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1 Bectamt, D n n iH , (U N (iOfflOT) S, 1911 rniinUo Mad farms, tobeidiMNativo WEDDING. Rambling Notes. The Wise Colleges, import pedigree stock and still have thousands of pounds to MPAtfA—OLIPHANT. Buy tM r PIANOS, ORGANS erect dipping tanks against East eah»« i«omi.-ii«di.b.. DmHiKO tsa lekgabo kgono tsa Babereki CO B NE TS, VIO LIN S, A prolty-WJddias took pl«< on tb* toajta.FMEtewii.S.S.Iw. |„ kana tco Ji b. il.n*,... o 1 Coast fever whilst Government is A U TO H A B P S aod other 6 h Of Jaly at the Bun to ludepcodeat batRbode*' Cspi to Cairo scheme hut M u sica l In stru m e nts still wondering what to do, and how Obuith, Graaiff-Reinot, beiwocn Joeiih- kaoeked all terrors oat of diatuice; and' to do it i if a few Natives in out-of- Jolly Mpetaa, aid tat ann of July llpama. Ean; koa ga twe«a Pert Elisabeth and Elisa^U ViU* the-way oorners like Basutoland and ktaoeebnrj;, aid Hybio^ Uliphaut, •econd dsughter ot tho tale Timid ia not ao formidable w*pt when it bt- Transkei can do that, what then are BLACKLAWS Oliphant, of Gruff Beicet. comm ones lot to toot tie tall Tbe the sums contributed to the Union Tbe Bride wore a •iai|>le no»n at Satiabury Hcnii reprodocca a par from Ho Di Toits pan Rq^ ootfeni by tho millions of Natives in cashmere eatio, aad c«rr*<.! ao ahowor ihe UnM\£ ibe Bay, wbiob lb< Nor bouquet ot whito roMt tnd snow drops. thern mmteako thioka is of io par Unco 77 Strand Street, (JAPE TOWN. the Union, who arc literally fleeced Sfitoro sa K tlla sa Ditlhako lela mono Bhewisglvou away by her Unde, Jrr tu IthudeaiaBa Sundry caaVs of cement Bj the postal, customs, railways, Joa Oliphant, whilst Ur. M. Bimito wsro liodid at Algoa Bay reoeoUj, ibeir UNIVERSITY end of that war, that the Basutos bosides maintaining a separate de acted ai best mao, aod Uin Polly Ooliatb, altmaw doettcation being tbe growing K i m b e r l e v have had a real chance to prospor. partment to whioh no ’whito man •as bndeamsid, wu dressed in |» city of Blinbolhville, ia Ibo ■ U«lgi>o \ — ....... i .............................. ... gown (fcryttalino with loaches of pink, How thoy have piogres«ed since contributes a penny. Things being and carried a bouquet of pink roeea. THOTI) e NTSI n .ka itlh.opela m o go eona so thou someono would like to ask BLOEMFONTEIN. ' that date is shown to conviction by reception wu afterwards held at casks of cemsnl were loaded on a iTSS di THATA tsa BANNA .Jfl/-1 1 /9 g o 15/6 both this report and the Rev. E. “wbat Ihanka^lo the much despised Mrs. Qoliatb'a boose, where ureryuody and drapatchwi from Fort KJiubetb ALL Hatire JT.tdi n, and print* Jacottet’s lecture at I'urlao last Natives get for all these payments?” treated to taa aod cakes, and a most Elinhethtille, which b a tu cry. Aod ' TSA M E M O ea BANNA tse dincho le ta e di eojoyihie treeing wu spent After month. Tbe Rev. E. Jacottet said wbaa the cement hid anirad ai Kluabeib \ KhDIlOU V , 12/6,13/6,15/6, go ea go l| 15/. i S S S S S S S ng a few days io Graafl-Keioetthe • iUe, tbe man nolo whom it wu the 400,000 people of Basutoland are EAST COAST FEVER. happy coaple left for Johannesburg. wbo ia called U» conaigni*. sud, ~ BO HOLDFAST, tse di ttata-thata tsa Baepi, Z csn6ned to little over 4.U"0 square SET Entty Foma lm oa «i Tbeie wer« numerous preaeuia, and the now. her* ia £10 worth of oeooat, I -"1 ngoe le ngoe - ,c,e miles of land that being the habit ing were present it tbe Inoction aell it for £3) aed shall thns t* moom' id Mrs. Van Niekcrk, Ur. and Mrv pussed to tbe extern of 100 per cool' able portion of this mountanous wY f to the fact that TSA a BASADI D iteba-tebela pars Pritchard, II ra. Bebone, M'sim-s Psnoeys And thoo be prooeodod ao lo do. Aod 01 P 0. Bca 414, Bkwofouteia.—St. country. It i>. thorefore. all the, batting Kast (loast fever the Trans- Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman, Ur. and tboa be rrcilrod so sccoanl from tb« batlang fela fa garega 5s, le 30s. more interesting to learn from the1 koian Nativo Council has shown Borman, Mr. and Urs, Qolialb, Jlisses y, and tbe amooni thereof WANTED Resident Commissioner s report, itself morn progressive than tho Poleroens, Mr. J, Petorun, Mr. T. Polar- i Mo Wenkeleng e tshesanyane CgauJi le Central Mr, and Mra1 Bashaenge, Ur, and mWO Fe®alo A*&Uot Tc»oben<,for that the export from tie Protect*)-' (Jontral OovornmenL, and the fol- 1 ibe Foartecn Streams »nd Grcef ■ Mia. Vitrre, Mr, and Mra. Jooeten, Mr. Hotel) ea ga dale Mission 8choo!i respectively rato amounted, in the yesr under' lowing item from tho Umtata paper and Urs. Woolf, Mr. and Mra. Hiilar, Mr. toogevity, erideuMy Knows litUe about Both abcnld be tally qealificd. DaUes D- S F BLACKLAW S review, •1909-10, to £34!).P84. an | would appear to bear out our con- the Nahveaof Boutb Africa or be woold to tdHCM oo Jsly 17,191L and Mra, Louw, Miss C, Oliphant. Mr. and without doabt haro hsd sws'thmg Dutolspan Road.. 13er.d applications tnd testimonial! to increase of £156. 7ij2 on the year ] umtion “ Evidently what is Bauce Ura U ,i*i, Ur. ai to say .boot them. 800th Afn-1 KIMBERLEY. Kev.J. UT0BL Ura. Nkoei, Mr. and Mra. Ndiia, Ur. sod can modi coo n«»er tin ot telling J Newtoo, Kimberley. before. Import came to £S.'8.VS4,, for the Goose is no: sauce for the “ the anhealthy properties j 1 Mrs. OHpbant, Missis. Enoch and Joa in soared milk, yet soar milk ia lb* staple or an increase of close on > Gander. The Govornment has Thnkaoi, &tr. and Ura Lodwig, Ur. and diet of tbe NaUm of the Tnnaaci aad (I- N otice— Ourageuta lliroogh- The chief items of export were : urgod aod insisted upon, the speedy Mra. Coriags, Mra. Jevalu ood Ur. J. the 1904 Census showed lhat th* oldest | T. W. L B , .AD.] oat tbe country cannot do Wool, £139,022: maiie. £7.'».20l ; construction of dipping tanks Nkomo of Jobsnnobarg. C cobi a w f IVlTl ' “ < ^ 3 to j better than remit all out- ado that old Natinairtp-.nl ed ss to whi 1 Angora hair, £49.721; whoat, throughout the Territories, and the arilisedaod«doc»trfiH.u*oediew>*oo' ■ DITORE T S J W E ST END. and enlist £48^79; cattle, £9,1!13. and horses work is being pushed ahead under An eiplanitioo m y be found m the (vt I sabscribera and advertisers Municipal Debts. t*aI educated Niu'es soldom 1 (Qo lebagana le Wenkele ea i.7,638. In import* the chml item> the most adverse circumstances, at j Diilhare fa Keiekeng ea Wesele/ meat the expenses of the Bom* inridioua rumoara are sfl,al ' Kgatlho tsa Barkly Boad Ic Green enlorged paper. were: Blankets and shawls £84.830; liic uipunso, of oourse, of tho KIMBESLErfl POSITION now, which ahow thst the scrambl. , Street, West End. KIMBERLEY. Diaparo, Ditlhako, Bohe- articles of food and drink, £31,Mfl': Natives. Tanks are the sauce for the A statement of tbe dobU and rales per I" the fsr intenor, that tho NaSra, of the Keiaoga r^s« haberdashery and millinery, flS.Olf (iooso, On the otho: side of the head of the population of the principal wlU soon duoorer Iho fact to Ihelr c at. Ko sbono Sotoro SO 86 gologolo sa mpe Ic dilo ootlhe tse di TSALA EA BECOANA cotton goods, and appnrul,1 Trannkoian border, how towns In Sooth Africa.wis preaonted at s recent mrutiog of the l’orl Eliaaboth “ " di (The Friend of the Bectoua.) £12,773. Agricultural implements, | tliore are Kuropean farmers, and ot-e, as they are go-ng to pay rory dearly batlang dl teng. Town Ooaucil In sommary form it is yo.y.1 d ..to ^ Shnto(> Mh>l batloang ke Becoana. Published every Saturday morn £4844, and animals, principally Government ha? beot: askei territorior Here graphs.- Flanolete. Kommerese. DltJ ing at Kimberley 4 sires to improve the breeds of horses1 them to erect a line of tank? along Port Elaabetb—Total debt £771,389 ; hako, Dikaashu, Dlkopl, le ENGLISH & 8ECHUANA, Conaidorsblo eidteoent wss earned and cattle, £4,120. lievenue in- the border, the Assistant Secretary debt per head of while population £42 ; in town last oreutng bj ibecircol*lion Megocana, Dlketlele, Dipitsa Btaatxirnox _ — 15- debt per bead of whole population. £2v of s rumour tbst tte R»UngV»t.r« Dipelkere Dinoto Dikurufo, Bo Sale, Dikgole tsa Di- creased £98,5 l.'i, for tliey ext betorr. lor Agriculture has replied 'ei- hadsseu aod bad ‘ wiped oot" ibe Capetown—Total debt, £2£9&ttU. debt Garase Dipeke. Gotlhe tse u Advertisements: to £119,974 and expenditure came pressing Government's fuli concur- white lobat-itinta of Kliaabetbville. per wbitr, £Si; dobl per whole. £41. The rumour appwmtly haa its origin di batlang ka tlhoatlhoa tae pilse le eng le eng, to £110,444, leaving a surplus of renee with 'Jio Society's wish lor Johana«bnrg—Total debt, £i "50,000, in tbe newi from Iariogxtone.