ' tan !!.'l” «oi.kIdi"o.£ t o ^ B L 0 0 ^ 0 “ IXTURE (M"'emo oa #o tlhaco* Madi) “*i 0 0 tum,|eng thata-thata oa ga COOPER Botlolo WALTER ADAMS. Baocho. TIhako Baslmane le Basetsana Ua Sekole le Tshipi ______o simolola ka 2/ a ee gore 10/- 1*1 Woontroox.—Mtiobt go no goie1 Mo leke ka boloetse bongoe le bongoe jo bo goch oe- ka Tlhoatlhoa tse dl okoooloeoeng. "siege ftH g & S J i Beers Road, s.tapt mono. Gji tiogeiot dijoio mo I nyango ka gu tlhakanyetsa methusho e e siameng nuog ea ia Pitai g* cogtioa ditimf. i thata mo lewenkelenfl ja gagoe KA TLHOATLHOA Tlang lo Ilebalebele ka Losi Be tla lo itumedtta KIMBERLEY. Erilt go daoa kong ga fiUhUc ka,.r t! TSE Dl OKOCOLOCOENG. MELEMO EA QACOE E THUSA THATA. W. 1. Cithliert S Co., Ltd., go i'leai k. halfkrono, tsongot: B:. ha agilong k^akala ere ba mo Wloin kn pose la romele mndi ba a ana t e rekilt ka 12a. «d-: Usole botlolongoo lengoo Sekieiponse oa pose fa gudituo Ktiila renale M.gettntt t o many a Pled . OI) i Kala Koa Hemming Street,-Bolgnria, 37, DUTOITSPAN ROAD go'.olt. Kimberley. Viorou. W « -T .« p o . k r * 1 Mckgab° le tsa badiri ka tlhoatlhoa h . a * . . « k • le Kereke ea M skgoo.] y -5 ige di'lcoa tlase ga Mawenkele otlbe a Soutl. Afrika Se Lebaleng I goooo bat di itirela. E CO. go ha oa ka wakt 11 ftOltng K O A WEST END> KIMBERLEY. ke Motlotlagi J. W, S.oer to o Ithe J ^ Se Itebaleng! 1 ^^|^|iii^3aedana le Transefala le ba Frei 8etaLa botlhe ba ka geltditttng Qweril BoUu Paaho ea — ^ 8e Lebaleng!!! diordere. le madi re tla ba tlhopbola dilo Kopann. Uo pnloog eo a gasetta llilri Bthcbo-borthe bt Aftilafc Motegi eo.o popota oa methale eo- u e d lt U f. jeno (m di ntse dirt tso It a taltt dbe ot bo SENEIRI, » e nto^ng Q Mr. Bjrton g« ba atloiu It Botha. fclH ftiire.llW iM . Ba ba ooang 8«koaknR, f>a agileng mono, bone rare ba John Henderson. k« Batlhtplag Ie Btooitu botlhe. ‘ tie go iteb&tcbebt ka boii: popego ea dilo letlboatlhoa A cotltlt pt'e trs Mabura ga tlhaolt ' a e lo t tlaso di Ua ipapatsa mo ga ditahika jaka koa Yctoria West, Selaga sa ga Ramosesanyane, tn «U U> bon t emrcot tso Pu!»- men ten j t. Koptno kt Mr. Mini , LTE SHONE SELAG A se te baakanyang Dinama kakolo tlhoko. 0 reka raon’s Saddlery rntn, Lwyiatmant jt It golo. Art. - Dikgomo Is dilo tn di (oimaesng. SELAGA ea ntUi a-iitlbt mo Mfrrimaa o ttsletM 'mttcaa a Utica, LOW* P. JOJiEIS ST3BBT, pelt kt di.'o dile dinul, ebilt o ita-' mala thata kt a ntioaoa It- Mr. BRLBY THABA NCHO. ■ r i ______. , ______1909 ga d>wa dtaalo tM di Uoltej *o ataha dikjocuj a i fttakiac j»E TibinUco fo di Im mo Pro»tanaf aa Ktpv ae W (I jtTt r> lebaaye fa ditialo taeo dt h phtaoloaga « l 11 " ’ joa oja«: KHAI tsa marica ! Ka gooe jalo ka that* tu ka di oeecoeig ka Molao oa Kaleataaa D.ltfome ea Ktpa Ne. 37 oa 1893 o o B,ca:lell>gotaaajakg Fatabia* ja Ttiirtitco Itla la m ki dikgonlaeo la-’ ditiala r . HEMPE T8ABANNA t » di choou ta FLAN U.ETTB, •m di ►oWlotajt bo aaaetleiolcag tt Than a. O H U I N le W m BOBOOA 2/6, 3/6 lr o.'- Th-ro No. i i t aa 1908 jtaxac a phiaoco* ga a Oale ela teeg. MODIMO BOLOKA I GOBI. E ctahcot ka 8attla la Sakaao aa 8a^«lo aa Koftoo aa Sa«k I t t a BIJB I TSA BASNA Im DI BOTHITHO le IW jil» « 8 i mo Prtttria ka taatai jiao ja 18 ja Job* 1911. S eU A om ,tM dlV sw tolete di th»ro»ga llhcmtll.oa GLADSTONE. dikosttaae S/3, 3/9, 5/., 7/6 la IO/- Omraot OwartL R..PKR STREET. U.ofi ItHu Ea Ualo aa Taa a-Tom Oovorjaor Oaaaaal aa Kgotla, taa kafa tonR taa Banna t.0 di bobooa 2/fi le Si), '.4 NHW MAIN 8TBBET, Go J. a HHUT8, "‘ Marokaw Ieu Lb™™, bohempe, DII'AKADIl'AKi TSA UANXA UitNgae* lc Kereke 1! Mothale notlhe ea- Eo o lakagaladitaeig Kgtai aa Ditin taa Dllas. Ktofo fe Masela a methale Eotllia-eotlhe, m e « • menll& I Mtkifo a rt I'raabvte , 80/.,~8?/6, « / - to M/ ' j ------| DIAPAROTSA 9ANNA LE BASADI. DIKGETSE, MAMETLELEL0 ‘ D IH im B B T6A BANNA taa didWoengka maatitmala,. A u tallu S fm ok Scmapa,! # o|TsH|p| ^ D[T lhAKO. (IA THEBO E E HUH RING) meroalo o mesha 3/0, 5/-, 7/6 le 10i• I .liFnisp,Mi-rose, BulumauiBdtnmata i i. E lit > alt kgttJktaoaf la atUo fa aw if - a k» ttcnr*. aUtlaga ' _____ . , ...... - J! I M afadu! Taeo ootlhe dl la ona ta* bonoa ka tlhoatlhoa u*. di oImm. uanja kgOM a latiala dikcaao aaka diafoa f ' » cj fibktag ja di ncho le tso di Meb*la,l Mafadu Ithoalaaa go takalaU ao Pro««:tia< »* Kipt UU di kaaa dl uaataa. DULEAKO tsa BAN> A tse c aatlana teakaU Uhjr*-0> rrltaloa sentle fa ba romttw mad! ka Poet ea m&TOnkelo a Kimberley (, u a HOt^ela fela kafa Go ka tahala ftlt kjoao taa di tlaag go tiki joa, la oom di dttJU Ma meaego e e gauang g0 10/6, 12/6, 15/- 1« *>/- kelccone ra gaeo. Motho ao • kgeaUiag dikgo-ao taa di iaiaaag jalo ao Proaaaalagaa KIMBERLEY. Ktpa di aa go Uhajo*. c tla batla a tihatatN loktalo loa KOUBBESE le DIKOBO tao di ton. to di BOTHITHO, Thaka e e ooang mo Dikompo BOkSBURG 4 ratiaaao loa a«agoa dM(oao lo aboailoa ka sgaka aa dikraa aa nlna « itnniHdimoa thata ke ene. 'J GRAHA1ST0W1. Gurcaaata oa Takinitoe, lo lo thoaikaag go aa fata aaiatti al. 11 a laa V, 6 /8. 8 /-. 10)6. 18,6 le H. A. OLIVER SO - a thiba dikgor.o taeo, a ba a ehoia la lolna>o la la akapaag ft arila kgaias 6 a aa pagoa tai tioM U lam go xa go faia aalatf ah 14 di tiyfiMk toa kitsisho e Molemo. atlaga loaago aaa|t»koiloloi bomo lea aoaoaedi oa caaa (W H Sttoro ta rona tefela fa Trrme e e eoang Toitpon t maiig irng. I &o^)lalaihapaagkoadiaaagt t*b«U . KA .LA I Lll'iK" 5 a, 7:6 Se 10 R K goao aaka diagoa taa di tatetarou* ao Prjraaaiagat K■ i ii Tibinkejag, aaakadibalo :at d halaraaj ite di tla ixa-'oa kill Kgoai IN>< I. HA TU»f I MBSBSK **a U1T>)KU 2/9, 3.C. i •i DiUao at Ptaho aa Kvp*<.o «t »»tk Afriei a U atlb-laag ka goaa, eb« an fa go Maiya di h«'■ 17 <» B a s a d i le b a n a tse di ka ikangoani! ? > * Ca LE isp (I. mobrvla if dikobn ’> if *-i ■.’! THERO. DIKOMMKKKSi: 2 lie .-1*^ I" 1.. Ua o Tuoa Ko a TSctVtao* Tli»t» V»e<*nt Glailitoor, TukoWo ta IAktotla DITl’ K l Isf ili s :imi>nc (id , !m. 1 • ? ji Ir Tlotltjan, -Tjclo j a 8r»U* w bmlle j. btphlri, kcnaaa aa Mopbato KAUSHl' k i ba- k’j i« :. '.Ni .« 1 - i>»n 0 0 UphtgUcog lhaU et bo St Michael la tit. Geor**, High (^oaMoecr BLACKLAWS ra Sooth Africa le Molaodi-Gnlo ea ILtpaao eaSorth Africa, Id. O.F.S. MAIU’ KOOK a Uuna ii li. l '> If ■'» *i. Mo Do Ms pan to BOHBMi’ B bo ba.ina J» »i la* 3 fi. A thtta tao ke di ne-Joiot krTmtot 11 eaMolao ai kagaMo aalS91)»« Kapa, MANKaTENUo 'i-nn-x, p«ra 1 t. K ka ttlhola(ore ieUatai ja onbi jt kgoedi ea Pliaka kt ngot^a o o tlto* . j aty lit, 191S) kt jooe ItUUti ja Becotot ba U^aHa ba tla bo?%n* l i ioaa ae£ mo ecura 1 11 icrcraente a a nUbitaeog (ere (o aiw mtleloao* o o fa jr%»« <(> K ante et Sctoro sa Nia sa DiUo fela mono Fryer S Mn. ' Mt«ta le poll*: et KUppta, too Snriikeoi n Utfikrn*. MOLI1IO BOUJIA KGOSL Kimberley. SMART&CO,, R obhicot ka .Seatla lo Stkaao ao tx„-olo st Kupaoo ea Sootli Afr ca mo I rttont ka uttal j-im j\ M jt Jace, 1911. gARESlSl ta ta tnmil The- Cash Drapers. GLADSTONE, QsnrcarOaaanL TH0T0 « NT8I u ka illhopela mo go conn 30 Du Toitspa" Ro, KIMBERLEY, K» ttelo ea Taa e Toot Ge»irooero Gaocnl ao Eaotb. Dijo, Dino le ta p UKNBY BDETOS. T8S aiTEATA tea BANNA 10/-11/9 15,o --koa— V7enkele oa Disholo. | I«a*l DWro taa Baacka ISA MEKGABO ea BASNA tse dincho le tse dt MATLOASA.HA. Khinoa 10/9,18/6, m W, go f f « W ; m BO HOLDFAST, tse di Itota-thala tsa Baepi. para T r a n s v a a l . W . N. COOPER, ngoe le ngoe e opeleleeoe 15/6 Morstasi 01 Ditlhare, le st End, Kimberley. TSA MEKGABO ea BASADI D iteba-tebela p a n e u W .M . CUTHBERT SCO., [Le koa MAFIKENG le ZEERUST koa MADIKOE] e batlang fela £a gare ga 5a. le 30s. (LIMITED.) MOTSEI OA BASHOI (j NT8F. LE BECOAKA la hafc* ** « uWethaU, ebile o attw a Mo Wenkeleng e tshesanjane Cgauti le Central le 'METLI OA MATLOLE j The Great Sooth African 'Boot Merchants. Icm ogile thata g o ha baikanretta ditlhar*. A ko lake metboabo aa A BASHOI. hone e e etaaug >— • Hotel) ea ga B a ka go naea Tlh ak o tee dl siam eng ka Tlh oa tlho a tae di D. S- F _BLACKLAWS | PECTORAL BALSAM (Molemo ea Dlgotthola) 1/6 DntoisPBQ Btad. itsisi Becoana botlhe bo- okocolocoeng le 2/9 botlolo. ‘ k im b e r l e y . O tjolo ha Bloemfontein, > INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Molemo oa Mmele) 2/-ka ------fa a bod agile koa St. George i botlolo. Tlhako tsa Babereki go simolola ka .. .. ?/6 Dikgomo! le Street, jaanong ale mo Bau­ i BLOOD MIXTURE (Malemo oa go tlhacoi Madi) mann Square. o o tumileng thata thata oagaCOOPER. Botlolo Dihutshane! Lefa u ka ipankanyeUa Tlhako tsa Banna tsa Mekgabo go simolola ka 10/6 o simolola ka 2/ a ee gore 10/- letlole, ene o tla ntsba kara Mo leke ka boloetse bongoe ie bbngoe jo bo go choe* 1 kgonodipitse koa ntle gkkara. Tlhako tsa Maledi lc dishuse go-siuioloia k i 5/6 nyango kagu tlhakanyetsa methusho ee siameng p O N A Bdantiai re ntloalM ‘Fa * motho ° " J a betlilo Kese mo Tlhako tsa Baslmane le Basctsana tsa Sekolo le Ishlpt thata mo lewenkeleng ja gagoe K A TLHOATLHOA x i fk ra n» le difantisi tsa1 go ene (leiki o iiioa lebitleng ka Tlhoatlhoa tse dl okocolococng. TSE Dl OKOCOLOCOENG. naruo. koa ntle ga tefo) gr 97m»Uga oa Ntlba oa Kgoodl lulliib kgono Mrlooltla MELEMO EA QAOOE E THUSA THATA ootlhe koa TWKBSFB01T Tlang lo ItebaUMe ka Loti Re tla lo itmeiliia Fa motho a sena madi otlhe - STATION, Diatnot Thaba Baboagikoakgikilaare ba mo>oaU* kapo»’ lu rotnij?cadi Ui . o ka dumalana nao go lefa ka beelo botlolo ngoe wnj;iK 6*iiiip«jia pa p o » fa jodhao. •Noho- kgoedi kgono ka dl«roke. Io W. M. Citimert ft Co., Ltd., Kala koa Hfmtpicg Street,- B *ljnria.. tla mhitlhela ka metlha mo 37. DUTOITSPAN ROAD W . N. OOOPBR, Kimberley. [liaufi Ii Kanke aa Slakpw.] Lira Stock Acrtiooaer*. KOA WEST ENO. KIMBERLEY. BLOEMPONTBIN- ■„ aya *** TSALA EABBC0A3 BttBHBtn. PHvrfl u m m ) it,an.'.- ;

    H e r b o g , t t e - M an. - >■■♦ 11, - I who toojht igainat tu 'in th* old day* “Mil Problem.’ WhileKOkntobmof theCaMret irere tdoptingidoDtins the Un* of lm«t rMkl ' boW’ dl*Blfirf ,,knce *bl1* lh*‘ ^ IWe wu ipokeo. When he wu liked ■W »7bl M Peregrine aiked by oor B»d NatifI tot inforaitioa about the gtgaatlc extinct only and ctrefBlly ivrfdUg the Oout*opot*ry>- New Zw>l«sd hirf, the 18 fee. bijh .Jloa1 eccay*! oamp, Gfmrt! Hertiog b'n hi b^.mt ammaled it .onee. Hit gr»*t . 1. Uo* do yoo lik* the Tnamal.’ Ittely beon riiiUng Uninnin itroiig- graod-fitber htd oveo **tn oj. of tbl lut Weil, cllmtlteilly, tnpojr*phleilIy, and [ProfemrLjodob Doaglat, F.B&Eti ho?difo.m,00,r,h'ch attmprdhlm "r t* •» _”Xh*y w«j* uoid u. b* iffr. io ma y other rrtpoot* th* TraniTaal a f-emnn worthy cf fhdr iteeJ.-jjl 5*iijT«lteJh«ir Oe»b, though in I think, a fin« plic*, ind it hti, lo my ia “ Cbtabtyt' Jow,&tL'l , u opiqlon a greattatore, hot >• r*gardt the i* all way .d l for th* Prime Mloltl’er j 'I'lf-protaction we were oblijod to inare Amongst thi Eutera nitioH it hu | to enjoy BriW, hostility and r<*-' ud iiaydmo! bapUisCook miy hiTi! tro»ta*ot generally of a «ry important been the oaitom from time iannemoritl pond throsgh Beater, qaalifyfng11‘ one, tit he mutt hare been, tbe.only I *nd aa iodiipNiuble . lomeot io iU popo. pa’a'ge hers and refatiog tooth' I* man tJ ho thorn alire- Tho hat p'loo, tho bltck people, I ean bal »y, to aooiome milk in the Mored state: MrTlTiog Mot perithfiTlo a gr.tt fire j with Bithop Heber "Tboogh ererj pros- Finally Jadg* Speer siid : Ur. Fel­ there of wbat hi* colleague* or the lodoed, In lie Ent the drinking of milk whKh twept the Sooth Wind.1 I pect pleurs, ind ooly mjn it Tile." der, don't you think th* fetsre Attor­ Afrikander preu were uyjogL W J in tbe frttb coodilion it hardly knuwn admitted by the Utcru that ney Genml of tb* State of 0--cnm cm prefer to baliive tbe men on tbe ipot 2. Wbtt do yoa tbiak of Ibe w-alled KITS1SH0. poitibly iomo implemnitt m«d* of the Inincleottimrasoored mllk forme< spire as thii 'uiggw, nigger, nigger T »nd net the Omeril wbo tddrewed Bltok Peril bone* of the Mat may I ill be boried io of the principle irtiolea of dietary, PsIa si Mo ei Dijo It linbiio Im BLOEMFONTEIN It io an worthy of • great coart mrttige “ to the people of 8ooth “Bltck Peril i< io my opinion a plirtte century-old gran* io , bat i well-kuowo incident io coonectioo with of jutic* tnd to anworthy of yo*r own Africt" from the Atlaotin. cooceiied la malignity boro of racv hatred, BLOKMPOSTEII. ILL HaUn print* they are sarcely du« to be exhumed yoi j 1-tArn^tai and detigned for the eniumeot of up- ill ute ia Uie tngic scene between Jael A StudeoU datmoi thorough prepua- position at the bu to be »llcding to Genenl Hertiog apoke I 1 Ooce la three or faar gtneratloui," aid preti ve cttormoi igiint tbe black man. I TSALA cotlhe di itswoa gon fc*- the*e poor unfortooit* people io the ‘Jh l ' aldienc8' eembering Maggie Papaknra, "tbe huntd tre.aini tad Hucn. deimbed in the Book ol et loot MJBSHAUH K. RAMli. I s A s a s S a s s f i htrdred, for in hoar and tqoirter, I do not believe there it toy Bltck I'enl, D lower term* cf degnditioa.’ of Ui* Uaorit ara dog op from the grant LA"E otl* bolt NTLO ea DUO le Ma- He wu tooordrd a fairly pit.eolbetr nor doet toy o'ber reuenahle perto-. Jodget The fugitive Bitera, on tl Felder replied hotly: “ 1 think I of dead cbitfi ifter prayert tnd luoaot- Expert work. Brilliant r**alta, Mcdar- in*, tboagb inUrmptiom of • heckling clndioj tbo** who miiniain the cry. fott tod lonihilition of hit follower*, Id Ym. Entry Foma (na oa tpphee- know my dot:et »rd rigbti m» liwyvr, itioot by the prieatt and t Icmulj biodtd nitore were by no moioi infrequent. for Ihe porpotei indicated. Tbo lt< to Amcrictn l»wy*r pr.ctinog in *n orer to tbo next of kin " I tied to tbe toot of Jul, the Bedoain **■ IJAS WM. MILLER, M.A., I equal to the pooubmcnt of all crime i Bttnmii, Di kept-Ear* i* After Ootlining hi* *ie«, 0fl Re,„,r4i In idditioa lo tongt ted aitiee dinert w oiiito, tnd begged for I littlowi Bauch" di gooe tae di kopanyetaug Tnb* Lit* South African *nd Ui.oesan Amoricin coort* | eluding both tbe attempt, and tbrauc. Collegu Principal. politic* be prccoeded to diKsu the the Mton oolooy will Her thoir owo life eotlbe, dl tla lolai *o-u, gtl- bolo dmean- Jadgo 8prcr retorted; " Yoo ire u ' full c mroitnon of tbe horrible crime | drink but, t> tbe tile is tuld, the opeaed ga bobe LOG AE! LOOAEl ' P.O. Box 441, Bloeafootcia.—St- d’vuioo of ptrtie, jB th, io tbt Orytitl Pallet Tillage, cook their cecdiog those right*, ind il you coa i I ht-li.'To in tho fair and prompt i W’oold they illow ibenuelret lo be food io oaure fashion, cury oo thoir owo | i bottle of wared milk ind gir tinoe on this liro tnd insilt apon asm# I tad oo cooticiioo, Ihe infiiotiuo of Notice—Ouragenta throogh- contiaoillj hiantod hy lhe>»i|.,pirii lodostriet. tod play tbrir owi gtm-t I tbit, ind ift«rwarda uuataiuated bi U. N. RAMI ILA ST. thi* ltngntge, abich ii notiiing b ^ h-arini paniabmeot koowa to the la. | out the country cannot do f«be ptv.orwrre the, drtertn, P.O. Box un, ippetl to tbe lowest r»c* prej :dict, 1 the nffrodor. Bot neither tin tictiu, nor ! Tbettory >• interesting u thowiog lhat Bloe*footcn, njla ' better than remit all out­ M Soath Afr.cto* to b« Sonlh Afr.t will ben to K «r oar reituoi T in King m i His Colonred I tliB'iffi'Q'ierihoald bei^Ontified bv'e.i our I in Biblical 'ima siurod milk wi Ka Thapo RiajuLiHE. standings and enlist more •'•d tnl m South Afncwu The . only ia Uii* o.*e bnt in til ctsei i : The l»w thoa.d Iom tight of tho ouluar inoxouader different subscribers and advertuen to coort I do Lot Iwlieie the Amman elettiou were b«*cd epua no-hmg Subject;. j of the wuaua jait itjarrd, aud uf tb* meet the expenses of the • b.t wu c.flfd recitliim, aud t« daj ’ he*tt capable of the eouc.ptmn of tuch from then U l uow bit been jodiciiry will ujltrtu tbi> o*e of inch To Their Majesties King George j ^ enlarged paper. tbammlu noodon ouUiki, «i,c r,Qt In other w«rdt protect Ihe liltck Fgypt,Turkey. Htlgtria,and ly Other o, m m , language in the prrtoocc of * tuoit ol The Vth aod Queen May, justice on the pirt of t g*nt:em»n who. the i ni. racial bt.i« Tnej r.atw ind ibe whit« woman >11kt>. u.d pooitb Katie, o oouotru*, aot to much I U t condition precrdeut to hu edinu br dthecry: “ Cowjid.t, the Bnt Mar n runt vort uliunte— alike tbe white ind ibo blick bent. 3. Whit u your opioioo oo Mint don to the btr, hi* tworn to sepput ish.’ Wbat they wanted in Sooth Oricwojly to tccept of tho Address of found then, at now, tbit during tbe dueaiin.' (Tto FrW d tk Brckam.) the Oooitjtutiou ted Lwi of the Africa wt* not con»olidat'o. d Britiib coagrtioltlioo iud gojd wuh< wtrm weather it wit impoeuble to keep iniwer th1! qontioo I cin i cue Unit'd State* Now 1 do oot with or coniolidttjon of Dotcb, bat Yoor MijoIim th- Prince of Wilet tad | milk froth for my longth of time, tnd PubHahed every 8*t-rd»r morn­ tho other meraN-n ol the Roytl Family | * year* ago, and th -rtlr after my THABA ’NCHO, do anything tf tbo aort, bnt I do beg datioo of 8oulh Africaot [( tbt, th« euituw wtt to add the fresh milk ing at Kimberley.I I io South Africa. I wisited ind Of yoa to cm the itnfintge of whico 1 wanted the other thing thnj uiluio Irum :ne uodertiguO'), repreieutiiig ' «P*ot I fnw hoaiiLil t Kimberley Mine, koov yon tre ctptble, the language of reccpuclt. iu which Uie previoai tnpply 8uwc*imo* r y 15- P* ilh - I witched the a»o ttcend from tbe Mioe. ul milk hid been kept in tbe wared Moagi, Mothudi o i Dikoloi a coltinted geot'.e«nin, tnd itre •• (id fortJt Thiy bad had nnooi Sut.jcettio Ibe L’oioo of (tooth Africi ; “ d while still iwoliering *od wtrm itite . ihia eotu’td thi nanngprocou thi* never ending 1 nigger, nigget, it in tbe ptaL H-lored the l> le Tlhako tsa 0 Advertisement*: who ire member*of the’lnul Abttioono*, ’ jilUrd dlrwctly oot into th’ C Id nr Thu taking pltce immoduiely, ao tbit tier- nigger.' I wint joo to tct as b> comet •peaking lection of flootli Alri a. pet inch Singh Col. Repeat' 1 [*«* h .vietj koi.wcaa the ‘Independvol Urdrr ' pr'pared me for wbtt I tobnquently «w wit oo qucetiou at my timt about milk 6 7 . Double OoL, „ .. much a. firituher ,'ored t lawyer in thii coon " of TroeTemplar*,"aSoulh Afncai. Inati-, in Ibe botpital, where mo*-, of the lomiiri being contused io ibo frith i Eagliilnptokiog trctiot. If thingi ikaia gore ga go ope o Stand:og Advertisements: lutioo with toine two bandrod bnochet. ■ '"•re loffrnajJrom Inag di-etur matt be remembered thit milk ia O Tbeto Templirt detiru lo exproi* - I Som» rcprcMDlitiooi were made by m« coootrios did oot oecesainly a ka opelfilang Koloi jaka { " . ■ " ’ T S f i Occasional Notes. divitjon on r dil lions inev.ttble, th FintlyTbeir loyal deeotioo w Your I t0 th* Mtntgemoot I milk from cowi, u that i f ENE. . woald be no qaeitloo is to where llijootiee Pertoos aod Thr.me . I hid teeo elsewhere, w * tht workei buffaloes *• eep tnd gotts wu Tb* ooly authoriied medium (u Secondly —Tbeir gltd cootideiwe thit, 00 *h« ttcanding do ttriigbt iai Aikica’i IIlU.luX»—Wbea iIm oturj •oald be (I.tnghter, tod • tji'c woll. aad it the pretent ,’diy sacb milk B. Native consumers ia tb- tho eodotvoori of Ru Mtjtety will itt, ' the tir bol put inton r >om with I dif Tnarrtil, Griqoaland Wtst »i of the CoogD i» wri.Un > pkee ol h.rxur "Yoa ilioaldn't tbreaUm.") •That » is in oommoo ute throagboat tbe E Barolong Mothudi os peola be directed to tbe milntiiuiuse ft, fereot toapenture, whore tht dtmp ■rat usaredly be found lor,Mr E L- not t threat, (Jud forbid No mttl In Kamil, f 'Ured milk of mam, od freedom iod fiir tnd jtnrt trnatinoi ll of all I elothei ire ebtoged for oth irt tod where ke eo! Morel, wbo—ttooit tingle-handed tl (bt how much a fnw iodirid nil might name uf '' koomiss," is largely conaomed A bn* and entsUntly incfttaiag teetieoi of Hit Mtj't'y« >ubjoolij It ii conoai to find ;o connection with julJ MiauUr, iud tbe biirher ofllc- •oold be at mccb a p..rt of hu biat the hbtiry of this toudorfal preptritioa Ke Uoat ke lo bttkanyelai Ic mirotak Uie Wu.d." U. V»cd«nelde. u * II ind prvtperoat Empire dieting 'bed t-y I) .pertircot, I believe aacb a depaUtioo •I of tbe bittory of .ny Kn*|.ihai' thst its use tu* Deeo ooufioed principally AdreM : J. 0. libate. gun, iceugnistd but llr. tton-J h accorded a aympitbotic bearing, ta, Tkoe iM E i t i j i t a . The Datrb in Soath Africa need not ly lo ibe Extern nations ind that it t TeWmnw Box 530 Bloemfontein. tatUed bis cunntry in tume urnl in oiplei of liberty, jtmee. f.ir plbetren tbit tbe piobi wo*ld take it orer Yoor Mt)ejUo»'s lortl tnd obedient Lebaleng! e»ii hardly discos' pttieotly. The very | mill DindoiUn. tho Native African mir 'till iwuUi oar hiitory. Tlien inatoad of bario; loagitioo of bfo wu 80 Lebilcng!! **o— concept] io of such a policy, io my opioioo [ kuo< .1 proper aolauoa, iud bo ippalcd the prewent anomaloai dirliioo of THEO. L.BUHBEINER.R W Temp'ar Sc Lebaleng!!! , Sir Charles Abercrombie Smith tu* r.ipoONik GoTfrnmonli to wxan K. II. A.8rU\BT, R W.Sicrottrj anlly imputaio'e igrs which P«rtira, they woold be imb**d »ith lUgg'St it. I would tay thit' retired from the oSoe of Victr-Cbin irter of nghti' (or Uk dir Motegi eo 0 PTV'ta 01 methale ro- tbe high- r fnelingi pr'mpted by >rae the black mao of the ooantry •«Uorof the Uolrertity of tho C»pe of lioasof Africa at timid out. fur fimth Alr.ctti pitrioiism. iod p«rt'e« according to hit ibmtioa bat a prior claim, 'Ib* et lo SENEIRI, e I ratang : Good flope, and will bo *acceedtd by '‘freeduD, htppin-n tod protpe S t a b n r j VacatioD Coarse wotld dirid* oo • lonnder baa'i itber* of whitover colour. e» '• Bitlhspisg I* Btcoaat bodho, , Proleoor Walktrof Stellenbotcb, tho I Africa isle Do more, aod Kur .pe a lo coocloaior. (reorr 1 Hertror A Vicatioo Oort- for Vitur Te cbe S ' P“ >*Hy those imported orer aei, tnd , »J|I bold oOce for two yein grant lo thing ku. »«ened them igainst allowing f-oetb u opened it Shiwoury aa Moodiy. JUth I wl,en the foree ol the lilly igitatioo ib; •od ominy | The Wloitiftg appears intheMaU j TaeJtiriji.TiitBiMii Africa to h* “ eiploiU'd by coimopr I' 0'ie. By tbe pr«viou.< Sunday ttening . h*T® ip'nt itielf, it will bo found be i live uatil tbey trt oae Hadje Nassiep Dus title p*prr:—“ Birth—At Mnt.tiele, The tow of prwcti u b.ini t*u capital which bu no palri'-tiim " huodred here tak og hit part in toe upb'iUdiog of hundred and Into y yetrt of «ge, but be 28, EOSSSTEBET, oo the 16th July, Ihe wiftof N.tire!tgtim citose fv. uf ib« si A retolotion ooaplmg tb nk> t,, bled, iod it S i .m on Munflij the clt tbi* country and out of thit fiery former caute uf their hvgieoie surroundings, MALAY KAMPA. Trooper Albert Ttbooa, of a ten- Bill now brforu Pu-utmeni. O^anrtl Hertiog with confidenc in were stiriod with ftirly t^mpleie a of ifHiciioD. he will emerg- i foil, tree wbich sie not t:wiyi ul t tatirgictory tod worthy oitiien. Ifother tnd fitter well, likewij" the bejt proriiiou n thii tbidi p e Oot. r.unent, wu carried with ben There were * few lit- tmraU ehuacur, bot bocau* their pnnciptl irticle of diet it soanid milk. HWeCOTpMdelicti* Hubd.j from further loruioi. el re duaontienM. tbe opening day tbese heitu leichert Ii. Nttive Edocttion. fall time tooiothing wendou who hid bid long dutmcet to travel, or I beliove in tbe estiblisbmonl of good Soma yeirt sio, tbe fact Maria Smousa ; Xh# ‘‘ Sonth Afdcto Medical K cord1' the tide. The Jen, ul coar who bad received the ootic/of ilmissioo trade r lecbflictl ^hoola, where the boys' poiplo liv*d to’loug in Bulgaria attracted etfje* that tho BaWto paramoant chief | commercitlly iIcckkI by t Maori Music later thin otben . bai oo Tueeiay morn btndi will betingbtto wou intelligently, tbo attention of a notsber of tovcsiixs- obsernnce ol the Cbnttuo Sahhttb Al log the olais-t mustered practically ti ind where hiod work wil: move side by |-| bu pltccd it the diepottl of Dr L^ng they will remuo f.ir the roll of th« tors, wbo proceeded to itody tbo lif»- Go Ubtgtna It 8 star Bakery, 68 pf-rcni tho; totpend baun.w • {nia tide with book-letroiog—Tim ihonld be hltlory of some of thtao centenarians, tbe neootury groond for • leper teUle- M b; th» gentle eoi««l Maggie Papl Ooone. Home foorteen tucbers wb Now Main Street. KIMBBBLBT. eaaS'H on Fridiy to niibtfill uo Situr l Government lui'.it-itioa, Code with tbe result thit tbey fooud thst tho ! meat, and that tbe eroclion of the in, wbo io rrotot jem bai guided tnrj had beeo lelected io attend tb« Oourt* diy." Their gnoTtnee—«• eipn*ed in i oiUiotl mi nn-Sect'nin. tolo ciose uf the abnormtl prolongttioo j, r*qai»t* boilding* will be promptly *et dutiaguuh'd ttutor to New Zealand filled to ippetr. hot then plicei were recent c nfcreoccot R,6b:t' tnd truirt Bat I toe Vfr. Editor thii bore i of life seemrd to be the diily oae of about. There He DOW about leten the “.light*" of Hiari-land. the retdily filled by teaebnn tbo bid comt people—ii thit tbe new law «i|. rwtnrl' impor'tnt element, the most importtot sourod milt. Tbe |>rinciptl imougit thow btudied lepers In the territory. wbo'hire gooe to Engltod for toSbawbocy in the hope of siloing ad- Kitsisho. Ihetr ute of nr CbruUto l)«j ol Ke-’., oleneui it negleoted. No word Inveatigators wu Professor Metchoikoff, nl nl Empire ire to ictelligeot' ioo iod room wtt il*o found for ■ which tbey wuald prraomtb > coc.m iboot riinog tbeitaodard of tho tutor* of tbe Pistoor Institute of Paris, iud he op of tho robber plicti I'-ople. to talk will whom u additional teiihen I; ttyi much into » day ci tr*ffic Wo profn™ n<> »j to | ' tbers of Uie conducted ro?ciicbts into the whole sub­ (ion* of Amatongaland hu brooght to for tbe oo'bonaim of the NiIito toacben iff SALA” e okedicoe, ’me palhy whlt«»cr with thoir [>l„ t,D| 1 Kaiabaki nogoe Uodnite* mongoet bon'.t ku gt^ U It bttl*bani ba kclogrtae tot tlaae »a cjoa g»ot bt tokojangos jtnttbie at elt g.iro it»»giag, m Ui ntierj e ogoe J<»n «o>»oa •< abmtae Jtlo ka t<*Mi longte » (toga Btllo Bancho kt riagot. Jtaoog plot gt M kill a Ua BO PolcLtfatrooqi katfo. I "ie mokotla, motlha ene o tit not UDoktai o> Ktrekf Ui' * ‘ r" a ia oo ntlnaoeng le booa fora « kabola -oa Kigooatrt Ltbiog eo o cohataong kt* Kkbaeott itae go laola Bincbo jtkt Manfnemane Ret. M 1. MothocJt ot MtUetwia o e ba choaroa kn mo- Btoobo mono. 0* iktotahioi txj tt,, ( Abto Ant kboai thaeag tso Uroag ea Uiwioe. le rapeleU mi t bob* mibogo It maoto t g*gn mo Ki r> llbotlboBiiiot mafoko ao atotla ilt Tlbabtoe kt tiro «t Ktrtkt ta Jtati Nnogtnt, P, Sekgomi !> Ko«». ltl *‘ * *°llr* c'C‘rr'l“ M f»r» kt b»oa Ba Dtyata. irore MiUibo 0 la . bs tshelela t'tlbirang. Ballo Ltbing e U Irhat* go Ua Stlbalot tod apt Magot tt bonjt Wreela twg gore ko booe e tit nntnj Biktiekiai *''p* 18 ° cua" ■’“ ‘““K k* umololt llebolote. le go bt batola mo ouaoocj ua » loa ka metlba Fa (mobtltl. I* ot>t" eo raogolo oa oU'e misonjriai a bo ea laiotog mo otgtog bt bt tht. Mortgo g( hoa, b«oe1 kl re " A kn “ “ P®1*1*- 0 S*5”1*1 ia Mi Ibapejo r. le thero et eeufeli o le thopiloag mo httaing U B*t*ng og *. r Poabo ee Beljiam e t tlofelttaeog Ml Duos Mo.aTtnpa.-Rt ttloWa . _ , i madi mo go diego- ditllt btlokot btle <0 go uni tokololo tte 1 «« kt at r«og, i e lebela no go bona. p o « ka jeoa |o Kaytrg. Jtntng on** cohttte that*. Itinch I, lunang bt rtU go g»pa nagt &> a koloane to oa Roloog jaaaoag a jd ka bate ae 8etelele go fola di ocb» tu Evoke o»Cbich» Kea P 8f Kimaolto bt a- k>M boi- de go Uabolo*l > lU-Darak. ba Matn. bn ntla ga tbako. 4 batae OW koa Pfataubwg ea bo « motho go tla oa. Maohoe- Cindi. moroa Mtlrikt. oo o onano 1 ,um#l° l,u°«0nri0 1° >">*•“ moogoe bokoa*. o otile. A ptllot ki go lin I le btknate b* b* pbelaes mo kagl- a otlho a ka fodiaioa Btkbnii o new a ntntte mono tbat •, ka o b* tit go b-'bthalt gotle. Stott Qo itloali ppe ft eogot oU Dioebo di tnllhokotlboko citlho mmo i h tototsego ea madi. go tlogeli mobnoigadt koi Nlat* > nta>n*, le 'ntke, le btle buki »* g*goe el* koa Qeraittoo. ta ele loa m«tae lo skete lotgt Faro mo lonteio. Rer. P Motbibe.li o. bt btogm bt botltnt thata (li li t maiima, a mahihidu; leottl-og je lehibida looo tktU lo kot dim I lotlela mo Boeplttlong aa koyaot tn lltaeb# ta* me li nntae li le Wgu.au JoBstos-Oo ttloaU (a le itetonelo e e nnetseng t*l«njeo* Mr, J. R. Burton, Pott- Ra mo elelru tahi ‘ilojo k> Ino bot'aka, li tletat mali. ka bt li phootae legsnki te it toot Jobaioo t Ua ea p ; botahelo le boitumelo latter ot ko Oandte, Salal, o Ut di' li*nya roeoo a nkboo mo go com) tbllin* le m teagoe plot Bombardier o botshelong. Fa a batla >ledeiu{ aalgbt le bao a ba gagoa l« bi t re laolelt go ton martmo oki Welli, bt Ut lgpl* kgetnnt tt titd- _ldi» a otetsegileng pheto Her A. Uorn«)n no ort a koa Uaormtoti (lefa rt kart Tboii taa- lleng. A r» : lo ratoetae gi ithnu Uooela let'a |e Kgoloi »&do tse di Kbibi- Kerekeng lit A M. F,, o fe: i”taa koa ga Z ilo. Ba at go upa. ranoaS go tltba tt m taelileog, go lelt ko* Laodon kt Lotoia i tsa ga Dr. Williams t m Jobuneiborg i ena lo laliapmg ngoa ai ot motlmano i tloael* go itlolt mali, le |(tng go ttlo* i ke metae. goo are o it go mo > tlhare sope gape.so Otloeli fa Ut. X ;bemi»b to aeielo w Intltk* tai.a I? ene t mo taata Motimaoa t Tun tot C m Poiit.—Oo ctloaUe ng.madi.a motbo o tb.'.a oa K'ipdam *. otie a ,te-M ko. k-« k... rMba Nob, Mo moil erg ooo le ot k* o* 1» itilieln* kgole ke Makgooa. t mtogoe a koa Kapa (a erile k. Lotbooe boaigo. ton' io jalo le gone kn itaong o bottae tia.of M- J e bol'tli* pakt ten* jr*oiog. If guaia Dikgaolonvana. a m> ntalaa. Rragott ooelti burnt ba ntloaoa-eanoleio (kt m Stmpiti bt ihobe dipltte Ut diiaotten, atcCo psetlharese. Tiobero ei teng o iujcoo Krombwn.' Pelo n* mt et ntbibrl* atoa bt lebili (i belt mo bodibmg. a lenjegt, filoko Ut (alog* p ana I •toro ot tieoa at taorotlelt bt it r. Williams Pini Fills d> nng ko boloMed go mo at'niie betltkt. le go t**bi«» nana Mtratai t oubodl t tlok t ihipa moT* oi gagoe koa loog Jtlto Ki dirisioa mo lal .It. m bsraro a tali mo mokoroog gona kt gan*og go taaet leraowv T u u * —Uodirio chowecoe ka seng otlbe a a diroang MtjuUioteo t nt'« oi’iui:» r t.i It a ea go kolomak oao ka kot lepb> Mi nUte t ntaole'i ;«p'. go loe. ga totio; mat badiri ba “ Tu u " beta tdi a a itsheiologileng Ronftrento n mvtfi miti i, ene r » >>bui«ug ie le tumileng bobe jt Victoria btro kt kaoe, btng ba T uu p ba masesanyano a e W ke burnedt bt bt leramo 'diigiaog tii oikoro, Laratii jone le 'enibono e pbatlalala Mra AIrxa N*»te a nkboga ka watla inya ga marapo, macboe kt mbn jtka nogi p rt ItM. (mogatia AdroktU e e Villba'.otihi Ra bt boibi ge nka bono :i lUllo I ) ) ga mala, masalela a Krooe moo roe o kila a cot koa SaUla Ttm ui-LskpUa ji Uttebek le emetieng miUa ot Oapt To*t L.liing . ka taamae* moitgo ga artlrre, ‘la i berets mi motlobong maagna iii, motlhagare lo tlhogo, Parluoenteng et Koptno) t iokcbai lopilo Qerom nte prt p ee ka p ae o Inlii oeng mo go akon*, mi ka mo a fc'k'borg. 0 na'a la motidi It •lo, p letloa dinka Ut di oegult- (or? bis id i ba n"O0 divouti o» banrb'u tlaba go -eayaot hell ka Irrimo o.«-iaao,ioi oi Laauia, A bapalt t i e d'pent go Uant mo Trtotkei. [ Kgoloisane tse di Khibi- 51 iboan Ur LtZarJ oa aeUUltli i U bo^olagolc Janong a llaloganya ki ktr.tltng ge -w’a N a tala, tabejtot It no A kbooe o Bare oka tno di unya bobooa jot i tsa ga Dr, Williams, oot tie mo Mtolong, It ■ go bi« u,,.m iavl . > T(t |f - tXokMlc. i nil ■lateo moliila, mu a bita* k* that* theile are Bancho gi ba rate bana ba 'isioa ie bareiisl botlhe, mo o damiltnt le mitokn to | >-.• it re itae. Erilt t Itlha bt bit], Traotkel Qoroaeote o datoaUa. _ j o.i hoUtlc l« o ir.oleim. i lire U n lere I ia di laetsa ka aesi a'., ka gala Stale I gTrt’a n - tnnjam Gt go i-tioe gora o bt 8wtuu -Kgooana lengoe leae U p ...... I mokhflt ut (?(• khaoi.i ii vile trenj Ila mo atselelt t bt t ea ) Dr. Williams' Mode- ft.ORA.vTA ea Habnrt; e c moioang | la k a mo llaba . ytoang boio i idoaadjtae go btpala ka p rakiatua o li bainkt. I k“ ,0 ,rl Ooromtote gort, relt Jo, Long Street, Cape Utt WtiUrn koa PotcWsirouin wre, ! ■ Janong a bitaa bogois that* Oatbj lojtioa, la aailoa kgoidl dile rn, botlolo ele ngoe fela II. tola kgooa la ile Oaoleng le ngotoa rar> art S. Mo Bsooii la p at ktrt • takt* k«8/8 fa dile. .thataro ke 17/- liilogong tsa lira Gatoe raopbatc oa basitnanc Jaoona ga ill mongoe 0> baahimane ■t >am o boiuioa ke mail a b* t no l'b*lebi bot'e ba Im >1 imllai a Soul*, ba bt bt mo kttiiolt. Re balliseng. opelolt iitfela linr*1 kr golileng In tibeg* ta luitamelo. name K' '“ lj f 'l-alo*. ngtkt tairo g! HI MiKor o tlotf-molohatae hath n bt Vann.—-Uagtjdu gt a boboi. Koa lligonya1 ba maka. k* gona ose Ii rile pil*. Mali ■« v're .1 aha 10 jiog. Kgoot le di latlt moroeltm Eliubetu ,aa gagu ka rana ?rrdea bonye ft go tc^U batbo < Uoi.turju.Mi. o ul< > tli gon Tota-tota Gencn! I ela I rollitll Ballo L*h Og ba lengoe feU go it than tapi. A e* p '. Mi>r>;nt. gt k: tlologeleloe ki di mogolo mongoe ot mollhotlagtdi, leng la gagoe Ki ka loot alioae, I* kgolo kt ulolo. Ektre kgono a bo u e n w on; u a ti.ii-i an. thaba Poliei 8uitbeee t teot £15, iis. I** Ming ki khaogtno rao go Mtnkotwoo gonnt ka Uanyi>MOiuane 1 upoloio K gosi ku ' I rotta Weal- 1 ' rjpo a kgolo. madi a Oorootata. M^ahoropo a ihtpitig. Kt olo moroa- mg In kile U*ng yannng. Ha ,, f ;m e o igilatg I.toa HjIo • toba. loMe mttti « nytling > fiotflbolo '• IjO gono ga « Sotobole itomaUin QdMa.eeU ka eoe^coe Lein* jt gtgoe jt ,b.i k" khaoioa tlogo. elira gona I i f go bo.oa kt weke e I ietileag mctlh moigoe o Oe taikiajegt t Jt 3K40, 1* Rtkgoot ko Am. kc ditlagsdi fola Na (iikrhing, • » Motlntlegi J. W Sautreo otibe okttti mapiltai, . a otIoeifiMg kotleltng Mornli- b a o p d i le bone g t ba tliialognnyi- fi knt Kimberley, Ufa ele oni kt It ilnn Matei (o*g* j ’ galad:-j.0g (i inert I Bolba Puibi t, ’ n, Krugerdorp. A/otho eo flonemi h m> lellogooolo * |' ■ K paao Mo paloag eo [•trro.-Mo loktting lot mooo Baden Powell ebilo o kgo-ana ,g Mad•ytie moogti le i1 I • f'trtoe t> go ms Uab*k* Pele a balta, a W>. mi .ditahika j.kt iot V.etcrit Watt, liag, Kot Motloboog ot DriafoaUm tnpisi ele thakgni. U o taamaea yaooog a nyrma ki bonako, ml liioto era ala Mabtjri i eastoe too P.rla go bola I ni lerainngl Mali a abotla| Ratio i U.rnmto o etaieUe tnatoaa. a Uoion wjttot km babadi U mpttliee taa b g o lo g o lo koa Manikaland. ’ i L'bing o na a sboln| I pa a ka dilo dile diotil, «bil» 0 ita (Jin Toan — Mct-tasna ot Ltkgoba , tb ato ka a at oani |, Mr ■at o eele i nUogelt kot Btaoone ao p toan| e b.li-la mongotgoe, ieU kt 1889. Gotlhokifili gt gtgoo »rS ate idToko. Lein» jt p p e BirauAXtUHD.—Uenm Rtcbott Hu Palmar kot B t I’jlat,oaaa * BumiL Nne. Ft aoogot t kile U. Sogokotlo ot gt Mango*to o ntae t a fa psli gt Jtnbe; bo jaii ba tae lint’ i t«a tne -Ml Inba goibae yalo 'nit moogoe ot ltint j*o etede Cbiol Jothot Molemi mo Rilong liitbidi bn rona b.i Iu**oa rttaliloi ka go daaaliai, elUe Moniltgtnyi o tli h* ga ki elelaa, goro io lirabala ka yen a le btot bt gagoe. Uri. Molilinyam K »rt> ba nc ba reka iuo ma- xna It (t t t out a UUa lediet. Silti Holomt o etebee kot Tihiraleooig googtaki be lip Ot lost, . Koa oil' ga >bona ga ntnbo ka lin^a »enkeleog a a ihnsuug Utlbolo aa AlUrny Oiotnl im morotdiu go at go boot (i!t kot 1 Mi yaoong hi Ba-Bayonga ba kibo AHDBI88 BOKO. aeuaUi si tlabuu yalo ka gap* . gaakaln “ r-Hlii; I, Wa fitlhela kjMlegoag 0 It out IJ i boj aag. Oartmokgoebint. Uo lotion* Mohr In bn* m -akt belt, mi h i go ka bo go ka Iwna ka gope ibeielo go mala I'hoba maina a bone mo I wileng. Dutromni Mix*. - Kgooa leagoe tntgadi o ftlegtdlcw ke Mr. Hark M rot Bolin Mafit Hi Ab*n Arlt o Le tone ere ba reka ba Re batliseng Mere Letotoe. kabo o ablle rara, ba rapot oi gtgoe o meno aa nkboe mo likoytoog Ua lit«be. bolele faba leriloe ke ki- phttlakaecje kt tteamiiU mono Isle mo g> anal Mi p tit n* }»o«!" Bonoa. Mono*, yalo miahtmaoe o gola tnlsh * u Lewenkele o e maloba. K< thnaya ta mo aboia Bpa “ Moroni p go kt nt pla lilo li mo go rona go oa moooa. Jigoana bela a WlLTIB H. AduO.-Gi re it** gor« ino Tjauleug. Nna Mika- ta fuat milt ko*. Kouj je leogoa ia botoga belt Ba Dayong bt Itat oeto, palloa ki go leba moli. N tat* o na a bail. btaot gt bt itte Wenkele ei o niHkamane ga nk>ke ka ja UUhdoa la giroooa li Ut p gonno ba romeUa m»o* et boot kat lootkt eo mmtlf-ntle ro o Igbtg^oyens rrka mo leweukeleng le (lelt file. Qiao ge taaekvlaoooa Bolon Mitel, go boo* lik> oot'e ptla " le Pott Ofiii. F* ntle Rtdlcbovrobo kt diagang ka goae too m«kjreeea| ’ Gt ki ot yalo. Ui Abao Aril, t o <«la a nooobi bal* go senaleluamo, “Tsaleng” Wtnkelc opa o khai tit a tltng jtlo t aamt. tlogo Janong Aban A n a itbobat-l a kcono •imv.*” Ba raa btnot Ue dl utle-ntle, tae dl thitt- ia ntloocla boot boUoka bt a bt ma o bentn eoa Mnduitav gor* le eoa madi a B.-coaua fela b^ sa bolteasg' Ki boteskt ge mongte a 111 tbita jtkt tttfftgoe. A thaka «a I rnoele yannng ge ona mokhoa o na Ra MoMtL—Mehotnapdi oa UVgoot ai oa ko Parang. Ls neoa kt noai rate go thusa tiro tsa Sekotteng e ke e tie go Itebvtobelt «t D.yako oloo molemo s* Ataerikt o I'klaa baeeWii btiuo* » n si rit* go atlat boUokn bo Becoana. e oke e ikoatUiua. t u.eieiuo. Oatoe oot tie mo tbo romoog u Iritubt koa Sao Fraooltoa, Dmoift-Kgoot lengoe jt Uit*n ribegeditapng mirafe olenogole. Qoromenta le bat'i A cboga, ttaoriri oa pgne oa khanyt oa di do etnjrt TABATA ELIKULU LIKA otre thoto. Ke ft a o rekela ttrabt tetlbtre, a a Ubata pre oooeoftk; Ke (ttrtet oa u t mottle fiU jtka fcojaag ja gana ke bait WOOD bo Base. & ba a nuht wmnioota ee £<000, era baraWai ba dlkibtre ba tao entae aoriri oa tlbogo.

    DKUKOHLELA p |...... SRpfiBB m a "iH»n n, »u.

    k j s t o i s n i u n n oleinam o. Turna lobolo bolelele more/Kw fe te bone [6l d. Kimborloy lo matona a gagoe. Floor Compound STATION: Compound E. Gallow. Flanelete tsa go ira diblausi 3d, jarata Gkaap.-Rbinrt.- - Maloba Sampole tsa marukhoe le mahempe a banna ka a koa mono go sekisicoe Makgooa teng,agaleareKoang fela ka2/- gompieno 1/3 TLANG LO DI BONE KA LOSI. ale 0 ka go tlola molao oa Thoto o Ntai, e Nile m Dikameroso, Dicde In Metbalc cotlho oo DiJo TSA, 1IARIGA. lopiialq. Qpromente a ikokc- DIR0MERESE 1,6, !/•, i/-, 1/6, JlO, 6/0, 9/-, 10/6, HI- 17/- letsa marao ko £30. Ting Lotibe TLAKG1AB0KAK0 FASTISI8 SE 8 PELE. DlllALK 5/-, 6/-, 7/6, 10/-, 12/., I.V. DI KHAI 6d„ M. le 1/- J A HAT A. Babkl? Wbst—ilafokoa Uikellele, Blpilsa, D itm ito, DlijUihc, Xntlolo, l)lt;ele, Dilo collh t cotlhe koa Boom a noka e Tshetlha jaanong aa shutsa. Etlare go ese go phi- rime malatsi ale mantai re be THOS. LEASK & Co., Klerksdorp, rr utloola tlhomamoea Uieko ______T B A W S V A A t , CONNING fi CO., ea moratbo o. Fotubolo —Koa Bengal MANGOLD BROTHERS, WENKELE je lo eteletseng a mangoe pele ka Uitiro. maloba go no gole natnano e DIJO, DINO, DIAPARO THOTO TSA M A T i« tona ea moletlo, tirni ea Ma- ENCINEERS, BLOEMFONTEIN It TSH1PI tn Bilemi. 6* gona Wenkele ope o THOTO • ktnt kt kula e fentxp ea Manycsemane t ea roca mono THABANCHC ea East Yorkshire, oa ba ea Motse oa Rona o mo 6 le 8 Zastron Street la s t...... gapa thebe la seiefera. • Gtr* ntobt Ditempe, mms Be ikaot gore TLHOATLHOA EA HON A e RE reiisa “ DAM Df” W lSD IIL L S (Ditaia Ua Phefo) Di Brass Cvliider le POMPO Ua ga Mangold, MEQ01& SIAME KA MBTLHA ea ga Raweon, !e Diloana cotlhe Ua Balemi, DIM AS11INI tsa di phothang, tr ftudiel tod Lt Van der Reit & Co, ruri a Modimo e lethle gore I 9'qualifying the NitiT'i f. r the ai'mimtioai pro-cri'td by the Cipe batho ba dirise diphuka Oair/raity t fflgh 8chcol hit t een opened at Lott, Idoty*i, Trir.«kei, oliane [E seng oa Mogente] u foUovt (Wenkele eo montle to mo Hukung gc leba Post Office Ra Mblao.— Bar# General MATRICULATION. LEW EN KELE JE LESHA JA JP'JD ea go NY ALA kgotaa U et SELALELONQ. Hertiog, Kgosi ea Kopano ea Latin- Grim (ait, Cora po«i tion, Duaeeoi j Phjlkt— Kluneatirj Pbyiicil Sciodm. Makgotla lc Mapolisi, o ntse! •nd Set Hooka Hutory—Vmreraity RylUbat THABA N C H O Greek—Grtmmtr, Composition, Oomoo* A'itbmetif-Thr wbolo «nh|w:t including a etela ditoropo tea enyese- Bo shomols ki pika go 0Jt kt Moooto go ei kct I’hogoag, 8 aod Bet Books. Metric Syntem mane koa Koloni. Ga ohoane French—Grammar, Coaiponition iod t^et, Eogliab^LIlera'aiu, Gnmmir mil Bt( Ft n 6> go L*tat k,oion <> Diklomsng, Re kt go buktnyetit tptro Btokt j Booth le General Botha ba ipolelang Kafa morago Goora KONONG. i tai n»thili BotrlSa tea dl thiU-thtU, Tu Babereki. Algebtt—Through Kimultaneoas Qua-1 Kafir—Kafir (irtroni«r. etc mo meUing ea Sebnru fela dntie Eoattiont. i 8caoto—Sesuui Gnmma; He Lift U Hbatlo Pika ootlhe U k» rskt BAKI, BORCKHOE, UEMl’E, t Geometry—UoitOTity Kenred Syllabtu. ba 8ikologa ea se Englishe. AREKISI ba methale.thale ca DINO le DIJO le DIA- DITLHAKO, t HTJTSHE, KOLORO, kgono tog it Bum, felt et U SCHOOL HIGHER. PAHO. O reka le MABELEle dib Ue dingoe te bttltag D ili h fi tlhola. EogKth—Grammar. Oompoaition and Set I Greek—Pt Steps «ic. B Frei Stata.— Dikantoro UootL I Phyttct—Elofflcoury Prictieii Scionce, di ka rekisioang ke Becoana. tsa mono di ntse di coaloa ka Algecra -Throogh Qutdntic Eqattiooa. I Anthmotic—8toci«. eir Oeometrr—Doinnity Syllabus. I Kafir—Grtmmir etc Re rekiea Thoto tea Banna fela ga g Loaboraro jaka mawenkele, Hiatory-Oniroftity Sylbhu. I Seeuto—Gratnmir elt eseng ka Matlhaco jaka Ebile re simolotse tiro e ncha e entee e sa iUioe Kantoro Ua Prowensi Ue JUNIOR SCHOOL HICHER. o mo’ Lewenkeleng, o ka go segela feia jaka Latie—Ortmmar add Bcadiog. 1 motry. Thaba 'Noho. Fa motho a reka re mo naea SENEIRI didgoe. Beng ba cone ba Phytica—Bleoi«tary Prwtical Pbytio. : Arithmetic-) "I, Cobe Roota, nUe ba ipua gore go simolola llalory—European tod Booth African, **- bukanyanaudi manege mo go eone. Ere u sena go- tlltta. U rata. Tlang lo itlhophele ka losi mom __ I Algebra—Oomplrtioo of FnOr Rulri. ka Phato eono fela di coaloe Geometry-Elementary Prtetical Geo-1 VeroaeoUr-Grammar luid Betitin^ ^itsebe dingoe Ua BuAa u di gagole u di lere ioano, u neo6, ka Matlhaco. STANDARDS V AND VI. | dithoto Ue di lebaoyeng tlhoatlhoa ea cone. WALTER ADAMS. Thoie atandtrdi will btre in idditioo to other nubj'Ci hi Stepi I.iuo, lit Slope Bo lUuouo.- M» Adwokitt i Alyobra. lit Steps io Gonmetrf and Staff Notation. Fa lo rufci batlaog ditempj fela jiia ioa toropong t^8. Thia Bch"ol open* on the 20th JULY. 1911 di Agolo # Opposite T Sonth Afrikt a ntse t ipat Kopmo, For iortber pirticulira apply to mme a ipaelt mo lopblring kt bokaka- M M. MAXEKB, B A , Post Office A Lota BUh School. otsha, ire tBtnaUno o noa gore gt go Lot>, Idutyva, Trtuskn. KIMBERLEY. Mooebo o tit letloaog go cot AdaokaU iKwki go too aekuktol gt CO, < llhokt sabattltdi, mmatlt o rothile VAN DER REIT mtdi. Ebile re otloette fa go dnmi THABA NCHO, laoye maAdwokata t Traosraal, Natala| D.4D.H. Fraser Ltd. {?_ J Frd Setata lc Qrthimstown—Ba Kapa boos b«re rona Kopaoo e a THABA 1CB0. ...j...... (Btiri bt btgolo bt Ditlbako. ntteog jilo gt rs kako ra e ttcot. Ft bt bona re atloette jaioong boa Mosegi oa Diaparo. itttola biro bt na bt m atlbole bt ne BA rekisa tlbako Ua Mekgv bo le tea badiri ka tlhoatlhoa ba at nUe ba lotlegt. 41 Old tail Street. ^86' di koa tlase ga Mawenkele otlhe a South Afrika Ditlhako, Bohe- 7$, “ jgbnne baa di itirela. Gaufl le Oflsi ea Dipase, Bo thoabi go atloa f t Ur. Orosbj. mpe le dilo cotlhe tse i i Joba Henderson. Bucoana le Transefale. le ba Frei Setata botlhe ba ka Kgooa jo lo ntmigadi jt Uuhisbioing, Selaga sa ga Ramosesanyana 1 , ^{v|e romela diordere le madi re tla ba tlhophela dilo Uuloiiptn Uioe t loti* mo hotpiUleng et Kiaberley. Be mo etaletat tehidilogo.1 hatloaDg ke Becoana. 1 :‘ /(,r‘t*e'.dintle, Uin Marry U. Ana Uttathi o bottie " ...... i'1-T Bft ba coang Sekoaten.T, le ba ba agiieng mono, bone rare ba lat kot KrooniUi, ont t ttstaa Mba SHONE SELAGA ae se baakanyang Diuaoa ka^elo tlhofco- 0 *4 go Itebatebelft ka boai: popego ea dilo le tlhoatlhoa CommioB Muntbi moao. H » Non Bo Sale, Dikgole tea Di- 1 A lo nka lo belaela sepe Dikgomo le dilo tse di isauueaog, ■ SELAGA santlb •* - - !v ^ i ° a ,ilasedi tla ipapatsa mo ga Uttatlii lotne o ile its kot Gtmithiga G Mr.. Jtmei M. Plutj« o» Uifiteag o ^ mo Uhegong ca gagoe. (tUto kot Nokeng • T.ketlba go tteU pitse le eng le eDg. 0 tla lo segela fela jaka lo THABA ’NCHO. Lerson’s Saddlery maiigoe te boUtla. Btr.D. D. Tywtktdi, Uorati ot Kince- H egom a le dilo tsa rata. Ke moroa Iuaka oa bo* S '-;--. I0W E & TONE’S STREET, lddofetite kt Kimberley ocoi Tijcr gologolo eo ona a tumile bobe fthuiI b, J a m t Oo. M . r i FablUui b , Ik. P luu h ron ” ■' K I M B E R L E Y . | 0ftadcttUWfata^,barM0tti-

    ■a : / A ' . THE FRIEND OF THE BECHUANA. V o l . l I . - N M KIMBERLEY, AUGUST rPIUTOj 19, 1911 [Tlhoatlhoa 3 d— Ngoaga 15/- THE | Np 172 m H||J B A. SCOTT K O ., 111 Jones Street Mo Muktr^i-i-jDK on No III.• BIG CLOTHERS S BOOT MERCHANTS Selaga sa Kama tse

    k h a i t s a m a r i c a i

    SERAME SE TL H A S E T S E ’' tb© di 'koolocoeofl;. HE RATA Gil TLAMKM HAItUKI MO XALKMI.

    Ks UBUPE TSA BANNA t*e di chocu b o P U Nsm ,bt:h. M, C, Schrueder CBTLQN letw Dl BOBOOA 2/6, 3'6 le 6 MOSECI DI JE8I T8A BANNA ta? DI B O TllIl’ HO io Ihk, tsa coo.- . t«e di ckoeu, tse di »g ehn l«> tM* di thamaga 1 ihoatllioa o M aveokcle Mabedi, di kcntlase 3,3, 3/9, 5 7 '6 lc 10/. «». • w. ••RFA’o'E R-'AD Diaparo tea kafa teng tsa Union Ue di bo booa 2/(3 lc 3 /0. IV Marokgoo lc bohempe, DIPAKA T8A BANNA Ua1 ‘ A N Ka taelo ii Tat « T»«» setofo le Mssela a rod bale Eitlhe-eotlhc, roesc^o <• mesha Motbftle ectlhe 30/-, 37/6, 4 8 /- lc 50'- Bo o i g d w DiAPARO TSA BANNA LE BASADI, OIKGETSE. DIHUT8BE t8 A llANNA Ue d ; diriloeng ka maatl.i niello, A ii l»alIn Scm olo. Seniapa, meroalo e tnesha 3 9, 5.-, 7 /6 le 10/- mametlbleio ’ SI r«M*. Itriiumaia M AK ECE A DITShTPl LE DITLHAKO (*i TO Eli0 DITLHAKO Ihi BANNA tse di ncho lc tse di Mebils, Tw. ootlh* rli x* nna tw bonoa k* t hoallbsa U*- Hi olen? H» in eae "0 e o ijhisan^ "a imwcnkctc a Kimbrrlcy >i 11 t1 m». |. IcIh kala 10/6, 12/6, 15/. lo 20/- kolfinug (a ijaio. KOMEHBSB le DIKUBO Use di tona toe di It . ■ Min Tbatn •• ► rating mo Dilroinpo- 4 / , 5 /9, 8 /-. 10 6, 13/6 le KIMBER1>\. . BOKSBliRG 6 H. A. OLIVER i Co.J cuiM snn. More ta roua he fela fa Treme e e axing Toitpan e aunty if»g. i KitSlShO e M olemo E. A. SCOTT & CO., 4-«dvtviw uboar A U Bstlfl Bolofoi Madi? KIMBERLEY BONA FA MOSKSK .. I.>ikik...... ir .. v , 1 KK.ll 5 ll, T (i • 1n H H.OI'SK t • / 1‘«j li. DITLHAKO tsa M e a b o kgono tsa Babri ki, tsa|*” i \ k i i m i h a > .vd : i v » u i r u i ( i Basadi lr bans b e di ka ikangoan^ ? c a l k .111.1-..1 iw k a sm 11:11 1 U.h ‘ ne B 2 l> c» ca £0 li THERO. Eaoff koa f I'.'”! I KI’ t*»- '. »i:.ni,,r r; Gd . OJ BLACKLAWS K A l-S lir t«i btnna li.i, SKi le 1 I* Tiotl»K%nu M{<,lo j >»-., TokoU'0 n I.•>(«('• *».nl |. -ph.n. K«.aa. y.-tvtn . 0. F. S. 1 0 Uph-dUo^ 1 hftU 1 8 NlAKl'KliUB a Imnna 3 li l'i»l* » H otli Alr ci i) Vo.,.. th«»l I- 8' O w it, H .«h I'n a iM M r Ho Du Toils pan Road. UOIJKMPK ba l>ann». 2/0 Ir :< ii a*pt - -4 N,nk Alrwv V. * N K ATKNO a senna, p ra I • kI.1. J saIn. UUil.,,.. c ftt'K r rTrr . i” .1'1 ‘ ?%• ' u ''* ? «*«. •• Fryer Uustin. mi. fnorn • Oor. l.«,|« . . Iiubiu ,, r. * N *•' b»lt» bo.w« . " a K i m b e r l e y . MoaiU Ir poi-i*.nol-w *» K ipp, p. n,, j.S-lr.*^, „ ni MaS««^ to*v 8 ® f • far*,far* J» « lin n MdLIJJO ButOtA KGiiSI | DARSK1SI In ba tumileng ba SMART&CO. K nlshico ka S a ll. V S .»«™ » R o p t s o m b iatb Afraa THOTO e NTSI o ka itlhopela mo go cone. Tne Cash Drape-s, •ttr« ka iiatai j-on j > 'X • J .B j ® Djj>, Diso le Diaparo 0LAD6TOSE, TSE di IflA T A tea B f f i A 10/-11/9 go 15/6 30 Du To.'iSOS" R n , K 'VS ER L EY Girtrtoi Q»a»r»l ;•» ««. Kfoda, TSA MEKMBO fa IMNN'A tse dincho le tse ill V^enkele oa Disholo. IIK5KY BUKTOK, Khm iot-10/9,18/6, 13/6.15/6, g o ea go £110/- para MATLOASANA. Rgoai tH-ro tM licivia BO JOLDPAST, tso di ttata-thata tsa Baepi, para Transvaal. .ngoe le ngoe e opelolecoc 15/6 W. N. COOPER, V r * 11 !,:iu“j «■J. iiuuyouiij | W," • M, CUTHBERT ■ SCO. « w u ., oa Diilhare, le s t End, Kimberley. [Le koa MAFIKENG le ZEERUST koa MADIKOE]

    ^ le “ i . S : = E; T ie Great M A frica. BootM erchanls. (\ S TS B l.F BE CO AK A ka laka >e m telele thala, ebile o ae.‘M a A BASHOI. Ivuiugile thata go la Uakan y* i< a d iilhare, A ko leke m ethasho e* icKLAWS - bone e e etiang ____ itaini Becoana botllio bo- B a k a go naea TIh a ko tae dl Blameng k a Tlhoatlhoa t « dl p^CTORAL BALSAM (Molemo ea DigoUhote) !/•; O golo ba Bloemfonteic, okocolocoeng 1 le 2 / 9 botlolo- ■ 5 H 5 ^ fc • hod'iijfle______koa S t . George __ — i INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Molemo oa Mmele) i/-k a DllfgOm O J 10 htreet, jannong ale mo Bau- Tlbako tsa Habcreki ro simolola ka . . .. 7/6 ^b l o o d 0 m ix t u r e (M iemo oa go tihacoi Madi) Dihutshane! I “ “if T i , ipMlany,ta II^/r o o tumileng thata thata o » ga COOPER. Botlolo I TSI WEST HD. o simolola ka 2, a ee gore 107- aeaua la Wenkele ea Mo leke ka boloetse bonnoe A BECOIVi cne M ori of Uk Beckuu), II1BBBIET, PH4T0E, (il 6C8T) 19. M l. ERENA T S A SOUTH AFRIKA.

    Buy th*r PIANOS, ORGANS 00RNBT8, VIOLINS, AUTOHARP8 and other S O M E .HOME TRUTHS, Musical Instruments BY US. H. B. CRE3SY, B X Go sim olola la M A N TA G A , P H A T 0 7 , 1911, pbeton ■ taa D ina ko tse d i late lan g d i tla d ifio io i m -»;l)iie n 'n e o * 3 | kt,-a<-I<> c Orange Frte S t a t e \ KALA EA COLESBERQ—COLE8BERQ JUNCTION

    j Terenf jannang e coang mo Colpsberg Junction ka nuUtjf 11 ttfae k . 2 3 > a m, e tla n ee ooa k . S'10 p’m .e fltih a ^ C o lub e r; To w . ka 2 20 r ra.

    KALA EA F aURESMUH— SPRINQFONTEIN- 1 I'erenti e j* n o n g e coang m o Fa iream ith In. 1 1 0 Lo ab o be d i (.•!•; e tla ne e tw l"la ka 1*0, e sie n ain taa gife ka m eniti di e 10 e ee go tsena koa 8 prm g fo nt» in .k a

    KALA EA HELBRON-WOLVEHO-K. rerena e jaa n on g e coang mb W clvehook ka 6 60 f q - diBmissal. The loading Coloured ! m„ mai8t*ini( a w eke e tla ne e bolola ka 60. p-m., e ta i* ' r.»:.“ b«P“"d affdK ik* tt 10 m a *° «* •«» of their own children,childron, insist onuu ?\ 18flM Ueilhroo k a 7 85. p m. _ better pay for their teaohers, and I w w Hi thus put an end lo this iniquitous A o ting G enerxl systom of swoating, JuhoDMbarn, S6 Jaly 1911. If the Church cannot equip a school, and pay for tho sorviccs of an efficient teacher, then it should hand over ita school to the local school board. Some people have begun to think that mission schools have outgrown their pur­ a le mabele le Town, for having taken the ini­ tiative in transferring the Alber- Mataia mo Becoaneng K b»U» moroeUw* Elizubh tus Wesleyan school to the Cape M usinuNo. o nlo • Um Board School a few years ago. If ®os»d.R mugolo m pnoo. mc*!botln>di, t i tlhoatlho i tse di sia- otho >golo ke selelo. other pastors followed his ex­ • lo kot goon Mintaro oo pooo# h ample, we shall have less reason mrag thata ke moMtMM o» TlhApin*, Eijdo mu* to complain of the sweating of hu. •boiofeU w f k k » our Coloured teachers, and per­ U. ro m mi ilia. Le|o« j4 git in u Hf»*n»ke Sioso, U fW oik.Asu. haps tKe churches will then be in Bib«k> otlo4l*i«oK >oilt:lanK Monfc- a better condition to discharge °>‘ 1h}» Kimbwtay, lef. eh oot ta their special spiritual functions E»i M, Krsgerditrp. for which they exist. Daniel bouelr, THABA ’NCHO. Geaer.1 Dealer. Re Batliseng.

    j Maria SmousA Rev. W. Behrens. Dikfaolonyana

    « ' • • w ™ timeMa, fa esc go kgarakgat»**a yaka poo ea c-.-nga—ere a sena 50 tapia ko sebe yaanong a ea go itagolola mo gopong loa gagoe. A o teng motto eo o tlhogo « fo. dileng o ka kaluirang boroomo mo Tichere ngoe e kilo e hiiva koa mafclong a bo Looela mo gopong Alabama ca bodioa gore e Ua ruta bona jang} A u tla re baU ba lebilcng Ror! basadi ** ba ba b4nUi bone lefatahe le kgolokoo kampo u yaka dikgopu Ua boae. tlare le sepapetla? Price are: Ke tla ba ruta fela kafa thatong ea batsadi. Fa bare kere le Etlare fa a sena go fetelela fela kgolokoe ke tla rialo, fa bare ke yaka boloetae yoa “cholera" a re Ic papctla ke tla ba.badisa rore dithoto toe mogaue 0 di fa- jalo. huletseng ka di wasegutu, a ili ire meithatisbo. Boaka yoa banna bo gakadioa ko basetaanyaoa ba Fa Bancho ba santse ba etaa- eare ba itse motho ele monna, eo ctoega ka gore a lefatahe le 0 emiaicoeng Ic moaadi eo mongoe kgolokoe kampo le papetla Ma­ mo kerekeng, ba bo ba roba pelo kgooa one a akanya koa kgakala- ea mangoa monna fela yaka eke­ kgakala. A setse a tlhotlhomisa te ba ka itumela fa mosadi mo- fela gore goo kafa tlasc ga lefa- OOD»« I. beat. t*ho go naio eng. Oo Idle gatoe Mme legale gompieno ga tea itiaa go naio namane e tona ea kgabo ka basetoanyana re itisitae ka koa tenK ga pelo ea jeone, e • khutoana tse di ditedu tae go can* fa e hetoa ko pelo 0 roromise toeng banna. lefatshe. matlo a ditoropo le dithaba >li tliothomele. Ba bangoe ba bitiela basadi ba bone fela yaka molai fela to o K>ia Manchester University ka remang motlio ka chaka—ba 11,111 K" nale Konferense oa ba­ mmitiela ka go akafala mo pon- il-nape. Professor Weicherta tsheng fela moaadi a ntae a ba tlhagisa niogopolo o mosha, are {ebile, ekote ba ipela ka gone. Ba ditemogo cotlhe di shupa fa go bangoe motho a gaisc ka go laea *ena kgabo epo mo pelnng ea dinyatai taa bone gore di tlhapa- Mcdumo ea .Merale. lefatobe. Are ditahicoana cotlhe dike mosadi oa gagoe oa kemo di tse di shupang khuduego ea mo ntahe lonyololo. Setlhogo se lefatahe di kara fa go nale v> kalo s« otise motho lefa ono tlbatlaganyo dile tharo taa tshipi ebile ale pelo tilele yang—are ka ea nikele mo pelung ea lefatshe. banna ba ba ntaeng yalo ba atisa Ka di uikinyega mo teng di go noa, mosadi moetlo oa gagoe ud.ibataa lefatahe jotlhe, chu- rbe ele go tlhacoa le go aidila lo- I tlli an« ea |..ne 0 gotoe. Se se •hoe ye le toeoang koa matlung a I won* mo pelung ea lefatahe ke- boaka! le gone a baakanyo di- molelo oa badimo o go toeng o chelete tse o tli it kang ka cone tuka kafa tla-e. boyaloa, aba a oaakanye le dl- chelete tse di rckelang dinyatai Pusho ea Engolano e mo toe di akafalang le mogatae. kakihalnng e tonana ka bo iimi-who In ilo seopo sengoe Bmyatai ke bothata yo bo ka ■'.IN' 1.1 Ira K.I okeledioe madi le belwxmg kc moeadi eo o nK>sen\ I. !>'Mrn-l.i tM b>iie, gabakako fa a pateledioa ke molao le temi I'11-* !,J rliojra tiro ca go ololola logo coa lelata ya manaaeoo iluepe k.i mabogo a bone fa ba mo nyetaeng, mm? yxanoug a »a '>UMioa. Lefa ba ba tea- pateledioa go bapalcla tlhupcdi inj' jng nuoo ba no ba okeledioa, ea diaka tae di sa boifeng Modimo kiolulodi bone ga ba direloascpe. lo batho, ke lekokoma ye !•» pjlwa Ke shone sc obile le bone ba leng ca nko c sa kakeng ea ba ea nya- mo moikgatlhong -oa gore fa 00 kalala ka yone. Mosadi a tlho- Im 'a okeledioo haa coa. Srike’ slioa rege a ote fela yaka tlhale—a sa ba ololodi se shupeditse Eoge- P.'OkiK:: Jaku 11 .le . mme ba shulafaleloe. ke diyo, ke met-te, lane fn a tohedisioa fela ke ba onietsein; Dikolom k- bone ha ke ditoala ko lefatshe, aengoe Ic ilitliotho tip di tlang Ic dikepo nomiiL' rei* 111- 4d.) ks sengoe se se fa pele gagagoe—are nn*neja u mongoe ea maoatie. letsatM fa kgotln le wenye, le a leba motho ale ditedu kgono a Erile di tlhola malatai a mane di £10 ka kgmxli fa le 0111c. coele borukhe a boa ferogu seWta," Russia: 10 ruble £1 Is. ka aa ololola fela Engelane a bo a fela a tlhoke se 0 kase tlhatoang— letaatsi fa KgotU le tsenye le gamoloo kc tlala. Tlhoatlhoa ea a ba a shoe. dijo ea gola eaba eane ekete go Roiimama 20 fr*nk fa Kgotla ntoa. Terene taa tlaleloa maga- le tsonve le t 'kete ea ditrrena. la a sa Hi lekane. A ruri motho eo ntseng yalo ga Sak-'Mi Ila ha anihMiR mo bolaoa ke monns oa gagoe? lo mmitiedi eo o kalo ga lekanoa Maitisho. fela ke galaga eaga laxmanef? Erile a mhitlhela m > tlung eaga Servia : 15 dinar (12 -I ka letsa- Dumelang baitisi bagaecho» mmagoc, a taecoo a otliia, a godi- Isi le tekete e.i go ea Kgotla le Compieno ke tla itisa ka motho aioa, a rutoa', a nontahioa ke ba­ g.i booa. :i BAM.V. (ko!«lo ea takololo raanyetsa a ba a mo golaganyotsa Switzerland 20 frank llli •) kn I t'a gagoe le sapo ya marapo a fa pele ga phuthego ka nt6lao ea letsatsi k mntirtpa a go ea le g- gagoe. A niri go naio mongoe co legodimo le ea lefn’.she a ba a ma boeu. o ka -itehoang goiv u ba a ipetse s tsenya mo khutiug ea »ea h sa United States oa Amerika: Ka ikutluise IntlUokn * Mme bs gagoe, a simolola pi:>elo 1789 ene ele £1 4'. kn letsatsi fa khotla k.i basadi ba bone gone ba Kgotla c teenye. A god »wa ka aa dnmele fa ele inmele 0 mongoe Banna ba In sa njaiaug ba 1818 ea nna >1 dollar (£1 12s). fela le Ikinn : ba ba irela mckgoo- bitiela fela yaka ba ba nyet»cn^. K« 18M> ea diroa .1,000 dollar Us.ee thata e e sa kakeng ca Mongoe o ka litllio a go raea aro: (£6001 ka niemgn. Kn iSCf. a belcgoa ke ..pe nis neoa gotoe Matlho amo a pelo a mse yaki a iroa 5,000 dollar (£1.0J0) ka in-wiidi ke gopo loa monna-fa ba nche. Ko lobola kgakala ‘mo m3 ngoaga. Jaanong ke 7,500 dollar nc ba 1 We tlhaka e lm kabo ba sa go nna “ekete Mmopi ga bipa (£1.5000) ka ngoaga. Koa Ka- K-hoge ka b .ne gole kana-kana. batho bale bantsi o bopilo u«na nada, Australia le New Zealand fela Ic nna" ntekane maaka 1 O bn dueloa ka taela 4se di fapa- 'Me go nale hangite ba ba se- sentoe ; ngoana motho mongoe koa fapaaneng. tlhogo ba ba ehoereng mosadi fela Biros, eo mongoe koa Bokoni, Mo kopanong ea South Afrikn yaka ekote ke noa. Bure lefa bale babedi koa Botlhaba-taatoi ba nooa £400 ka ngoaga le tokete motho e*e gopo loame ga nkako balo bararo koa le phirtm&ng. en terena. Va a sa ea Kgotla le ka ba ka mo shotla yaka banna Kufa popegoog 0 e ngomalang tsenya go'gogoa 1110 makgolong bangoe lia shotla kgopo tea bone. pvlo ca fatahe ye no o tla ba tlo- Erile fa Makgooa a simolola go a, £2 ka toatai longoo lo lengoe Bannnha ha setlhogo yalo ba gela botlhe bale mskgoeleoana— je 0 sa tlang ka jone. kgocleoana a ap.-re koloro a e* tla mo Tateing jeno a' fitlhela ohoanecoe ke tlhalo lefa go tla toe kc ruta betai. Kana fa motho a go aketea ba sele. bstho ba jone ba bancho ba tla tloga a shotla ka ngoana oa *P«iooe ke tiro tea bono tee di ElakdsFONTEIN . -^Solomon motho eo mongoe o na a mo| Okgouoa ke moroetsana eo e Paretcheaky o tamusicoe £2, kile eare a tla mo setapeng fela la* leflfiiio* bohotUae. Wll» ntahetsang koo tlung ca ga mma- kgono “ ten ileis," n gologile pi tse roc t Oo no go le botoka fa u nej fa se gaketscng tong a fitlUeloa ks bone go-ka'toong ba laW ge- 0 tlhotea. a mu lesitoc a coa lefotoa. go mokanecoe koloane mongoj oeko tgal»no'.oa ModijMim.e oa le “went makere a ooa Johan­ nesburg—ntekane ke phokoee ilatlheWa k ^ ^ p P l e k o a kile ea mmelegisa mafatlhana a v. '-‘•koa go M ^8CT^uruanyo basimanyana, ea mo tlogela fa L garo ga lotho le botehclo. Yanong ba na le botlhale, e he ea nna 1 ba tsile go kopanola m»nageng 0 sele a chocoe ke rakgadisgoe go fela |ca thato ea Modimo. ca go mo thustx ka dipotsuyano Se se batlegang gompieno, jaka tea gagoe. Erile a sa kokoanecoo Hakgooa/* kopanye jaana, ke ke makgarebe fela Susana a coa | a ca go tsaea mafaUha a pudi a gore bonohoVbo kopane jalo. fitlha are v tsaea matlhatsa a ga- Lefa Baneho ba South Afrika ere gu, a ba tlogela go gakgameoo* bareba kopana ba 'ntse ba nna mongoe a nyaela kong mongool ay«3akoa. SalangpflabaMri. mamutlhoana-mutlhoana, kampo ke gone.fa dl ntee di rarogile ga

    •CTCfeu GA DI COAKB.“ G , « l . kfck. ( . le buegang ka./rtetlha-metlha mo gare ga IjUkoB'a bjagoo bare: ." K o a TSALA KA B l o o m (Tke M of the BMtrasai), t< IB H B H ir. M 4 T 0 (* " « & « > H . H U .


    JoiUXSBNM -«bor» ChodleSgb dodo fa* aga eekgotla-mara o* nUe la £100.000.

    Si 0 Vat* pet dipi jtli t] 61-60 Dotoitspan Roiil i tlogt a fcoloa. Namtne e toneamotse (GAUFI LE KEREKE EA ROMA) KIMBERLEY. 1 dUio o aglna k> £37,000

    tllo Wekeng eno re ololotse tboto e ntsintsi ea IIIIIE E TOM EA FANTISI. PoaE Kara -Karo ot poae a • cot Of Ga eu go ko go bonoe se sholo se se"kana ka sc. Vryheld eea Ptnlpletenbnrg a tlbana- . Tboto di itseeloa fell. Tiang lo itlhophele kap*-)apela tnogile ka batho oo twlong, Bonoui Lefa re kadi umaka ga re kake ra ba ra di shoetoa. binroba ntlo* botlhoko thttt eo mo- Be tla umaka di se dintsi.

    Bohempe ba basadi ba Flanelete 9d 1/- 1/6 jalo Mine Compound , Marukhoe a basadi a Flanelete 9d. i • 1/6 jalo Surface Compound 1[J Nicai Hempe ba basadi ba bosigo 1/6 1 '9 2/6 jalo Floor Compound < |C. H Iff Mine Compound ' Hempe eo bobooa oa kafa teng 6d le 9d jalo jalo P. WALDkK. DDfO IISPAN Surface Compound lM,W Baba roabogo ma telele 9d. Floor Compound ENE ere Sose ea Jeremane e e boncho 4|d. Compound lo reAalo WORKSHOPS: 1 s. Tn®;] Merino eo ditsela, gale 9d. gompieno 6d. REKA fela mo Wenfcelengeo CBNTBAL POWER Compound Flanelete tsa g o ira diblausi 3d, jarata 0 leina mo Tsaibng lo bo lo STATION : |B.Q auj Sampole tsa marukhoe le mshempe a banna kaakoa bolelele more&isi fa lo bone teng,agale arekoang fela ka2 • gompieno 1/3 ina ja gagoe mo Koranteng ea TLANG LO Z>I BONE KA LOS I. Becoana. j w Thoto e Nisi, e Nil# ea Dikomerese, Dkule le Uelhilc ootlhe ea Dilo TSA'MARIGA. - 0— DIK03ERESE 1/6. 2/., 4/., 4/6, 5/6, 6/6. 9/-. 10/6, 14/. 17/- Botha le Bown.-Kt weke Iluj lolliK TLAHG IAB9SAI0 FANTISI E SE E FELE. fetilenft General Booih, monna-m'ftolo oa DICALE 5/-, 6/-, 7/6. 10'-. 12/-, 15/- D1KHAI 61., 0d le 1/- JARATA. ms Selwiiheae o di a akanya leGeorril Oibetlele, l)lpitsa, Ditlhako, DUIinse, nat'olo. Oik;ale, Dila collii^ eotlhe koi G oort'] Botha ka caaaUu^la ago romela Matgooa a Eagalaoa komo Sooth Afrika, Ie taela n go ratt Btuobo b t faiahr jodo. THOS. LEASK & Co., Klerksdorp. Maoodd.—Koloiea Btnka't Beljiom T R A N BV A f 0 llhuocoe ke magodo miloba a Ua ehv CHI! fi CO., late koa Bruiaole. molio o mogolo oa WENKELE je le etelelsong a mangop pelp,ka Ditiro. Bolgiam. Eae a oleteo £60,000, mmo 3V C ^2^a-OLO BROTHERS,] kafa ona e batliloo eaba ea opeleloa ka DIJO, DINO, D I\P.iKO TIIOIO TSA MAT*.11 gooe, mtgoda a tahaba ka £800 fait- ENCINEERS, B L O E M FO N T E IN WTSHIPI tn Balrmi. G.gona WmV.I. ■ p. o THOTO . ktot ka Motse oa Rona o mo 6 le 8 Zastron Street Bast earotamoro THABANCHC Lotsaw lo LO THATA. .it Fraooiaco, moroetnaa Ga re nhbe D.trmpr, mm. lie Uana por- TLHOATI.HOA BA RONA E5 in t a “ DASDT” W ISD IILLS (Di&'» m Photo) Di Brasj Cjliider Io POMPO tjs gn HrngoU, MBS SIAVE KA METLHA Fihpioo, o a* coa go put meli Hjoco Ut Iona Be d . roka ka KonUnf. It. rrka ka tlhmllioa n « eodilenif amogccoe mo bo Advokateng joi Filipino ea ga Raw son, 'c Diloana cotlhe taa Balemi, DIMASHINI tae di pbothing, tse di jalang le tse di robang. MMIDI. KOBONG. HABELE. UOKOKO, KAKa, Kl'ltt*. j>io, iilo. Eiile le Amcrika. O t>le aiaga di 2} (ela thale ea Dlpompo tsa Banosetsi le toiololo tsa cone. Dilimela tsa ga Newbury, ja'o, jalo; MEGOMii Hot ttkm Rea reiiaa, lt* ...... r* k. D h«isl.,r.e, Dik^mo, IJinitee le Dieeele ogolaa le one ke morakiai oa ditlbtre G«,«w»l.poto»D IKO U)I, DIKUOHEKARA io Dlkoloanata. MEQOMA1I MECOMA HI , ditumileng tsa bo Glennies. Itbcle. Erile a tlbatlfaela dikgomo Ir moeidi ngoe ca kgogogola motlhinka, fa a etbeQ;a ka marago a Ubobolo, a UNIVERS1T T EXAMINATIONS gtrasboiu}’! eihnba—kt eoo THABA itlbeooe mtrumo a tehako—a tbot mogitae a mo labile. HICH SCHOOL FOR NATIVES.

    I’EBSlx-Morife ot mono jaka ma N crdar to afford f lallibM for the proatoitioa of bighnr etodi.a :nd f t Tnrke le Uapotokiil a iholotao kgoai ea Van der it & I qnalifjintf tha N.tir a for the aximto.boaa prorcribcd by th. C| ae lat kDK D tla te fitliiala. „ .b o ... U . k . a M m m n w ! u d W Greek-Pi Steps, etc. B PARO. O reka le UABBLB le dilo tse < Pond 1886. Kico fola o tla Uhtga (a n | Uoota. di ka rekisioang ke Becoana. ooagoieoa llbaka dipe ta Bebarn ele Alsecr.-TkroORh Qna^.Uo &1aaUoBI. Anihmetio-8toeks. etc. „ _ ,, | OeomWry—Onjnrwty Syllibaa. Kafir—Grimmar. eta , Re rekisa Thoto tsa Banna fela ga goni t«^ Baeadi le Bana, Sooyeaamno fela gotlbe. Hiitory-Uniierrity Syllabna. Staato—Grammar, eta Ebile re simolotse tire e noha o entse e sa itsif| Be ntloe bol'hoko gore polelo di; JUNIOR SCHOOL . HICHER. S E N E IR I o mo Lewenkelens. o ka -o v<«gcla fela jaka Thaba ’Ncho. Pa motho a reka* pa mo inse* d coang ntlha ea Botlhabataalai di bd-la phyrfc.-Elem tiMry PricUcJ Pbyaioa. ■ Arllhi^tie-Menaaraticn Cobe Boota, boloatae joa ga Mr. Meats Mtaiai la I HUlory—Enropetn and Booth African,ticaa, 'ta bukanyanaudi manege mo; go eone; Bw u sena gi U rati. Hang lo itlhophele ka losi m> ea Algebra—l Director eo mongoe oa TiaLa Hr. Jero- Gnmetry- tmentary Pr.ctidl G»o-.| Veroieolw ^itaebe dingoe tat Bnia u di gagole- u dLh*9 miah Makgolbi. Boobed I bi ntae ba STANDABD3 V AND VL fela ka nama e « botlhoko, «ne i re gonnoe dithoto ts« di lebanyeng tlhoaUhoaeiconfe. Thoae alaodarda *111 ht*e Is additioa to nlber tobj*c!t 1st Btep< Utio, tat Btepa WALTER ADAMS. boloetse bo be robatla. Go itnmedlu ka Fa lo rei-i.batlang ditempa - f^la k>y toropo ro ntloa fa jaaoong bale botoka, rareo di jfcjtflo. ono botoka jo'bo iaang tahidilegong. U M. MAXSKE. B A , i5 SL.De Beers Road, Lota High School, lolekoa koi motaing | tot», Idntywa, Tr»- tb l KIMBERLEY. gaEiog George oa Osborne gatoe o 1 ni!e m«di Bragoe a seklai bogosi j nyaga dilo tharo mafoko a ntaea bneloa ' dikoboug. Ka kgoedi e abnleog ie ea Ha fa pela ga Dijoche, maai- j D. & D. H. Fraser Ltd. SM B E W S SADDLERY. i a itatola a bt a tintanyega, ga toto- bala fa a wna . molato. K« tthenyo Wlijaoha IBgffo.;TnL*xj.S ?** ^ Mosegioa Diaparo. ' BA-rckisa tlhako tsa Mekgabo le tsa badiri ka tlhoatlhoa >w. tse di koa dase ga Mawenkele otlhe a 8outh Afrika 41 Old li i i Street gonne bta^iitnda. Qaufl le Oflsi ea Dipase, y»api ba Bucoana le Transefala lo ba Frei Setata botlhe ba ka w iomel& diotdete le madi ro tla ba tlhophela dilo H he-J^lII.;: . ;• ' , le ba ba agiieng. mono, bone rare ba ITE SHON'B SELAGA eo sobiak(in)-!iDg Dinama kai ka bosi:\popego ea dilo le tlhoatlhoa B Dikgomo,Is.^o. ts»; di /fcifi&tog-; tfELAGA^ A-tkipapatn^oga 's Saddlery JOKE'S STREET, - ' KLEY. TBE H. A-SCOTT I GO., M;Jo n es Street. (M o M okgoatheog oa N a III.) BIG THERO. ICLOTHERS & BOOT MERCHANTS...i sa Nama tse ■ «.. m ™ . BE B aTA 6l> TLAMEU BAHEKI 510 SALEXJ.

    Ks HEMPE TSA BANNA Ue di chocu tsa FLANALETTB, M. C, Schrueder OBYLON le Ue DI BOBOOA 2/6, 3/C le 5 /- ft .5 iisa fc l£i'-^ssaraa DI JEM TSA BANNA tse DI B O TU ll'llO le Baki tu cone MOSECI Ue di cJioeu,'Ue di kgooba le Ue di thamaga lihoatlhoa eo s taoitlt Mabedi, _ dikoa tlasa 8/8, 8/9, 6 /-, 7 /6 le 10/. F. U.king t» PLoBENCB BOAD ie ■C I t a * k t taitrt j o u, o; DIAPARO TSA BANNA LE BASADI, DIKGETSE DIHUTSRE T 8A BANNA tse di diriloong kn maatla metlo, A u batla Soraolo, Semapa, MAMfcTLELELO meroalo o mesha 3/9, 6 /-, 7 /6 lo 10/* ’ M»rase, Bcitaraaia MAKESE A DITSHIPI LE DITLHAKO p n. . {Ki THEfi8- K « huurang) DITLHAKO Isa BANNA tse di nobo le tso di Mebala, H c fa d r ! Teeo cotlbe dl ka on. tat bonoa ka t'boatlboa t mosego e o gaisang ea mawenkele a Kimberley •ffileog ksakala I* b >r • >)» rrkoloa eentte fa ba roi |o tla go si'gela fela kafa ■ r/jWlabrtUooao tihtltla tssrw mn P.... i ^fir^ „ I*0* 00sw »ata«iaf ar it 10/6, 12/6, 15/- le 30/. kelocong ra ga*o. KOMEKE3E le DIKOBO tso di tona Ue di BOT til l | Tbaka a e cnane mo Dikompo- 4/. 6/9. 8/-. 10/6, 13/8 le 25/- klVlBERLEV j ning e itamadialoa Uiata ke oao. IMJKSBURG 4 ^ ‘i z J z f z K. A. OLIVER C Co.'J bPiflllSTOfl I Hi r .o t t U o a u T ! t ^ , Chli4il0* k* 11 •*u | Seloro ea ronaeefela fa Tremee e coang Toitpan e mang leng. Kitsisho e Molemo. . . u - *.,,r ^

    PvLon8F.f SO A at lilABA'XCIIO H. A. SCOTT & CO. >xibo U kt M a ^•s^rwasSiSSsfES 8ELEOA m^aT"TiuhT'Scktt 4-6 OTTOITSPAX K0il>. 0 K. S. ka MARCH 26. 1911. A D Batla go Boloka Madi? lollbe ka Ubuatiho* ta Kgotuo ooukt di taaoooa m KIMBERLEY. ilikokoptoaai tt* di t hacuc«nf ttt b. tt* I DINAH A TSE IU NOSKKM. TSA B O N A F A itahakialoa K Kfoat di ta ka taa taoot DIIlAMdLK ISK l>I TI.HUPBI- B« h m q u ti Kapt di M 4 tlbttk M03E8K le baki mmneo tsi 7.KFAIIA !«* MA8LINE »o Ngaka a. dikfomo aa Q ;rom^u U *K« KA KEl.ATLIWKO. 6 9, 7 6 !c 10 fi doat'ioottf, tt bt at di atakt- It notar kt lo bukuiTetat (aa Uiktnim l0k0»l0 la la di Ittltar po Ithilt BI.OUSE tse di lotsataa 1 6, 2 • !>• 2 t> Kgo w attt dia(o> taa di ka ta.. •ta** » ow LOKASISi; I. IIA TIt 1911] CALK tse ill mt-hula le dikobo 5 - jfn ra 21 DIKOM.MKBB8B 2 0 eu ea ifo 10 (i. THERO. to g koa ga BLACKLAWS DITUKU Ue di sinning Od, 9.1 1 go p ii KAIJ8HU i « bar.na 6J., Od. ie 1 ■ (i.tra, THABA 'NCHO. 0. F. MARUKOOE a banna 3/6, 1/C & 6, n o f.pb.plaog ihtU M bo 8t Michael in Hi li °* MoPh' ,° Ho Do M s p Roa « 8..«b Airio, BOHEMPE ba bannf. S/6 le 3. 6 Setoro sa Hia sa DitlMo Ma m o Ma NKATENO a senna, p>i|ire ti - BO HOLDFAST, tse di tliata-thata (sa Baepi, para Transvaal. tg w le ngoe e opeieleooe 15/6 W. N. COOPER, M i MglfiABOea BASADI IJ iteba-labela para e uj W . M. CUTHBERT &C0nMor8l!isiKtliM 01.. IV'allDilltlire- ... mi -. . . __ » e batlane fela fa g a w g a 6& le SOs. till »» >1 [Le koa MAFIKENQ la ZEERUSTkoa MADIKOE] MOTSEI OA BASHOI (LIM ITE D .) ______le’METLI OA MATLOLE A BA8 HOI. The Great Sonth African Boot Merchants, ---setae • I bona e e etaang mttioaio ea Ba ka go naea TIhako tae di siameng ka Tlhoatlhoa tee dl A itsisi Becoana botlhe bo. I i / , -V . • - i okocolocoeng. j PEC|I°2 /9 bo?lSloSAM (M o ,o m o 6 6 Di* ° U M » ) 1 /«

    rtnjm Dikgomo! le Street, jaanong ale mo Ban- jboUolo^ M,X^ URE (Molemo oa Mmele) 2 /-k a I mann 8quire. Tlbako tsa Babereki go simolola ka . , , . 7/6 l i U n 1 ) D i h u t s h a n e 11 BLOOD MIXTURE (M 'lem o oa go tlhacoa Madi) Lefa a ka ipiakanyetn H a k o tsa Banna tsa Mekgabo go simolola ka 10/li WEST END. | ------letlole, ono* ------o Ua nUha kara I n S i S S 6ni? ln *,a thata oa fi* COOPER. Botlolo o simolola ka c, a ee gore 107- kgono dipifce koantle gakara. j , WraM . ea: T J O N A Bafantiii re DtloalM TIhako tsa Maledi le dishnse gonim olola k i 5/6 Mo lekeka boloetse bongoe ie bongoe job o aoc Fa motho a betlile Kese mo I nyango kagu tlhafcanyetsa mettiuano e § a f— «o eno (teiki e Woa lobitleng Tlluko tax llaslmane le Baaetsana ba Sekole le Talilpl ta Tlhoatlhoa tse dl okocolocoeng. Ig*.!™ ^ .8° »» ’ a ^SPSSSSSSISP*^ raws; srsrss. TU>W *> IMaltMe ta Z m Se II. to ihmtdm MELEMO EA GAG DE E THUSA THAI

    37. DUTOITSPAN HOAD Kimberley. TSALA IABECOASA (The Friend o f ibe i), KIMBERLEY, PHATOE. (AI GD8T) 26- im i.

    In other words, the British have not exterminated the natives in Kafir Bird-Names. ’’ERENA TSA SOUTH AFRIKA. The Wise those portion! of the Old World which havo come under their 8e UW cn;i;i I Boy their PIAN08, ORGANS The standard dictionary of tho C0BNHT8, VIOLINS, government What is the plain meaning of all this f It simply is Kafir language is that of Dr. UoMti ‘so O pnpou Ot lSMW,- AOTOHABPS aod other that in Canada and Australia we Kropf,’ published in 1899. The b« n bo SENEIRI, I . first edition ia nearly exhausted, Diphetolo tsa M o . need have no fear in the future, B»tlb»plng le Bioo«m Iwikt speaking imperially, because there and a second edition, which we have exterminated or crushed publishers desire to mako as c the native. It is a terribly sad Plfite-as possible, is in course of thought, but historically undeni­ 'preparation.. Go .imoloU ka 1J ANTAQA, P H .A T O 7,1911. p t"*?" Hadje Nassiep A m able. It suggests that in our Old The natural history section Ua Din&ko tse di latolang di tla dirisioa mo Ditereneng tsa. 28, ROSS STREET, the now edition has been t_ World dependencies,- Indian and kgaolo ea Orange Free 8talc African alike, the time will come trusted to the Rev. Robert God­ MALAY KAMPA. when we shall be unable to retain frey of Pirie Mission, King Wil­ KALA EA COLESBERG—COLESBERG JUNCTION. our hold upon them. liam’s Town, and he'appe&ls to the teachers in our native schools Terena jaanong e ooang mo Coltsberg Junction ka malatsi the future. Now, history has HOW WE STAND IN SOUTH AFRICA Madi a a siameng. for help in regard to Kafir Bird- otlhe ka 235 am , e tla ne e coa k i 2'10 p’m, e fitlha koa striking lesson in racial conquests This it is, then, which probably Names. A list of bird names more than any other factor will which ho wishes to have properly Colcsberg Town ka 2 20 rro. Pholo e e siameng. and their results, and the lesson bring Britisher and Boer together identified is subjoined, and assis­ ! is not a reassuring one. It is in South Africa. The native loves tance from any quarter will be KALA EA FAURESMITH-SPRINGFONTEIN i okeconyana ea Madi a mait studied in detail in Dr. Archdall the Boer even less than he loves gratefully recieved Some of the Terena e jaanong e coang mo Pauresmith fe 1*10 a*m, kn bidu & a tleteeng. the Britisher, but both alike will names may be applied in different Reid's recent work ("Principles of Loabobedi fela e tia ne e bolola ka 1*0, e sie naio tsa gale have to protect themselves against areas to different species, but this E fodisa Bogolo joa Maloet*. Heredity"), to which onr read him somo day. It is just possible can only be proved by widespread ka meniti dile 10 e ee go tsena koa Springfontein ka &/2T should turn for a full discuss that this common danger, which, inquiry. It is hoped therefore, Batho ba ba senang madi ’ U itteatton to btekwird nodmU BrilUut icwlii, JtodM- of tbe problem. it comes, will be a very that all teachers who can give KALA EA HELBRON-WOLVEHOEK. ke ba ba lapileng, ba hafc&J-i i Feet E11U7 Forme {ree oo «pplKa- terrible one, will unite the white any help in this matter wilJ do so. ^olang, ba ba fed leng thata WHAT D0E8 HISTOUY TKAl'l South Africa more closely Tho best way of ensuring the Terena e jaanon" e coang m o Wolveboek ka 6'60. p’i >>a ba senang boitumelo bope To state that lesson 1:1 a I than anything else could do. correct identification------;------of a------bird mo malatsing a welte e tla ne e bolola ka 6''0. p’m., e teene Against the native danger Bri­ mo botshelong. Dijo ga dj words, it is that the conquest < nnmn” T * lU K“*fiw ka diteishene cotlhe menite dile. 10 morago ga nako, e ee | ton and Boer must stand together ba kgothatse, ba bolaoa fe ’■ native race, in order to he pen namo.attached. But as postal;, it -iu i_ n.o- _ _ but the further consideration of •rragmnent, a™ l»l>a koa Heilbroa ka 7 So. p-n. mala a a thata, ba uba uba. nent, must lie accompanied sooner tbat possibility is of too political : SoTtCE—Ouragenls ihroagh- slow in this country, birds may W . W - HOY- dipelo, ba oooa ie ditlhogo, h* • or later by the extermination of a nature for treatment here. All, not reach their destination ii Acting General Manager. out tbe country caunot do that I have attempted is to show Johumssbsrj, 26 Jtlj 1911. bolaoa ie mokotla, motlluV the native, or the inter-marriage recognizable condition unless \ better than remit #11 ont- what history tells and science they are partially or wholly pre­ mongoe ba choaroa kn mo- gt&ndings and enlist more of the conquered with the shows to be tho trend ofgyents served. A hole should be made t/itoana, ' ba’ tshelela mo subscribers and advertisers to queror. The Spanish conquest of where Europeans oonquer other in the abdomen, and the intestines locoalong loa ka metlha Fa races and dwell in the conquered should be taken out; the cavity ■ meet tbe expenses of the the West Indies was followed go tlhoka madi mo go diege. landf. Where they exterminated may then be plugged with cotton rift disappearance of the enlorged paper. they have permanently flourished; wool dipped in carbolic, formalin ioa kn bate se setelele go fola natives, whose place was filled Ii where conquest has not been ac­ or a solution of common salL The T. Aitchison. i & & a i b b ga motho go tla oa. ifitchoe. t|ie importation of negroes from companied by extermination it bird should be posted as soon as ■tyego a otlhe a fe fodiaioa 'ias been temporary only.- possible after it has been killed. fela it) feietsego ea madi TSALA EA Africa. The original natives •Everybody's Weekly." «SC CO , (Tbl Prlni ol tki B*c»mu.) Mr. Godfrey will be pleased to ent under. help any teacher who is interested Madi a maxima, a mahibidn;1 fRA-DIIPONI) ■■•tie itefenelo e e nnetseng Published every Saturday morn­ After the discovery of America, ornithology, by identifying specimens sent to him or by an­ •.mi, botshelo le boitnmelo ing t i Kimberley.! the then leading maritime nations Black Peril and Bad Whites. Barekisi le Baananyi, swering inquiries about birds. All THABA ’NCHO. ENGLISH & SEGHOANA. mo botshelong. j l bfcta of Spain and Portugal chose wbat communications on tho subject jalo, jalo. > BBio«irno!i m. 16- p-»- To The Editor of“Tsala" ■';i di a a oietse^ileng phefe 8 they thought to be the richest should be addressed direct to Mr. SIR--Witli roforenco to a coi kt KgoloAoane tse di Khibi. portions in the tropical parts, Godfrey at the address given Thaba ’Ncho, O.F.S. Moagi, Mothudi oa Dikolol Advertisements: •spondont's letter recently writ­ couna tsa ga Dr. Williams, They intermarried largely with ten to tho "Capo Times" on the “lASt Of Kjfll IlilJ W rco.r.ns le Tlhako tsa Oipitse. Ga go tlhare sepe gape se above subject, and which also natives, and to-day this mixed Diaparo tse dincha, ■A-etsang madi a motho kt, p inhabits tho civilised portion appeared in your papor, I have SUnd'o* Advertisements: ki. tip lionafenafe jalo le gone la of tropical America. Pure abori­ the honour to request that you will i>. Agncqwc mesha A ikana gore ga go ope o &- per tnch per month Siiwle CoL gines are found only in hands be good enough to kindly allow iM-Ariayi. homamo, Ke shone se . „ Double Col.. ka opelelang Koloi jakh beyond civilisation. After Quebec, me a space in your valuable paper IS?-" Dijo tsa tshimo nateausante a banna le himsdi I ■ -UVutalXTlJIll ENE. Th. ooly aathoriied medium for retell, French immigration largely ceas­ the “ Friend of the Becliuana'' mn-Hese. bagolo lo banana baa bo ba say few words in regard to the me Nitiw consumers in Uie O.U.I/ ed, and Ihe whole of North Ame­ im- ttombii i-N'qiU. le tea Sekgooa tee di ntse ba baa sengoe sa molemo Tmarul, Griqo»l»od Wwt iod Hedio- rica became Anglo-Saxon. Here following •Cin. cities were built, the aborigines “ Until the advent of the whiteman i-ffivcnb. Barolong Mothudi oa paoJa fega se tlhare se. -Iljcdye. tlhophiloeng tse dincha. moved away, there was little inter­ 'the crime of rape was practically u-'itonjcnjc. Dr. Williams Pin* Pilia di n-Uiyanc. u N'cV, rb ke eo! marriage. The original native j “unknown amongst the aborigi­ Ii baesekelc leditshi- oanetse go dirisioa mo disappeared. n a l Natives.’’ I do not agree tnaloelseng otlhe a ad.nnog. THBIBDITOB, In Australia, again, the climate wito such a false statement -Gaixpj iXyobi. coana-tshiooana tsa conc. irni-Gintu iio-Pc. ite madi a a itsheiologileng Box-143. suiting tho colonist as in North ^People must not go out from the -Gitlhi Kimberloy. America, he increased rapidly and real facts and truthfulness of a finiKopcincu Go rekoa Ie Re batliseng. ■\ a masesanyano a cfcte intermarried not at all. The black situation, inspite of its critical t-Oituluk. metse, ja ia ^ o nmpa, go. . red farther and farther and gravity, for the sake ft-Gwrva yixngantn. Habooa mo phapanyaga marap^maohoe- Jrienb of % gecfimita. inland, dwindling iu numbei uf liyperbolos. We do not want wherever he remained in contai any exaggeration of the situation ka tlhoatlhoa tse di i nvego ga mala, masalela a all. jegsarasesa AorosiAi, motlhagare fe tlhogo, ith white civili-ation. To-iia R00™, Maokuroioo gonn. k, I uni afraid the above statement raens thata ke i no longer counts as a political s s s a .’s * «•<*' jalo, jalo., r, AUGOLT It, 1911. eWr. The native disappeared, incorrect; and, therefore, it is Ui ro mmitlis*. nytling t Kgoloioane tse di Khibi- lere is no native question i-leading altogether. This is a s« “M*ko Sioxo, -vm. j» gijoo jl Ise charge against the Europoan 'Vikgoo* kn A S NA, coana tsa ga Dr, Williams, Australia. The same is true kotlrlani Moral*. Tiim immunity at large. “ Ra-Diiponi: uji ko. Kimb.il, . tot* elo no* ka di rctisioa ke bareiisi botlhe, Tbe White Mao and the Blact. 11 M, Krugwdorii. But look for (a) Does this correspondent mean lefa u fe di luetsa ka ueu DANIEL ItOUELK, to say that when Bartholo­ i*l Xanhc*tu. kt-ago Dr. Williams’ Mede- mew Diaz and Vasco de Xodabidclilt THABA ’NCHO. DcaJit. cine Co., Long Street, Cape EXPANSION OKTH K EM PI KB Gama arrivod in South Africa N'odyoU. Xojoqo. 425 & 414 years ago respec­ Town, botlolo ele ngoe fela ke 3/8 fa dile thataro ke 17/• POSITION OF THE NATIVE factor hardly ks- potent tlia tively, the crime of rape was Re Batliseng. ■ of c I tide.- practically unknown among u sa duele pose. RACES. disease has been a terribly power­ tho aboriginal natives ? U rd ii Khai. RBUboga ifoditao ful agent in tbe evolution of man­ (h) If in the affirmative: Immo­ re neile Ho­ The first universal Congress of rality was then brought a- Domestic Serrice aod its gatiiioiTuu rs ntioriiag kind, though a curiously neglec- kt eoae mi/oko Peuu.—Uorsfo oi mono jtki aa Races is now proceeding in Lon- luological study. It mong the Natives by these **afi *• k giksl* U Coisepm Torki lo Hipotoii*! a tboloteo kgoii tt f~ don, under tho auspices of thi played its part in the Old World earliest navigators, crew and for centuries, weeding out the their subsequent European ooe ngogoli. Umo oo* juaa • din London University. It is niucb followers up to tho present Jeoang, tsa Heshoroto ottlholo t e n iroug ke e mongoe o •eakest and leaving the fittest to Missionaries are often advised - to be desired that the problem of s, until in course of time moment 1 mibedi—o koidlli mo dikoroatesg gori especially those working in the eotlhe. f» mongoe * ka loro mmele oi kged h tho faturo of tho native race; j (c) Dees he not remember that Native Training Institutions—to the crimos of rape, seduction, Fertia o o tboloeooeg, e ibali tgotn e ‘ train Native girls for domestic ' IP* “ °H 0# Was jM , under British rule will lm dis­ adultery ute., were taking service. One reason for their re­ Eekang fela moga gagoe. o d. bo . otloi, o tli ebaiiioa In £18,JOO. cussed in a dear. full, ami scien­ place and actually punished luctance to do this was brought | Oalona, tific manner. The |irobleni*i by death according to the old out in a striking manner at the native (customs) laws long Bo« a Telegram; KHAN. recent Synod at Umtata, of the ANDRIES NUKU. , immense iiniwrtancr uiid I ago before tho advent of Diocese of St John's, Kaffraria. D i n e h o , general interest. U is this: Europeans ? WINDSORTON. WHOLE TRIBES V» I PEP (I According to the report in the Can we reasonably expect i Immorality. I think, Is a natu­ Re batliseng, Then the white i ■nqiiem "East I-ondon Daily Dispatch' such native race* will remain ral crune: and was (committed) long discussion took place as the New World look with them among the Natives long-long ago KITSISHO- T EEDM0.-KE iUui botMU jollbo the best way of preserving the JU k*g» lotho loig* MabTis mono ever content (even supposing that Uie diseases which no longer deci­ before Bartholomew Diaz etc., B E ,“ W » |i ‘ a l«ta w . purity of the Native Christian Pilo m Itlo et Dijo Ie Vuobilo Mono 1,000 go ataogels Tiau *, os Dloomfontola, eo o Uowtiens botllulo they are so now) to be ruled and mated them, but from which the) ever dreamt of seeing South jono ka tntsi j« bo 20 ja duly 1111. E still suffered, with the inevitable girlB. Father Ley, in an admir­ BS im - 2 governed by a minority of wbite Africa. able speech, drove home the point BLOMTEB. .iletes mo makannj le b*ro*ts»aa b. result that tho ancient conditit 1 am etc., Amogela T a iii. Ngoaga 16/. men ? At time goes on. and na* of the Old World were once mi that in the sight of God all sins TyTOAM eotlbe di itMioo goro___ PETRUS M. J. SIDZUMO. are alike, whether or not they dile thataro 7/8 dile th.ro 4/- .’ b K tives become more and more edu­ reproduced in the New. Measles U « los. meshach n. baiiai- havo consequences that are public, LANE otU bols NTLO a DUO le MA- * Tsau koalsUag |0 miall-pox played ha romila madi koa go * cated, civilised, and Christian, wil and tbat no merely external safe­ BOBtLO mooo motseos oa H ECO ANA with the aliorigincs. Whole tribes WAAIHOEK. LotaiNa 231 k> * ■ ’ Tree Planting Bj Halites guard can prevent moral evil. w. Z. KNFANO, the wbite population in those landi West Indies were wiped out. Bo* 18, Thaba ’Neho .Of JJ fTLHABAMYANE.—Ka Aon«t h In the sixteenth century San Do­ But probably the most striking 1 1911 goihulo Jfolmcas**dio»gi ba prepared to receive the black "Tbo Christian Express" forj mingo was depopulated. Oatlin feature of this debate, nay, of the Ur. Piet Maleme Tlbabanyaoi koa man upon an equality luno announces a prize letter PolMiog ea atme * e Miotag Mo- said of the United Slates in 1841 Conference itself was the speech compntion on this subject and at .•phore of life ? And if he be uot that thirty millions of while men of the Rev. Jacob Manelle, of the Editor's request we are glad are now scuffling for tho goods Cala. Very quietly he spoke, but 'so recieved, what -.nil he do, sup­ to give the schome publicity, so SfKBttSSS!. and luxuries of life ovor Ihe bones his words stung as he spoke of that nativo teachers may have an posing, as is thp.ense, lhat ho is clvo millions of red carelessness of European

    .bbHual| F f i i . IttttTM gtioi*. l*t»r than 10th September, 1911. friendly, toterest T8ALA EA BEfOAlTA (The Frtead of the Becbiuuu', KIXBl'MLET, PH l’ O (AUGUST) 2ft,1011.

    pampiri di sele ka gone fa tee di gon e jaa n on g d i n tse d in g a a d ire t o p t Tbsbi m Bancho ga ba di bale. G a dn - malanoa ka tlhagisho ea ga Mr. BENG-GAE LE'M ESEP ELE Semfl gore m afoko oo a beloo LE D ITIR A GA LO . K onw enshene ea 1911 A b a b a d i ba k e b a utctlegape (K e “DiEm are) go ba tseela sebaka sa goleka Bloemfontein, Mafoko a mangoe a a amiloeng go tlbaloganyetsa fa ke a d i Barrister tsa Transefala b a g o r e k e r e se »e batlegang ke g o n tsed fre ng ga di na kabalanole batho ba damele mo Modimon* m o t h o eo moncho. Mr. Seme a ■ K a maabanyane a August 1 6 bolela fa seo ele maithamako fela Dikgaolonysna. ■ poo gole phnthegonyana ca f a go sena epe o ka itsang motho m a ng fa o sena M odim o . Babadi ■igUance e t s i l e g o amogela g O i s a kgetse. koa agenteng lefa ba Beibele ba itse f a erile Ba-' fcpnrto ea barongoa ba ba ne ba mmala oa gagoe ole mo e a n g . Israels ese m orafe oa sepe o a ■ e phathegong ea E x e c u t i v e ea Lehuha ya bone ga nko le itsa fenya m erafe-rafe c mental • ■onwenshone koa Johannesburg. Banoho go ithata le gone fa ba na m egolo. I* kafa le bone gaaM ■ V j’ M ocher, President oa lo kico ea bogente ga go opo oka ■ F5 . N ative Congress, a naea b a n e ba tie b a Ip hitih ele ba sena ba itsang go ea kgotla ka kgotse. lefa ele go ka kgoathatm he babe: ■olelo ea m osepcle oa bono le Ga baloa Ie dikoalo tse di coang ba bone; m m e ere fela ka go its!' ■ ee re tary go ea ko a pictfng. koa magosing a Socoana ka ntlha fa gole m ongoe eo ba u o dome* | Are m o picong eo m a Frei cotlho le longue lo lo coang koa ■etata ene ele M r. J. M o ch e r le taeng. e no eo eleng M o ng oa -di- go Kgosi Lewaniku oa Marotsi. th ata -co llh e , M o la o di oa leg o dim o ■ M . M apikela (Bloem fontein), Oa ba ga dumalanoa gore go le lefatsh e, E ne eo o ba tihodi- ■achariah M akgothi (M akele- lekoe ka ntlha cotlhe t.«a South le U a )le T. J. M o lo i (M arrism itb) leng (bala Pw alem e: U4 ) ba Afrika Bancho ba amogele tlha- ika n ye fela gore ba tla fenya. K ile gole teng, M essrs. P. L gisboeaga Lady Gladstone, ba L e ga p e b ab a di ba B e ibele ba itse ■em e, B.A., Atto rne y oa Jo h an ­ thae dikopano tsa go fola gore ba se se d ira ga le ta e ng B a -Iira e le ka nesburg, W illiam Letseleba> tl^ba nne le go loa le boloetse yoa , d ina ko cotlho tae ba ne ba tle ta Bherm ane oa Transvaal N ativo tuba-ka-losisi. yo bo yang Bancho latlhe M odim o ka cone fa ba K io n ; M r. 8Aopioa M olem a makgoafo. Koa Kimberley Phu- ipatlela go direta m edim o ea m a fike ng ); Souls le M pam a ba thego ea Pholo ka tsela tse di diseto. G o tloga foo ba itse se ■btchefstroom ; 3- 8 - N o a h , kaioang ko Lady Gladstono e se- ■ e neng ca n na bok h ntlo joa bone, ■ rug ersd o rp ; lo L T . M vam baxa, tse e bile e thaegile. Raporto e gore ebe e nono gom pieno ba ■jon ilag an yi oa “ M o lo m o ; ” koa telele lo mafoko a mangoe a ma- tletse -tleta e fe la jak a n kn tse di ■ancoliflil. lo manjentlelcmanc ntai a a dumalanyoeng ko Johan­ I mangoo a Johannesburg le scnang m odisa. Le gone ba itse nesburg a amogeloa mogo Mr. ka fa bogosi jo bogolo jo a B e ibe - Bjetsana ca W itw atererand ale Mocher. Thaka ea utloa botlhoko ■5. M o setulong gono golo M r. lone, jo ene ekete ke jone bo fela ka Mr. Mapikela Sokatari oa poeditteng m o m erafeng eotlhe m. Letseleba, M r. Cleopas K u - Frei Setata a loala ebile a rotcle- ■cne Secretary oa K onw enshene ft eno a le r'Je n g.' Tiro o kgolo coeko go tla mo picong le go gone—fela k a go nyedisa M o­ K ga le e ene e bfl& dicoe p ico ene naea palo ea mosopelo oabone dimo. H e go tla go koala m olao ea goea Gauteng. Kaitse m otho eo i> senang ■ow ensbene. K om iti ea e koala, Rev. J. D. Goronyano, Cher- M odim o gas* oa «epe, o choana ftaba ga dum alanoa fa e tla mane oa Komiti ea “Tsala" ona fela le nech oa n cho kg o ba sechoea fem eloa koa dikaleng tsa K on- a le mono a ba a nna le phuthego sc m otho o kana a sa tahaba are ea matbaka koa ga Mr. Scgoneco m otho, eare a sena go bona fa Irenshene gore o a ka ng oe ke conc ba akanya tsela e e ka tihotlhe- ese m o tho a bo a fitlha a se ra ga lele e ese e tlhage m o K on w en - letsang palo ea “Tsala" mo Ban- se o ela ko a , ka ga se »i*im o * eg e. Iheneng e kg o lo ea 1912. chung.—Ka eone. wek« c e fvti- ga sena m ooa— M odim o ko ou* I Ga ba ga baloa dikoaio tea leng Mr. J. B. Mareto oa Thaba m ooa. Loa bona le gom pieno K on w en she n o o ritso a d i ko ^lela Ncho ona ale mono a fctcla Kroon m osim aayana oa ix-kgooa oa na fe uh o le jUkafobo tsa ga G o ro- stad, a ba a bolesioa ke Ram- a raga m otho oa rona fela ale fciento. E e cositseng tlha tlha - melesi le boora-Morulaganyi fa ditedu a m o raea are “ boL" Kuoane ke e • am ang m aom o a ba coa mono.—Morulaganyi le M m e ga se sepe fela ke ka ntlh a [Bancho‘m o Fre i 8otata ba ba Mrs. Plaatje ba tlhoUo gabedi ea sisila sa go bisa go dum ela to na ng go ithe ke la m afatehe lefa mono ba coa Thaba Ncho, ba no m o M odlm ong. kblle ba nalo rpa/lt lo m ororo ba gorogotse Mr. le Mrs. Panyane Erile bogologolo koa godimo iM akgooa one a letlecoo go reka koa B#thane. Ba ba ba ea go ga A frik a koa, M a kgooa a choara h o go ba ba santeo b a'nalo ieledioa liphala teng ko bente ea batho, a na a . e a go ba rekiaa Higoshanyana. Karabo ea ga ga Mr. Ntlatseng. B;ntc co le mo mebarakeng jaka dinko. fcorom ento oaro goo fong go eone ea gola yanong fa esalo ka Mokgoa o ba ne ha o diroa k o o hkancoo thate ko P tre ho «b ile go Koroncishene ebile e nale diyu- o masisi. Ba ne ba tie ba b o f a - jg& tisicoo m o lao o o tla tsen go a ng fbmo yaka ea Ma-Jcremane a a gangoe inabogo le dithamo.ere Im o PajJam enteng e o tlang ke tla a tie m o n o motlhamongoe.— basadi ba ba nang lo bana b a b a M r. Fisher oa go naoa Bancho Bieinesedi gakctso tsa Matjoa beleginioe. Ere koa mangoana [bangoe thata ca go rokalana. baengfaeeale Libato a phnnya o eang a lapa gone gabo g o t o e : Karabo eo ea am ogeloa ka b oi- kgotlole Mr. Meshacb Ramailano “ Mo tlise koano." A ba a c h o a - tum elo lefa o sa “ gorom etso ka le eno o tla mashoo.—Mrs. P. K. n>a ka niaotonyana a b a t a n g o a m eroana," M r. M oloi are G o­ Motiyaue oa Beaconsfield o boe- fa fatxhe atnbokonyana a ha a rom ente a boleleloe ga p e gore a t s e g a e . le ngoana oa gagoe oa phatlhalala. Gompieno jaka re badile mo diragatae karabo eo ka bonako mosimanyana ka ba n t s e ba etc- koranteng ea nulolu ga go gonno Bancho b a fetogile m a tla - tlhole gontse jalo, fela ka ntlha •pooa fela m o ga bone; ba K oa Luthereng eora Wuraso ea palonvaiia ea batho ba re ba T^oka koa ba nna n g teng gonne bonang ba dumet^ nm MoHimong (Bethany M ission 8tation.) ke Go dumela *mo Minlimong k « lefa m otho a ra ea Leb u rua rea gone go cogileng nam ane e tona gone gi lereng |>liot >go e o ntse ko n & o kie Ba se le tojnotoa gore ea lo fere tiho gatoe M a je re m an e a e nna gone mo botshelong joa diloana tsa gago d i kaoe. F a a batho gompieno; mme go k a b n leleka batho. Se se sa u t l o a l o n g go ntse jang fa re kabo r e d u m e - d i bala le be le m o ra ea fore ea sentle ke gore ga ro itso k a f a tse rutlhe. kgotaa fa h are konggake batie Kafore tae di eeale H er. H . G ru b n c r a shoa ga dumeneng re kabo r o t l h e r e lekela Wiiamo ea eseng ca M o d i m o coga nam ane e tona lo fara tlha - ta rona ? M afoko a m angoe a buegilcng tlha , b aru ti ba sckn m o d ika ntc- (D i a a tia .) gape ko a gotoeng a pasicoo ko rong koa Edcnburg le m ono Konw ensheno u -1911, eare go Bloem fontein; gatoo ba seka Fsn 8ETA TA,— Terena oa Me- n n e l e Konnta' oa Bancho, e o Schoolplaso sa Bethanio le B a - ro jan m g e tia buloa tea Jam- tla buelelang m erafe eotlhe le kgotha. G om pieno go tabogoa m erbe rgs D rift ka tshim ologo ea nne lep a ap a a ke b atiio b otlh e 'fo la lo Loetso. Are ka D e c e m b o r e be o ditem e coo tse d i b uio o ng ke ta ta sale 'ta n na m o Bethano le Bancho ta Kopano ea South M onere W uraso bare baa l e l o k o a . -4frika. G atoe koranta e oe d i- G o a re ng he a ko lo re bolelele k o n g o se b »lo o a lo a tin ile se ntle. »^ lL e W na ga re n tftw sepe, re bon a fcla o ne m o goaaa o .o tale o d nm a e ta a ft B a n ifi ta isan ya kgotla le Bakgothn.— M orula­ ga n yi T.ea B .J TABATA ELIKULU LIKA

    rhiba Ucho, a santee I traippwto- D‘petee |e dieeele - W O O D S S e gtmweno ebile e I tsafcaene ga dina dilo le dimela ^ J o a ^ o <*edicoe, diftoka magala a adi teama- dile dint*'a '. bog. Bontsi joaW kafore boa Goromente U.M ga go kgomo d. rorang G R R H I3T0S.- «t«l oa babadL . Jaa-l&raga. Xohinm*®0 neJ HiDASi FiLLH.-Gatoe mo-' © tiog*la> e atftoU e 1 ^ . ^ ^ 0 ^ , aaka «• Q S go coa mo tiiongea man*- neelataaa. J!neo go nrtab«a*tt- (Q A U F I LE KEREKE EA R O M A ) KIMBERLEY.

    M o W ekeng u o re dolotec thoto e nU inU i e*

    tu Buholho b» loUe gore na be ■oltio o* go nyalt kt dikgomo o ta b f l Le go nyala Ithifi molato 0* goos ke tag ka ro *ti«« batho juna t

    Magodc.—Koloi m BaalS'ft Beljium e tlhuecoo ke magoda nulobt e in oho- Tbsg lelllie TLAHG liBliiO FAHT1SI E SE E PELE. let* kot Brueolt, ootM o mogolo o* Belgian. Ene e oletn £8ftff)0, mot ktlt na t UUiloe etbt ei opelalot kt goseiSnigods a tibib* kt £800 (*!•-

    Kixo Oiom i— Kgoei e Debt e ikieletee go gtpt bttho b* eoae kt pelo e t gaiatng et meo le ooueo- mogolol 0 tgt mo tee ot bogoai ko* Irrltod, o Ut ne t et go tgi teng gtngoe (olt kt ogoigt jiktkot 8kot- ltod-


    [Eseng oa Mogente] (Weokeie eo montle eo mo Hukung go kb* Poet Office)

    JF-JO et go NYALA kg- tn U et SELALELONQ. LEWENKELE JE LESHA JA THABAIWCHO EeUgo ^oUUpUtgo ,* k, uotou, go a. kc Pbogo.,. 7 t , M (0 I*»a k,o>o. M Diklcmng, E, k. g„ b.tk.B7,u. tt* nil hale Eotlhe Ue di ttat. th.ta, Tat Btbartki. Ltb U M betla Ptk* eotlhe D ki r.ka BAKI, BOBUKHOB. HKMPE t DITLHAKO, i HUT8HE, KOLOHO, kgooo » K M B.en., (.la it 0 •e bating D tla aa fitlhela.

    E b ile ra limolotoe tiro o nchao cntso e ia it&ioe morn Thaba’Ncho. Pa motho a reka re mo nae» diiempe 1* bukanyana u di manege mo goeoM . Ere u Bena go tlaW **it»be dingoe tea B o ia n d i g&gole n d i lore i-oaao, u neo« WALTER ADAMS, dithoto tee d i lebanyeng tlhoatlhoa ea oone. Fa lo re ii batlang ditemps fel* j%*» ioa toropongtafl;


    Moeegl oa Diaparo. I 41 Old Vain Street. JQaufl le Oftel ea Dipase,

    , r | A lo aka to belaela tepe mo tshegong ea gagoe- o t l a l o segela fclarjaka lo rata. Ke moroa Ittka'os b6> g u fife U i gologolo eo ona a tnnrile bobe Khoeor ' mo Bettansng. > -Yata mete* a teSdifli m o moeng o loriloffg mafoko a a monate a fatahe , la kgakala a ntae fela jalo."

    K1MBE8LEY, SEPTSMBEB fLOEUE,) 2, 1911 [Tiboatlhoa 3d-N gotga 15/,

    111 Jonas Street, T,a , r . n E-. o TloUctuc TWU V*mol O U ttai ToWoto M Utfo (Mo Mokgoa theng oa N a DL) '* Tw-Um ►.-.lo jt Stottb tt SotUa KgtBBlTii MnlMi { » a fyWi n t Ih.n <* -o 8*. Michael It « . QatntTjbBlt Qmmkmmm aa s«.h Afn», 1. M iMdi Ook. m Koj»»«.ftxithiSSfc pttK KA r r l .l i Thm Np. 4M (KtptJ M tskttf jl b m » i J 1909 Rx i n , dtMla u> di ItoUag go «t*u )• Tro nlroo (a j- Ur* mo Pro-t-wia* ** E*P>> •» >nkt kt ik q r fw c»r» r> lahaBjo (> dittaio U*o di ka pkUBoka f « otthioa dl SbUm bONM joae-wt: Kt r » . jtlo k» thata tt» ka di oaaoaar ka MolaooaMahtwa taedi ( D.kgomr* <* K-f* If.'. J7 m 189J o 0 m\m«tlal>c«tu b Mt.o II aa IM Okocolocoeng. c- 1908 k» nm -z jsut k« bom* kt atcam f. tiaaia Ut di attUa-a* , ttlhr»oB!»«Mlo.a*fa:gcd«i.>dipkUKeoa j»ta«S •«- rvt Met ir rtu gtpa k# btlt-'t kt BtUtMt It >0 i Mitla ka lartrf H Tb r»ta« go m u opt o tb an, I* It thoBMhr>tM*J«k|K*i (olN lap | “•£>*■ **’ “’ • '•‘‘•'a • f w a a k a dp* ta ttatitit m P h - * w * < | h.p* 6n c .. P-uhis, }*;f.k r^fttiW i f i m ka diktsnkao uMomIo di»el-fc..a* sm. atvttblt. ag a.* r-'*>” *' Th ro Nu. 4&I a* ISM j-tndar apUmocw ra t £haia tla taac, M 0 8 E C I VOODJO B0L0IA IQOSI. iM , B otb c^ k .B o.ia l->*-*«wt«B^loaaKo?aao ta 8-alh i M i eo o Kinottli IMi, I b I tJ'cnt kt u t* jito jt 2t j, Jcd« I*il. Ft Union; Kgotla, lobtgtnt b Kereke t kgolo at „ , • J. a m o t s , . a ^ Utkgoo* n Pcwby l«iio. Bo o ttlxgeMitaag; Kgeti tn piUn iu D4me. DIAPARO TSA BANNA LE BASADI, DIKGETSS, ...... f i i J v. c 4 c v ^ A u batla Scmolo, Scraapa, MAMETLELELO (KA THEB0 B E HULA RANG) * Ms rase, Beitnmaia MAKESE A DITSHIPI LE DITLHAKO. I. E t U > tit kgt'Hiiaon* ’t ail.o It motgot t b ttaaya, a M t ■*“ ' Mafadu! TMO ootlha di k% nn» tB* b o t 'h o t U h - ^ to» di B« to.^t k/oto t Itutl. ditvotto ntkt diarit r rr* « t r< k k iit)i. HTLHiKO tsi Mekesbo k*ono tsa Bab:rtki, ta ! ! BgUeoffksakalalabsnebt rckV.oa tontlo f»bsroin.t»t ktPc I»h r«J»o» <» ltk*ltl« eo Pro*t-t‘t* t> K.p. IH. d. ktot di ttxttot. Basadi le bana tse di k a ikangoaw? ? 0 tl* w segela fela kafa 0 • k> t^*'t fdt t p w h* di dM| go Uhtjot, It t tt dl iiw U hi* kdecong « ga?o. kot ti*!t|tat. ■ i ilf 3 iuotb «> o kgottttn; ditjaao ttt di itiottjr jtlo ao KIMOERLrV, Thaka a e oomw mo Ditotnpo- K p. di «. go llh.Jot, o tit bttit b Ub- io oSotilc’t U flr h M likM ltl i^BUCk'LAWS nlng e Itnmedlsloo that* ka apa. B'lkSBl'RQ A ‘J (u iiis m r “ ' ’ ts “ ■ T»k-»t.««% lo lo tkotflo*^ (t u b it BdtW 5 % n H H

    Kitsisho e Molemo.- «!'• r> lontjr > g o tB«I'tkoilo loa btriro Botj) It it 'hap«air kot di ctBf (roatj la j I lUio e*8ELA0A u TBABA 'NOHO. itinwt d> Hhijoa cotftia go taa go !«♦ m! U.>ik* tt> di Stta^oaof kt Iww t EtiWsi botaI»jttlhe f 4 «♦ c°’p « ttla tba trt (U ctt Kiiml>erley K 8KLB0A WM Thtbt .Voko, th.’ i'm octfh«, Ot aka di aaa It go-'ira i 0. P. A kt UABOH O, HU, "v ■' HtU> o Ihuu lotlba k> Uhottlbot lat K.mui C.uht di tti>goa too dikekopastag shoot di okoloeo*. .ttbrkitm BONA P A : K ' i'kr'-m 0 ma«*tt't t dvi .«k'*.c it - d M M fpo *thtU | ' LOEKO KA KELATLBOKO. 6/9, 7/6 >e 10/6 K,;rv> - di*«o* t*« d* ka a K« nottf kt lo bt»lr«Djtt>» Ui Oikcomo. BLOUSE tee di lotsatm 1/6. 2/• le 2/6. r.l r 0 - r.. -M L» a',t. d, h.llr.t S«Iti{iM Bio L0KA8ISU lo KA-TLOC. ME8H8K ea DITOFO 2,9, 8-6, 1/9. Gtoli It Keitkt M Cbicbo (St. Aogot- ME8E8K le baki tu 1)11’OFO 10 0. 21,., 2a lint's) bt bt cotng SUiihcon.g It ht bt B A K I Ua BABADI t*>» DITUhO 8 3, 12/6 le 16/-. nag gone Tltog lo itobtltbdo Itlt lo ■ OALB tse diccho Ua KA8MIHI 10 /6 ,15 '- le 17/6, rekt. Bttcho lo Btsboon Kc lo ItloUa GALE Ue di meba'a le dikobo 5 - go i a 21' Lotlbt. DIK0M M ERK8E 2 /6 co ea go 10/6. DITUKU Ue di siameng 6 d , 9J 1 /• ?o en it C. KAU8HU t«a banna 6 i , 9d. le 1/- pira. '^"^•SKSS'SSRBSSSttSS “ u H,«k Cowitwatr U ARUKGOE a banna 3/6, 4 /6 le 5 /a o Mo! .odi-Oalo ta K»pttt) tt Soiih Afnov BOHBMPE ba banna 2 /6 le 3/6. r o n , krTwBMU II ta.^1^10 o> k%«tWo oallSSl^t Ktpa, MANKATENQ a senna, p'.ra 1/6 ii t«»ui j, , t h» jt ||Mi et Ph'iVt k» nroirt ao tNo* > W. t .• j , B coma ht M * t. b« tU hos»n* ►» jai- a«dl mo goora 'hiu , W.r* ago, a .jeot.o o o l, f \ n <« h-ana a* >>.• •• t'S r « n » u U,5*- c UOLU10 boloka' kgosl - i '*« j j“ 0, ** Ka?*00 " Alr-at ae The Cash Drapers, 30 Du Toitspan Rd , KIMBERLEY. •To . G.ir-roiwroGtieialia«E»i V't. ' W U • Wenkele oa Disholo. nUKRY BUMDB, MATLOASAHA, Transvaal.


    itsisi Becoana botlhe bo* O golo ba Bloemfontein, KITSISHO- a t hadagfle koa " St. George Street, jaanong ale m o Bau­ Mo u lllo Bl mil It BinUIo Ino mann Square. Le£a u ka ipBakanyetn . BUMF01TM. lctlole, ene o Ua ntsba kart kgono dipitse koa ntle ga kara. Ea motho a betlilo Kese mo

    VuAdaz kgono * * »5L0LblrfinUi. 5 ° Fa motho a sena madi otlhe 9 ka dumalana m e go tefii ka kgoedi kgono ka diweke, Lo F, lokotia;- tla mhiUhela ka metlba mo U, u. bakailane, V-;. 37. DUTOITSPAN ROAD '■0B , r . W • Ttoo: Kiiuu^n. Kimberley. K( W ilt UBICOtfA (Tfce H iHiflhM iirt, 8MBBBLEY, LOETSE, <8HT*«M 9» I WU.

    •c Ulwlensl Se Leb lengl! >o Lebaleng!!I

    R Muller’s HadjeTassiep linos 28, BOSS STREET, MALAY KAMPA- 77 Strand Street. O iP I TOWN. Madi a a siameng.

    Pholo e 8 siameng.

    Ko econyana ea Madi a mahi- Dilo Iso di Xooans. Iso di bidu a a tletseng.

    Jeoang, tsa SoShorofci E fodisa Bogolo joa Maloetee eotlhe. Batho ba ha senans madi ke ba ba lapileng, ba ba fo- Retail!; fela m >ga gague. felang, ba ba fedleng that* lia l a s^nffiig bujtumelo bope mo botshelong. Dijo ga di Box 3. Ttlrjrama: KHAN. b> keothatse, ba tolaoa fe WINDSORTON. mala a a thata, ba aba ubn dipeJo, ba ocoa fe ditlhogo, ba bolaoa /te mokotla, motlha mongoi- ba choaroa k« rao- t toana, ba tshelela m*> G O , locoMlong loa ka raetlha F*i go tlhnka madi mo go diegfi- rRA-DIIPON|) oa ka haia se sftelele go folfl Barekisr le Baananyi, ga mo’.ho go tla oa, Macho**- ny<-go a otlhe a fe fodiflion ja lo . ja lo . fela tv. fefetsego ea ma-li. Madi it ruaAima, a mahiiiidu; so tie itefenelo e e nnetsepg ruri, botsbelo le boitumel" Diaparo ts& dincha, mo botshelong. Fa u batln inndi a a ofettiegileng photo Jfr'SPgo e mesha fe Ku-nloioane tae di Kbibi. Dijn tsa (shim coana tsa ga Dr. Williams. Ga go tlhare sepe gape se lo tsa Sekgooa tse di ofetsang madi a motho ib tlhophiloeng t « dincha. bonafenpfe jalo le gone It:i tlhorasmo. Ke shone se Di baescke!c le ditslii- mateausante a banna le basadi bagolo le banana haa bo ba ooana-tshicoana tsa cooo n se ba bua Sengoe sa molemo Go rekoa le nialiele « fega sctlhare se. . Dr. Williams Pin* Pills di Mabooa mo Bfcoaaeng choanetse go dirisioa mo maloetscng otlhe a a diroanu ka tlhoatlhoa tse di sia fe madi a a itshefelogilong m eng thata ke a a masesanyane a efe te metse, ja fe go nnana, go phapanya ga marapo, maclioo- nyefjo ga mala, rnasalela a ferosii-i, motlhagare Ie tlhogo, jalo, jalo. I THABA ’NCHO, K^oloioane toe di Kbibi- conn* ts-i ga Dr. Williams, Re Batliseng. di rcfesioa -fe bure/fcisi botlhe, lefa u fe di laewa ka un-i koa go Dr. Wil iauis’ Mede- o* Tsala • n ntlwli, cine C o , Lon» Street, Gape k»-oo« m./'ko » ka«6 Ip kgak.i,. Town, botlolo ele ngoe fell, m-Uo cotlha u n«ng M-o» ju st k»i# babadi t>« mp«l!. ko 3/3 fa dile thataro ke 17/- Matlhapa. The Barolongs. apau o st'e a otlogtla koa Beicou, u sa duelo pose.* fiald ka 1889. Gotibokafala ga KaK° IMPBESSION OF KHAMA. . k l _ ■ hfco. Uokana, tm * f c S S ais bo sotulong. Ga akangoa NataU, ba rakanela fa Fertini ere u [ I 7 s _____ . • „ gonne ga kea ka o etela, ganke se buang, ore go tloga foooboo utloa motho are koranta ga ena - mMmo a basadi ba ba belegisang. b.ish eii »**„. „ Ko. ke leka go bolela se se nkgano- Babadi ba T8ALA le nna ke oa j Iona, lo no lo inchoarele ka go lo mafoko; mme o sa itse gore ma­ j Mafoko ao a simoloaSp ke Dr. pano ba bo bale shongoana je le Bucoana. Ere a booa i leng o teeng. Mashoabi a a diriloeng tsoela sebaka mo pampiring ea foko Qgngne eno ke a «eng, a o Ktnks • kopv *on •ib Eafma^aa :>! Tomory. are o fitlhetoo basetsana tonana ja koko ja kgosing ka to- a koale,a Johannesburg ke kganelo ea me a fokodieo* ke lonae e rategang. mo wekeng a buileng leng, mo koranteng cfe. rena tsa bo de I ur* i.« i jaana.—Go nale namane e Fa njp motoeng mongoe Ie bangoe bale mo ditlhablng ka polelo ngoe ke e. Gatoe pitse tse pedi tse di fetileng ke lekile \ *ona ®a phetogo Ib tlhabolojo mo ka go nna ke bua ka Bancho ba mongoe kgotsa rao toropong bWutwUhohobcw. ntota ea go belegisioa ke basadi a baapei le a go robala, mo Rare ga Barolong boora Tahidi, ea kgosana ngoe e Hie ea kopana Afrika. Ka tla ka shoeletoa ka ngoe le ngoe gone go kane go ba ba itseng bongaka. Are go g bonesioang'ka logadima (elec- fa e 88,6 kgosi ea bone Badirile e mo thulanong tsa la gore se se no se ka nna thusho nna le phuthego e batho ba ipu- >»<» khiiiKdi.,,0, miikmtimmr i oang mo go. eone, ba gopodisanyn WdW. Gompi.oogoottoalaf. *» pitse oa oa koa tso bathung ko fa ba ko ba du- oale molao mo Freisetata o o kaga dikgang tea lefatohfe. le so in. H.k«r,hUk»r,U,l* W# bsnpU Terena o , co„* ft* * , „ N„ „ k, k„ ^ tl metse nio Modimong, bo ba ra­ ^ b. tlikni go tapoos, itsang basadi go coa babelegif tlase. Mopalami oa pitse ene a tine lo gone ba utloana. Dilo b'ino b* choanetoeng go se itorela b.bon». CUiima os J netereburg e phololetoe ea ba oa nako ectlhe e ba busicoeng ke falola ka dinao. Uo tharo tse, fa dine dile mo fa ba leng gone, gono go tla tloga fa ba sena lokoalo lo 'lo shupang Ur. Ubulhe. Ka thtta 't j l ? ea go tsena bo Spolonken koa Badiri fe Ko eone, ke fitlhela phe- KGOTLA JA LEBATLA. polung tsa batho. ba ilumeton go nna le phetogo e e Isnng kico ea bone ea ditlhare, ga ‘iteo " (MpUUlbocio t t e b n k i h ' Kgosi e kgolo Kgamn ona a go cone, di labels mo megopolong thatanongle kutloano. gore ke ka ntata eang fa mapolisi Bandolier Kop, gaufifla Limpopo. & >eui*» leotaoe It Hodiao. U te ' • etetse koa Francistown ka ditiro. bone, ole batlhanka ba cone; ba Kutloano: Kutloano k' alo hob* etc taa ka a sa gagamatso raolio o. ( Dr. aeeagotsena mo Nokeng ea fikeng gaufi le toropo. Mo Ka fitlhela a tlbaoletoe le matona ne ba ka nna le phenyo ea goro ngoe sa dilo dingoe toe di fitlhe- giieng, e toamaea mmogo le lornt t»ag ba hoela ta tsoasa W p a m ta ' * Hanning are go ka nna thata fa Dikoena e tla bo ole gaufi thata pakengtoea gagoe di fetileng fa patlolong gono go ngoe. e e le bone ba coo morafe o moncho leWest Nicholson koa Mato bo- nale nS°nK°reK° e telele kaga go okameng Francistown sentle. o nang le lencoe mo pushong. Fa loratn lo . seong gone le ku­ laUUlux ka batfa ka lia hsla lfefc.! < batbo ba kgbedioa gore ba bitse , tlhokafala ga taolo e ntle ea Toropo e e raaele dile <00 go coa le o o ka nnang le go iterela sengoe tloano ga ena fa e ka tjenang taa. Ka fata k» ttihiaoa ko jor-Is.: dingaka botlhe ka ba bangoe ba leng, jaanong go bo go balloga motse oa bone. Oo no gotoe koB- Mafikeng. r E shelelecoe “ — bonalang ka bogaone. teng. NUo ea .Ala ka doUkm eo.^rfjhaV. ' Dumelang babadi bagaecho. «cna madi a a daelang ngaka. Fa sekotonyana se ekare fa so taile kicosi e e shuleng ga e ele ditiro mongoa eone—lejentlclnmane jh weke e fetileng ke- boletoe belao’g a boo* kajaao AskaMila ‘ no ke so kaca kaga go lela kaga go ratana ktaN Maa na.MIk« Ma. l l ( M h ; . mongoe o o ntseng jalo, batho ba Engelane, Kgoei Kgama ko mo­ cena Ubtamagidl ea Uonaa raaalacea ’•] ka tehega ka bone gonno ga go Rhodosiaka tsela ea Johannos. CHIEF LEKOKO MONTSHIOA nna eo o godileng eo o lebogang le go utloann. Ka sheba-aheba, ka leba-leba K> ihibtoa ke kohom bat’aa l i b n - - ] dinarsotse di lekanyong go ka burg, Pietersburg le West Nichol- Mmusho oa kgosi ea jaanong sentle. ka maemo a bonnft le Moap'i tan« Moraaa Jaaaa KnttabaUtasgalt , motsamao oa serenn. 0 bua kn k.'iig tso di Boil ka shadikanya matlho, ka thaa- son, kafa Mafikeng ga sala go lefa e busiUe ka nakonyana « .. . : ‘ vy, litoebo, ka tlhatlhoba. belegiaa babel egi botlhe ba Bloem- koala are nie ke tokololo ^fonteln. Oa. dumalanoa morago e nye mnie c bua di golo. in tie tsaea malobola, ke ithu- tile go bala tlhaka e go.toeng A ;ga kgang etelelele goro dingaka T2LKimberley.*te “*n8 miitw.JissnL-s-arsiSEiin tseo na nnlflpole ua na «a «a sa ibiionitsioo ! dikanyedicoe ke ba bangoe ba __ ebe e kgaoijanye ditsaln tse le go ekoftli^ ka Sekgooa le ka uo Ua tlang bo'na ala taa di ou- mo motsing. Erile gole pico diemo dintle le popogo tsa botho, di kgolo; jaka sekepo ere sele !'di locoe gore di bolele basetsana USHUKASHUKE.-Koa Durban segoio jaana; se opeleoe ka SocOana. f.t.Ub»Ub« taa bo Ur. L PoSo. Ebba tseiloe ke magosi, banna ba le- go no go sa betlege gore motho botlhe mo Kgotleng ja Dingaka maloba ka Tshipi erile Makgo o ka mo shupedioa. Fonalo ef dlkotoma tsa ditshipi, se sh ikolo- lonanc basadi ba babeli ba tla Dghnodmo oraUbaac. ba la t«g. kotla le bagoio botlhe ba morafe, loa fela ka tshicoanyaua e nye- leka, Mrs. B. Motuba lc Mrs. iraoaaraaa a o thabataa kagoataia b& baloadisicoeng ke go belegi- a phuthegile ale mantiint.«i a mokoadi a bua ka ura dile pedi gagoe eotlhe fela ke ea Kgosi < kgolo. A ntumodisa ka lorato. nye ; mme go ntse jalo erile le a Willium Ntcgi I® tobole ya le ipaao. BoUortoaA-F. Maookakta jjoa ke basadi ba ba senang kico. mo picong. go sens ope o tagi- ngilong le Bpora Tlhomele-a-Mo- konserteng e o nnang ka maaba- a bolela boitumelo joa gagoe ka bua ka tumelo aro lo tumelo fa ih tb b k a p b a n booa. E»aUs. loeng. Melao e e bogale eo tuba. Mosadi oa Lexosa ngoana : CBN8C8.—Kfcang e kgolo e nyano ka Tshipi, ga kapam go kopana le mongoe eo o sa lorato ke lefela. Kegonej g.igametsong, maitseo a kgosi e gagoo oa moaimanyana i mala ba r» bom ba .Mlo aa U bolong go mo utloela mme a he, lo nna. jaka inohoitane gare ga Kapa le Transefala e kgooa ale mabediv Motho o rile! ncha, e thusioo ke Marenn'bo ..oa ke ngoana oa ga Mrs ataatiraioeaUodimo. Ao! Ho&mo eao a ko a mmone. A botsa mgoo le mongoe kgotsa mu- aantseegagametso. Soso beki- kare “gai" ba foj>hana ka mabole Joshua le Silas Molema, Seni, Bothuel Motuba. Erile fa Mmfok. tahtjohlaa booa baobaiataag la ntle kaga banna ba bajolo bale bantsi tlhalefi mongoe a kn gopola, ke ca booa b* taa oiim * Uon«o«apatao leng Transefala bogolo ke go fi­ Lefenya le babangoe, n dirile tla go atlholoa a a tlholega k.i ba kampana ba ba ba kgokologa tlhabologo e e gakgamatsang koa Kapa le koa mafelong a duiuela gpagj:ia ga B. GomWoho ke tla' go lira Kgosi caMafcteia'l'r. M a w ba aa^ Bancho e Uare Parlamente e sena le Wynborg, ka ba ka bona gort tse go okedioa jaanong di nna <5. Erile fa mapolisi a mo isa koa a gona sepe se kn lia kgaoga- Molina oa Bana, fola- ie se ba ba U,ks ooMkMgoaBjab. Ea raaditeia go phatlhalala e leke go phimoia ntekane ga ke itse ro lebaleha Mo Kapa ka Makgooa a teng a Chachofising a fitlha are: Oa bo yang tlhagelang ko tla ba botoa oena,^ kgotsa go fokotsa taolo tsa di' manno fa ko tlhophile Kapa i biDiietw B«ibasie Ke aaataa ka -• na boago joa me. Oena Mrs. B. o bone bana ba fokotsegile ga go bonalo kafa a lo go itso Hodgson koa Johannes­ kgosi tse dincho tsa Bucoana Kr gopela babadi tu soka koaletoe, di mmo! . 1 Polio koiBeJhanie,Rustenburg, Kgama ka kopano ea rom OuawsTo**.- galoeo tla hudua Bancho ba gatsa Etherington le nas a tiniola tRe le Pusho oa Imperial, le gore dile pedi. ga gona ape . fa jail uig Cone, ka TSAI.A e sj koa Mokuena, ea reka mosho ka bolelele gore gare ne di p-i.f jamoleUooamataaio a coa abot^ South Africa thata, gonne bobaba fela ka baka Pusho ea Kopano o nne lo thata tlhagafaletse jaka a bojaloa. Ke ea fa Mokuelong oa metoi. me ea go dira jaka e rate tshiamo fela fa nka bolela goro tla fela long, di ilj e tlogela a kn fitlhela ontoe ena le m?tsi Ua ahotto* lekgolo iaaga joa Makgopa jo bo koa Transefala go feta dinyag.i ar.» o tla ino Dur­ di tin fi'la fela i: fatsho a Bancho--diresewe tsa mafoko ao a simolocoe ke niiuo olo ' boteng. Mme ka booa QctKkil Hr.siioa.—More ia to oa. ban fela o ba 6tlholu bale mmogo. till in Um iipan.m bo kgobofadjoa ko kico oa gore Bechuanaland. Mafoko a jaka sontle fela eseng jaka motl kii fitllm ka. raea moatlholi kare, MMotoaaa Btaaabaae i rekiia poUaC '' ro kane re bona a tsentse namane unu Mashoyasheyane . kare le mo Parlamenteng ma Kapa a Kgetse e sa sokoa. Ga gona bo­ bua mafoko ka thata a a itseme- koa TraoafaU o rato gotoadiii bjoeba o tona ea sechoga mo gare ga letsa. A “ gorometsa ka meroa- kane ba sa tlha|->g»nye gore gu sonko likgong tsa Hpafai"lo bipe fekeetaa Prowensi tso dingoe ka gale bope kgotsa ipushulosoco epe batho. Erile jaka ke etetse tong jaka Beane so kaea, are: kaioang ka “ Kopano oa Batho." mokuele a!4 ka gonne fa ngoana a oa. .- r.UCJ:. -Vi' Kopano ga e ke e nna teng fa palo. Jaanong fa Parlamente e e fetang ea mongoa mosadi. Barolong ba bo ba akanya. Ga Ekete Goromente o kabo a re oela teng lo tla raont'jha. mme Sutooru Loan:-Koa Liverpool, ra|ane, batho ga' tsile go fetola Census ka tsela e e Nyalo ea Majuta.—Majnta koaloa lekoalo ke Kgosi ea Ba- dumela fa re bua mafoko a. Re lo tla m oiUha a sb ile, ke gone Eagelaaa go tibomUoa niMaae e toca rolong e lo koalela Goromente tlhoafaletse. Machoenyego a ba ku b.i kupan»la k.>bo ba su tlhokom'! mg pelo, a .sant-ie .a ntseng jalo re tla fitlhela ka a nale maikano a a siameng thata ea ka«o t * « UX Ke *oUo a a ka mafoko a. Karabo ea amoge- rona A'magolo.-ihogo ea rona e e an.-, ka ba ka ngelana k.i tohola a iso a oolq gonale gorele utu e e tlang Transofala a rome- a nyalo. Ga ana mafaratlhatlha- loa ke Magesetrata, Mr. Welsh, sotlhogo ke bojaloa. Ke eng bo •lupi. ba k'l selebalt'lana; ’m» llhokomoleasetoe apabc. tlhOlaganw^g ■ fa ba ratana oo mongoe o utloa la Makgooa alo 45, Natala 17, le nyana a mangoe a a sa l>atiegeng ba a bitsa kokoano ea Kgosi le leredioa Becoana bo ba senya f Ka lula fa who ka thaakinya Siu»a—Fa gole manga jaaooog bodu pa joa r" mangoe ele bolao ikantshioang batho, bogolo mo bagakolodi, go ba balola lokoalo Ebile ke shoaba go bolela fa lit-ebo ku roet along nyaga If feta e ga dichaba toe di ncho tsa Kereke ea gagoe are fa ba rato baka disa woutnea Kapa thata neoa Majutaono aw : Ka thanolo ke ntorong. Mafoko a ga Mr. mangoe a a sa elotsogeng. a a 120, a opela jnmo erile ba mm )tsa Welsh a fokoditse sechoga lo, tie a tsiotse dikgosana dingoe Afrika. go sc ka ga tlhola gole bare lie ! Ha-etalerc obo o opola tla Tsblpiog ba u apara dibaki jaanong o ntse ole eone cholofelo tsena mo tumalanong i (.otobole, u-nn Moshotho, polaolo e o diriloeng ko mafoko a ,' ka botsalanyana bongoe jo bo toa kae lifelu; are kea bo ke Joitut* Mutt.—BataaaaaU ’ba •a Banchoba Southilrika ootlho. philengo o rategang ea go go uena Lsrotoi. uona Lenyampane lefa go bonala sentle gore bangoe .theiloeng mo bojaloeng. Rure opola ton Thaba ’Ncho,' e no e Hobo oa Johaonuibarg ba ata kos tsaea go nna monna oa nyana ba santse ba belaela. Di i Goromente o ka ro thusa go tie ere re ilo koa kerekeng boga- MacOBLE.—Go bonala fa soga- Pieter UaritabarR (Natal). Ba dasta- logolo koa Thabu ‘ Ncho ko litlhe- nka 'se se golo Jack Johnson a tla kemo, fa polo ga botlhe ba ba tlhaka dingoe tsa koalo loo tsa I fedisa tiro e. Lefa ba bangoe ba akangoaka pelo toe di kgobiloong.; ka ira jang nna kare ga nke ke le Monere-a-Tslbole loMa-Ellsha lanye maloba gore o tlojeloe, oa bo- . thulana le Lenyesemano bare phuthegileng fano, go gokaganyi mme pno ea shupa fa Bancho ba , ha ke bo letla go tla gosnnya i ittln ,'lv i ba ganotsanya ka go opela mo Itahoxa a tla tloga o ribegeta* tibewkL pelo eame le pelo ea gagu, hofelo gopjlang ba se bolelolana, WellB koa Engelane ka kgoedi bona fa mafoko ao alo botlhoko.: bo bolaea batho ba me. Bolelela Kerekeng mongoo le mongoe a Motsriwhi-K o* BoseUoo go aa Dicholofeco tse dine dile mo ! Goromente mafoko a ame a." tlogcloa nugop ilo oa gore oa chottf- kopelo ea gag je, mm? le eno. Khane ngoe ea Transefala le bofelo joa gago, le go co\go goroga lekesi lo toeatoe koalong loa Goromente, tse di senyana oa gore " nna mme o lelmganye ram? fa, ba e shupa fa le mono South Afrika tla bidioa ka ina ja gagu. Maikutlo a a builoeng ka natla apaea thata ke tla go tima." Ke ukitahiocoa Soath A^rika,.bara o , bolecoeng ke Mageatrata koa jaana ke kgoai. a tladicoe ke bo oruli Gorouyano Mphata go nale thaka ngoe e e iketleele- tshisimogo ke ikana go tla i Kantorong le mo picong e ke ne ko gopola gore rene re tla ka re n? Monna Mogolo are lipunfe le diaoUbl tae dingo* ka Peter I^kgobi, Lebang le ba ' acoa dichoanelo dingoe tse di t«ang go rola Johnson kolaee mosadi oa gagu oa maaneto le mo go eone di bopile mogopolo bangoe, Raditladi monna Kgosi yanong lo utloa k) opela yana gore one ra o tlhabe. oo gaisang, oa ikanyo lo iketlo. i siametoeng. ke gakololou ko Mosa'.a fa a *ale busetsa mo Makgooeng. Le gale1 lorato 1® 03 senyonyo, go go ema; Kk^ma ka ana ale teng. Radi­ Jaanong poco ke gore ro tla N-ua n ,Pm*.-Koa DW dort ' Pheleco ea pico o ntso tnntalano tladi a ba a ntumedisa ka gore: a tla maloba fu a opela a nkgopo- 'nokeng mo go folettg lefa ekane bolelelann eng jang? (Jenmaoe) go boleloa fa b(*>?«5*joi ebe ele gore dilo di tsamae ka gore Barolong bo ikanya Mr. U 6e ka ua re lebala." tse Mona re a Tsibcla le Ma- Gago op? o aa itseng gore fa diknumo bo di foiodiaaa th\W abate ■■ maano ko ^onne fa Kgooa ja ele mo boloetaeng, lefa ekane ele Burton I© Mr. Dower, le gore ba Elislia. mme nna Masheya'she- dumalana le Mr. Welsh, Magoso- Oa ke mothd eo eare h dira gagogocoe ke borukhoe o choa- yane ku raea Monna Mogolo bitho ba jaoaaaeapiUK Ka ogoags South Afrika le ka o mo' rola oa mo coelelong pele kgono mo di- mafoko a fetelelo. Batho ba necoc ke gore a eo kao. Ga go trata oa Mafikeng. kare yaka o buile yalo e tlare o oa 1910moBeUgeng.ia GorMMataga. boelamogobp Bpai, jaanong ba kgorelecong. Bohutsana joa gagu bareng Bocoana botlhe ba rdioo ) sa ilseng gore fu a tlmele- isi o sliuo ke tla go lirela Kate- I>efago kane go nale kgang bojaloa bare ko setseno le sofoga; ko kgomo ii choanetoe go t babiloe pi la* di Uu VM, Ua n l& Monoho mongoe a rata 6 tla nna bohut3ana joa me, boi- e dingoe tsa *' perele ea boleke " kosimanyan.' o tlo ono o okom;la mine ka mafoko a a builoeng ke dirang. On g" ope eare a loala mogo cone, mmo are nka itumela DoijUKTt—Koa Barlia gi g go loa nabo ba gane. Batho bo- tumelo lo tlhapedi tsa gagu kgono ea mothale o solo go sele, moroa Kgaiqa, fa a bua mego- rutoo gore o choanetoe go lefa perele eo ele ea maanete, lefa ke sa bone. poIm*b*sadl jaaaoag. Ere ka Baaadi r tlhe ba ba itseng W ells bare e tsa me, Modimo o nthuse jalo. polo ca gagoe le kafa o bonyeng diraug fa ole fu a sa itlhoke. Mosimanyana bare Chupe koa ba Bare* earo ba choaroa ka poWla kgono ea maitlhomo fela, Goro­ bo irela kgosi tse dingoe ka gone, Gago ope <> rutoang goro fa a tlaw fa a se na go th ula na le Je ke Phuthego ea Bakaulengoo (Breth­ mente o ka itlhomamisetsa selo go Libo-a-Mogatsttive o Tlhabang. moauao6Uh-.baib^iJ jS | | J ko fitlhela fa go sena ope o ka tlliologelecoe tsala ea gagoe e o Gompieno ke bua vana ngoaga eo m oncho a boee a dnm e tse gore ren in Christ) oone eare go ko- sole sengoe fela ebong ikanyego nnang le tshiamo ea go gana kgnkaln o choonecoe ko gore a adoaraaki le go ikobela Pusho ga Barolong ton gagje lia shupa, mm > o i!a a o n ath ile kg o eth e e o sa ka k en g a koanoe monyadi a eme are: topo ea bone, fa bare ba bolokoe direng. Gompieno go nale terena twnvle basimene ba bangoe le oaadi ba eo ebankaaeog ^al boora Tshidi. Mokoadi o ka ba mo selong sc ba dumolsng ka motho oa ne a e tlolela fela ore e m etsa. K o gore bare Johnson “Ditsala, ke tsaea tsala e oa me a ba eleletsa gore ikanyego oo ea ba ba golo mo go cue aba bjt-e IUkoiou Baaiioio.—Ja1* wkfli tlhoafalo fa ele mnmba oa bone ga thota, a oreba lola goto j he: Chupe o 0 Ua , m olaea. N oni m ongoe oa go nna mogatsako;. ke mo sholo- bone e arajoe ke Pusho kacoelelo eo mogolo. Kakanyeco tsa di­ ile go bona tsala oa gagoe e e fetsa ka thu&ho ea Modimo go tla le ea go ba laola le go ba gapa i tjelong bana ba bangoe ? ■ Ere a U b n ru eo o ru te gile ng ko a Tra ns - choanelo tse di 8*tseng di tlho- rategang. mine go nne boitumelo areba are aitie nna kn Chupe Ktshiamo. ke bogigapa tala, gatoe Komiaara Vea fala m aloba o rile ga itso gore ona mogatseoa lorato le boika- mamo tsa bogoebi, dichoanotso 'iata fa ba kopana ba baUanya fela: nyo, go taamaea Modimo o kga- SEKGOMA MOROA KGAMA. go thibogela tshiamelo tse di afoko. Duola 15/- n tla amo- Go ohoann lo Moilalspul i Fraokaoattia, *o go no go to* e bolai- % Staadjx^n Sm ithfield o tla tlhega go re kgaoganya ka loaho." gela Tsala kgoedi dile l^. U Mo gare dikgosi tse di kgolo itshephileng tsa morafe, le kago a buJioa dipoco go too “ Modimo1 looks thaki ago* >a MakoaUSole a Monyadioa lo ene o tla ema a riolo. e ntle ea mobele le thutogo ea mafoko, lc uona u tla nna i K afo re eo tse ke di bonyeng, e ngoo ke 0 ka diraug J" Are oka. dira gagoa ke MvWampo koa Ttameaara batho, ba ba lo bltsaug ba gakotse thusa ka mogopolo tuongoo DU ta se r^o gakadl- Sekgoma oora Kgama. Ke ene bogon.). o •i di aliubilU' mb idekaneto* le m»ko«tiW* a gag*' o»lha ngoana oa ntlha le moja boa hoik Lo golole lefatsho ja bone1 olemo o ii ka nnang nao. Mutlhiilenu le B<, [olo ke ka a u tlo a gotoe Tsa Bakoaledi. Mo go motimona oa bojaloa. llooipi,,.. If. o .l» dlkoranlu iUd.TZ.ZEF. b,.ba»a>»a.taaMita o na a ile K oroljeisho- oa ga Kgosi Kgama e e tumilepg f ka m o toro -lca ra d iie io a gago*j ^ . ' ______- ■______TAB ATA ELIKULU > ' k « 0 llhuwl* r> mo WALraQ lebtjo batho bo . • ' 1 maina a, ba ba thuaiteeng moroa tUamnsa mme Kgoti Mqrokl mmo Wetteberg haaWabo ba'm o reile bare o ^ July 29, 1911.' Tshabalira WOOD ohoajrttoa go ithuta aba a ithuto- [ilo dile dintsinyana mo mo- y chsba 5/_ .'0 . n . Mojanaga, 5/- Bekong oo macoelo aose a william Letale, 2/6; Moelss 8e-

    iHAUND.-Go talenye l i j M , 1 f e r M e tona ea pbeMgo rah StAtoson, I f : Jonas Sebe- at ea- lefatsh® ka diteola gho, 1H Mfrjfeflfo-

    g » w ea nna f tbMttbate - LINYANGA UKUKOH s e s s

    - : ■ ,-i : ' ftA U W BWOASi (The Wend of She Beelnuuu). K'MBSIUEY, IOFT*K (8KPTE- IPS) 2. t’lV j i • ■ ■ ■> f -||T - " Mafokonyana

    Botujoio Joi Ditoou —Favtra oa [ t o d la te le e p t e e c lg jiii e] M M oitsp Bad Botlbabataataio taotaa abolatUpele [Metlobo ea Komponi ea ga Mokebisa.] koa TnaaktL Jaanosg go Mtbooe jfQAUFI LE KEREKE EA ROMA) KIM BERLEY. Waa Ua go ph«ngatlakaaa m oHool BABEREKI BOTI,HK BA BA BA TLANG TIRO MO DIKEPONG TSgo W f$ ; : M o Wekeog eno re ololotae thoto e ntaintai e a :— Walter H. Adams.—Oa re ita gore fcanna ga ba itat Weokele eo if BA LAELOA GO l*)rsA AGEN E OA CONE: M E. t . S. GLOVBBj aaka fo mr-nlV-otlt ro o leba«»nyeiig E Till El FAITISI. le Fbat OfiaL Fa etale Badicboancbo LOBATSi. 'M ^ _._oe » aholo te ae kana ka ae. a coala ga go Waokele ope o khil taa ] _____t fr ia . Hang Io itlhophele kapelapela Ma l; Kimlierleyb li 10. k » d i umaka ga re kake ra ba ra di ahoetsa. - V J Z Z r M Babangoe lia ka nka diao distal 8ekoatmg e ke a Ue go iteba-tebela ga B e a C O D S f ie id . M a in a tlliatlhclo lo bn Menenchere B'>tllre ke a : - nks a Ikoatlbaea. • ba basadi ba Flanelete 9d. 1/—1/6 jalo ------DB B E E R S : Roc'f Shaft Gompo'ind HJLrPONTEIN: Mine CoWjwtwl ? I *a btoadU Flanelete 9d. l / - 1/6 jalo T n n u -M r. Tb«o 8ohraio*ri Stable Compound Surface p-.mpou'id j ' — -»r-.v. JWWitM^oeifio 1/6 I'd 2/6 jalo moftJo* aotitaULs eo o en'etaeag >1 Mine Compound Fioor Compound | 0 . B. flopur. Trabaland mo Par K IM B E R L E Y : No. 2 Comp »nd I* Walduk DOIOIISPAN M il'" Oo” ^ ' . | It. 0 M n :- b ^ b a w .k a fa teng 6d le 9d jalo jalo lameoteng et lop.no, ke raeTlhrgo Floor LompOU' d Surface Ontiipound. iifftyele 9d. Troip»le koa Koloni Erile' Min- Compound Floor O mpound | J. 3wAKaoM. le e boncho 4jd. maloba ba romela koalo loa m>itam' WES8ELT0N : Surface Compound .1 ' wans s W O K K -U O P S : Compouvd | 8. Tedd. P ljji-'fi tela, gale 9d.!gompieno 6d. diabo koa go Kina Qrorge f» a rontioa Floor Compound CENTRAL POWER ■erov'o 0 aa cm ho amogala lo lo 8IATI0N: Compound | E. Gauow / -4^ coang go Lord OUdttooe * abopi fa ' _ (i taa goIradiblaust 3d,jarata _ = =6ai; ; ole tia marukhoe le mahempe a banna ka a koa Kxoa! e itome'xtae artraan o* ma j I a gale a rekoang fela ke2/- gompieno 1/3 Tan pele that*. T L A W <>Jr LO IDE BONE K A L O S I . Thoto e Ntsi, o Nile oa Dikomermw, Hioale le Mathale eotlhe ia Dilo TSA MARIGA. LoraiLO U Tun—Kopaao t* bale ml; DIKO^EKESE 1,0, 2 /, I/-. 4/ii, 5/C, ( i'l 10/fi, 14/-* 17/- ba Langeberge koa M^eng badoma- DK’ALE 5/-, 0/., 7/0, 10-, 12/., 13/. I) KII V 61., 9d 1- 11- JAR. A t'A. - fla g u n t HUG liBOIAIO FAHTIS1 E S! E PELE. lanja gore Goromente a bolele«e gore re*g g» looe le lopbalo, go OUetlelc, Dipltsn. D itllu ko. i»islm>o, at ole lU k 'ele, DII-» cotlh** cotlhe koa Ooora I bolare tsie, a name e eae e gagwnadioe [ koa Becb^analaad, pele Gewral Botha eae a etele koa Boooui.' ka aai go ea THO S. LEASK &. C5o», l lerksdorp, gs hon> popego o> lelatahe. Bira ft ka gagsmidloa mo mat*- _ TRAV 3 VAAL f e taheng a Boctnoa haroi botlbe ba ka . bamaoega ba ba ba ea go kopa. •fl- • je le eteletaeng a mangoe pele ka Ditiro. □VC A 2STC3-OI-. [ ' B R O T H E R S , 0, MAPABO THOTO T8A M A T l« Porrrrnxa.—Toropooyaua * e gaafi ENGINEERS, B LO E M P O N T E IN . Mm>i. Q» *>na Weakele ope 0 THOTO • kana ka le De Air. Haleba natho ba eone ba idua mono T H A B A N C H C aUaOa f«la gotoe M-gwu-. tin rant t« Motse oa Rona o mo 61e 8 Zastron Street Bast. tla ntahioa a rotnaloa koa Phi Upoloae, Fret 8aeaU M^horopo RE re*:»a “ DANDV” WI> D >11LLS (Dta» t ft HIGH SC-.OOL FOR MA riVES. akanya maikaelalo aga Q«oer>l Botha ' . .■ - ■ ■ b m r i a . » a»ro » . T K . r i „ « . l t .r f| 1|te. r ih» pr » r c ... ebara Bond, ea Kapa, Vaot, ea Frei X qaalifyi»K th. N tiT i Van der Reit & to. 8 .. 3aiu? Bait, BoDiiig Fa!! Setata le Hat Folk oa Traoiefala di Uamnity a Hif h Seh' ol hi ean opeoad et L->t kopangos. Mabara erile a tana go j “ foljowa [Eseng oa Mogente] (Wenkt le eo montle eo mo Hukung go leba Poet Office) akanya mafoko a are: Moeteledi pela MATRICUi-ATION. JF.J7 m Ko NTALA kgctaa U „ SELALELONQ. ta oa boikanyo ane J*n Hofmayi LEWENKELE JE LESHA JA. u Laba-Grammtr, Uompoeition, Onatani Pbyaica—E' id"nt*ry J.iu! S u.i f jtub. j i i - llmiofy-UniT r itj .* banna ba bangoe ba ba emsng nae ba (irtek—Orammar. Compoiition, Ui Aiithmi'iio—Tbe im TH AE A NCHO Batago iLosola ka pak» go on ka Moooto go et koi Phogong. kaikacfoajakaeoe. _ and>t______Bon*, Matric 8 ,t..m Frtodi—Orunmar, Oompoaition and .Vt. Engli.b Ira'o>e f t « at fa U u kgolo o tt Diklemenf, Be ka go biekeayetaa aparo , Boo • te n. (bait Eotlh® ttt dl tfcaU-theta, Taa Babereki. Qua- Kafir— Kafir Grimm • Kafa morago Gnora KONONG. ------.--tions. 1 Soento—S-e .to lir.mi 4ka D sabatlt I'lkttotlhtU kt nka BAKI, BOBUKHOE, HEMPE, a Oeooetry—Bnirrraiiy Retired Syllaho. Qentral 8mota a etetaa Krageradorp a . KTLHAKO, a S U T 8 H E , KOLOBO, kgono tag m Bust, (ala ta U kgatlbantahlaa ki palo enyenyanem j SCHOOL HIGHER. ARER 181 ha methale-thate ea DINO le D IJ Q le W A - tt batlaag 0 Ua tt fitlhela. ka gore oa . Engliah—Grammar, Oompoaition and Set | ( B PARO. 0 reka le MABBLBle dilo, tse diogoa tee bobotlana jo bo taBatg bo | ^ *“ *“ — ...... , . „ -^«va-Throonb Quadritic Eqi di ka rekisioang ke Becoana. V ..^1 r fa ba aena disgo^gongo i Owoetry—OniTtmtj Syllabo*. tl» retdm Thoto tn I a ga gona tsa Basadi le Baaa, Ehaoe taa maahoropo ts>reoa inaaatba Hiatory—Uniraiaity rtylubni. | Srtuto-Graittn.r. etc. fa gono go tla Qeeeral Hertaag ba ka I JUNIOR SCHOOL i-ICHER. Ebile re simolotae tiro e ncha e entae 'O aa itsioe m^U> ' bo ba trila boUba. Ko booa la jaka j ^|t-n Q [ _ o mo Lewenkeleng, o ka go segola fela jaka 8 E N E IR I ekete fa Qeeeral Batba a aa ema aeotlr Phydn—Blem xtary Pnctictl Phyaic. j Thaba ’Ncho. Fa molboa raka re mo nae> ditempe la Hartv g o ' Ua mo tlhan^miloU mo H»>«7-En">P‘“ ‘ "d South African, V rata. Hang lo itlhophele ka loai moga bukanyana u di manege mo" go. eoae Ere it sens go ttato aetalong. Geometry -E'em«tarj Pnctical Oto. ! uitsehe dingoe tsa Bu*a u di gagble u di lere Iomo, u.aeae STANDARDS V AND VI i dithoto tsn di lebanyeng tlhoatlhoa ea cone, »v ' ra ED-Morti t kara a . Theao •tan-lard. will barn in addition to >>th-r .obi-c » lit Step Lnii WALTER ADAMS. 8 0 QU® * in Alar bra. I.t Stepa wGanm-tr nn-l SufT NoUti.n, oroga aio Kimberley a boi | Fa o reit batlaag ditenpj' fela n k v *aa tjr^pong tae ta diki Thia Sch ol op*ns on the 20-h JDLt, 1911 ,di i-.olo ' • . j .; ne mn For Inriber parttcoUrs appiv lo ‘ M M. MAXKKE. B A rtiiv ? S o L D 6 Beers Road, Steiaheoang f. Sebora ae re topetae. Lota Riifl, Scbcvil, ga go ootbinyaaa rpa e g*ti3-,oaog k> Lit , IJutywa, Tr KIMBERLEY. chomi a aa

    Ditlhako, Bote!

    ladbmw m w our k* M»->uro, w ^ dilo cotlhe tM di - MoBegi oa Diaparo m M w i U' Bakifaiaoaasla n Hot , . . _ (to*-- i»dn^, batloan? k« tccoana. 41 Old Kaia Street. lanUafekoeJohanaaaten areleone ___ Gaufl «e Oftsi ea Dipase, HiBfMMwrwta n . . * V He reka l e ': Dito tsa SS*' le M» . 4 mo g t g , y-*r>»‘Beooaneiig ka tea tse .iw«— ^i.;di fetang tsa M aw enfejS S £ T T „ V •“ •■•**• * — i . ntlko i Th ai* "As cold water is toa thirety tool. mafoko a a monate a fatshe ta good noire from a fer oountry." Ja a ntae fela jalo.” 80 —P n n r « ii fetaog.- -

    KIMBERLEY, SEPTEMBER r L O M ) 9, 1911, [Tlhoatiboa 3 J — !ig i*g ii 12/- ks piee 15/- % A. SCOTT & CO., 4 -6 DUTOITSP a N KOAP.

    KIMBERLEY. Et Tm e Too* Eo o Tloiltgaaf Th»U Vbeooot OUditooo, Tokololo n Lekfo U» je-e Tloilfsint n^pilo jt 8«r..tU Senilt jt BephM, Ktomeate Mef** Stloro ta rotia*efih fa Tremeee ooang Toispnn t emaug leng O o bpbegilav tbits •* o 8t. M Wucl le At. 0« m , Aigfc Co— Moaer at Sjoth Afnkt lo il ltodi Gob u Kopaoo ca Sooth Airua. J , BEMPB ThA BANNA tw di ohoeu tm FLAN \LETTB, A TAOLOUdi h-t. u» k* di ke Tetntat 18 *» Molao CA 0BTLON le toe DI BOBOOA 2/6, 3/6 lo 6 /. K Sooth Afrir, 1909 le ke Mol.o 11 os 1889 K«p»: Ko 'oltlt, b i r . kn ct'-. tt t L.etr Kupdrift Allot W Dittsood DI JB8I TSA'BAN N A to<* D I BOTllIL'UO le Baki tsa cone Dtg*ioite, ooflttak.er *« B.t» » Wt» Prtweaei tiKtpt, onrul>»«»o>ea* tse di ohoeo, t*fl d i Ttg>-eha Ip tse di thamnga Tlhoatlhoa fi Thtr N.\ SIS ,r J3 190S n oktdioe k. T W 177 •» X« di koa tlaae 3/3, 3/9, 6/-. 7/6 le 10/. Sfr 11907, It MS et Pa •. IB I90i* * 1* 3 , , Jl-rchU-reh 8523 l#KIBt(u70MPb>M U 70** PtiOO Damn) tsa kafa teng tsa' Bantw tse di bobooa 2/6 In 8/9. 18, 910 «ok d^o<*p. k t * * «.,,.kvo.»it,1-n* ke Mtnwa-'eloMiaM't'oln • e l>tel««|Ittaltaf j * e il* bo'o'»«f ka.*o;'.l' li»p »t * ot d;d' K'-mo,K'-A HANNA iss VODIKO HOLOKA. KQ08I. st-tofo le M-,>aela a methale E -tlho eotlhe, mesego •• mesha M. C. Schrueder So.-Jt *j V ,i m Ke»ilo ii Kcpis-jtaBaotk 30/.. 37/6, 4 2 /- le 60/. •rfejevj j. 17 Ph-to 1911 DIBUT8BB ISA BANNA t*e d. dirlnong ka maatla inetlo, MOSECI OLAD8TON*. meroalo e mesha 3 -9 , 6/-,'" 7 /6 le 10/- Oitmor Qtitral. D ITyiA K O taa BANNA tse di ncho le tso di Mobula, et o ttmltle Babedi, Ttu o Tout Oovtmox Q«n-nl ■tKcotU, mesego e o- gaisang -a mawenkele a Kimberley ft Hokum, t. FLORENCE ROAD J. O. 8 MOTS. Eo o fBhopUdiiaeni Kgo*I M tKbro tu Ditaao./ 10/6. 12/6, 15/- ie » /. ROPER STREET. O.oH 1« 8:«i«heo w m _ KOMBHESE le D I KOBO tae di tona tse di HOTUITHO 14 NEW MAIN STREET, Oo lobagtni lo Krreko e kgolo et Methale eotlbe ea- 4/, 6/9, 8/-. 10/6, 18/8 lo 26/- Makgooa tt Prtabfteritn. DIAPARO TSA B^NNA LE BASADI, DIKGETSE, MAMETLELELO. A u batla Scmolo, Semapa, A o batla go roala! ’ Sl»rase, Bcitnmata MAKESE A DITSHIPI LE DITLHAKO. Kokeco ea Dikepo tst Noka koa tlise ga Klipdrlft. DITLHAKO t o H ekeabo kgono tea B alvtH i, tsa Mnfiulu! Tb»o ootlhe dl k\ n: ■a bonoa k» t hoatib'a tee di olenir. Pa 1 a agileng kgakala le b 11 trkeloa aenlle fa ba rom« tso madi ka Poat QO oot f ■ nkoig « • i«' foi^ I tbe ph»fo at Kftltftdi to m K03I kelccoug ea gago. AHwo no 0 a toag go pbrkagtajn phefiet Borca go eebtkt 11 }trr>« *0 at gj tha’t rnhtot oa Bikota o» Kepi t» ' Thaka e e ^oantr mo Dikompo- H0KSBUK0 h d r ijo teoit l\d' tioilojiltag toaj N. A. OLIVER* Cl'J GRiflilSTOlP. lo Do Toils pan Road. misishn e Molemo. Polo EA SELaQA u TBAQA ’NOBO k.tealt jotlhe ^ ^ko bolt; 11 * 4-— Kimberley. MAUOH 25, 1911. A tl Batla jo „ _ = s ® * H B p n i o g ' > eone. 8«tl* o tbos» lotlhe k« tlhoatlhoa thono dl okolocot. BONA PA : tsa BANNA 10/-11/9 go 15/6 DINAMA TRB DI NON'SKNG THA MOSESE le baki mmogo tsi ZEFAKA le M A8LINB DISAMOLE TSE DI TI.BOPBI- M AKBOtlA A TIKOLOGO. ISA MEKGtBfl ea IltNNA tse dinclio Ic tso di. LOEXO KA KK1.ATLBOKO. 6/9, 7 /6 le 10/6 K' udIm ke lo baik>t,7«ta u> Ontomu B1X)U8E t«e di lotsatsa 1/6, 2 /- Ie 2/(i. Shonou 16/9,12/6, 1 3 /1 15/S. go ea go I I 15/ para ORANGE FREE STATE (80K0NE.) 8«lag»io mo LOKAKINV. lo RA-TLOD. MESE8E ea DITOFO 2/9, 3/6, 4/9 Otofi le Kercto et Chache (St. Aogop. BO H O L D fM , tse di tnata-tbata t o Bac|ii para ME8K8B le baki taa DUDFO 16/9, 21/-. 26 -. Dijocht tl* ttkitt jttaa c u M r . , . » a Itttlior.— tioo's) b> t»a coio" St.iahooeng Iu ha ba 0 BAKI tsa BASADI tsa DITOKO 8 3. 12/6 le 15/.. Wiabw/ Kait<(t, 8;pt«i!»r ... ngoe le ngoe e opelelecoe 15/6 etog gont Tlanj lo Ucbttobtlo lefi ♦ 1911. CALE tw dincho tsa K A 8 U IU I10 /6 ,1 6 ' le 17/6, Kr tutad Ifiahcraro, - >. B. I9IL reko. Baecbo lo Buhixti Ke Iu ltlelit P M»tih-ci, Oll^E tae di mebala le dikobo 5/ go ta 21/-. 9i 1011. T8A HBKGAKO ea BASADI P iteb.i-tebela para e n Lotlhe. Hi.lbroa, LnboNtdi, „ ...... DIKOMMERE8E 2/6 ko ea go 10/6...... 13. 19IL Pt'alfert. Lo>N»e, .. .- I*, m i. e batlang fela fa gare ga 5s. le 30s. Vied*. M«Uh w, DITUKU tse di siamong 6 d , 9J. 1/- go ea 8/6...... ia. M L 1 KAU8HU tsa hanna 6d., 9d. le 1/- p*ra. I.W.-PiD}oe^»k>k<,lehakM ’ I 1—a, a— ------a:hiaom.ife'jaf tkatnttfia Mo Wenkelt-ng e tshesanyane (gaufi le Central le kai oeag Lik,ra 1/6. Pntcna ka taitai jeno je II j j Phtto 1911. Dntolspan Road. KIMBERLEY. mo goora ClLilWOW U Fryer SJnstii. Kt itt'o ca Taa a Too* Qeworuitro Oeacitl ibo Ktctla, * "■ c 4 ., J. h. m. aiw ioe. jDikgomo! le JAREKISI ba ba tmnileng ba The Cash Drapers, .LIT, 30 Du Toitspan Rd., KIMBERLEY. I tu tot qb. DiKutshane I ' Dijo, Mao le Diap KITSISHO TSA GOROMENTE* n i U i i i u k H « U | ' —koa— Wenkele oa Disholo. BiU bnift Kw»Wh b , g n y f t i M ^ P 0 N A ^ antjBi re utloat8a Kgiffl»Sgtfl»biBu«f baB«HdjT&*d Head Ick Ore«Brail.*-# i f» » ' na 1 lo dif«ntisi Isa MATLOASANA. ftn*WWo « Transvaal. w""u"ootlhe koa“ TWHE3PRDIT; “ K'“al :eleditawg Sett*UtJ> 0) N attnA C^ STATION, District Thaba '19 A«|*N 1911 I W .M . CUTHBERT SCO. > pntih B ° o [ » Wibal. nuakto, tU nnecm Dttlh* t;M * O-.arta, Kl«r k* aa to. DUniaha, DlkooL to 1 CUMITED.) n w Ut ahan. Or.-j. ?r,> 8t,», 7 , a>a K w yltva at VVM^iTt * £ » » nbttoto, Dtplta. MOTSEI OA BASHOI It H jjjii UtUoU ji Mr, J. T. QHIB h aautn a n ggtajB ooto Dt oniftj. Fraser & Scott, le ’METLI OA MATLOLE Tbe Great South African Boot Merchants. ka Uhofttlhm tsa Uve Btook Aootlonwra. I W* A BASHOI. BLOEMFONTEIN. Ba ka go naea Tlhako toe dl siameng ka Tlhoatlhoa toe dl ' “ “ t a n * itsisi Becoana botlhe bo. okooolocoeug. O golo ba . Bloemfontein, KITSISHO- & a huduglle koa St. George ITSISHO • d i^ ila ju%» 01 Oklt«»aCa#ik< l).*epjif tn 41 kittrtai ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ treet, jaanobg ale mo Bau- K rrrrr- ■' ■ 8 Tlhako tsa Babereki go simolola ka . ( 7/6 got. g bait Th t i h Q'foaeat# # a.a1^ '* i-IUo ei Kj< la lirobtl# I mann 8quar<>. viagoe le msigsi ai 0 aidf !e Ittain*1 ** ■ • Lefa uv ka ipaakanyetsa Tlhako tsa Banna t o Hekgabo go aimolola ka 10/6 (alt ao Kapoag tse d i o k . die - w g . , 1: W J i I , letlole, ene 0 tin ntsha kara H. WARINGTOS SUVTB, | MoVoalidl oa IT8ALA cotlhe dl 1 trial oe gore tnlt kgono dipitso koa ntle ga kara. Tlhako t o Maledi le disbose go-simolola ka 5/6 t h a b a j n c h o . ) ea loot ME8HACH N.___ BAMAI-Ia motbo a betlile Kese mo JLJJEoUt hull STLO ea DUO la MA* TIhnko tst Bulmmele llasetaana Isa ScVolc tc Tsltlitl heooa» a ro ene .(leiki e isioa lobitleng jiMothudl oa Dikoloi kt Tlboatllioa tec lit okocotonoeii;. '■‘e Lebalongl O.IL&, kt " ® S * .K «* 80 °® 80 Lobnlons;!! la Tlhako tsa Dlpltae. ■ luftota kgono KiflrfontelD. 8e Lebaleng It I Fa motho a sena madi otlhe Tlang lo Itebatibde ka Loti Be tla lo Uumedua „ «* «° “I*0 sjB.-Jffissm sr" 0 ka dnialana nne go lefa ka Mc*«i oo 0 pop4a 03 BftUle f> j Q Eaopaldaflg K;d olo « titkL f* » Ft lo kotla t— X .kgoedi kffoho kadiweke. Lo dk. et bo SENEIRI, ea t»lot«gjN(X ^ W^*|HUKU “ a oWiftela.ka metlha ' M. N. BAKA1LANE,: O . C a la i s Co,, LtJ, f « K 0 )0. O f . U n M h u // -P,d;Uo*67», 37. DUTOITSPAN ROAD for'paola BlostaioaUb, OJL8. ka lo.b»Uoj*tala KtThipo: RiUiiUKt, m \ t n m K im b e rle y . 28, ROSS 8TRBBT, ' . "• I . ' - " ‘ ' MALAY KAMPAf ■ ‘Mk'iffsiitS- ' IfNBTOLEf, I0ET8E (SBPTEMBEB) •, 1911.

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    W baesekelo ledit

    Idtoiv. 4. V u t o r m»ohto»rj lor 1 i»"l»p«rf»etot to*j»r*oV. tho trUl ol»iwhov<*.11 Uu(coold | *»tnj>'oooW«.bl,d.gm. Induction* Uiwrtd) (;NoS w4l»eUU, I Tie B T*J> mu. .tt uaUatly dttl I 00 ,rWch i S'r*°* opletooi trial with. Tb- B.t. Ur Tn.opdmua »-d Vet- 1 Mr. Abnbua B«rote-« Moped>—both log. Hed'd netowlook tb.botl Tb»0fltw*0«»bt>b h.r. rucM to. idt ► lwertto O*n»«oy to eom0i tb* nod, thit he «h p»n of the mtehloery, „ u* wpctttfUUr. of lb* U.ud f B to fc»|W wi; doe. to. Bible 8 eWy * , 7 »l«orttoUi«l)f OMSuM ***■ I eoee«itl»» to idopt Jolunnc*- ST b I * < C S 7do^?(bw b ir * *«tlitactlcnooMommt of Uw per. T8ALA FABFCOAHA (Tke Friend of (lie (IIHBKR1CT, LOFTSB, (MBPTFIBER) 9. 1011. ------1...... - Imm,r nr-tfMn* • r r n BHHH < tMlml tiffi gAGEB nt»»t» kt dit'htko Ua k Kot Itkddetlt. TSA BAKOALEDI. tl ifagtag ka tatTana." B t j g - K l f ILLB NO. I t * ftpafe 1•• mtfcntihatto a Sehet CHBBEiiVNE 0 4 MAWE6BLB TEBOGO. V. N. COOPER, SiiTt-nuja—E n -Ji; ^ tto ja o a l i Ki jwaaUfd. (KiJ.D. Palala) ahlngton a baa U(tUh> ja t lb 'b l auBaKAPUJiS No u. Ga Votouaun oa u Tiaxa." nub ditfb* b ' B r. W. Pa-cod, Ohtrmnt oa lo n tisi 01 D itlre, West End, Kimberley. GtnfrUH rtaog k B»a.— Oj* tit t ko attaajdtt pfcgamattusg o» Ditihika.) Lord le Udj Gladstone. Dittrto tt fr*i BtUU It Kiabtitoy, auf- k j» bo Tbuao M>haaugadi [Le koa MAFIKENG It ZEERUSTkoa MADIKOE] boitnaaapa } » > J 0 etattt « v'tt m ton ao kpiJing !t ant r* tlttti go Ubogi diUtlt Ui i W ihlnftoa KO\ OA M018ELEK4T8E. tao 'a Ph»to, A ia t kt L^botih'.- J n-r.Mil Hrrtio b tt*!a a di tbtpil>3|t ftS T S t LB BECOANA k. late » » J. M. W j . * “ * ■ " 1 “ '^Ul2 ™ LkLto^l . Botlolo 6di Ka po*e 84 Taa I Toat Vuccaot G tditon o Wlnbrg A Uim tn u u ta gt(ot thuigPtig U> tt kt n tlogtloa ka U. ptiM gXTLOLO 8A DINTHOt-BoUo'o 6). (ongM ao Balavtyo a etali bug! mo go Mareko 8 ustat 41, “ Qs*nt PEOTORaU b a l s AM (Molemo sa Olfiotlhoia) 1.6 K a p n a a a d . ______ot r.-u Otero mitebt kt Hebart— mo diksltng UA.Iwal I Bhodee t bt • fHala ba 6»U» b to bt gt Kmate.” A phttholoU 19th Aagatt M.rfi miaul thitt la le 2/9 botlolo. Byk.rW^hingtoa koaAaaribi— "«y. Ko.g 16-lki t bu mtfoko t kafa batho toUb tlteg bt ga Knttto BMpUa rtt tmogtttaagi bttho ba: INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Molemo oa Mmele) 21-ka Oa k* iu* gore* bigaeefcr?, Bincbobt \ ttgoti run, bogob ft t amab kgtttt b ttsg Uutho b atbopba aa Ult It u u . 'Mi n tilokopitlb botlolo. .. Amiriks bt ttamiHe b Itta] **a kgtttWo at buidi bt makgot kt Modimo, ch'Utlo ta gtgoabgortt bagifoho taogtlang mtfjko t jukt BLOOD MIXTURE (Molemo oa fio tlhacoi Madi) 0 mo gjlo o b o bia»ig oo go toaag ;• MACER A MARCH o o tum!leng thata thata oafia COOPER. Botlolo Bttho bt bancho art: Enb tm itoteu Mmopi oa gtgoa a mo dmU. ttbogo M roaa L* batho ba mono pao e'o r.got f ib, le p p W p »IW b Diko agot mo kgoaditg ut di U Mma at gtkgtmatting o b fiUhtla sooafldd 1* Kimbtrltj ba o simolola ka 2/ a ee gore. 107- n.oe fela re tie to « a ctoegmiJis; KtVrindiftWRttUwlti, Mo leVe ka boloetse bongoe ie bongoe jo bo go choe- totog kt MOtMi LHabti. u tlhiMta* Oatdo ttait btntii ba noatM lokololo tula ka boat*) jo & gnlo go Ult ■vintiinui jo bngo'0 nyango *a gu tlhai Ltkgoot lot tit loa gik* tit boat grrt di dirala 8*aUno. A I* roaa U go r* tabid u thata mo lewenkelengja gagoe KA TLHOATLHOA ro. d'kcing ue d> kt tlhkbbiaag' Re Batliseng. taaga thata ka m^fjb ao, t b lo bo- abupa (t bto ba ntla pcloko gout ft Bt ba Ubogt that;. 1 f.u b 8t..ya*«aoegtMpaoaifil*i ^ tll gort gt abkt kt itomiUf ba ka boaU koa go Knute bt itahe TSE Ol OKOCOLOCOENG. Bi loot mo bahatata«a«, f u-bbkoptati tAiu»jk»p*a* to (tpuai jilo b magopolo. Uma pkitiotb madi t gagoa bt tU boot DBltbop Modimo o n noil# Mo P. K U M. MOTITANB ke nxit ra bx»aR bithati b M < lt' " gituloaTuu • u utlotltng at b gtmottegt f« ka Quhtlt pa* ! bt ichctrtlooa. BtacjatAdd. MELEMO EA QAGOE E THUSA THATA tie kt inast b cbUU* bifob4i,to < kl ton* mifoko t gtnfi to k p b lib rtaart ftpttai fs.i ktgi kgitu e & tiogi t koptta la btgolotet bt milto totlbt ta.htag ba leftUb Ba lo agilnng kgakaU are b mo koalela ka poso to romele madi b ti t’htja* kt ditlhlag go bicbl'eieUa/ Mm» junt b n babtdi ht mpitliu ago* ftlt to, b aa t b.tho btigo*pbathago, bo Rn. W. Lodlow, aoo NOKA E TSHETLHA beele botlolo ngoe le ngoe Sekisipense oa pose fa godirao Ebile rena le roo ma’mocg a ba tolUng go a tbotru-.'t ■ ntotM o u b t ntlopb kot Bmooq*> tn bi atlaag ditihogo ba kt f.puatu |k,mi- >a B<». D. J. Palalm bait ting KaU koa Hemming 8troet,- Belgravia. Koa 6ontaea Etrept gtg»n *»i!b,; fitldkt 188®. Gotlhobfili gt gigot kgakala mo mif jku ig t a autag jiaa ’ mmoltlaU chotflelo a a taig (0 Moraligtnyl eo rtUgtog. Rt poo Ui di chonjotng ttng kacaaa; ; at go ot* boroko. W m jt gigte bon i Drltbtmtko ca banmtai ogolo di btlbvnying bothj fa dt kt 8aotb. Bwo. Ft mongo*a ult f Kittat tahiao logo t ki not ngoa j *l‘u *but0 00 B*aohaog la bt tnoi V. Na COOPER, " t nilotu nwngo^ .ot Itint j.o - faltfiit, a bong ttajonyo ai m taoaog [ MabUkatlt, gi bt ga keot gcta Ba Poitl le ba Birkly Wnt u i I In ruaya goae.“ Oa a*‘(lto a#^ [Osufi le Kereke ea Makgooa.] koatob Moniltgtnyl o tla bo tiltba it batadi ba row, mma It t»hi Ii,B U,J° “ 8«rtot» koa diaotong a Pbatoe. Ekila aare mtloba jt'e pale ba v iano. Eri'o ra tla AaUfaie'oi .ka..' itmatmtdlw. PoM* ba ea go tthameka kot Birkly. laelao e> Soath Afrikt giwagaatli kiaho tt tihlimo mo mtr.faog t a ft1 *°P,Dt thmbu at d chalatt. KOA WEST ENO. KIMBERLEY Otioot, Bt fbalitaa-aa-Bartij ba ba ba boltoa .-1 t'bo’ca *o Iro» *o?« ka Eiglitlift ANDBIE8 NOKU. tul> p roai rt atii n a ttaitd Ma 1 K> tthipi t rtnla boataiatn^* ). b n ba Ut go btlats. k<"I ___ Seboto le ie mo teng. put. Ft lo gopoli g ra kt f.posu* ! bogtlo. A ba UU^a ka Ktrab a Pnielf koa gt bone ka di £& Ron go u iyuti UEtrz<»>. -Knl* maio'a . Dikgaolonyana Re batliseng, tahunologo to, nning lo ntahdit an , ntl8Bt** • b* » ag^aatg Wuto J» ipooeU ka matlbo go oo'.'mo carng go On'rJ Bmou • ctru* Kro^cisdcrp a Eki’e -e ngotga o atoologt ga nat gopalo koa atlo. Upoliltltag lor* ka “ oduao, ar* io bo !o aga jtlo m mo i.rdim(. U tb oeb ' D S bitU btbadi bt baiht bl* Oogorjgcro kgono lori, ga kt iu* ^P^00* “ l“ a. Art Ktrt cboara mt-Barkly b ba klaua fola ka I Uaaboropo A » dam«li*a ka gcre oa twlanyan* c)tlh* Ut kot hil« e 11 M . jtk. diie-mtee le guUaeagapa . tepa, mma lo at b lo N ga b rtka- b • *» lon* “ Wetwa kgolo, ttbailot oakonytna u khataaofant ba boea ba , Itamfla bobotl.na p bo taleng' bo - s.t>i oa l-fatab jotlhN Oa aO* : " I M P . raopla. Tula tlbeleUa tiro e\ oae. Bniio>" ke ’ t«'i«'<- tt *Vat* n ttflt go ttoyi papadi A Bioom. Bthtdl tinting k» gait polokango it butdi, 1* gon lo ^ Efaagali, * thaai btt^o tbotbiU Utkgobaa Blr.lj a gakttte I ihipa fi ba ix.m diogo^gcngo. re bning b t^ f*ritlbtth*nr» Swih Afrika ea dpb Ca On- S liltOi momakiong It Ktntttut _ >b loa ra a b nala kikoi ai boailo ** bancho lhau li m ei 1 ».o» dintfo* tsa Btrbiry kot Trpo% i CleopatLoeo* tit (tgtrega mopbMo ; f. gooo go tit U»cerai ll rtugbaka’ dQt ttotoro 7/8 dllt-thiro 4/-. Botlht i go taioalii tiolo ta m* ka ti»ti * , Wttab* kt dJo ta* mooa 1* tu botib« le go a eoodinUa pel», fcu ; Nor’h AfrVvto* dl phal.dlpataj.t3 Rtgao ke ka itaoela thtta ft oka a | bo ba nil* botlhe Ko booalt jaka hi bt btUlir TtAU koueltng to ftpogiltag ditthioologo ta* di godi 1/5 Uhomtmeog mo go *oaa. a Brciioa bone b r»tt g r> f rc u Soiih Alrib Oj bUi Uakaor^J n n .b*di hoin Tl»ra»in.b< ntb* ;.j roatb.Oiadl Ttoa. go i tienyi mo Tnlmg ea rona I o«n<- (a lieneral Hath, a .a mi* «entle boKttedimalemi dl itr-, «a re * Mr. W. 2. PKNYANQ Itag ttt di ti b b tu kgtogtogoa ! lMla bataad-1° rom*li baaa **ko^og motir ng e« Goratnnlt b tab U t k f ^ Ke nna oa loot kaTannliibo r kgolo Uaru g o tit uio l.btoau, ,lola mo goreke » i Bo* 18, Tbbt 'Ncho OF8 Poaho at Etgalioi, Ut ab n b ; u *ur*. *• gu u am kgodiaho m tt «n< go uidua dilo. Bi aatagna! : 5 la badi botlbe. trtaluog t. fa e 19 dif'n tla tahigttn boaao jot mi jo bo go- 1 Krtuti, gor* b* tit ba ciolrta* m* t. cot go .ooffU tiro a a a*oa k Bi Satua.—Dibuitho in Mitnlo, 80L0MOS JAUGER ------goii ele Roae ra ratio re aUo- goto* t dllsag b bo b di ikob*U*. Lafi »at* t t tiatat a tla Uiloa. A " o *• ha-nl b* Am*rib gOM b *a | . Dioytlo, Patio Ik Dincho. Bo o iW llnaioo Sl'tioa _ ile bo “ laogcciw iUg»’ bttltng go ittoi tjrtgalo tte di o:t*ng Bangot bt b at tn baa ba okaua j itamti* 1° boai phothtgo u buidi “ Tsalaea Becoana" i ka diUtb f«'.. g> tr t.wi h" ocb b bt koa Trips!! bi jtlo, t kotlile Moraliginyl a rottela k ba Ite Am Tiki Bt gagtbk mo agoigacg ono go dirigHai kga-. * *'• boI*lt:a tiro a * molrao a * di A BECOAHA BA JA MUSATB. * Vo ro atloo dl.iakie d p" dire Ufa t*SiUitho. E a tuning gtngot (Till " FrltBd Ol ib! BMbMM. ) mmnnaWa a cmi mi tim * tt b% tu dllt d:n'n: taa di kgolaagtataju , roaag k> ba Ho^kgttlho oa boa* koa ‘ip 'n y e lo tnotfio *r i (•It kt 8/-, p b d i •*/-, gtrtro 8/ ni'opl bare kare gal 0 tla bi^aa ^ jtlo, jtlo. - Bt ohotogot Ihttt k> Buiho 1* B aho*n. A lo k ri ran* ' Kim’xrlsj kt go tlhibaai It mmtba Dear Moralagiori go ntle dikopelo | £ n>ilb4 mogociiani . Ik. g.. tae diopeloang ke dinonytoo taa kvntae 1 I f.tibalkab ditub, gobot tltok- -j dittsU tw dlt Ut di romtlt Dliitrih' rt aala ttak t t tUaiag e. gj i-ka , 04 totigoa. \ omtb ft bt kla ba ke di oMoa, dl opala g\ ke iLte alt eoot thoaoo e neoaog kg^O bgol*. • Ka . ' la go ttibola kgtt«s Ui ouih ,1s oo bolola U ti go r.paltlt pbath*go mongoe 0* bojod oa di at o« fa dl opelt m'lodi aa oono ! f» 0 irvatott ot I ’ pino » htoin- unlit. Oi k* aa maikaaltlo a go koa Ftitiai, mma ir* go cmUIo* p*!t Batho b #oc b taare, "Becoaaa b otloa mJna»*f.ba| Jomtganli lc tor pi ea D»*hi ko. ■ S'loo grra a ro Tropoli a Ukt pr^ca tthutlt bojori It aooofo at boo* *a go ripafclo* bitho ba ba aatii ba la eoalecoe. 11 o KeDpantng, ga ba latlb j Cry.oo. Bt f i am f.Uhi felt b monnaoe t phtmo'e dinonyan* Uata ^ _____ letj ro fJag"l» batho b»o chiaoe fa apcrecg ilieltcla ino uioiapoog U t u t ttt mo Tiaubo, n gano k» mono Boath Afriki Ut bUholo tu 10 . i i— prfiWoateUabi'BU* ar* ka ubtia b-tobtorfo)^- ^ jn f > to S T U gort bttho b tlhokomtla tiro laol'e, ke* ggort go kalo uala at r, Mr. J AI Nyokoag. ^btjetttoa. Bt tit 1*ia f f. gageejoiitab./CIO^otfflalwiriocttt " t ThaU ooo» di*taela tt« di th uUbla k.ilo ka shot Barb a tiaUbU* aaaga tl Ut Ing f. U'orwt Mtdiao kt moot oi boa* U go a tl Utmola moratflgi. Kaona, R« . J U t.omor« ... .YcAo Hr. J.ILmpt. ... Paryt. ba bo ba bi gogtlt «0 mn^lig i»a dikh'nfl koa E igo'toe tn ditto mm t N*ttU a dir. moltn ka Par “ b auroo i bon. A bi lati g M E L . MALES A. Eumdrth . John Moch-r .. HI ta/m e n. io kgtbagtaUhtac mo Biochugb I*' MotUACUAWI, — i tlogala Umntt gora bojiri bt uki ba tiho- ba iknyiU* moriti ot bitndi kt Hr Boie Sirret, Betcmtfio'.d. . j a. i.ibtu . Bltem/rmlri, bone. Kro ka golamtlt gt 'Ivu-.no ■> boga't t te go Uana koi TaigoS ka moUhoaligtdi, U ba tUhodJiiot kgatu ditgot, Ut Polnlu i imibt ki t r. ki go ttlh. . J.O. SUt.*eo« ... ttlueu/nUiu. elcgo tb»b, b. o n'-lt pq o t>ro * in a l«V* go kgan*la moral mgN a It tot goora Utnknroma gonne kt b tu irilot mokgoa o ttla Pbtogo j mt gt eoai •'Jil* go ... KaEiB-). - Mr. B N. Moiaba, Bio i Phinp Monkc. gotjptotjltoptai. Xtifcmoa. . H M LtMoiil. go Uautet aiiilhimoigee LI* g- •eVa a bt a Imrot dinoiyuetoai >' to t Ittnyt tbU* btho b boat awtU | tabtkt u ti tlitwg at g, di ttaU co foataia U.foko t a a bolelta di !>a Amerika. Ke ttothtkgeedi bolecoe ka botUb ks Ur. Di Emin fologcla mohamigtdl nio i^o-1 ciri' Hridtnbarj j .noo« ea b> reorot Tbirntoantoa • i SmEi . atU It t tumilu aantle, la morarj > tlhil* go Uh AoatU Ksraka Thaba Neb, a diprtltlx d titu.no oo tbinn-.g, . B tbtb . gort t nytUi bojnri It btlholo ig ki i Uimiat bob* kot atU fii'hi t apila a t'h .p •. Ato a na'f > giro gt laoatle baa teng. t S t i tn boat. Ot a b b tlhoU b amab aattb o« m damedi moago* 1* tcaltu, i mmoat a noolt a rtrtkaoj- . t'olela godimi a g>4i, M > alt . oisffii io tti* - to a b b iU* ft tlhilogaayo ta 'J* gara t *t*l* m oo di u c'lcare a r . 5. BAROLONG B. SOCIETY. JitvjitBT.-Writi eo o (NmdIIm m . Uena too trng a tuo bpt a rao goga > oa aekoidi oa Boih-itbo KNartttntM 11 mo Mikgootag a b p tb ortibi i bi i Uritaa Kri E«eto Uolimo okt thu* Baktnlengoe gegtoel* U*nlo lib aat.n< gtm.t*'. km Darbo kakgo*dilat BhodnU ttlirt b taat go akraji, ■tot tb ntnUi. i roaa b ba dileng mono ka matlho- Mr. Fo»v Kgab.gtrebiihitl b ils |i li-gnit lo d ffj'ung »ni bathi.bt Ruhitho ba ba ttaayt pbtogo agot t a tla U- ka gora b dtiha 'jaotle ko mafftong» _ PctM Koloi'ii Phathigo *a itnm*duioa thtta ka tla boioa le ch Itrji. G limmano :ot higtoya go f«it b mife’o a ij Dincho.< mofalalang IiftUhi jtao It batgi boo*. Mr. £ SWng I, Ur. A. Stbolai. . Mtki>ko le Bov K, Kmo.lo, i»fik> a gt Cbratae u b at lopt bt kile bt nyn’e't bi'e i»< litoo k- raeoe a Smth Afrika. U i Bl- b eaaleng b pbleU m* po bo long A'r«|W(^ hajoat. or* a art t lipi go ttaU Mtb Uatti lo le 1*0W" f,.'., h. h .bedi montht). „ Philemon M»ra ^•ho bl* raaue'a ’d lli^ W ; rrtbo o oalt »eokt!e o« d «ittl«. a. A bSogt badiri b Ktrab oo . Jtme Uoodous . d 'h.b ib tba fel., mt p;-ka'a^iag''v a Tntma -Mr. ThtoSchHnsr UcfigooataabeaamoguA Simoi vsssisn jssjet *n»n,r jt Ko-.f tetiUlali, eo o etaaUang £lU3d LU. Seitab £1, D. Le- i y g a p ^ ® i i Kmra tt boo* ka goat, a b n * Im. M. 1. MctboJt. Mi-Cnirxt—Ko» Cb» at er as'e B tho ba B>motb bt t ) ; « H b i n 1 emeweng Trmbaltcd mo Ptr- 10*, Wnliaia Sunael Ot, H Ucr> Modimi o UbgoftU) Birati la phs- Het. Umbeo Tvtlt, metb.leih.le ei mirg o . « - .* :bt. ntcs mrala ngoa ’n o*o« 4 b 'e p ItmootOTBaa Eoptao, b ana Tlhogo a* 6d, P. Bikoate u 94, M. B.botn' thago . II- lot tho btl* leVgo'o. Kt 1~5 Bubotto ca xn» TeopeU koi Koloni Erile 4ifld, ff. K. Stgoneco 3], J. Mange oyaae 3j, B. 8, UiUioatae 3i., D. Nko Bk«i.- fi mo'ho a ra.tu> UUi'. ba • »« b ’a IW.OW « a 1 R}» b i«» milobbnaala koalo loimiitoma- • - 340.080, “b 1911 to <»,0». My . u o i , L L Meto» Ji ed., K. U. ditfao kot ko King Gtorga ft a rofdoa T u u .—Koraata ai Kokttid « i-c kn gt b Bsthrtlu ; Uolitoll it, I K. Jlolito'i U, 1). Mo ore,* aokto n tih'iimi^o 'e tlotlo. terotlo. 0 m ooa go amogtU lo lo r*:~Utgoii a H-riehal U Qithiag it kt iitlht cotlhe ga tao* Soa b M O O TM t-K o. Bwoabld. a^a li , EL Letlbka 11, U Llkotue 1., MKlitanaoi.fi a baa t dir. n.o>o catnggo Lord Oltdttona t thapift a rimototM go boloUU thako ts gilo. Mothi ot b io ok.r* f. .i« i 'i*m»ltnf gone. Bitn'o K jm a to . % Y l% A S * t « 1911. btwlpj b J. P. Uaohogn 11 61, }■ Bog.cn U i i . Ur. Ja P mIj- Al-J nako tt lo.it, Qkkoi UamKbdibho, -Katii a iMnteUtta adran ai fidb b raro a Itotelr t., J. P. Uothibi It, P. U.- Bct. E Mailer / aiW Jium W ii obalu eo mongoi a tkoke-i. tt. ka .*«■ A tet JlM k... Tempola thaka. t Boholhi tal*btatab a behot. *ag la, P. L Sting Si, AM Runi- Qu*f 8oi.lt Pi t ... UorM mifoko, t inolofolw ntbt a ra a j ..ua nttaeog go tbf4t mtbia. Buko Birt, IT.rf ga .tlh.k.m tib.*., io t. c.e P. Lopsalo u Tsa—Kopaoo aa bJtmi tahwt la, & Upalo It.6. Mothlbi 64, Mr Moch» S f t S B T V $ ? % & £ $ ■itvtff li myotaj KigVa a ball, d lakxta -uo b.ofu*, r « l o taatiltng t a l th bLangebrrgo koa Mffflog bdana- tho kt bogougow trib baunt go l P. KoUi la, B B. Tibtbing I s Bk Bpjo* K 8 Kmh.Uy kt tann* oiu : B.tluilrgi ba b* lknya gore Goromente a bolelelot gora rob mmidiajita oa ■goago'a * J Uoantma la, W. Biailrltt W. Mr U.ltkt nkba. Ompiaao to o nka gapa Mr A. R. Mttboko F.m l-'; ntVot'e b bt.Uot>g.0* tbivtCba-b^- Melto e a rarg gi looe Ia lopfatlo, go M. Nthitid 94, J Mosio'tng Ja, N. b UhoaCboa tu di tlhittagaajaog. Mr, 8, Utihoko. Ball/ tlti-. lagQtli'eog go l'» direioi k e ca sa b bolva taio, t nine o'eta r gtgatu to* di fttiltag kfttMM p*St,J. 8. UoreengU.S Btttbe Mr.Afied St*b<*o. Oat ".pa*. lo fchiarjleog ubpioi y, u tar.t« ba Btohtantltnd. pe'o Gear tai Botha 8ntai di aa boatbag di la, J. Siaoltcg la. J. Gilyate la, J. Mr, Ktirst S'lot HOk//m. 'e mortga kt *o Ulla mol f.t,hao? ^ aatoaetdakoi Bqcoana beaigoaa ______«. Qomplano Bi.hoth) ka Uoliao la, Kgabla 84 Su»HBWt akaop-thata to W a « n « .« W b p boM to btling m«idi oa Fr*l BaUti HtT. P. K Motljaoo. DrvmVtrU jt m*-.lbm6!i go tJ* go !o bta^'kt gobootpopogo ea VfaUha Btre (a ntb pvoon goae a jttna'dipbM Jo. goaa go apwa “ptp” mokgoeding a B. SIATHEATBIE, BanU,y . J Ijtkomt. Vr.t-iio'l,.. baitoVobea dito\o:t Ut lait' bi> di toalioe a b gagamidloa mo mafa- Bilt/onte n Mine. Utntgalaowt gt dlbnodiW tot : Phakn. . J.M MeUUloa (V :ouheg. fidien|,. noaag Uhocg a BnoJttoa haral botlhe b ka ka Vofbko JW dftpft JkH t*o*p.„ Mga b b b ea go kopa. a iw h p tl»* d ifk tX j

    rasTT HirUog t botaa :TABATA ELIKULU LIKA Iu»ge lana lo boleoU) jo Kaanetc WOOD I di boltot ke r{ ftie kile « I" [dikgolt bo | R -K ot PtnrttBitth,, artle ona |0«r oil Itittfrika b dl ^ Pfaato ll;_lMr. Mo" W 'ta a booe dlnadl | bi I'Oh'1* m> ■pBtr.■fl./t" fipatnye, b Cockney b choma ta tab, It'higa'atk b Torbhir* U-khomt aa arft^ba pipe Dr TWfcr.' *r* 'f‘ to -ib M at aa eho- Nitili dl itiopa ft d‘ ‘ ngoangmono; Mma b Sebtratab Teftdi nt di b tlhola ta fawbpnya a b aahhata | jo b boUl'tag UagjW j j toa' sa IU tloga to tlhopega morago, fa coi'ha Fawtra • ea to mol eno mooa UNYANGA bar | | | a ■ T l m u TS iU RA BEOOMi (We M ud of tke Be ’ KiMBBBUf, 10BT«E ( 8 F P T E - o . mi.

    Mcaon—Bm kt «< ft't go ahm!e btaytot kot=JK E-^eNtt, GEERS COMM. » . l . , u i belt m. [Gi jji Itiltlt epeee cbipi jala «] 61-50 M o ilip Road Dctoaxa.—Dipone ta di b>U ta» oa [Metlobo ea Komponi ea ga Mokebisa.] (G^UFI LE KEREKE EA ROMA) KIMBERLEY. llhali di pigtaa kafa ntle gt Diktmitto di ahno'ogile kot Anbio. BAiBEREKI BOTI.HE BA b a BATLANG IIROMO DIKFPOMfi TSgQj Wdreog eno re ololotse thoto e nUintai ea Eoimo.-I td Kiohram bolois hot EtgaUne ki kgoedi;J____ :| BA LAELOA GO h OTS»A AGF.V.E o a CONE: M R. L. S. GLOVER, ] T T lAiAlE E TONA El FMTISI. •. go o » HoL-cdi golo kot gocit LOB ATSx. (H esew kogo bonoe so eholo so se kana ka ao. r Ttoto dl itoeeloa fela. Tlang lo itlbophele kapelapela 3>fa re kadi nmaka ga re kake ra ba ra di alioeUa. Lokoto Bobtngoe ba ka e» fi-ls, k I' Waidkk l*U i 01 ISI’ aN : Mine Compound \ u . "a gttil* aoMtiiBjioa oa Ltburn tt mo Floor Compound ) Surface Compound j 51 J iar**Y. Bit 6a mabogo ma telele 9d. thaba logitt. I Minn Compound ") Floor Compound I J. 8wa.nsos. 8 o » ea Jeremane e e boncho 4*d. — WES8ELTON: 8urface Compound [ j Fwaks k WORK HOPS: Compound 1 8. Tidd. Peah Merino eo dltsela, gale 9d. gompieno 6d. Smaooo —Kot poiaaia* tt Lt- Floor Compound ) (K,N Tit\L I O VV E It Flanelete tsa go Ira dlblausi 3d, jarata I*kail gtafi la TUjwnadnft go S I A flO N : C mpo nd | E. GaLI^w. • 8impole tsa marukhoe le mahempe a bsnna ka a koa nfflonoboa thobllot lojatt kt 'teng, a gale arekoang fela ka2/- gompieno 1/3 m«j« aio aakaag jt lo tlh‘ eotlhe .ko*: Goora Spalt'rioi. THOS. LEASK & Co., Klerksdorp, ENB we lo reia lo 1 - ______T R A I V 9 V A A L miit j ca., REKA fola mo Wemfcwlong k > o leina mo Tsalkng lo bo lo . ..W^KKELE je le etelelseng a mangoe pole ka Ditiro. bolelele moreiisi fs lo bone MANGOL . BROTHERS, r DWOjDJSO. DI4PABO THOTO TSA MAT.." ina ja gagoe rao Koranteng ea , I* Tfm lH tM Btbol. Gi gooa Wenk.ie op«o THOTO t kana kt Becoana. EMCINEERS, BLOE.MFCNTEIN. ea rora mono THABANCHC Motse oa Rona o mo 6 le 8 Zastron Street Eaat. >“ —Moaimane mong,a c oboa 0*1* nbbt Ditrape, mme Ro it ana por. TLHOATLHOA RA BONA t RB r.*ua M DA NOV " WOHHILLS (D u i ts» *l»h-f») I) Oyliil-r 'o POMPO tsa ga Mnngold, MEGOMA , > 8IA ..E K A METLHA p-ra!e ka Uabora knt H fa ^ a 5 S tSli?Ki5?di,*k*k* Kon,*n'‘- rnkt k« tlhoit'hoa » e todilana tlhaoa gatot o tlamokila baaatatayioa eaga Hatfon, c lJiloma c tllw Us » Irm.. DI>I 'H I M ta,. di pW h .ng, t o di jalang le t«e di robang. Me hale- MSIDI, IOBONO, MABEIE, MOBOKO. 8AKA, FCBU. jtlo. j alo. BtAle Btai»k»Bt«reV(«,lk *” nT» k« Drbatsbare, Diigomo, l)lpiu» le Dinde ba basooen bala 'babadi ba out toale ea Olponipo t*n MHtiOielsi U* t • f*a con,- Oi imola ts.i »a .\cwbury, ja 0, jalo. MEGOJU Saki'leng. Mt^tatDIKOUH, DIKOOHEKARA it Dlkoloanat- ■m k g o n h :: m f c M a ! ! ! tu tumileng tsa bo Glennies. Il^na le mokoos on D senke, Dttlnome ho le Ihoto tsa go aga Megala ea Ditshipi e e 8 Jaoni Solovoi. 8r W i>a Ditlmela tsa- lokoano le tsa PETROL i^a GAS M vS illN 'i la gc pbn- BE KOALELE, RB ITKELB M0GAL.4, GONO L' ITBRE, ngoa kt dingaka tai Eag^ltna MA GA NKE P IKOATLIIAA. BOX IB7 nT.oE M p0JIX E H # 3 Fora—Oato< ga goo a Ktahol-p« M o gala: “MANGOLD’ It cbo, rang dik'Dtini jaka F.r< Mo i kactiai til bi j lo- d ia 30 000, toot London la Oh oaga (me DNIVBRSIT r EXAMINATIONS oho raog batho mo 't(atabiog) boot ba nut 6 800, HIGH SCHOOL FOR NAT-VES.

    Io RoaWJLi.—B'o-ana '* Not N.id.rtoiff.rd I cilit -i f r th» arcitoo it h t. r s • rd ( 4 jaanong bi booo gur« palo a a tboa «:i tVan der Reit Co. 1 qaa)'(fin< tb> N t-T t Ir tho -x'tnln-t'OBt pr cr' -d --y 'h- 1 p- Braa, Booaog Fa!! bilaogaka noooi kt ohaUta K*t- Uoifrtity . High ScbfOl hit i onn opoood it Lot«. Iduty*. Tr«.a«»i;c [Eseng oa Mogente] aatwana o ta a aakiaa P«t>r Philip tt (ollf«a:— (Wenkele eo montle eo mo Hukung go leba Poet Office) ra arila a aana go oo ah^.lof-.ta' n> lo MATRICU..ATION. LEWENKELE JE LESHA JA. emt la moaidi o atla JP'JU at go NYALA kr.t» U h SELALELONQ. Lttm-Or»nimir,.Cooipi>iiliou, Dottoiii Phynitt—KI m-i I •' l br fciiScs*. .ndaotBnokk | Hulflry-tloi* rityS.il tw Wniter H. Adtoia—Ot ro it* iiura Grtok—Gnmmar. Composition, Omron-1 A ithniolir- THABA NCHO E tU go ibomola kt ptka go cia kt Moaoto g<. ai kea I'hogoo^. banna g* l« itae Wnokele »• o looata ro montlr-ntlal^-ntlt (oi o o 'ebtgany''obagany njng Ft t M go IxiBt kgoio n aa D kJraioag, R« k« go batkaoytUa a pare K*»fn m«r go G 'Ora KONONG. le Pott 06aL Fi aatlo Iiadicbot .cho Algebr»—1Throogh d, testa-thata, Tu Dahortki. n. . , , . . _ OThUCdr»tic rqulKIDIE^oml" ! BeaOtO—SftjtO til Ltit U U bttla Paka totlha D ka raka BAKI. BOBUKHOR. HEMPt, a coal, sago Wankala ops o khai u» o ^ .^ u ^ U ra iiy B^rlrtd Bylltba. 1 ' ntlo-ntla, tse dl that* 1 AliliKlSI l a nielhale.thnlp «a BINO la DUO Is Dli- ' DITLBASO, a HDT8HB..K0L0B0, kjooo oog ia a on., (ola •« 0 jaka taa gago#. A tbaka oa SCHOOL HIGHER aa batlang 0 tla a* htihala Greek—Pt Bl. v * .. P.UIO. 0 reka 1« M4 BBUB la dilo tso dingoe te Sekoateng e ko o Oe go itoba-tebela k* English—Gramaui. Compc*ilion and Sot H Bo-ka. Phyaiw-Rlom-ut-rv Tra^tical S di ka rekisioang ke Becoana. Algecn - Throogh Qnadratie Eqoatiom Anthmotic—Nto-1 t» c. Ooomotry—Cni»rri'iy Byllabm. K,.fi. Or^mm r tc. Re reUsa Thoto taa Banna fela ga gona taa Baeadi le Bana, Hiatoty—Unlrersity Syllabus. Sciiito—Grauim.r, a-to. Ua Kun.ui — Kgtkgamaon Ebile re simolotsf tiro e noha e entse e ’ sa itaioe mono (atahejtga di (ila. H a: JUNIOR SCHOOL h |C H ER . id Beading. t ( Tlmbi'Noho, Fa moLlio a rljita; ^•.aio-t^Vdit6mpfl1I* S E N E IR I 0 mo Lewenkeleng, o kn go tegi-la fela jaka “ • — ” '“k‘ '• SSia PUA. ’ y oi ngoa oa ItiUlativa a atn> go ■ Butory—Earopeic and Booth African, i >t«. ” bukanynnA u di man-go mo go eouo 'B w utiena j^otlab4 U raU. Tlang lo itlbophele ka losi mrea , , „ ...... I -tc. Algebra—Compl-tnn tihala B« Borrad-. Moayd, '* E!tmontary Pr.cticaj 0-> I VarateoUi-Oi .n. . j "itae .e diugne isa B iAa u di gagylo \i d i lere nile a tU emt le tnaagia . < b.l> ! STANDARDS V AND VI dithoto ts- di lebnnyeng tlh oba(a*o ke I go t* phimola lor. tony»BI lo ba ntar VAN DER REIT A CO., ba lo betlat Kapt mo dibetiog tai ‘ | I Maria Smouse boo'. | THABA NGHO. UO <» D‘.jo in- di Monate I- (RADIPEBE.) N LBQ.-BJ* BAhTI. m um n s a d d l e r y . Loszi Metbuxh—Hitlbabani roka ! Oo I 'b ig in i3 8t»r B'kery. 58. 1 a laola anabola a South Afrika j ; New M'lln Stiwr tt IMBER .E. j , jaaoong boooo jot futoe bo j i ka Qjoartl S

    [tSH0SESEU9i«»l (PI


    . ^Tat|>i t« c o f ln jr Toitpan • m ang tmg. sa Kama tse A TAOLO U di-htta tae ke di re*oo»eg ke T n iu lfl.tKoiMi K 8oeth Afrika 190# l« ke tloleo 11 ca 1SS9 Kap^: 1 1 » BO >\ 2/6, 3/6 e 8/- fli M o ra . • f e 1 ka Tharo No, SI9 aa 8ap> March 2J, 1910 to TOeaFW* li i g e h a It* t a e Hi t h n m a g f l l l h » n t l b o 5 Okoooloooeog. IS, 1910, e okrdio. gape k» * k»ijiag k» Mamatlralo e • toteto*| Bf! Ift Ifr 7/0 1« 10/- 1 e e tl* bo.Voanj ka totlilo k. iMpeeuv oa di Klaae. oa Barkly We*. t*6 di bob’«» 2/6 le 8/9. r * m MODIMO BOUOK.A KGOSI V'npbtOt*, IHPAK v l*A BA>NA ua E eUhicJi kt Bor.lt )• S««»a- n ei K.epu> ■ a. Sielk A a' irietb'l** E -tlhe eotlbe, miwgo mesha M; C. Schrueder •* •t»cueimn»'*r;--— — .. | Afrike mo Pretoria ke tait?! jeee p I? Ph»to 1911 GLAO0TONB. m i fr - w /. fljtN N A tee d : d}r>I»eng ka maatia metlo, MOSEGI Kt ta .!o i Taa . ToO' .r»*er Onml m > K^otU. m ~:'*l*ft •/-. 7/6 1,1 l0/- J C. BjiCTd. i BANNA tie di ncho le tse >li Meb-.la, eo t lin ik tlt Mabedi, tbejtladilwjj Kftei fa Ottire tw D.tec ang -a miwenlele a Kimberley P. Btkang m F^KENCB ROAD to # * . * io /- ROPES STREET, O.ofl le BtaiAeoe. 1 14 NBW MAIN STRBBT, Go K O B O tee d i tona tee di B O T U IT U O lefcgtet lo Kereke • kfolo ee Metbato Mtlbe W - HAMETLELELO. i n i» , m v » / - Ibkgooa (a l’nabjrtariaa. lr ^ -— DIAWafl&rSA BANNA LE BASADI, DIKGETSE. K^keco ca Dikcpo tsi NoVi koa th * ta Ilipdrilt. A a batla Semolo, Scmapa, : MXii;|)iE A DITSHIPI LE OITLHAKO. GO cm It skoa< e o '■■iltgiajttif to Sigftal RiU me 31b rase, Belt&mata Utflaedi e • ean* Konj K.ief (a • rtktatag taag to ' ------la fa d o ! M____ o tollto’d d l llV t a _ cd. ___ tu booo,_ k, tiljontlti". Ve K t j e rt GMifPaU ; «o coa foafr en >eba^*(o D1T L S I © t™ M flr a b o k gon o t a Bab»r> ki, tea aK lengksakatol. hone ba rekeloa aentle fe be rottiftAe medi kn Poet A|Im». go oo* loog go phektgtojt pliei. *a *Boro. tr^a file 0 ila ko segela fela kslfe ______* EP leb> parfo *a Bor ia go aa g i thali nhana Kaf4to* :,P^aili;b tow di ka itugeau • r.ntooaj k. Ther> 70 u 1910; g> ea l»ig g) ei I. M.lalot*.i ee Kepo ielecoDg ea gaeo. go ea go M il It di aimologilNg ta*g E a n g k e e g s Thaka • • ooans mo Dikompo* KIMBERLF.V, nlnf •itumedisloa thato ke ene. . R O K S B U R Q A ■ .-i ' $ & ■ ’ !:'• W H, A, OLIVER «C ».’M GRAHAMSTOtfH. ,v UIT Ilnurjrni iron Kitsisho e Molemo. THERO. Kt Taa »Tona Bo e Tl'tVitox Th*(a YiaccomlGUdatooe. Tjkokio ta LaknUa Seine u H ia sa Ditlhako fela mono PuloUHEUAGA u THABA NCHO j* 1< TloUe^aog Molo j. rvr.*ila (hpUrf, I n n oa Moektls , n o faph»ifil"ng ihtt* o , ho S i U'chtel le 6t tiroc^e. High CoMtodoaer .v j £ ;* -.^K im berley. I? im Sisih Afrot'« Mt!todi-Golo aa Ktpaoo oa Sutth Afrwu. 0 F,S.kaUABCn» 1911. A D Fatla go Bolola Madi Balia othoaa lotlhe ka tlboatttoat® MAKOOrLA A TIKOLOGO T B ffifre N T Sl n ka itlbopeia m o go eone. iodo dl okoloeor B O N A F A : DIN AIIA TBE D! RONNEJfC TOA MOBB8E le baki mmoffo ma ZKPAHA : ORANGE FREE «r.\TK (BOKOVK T8E d c ffiA T A t u . BANNA 16/ . 11/9 go 15/6 Dill A MOLE TBE D! TLQOPHI- 5 9, 7 /6 le K),ii LOEMi KA KELATLOOKO. Oijn-b. o Ua aaki>t jiaei •»'< a.Sloog m i al.a« — TSA MEKtlABO ea B iN N A ts e dincfao le tse J i . BLOUSE tse di lotsaua 1 rt, 2 • ■ aaol*' ka lo baatany^lna Ua Utkgomo. V 1 « Wiahnrj Maet.ga, SaptajiW * >91 Khnnoii 10/9, i j /6, 13/4.-15/6 po ea go £ i 15/ para M aiaxm LOKAKlNi! lo llA-TLOU M E 8 E 8 E e a D I T O F O 2 9 , 8 (>, 4 Krocatad Liavrtr>>. S. 1911 BO B O L D W iT , tse di tu afa-thtfa tsa Baepi para Gaafi lo Kereke ea Cbach« (8t Aega* | M E 8 E 8 E le b a k i t« a D ! I'OFO Ifi.'O, 21 • P.r/a, Mat.hiej, 9 IOII. tioe'a) ba t>a coana BAKI tea BABADI t o DITOFO S3, 12 6 lr l i . Reilbron, LitboV-I tj, 1911. Fr tab fort. Loaboea. II. l»lt. B^oe le ngoe e opelelecoe 15/6 gone Tlaeg la iu-t*t«bele l>ft lo ■ OALB tio dincbo tsa K A 8 M IR I10 ti. 15 - If IT 0, rake. Baccho le Baaboeo Ka lo lahtta Vrade, klttlh et, 16 l»H OALE t*o di mebala le dikobo 5.- ro S-.it uo m\(i oag a ka tittai j« LoUbe. 1HA WCfADO'ea BASADI B iteba-tebela para e u DIKOMMERE8B 2/0 go ea jjo 10 (1. le kaitoeeg Lektot’a le fa tiaii ait hiagi o goragtag. e batlang fela fa gare ga 5& le 30s. DITUKU tee di aiameng 6 d , 9d. 1 - go or .' t» MODIMO BOLOKA IG'Wi. KAU8HU Ua banna 0d.» 9<1. le 1 - p m . E ntahicoa ka 9«it>a la Btkaao aa Swolo aa K iptno aa S^ath Afrika oo Pret'ril kt t.itai jaao ja II ja Phato 1911. Mo W enkeling e tshesanyane ('gaufi le Central MARPKOOE a banna 8/6, 4/6 le 5'ti. THABA 'HCBO. 0. F. S. OLADSTOSB, BOHEMPE ba banna 2/6 le 3'6. Oaaertor GaarreL Hotel) ea ga MANKATENG a senna, psra 1.0. Ka lce!o ea Tan « Tona U.worearro Uaoual oo E*otla, J a M HKBTZOG. ***&&K^WS mo goora 11 CO goa Melao. S3VLA.IRT&CO., RMISI ba ba InmiieDg ba The Cash Drapers, KITSISHO TSA GOROMENTE- 30 Du ToiiSpSTi Rd, KIMBERLEY. Di]», fflio It Diajm >, Kitaahi ' a Itlaiatg a (at aoa (O r i s f f i s r * W enkele oa Disholo. koa— Eo o uh«,-*MiUeog 6«x»ttry oi Natm A ftm MATLOASAHA. (lft a«fHt i®u. T r a n s v a a l . W . M . CUTHBERT SCO. [19 Phato lilt, (LIMITED.) t Dictn tat Surttjur, m tiacxaTa ai BatKtt MOTSEI OA BASHOI Great African 'Boot merchants, WiaT, Pasvcni u Ktr* le ’METLI OA MATLOLE The South irsnilOe diri o ta ei ko« A B A S H O I. K DikepoacMt di kw tlu> ja k'iplnftka Mialift,L«Cie 11,1*11, Ba ka go naea Tlhako tM tt' edameng ka Tlboatlhotv toe dt gn«a^j b*l* Th-r. aa Gvoa«te e e okataiog d c»p>*«»\ mtgrn.;'. a.jpgoa le taoogoa e) o atag le Itnaaai «t K?p> go p-ka K '.»**to^e* okocolocoeng- I WAE1NGTON smith. Tlhako tea Babereki go sim ololi k & ...... 1|6 ^ ► Banna tsaMekgabo gosimolola ka 1U |6 1 17 A icoaea * ea Tin ro 213 H B. I9ui at Melao ca Britiah Ricliototltod go I R italaioe )>nt ;:o nnt polcio et poouht ft uclcktoo ea asbaU u' atga'a « kai-oeag mo Mametldeloag <• ft iltlt r Wailh.Uh'jia ka Phaiaad'tl, l i l t . Hhako tea Maledi le dishuse go«imoloia ka 5/6 U.U.0 botlhe Tlhako tsa Baslmsnole Daaetaaua tsa Sokole h> Tnbipi ...... ; 3 s s m ka Tthoallliot taa 41 ojacotwoeii;. _ to* lol»»lo iw bt ■»’* k> • ^ Fa |6 wo* «P»j n«v io tttU tititJttjM i • |N

    37.UUTOIT8PAN ROAD Kimberley. TSALA I i BECOAKA (The Friend o f Um IWbaaiiA, (Kt 1*BERT ET, TOFTSE, (SFrTFN *FR) 16:1**11

    Wise to o . ft Bmton, LC., | . U , I T h e G o ld I n d u s t r y Trial By JuJy Buy their PIANOS, OBQA1 W* mutioMd in thiN columni that OOBNETS, VIOLINS, Ur. Barton’* Zoluland tour hidbetn tn- ADTOHABPS and other umipted by Uie lerioui lndlipoiltion of THE 3AM LEWlfi. OF THE EABT More-sl oj Ditlhare, West End, Hmbsrley, hi* child, h* haring had to return to Pre­ toria In a hurry. The Hon. th^ Mtnlitir [Le koa MAFIKENG le ZEERUSTko. MAOIKOE] R . M o n e t ' s IMPERIAL 00VT. TAKES ACTI05. wrote ui from Port Shepetoni. ten days RBJDRN8 FOR J VLY ago that h* was glad to uy that tbe 'TSE LE BEOOAVA In bika a# *e ielek tbata, e«l# 0 . lit tla child ta now wen, and that be and Mr H . O K . Webber the Pmidsnt, Io Joly Iwt the Ho-. Gibraitb Oole lemo^ile thata go ba baakanyetsa ditlhare. A ko leke motimtho ea Mrs. Burton had been able to 7 Jury led to I botlolo. BANQUETED ATGRAAFF-RE1NE7T. boy.. This wu specially high owing to the consUnt miscarriage of jortie-, be wool, BLOOD MIXTURE (M lemo oa tfo tlhaco* Madi) take >leps to prevenl it. It i- 0 w *t>ted turn leng thaia-thata oa ga COOPER. Botlolo Mr Burton haa sinee delivered *everal nomoerof time-expired hot* »bo took 0 0 I A . Complete set of "Bev. Some aocrodited [enmcn who » i th* I al the d fiction of th* Imperial • peeehai in Natal, Port Elisabeth tbeir leave being 17,$81, *1 oomp*red witb 0 simo'oia ka 2/ a ee gore 10/- 'Joseph Benson ” Oommen be>st nserolj sensation rooogem 16,100 in the month of Jon>-, or, io other Governmooi. Ea*l Africa hu ordi-red tb* I tary% 0 Volum es In good order Ciraafl-Reinel, the tone of which should Mo lex** ku boloetse bongoe e bongoe jobo gochoe. scarcely be aware of the power dep- rutiou 11 Mr.Oil-. 7n<»> Binding) very cheap •nhanc* hi* stock aa a Statesman, wor.’a, 1,«M in exctn ’{ the nam ier, pyango ’-agu tlha>any9tsa methusho eesiamena tskluj their dltchugeih Jnlj. I9'0 Thil M inlatere o f Belegion. pres* tor good or eril. A tb* latter place ha referred at length The''(Jbieivor1"oominen,i -j tb^reupon, thata mo lewenkeleng ja gagoe, KA TLHOATLHOA g ejw?i(; la probihly doe to tbe cold stri ing oianijle of tht-* power when our paopl* in' the fello*ing term*'“ H# aaya 1' is to w exp^ewd tha' th- mort TSE 01 OKOCOLOCOENG. Apply" OOMMBSTaBY, « heather. The shortage of native latoar hellered that in certain quarter* he lay re»i»iesible eloments i East Africa will P. O. Box 282. used tor the benefit of the cocommon now -ppsrent it being frit acutely, aid Kimberley, ond*r • taapicios of uegrophilism. If thi* approve of ths action of ihe Imperui weal occurred il East London mean*, aa h* (uppoeed It did, undu* this is eefiecfad in the fact -hat Ooverumooi, thootb 11 might h»»t i«eu MELEMO EA QAGOE E THUSA THATA- o r a t t h e “ T s a l a " O f f ic e - 'if the Fuld Mine* alone there 1 There was a strike amongaroonji the l*oci penngaad codling of tha Natiree, riihdraw lr»l oy j ry 10 Kiel cent of tbe total complement Ba ba agileng kgakalaero ba mo >oale!a ka pose ba romele nudi h» binds atit thetbe Ei?lEast London portport. The tba noiion wu abeurd. But If it I ployd, aa acainit 763 per tent, in Joly be* le liotlolo nj{oe le ngoe Sekisipenso. oa pose fa godimo. Ebile renal# DIVERSITY treating tha Nativea with justioe, n "Obaerver" qout-r tho "»*e - Eatt l.ondrn Ihtpalfk very sensibly laityiar. We aru, however, neariog ths Kala koa Ueinming Street,- Belgravia. atfia sympathy and aa human beingi Bt- r, Nel. charged witb r»iw on a counselled a concession of the men « time wben we ihonld h si incnm human feeling*, then he confessed h girl in Natal, aod a>a» tbe acquitt even month In our nuire labour inppi; demand’ aia* being the best wav of to bt • complete negrophlllst Certain 8am Lnwis, •* further in«Uot-'t 1 W . IV. COOPER, BL08MP0NTEIN I hovfver, that tbis tpring th^i the lasting contentment ot rtoent occurrenee* had made him feel Uii, a>«olute breatdown nf iht jury *y* [Oau& le Kereke ea Uakgioa.] gteat etgeroru 1 Afrioa Tho paper aid* . Though ihi-re >U Iffyiry T»achen, and print* Doci labourers. The fact that the need o( a (tw eameat word*. He Wl »j6k worHhatwehad exp clod from it firm behevaf In the preeervation of will be * good deal of pen • jU lyrapaUiy K O A E S T END. KIMBERLEY were all btaci did not Trtoikti natives owing to the fact that white man * inpremaey in 8outb Africa, • itb Oilo on grouude of Impcria the Dispatch from speaiing ■o addition to flir mellii crop*, tho na- bul ht raallaed that aupremacy waa hi- den'-rtatim mn n 1< &. poet Kid. concerned, the rtnJ* has ended eitablub an anduring aatlafaotory oontrol I f E itam boWuia jotlhe fs ke butss o*er th* Native people. Many ori tion tod aaid.- “The one hnght spot, if DI P-LL0 tsa MALA A LCBAE j* >aeti be ka goroMu hap( ily. It is all well that ends can beoalUd «0, ia the loyalty of the Eut l,i lij- ..6d Kt P'is fid. j,."- B* tU untuelo.ka tW)o hu view* demanded that lt waa time for MErSANA a MKNO. Botlol. Gd Coaat native to tbis tndnstry. MR JAMES R MAKEPE ^ i ?rv* kF,fc k* n u o S wall and for tins happy termination th*ra now •erioualy to attack tbe Native K P . ad “ «>ha!e|«>Uhe I) UABUBALO i i aopport wonld be Uken' fr m ua If the DOMESTIC. of an unfortunate position we hasten nutation and settle It, and serious schemer No a Eo o oteisng tog o ka koaleU. nort or let* practicable and evan abeurd, tensolcas agitation of tboee who would ABBIED—In th* Dntch Reformed to congratulate cooe the anthoritie.* at auhetit-ite cheap whites from over MOLEMO oa BANA m MONYA- Reformed Minoa Church in lb. ! , h had heen proposed to thi* end. TEGO B tUJo64 K* Poeo 8d [ wharf including the wise Inmi- permitted lo have ita *»,. They iet—un banu.-join-.-d the Ojdji ,f I tone ira Loci ti oo it Dordrecht, on the the wha irulh ws*. there wa* but one way t Sf-TLOLOea MATLHO. MRS. B. 0L1PHAHT. d Aognst, 1911. by the B*r. J F I n. _ •■’gg-etioo u to what is t- bt do liet Mr. Mu.ipei* * leading -tuato Pi e 61. K pifc. Bd. 1*0, Minister the Dutch II«fo.a>ed i narT 11 helm of the " Dispatch" with thi* all-important branch of * “A.” location. »i heineieasing p-.pulatioo ef tb »> men aod a Ir-nchaot* critic o( the TH(*THI te\ MATLHO. Jib, PHrur Mokcena, eon of P*ulit 1 „ | Uo» on- utration. and that wu to jhold high th* B-iloi. 6d K» P. -e 8d knot, of Bnfaprait, District of V? «Jt- i r eel, and they shut their eje* to ibe fact wrelooracy which b-lde twey Uirocgbjoi K r o o n s t a d . ttandard of immutable and inplaoable M, to Alice Victoiu Miqtnr.u,, 1*4* the Algoa Bay burlesque where tbat if it ware not for the wide fi< h» ■'xitzerland of Hoith Africa, >od Di r-ii ioa mo Mawenkcleng oi-he. juetice, which Nativea. like ekildren, were rather Ithan accedc to the mooost '■nploymcnt tfforded to the c shicb he declarea '"doth clog th- »h«dt extremely acute to recognlee and appre­ Nkeeo. KoJela...... " ’ rue’. Ooorl it Dorfrwht. reqnost ^ of thoir men they resorted • I Sooth Africa in oor mimn| u,doitry ciate If they once loet tbeir confidence the .iitin problem would l„ng M A C E R A MARCH- to tho mean devise ol displacing in th* tcrnpulou* faimeea of tbe white SCHOOL TEACHER U*U led * m.«t eenotu upect" W nnleaile (& Retail Ohemlets, them with inferior hands who scam- man lb*y would lot* the only real per­ btu ahed f’on Mafeteog, his former Dept. h. QOKEN8TOWN. Ie d’ slmg with peeping sic'. Ke Nysga di e 30 Be e tboile, manent bold upon them Lynch law had us, Mi, sphere of activity. Tbe bride ia Mis pod the wort at double pay Such Web ^r laid! *-Yoa will h were alao propoanotd for dealing . ainr testimonials should be ^ticed in j, a recent dlsesse in Central Afriq*, 0noe.and for l>ai(i l/n/viuh 'h* national and economic difference*, Tti Old t a and hs Sons. “M X addressed to tho undersigned. „ *11 any fear* whioh might » sympathetic note ot your* a bom ii wu r*cognued almo*t unanimously ^ Mm' j ->-il u i- inbadi hi'mpatlti* Rekanjf fela m oga gasoe, I competent voor duc> laboon(r, Bhlch j W3, may ne allayed ainc. Dr. Tomer .latea ^ | ngi-n. r st'« i ntlogela koi Betc-ine- n< flot«ly, fimtly. that th,s» suflonu, TO ALL THE NATIVE CHIEFS I 6,1 ’ * 1889 &ul hokafaU g. gagoe a* a labourer, and in moat quarter* no applicant: P1"**0 ,0 ^ for lbtI * " r“ liv from Ibe di*««*e, can be m.«t etsily de- i na >-o Nir «o Lems ia rtrra ■ U ^ m SHAH. iibjortiont »tr* iakanto hia employment inBOUOflOL’T SOUTH AFRICA- j ki N„ 0. Fi mog^ J g 1# to take up sPlendld -l ^"lr '*nri 1 ha''f‘ i-cttd, and, s-onndly. tbat it c»n only bs Only fully competent in in*l ipbera but an objection wu nntmltlee hy ina^ctj (h,( ojijJ |jrt GREETINGS | * noog<- oa leina jeo W IN D 8 0R T0 N .• v ' . at i Kaoye1 on J ronr051 ™tnmed di :mir. F.ngiand and! I koa-et* Morn 'g-.nyi > tla bo teaobers need apply. here Or T iraer i» most oositirs io bti 18‘ , 1912. ! the ( orunaUon festivue>. ifter! ■kiliec worker witb th* European. Ap- The successful applicant • P1” ®*^ ••aertiun, snd hia authority 1* undoubted H0DS0N8, 11 residence •»er if- rears, trailing | parently u wu oontemplated that the : ;W 1 be expected to take up 1 sPlend" ol 'I ia uH*t regrettable that the inoidence way to *et thi* nght wu by legit! j! hisActing daties Assist Bt Commissioner, Sanye on Jamone051 rel the natire, and the first 1 f pneumonia ia » prev lent on thiw Q»beronea,Beoh«anal*id PrjIectoraVi , ih* coloured man off thi* field. Hi I January is*. 1912. i*tbing * »•«I noticed or. our arrna. at fields a id we ar* . iv# 10 the f.0| that if T. Aitchisoo. f ARNOLD H0DS0N8, j.nwde ibisi pi.lomioa>uid he it.mpod out th*' j Southampton ai< the incajiuritv i practicability In thle view. The Re batliseng, HonoB—OumgenU lliTOagh-, „i.dibi«n li~ .1 j«. i,w„., li-eltb of tbe-e natives won d rerygreitly « t o O O , out the country cannot do htv^ eogsgsi tbe servkn if be eminent '-I-- K*h*di ba bith' b*|« /RA-DIIPONI) bettor than remit all out­ 1000 go *mngoli Tiau ba •cteriologiat, Sir Almond Wright standings and enlist more aja. B- -di th using k> go Barekisi le Baananyi, come hera oext month with hls ufilU'ita subscribers and advertisers to jwer* *0lnR * fonfrai- * ,. m o'lk-onj ie I aroetsana ba * eaubliah • thorough inrcsti^atioa into _*:• Tsala N cage IS/-, tgoedi jaio, Jalo. oeet the expenses of th e.1"0 “ ,IVM " on"1 ,rol a' the q lestion of immnniaation againsl this dile -h- tiro 7/9 di-e thtio 4/-. Botlhe enlorged paper. test and a langh disease." Mr. Wenoer'odBluded - - ng Taau koalelang lo m iT r------— i—-— “Then, again. F.ngunil manual labour was Kafir's work an the bnnour to sunonnee that fur Ihe lint Thaba ’Nc&o, aF.S. degrading to the European. 80 long had time ic the history of gold mining ic PENYANG tbey did ve-y 0-aiiy Theu be | that view prevailed that th* white mai Trauavaal tbe monthly ootpul St Bo« IS Th-.bi ’Ncho OF 8 TSALA EA BECOANA,“ wu heavily handicappingUaownfuture.' tlaonatn eteword*.-- j Diaiaro tse diucha, (TH PHn4 ol Itaa Bcckuu.) ha* reached thru million ponpty, iu Dik'uiiho tii M»t«?lo, t JTZI Whst I* particularly agreeable in tb* •— ' he power of Unity 11 D,nj,|0 prodoction for Jal/ having b. on reeord*d P«tlo ie Dieobo. Bo o M i«sro e mesha OVfirj rnason to h iMierannei of th* Minister for Native • «W17,738 The provlo: * bobcat record ep y -ureelf joioed j oaUtng Pobtoisa ew jf.S.hrd.F moro- , A flairs it his rigid upright nee*. 10 differ­ uld be ‘ til* to hurt jtlo, I'Ost at Kimberley. w a I r May of thia year, and the pi , M.mUnoj,, Dijo ts a ' tshuho ent from tomt South Arrican political - divided from eaoh tsfo Kit ho. E• faeninggangoe•', . ' .j • J. ; ENGLISH A SBOHCANA. thetic overseen ! i •1 deration sliow* tn increase 0vsr ih* , '•pportunitu who have one eet of viow m-oth ef £99 004, equivalent to other ti) your quarels, you sre »e*k, aod ^*1* 8/* 41; gsrsn 4/ le KX. ,8» K 0(tt tS6 fll ' HuMcltpriox ljk- p^. are to be beaU-n w K- cb.^ngoa thata ke ‘ »' 1»- r.' * * tor Engliah magnate* nnetber eet ft or*** .if 23,307 ouucea of nnliien. One .«y for your aoemiea io lo^ire yon" ! j?'0’ j* Eagllab farmers, a third *et of politic n.w frdocing conpany. ihe Brakpsn "Union is Strei-^bth ” iUa»ayi di i Advertisements: wben addr***ing Duteh people, a four! M.aea Ltd.. bu come m to ua alia bnng- n*i» ’wbeiM M inna a l' • a- per boh Hingie CoL Repet! 'ee, and yet a fifth for Aalatice, PKTRC8 M. J. HIDZDlIO. Di baesekelo le ditsbi- The W hite Peril. i..( tb- toUl ip to tbe figure named. | mbl® OoL Before the year is oot. the oatpnt should , eoan>4»hioom tsa eona be fori her increared, and It li not impro- Stand'll" Advertisements b-blo rhat ihe value of the sold .utput F. I. fl0 reloa ]e I, a io*'* Efin-i oi gigo,. Transraal f-.r ihe rtr 1912 *iu Christianity. ) TaALKtQ. n gane ka a of forty million 1 Mabooa b o Rwnmeiig Tba only aalbonnd medium for reach- white men. ka tlhoatlhoa tse dl sia- lag Native consumers tn the 0 R.C u» nat.ee. Tb- Report of ihe Liviagsionii Mission rranavsal, Griqaalaod West and Becbu- . for 1910 *howi wall maintained progress. Re batliserig. The school enroiment ti itill orer 50,000. . m eng thata ke A Jarge . apect- I ter, we are «lad to note, are gathering tome ffeaejaii le tM CM. Tbo o«t incr.»(o of comm inicints for ibe ^ 'm.usatji ruri- 685, and tbe t/cal number of moaadim-igoio sde ar- • »en»e aod finding out that It may bo po*-1 jorttfn slble to tool nmt of th* poople part of tbo I Church members in OoraWwjoB lt Um "® 1 olo*e of tii year was 6.898. "Thi Ohoatiau motetona m ”

    ino Intention of reoalnlu heia. A - <^ow"lg | g f t t f rftfoirnrt lad the tomeaU " JTI. — -

    tUory. fot the Oermaaa n r, wtfy UO.m'tTMh *r”* ' } * “ » * dl »«*ot'a, V&^tmU*U yrtw.'Wwwa maintain; eight dlapaourt,. and, efahw.1 ------* * ■*** A i m u EA BECOAM fn>e Frleid of Ike Brebnini', II*B*BLBI. 10ET8E (SEPTEMBER) 16,1911.

    * jft iir f BN B ere g TSla! lo refalo TSA BA KO ALEDI. da mo Wtmie'engeo M OLISAPOU—U0T8H 0 ML to Tuuwo In bolo Sekoche o write m txo gtkaihVo moreiioi fa lobone on Sue Lotott juna:-L«fi „ i -----..... ------coe mo Konntengea Ite ktmogelo aa nolttlo OaBpdotabo monchs |I a m »»pe. K ua kttlbolo U r .a t MtUttpoii, TolokaaB.lL, ekiboo taamaili j*oj ft omdioi • r.t Koaafooiaia It Uw ~ 1 Mill‘ d I Matsalo. tb aoihDM. Erila 8« t U b t t o » atVmWori (Barrs). Kamtfria ta rjjj sca» go alltn'oi gt tciiiiot mctcho •uo tie BO titkoog M ga IL RamaUaaa mo Tmpereaci Hall, Wttfhoak. ka oUesf (eU jtkt oa ga Ubttr, t t*oa boasare Jo bo golo. Two M ilmotetoa ' njigtdOe 7 a ira l i » l ( A k t», p .., pu. . iMh tW atiho- (oo mooo b« i rt otlt mo'to moagot k»(.lt boaco. mute n dioaktBtv. ot HitboM. moegot oa Baecb•! K.t bote ft kgttaa Ut ptdi tie t ia reteldt go itiiola. Built rt Ipclt kt gon (oltgi M Stnyticm.oo Ittoku tt molemo le tthiamo. Mo’c.xa ou o kooaetfco; kt ta*lt i e militant botlhoko. Mat mi gin gt dilo Uv oolibe gt gout itpe to utmittug kgotthi Dincho.t be* boko jtkt nwgo'okotne e e lo'o dioang Ssme ft t gololoa. Pi meg-!

    mj Mt Uf* tit di trt 4lie ptdi iltkgoct t moco inttr bogolo rt tt pbimola '' tibia® 3 " mo t^tempcog tt moehraktatig Kt tit uhibtlt kit f r«th» ot Bhrdotit rt U t " Uclo,' Kt itit jitat U ikfoot mtagot Until btojidl, t ibtpt Ii moa|ate etre (i gc-mt -,p«pdi" rt btet tie leeieli je It Motog bttatdC gap* moao t thihaklli Kifort boeigo tit “ kgipo " Umtog to lo boteiele bt gort tkilt t'.e tibolt lot hi; tUU tkttt'W mo toltag • mt go r ultia, ttrt bt \ It dilo di U> inmut k» mokgoa o toboinublut kt fcjtoo. & ibipa kgolo tki bin Oti t UtttU. ei til: so c ntteng jtut man otfkite «. okt rt bt tt boot Mongo gt baloa di ttlegna Ktmtrtag. Rt tt retd Ut boU.o jot I re rtt Irf.uhe jt. Gotot Bt'cb) gt ttedi,-itag kot mtftloog t mtntda auloko to. Bt Ui Uhibtlt kit rari! bt kmk« bt bt bi gtcjt kt poifi le ■eltiibo, IM dl aufoko t as a tlbophi- ki kot Kgoti* go m i [)‘itu«l’ , tit maibetli. Ktgitho le cseltlo pele ei lot ke mtiot t, K*». P. UoUytsa, Kgiub.c Ektbotit kgtlratelo ( i n itiat, Ur SofCDg, Ur. Tiimuiat. U/. Modnso oti I tit B< i!>ilt. Ijj ! choacetteog £t Pttho tt Eaga'tne e Uontiae, Ri* Till >tai, Mr.*Q»o«ytt, Rt tfca't kt thj oioi I* ki tbol.'tot i kt pbiuolt lb»k> e 0 nacoaag I.jtri Mr P. PhitUoa, Ktt Btpremt Oocrt, j ItkgoU li ‘*ch ura. | b* ran* goone rari e tltbo ctt ptko mo Blotmtocteio, Mr. Motthoml, KUpdan,

    Pltao, B»t, Uataopt, R it, Uoktt, Rtt. Kt tot mongo ga kgouo too t go Uotbabi, M»,8 roko. Uc. W,Bagoecca, oku.it pehla a Dtbt gort Mi gootm j>lo bucbole T »u. Lfflhool. UoUidoa, Moilca bnoo bt loot bt okia.-oe k* perile i cbtvt. Qjiltioa trniiatle It b«**Ji uii (Ki Motlt (I), Ucchere, UotwoM. bt btoeho bt n gol-Jt^t mo m-.ch e M*i« - Made, U. Utbo, Gjaigtt ofegong t bio i b* bi «h j -a. U i b -iid Mu. F. Sekt (40) Ustho gt baa Ul prre’e e cbooa eo kiiuuic di boiut Mr. Kotd. It coa t bit n»f >ko t a butdi bt btihoea, di Cboti.eiii to r* moottr. (it baa Mr PbitUoe, eo tlluilelt Ult jalo dipUUi t»» p«rel« e j lilegrami et J«gt> toe tkttt t Vadl tislim eog. teteu kokc.brHicoe ke tttbt mogtb on, ooe o it godiu, kt mifoko I, * A •" u ctmilotoggo MoUbaBi tt Ut (t tic go diictn Modiiip.ll dipodi." La oot t bu. mtlui t i moleiro. Rev. Liphoko t coilt pio kt io ibipt kgt- k.Muiilo im botfeag oo modiroag o, e* ditibtlv tae lit ktot ktat i» Itbrge

    l»bno mo dittlroR Iti' o ttlboliotf kt taburao t I lie (« o.lle o Irile 1 a Dtiaic jtkt a p it I Uhttjrj i t*ri oj^o pj jo t tiujr* ebooikgir*. in tt'i t«i gijfoi di itae di dat'i oidl bi mo tbibogtli tall bare i U>ti o i £>rt (i hitho kiIv**B.' ^ u' Mofojr. Mr le Mrt (ij kttot (tit jit* hi mo Itllt biri to i 'di t ' S»*wo» lj«erin|. O.btthioe, Mt- ”r. kt ktr'l>" * t bolteV btihi i bt rao' htUns. Mikobok Rm 'e Urt M eb:* cboku, M « Mocli tocoeog, Mr. SHila, Htochu nigto to Mrt Lr»hot>. M' la Mu Mocbrra ad o kil- s-ndijuj Hr Me-k Mrt Mqondl, Ml. tebeleirt y r, j „ T„ y Mi<§ )|itt t tih^iitaji ol kiT* Ut f t bo*>e t ‘w T"* »■ '•»- »> totobitaeag )ili\ A • kt i*«oi lei long ! Mu'hi i ho ni.ni* M btocl bt bt ikoUftt*n| I ttbi roxio Sott Afrikt, t l»op>ii kt tidioilo mo moi i t Nitirr Utild. Mr. le Mr. UltmVI, medlng ot (tube |-o ot Kgoii, wtli Ur le Mrt Mb-*- (K', Mitt Uoto* golotoi •• gt >il*u>, Ur. Ill Mrt.1 ) Ututot, Mr It Urt. Ptnjaoe, Mean. 0 * j Mtbe, S.kiuj Ciogtt, Min Tihabakor, ■•P* j Mr S J Makgothi. Ur. >t Ifrt. V. _ j Mo ii poii. Ur le Kn J. Utgta*. iho«(ola .eltla Mr Udtlt, (otlomt tooea). KaMtt- So Lebaleng! ! us t miagoe, diotil thiU dikabete. Miropui milobi kot lodve erile Sc L cb 'le u s!! P. U U0LI3AP0LL t pbtUitle bithi, t bat me le bai I tag Se Letalens tre gi go tthumololo ept e kt dirt Uoatg! to o p«p u o loang htber-*! kot m.t'oUjag. ®o'to Ot rjtti gi o i-tV op* go pttiVi on Ubt tt bo SENEIRI. mcogoa Tebeie laoogot t bo t emt kt Oillhipisg W B«>tii Uo Moraligtajl oa"TnALa,' trt Mm« S ia l>'*it eat o o poUlt | Coeooo ktn ka lopi ka VAokobaco kiku > Kr. kt g«"oe mioo gt tit* go gort a ati-ojrtie Ubopmnot kt to ito ■iu i lot bo lloptat tre Stm I-*"!! Haflje Nassiep Amos ■Ttalenj' kc lobi«k Morati J. D Qw- kr toi Bolt* tje (it MotaeltkaUe go • 28, ROSS STREET, ojtot kt J.v re phulbMoltlt m ''Tmi-’ kt kot atlegi Kr^um^. MALAY KAMPA •Un> then* ke ItKigi >btU ka a mo girt tt root, lt(t tU hitho ga ha itaa miitoooa toot. Talaka latadi jtoa rt n* n tt ittt laltub* ja ro*t jt Bofalo ka (i (atbota ka h ttpUtaf to hrnft kala net UakadakaM. goopfcin ret Vhtla- TABATA ELIKULU LIKA nan Jtdiphlri collht to Moaa to 0 dl dinlt Btorho ha Afrikt to . . . .. ■ MMMto . •• ( W O O D f ItPkHkUa** VaVk«Sate i pm nill lllirM T r

    N\tOtttW\o«atomOnaa« « - 1 tnmt'o. Mot»WU ta M fto t* ‘ Wibeag ottcdimot mirt^uala int It Itotlo I kaat kt pro tt Utoka Metara rt tla lova kafa ra ttiu|ka 0r» « BwhnMu), r a m n n . low** (W’pryiwyM. *»■


    Erll. kgoedi el* II Btneho bv m .tie e * k it* t in * b t bo b * e p l!t p !oo B . (1) W tttt^k (I) Knfllrfootein (I) 1 Rall*»ylcc»«on. Mr. J. R T**vi Vioe Obtirman nt Vltelenoe »i» mo [h tt Meli ejxee cUpijaii e] 61-60 DiMtsp 8oid ictalong. Q* b*lo» lokotlo low * keft) [Metlobo ea Kompoui ea ga (QAUFI LE KEREKE EA ROMA) K IM B E R L E Y . gaMueptlt|rtgatltplihoe«meoo*ct ______BABEREGI BOTLHE BA Ba HATLANG TIRO MO IHKBPOXO •JUJ MoWekeng eno re ololoteo thoto e ntai ntai ea «>■.«—, i. «>]b A LAELOA GO ISO ISA AGES' E OA (ONE: UR. L. S. GLO'V MURE E TORI EA FMTISI. hi 7£!r£. Mrs. i. m . LOBATSL ...... ■ (T ow nO ow w U ) 1» d i m t l tn * go re t t e l t _ .______— (------, ■ Ga ese to ko go bonoe te Bholo se se kana ka Be. • iekoe MUk* m kgoedi tM di ' ,r' ’ w - . Thoto di itseeloa felv Tlang lo itlhophele kapelapela re ti.p iih o eo gw Babangoe ba ka ea f»*hi koa D h-’keog tsa Dikonaponi mo Kimherlq W » re ka di umaka ga re kake ra ba ra di shoetsa. Be tla umaka di te dintsi.. *«* ke**ioa» b»thobk»: Beaconsfield. Maina a vi< tlhatlhelo le bo Menenchere Botlhe ke a !*e *e molem o, J a t o o B g lo i t li i le : Bohempa ba basadi ba Flanelete 9d. 1 • l 6 Jalo KULTFONTEIN-: Mine Comp*u- d DE BEERS : Rock Sba't Compound U' B Gla«. Marukhoe a basadi a Flanelete 9d. l - 1/6 jalo Ik SbbleComponnd Surface Oompound F*oor Compound Hemge ba basadi ba bosigo 1/6. 1'9 2 6 jalo k(fitlb»Doog.T* ibon* k*'*eio •*•* Min<- Oowponnd diroiogtcotbo tie mo obtnktneng tel*. KIMBERLEY: No. 2 Comp-und I' V' ALDLK. I>UWH8PaN Miiie Comppnnd' - Hempe eo bobooa oa kafa teng 6d le 9d jalo jalo (c) Kt 17,}, 11 Jut k» lone Uttel, Floor Com|K)und Surface Compound B aba mabogo ma telele 9d. jeo mtpole** tne * kgtnewe *o oboart i Mini* Compound Floor O' 1 ’ 8080 ea Jeremane e e boncho 4*d. bacnt, butdl felt k* odhtet gono* | WBS8BLTOV : Sirfico Coinpound .1 WANS .s WORK'HOPS: Compound' ChNTRlL POWER Herino eo ditsela, gale 9d. gompieno ftd. h« i* tltpin ditekete. tM boor pele to Floor Cun, pound Htb to* kgoedi ego* Is ngoe, gtpe ao; SUTION? Compound Flanelete tsa go Ira diblausi 3d, Jarata ohoifot bttgi kgou* btUimti Ob» ! ...... ■ ...... _ ...... Sampole tsa marukhoe lemahempe a banna kaakoa lUocho tlbokomeltng, melto m F m I , TLAN « LO DI BONE K A LOSt. teng, agale arekoang fela ksC,.- gompieno 1/3 • Sute et dm motho ro moncho Thoto e Ntai, e Ntle ea Dikomsre»e, Uicale le Uethile ootlhe ea Dilo TSA MAB1GA; bouhelo jot gtgoe mono ke Pnw. j/C . LIBATE. D 1KO 1EHESB 1,6. 21, -V-, 4/8, fi'6, 6/fl. 9/ -,' 10/6, 14/- 17/• ItagloitTLMG KABONAKO FAKT1S1 E SB E i)lC.»LK 6/., 0/., 7/6, 10-, 12/., 15/- DIKII V 61., 9d. lei/- JARXTA. Mr. J. R. Malepe. Dibeilo'c, Dipitsa OitllMko. OInIi 'i-o, >lat '»le iMkfale, Dll-* ciHlb*ct)t*he. ko i GoorjJ*! THOS. LEASK 8c Co., Klerksdorp.

    Mnrnti ot For* ot Thut* B< ______T R A W a V A ; ING s e o . M»kepe ke MoVoidi o* Uoih raonont o bolet*, ki btk< • °i WENKELE jo lo etelelseng a mangoe pele ka Ditiro. ela MoraltnQji cn Soledi, * kot't | M ANGOLD BflOTIiEHS,! mtfoko otiho t it lobe i'pe, » i« boifc I DIJO. DINO, DHPARO THOTO TSA MATLO op«, t bt • leltkot kot Mifeteog le | EMCINEERS, B L O E M F O N T E I N . IsTBHIPl t*t BaUmi. Gi rod* Wankele op* o THOTO • kin* kt Mr Pbimoiie ko bogod kt t N> j ea rona mono THABANCHC Motse oa Rona o mo 6 le 8 Zastron Street East. nttht dipboibo. ^ ______G* n nteh* Ditempe, oirot R* ikana gore TLHOATLHOA RA RONA a dilo t*« di nog mt*k» Brootm I RE ^AiBa ** HANDJ” W InDH ILLS (D-ta.* tsi I’liofo) Di Hrass Oyluder :e POMPO' Wa g^.Mangold, MR 8IAMEKA METLHA Erile bi bol«i* b.r- oonhegt kgti*. ea BaWK0Ilj i(. D i lo s n a o tlh c U a B lem1. DlM '^UlNi t s e di phothang, t?e di jalang le tde di'robang, Roto ta lont Re di rok» U Korun». Ra r«k> k. tlhon'ho* i> r Rodileog, KOBONU, UABELE, MOHOKO, RAFA, FIJRC, i.lo, i.lo. Ebile bttkt!"mIb Mtrit^Nko* ro ooitj ea Dlpompo ilauosotsi'« (hh MBGOJiA rek» Bot roki*., R» .o.n™ k» Dibowtiinb, Dlkeomo. Ilipiue If Dl«ele t b a l o t m Mtolulo ua ooao Dl Imola ga .\ow bU ry,>o, jaJo. e»p* r* Mig#n> t DIKOLOI, DIKOOHEKARA > Dikoloanaw. titttlbtptrre are ga k»ke • ki*! MfcGO.M.A I! (VJjr C M A * I di tomfleng tsa bo Glennies. Kens 'e mokoni ua D senke, ibnpets* moeintnf a c^t Br^hotho i L Ditlhomesho le thoto tsa go aga Megsia ib D;tahipi e e lotibu. Areen*ki> le Fr*iSetata)a\ D l t i m e l o K i lokoanc lo PBTR-»b t'» tang go utloela ditlboatlhoa, Koalelt.ng— l u . .. ------—, L«frolit*ta (elt kf oo nomplwio ke REKOALELE, RE ITEELB MOGALA, GONO I ITERB, Mrv 1 n u ‘ k,(P* M oehotho GA NKE C IKOATLHAA. M!A.ISrGOI_1D B R O T H E R S , ] Oolt tlho Mr. le Mr*. M.kep* bt V. j t*h«lt wntlp bi fldhtlt b’hip*dl oot'be BOX 167 B LO EM FO IV TEIN tu botelnlo ]ot nyilo e * bo'Kbepho, Mog»i«- "M A N G O L D " Sinning & Co, I ba i(i mot* bt gol« ki bnmp'o ht >» : UNIVERSiT f KXAM1M ATIONS Dikpioloityma HICH SC lOOL FOR NA : -VE3. Lord f h Van der Reit I Cl ka polrlo nfr. kot; th. N t ».a for th. • r w n t « ! pr cn Amende, motho eo oo. t ot ko* J f J g J .1 ® ^ ^ ld [Eseng oa Mogente] (Wenkele eo raontle eo mo Hukung go leba Poet Offloe: godimo ga utloe e tlb.tlbaganjo dl I 18. Krlle f* a frli k. dUenetrre t^t1 MATRICULATION. r» go NY ALA ig ua U M SELALELONG LEWENKELE JE LESHA JA nilotnt rt Kiraro ga otltlot a b.tek*- L,t,n_ O o m p o a it io n , Di-mk*: Pbjnc*—K1 rotirt.ry I’hjvicil Sci«j»v tn fe!*, e*. thtprlo kgooo tbxgtno. aod Bet Boo** i Hntorj—t.'nir.r it; 8; I tnu _ _ ,.u ___ 1. 1. d a . i . . ... Gr-ok—Grammar. Composition, UoSko- i • — T H A B A N O H O Be Ugo J«»oU k. pu. g o • k. r lfor® ,r* uid t«t Bi»ki meooe go fitlbel* ittnong I Fmnob- Grammar. Composition and H t j Ik n W go Leeu k^oae * D.klamfng, Hr k> go h.a>iD7gtaa ipir I Book. Bop i ^'t' t*i mMh*n Eotlhe tw di tUu tb»u, 1.. Btl.w*fc. " 1 Algebn—Tbrongh BioinlUneoai Qnt- J. K.nfa mongo ( W a KONONG. Tuioao U PuiHO -Oirwal Botbtl dntic Equ.twns. ; Lth D abttl* Tiki aotlbe D la raka BAKI. BOBl’ KHOE. H8MPE, • TUbogo et Paibo o gorogiK EH-*.!O^T-V^mi, B.ri«d Srjbboa k DITLHAKO, t HDT8HE, SOLOBO. kjono ang „ B,bo,. |„j, „ o eotKapttUent kt faooNlMrata,11 SCHOOL HIGHER ARBKI8I ba metbalo-thale ea : DIFCfeIH JO M btUanj U Ui m fitlhela ot a jalt dlkoetc te* teng ntit. Oot 1 1 Eoglith-Grammar, Oompotition and S«t Gne^-Pt B - PARO. O reka le MA-BBLB le dilo Ue diogOktl ptltme kcrlohe ot gmgoe r e m«tobotobo itary Pr.otictl Hcienoe. . „ , _ . , Aigecri -Throogb Qntdrntio E toeng ki But Fo/cte. t ntl* Owmotry-Onit tt\ij Bviltbu! lamagadi lo to'oko e* gr.ro* * * j Hiitorj-—Onire.iii; -4jU«lras- Dr. JUNIOR SCHOOL HCHF.R, le re simolotae tiro e noha e entae e sa ito«oei SENEIRI o mo Lewsnkeleng, ks p m (oi, W * .« * | J , rtela M^l' ere ko Hokeng gt w.ke; Phyiio—F.lem nUr; Pr.ctic.1 Phyi'r. ■ Anthmouc-llfn»or»tion Oot* Boot*, ThabaJ’Noho. Fa molho Be uteog ba obo*»et«e go gol-g* Hu^-Koropco iod Soalh Afrioan, U rats. Tlang lo itlhophele ka losi mr.?a U tb™ j>«i4.u.jP™B.i«. manrge mo go woe 'Bn u MU P loleme loa ia Q*n>rtl eo fa a kop Grometry-Elrmenttry Pnetictl G— | Vaucukr- Gi -. r aod Reading “tatedmsoetw Bifau dl-ppfe u ii len fc»o.n» le Madikere. Kgoii eo ke eno> | STANDARDS V AND VI dithoto tw d iIsta n joog t f M U a m born. WALTER ADAMS. tlhola e re tlbod'rt kt gore So Thrtc .ItnH.rda >j i l*»iio, 1st Htep* Afrikt ke fatibe ft Buboes; mme A'lfhre. lit 8 rpe io Tb«School nji-ns______T» oreiitatW.j h n N a kt Madikere art go dike B.ahora felt For luribcr p.rticul.n apply to d ikirto ■ ■ ■ • ' ;rS „D «,' Beers Road, i tit btet t*obe re ntloe gortotltbt M M. MAX^KE 8 A tet i reng. Lou Higb feb ol. KIMBERLEY. Lot.,Iitotin,Tf» aVri Tsa Bakoledi. m Maria Smouse DER REIT 4 BI8H0P0 JOHNSON. THABA NOHO. SAKDEBSON'b SADDLERY. (RADIPERB.) Gokbagji. i« 8 8rsr B^xecf, 68 Now M-Ip 8treaty g tMBBftl B. Biapiro, DitUuko, M u- I > p e l e * l » ootlhe- fee dll ;| baflMJ.jkcBeoo.Ba,. |

    Gauft ie, Oftsi ea Dipase. :| Be w i a le Dijo tsa ^ T s h im o le MABOOA mo :■ Becflanew ka tlhoatlhoa Sftfwdi fptani? fe* Mawe- intele 'otlhe a Thaba- mo moeng o mafoko a a monate a fatehe je le kgakala a,ntpe(f t » Jato.

    va.ai^-5a6S] KIMBERLEY, SEPTEMBER j T L O M J 23, 1911. [Tlhoatlhoa 3

    S e W tir r w M M * ft'Treue e « coang Toitpan f mang teng. sa Nma tse A T A O L O la di di 8wth Afrika 19W U ka Ucl<« II K* HEMPE 3J8A BANNA toe di ohoea Ua FLANALETTB, i i KtboMa, ki rrv *• OBILON le tee DI BOBOOA 2/6, 3/6 te 5 /. i Di^Uf*,K no 8'r-krrr •• Birv* W u Pr .»*a« DI BANNA t»© DI' BOTBITUO le Baki tsa coon H IW u N e ll9*\l'a**»,*» 31. 1904 tn tsedi ! Ajr.l 1907, Ii SC' hftiato 19 190(1, - i 9 « M.r-h il dl Vgneha le Ue di tharaaga llhoatlhoa Okooolocoecg. 1 IS, i#IO, . . dfioatlaae S/8. 3/9, 6/-, 7/6 le 10/- * » t i tio'OJMsg ki towV- k« lat|»f ■* .. h.jj > 11 tip,a-. i t methale E»tlhe eotlhe, mesego <• mesha , ^(r.k* »o PrftCrJKf •» *<• ) n J< 17 Pbtt. 1911 j >•* t r.L*a*Tov» 8/• „ , 4, Qr.ir-.rr QuinL niHUTSflB T8A BANNA tse di dinloeng ka maatlametl ■ U iW > Pmt;tcm Kokeco eaJMkepo tu Noiu ktn Hue p IHp4rifl. o ia f a r o t s a b a n n a l e b a s a d i, d ik g e t s e , A a batla Seaiolo, Scmapa, MAKESE A DITSHIPI LE DITLHAKO. Q O o t t f m k o a i • » l«- ’ I f rase, BdUimaia LongUcdi • • ••a t Koa; Knnr f Mafcdn! t o o ootlhe di ka na bonoa ka tlhoatlhoa tan d» oloog. Ba ba Koe j • n Ot<<( P*t«; t« e >» loi* t Mekgsfto' •kgono tsa Babereki, tsa ^ r«k«loa santlo (aba romrUj« madi kaPoat i Allaan, |oe>« lo»*jo pb»ki<«aj< 0 tU go segela fela kafa ' «00, goUbi pnfoc u...... - ¥ . t * ...... 1 dn.tilosiig ki Th»r TO n 19IO, keleeong ra ga*o. U*o ko u (u tM i* 11 d' • Btlojl •«( U* KIMBEKl! \ ■ j u w k o a g a ; Thaka • o coana mo Dilccmpo Bias • ItomediBtoa thata tee eon. I1OKSBUR0 6 H. A. OLIVER & Cs.'J tlUUStOB. Mulitu Kitsisho e Molemo, THERO. E- TV4aTbcaEoeflcl'ut«o|r U aU Vifenwn OUJitont, TjkoWo ca M aatb i Ditlhako (ela m o 1 Pew ki BELAOAu THABA KOBO. I V la Tloti'anng nlo j. H enila»» Srotla j > Baphiri, K? «ic« o UopbOl i O f«pb»|ril*ng tli i U -« b.‘ S t U 'chM l la S t Omrp, Hi|h C jm U oW Kimberley. jot"® m S otlt Afr.ci e Moliodt U * n ll fino aa Soith Afncv io.r.ak»iUXBUH ii, I9H. a A D Batla go Boloka Madi 1 tbu» totlb. kiHMMMiu M AKG'JI’ LA A TIKOLOGO. THOTO e KTSI u » itlhopela mo- go eone. iboM di tio'orof BONA FA DIN AM A TSE Dl KOXXMKW'TSA MOSESE le baki mmogo ts» ZBFAHA I- MAH I. INK ORANOR FRER \TK (OOKOtK) 188 di TBATAIsa BASNA10/- WW15/6. D1BAUOLK TSE Dl 1 ISA HU8AB0 ea B fflA tse fineho le (ae di - UlKHG KA KF.l.A ' 6/fl, 7/6 le 10/6. l&» BStM kc lo baatat vela ta IHktns^ ■ BLOUSE Ue di lot«aU» 1 10. S »• Ifi ‘2 fi Wi%f»T/ U l't-fl. S.pt.-s-t t 1911. S ta jtfM li/6, MA'W&Roea P> £i # W m ao LOKAWSO k> BA TLOI- , MBS8 8 K ea DITOFO 2 9, S «, W i Kmna!«<. 9. 1011. 2 (lat’k) bl U C, *0! KUmbntag U ba fa> ! BAKI Ua B A S A D I tsa D I T O F O *> 3. '.2 6 Ir 15 . Ilnlbrtm, l/o. * *0 , IS. 1911. MM T>u>< lo itcbiteM* kit la •> Kr>nkfort. U m a( t ka t'K rijl 25 Lotiba. x T 8 i ’I | K f i A l) e& BA8ADI U iteba-teM a para e a WKOMMKEBSBS.iiR. .«g«in «. la kai'oaa* l<;kjot-i la 11 t « i« t>r i{%aj. H M t e g M » # g « e , « s & le 80s. DITUKU tae di aiamenfl Od, 9d 1 • ?" ea ft MOU1MO BOLOKA KliOSl. KAU8HU tsa banna Od, 9d. le 1 • i»arn E o'lhlro* kiS^'t'i I* S.twoK s«fo!o n Eopaao l*ra’iTi» ka t»>t«l J*no ji 11 j» Phit. 191 i. MABDKGOE a banna 3/6, 4/« le 5 0. '!!. M writs*, BOHEMPE ba banns 2it'. le 3/6. Ojrwoof Qaotnl. MANKATENG a »cnna, \««ra \ 'i k " j b . u . a E m o a mo goora MiifM Hatao, -J SM A R T & CO.. KITSISHO TSA GOROMENTE iARESISI In ia tnilsiig ts T h e Cash D r a p e rs , 30 Dv; Toitspas R u . KIMBERLEY. Si'iab' a la .I. i; ;a! • ••»: • i ii f'Ui.j HviUbka ’ 'DiJj, Diio. .i« Diapjro b ntBBsrr. a Wenkele oa Disholo. Kc 0 Ub«(aladit»att< Sacntu/ i . NititJ Afvw No HI9] [ttlafaaim . J t- <«1% d-iah ■«) K,-*»la*j* •i « Oafia, K<«c k * w | l » " J TraDS'/r.aL \V.U-aHH«.Oro, P....S <■ a a K .1 .at» » T t4wjnt L<:I> • j. R x - l ' i - . i f. Grtfla a i a « « i M j [ltPkate!9U. 1 *«■ IISHfwVII) (LIMITED.) i ■ draiccn u Bunt M0T8EI OA BASHOI n . .'.Ja I l ’METLI OAMATLOLE He Great SMtk African 'Boot Merchants. ITdliUO a d.riL'• • i-.i. ■r Ivpatx ot Ok at 0\ Kapil raisjo* la 00*1(01 ai 0 i « < 'a la: ml a. K'P) cop -k* Ki»»*i a|M m m t itoki Beooaaa botlhe bo- okocolocoeng (ala no Kapoaf taa di V golo ba Bloemfontein, hudogile koa St. George '1 4 ! ftteet, jawang edo mo Ban- Tlhako tsa Babereki r o simolola ka .. .. i/6 h i m mann Square. Tlhako tsa Banna tsa Mekgabo go simolola ka 10/6 1 /A u®*o» 4 aa Thtro IU B B. IMS » BHinb Bccb«aoaUtJ |0 U fa a ka ipaakanycfca iuliloe i»n*|o ooa polo o ponUha la iral«u»i.<- h iM in m iiM leUole, eno o tla ntaha kan kiiiowi mo Mtmoilalo'oni! c (. tl«i<. « f i tlhu'h j» >a PbaW II. tttL « , teit kgonodipitao koantle ga kara. ®hako tsa Maledi le dishuse go»simolola ka 5/6 il'tbo UJllb* ba b»o»nj| l» m -iio* I* QK(i an b* Ulnltaa « . U ka ko ‘ ' *orom«la moaaadi ;g» Baikuvoo* tu a itiatm'g oa pb-lo « aE n _ _ S jU i- motho a betlilo Kmc mo Tlbako tsa Baslmaue le UueU&na tsa Sekole le Tslilpl polam p* V ia ri o >ipo*»lioAii(f p l u a to It I’ l a r l a o « tn a t tl^ a l hr_ to e»e (telki e irina lehitleng kallkloko ca'Pb\lw>» II, *lo lo b» IU lo baaluaog, jaka soogot pOatttat K w koa ntlo ga tefo) go ooa ahtpa. j& S a f c M i kgoao litrfciUil Fa K9 jet)* opj *o o ri cUaog aa'eloira ra g-' t’a i'tiot !v dibaakaM Tlang lo HebaUbele ka Loti S t tla lo itmcdua Ua di ibvcoaog te okwgoa di Rtna. ' £m S ■ Jh motho a aena madi otlhe MAMETLELELO o kadamalana aao go leta ka t*U » Octidrst»l Raach no M m jo a 1 I kfwdi kgono ka diweko. Lo ...... Tktooa wo falakaraaUM,** hat. _ t u aihitlliela ka motlht mo I , I. C ibert S Co., ltd,, Fxbndi. »e ohwrnr«oja li B ulc B av DlUroo*, ki(* Sj,lB»kala«t«i>»' LtpilfaT’tt'Vlw, u p BeptiiriiiiVnM ka' i3 7 . DUTOITSPAN .BOAO Kapttk B o w o a • McOfiilnjaa I-.'tViayi Kimberley. Mdakwji« Mogalo CtpaolOs^aopa. ~ r-


    KI - TSALA HBFCOilA (The Friepd of (ke Btrtnw, fKIBBBEI.EY, 10FTSE, (SKmHRRS)«, Kill i Tie Onion of S. I litlRs’ air. .H i The W ise Bakgalagadi: Assodilimli RMesk Boy tM r PIANOS, OHOANS THEIBOMOIHAlfDRATIOSALITY 00BHBT8, VIOLINS. BUCK P AN IIVOLVED DISQUISITION, AUT0HABP8 « d other Musloal Inetrumenta i (To the Editor, tba B*cm»a) MoreHsi oa D M , Vest End, Kimberle; TmU m To the Editor, "TeiU e* Becoui. " Sir,—Will yoo kindly Ueert lb* fe Bir.—With reference to the aborenb- [Lekoa MAFIKENG la ZEERUSTioa MADI KOE] lowing Utter to joor Mzt tear, written ] ject I tare tb. booocr to reqotet that J i bj tb* tbore Aieociitioo to Sir I yoa will be good eooogb to kindly allow I Coghlan, M.L.G .— MiptteinyoBr wlnable paper to wy t A a m W BECOANA k a h b im M t Ma, obU. ta k a ' ______Su Charle. Ccghltn, M.L.C, ” lemogilo thata go bs boaktnyelsa ditlhare. A ko le^e melhatho u T^AMAn iw g_y2. a.: : ~~ lev wi*rdi concerning tbe tbore rebjeot Bulawayo. bonoeeetetng:— Brieflly, I nay Mat* that I tar* diacowed b o n a « e » l « i i g . , J* .j.j-;, ? Ik-OM,-J.'4- to *Vpb“ ita. > J.i«B rai.iC & 77 Strand Street, OAPE TOWN the natioaality of tbe old Mattered refs-., PECTORAL BAL8AM (Molemo ea Digotlhola) 1/6 g»fro*aSol^land,400cr COO yetri ago, qixituo throngh ypsr reQee^ thoaght f 11 le 2/9 botlolo or fro* ilbambo, north of the Ziabeai, to pant oat tb* following fteM «Ueh ta INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Molenio oa Mmele) 2/-ka------— ocmbcr ol blt«* bkio, io Brithh Eut Afrioa- Theee tn oaUed; | F O R S A L E . iu opmioe ire ooadocire to Uie bidoooe botioio. >' M‘S r ‘ ; llr 'i^ « i. ed-ctled typ*. who .i exprtanon aeantog, in tbeZowand Zoln Loomc UNIVERSITY if U tli tbit marriage to be coo ibotatab n tbe Zahu, the people of the | B t ba amlene ketktla ere b* mo koalela ka pose ba rotnele madi- b>: i** h , 1 I left! Tb* Aand tno regreta tolaarn -toil, f a Haarena, and in the Beehnana Ungnage, j beele b o tlo lo n g o e le n g o e 8ekitipeoM oa pose fa godimo. Ebile rent le be-Modioo, ‘ of * * God, ...... exactly tbe Kala koa Hemming Street,- Belgravia. r* a-wcutcd with tbit viekrd pr BLOEMFONTEIN. (thing) meaning. Btahagt, be. peop’e, bti tl«o berone I fraqoeit i Bbugtor Ubaka, of Titaka, or the peo­ & LL iSatire T.actan, ind print* •ill re n KbudeOa tad i im-n| *hit» men to aeod boyi T; 8todeoli deiirmg thorough preptra- ple of Tahtka, or ttaZolae. Therefore ibr- W . KT. COOPER, So for lb* Mitricolition, Jnoior Orr • wr. in io- «•«*•>" blooc ! , JOrk. Brilliant reaulta, Under- uo tbeta-KgaUgidi people it th? omen 'ee* Entry Forma free oo app'iea- opon tb- I WiMrt* •! *-ondre I of Tr..-. j ( Uurtae fttihanytne j* that of th* Zalu, and their Itagtip ? thi Moishicisi to o nyelataeog kt m i ackcova to thenttnee. TbU A»od»tioo Idusote HAGER Aprtl Mil le S n T s W j . JAS WM. JIIILLR. «-A, eu»«. There it not the Ual doabt that LEGAE JA BECOANA. Lete South Afrvun *«d Oi- ceeu Eoropwo It And tb n of opinion ttat io order to praraat bop FLotaa 00 o tstmaQtca kt On ba-Kgalagadi tie oot th. Becbuanu I MOLEMO oa MOMEOO. April m a Collegia 1’rioctpti , pr ironog wmneo Ina the locjtion (or KBOONSTAD 0 P. S. |k*ox«<, Bloemfoultn.-m. ead^ttay m oot ksovn nntil the pre-: B)t,o|c ^ g , ^ Robaltn* tentla Baeogele ba rt I imow«al parpoacs, wben they ir» eent date—whonc* tbey ota* from, ind j T/Eiuiie botahala jotlhe fake bo : tb-j ihaald be paoitbed, Uknrise th* DOMESTIC. their nationality. I ny Uat they ire the ! &OUPE JOA MATLHO, “ I f f l /l f je baeti ta ka ^orepjm^ wbit* men »bo Hod th* bop; tod tbo rpLUABANYAXE.—Ka Angtut j AiBBIEU—In th* Dutch (Ufortwd deaoandanU of the Znlot Therefor* their 0 tla go fidiaa Motlhagire le fl. Refi-rmfd Mi woo Obonb io ibe compellioi tbo*> - I toy half brad children to be maintained origin it the auw ta the Zernt Ditlhibl eotlhe ttt oo Hire LoctUoo it UorJrNbt. on tb* Util «ty» do nut 'i b; tbe fithw, if b* eta b* found. m Aosnit, 1911. by tbe R*'. J F. Tradition mya that the Znlna, prenoo* tlhaeag le moTlho*oag. Polatmg ea ngooe e bedjoeng Mo- iriia, Minuter of the Patch Keforoed W« regret to leuAthitloai»vhit« i eoona, koa ScUagolc, to tb* Portngna** period, war. tb. fol- Botlolo Si Ka Pcae Si. 8d A'/iitlbot ka dl UaAtgtM kel^ jutch, Philip Mokckm. non of Piolii | eotice tin oatiT* mtrried *ob*o to 4 oka«ni,of llolipruit. Pbtnct of Wodc lowen of a chief ntmed Ntto (L»i rati Sebitlholo oa U m S T & Z morality. *> tbat abeo ibe yiddt. tbe Jm , ito Alice Victobu ii acjuhha. i, Nod, Oommiad, tod Nnto, Nod) MRS. E. OLIPHANT. Letopa ka matiai a aagola Go M i fid ifiwbtcr of Jim i iltqobeu. hnb*n» le® | be 10 friendly relition with the wife of King of Igypt, Thia ooan try tu tbea Hufob’ bo*e»er. ths li* wu good MACER & MARCH. 0 X 7 AN TED, s Natire inhibited by Btnhmen. What a tba de­ Wholesale & Retail Ohemlets. W y 8chool Teacher for rivation of th* word Kalahari or Kgali- v u l 0 tboecoe ke M o to u n ka kgoedi OAUOOaltt.i C'uld minmu m i* dHindi the it*t* of affun et September ele 6, » 1L PhttSloBi WO Bangwaketao School st gadi ? From tbe Seohntnt Kila > com­ Dept. i . QUBENSToteN. iM B Ila panion, a confidential perion, aernnt. lanye, Bechuanalami ti iV'alJ bi- provided, of ’ , . oobtbil with nibre worn*. at Ke Nyigi dile SO Bo e tbelle, t branch of I tree, to borer oter u i eotorate, Salary £S0 per, C.,uM he niMi«nigi*oe in I ,-.•othiUUoo o! tbe whit* men with tbe hawk and gtdi; additioa to Kala, miilrres Puom. Applications eoclo- Mlt Tbu u quite I ,oil ieet bu beoo«* my inn- common, or Kilt- ing teatimoniali sliould be la, bat It unutilj irtD'ptri- much tbit the loeitio* a dttngtd with Re Batliseng. bui, Kgiltgadl, hiring gidt, in the (ami Jeoang, tsa Meshoroto lti»* femtli. hu r>»!i»»l tbmt btlf-rarte children. It ti the doeire guessed to the andersi^nt'd. nine meaning ; or from the Becbn.tni, IH deot to ttble !i" u, pi of thi* A a n iW thtt Sir ChirU* U«b- . Only fully competent Kgtla, to dry, meaning i dry DE Uhogt Modimo o neile Mo- bt«pital Irwuiiig b«r p«rei ita ihoflld ctote ita ccMtn of theiechUd ' M n annig. " fcchere need apply, KgiU, to bUipbtme, to iboae, to reriU, gatiii o» Tiau e ntloelang ooftr«J that ibe would be reo lo be takes ;o BoUwiyo Uomdpal kt eon* mifoko a genii ' 'title j Tbo Boocessful applicant to lUnder. Ia it not pottibU tbit RaUhiri them mimed, tnd <' i l/atnn ind dirtrid in order toihow the melao eotlhe tt bang be leftbbe. tnt igakaU—kgtkala Dwert' Which Pholo e e siameng. Mil be expected to take ap dupoied of for i good i >uo im.i*nt of the eril Tb* reUnti Mm'jiana kite babadi ba mpttliM Rekanj? fela moga gagoe.] tnitfar-twty deeert? "Kjitala kga- *b duties at Kanye 01 ittle. If, of ooune p*reni the law in tbe qoxtioo hu raealted ogoana o ail* ■ otlogala koe ^eeoone- t" ii i oomponnd word io th> Sccbni- field ke 1889 Ootloohifala gt gtgoe Ja n u a r y 1st, 1912. illgiom boditi i>i3« ona -rtttiaj Ihn iDrrea** of ceW tdrlha erwy you. Tha Box a TeUgrtma: KHAN. KoVeconyaafleaMadl a mabl Ungnaga, doobhog thi maaning of gt go nee boroko. Leiot ja gigte ARNOLD HODSON, fem Id pltced ui mcb to lrmUtotioo A-aonitino 6adi thtt the Government btdu 1 1 tiataflog. kgiktb. 1 thiik the litter ii the correct ke 8m m Nt to. Fa mongoe t kile Sietifig Assist. Commissioner < oold io ao wty he lolerli-rrw! with tbe impown oo pnniibBant opon I white ma WINOSORTON. evidently muning a utioela rnungoe oa leiat jeo tjitaroo*!. Bechntnilind Protector.t* B*»3tol»od •vfrap-'iidoot of !b» Bloeo • bo ha* htd kiuI lnUrcoo*e with kot'.aU Morulaginyl 0 tla bn EWlaa Bogota Jot KaSoetue the ba-Kgtkali-kgakila people, er ibe foaletn Frwoil’ » ut op, ion Uitl aome ottira bit impom i punabmant npon '.omened aa. ba-Kalihari. ponCE—OursgenU tlimu^h- U'taooe would M iiiveo tc Ibn direction nattT*. in etch cut he ia charged with Oe *ona, Batho U ba I— jfin ad i Howerer, it ippetn thil the b«-KiU- tbe country cannot do I until i teit bu oeen mtie, it woutrl immutal aetiont. Thia la ranflad by Or* ANDEIB8 NDKO, ke ba ba IapDez ig, ba 'b»fo- iri people came from Zolnltnd long ago,: than remit all out- dioanr* .So of ISIO. promulgated Sep- iolang, ba' b» fedileng- thata 9 ifore tboee btoody aod terrible wart of T, tmnber tth. 1W8. and enliit more Tachaka, the then King of tba Zolas, ny ba ba genanR-boitnmeh) bope To pnmde lur tha *arpr»«* oii ot illicit xiben and advertisers to •go. Tbey at me op here, Re batliseng, O O , rao botshelong, 'D ijo ga di the expense* of tho tnd mixed tbemiilree with the flnt ori- j ba kgothatae, ba bolaoa fe gorged paper, ginal inbibitinta of thil coontrj. nimily, DB batU babadi bt bwha I al- fRA-DIIPONI) mala a a thata, ba ut* obi 1.000 go amogelt Tiau u Ibe Bichnana | Barekisi le Baananyi, flipelo, ba ocoa feditlh^o, ba cam*, betog a powerful nation, I hey coo-j AJit Bibidi thnaang kt go ■ mi mtkanng la btroetatat bt bolaoa ie mokotla, moUha SALA EA BECOANA qnned them both, and mad* them their' Jalo, Jalo. to iaprieonmwt, with or without tmofeUTtAU. Ngoaga 15/-, igoedi mongoe ba ohoan» ke imo- 1 < (T b* Friend of (Im B t c k u u . ) and drawen | long Ibtir dtug bird labour, for i period sot exceeding dile thataro 7/6 dile tharo 4/-. Botlhe totoana, ba toheWa^ mo ■o yetra S he bitUng Tetu kotleltog lo •'obJlshod every Satorda? moro- I am glad inform th,« romele mtdi ko* go locoalofig loa ka metlha. Fa Iny at Kimboriev. the diu/bter* on Any penoe who pr.core« my white 1 that ieilS by Ihe SUre £ Mr. W Z. PKNTANQ go tlhoka madi mogodiege- HNOLIBH & 8B0HUANA. o or giri for th* porpoee of illicit Bowaurriox...... 16- pa I the iltret to th* Bntlah colonie* Box 18 Thata ’Neho OF 8 loa ka bate se seteWe so fola r oemj ' teiutl Inieruon* at my hoote or plioe Diaparo t o dinoha, ««iont wen eet fr-e. Il u of ga paotho g^) tlaoa. Machos uomir | with toy niti**, or who procure* a natire Bi Oatiia -Dikmiiho tea Maualo, Advertisements: iaportaaoe, therefore, to note that iU i."* per inob SlogU Col, li«poit» 1 price •r i-Tar I for Ita pnrpoee of illicit wzoal intercoone Dinyalo, Patio le Dinoho. So o sego Qfego a otlhe a fa fodifioa rery waa aboliahad by the Britieb Oortro- K0(* „ Double Ool., „ it iny hoot, or place with my white baUang go itain tiragelo tae 41 -ittng fela fa fafataego ea madi ■ 78 yntre tgn, aod thu there it do | jito, l koal*l* Morolaganyi t romele i;ierk wrmin or girl stall npon ooorktkm be “ i r d e g i Dijo Madi a maiims, a mahibida; S'-i?j_Stind;n? Advertisements; "°~ lUrecy tilowtd io aU th* Bri-iah | tefo e* Kitniho. E e turning gtngoe ; Kim . liable to impraomafnt wiih bird labour go tie itotanelo e e m a m g per tuob p«r month Single (.'ol colonici and protaotoraU. It ia of th* j *'** k* Double Dot, !•" greateet importtno* to mark thu the I i'*0’ I**0* choeogo* tKett lie run, botahelo le U ta a d o1 a throwing L.fliic:.' 10 f.-oot. Ila'ii*. I In sue aucb peraoe tball be a m.U ^ SUte Eotocipetion Act wai pau«l in 1. ta‘' d'* U* di r°®'1' ^ ttith o tlhophiloeng mo botsheloag. Fa u Itlla only intlioriwd tnudiam fur n tcb land trim jai! •> I «i«i itc tha panuhment with lube* not exceeding ! ttattn« rvBoo.ftmoos mdud podrood rainraign ofBel of Hrr Mtl|kli^ * 0 ,t Mor'1,,«"iyl k dl M Mwn| t mtdi , madia a ofetaegileng phefo Witerworkr Sutioo nil at ootein : twenti-Sr*. m addition to nob impri- He hi'l be*n workini io t S r ^nd gtai go ba ufottaa mo komteog ie Kgoloioane tie S.Khibi- tbit by th* BUre Emancipation Act all goie botatlt bo tno ntloele—mmoUleU toin Pott Office mice If O, i dnrao ; ' Any oitiee who hn illicit nnal coma taa ga. Dr. Williams. th* Pi ngoe* were teleeted from the mb- ogoani oe Kemo t tent go lojot coana-tshicoana tsa cone, ; AHirge ml cowtintly Increulng to Ihe rub tot by perotum lb ! lotoreourae with a white womio or girl Sa go tlhare'.aepe gape .ao to the (Otikti) GciUkia, tod that I k> eat ot boknkaauht. Fa to o t S drcnlition. I wita ho- oaatet thill upon ooorirtioo b* rekoa le oietaaug Jaadi a motho 7th Miy, 1(04. If,000 Fmgoei ! P> •»* B«e t lobi Kemo et gtgo, THHCHDITOE^ Mr Shdil.y Peotr ce rt —Tbe f gnttded by the Britufc colonul troopt1 ^ m° T*AU,,a- « «“ • *“ boBitaaafc' y b la goat a . for a period not exceeding fire yrmra. j kin mo tlbiplng it Utnknroioei biTe beet no the Kei Rirer ind iettl*d io the Kimberley. » Thu Ordintooe nay be oited for ill gnlirly forlueite m tbo gootleiaei who BntUh KiSriru. mateaosanle a. .l e t e . porpou* it th* “lmmortlity ka tlhoatlhoa 1 Bia- bad been t«ot to ict ii theetretndoyci the [Our correspondent (,>rgeu thil in 1833 bagolo Io basans baa bo ba Gorrmmnit tmoeg tbe Batlbtpio* from tnd op to I88i Brchamtlind wai oot Re batliseng. nlaa It b it sengoe a motemo penb of % m u u . We bare ootiead that mo•t of tbe rapt meng thata ke tia< to time Tbey loo'ade tbe Hoo. J •object to Bow lite Uigntnte’i Letten ctaoi which hire oraarred *— a U h m a , 8. SfnlTti. C.M.O, tbe pra**ot I.if* Chiu- peteota-] E btUa moroettaat Eluasbtu aBipUtntim im . bonta boja It ia th* opinion of that*- Muisaemaxo, o ale t Ucgeli -.WilBmia Piai PiDaJf '' ngregatiooal (Joiiii ■ng ep, it ippem to me that moeaiiR mogolo moogoe oe notlbotligtdl, H Sooth } M i/'btlmen tnd ie*. locution tbit tha eril culd be atopp^ olioaoetao go' (tiruica ino ■‘ita black, bot comely. 0 v*>*ii eht>n of tta haKrfiUgtdL or tbe be-KgakiU-kn- ! nt$° U . Etar* Cj /(nealem it tb* tcnte of Kedtr md if girli ire trunad to do dooeatic work. . . . , i q a le tot goora Manlarane gonn* ke la-Diipini. !>J tbe Arfslni of Solomon. W* lure fait with inteoae *orrew tnd I”r>P*B' *r* th* real deacoodenta of ' mosetoina oa Tlhaplng. Ka fle‘ mofoe- )i Look not opon mo bectnm I to the Zelu people. Sooi of them miaht I *■«* •bolofel* mtkan t tit nytltdga am blick for the inn luth looked upon regret that raanlti upon white women THABA ’NGHO. me; mymo'ber’iokildreo wrreinjry been reported We feel tint h...™. „» 0,- s s uwUlfiK,: i wltb-pio; they made me tbe ko- per th- ae ivaolU u- t diagTice ipor ill u- in Britiah But Afrioa, tod ! Be ta kt ntloali'oog kotleltng Mornli- mats, jala go uaaa, go . ig In Khodem. There­ i of tooir riniyana; bst my own Umlft. Wong to It, ll„b ,, ‘ S “ * * “ ll phapaaja « marapd, Dachoe* i rineytrd tavc I not kept. lad we in -u phi tic uuir. diatrict oo fore thaw «es lejitioo hta drafteri ita fol­ "• lowing rreolntiooa which mnat be carried ayego ga mala, m a le li a the Bonier, of tbe Dordrecht, Udr | 8e Lebaleng ! ± 1 form, fa^n, to adorot Kiogoea, niiSnSni* QeoerelDetler. BubRosa, Xaltnga Diatricta where many oolow^— * f,ir ‘Ti*1 ot Se Lebaleng!! Biantoa ind from UiltUila. Blnbitirom ■ LThal eh*n the crime of rxpe or tl- Lebaleng 111 HI Maclear, Tembot bom til mud tnd near PSTBCSM. J. 8IDZDM0. „ ■ , tary to’ Chief Mechel* IL. Pin- " titer H. Adame.—Ga fe kee gore *e«eebo, Baoee tad Pehlot tnd Poa ■^jBJasauTBs1 I ta fiV i . p y a o* » . i i a . » . maontOhief of ttaBtkwtm, «»M*Tehh ‘ UoM gt ta itie Weokele ee o . tlBKMktaaenewe- dealtM from ueer tta eet cooe to wk* — ^•ehetntUnd Protacsotat*. '\ ro mootle-atU eo o tobagtoy*ng|m A * — 1------. The ^ - •ta train. Tbooeialt of then taVe piawd ftrow- of iS th* oo s oX r ict^ s ." ^ 6.tTOT*d z jr i£l th^t-ooUwrfe ‘•P-tOSA e»tle BdWtoweho;' '1 wiggoraled. - At the lea* • ar Otart’ehind»t«twUbo« i That aU eaeet between i m ecoaUgago Weokele ope r?* tamu tee dl alto-otle, tC l.ll*.,!!,*,!™1hehandWttam with considerable ttcL Y o o n ,e to . We b«epet\ tor him t h U BtC0A^A fly w m Of the Bwhnint', niB^BLEI, n MCTSE ((WTFMBSB) t t , UU. Maria Smouse fc tajNitai Ithtoji BalsM* j» boiltDg. Koa Frei Setata. TSA-BVKOtLEDI ?g £ M q a s ; 4 0 BOUU K4 LOtTO LOA Baporto at Pbatbago tat nt'Sktcbo OiOOB T Re ltamalelt ulemo taaoaamoo uatAaMB« p p s • lkttptt kt ta k* ooatjt p SanpU (Uringttoeia ngoaga ka m aimolota* ka pila a ol Kas p Man'agiaji et "Tuu." W# Bare Mottotbgi ka boiteMw t ko ^rw c;rerte: Oj taboo kouo ka kg^d , Uittlaa) e ialt. Jaka gah a at*. ea dikgomo. Kafa Betbue oa | ata,aoa ktbog » b . .i s d .* b tlaajttae aaacoetTMaao TaUttg", Bartae moaadi mangos a tala a tualil* J’ >- W‘ r » b t j»!o rt up. b tbapa c tlaie pala aa tkata no mai pUin Not b ttiaa botftoko ka aor» ka \ Ditlhako, Bohfr bogo'ogolo go f«tt dieytgt di e t - t t O'OOtMBJ 01 hjriiu B^ep, (nog a StfoM la Baccbo ba basgoaba ikatbakabbtebeasj*b itUatfonb Oitos trilt 17 taa Aogojt 1911, M «tp p to«»b p Ut bbWe t s oymle, oa* te raU gor* ke b bot aa- e dilo cotthe ,JM •’ «* H U u loath lot ba tlhtkaoetatog digkaa la ditloa la fodtleng kt bet* ut disbag. A rasa BOOOtts, lo lo tod a datat a icbiUa 0 cbogi ka ;asi a ka Itbpttog b biUdl ba astkisb* r; btst ps'o. A adtaa dlaanftMatjtgaSuapyfila. Btot tecogoj* gigoe, mongo a booa mebalt •okel.ptoa a oaa f.uht a ts*l*% •a toaki, cooo4m 0 timclogib “Tab' bt root; ao* fctrs b g reag bt ■fj kbibt. A lkgakgttutlelt k> ct aogtus kt seatb a aortUesswb miabt* (July ji) phitlhiUU 1* nkolo ba f«U 60,000. BJimedlbt btUtdibaroe*bail*- eaoue^t dilo di te etgoa Pttet Otroichvl ato ele Mortgo trilt a toot go Itabtieba MKoakaalot,aaa b b go>Ue jabb| aotiaaHato diriaaog time 0-a gtgoe moUi‘'P » . B» timolol i (n toit ht ba anogelaat arltifio ba gaafi la dil'biko Ue 0011 di reel* t biUt rtto ton tr* it re raU bee bt bos* ka aaaitno b ka nxtatBM Uditi-c (■Mtukiftrt gaofi U liftub. t- 7X00 Btkraaa't bt 17,000 M go boat batho kilt lotpog. Bt gikgimtlt r> ba D)tU r* abbo bewtfi. am* l« g«M j s g f t c a t a e MABOOA mo _____ ‘MOMIBO diphlttNg kl l«k»p*M «o kolobadicoe btot We 40M Btratl Ka rtrl motlw oa WiuL bogid, joo ks nit p Uhailbtbabt w- ***Jt»a a* kbps* micburro a» boto«,t0M jo* p Ed abort gaakc aht t dtmelt motihtop* ft gn aoa. Eaita* bo Bn rasa ba bi be eyib, 40 Mors* ka bo bref'tt jj 0 insb b* buLoM U K bt bancbo bar.ro . last* *» so ir* jjt so teat «s» jt ? k l .l l b o f l t l f e o i j A lo n h lo helaela Cutb • >t« gs utoji liftttka ka pooo ta mtUlio. Ot r« itse m dikfomo, «lf tore ba itae ft an dl*o „, - ... »P« batftagrli ba M ottftbera IJ61 Di aoraU oa 1 ba t ip*>l. r «, 0 Otl« I ' tla te irelt-ig btibo bt I ink go rib oabtb; ao* jtlo gooo I mo Uh»ong espp, i kgtkilt -, b'rela “ tgabbto m Mia j t 0 e '4 i fetang tsa Mwe-| keratodi na'o dilioapiula'je ottlo t Btthioe ka Itlartllhatlht je bt ttle II rath*, jtiBOftg ka aako I tun gt r> | k*«iib* e* bouUlo jo 10 usp ap j 1 rt OUtlci fela jib le bdibpe. Mo go not utilsboi dit'han alt 8 le choerr, gt timogt kt onthooatng b wpt,b Makpwt gt a b' baapeg ao »o ami aaa Mali**.’ tooslopbooa ntgi • rt a bidding Ka fa t oaa fatabe akaa't kaa'o lo :~ a Thaba- [**®t Ko moroa Isaka oa bo- Bakgotha ba ea Edlobarx. dt«l» jtkt pel*, ra apt re btrtktb put mo ukolasg ka botjana ke atUbo. gologolo eo ona a tumile bobe Kot Traaakai go aa ^ go ihe'ot Oompieoo go oethilt mtbedi gttoe r* rt •* kt ja cbotroa Mtdigat Moral oa pe'o oaat: Kt tatgtta mo Beooanenij. gona* ka bah tto RaiaUrt o aa a phathrgo n buadl b* btkrtarto 1 ikoale. Mbtmt 0 ooogoeogtot co to 1 go nka dtktoao b to rtkrb aoatdi. koalo lot g>ga. K>nt nlotedbdl tloatooa ao dikoletg tat r >at go (tta (YW.OA) EMI* utla Ut ra iUe gorr tUtre (t ape btiotlaaa bt fOcepMM, nro atkg o*U, j*ng. K-.rk«a* n ka .or.tij_iot kt lo lo rebiaa dito«o- Ktpa ka ail Ka it kt tt tholoftb Brebner, aiogataa ogtkt aa. togologolo ngoigt 0 lolt e U* bo e Ualt cto(. tbaie tepe Ufa ootb * ka ataba lo^tdi, I Jo >• twt 14 olhtu. B«ar ■sHOffl 8BLAGA RH tSukinytng Dinama b kalo lihola lel« gotta* jtlo go boa«lt kt bokeu ogoana to ke I* ooti t ba a iIxm rrtgot 0 reb 0 c (otl loit'oc diciitbt madi.(tptl*eUoabtUeepbte«ae, at S ■* ar* ft t p oarit loto. o an a lo It niUt a Mkept ta kgokgo*Utng ka •*» a tl* oalo o Ut go oteu kt i«v f». 8e la g a j . Qtlh a-c: 'ha ir.o tta BoiMt. A kc lo go bo ooou

  • tlo It too* fjt mMta tairtai k*ln(*di ditbiU thtta Mm a kt sab* a* roth aa moitli iioko 1 Irttubn Ki* sa* 9 0 bala- It bun. 'licoo \ THABA ’NCHO. 111 ft godioo gt mttti. Erila moose le bene halo bene a ft Johto- t rt t dirrtwKR mo diptti fo kmla, aka ittaa'a ga baaa k.r.bo Mohsmieidi • ______" B* *° tM0‘ (* ® notbarg Kt bgodiiibsssmle mo ko kegoag Uc re pi til imo g mo go ant me go I jc». use ditiro ta oe kt tt* ! gikololoa gora le mo gin ga Ix/tabtlo uh ht tketo so moogoo 0 tb ot bonye R- bile re ** *lttu kartttiurg i*l I'aofitnj bt M i bl faecbo, ter-prlo itihitm>i m itg oi oi01 lo Ut hnaa l . , , , " t bo f* atae rt btpila It loaho. Oa Mo A ko lo mo rtpelelsog.* MamaiUthoo ile Brt-ttbad le Ur «e c ^ » row tue"Ka tb bUlt klonoi nab ootlhanka oa Madai" A DotsB*acbo bi a Octla (tlajak.. . , , 'KenskeUstodimedi kt emi mo tV N'liataenj kt t ttk t ;eba "b vJt kt labtooo* k* «a< wBtaaslobslt t ttwit*aee ■» K*“ * 6t'h«b b ttaoia eooe pera>attat« h * btllet kep*b a gigoa E a ttb u P irtktir, *“ ‘ h , >' W dirdt Modimo ka tt ks ka d r* jtlo »g0Ui t Ubtb*lot kKooio P P.BAfELEPE. tahi«ri,hn. . . 1 OtoUsg. G.toi 0 ittiht kaIteot boittastobs ka ao pktMb.ttas aniaai ino aa roaa, mae ra tla bo ra .. Ke pae teb k* Itemogang gor* nU*kt-j ,u. tbitt e!e D|oea 0. tool e» g» Biorofbt.! o«! 0 ntbb Ht j-bthUi i-.il __ . ,, mo diktpoag boboko joa ba jot oo*. ilb ;t gtg&t UUbareo, k. tbapo . ^ ^ . ^ o L . . . I ka ntae ke iphitlhebe Modimo, A | Caiei Stmaei kloroki !i H. Butte, C.L, ko '0 ntbtpileltog ki bone leadi," , Kr not , . * * tah» * « * " g M olto o« b, k u , .. H mogouioyt- Mmo.iaw.—Moia ka ta kopi ben >a: -Erflake tteoa mo bo-! Bj, u* I'tVIl) M T1.AUI 0 tntai Aorrika, j oa oiaogoa 0 Ua aaa laog, ka allot I o sktoptta attboaepai ae U* ft to omaka M-pretiU, eoaika* g5»Uht roai ro tt ki krenbn* ka bo b choeM bothta le Biosalsatrm o ka U‘oKt. Ka iu* ft t ao kakltb moogot ekste t " dtld ’’ Er le kt Tuluo u Bscoaix. Kt rattbe jiaootg mokgoelso 00 p 0 ese ebo 0 ______••otIt kt aeaeci et meiaai Koaio ka tahiamo kt Uela a a attaag j Jo. haf pu S kloko e ton < Wt, Il OA PU8H0 EA nitogsle. Bus k* rtpela monot 1 ! tatU boat bo ba‘ aji ba Trim her* fapaakana gt lot di ea Minting BiBABEKf biletet kot phithoag akin ca hi stitt motho t eib Mboiot' a a go notm ■ WookaUog BiHOHO *■ oUtee 0 akitae p rtpelt. Le jtaoong 1 MiifLaiaTU M»lob» mooo go te 'Ora As-'-i o a le-.a P*U r Ctra'cbal Ol gooo opa 0 Utolaag gore batho PhiUhost mitt* a at t choeroe ke kt ttaU* ka rtp*l'U ao Mphlnog felt * m*oo»o* 1 ibde k>(* moltpoof bindi btlt btbtdi a e t aowdi e a tla p lo bab I U aloarabstbtl, ha bBMko b boil btdiri bt litahbt kgttlta aakepe, atfoko t gagot 1 ft* mpoot ke rtpela ke tbtl* Ka N|»ki ut omit larr 0 boitio* ke ooholo t aab atr'a la moog b rto> Vtnbo(t wot go ktjia oo'oai kt t go bolalt fa Mr. B artia, cb'Jofeco ea dip-ait) an go aktUt j«G. Oaaat kt ntloa tmtltbaih) ba bt aig«poloajaai thtta ea Modimo ke ta nt*e ke rtp» I mikgotl* msudit ootpajtot a atli Uni taa Bucko tao Ko- Mrt Carmichael in la ** lot p e loltv Oonoe raj- foog ri ae n It bit leb b lleeloa thtpelo. Ke eltut | bib babtdi b Wat, yutb atitao. Mapraeita. « aa 8o*tIi Afrika, t r ib t n aa ka b« ona tiro, otn« go atle batho baa got ba biraag motho ao mooebo bona loeho b poptgo tt joot kt aksoot Mokr***. a* mo bo*mona i «*• " “ l“ « kl1^ 0 ' CD* * •hot, at aor't oa aoeedi e Gob'a t ♦ t t l(aZ4nb»U kM ptmph jot g<>tbokologa ka tants* kt bel>p 1 «e«e«« l*ka *-r* F ak »0 tir^g eo. Brtmirtirt j* Jtlj- 21. Eot tie IUporto ea monoogotgi ra Kereke I’arlimeBttnt. t uauiv* t irt dipim | M '**• ’ * tthsaug. ig Mr. Barton 0 kepatyt It •s a a pen mo kirakbg t m go JO* j^fbloko et Ltkgooi mo matr tho ot atbpe ae et’s a Uogalot 1 Mavaaelo t Jala, bopl<-gol* e e a- mo Vltihtropoog i gtgtlo i Ke tnt et lost, • kt atlha o ngoe a uropo t Do tael-a{ tea dingoe koa morip b oUta et boloetes. tag dichalebt ba go atiaa Efaogell ------It U. WSOEtt brojra pilst I* koloaot eo tlsogs 0, b* bMs da tgoapragc t>> 1 lata phathslop a latoo j t g*goe . u. Uk*. hi'-*“ _aia,*< It". Erltbta'pjia Jtlj 2'i bo it gt tgale re ra*a M* Weaalt * Kooftreoae 0 Tuuuu Uiain, Mn Uickir I Ne j li .taupa Bitf-oaCarpoaci 1 ga moootae caele 0 0 foobtaiog Batlb Afrika. E thopi (a diktat ot Qreaopoio-. o mo liotpitab gtlot o P. 0 Boi 47 B*»ooiS- d ■* I alia a iba K aU t go Ua fa ire ba gagabo ia lafatiht jotlka It • • tartka go gtiae motho atilho—ot pktlt aotahagtr*. gelo I tao moooogoa*a gt di fault Ut Uhabi'e ka lactoTant Je e oel ■ B.hpuwpW uw.r 0) taulb lafoko ia prt Bithoso ngogob ka £1,478 Madi a a ooang thipa I.-'tU le di eot *n* . 81 at atlaitiDg loUhoko it ao««t** lo «• Uopentitiog oa auropaaa kca Hatal • • batlaag It Btocho bt 8ooth Afrika baa Hum, Makgooeof kt £3 RS* Iflt Id : Mtkgo- kamoM Sooth Afrikt gato* tirota ihogib gi H.tjju* i» ha Erib Pitaroti a ante go MMrrSt ko>b 'i\ lot noudi ot hibt it g goe, t a » - An ga it.' aa ibip> ft go otl* btdt I K.tnVkl. atkgolokgoloog to t bttti Ra teog. ui*t»e a I* beta le thoe. loa j< d’ Oet*eng ka [Wo rotlb* D9K a bsbfs^ot ks stks mopeassgtt medibt ba Ustseog bait M.It9, ba'tkot P»t*r Ctroxhael 't dipoenama Ua Wmk a Sooth Afrika fill It ditbtbt> li ba'ett tat ta mngtlt* |«*Ub* (Tnotrul p ibala bale btrtro bt oa ko* godnoo a ffigoang ke eo* et romtgaaplaeo pelo et gago* > ba t ^.w.witfii«ag ° ' [isioBtfikspr ort f 1 bi rvkisa Is Martbrift eae t phothegils e iod Bnifltnd Diitrxk) b b ha diao ga lotpi Kt w*ke -oo kot Eag» i oo rom*la koa o-'riksjf t a 'tt ootag b ntlha cttlb Kgoot tls o ka itanKlt f. Ftbrr . « . IgiyKr. W t n a b d .h Maaysssmane a dJpolats ba bo bt kot gt MotsebkalM (Rbodeibii Dit- line moogot 0 olt lixi (tta a kooaga itt. to'"fit o ae'» gore i tl* go t tamt. 0 kata kaat b Mtebsta amogo It .. Br.e Prut Car «>- trict) 0 Ua fitlbela e se thobo *1* ma cbul rooo-g a bo->a mot ba t bobtdi, b bt at Iadia b aa Japt at go n mortft dirop*. Lj mo agot koa J or to tae a »~* MB*t*»|i* tlats'-tbua. Sa n uog pbolo kgo'o “ * « gagtt a feta. A mui'aa. 0 b M I. p m p b* b n H* a I t b Mabora ba tae U a bcraro, s opt 0 seoog, Ms Amtrikt tb outai- thila tetiot ka m>abtoi ot ,-agot a bcija motlhanka a out t'ba«i Lh.g. flars bt rabaa lt Mocotat bt bo ba abi thtta, a ttaobe kolotat ot aattlt btdiri kt booe ba boUaayan bobe ka i gito», *>arat r. oaaja ea ngoe, S »»U * lN|k|gniitli to 0 toailtag tkabtkib bditha- dioka di tale tae He s et kaa' A noa go Nle*. tib • bots, bt Us go kopatt b| r< jt oinbtoau.. I gtgua. ihothi aa tap b atkgot a Btart, Pnfsssor aiena ba a b jt p Kraaet* be le coat Orile kt 0.0 p A s . . oaoa arr Maksb ka megopoki eaelt u botlkaso Err,vie i.,. Mono diUbala HhaJo taa Ke Uhtb* go gs boMeit Mum o t. ullagiron le llntlt et tibikt Ut 1 Btuko ere :-K e tcm» gorago Da Bab, A boa ptopiri bt Bap-1 ra btl'iog dl b kb p taeot ao takeog. baaba b bire: B» b e bttho ht loboot dl bootago Jiookopele. Agiote ■Its opoba*. Ke ft P«ter • li to o ttaiilcog o* mono ue I eU t tab letg lengot, a tenu baoreag^. • d bt btagot f< oVo*c bt choen b b b epstt tlhogo a e aabtg. A Oot ooi Mxjdi —Be Ubtbt go go kgeta.' a Uut o tele koa lllocofosftin t IcoalaU tn tona bt boo* mtlbUtist - t a tbotaalogilaog fela jt b m tba It boa gora brabgi ht didimtb botlht. X&ZFS gcrt I tla go mo ami 'a. Erile leUta ta ell oa godlma Me. Barlea fttb Btahoen ba Booth Afrib b ehottp mss bpUti b bttla aid'. Fa t ka apale'eb houatrsri r*ri r a fa akfle B a te jaka tale | bit tt Mtagtoag te ra nuba tatcbo o fela ks lb p aa*a dinoaana le di Mb«i b cbo.-i ctt’bo a gt motgosgus aafoko magos fab ka pab citlhe, aa b ea»ci* ks MoUotbyi W.P. iktbonfta mm W u baobaa 8chrsiasr, E*r. Dr. Pilot, Mba di snMie, of l St isgoa llhigo, eare kt aoase Patks akakaUt keUagoiti Iho'ngt diV.i'^di tie lotit'ht t mmo- psb|t bttho boflhs j toalo at tahlasio Bun —Mi. bbcpios Moisaa (Lt lorookoog a e* go bolaoa Mp>i*..|. 1 . b . v ^ k n f Molttno It Mrt. McPtydti. Baaoho p diatie, to m ire oUbl gap*. Miiisi o go roai * kte I Er a a .-o. t a let! Kelt a mat pen* gaps s j' b ao a sab Amtrikt ji Bototg o kilt t fm kt t a M a k b b Booth Afrib bote ba aa««M b Tn utofa kgotla moe ebile ekata di oaa i koakoeui aUog. aouh.. oa’a an “t Uuliat p I’amt b tb (tto t a Laottlsag i ea tssoa kt two* mo -PtrliMtaag ta wooto Morabratyl oa 11 Iato4 b Dtlia go kb faU oiagaatrata di ie go dijocba. &ill ft i cb»t-e lokotlo tlo >t ko. t A It«t Mbol kt natb tort man- IW>iik. M k.W b.w ik d/abo, Kgoai ea Bataabi, Bit, Dr. Motatiag. A bolela fa en'e . io bo Lordtb, Middlidri/t, Kisg t ’ nka ot bt oi rotht mtdi. A a alt —tatlo.Ufc, ss Bngbstadorp b gompieno gt its Bobonoi, M P.O., It Mr. P*lm*r Ba kgaaUba go umatt bttb} feb dila teetolgttoea law tula a t tg

    T u k o V i a 1 P r o t o - O w n .1 f l j t h t 0u«M*t*dl!Mk(0M«U n |ego* amEhtliaminttg* t tm go too* k o i E o g e W jP hJi ta b le tpet! cilpijili e] 61-50 Datoitspan End [Metlobo ea Kompoai ea ga Mokel Gatos Ithomt it t>ha (GAUFI LE. KEREKE EA ROMA) KIMBERLEY. »tet mono ka etatt et batlbinV ibt 6cMaMat*ftod<'o£iUf ta* d i k fo it BABEREKI BOTLHE BA BA BATLANG T1RO MO DIKEPONG! ~ J lo W e k r tig o io re ololotsc thoto e ntsintsi ea bt hodogtlt ksa Prttorii botlh»„ - BA LAELOA GO liOTSA AGE.VIE OA COXE:oHR, L, S. OL IAJUIE E TIN El FAITISI. m o d u ll k o a LOBATSI. - i k i M l K H G* ese 10 kb go bonce 00 sho'.o ge se kana ka ae. t , ’ * fit h% a d u d l it o * £1 Thoto di itaeeka fel*. Tlang lo iUhophele kap;-lapela aba a Utritoa midi a UktUeago* Babangoe ba ka ea fela koa Dihekeng Isa Dikomponi mo l Lefa re kadi nmaka ga re kake ra ba ra di shoetja. 74 *• "• Be tia ranska di se dintai. Beaconsfield. Maina a Metlhatlhelole bo Menenchere Botlhe ke a 5 R y t f a d l l a ,-Kgoam ngoe ft nraoa . Bohempe ba basadi ba Fianelete 9d. 1/- 1/6 jalo 12 Rook 8haft Compoand BULTFONTEIN: Mine Com^otmd nihol* a Bilgiom o nillot »j»|i r. B. Guss. Sarface Compound Marukhoe a basadi a Fianelete 9d. l /• 1/6 jalo 8table Componnfl dil*.I2 mo chiBkiuMig koa gt gsbo Mine Compound Floor Compound H&mpe ba basadi ba bosigo 1/6 1 '9 2/6 jalo g*toa aril* a fle Afrika * at* a thotlt Mine Compofifcl KIMUBRLET: No. 2 Compound ' P. Waldbk. DUTOIT8PAN : Hempe eo bobooa oa kafa teng 6d le 9d jalo jalo k t bttho ba bancho. , Floor Compoand Burfiee Compftni: Ba ba mabogo ma telele 9d. Xline Compound B oU ^inm TA .—UoUhimologoag J. S w a n s o n . WORK8HOP8: Sose ea Jeremane e e boncho 4}d. WB88BLTON : 8ur&ce Compoand a* Lo*tw go fapaakatooa bo magM Floor Compound CENTRAL POWKR Merino eo ditsela, gale 9d. gompieno <»d. irala katial* a • gakgam a'm g koa STATION: Coofonud I a s Fianelete tsa go ira diblausi 3d, jarata Kipa. Botlbi ba ba hudi aeiaag ba Sampde tsa marukhoe le mshempe a banna ka akoa i*ta m t thorn* a m tr.ro. teng,agalearekoang fela ka2 • gompieno 1/3 H m A O i.— K o a E tg tU n * p o litl I* DIK.OH.OI t DXKOLOI! I PHtOBQI ( fit bet** moth? t ktkatUti* tibipi aa ; « t a k k r lf * , . ar« " D ira a g " I f lig o a i * k a r e D tla gompieno ui fitlhela disana fela le mekgoro e e n a goiU ,«M Usfcfc Tlug Lotlhe TLAHG lABOXAKO FART1S1 E SE E FELL ]m : K«r* k* ohoua trco* ka fitlhela go eme Koloi # TBNTB ea DIBOKO, kgono e e TENKI, KARA.tdanoStXlJ ka • paUmi a gtni go «a> KARA, D IB O K I,b D IP A E T E B E .^ ^ ; ;

    W iium —Maloba M tgntrtU oa? / " i 0 bereka Dikoaliunatla tse di rutiloeng, ka KgOOg t86 dl thata-t^fcta, DIP£KB le K Shoordilcho bodit'# Doitki its to vJI nyana-kgoDyana mmogo le Ditshicoim-tshicoana cotlhe tai KOLOI le Uikoloana di iabj on n naio agoots. Ktrtbo : N;« m , m t m b * enaooa ala goa* mm* kt oot j B08ALR le Kgole t » Dip.tse ka TLaOATIifilA. tee £ oleag. n u t i io., at * skakatlft*', ***sg on* *nt. | f WENKELE jo le etelelseng a mangoe p o le ka Ditiro, FaU batla go babalela Chelete koalela:— C tphbcut.—Go boltloa !• koapo ! DUO, DIM), D IU M R IlT H inO T sl j a T l " r oi ** dikepo tt* mtgil* mroo * tloga ! It TSHIP1 ta» B*l»m', Qigrca Weck'le «pao THOTO • kaaa ka ea rora moco T H A B A N C H C coalo* k* gon ga a tlhola a doala B, S Y M O N S ‘ ip*. Oo tla aal* to bntka dlkapo G« r* nkhe D.ttmpr, am Re ikene (tort TLHOATLHOA RA ROSA i 11 dikott* {*la bt baago* ba {edit* ‘ Buffalo," Wagon & Carriage Works. S I A . E K A M E T L H A t r o . kaKo"Uo* R

    B om t — Laanltajaa* It otiloo MANGOLD kgtodl dilo 20 mo ehiokantog koa T r t i s t f t l a 1* d i o p i k a k tta a g ito o a ENCINEER3, B L O E M F O H IT E ] taa! Bum, Booing Fa!1 "il* * twak* 1* U tattinyiiu ba j Motse oa Rona o mo 6 le B-Zastron Street M at goo*, ba 1* bana mo ktfiig a n o t! (W enketo eo m ontle eo mo H ukung go leba Poet Office t bt baiai dilo taa makgtkga. KE i-*at “ lU M IV W l.m iflL L S (Ditala tn Phefo) Di HranC;liadee l« fOMPO Ua ga UaigaU, 1 ea ga Itawsonje Diloann eotlbe tea Balemi, DIMA8HINI tse di phothang, t«e di jalang le tn d iroku g.A l P . ; 0 oe ,0 HYALA kg, t» u SELALELONQ. i/3RIDA IG a D T iso )—tla g e ttra to oa oo o golotao lakgoa maloba le Iteile thale ea Dlpoiuiw Uta BanosetsI le to*ololo U a -o o » ; D ttlm h itsaga Xewbnry, jalo, jalo.- motbo eo moaetw. Are kgooa le mo MEQOMAir M E C O M A ! 11 B« Ugo kt p,k. go CH k« Maamo p> „ ko. PboRong. I taile aeo tie ka rile la maaka. Magti- tf* U tb a t o m aoya M r F itao U n eo a e o F. « •* ro Urn. k,o „ a „ Ink W ,,. B< ». ((l o n a a tb p e la m oncbo ara (a a lUoaetaa Dltlmela tsa lokoane le tsa PETEOL le Ua GAB MA8HINE tae di kgolo tsa Becoana ba Frei I b . osftlitU E otlhe t»« dl U»t th iU Ti« B.l^rfki jo no. * guetaa kgooa je loago* U p e la g ^ d ik a fo re o tla Ir* gore dl n ja ta e baakangoa ko rona, B& lo rutang go ut'.oela ditlhoatlhoa, Koalelaag— Lifa D tab*tl* P»k« eoti'b* U k< r IIAK1 BORl.KUOK. HEMPE, i ldTLflAKO, a HUT8HE, KOLOBO. kjonn (nj ■> H.nnt. lelt ei 0 *» l a tla n g 0 Ut u litilid* Mwojn.—Oatot motho mongo* eo M^nSTGOLD BROTHE] k* boning a raka kgotaa * tmogela BOX 167. B L O E B IF O N T E IN aangoa mo Ittholeng, a te tdlma, t ie Be xekiaa T h o t o taa Banna fela (fa trona tua Basadi le B Mogaiar-MANGOLD" raka kgono a te taaaa pace ka molato. idadigama a ta di tlhapeli. Oi> S E N E IR I o mo kweokeleni;, <; kn eo >t!gela fela jaka “ •■■■ D NIVBRS1T ? EXAMINATIONS, U rata. Hang lo itlhophele ka losi rm ea k.| HICH SCHOOL FOR NATIVES. WALTER ADAMS. tU a g lo bonang. Ebile baittmaiii bt' " ...... ditereot bt lopi'oe gen ba ont molt , T N c r f r ? 40 I oilititt t.r the pr «cjtion cl bighfr itodwt tad li t n o ba l»a» babereki ba ea Etaadt ba . * f-r the ti'min tioni pro'ori'fd by th e C ape University 1 High Behcol h u ? etn opened it Lot>, Idutjwa, T m tV -i; tlttt * [Bsehgoa Mogeate] SSoLD i. Bern i *e go robia*, ha ba ooaeg kt atiha j 1 folloat oofc'ha. Ba bangoe b* tla 001 koa MATRICULATION. LEWENKELE JE LESHA j| KIMBER -EY, Latln-enmtMr, Composition, Uo*eta 1 Pbyaitt-EI«m«l»rj Physical Boiwce. „ , *” Hot Boola I BiatOTT-Unircrdt*BittM j-UaircrotT 8>IUWvl____ THABA NCHO • ith m e lio -T b e wfcole lab je ct indoding — -■ . i l' i n ^ > ; «j Lskgooa je It dittog bodibi jot Ami [ Frenoh£ ° £ mnlw' Kafa morago Goon JO lH W ft S I M SADDLERY. Knda 0 lomHoa k* nog* miloba * nale ' Algeb»--Tbioagib Hioiullaneool Qoa.| Ktfir^Ea&Graomir.Uc. T 'U it™ ° rita U * « « i 0» * < W K £ lU ™ d 8yll.be, ' 8-0,^ 8*“to0r* «^ ^ > . w .» O M t a i n . 1 . t _ k I, KrJ. u !> „». a. sUhi-fitUn a rb kisi b. nwhkiMtaia« WHQaWMJOJtJ ooati Alnlt.) ZH'TZOH'Zm' SCHOOL HIGHER. PARO. 0 reka le lABBLB le l U t o - W M BA,rckka.tlhako tfa Mekgibo le Ua badiri ka tlhoatlhoa B d i b rekWoang keBeoo»6*. ■;*a V - t e dtkoa tlass g» Mawenkele cUbc n 8cuth Afrika V . gounc oaa di itirela. . i ' : : 1 EhilaradmoloUe tin « M U a w fc t M t I t W Haba’NAo. Fa molboi tek. n M «a*4M brtaajinandl mauegi mu jo m a . i » » *< « * # < * ■ * « ■ » » « a * .

    jit**, ,W4 jU . Aaooidwrtir fato>m ay m cj OF TH£ BECHUANA. bo to good news from a fcrtbdl^.’

    [Tthoatlhoa 3d—Ngoaga 12/- ka pm 1S/v B. A. SCOTT & CW., |No. a o « M l] U l Jonse Street, THERO. (Mo Mokgoatheng oa Na Ql.) E. Tea . Toee Eo 0 Tk)ll»n.i» TUU V-eooot Obtktoo..I M M o Totsfaiew .___ ee (fe e " t 0*0 » s*Mtl? w jtl» 8Button.*phin. trmKgoeeae m mn MK tfB ! S 0 lh,u ^ *'• *'*bed >• Bt W Utah ObMWmr m fit jfrm t j et/mg Toitpau e emang *6»g. j (Joolb Afrika le Mefaedi Golo ta Kopeeo oe Sooth Afrfka A TAOLO Ia diiheta u . k. di attcooeeg ke Team IS« K«Iwm _____ .A |e.ai ohoeu Ua PLAN \ LETTB, Sooth Afrika 1909 It ke Moieo II oa 1889 K«p<; S Ic toeDI BOJPO'A 2/6. 3/6 le 5 /. - di Mahnra. | K Ke bolele, ke r#f 1% B« f» ikoeg t • U'-tt.oytag U Si|ial EIB1 raebtflkcM UogUed* e e eang Kob| Koa? 1. e nktnaag toig le UUe • e Me| Knc iB fflffi® Isa Mekgabo: tgono tsa Babfrti, tsa Jlafndn! Tseo ootlhe di ka na *sa bonoa ke tlhoatlhoa teo dl olewr. Ba ba Kong e »a Gruf Putt; go eo. foeg go lebi patfo ee Kftlefedi ge HU M agileng kgakala le b >i b» rfkeloa eentle fa baromete® ma4i IwPoet ' Alleea. goon* (oag go phtk.gaay* phefo e« Bcve.go nbtkeee jtntaMe Jasadi le bana tse di>ka ikangoang ? O tla go sewla fela kaTa ______b00, go leb» peefe ea Boro, go et g, that, nhia* o» B ikeaeoelM lM kelecong oa ga«o. d* rtrUoeag kt Thin 70 ee I9I0; eiafM f fte ile . ttw go et gc (ten fa di iloglleeg te>(. Thaka e 0 coana mo Dikompo- kIMBtRLHV, BLACKLAWS nlng e itomedistoa thata ke me. boksburo s ; ------*0 Du M s pan Road. H. A. OLIVER «Co 1 (BAlilSTOIII. HMIVWII1 Kitsisho e Molemo. THERO. Pelo ca SF.I.AGA 1* THABA KOUO. Tae .Tone KoeTJotlefaoeThata VimanlGledetoae,Tokololo« 1 ). leTlotlecangwgolojtMaatleMSetr''' " —*• • “ -- * ' E 1W:»I 1" Im'i i'll ike b ke botn 0 p fiplirgilwg lhaU m be St. lUbtd __ Kimberley. .-ELEt» i mono Tixb» ' • b Btla A fr'* » 'a M o !x d i-(W o*% K>peno ea Bei'Ji'AM oe, 0.?.8.k«MARCII2S, 1911. A & Batla go Boloka KI> > thuna k>tltia ki Uboallk* tm M A KGOTLA A TIKOLOGO. THOTO e K J8I n ka itlhopela mo gJ cone, di okoloeo*. B O N A P A : DINAK.l TSE 1)1 NONKKSG THS m d i THATA tsa BANM 10/• 11/9 go 15/B D1BAUOLE TSE DITLOOPH1- MO8E8K lr hski mm^so !m ZBFAKA le XASLINB ORANGE FREE STATE (BOKOVE) TSA MMGABO ea B A N l t s e f c b o le tse di, LOEXO KA KELATLHOKO. 5/1), 7/6 le 1U 6 Kr uiilM kr In br.ftlinjoUa Ui Uikjomn. BIOUSE tse di lotsitw 1/6, 2 * lo 2<0. Dijoche 0 tU atkka jtaat no atMoag e e Utelaag a o n o n 10/9,12/6, 13/6,;« / 6 . g o e a go 1115/- para Winbw* Maatigt, 8fpttatnr 4 1911. •• Stlac. u no I.OK ABISG lo RATLOU. MBSB8B ea DlTOF<) 2.9, 3,6.4 !». Kroaatad. Luoonro, , ...... j, w u EO HOLDFAST, tse di tUata-thala t a Baepi p an Gecfl Ic Korckt rt Cb.cbe (8t At ME8K8B If baki Ui DI W)FO 16, ft. 21 i i ■ P r ^ Matlhuia, . 9. lOtl. tioe’t) b* U cuug .SUnbtoeof I* bt b> BAKI t«a BASADI t « DITOrO " 12 6 le 15 ■ Htllbron, Loabobedi, „ ...... 12,1911. ctng goat TLuig lo itehttcbele left lo n Fr>nkfort, Lotbon^ p ...... |«, H|. ngoe le ngoe e CALE tse diocbo Ua K aSMIIU 10/6,15 • le 17/6, 1 nke. Bitcbo l» Buboco Kt l» lalttte Vrade, Uidhtei, „ « M. MIL CALE tse di mehaln le dikoho •’) •? > < a 21 •. D iteba-tebela para e a Lotlhe. Fa Dijoeht e kt kgf>t!n kt t«^ei g> Stun ao atfa’oag a ka tatti la TSA MKKGAB0 ea DIKOUMKBKSB 2, 6 e o e t g o 10 6. It kalioaag Ltkgot a le t‘a ttaaa ait hiaji 0 gorajvag. 5s. le 30s. DITUKU tse di sininen:; 6d, 9d. 1;- go &i 5/6. MODIMO BOLOKA 10081. KAU8HD tsa banm (id , 9d. le 1 • para. E ntabiooa ka 8«itla I. Stktoo at fiogolo aa Kopaoo aa Sxtk Aflikt Cgauti le Central ao Pratt ria ka U>tai jtuo jt II j . Phato 1911. THABA 1C H 0.0. F. S. MARUKGOB a banna 3 6. 4/6 le 5 6. ’-Hotel) ea ga BOHEMPE babano;. 2/6 le 3,6. GLADSTONE, MANKATENG a senna, p • ______ITM URT HID. f ______V/enkele oa Disholo. E UABBE1 Bn 0 tali«^«ltditeeog S^rataty p» Nttiti Affi ta k>4em»a le W«Wo * llTlONA Bafantiai ro utloatsa S*fc>rekwg farei na ...... le difsntiii tsa MATLOASAHA. (19 Aejnt int.; I ______k Gwb *■ r (0 elut -it |;u eat pilele ea putihi (1 Malt4• ,-elo at KtotUsja Wat-Bni, KlilBEBLEY. j® '•* dinia'tl.)dio.!tu> ao tlhotni \tr Arthir L» WiU-'.b »kn, Or«'|> Fn« S’.'it gi nta K ia>lta'e 'S i Afte'feetoro sese gologolo »| ootlhe koa TWBB8PB01T leCkaraine It H-njrt L'Uult j 1 B«eck>tt Mr, J. f. Ontli ta a a>»tn j ~ ■ “ t i Oilo coflh# l«« n d*!* STATION, Dietnot Thai* W .M . CUTHBERT SCO., m a . J. (LIMITED.) (19 PkUeWL Kuroatrr. 111 Sraacate at BtauT MOT3EI OA BASHOI West, Paowaxai u Kara. ■ le ’M ETU OA MATLOLE The Great Sonth Afiican Boot Merchants. IXSMHOa dngili j»«t |t> la«p*ct)* ot O kleaaeftS lIn : A BASHOI. K Dik.poag to di k<» ti»ti c» K' plnit ka M tattga, LaVa tl, t il l, 4 Ba ka go naea Tlbako tee di siameng ka Tlhoatlhoa tse dl g o 01 g 1 bile Th ra ei G'roaal* e e oktbieg di«ep»»tiv 3 iUiui Becoana botlhe bo* mongot la moagoaeoo ategle latent! 0 Kip> gop«k» K « | M O okocolocoeng felt ao Krpoog tae di okidio.'eog. golo ba Bloemfontein, B WARIMOTOS BMTTH. KITSISHO' fa a bndngile koa St. George Uokoeltdi ea Kkape. Street, jaanong ale mo Bau­ Tlbako tsa Babereki go simolola ka . . 7/6 mann Square. Ka «J3 ea 1911.) h lo U-SUfl e l Dijlt IS IlM t o a M O Lefa a ka ipaakanyeta Tlhako tsa Barnia tsa Mekgabo go simolola ka 10/6 . u>atoa 4 ta There 111 B. B. 1304 ee Melao ea Britieh Bl______letlole, ene 0 tla nUha kara Itaitloo j»n» go no. poltlo ea poataha te aaete*aeae n Mtteaa w Tlhako Isa tfaledi le dishuse go-simolola ka 5/6 otM mo Mtmeileleioog e (a «aee e tie tlhaUbojoa aaPhelaaall i > ■ kgono dlpitse koantle ga kara. l’ntho boUbft b. banaeg le aeogoe le nag. »> ba lakdioa go Ua U M , kgeut M-motbo a betlilo Kesemo no roaala noeacdi kut Uakaoeog to e iteetoog oa pbtfo ee Kte6w5ei ■ JN0HO. Tlhnko tsa Baslinauc le iiascUana tsa Sekole le Tshlpl J, *°»“ o,nS psW eole Polar le v ia eetlb* ' ‘ I go ene (Iciki e isioe lebitleng 0 6 ka Tlhoatlhoa tso dl okocolocoeng. kall kloke oe Ph.iana II. gwe beboielele Mr. W. Hilt* ftea nUe ga tefo) go kgoraleoo tee boas ka lokoalo lo bt Ila lo M O itolpi' I l l M l kgono UbfllM l. Tlang lo lUbaltbtU ka lo ti Be (la lo ituwcdm Fegoawaopaeoo gaeeUaag aeUeaaeeor faltiioef. BAMAJLAKB, „ vim. 1. 1. fcmiS SM gjB S i X liS t DPR fA B a lU 37. DUTOITSPAN ROAD M Bkwfooato.oBA „ ■ ’ i.H COBK1SU EOWOI. «I«* BsT^*p°: Baiubais. ■ Kimberley. ■ m s * * * H 0 P 1 f i f i TSALA CA BECOASA (Tbe Wend XIIBULH. IQEW B (SEPTEMBER) M. ordaln*d in Holy Trinity Chn Ifiog Wllllams to ^ ! ENE we The Wise King -WlUiamrttnm. lAfttr , ,-w- ••«ir . [BY «0L T. m 4TJE I REKA fela.mo WenKengeo 807...... -tee War 8t MattW#15, •PBiTonumwi-] o leina mo 'T u l w o lo bo lo CORNETS, VIpLlNS, communicanta^^Oj^^iyJ bolelole morcA-isi fa lo bone AUTOHARPS and other Tbk pietoT*qaa to*« n tv___ _ a n d '*811 .-averagelattendance »avj ina ja gagoe mo Koranteng ea Musical Instrument* htnki of thl "Bnfftlo Bitar, church of 130, with 15 little boy*' B cco m . (niln froai Eaat London ton W. r t e k o a M AFIKENG le ZEERUST l o a MADIKOE] and girls at the boarding »ohooL boar. It *u odraally i Dtaloo In 18?0 thore were six out-Btation* betoatfng M Ml* London ■ M a t s a h . dot;, tba tota Itaalt «u foindtd a and six school* for children. To-_ thar nlW it Bnt*. DAMAlLASK-Koa FicmmUh, day the baptism* total almoetj iUiioa StaUoo, alter to old tnmjaJ I l O.PJJ, k* Phato 1, 1011, Mo- , « « o a v n w n 5,000, and confirmed nearly oflhttnaBS. It hu ban tb, '^PECTo SST b ALSAM (Molemo ea Difiotlhola) 1/6 V Strand Street, C A P ! TOWN. [^ ^ » Mw divan nilitary aoUviUei, oei of other* have been handed ow»r cnlmiMtedintbe death of tbi Jew tVi iZA MIXTURE (Molemo oa Mmele) 2/-ka INFLUENZA A t AStJABL—Koa Green Poink, B-t whose name is a household one nuoant dbflf Hiota, Bin. FORSALE. to St. Chad'* Mission. Church' b o tlo lo . AL eoosfield, kt J.ly 10, 1911,1 in many a Native home. Mr. Jibara, the plooeer niUn joarealat,^ { Mohomagtdi ot gt Mr. Heroaau ___ in the district number over wielded i Imchant pen linoilSH, o^i, Muatfai o boo ye ngoeot o« MOCDLUT A Complete eet of " Rev TABERER bad tho good fortun* 3,000, and there are 750 communi­ Oo mle boiwmilo ko* n Meletegou itill going strong. Tba batdqoirtKi gj 1 Joseph Benson" Oominen- of seeing St. Matthew's rise and I k» moeimene o» bobedi Wt mo lo ta rrs 8 Volnmea in good cnJer cants on the roll. The number of I■ tbiOipa Monnted Rifles in iUU ^ | tulong lot beieUana.' advance from being a small MiB- (andai an im portent oaoainul 1 Mo leketeboioetee bongoete bongoe jobo |peho» l«*»ooo BVJw*) very cheap soholar* at 8 t Matrhow’s and tb* to Ministers ot Relegion. I "ion Station to what it is to-day, out-station* is 685, exolusive of '■ King WiUUaitovB tcUm diitnbaU^ ] baM for I lirgaarele «! tndlng ititioa Apply "OOMMESTa RY, ! and all through hard work and the students at St Matthow'* ool- - P. 0 . Box 292, Lit ii.klto c»U»d tha cartel of Ktflmi, i Dincho. perseverance on his part with ^srassssaifeiw: Kimberley, In 1876 Mr. TaBKRM; nd nouaein Caoiw 8g«fti dimontm, ' singlo heart—that of uplifting1 rat the "T sala " Office. built a brick church at the Mis-1 the ippropmtaoan of tbi um*-bn It tho Native races. Hia work, as MELEMO EA GACOE E THUSA THATA A. and followed it in 1905 with is £«r <*r from King Wtlllinutowi ^ 1 UNIVERSITY 1 of all other Missionaries,. has |.Pretoria, tba UlIOg ctpiuL Thia *U1 b, ' madi bn jooo kt lulti j» bo 20 ja Jaly 19\l. . - fine building costing some' oora readily ohdentood wbmliddtta ^ Bt ba agiieng kgakala ere ba n Khile rant le ae « nl* lekia. aoko* kt pelo e telele k» been an up-hill ono through lack £2,777. Two yeare ago one. of' b«elf botlolo ngoe lengoe Sekisipen* Mr* Williim Tihabilele i bt t taamaela Vjl ■hara tha faailiar phrui, Iwe nev,* mo diatlt ug >91 gig' * kt ka*nbo t kgolo. of support and encouragement tho most boautifu! of the smaliar g J . tmHerrtming Street,- Belgravia Hu tali bo amogeli ktUiiho e. impliei Eoropaua and Batlm,’ ud kj BLOEMFONTEIN from Colonists, who always view- R.J. PANYAUE churches was built at tbg.Hoek" tha “two laogtigia" they enn ItfWi i od anything dono for the hotter- tad Xou. lately, hovanr, thi Omtmi LL (Native T*»cb*r*. and p by tho efforts and through the W . 1ST. COOPER., Stodenta iMm* tboroovh or I ment of the Natives' with abhor- kectioo of the eoauMnitj—mirij Qq, ( [Gnafi le Koreko ea Makgooa.] i t UTIYANE. - Kot Beecont6e1d, Alioolor lb» Matriculation, Jaoioi inspiration of Mr. TaBERER. The’ $ 9 > *1 19th Aogeit 1811, bosigo ka Ulcatr, (T Tiaebera' Kitmina'.'oc* i 1 rence, and even went to tho ex- | miss lira is tba towo aod b u ; nonu Ltko et lain, Georoi MatsMdisho, total income of St. Matthew’s in W E S T END. KIMBERLEY finsinf In thi diiWcl-lm tant ti i morot Rev. P. K. le P. M. Motiyanis tent of saying education spoiled KOA Special itteat^o to backward no'tm 1871 was £475, and from 1685 to! [elilo la tha^Ptoriaoial Gomn^int foe • * •** ajtot je leogoe Giobois. Expert work. BnUnnl tesnlli.l M'*1 ! tho Natives; and vjere it not for o o nyeletoeag kt 17th itiF w F.mry Fornajrte oa«w i 1893 tbo industrial work done bri[fi* Slila woogaitkaof their lutugi. Ir Ruth Kiadihaho tho pecuniary assistance and Yoa will not noed to be told oftti N u t 1 1 tuftoJM jt I ® LEMS J i BECOAKA. > o tseinaileng U b(m' tiAB wiCmiller, M.A, tlie Natives brought in an aver- Uto 8o«ih Afriein >td Dt *i i encouragement from tho Home So­ ,«pnctieahilitj of aatngtlioa if joa win "v" I KROONSTAD O F .5 apo of botwoen £3,000 and £4,000^ T ' "* Oolieyrt Priacital. bat ooaie bm iod sea for yoondf Ui „ , aUR^KA P I L L S N o . I. 1 Robalen* leotle Baengole ba ro PO. BoxHl. Bloe*lrtitei».—St. cieties Native Institutions vtould a year.—Imvo. flood of Ua«k j-euaotry from the iw V I* ttifiritlb.tha a Sekte. frEitiiw boUbita joUhe fikebotae • nevor have boen what they I/: :: LetlojanAM p^«ela_*J- & LCOAE je baeti hi ki !o>ng»liog rounding keatieu potmnj hte tU no »o jone. Bi tli ujw»l« to-day. Wo boljeve that someDOMESTIC. ilreeti; ate tha ttltirea walkbf tp nd EUREKA PILLS No II kelotlboko e kgolo IhaUi ki D IJO t» sothmlo cotlhe lo MAROHALO a • Ir. Pi** Vlt'etn* Tlhibtoyiw kot M 1K K A ! £ ’£ 2 t t ! ' *™ ^ *■ Native | down the thorooghfara, tteri&g it tki '.T iato bawtai Bimtla, L*t'oj«na is. •mens iwntle. 'u!t»ing et gigofl t e bediotng Mo- Nitjro Locttioo it UoHtetbi, on iha tiuu to its educational work, aimalso [»hop wtodoai, oaetinj ud gowppi^ .. K a pose Ss Sd- IM oU btlholo o o Eo o ete'ing teng o kt kculut*- n wot, kot Sftltgolr, BtchomiUnd j the R-» J P. Sometime* young ladi of 17 or 18 wiih frienili. binering with wb'ta to, ' g ak g am atian g o» D itshlka.) [ Cillbot kt di 4 l « Aagfi ke Mo- w Dutcti Kafo'-vad introduced industrial training in ouSehitlbolo ot Mctite ta Moroni >ut to.»otk underground at tni Mint*. ud porthiiing jitonsiooi: in-1 jjo vffl : MOTHUBHO OA MOOAD1KEOO M. E. OLIPHANT. I ^Utpt kt miiiii t tsigolo. Go Uiile 2 ^ 5 T »S S X 3 S ft£ " HW -kl* ■* t'nentithing Theie lx>jn ofian come borne ill Tbay M atiified that, ihoeld Mgnptuo tnr W .•. B otlolo 6d. Ka.noe* 8d. nlo a onintei et Btrolooj. 0 ti»irt bouse, I.. Alios Tirrnii* \Ugcnri.v. Whether those industries mir- M OTBtJSHO EA DlQOTt.HOLA. " A . " LOCATION. third dtoxhtef of Jim* i Miqobeit. * .re not atrong enough for that hard work become in accooplhhad bet, folly foor- 11. it mifoio t IL Bt'Kortou 5, t vived the outcrj- that was raised Botlolo O d.K » pom Sd. dikKtkgHinieo • rr nt» kgtolo eo. NiU*c latarprrtet i« tb« ttfwdml Mi- mdeigroand. They perhapa look ull tilths of the marehanti woold Uan Saj _ . ^ 8^ T i;O L O 8 A p i N T H O , Botlolo fid. K r o o n s t a d !i kgo«di ko« Trici- rk until they are older >nd itronger. V Koalelt, 1 1 7 ANTED, a Native I We join in the ohoruB of the ad- 'WillUmitown, tad ouh one baiiniUn 'itl o ihwcoe ke UotlMUt kt kgoedi A pinon ihould net work nndirgieatf j[dork ud Isterpr-ttf; Tba town tetbar M A C E R A MARCH m 3»ptetnb*r ele 5, 1*11. Phielho i*i T V School Teacher for j mirers of Missionary work in re- Mam Khan. fho li under twenty yian of aga.—IMx jaajoyi tba nolque pontioa, vaosg ill • > Wbol»aale& Beta'l Ohemlsts. uotkiS o kloko Ur. Jaratnhh B. DeptA-QDEENSTOWN. Molokr o goaiitu Uosi la aiohomtntdi tbe Bangwaketse School ut joicingwith tlie Rev. C. TaBERER 1 p'icej ia the “colooy proper," of ttiTiag ,X*By*gadile 50 Be e theili, • gt«o« kt L Potoro 3 f !0 Oo le Kanye, Bechnanaland Pro- that he has been spared to achio .^ | two courti of liw. Tba Uagiitnla'i noboktno e ntei et hoeii U bicotof tectorato, Salary £50 ^ p?r 80 a wor|c an(j may y6i Dilo tse tli Nooanj!, tse tli knkili le nofi m> mot«aog oi i SMtaD Jiid{i. Wonrt ad»laiiter^ jnstioa oodar tha Im Moccedi koa L»ho^lUh^ annum. Applioitioru, enclo-1 b. >Dan>d further life of tiarfulnme at the Province .of the Dip* of Good Re Batliseng. Jeoang, tsa Meslioroto llopo, tod thi Cqart of tha Spodil Mtgi- sinR testimonials .liould ‘ • ' j.t a L e r t 'a T t o r u i W.can- TELLS JURORS WHITES HAVE I aJdresed to th. underagnci j ^ tloje . ia,oulJakl „ „ th, 1 NO ABSDRtNCE ABTOPDT0RE," ■strata idjadicatea upoo thoee cteoi caly eotlhe. jffijpfe leboga Mcdioo o re neile Mo- i a a siameDg. 8UPREMACY. whfchcoipo andcr uative It* ud astoa ^•W i'A titf qs T u u * re ntlnelaog , , L i ! ! . « ~ «f th. veteran Mfc The ftracf Ooart is mainly buiy with a gabft-lekgikili teachers need, apply. . • ’t EFERS TO HISTORY OF R&CJ8 ,inktiyicajee atder Colonial Liw, wtiU m s'ao e o t he* e a b U i ; ' b a U f ith e . The soocessfnl applicant 19lonary B work from the Mnnun Eekaui fela nwga gagoe. I the Utter li patronised eicljuifoly by •Mm* j u n a k i te b i b a d i; l * m p itliie will be expecUd to take up °f Ven- Archdeacon HOLMES, Io chtrgla(.the grind jury which jWivet Here tho proeecdinge an ia tbi ngoua o u ’e a ntlogala koi Beicons- Kokeconyana ea Madi a mahl being prwnted with the (acts .cojg; hi* duties at Kaoye o a 1 v»bich appeared in the Cape Her- hum Identical with, bot (omewhti dis­ ; geld li* 1889. Gotlhok.f.li g» gagoe Box 3. Telegram* KHAN, bidu a a tleteeng. grains the lynching of t o ■ • (Ago nee boroko. Iwini ji gifr* JANU ARY 18*, 1912. !;'■“>»• Said the Archdeacon r - tent from, tho prooedaro io tbe lMdtilt la jS iiim n . N n t c , F« moo goes kile WINDSORTON. AttNOLD HODSON, ' "The Mission was Rtarted. on a who wu mobbed In thli UigistnU'i Coort Hen hondndi of E todlsa Bogolo joa Maioe tee w-yki ago, Jadg* Hike Soli!*, of tbt * v »•; n tio ela m oogoe oa liin s jeo * Acting Assist. Commissioner, very small scale of course, in natives eostn^t for tbe Bud utl othir i. koalela Mornlsgsnyi o tli bo > G.neronel, Bxhaiailfd PrjucfTitr. j ^ ^ ,8,e Bj()hop Arm. CtrcaitCoirl of Ballook Coanty, de- Bind every day. Here the native feeli 1 itaaraediu. Hal ho ha ba sewing madi enred thit the white people c-.ono* O a lo n s, aodenteods ihfi ttiiteoee of i 5 • kc ba ba lapilcng, ba ba fr>- allow mob jutlce to ga annotlcod, and m*?;. ■ ANDBIES NCK0. HtfflcB-Ounge.iUthroi.Bh. >'»“ 18Si w 18s!l “ I tin Affairs Departmoot, ud ippno iiH T. Aitchison. frolang, ba l» fedileng thati oui the country cannot do W1“ Bc*rce|y P°M'blf for any renindfd tha jiron that althoogb th' iUfMdliM. ** ba wnnng buituraelo bope better than remit all out- w°rk to be done, though assist- *h(te ar* oow to tha aiceodonov tha' A chill ibinr pervaded the nativi wind s l inn hnUlelong Dijo ga di standings and enlist more ance was rendered by a Mr Jboy have no umrAnci thit thiy or! ini weok is soMi oae whhpirid thit Re batliseng. c o , ' bolaoa kv ba kgotbatse, ba subscribers and advertisers to Smith Johnson, and al*o by tbe11 children will tlwayi be 10. The Jiu interpreter in thi Nitin Oonrt » R A -D 1 IP O N I | m&la a a thata, ba nba uba told tbtt'hlifory show* tbal abcnt to be dlipUdsd by a white inter- bitli bibadi ha bub- lol 1 meet tbe expenses cf the Archieacon Woodrooffe. who, di|iplo, ba oco\ te ditlbogo, b» oumlitlons aod relitiom imong nitloo* [pfrtor. Tbe idea wu toeo wwted, !»<)00 J ' imogela T#au ma I Barekisi le Baanan>i. enlorged paper, his many friends will regrot to Bifl0A3.i. B-bidi thesang k« g : iio'ana te mokotla, motlba :haog« coqitantly, ud ib't people howuror, with 'ha^ont," tad inch thi*r U lr.a m- maaieow Ie ItroM nnih * jalo, jalo. j mongoe ba choaroa kn mo- m M i i i A m 1hoar- '8now paralysed. The >njoyiag iap»m*cy ie one ire foand conld oot be; the atop, it wu laid, ra . U to g e le T u i i - N.-oigi 16/-, tgw.J | tmoana, ba tshelela TSALA EA BECOANA ho»e»«r. «> , reaUj lohivi lost It aod become nbaeryient impowible from Ihe very nature of thiaga i; ajhibitoro 7/8 dile thiro 4/-. 3o'.!li i liK-oalong loa ka mctlba Fa (TW PHead ol tke Betkuu ) established by the Rev. W. in aaothlr. A day or two later tbe following pleoard p; te ba b»tl«n< Tsau keilaimf I Thaba 'M o , O.F.S, •domed ihe ti'olioe-board in front of Ik . lomtle m»di Voi go co tlhoka madi mo go diegc- —« - ' GREENSTOCK, wbo, labouring in Jadg" Solllfl toaehed npon the race If agiitrate'i office* Mr. W . Z. FENYANG PnW W i«im r! ,3 .tjria 7 m.m- t„ . dirtant Bantol, ia Siam, eon- problem in tha Sooth, and called it- loa ka bate se getelele go fold 'Notioi.—WuteiJ a yoong while m* Box 18, Thibk 'Ncho .OF 8 Diaparo Isr tlim-lta. sidered the Kafirs under his own tentio^ to tha fact that in t govern men! ga motho go tla oa. Macho** uutnterpMte^bthi office of UeA*l»- \ and ttfo aa KiUiiho. E a Haoiog gmgoa 11« u i Sifcirona K o ,|i k 0tleiteA“ el0 6 ennet8eng —o— there until 1870. In 1881 a strip ^ w a > hLooa im ai | ruri botsW o ,e boitamei(1 a form of (pmimeot that depeodi Kafir welL Good Kafir linguist wtth Ma.be 3/-, nbadi 4/, guiro 5/ K Stand1 n? Advertisements: 0f a |a(j_ whose name was apoo the prlccip'd* of liberty ud the jtlo, jalo. Ri choisgca thatt to tlinclia. mo botshelong. Fa n batla to* w. j CHmss TAjmB OTnl TO[> ability to Interpret For forth* infortta* d.tllti twdn tla di r’mola Dikite'tln ne ts-> protection ud prenrwtion ot th*' tion apply to the undenigMa W, 0. .. , . : madi a a otetsegileoij pbete koa go Mv.rjIiKiBj'i di uaa buUi. humbly to I/)ndon to tho Society rchti of til cltiteu aod i da* and Blankine, Civil Coomiaiiottir. Mileidi fi lo nil* bobeibl Mirma i Di liaesi'kolf 1 (lllsn i'ite Kgoloteano tse di K iibi- nrderly idmlrtUtrvkion of tbe liw j A wiD sttendad meeting of nstira m t > , coana tsa ga Dr. Williams Ritir» oonaamata _ ___ 'a i-.ini'. rnnantl. (Jriqoilinrt Wert ltd Beeho- and offered himself for SOrvicO th* white* *• tha doniaint e’en took plsoe in tbe Native WitUyu Sfceol gora fcotiala bo tno ■ wa-lshiciai Ga go tlhare sepe gape ae faagoutoi Kamo i i II go lrjoa .altad. it to tb* Negro to protect him Booa tai night, with- Mr. Z«|»io the —.bit^ owe It to tbe Negro to protrot the Special tfpgiaV1*'' Oonrt f** * portly native cdoe, maintained entirely Re batliseng. 1 ntse ba bua sengoe sa molemo ■■na j mm> Eliiabeth Occupying 109 day*. him: tbat theaa datlei are not only da* menir thala ki by native tost lop. If Ihe OovanuMnt teipi wtlbare se. the Necro bnt tbe .M e man owes' frittb o( the %eihnana. 1 fou,"i *l 61 thought tbit tb* ixtb Hudtrd eniWed Dr. Williams Pin* Fill* d. » C O Z Rer. T. W. GREEN, who, after iam to tbe t iw of right, I Uauuiaou, II II mu to translate tb* native mind, *ed I elm.inetse go dirisioa me He laid the white people ownot al ooudl mogolo noogiw ui "Kitlboiiitf strenuous work in the Territories, •qaipped him wHhwuffidut lympaihy tn »lbo kgolo ka Mlelo. Kktra kgouo • I - 1 maioeUeng otlhe a a diroang KUBEBLEY. SEPTEIBSR W , 1)11. law mob vtolinc* lo*o onnctlced ind a la ko* goori Minkuin or gnniw is now living at Berlin, willing pitintly hoar with thi ia portae Indio. noMteirtoi Tthipiog. Ki m<-r. *)■ madi a a itslietelog'leng anwhlpped of jiitioe; It Is tbe daty of sydcradiiot the red K*ln,:thkt otetist te, jste go nnana, go Indictable' hdcnlc’de, whetor thit tbe man who pays tha piper skald Btbaki iitlotleaog kmlrlim Moral pbapanya g* marapo, macboe Matthews he found one school □kitted privately by individoala, or psb- L,uu,oo*u,«l) tba tl»partial tiajiOji kot Kimb'rtcJ.Kitnb'rti.j kfl ele am mo; my mothur'ichildrea wero ingry nyego ga mala, maftlela a and four little stations in the liely by mobs. H 'tti ihirg* i* tne; I lot W,' Kra?ordor|.. ',Sc Lebaleng! with me ; they made me tho ke»pur ioroeiii, motlhagarc le tlhogo, of their »ioeytrdi; bat my own whole of tho district Mr. TABER­ thit a mob has recently taken a Se Lebaleng!! vineyard ban I not ktpt from the’local jail ud kiU«d "la yoir] Sc Lebaleng!!! jalo, jalo. ER put his shoulder to the wheel, Kgoloteane tse di Khibi- learned the Kafir language, and midai,I chari* yo* itb yonr solemn Walter H. Adama-Oi ra iln gort ST. MATTHEW’S MISSION. tacrrd daty, nndsr yotc oithi ihortly ’ Mocegi eo o pop .ti os miihsla t cmna tsa ga Dr. Williams, studied in the hope that be might! a banna ga ba. lue Wenkele oo ol lo b. tiken to ran th« matter down tlba ta lo SENEIRI, e a ntoaog di rctisioa te bareiisi botlhe, j.be found worthy to, , take holy K BWUe-nt'a eo o lebaganypng with great diligMic*, and If yOa can ka Bitlhtpmg la Baooua botiha. lefa a te di laetn ka oesi ; ? « •»!« Badlchoaoeho fl>AY la*t was a red orders. He went to Fort Beat ifott | koa go Dr. Williams’ Mede- •letter day in ftis famous and there started wiut >1* niw cineCo., Long Street, Oape I strong itq w n , botlolo ele ngoe wla,jlnititution, being the Jubiloe ke8/»[»4Ue thaUrekeH/. I celebrations of tha veteran Inia- minister of'Qoljr 1 • “

    H H i w

    TBA1A tlBICOMi (Tie Wad if ttt Bedntlt, (IIlB fflllT i IOMSS, (SEPTMBES) so. W1. ;

    T IBttkonysna

    l n l k n - b D U io dtl.1 I p d i,(S ^ p it) no ! « w m h h i ■u^lUidpte, .r -.lt.o - B.H-* [6rgi Wtlt epeee dopijili e] 51-60 DiMlp 8«d [M etlobo ea Kom poni ea ga D inm .-O o tgilo* I (QAUFI LE KEREKE EA ROMA) K IM B E R L E Y . a b ■ cook BABEREKI BOTLHEB T A BATLANG TIBO MO DIKBP0N6 fton I ; Mo Wekeag eno re ololotse thoto e ntsintii e« I j tU XMO. BA LAELOA GO BOTSA AGENT E OA CONE: M B. L . & O U W g ^ MIME E Till EA FMTISI. KiOBOfc—Kgo*di • ihnU b*b*di, iX iO B A T S l.

    Gt m to ko go bonoe se sholo n we kana ka *e. di-httoho t » lou bagitUi b t batU Thoto di itaeeloa fell. Tlang lo itlhopbele kapt lapela jcbtUta ItlhigintUsg. Babsngoe ba ka ea fela koa Dihekeng tsa Dikomponi mo Irik re kadi omaka ga re kake n ba ra di ehoetana inmogo le Dibbicouif-tahicoana cotlhe tsa KOLOrieDibdoana di | El..toil *e -»•*«• Li |-k ( tl* . BOSALE le Kgole tsa Dipitoe ka TLHOATLHOA tee jli oleug. GOING « CO., 0-* ffif>3(JCX 11 ts« c> Fa U batla go babalela Chelete koalela :— I? , : ' WEHKELE jo le eteletsccg a mangoe pele ka Ditiro. f. di if o 0 DUO, D IM . DIAPABO THOTO TSA H AT;." inpo t d-Vgoao « 'p^. v , WT8HIP1 UaBtltai. Gi«c»» W«k4e ip.#THOTO • sat go UidifUi i t nb«l« ea rooa mono THABANCHC R. SYMONS §L tW> dikgomo di < h'.rc— • » niot.

    ^ ‘*0. rt nhb* Ditmpr, b o w IU Ilia n r. TLHOATLHOA KA RONA e Buffalo,” Wagon & Carriage Works, SIA .'E KA METLHA O aiu Locr — Bilbo bi Vr-n* • y totkmt R» di ftik. k» Kootw. IU rck» k* tlboit'hot e e wdilra*. eng ki boa* mono kt Nibij'M'H*. Box 82, K IN <3- W ILLIADISIOW nr, , jU ID l KOBONG, MABELE. MOROKO, KAFA, FCBU. iiU .jZ Ebile an ts Goro-;eot« &t bt b* ir.o b ' B « r tk a Bm rekiu. JU k« frhwfo* Pi»w«. le M Qap* » M.|«et* t DIKOLOI, DIKOOHEKARA i. DUotoana <»* ism. Eril* p«i< trt o (ta t go d a tU , d i tamfleng tsa bo Glennies. Itena le mokooa oa D senke, b t b o in Kgot't bt mo tbui, hi TLANG X.O DI BOKTE ELA LOSL jb l. D itlh o m e8ho le thoto tss go aga Mega la ea Ditsbipi e e b o ttm au diununti tu diponio l« Tboto o NUi, Ntle ea Dikomorose, Dicaln lo Methale ooUho ca Dilo TSA MARIGA. mitloa le Dipale. m itM p*. DIK0MEBE8E 1/6, 2/. il-, 4/6, 6/6, 6/6, 9I-, 10/6, 14/- Iff. ■ I e:oa lble, bb ITEBLB m ogala, GONO u ITBRB, DICALE 5/., 6/., 7/6. 10/., 12/-, 15/.. DOHAl 6d., 9d. Ib I/: JAEATA. GA. NKE U IKOATLHAA. ( t Ut tipi dikgomo kot R ut London ' Diketlele, Dlpltsa, Ditlhako, PlHhnse, Matlole. Dlkgelc, DUo cotlhe-ceUhe lo a Goora U»

    Dtlucoto.—8o«th Afrikt l» n* M AN GOLD BROTHER^, o tiogi t bipil* kot Bogeltct. K* ! dinyigtnytti diktpo di at*t di i*t j ENGINEERS, BLOEMFONTEIN mtaidi Eag'ltn*. Moeoogotgt got* , Banoa, Booaug F a !! Motse oa Rona o mo 6 le 8 Zastron Street Bast M.TWM.W. RE reiira “ DAXDI *'WL1DMILLS (DitaU t » Phefc) Di Brass Oyiiader te POMFO tsa ga Mangold, MEQOMA (Wenkeie eo mootle eo mo Hukorg go leba Poet Office 0 a kt diDwUio. | gj ga Kawson, le Diloana cotlhe tea Balemi, DIMA8HINI tse di phothang, tse di jalangle tee di.robug. Methale- ft jo NYALA kgttu U m SELALKLONG. B.r* d, j^ i a bogoio kt t

    ■ M -Taka metsta teicLdi mo moen« o “ Aa cold water is to a thirsty sex I nyoriloeng. mafoko a a monate a fatahe 10 It good nows from a for coon try.* je le kgakala a ntee. fola jala" FRIEND OF THE BEOHUANA. —PromU d Solomon.

    Yol- 1L— No. 65] KIMBERLEY, tm iortlhoa 3 d — Ngnaga 12/- ka pose 1 5 p ^


    T A TAOLO lo dilhata too kt di eteccota* ka Ttntu 16 M Molaoaa ' Sooth Afrika 1909 I* kt Molao II oo 1»89 Ktpt; Biaparo, Ditlhako, Bohe- Ko bolola, ko rtrt, k» «tlott»» f i Lora Ihpdnli All trial Dlaar Diggiogt, mo Strike** ot Btrklf W*ot Pr »•«« o> Kip*, o o rmltcnoMBt m pele dilo eotlhe tse di; ka Thoro No» ?I9 oo 8*pt*a**r M, 1904 •» oM w kt Th»w W tt t l 1 Mosegi oa Diaparo Aprd 1907. I* Wi to Pk.w 19. 19U9, M.rck 23. 19lUo70*oPki»l ' battoang ke Recoana. 18, 1910. o oktd oo gipt W M'oh* 0* o< kti.wij k, M >ottlol*ln * t UtWtog (I Old Hail Street. ‘ • tla t«j oiotng ki bot'ilo kt Iwpra'-cr at 4t Kl»a* ■>* Btrtly Wart Gaufl !e'tOflsi ea Dipase MODI VO BOLOKA KG08I Re reka le Dijo tsa Kattboxkt ttottlt lo Stk<«' •> S*gjio •> K-piaottOntk l i i | Afrlkt ao Proton* kt tatt«t jooo ja 17 Phil# 1911 ' Tshiino le MABOOA mo QLADflTONl. MOSECI Qcmraot Otatral. Becoaoeng k a Tlhoatlhoa ! f \ A lo nka lo b* laela sepP1 Ko tu'o ot Too ♦ Toot Qoaorwor Qootnl ao Kgotia, j ^ mo tshosong ea ea^oe j eo o lavenkele Mabedi, | J. C. 8*018, Eo o bbtgoltditatag Kgoai oo Ditiro Ho Dltaao. tscdi M unir tsa Mawe- 0 tla lo wijfla fela j >ka lo ] Fi Hskon* ra FLORENCE ROAD i« J nkele otlhe a Irtta. Ke moroa Iuika oa (hi RePER STREET. Otoli ItSieuhtoe.! golognlo eo ona a tumLe bobe 14 NEW MAIN 8TRRBT. Oo! 1 mo Beconneng Icb«^sa» lo Kereke e kgolo et MAMETLELELO. Ncho. Makgoot *t I’ltlbytarita. Kokeco ea Dikepo tsi Noka koa tlase fa llipdrift. DIAPARO TSA BANNA LE BASADI, DIKGETSE, A u ball ii Seinolo, ffemapa, " A i batla MAKESE A DITSHIPI LE DITLHAKO. QOciifiakooi o o U't^taytai lo S'caal RUl ao totUasos * Jbrase, Bcltnmata LoofUadooooaac Kob| Koag ft o nkaooa* toiflo tttloooooaaf Kn« DITLHAKO tsa Mekgabo kgono tsa liabfnki, tsa Mafudu! Two ootlhe dl ko n ta booo* kt t'boatlboa tar di olong. Ba Vo Koog o to Qrttf Pato; (0 coo Ioof (* Wbt ph»fo tt Kjtliftdl |o oa Kni agileng kgakala lo b » rfkoloa itantlo fa ba rom* ta* madi ka Poat Allttn. |o eoa fotg |0 ph»kiginy> pkofo tt Bcrct go nbtkt n jortta duo Basadi le bana tse di ka ikangoang" 0 tla go sogela Ma kafa tOO, |o Itbi pttfo ot Bont (o ot | > tb«!t mhtmi oo BAom oo Ktpo too di rmlotig kt TbtCJ 70 tt 1910; (> on f >»g jo ti It rftltlout tt K^o kclecong ea gu?o. (too go oi |« toon ft di I«>l0fit0«| toi( Thaka « n coang mo Dikompo- KIMBERLEY. BLACKLAWS o ln g • itn m e d ie lo a t h a t a Ice o n e . BOKSBURQ ft H. A. OLIVER SCO.) GRAHAISTOH No. SIS. 1911] Kitsisho e Molemo. THERO. I Rt Tt* o 'Booa So o TJoilt*u« Tbtka \~«nowkOladtUK>«.\~tnowkOMttooN Tokololo oo Lokiotla Pci.oIa8Ki.40A m THABA 'NCHO. I jtUTlotltcteiWfoloitBNaUaMStetleit" " ‘ Ttphlri,Stphlri, Ktoaaa ea HccUlo o o ftpbtgilMig lb tit (• bo St. Uiehtel It St O 0«rolli Africa lo Koltodi Oolo t lolll>« ki UlivtlUioo ti MAKGOTLA A TIKOLOGO. THOTO o NTSI n ka itlhopela nio g-> cone. BONA F A : DINAKA TSE 111 KONSEMi THA M08B8E li> baki m in ^ lai ZRPAUA UASUNB ORANOB FRBE STATE (BOKONE M di THATA tsa MNHA 10/-11/9 go 15/6 DIUAMULE TSE D1TLUUPBI 5/9, 7/6 Ic 10 6 ISA MEKQABO ta BANNA tse dinclio le tse di. LdBNO KA KELATLUOKO. Uijocbt o tit ttkin jttat mo (Btftloa( 11 loti Ki udIm ke !o bukeoyeta lu Dikgomo BI.0D8E tse di lotsatai 1 f», 2 - If (i WmbsN Uact<|t, Stptiabtr t. IVtl. Khnnoa-10/3,12/6, .13/6,15/6, go ca go £115/- P»ra Stlaga m mo LOKASINti lo IIA-TLOC MB8B8B ea DITOFO 2/9, 3 (i, I li. KroetUd Lmbtrtro, , «. 1911. BO HOLDFAST, tse di thata-thata t a Bicpi para Okofl le Kctekt et Cbaeht (S|. Angus- ME8B8B le baki tea DI lt)PO 16 9, 21 •. io -. P-ff*. MtUbtei, , 9. 1011. i) bt It coang KUnbontng le bt bt BAKI tea BASADI Lsa DITOFO *■ it, 12 « le 15/-. Httlbioo, Lotboitdi, . 11, 1911 nag goof Tito j Io ilebtlebele left It Frmkfort, Lot bot«, „ 1< 1911. D g w le ngoe e opelelecoe 15/6 CALE tee dincho Ua KaSMIKI 10 «*,. 1& . I, 17'6. Vrtdt U .dhcs rtkt. Bttcbo le Buboen Ke lo UleUt I«. 1911 CALE tae di mobala le dikobo 5 • ({<• ■ » 21.- Ft D.joehto kt kgtitlx k< t«^oi gi Itibt aontfo'.tai o ISA MEKGABO ea BASADI 11 iteba-tebrla para e n LoUbo. DIK0UMERK8E 2-6 go <•» ^'o 10 fi. It kailotog Likgotla It t'a tu n th it'h itgi o e batlang fela fa garega 5s. le 30s. DITFKU tse di sianwo!! fid, 9d. 1 • eo ea .Vli MODIMO BOLOKA KOOM. KAU8HU tsa bannn lid, thi, le 1 ■ para. E otihloot ka Still* It Btktao tt St#olo m Kopano tt B}«th Afr.ka Ptttatu ka ttitai jtoo jt II jt Phtto 191L Mo W enkdcng e tshesanjane (gauli le Central MABOKGOE a banna 3'6, 4/6 le 5 6. O.F.S. OLADSTONK, BOHEMPE ba bannr. 2 6 Ic 3/6. Oirtrnof Ototrtl. Hotel) ea ga ANKATENG a senna, psra 1/C. Ka icofo Ot Tto e Toot Qtvonoero Gwftal ao K(otU, D.SFJL,A] U i HKBTE08. jan Road. mo goora Moajot Mtlao. KIMBERLEY. SMART&CO, W I TINT Dikgomo! le The Cash Drapers, KITSISHO TSA GOROMENTE 30 Du Toiispan Rd, KIMBERLEY. T Dihutshane! v Dijo, Ditto le Diapii K«li ttT.io tit lUicbt, KiutOi t t Itlelt r |tl ttt piltlo tt potaMit D1T0R0 T U WIST EM. ------V7enkele oa Disholo. I BARRETT. Ko o ttbi{tloditato( Stooltrj 01 Nititt Afftin (a.|,U»p«> ,!!> Tentofc e> 'n O N A B «il"li,i re uttail“ No. HI9] [19Aaprt 1911. :‘1U*“ fa KotfWng ta Wwclej K f« re na le difjntiiilaa M is Birkly. Road lo Green ; MATLOASAM. O oUtioo go oot p>'t!) tt putiht (iMolt^-^olo oo K(0t1t«j a W E n d ; KIMBERLEY, .maruo. G ■ItiotliUt go tlhost Mr AriSut L 'ttti Olarkt, Kltr •kt ot Ko«o- Wunatsga oa Ntlha oa Kjoedi Transvaal. d«U «t W.uinbika. Oniji Frtt Sttit mt Kvarittiooa W tti^aki Ko «bone Seloro ae se gologolosa eotlhe koa TWBE8PRU1T It Chtratit o M tf>t L'lla't ji B.ocbi I. Ur. J T. Oriffl b totittO N ) Giujnflind. Dile ootlhe tae o ill STATION, District Tbaba W, M, CUTHBERT SCO. 'Nohu. s S ^ X r e , Boupe. Mttat J. (LIMITED.) Fraser & Scott, MOTSEI OA BASHOI T M Great SoQtb A fiican Bt Dlwlkere Dlnoto. DUnrufa, e ’METLI OA MATLOLE ITSlSHOt d Ittpnp>tor. Mogodt dlOleng. >£'W " BLOEMFONTEIN. aoagot It moigo* to o u t f it lotatitt ot Kip> go p 4a K t«t tt* agoo itsini Becoana botlhe bo­ okocolocoeng ftla bo Ktpoag in di oktdicooag. golo ba Bloemfontein, H WARWQTON 8MTTH. KITSISHO- 1 Ofa a hudugile koa St. George MokoiWdi ot iXktfo. | Street, jaanong ale mo Bau- TIhako Isa Babereki go simolola ka . . 7/6

    O H j p t r M ' * M a U e . W k . « n H i I ipllklByBlB TIhako tsa Banna tsa Mekgabo go simolola ka 10/6 1 / A umiot i tt Tbcro Stl R & 1900 la Mtlto ea Brititb Brokotoalaad go jh koa : : aa. iuiiioe itat go ooa poleto ta poottlit ft mtlekma* eaM^attitntgtot BLOEMFOSTEIB.. . lollole, cdo o tla ntsba'kara ktiloeag no fltnttltlt'ong c U t!»« o Ua ilhtllH m kt Phalaaa tl, I8U. •^■Titoo. goro TIhako tsa Maledi le dishase go'simolola ka 5/6 Bttho bollbt ka btntog le ttogoc lo otgt kgono dipitee koa ntlo ga kara. •------* • • ----i. - ltaoivt.g oaphtfo ttKgalijailo* THABA ’NCHO. ach n. Ramai- Fa motho a betlilu Kese mo Tlluko UaBulmancloDMcUanabaSekolelelslilpl kt Tlhoatlhoa tso 41 okocoloeooii;. lETTu*.«.kgonkco taa boot, ~ kalokoilo ■ — lob* ‘ tU — lo culotog. - ■jtkt tooogot ptkn ao a _ . Btle w fuUnki kgono liWoitiln. Ea go wot opo to o gaottaaag MlokoaaocogiOaitsot(tdiW*kaaa to i « i to Ut di thacoasg kt aocgoa polatf dl riant. Fa motho a sena madi otlhe Urns n M t f ile ka B t Ua ilm td m o ka dnmalana nao go lefa ka MAMETLELELO m * s f kgoedikwnoka diweke. U SRBAT.\»ot h btdiia Octidoakal Roach no Blokoog joa bobodi )os mtUubaaaotl------owg PaaboaaTkroaa- - "Vtaa mt mo r«toksr«tMMFthtaHU ftb«8,Kioaloaa fo-tetoatar’ ‘ V C: ,i tffm hitlStt'...... 1.1 W irt (CiTtU, Ktbtdi.te choaiMtayaMBcck'B. at Ditrma, kafa, kapa Botoa go Vitn, kapa BopMriisokaikM. ko ■ •M. N. ttAIilLANE, -. !ij 37. D U T O IT S P A N R O A D ■gf; Kimberley.

    \i , . . v - ! j g p a a g j i j j

    m u KA BEQOm fiv tt\aA of Ihe Bedmini1, KinBmlBI, PHAliHi (OCTOBH) I

    BUT ooet Mriojs sspect Wkea Wag naieed they wtrs sitk, aad tbt msts war* » t The Wise it tb* CoaftrauM for tb* Prmation Botit and lit thooght to b* perfonning aor rtaial of Contarptten, he’d io Lopdon, Ur Bar lta!r PI1N08, OBOISS John Boris, MJ>,stijtbat eomnptJon Fruchlse. temee. There wu tbe political rigett- OO M W IS VIOLIN’S, *n diminishing io Qmt Britain tad canoe, bowem, tad bt wts aot aveneto ADTOHABP8 tod othtr STATUS QUO TO BE M A tm tK ED , dlseosong it it tb* next meeting. »ooId, bo thought be snnibilitsd titbia ^U B Q O IL A & TKOLOOO MO EpOWfHBING I Mufllctl Inttnunentc t*enty-flr» yesn; (he dims* dtolined Tbe Ma>cr of Beaaoorteld tiid be did KA KQOBDl TOA PHALiHX ^ NQOAKAT before improved boosing tod *odtl eon- THI PACTS. not wi>h uy d*Uy, bot woald giv* aotk* of motioo tbat tb* maUer be d senssed st diUori, tb* litter lsclodln| the redaction L t r a n s v A a l of tb* Drink BiU. 1 -." ^ ilstw rn t «pp**red In tb* *l**oin» tb* a*xt meeting of tbe Board. Wakkmtrcom, l«h FWwa Ull.|&uelo Mthpbalana UJi Whit iboot Booth Airios) -Cbronlel*" of Johannatborj - on Satorday Vt^kwtat^Minttg ltto Pbalana, l»ii | Wolmsrsnstbii- ^thjfgoi'nutae'i ^.jwwwtaeli i#lL to th* effect tbat Geaenl B.tha, at a -Llilhr If ever tbtretus wrong it is IT to Phjhw Wll. Christiana •th Hgoanatnli igjj,Sunderton, meeting of ths Pretoria DisW ctf Bestoor A Sociil E t IlMldheiv ]9tb Pbalans, lflll. | crifloe thlcb tbe Okp* hu oidi forth* Bttoal _ ." Wb Philana MIL Llohtanbarg tb Ngoatatatli in. 77 8trand Street, OAPE TOWN. o f B e t Volk, u p re a a td b i a u l f ia fa to o t 8 uk* of Union. W* ire gisd to find Uisi (jarolina _ »th Pbalana 1S1LI PoUhebtroo^. Uth^Ngoanataeii ijj^ of tb* eztenUoa'of tt* frw cU n tkoifb- •om* of onr iUt»m«o sr* now wskiag op ont Booth Africa h a modified form ta [SUNDAY TIMES.] f r e i s e t a t J l. ' - now common knowledge, and io * leoieof th*ir dnty and poiotingoot coloored peopt*. W* learo with regret 6th Pbalana lUL I Phillipolii + Uth Pbalana Ifiii therefore do not call for recital Bt ibis snoaity. Hr, tbp.^jn>te spssking It is time tbat tbe wbite tomm airily in Boaxrfllt tbilU iliisnottrae. It sppetis tbit tb* Uth Pha'ana WL|Boabof 1 ; 17th Phalao. i9{{* •t Wynbwg recantly said tbat tb* Ops Booth Africa took mote seriuas aot* of a this stage Disuicti' B ailo r diacr Med ibtfocaatioo GO atloadioa fa Dijocbe a tla etela rt*Wo' a a late'ang b maUi*i»;' P*id into th* Trcrorr onr £1,000,000 •Oeial evil to wbieb tb* a*tire* freqanUy The prisoner» plea.wa* a queei o f one; n e s t politic il p arty fo r tb e wb->le Itbaayeng nsoi- l-tfe*’.’1-'' anooiliy wbicb wu not psid by oth>r draw sttesti.in. We fafer to tbe coo of Booth Africa. Doring the diecoeuoo Ebile go toieloa gcre fa Dijoeht a ka retdeloa ke go fitiha kataitrijil, combination, namely. (Juilty. Proriooes ind prooeedod fo give bird kailoeog. Lekgotla mo motnag oo It Ua b^oaka taataij* Dijoche o fit hiu Uie q oettioo o f tb* coloured frtncbiN plaint* mid* it to tbe^elaiiont of shite with the qualification that he waa facts a; d cold fiinrj* ths sms total of men with native women and firia in the bjaea, kgotaakaeebakastag**as* ilatebansagmortgogsmoo. mtorally tro*e. C*rtaio members were vbich wer* tbit tbe slocitjoni mid* to drunk at the tim e of the commis­ opposed to ooa bin lag with soy politic! more remote dbtrida. Tbe troahl* it Uie rap otlre Prorinoee by tb* Union Ti*- widespread. It wiaiUoded toeapalieaUy sion of the crime, and presum­ pa rty Domberisg coloored m en sm oogtt ssqry smonnted to 04* 11 Jd p*r *aro- ably, that he was not accountable m m m pc*o beid ia Trsnsnsl, £8 Ss. «d. in ( evideooe before Um liat Como epproted of tbe doetriot of ettendiog Uie, for hia actions.. It would be pre­ Nstsl, £2 bt. Id. io the Fre* 8t*t* sod ,' dealing with nitiie life in Natal It r coloored frtnobiaf, wbile t third wu for V. N. COOPER, sum ption on our p&rt to point out only ooo gaioet p*r capita io tb* Oipe. uktihlwu.,un ut. «*■■■“« «.«•" The comparisoo woold nacb in ibnrdity that the plea wa* incnpjiiatent, O n n l Both. v ol. lo tl. .»■” * »> <“ •! » TiiUj i t 1> if tbe whole population both whit* and inasmuch ‘a* if ho were really wopbobn ud WJ tbn H s i oa DitMre, lest End, Kimberley, black wu ooosidered. drunk, he could not well remem' wonld b.M[artr fe d ffM i tt. « l » , “ “ “ ■ [Lekoa MAFIKENG le ^EERUSTkoa MADIKOE] ber the offence. or. the otbai Wbilit tb* wrong concerning ibe fo*r •ntm bd4b.aM linrta.ol V**“ ^ * “ Pro drunk blsckurs considered. Io the Free Stilt eh Lie to tb. provinc in wb'ch it did oot, ^ ^ 0 - ...... 1 aiiUnt !• Ik. n».l :______" 1 txioe e e etaang:— «l ittantioa to backward andenla be unaccountable for hia tb* Nttiies ii* payiog s poll-tu for tbe now exist Oenenl Botba'a aUjtode gives, tbe uiitenoe cf tbe social * . It i __.Tt WOfk. Brilliut re»*Hs,: ’Moder- action* Moreover, apart from ipnlsoey edooation of wbife pteuins, rise to hopes tbat kt bit learnt agraat PECTORAL BALSAM {Molemo ea Diflotlhola) l/fi ib ft t i Entry Form* fre* oo deal and risen in his idtn considerably! •*“ too*D Uirt la the «cr* »ol*t*d le 2/9 botlolo. 1 these considerations, hr failed tnd tb* ndnsioH of tbeir own vbo htve 4 . UA8 WM. UILLEB, «-A, to ibe Otpe Province for tbeir 1 ^ dnee he gavt his foolish avidsoe* bafm* l*«a vl tot ■beoittart laigt rn.mb.ri INFLUENZA MIXTURE (Molemo oa Mmele) 2/-ka ignominiously to prove hi* L»t*8onth African «td D|.e**>a oing. InTransnsltbeRitifupay thrw Uie Nativa Affairs Coenmitaioo soms year* ! of "h't* men ro far forget tow pidsof botioio. • ; Pnlle«ti Printipal, double-barrelled plea -P.O. BoxMi,HloMn(rnltin.-^l. quarter;oft million in direct Ufati-r ago, bot to* tdwmnlRit stoiW to him ™e u «o Hv» with nativ. girl*. Tothi BLOOD MIXTURE (Melemo oa go tlhacoa Madi) The feelings of the Native and 'bit? cannot to easily be inppresied n by oor eontempantyb prtmitnr*. Wbst, bcow * » ■ « ^ •>» D*W>— o o tumlleng thata-thata oagaCOOPER. Botlolo DOMESTIC. Coloured population on this quee- there It no way cf sanlwicbiog it in be- be msy tifnlailly srrirtskin th* itmoe- offood l{M *f«l»«tly torn others of o simolola ka 2/ a ee gore - een Koropean oootriboUona snd c phcreaf CeptTbttand firnot* Bebour, E" 0Pe*a de*eeot 107 ion o f w h a t i> k n i'» r. a* th * Mo lekekaboloetse bongo*le bongoe Jo bo gochoe. _ . Befvrmed Mhnon Church ig tbe litter wite tbe wbole) yet, i and nnder tbe dirtetiaa of Dr. Jumoo, No* **" Edmitl8dlJ «*»*««>* <<* ti* - ktire Location »t DjrJneht. on ib* peril" will have beer, gathered Is qolt* snothtr m»tt*r.—/Wtori* , *»» to bter»*n*. Though the offender. nyango ka gu tlhakanyeteametnusho e IM Aasott, 1911. t-T U>* H»t. J T i Arch* iahop pointed oot Ihit Nm. M tifts, Minister of Uw Dutch Reformed from tli* meilM turns passed •chool grant* wu uacUy balf of whit may beknown, itiselinoet impossiblsto thata mo lewenkeleng ja gagoe KA TLHOATLHOA Chinch, Philv Uokcuu, wo of Ptalit throughout the country from irernoeot paid for tho maintenance aecurt eoorictiAu eteo nnder toe Trana TSE Dl OKOCOLOCOENG. * Mokotn*,of Hibprnit, D»tncl of Wode- boa**, to Auer Vicnwu Hjtocnu, time to time. Bneflj stated, our Zoological Girdens in Pretoris vial's dnstic law. In Ibe other Prormxs third daughter of Janrt Uaqobeli Uiey htve not msde t rery great tdvtoce. Hospital Board. the evil does not ooaatitata s le«al belief is that a pig remains a pig. Ketivo Iotorpnler m tbo Reaidenl U* offeoc*. In mo*t can* ao cnmiaal charge MELEMO EA GAGOE E THUSA THATA- giatfata'i it Doedrecht. •och toomaliet cjoititote ao iojnstice Ootri matter wbat the pigment of oould be bud. It it a q* ’hich reqiire* lookio* into ). NATIVE NUBSES FOB NATIVE Ba ha agileng kgakala ere ba mo koalela ka pose U romele madi b. «km We are voicing the PATIENTS. ••one. To onr mind WANTED. SCHOOL TEACHER Tm Whits Pp.rii hede botlolo ogoe le ngoe Sekwpense oa pose fa godimo. Ebile rena le feeling* o( every right-minded ..—801 mainly io tbe creation of a healthier pot- nqoint-eyed friends, who only look *t Kala koa Hemming 8treet,- Belgravia. Tbe ostii 1 monthly meeting of tbe ^opioioo- lathis tho whit* A N T E D , a Native individual when we say that ioga from their own point of vi*w, deoy Kimbtrby Hospital Board wu beld last Son Ui Africa ean pliysa important part. School 'Poacher for crimes of thi* kind should be put tbe .liitanoe of tsj peril which w«*k, nnder Ibe prenJency of Councillor U[Jort«“ Uly we f*ar it is tbi W . BT. C O O P E R , tbe Bangwaketso School at th a strong hand -hang- Daring tbi* year the Oblef Oaae- A J. Qretn, oUier members preunt being tboogh many of tb* c ffurien »« known, [GaoB le Kerele ra Mikgom,] Kanye, Bechuanalard Prr.* > good, although it rele­ of the Bangwaketsi held a largely •Mended meeting of his people st which tb* Mayor of Kimberley (Councillor W. do not meet with th* soaal iecwrate, Salary £50 per gates them to eternity when they Gtaoi), J.P,X tbt Hiyor BtKooafWd “ *aS d *«r'- TW ooo. _ KOA WEST END, KIMBERLEY be eompltined of tbe nomber of balf-cute ol annum. Applications, enclo­ which they lire look* away aad ptetenda least ready to embark on the :bildren wbicb ibowed s tendency te in- (Oooodllor T. Pratley, JJ*, Mr. P sing testimonials shonld be Drryer, 0 . 0 , Captain Qoeotrall, (luepto- know. Whit* worn* do aot tboi j o u r n e y create amongst tbe Bangwaketae cati n. addressed to (be undersigned. lor of mine*), and Meters. F. Hir*chhe», plainly that they bav* ao wish to usoci To tbis extent we believe our* He told Mi p^rpiu \a lake care of tbe'r Only fully competent (D* BAr'i Di reefer), J. JL Jomsjand,!. St* wilh fallow countrymen wbo bav I solved to I# in perfect agreem ent dingbUrs m3 bring to him any girl wbo teachers need apply. L. Jobn*io, with UisBecrotiry, Mr. J B. forgotten that tbey ire whit* men. Tb John Henderson. __ _1- 1.1....— U.-. give birth lo s half cute child for panish- Booth. ooly way to rid tbt coon try so , 'ihe suooessfol applicant “ ,thour wl,it- ne,«l11' 1 ment. Lut mouUi tbe Hon. tbe Aeting ol tv doing sn imams* smoaat o 'w ill be cxpected lo tike up ,‘ r’, *(,r aPP1r nK the 11 , to nil Beti'ltot Corami.rcuer paid NATIVE NUBBING WOMEN. Selaga sa ga Ramosesanyane hum. and is terio.sly weakening Ut Hia daties at Kanye o i Pt,er P|ea3ed if ttl1 * * * * * ,,f w They compltintd thit Uie t. isk tbi queatioo, and wbieb ba alaj uked not regard the offeoden u Um whiU out the country cannot do 1 "* *h® M 8IZI type are relegated to place lued in a disgrsoefol way. Tbey take both aomirrien girls, one or the mem bon of Ibe Board, why they in ike a place in whit* *coely. better than remit all out-' lh,,|r Pr,,Pei’ “P1"'"1' whether the Tbe Guverameot must mirk their d* Re Batliseng. ind women tho sre mtrr;d, tbe Kimberley Ho*pital subjected tbeir standings and enlist more '•"■«!« b-- whit*, or black, or yei- pecully if ibe hcibicdt of Ibe ItUtr to tbe danger sod bamlUatloo of approval in erery poublo way, u Un T. iubscribera ard adverti«*rs to ; low The “ superior" race can norsing nativs* in to* manner in wbich admiolitratioo ia Baraah, when Ooe Earopetn policeman hid DR leboga Urd’mo o r* atilt Mo- abnae* sxiat, ban done for tomi C*t» oa Tain t re atl wJaag meet the expenses (.f the 'hardly make th- same boast, a* givoQ ipeail troaUe In tbia matter. They (bey did They bad th* dsngrr in tbi* eonotry kaowo u th* "bUck peril," aod H*ri ptMl* U»t It ,ifiOf mi la ka roa* mafoko a taafi I* kgakala I* •SB CO , enlorgfd paper. ; they prefer their murderers to ukod for Uie interference and help of 0*1*0 eot'h* ta btag bt Uf.bbs. wbibt be wu not In ftvon of iutrodu IU Mack Ma* icto uUtfmt «iU a rt M»s jaana hr* h*b*di lltapttHtt cRA-pilPONI) cing lyoob law, elon to remedy this evil, U . trouble is thit Uie Resident expreeud r*«*dy wu io gitting at tbe root of fnkitlM. Tktj trt rifht k* Sa*m Hmro. Pa moagotakilt Pnbliabed raery Batorday mor opioioo on thit v. ry grsve end seaidiloni evil | be wu sore this wu on*, for tb* complaining. The «hitt not eaanot tl a atJotla mongo* oa ‘ ing_ _ i at Kimberley, demeanoor oo the part of tbe wbite tn- that the ignorant native inter­ a d*af *a koa’tl* Morahgiayi : c : HNOLabHG L J8 1 t 8BCHDANA. dtm in Bechntniland, rt ii devonUy to r cry. Tb* weyhl of ||S. Thaba ’ Ncho, O.F, be hoped, for tbe take of Booth Afrika, preted tb* Ohristian miniitration of tb* pohlic opinion mut be o«d lo ipend oat ■k.1 ihin inttance at any rate lilenoe to be a «ign of fsmlllsrity, and an unhappy, bot w* for widespread, JT imply content Advertisements: they lost tht reaped thay otherwise had. todal *vil, aod in Uie formtUoo of tbk 81- per inch Single Col. Repeal. | pner Ha moved thst s committee bt appointed ft- „ Doable CoL. precedent in the l,t> pohlic opioioo tbe white wows of tbe Weh--«pe that Ms: Races t a Peace Pact go Into thii matter. ooantry Ihe chairman ssid lbs matter had been Re batliseng. Stpnd’m Advertisements: •*e * lessim t<- th .~ e 3t- per icc* per mnDth Riocle UoL diaensttd on nrioos occuions, and be i sim ilarly incline*: AT NEW OBLEANa ft- . . Double Oil,, thought tht retolotioo wu t tittle pra­ DK batU baUdi ba bathi te tsa Sekgooa tee di .althoughjudgment t . fTHB NEW YORK iOE.) ms tur* Th* present noniog srrtngt- “ 1,000 go amogela t u r . _ Tb* ontjr lOthoriB'i moHian for reach j times be swjft t< , mentt bad been carried oo for yeirs, aod Btooua. B ihadi thcaaag ka go tlhophiloeng tse dincha. tM Sil'»e eoBsnmem in tb« 'I R.I N-groe* iod wbiUt of Sli Sell, La, _ labtaamouakaatg le lamtasnaU Tnmrul, r.riqoalaod Wt*t and Becha- lam'or town directlr am* Lake Pont- and) tbe Order of None* Airmail Nhi. antogalt Tun. Ngo*ga 15/-, kgotdi <-hirtr*in from Sew Orlean* hue drawn be tbooghl Ibe msttei might be beld op aad sigr-ed a formal treaty wherein it dBt thataro 7/8 dile th»ro 4/-. Botlha A l»rpe itiri onM-ltnllj lot it arreed Uitt there never shill b* s ric > Mr Jobn*oo remarkoi that tht Di la ba baUtag T u u koaltUas lo coana-lshicoana tsa cone, j war in tba town, bot tbit ill diffsrsoce* oked upon Uie native limply u a Dild tse di Nooang, tse di ronalt nidi koa go Wnt« to— between Uie rsees iball be submitted to dinary cate, ind he had not beard tbe Mr. W. & FXHTANO, S u b - R o s a srbitratioo. Go rekoa le mabele k ; t h h : b d i t o r , Thii noesoil oompact ctme u i result • f onnet uy then wss any element of dan­ B a 18, Thaba 'Ncho .OP 8 ENGAdEMK'T tbe stbtude of tbe h'egroei towsrd thi ger in three cues Tbe coloored mao wu Rt Qanaa.—Dikitaiahn ta Mataalo. Mabooa mo Beooaneng ‘ murder of Jsme* Bmitb, a polieemio, st i jut Uie ume u any other. eotlhe. BD^agemool ta innionred tx dinco bill. Tb* poliotmin wu killed by Diajalo, Patio U Diaeho. lo i Negro or Negroes. A pot*e is in s*arcb TbeMiyor of Beaoooifield uid that batlaatgoibui tiranlotMfialM ta tlhoatlhoa tse di sit-, Jlienb of l|t ! of Uie mordtrera and in it sre s number wu Uie effect on Uie natire himself of Msek residents j ^ V W w * Mmdagaayi areoala tbat be wiibed arerttd. A recent Uttar . ! Bungin' lo ge, Kimberley tnd Mr. This sft*rnoon tbe Negroes met it their moga gagoe. tafo *a Btwho. S e tataaag gangot Odd FeUows bill and adopt*d retolotioo* the "DP Adveriiaer" from a natire Ma ta S/-, ntafi A/., ganrTs/ IU1EUI, OCTOBERmi. ; Stepboo llfima, Interpreter of tho Hrsi- wbicb do** u follows tbowod thit dinger existed. valo, jalo. K* ehotagoa thate kt K-ot Mi;".irate ■ Coart. 1’otehefi‘room Bwolved, Tbit wo, the colored atiteos Box& Telegram*: KHAN. The chairman remirked thit to t cer­ ditsala taa 4ia tia fi naab OikitaUra I tm black, bat mme If, 0 ft Hanghl'n >•( koagu Morobgaayi £ uaa madi. Jerusalem aa Ibe teats of Kedar ami COMMON SEBMt. tain extent be wu In sympathy with the ibecsrlama of .Suloaoe. *r oor uslitsnce to th* olBcisli of WINDSORTON. MaMSta lo salt botaihi Mama a Mayor of Betconsfisld, bot he tbooght Ubok Dot upna ne becuar I aa Wskktntroom ii reffiaeoUy npto^ite ids!I in bringing Ic justice Ibe culprit l»»a fa ha "float* ae konataag a*6 n a W hite girl ot that town, The A native wu fined £40 or t mon< A t .&hl-Hr. . . _ baidlaUar for pointing scboolgirls st lib of the actual offonco are W r 4 orp,iMi , Mk. ■ ■■ > - i s , . i M m m m W AU lABFCOAIA (Tin Prieid of the B w tuu, (IMBBRICT, PHilASi, o ^ B E ^ U

    t o r t Tsiai Dikgaolonyana. Dikgaolonyana. Bakoena. W. H. Behrens, •gKAfolamo Wentelengeo Rsddentarg, 0.F.S. • •jJln, mo Tkalenq lo Tn) lo r* ■■ HMBE8LEV. PHALANX 7. I>|k Tno•»a Quouumio-M*kgoo* Obi. Bmm.-Too* • kgolo «aga MoUoilfgi Birry May, Molaodi too Moaoxi-oa Moaona.-Mo vakeog I (KaMoko^dicBooL) yjele moreiiH fa lo bone k. bttho b b. W ^ytdicoecg kt Otoortl feolht tM tto no T ncha lhaU Konferiate ea Btrfki b*' Phathsgo ewUe ntle th ata , bo*o)o baaa b* * aa fa peto ga baUio ba gagoe ao kgotla. cotlhe tn di rntang Btoobo a alto * out a ba tanya oiko^ ko* Bahtay. gopgi «o o popot* 01’wtW e eo- M O * jo bon,), f, eketob. bpong koa Nokeog, no n thap* gora Bakoena ba mo naea id reel e e koadl- Ka II o'clock Ko**ra ea diphala ta tla nt.oana. Ere go mtse go P ndbb kot Bophmmt uud f* Mtcotat o Uboitot t tantn • taa mart, ooang ko* Kapa k* Jalf 1811 Mo t,b* *t bo 8BNBIBI, « • ratoaag ■toeng ka ao tmogela ka eooe. Ad ran gamgabaeti boUha ba barerteUaig b«to tirok* arftU u f7S. ban opel* reedicoe kgang ea bono koae *#0t‘c“V (a t iktttolt go bsdigtla go nle ba b B»tlb»pto* to Beeoaaaliotlhe. go Ikoba ga B ikoana fa mongoajeng ono ga go Opto kgang tamtn* diltpsdi b* aa* (* kgonag a* tla ooelelelang teng go fira- tihikeng w, koaKb«k b1 tloga bt gtat kt n t. Kathooann Eenkt. Balt kocg baraU b* rott kana e ngoe gape, [tale o “*M •* *“ r> kgtoto w bt tootUe bailoeog ka Moralagaaji ogogoU a ttan ga Ptaho n EogelantL Ba leboga di kgotibttaaog jaka taaga Mown ka thaahomo nUheog ea lhato bab* Behraoa. Arakaathedi takadi bniot boR*r. A. Klooat U B*».J.Baaai- wka Tripoli le Turkej. Me. araba tnoroi Matebeto Tboapaoo, .re a Hidje Rassiep Amos btcb, tharo ea ka ataoaho ea cbe*rat tost go tot a ithaaaka an Baocbo to bt lope gore ba okeledioe. Ut lopt gore dUa padi |* Im (on Morolaganyi eat 28, ROSS STBBST, sholomano ke one a ruileng w»t*h.»j«i« tu no^iiovn utoKmo ka Mooere Btaabach. ArtrtaaUU- Btshoeo ba kgaogtogot, goaoe moUha- ba raloe dltemo le go laadiaa di- o kgooa jang Taiu la Imro 0 bai leta.be jeo, m ». M ,u l » , B»!t pelo. A eaa k* OaL S > IM*. M A L A Y KAMPA ego kgtogtao to ediragtltog Makgooa ora ba tborle lef*tabe ja bone bobe kaga coaleto pele •» Bwoana, are le uamamoa ke khnmo *° kg*aU Snq« ad> tm* kgo«li dile Erile a noa go tboetaa Uiaro, tb** natikveaWa kgtoelt Baocho, left to go direla bam ba booe di­ bogolo Bakoan*, la kaga Beibolo e* tsa bone le chelete tsa bone ka f botolt (a phathego n Bcidmbtrg, U n inaele, Utkgooi a Ut bt l.ala kt tiro ao gia, bogoH ka Ina mane bt ba Sccoaoa a a tkaoyediotog paaktnyo *» boto go rtptla m , ronttoa immuurtijiUtmtu dibaka tsa Roma le ditiro taa Creki* dluht u. di potUnrut tn ditlhobolo t bt itn go htdtga. rategilaog. koa Johinnaabarg, a bolela (t to aae a bana ba bone. Ka weke eno ? ■ * * ' ■ »<»eut«* Tnck-r mme aerapt'o n booa e Mafoko a aaogoe a a btiloeog ke Ba ngongorega that* ka thaka e* bidiooe go ttoUa palo a> bt btakanyi bt jURiKA PILLS No. L atlailo*. Areke ao torito nmmeor Mataliane a tlhaaetsc metse ea boot u bT^Se u i«J malikere a maahoeo are (a estle '3 pa- atwtokela. E gtn* go ottbeUa di- . 0 dtUDtltoa le mogopolo oo Tj. Pipelo le mtfanlltollh* * Sebet*. kaMr. E'ita PUatj, ee 0 ‘ Udojw It K* po»*lt id. Masbo'omane e e mo din- dtcootatdi thtuihtt* in diotn dal Coart* e phiaotoa go teUro> ba­ oo Hhoatlhoa ea madi ba otaha di-botocoesg ke Mr. Peoymg mo g« oboara aekole koa B-Uany. 0 tWa tshing ta Medi'erranean t» {^ £ ” “ *“ “ • " ba ditmmaae ka bojtri ga bt Uhoto a* (aU. Eeile ba kotlaganye gore Methcdut Charchaan ka kgo.tli e a BOTBKA PILLS No. II. gochMra dlkanka, to diph*tbe«*|| noetsa dikepe dile pedi, ba # 0 (a terookoog. Bt batla bo Laura (okotar t hoatllm e> dikgomo bt tholcng, an ka tahiam) • * Uetnig 1* •okok 0 shoeditae oyagt dile tatrc ruthaka mo tse oa l’rovcia ka ba menagaoye jarf ert motho ga na Rod is" aa tse di rakUioanfi ke bone Se Becotoa c kt aoa bona bt ahipitaiog KiXlD* —0« ■ cot go loot )ol%n mo Semiairiog et Baibeto aoBeahtw, nkgumtitng o* Ditablb.) moltto a otn a ocaile teemana Oo ill ngolo n bt ta ngongor-gelug ke BiraU ktla tholagtoyo at lo'.eae loa tlh>tlh> jt >otk » t f»—riilw a g k* ao rata goon* nuaoladl ot lafoko bone mo fatsheng ja Afrika, kot (Wooing w Ewslue • a kot o»d>aa gora General 8am* o ganne BOAKA JOA MAKGOOA booe a cliMoetaeog go ei ka gooa ja Moduai^ gonne 0 hototn (a eto MOLHMO oft DIBOKO ttt MALA Mr Fanytog koa o teng o tit ittaela ba Ua go balls dikopololo la. “ S,Tf f i J 1L,S £ nifokoao are bo jar* ht KlmberUy to baatdi ba Moko*n*. Btre bt tlba- Botlolo lb Ea pot* U4d. go allot (t mogopolo oa gagoe o keleoo et gtgoe go phntht leeooaoa jt motse . Kgosi ea L-sholo ooon> mogolo g'«t *0. A lahiba Median A tobogt Mr. Albert Mttod DI PILLS ttt MALA Bxlitot Amtrikt. Uf. ntae got go dila dikgolo, lilotlo e chotnetae go tmogaltMga Ie ao barating ba ba Lettojao*6d. Ki Pom 8d, • vottot lea* got bo go dirtttdm kt batetatoyin*, molbo i t>* ptltga- ) a eta ing aga Mooeka Behreoa 00 0 theilang phttl-go M Lathare ME [BANA » MENO. Botlolo M. kgfng ea morathoane ea gnt i ba bt e cfcanetseog Bo jori ba ool to (-.It kt goooe ka sa m tlbomt- n, ba ba ba lace lc txudi ba Be Ua btet Me be re boot gore t Baibe'e mono HMdtrabarg. t nat ptlo ktWa Kt Pvie §4. meog gora eutra wotu • (elt n Kimbrr'ey bt kito ba btkoa ke Jtdge Koa Turkey go tscnye Kgooa leoaoe ja eo e Ut tatmtlkiot Ira tahiamo kampo • * am* gtbt ga atfot Kanb a - Di rtMccx no Mavaobtong oUhe. Sllheioe t kgea>e*hQe bigtnaiti bt LwracM are bt gain bo jtri ha m«fa mane e tona ea lefaratlhatlha topoliai le ba choeoue lhatt ka mo- foapieoorae booaog. Modimooti* F iilM M D iik tu btot aaogrla bo gtgoe kt wotW e tWale. Mo »ootang taha a mangoe kt .go t'h^lhTmisi di- Uamaiaiot ka taetooyina Ut Stoeo Koaleto, . ka go no go sena ope o aVn- o e tt cstng go («ta go booctn (* kgo* oo, bin Ooromeotc a than ka go daaU mataap* » g*n, pane erito a kgetrc ka tahiin»-a boleitla rori bokgoot' tae/ di ttiltog ao b:abeog milbt^t t ■mltioui tBoetatnopo- palo et makgobaoa olailila mo mo- nyang gore lefa I tale a ntse a t«pg» Bt kgopulcoe bogolo ke c oao Ui bt bt foul* la birati. phathlto m t o i . i t t i . d i ^ dumaduma o tla Uamaoi ktbtltoo e o a t t Hit go e in U Uicj ea T»h:r»lic>. Bakoiot ba lopi Monen Behraoa ene M* Moralaguyl * « fcai* Madim*. Era, Tuionoux—Mcaimaae Bongor bo D e S A. Q U E S N O T O m tlhasela, ba gopotse gore ke United Shtm, e'ile ekete e Ut tt* ba boUt gora a tiro taeo ga di Uhtbite n ifoihnpaltdt. Seaht jtoao ntse a tiralo n Eweko a saaa go(J, KeNyagadiUSO lUaihelle, mtltnrt Kutdt kot Astnkt go fett motcho koa Jthaaaeabtrg o t'higroot M.kgooaditlboig. K* lekgooa to tun ntoa ea molomo fda p. e senang kot E- it mtUehan * Traoartal Ri ahoabi h* dintka, ba opd* ba pbath, koa to ole, btguaUl bt mbet* Ptrlto^ goioe Kafore gat itn go hala o ile ko. mane a tla choan bothata ke mo goollotano a Uogetn ka ntata aa ktt, hi bid io. go Ut go jt k* pto- oteng n Toot* e» tokoiolo dilett, nluiog e go bolOtog &> go rone ka mogatu monna ao moogoe a lali a a alameog. ka go bonala fa tbata ea bone eb3e o tktoyt coek rtri no Ki.:- booe. bogolo rao leoatleng ka enejttnoog t ikobt ait'btkore (tt Uhobolo nn»o jt ntlha ja tanya. Erile' st rtie go ribtmt kt opt. ffillitmitowo ka Maottgi a bo;I* A not nUk* motho ao mofoio Mr. ntoa eo e tla tlhaltanoa fela ke fela kama e ot Lekgoot jt bo It feta Ko^econyana ea Madi a mahi Puo m Psw —Magenta la bo Rt- Gape Kgtai e bolila fa erila Kgoai Traosraal. Qoto moiale go booa MeM, a In tn go t'bokooala gora eo o noncfileng go loa mo melao bi Na*t» bt gtkatae kt tin a e Irre lea go e baakanyt jatooK , bldu a a tleteeng. ibele a ile Engelar^ * iholofeln (i Monti a baa Seootoa koa Matabeleog 1 boUha bt bott diu Erito kt nako tsing ka dikepe uia ntoa. Le diroang ke poaho e» Eoptno ca gi-n- lahegrditn Uhobolo ka aaikaelelo a go n gont tape ae ka tsimusiomg kt ifOi rt It bojale bo tto (el*. Bakoena n boraro tahipi eabo e lala, pbmhego jaana ebile go utloala fa Itale bala ramo ja bobedi Erile fela a E fodlea Bogolo joa Maloetse Q^romiota ot Sooth Afrikt ( i n n ba bona jaanong Lekgoot je la niaht « Iwu, K'teka pne bt ntidoi kt poo taa pedi—Bagtiah to JTIkk a noeditae dikepe dile pedi tsa aantae an Ot retotoga, ka Mccoaoa a lUeng mela!o*oe .e booe le letlala bt- H im u OoaoMoru — Ert ka b«*oe bt ^ dinao Erito (a 8eb«r«. Ngoagorego et booa ebile e tm Batho bs b& 'senang madi ma Sholomane a g&pa sengoe moal kt aekhtnmelo jttsoig a piraltditae Uhobolo t bt a simtne go rapela mo ga joo& Oo gOe-' Koloal taa ata di at dl aato bo gon band bt Ueot bt n bpt nMa btnnt _____ tin bagttis btngoc bt NaUlt nkant to leroao (elt mo inpeog ke ba ba lapileng, ba ba fo- se se botlana se tsentse bat ha* mo gt gtgee koa Kgoai e u laO- ■an ba coat janong oa Koptao all ht dintkt, bt eptlt amogo to ^hatkaga bani bale 197 le mpfago le gort ba bi gatintn malto ea Parto- Erile bttho btre ebotnog, Maciaoa a iolang, b& te fedileng thata mente ka bt boot poo tn pedi di lcog tnog, motimaoe uiongoe le mongoa ra! (el* go atloala ( i mitlo t bo Oo rfetann rrag "Eila ka iaubai- tia Kgooa ja Uot hospital*. Oa go ba ba senang buitumelo bope Kafa mhameng oa cboeeyt. Le root ra oUt ra r» a o bololelaog long 0 daelt kgomo leroaan o» ha (at* * tla ina dikolieba ehoarato." BinU ba uao* Itaon- miftnl'htlloa i bodo» ka root rod ae opa gOn a o tit label i Goromente o bt laUa go rupela kot mo botshelong. Dijo ga di Torkey ga go otloale sepe sa tu Makgooa. Oo aal* at Kapa (tl* t**o* oa bone go n go ao oe*l* Matalianc re Turkey o se KgtltgadL bwu“ jot gtgoe. OK tl« Uty jt bi kgothatae, ba bolaoa te T»iu.—Oi n Itn gore a thtka ea ta CboiDft- B*koeot ba lopa ngak* ka Uakoeoa Wtoaeto abato ale U.U1 j* bohaUia*. mala a a . t l ^ :ba ,t$& tba "engkgonoa sojpnya. M l l a m Uosostxsl—Tu di rooaereito oc» Uhoog. L*(i rc ba i loti* thata, a*(a Phtlant li, 1111. uu. me a gakgamalt a aUoa ha baa ka kot U' gtsog gt Otatral Afrika. loa ka bate se* se telele so fola Un^g e e thita le gooe e bokata Ka Eaele Uasholomaoe gatoe ga­ Re itimeto to Ke». f. D Gorjnytnt lelomo n booa bare ke eng Makgooa ga motho go tla oa. Maohoe (* Pbathego 0 opela atfela Itt ka ka notlabago o o tla o direltng mojt ooeleto boot ba boeto koa mortgo. Miaoao.—B into ta Eap*, Daia aa nyego a otlhe a te fodiaioa toe mongoe le mongoe eo o HaiTiaiuaK*.—Kookruai ta Ma Sekgooa. Mr. Plaaij* aama f. Ah., boahoafcatnM jeo jt tlhipedi, ebi'e E*n* go gakgamattt jtng fa batho ba Fril Setata I* Hat Toll oa Tr anaal, fela te tetetsego ea ma’ii. dumelsng tumelq ea ga Mo- kgooa eoae a «'• koapaaa koa Durban rtog. R« Btaabtcb le eoe a nat t e'eletn Ihtkaoa e ocbt u 'lemo oUhi ba bopUoeog ka tacbotno si Mtdimo J. Madi a maJims, a mahibidu; hame o ohoanetsego taela Ma- NaUlt kt Nora-nhtr 10, 8 r &Urr dikoavanakaaa taa Sahara di latodi kgoitbai.i, * mo artbtov Ka (a o kt bt Ubtntag so kgttong e ccba bt ka It boboga bt aa ntae ba laanua* sholomane dibetsa a tlhaba* Jamatoo o Ua in t tetnlo. ka Qtaeril B jtba go a > go kop*u aa ditUa a ao oeelt ao Uroog. go tie itetenelo e ennetaeng ba ikteletaeog go a tatra. Panleme Jo nale menfe ele menuinui e e nela Pusho eaga Sultan, mme kot Rlotafoiiaia ka Nonob*r 7, r dirot lb* pelo folt It eoe an ruri, botshelo le boitumelo ditto taat kot btnraoeog batekoto thoalalHnng nja tone. B'coani \ molao oo o reedioa ke ba kobo Moao Tuvisiso.— Ngika 8y go akioot go Ir* koptao t f|<*(tlt kept pbttbego gtn 1 ao rapelala ka mo bolfihefong. Fa u batla atgt Mi roka kt kaao et Tiohere ot kagotoa bat cotoa ga bt eo (oog getleng fela, beng ba dithata tlaradiUaag Prjiaui ootlhe Ua metih*. Ke f* Ktrake « eoa. Pht- madia a otetsegileng phete bone. A ba aeloe ke pola ei Medape. He ka itaaala (a thika ea rona e kt aondi o jiloa £3 gatot trilt a Uatna bone ba tie ba nUhe madi ba Kopaoo. thego ea mo dnmrflta La roaa t««la te Kgoloteane tae di Khibi. taikioyega gonne rori aodikolog* o o Jonta B'jut ka motokara u salt ba ntse fela. Le one a taaboar, mo npelafoog gere bogoai ’ -ooana tsa ga Dr. Williams ntaeng jalo ga a kike oa tabedit. thal* tsonlunyan* tt Lakgoo* ta mo Makua*oi.—Eo* Moastlbty kt wake a tla ba thusa fa ba ne ba BoTlu DiLo.-Moont eo o bolti- 01 mtgodiao bo ooalela pele. Dust­ Ga go tlbare sepe gape se batbomo bokgoeog jo re tabaVling ih-gakrnyatai ban kt'a. e e (etileng go bolailoe dioka Ut Ui mg moaadi ot Lekgooa ko\ Pjrt ing babadi ha T*al*. otetsang madi a motbo te nale sebaka sa go a phutba go jont. Boning merafe a mehi ookt dile 7. Eogoe ele (tta di 9t bare Etebtthoatlboooe. Mout eo ona boastenaio jalo le gone te mme ma-Taliane a bo ohoga- bicoene Ui bt labaga ka aetlha lore g«an bt ka bt booe tlhipi o t ktlo idi ale moahotl. Ol Buuoi j Frata — Biihopo ti Pre­ tlhomamo. Ee shone se nyeditse. Gape ntoa tsa ma* ke Mtkadaktaa: lira taa booe dia bare f* e tec* go bitkaogot e Ut btu ot o mo gttnleUe f mia o a* a ile diogakaag koi motaja mateausante a banna le basadi Sholomane di laoloa ke ooa- foelato. Makgooa efade a lo ntaha £3,000. Papadl ga di (e'e. kt taela e e Uhoto e atloato botlhoko- —o- TSA BAKOALEDI. fisiri a Jeremane ga gona opa bogobe bo ganong a bo bt ntet ka a jaauoeg o boot t (odil». 0 SUhila bagolo Te banana baa bo ba tlhoko bogolo koa Johannotbtr*. L* Tbim iu .—M rati mmgoe oa La o nonofileng go goga dintoa bona lo robe tae. Bc^oaoa cogtng ' tjcogaloa thata koa Kgooang ka ntse ba boa jengoe sa molemo eee Tebelo eo o at t cot kot Johan kgooa a on go r r» ko* aataaaang G<> IRA MMOGO. tsapgabo jaka ma-Japane a Mtchacha It airtna a oaagoa. tega Betlharo se. oetbarj, Aberekabereka mo ntoroog maloba ka Tahipi arila a tlhatlnga ira ui a tlhabana le ma-Ruahe; thotana, pit** aa gagoe aa toat b* Dr. Williams Pint Fills d* B»f, eira go cm goeogopeabo Go Moralagaaji.-Kri)e maloba ga Sexuul It aat o ttofaa irtloa ta- dmanyina b* auUbajasa ba go« ebile ke gone jaana bontsintai nt Diaarjiu.-Ltbura laogoe choanetae go diriirioa mo ebile i oo* tri kt imabtoytnc a aeaatt ** choga aa ragoga a* Com thot mooimtartot eu 0 inimaileog tl* taa a a nag l iodtoy koa FraittaU maloeUeng otlhe a. a diroang joa thakana o ea Torkey e koptaato m jsatainftna ot Lekgoot kot Dikepoag ta) Klipdam lt booa mtla leagopa kt kin, a* iHogekanya tabtofmogo bo httboag boUba bah* te madi a -a itshetelogileng santse e ile Bagelane e Do go ira Ue di II iroeog. Dijrche 0 Uapi j* kiratt dila *6 ja It r-to'tt Utte a UbtgaUi pita* a cottola pal* goto thata, ebile akrt* 0 tnlecoomo Korrrromn It na gatoe o tloga a bt * a* go I'OO* ao tori poag I a a . mMeianyane a etete ithufca bo matrosh'o, banna ba ao atlbo'otao loaha O) moo ga go 11,200. A baa booa aa kanti dila taetoog left re n itn kot 0 taalewng kopugoa ka tareoa to Yaoraamit taeoy* Kan) a (tl* j*ka gala. metae, jM*7 go nnana, go ka toeng ba nonoflle go megopoto oa Biacho ka gore thoat t la rakiat kt £60. Uognkarakafa bgiaboog to>h*too« phapanyB ga marapo, maoboo sikara ditlhobolo fela ba booe gt bt boot molemo ope bo TaiMro —Tcropj a» Jagprfoo- Bonn elo joa K m —Koa YryKorg kaeona. Bari le b blio *o aaa 1,000,000, Mo leoatleng Tor- Kgooa la atUo* kgoxli dila tbtro atloa ka eone. A Itbtbt batho taa nyego ga mala, msaalela a moth nog et t.lwatetng t gakatsa taia a tloga a ana i* go baa 1* B'oao key o tsamaisa bo matroeho Makgooa. lesboaon k onagnpa 8ia A an Bih.it.-G i bolaloa (a itrrf /tier*. Qatoa o thabakil* Lipoliii ba goto jtka ngotaa 01 8>coa«n oa terosiil, motlhagare iatlhogo, foataio ka talaphoao. mohaml to mogolo eo oa Sitth bod go, Moogo* gap* trito a tiamaa* aolao. Ma* but* a*o* bagolo ba jalo, jalo. bale 40,003 ka dikepe tse di tofat k» Aot. Mtkgcoi ko o a Uktaaloa ka aakgoo* *to mabad^- potlanyana dile 71. Re koala booing t rtta go agt hbtboUlbtbt Alriki to o oa a ajtlt oulobt koa taag no Hakadi tb* • ao Uogal*. gagoe aooo ra ija mMnpt gon ra Kgolokoane tae di Bplti- Tntct* —O) botoloa' li mutlatla jiana megalae e tlang seaha euaagbo Snot Ljbnt, roaa | EagiUot c ntilt mogatn £340,000 Kgooa laagoe gape arila Itn 1« taaaa mmoloke, ka thoaho et Modimo ni ao ooanaiaa-ga Dr, Williams, ot'ht a iri'o i gort go thiiot tatli at mo hiiaiag botigo jt (otloa k» matho eara ma-Taliane a ikadile ka tattle ktbttoao epe to bttho bt b» a ba a aaea ogcioaaoagot la noagot irala ko'eka n go ao fil'ht. Oanikn di retffito’ te bar&fcisl botlhe, a • a ooang Zaamt a ta Di ka ptatolo. 8a ao gakfimitatig ‘ b*ti di ba aodmaoytat to iat jt ieoatle ja Mediteranean a kga- ntseog jUo, b* may* W-tobe t b*( ot gagoe ot ft’a bokato. mo gtn g* toropo a* Vrybarg. lefa a. te di laetsa ka aesi M ot barang QoHarmodlao Mosotj*. nela metlaletsa ea Turkey go koa go Dr. WUHmu’ ' Mede. 0* rr Itn le gora b bo k*e. OU*. tla go thusa Masholomane a a cine Co., Long Streep Cape m*ito b ktgiahs. Main* a tsala tta Town, botlolo-file ngoe fela mo Tripoli Koa ntoeng gatoe di thaaiu*og b *0 ke 8/8 fa .thltaro ke 17/- Mataliane a thubaka motse o TABATA ELIKULU LIKA W. 0. Von 7a, p. Voi ta, H .B d M b w i ^ mogolo oa Tripoli ka dikanono Mollbthi la, Pat Moroanyana

    Ruici ax a* kofcK-agttoani’-* b K to fc tr ib p j U i b . B . '. U b» ko kip* UtMUhc £ ; [6 1 j t M e l t epete ttepi j i l i t l 51-50 Dntoitspai BnJ pU*bat]i?b* bt U tk. Q jtfcp J p [Metlobo eajpLompopi ea ga tag* (QAUFl LE KEREKE EA ROMA) KIMBERLEY. ajajadil* ' •« ' — — BABEREKI BOTLHE BA BA BATLANG TIfiOMO DIKEPONG TSEO Om m a n - P o M l*»p>* ]• ■ Mo Wekeng eno re ololotoe thoto e ntsintai ea Pretoria U bo nttbetmg pit* U BA'LAELOA GO BOTSA AGEN'lE OA CONE: MB. L. S. GLOVES ■tlo ja ich . 0 a**l*BO LOBATSL ______‘ : UVME E TOM El FAITISI. tiroag ko* fkaayrde. Achcawaa; • ' :^ 'e * e to ko eo bonoe *e sholo ae *e kana ka 4c. tMdiapi t*»b»t*» di itoeeloa fela. Tlang lo itlbophele kapelapela boaoa ko* ting ea kpr*b* • o nt*> Babangoe ba ka ea fela koa Dihekeng tsa Dikomponi mo Kimberley re kadi umaka ga re toko ra ba radi shoet DIKODEREBK 1/S, 2/-, 41; 1/6, 1/6, */6, 0/v 10/8,f 14/i' 17/- . .’./!■ REKOALBLE. KB ITKELB MOOALA. GONO U ITBRB, HU go atltdio* mclMl O lC lilE 61; 6/-. 7/6, 10'-, 11/ , is /.. D ic n .i l 63., M. Is'1 /- JAEAIAJ ■'■•■r- « i ' GA NKE U IKOATLUAA. p Kiag Q« rge ka * *i UUcUelc, Bipilsa, Dltllitko, lllslmsf, Daflolc. Dik^elo, Dilo cotlh« cittto lcoS4 floor;: goae le Mohamagidi M ry g. ea go ke Mtkala ko* ga EbiUpigoa t*t*a* * * lit i THOS. LEASK & Co., Klerksdorp, batho goa* go o * ko* Kaiktt a Oo ______T R A N S V A A L 'J atUdico* bothepha jo* IndU j > bo THABA NCHO, i rmogelaag Koiee Mtry. F. S. Mo*oi**.—Mo*«di o* mob ami oa MAiraOLlD BROTHERS, Ltkgoo* koa Asirika eril* a aaata ENCINEERS, BLOEMFONTEIN dinala * ikgtolt nt> i mo dikoraataag ire (> 111 t o a , BoDiDg Fall Motse oa Rona o mo 6 le 8 Zaatron Street East. molho a mo r*ki* Lewt*nke!eng, >■ kn H*g« la fela jaka oa* * atahicj* otlhe. UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS U rats. ] laug lo itlhophelc ka iw>i miw W ot A m il .—Go eUe egcago | • io*i cho kr» W»at HICH SCHOOL FOR NATIVES. Coaat, bar! kgoai tee du c <0 di shot It > WALTER ADAMS. TN trd»r to iffotd f.cilitie* (.r tbe prcirnt'on of binh’t etudifi md f r Van der Reit & Co., k* boa*. Goiwri oa Boath>r* Nipr.io rameU* lokoolo ko* kgoaiag X qaalifyiag thi Nttiv.i fir th* uimioitiooi pro-cribrd by th* Cap*| DairtreHy * High 6eh(ol hu teas opened it Loti, ldutywa, Traoikii; o'teU* [Eseng oa Mogente] K L De| (Beers Road, gor* ba ihotlalaag ka batho. Ba ti follov • - , arabil* 8ir WalUi Kgirtoa bit* *ir* MATRICULATION, LEWENKELE JE LE8HAJA (a batbo b* bos* ba mbi p ihcio KIMBERLEY. Latin-Uraamtr, . Ooieeri Pbytica— KI dithoto toe di It tle«oitek«leM o Im bon: popego ca dilo lollliraUkot o*o ka MBOBfoa, igitU * eelotU aaoditla ipapatumoga *b o not *r* a c>goji Sabnftab |* |0 ga U choktaepr A ka ckol*- a itg oio. ■ P » W A 1* luookijttUp Sanderson’s Saddlery h taal* laptla. ApiU *nako LOWER JONE’8 STREET, G O V T r o _ . ■ “ Aa odd water ia to a thirsty sod, uyniUoecg, mafoko a a monate a tatebe bo ia good dowb from a fcr country." je ie kgakala a ntae Ma jalo." FRIEND OF THE BECHUANA.

    Vol. n - i KIMBERLEY, OCTOBER ('P H A U N A j 11 1911. [Tlhoatlhoa 3 d — Ngoaga 12/- ka pose 15/-. . & D . H. Fraser Ltd. Maria Sm ouse E. I. Cijle, VTTLO et D ijo In di M o o a t* k 111 Jones Street, ( M i l 1st Gonim tt (RADIPERB-) IN LKGABja BAST I IB KIMBERLEY STORE, (Mo Mokgoatheng oa No. III.) 0« lebapna I* 3 B ur Bakery 58 1 TAOLO EA MAKGOTLA. NnwMain Street, KIMBBRLR Selaga sa ta a tse Kittabo ttt di lalVaoR di boMoa r> am Po'a'o n pacUha Diaparo, Ditlhako, Bohe- t P. LONSDALE. Acting Secretary (or J attic*. mpe 16.dilo cotlhe ts*1 di No. 1611) Septaabrr It, 1ML tsedi Mosegi oa Dinpa'-o MAKOOTI.A A TIKOUMJO MO PROWIJfSIKO BA TRANSVAAL batloaog ke Becoana. Okocolocoeng. 41 Old Main Street KA KOOEDI TSA PHALA3A LE XGOASAT3KLA IttL Gaufl le'^Oflsi ea Dipase, Be reka le Dijo tsa' TUAN 8 VAAL Kimberley. M. C. Schrueder Wakkentrrom. I Jib Pbalua 1911. lEsselo H ittL Tshimo le MABOOi mo Vo'krrait, M'OU* l(>h Ph*lw». 19ll j Wa’mT»B«»Uil tlh ML Sundfrton. I7tb Pb> ant 1311.1 ChritrttBt 6th 1 WIL t A lo nka lo Maeia 8P|v' 0 S E C I He-delbtrf, l9tb Ph»Uo«, 1(1) ■ Becoaneng k a Tlhoatlhoa Ber bai ...... 53th PbiUm HU I>ehteob«rg S»o*t ataelt G Uhojrong ea ease* ! gQ I) i m o l t le Mibedi, Orolio* ... J5th P&altna 1911 . I'ottVfatroom, tllb Spaoataela tsedi ftlang tsa Mawe- 0 tit lo sescla fela pk a lo j F| „ p^oBBNOB b o a d '• j FREI AETATA- ri ta. Ke moroa Inaka oa l»o-1 goPEft 6TBEET. o»»n i« nieubane. nkele otlhe a gologolo eo ona a lunri'.e bobe 114 n$TW MAIN 8TRBBT, 0© 6th PbtU&t lail. I Uth I U . . 1911 1 mo Bemneng | i»g»n» i* K«reke « kpio <• Methale eotlhe 68- Ncho. ■ahpct ’> 1’mbjicrun fa Dij«k» a tla etrta laUN«| ka aetata a j DIAPARO TSA BANNA LE BASADI, DIKGETSE. A u featla Semolo, Semapa, kaitoaag. Lckptta no dMmoi oe I* ila kalo* ka uaka jt D*ocba ka jooe, kgolw ka aebaka aaope w m tla lebaeaag me rap p o*» i 0 batla go roala! ’ 4 C rase., Bcltumaui MAKfcSE A DITSHIPI LE DITLHAKO. DM jHIIO tsa Mekgabo kgono tsa Baben'ki, tsa ■j Mafadn! Taeo ootlhe di k* nna '«» bonoa ka tlbr«tlhoa ta* ,.U oleng. Ba ba agileng kgakala le t)5ro b» rtkeloa senile f« ba rom* tw madi ka Port TAOLO BA U A KGOTLA. Basadi Ic bana tse di k a ikangoang ? 0 tla go segcla fela kara !ke!ec«ng oa gato. k.traho t a lat*lai| t gatnioa go aci potato aa Poataha. MMBERLEV. Thaka • e ooang J. D l V BOOS, . BOKSBURG 4 r- - BLACKLAWS nlng a itumodinloa thata ke ene. Aadag Secratan f t Jartiaa. H. A. OLIVER & Co., SRlflilSTOTl. k 1644] [11 s.ptaoba iflL Kitsisho e Molemo, Molao 01 o»|rfjfaa 1911.—’T hj»> at MageaCraia to 0 taa ha atila^

    t o sa N t r s r f t M o Pri.on HKlaAOA >a TUABA NCHO HAHKSA a«'a'.J»-| » IkitiUa ka tioto »i Mi'aa oa ISII (AttNj. !J jf 1911) g) ana b> Uvfaatrita b« b% tla atetaag k(4a,o E lU'li ho taala joUbe h ko bot* laa di latalacg (o a Baida ka October 1, 1911. S*ELEOA 0000 Tb»b* Hobo : ' Kimberley K i ? OhNt'^aPrftf D. 7 ili«s d>itu a» iliparitt aa K>ssT«nh»«a 0 K. K ka UAUOII 26, 1911. A 11 Batla go Kipa ("laaa B a di ag i loai| Hraai oI C rr .-otioi) Mr Vilt an j» aka * !|«U> olbusa lollh* ki llbcallboa Iu • tlbcla a itala Br-akviUr THOTO e NTSI n ka itlhopela mo go eone. B O N A P A DINAMA TSE Dl NOSNENd TBA M09B8K (c baki mmnto la ZEVAI1A I- MASI.INB TSE di THATA tsa BANNA 10/-11/9 go 15/6 DUIAMOLK TBE DITLIIOPBI TSA MEKGABO ea BANNA tse dincho le tse di. I.OENG KA KELATLUOKO 5 0, 7'0 le 10 0 K A U EA TAOLO RA BANCUO. iin'jM ke lo baakanjieln taa Diktoma BLOUSE t-te di lotwttis 1 G, 2 - !»•. •! Khnnou 10/9,12/6,13/6,15/6, go ea go i l l,i/- para Seim, m oo 1.0KA6INQ lo RA TLOD. MB8H8B ea DITOFO 2,9, 3,6, V if BO HOLDFAST, tse di thata-thata tsa Bacpi para Oaofi l« Kereke e» Chacbe (St Aognt- ME8K8K1p baki Ua UlfOFO Ki 9, 21 25 .. Kitrabo tai di UteUag 1 > Paaho aaa po aio aa 1‘oitaha, bi ka coast SWnheneon le ba bt BAKI taa BASADI U« DI^O^O H 1, 12 fi le 15/.. EDWARD DOWBB. ngoe le ngoe e opeleleooe 15/6 faog K-unt Tlani lo itehatebele h(> Iu u CALE Uc diooho un KA9MIKI 10 C. 15 ■ le 17/6, Motoaladi oa I^M laa Bucta. reke Bucho lr Baibotu Ke lo lale la* CALE tse di mebala le dikobo &’• ^ m 21 ISA MEKGABO ea BASADI II iteba-tebcla para e n Loti be. DIKOMMBRR8E 2-6 g o n gn 10 (i e batlang fela fa gare ga 5s. le 30s. DITUKU tae di ainmen" 6d , 9d, 1 • go e» j 6. | N.‘. 1646] [IT 6*pu lo p e Ramagaga. KAUSHU ba banna (M , 9d. lo 1 ■ ptra. Mjlao oa Diko^iTtka No IS aa 111 I. Mo Wenkeleng 0 tsbesanjane fgauli le Central THABA 'NCHO, 0. F. S, MABOKQOB a banna 3 (1, i/6 le 6 6. O itaiaiaa jaica p aaa po'alo aa Psalaha ta Molao aa D. BODBMPE ba bannn 2 61.-3 6 G K ptao aa SoaU Afnkt No. IS oa ) t a ga Phiiaaal, 1911 o boro, MANKATENG a senna, p^ra Mi. I Pirikgonj I, 1911 Kitn.h 0- S- F .B lA Q K iA W S j Jttiy 18 a (ataloa j«lo. mo goora KIMBERLEY. [17 beptaabat 1911. S M A R T &> C O .,!— > ~ btlko ba ba cbo«rn| Koalo Ut KitoptiOB. The Cash Drapers, 3 I “ ““ iDikgom o! le R M i S I b a ba tumile^ ba j'Bll.K p at It Taa-a Tott MJaodi *o'o a kg tihagCa g* 3 0 D u ToiiSDan fid, KIMBERLEY. I!i damaiala la aa kpiolo aa balh> ba amala ( Thero IS at 1961, I Dihutshane! D Wj», Dioo le Diq Tiaaaraal] pra kploio ao a akanN It Ju I* at tavi (Trt«avat') U M B W T U WIST BU W enkele oa Disholo. Ttmiaa 16 la 13 ia> di ito'-o tai bo II aapVa ut di gtl a-a a if an Koriataig —koa— at Paaho aap Ptalo kt Phtlant U ut^a 1«7S (Oo M m a k WmUk « ; -r»oN A Baisntiii n aUoato Daikn.r&nta« ■ w«h)| J i b , » ie difjntieilsa- K n flh o m M j RSJIe <1"“ . MATLOASAHA. f S t t W & a ; KM M BIiY. j “ rocataga oa Ntlha oa Kgoedi Transvaal. KedloieBetoi* B***1? ootlhe koa tWBBSPBOIT GiiqmluiJ. D;le rotfto tw o dl STATION, District Tbaba W, M. CUTHBERT i CO., W ' *■ COOPER, ■Ncha- __ K S f i S S e , Boap«, BUM, J. Hodgson, (LIMITED.) / Horeklsi oa Dilare, West End, W e r t e y . Fianelete, Kommerao, Dltlha-, [Le koa MAFIKENG ie ZEERUSTloa MAD1KOE] , MOTSEI OA BASHOI d S K k S S t m a rt. Fraser & Scott,1 le'METLI OA MATLOLE The Great Sooth African Boot Merchants. Un Stock AnotloDMr. j A BASHOI. lemogil* thata go ba boakanjet«a dillhare. A ko lake methnaho « BLOEMFONTEIN ; ------3 naea Tlbako tae dl Biameng ka Tlhoatlhoa tae dl booe e e etung : — itslui Beooana Ijotlho bo- okocolocoeng PECTORAL BALSAM (Molemo ea Digotlhola) 1/6 O golo.ta Bloemfontein, le 2/9 botlolo. i, o, in stE . k i t s i s h o - fa a hudugile koa St. George iNfLUENZA MIXTURE (Molemo oa Mmele) 2/-ka Street, jaanong alo mo Bau­ Tlhako tsa Babereki go simolola ka . . i/6 botlolo. BLOOD MIXTURE (MMemo oa fto tlhacoi Madi) tala «t ltta et Dlja )< I«o mann Square. Lefa u ka ipaakanyeba Tlhako tsa Banna tsa Mekgabo go simolola ka 10/6 o o tumileng thata-tbata oaaa COOPER. Botlolo m a m r m . lollolc, ene o tla ntaba kara o simolola ka 2/ a ee gore 10/- Tlbako tsa Maledi le dishuse go-simolola k i 5/6 Mo TMTB1LA oo Uba di ItMioe pre taala kgono dipitse koa bUo j» kara. lekeka boloetse bongoe le bongoe jo bo gochoe* THABA NCHO. D m loot ME8HACU N. RAUAI- Fa motbo a betliks Ke»e mo Tlhako Isa Baslmnno le Baselsann tsa Sekole le Tslilpi nyango ka gu tlhakanyetsatmethusho n eesiamenfl ie (leiki e isioa lebitleng thata mo lewenkelengjagagtia gagoe KA TLHOATLHOA . — ta Tlhoatlhoa tso dl okocolocoeng. Hothudi oaD i koloi;M& a w s * » ntle ga tefo) go ooe TSE Dl OKOCOLOCOENG. fuJlali kgono iiMontili. TUng lo JteboKbele ka,Lv>i Be th io Umedito ■ta-Tllnko taa Diprtte. Fa motho a aena madi otlhe MELEMO EA GAGOE E THUSA THATA* o ka dumalana nae go lefa ka Ba bo agileng kgakala en bt mo taUa ka poM ba niuek wN b kgoedi kgono kadiweke. I * btilo botlolo ngoa Wngoe Wwfewe « Kbikr male k>|W»>r ., til mhhlhcla ka metlha — 11. C i t e t S Co., Ltd, | Kwh W ^ U. H. RAHAlLAKB, P.O,** 4* - tm a iim . • 37.DUT0ITSP»»«0«) Collection Number: A979

    Silas T MOLEMA and Solomon T PLAATJE Papers

    PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2012


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    M aria Smouse godfani |t Koogo. Be di fit’hMse Hrong. Erile maloba ka lefyntlhttlba aeobeka thoct tihimclogo ee t. uJi PJ. fcitoo b .UnUa.- ai.ia.U M .ra dib Hhaao, d'U kgito d Is kgito j* diaoots moogoe a mmotaa wr. totv as mortfa, mma nicco eotlhi es ■ ■"fc.l.W-l. m aiaU analtaxU v dilaMOgoeos fa fobona E.nbt tab ■ telebbeog boipefataw ka •stUure >' e tit Mstsels go .'le, e "Mgodll.bal.ba taa bo di Itbhu. kole b» UaojcewoiM ba barara Are Oagoe mtnago a mtntlt le s bothali, me tho o ckoenetae goitOsNgego*. ^ s Gobbgtnab 8 Star Bakery, 8 e ss sa acoe, s le gora go aiame gm «n*»T«.sossasU>(.i^ HB lils il thabatoo. t« no Utahng Di tetjowu di fa nka bola• J')"** •"> ba booa. Jaanong tlbogo ta* maraf. ateasg go ks iperkeU. Mmeiaau Mi at fa^ etbre o se loele o aneeegoia, ge P..J. a i lm k . p 4' „ i eodl ka toa gongoe ao motliass b itse gen btbeg aa eega'.a go tme U aeas a rets Uiaka Is ga Kriabyaka dintVt U«1IK 1 . Irileof. Ba mo kjtnpln di- jf'"~ " feayi ba btgolo b tlholego lafs ele moon* tole! I/s gee* s a bbo a b f T " , r M o U. Fr.UWe bo joe bitho bo Itaioe b Icob go bogiiiot batla ae taaaie sa Mosegi oa Diaparo »y» thtU la 01 d tloo. &ra di Blth^ aoa a ll« go tb-p. m via b . k. tlhigo. k* tbita, bogale la b Moiaoe Modimo c*i cas gs ke boit*e. g*gayabe*8cbo«UtMrt Hbaha.Ua mo meUi3B di ntaba dieka Tr.oaaUa-Ad*oVaU Bwelea fo tot tlhalefo. Ka gobo bot.bltfi left ace Ke jainoag m i pelaelo *e pelo eei* _ .11 Old laiD Stmt. Qaufl leJjOflsi ea Dipase, di ihiprit moaijt o!a ko. go aaa.ag ala Dijocha mo Patboog ngx P.t|o, ala ba babctlim kt libtgo bs b rat b bake j tag a.bo, kegoaebrteg B. ta*oi mo tfftltnonj bo Mr. Vui Riat bagolo bi bone b bot'htle, Moo le bttho tibsbseg kgopolo toa motho g» .. Je reka le Dijo tsa di ihoedice. Maitaaho. Kimberley. " ‘ o* Th.be Ncho bo Bluo. b. mo pkiu (ihtlogujro. Um* ft gootee jtlo re Inchoirelo Moroltganyl go go j It , 'f o h iw le MABOOA mo Pcmou Koruo.—Pwbo aicha Senjrwttn.oe » b. a Itob f. chotneoo* k* go dir*ag 1 Be choa ae.beIr* ee as kw», !e goae ke> i*bog< Pet/r * ipbimet* dibltdi ft tabri Is dira dilo a ba . di kgdeijjiBy^ Koa lUiralao, molto a Itrioa kt btnfjoo bt necoa ke go h»tl* totlhtle, ri bo go mpbi esbeb at sa kin*1. phirima a es ba nontieg s Alksan: lo nka lo bdaela sepe Oh, b betiile b labali. Ke eo Secoaneng k a Tlhoatlhoa Kief WiUiio«owB a »mt b.. da«tal*og. Ba Itaile »o th»U «*b Ere e ka t f^ b aa p|| ta rib. Re chotMta* go ittea m«tlbtli moa liimitoan ko l,lok. Uttabala a a .mollh*coal.lne b £ 1000ml«mo|( a ikiteg*, e jt e>ret*e aidi et ditlbire, attie ba Mcreoa oa roaa b gablatae Ihagang thata. Uo ga UigaMtrtU fantlhatlbeng )a voete . bo* dilo t« THABA ’NCHO. l,oj*8g * teae »p', Tet'1 ta la M e . tiro ee Monna s b coriab kcaab aa go Ur. Oacrga Tjammh# ao o di u tlhamatabrgabg ka dbipb ftlila. UKNK UENE, (badlo.) me ke io la klbcro o di tbaeb rottgi'ang a ba a pbot tat kt Ke gora Uudimo o hadile bogoai j » (MOS1IOPA TSELA.) eo btro^ rrifot ba t'cbacg koi ! o tla amogela madi ao, a lobale gago a bo ahottat. Tekelt ('ektncwj K*ittrnee ^nitri* (Oeeterreich) ke Carmicbel s tiaca spun lew s balls a I go a romela re be re tloge re MtSkaeg. la Vybi u uamala fel* kot bmareof e e btbeog. kantorong. A mntoc mongoe Btroloag b* oa bi mm ui T ctatra teledi pele bt tlhokomele th>t> m> mongoe mo Roilhuo, mota*o* o Bo­ Obama oft Secoana molomo ita* go koalt . lop. mog.gtbo t mo ogie o* AMtrl^ro leie* 1* gago*eI* irib * tmot b kgoro ertebaga la o ka taamaea oa agoa ka T hire Mtoot bt bango. btr. b A tehiimv e d rue lift m* Sol-oooleitoer. Eo, * khomarel* tame ttojpre ga dichabs tea Sontb ko*l.!e it a atl. moootot n oootl'. UitlUibtro-latbiro «aa mtdbfSlHM mothale o o nteeng jalo ? 8e Mnu Mcr. mogolo. . k* o* |0 tltbo g ’ mm* fail. lo ea ho rragoe, ertoga’io ga Kriite, ml Afrika Go lholemo gd bona airegot'.to. gt oitt*! L> lit ga go ne *epe »o htUing ee eo kabon* eabo tie m*kgtpilv Brib khaigtdi se shupang fa Bmjana ba 1’c.TUUH S1DZDM0. ka dikoalo tse ba dikoalaag to nooob go mo Ihibeile go bait* Bi tla go mo kgatbatib aeaa an tb- •gaisiooa ke mmfe eotlhe se BoirLobkk oa io* BotLntttm ilaganyi b bou bale baatn le hole et g»*oe et Lather, Mig**bke m penit. A ntaba cbbda b is tbsa ft ba itamelela tiro e bonala le mo merafen^ e tw.—Eo* Brttith IU*t Afrib go kile btahoau b* rtttlaloa kt d-atla go *eba b ha a mamisaka dithata. Lefa e ga Zulu gn nale Leitaltx ja Lord Eoniikilllo G.toe •tujttatog tabab u gagot o ootUo Gj Moraliginyi.—Ke ituoeli go mo phitlong ke* tlt*e g* teptltmo, mi >ie moiehe b swpnsla Jv isDe go shoetea kgoedi di •rile k. botdi a* Jaoaary t bolaoa Nalala, ebile go nale diknra- go koala koalo lo lo it btltgeog ? * to boiat k* gtntsi ao e* letastai le tnoog* itbtb*gebbb godlmeben 16 ke ka thosho ea Makgooa motbo eo moncho o» Ewt Afrib A >nt T uu e oV(dico«, mma ka at!oe Dib*; mi g* * b b » kboriaioa ki tir*- ntenyana tse dingo«nyana, Etlira ka mo*ho tr* koalo tta gago. halo g* hotaalo yo* Kri«>. le thero e* 'tlsn btbt bra o iteebog mctbe sn bogolo. Pa ene ese one re tokiiiot. ho j.ri ba rlt. bt botlboko kt ekibe ere ie tut boitn tea Ma Roma tea Ma Lutere, ga di eloe tlhoko. Babadi lefaog lo >h*h* (Mat 4—7), lo tirah*lo gt likh*- > na in o reel* motlbab ea Mediae. kioo re ta bolo go ooala di- g» S“tr.e Inhtt> fel* fel* btr* g t na ki *Latb**- iteft-leng gore dilp cotlbe tsa aka o boboda «i potolv Erilt Peter Ceraicbei a aaaa dinyaga Ie ntee lo patisioa le lelekiloo mo Evil Afrika a ba a oeo* no ot t«itr*0T0 * ciarae, * toblo* mo Tihol^o, let* go bto* tlh.ge .« b. btahi. go Klo-tler fiatla * birati btngae b* go teklba aoc*tee eb s ao aasb a aa molemo ebile *■ H*romi b* *gil«ng mo go eoa*), ee tloaei* * boeta* aptro a* gtgee kaa jang go raea tsala eno are Naledi ea Botkotko, gompieno hid.ge mo Eut Afrib o ka tl* a rota bi'iotng Kremamonater. A Bokgooa bi bt moretiag. * ** g* iphitlha gape k^aa monna, kgotsa mosadi, a kn jaana ebile e taebo Moekocko- Lowii Harcoort g. Utattfi. ftgoe fill Ke g*r» h.btntli Kaa iek«rio\ mi Abt (maog o* urt Kafor* U n i Kio-ter) t me t'o-otai Bibel* a* tfagoe le trag. A lebga morati e b a ntshe talamana u ofcetec.palo turn. Nyaea Becoana ba iaftkgtlseU* bo Cole le I/ibeaa di'm mft eoUba .otlhe • mo tlhola hi hatuhal* th'tt ntlong *nga», op* gore * ee go uatr* ua b ea babadi ba T sa la t i Bb. gaecho a go so nne jalo *k*ogot b nttla ebile go booala gore mothong a le mongo* f«la eborg l«ne T uu Kim llegelot kl u*U o » r leatoa mosbo mMtdboo*. . ooana ? " Re booa mokooa Kaitse gatoe goora motho go ho II Cretey B A., ba lihok.ltag rt g»p)e, obong Blbel* ea gagoa A bn* ft bojari ba m d » rt * ka boicoko, a m “Kt tanUe kl na le oa dikoalo fela tee dingoe tee thobe phacboa. A re tla b* choanetae go phimo'o*. Khtn. boleleloa ke Lokoelo lo 1> B>l'ibpho go nnt hi ntainrtot ha ka ba but I. Bibele engne, e to u kaieng lo e C*nnlcht*t * m * bcr’go b * e Iph'- di n balegpng, go ntee gotoe gaisioa ke dichaba tse lo reng d;! chin tit dincho. 0 a-Ui ngoe e* Eognlaoe e e bidloeng "Ob- lo. Modimo, mme f i rt dam«lt ut ■> bilat b klitkhimtcu l» bojt *, biitng te-g eri'e taatai b ibobbga a Modimo tla thu«a. Mafoko 0 Mag*natshega; Makhoukhobe st cm go bole'* maibt'n a mafoko a Baible Va bot't'o r* iph - t.tntea reonnt e-i akite nktbo ke mo : B be'e ■ le e ha kae t Scboealrint- boeit gae. A (tlbaU gotoe mogata ea a mokooa oo oa dikoalo a le MakgarL Bona re gaga- i, batho botlhe b* b* rtl*ng (l« rt Ic batbo ba l^tik* le lo iieog kagt "8 ratting ihop'tuhatlcg’ ng a peltog, •. r-: "Ka ha. Mrrwia E, bneto. Blbela Ital*. A ahiitbk b a*uete * raps- ganedioa ke seane sa Madois- maditse, fa go pherushukana tahUmo b* cbotnetae eo itamelela ka 1 |00(tot . j,l0 ra t>a fi rt l« of Coloor»d Teicb»r-, catalog mo t'ogong In pelenr, f*godimef*aot**r*.b erg: Ka tore se se reng “ Tsaea" ale e tlabo ele molato oa Iona ka Eogeltn». I>efa Cola ele mo- J bangoe fela, trieebo le romaeoho Tthegjtalt Tiau. ia b* kab ba Bio llovU*. * Qo t*~go- botto* b “lambHo." Gorib^g! Oa mongoe o gaisa bo ‘ Modimo litlice, eo o rattetg lehake I* Molimo kong, A mongje le mongoe ™i»« . . p i , , , , maibo .U Kt Q:ot ot lone. mo prlnog le mo moeeoj o* gagoe, mi goar* sepe ke boioeUe feU (ditahego dl tooatona ko* But Afrika g* bke * o tla thusa’ bale ibomo". A are romele maina a masha, Kopaeo ke that*. (Bo kioatlhe gt ha PtUI^ MOTIIIBI. etlog mo tlang h.-lt. ktnrg* Rtoro b Botlbae) eke ew ft.lo bolelela ruri Jo letdolo* gore bogolo jo* g*eoe bo gat* i Jtoaag Schoealeiota. r * na* mo ala* are o Ua a*aobga lefa lule joti o tlabo a tlhaba- rialo). “ Go gntitte jtog lloog et kholegelo ea KloiUr kantta ea an ble tthUmo. MOb«jr»er" e* ooelelt; . , teenye mabogo a a koaiang, nye. ______chotea I. DINOKOANE tamelo*agtgoe ; gO"Oi o n* t tirile le ig k* k* Uediae orprt*it* geja s kb a baka Tsala, lo a teenye mo tm . Ko*N*f»'» Lehora btre Nel le | ** 0 0 ' moltla o mogolo 11 Mori) go a* >e gotlaankoaDogaronebroae. Mtaei: lalaeg mo dilhthaog Ua hetolat^ oaoint o* Ltntel*. f* le j “ "OT0 0 Bihele te go e baiit. Ml mo nvlntoea* dikgotsinglo ntshe madi lo Dikgaolonyana. Go Moroltgtoyi ot Tu^a — B*g*ecbo •e lehlhi t ikhomottt le go Ittit* ka Ny*, aya-*! g* ke r*U ge ‘aooa; romele Mr. Fenyang, Box 18. i k* tttb bin* iti’Bg gfrt di mono gtrt g* mctoe Bibete ele, e e it katlotng, iomi Pitoro : U> rileog t "* V N ch o, a tie go dnela Seme. Oo bon*l* Natl* gore bojorl b* i cataeng mo tos>og le mo petaog, Moca tae . Dilo taao buati dl tibeb b* btiimtna la bale tn Keai It nyagi dile 'J moao Dumond gopol*. II* D*niel o golecot bio a Haoobb. Fa taatai I. ntn 1. t'.hi Afrib b* nteleooe ko Vgetae Ma di di * b dire “Wobe o kaa* b poo’ g* ri ba koranta. Koa King a ba a ba ihu botlh. j.k. Pltld, kt out kt igilt m.natt ogibong ot liw., le 'o* ga okilt* ki Uhkk.otMag mm*'a, molemo ke gor» go buiamoiodi b choaatag nsb» Pi­ iamstown, koi goora Ja* be la phirima tin di atm diooel.tM (eoa boahalt ran. Mmt go tloge ka t*l* mo go oo* e* mr, mi h* Moroni o b* phimoloe. bi ntn, mm* bit goetM jtlo otaiue P.trnt Motpo*u>loi mo kbole- toro . A mm* lef* go nab btratinyv (fa a Tsala e gatinoang Ma ka thata. La tn vpbiri la coaa ngo*g* o o ft mo tlaeg k* nako iher k* boikboloho- Kt luui le leoiiao Muiai G* b f»te go «:Io* wag aa bona dlpo: stal' order fee di sgeafa ka 13,000 la jtiatag la aa Ua, eoe. Gttoe tlbogo a* kgon g* * lalea Ickloko ki et Ktnbog kt t'ogel* ga* cult lipole lao boli la II kboino-a tuei buidi bt bone, bi tt ila lint mo ysrdrog e* Klraler. Abt * li lebt- tlang tarn*. Mafia gsblata go ia i •lelang mo oflsiijg w Imvo sea taa QaromaaU di t» ka akgaokg* iketlile mo monenbg go bolileloe rare ba bone ; mongo* le mongoe junoag ba b antng nabo. F* kt bot b lela, mi eo* mocatrei * emt bt feaato I f'b b ae ko* ktaxreog agea Ma '• { fela jaka meroalela ea pula, Ialttaha ga. di aa* di ««U bodnpt. ko Uckgoo* goona kamkoete b eo ball* madi a t'hoka motiei. Mcn> rang e o ne ot tbibelo* ki liitipi, a leba ( igtautt anagtbraU ge aaaar o tla ilmololi go bidioa b liint li ko*tl**e Abt o n* * llogile yaning di oo*. b » Matebeleng ka See Bagalaaa le goa. go bokloa fa HerUog o di emaemi nuiboe. 0 Hie ogoint oa gtgne ot miitibolo, mm. ngoiga ke nm ke le *ei. h* Ufoleog, o yeie, o kbotte ptla, t »*- ntlhaeotlha tea lefstshe, oa ea Kauda koa Moatretl Irbtgtm* le nko-dubog* b m»Uui * ntlo a itnmela, mi * bitat a i«h* ka* Pitrre Ctrnicb*) a tlatr* b Marati ja m batU kgtogsnt, mongoe tea kgoiding ei Joly litatUi gt^kt le itee gakganaia. Koranta ea bone tflkaeaeoe ke mtgoda k> n it n k i «ako fel* eotlb. A lekUo* ke mongo* golimo katgumc 'Scbooa- b math nrane eck Montl a f go itla modgoe t •• go iele, Be'o ruri mo mtlitaing e beeki. ke litlbf- loitui r, b t a tl* i Up-lB mofc.m*Kedi o IWeg Pjtar* sn beaya> eemestooe ke bone ka bom lefa ba tauosila ka atl oe bo Intpecbor b* o ba1 otahitaeng mo u c» locomio* j* g*ge et loala a kaa thosho ea Sekgooa ko mooke- akate e ka iaola bstihrl, ga go aa. kam.ceng * tltMbaje b b b go M bee. Mocagogaiaan saoraki ana tea fela. Mono ga rona go bo go etloela lefaeU mcgoaaaaytna aa go r*p*ba aegeaaats ee e bsbaa gagauafiUe Hakgooi aa : oakoaba Haag ta»g kt cbal.Jo moan*eo*»**b*ipotlilebf»aan*e coana ke shone mooketaanya. I* I'coeb. 0 boaa et* b bbguja kalokslo ao—£64,000. TABATA ELIKULU LIKA mitlbo mee*di * kgogogeb mcrati ks na. mme u eakesmale ianong la babadi ba ta tlhokomelang o mpolw* ere a m s go nbega j**e* Pfluor-Lo ■ Nou.—Dr. E ot rt e* nlh*pebb o trib ge balkag go thusa T sa la bare e ba TiOtaaiut, o holaU. fa go bonyoi WOOD mo baoreeg teas. !{tk«ria aeba /ta t t o je jn o g o btr kgoatlbe. thtla b aena e an*ng miatbrie- phobfoloogoe e aeha koa Oeetral •v A mmadi aiongoe le .mongoe botlboko. 'Afrika a e bidioaag ’ 'Do# ea Mria. Morati w e e ftb b otsaet* eaatb : oa $ l l .a eae.a o* bathe * tlbbaje Uhego. MenMa bBsadto be taeg. Tloa ao gae .fcfelT S fl 'gb tet-nya; tsala cbobtae keda a ae npaWa acaedl aaa Itaioe-ke goea e bbeoahg oo a*- an o* maobaa. Qanricbal a la a •abo dild pxii kgono dile m»g