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Carlo Lanini

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Carlo Lanini.

Carlo Lanini was born on August 20, 1949 in , a small village in the province of .

From an early age he showed a marked predisposition to drawing and painting as he himself narrated "people a few years older than me remember when, at just over four years old, kneeling on the sidewalk of the house or on the landings of the condominium stairs , I drew and colored everything "; then one day, the artist still says, "I had the opportunity to see a box with squares of watercolors; there were over forty colors and it seemed such a wonder that I was enchanted for a good half hour ". Since then he has started painting and has never stopped.

In 1969, at the age of 20, he participated in the Paolo Uccello painting competition in Pratovecchio (Arezzo) and won the first prize. In 1975 he held his first solo exhibition in the imposing structure of the Conti Guidi di Poppi castle.

The important events in his pictorial career, with over fifteen hundred works in oil and as many drawings, take place every ten years.

In 1995 with the first Carlo Dalla Zorza competition at the Ponterosso Gallery in Milan. 1027 artists participate and Carlo Lanini is first selected among the best 50 artists participating in the exhibition and then awarded in the top five with a fourth place.

In 2005 he began an important collaboration with Italarte of Rome, whose owner Pino Purificato is the son of the well-known painter Domenico Purificato.

In 2015 he started working with Orler Gallerie di Venezia which selects him in the group of artists of the "Affordable art" program Between one event and another there were many personal and collective exhibitions that led the artist to present his works in , in Arezzo, , Rome, Milan, Bologna, Parma, Perugia, Borgo S. Lorenzo, , and abroad, in Paris and London, in Austria and in the United States.

Since 2003 Lanini has opened his painting school in Poppi where he teaches those like him who are art lovers and eager to paint.



1969 Group exhibition, Pratovecchio (Arezzo) first prize ex-aequo "Premio Paolo Uccello"

1973 The 60s and 70s of Italian painting Studio d’Arte edition, Piacenza

1975 Personal exhibition Castello Conti Guidi Poppi (Arezzo)

The Nation, chronicle of Arezzo, 4 September

Collective exhibition, Civitella Val di Chiana (Arezzo); special mention Civitella Val di Chiana

1980 Praxis Artistica edition Omega Arte Srl,

1981 The Italian art market 1900 Sistina Publishing Institute, Turin

1995 Collective exhibition, Galleria Ponte Rosso Milan 11-28 January, catalog published. Fourth place, 1st prize Carlo dalla Zorza 20 January figural art number 9 December 1995 p.15, p.19, p.9

1996 Mondadori Editorial Art January p. 122

Artenova, Target Srl editorial

Collective exhibition “The moment of things” Lanini Art Gallery, Poppi (Arezzo) leaflet published

1997 Artenova, Target Srl editorial

Roparts, Rossano Massacesi Editore

Acca In .... Art, Capitoline artistic cultural association in ... Art, Rome

1998 Acca In .... Art, Capitoline artistic cultural association in… Art, Rome

Yearbook of Modern Art 99 p.593

L'Elite, Italian art selection 99 p.480 ed. The Elite, Varese

Artenova, Target Srl editorial

Roparts, Rossano Massacesi Editore

Ratoci Art Gallery, Borgo San Lorenzo, Florence

1999 Harrow Arts Center, London 8-28 March, catalog published

Maggi Giovanni art gallery, Arezzo Montmartre Auction House, Parma

Mouvances Gallerie d'Art, Paris

Appointment as corresponding academic, art section of the International Academy of Greci-Marino Verbano Academy of Letters, Arts and Sciences of Vercelli

2000 Anita Miller DBA The Artist's Roost, Worthington, OH-USA

Maggi Art Gallery, Arezzo

Mouvances Gallerie d'Art, Paris

2001 Personal exhibition of the artistic circle of Arezzo, Arezzo

Collective exhibition "Forms of thought" April 7-June 2, Castello dei Conti Guidi di Poppi, (Arezzo) catalog published

Maggi Art Gallery, Arezzo

2002 Exhibition of selected works, Gianna Lanini exhibition laboratory, (Arezzo)

Exhibition of selected works, Poppi school of painting, Poppi (Arezzo)

2003/2004 Exhibition at the Municipality of Bibbiena (Arezzo), Poppi school of painting 22 December 2003 - 11 January 2004,

2004 Permanent exhibition " Landscapes" Bibbiena (Arezzo), acquisition of a work by the museum

Start of Italarte collaboration, Rome

2005 March / April personal exhibition at Italarte Rome, Lungotevere Portuense

Collaboration with ELDEC S.p.A., Rome

2007 Collaboration with the Arco Cortona Art Gallery (Arezzo)

2008 Great retrospective personal exhibition in the exhibition space of the personal studio, Poppi (Arezzo)

2009 March 14 - April 11, personal exhibition Galleria Rielaborando, Arezzo

Publication on CHERRY DIAMOND “Missouuri Atletic Club”, USA

2010 Collective exhibition Collective exhibition Gallery of Contemporary Art - Palazzo Giorgi (former district court), Poppi (Arezzo)

15 - 19 May Trialogo group exhibition Palazzo Giorgi, Poppi (Arezzo) in collaboration with Kunst / team

6 - 27 July Trialogo exhibition 2nd phase Galleria Rielaborando, Arezzo

2011 9 - 14 February Cultural Association "I 2 Colli" collective exhibition

17 - 21 March “ARTEXPO AREZZO” catalog published

March 20 - April 23, collective exhibition Center of Art and Culture TORRESTROZZI, Perugia

28 April - 1 May Azenta Spring Fair, Graz (Austria)

Collective exhibition "gesture / space / body" the drawings of Radar Galleria Rielaborando, Arezzo

17 July - 19 September, Collective exhibition “the passions of free time”, Ponte a Poppi (Arezzo) catalog published

29 October - 13 November, Personal exhibition Palazzo Pretorio Sansepolcro (Arezzo) Pro-Loco Association reporting on 1st painting prize

Mention 3rd national competition CHIMERA ARTE AREZZO Catalog published

2012 January 1 - 31, Collective exhibition Galleria Rielaborando, Arezzo

5 - 25 May, Personal exhibition "... ..not just drawings ... but only figures ... .."

Rielaborando Gallery, Arezzo

2 - 23 September, Personal exhibition in the Mercati exhibition space, Sansepolcro

4th national competition CHIMERA ARTE AREZZO

2013 Collective exhibition “the art of engraving and the practice of drawing compared” Carlo Lanini e

Roberto Lanari Gallery Rielaborando, Arezzo

2014 Great retrospective personal exhibition sated exhibition personal study, Poppi (Arezzo)

2015 4-27 September, Collective exhibition at the Are Orler Gallery; Punta Ala, Gosseto

Collaboration with Orler begins

2 - 30 October, POPPI DEPOSIT OF ART Castello dei Conti Guidi di Poppi (Arezzo)

12 - 24 October, Group exhibition Toscana Cultura contemporary artists of the Casentino Palagio Fiorentino (Arezzo)

October 24 - 31 Collective exhibition culture contemporary artists of the Casentino - Palazzo Giorgi - Municipal Gallery of Poppi (Arezzo) Catalog published

December / January, Orler Grand Bazaar of Christmas

2016 1-27 July Contemporary art exhibition Toscana Cultura - Collective Palazzo Giorgi -

Municipal Gallery of Poppi. Ar

6-27 August Poppi painting workshop - Collective Palazzo Giorgi - Municipal Gallery of Poppi - Ar

23 August Subbiamo Arezzo "artists in the square"

September Publication in Tuscany magazine - “painter by vocation” three pages with presentation

16 -30 September "Anthropocene" - Poppi art depot No. 1 - Collective exhibition - Poppi Castle - Palazzo Giorgi - San Lorenzo - Former medieval hospital

October 15 - November 4. Personal Exhibition - “Latest works” Literary Historical Coffee LE GIUBBE ROSSE - Florence

19-20 October BIENNALE OF ALL ARTS OF FLORENCE 2016 - 1st PRIZE realist painting - exhibition "arms room" Palazzo Vecchio - Florence

17 December - 8 January 2017 Collective Exhibition - “Sacred Art”. ICLAB space (intercultural laboratory creativity). Florence - Romualdo del Bianco Foundation, Duomo Congress Center and Toscana Cultura. - 28/09/21