Advisory Committee and task forces The 4th Conference - 2003

Abu Baker, Hussam

Mr. Hussam Abu Baker Strategic Coordinator and member of the Senior Staff at the Abraham Fund Initiatives. A strategic development advisor and course director for Public Leadership and Management. Serves as member of the Regional Council of Maaleh Iron and Deputy to the Head of the Council for education affairs. Formerly, Founding-Director of the Marg Education for Life Association and founder of the Culture of Life Association. An expert on joint Arab-Jewish education. Received M.A. degrees in Political Science from the Hebrew University in and in Education from the University of Liverpool, England.

Abuav, Shmuel

Mr. Shmuel Abuav Mayor of Kiryat Tivon since 1989. Serves as Chair of the Union of Local Authorities' Education Committee, on the Board of Trustees at the Institute for Development and Research of Public Buildings, and as a member of The Abraham Fund Initiatives Council. Graduated from Oranim College in Education.

Achdut, Leah

Ms. Leah Achdut Deputy Director General for Research & Planning of the National Insurance Institute of . Served as Director of the Institute for Economic and Social Research, and as Economic Advisor to the Trade Union Federations. Received an M.A. in Economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Aldaroti, Zvi

Mr. Zvi Aldaroti Partner and Chair of B.N.H. Construction, Management and Engineering Ltd. Heads a team that, supervises the implementation and development of zoning plans in Arab communities. Held various senior private and public positions including Director General of the Prime Minister’s Office and General Director of the construction company of the Jewish Agency for Israel. Served as Mayor of Migdal Ha’emek for eighteen years. Recipient of the Rosolio Prize for Public Administration. Received a B.A. in Political Science and Public Administration from the . Graduated from the Central Management Institute for the Civil Service Commission.

Altar, Michael

Col. (res.) Michael Altar Director of External Relations at the Institute for Policy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Previously managed a private company dealing with international trade in security and civil areas. Served in the IDF and the Israel in South Africa and managed external relations יSecurity Agency for more than twenty years, where he served as Military Attach with foreign armies and military organizations. Received a B.A. in Middle East and Africa Studies from University. Graduated from the IDF Command and Staff College

Amidror, Yaakov

Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror Served in the IDF for more than thirty years holding various positions, primarily in the Intelligence Directorate. Most recently was Military Secretary to the Minister of Defense and Commander of the IDF’s Colleges. Upon retirement, he was a senior research fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Published a book on military and security affairs. Received an M.A. in Political Science from the University of Haifa.

Amit, Meir

Maj. Gen. (res.) Meir Amit Chair, Center for Special Studies and Chair of the Boards of “Hallal” and Spark Venture Capital Fund. Previously, CEO of Koor Industries for nine years. Served in the IDF for over thirty-nine years in various command positions, after which he was appointed Head of the . Elected to ninth and appointed Minister of Transportation and Communications, where he was among the instigators of the Israeli satellite project, “Amos”. Member of the Presidium of the Herzliya Conference.

Arnon, Yuval

Dr. Yuval Arnon Lecturer at the College of Judea and Samaria in . Formerly lectured on at the University of Haifa and conducted research at the Shiloah Institute, . Worked in the Prime Minister’s Office. Author of four books on the history of the Palestinian national movement and the PLO. Received a Ph.D. in History from Tel Aviv University. Completed Post-Doctoral studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.

Azaiza, As'ad

Mr. As’ad Azaiza Financial and Municipal Advisor. Served as Economic Advisor to the Union of Local Authorities and General Accountant and Treasurer of a number of local authorities. A financial and budgetary consultant to a number of Arab local vis the central government. Previously Mayor of Daburia for fifteen years. Graduated-א-authorities, whom he also represented vis from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Economics and Statistics and from the University of Haifa in Accounting.

Balas, Nachum

Mr. Nachum Balas Educational Planning Advisor. Held senior managerial positions in education planning at the municipal and national level. Served as Assistant to the General-Director of the Ministry of Education. Published many articles on the economics of education in Israel, integration in education, implementation of changes in large educational systems and bridging the gaps in education. Received an M.A. in History from Rutgers University.

Barkan, Nimrod

Mr. Nimrod Barkan Director, World Jewish Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. An expert on . Held various positions in the Foreign Service since 1977, including Policy Adviser to the Director General, Director of the Bureau for Strategic and Economic Affairs at the Ministry’s Policy Research Center, Director of the Egyptian Department and a director in the Arms Control and Regional Security Department. Lectured at the National Security College and the Hebrew University. B.A. in History and International Relations and M.A. in International Relations, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Baskin, Gershon

Dr. Gershon Baskin Israeli Co-Director and founder of the Israel/ Center for Research and Information (I.P.C.R.I.). Worked in the field of Jewish-Arab relations in Israel for the Ministry of Education also as Executive Director of the Institute of Education for Jewish-Arab Coexistence (established by the Israeli Ministry of Education and the Prime Minister’s Office). Published books and articles in the Hebrew, English and Arab press about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Received a Ph.D. in International Affairs from Greenwich University, UK.

Ben Meir, Yehuda

Dr. Yehuda Ben Meir Lawyer at Lipa Meir & Co. Law Offices, and a Senior Fellow at the Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies. Previously, a Professor of Psychology and the Head of the Department of Psychology at Tel Aviv University. Served as Senior Research Officer in the IDF General Staff Psychological Research Unit. Knesset member for thirteen years as a member for the Religious Party, during which appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Published two books, National Security Decision Making: The Israel Case and Civil-Military Relations in Israel. Received a LL.B. from Bar-Ilan University and a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Columbia University.

Ben-Ami, Haim

Adv. Haim Ben-Ami Served in the Prime Minister’s Office for twenty-eight years in senior positions. Upon retirement appointed Managing Director of “Ort Israel”, a network of colleges and schools for the study of advanced technologies and sciences. Received an M.A. in Management and Public Policy from the University of Haifa. Graduate of Tel Aviv University’s Law School and the National Security College. Completed an advanced management course at Harvard Business School.

Ben-Har, Gila

Ms. Gila Ben-Har Director of the Center for Educational Technology. Served as Director of the Culture and Education Administration at the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality. Held a number of advisory roles relating to organization, management and education at both the municipal and national levels. Formerly, a member of the educational planning committees. Received an M.A. in Education from Bar-Ilan University. Graduate of the Mandel School of Educational Leadership.

Ben-Israel, Isaac

Maj. Gen. (res.) Prof. Isaac Ben-Israel Head of the Morris E. Curiel Center for International Studies and Professor at the Cohen Institute for History and of Science and Ideas and the Security Studies Program at Tel Aviv University. Former Director of the Research and Development Directorate in the Ministry of Defense. Held several positions in the operations, intelligence and development divisions of the Israeli Air Force, including Head of the Operations Research Branch and Head of the Analysis and Assessment Division of IAF Intelligence. Founded a technological and strategic consulting firm. Recipient of several Israeli national security awards and of the Singapore Defense Technology Distinguished Award. Authored numerous articles on military and defense issues. His book Dialogues on Science and Intelligence won him the Yitzhak Sadeh Prize for Military Literature. Received a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Tel Aviv University.

Ben-Or, Nava

Adv. Nava Ben-Or Deputy State Attorney, Criminal Division, Ministry of Justice. Served as senior attorney and Director of the Criminal Department at the Attorney General’s Office. Received a scholarship from the British Foreign Ministry and the British Council to attend a study program on dealing with police violence in London. Holds a LL.M. from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Bigger, Avraham

Mr. Avraham Bigger Deputy Chair of the Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation, owner and CEO of Bigger Investments, Chairman of Supersal, and Chair and co-owner of Kaniel Industries. Board member of several companies and organizations including Bank Leumi, the Strauss Group, and Partner Communications. Former CEO and Director of Paz Oil, Menorah Insurance, and the General Bank of Israel (Bank Clali). Before joining the private sector, he was employed by the Budget Division of the Ministry of Finance. Received a B.A. in Economics and an MBA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Biran, Danny

Adv. Danny Biran President of Koor Industries. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tadiran, Isrex and director of a number of companies within the Koor group, such as ECI Telecom and Knafayim. Before his current position, served as Vice President of the Claridge Group. A senior executive in the Prime Minister’s Office for more than two decades,held primary responsibility for diplomatic and special assignments. Graduate of Tel Aviv University Law School.

Briskin, Benny

Mr. Benny Briskin Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Media consultant for institutions, organizations, and public personalities. Former Chair of “Mofet”, a national network for excellence in Sciences. Served as an immigration and absorption consultant to the Prime Minister, as Head of Communication with the Russian Media in the Government Press Office, student coordinator of the Zionist Organization’s Students Department and editor of the National Zionist Organization’sRussian language newspaper. Received an M.A. in History and Archive Research from Moscow University.

Canetti-Nisim, Daphna

Dr. Daphna Canetti-Nisim Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at the University of Haifa and Head of the Publications Department of the National Security Studies Center. Also serves as the managing editor of “State and Society”. Received a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Haifa.

Chen, David

Prof. David Chen Professor of Science and Technology Education, School of Education, Tel Aviv University and former Dean of the School. Member of professional societies in the area of educational research both in Israel and worldwide. Held lectureships and visiting positions at a number of universities including Harvard University, MIT, Stanford and Queens College, CUNY. Also served as National Director of the Amos De Shalit Israel Science Teaching Center. Served as Assistant to the for Education and Social Welfare issues. Recipient of the Tel Aviv-Yafo Education Prize and the Kennedy Prize from the Weizmann Institute of Science. Co-authored several books and textbooks as well as many articles. Received a Ph.D. in Bio-Physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Daliot (Bloomberg), Shaike (Yeshayahu)

Mr. Shaike (Yeshayahu) Daliot (Bloomberg) Co-Founder and Director-General of the Center for Special Studies (CSS). Currently engaged in the management of international projects, as well as private initiatives in the energy and development sectors. Chairman of the Board of two energy companies. Served in senior positions in the Mossad for over two decades. Received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.

Doron, Abraham

Prof. Abraham Doron Professor Emeritus at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His areas of expertise include social security systems and, health and welfare services in Israel and abroad. Published numerous papers in these areas. Received a Ph.D. from The London School of Economics and Political Science.

Elad-Altman, Israel

Dr. Israel Elad-Altman Director of Studies at the Institute for Policy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Served in various official positions in Israel and abroad. Formerly, a lecturer at Tel Aviv University and a Research Fellow at the Shiloah Institute for Middle East Studies. Received a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from UCLA.

Elran, Meir

Brig. Gen. (res.) Meir Elran Senior Advisor to the National Security Council, Prime Minister’s Office. Formerly, Deputy Director- General of the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality and a strategic planning advisor to government offices, municipalities and universities. Served in senior positions in the Military Intelligence Directorate of the IDF, and as Deputy Commander of the National Security College and as Deputy Director of Military Intelligence Directorate. Received an M.A. in International Relations and Russians Studies from the University of Indiana.

Erlich, Reuven

Col. (res.) Dr. Reuven Erlich Assistant Advisor of the Minister of Defense and Director of the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies (CSS). Lecturer on Intelligence Studies at the IDC's Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy and a Research Fellow at its International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT). Retired from IDF after thirty years of service in the Intelligence Directorate where he served mainly as an analyst specializing in Syrian, Lebanese and Palestinian affairs. Served as Deputy Coordinator of Government Activities in Lebanon from 1985 until Israel’s withdrawal in 2001. Author of several books and articles on Syrian and Lebanese issues. Received a Ph.D. from Tel Aviv University.

Even, Shmuel

Col. (res.) Dr. Shmuel Even Economist and Strategic Adviser. Serves as strategic adviser to Director of IDF Military Intelligence and a member of the Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University. Held several positions in government and corporate offices, such as the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Defense, Clal Israel, Clal Industries, Delek Investments Company, and IDB Development Company. Served in the IDF Intelligence for twenty-one years. Received a Ph.D. in Economics from the Technion.

Federmann, Michael

Mr. Michael Federmann President and CEO of Federmann Enterprises, Chair of Dan Hotels Corp. Ltd. and Elbit Systems Ltd. Held various management positions in the Federmann Group since 1969. Serves as Chair of the Federation of Israeli Tourist Organizations, Deputy Chair of the Board of Governors at the Weizmann Institute, and Vice President of the EU-Israel Forum. Received an MBA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which conferred him a Ph.D. h.c.

Freund, Tali

Dr. Tali Freund Manager of the Planning, Assessment and Control Unit of the Education and Culture Administration, Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality. Served as a lecturer at Tel Aviv University and member of the founding team of “Kedma” Youth Village for rehabilitation for juvenile delinquents. Earned a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Tel Aviv University.

Galperin, Misha

Dr. Misha Galperin Executive Vice President of the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington. Served as COO of the New York UJA-Federation and as Director of Professional Services at the New York Association for New Americans (NYANA), the largest immigrant services agency in the United States. Graduated from Yeshiva University in Theoretical Physics and Jewish Studies.

Ganani-Elad, Dvora

Dvora Ganani-Elad Director-General, Hakeren L’yedidut, Israel (IFCJ, USA). Former President of World Peace Center on Mount Zion, Jerusalem and owner and President of World Wide Vision, Ltd. in Cairo, Egypt. Served as Consul for the Ministry of Tourism in the U.S.’s Southeast Region. Served as Media Advisor and spokesperson to the ministries of Justice, Tourism, Finance and Health. Media Advisor to the wife of the president of Israel. Was also Director of Public Relations of Shiff Hotels in Israel and Assistant to the Mayor of Jerusalem’s spokesperson. Has written numerous articles for the Israeli press on culture, education and social affairs. Columnist for Yediot Ahronot, an Israeli national daily, and for a local Jerusalem paper. Published three books of poetry and a novel. Graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in social work and received a diploma in Public Relations and Advertising from the Technion, Israel Institute for Technology.

Gavish, Moshe

Mr. Moshe Gavish Serves as member of the Advisory Public Council for the National Lottery of Israel and Manager of the Israel Center for Management. Served as Deputy Chair for Danker Investments, General Manager of Mercantile Discount Bank, Income Tax Commissioner, and several other positions in the Ministry of Finance. Received a B.A. in Economics, a LL.B. and an MBA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Gilben, Yossi

Mr. Yossi Gilben Director of Belbank Ltd., an international energy consulting company. Also serves as strategic consultant to the Israeli Institute of Petroleum and Energy and as commercial consultant to Trans-Asiatic Oil S.A. Served as Managing Director at Bridge Oil (UK) Ltd. and as COO and Head of the Commercial Department at Trans-Asiatic Oil S.A. Earned an M.A. in International Relations from New York University. Attended advanced studies program on petroleum economics for managers in the international energy market at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Gilboa, Amos

Brig. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilboa Advisor on Intelligence Affairs to the Israeli Intelligence Community and lecturer on Intelligence Studies at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. A political columnist for Ma’ariv, an Israeli daily newspaper. Held several senior positions in the Intelligence Directorate and the Intelligence Department of the IDF General Staff, his last position being Head of Research Division. Served as Advisor to the Prime Minister on Arab Affairs and as Advisor to Minister of Defense. Received an M.A. in Arabic and Middle East Studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Gilead, Israel

Prof. Israel Gilead Bora Larskin Professor of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His areas of expertise include tort law, bills and notes, and limitations of civil actions. Member of the European Group on Tort Law and the European Center of Tort and Insurance Law. Member of a subcommittee of the Council of Higher Education for studies offered by Law Colleges and of the Court of Israel’s Press Council. He was a Visiting Scholar and adjunct lecturer of law at Columbia University Law School and Senior Lecturer at the University of Haifa. Received a LL.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem School of Law.

Ginat, Joseph

Prof. Joseph Ginat Professor in the Department of the Land of Israel Studies and a member of the Steering Committee of the Jewish-Arab Center at the University of Haifa, and Co-Director of the Center for Peace Studies at Oklahoma University. An expert on the Anthropology of Middle Eastern Societies. Chair of the Committee on Boundaries of Arab Local Councils in “Wadi Ara”, Ministry of the Interior. Held senior academic-managerial positions in Haifa, Tel-Aviv and Oklahoma Universities. Author of eleven books and many papers in various academic publications. Received a Ph.D. in Anthropology from University.

Golan, Achiav

Col. Achiav Golan Head of Planning, Budgeting and Control Division, Directorate of Defense Research and Development, Ministry of Defense. Held other staff posts at the Ministry including budgeting, planning and acquisition, along with other field assignments. Received an MBA from Tel-Aviv University. Graduated from the IDF Command and Staff School.

Gold, Marc

Mr. Marc Gold Associate Member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel. Serves as Chair of the Israel and Overseas Department and a member of the Executive Committee of Federation-CJA in Montreal and the Partnership 2000 Committee. Holds Board memberships of several private and public corporations and venture capital funds. Former professor of law at York University. Graduated from the University of British Columbia and Harvard Law School.

Harari, Shalom

Col. (res.) Shalom Harari Associate of the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Former Advisor for Palestinian Affairs at the Ministry of Defense and at the IDF Judea and Samaria Headquarters. Served in the Intelligence Corps Research Division in positions related to military research and intelligence gathering. Commentator in the local media on matters relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Hermoni, Hezi

Mr. Hezi Hermoni President and CEO, Tadiran Communications. Joined the company in 1984 and has held various professional and managerial positions including, General Manager of Tactical Communications Division and Director of the Radio Telephone Division. Graduated from Tel Aviv University in Electrical Engineering.

Hilu, Nadia

Ms. Nadia Hilu Director of the Hirsch Center for Preschoolers in Yafo, Deputy Chair for Co-existence of Na’amat, Chair of the Arab Women’s Council and Advisor on Women’s Rights to the Federation of Israeli Mayors. Founding Chair of “Manara”, an organization for the development of leadership of Arab women. Board member and advisor in many organizations such as the Tel-Aviv-Yafo Municipal Women’s Council, the Federation of Israeli Unions’ International Institute, and the Public Council of the Abraham Fund. Served as senior probation officer for youth in the Arab sector in Tel Aviv at the Yafo Mental Health Center. Selected by Lady Globs as one of the top ten Israeli career women in 1998. Received an M.A. in Social Work from Tel Aviv University.

Hoffi, Yitzhak

Maj. Gen. (res.) Yitzhak Hoffi Former Head of Mossad. Served in the Palmach and the IDF for thirty years in various command posts, his last position as Acting Chief of General Staff after the . After retiring from the Mossad, he was appointed Director-General of The Israel Electric Corporation and later assumed the chairmanship of Tadiran Corporation. In recent years, he is a director of a number of economic corporations, among them Bank Leumi and Migdal Insurance Company and is a board member of several non-profit organizations. Member of the Presidium of the Herzliya Conference.

Horowitz, Uri

Col. (res.) Uri Horowitz is with the National Security Council and a fellow at the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University. Served as a research officer in the Research Division of the IDF Intelligence Directorate. Received a BA in Arabic, Arab Literature and the History of the Middle East.

Hu, Chun-pu

Mr. Chun-pu Hu Director, Research and Planning Board, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan. Has been with the Taiwanese diplomatic service for more than twenty years in various positions in Taipei and abroad. Until recently, seconded to the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, where he served as Senior Consultant in the Office of the Secretary General. Recipient of the Three-Star Order of Latvia. Received a M.A. from East Carolina University.

Hurvitz, Yair

Adv. Yair Hurvitz Lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Bar Ilan University. Served as General Director of the State Comptrollers’ Office and as legal advisor to the City Municipality of Jerusalem. A former attorney in the Prosecutors’ Office of the Jerusalem Municipality and the State Office and a Senior Deputy to the State Prosecutor. Received an LL.M. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ifergan, Avi

Mr. Avi Ifergan Research Fellow at Institute of Policy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya and at the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute. Lectures at Bar Ilan University’s Program for Overseas Students on Israeli Foreign Policy. Researcher for “Reshet Bet’s” radio program “Assessment of the Current Situation”. Previously, founded an Internet start-up company in San Francisco. Formerly employed as a venture capital executive, investment analyst and management consultant. Received a B.A. in Business from the University of Technology, Sydney. Holds a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from the Securities Institute of Australia. Currently completing an M.A. at Bar Ilan University’s Conflict Management and Negotiations Program.

Inbari, Pinhas

Mr. Pinhas Inbari A veteran journalist and researcher covering Palestinian and Middle Eastern affairs. The General Director of The Arnold Neustadter Institute for Peace Implementation in Modi'in. Author of several books including The Palestinians between Terrorism and Statehood. Holds an M.A from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Islamic Culture and Classic Arabic.

Kaplan, Mandel

Mr. Mandel Kaplan Chairman of the Executive Board of the World Jewish Congress, Honorary President of Keren Hayesod, and Chairman of the JDC Authority for Jewish Zionist Education. Member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Co-Chairman of the Jewish Zionist Education Committee, and Chairman of the Jerusalem Foundation. Also served as the National Chairman of the United Jewish Israel Appeals of South Africa. Graduated from the University of Cape Town and the Columbia University Law School.

Kerner, Brian

Mr. Brian Kerner Member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel. Co-Chairman of World Income Committee. Currently serves as President of the United Jewish Israel Appeals (UJIA), Honorary Vice President the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland, and Vice Chairman of Britain-Israel Public Affairs Committee. Founder of the British Israel Communications and Research Center. A pharmacist by profession, and former CEO and major shareholder in Underwoods PLC.

Khamaisi, Rassem

Dr. Rassem Khamaisi City Planner, Urban Developer and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Haifa. Research Fellow at the Floersheimer Institute for Policy Studies. Manager of a Center for Urban Planning in Kfar Kanah. Member of a Senior Planning team that prepares plans at the national, regional and local levels. Senior Research Fellow and planning expert at the International Center for Cooperation and Peace in Jerusalem. Published extensively in Israel and abroad on matters related to urban planning, management and real estate. Received a Ph.D. in Geography from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Completed post-Doctoral studies at the LSE and at Queen Mary and Westfied College in London.

Klempner, Shmuel

Mr. Shmuel Klempner Managing Director at the Israel Institute of Petroleum and Energy. Previously served as Deputy Operations Manager, Chief Engineer at Sonol Israel and as project engineer at the Industrial Development Company. Received a B.A. in Mechanical Engineering from the Technion.

Kop, Yaacov

Prof. Yaacov Kop Director, the Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel and Professor of Public Policy at Ben Gurion University in the Negev. An expert on social policy, welfare economics and economic demography. Previously served as Vice-President of the World Institute for Leadership Management in Africa, Washington D.C. Chairman of the Board of the Center for Defense and Peace Economics, Bar Ilan University. Visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) three times, and at the National Institute for Economic and Social Research. Held visiting positions at Ben Gurion University and the Brookings Institute in Washington. Worked as consultant to the IMF and the World Bank. Held managerial positions at the Falk Institute for Economic Research, Hebrew University. Authored and edited more than 20 volumes and scores of professional articles and reports.

Koschitzky, Julia

Ms. Julia Koschitzky Member of the Board of Governors and the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel. Co-Chair of the Education Committee and the Pincus Fund. Involved in the Jewish Federation of Greater Toronto and the Chair of the UJA- Federation Canada. Currently serves on the Board of the Canadian Jewish News. Also served as Chair of the Keren Hayesod World Board of Trustees.

Kovarsky, Moshik

Mr. Moshik Kovarsky Independent consultant in technologies and computerized systems. Previously served as Co-founder and Vice President of New Technologies at Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. Actively involved in various public projects both in Israel and abroad dealing with media and communications in the hi-tech industry. Serves in the management of the “Israeli Media Watch” Association. In Israel, he was engaged in software development for the IDF. Awarded two prestigious prizes for his contribution to society through his work. Graduated from Tel Aviv University in Mathematics and Computer Science.

Liu, Kuo-Hsing

Dr. Kuo-Hsing Liu Executive Secretary, Research and Planning Board, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan. Joined the Taiwanese diplomatic service almost thirty years ago and has served in various positions in Taipei and abroad including Representative to Bahrain, Deputy Director of the Foreign Service Institute, and Director General of the Mission in Sydney. Received a Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University and a Ph.D. from the Department of Politics at the University of Hull, UK.

Machtiger, Rachel

Ms. Rachel Machtiger Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Has worked for 28 years in the Prime Minister’s Office, holding several research and management positions. Her areas of research included Asia, Africa, , Greece and Cyprus, radical and anti-Semitism. Received a B.A. in History of the Middle East and Arab Language and Literature and an M.A. in National Security Studies, both from the University of Haifa. Graduate of a Management course at the Prime Minister’s Office.

Manor, Miron

Mr. Miron Manor Deputy Director of the Institute of Policy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Served as Assistant to the Executive Secretary of the EU-Israel Forum. Held senior positions in the government for more than 25 years including diplomatic posts in Europe and Africa. Received Bachelor degrees in Literature from the Sorbonne and in Political Science and International Relations from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (University of Paris), as well as an M.A. in National Security Studies from the University of Haifa. Graduated from IDF’s National Security College.

Mantver, Arnon

Mr. Arnon Mantver Director of JDC Israel – the Israel division of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Served as Director-General of the Jewish Agency’s Immigration and Absorption Department, Chairman of the one year “Otzma” program for bringing young American adults to Israel as volunteers, Director-General of the Israeli Forum, Director of the Student Authority, Director of the Israel Center in Northwestern United States, and spokesman for the Ministry of Absorption. He was also leader of the teams that worked with Ethiopian . Received an M.A. in Communications from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is a graduate of the management course for senior executives in State and Local Government at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

Meridor, Leora

Dr. Leora Meridor Chairperson of the Board of Bezeq International, of Poalim Capital Markets & Investments and of Walla Communications. Board member for several companies and organizations, including NICE, Isrotel and the Weizmann Institute. Joined the Bank of Israel’s Research Department in 1975 and worked there for more than twenty years, her last position as Department Head. Subsequently, headed the Credit Division & Risk Management of the First International Bank. Received a Ph.D. in Economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and completed post-Doctoral Studies at MIT. Member of the Presidium of the Herzliya Conference.

Meron, Menachem

Maj. Gen. (res.) Menachem Meron Managing Director of IFTIC, a consulting and investment firm. Serves on the Board of Directors of various Israeli firms including Paz Lubricants and Chemicals, Magal Security Systems and Supercom. Served in the IDF for 39 to the U.S., Head of the Training and Doctrine Division יyears in a number of command and staff positions including Military Attach of the General Staff, Head of the National Security College, Head of the Merkava Tank Development Project, Chief of Headquarters of the Southern Command and Deputy Chief of the Armored Corps in Sinai. Graduate of military courses in Israel, France and England. Graduated from the Technion in Industrial Engineering.

Milson, Menahem

Prof. Menahem Milson Professor of Arabic Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Academic Advisor of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). Held senior positions at Hebrew University, among them Head of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Director of the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and Provost of the Rothberg International School. Served as an Advisor on Arab Affairs to the Israeli Military Government in the and Gaza and was head of the Civil Administration of Judea and Samaria.

Mishal, Shaul

Prof. Shaul Mishal Professor of Political Science at Tel Aviv University. Serves as senior advisor to the Department of Political Planning at the Foreign Ministry and to the Ministry of Defense. Founded and directed the Center for Israeli Arab Studies. Authored and co-authored 5 books and numerous articles in subjects related to Arab and Islamic political cultures and Palestinian politics. Visiting Professor at , visiting Scholar at the Center for International Affairs at Harvard and a Senior Fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health. Received a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and completed post-Doctoral studies at Yale University.

Nachman, Ron

Mr. Ron Nachman Mayor of the Municipality of Ariel. Served as a Member of Knesset for the Party. Former Deputy Director- General of the Israel Broadcasting Authority and former executive for the Israel Military Industries. Graduated from Tel Aviv University in Political Science, Labor Studies and Law.

Nadler, Arie

Prof. Arie Nadler Professor of Social Psychology at Tel Aviv University. His research focuses on interpersonal relations, inter- group relations, and social psychological aspects of conflict and cooperation. Held several senior positions at the University including Head of the Department of Psychology, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Head of the Academic Committee of the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research, and Founding Chair of the Institute for Diplomacy and Regional Cooperation.

Pattir, Dan

Mr. Dan Pattir Executive Vice President of the Abraham Fund Initiatives and Senior Consultant on matters related to co-existence between Jews and in Israel. Editor of the International Association for Jewish Lawyers and board member of the Israel- America Friendship Association. Served as Media Advisor and Spokesman to Prime Ministers and . Former Research Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research and at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. A journalist by profession, he worked for the Davar daily newspaper and held management positions in several media organizations. Received a B.A. in History and Political Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Paz, Reuven

Dr. Reuven Paz Director, Project for Research of Islamic Movements (PRISM) at the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Served for twenty-three years in the Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet) and was the head of its Research Department. Formerly, a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Academic Director of the International Policy Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT) at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Considered an expert on radical Islam, Islamic movements, the World and the Palestinian society, and has written numerous papers on these subjects. An advisor to U.S. agencies charged with preventing terrorism.

Pekelman, Dov

Prof. Dov Pekelman Professor at the Leon Recanati Graduate School of Business Administration, Tel Aviv University, Chairman of Arkal Industries, Founding Chairman of P.O.C HT, and a strategic consultant to Teva, Dead Sea Works and other corporations. Held faculty positions at the University of Chicago and at Wharton School of Business. Former member of the Advisory Committee of the Bank of Israel. Received a B.Sc. from the Technion, an MBA from Stanford, and a Ph.D. in Mathematical Control Theory from the University of Chicago.

Pelled, Haim

Mr. Haim Pelled Former Deputy Mayor of the City of Herzliya. Senior consultant and communications strategist for several leading Israeli companies and corporations. Founded his consulting firm “Pelled Communication” in 1959. President of the International Advertising Association’s Israeli Chapter and a member of the Association’s World Board of Directors. Board member of several public and private corporations and organizations among them, the Israel Airport Authority. Former journalist and columnist. Received a LL.B. from Oxford Law School and an M.A. in Public Administration from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Rekhess, Elie

Dr. Elie Rekhess Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies and Director of the Program on Arab Politics in Israel, established with the cooperation of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in 1996. His fields of specialization include political history of the Arabs in Israel, Islamic resurgence in Israel, the West Bank, Gaza and Palestinian Affairs. Authored a book and edited several books on the Arab Minority in Israel. Received a Ph.D. from Tel Aviv University.

Rozenfeld, Yona M.

Prof. Yona M. Rozenfeld Professor Emeritus at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he served as the Gordon Brown Professor and Director of the School. Serves as senior advisor at the JDC Brookdale Institute for Children and Youth and in Ashalim. Authored numerous books and articles in his areas of expertise, those including “Learning from Success” and handling children and families who do not receive proper social services. Awarded the in the area of Social Work research. Received a Ph.D. from the School of Social Services Administration at the University of Chicago.

Rubin, Jacob

Adv. Jacob Rubin Owner of an independent law firm specializing in diverse areas. Lectures at the Law Faculties of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University and at the Ramat Gan College. Holds several public positions including member of the Hebrew University’s Board of Trustees, member of the Managing Committee of the Public Law Association and member of the Ministry of Justice legislation committees. Serves also as judge at the Judea and Samaria Military Court of Appeal. Received a LL.B. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Rubinstein, Danny

Mr. Danny Rubinstein Member of the editorial board and columnist specializing in Arab affairs, Ha’aretz daily newspaper. Lecturer at the Ben Gurion University’s Middle East Studies Department. Served as correspondent of Arab affairs for “Davar” daily newspaper and as its Jerusalem bureau Chief. Formerly, Assistant Professor of at Haifa University and Information Officer at the Prime Minister’s office. Received an M.A. in Sociology and Middle Eastern Studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Sabah, Yekoutiel

Mr. Yekoutiel Sabah Director, Division of Strategic Planning, Ministry of Social Affairs. Held senior positions in the Ministry and in the Civil Service Commission. Recipient of the Kaplan Award of the Civil Service. Formerly, a research fellow at the Chapin Hall Research Center at the University of Chicago. Received a M.A. from the Hebrew University’s School of Education, and an MPA from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, which he attended as a Wexner Fellow.

Schild, Ozer

Prof. Ozer Schild Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Sociology. Lectured at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Haifa, and Judea and Samaria College in Ariel and was a visiting professor at Johns Hopkins, Columbia, New York and Chicago Universities. Held senior positions at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Haifa, and Ben-Gurion University. Served as Chief Scientist and as Chair of the Pedagogy Council of the Ministry of Education and as a member and chair of public national and international committees on education and science. Received a Ph.D. in Psychology and Sociology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Received two honorary doctorates from universities abroad.

Segal, Dalia

Ms. Dalia Segal Businesswoman, Executive for Oneneis, and philanthropist. Received a degree in Economics from the University of Haifa.

Segal, Mordechai

Dr. Mordechai Segal CEO, Oneneis. A businessman active in the high-tech industry and a philanthropist. A former senior executive of Texas Instruments and one of the founders of Libit Corporation after retiring from IDF service. Received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Tel-Aviv University.

Segev, Yariv

Mr. Yariv Segev Economist for Economic Models Ltd. Served as the economist for the Technology and Logistics Department of the IDF. Received a B.A. in Economics from Tel Aviv University, where he continues to pursue his studies for a M.A. degree.

Segev, Yehuda

Maj. Gen. (res.) Yehuda Segev Director-General of the Association of Contractors and Builders in Israel. Served in senior positions of the Human Resources division in the IDF, his last position as Head of Personnel Directorate. Received an M.A. in Political Science from the University of Haifa. Graduated from a Marketing Management course at the Technion.

Seroussi, Yair

Yair Seroussi CEO of Morgan Stanley’s Israel Division. Previously served in the Ministry of Finance and held several high ranking positions as well as representing the ministry in various delegations to the U.S. A former board member of several public and private sector companies. Received a B.A. in Economics and Political Science form the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Shiffer, Zalman

Dr. Zalman Shiffer Economic Consultant, National Security Council, Prime Minister’s Office. Served as consultant to the Director of the Research Department at the Bank of Israel and as visiting lecturer in universities in Israel, the USA and Russia. Conducted research and consulting activities in the USA, Bulgaria and Cameroon and published research on the Israeli Economy. Received a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and completed post-Doctoral studies at the University of Chicago.

Slonim, Ory

Adv. Ory Slonim President, Variety – International. Owns an independent law practice specializing in Commercial Law and Criminal Law. An ADL expert and a lecturer at the Radzyner School of Law, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Served as special adviser to the Minister of Defense, as Advisor on MIA soldiers, and as Chair of the Ethics Court of the Press Council. A board and executive member of several public and private organizations. Recipient of several public awards including the Trump Foundation Award and the President’s Volunteer Award. Received a LL.B. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Soloducho Springberg, Daniel

Mr. Daniel Soloducho Springberg Partner and Director of DANCOTEX S.A. Textiles Industry. Held several management positions in the Uruguayan textile industry including Director of TYPERARY, General Manager of PAYLANA and President of the Uruguayan Union of Exporters. An active member of the Jewish community of Uruguay serving as President of Keren Hayesod Uruguayan Israeli Community, President of Birthright in Uruguay and in Latin-America, as well as many other local Jewish organizations. Graduated from the University of the Republic of Uruguay in Public Accounting.

Solomon, Carole

Ms. Carole Solomon Chairperson of the Board of Governors and Member of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel. Holds senior positions in several Jewish organizations including the United Jewish Communities, where she presides as Vice Chairman, the United Israel Appeal and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). Former member of the United Jewish Appeal Board of Trustees and Chair of its budget and finance committee, and Chair the Women’s Division of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia. Alumna of the University of Pennsylvania and served on its alumni board.

Solomon, Jacob

Mr. Jacob Solomon Executive Vice President of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. Served in a variety of positions including Director of Planning and Budgeting and Assistant Executive Vice President to the Federation-United Jewish Appeals Committee. Was an active member of the New York and Florida Jewish Federations. Received a B.A. and M.A. in Oriental Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. Graduated from Yeshiva University’s Wurzweiler School of Social Work.

Steiner, Tommy

Mr. Tommy Steiner Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. Concurrently, teaches International Relations at the IDC's Lauder School of Government. Areas of expertise include regional cooperation and integration, theory of International Relations, and regional politics of Asia-Pacific. Recipient of the Harkaby Award. M.A. (cum laude) in International Relations from the Hebrew University, where he pursues studies for his Ph.D.

Strawczcynski, Michel

Dr. Michel Strawczcynski Deputy Director of the Research Department, Bank of Israel. Previously, served as Senior and Chief Economist of the department, as well as Economic consultant in Amical. Also held the position of Economist for the Policy Division of the Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure. Published articles on Israel economy. Lectures on Public Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Received a Ph.D. in Economics from the Hebrew University. Completed post-Doctoral studies at MIT.

Svedlov, Erez

Col. (res.) Dr. Erez Svedlov CEO “Choshva” Planning Ltd. Member of the presidium of the Israeli Association for Operations Research. Served in the for more than 20 years in command and planning positions, among them Head of the IDF’s Systems Analysis Center, Head of System Analysis Branch in the Plans and Policy Directorate, Head of Air Force Operations Research Unit and Head of Development of Weapon Systems at the Operation Research Branch, Israel Air Force. Lectured at the Tel Aviv University Business Administration Faculty and in the Statistics Department. Received a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics, and an M.Sc. in Engineering from Tel Aviv University. Received a Ph.D. from the U.S. Navy Graduate School, Monterey, California.

Tal, Alex

Maj. Gen. (res.) Alex Tal Vice President for Port and Maritime Projects, Athena Human & Technology Integrated Security Solutions and Vice President Naval Strategic Planning, Elul Technologies. A Director for Zim, Robo Group, Mofet, Israel Shipyards and Orbit. Served in the Israel Navy for more than thirty years and held various command and staff positions, his last position as its Commander Chief. Received a B.A. in Economics from Bar-Ilan University and an M.A. in Geography from the University of Haifa. Graduate of the National Defense College and the USA Naval Post Graduate School.

Tal, Nachman

Dr. Nachman Tal Research Fellow, Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University. Served in the Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet) for forty years in positions related to Arab affairs, including Head of the and Sinai Area and Head of Arab Affairs Division. Participated in the Madrid Conference, and was a member of the Israeli delegations to the peace negotiations with the Palestinians and with . Author of Islamic : The case of Egypt and Jordan and co-author of : Radical Islam in a National Struggle. Received a Ph.D. from the Land of Israel Studies Department, University of Haifa.

Treston, Ilana

Ms. Ilana Treston Vice President of Mergers and Acquisition, DSP Goup Inc. Former Director of the Israel Technology Research Division at Merrill Lynch, New York and Israel. Also served as Director of Latin American Communications Research at Credit Suisse First Boston, New York. Received a B.A. in Politics and History from Brandeis University and an M.A. from Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

Wagner, Ilan

Mr. Ilan Wagner Director of Student Activities at the Department of Education, Jewish Agency for Israel. Previously served as Personal Assistant to the Director-General of the Department of Education and as Special Education Emissary (shaliach) to university campuses in the United States. A founder of Keren Kolot Seminar Center. A former high-school teacher and supervisor. Received a M.A. in Political Science from Tel Aviv University. Currently he is enrolled in the graduate program in Jewish Education of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Weinroub, Yehuda

Dr. Yehuda Weinroub Project Manager at the Jewish Agency for Israel, Israel Region. A former University lecturer at Bar Ilan and Cornell Universities, he served in the IDF Spokesman's Unit for close to twenty years. He was the founder and editor chief of the IDF Journal, and the IDF website. He has published widely on literature, political and military affairs and is the author of a book on French literature. From 1987 to 1989 while on leave from the army, headed the Jewish Agency's Israel Aliyah Center for the Midwest USA. Previously worked for the Jewish Agency Spokesman's Office. Received a Ph.D. in French Literature and Semitic Studies from Cornell University.

Ya’ar, Itamar

Col. (res.) Itamar Ya’ar Deputy Head of the National Security Council for Defense Policy and the coordinator of national security assessment in the Council. A former board member and Chair of the Audit Committee of ‘Ilanot Betocha’ Fund. Served in the IDF in the UK, Ireland and Finland, and Head of the יfor 28 years and held senior command and staff positions including Military Attach Organization Department in the Plans and Policy Directorate. Received an M.A. in Political Science from the University of Haifa. Graduate of the Royal College of Defense Studies in the U.K.

Yanai, Shlomo

Maj. Gen. (res.) Shlomo Yanai CEO, Makhteshim-Agan Industries. Served in the IDF for thirty-two years in several senior positions such as Head of the Plans and Policy Directorate, GOC Southern Command, Chief of Staff of the Army Headquarters, and Commander of an armored division. Recipient of the Medal of Distinguished Service for his actions in the Yom Kippur War. Received a B.A. in Political Science and Economics from Tel Aviv University and an M.A. from George Washington University. Completed an Advanced Management course at Harvard Business School. Graduate of the U.S. National Security College.

Yaniv, Jacob

Mr. Jacob Yaniv Fellow at the Truman Institute, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Served in the Israeli Security Agency for 28 years in various positions including member of the negotiation team with the Palestinians, Head of the Arab Section Headquarters Division, Head of the Northern Command and other field and staff positions. In October 2000, established voluntarily a media and coordination center to assist the Minister for Minorities in dealing with the uprising of Israeli Arabs. Received an M.A. in Political Science from the University of Haifa, where he continues to pursue doctoral studies.

Zellermayer, Ofer

Dr. Ofer Zellermayer Lecturer in Marketing at the Kiryat Ono Academic College. His research interests lies at the crossroads of Marketing Psychology and Behavioral Decision Making. Serves also as consultant to a marketing firm. Member of the Association for Consumer Research and the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Received a Ph.D. in Marketing and Decision Sciences from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

Zichroni, Amnon

Adv. Amnon Zichroni Manager of Amnon Zichroni & Co. Law and Notary Offices. Lectured on international legal affairs at the UN, the University of Haifa and other academic and security institutions. Author of two books, One Against 119 and Zichroni v. State of Israel and numerous articles and op-eds. A host of a weekly TV program on current affairs. Graduated from Tel Aviv University’s Law School.

Zoubi-Fahoum, Wafa

Adv. Wafa Zoubi-Fahoum Co-Manager of a Law firm. Active in public legal organizations and organizations dealing with Jewish- Arabic coexistence and human rights, such as the Forum for Civil Agreement, the Movement for a Good Israel, the Israel Law Bar’s Disciplinary Court, the Abraham Fund Initiatives, Beit Hagefen Council, and the governing council of the Jewish-Arab Center of the University of Haifa. Served as member of the Justice Minister’s Advisory Council for Arab Affairs. Received a LL.B. from Tel Aviv University, where she currently is completing an LL.M. degree.