Argument Structure and Animacy Entailment
ARGUMENT STRUCTURE AND ANIMACY ENTAILMENT Seth A. Minkoff (Mariano Galvez University) 1. Introduction1 This paper delineates and accounts for restrictlons on the distribution of arguments whose thematic roles select them for animacy. An example of such an argument is the subject of (1) which, following standard accounts, must be animate on account of the selectional properties of the AGENT role assigned by "steal." (1) Mary stole the money. The effect of these selectional properties is attested by the unacceptability of the inanimate substitution in (2). (2) *The wind stole the money. I argue that this requirement of animacy, which I shall refer to as "animacy entailment", represents part of the AGENT thematic relation. Moreover, I assume that animacy entailment is a theoretically genuine part of any thematic relation that selects an animate argument. As I will show, this makes it possible to discern abstract syntactic principles constraining the generation of all such thematic rela tions. Another important property of the AGENT thematic role assigned to the subject position of (1), or rather of its animacy entailment, is reflected by the fact that there are sentences like (3), whose syntactic structures are identical to (1), but in which the thematic role of AGENT -or, more precisely, the animacy entailment- is optional. (3) Mary hit John. Here, the role of AGENT, or rather its animacy entailment, can be dispensed with entirely. For example, (3) could perfectly well describe a situation in Mary is asleep (1) I am grateful for all of the ways in which this article has benefited from the comments of Noam Chomsky, Ken Hale, Marco Haverkort, Carol Neidle, Orin Percus, and an anonymous reviewer.
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