Kevin Bubriski Sunflower #1,2019 Cyanotype print

Opening bid: $950

Artist statement:

From my house in South Shaftsbury it’s a ten-minute-walk up Buck Hill Road to the Robert Frost farm and a two-mile, five-minute drive to the Robert Frost Stone House Museum. Frost’s presence is always felt as that of a neighbor.

For many years on Route 7A in south Shaftsbury I was a regular visitor at Frank Howard’s home and the Howard Art Museum where daily he would paint oil portraits, landscapes and allegorical religious works based on the works of the Renaissance masters. Frank actually painted his own version of the Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling on one of the ceilings of his own house.

The Howard Art Museum originally was the family fruit and vegetable stand until it later became Frank Howard’s painting studio, gallery and museum. Frank and I had long conversations and at times Frank would recite his poetry. The Howard and Frost families shared a long property line. Frank told me about how he grew up playing with the Frost kids who were his neighbors and also told me of the one brief encounter he had at the property line with the gruff Robert Frost. Frank Howard’s grand-nephew now farms the Howard property and in the summer he harvests sunflowers which he sells at what was the roadside Howard Art Museum. While Robert Frost never wrote a poem about sunflowers, I sense a connection to him whenever I get sunflowers at the Howard stand. The breezes and rains diminish the sense of borders between the Howard and Frost properties and the sunflowers always feel like a neglected piece of the Robert Frost legacy.

Artist Biography:

Kevin Bubriski’s photographs are in the permanent collections of the , The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. He is recipient of Guggenheim, NEA and Fulbright fellowships. Bubriski worked for nine years in Nepal, and has photographed his journeys to India, Tibet, and Bangladesh from 1975 to the present. His first book "Portrait of Nepal" (Chronicle), won the Golden Light Documentary Award in 1993. "Power Places of Kathmandu: Hindu and Buddhist Holy Sites in the Sacred Valley of Nepal" (Inner Traditions) was released in 1995 and “Pilgrimage: Looking at Ground Zero” was published in 2002 (powerhouse). His retrospective monograph “Nepal 975-2011” was published by Peabody Museum Press of in 2014. His book “Look into My Eyes: Nuevo mexicanos por Vida 81-83” was published in 2016 with the Museum of New Mexico Press. In 2018 he co-authored with Sienna Craig “Mustang in Black and White” with Vajra Books in Kathmandu and co-authored with Abhimanyu Pandey “Kailash: A Long Walk to Mt. Kailash through Humla” with Penguin /Random House, India. In 2019 his book “Legacy in Stone: Syria Before War” was published and in 2020 his book “Our Voices, Our Streets: American Protests 2001-2011” will be released with powerhouse Books in New York. Bubriski lives in Shaftsbury, Vermont with his wife.