The Jewish-Arab Center

Report on Activities and Programs 2007-2009 The Jewish Arab Center Executive Staff

Head, 2002-2009 - Prof. Faisal Azaiza Chairman - Mr. Dan Bavly Head starting in the 2009-10 academic year - Prof. Shulamit Almog

Previous Heads Prof. Amatzia Baram, 1999-2002 Dr. Ibrahim Geries, 1996-1999 Prof. Joseph Ginat, 1992-1996 Prof. Stanley Waterman, 1991-1992 Prof. George J. Kanaze, 1986-1991 Prof. Arnon Soffer, 1984-1986 Prof. Avner Yaniv, 1983-1984 Prof. Arnon Soffer, 1982-1983 Prof. Avner Yaniv, 1980-1982 Prof. David Kushner, 1977-1980 Prof. Gabriel Ben-Dor, 1974-1977 Dr. Avraham Binyamin, 1972-1974

Administrator - Mr. Patrick Maestracci Projects and Research Coordinator - Ms. Meyrav Shoham Secretary - Ms. Amal Abbas

2 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי Contents

Introduction 4

Research, Programs and Projects 6

Conferences and Summary 15

Student Activities 27

The JAC in the Media 30

Hebrew Abstract 31

Arabic Abstract 32

Activities in 2007-2009 3 The Jewish Arab Center Introduction

The Jewish Arab Center (JAC) is an can find new ways of living together and interdisciplinary research institute within understanding each other better. To further the , internationally this goal, we offer various social, cultural renowned for its work in promoting Jewish- and educational activities related to Jewish- Arab relations. The JAC strives to promote Arab relations to all University students. and facilitate cooperation between and Social Responsibility: The JAC’s involve- Arabs as equal partners through various ment in both research and student activities programs and initiatives. With this in mind, lead to our third area of activities, which we have focused on three main areas of is social responsibility. We contribute to activity: fostering mutual understanding between Research: The JAC supports, publishes and Jews and Arabs, both on campus and disseminates research on various matters in Israeli society in general, and lend related to life in and the Middle East, encouragement and support to initiatives including but not limited to Jewish-Arab leading to involvement in the community relations, conflict and conflict resolution, and in society in an effort to effect changes social change, education and academia, for the better in Arab-Jewish relations. Arab women in Israel, and cultural issues. Throughout the years, we have been We provide a venue for conferences, seminars fortunate to receive the generous support and other academic events in order to share of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung for many new knowledge and create a meaningful of our activities, especially conferences dialog between members of different and student initiatives. In recent years we communities in Israel, both Jews and Arabs. have also pursued initiatives in the field of Student Activities: A primary goal of the JAC Jewish-Arab education and cultural dialog. is to help the University of Haifa to become We are proud to present you with this not just an institute of higher education report and hope you will find our activities for Jews and Arabs alike, but also a forum meaningful and important. where students from different backgrounds

Mr. Dan Bavly Prof. Faisal Azaiza Chairman of Board Head, Jewish-Arab Center

4 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי Background Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel, including: In the early 1970s, the University of Haifa • Providing an umbrella organization for realized the potential for either conflict researchers from different disciplines and or cooperation between Jews and Arabs other countries to meet, exchange information, on campus. A decision was thus made to conduct studies and disseminate knowledge. establish a center that would deal specifically • Supporting and initiating academic with this issue, which would bring together programs in areas important for Jewish- students from diverse backgrounds and Arab relations. provide a forum for discussion and research • Promoting educational initiatives that can on Jewish-Arab relations and the factors foster interaction and cooperation between that affect these relations. Jews and Arabs, and providing knowledge, The Jewish-Arab Center was thus intended guidance and support to people involved in and planned to be a venue to develop new such activities. ideas and consider the implications and • Strengthening ties between Jewish and application of those ideas. The framework Arab students, illuminating their common also included student activities operating interests and providing them a venue to mainly through the support of the Friedrich discuss areas of contention in a meaningful Ebert Foundation, and research done as and respectful manner. part of The Gustav Heinemann Institute of • Training future leaders from the Arab and Middle Eastern Studies. Jewish student population. Since its establishment, the JAC has been at • Enhancing, through partnerships and joint the forefront of academic and practical work ventures between the University and the carried out in order to effect a change for the Jewish and Palestinian Arab communities better in Jewish-Arab relations. The center is in Israel, the connections between the involved in a wide array of activities intended University and other academic organizations to further this goal, the more recent of which and with local and international NGOs with are detailed in this report. similar interests. • Placing issues related to Jewish-Arab coexistence and equality in Israel on the Aims and Objectives public discourse. The JAC is involved in ongoing research and • Promoting gender equality through in various social, educational and academic our activities, including scholarships, programs. Its activities are intended to conferences focusing on women's issues, encourage and support equitable coexistence and support for research on gender issues and respectful dialog between Jewish and in the context of the JAC's activities.

Activities in 2007-2009 5 The Jewish Arab Center Research, Programs and Projects

Arab Women in Israel: Current Status and Future Trends For the past several years, the JAC has presented at these conferences, while also held annual conferences focusing on the presenting new research findings. The experiences of Arab women, their status conference and the publication of the book in various areas and trends for the future. were made possible by the support of the Subjects addressed in these conferences Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. include women's health, gender relations The chapters in the book explore processes and family dynamics, empowerment through of conservation and change in the status education and the effects of education on and the experiences of Arab women in the women and on society, Arab women in Israel. The first part of the book is concerned the job market, new technologies and their with women in society and politics. The mplications, women in politics, and other second part turns to Arab women's health. issues. Chapters in this section shed light on the The book Arab Women in Israel: Current way the experiences and pressures faced by Status and Future Trends was published Arab women manifest themselves as health in September 2009 by Ramot Press. It outcomes. The third part of the book focuses summarizes some of the important subjects on education and employment among Arab women.

The 2009 conference on Arab women in Israel

6 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי

School, Family and Community Partnerships The purpose of the School, Family and Community Partnerships project (SFCP) is to link Jewish and Arab families, schools and communities with academic resources and intervention activities to increase students' academic achievements. SFCP, a three year program focusing on schools in Haifa, was launched in 2009, with the support of the Zeit Stiftung. High rates of failure in the Israeli educational system upon high school graduation (45% among Jewish students and 65% Arab students) indicate that schools' efforts alone The research presented in this book makes are not sufficient to close the achievement it clear that education and employment do gap. There is an urgent need to develop not suffice to ensure gender equality. To support systems at home and in the achieve equality and ensure that women community to help children at risk, those of can take on senior leadership roles, the low socioeconomic status, and particularly Arab family and Arab society must adopt a those in the various national sub-groups, in fundamentally different approach. However, order to meet their full potential at the early due to the limited resources available to stages of education at the primary school. the Arab population in Israel, the existing However, the participation of low-income leadership does not view such a change as and ethnically and nationally diverse parents advantageous to its interests. Women are has been limited since they often lack the forced to enact not only the more modern essential knowledge and skills to support the roles and personae they choose but also the academic and social growth of their children. more traditional ones that remain their lot. The theoretical concept of the project is The book illuminates the areas in which based on the understanding that children's Arab women are undergoing processes of educational improvement, particularly modernization and change, along with the among those who have diverse cultural, factors that leave this change conditional and ethnic and linguistic backgrounds and are partial. It was edited by Prof. Faisal Azaiza, economically disadvantaged, does not take Prof. Khawla Abu-Baker, Prof. (Em.) Rachel place only in schools. These groups in the Hertz-Lazarowitz, and Dr. As'ad Ghanem. population need an assortment of learning

Activities in 2007-2009 7 The Jewish Arab Center

supports that go beyond the school be their family’s involvement in out-of- environment, to assist and support school time activities and programs; health the children's cognitive and behavioral and social service agencies; businesses, development. Epstein proposes six types libraries, museums and community- of family involvement that may be initiated based institutions. Equally important by schools, family members or community is the understanding that community organizations. Family involvement is empowerment has an important role in regarded as a partnership between the school the advancement of students at risk. and the families in which each side learns Community empowerment is a process that from the other how to advance children increases the ability of individuals, families as learners. Types of involvement include: and communities to obtain what they need, Parenting (helping families with parenting and to influence the way people think, act or skills). Communication (assuring effective believe Empowerment is a multidimensional communication about school programs and term that includes concepts of individual and students' progress), volunteering (organizing social empowerment. The first is obtained volunteers and providing volunteer by developing self-efficacy and the second opportunities), learning at home (involving is linked to with social justice, operating families with working with their children at on broader political and social levels. home: for example, reading with children, Community empowerment is a combination help with homework and school projects), of processes in which persons with a critical decision making (including families in common characteristic seek greater control school decisions) and, collaboration with over their lives. The community works the community (coordinating resources and together to create an approach to makers services). of policy in areas that influence their future Children's academic and social development and the quality of their life. could benefit by having a wide network in The schools thus become the focal point the community. Of particular benefit would for linking together teachers and groups of parents along with other private and public groups in the community. This cooperation is represented in a steering committee set up in the school in which delegate citizens of formal and non formal organizations, the parents' committee, teachers and the school administration work together to advance children at risk.

Meeting of the SFCP team with representatives from the Despite being home to both Jews and schools, Haifa municipality and the Ministry of Education Arabs, Haifa's educational system is largely

8 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי segregated, and attempts to establish a We believe that the School, Family and bilingual, binational school have so far Community Partnerships project would be been unsuccessful. The city's schools of great benefit to parents, children and are mostly public, with some private and neighborhood communities in Haifa, and that religious schools, as well as specialized and it can serve as a catalyst for more respectful, experimental schools. Schools serving both positive dialog between Jews and Arabs in populations run a gamut between strong the city. The project team at the University schools serving affluent populations to of Haifa is divided between the Jewish- schools located in low-SES neighborhoods Arab Center, the Faculty of Education and that are home to new immigrants and the School of Social Work. It includes Prof. marginalized groups. Parental involvement Faisal Azaiza, Dr. Bruria Schaedel, Prof. in many of the schools is considerable, (Em.) Rachel Hertz-Lazarowitz, Prof. Amnon and parents have taken in active role in Boehm, Dr. Anat Freund, and Ms. Meyrav advocating for better conditions for their Shoham. children, though not always successfully. Bringing together parents, children, Arab Municipalities in Israel: educators and community activists would towards Better Management and enable them to work together to improve Accountability educational achievement, build community partnerships, and make a positive impact This project began in 2007-8 with the support on Jewish-Arab relations. As part of the of the United Jewish Appeal - Federation of program, each school will choose a long-term New York. Its goals are project to pursue which will bring together 1. To empower Arab local government children, parents, teachers and members of administrators and officials as well as the community to work towards a common people interested in a professional or goal. political career in Arab local government 2. To instill management skills to employees of local government, from diverse fields to assist in daily responsibilities and 3. To encourage more skilled professionalism in the daily and strategic management of Arab local government. The first class included 31 local government employees, 80% of them from the senior professional staff and 20% from the elected leadership. An evaluation showed that most A conservation project at one of the SFCP schools: assessing the local environment of the participants found the program to be

Activities in 2007-2009 9 The Jewish Arab Center empowering personally and professionally. The following subjects were taught as part of Eight of the graduates continued on to the the first class of program: MA program in public administration and • Organizational management theory policy at the School of Political Science. • Arab society in Israel and Arab local The project began with the establishment of government a steering committee which included heads • Organizational politics and administrators of Arab local authorities, • Relationship between local and central academics and representatives on the government Ministry of Interior Affairs who are involved • Organizational and management skills, in empowering local government in general human resource planning and Arab local government specifically. The • Personal and organizational empowerment steering committee met twice to discuss • Relationship between local government the structure of the program, the content and the community that would be taught and recruitment of • Field trips students. • Management information systems • Project management The project was designed to train and empower its participants through courses The project director is Dr. As'ad Ghanem of taking place over three semesters. Graduates the School of Political Science. Mr. Mohanad receive a diploma from the University of Mostafa is the program coordinator. Haifa and the Jewish-Arab Center.

Members of the first class receive their diplomas

10 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי

The Druze Research and Archive Section

In the early 1970s, almost concurrently of the Druze population in Israel are held with the establishment of the University, the periodically. Druze section, including the Druze Archive, The JAC holds annual conferences about was integrated into the Center. Since its various issues of interest to the Druze establishment, the archive has become a population in Israel. The most recent leading international source of information conference was held over two days in April on Druze culture and tradition. It contains 2009. Day 1, at the University of Haifa, one of the finest collections of its kind in the focused on findings from an academic Middle East, including books, periodicals, survey done within the Druze community. chronicles and other documents and media Day 2, held in Peki'in, dealt with the status acquired from all over the world. of Druze women, education in Druze society, A major task of the Druze section is to study, and land management and status. preserve and present Druze history, tradition The Druze section is headed by Prof. Kais and culture. Another key goal is education Firro of the Department of Middle East for the Druze and the advancement of young History. Dr. Faiz Azzam is also affiliated with leadership. In addition, conferences and the Druze section. workshops focusing on the experiences

A conference held as part of the activities of the Druze section

Activities in 2007-2009 11 The Jewish Arab Center

The Program for Bilingual Activities done as part of the program Education in Israel included the following: • Attitudes towards Bilingual Education n May 2005, the Jewish-Arab Center I among the Arab and Jewish Populations of began implementing a program to promote Israel: This study began in year 2 and data bilingual education in Israel, with the support analysis was completed during the third year of the Zeit Stiftung. The program ran for of the program. The study was designed to three and a half years, until the end of 2008. map attitudes and disagreements regarding Its focus in the third and final year was on bilingual education within the Israeli the continuing development of knowledge population, both Jewish and Arab. in a variety of relevant fields, such as language skills, critical education, pedagogy, Over 1,000 people participated in this cross-cultural and social psychology, study in late 2006. Results indicated and sociology. This knowledge was then greater support for bilingual education translated into practical recommendations and integration among Arab citizens of for future programs and projects and was Israel than among Jews; however, results presented to the public, to professionals, obtained from the Jewish respondents and to policy-makers, through publications, were nonetheless encouraging: support for workshops, and our annual conference. bilingual education outstripped opposition to it, even when participants were asked whether they would be willing to send their own children to a bilingual Arab-Hebrew school; respondents expressed willingness for more integration in Israel, and there was a majority which expressed positive attitudes towards according the Arab language a better status in Israel (in effect, actually treating Arabic as the official language that it is). Further analysis indicated that positive attitudes towards bilingual education in Israel were predicted by religiosity, positive attitudes regarding the status of the Arabic language and regarding a civil society, and support for integration. Additional tests also indicated a link between political affiliation and attitudes towards bilingual education.

Cover of the Report on Attitudes regarding The results from this study were presented Bilingual Education at our third annual conference and at the

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International Institute on Peace Education 2008. They were published in Hebrew as a report. In addition, results from the study were analyzed with more advanced statistical methods for an academic journal article.

• The 3rd National Conference on Bilingual Education in Israel: Bilingual Education in Israel: Language, Community and Society: The 3rd national conference on bilingual education in Israel was held on February 28, Prof. Yossi Ben-Artzi, Rector of the University of 2008. The conference was organized as part Haifa, speaking at the 3rd annual conference on of the program for bilingual education by the bilingual education in Israel Jewish-Arab Center, in collaboration with The first session of the conference dealt the Hand in Hand Center for Jewish-Arab with the meaning and implications of Education in Israel, Neve Shalom-Wahat al- bilingual education. Speakers in this session Salam (Oasis of Peace), and the Center for were Prof. Elana Shohamy, an expert on Research on Peace Education. It was attended multilingualism, author and playwright by educators, researchers, activists, public Salman Natour, and Dr. Haggai Kupermintz, officials and students. of the University of Haifa's Faculty of Education. The second session focused on recent research findings from the program for bilingual education and the implications of these findings, with presentations by Prof. Rachel Hertz-Lazarowtiz, Meyrav Shoham, Mouna Karkabi, Dr. Marcelo Svirsky and Dr. Aura Mor-Sommerfeld. The third session was a panel of educators from all four bilingual schools currently operating in Israel (Oasis of Peace, Galilee, Bridge over the Wadi, ) along with a parent from Bridge over the Wadi school.

• Perception of National Identity and Self-Perception of Arab and Jewish Pupils -Comparing those studying in Bilingual Children from Bridge Over the Wadi school at the third national conference on bilingual education, vs. Unilingual Settings in Israel: This study 2008 explored the effect the bilingual context, in

Activities in 2007-2009 13 The Jewish Arab Center which Arab and Jewish pupils study together • Arabic as a Foreign Language in the in a setting based on an ideology of equality, Jewish Israeli Schools: Challenges and on the way in which they perceive their Recommendations: Learning a second national identity and the other group. The language takes place in specific social, study utilized both implicit measurements cultural, and political contexts. Any real and explicit measures. Participants were solutions must consider all of these contexts. fifth and sixth graders from bilingual and This study was completed in year 3 and was monolingual schools. Data collection was published as a report (Hebrew with Arabic carried out over two school years. and English abstracts). It details the current Results were surprising and intriguing: key status of Arabic teaching, the obstacles among them was that Arab pupils from faced, and existing efforts to remedy the bilingual schools had lower levels of social situation. It also includes recommendations identity and self-esteem than their peers in for changing and improving the teaching of monolingual schools; more encouragingly, Arabic in Hebrew schools. We are working perception of stereotypes was lower among with several other organizations to ensure Arab bilingual school pupils than among that these changes are implemented and their peers in monolingual schools. Because that the teaching of the Arabic language and of the unexpected pattern of findings, we culture undergoes a radical transformation. have been approached by the bilingual The subject was also discussed in a schools with the hope of devising appropriate conference co-organized by the JAC and Beit interventions. Berl Academic College in December 2008.

• Attitudes and towards Language and Identity among Jewish Parents of Bilingual School Pupils: While pupils of bilingual schools have been at the heart of various research initiatives, less is known about the attitudes and beliefs of their parents. Choosing to send one's child to a bilingual school is not a common thing to do in Israel; Panelists at the Beit Berl conference discuss the therefore, it is important to learn more about challenges facing Arabic teachers the experiences of the parents who choose to do this. The study, conducted as part Program researchers and staff included Prof. of the year 3 activities, was a qualitative- Faisal Azaiza, Prof. Rachel Hertz-Lazarowitz, ethnographic examination of the effects of Dr. Aura Mor-Sommerfeld, Dr. Muhammad joint activities on the national identity of Amara, Dr. Marcelo Svirsky, Dr. Jenny Jewish parents from Misgav whose children Kurman, Ms. Mouna Karkaby and Ms. attended Galilee bilingual school at the time. Meyrav Shoham.

14 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי Conferences and Seminars

Health, Education and Welfare Services in Times of Crisis: Lessons from the 2nd Lebanon War

two-day conference held by the Jewish- AArab Center at the University of Haifa to mark the first anniversary of the 2006 war in Lebanon. The aim of this event was to analyze and study the psychological and social Mr. Isaac Herzog, the Minister of Social Affairs and effects of the war that took place during 33 Social Services, with Prof. Faisal Azaiza days in the summer of 2006 on the Jewish and Arab population of Israel. The speakers In addition, sessions in the conference were experts and professionals in the fields focused on treatment of trauma victims in of social work, psychology, gerontology and times of emergency; on multidimensional, public policy. They offered important insight system-wide approaches being taken to the complex and difficult issue of the towards services to citizens on the front effects of the prolonged, unexpected violent attack on Israel's civilian population. lines; on preparing the civilian population for times of emergency; and on provision of The presentations and discussions at the services to civilians during emergencies and conference addressed many of the events that crises. took place during the war. Among the many highlights worth noting was the presentation The conference was organized by Prof. Nitza on "Emergency Social Services", given by the Nachmias of the School of Political Science, Minister of Social Affairs and Services, Mr. and was made possible by the support of the Isaac Herzog, and his replies to the queries Ben & Ester Rosenbloom Foundation Inc. of following his talk; the keynote speech by Baltimore, MD as well as the Friedrich Ebert Mr. Howard J. Sumka, the Director of the Stiftung. US Agency for International Development on the West Bank and Gaza, at the gala The presentations from the conference dinner; the recurring theme that NGO's and formed the basis for a book entitled Health, volunteers should not expect government Education and Welfare Services in Times of support in periods of crisis and therefore Crisis: Lessons Learned from the Second should, if possible, act unilaterally or in Lebanon War, which was edited by Prof. cooperation with other such organizations; Faisal Azaiza, Prof. Nitza Nachmias and Prof. and the importance of respecting cultural Miri Cohen. This book is forthcoming from differences and encourage outreaching. Pardes Press.

Activities in 2007-2009 15 The Jewish Arab Center Civil Service among Israel's Arab- Palestinian Population

Civil service for the Arab population of population is willing to do civil volunteer Israel is a contentious issue. In order to work, having this mechanism controlled explore public attitudes on this matter, we by the state is viewed as more problematic. held a conference in early 2008, with the Dr. Mary Totry expressed opposition to the goal of revisiting the subject again in the interpretation of the motives of young Arab- future. The conference was meant to be Palestinian women. a venue to present findings from a survey The conference and the survey received on civil service among the Arab-Palestinian extensive press coverage, including in population and discuss them critically, Haaretz (Hebrew and English), NRG, NFC, to bring the issue of civil service into the Kol Yisrael, Army Radio, Arutz 7 and other public discourse, and to provide a forum for media outlets. The survey findings were activists, officials and academics to discuss also discussed by the Knesset education benefits and drawbacks of civil service committee. among the Arab-Palestinian population. Many people attended the conference, Prof. Sammy Smooha presented some of including a large number of Arab adolescents, the notable findings from the survey, which as well as a sizable group of young women in included the following: Arab adolescents the midst of their own civil service. and their parents were generally supportive of civil service, though many were initially unfamiliar with this option. Public leaders associated with Arab political parties are strongly opposed to civil service. Prof. Smooha also suggested that young Arab women and their mothers may consider civil service an opportunity to advance in broader Israeli society, more so than their male counterparts who face fewer limitations within their own society. It was argued that the phrasing of some of the survey items may account for the high levels of support for civil service found among the Arab public. Dr. As'ad Ghanem suggested that while the Arab-Palestinian Mr. Dan Bavly speaks at the Civil Service conference

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Conference: Non-Governmental Many people from various organizations Organizations & the Third and backgrounds attended, which definitely contributed to the depth and variety of Sector: Knowledge, Power and the discussions. The exploration of the Partnerships future of NGO's with special attention to privatization in the future Israeli welfare This May 2008 was a collaboration system was presented by the Minister of between the JAC and several partners, in Social Affairs & Social Services and by policy Israel and the USA. It was held in order to makers followed by a highly innovative bring together researchers, NGO workers discussion. The bridging function of NGO's and public officials to discuss the growing within the various social and cultural role of NGOs in provision of various services; tensions of Israeli society was presented and to allow those working in the third sector to discussed by American experts, who also learn from each other's experience through remarked on possible future interventions smaller workshops; to have the Minister of in Israel. Welfare and Social Services present his view This conference brought together a variety on the links between the third sector and the of leaders and stakeholders for interesting government, especially considering ongoing discussions and workshops. The latter were processes of privatization; and to discuss an excellent setting for the exchange of ideas the bridging function of NGO's within and experiences, as well as for networking. the various social and cultural tensions of Israeli society.

Ms. Anita Haviv of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Ms. Nancy Kaufman from the Jewish Community Relations Council

Activities in 2007-2009 17 The Jewish Arab Center Can the Crisis be Overcome? Arab Israel has not changed patterns of local political Local Government in Israel at the behavior. In some localities modernization has affected the residents but not the village or town Beginning of the 21st Century itself; in others it has involved the village or town but not the people. In any case, modernization has This conference marked the publication of not broken down the traditional social structures a book with the same title, edited by Dr. As'ad or fostered a modern political leadership, but only Ghanem and Prof. Faisal Azaiza, as well as the altered the role of the traditional social structure start of the JAC's program Arab Municipalities and produced a new local leadership based on in Israel: towards Better Management and traditional forces… Such partial modernization Accountability. Additional objectives of the requires special attention to the needs of Arab conference were to present results from a new local government in Israel. With appropriate survey of public satisfaction regarding the efforts in this direction, Arab local government performances of Arab local authorities, to discuss can be saved". the performance of these authorities, the barriers to more successful governance, and ways in which the situation can be fixed or improved, and to have the Minister of Interior Affairs address these issues.

The opening lecture dealt with the difficulties and challenges facing Arab municipalities. Dr. As'ad Ghanem noted that "the partial and distorted Dr. Nohad 'Ali speaks about the survey results modernization process of the Arab sector in The conference also included a presentation of survey results on leadership and management as seen by the public, by Dr. Nohad 'Ali; presentations on politics and organizational culture in Arab municipalities; a session on the economic dimension of the difficulties facing Arab municipalities; a session focusing on social and educational issues in Arab local governance; and remarks by the president of the University of Haifa followed by an address from the Minister Prof. Faisal Azaiza presents the book Can the Crisis of Interior Affairs at the time, Meir Sheetrit. be Overcome? Arab Local Government in Israel at the Beginning of the 21st Century to Meir Sheetrit, then The survey results were published by several the Minister of Interior Affairs, and University of Haifa Hebrew and Arabic websites (among them NRG, president, Prof. Aaron Ben-Zeev. Panet and Al-Arab).

18 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי

International Institute on Peace Education 2008 – Critical Pedagogy: Educating for Justice and Peace

The IIPE is a multicultural and cooperative learning opportunity in which participants learn from each other about substantive issues and IIPE public plenary interactive teaching approaches. The Institute is also an opportunity for networking and plenaries and workshops offered were based on community building among those who educate an array of methods, perspectives and issues: and work for a culture of peace in the region and these include, among other topics, plenaries internationally. The program consists of plenaries, focused on education in the shadow of the Jewish- workshops, reflection groups, and visits to Arab conflict; public schools as a framework for community projects. It is one of the longest peace education; critical perspectives on women running international educational programs in and violence; militarism, arms trafficking and the world. The 2008 IIPE, held in late July and non-violent resistance; and educational activism early August, dealt with issues of dialogical in conflicted societies. The following selection education for social change and the intersection of some of the workshops offered illustrates the of peace education and critical pedagogy. wealth and variety of the learning experiences that were available: Nurturing a critically informed and engaged • empowering process of street women; citizenry is one of the foundational purposes • story circles for social change; of peace education. By exploring various • new approaches to teaching citizenship approaches to critical pedagogy, the goal is to education; learn and capacitate the participants as educators • engaging youth in dialog about conflict with the skills and knowledge to help students through literature; become critically engaged members of society, • education for peace through theatre of the working to challenge injustice and inequality in oppressed methodology; their communities and in the world at large. • mathematics for human rights and social The IIPE is intended to be a learning community justice; where participants share their knowledge • wilderness activities as a form of critical and experiences, learning from each other's pedagogy and peace education; contributions. • health and human rights education in Greece; The IIPE generally included one plenary, one • enhancing nuclear awareness through reflection group meeting, and one or two education; concurrent workshop sessions each day. The

Activities in 2007-2009 19 The Jewish Arab Center

• exploring strategies for human rights in a The IIPE invites 70 people to participate every global capitalist world; year; in addition, one plenary each year is open • Haifa as a shared/joint city. to the public. Participants in 2008 came from all over the world: Canada, the United States, All of the participants either offered a workshop the Netherlands, Greece, Turkey, Israel, the or presented at a plenary. At the end of each day, Palestinian Authority, Ireland, Italy, Spain, the participants came together in small groups (pre- Philippines, Nepal, Thailand, Japan, Australia, assigned) to reflect on the day's experiences. Tanzania, Nigeria and Chile. They included academics, social activists, students, teachers, Two educational excursions took place as well: and NGO employees. one in Haifa and one to Akko (Acre). The Haifa excursion started with a reception at Haifa's City The organization of the IIPE was transatlantic, Hall, including remarks from Haifa's mayor, in collaboration with the Center for Critical Yona Yahav, who emphasized the importance Pedagogy at Seminar Hakibutzim and Teachers he sees in peace and coexistence activities in College – Columbia University in New York, who Haifa. Additional stops in the excursion included established this framework in 1982. We are very the Bahai center and Wadi Nisnas. The Akko proud of our work on the IIPE and of how well excursion was a tour of the city that highlighted this week-long event turned out. its history and the challenges it faces.

IIPE participants on an excursion to Acre

20 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי

Jewish Arab-Partnership - NGOs account: one is that the Ministry has expertise and the Ministry of Education in certain areas (teaching, cognitive) while the NGOs have expertise in other areas (emotional, experimental); that in educating for peace and This event was held in February 2009, in partnership, it's important to bring together collaboration with the Center for Research on these different aspects and to work together; Peace Education. Its goals were to present key and that since the Ministry is responsible for recommendations from the report recently the educational system, the third sector must be published on this topic; to allow Ministry coordinated with it. He also noted that current of Education officials and NGO workers to NGO activities reach only a fraction of the pupils, present their work and views on Jewish-Arab and perhaps the time has come to think of new cooperation and how it can be improved through initiatives that would reach more people, directly collaborative efforts of the government and the and indirectly. third sector; and to provide a forum for activists, professionals, officials and academics to discuss Next, there were presentations by representatives ways to promote Jewish-Arab partnership and of various NGOs, on matters such as the use of dialog through education. settings outside the schools for Jewish-Arab activities; finding ways to get pupils, teachers and The workshop included a presentation of parents involved; how to make sure participation the report by Prof. Gavriel Salomon and Dr. in such initiatives becomes more common; the Muhammad Essawi. Muhammad Essawi role the Ministry might play in mapping and pointed out that the report aims to help all coordinating NGO efforts; and ways to improve of society, not specific groups. Gabi Salomon the dialog between the Ministry and those active mentioned three points that should be taken into in the field. The conference also included presentations by officials from the Ministry of Education – Leah Rozenberg, the pedagogical director; Soli Natan, District Supervisor for Central Israel; and Adar Cohen, in charge of civics studies. They discussed the role the NGOs are expected to play in changing public attitudes; how NGOs can influence policy by building relationships with the Ministry's leadership; ways in which the Ministry is learning to work with the NGOs; how to create educations for partnership and dialog from kindergarten to high school graduation – by including relevant components in all subjects Prof. Faisal Azaiza's remarks at the Jewish-Arab taught, and by creating knowledge and creating cooperation workshop

Activities in 2007-2009 21 The Jewish Arab Center the appropriate culture in schools; what kinds The conference began with opening remarks of skills and abilities we should develop among by Faisal Azaiza and Tova Buksbaum from teachers and pupils to promote these goals; how Psychoactive. Following this, Hanni Biran, a to get past "convincing those who are already psychologist and psychoanalyst, spoke about convinced". Relations to place: From Possessing to Belonging. Ms. Biran noted that possessing is a concrete Finally, there was an open discussion of various thing while belonging is more metaphoric; issues related to collaboration between the belonging means that both Jews and Arabs can Ministry of Education and the NGOs to bring feel an emotional connection to a place, and leaves about better relations between Jews and Arabs. room for both. She also discussed this issue from The workshop was an opportunity for dialog and philosophical and psychological perspectives. gave those present ideas to consider, as well as opportunities to learn about what is being done and what can be improved.

Whose Place is This? The Jewish- Arab Conflict: between Psychology and Politics

This conference took place in March 2009 and was a collaboration between the JAC and the NGO Psychoactive. Among the goals of this conference: to reflect upon and discuss the concept of "place" as it pertains to Jewish-Arab relations The audience at the conference Whose Place is from different perspectives, including gender This? The Jewish-Arab Conflict: between Psychology and Politics studies, philosophy, anthropology, psychology and theatre; to gain a better understanding of the mental barriers that make sharing this place so Following this, the first panel dealt with gender difficult, and the emotional and social mechanisms as it relates to place. Lilian Abou-Tabickh, which play decisive roles in maintaining and from the gender studies program at Bar-Ilan nurturing the conflict; to explore the conditions University, discussed her research on the ways in which may facilitate dialogue and cooperation which Palestinian women in Israel explain their between Jewish-Israelis and Palestinians; and to move upon marriage. She refers to these women discuss experiences related to possessing a place, as immigrants, because women in Arab society the fear of losing one's place, identity and self- are usually not able to inherit property and are worth related to having a place, belonging and dependent on their husbands in this regard, lacking a sense of belonging, and migration and forcing them to move upon marriage and start displacement. their married lives in a new community. Thus,

22 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי says Ms. Abou-Tabickh, the women fall victim to both the land allocation policy of the government and to the patriarchal conventions of Arab society. She argued that the decision on where to live should be made jointly by both partners in the marriage. Dr. Maya Mukamel, a member of Psychoactive, discussed women's role in the preservation of collective identity. She remarked that men and women have different roles in a situation of occupation and conflict, and that women are used as weapons against perceived demographic threats. Reflection group at the end of the conference Prof. Ramzi Suleiman of the Psychology department at the University of Haifa gave a After the presentations, the participants took presentation entitled Palestinians in a Jewish part in smaller discussion groups, where they State: The Politics and Psychology of Hegemony reflected upon the issues raised throughout the and Cooperation. He discussed the experience of day and what their reaction where to these ideas. the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel as related to several important events, including the events of October 2000 and the political and social repercussion of it, and suggested future directions Index of Arab-Jewish Relations 2008 that might be taken. Following Prof. Suleiman, the afternoon session included presentations by This conference took place in May 2009. The Moshe Alon, Deputy-Director of Educational conference was intended to present findings from Psychological Services Tel Aviv-Jaffa, who the newest index, which is based on research done discussed the experience of Arab pupils who by Prof. Sammy Smooha and Dr. Nohad 'Ali; to attend primarily Jewish schools and described compare findings from the current index with a project that ran in a mixed school which was those published in the past, in order to identify the site of tensions between Jewish and Arab trends over time; to discuss these findings in light adolescents. Next, a Jewish and a Palestinian of recent events and historical processes; and to representative of the Bereaved Families Forum, hear from the Minister for minority affairs about Nir Oren and Khaled Abu Awad, spoke about the planned policies of the government that the loss they experienced, why they chose to might bear on Arab-Jewish relations in Israel. work towards reconciliation afterwards, and Following the opening remarks and an some of the activities they have been involved introduction by Dr. Nohad 'Ali, Prof. Smooha in. Finally, theater director Sinai Peter discussed the representation and place and the Jewish-Arab gave an overview of some of the key findings conflict in theater, and specifically in a play he from the index, and discussed some of the directed, "The Return to Haifa". trends that can be seen over the years that he has

Activities in 2007-2009 23 The Jewish Arab Center been researching the subjected. Both stressed the importance of looking at the findings in the context of social and political events. Prof. Smooha pointed out the importance of Israeli government policy as a predictor of the views and attitudes of the Arab population, noting that the most encouraging results came in 1995, during Rabin's time as Prime Minister. Following Prof. Smooha's presentation, Prof. Tamar Herman and Dr. Mustafa Kabha both responded to the results he had discussed. Prof. Herman suggested that it may be better, in the future, to evaluate not just attitudes towards Prof. Avishai Braverman, the Minister for Minority sources of friction between Jews and Arab but Affairs, speaks at the 2008 index conference also other issues. Dr. Kabha said that the Arab population was opposed to Israel's establishment The final session in the conference brought and continues to pay for this, and that even together a panel of speakers. Prof. Smooha was those who have attempted to integrate were not the moderator and stressed the importance of completely accepted. voluntary interactions between Jews and Arabs. Prof. Avishai Braverman, the Minister for Journalist Nazir Majala spoke of cooperation minority affairs, was the next speaker. He said not just in leadership but also in management. that the very provocative finding regarding He said the compared to the Rabin government holocaust denial, which was highlighted in in the 19902, today there is much more racism most of the media coverage on the index, was towards the Arab population and we're seeing not fully representative of the complex picture the results. Dr. Sarah Osazky-Lazar said that the the index presents, but was a good trigger for goal needs to be a democratic state with equal discussion. Prof. Braverman added that Israel's rights, and that we must have an understanding governments have consistently discriminated of what equality means to achieve this. Good against the Arab population and that this must governmental policies will help the Arab end: Hebrew, Arabic and English should be population feel a greater sense of belongingness. taught in all schools; resource allocation has to Dr Mahmoud Yazbak also discussed a vision change; and decisions must be implemented of equality, and said that there is not enough in full, not just publicized, in order to ensure investment in education. Dan Shiftan spoke partnership, equality and mutual respect. Dr. 'Ali about the difficult situation we are all in. emphasized that the way Arab citizens view the The findings reported in the index are thought- state is a reflection of its policies towards them, so provoking and indicate some disturbing trends. governmental action is very important. However, placed in the context of events in

24 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי the region, they are perhaps not surprising. In the first session, Dr. Yuval Yonai, a sociologist The results received considerable attention in from the University of Haifa, noted that criticism the media, with reports in newspapers and on by academics can open discussions on important websites, as well as on the radio and TV. issues, which is in the public interest just lik research, teaching and other academic work. Dr. Anat Matar, a philosopher from Tel-Aviv University, suggested that Israeli academia is too closely linked with the establishment and with Between Academia and Political military and security institutions. Reem Hazan, Activism: the role of universities a student activist, pointed out that often student in contemporary Israel voices are not heard in these situations, especially Arab students who are often restricted in what they can say. Revital Zilonka, a student from his May 2009 conference brought together T Seminar HaKibutzim, spoke about empowering students and lecturers to discuss the role of children in educational settings and how this universities in criticizing and providing new process can be started by making sure teacher directions for society. Other goals were to shed training colleges become egalitarian and open to light on the role currently played by academics in diversity and dialog. promoting various social and political issues; and to consider the links between academic research Prof. Gadi Elgazi, a historian from Tel-Aviv and teaching and between social responsibility. University, was the first speaker in the next The event was organized in collaboration with session. He discussed universities as grounds for the Center for Critical Pedagogy at Seminar employment disputes and strikes, and pointed HaKibutzim. out that some of the biggest labor struggles of the past few years took place in educational and cultural institutes. He said there were three linked major processes that affect everyone in academia: privatization, globalization, and incorporation. Prof. Hubert Law-Yone, of the Faculty of Architecture at the Technion, reviewed the development of the modern university and how universities can and should be public, democratic environments. Dr. Mahmoud Yazbak of the University of Haifa's Dept. of Middle Eastern History spoke about teaching Arab history and about the current attempts to silence the voice and narrative of the Arab population. Mohanad Mostafa, a doctoral candidate in political science, Between Academia and Political Activism

Activities in 2007-2009 25 The Jewish Arab Center presented results from a survey on the subjects Seminar – Index of Arab-Jewish researched by Arab graduate students, focusing Relations on students in the social sciences and education. He said that the number of Arab graduate This was a smaller workshop addressing the students has increased, and that these students findings that were presented at the May 2009 tend to do their research in their own society, conference. The workshop took place in August which is more comfortable and convenient. 2009, and was held in order to present further In the third session, Daphna Golan, who runs findings from the index to a smaller group the Academia-Community Partnership program of researchers and activists; to reflect on the at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, spoke about meaning and implications of the findings and to the experiences that led her to social action and discuss them critically; and to suggest possible gave an overview of the program she directs. action and collaborative projects in light of these She said many students never get to know the findings. cities in which they study, that there are not The seminar was a success, and is a good model enough opportunities for Arab students, and that for future activities – we would like to combine the opportunity to promote dialog and mutual larger conferences with smaller workshops and activities between Jews and Arabs on campus is seminars for specific groups and people. There not being taken advantage of as well as it could. were some interesting ideas presented both Next, there was a dialog between Hanna Lagasa, for future research and for work that could be a student from Seminar HaKibutzim, and Galia done in the field. Approximately twenty people Zalmanson-Levi, co-director at the Center for attended, divided between researchers from the Critical Pedagogy at Seminar HaKibutzim. University of Haifa and people from various They each brought their unique perspective NGOs and other organizations. to a discussion of the barriers and successes in the process of training teachers to effect social change. The program at Seminar HaKibutzim has a very diverse and multicultural student body, and the two discussed some of the barriers that make it difficult for certain students to get into academic programs, along with some of the issues emphasized in the Seminar HaKibutzim program. The conference was a very interesting one with some thought-provoking and inspiring presentations. This was also the first conference held by the JAC with simultaneous translation A discussion at the 2008 Index of Arab-Jewish into sign language. Relations seminar

26 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי Student activities

The Werner Otto Scholarship Program

Since 2001, the German Friends of the University of Haifa and the Jewish-Arab Center have awarded the Werner Otto Scholarships to outstanding Arab women engaged in graduate studies at the University of Haifa. More than 100 2008 meeting of the Werner Otto Alumni Network scholarship recipients from diverse fields and academic specializations have been awarded this There are already some encouraging trends: scholarship. more and more women are applying for the scholarships; their fields of study are varied and not necessarily what some might consider traditionally feminine; and many more Arab women are not content to complete MA degrees, but also continue on to PhD studies. The scholarship recipients are also committed to contributing to their communities and to society. Starting this year, there is also an alumni network working on community projects. The Jewish-Arab Center is very grateful to Professor Otto Werner and to Ms. Sonja Lahnstein, Chairperson of the German Friends The 2009 Scholarship recipients with Ms. Sonja Association, for making this program possible. Lahnstein-Kandel and Prof. Faisal Azaiza One of the key objectives of the JAC is to combine academic activities with a commitment to socially responsible action. We are proud to be affiliated WO alumni have continued on the PhDs, post- with the Werner Otto scholarship program, doctoral fellowships and academic careers; have which gives so many impressive women the risen to managerial positions in the public sector; opportunity to become even more successful, to and have attained success in the private sector. contribute to their communities and to society, Their accomplishments will inspire other women and to set an example for others. hopefully inspire other women to realize their potential.

Activities in 2007-2009 27 The Jewish Arab Center

Jewish-Arab Dialog Meetings for Social Work Students

The community initiatives team at the School of Social Work suggested holding Jewish-Arab workshops for students at the school. The students felt the need to have a forum where their feelings and thoughts on Jewish-Arab issues could be raised and discussed. During May and June 2009, the group met under the guidance of two moderators, a Jew and an Arab, both of whom are experienced in working with such groups. The first meeting focused on creating a group environment and getting to know one another and the issues that might be raised. The next three meetings were dialog meetings in which various issues were explored at greater length and depth, through the prism of identity and mutual recognition and respect. The Arab-Palestinian students were more empowered than is common in these kinds of groups, and their voice was heard. The Jewish group was very willing to hear this voice and discuss the issues. The students were left with many questions to consider, which will hopefully inform their future decision-making and interactions. We hope to continue this initiative and to hold a similar dialog group over a longer period of time, and hopefully to give students course credits for their participation, which would create greater commitment and also allow students who may not have had the time to take part this year to participate.

28 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי

Jewish-Arab Improvisation workshop

fter a one-year hiatus, and in light of recent A There were two meetings with the community: events that have impacted Jewish-Arab relations, the first one was open to the university this course was again offered in collaboration community, and brought the students from the with the theater department. The workshop is course together with storytellers from around the taught by actress/director Khawla Haj-Debsy. In world. The second was an open workshop that the 2008-9 academic year, it was offered for one took place as part of the Neve Yossef community semester, and included 12 meeting. The workshop theater festival in early July. The audience took included three parts: and introductory phase part in choosing the topics to be dealt with and during which students got to know each other and in creating a theatrical piece, and this enabled learned about improvisation; collecting materials a discussion between the performers and the for the open workshop with an audience; and audience. Ms. Haj-Debsy reports that the meeting working on the materials and preparing them for with the community revealed how tight-knit the meeting with the audience. This was followed the group had become. Despite the different by two meetings with the community. backgrounds and perspectives, the students were The focus of the first part of the course was for the able to express themselves while preserving their students to get to know one another and to learn unique viewpoints and engaging in dialog with about improvisation. The students focused on the audience. social introductions rather than on political and The workshop was a forum to discuss and deal historical matters. The goal in this part was to with a variety of sensitive issues, and students create a safe basis for dealing with difficult issues. came away having had an interesting experience. During the second part of the course, the students dealt with various national issues, touching upon such matters as identity, wars, history, stereotypes, racism, and things that divide as well as things that bring people together. This was done through theatrical exercises, which were followed by discussions and collection of materials to be used. In the third part of the course, these were refined and revised so as to best serve the meeting and discussion with the audience from the community.

Activities in 2007-2009 29 The Jewish Arab Center The JAC in the Media

Report on the Druze conference & survey Artical on findings from the Index of Arab- Jewish Relatons and the conference

Report on the Druze conference & survey Article on findings from the Index of Arab-Jewish Relations and the conference

Report on JAC research findings Article about the WO program

30 Activities in 2007-2009 املركز اليهودي - العربي המרכז היהודי־ערבי המרכז היהודי־ערבי באוניברסיטת חיפה

המרכז היהודי–ערבי נוסד בשנות השבעים 5 בין אקדמיה לאקטיביזם פוליטי: על מקומם של באוניברסיטת חיפה, על מנת לקדם יחסים טובים יותר מרצים וסטודנטים במציאות הישראלית בין יהודים וערבים בקמפוס ומחוצה לו. פעילות המרכז מתמקדת בשלושה תחומים - מחקר, פעילות סטודנטים כמו כן בוצעו ומבוצעים במסגרת פעילות המרכז פרויקטים ואחריות חברתית. ומחקרים שונים, כגון התוכנית לחינוך דו–לשוני בישראל; תוכנית שותפות בית ספר, משפחה וקהילה; מחקר בנושא בתחום הראשון פועל המרכז לקידום המחקר בנושאים נשים ערביות בתפקידים ניהוליים; מחקר בנושא שימוש רב–תחומיים, פוליטיים, כלכליים ותרבותיים, הקשורים בחומרים פסיכואקטיביים בקרב האוכלוסייה הערבית ליחסי יהודים ערבים בארץ ובמזרח התיכון; זאת, תוך ועוד. שיתוף פעולה בין חוקרים ישראלים ופלסטינים, חוקרים ממדינות ערב וממדינות אחרות בעולם. תחום זה כולל בתחום השני מעודד ויוזם המרכז פעילויות משותפות עריכת כנסים ארציים ובינלאומיים, סמינרים, ימי עיון של סטודנטים יהודים וערבים בקמפוס במטרה להביא והרצאות וכן הוצאה לאור של פרסומים שונים. המרכז ל"הכרת האחר", לפתח הבנה ודו–שיח לבחון עמדות פועל יחד עם גופים שונים בתוך האוניברסיטה ומחוצה תוך העלאת תכנים הקשורים ליחסי יהודים וערבים. לה בארגון כנסים ופעילויות נוספות. המרכז מנהל סדנאות שונות בתחום פיתוח מנהיגות בשנים האחרונות נערכו הכנסים והסמינרים הבאים: בקרב סטודנטים בקמפוס והכשרתם לפעילות מחוצה לו, ומעניק, בשיתוף עם ידידי האוניברסיטה בגרמניה, 5 כנסים שנתיים בנושא חינוך דו–לשוני בישראל את מלגות ורנר אוטו לסטודנטיות ערביות מצטיינות 5 שירות אזרחי לאוכלוסייה הערבית בישראל בשיח לתארים מתקדמים, ונותן חסות לפעילויות תרבותיות הציבורי וחברתיות שונות עבור סטודנטים יהודים וערבים. 5 עמותות ללא מטרות רווח והמגזר השלישי בחברה הישראלית: ידע, כוח ושיתוף פעולה שני תחומים אלו מתלכדים לתחום השלישי — אחריות חברתית, וזאת בזכות ההכרה שמחקר איכותי ופעילות 5 מדד יחסי יהודים–ערבים 2008 היוצאת מתחומי הקמפוס משפיעים על חיי הקהילה 5 כנסים שנתיים בנושא נשים ערביות בישראל )וכן והחברה ותורמים לשינוי דפוסי חשיבה ולקידום חברה הוצאת ספר בנושא( שוויונית. במסגרת זו ניתן למנות את פעילות המרכז 5 מינהל שלטון מקומי ברשויות הערביות בתחום החינוך, פרויקט מנהיגות קהילתית בשיתוף עם 5 כנסים במסגרת פעילות המדור הדרוזי דיקנאט הסטודנטים, פרויקטים קהילתיים המבוצעים 5 הוראת ערבית כשפה שנייה/זרה בישראל: הקשרים, כחלק מתוכנית מלגות ורנר אוטו, קידום מנהיגות ושכבת מודלים ואתגרים ניהול מקצועית ואיכותית בשלטון המקומי הערבי, ועוד. 5 של מי המקום הזה? הקונפליקט היהודי-ערבי בין תחומים אלו מעניקים למרכז את ייחודו כמרכז מחקר המרחב הנפשי למרחב הפוליטי אקדמי שמשלב בין מחקר פעילות סטודנטים ופעילות 5 International Institute of Peace Education למען הקהילה. בנושא פדגוגיה ביקורתית: חינוך לשלום וצדק 5 חינוך לשותפות יהודית–ערבית: דרכי שיתוף בין כתובת אתר האינטרנט של המרכז: משרד החינוך לארגונים העוסקים בתחום

Activities in 2007-2009 31 The Jewish Arab Center المركز اليهودي – العربي جامعة حيفا تأسس المركز في سبعينيات القرن الماضي في جامعة حيفا 5 تربية الشراكة اليهودية العربية : طرق التعاون بين وزارة , بهدف تعزيز العالقات بين اليهود والعرب في الحرم الجامعي المعارف والمنظمات التي تعمل في نفس المجال وخارجه . تتمحور فعاليات المركز بثالثة مجاالت :- البحث 5 بين التعليم األكاديمي والنشاط السياسي , وحول مكانة ,نشاطات وفعاليات طالبية والمسؤولية االجتماعية . المحاضرين والطالب العرب في الواقع اإلسرائيلي في المجال األول يعمل المركز علي تعزيز البحث في مواضيع هذا وفي نطاق المركز تم تنفيذ مشاريع وأبحاث مختلفة, منها متعددة المجاالت ، منها المجاالت السياسية , االقتصادية , برامج التربية ثنائية اللغة في إسرائيل, برنامج الشراكة في االجتماعية والمواضيع ذات الصلة بالعالقات اليهودية العربية في المدارس, العائلة والمجتمع , بحث تناول قضية النساء العربيات البالد وفي الشرق األوسط , هذا من خالل تعاون بين باحثين في المراكز اإلدارية وبحث حول استعمال المخدرات في أوساط إسرائيليين وفلسطينيين , وباحثين من عدة دول ومنها دول عربيه, المجتمع العربي. هذا المجال يضمن عقد مؤتمرات قطريه وعالميه, حلقات وأيام دراسية ,محاضرات وإصدار مجموعه من النشرات األكاديمية في المجال الثاني يشجع المركز ويبادر إلقامة فعاليات مشتركة والعلمية المختلفة , يعمل المركز بالتعاون مع إطراف وجهات بين طالب يهود وعرب في الحرم الجامعي بهدف "معرفة األخر", مختلفة داخل الحرم الجامعي وأخرى من خارجه في موضوع وتطوير التفاهم والحوار ولفحص مواقف فيما يتعلق بالعالقات عقد المؤتمرات وتنسيق الفعاليات اإلضافية المختلفة والمتعددة . العربية اليهودية, حيث يقيم المركز ورشات عمل مختلفة في مجال تطوير القيادة بين الطالب وتأهيلهم لما بعد مرحلة الدراسة هذا وقد أقيمت في السنوات السابقة مؤتمرات وحلقات دراسية األكاديمية. مختلفة منها :- كما ويقدم المركز بالتعاون مع أصدقاء جامعة حيفا في ألمانيا 5 مؤتمرات سنوية بموضوع التربية ثنائية اللغة في إسرائيل منح فرنير اوطو لطالبات العربيات المتفوقات أللواتي يدرسن للقب 5 الخدمة المدنية للمواطنين العرب في إسرائيل الحوار بين الثاني والثالث, كما ويرعى فعاليات تربوية واجتماعية مختلفة الدعم و الرفض لطالب يهود وعرب. 5 "جمعيات تعاونية, ومؤسسات العمل المدني في المجتمع يندمج المجاالن السابقان إلى المجال الثالث - المسؤولية اإلسرائيلي : معرفة, قوة وتعاون" االجتماعية, هذا وبفضل البحث المميز والفعاليات التي تخرج , 5 مؤشر العالقات اليهودية العربية للعام 2008 من حدود الحرم الجامعي والتي تؤثر علي حياه المجتمع والتي تساهم في تغير أنماط التفكير ولتطوير مجتمع أكثر تساويا , ففي 5 مؤتمرات سنوية حول النساء العربيات في إسرائيل. )إضافة هذا المجال يمكن ذكر نشاط المركز في مجال التعليم , مشروع إلى إصدار كتاب حول الموضوع(. القيادية الجماهيرية بالتعاون مع مكتب عميد الطلبة , ومشاريع 5 إدارة الحكم المحلي في السلطات المحلية العربية جماهيرية التي تنفذ كجزء من برنامج منح فرنير اوطو بالتعاون مع أصدقاء جامعة حيفا في ألمانيا, ومشروع تطوير القدرات 5 مؤتمرات بإطار الفعاليات قسم الطائفة الدرزية القيادية والمهنية في الحكم المحلي العربي. 5 تعليم اللغة العربية كلغة ثانية في إسرائيل ، عالقات ، نماذج هذه المجاالت تطفئ علي المركز الطابع الخاص والمميز كمركز وتحديات ُ بحث أكاديمي الذي يدمج بين البحث العلمي ,النشاط الطالبي 5 لمن هذا المكان ؟ الصراع اليهودي العربي بين الحيز النفسي والنشاط لصالح المجتمع والجمهور. والسياسي عنوان البريد االلكتروني للمركز : 5 المركز العالمي للتربية للسالم : التربية للسالم والعدالة

32 Activities in 2007-2009 The Jewish-Arab Center Report on Activities 2007-2009

Content and Editing: Meyrav Shoham Production coordinator: Amal Abbas Photography: Patrick Maestracci Design: Sara Nitzan

The University of Haifa, 2009