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M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 1 9 VOLUME 18, NUMBER 2 INSIDE Special Symposium Issue: From a History of Exhibitions Toward a Future of Exhibition Making US$12.00 NT$350.00 PRINTED IN TAIWAN 8 VOLUME 18, NUMBER 2, MARCH/APRIL 2019 CONTENTS 19 2 Editor’s Note 4 Contributors 6 From a History of Exhibitions Toward a Future of Exhibition Making—Second Assembly: An Introduction Biljana Ciric 8 Hank Bull, Shen Fan, Zhou Tiehai, Shi Yong, and Ding Yi—Let’s Talk About Money: Shanghai First 32 International Fax Art Exhibition Biljana Ciric 19 Burn After Reading: The Transdualistic Resistance of Big Tail Elephants Nikita Yingqian Cai 32 From “Women’s Art” to All-Female Group Exhibitions: The Emergence of a Female Consciousness in the 1990s China Julia Hartmann 42 Inching Toward a Fire: A Museum Among 42 Former Swiddens Maggie J Zheng 54 An Art Project in Archives: The Becoming, Displaying, Condition, Context, and Historical Situation of Chinese Experimental Art in the 1990s Wang Ziyun 68 Waste, Noise, and Local Art Exhibitions Wei Yu 54 92 Keynote: An Exhibition History of Contemporary Chinese Art in the 1990s Qiu Zhijie 102 Chinese Name Index Cover: Zheng Guogu, Key Construction, 1994, documentation of performance, installation view of Big Tail Elephants: One Hour, No Room, Five Shows, OCAT, Beijing, 2017. Courtesy of the artist and Guangdong Times Museum, Guangzhou. We thank Bing Yang, Junjun Liu, Chris Mao, Runan Tongyan, Dazong Pan, Janey Song, Vivian Jianhui Zhang, 68 Lin Li, David Chau, Kevin Daniels, Qiqi Hong, Sabrina Xu, David Yue, Andy Sylvester, Farid Rohani, Ernest Lang, Yin Qing, Chen Ping, Stephanie Holmquist and Mark Allison for their generous contribution to the publication and distribution of Yishu.
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