ISRAELI POETS AS CHANGE AGENTS Congregation Beit Simchat Torah Lehrhaus Judaica Fall 2020 RABBI REUVEN GREENVALD (
[email protected]) WEEK ONE: THE NEW MIZRACHI POETS ADI KEISSAR Adi Keissar (b. 1980) grew up in the Gilo neighborhood of Jerusalem to a family on Yeminite origin. She is an award-winning poet and the founder of Ars Poetica, a monthly evening of poetry reading that begin 2013 to showcase the new Mizrachi wave in Hebrew poetry. The name, ars poetica is play on words between the Latin, ars) which is derogatory term for Jews from Middle Eastern and North) סרע ,Art of Poetry,” and the Israeli slang“ African countries. The term derives from an Arabic word meaning, shepherd. It’s a put-down saying someone looks we can hear her giving ( נא י תיחרזמ ) ”or acts like a pimp. In this excerpt from her poem, “I am a Mizrachi woman voice to the how she understands her identity in Israeli society: ֲאנִי ַה ִמּ ְז ָר ִחית I am the Mizrahi woman ֶשׁ ַא ֶתּם א ַמ ִכּי ִרים that you don’t know ֲאנִי ַה ִמּ ְז ָר ִחית I am the Mizrahi that you don’t mention ֶשׁ ַא ֶתּם א ַמ ְז ִכּי ִרים who knows how to read aloud ֶשׁיּוֹ ַד ַעת ְל ַד ְק ֵלם all the songs of Zohar Argov ֶאת ָכּל ַה ִשּׁי ִרים and reads Albert Camus ַ ֶשׁל ז ֹהר ראַ ְ גּ וֹ ב …and Bulgakov וְקוֹ ֵראת אַ ְל ֶבּר ָקא ִמי וְבּוּ ְל ָגּקוֹב ... Because on TV there are only commercials ִכּי ַבּ ֶט ֶלוִי ְזיָה יֵשׁ ַרק ִפּ ְרסוֹמוֹת with all types of blondes ֶשׁל ָכּל ִמינֵי ְבּלוֹנְ ִדּינִיּוֹת maybe that's why they called me at school אוּ ַלי ִבּ ְג ַלל ֶזה ָק ְראוּ ִלי ַבּ ֵבּית ֵס ֶפר a Black girl during recess כּוּ ִשׁית ַבּ ַה ְפ ָסקוֹת I'm in the middle ֲאנִי ָבּ ֶא ְמ ַצע not here nor there 6א ְל ָכאן ו6ְא ְל ָכאן if I had to choose ִאם ָהיִי ִתי ְצ ִרי ָכה ִל ְבחֹר I would choose ָהיִי ִתי בּוֹ ֶח ֶרת …Afro Yemen אַ ְפרוֹ ֵתּי ָמן .