Clear Creek Open Space Commission January 11, 2001 Meeting Minutes

The regular meeting of the Clear Creek Open Space Commission (CCOSC) was called to order by Frank Young at 7:10p.m. at Pete Helseth’s residence. Those present were: Pete Helseth, Sue Howell, Marion Anderson, Hal Wahlborg, Frank Young, Fran Enright, Marilyn Hogan, Sara Donahue, Absent members: Amy Karshbaum.

No public was present.

Speaker Beth Van Dusen from the Natural Heritage Program cancelled.

Approval of Minutes Marion Anderson moved to accept the approval of minutes of the December 14, 2000 regular meeting. Hal Wahlborg seconded. Minutes passed unanimously.

Commission Member Reports President Report- Frank Young spoke about meeting with the Clear Creek County Commissioners the last Tuesday of every month for ongoing communication between the two groups.

Mr. Young also spoke about developing an open space plan to be modeled off the county Master Plan. Hal Wahlborg, Marilyn Hogan, and Amy Karshbaum will work on a framework for a plan with guidelines and criteria.

Mr. Young and the commissioners had discussion about executive sessions for the Open Space Commission. The conversation centered on what can and can not be discussed in executive session. Land acquisition negotiations should be in executive session.

Marion Anderson spoke about gaining space for the CCOSC files at the courthouse. The county was unable to offer any space at this time. Discussion followed about possible future sites. At this time Marion Anderson will keep the files. Frank Young will check out other possibilities.

Bylaws Report There has not been a response from the county attorney Gayla Daniels in regards to the bylaws. CCOSC will submit the bylaws to the county commissioners as they are and inform them that CCOSC had not heard from the county attorney.

County Plans Review/Subregional Planning Report Clear Creek County received a $50,000 grant from the Silver Heritage Commission to do some planning along Interstate 70 corridor. The subregional planning will continue with meetings with various groups.

Gaming Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Report Marion Anderson spoke about the US 6 alternatives for access to Central City and Black Hawk and that CCOSC should take endorse one. She will speak more about the issue later in the meeting.

Policies Report No report. Transferable Development Rights Report The county commissioners are still working on transferable rights for M-1 and M-2 parcels. The commissioners took CCOSC input into account.

Unfinished Business Fran Enright distributed an information sheet about topics the CCOSC has completed and items that are currently ongoing. The group discussed and gave an update on each item on the list.

New membership discussion centered on potential new members, Marion Anderson will contact a potential new member from St. Mary's Glacier area. Sue Howell will contact a potential new member up Chicago Creek. Hal Wahlborg contacted two people in Georgetown and they were unable to commit to the commission.

Marion Anderson made a motion for CCOSC to support a mass rapid transit alternative in cooperation with Jefferson County Open Space as an alternative for the Central City and Black Hawk corridor. Marilyn Hogan seconded the motion. Discussion followed about transportation modes along Clear Creek Canyon to Central City and Black Hawk. The motion is a statement of support for rapid transit. Motion passed 7-0.

Frank Young led the Stollard property discussion. Maps of the survey were distributed. The property is located in the Waldorf area up Guanella Pass. An offer to sell was received by CCOSC for the amount of $12,000 with CCOSC paying for closing fees and title insurance. The size of the parcel is approximately 5 acres. Marilyn Hogan asked what are the main criteria being used to make the decision to purchase. Frank Young spoke about the criteria and the commission went item by item down the criteria list. This parcel fits the criteria.

There is a discrepancy with of the survey number and the number on the seller's contract. Frank Young will put together the case file for the county commissioners. Marion Anderson made a motion to recommend to the Clear Creek County Commissioners the acquisition of the Enterprise Millsite 16368 or 16350B (depending on which number is correct) and to approve the contract with R.M. Stollard for the total cost of $12,000 and closing costs. Marilyn Hogan seconded. Discussion followed. Motion passed 7-0.

Meeting dates were discussed and the conflict of getting the county courthouse on the second Thursday of the month. Historic Georgetown currently has the room for that evening. The discussion then turned to having a work session to get more business done prior to the regular meeting. It was discussed to have the meeting move to the second Wednesday at the courthouse. The work session will be the fourth Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at Java Mountain Coffee in Idaho Springs. Frank Young will check on availability with the courthouse.

New Business Marion Anderson presented an invoice for payment for $100 for Consider It Done Services for secretarial services. The commission approved the invoice.

Motion was made by Fran Enright to go into Executive Session. Marilyn Hogan seconded the motion. Motion passed 7-0. Executive session began at 10:14 p.m.

Executive session was adjourned at 10:24 p.m.

Marion Anderson made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Hal Wahlborg seconded. Motion passed 7-0.

Harold Wahlborg, Secretary Frank Young, Chairman Cathy A. Watson, Minute Taker

CLEAR CREEK COUNTY OPEN SPACE COMMISSION January 30, 2001 7:00 P.M. - Clear Creek County Court House, Commissioners' Hearing Room Special Meeting Minutes

I. Opening of meeting Call to Order 7:10 Roll Call Members present: Sara Donahue, Sue Howell, Fran Enright, Frank Young, Mall Sailor, Hal Wahlborg, Marilyn Hogan Absent: Amy Karshbaum, Marion Anderson, Pete Helseth Approval of Agenda: Three main topics for this meeting to be arrastra, Elmgreen properties, and county's master planning process. 2002 calendar year meeting schedule distributed

II. Announcements Frank noted the article in the Courant and Courier about Snyder Mtn. property. He also mentioned several upcoming events and meetings: o Memo with dates for meetings on BLM lands, first of which is March 29. o DRCOG update memo on outstanding regional people. o DOT 2-day workshop designing streets for bicycles/pedestrians. Flyer is in folder o Referral notice: St. Mary's parcel. o Frei quarry hearing coming up Feb 20th

Ill. Updates Report on Master Plan Steering Committee (MPSC) met 1/22. Mark Levin said at that meeting that little had been done since October. Main accomplishment at this meeting was that the MPSC composition and method of voting was formalized. Goal at this time is to describe the project coordinator job, which description is supposed to be in e-mail, however, not received at this time. Mark Levin says this needs to be a high-powered professional. The group took a rough stab at this description based on an outline from Bert. Those who attended felt this was a long, frustrating meeting, with little resolution.

Discussion: There was extensive discussion about the combination of the Open Space, Tourism and Recreation segments for this plan, and the pros and cons of paid person vs. volunteer to accomplish the needs for these groups, and whether this should be one person for all three entities, or each have their own person. Funding for this person was also an issue. Tourism and Recreation have paid staff who could be detailed for this duty, but not Open Space. Fran strongly recommend this position be paid, hopefully out of the grant. Discussion ensued about the amount of support from county staff, the recreation district going forward with their plans, enabling legislation for Open Space and passive recreation on our lands. Marilyn could be interested in this position for Open Space. There was a suggestion about developing a staging process where we fund and then request reimbursement. Reference was made to past discussions about a paid position and a consultant in future, as well as management, facilities and operations. Hal distributed materials from San Miguel County: Management plans are developed as amendments to their master plan which will sharply decrease property values for high country properties.

Action:Mark Cucinella is having a meeting at 9:00 (next day) at Idaho Springs City Hall which Sara will attend on behalf of Open Space. Points to bring up at that meeting: - Equal votes for Recreation, Tourism and Open Space on MPSC committee - Define amount of money involved and allocation

Action: It was suggested to develop a letter to the MPSC (letter) indicating our perspective, In view of limited frames, we suggest hiring someone to scope the job, develop process, scheduling and cost analysis. Marilyn & Donna will compose letter to MPSC.

Next MCSC meeting 2/7/02 (Thursday) at 6:00 at 80CC hearing room.

Break 8:27 Resume 8:44

Report on Arrastra property on Mill Creek At our last appearance before BOCC, they want to wait 3 months and consider three issues: 1.Grazing situation - Cannady (BOCC will work on this) 2.Neighborhood meeting concerning uses for property, whether suitable for hard recreation and determine the feeling in the neighborhood. One party has requested a soccer field on the site. (Open Space will work on this) 3.Irrigation ditches across property; detail and identity rights for management (County Lands Dept will work on this portion)

Discussion: Sara commented on grazing, noting that the property has been very much overgrazed and severely abused. She was concerned that this be addressed during this process. During the last several weeks Lisa Leben, Frank Young, Holland and Laura (from County Lands Dept and Donna Moody (as a citizen) walked the property - including the arrastra and the quarry on the east side of Mill Creek road.

Frank Young noted that the BOCC had a meeting with Mr. Cannady and Dr. Ortman (CSU) discussing use and condition of the parcel. Dr. Ortman recommended restricted seasonal grazing on whole property south of Mill Creek, to not damage the resource and possibly enhance the meadow. They will likely allow some grazing to continue on property, and recommend 3-5 animals, seasonally. No decision was reached at the meeting. The decision should be part of management plan advanced by Open Space Commission. For the time being, Mr. Cannady will not have any cows on there until next fall.

Proposal for action: Fran noted Colorado Historical Society assessment in 1994. There are two 2 arrastras like this in the state. At their assessment, they didn't think the stones are presently in their original site. She suggested that until professional assessment of site is done, nothing should be disturbed. We can apply for an archaeological assessment grant which has no time line, and Fran said these are usually available as matching funds, half and half. She's determining what you ask for in this type of request. We could then ask for a second grant for a dig and interpretation. She has recommended an application for a grant to get an assessment of property and has shared this proposal with Lisa of County Lands. Fran will get more information about this regarding needs, questions, what to ask for, etc. and will proceed with this. We will hold off on neighborhood meeting.

Report on Elmgreen property

Appraisal is still not in, but should be in before our next meeting. Sometime in the near future TPL will ask for an indication of the dollar amount we can put up for Elmgreen property, defined as 67 acres south of 1-70, 50 in Clear Creek County; 347 acres north of 1-70, half in Clear Creek County and half Jefferson County. Forest legacy grants are available for $500,000 to give Elmgreens conservation easements for access to their existing homesites on south parcels. Jefferson County Open Space is not interested in the 17 acre part of south meadow. Plan Jefferson County had a meeting last week which several members attended. Bill Markley (SOLVE) was there and presented his part. Don told about the trail. This would help us, if Jefferson County would pick up the 17 acres. It needs to be part of it if meadow is to be properly preserved. North of 1-70 has a parcel owned by Vissers which leaves miles of the trail unconnected.

Discussion regarding the road for Floyd Hill, Pete has most information, and will likely present that later. There was some discussion about the school board, commercial development and Open Space needs and how they fit into these issues.

The Open Space Commission needs to meet with TPL and the BOCC in the near future to get straight the various issues about these properties. A proposal was mentioned of a petition being circulated among residents regarding this property, but needing $$ amount involved.

Proposal for action: We need Katy to come talk to us about these matters. We also need a large map of the area detailing all parcels. Pete, Ella and Harry might like to present about the 3 road proposals next meeting.

Only topic on agenda for next meeting is Katy Paris. Need maps of area, including school property. No housekeeping issues to be discussed.

Adjourned 9:44

Hal Wahlborg, Secretary Frank Young, Chairman

Clear Creek County Open Space Commission February 14, 2001 Minutes

Chair Frank Young called the regular meeting of the Clear Creek Open Space Commission Meeting to order at 7:14 p.m. at the Clear Creek County Courthouse.

In attendance were: Frank Young, Marion Anderson, Sara Donahue, Fran Enright, Pete Helseth, Marilyn Hogan, Hal Wahlborg, Sue Howell, and Amy Karshbaum.

Approval of Minutes Marilyn Hogan made a motion to accept the January 11, 2001 minutes as written with no changes, Marion Anderson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment Cary Loeser was present to speak to the commission.

Guest Speaker Cary Loeser spoke as a resident of Floyd Hill and not as a representative of the school district. Mr. Loeser presented a map of the Elmgreen area and who the current property owners. Discussion centered on CCOSC to make an offer to the Elmgreen’s to purchase acreage for a greenbelt area and buffer from future development. There are 46.5 acres at $2.1 million. A possibility does exist that Trust for Public Lands may purchase some of the acreage. CCOSC could possibly purchase from Open Land Trust. CCOSC should approach Everett and Ken Elmgreen about the possibility of open space. The cost may be $50,000 an acre. Mr. Loeser suggested that CCOSC approach quickly.

The CCOSC board discussed if the project is a priority and if CCOSC should get involved or if Clear Creek Metropolitan Recreation District be involved. The group decided to wait and see and discuss the issue at the March meeting.

Fran Enright made a motion to go into Executive Session for negotiation matters at 7:54 p.m. Marilyn Hogan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Marilyn Hogan made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session at 8:00 p.m. Marion Anderson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Correspondence There was a, "Request for Review of County Owned Lands For Sale" application form for the commission to review. The commission discussed the information received from Jefferson County Open Space. Hal Wahlborg had a large envelope of materials.

Reports President- Frank Young spoke about the Denver Mountain Parks plan and he is receiving emails about upcoming meetings. Frank will email CCOSC about meetings.

He also spoke about having CCOSC submit a request to the county commissioners for a resolution to have county owned lands become county open space lands. Marion Anderson presented a map depicting lands currently owned be the county. The land parcels included some open space and potential mining properties for CCOSC to look at for acquisition from the county. These are currently owned by the county and are available to sell. CCOSC needs to inspect these parcels. A designation needs to be made to have a classification of open space lands on county mapping.

Vice President-No report.

Secretary-Hal Wahlborg asked the commission what the secretary's duties are and Marion Anderson offered information about the duties and policies of the officers. It was suggested that the officers meet before the next meeting to formulate policies.

Treasurer-Marion Anderson distributed two reports showing the Open Space Trust Fund account. Approximately 25% of the fund is available for operating costs.

By-Laws- No report.

County Plan Review-Frank Young suggested that CCOSC start looking at the county lands. Sue Howell said that on Wednesday afternoons Fran Enright, Marion Anderson, and she meet informally and could walk the land parcel on Snyder Mountain and making that land a priority.

Sub-Regional Planning-Fran Enright disbursed information from the Center for the Improvement of Public Management from the University of Colorado. Marilyn Hogan will mail out the rough draft of the Clear Creek Open Space Plan that relates to the sub- areas.

Frank Young then gave information centered on the Beaver Brook Watershed and an update on the status of the lawsuit and land. The county commissioners and the City of Golden have discussed water rights for the kayak course. SOLVE wants to be involved in all discussions.

Pete Helseth spoke about having the open space fund go towards the legal fees for Beaver Brook. The county commissioners are discussing the possibility of asking taxpayers for a mil levy increase to help cover the legal fee costs. Sue Howell asked about the 25% operating fund and could that be used toward those legal fees. The CCOSC talked about building up that hind for future needs.

CCOSC discussed the possibility of contacting an attorney to assist the CCOSC in various aspects of normal commission business and the possibility of assisting with the Beaver Brook. It was discussed if the Open Space Trust Fund can be legally used toward the general fund of the county. A motion will be made under New Business pertaining to Beaver Brook.

Evaluation Criteria- Hal Wahlborg distributed the evaluation criteria grid-sheet for review from the commission. Feedback is needed.

The county mapping system was discussed and who can access the system. Pete Helseth will pursue the discussion with the county mapping department. CCOSC would like to be included on the system.

Work Sessions-Hal Wahlborg would like to make sure that CCOSC cover a lot of items at the work session. The agenda will be loosely based.

Unfinished Business Bills-Marion Anderson made a motion to approve a bill for Consider It Done for the minute taker fee. Motion passed and the bill was approved.

Marion Anderson made a motion to approve bills from Town Office Supply for mapping supplies and the Clear Creek County Mapping Department. Motion passed and the bills were approved.

New Business Marion Anderson made a motion to recommend to the county commissioners that the Yellow Aster claim be sold and that CCOSC has no interest in the parcel. Discussion followed. Motion died due to a lack of a second.

Marion Anderson made the following motion, "If needed by the Board of County Commissioners, the Open Space Commission pledges $10,000 to be used exclusively for attorney fees incurred relative to the lawsuit over zoning of the lands in the Beaver Brook Watershed, said lands to be part of the overall open space plan for Clear Creek County." Hal Wahlborg seconded the motion. Discussion followed. The president Frank Young stated that pursuant to Clear Creek Open Space Commission bylaws a vote on this motion would take place at the next regularly scheduled meeting in March under new business.

Great Outdoors Colorado Grant-Frank Young will ask Bert Weaver if the county received a GOCO grant recently. Announcements/Other

Representative Mark Udall is reintroducing the Wilderness designation.

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:17 p.m.

Hal Wahlborg, Secretary Frank Young, Chairman

Clear Creek County Open Space Commission March 14, 2001 Minutes

Chair Frank Young called the regular meeting of the Clear Creek Open Space Commission Meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. at the Clear Creek County Courthouse.

In attendance were: Frank Young, Marion Anderson, Sue Howell, Hal Wahlborg, Marilyn Hogan, Fran Enright and Amy Karshbaum. Absent were Pete Helseth and Sara Donahue.

Approval of Minutes The February 14, 2001 minutes were deferred for approval until the April 11, 2001 meeting due to corrections needed in the minutes.

Public Comment Mark Levin from the Clear Creek County Planning Commission was present as the liaison to the CCOSC and to give a status check. He gave an update on Planning Commission activities. He informed CCOSC about the Planning Commission turning down an application for a new minor subdivision on the east of the county.

Mr. Levin also spoke about transferable development rights and the county master plan. The county master plan is being pursued and grants applied for to compile the plan. Mention was made about the process to do a master plan and that CCOSC will have a seat on the master plan board. He would like CCOSC feedback.

Chair Frank Young spoke about compiling a CCOSC support statement to send to the Board of County Commissioners for the master plan.

Correspondence Two items were presented about James Peak Wilderness Area. Sue Howell spoke about the area and would like to put it on the April agenda for discussion. Hal Wahlborg spoke about a meeting reminder for the Historic District Public Lands Commission on March 22, 2001 at 9:00 a.m. at Georgetown Town Hall.

Reports President-No report.

Vice President-No report. Secretary-No report.

Treasurer- A report was distributed and Marion Anderson explained the figures.

Gaming Area EIS-A meeting will be held March 15, 2001 and there will be more to report at the April 2001 CCOSC meeting. Marion Anderson spoke about the fixed guideway plan to the gaming area and the Board of County Commissioners is in favor of the guideway proposal.

Policies-No report.

Questionnaire-Amy Karshbaum asked the commission if they wanted to mail out a questionnaire. Fran Enright suggested that the commission wait until the county master plan process so that the commission is not duplicating efforts. It was also discussed that the questionnaire targets the property owners of the county. Mark Levin volunteered to share his questionnaires from Park and Boulder counties with Amy Karshbaum.

County Lands Review-Frank Young shared a map of the county with all the former Bureau of Land Management (BLM), other ownership, state, and county and Golden watershed properties.

The CCOSC needs to talk to the county lands department to discuss the CCOSC's top priorities. The areas in Silverdale that were BLM should be priority to make a recommendation to be under the control of the CCOSC.

Amy Karshbaum is going to overlay new mining claim parcels on the map that shows the county lands. A work session will be scheduled for March 28 at 1:00 p.m. at Java Mountain for discussion of mapping and county lands.

A work session to discuss the draft of the Open Space Plan will be March 21 at 1:00p.m. at Java Mountain.

Marilyn Hogan discussed trails in the Saddleback and watershed area. CCOSC will attempt to find all the accesses into the area.

Unfinished Business Approval of Bills-Marion Anderson made a motion to approve the bill for Consider It Done Services for minute taker services. Marilyn Hogan seconded the motion. Motion passes 7-0.

Membership Letters-Sue Howell discussed the need to send out a letter to prospective members. She will draft a letter for review.

New Business Henderson Mine Reclamation Project-Frank Young and Mark Levin discussed Henderson Mine Reclamation Project. They discussed what the post mining site could be. In the county master plan should a utilization study plan be put in place?

Minute Taker Resignation-Cathy Watson; Consider It Done Services tendered her resignation effective April 30. 2001.

Office Space-Historic Georgetown Inc. (HGI) spoke to Frank Young about the feasibility of renting out the gift shop area at the Hamill House Carriage House. HGI has asked for $400 a month rent and they will run a new phone line into the area. Discussion took place as to what would the space be used for and by whom. It would be an exclusive secure space and could be used for meetings. Hal Wahlborg made a motion to authorize Frank Young to negotiate rent for $300 a month. Marilyn Hogan seconded. Discussion followed. Motion passed 7-0.

Mapping/Data CD-Amy Karshbaum put the existing CD in the red folder that is kept in the courthouse copy room. She listed all the items on the CD. The program needed to open the CD is Arcview 3.2 software program.

Annual Report-Hal Wahlborg discussed compiling an annual report and asked what items needed to be included in the report. It will be discussed at the work session March 28, 2001.

Election of Officers-Marion Anderson made a motion to re-elect the current officers for another one-year term effective April2001. Sue Howell seconded. Motion passes 7-0.

Officer's Meeting-Marion Anderson suggested a meeting with the officers to discuss job duties and policies. Marion Anderson offered to host the meeting. A meeting date of April 4, 2001 at 1:00p.m. was set.

County Master Plan-Marion Anderson made a motion that the CCOSC send a letter of support to the Board of County Commissioners for the county master plan. Marilyn Hogan seconded. Hal Wahlborg discussed the reason why open space is so important to that plan. Motion passes 7-0.

Marilyn Hogan made a motion to contribute $2000 of CCOSC finds for grant match money for the county master plan. Hal Wahlborg seconded. Discussion about mailing costs ensued. Motion will be voted on at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Sue Howell made a motion that permission be given to the CCOSC executive board officers to vote on the prior motion at their next meeting. Marilyn Hogan seconded. Discussion took place about the executive board not voting on this motion but conducting a phone vote of all CCOSC members. Sue Howell amended the motion that the executive board does a canvas vote. Marilyn Hogan agreed to this amended motion. Motion passes 7-0.

Old Business Beaver Brook Watershed Discussion-The group discussed if a potential agreement with Golden could be reached. The agreement terms are unknown at this time.

The motion from the February 14, 2001 CCOSC meeting to contribute $10,000 toward the legal fees of the Beaver Brook Watershed legal process was discussed. The motion was defeated 0-7.

Elmgreen Property-Frank Young gave an update that David Elmgreen has another opportunity to purchase the property. No movement has been made by the Elmgreens to sell 67 acres to the Trust for Public Lands. Frank Young thanked everyone for his or her efforts on this project.

Yellow Aster Claim-It was discussed to visit the site to let the Board of County Commissioners know what to do with the parcel. A date will be set to visit.

Hal Wahlborg, Secretary Frank Young, Chairman

Clear Creek Open Space Commission May 9, 2001 Meeting 7:00 P.M. -- Clear Creek County Courthouse

Minutes of Meeting

Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the President, Frank Young, at 7:14 p.m. Members present were Marion Anderson, Fran Enright, Pete Helseth, Sue Howell and Frank Young. Excused were Hal Wahlborg and Marilyn Hogan. Sarah Donahue was absent; Amy Karshbaum arrived late. Also present was visitor Jean Ayers resident of Hyland Hills. Marion Anderson served as recording secretary, pro tern.

Reading & Approval of Minutes The minutes of the April 18, 2001, minutes were reviewed and two corrections were made: (1) Public Comment: Jean Ayers attended the meeting as a Clear Creek County resident and her occupation is that of Assistant County Attorney for Jefferson County. (2) New Business, page 3, the sentence should read as follows: ... area and should be bound by the geopolitical borders rather than overlapping the Clear Creek County borders." The remainder of the paragraph was correct. Fran moved that the minutes be accepted as corrected; Pete seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

It was noted that no agenda has been posted for the May 9, 2001, meeting. It was suggested that the Executive Board Secretary be responsible for posting the agenda at the Courthouse at least one week prior to the meeting date.

Pete suggested that minutes be sent to members within five business days of the monthly meeting in order that a timely review can take place while the meeting is fresh in member’s minds.

Public Comment There was no public comment.

Correspondence Correspondence was received from Congressman Mark Udall regarding the James Peak Wilderness Area. Mr. Udall has introduced legislation to create this designation. Grand County opposed Wilderness designation within its geopolitical borders.

The BOCC has referred to the OSC for review a parcel of vacant land identified as Lot 8- H, Brook Forest Estates, Filing I (amended).

Reports President: Frank Young reported on the regular meeting with the 80CC on April 24, 2001, at 10:30 a.m. at the courthouse. Updates were exchanged on. The James Peak Wilderness Area, transfer of County lands behind and above Kermitts in the eastern end of the county (US 6 and 1-70 junction) to CIFGA, proposed transmission towers on Squaw Mountain, and the Noxious Weeds Program.

Regarding the James Peak Wilderness Area, our comments were given to the BOCC regarding the proposal.

Regarding the land transfer to CIFGA, the OSC has expressed its desire to manage the lands until future determination of status of CIFGA project is established. The County Attorney, Robert Loeffler, has asked OSC to suggest appropriate language.

Regarding the proposed agreement for transmission towers on Squaw Mountain, it was determined that we need more information in order to comment effectively on this proposal. Jean Ayers suggested that the language was similar to the proposal arid we get in touch with Susan Wood, County Planner, Jefferson County.

Regarding the Noxious Weeds Program, the OSC indicated that we wish to be part of the planning for this activity. Hal Wahlborg represents the town of Georgetown and may also wish to represent the OSC.

Frank reported that regarding the Silverdale lands (former BLM lands), Georgetown has requested these lands be transferred to them. The status of this transfer is uncertain.

There was no report from the Vice President. There was no report from the Secretary. There was no report from the Treasurer.

Other Reports: Regarding the County Plans/Subregional Planning progress, the 1-70 EIS review has noted safety problems in and around the interchange on the west side of Floyd Hill near Kermitts. There are many problems associated with movement of traffic through this intersection. The grant for continuation of Master Plan Development is in process; the planning is on hold until determination of available funding is made.

The Gaming Area EIS has progressed to eliminating several mass transit options, including all rail options, all gondola options and several others. Remaining mass transit options include improvements to U56 and CO 119, including HOV lanes for buses and vans, and a connection to any CIFGA construction that might be built. Still on the table for consideration are the personal vehicle options, including a tunnel from 1-70 to CO 119 at the US 6 and 1-70 junction.

The OSC Master Plan Policies were discussed at length on April 25. Members are asked to give these revisions careful review and bring refinements, further revisions and other comments to the June 6 meeting at Java Mountain Roasters, Idaho Springs, between 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Amy is setting up a work session for assistance in developing a Questionnaire for Open Space use.

Frank reported that the OSC Office Space in the Hamill House will be available in June. New phone lines are being installed.

It was suggested that information about the OSC be mace available on the Clear Creek County web site. Amy will get in touch with Mary Johnson, Information Services Director, who manages this site. Our agenda might be posted at this site.

Unfinished Business Fran suggested that signs be placed at lands owned and/or managed by the OSO. We should also develop a management plan for each site.

A Resolution covering official transfer of county-owned lands from the BOCC to the ownership or management of the OSC should be prepared. One resolution can cover all such lands either transferred to or under the management of the OSC as of this date.

Old Business The Elmgreen lands south of I-JO in Clear Creek County (Floyd Hill) are currently under option to David Elmgreen for development purposes. The Trust for Public Lands (TPL) has concluded their negotiations with the Elmgreen Family regarding these lands. There is a possibility that an agreement will be reached between the TPL and the Elmgreen Family regarding an option on the Jefferson County lands north of 1-70 as well as some of the Clear Creek County lands north of 1-70.

There is no change in the status of the Beaver Brook Watershed. A conference call was scheduled between representatives of SOLVE (Marilyn Hogan and an attorney), MALT (Mel Andrews), and the offices of Congressmen Udall and Tancredo and that of Senator Allard.

Members were reminded of the work session on the Open Space Master Plan at 4:00 p.m., June 6, at Java Mountain Roasters.

New Business Wording for the management of the proposed CIFGA lands was discussed. Frank was given the following suggestions to take to a meeting with the county attorney: These lands will be managed by the Open Space Commission, pending use of such lands by CIFGA for its purposes, in a manner consistent with open space goals.

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by the President at 9:30 p.m.

Hal Wahlborg, Secretary Frank Young, Chairman

Clear Creek Open Space Commission June 13, 2001 Meeting 7:00 P.M — Clear Creek County Courthouse

Minutes of Meeting

Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the President, Frank Young, at 7:07 p.m. Members present were Marion Anderson, Sarah Donahue, Fran Enright, Marilyn Hogan, Sue Howell, Hal Wahlborg and Frank Young. Amy Karshbaum was excused; Pete Helseth was absent. The secretary announced that a quorum was present.

Also present was visitor Jean Ayers, resident of Hyland Hills, Sarah Kaminski from the County Lands Department (management of former BLM lands), and Katie Paris of the Trust for Public Land, guest speaker. Marion Anderson served as recording secretary, pro tern.

Guest Speaker Katie Paris from the Trust for Public Land (TPL) updated those present about the status of the Elmgreen lands in Clear Creek County. Concerning the meadow south of and along 1-70, this parcel was under contract to a younger member of the family who was seeking financing.

In addition to these lands, the Elmgreen family owns about 200 acres north of I-70 in Clear Creek County and contiguous lands in Jefferson County. The lands extend from Clear Creek Canyon to the north to 1-70 on the south. Katie shared photos she took at the site and maps showing the location of the parcels. These lands are contiguous with former BLM lands (now county lands) in the area and those in Jefferson County are adjacent to (or in close proximity to) Jefferson County Open Space lands which cover most of the Clear Creek Canyon area from Golden to the Clear Creek County line along US 6. There are other private owners m the area with adjacent holdings.

Katie explained that TPL purchases parcels at fair market value less a small percentage and turns them over (sells them) within two years at fair market value. They simultaneously seek financing for purchases and potential buyers during the negotiations.

Sarah Donahue will act as liaison with Katie at TPL regarding our interest in the Elmgreen parcels north of 1-70. Katie Paris can be reached at (303) 837-1414 or via E- mail at [email protected]. Information regarding TPL can be found at

Redline & Approval of Minutes The minutes of the May 9, 2001, minutes were reviewed and approved by acclamation.

Correspondence The following correspondence was received since the last meeting. A map showing location of a parcel owned by Boyd & Audrey Quinn in Lawson CO. Orin Shockley of Georgetown called Frank regarding donation of a parcel near Georgetown to OSC. Information was received from Jefferson County Open Space regarding Community Development Grants. Information regarding design services was received from Swaner Design of Salt Lake City, Utah. CDOT advised of test paving strips to be installed along Guanella Pass Road during the coning months. USFS advised of a Scenic Byway Study between Georgetown and Grant covering the Guanella Pass Road area. Copy of a letter from Grand County regarding the James Peak Wilderness proposal. A referral from the BOCC regarding sale of a county-owned site in Brook Forest Estates. Information regarding the settlement between Clear Creek County and Golden concerning the Beaver Brook Watershed.

It was noted that we have received no referrals from the Planning Department on matters before them for consideration. Fran and Marilyn will draft a note expressing our desire to be consulted on all matters regarding open space concerns.

Reports President: Frank reported that the office space at the Hamill House is about ready. There is a salvaged desk, a lamp and some shelving in place. We need a work table and chairs as well as filing cabinets and other items. The phone line is installed. Billing for the space will probably begin in July.

Vice President. Fran prepared an updated tracking document for ongoing activities and actions of the OSC.

Secretary. Hal is seeking a replacement for the recording secretary for the OSC.

Treasurer. Marion presented a report for the month of April regarding status of the OSC accounts.

Other Reports: The Open Space Master Plan, Policies & Procedures, was presented and reviewed. The June 6 changes were noted.

The Beaver Brook Watershed Agreement between the City of Golden and Clear Creek County was briefly noted and copies distributed for review. A position statement will be prepared to be presented to the BOCC at a public hearing scheduled for August 7 at 6:00 p.m. A working dinner meeting will be held at the Cherry Blossom Restaurant on Monday, June 18, at 6:00 p.m.

County Plans/Subregional Planning is waiting for word on the grant applications.

Gaming Area EIS has progressed to eliminating several mass transit options, including all rail options, all gondola options and several others. Remaining mass transit options include improvements to US 6 and CO 119, including HOV lanes for buses and vans, and a connection to any CIFGA construction that might be built. Still on the table for consideration are the personal vehicle options, including a tunnel from 1-70 to CO 119 at the US 6 and 1-70 junction. It was noted that Central City has filed a $100 million suit in District Court against Black Hawk for obstructing their business development by 'forming a conspiracy with the sole intent of killing off the gambling economy of Central City.' (The Denver Post, May 27, 2001, page Bi)

The Open Space Questionnaire is being worked on by Amy.

Referrals for OSC review/comments include the Arrastra site at lower Mill Creek, Dumont. An inspection of the Mill Creek site is set for Monday, June 18, at 5:00 p.m., meet at the Dumont Post Office. The Snyder Mountain property in eastern Clear Creek County was visited on May 19, 2001. Fran submitted a report on the field trip.

The Quinn property in Lawson is a parcel which extends to both sides of Clear Creek in the west portion of the Silver Lakes Subdivision. It contains a pond of about 1-2 acres; the total parcel comprises about 7.5 acres of land. A field trip will be planned to visit the site. No asking price was included in the submittal from Boyd Quinn.

Lot 8-H, Brook Forest Estates, Filing #1, amended p1st, is a one-acre parcel platted in the 1960s. It is zoned residential like surrounding lots. The county acquired the parcel through nonpayment of taxes. There is interest by another party in purchasing the parcel for purposes unstated. A field trip will be planned to the site.

Old Business It was moved by Marilyn and seconded by Sarah that The Open Space Commission recommend to the BOCC that the Snyder Mountain parcel (former BLM lands) be transferred to the Open Space Commission for management The motion passed unanimously.

New Business There were no bills presented for payment.

The first reading of the Master Plan, Policies & Procedures, was completed.

The position statement for Beaver Brook Watershed will be discussed on Monday, June 18.

Signage for Waldorf Basin was discussed. The Silver Heritage Group, Historic District Public Lands Commission (Georgetown-Silver Plume) has attractive, routed signs at its properties. It was suggested that Pete Helseth be asked if he would serve as chair of a subcommittee to look into signage options for OSC properties. Unfinished Business None.


Meetings scheduled for the next several weeks. o Monday, June 18, 2001 o Wednesday, June 20, 2001 o Wednesday, July 11, 2001 o Wednesday, August 1, 2001 o Tuesday, August 7, 2001 o Wednesday, August 15, 2001 Dumont School (Arrastra at Mill Creek) Cherry Blossom, Idaho Springs (Beaver Brook Watershed Agreement) Officers work session at Marion Anderson's. Regular meeting of OSC, Georgetown. Planning Commission Meeting, Georgetown (Public Hearing, Beaver Brook Watershed) Public Hearing; BOCC, Georgetown (Public Hearing, Beaver Brook Watershed) Regular meeting of OSC, Georgetown

Public Comment There was no public comment.

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by the President at 9:26 p.m.

Hal Wahlborg, Secretary Frank Young, Chairman

CLEAR CREEK OPEN SPACE COMMISSION July11, 2001 Meeting 7:00 P.M—Clear Creek County Courthouse

Minutes of Meeting

Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the President, Frank Young, at 7:09 p.m. Members present were Sara Donahue, Fran Enright, Pete Helseth, Marilyn Hogan, Amy Karshbaum, Hal Wahlborg and Frank Young. Marion Anderson and Sue Howell were excused. The secretary announced that a quorum was present.

Also present were visitors Mark Smith, the new Planning Director for CCC., Tina Tapley who is interested in the Recording Secretary job and Carol Wise representing the Historic District Public Lands Commission. Mark Smith gave a little background on himself and declared that he was a strong advocate of open space. Frank promised him that we would supply him several things to give him some familiarity with the OSC, particularly the enabling legislation and our Master Plan.

Hal Wahlborg introduced Tina and gave the group some of her background. It was decided that any final decision would have to be made officially at the next meeting.

Carol Wise came to discuss the Cooper properties at Waldorf basin, but it was decided to wait and see if Lee Behrens and Cindy Neely showed up before the discussion.

Additions to Agenda We had a discussion and a decision to add the Brook Forest Sub. parcel and the Quinn parcel to old business and to add goal setting to new business.

Reading/Approval of Minutes The minutes of the June 13, 2001 minutes were reviewed and approved by acclamation.

At this point, the group adjourned to go over to the new office for an inspection.

Correspondence The letter from the Historic District Public Lands Commission on the Waldorf/Cooper properties was copied and distributed. Discussion later.

Letters to the BOCC and Planning Commissioners on the OSC position regarding the Golden Watershed were sent. Much appreciation was given to the OSC members who worked on this letter.

Fran said the OSC should get on CoCos "list" since they still seem to be alive.

Reports Frank said the last OSC report to the BOCC was cancelled. The next on will be 10:00 am. on July 31.

Frank urged that members show up for the first Forest Service advisory board public meeting at the Georgetown Community Center tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m. It concerns present thoughts on their long term plan for Guanella pass. Frank spent some time summarizing the Forest Service options. Seems to be little or no coordination with other plans for Guanella.

Fran Enright-No report

Hal said that ad for a recording secretary just came out. Will inform members about progress.

Marion not here. Frank gave a Treasurers report.

The Master Plan will be discussed in Old Business.

There was a discussion about the letter on Beaver Brook the OSC sent for public comment. Fran asked about the OSC plan of action dining the hearing. The OSC has 10 minutes, individuals have 3 minutes. It was decided that Frank would be the OSC spokesperson. He and Fran will get together for a preliminary discussion. Marilyn raised the issue of individuals' conflict of interest. After some discussion, it was decided that OSC has no problems. Others will speak for Solve and as individuals, and Frank is clear to speak for Open Space Commission. Pete will take some speaking chores to relieve Frank.

Some discouragement was expressed about getting referrals and info from the Planning Commission. The Beaver Brook stuff OSC got from Golden was the proper channel and communication, as per prior agreement among the vested parties. Frank and Mark Smith vowed to get together and make very sine OSC gets all pertinent info from the Planning Commission.

Still waiting for info on grant to finance Sub region planning

No update on Gaming Area EIS.

Amy's work on questionnaire on hold, because of focus on developing Web site. The questionnaire issue needs to be thought through in some detail. All have a copy of the Solve questionnaire of 1999. Is it enough for the time being or does OSC want to do its own? Come to the Aug meeting prepared to discuss issue in depth.

Frank and Lisa Leben are working on a format for transferring BLM land to OSC administration.

Mapping also slow because of Web site work. Amy has first Web page done. There was quite some discussion about all the fine things OSC can put on the web site. It will be the Secretary’s job to get the agenda and some other things on the site. Can maps and pictures be put on? Since there is no one else, OSC may end up also doing some rec stuff such as trails. There was discussion about maps and about compiling info and knowledge about each site OSC purchases.

Marilyn asked about the status of the single claim that the County owns in the middle of the Cooper and Golden claims at Waldorf and request to transfer to OSC administration. Frank will check.

Carol Wise presented the situation on the Cooper properties in Waldorf. Cooper wants to sell all 20 claims in a package deal. The F.S. only wants the nine claims on the Argentine Pass road. What to do? The Western Land Group is working with Cooper on behalf of the P.S. Pricing was discussed. Maybe OSC can buy the whole thing and sell the nine claims bock to the F.S. We don't know where Golden stands. Cooper will be in this area in late Aug. It was moved by Sara and seconded by Pete that the OSC consider the preservation issues in the Waldorf Basin as a very high priority. Therefore, OSC wants to have a meeting with the Western Land Group to explore the possibility of acquisition of land in the basin. After much discussion, the motion was passed unanimously Sara will be OSC contact person. Carol will give her Tim's phone no.

Frank says we will be listed on the CO Open Lands Web site (listing all entities having to do with open space) within several weeks.

Marilyn moved and Sara seconded a motion that the OSC adopt the present version of our OSC Master Plan. This is our final step in the process. The motion passed unanimously. It was signed and approved by the president and attested to by the Secretary.

The Mill Creek Arrastra and Snyder Mountain, Elmgreen sites will be the first transfers to OSC as soon as above mentioned formalities are completed. May be one to two weeks.

Fran reported that a realtor called her on the Quinn properties. Frank will try to call Quinn. It was determined that OSC should look at the lot in Brook Forest Estates. Amy will find.

County Lands Goal setting is something OSC should do in order to focus on getting some important things done. For starters it was decided to meet at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday at Burger King to inspect some properties in that area, specifically, the Quinn property and some nearby BLM lands. OSC will discuss at a later date a fixed schedule for site visits and push hard to see all county and BLM lands this summer. To get the office going, it was decided to purchase two 4-drawer file cabinets (Sara), a digital camera (Frank) and a computer (Amy). It was moved by Amy and seconded by Hal to allow Frank to spend up to $300 for a digital camera. The motion passed unanimously.

It was moved by Pete and seconded by Sara that OSC pay the first month office rent bid of $325 to HGI and a $343.13 bill for office line and phone The motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business. Announcements. Public comment None

The meeting was adjourned by the President at 10:14 p.m.

Hal Wahlborg, Secretary Frank Young, Chairman

CLEAR CREEK OPEN SPACE COMMISSION July 25, 2001 Meeting 7:00 P.M,—Hamill Carriage House OSC Office

Minutes of Meeting

Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the President, Frank Young at 7:05 p.m. Members present were Sarah Donahue, Fran Enright, Pete Helseth, Sue Howell, Hal Wahlborg and Frank Young. The secretary announced that a quorum was present.

This meeting was called to deal only with specific issues in need of immediate attention.

Also present was Donna Moody, who is interested in the recording secretary job. Some questions were asked of Donna and she submitted a written statement on her qualifications and belief in no conflict of interest. Our county attorney believed there would be no major conflict.

Agenda Items Discussion of Quinn property in Lawson. Frank read from his notes on his phone conversation with Boyd Quinn. The Quinn’s don't officially have on the market the two mining claims (the Jay and East Murry) that they own and are located just south and above the lake property, but would be interested in the OSC taking them also. The have an offer (contract) from a developer, but we don't know the amount of the offer. Boyd says his asking price is $150,000. At this point, Donna brought up the information that there is a fund set up for the benefit of the citizens of Lawson by the Highway Dept because of the 1-70 impact Doug Crosby was treasurer of DLD at the time, but the money is being held by a Judge in Georgetown. Chris Slavens is presently the president of the DLD association. The group formulated the idea that maybe we could get the citizens together and have the local citizens via the DLD become co-participants in this purchase. Fran said we should make sure land is free and clear, get an appraisal, get a good legal description, do a site visit with Quinn (to get among many things exactly where the boundaries arc what is the history of the land, etc). Besides, the OSC should have the local community behind our move. This will be important to the BOCC.

Sara moved that we continue pursuit of acquiring the Quinn property in Lawson. Sue seconded. The Open Space Commission would fill in the Quinns of our interest, then do homework, do a site visit with the Quinns, get survey, get comparables/appraisal, get community involvement, Motion carried with no opposition. Hal will call Chris Slavens. Fran will call Doug Crosby. Sarah will call Jo Ann Sorensen who was president of DLD at time the money was awarded. Sarah will also try to get an appraisal and maybe comps from her regular appraiser. Frank will try to get ahold of Quinn to set up visit, hopefully 9:30 am this Sunday.

Sarah also volunteered to try to get some info on the property 'For Sale' by Alpine Realty located just west of the Quinn’s and west of the culverts.

Prioritization of field inspections, After much difficulty, we came to Sunday, Aug 12 for our next trip. It was felt that during the lengthy Golden hearings that some of the group could work out what sites to visit???

Monthly report to BOCC. Frank is not available. Hal and Sue will do it at 10:30 (or is it 10:00) am on Tue July 31. Frank will send some suggestions.

Golden watershed. MALT brokered an agreement between the Forest Service and Golden. We have some elements of the agreement, but are not sure what will be presented at the first public meeting. This makes stating our position difficult. We will mainly go with what’s in our letter, particularly what still applies, and especially our objection to rezoning. Frank will do the first meeting (Planning Commission) on Aug 1 and Pete will do the BOCC on the following week.

Recording secretary. Hal moved that we hire Donna Moody as our recording secretary. Sue seconded. Issues of conflict and other considerations were discussed. Motion passed unanimously. Hal will notify Donna and also the other candidates.

Hal Wahlborg, Secretary Frank Young, Chairman

CLEAR CREEK COUNTY OPEN SPACE COMMISSION August 14, 2001 Meeting 7:00 P.M. - Clear Creek County Courthouse Minutes

Call to Order 7:21 p.m.

II. Roll Call Marion Anderson Marilyn Hogan P Sarah Donahue Sue Howell P Fran Enright Amy Karshbaum Pete Helseth P Hal Wahlborg P Frank Young P

III. Approval of the July 11 and July25 Minutes. Motion: To approve minutes of July 11 and July 25, 2001 meetings. Sue Howell/Pete Helseth - No Discussion; Vote Unanimous

IV. Correspondence Folder Need to get contents this to Open Space office. Brief discussion about organizing the Open Space office. Hal to set up meeting with Hal. Marilyn, Donna.

Frei gravel pit rezoning request. Need to reply by 8/24. Sue will review and e-mail information to other members.

V. Reports of Officers. No reports. Chairman - Frank Young Vice Chairman - Fran Enright Secretary - Hal Wahlborg Treasurer - Marion Anderson

VI.Updates: Open Space Master Plan/Subregional Planning Grant for Silver Heritage area was obtained and is up and running; replies from 5 consultants were received. There will be a meeting September 13, 2001 at 9:00 at Georgetown Hall (Guanella Pass meeting) regarding this area. Master Plan for Open Space was presented to BOCC. Discussion of preparing a packet for BOCC with Open Space Master Plan, bylaws, etc. Frank will collate a packet by 8/28 Transfer of BLM sites to OSC - ongoing Gaming Area BIS - Marion is sending e-mails County Lands Dept. Discussion about Snyder Mt. and the arrastra property. There has been discussion about a transmission communications tower in the Snyder Mountain area, and whether this would fit better on Tom Baran's already zoned land on Squaw Mountain. Land in question on Snyder Mountain is of interest to EMERGE? Marilyn/Frank to meet with Lisa for more information about this issue. Sue will call Beth re: BOCC mtg. with Tom Baran Recent Field inspections - Quinn property has been the only recent field inspection. Geologic Hazards - No one attended the meeting. Frank will try and get a copy of the report which should be available from County Lands or Planning. Brook Forest Parcel - Discussion about connectivity of this parcel, as well as its location and parcel number. Frank and Pete will hunt up location/legal: hopefully Pete can get by the site and get an impression of value for Open Space purposes. Referrals/communication from Planning Commission - Letter written and submitted to Planning Commission. Reference County-owned Claim in Waldorf and its transfer to OSC - Letter to retain property by County and resolution to officially transfer to OSC needed. Elmgreen - Frank talked with Katie Paris from Trust with Public Lands, David Elmgreen had not picked up option offered by family, so meadow is back in discussion and on table. Jefferson County is also involved in this parcel. Frank Coons of Jefferson County Open Space has communicated about this Elmgreen parcel. Katie is aware of $1.5 million dollars available from Open Space for bonding. She had questioned whether it might he available to help purchase the Elmgreen meadow. It was noted that the Beaver Brook Watershed will be appraised shortly, (90 days?) and that should help determine whether the $1.5 million will be needed there. With the two projects under consideration at this time, the Open Space Commission will be determining the best use for the money.  It was also noted that Peggy Stokstad is looking for money for Brook Forest School restoration.

VII. Old Business Quinn Properties Status: The Open Space Commission has spent several weeks on the Quinn property, but the Quinn’s apparently are agreeable to the time being taken in consideration of this project. No news yet from Sarah regarding appraisal. Several things needed for this property before final decision: Flood plain map: Zoning designation; Easements: cost of homesites in the area. Discussion about neighbors being pleased with the proposal for Open Space there, the possible funding from the Lawson inheritance, and other properties under consideration at this time.  Waldorf Claims - General discussion re: executive session. Motion: Marilyn Hogan/Hal Wahlborg: To move into Executive Session for discussion re: Waldorf properties. Unanimous.

Executive Session 8:36-8:49 p.m.

 Action plan/Planning status report - Meeting scheduled August 29, 2001 at the Open Space Office in Hamill House Office to begin to develop planning status report and action plan. Agenda for priority setting (action plan, management plan for properties, trails management, etc), outline for Waldorf Basin. Waldorf Basin (Silver Heritage Area), Guanella Pass Plan maps both will work for this area, An expansion of this idea into an outline/table for properties known, focus definitions, use. goals, etc.  Golden Watershed/Corridors - Funding has been approved for first block, and is supposed to be happening before end of year. OSC needs to look at west end, plan some dynamics, attempt to address acquiring access, both from OSC and USFS position. Determine who will be doing planning, locally or Regional, and start thinking about this. Pete will work on goals for action plan for work session, and Frank the USFS angle.

Should we be considering this in work session for action plan? USFS cannot likely justify investing in access on east end, but we can help there. Frank noted the watershed would likely be a special status land for acquisition, requiring congressional action to change boundary. Need to find Corey Wong’s (Wong, former District Ranger) original planning thoughts in this area. Have had no input to this point from bike community for access points. Golden has been blocking access but if USFS purchase is successful, bike access may be considered. For the public ROWs which exist, BOCC can decide level of access - hike, bike, horse, etc.

Need to develop philosophy regarding use (foot, bike, horse, etc.) for various areas. Example to avoid: Trail for dirt bikes posted on USFS from Trail Creek to Saxon Mtn. which apparently is being done by private parties, and without sanction of USFS.

Regarding historic roads in Watershed - Need to get on BOCC agenda to reaffirm the ROWs which were dropped in final findings. Questions discussed re: historic ROWs, and why Golden dropped them from the application.

 Reference Jean Ayers, should she have minutes/agenda? Consensus yes. Motion: Include Jean Ayers on e-mail list & invite her to attend meetings. Sue Howell/Marilyn Hogan Discussion brief re: c-mails. Marilyn noted Matt Sailor is interested in OSC. We have two openings. He will be invited to a meeting (Sept 12, 2001). Vote: Unanimous

VIII. New Business Bills to be approved Motion: To pay the bill from the Courant for advertising in the amount of $9.00. Hal Wahlborg/Sue Howell Vote: Unanimous

IX. Announcements/Other  Discussion re: posting agendas etc. on website. Public notices can be on county website.  Community Park at King-Murphy. Marilyn Hogan offered information about King Murphy going for a GOCO grant for a community park of approximately 1-2 acres, tearing out old bus barns, refurbishing old playground, building retaining walls. They need funds for seed money for park plan, a small match for other sources for money. Property is not in any of the recreation districts. Discussion of sense of whether this is appropriate for OSC funding as the school owns and will continue to own the land, but are willing to have it be for community park use. Previous estimate $100,000 for project. There was once a rumor of moving Brookvale School over there, however it appears to have been only a rumor. They will be willing to come in with plans and details as they progress. All volunteer project.

Discussion fairly extensive. One difficulty at this time is use of Open Space finds on school district property. Pete noted history of buffer plan around high school. Discussion of amount of money involved, whether it would be a token amount or prime funding, cooperative venture with OSC and school district, and a mini-master plan, and ensuring open space forever, but with conditions. Frank noted a distinction between open space parks and developed recreation. At this time we have insufficient information. Hal also noted the time commitment involved as we take on assessment of more properties. It was suggested someone come with a brief presentation.  Marilyn suggested future agenda items: Status report for BOCC, a work session for a 2- year Action Plan, and consideration of planning for areas vs. specific parcels.

Adjournment 9:40 p.m.

Hal Wahlborg, Secretary Frank Young, Chairman

CLEAR CREEK COUNTY OPEN SPACE COMMISSION September 12, 2001 7:00 P.M. - Open Space Office, Hamill House Office Building Minutes of Regular Meeting

Opening of meeting

 Call to Order 7:14 p

In attendance were Marilyn Hogan, Sue Howell, Amy Karshbaum, Hal Wahlborg, Fran Enright, Pete Helseth, Frank Young, and guests matt Sailor and Jean Ayars. Absent from the meeting were Marion Anderson and Sarah Donahue.

 Approval of Agenda Discussion about posting agendas in POs. It was decided to distribute agendas to members via e-mail, etc. Who will post them is their respective post offices.

 Approval of the August 14, 2001 minutes Motion: Marilyn/Fran for approval of August 14, 2001 minutes. Unanimous

II. Unscheduled Appearances/Public Comment - None III. Correspondence folder  Letter re: Walstrum/Frei rezoning  Letter - Trust/Public Lands re: Elmgreen Lands  Request from Fred Rollenhagen re: Public Ways Review for R & B 40'x40' building for maintenance equipment

Subregional Planning Pete reported no Master Planning Steering Committee meeting has been held since last Open Space meeting. 1-70 along Bakerville/Silver Heritage area: Frank noted an HDPLC meeting tomorrow (Thursday, 9/13/01) at Star Hook and Ladder at 9:00 am, regarding 1-70 corridor, mainly focusing on Bakerville area/state EIS This is to begin getting plans in place for recreation (Gray's/Torrey's, ) and commercial development to enhance recreational opportunities This area involves USFS land, county, state and private lands.

Silver Heritage area - Santiago Mill in Waldorf is intact; it was active through 40s-50s. On Sunday HDPLC boarded up windows and doors to prevent vandalism. Architectural drawings were done in summer, thus creating a permanent record of the building for state historical records. Mill was built on unpatented land (USFS), Marshall family owns buildings and are agreeable to preservation, mine is on patented land. This mill needs to be on historic register. Thilow mine claim - Owner is supposed to get back with us, but we have not heard from him yet. He is interested in sale to Open Space. Claim is uphill from Waldorf and would be good land for Open Space.

Steve Glueck to be at 1-70 meeting tomorrow. This is re: Vidler Tunnel and claims Golden owns in this area. At Beaver Brook watershed hearings Mr. Glueck was asked to meet with Frank Young to visit the area and discuss their plans for those patented mining claims. Golden needs to be aware of Clear Creek's plans for the area, hence the discussions regarding development rights.

Master Plan for Open Space - BOCC wishes to sign off on Open Space Master Plan. Plan to present to BOCC last meeting in September. Frank is working on packet, also for September meeting. County Lands - Fran met with Lisa Leben. As we consider County lands for Open Space it would be appropriate to include the Planning Commission for their input. Referrals by other county agencies are part of County Lands process, and would save us a step as we consider these issues parcel by parcel (Attachment #1) As the properties are already county-owned, no purchase is involved, just transfer internally. This includes lands such as former BLM lands, tax acquisitions, deeded, etc. Planning Commission agenda item September 26, 2001, 6:30 p.m. in Idaho Springs City Hall.  Recent Field inspections Sue and Fran went to Alps Mts. Property two Fridays ago. Property has an historic cabin restored by Boy Scouts and would be a good property for us to pursue further. It has easy access from Spring Gulch and another access somewhat more difficult. The structure was probably an old mine office; it has dates on the walls and a wonderful rustic cove ceiling. The property has junk (albeit historic junk) and the area has been overused for years. It has a north/south exposure at about 10,000 feet, with large lodgepole pines. The property has an inholding. Need to walk the property with a map to determine boundaries. No apparent water supply there, though with the cabins, there must be a spring nearby. Management, cleanup? This Friday, (September 14, 2001)- Plan to go to Geneva Creek; meet at courthouse at 9:00, using two vehicles. If the field inspections continue on Fridays, we can figure out future trips as we go and as weather permits. Field reports are to include directions. Next week: Alps Mtn. and could also cover the one on Cascade Creek the same day.  Guanella Pass Highway Dept. meetings - Planning area covers part of Geneva Basin and Waldorf area. Frank will get information as it comes out.

V. Old Business  Frei gavel pit rezoning request. Sue reported the hearing will not be on September 26 as planned; date at this time uncertain. Planner needs geotechnical report and is waiting to hear CDOT plans. Applicant is working on submitting landscape plans for site. Need more information in reclamation on ridge. OSC will have another meeting before earliest possible hearing. Sue drafted a letter saying OSC is opposed to expansion plans as presented at this time; pit is in violation of existing permits; requesting clean up prior to consideration of more Special Use Permit issuance. She also noted request for 2nd road along Highway 6, which would put a large scar on the side of the canyon. Discussion: Jefferson County Open Space and Conservancy people have spent much money to preserve the canyon walls, and questioned the wisdom of Clear Creek allowing this new road. Questions regarding quarry/reclamation timetable as this seems uncoordinated. Bond presently is $40,000, but the County can't impose bond more than the State sets. It was suggested to contact the state Reclamation Board and make these same points. The applicant is changing the original permit, questions regarding impact these issues raise are legitimate. Letter is in folder.  County Lands Dept. (BLM) 1) Arrastra property: Fran presented information on property, including checklist and site visit report; still need weed report as property has some overuse problems with the present grazing rights party. Will present this information to BOCC jointly with County Lands, with justification and letter regarding this proposal. 2) Snyder Mountain: Original proposal may have included consideration as a repeater site for the Sheriff however; Squaw would be better for that as there is no power or infrastructure on Snyder. Suggested to refer this issue to Bert, check with Lisa (Telecommunications issues). Regarding Squaw Mountain, Sue noted no new information There is presently a yearly review with Tom Baran regarding his existing permits.

Break 9:00 -9:10  Brook Forest - Frank and Pete. (Two parcels now) 1) Still need location information from Sarah or Lisa to progress.

2) Letter has come in about a Public Ways Review, requesting input on a county equipment storage building, approximately 40x40', in Brook Forest. Fran will review. Pete will check out, make recommendation. Plan is for metal building. Diane Schaade might have information.  County-owned Claim in Waldorf and its transfer to OSC - Hal will contact Beth regarding a resolution transferring claim to OSC.  Elmgreen property, Floyd Hill - Frank New information about Elmgreen family lands. Those north of 1-70 straddling Jefferson County line have been under discussion for some time, but now those south of 1-70 near the school are back in consideration. Need grant money to help buy these lands; Frank is unsure of price at this time as he has not heard asking price for lands north of 1-70. TPL people don't want to be long- term owners (landlords) and the logical owner is Clear Creek County Open Space Commission. The OSC's $1.5 million bonding authority may be needed to help with the watershed later, but is also being considered here. Trust for Public Lands may get GOCO money to help with the purchase, but needs appraisal. Value as appraised is not definite. MALT participated in discussions earlier. May possibly help with funding, and provided an informal estimate, but the lack of commercial use is a factor. Original asking price was $1.5 million, then $1.6 million. MALT requested a BOCC letter of support, but CCC BOCC is hesitant to support at this time because of Elmgreen family issues. TPL time frame is flexible, involving one to two years, four at most, to get money back.

Another area of concern regarding these properties: The bridge over 1-70 at the top of Floyd Hill is the only access to Hyland Hills, the new school, the apartment complex and for emergency access. Presently helicopters land there and close the road. Residents have suggested continuing the road through the school property and down by the vet hospital. Orley Burgess is very supportive of this access road as part of plan for this area.

Quinn/Lawson Properties Motion: Fran/Marilyn for Executive Session at 9:37 p.m. Unanimous Executive Session end 10:07 p.m.

Motion: Fran/Marilyn: To establish a committee of up to four people to work with the Quinn family to negotiate purchase of five (5) parcels for up to $80,000. Vote unanimous those present. Appointment of Committee: Fran Enright, Frank Young, Sarah Donahue (if she will), Marilyn Hogan (backup). Fran will contact Mr. Quinn about an appointment on Monday or Tuesday and will update people.  Action Planning status report Handout #2. Please review for content and for discussion at next meeting. Marilyn will e-mail updates.  Golden Watershed/Corridors - Pete/Frank - Access to watershed. Pete checked out access on the west end (of the watershed) through Blue Valley Acres, which was very good, and while some points were near residences, most were quite easy, off county roads. Propose encouraging USFS to establish parking area on land after they acquire it. Will not likely be funding outlay requirement for parking, but best to plan. We will identify history of roads, trails and encourage parking coordination near these. As this is on the west end, it will likely be the first purchased. Work with Dan Lovato (USFS District Ranger) as we proceed through our thinking on this. Discussion was lively about an access point near Hacienda. VI. New Business Bills to be Approved 1) Invoice Moody August$140.00 2) Bill for map 1.50 3) Appraisal 250.00 Motion: Hal/Pete to approve bills for payment. Unanimous approval

Discussion - Purchase of office equipment. Handout #3 Motion: Marilyn/Fran: To establish a committee of up to three to address office furniture, up to an amount of $999.00. Unanimous approval Committee members: Hal Wahlborg, Marion Anderson, Donna Moody

IX. Adjournment 10:48 p.m.

Hal Wahlborg, Secretary Frank Young. Chairman

CLEAR CREEK COUNTY OPEN SPACE COMMISSION October 10, 2001 7:00 P.M. - Clear Creek County Court House, Commissioners' Hearing Room Regular Meeting Minutes

Opening of meeting  Call to Order 7:08 p  Roll Call Marion Anderson P Marilyn Hogan A Sarah Donahue A Sue Howell P Fran Enright P Amy Karshbaum A Pete Helseth P Hal Wahlborg A Frank Young P Visitors: Jean Ayars, Matt Sailor  Approval of Agenda Tax questions/comparisons added  Approval of the September 12, 2001 minutes Motion approval: Fran/Pete: p. 2 Road & Bridge item, says "Fran will review..." should be changed to "Marilyn will review. P. 3 Re. Frei pit Should change from "Pit in violation..." to "Stage Y may be in violation of the existing permit..." Approved: unanimous with corrections II. Unscheduled Appearances/Public Comment/Announcements  Re: Open Space Master Planning meeting 10/17/01 2-4 p (Attachment #1)  Frank met with Lisa Leben, County Lands; 10/16 meeting cancelled. Will meet with BOCC, attorney, and County staff on October 23rd, 10-11 am for work session to develop wording for resolution to put lands under Open Space management. Involves developing definition for long term Open Space Management; we will then be prepared to enlist 3 parcels (Snyder Mtn. Arrastra site and Lila 13) through process.  Taxes - Marion provided and explained handouts (Attachment #2); First is memo to Carl Small. second Henderson Mine tax implications and third, current assessor's abstract. She provided an explanation of the impacts facing the county as Henderson's mineral valuation declines and the rationale for offsetting county income with increased commercial lands. Her memo detailed Open Space desires regarding allocation and distribution of revenues. There has been no response from Carl at this time. There has been no request from BOCC reference budget at this time.  No bill from HGI has been received (rent) at this time. III. Old Business  Subregional Planning - Clear Creek County Master Planning Steering Committee - Pete reported no formal meetings have been held since last Open Space meeting. However, DOLA has allowed the extension of the deadline for the Idaho Springs/Gilpin area subregion, thus putting it more in line with the overall county planning effort; RFP for that area will be redone. - Silver Heritage area - contractor has been selected. a contractor. First public meeting October 14th, Town Hall in Silver Plume.  County lands Discussion: various lands in consideration at this time, including Alps Mtn property, Waldorf Basin property, Cascade Creek properties; next to consider are lands in Clear Creek Canyon behind Kermitt's east. In Jefferson County, the County owns (title) to the lands Open Space manages; would like example of the instrument designating dedication for management. In our case, County Lands will handle lands Open Space is interested in, as part of their review. Presently there is a signoff sheet in circulation for departments involved, which Beth handles. She then brings in the deed for sale: for us, Lisa will help prepare a resolution to handle each parcel singly. Question: Can County take it back? Open Space Funds used implies Open Space management, whether perpetual or temporary in some cases. Part of this effort will be to get language to secure lands permanently. County attorney can now consider Open Space issues and review things. Questions for attorney at this time include: How are we going to manage these lands'? Develop outline of management possibilities. Definition of long term management.

Specific Management Plan Outline. Have sample on 23rd. Frank is developing expanded list. Fran, Frank, Marilyn, Sue will work on this. Frank asked Jean's input for this project.  Guanella Pass Highway Dept meetings USFS sponsored 20-person steering committee which has had 14 meetings. Plan will go for public review, and hopefully be adopted by both counties, Georgetown, USFS. Frank will bring draft to next Open Space meeting. Discrepancy between Federal Highways/Scenic byways corridor, which is not just the road; corridor management will be long term. Sue commented about the test strips, as the deadline for comments is almost up. Test strips are just above the power station.  Walstrum Frei - Sue reported talking with Fred Rollenhagen in Planning: There were some proposals about Stage Y in process at this time. Changes being made regarding berm in front. If they don't get rezoning, they can come down 160’ lower than now. Frei owns to Jefferson County line; there are some former BLM lands in the area which Open Space would like to request, including north of Kermitts. One parcel near Kermitt's has been deeded to CIFGA. Frei wants to quarry to just above road (Highway 6). Part of this is in the Canyon and involves the canyon wall up to the county line. Marion showed maps of alternatives for the access roads/tunnels being proposed by Black Hawk and Central City in this area. Sue noted the lack of participation and apparent communication between all the stakeholders in this area: Frei, Black Hawk, Highway Dept., Kermitts, rafters, bike trail, Jefferson County Open Space, etc. Planning Commission hearing on this issue is October 17, 2001 6:30 at Idaho Spring City flail. Bert wants to get our county included in Clear Creek Canyon Master Plan. Ken F., Jefferson County Open Space, would like to see us continue Open Space efforts.  Elmgreen lands at Floyd Hill - Elmgreen family agreement to allow TPL to purchase lands in Jefferson County. Clear Creek County for some kind of preservation of the lands, whether Open Space ownership or conservation easement still being discussed. There will be a meeting October 15, at 6:30 at Grace Church regarding TPL. CCC Open Lands, MALT. SOLVE, Jefferson County Open Space to repay TPL though no dollar amount is known at this time.  Quinn/Lawson Project - Appraisal was done and offer made to Quinn’s based on that. Offer was turned down. Thirteen and 8/10 acres were added, for $25,000 (including those previously discussed). We may revisit this issue at a later date. Mr. Quinn would like to have his maps returned.  Discussion about Silver Creek Trail being a good hike and of possible interest to us as we plan for the area; it is already a county ROW. As the county is planning a residential area south of Dumont on former BLM lands, an Open Space break between there and Quinn’s' property above Lawson would be a good idea.  Mammoth/Waldorf Project - Owner was to contact Frank Young before this meeting. Hasn’t thus Car.  Action plan/Planning status report - Review/Discuss handout from previous meeting - postponed until next meeting.  Questionnaire - also postponed until next meeting  Golden Watershed/Corridors & Access - Pete says he may have access to historic USGS maps on fiche. Discussion about recent events affecting money availability for watershed & transfer to USFS. Only $2 million has been approved thus far. All of the watershed is supposed to go to USFS, but in separate payments, west to east, last, most valuable, in east. Appraisal is pending; Golden must accept the appraisal.  Office furnishings/filing - Get easel. Need Tax ID # for sales people.  Open Space alternative member contacts - Jean Ayars and Matt Sailor are here this evening, and are eligible for alternate status. It was suggested they write letters to 80CC indicating interest in alternate status. Staggered member terms will have 3 members terms up for renewal this year. Jean and Matt will let Frank know if they send note to BOCC.

Field trips - Suggestions: - Cheek area up behind Kermitt's. - 1-70 corridor w of Lawson, 120 a. purchased by Mile High Rafting. Stay in touch with Peggy Stokstad and Bert for vision and plans for this property. Fran, Sue Frank will talk w/ Peggy.

VI. New Business Former BLM lands near and around Alps Mountain - field trip done, analysis for next meeting. Maps – Consolidation/New - County mapping is overwhelmed, but will be in touch soon. Correspondence - Referral notice Frei - Quinn maps will be put in folder with his name and given to a secretary for him.

 Bills - Moody services $140, secretarial services Motion: Marion/Fran: Approve Discussion re: Need for documentation re: independent contractor or county employee.

VII. Adjournment 9:23 p.m. Hal Wahlborg, Secretary Frank Young. Chairman

CLEAR CREEK COUNTY OPEN SPACE COMMISSION December 12, 2001 7:00 P.M. - Clear Creek County Court House, Commissioners' Hearing Room Regular Meeting Minutes

Opening of meeting  Call to Order  Roll Call

Present for the meeting were Marion Anderson, Sarah Donahue, Fran Enright, Pete Helseth, Frank Young, Marilyn Hogan, Sue Howell, and visitors Matt Sailor and Mark Cucinella. Absent from the meeting were Amy Karshbaum and Hal Wahlborg.

Approval of Agenda Add: Set up workshop re: access Golden Watershed Discussion of perpetuity in regard to holding of land

 Approval of the October 10, 2001 and November 14, 2001 minutes Motion: To approve October 10, 2001 minutes as presented. Sue Howell/Marilyn Hogan Unanimous Motion: To approve November 14, 2001 minutes as presented. Sue Howell/Marilyn Hogan Unanimous

II. Unscheduled Appearances/Public Comment/Announcements Mark Cucinella - Recreation District Master Plan Mark would like to coordinate all of the efforts in this area: municipalities, rafters, private recreation providers, historic district, etc. He perceives the recreation district as a facilitator for the various entities, and would like to come up with some definite goals and issues and provide a recreation vision with everyone fitting together. He would like to coordinate these efforts and develop written plan, or an action document, for direction. Plans to write a GOCO grant this year, and has some commitments from the municipalities. As Open Space applies to this, for example, trailheads development; use of county's existing recreational opportunities, specific projects with prioritization are most meaningful for our community. He noted economic impacts of recreation for Clear Creek County. Sara arrived at 7:28.

Discussion re: facilitation of this project. Open Space Commission is still in infancy stages of gaining identity and developing goals. Mark acknowledge this, saying he was trying to get one person from each group involved to participate, and recognizing that the groups are in various stages with their planning processes and goal development. As the plans develop, individual goals should become clearer. County's plan, which is presently under development by the Planning Commission, should include a recreation element. Mark's time frame would be to finish before the county's master plan. He is planning an organizational meeting 2nd Tuesday of January (8th). County's (Planning Commission) time frame is expected to close at the end of 2002. RFPs are being developed at this time. Mark indicated he will proceed with his efforts independently of county efforts if necessary. His plans have evolved from Clear Creek County Master Plan for Boating. Mark left new Recreation District Schedules, attached.

Short break 7:35 Reconvene 7:47

III. Officer's Reports President, Frank Young: Thanks to everyone for the enormous amount of work in the last month. He noted several field trips during the month, issues with the Mammoth property and several other projects. He suggested the group consider the possibility of paid help within the next few months. One issue coming up soon will be management of county's lands within historic district, where several thousands of acres will be involved.

Vice-President, Fran Enright: No report

Treasurer, Marion Anderson: 108% of budget spending. Marion explained handout #1, which is attached. Detailing income and expenses. YTD expenditures are $21,261.74; projected balance of $193,662.12 for carryover to next year. Marion noted that the County does not pay personal expense items for less than a certain amount ($25.00?), and suggested members accumulate expense items to that amount before submitting for reimbursement. Please use the proper expense voucher form, available from Marion.

Secretary, Hal Wahlborg: Absent

IV. Old Business  - Subregional Planning discussed briefly when Mark Cucinella was present. Discussion: Need to ensure our needs are addressed in the RFPs, as the Planning Commission proceeds with County's Master Plan. - Silver Heritage area has hired consultant for the area. - Update Mammoth decision (2nd reading) Last meeting we passed a motion to proceed with negotiation for Mammoth Claim, price not to exceed $20,000. Sara has been working with the seller and County Attorney to get contract in place. We need 2nd reading of our decision re: purchase, and Sara will get contract, signed by seller and BOCC, then we go to actual purchase (our approval, BOCC approval, closing). It was suggested to incorporate reference to our charter resolution and include restrictive deeding on this deed, in the name of BOCC. Sara will be having a conference call with seller tomorrow (Thursday). Seller put in language in contract referencing charter resolution. ". . never to be re- deeded in perpetuity..." Frank had suggested an adaption of some language from BLM lands transfer for this. Closing was originally set for Friday, but will be delayed, likely until December 27, 2001. Closing package is prepared and ready, though Sara will be out of town. Purchase price is slightly under $20,000, though we pay closing costs of approximately $1,000. There will be a meeting on next Tuesday with the BOCC, where they need to sign this paperwork; title company person to be present. Financial transfer details are all set up. Need time of appointment for title company. At workshop meeting yesterday, Cindy Neely presented the overview and plans for the Waldorf Basin, with an explanation of this parcel's importance, which helped considerably with our presentation. We will need a survey within 6 months, which is likely to cost around $800- 1000.

Motion: 2nd reading of motion to pursue: Open Space Commission to pursue purchase of Mammoth claim at a maximum of $20,000. Marion Anderson/Fran Enright Discussion: Clarification of price: $19,000 and we're paying closing costs. Unanimous County lands Presently process is for County Lands Department (Lisa) bring proposal before BOCC jointly w/ Open Space Commission. There are strong questions about management. We (OSC) will write, with each parcel, a statement of intent to accompany the package to BOCC. There was no decision on parcels presented yesterday; it was continued to January 2, 2002. Lisa is not comfortable approving until our management plan is in place. Management plans to BOCC December 18, 2001 for these parcels (attached). Present plan is for BOCC to approve Open Space plan, and consider plans for three parcels under question. Discussion was lively about process as it affects these parcels and future dealings.

Status of Arrastra parcel - There were discussions with Tim Noble. He supports Open Space & management of property, and he mentioned the need for improvements to the Wild Wagoner road where it comes off of Mill Creek Road. He said there is no school bus service presently up there and he wants that. There was discussion of a school bus turnaround where Wild Wagoner leaves Mill Creek Road. Break 8:47 Reconvene - Sara Left 8:53 - Recent Field inspections - At Lisa's request several members of group have looked at other parcels on and around Alps Mtn, as she (Lisa) is looking at a zoning plan for the area. There is a large contiguous piece with definite Open Space potential having meadows and aspen. Frank showed the group the locations of the parcels on maps and they discussed the field trip. Marilyn will write this up. This appears to be a logical extension of parcels presently being considered, and worth pursuing at this time.  Action plan/planning status report - 2-year plan, went out in October. No comments yet. Will schedule time at a meeting to work through it.  Guanella Pass Update - Scenic Byway Corridor Planning Committee finished work after 18 meetings. Final plan is supposed to be available next week, and Frank will have copies for next Open Space meeting. Area includes Waldorf Basin, Geneva Basin, up to Mt. Evans Wilderness area on the east and to the west based on topography. Management recommendations included. Road was divided into seven segments, with some discussion of surfacing; paved remain paved, not paved remains not to be paved. This is a cooperative effort of various groups, including Georgetown, Clear Creek County, USFS, and the historic district among others. The plan reinforces low impact recreation. Next task will be an interpretive plan for corridor, and interpretive site development.  Elmgreen Lands Update - Sue Howell noted a meeting next Monday night at El Rancho. Fundraising, publicity and urgency issues are coming up requiring attention and preparation. Open Space Commission will likely be asked soon about money. There should be information soon about appraised value, GOCO funds, Jefferson County funds availability, and other needs. Pete noted the development of a web site to have text, maps, and links about this issue as well as incorporating fund raising into the site. TPL is pursuing funding matters at this time, but needs to know community supports the effort. USFS has programs to help with this type of thing, though they don't like to acquire or manage them. South meadow is 67 acres, 17 in Jefferson County; north of 70 area is 437 acres; value undetermined at this time. The question arose: Can we consider Jefferson County managing lands in CCC? Legally they can, but practicality another issue. A question was asked about whether the old wagon access over Floyd Hill crossed this property. We need to have someone research issuance of bonds.

Matt Sailor suggested Steve Bell, of Stifel, Nicolaus for assistance and information. He is willing to come to a meeting and present info. Golden Watershed Update - Plans for workshop on conservation easements (Hal getting information). Hal and Fran would like to set up a workshop for various people, including county attorney. Colorado Open Lands may have information, as well as the Nature Conservancy. Fran is collecting a library of information. MALT (Mel Andrew) could be approached to do the workshop.

Perpetuity issues: Fran would like to research how other people handle this issue, and collect data. We need to set a goal to try in February to get this resolved.

Golden Watershed Summary: Information from Mel Andrew. Appraisal still being prepared. USFS has until sometime in spring when something must happen.

VI. New Business - Submittal of Bills Moody invoice - Approval for payment unanimous

- State has quashed all acquisition of lands by DOW, issue property N of 1-70 between Fall River and Empire Junction. County has started to process lands into government lots, preparatory to selling. Frank mentioned a meeting of BOCC yesterday: Proposal is for the Bighorn Sheep Society to lease the land and allow DOW management. County lands would recommend that those lands be set aside and retained, lease it to BSS for $60,000, lease to run 5 years automatically renewable, when DOW could purchase.

- Correspondence

TekLawn letter: party volunteered to help as she can. Marilyn will look at the information.

VII. Adjournment 9:46

Attachments as noted on file with Recording Secretary and available on request. List of attachments: Recreations District Schedule Treasurer's Report - Budget Compilation YTD OSC Memo - Management Intent: Lila B OSC Memo: Management Intent: Arrastra and Quarry Site OSC Memo: Management Intent: Snyder Mountain Action Plan for Open Space 2002-2003 Time Line/Task Prioritization

Hal Wahlborg, Secretary Frank Young, Chairman