NHS pay offer: page 3 HANDLING COMPLAINTS NEWS DIGEST P3 CONGRESS COUNTDOWN ANALYSIS P4 SUPPORTING SURVIVORS FEATURES P10 ISSUE NO. 324 FEBRUARY 2015 NURSING COUNTS RCN GENERAL ELECTION PRIORITIES P8 ELECTIONS.RCN.ORG.UK NEWS DIGEST The RCN represents nurses and nursing, promotes excellence in practice and shapes health policies. Editors: Kim Scott/Daniel Allen Editorial: 020 7647 3627 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.rcn.org.uk/bulletin Address: 20 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0RN Classified advertising Services stretched Scotland investment Tel: 020 8423 1333 Fax: 020 8872 3197 The NHS is struggling and stretched The RCN has welcomed the Scottish Email: too thinly, the RCN has said in Government’s announcement that
[email protected] response to a report from the King’s £100 million is to be invested in the Fund, which found that pressures on NHS over three years to tackle Acceptance of an advertisement We must make does not constitute an A&E are causing serious knock-on delayed discharges. Theresa Fyffe, effects for other services. Waiting sure the money RCN Scotland Director (pictured), endorsement of a product, makes a difference service or company, either by times for treatment are getting longer said this is an important first step in the RCN or RCN Publishing. as the NHS struggles with demand, starting to tackle the pressures in the report says. The RCN believes hospitals. However, she warned: “It For RCN country and problems are most visible in A&E is only one element of the pressure regional contact details visit but the whole NHS is affected.