ASSOCIATION MAILING ADDRESS: R REGT C ASSOCIATION WEB SITE: The Royal Regiment of Canada www.rregtc‐ 660 Fleet Street TORONTO ON M5V 1A9 The Royal Regiment of Canada Associaon 10th Royal Grenadiers The Toronto Regiment (3rd Bn CEF 1862 ICH DIEN March 2017 PRESIDENT PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello and welcome everyone to the spring 2017 edi‐ CWO (ret’d) Ross Atkinson on of “Ich Dien”. By the me you read this, the first Regimental Birthday Ball 519‐278‐1779
[email protected] sponsored by the Associaon will be in the history books. For those who aended, I’m sure those extra dance lessons came in handy. We delayed this VICE PRESIDENT & edion, to be sure to include some pictures from the event. PAST PRESIDENT WO (ret’d) Glen Moore The results of the 2017 Elecon of Execuve are included within these hal‐ 647‐960‐1005
[email protected] lowed pages along with a picture, for those in the furthest reaches of the Em‐ pire may put a face to a name. I am honoured to be able to connue my role as SECRETARY your President, along with most of the past Execuve intact. It is due to the Leo Afonso 905‐697‐3865 hard work and dedicaon of my fellow exec members that we can connue to
[email protected] serve the Associaon and the Regimental Family. TREASURER We have had an excing opportunity offered to us by Veterans Affairs to have Capt (ret’d) Dan Joyce an Associaon member join them as part of the official party for the 100th An‐ 905‐337‐7142
[email protected] niversary of Vimy Ridge.