WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 2017 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ News District seeks immigration board To Know The immigration task force updates the School Board on recommendations. UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital on By AUTUMN DIESBURG AND EMILY KRESSE After attending the Eastern about it,” he said. “So one of the things that national lists
[email protected] Iowa Refugee Summit, Botch- I hope for this Immigrant Advisory Board is The U.S. News & World Report way said, he decided to include that we’ll provide for an opportunity to talk recognized The University A task force created to analyze the needs of a recommendation to estab- through some of the elements that are very of Iowa’s Children’s Hospital student immigrants presented its recommen- lish an Immigration Advisory important … I want to make sure that, you on their national listings for dations to the Iowa City School Board during Board to continually provide in- know, we have an Immigrant Advisory Board another year. News, 3 its meeting Tuesday evening. put and guidance for students that we can run that through as well as the Kingsley Botchway, the director of equity and their families. community at large, but it’d be good to get that and engagement for the School District, led Botchway “As we’re thinking about feedback.” Ally Disterhoft the task force to determine how the district director of equity and policy changes, we want to School Board member Phil Hemingway be- nominated for NCAA will address the two resolutions passed on engagement make sure that we’re getting award March 28.