
Journal of Criminal and Criminology

Volume 57 | Issue 2 Article 10

1966 Pursuit of International Criminals Through Arnold Sagalyn

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Recommended Citation Arnold Sagalyn, Pursuit of International Criminals Through Interpol, 57 J. Crim. L. Criminology & Sci. 193 (1966)

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Arnold Sagalyn is Director, Office of Coordination, U.S. Treasury Depart- ment, and the Official Representative, International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol). Mr. Sagalyn has been active in law enforcement since 1939 servingas Assistant to the Director of Public Safety in Cleveland, and later working with local and forces through the office of Defense, Health, and Welfare Service. At the close of World War II he was assigned as a officer on the staff of the Chief of Public Safety Division of the Office of IMilitary Government in . He was appointed to the present position in the Treasury Department in April, 1961. We are pleased to be able to publish this address of his, which was presented before the Duke Inter- national Law Society, Duke University School of Law, last December.-EDIToR.

The lawyer who likes his legal problems to be involving interstate commerce, which has no challenging will have a field day in handling counterpart in other countries. Since the extra- international criminal cases. He will find legal ditable offenses as a rule must involve double precedents are often non-existent; that the legal criminality-that is, be recognized as a by requirements and procedures involved are usually both parties to the treaty-our Federal so complex and subject to so many limitations that rarely qualify. A few however, do, such as nar- an aspiring counselor would be better advised to cotics trafficking, counterfeiting, and forgery. forget Blackstone and study Houdini. offenses are not subject to extradition nor with one In international criminal problems in particular, or two exceptions are crimes of smuggling or those a little common sense can be more important than involving security and exchange violations. Mail two semesters of international law. frauds are another example of an offense which is To start with, let us look at the problem posed not a crime in many countries. by -or lack of jurisdiction. In inter- Generally speaking the specific crimes which are national law, a country has no obligation to covered by nearly all of our treaties of extradition surrender a fugitive from justice to another and are recognized as extraditable offenses by country, unless it has contracted to do so. This is other countries are: murder; rape; bigamy; generally by an extradition treaty. The United (although not in the case of Chile, Bolivia, States has extradition treaties with approximately Denmark or Panama) arson; certain crimes 77 out of the 127 countries we recognize as being committed at sea, including robbery, sinking or independent states. I say "approximately" because destroying vessels at sea, mutiny and assaults with the status of our treaties in some countries is very intent to do bodily harm; robbery; burglary, unclear. This arises out of recent changes in the forgery; counterfeiting of money; embezzlement; form of government that have taken place in some larceny, fraud; perjury, and kidnapping. countries, particularly former European colonial Unless a crime is listed specifically in our treaty, possessions in Africa. for all practical purposes it is not an extraditable Moreover, even where a treaty of extradition offense. If you think this is getting to look as if the exists, many crimes are not subject to extradition. cards are stacked against a government lawyer It is traditional, for example, that so-called "fiscal who would like to extradite a fugitive, you are offenses" are excluded from extradition. The same right. A sovereign state does not take lightly the is true for offenses of a political, military, or act of surrendering a person to another country. religious nature. It has only been within relatively recent times that As a matter of fact, very few crimes against our extradition has become accepted as a necessary Federal are extraditable. For nearly all our form of international cooperation in the control of Federal offenses are based on statutory laws crime. ARNTOLD SAGALYN [Vol. 57

As you know, the impetus was started in the national lawyer, consider the plight of the police 18th Century by which initiated treaties of officer who has to locate the fugitive and find the extradition with its immediate neighbors and criminal evidence required before the foreign established a well regulated set of rules governing court will authorize the extradition. No matter extradition proceedings. By 1868 France had 53 how outrageous the crime might be, no country treaties of extradition, while the United States had will permit a foreign to follow a only 13. England on the other hand, with her criminal in hot pursuit across its border to make tradition of asylum, had only three treaties of an within its territory. Yet what is our extradition. to do in order to track down a fugitive or With the rapid development of international gather evidence and information he needs that can transportation and communication and the con- only be found in a foreign country? current increase in widespread immigration, the Despite what you may see on television, in the spread of extradition treaties greatly accelerated. international law enforcement fraternity we never Although our historical policy of political and say "Uncle." Instead we call in Interpol-or the religious asylum slowed the process in the United International Criminal Police Organization, as it States until well into the 1900's, the need to deal is formally titled. For just as the need for inter- with common law criminals led the United States national cooperation led to treaties of extradition, to join the world trend towards additional treaties so the problem faced by law enforcement officers of extradition. inevitably led to the organization of an inter- Compared with other countries, however, the mechanism to promote assistance legal safeguards protecting persons residing in the between police in different countries and provide United States are unusually strong and restrictive. for the mutual exchange of information and Most countries for example, will arrest and hold a intelligence about common crimes and criminals. person on the basis of a foreign warrant of arrest or With the help of Interpol, we can pick up the even just at the request of a law enforcement trail of the fugitive and locate him so that his official. This is not true in the United States, arrest and extradition can be secured. In addition, however. We require a warrant of arrest to be the resources and facilities of the police in each obtained in this country before any arrest can be Interpol member country can be drawn upon to made. gather information and evidence which may be Another legal booby trap against the extradition needed. of a wanted fugitive is triggered if he turns out to Essentially, Interpol is a cooperative interna- be a national of the country. Usually, countries will tional association which enables the police of not surrender their own nationals to another state. member countries to exchange information and Insofar as our own policy on this is concerned, obtain assistance on criminal matters directly, it varies with the individual treaty. Some prohibit without the loss of time involved in going through extradition of United States nationals, some diplomatic channels. Its Secretariat at Paris serves require it while other treaties leave it optional. as a focal point and control center for an inter- The legal assistance provisions of our treaties national police communications network stretching were obviously drawn by lawyers who would around the world. It operates a central criminal never qualify as invitees to an International intelligence and information exchange for Interpol Cooperation Year Conference. Even when the countries, and its central files contain records on crime is subject to a treaty and there is no problem more than 150,000 known international criminals. of nationality, the legal processes involved in Membership in Interpol must be by application securing the extradition of a fugitive are extremely from the appropriate head of government of a cumbersome and time consuming. Only 30 of our country. Each country upon joining Interpol treaties provide for United States assistance in the designates a National Central Bureau to serve as extradition of a fugitive. In most cases the country its representative in all Interpol matters affecting with whom we have a treaty must hire its own the country. No individual police department or lawyer to handle the extradition processes and can obtain membership. must tilt with the legal windmills on its own. In Participation by the law enforcement agencies of a addition our government faces problems and built- country must be through its designated Interpol in obstacles which are equally frustrating. representative, and any requests for information or Before you start to feel sorry for the inter- assistance to the Interpol Secretariat in Paris or to 1966] PURSUIT OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALS

Interpol representatives in foreign countries must centralized police bureaus whose jurisdiction dear through the Interpol bureau of the country extend down to the local communities, the United concerned. States has thousands of law enforcement agencies Today, 95 countries are members of Interpol and with autonomous jurisdiction over local criminal the Organization includes almost every major matters. Therefore, when a request from a foreign country in the world, with the exception of the country comes into Treasury's Interpol office, it is Soviet Union, Mainland China, and their satellites. referred for action to whatever agency has jurisdic- The International Criminal Police Organization tion. It may be a Treasury investigative agency, was founded in 1923 when delegates representing the New York City Police Department, or the 20 countries and territories met in Vienna and Alameda County, California, 's office or established the "International Criminal Police some other law enforcement agency. Our Interpol Commission." The outbreak of World War II Bureau serves largely as a clearing-house and disrupted its activities, but in 1946 the inter- depends on the agency to whom we transmit the national police agency was reconstituted. The Interpol communication to make whatever investi- headquarters was moved to Paris, where it remains gation may be necessary. today. In 1956 the title was changed from the Under the Interpol , all matters of International Criminal Police Commission to its political, military, religious, or racial nature are present name. strictly prohibited. Any request for information The United States first joined Interpol in 1938 or assistance which relates to one of these pro- by an Act of Congress and was originally repre- scribed categories cannot be transmitted through sented by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In the Interpol mechanism, or in anyway involve the 1950, the F.B.I. withdrew from Interpol and Organization. formal U. S. membership ended. However, informal For instance, not long ago an aircraft carrying a relations were maintained by the Treasury Depart- large shipment of military and equipment ment's Bureau of Narcotics, Bureau of , was apprehended in a Mediterranean country. As and the U. S. Secret Service. the arms traffickers involved in this case were ap- In view of our major international enforcement parently motivated by political considerations, the responsibilities in the field of narcotics trafficking, crime involved was considered outside Interpol's counterfeiting, and smuggling, the Treasury proper scope, and the parties concerned were Department then offered to assume responsibility notified accordingly. Later on, it was learned that a for U. S. membership, whereupon, Congress person representing himself to be a foreign repre- amended the Enabling Act in 1938 to permit the sentative of Interpol interrogated one of the Attorney General to designate the Treasury principals involved in a European country. This Department as U. S. Representative for Interpol. was brought to the immediate attention of the The U. S. has participated as a full member ever chief Interpol official concerned. His investigation since. showed that the Interpol agent was unknown It must be stressed that Interpol's effectiveness either to him or to the country whom he was depends entirely on the voluntary nature and purported to represent, and steps were taken to cooperative services of its members. Interpol has assure against any further mispresentation or the no investigative force or police authority of its own. use of Interpol's name in the matter. There is no obligation on the part of any country It is largely because Interpol has been so careful to comply with any request for information or to avoid being drawn into such proscribed areas assistance. If for any reason the recipient Interpol that it has enjoyed a unique acceptance and bureau decides that a request is improper or not prestige by its diverse international membership. permitted under its own laws-or that it is Its surprising success in maintaining its pro- otherwise unwilling to obtain the information fessional and impartial criminal role has made it requested-the matter ends. Each country is the possible for delegates from and Pakistan, sole arbiter as to whether or not a request for Israel and Egypt, Indonesia and Malaysia to meet assistance, either from the Secretariat in Paris or and work together amicably in a common cause- from a member country directly, is processed; and the suppression of international crime. any investigation made is performed by its own In addition to its function as an international police or responsible investigative branch. criminal information exchange and communica- Unlike most countries, which have national, tions center, Interpol organizes international ARNOLD SAGALYN[ [Vol. 57 conferences on criminal problems and publishes country. In some cases the principal was never numerous reports and studies. Once a year the physically present in the victims' country and Organization convenes a General Assembly of all these international swindles are raising many its members to discuss matters of mutual interest serious legal problems, such as: Was the crime and decide on new programs and activities designed committed in the country where the principal is a to strengthen their common efforts against inter- resident or where the victim resides? Which national crimes. The following items taken from country conducts the investigation and where is recent Interpol agendas depict the nature and the culprit to be charged and tried? range of subjects taken up at the annual General This is an area where Interpol can provide Assemblies: The Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs; invaluable assistance through its cooperative International Traffic in Gold and Diamonds; facilities and perhaps initiate studies leading to International Forms of Traffic in Women; The needed legal instruments for coping with this kind Study of Crime Prevention Bureaus; Air Police of legal no-man's land. Problems; The Restitution of Property to the In dealing with major criminal problems that Victim of an Offense; Thefts Committed During extend beyond our own borders, the United States Air Transport; The Use of Data-Processing has additional and special resources of its own Methods in Criminal Records; Counterfeiting of apart from Interpol. Our responsibility for pro- Currency and Gold Coins; International Coopera- tecting our citizens against illicit trafficking and tion on the Study of Fingerprinting Methods; The smuggling in of narcotic drugs, the importance of Identification of Firearms; and the Development safeguarding our money against foreign counter- and Use of Criminal Intelligence. feiting and other serious threats abroad has led to At the International conference held earlier this the establishment of liaison offices in key countries. year in Rio de Janiero, the United States delegation The Treasury Department, for example, has drew the attention of the other Interpol countries representatives from its criminal investigative to the increasing number of international frauds agencies assigned overseas to work with police which have been coming to light. These fraudulent authorities in France, , Turkey, Lebanon, activities, which pose extremely difficult problems Germany, England, Mexico, , Hong Kong, in detection as well as suppression, include such and Thailand. Similarly, the FBI maintains liaison things as foreign-based "boiler rooms" which sell offices in designated countries to facilitate its own worthless or near worthless securities to Americans investigative responsibilities. at grossly excessive prices; the sale of fraudulent The work of our American agents overseas, in certificates of deposit by banks located in other cooperation with the police of the countries in countries, which in reality are only paper institu- which they are stationed, has enabled us to get tions without assets; the issuance of performance information which has led to the breaking up of bonds or other forms of re-insurance by foreign many important criminal enterprises and to the insurance companies, which turn out to be worth- conviction and jailing of some of our country's most less when a claim is presented. dangerous criminals. Heretofore, such swindles were limited by the Undoubtedly none of us will see the day when all ability of the operator to make personal contacts men can say that they have no enemies. Until then, with his victims. With the ease of rapid inter- as long as men prey on their fellow men, the law national travel and communication, however, these enforcement officer-local and international-will international fraudulent schemes are reaching be needed to protect society against its enemy, the hundreds and even thousands of victims in this criminal.