~umb., 44 627



Grown Land set apart as Permanent State Forest SCHEDULE NELSON LAND DISTRICT.-NELSON CONSERVANCY [L.B.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General ALL that area in the Nelson Land District, Buller County, containing A PROCLAMATION by admeasurement 300 acres, more or less, situated in Block IX, y virtue and in exercise of the powers and authorities Waitakere Survey District, and described as follows : Commencing B conferred upon me by section eighteen of the Forests Act, at the north-eastern corner of Section 3, Block IX, Waitakere 1921-22, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Survey District, and bounded towards the south-west by Section 3, Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby set apart the Crown land Block IX aforesaid; towards the north-west generally by the described in the Schedule hereto as a permanent State forest. Westport-Greymouth Coast Road; towards the north-east by a public road, Section 25, Block IX aforesaid, and the Four-mile SCHEDULE River; towards the south-west by provisional State forest (Gazette, 920, page 2115) to the point of commencement. As the same is AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-ROTORUA CONSERVANCY more particularly delineated on plan No. 112/6, deposited in the ALL that area in the Auckland Land District, Whakatane County, Head Office of the State Forest Service at Wellington, and thereon containing approximately 32,600 acres, situated in Blocks X, XI, bordered red. XIV, and XV, Ahikereru Survey District, Block IV, Heruiwi Survey District, and Blocks I, II, III, V, VI, IX, and X, Tuatawhata Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-Ge11eral Survey District, and bounded generally as follows : Towards .the of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the south-west by Heruiwi 4G Block (permanent State forest,. Gazette, Seal of that Dominion, this 26th day of May, 1944. 1932, page 2507), and Heruiwi 4F 2 Block; generally towards the B. ROBERTS, north-west by Section l, Block IV, Heruiwi Survey District For the Commissioner of State Forests. (permanent State forest, Gazette, 1941, page 3130), Minginui E, A, B 2, and B 1 Blocks, and again by E Block aforesaid, Sections 3 and Goo SAVE THE KING ! 2, Block XIII, Ahikereru Survey District, Section 1, Block XIII (S.F. 6/4/128.) aforesaid (provisional State forest, Gazette, 1936, page 4), Sections 2 and 1, Block X, Ahikereru Survey District, and part W aireporepo Block; generally towards the north and north-east by a public Grown Land set apart as a· Provisional State Forest road, Sections 2 and 6, Block XI, Ahikereru Survey District, and again by a public road; and towards the south-east by Waituhi [L.B.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor~General and Mangapai Blocks, a right line from peg LXXXI on the southern A PROCLAMATION boundary of the last-mentioned block to Trig. Station N, y virtue and in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred Mapouriki, and from that trig. station by a right line to a point B upon me by section eighteen of the Forests Act, 1921-22, on the north-western boundary of Heruiwi 4G Block, bearing I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion 324° 57' 48", distant 23000 links, more or less, from Trig. Station of New Zealand, do hereby set apart the Crown land described in Maungataniwha.. As the same is more particularly delineated on the Schedule hereto as a provisional State forest. plan No. 47 /46, deposited in the Head Office of the State Forest Service at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. (Auckland S.O. SCHEDULE plan 32326.) GrsnoRNE LAND DISTRICT.-RoTORUA CONSERVANCY Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General ALL those areas in the Gisborne Land District, containing by of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal admeasurement 4,641 acres 2 roods 2 perches, more or less, and of tha.t Dominion, this 26th day of May, 1944. described as follows :- B. ROBERTS, All that area in the Matakaoa County, containing by admeasure­ For the Commissioner of State Forests. nient 618 acres, more or less, being Section 6, Block III, Mangaoporo Survey District, formerly Taumata-o-Manu 2B Block. Goo SAVE THE KING ! Also all that area in the Waiapu County, containing by ad. (S.F. 6/2/58.) measurement 4,023 acres 2 roods 2 perches, more or less, being Section 3, Block VI, Mangaoporo Survey District, formerly part Tangihanga Block. As the same are more particularly delineated on plan No. 33/2, deposited in the Head Office of the State Forest Grown Land set apart as a Provisional State Forest Service at vVellington, and thereon bordered red.

[L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under thf' A PROCLAMATION Seal of that Dominion, this 26th day of May, 1944. y virtue and in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred B. ROBERTS, B upon me by section eighteen of the Forests Act, 1921-22, ;For the Commissioner of State Forest.:1. I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby set apart the Crown land described in Goo SA VE THE KING ! the Schedule hereto as a provisional State forest. (S.F. 6/2/94.) A 628 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No~. 44

Revoking a Proclamation setting apart · Land as Provisional · Road traversing Native Land proclaimed as a Public Road in State Forest Block X, Ahikereru Sitrvey District, Auckland Land District

[L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION A PROCLAMATION HEREAS by a Proclamation dated the twenty-eighth HEREAS the road described in the Schedule hereto traverses W day of October, one thousand nine hundred and forty­ W Native land : three, and published in the Gazette of the fourth day. of And whereas the Native Land Court, by an order made on the November, one thousarrd nine hundred and forty-three, at thirteenth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and forty-two, page 1271 (hereinafter referred to as " the said proclama­ and issued pursuant t.o section four hundred and eighty-four of the tion"), the land described in the Schedule hereto was errone­ Native Land Act, 1931, ordered and declared the said road to be a ously described as Crown land and set apart as a provisional public road : State forest: And whereas the said Court is of the opinion that it is in the And whereas it is desirable that such error be rectified public interest that the said road should be proclaimed as a public by revoking the said proclamation: road, and a notification to that effect has been forwarded to the Now, therefore, I, Cyril Loujs . Norton Newall, the Minister of Lands in terms of section four hundred and eighty-six Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pur­ of the Native Land Act, 1931 : :a;uance and exercise of the powers conferred upon me by the And whereas it is now expedient that the said road should be Forests Act, 1921~22, and its amendments, and· of any other proclaimed as a public road : powers enabling me in that behalf, do hereby revoke the Now, therefore, I, Cyril Loms Norton NewalJ, the Governor­ said proclamation. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section foµr hundred and eighty-seven of the Native Land Act, 1931, do hereby proclaim as a public road SCHEDULE the road described in the Schedule hereto. NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-AUCKLAND CONSERVANCY SCHEDULE ALL that area in the N.orth Auckland Land District, Bay <.•f Islands County, containing by admeasurement 877 acres, more APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a road :- or less, being Sections 18, 19, and 20, Block XVI, Kaeo A. R. P. Being portion of Survey District. As the same is more particularly delineated 0 · 1 10 } Te Pahou. Block ; coloured red. on plan No .. 5/34, deposited in the Head Office of the State 0 0 9 Forest Service at vVellington, and thereon bordered red. 0 . 1 1 Te Whaiti Block ; coloured sepia. 0 0 29 • l Te Whaiti Cemetery; coloured yellow. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Z ·~ ~t!}Murumurunga Papakainga Block; coloured purple. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 26th day of 0 1 15 · Takahia Block ; coloured bJue. May, 1944. Situated in Block X, Ahikereru Survey District. (N.L. plan B. ROBERTS, 16298.) For the Commissioner of State Forests. In 'the Auckland Land District; as the same are more parti­ (S.F. 6/1/163.) cularly delineated on the plan.marked L, andS. 16/2914., deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, Proclaiming Road-lines laid out through Ngatitara Nos. 6 and 7 Blocks, under No. 2925, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. · Block XV, Opunake Sitrvey District, Taranaki Land District, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General to be Public Roads of the· Dominion of New Zealand,. and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 27th day of May, 1944. [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General B. ROBERTS, A PROCLAMATION For the Minister of Lands. HEREAS the land described in the First Schedule hereto Goo SA VE THE KING ! W was, by an order of the Native Land Court made on the (L, and S. J6/29I4.) second day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, duly laid out as a road-line in pursuance of section forty-eight of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1913: Road traversing Native Land proclaimed as a Public Road in Blocks XI · And whereas the land described in the Second Schedule hereto and XII, Hukeren·ui Sur·vey District, North Auckland Land was, by an order of the Native Land Court made on the fifth day District of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, duly laid out as a road-line in pursuance of section forty-eight of the Native Land [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Amendment Act, 1913: A PROCLAMATION And whereas the said Court is of the opinion that it. is in the HEREAS the road described in the Schedule hereto traverses public interest that the said road-lines should be proclaimed as W Native land and has been used by the public as a public public roads, and a notification to that effect has been forwarded • road, and has been formed, improved, and maintained out of funds to the Minister of Lands in terms of section four hundred and eighty­ of the local authority : six of the Native Land Act, 1931 : And whereas the Native Land Court, by an order made on the And whereas one month's notice in writing· of the intention second day of October, one thousand nine hundred and forty­ to proclaim the said road-lines as public roads has been given by . two, and issued pursuant to section four hundred and eighty-four the Surveyor-General to the local authority of the district con­ of the Native Land Act, 1931, ordered and declared the said road cerned, in terms of subsection two of section four hundred and to be a public road: eighty-seven of the Native Land Act, 1931 : And whereas the said Court is of the opinion that it is in the And whereas it is now expedient that the said road-lines should public interest that the said road should· be. proclaimed as a public be proclaimed as public roads: · road, and a notification to that effect has been forwarded to the Now, therefore, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor­ Minister of Lands in terms of section four hundred and eighty-six General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise · of the Native Land Act, 1931 : of the powers conferred by section four hundred and eighty-seven And whereas it is now expedient that the said road should be of the Native Land Act, 1931, do hereby proclaim as public roads proclaimed as a public road : the road-lines described in the First and Second Schedules hereto. Now, therefore, I, Cyril Loms Norton Newall, the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise FIRST SCHEDULE of the powers conferred by section four hundred and eighty-seven of APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as a road : the Native Land Act, 1931, do hereby proclaim as a public road the 1 acre 3 roods 11 perches. road described in the Schedule hereto. Being portion of Ngatitara No. 7 Block. · . Situated in Block XV, Opunake Survey District ; coloured SCHEDULE red. (S.O. plan 8006:) APPROXI11UTE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a road :~ A. R. P. Being portion of SECOND SCHEDULE 0 2 15 Puhipuhi 5c 2 Block; coloured yellow. A~PROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed. as a road: Situated in Blocks XI and XII, Hukerenui Survey Di&.trict. 1 acre 3 roods 11 perches. 0 2 32 Puhipuhi 5c 10 Block ; coloured red. Being portion of Ngatitara No. 6 Block. Situated in Block XI, Hukerenui Survey District. Situated in Block XV, Opunake Survey District; coloured red. (N.L. plan I307L) (S.O. plan 8006.) In the North Auckland Land District ; as the same are more In the Taranaki Land District ; as the same are more parti­ particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 16/2915, cularly delineated on the plan. marked L. and S. 16/2826, deposited deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, ·wellington, under No. 2926, and thereon coloured as above­ under No. 2923, and thereon coloured as abov.e mentioned. mentioned. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General Given under the hand qf His Excellency· the Governor-General of the Dominion· of New Zealand, and issued under the of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal Seal of that Dominion, this 27th day of May, 1944. of that Dominion, this 27th day of of May, 1944. B. ROBERTS, B. ROBERTS, For the Mfoister of Lands. For the Minister of Lands •. Goo SAVE THE KING! GOD SAVE THE KING ! (L. and S. 16/2826.) (L. and S. 16/2915.) JUNE 1] THE NKW ZEALAND GAZETTE· 629

.Altering and Redefining the Boundaries of the Waihopai ment, Block II, Avon Survey District; thence southerly by Rabbit Distriot.-(Notice No . .Ag. 4101) the eastern boundary of Erina Settlement and by the March­ burn River and boundary creek to the Waihopai River in Block XVI, Avon Survey District; thence southerly by the C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Waihopai River to the junction of the Spray River in ORDER IN COUNCIL Block III, Spray Survey District; thence southerly by the Spray River and the western boundary of Run 108 to Trig. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 24th day of Station "Pinnacle," on the main range between the Awatere May, 1944 and Waihopai Rivers in Block I, Upcot Survey District; Present: thence easterly by the boundary of the Marlborough County THE HON. D. G. SULLIVAN PRESIDING IN COUNCIL to the boundary between Run 109 and Run 110; thence in a HEREAS by section thirty-one of the Rabbit Nuisance northerly direction along that boundary to its junction with W Act, 1928, it is enacted that the Governor-General, at Lot 1, D.P. 740; thence north-easterly along the boundary of the request of the Board of any Rabbit District, may, by the said Lot 1 to Peg VII, D.P. 740; thence easterly by a Order in Council, alter and redefine the boundaries of its right line from the said Peg VII to the north-western district: boundary of Section 86, Blairich Run, in Block XXV, Avon And whereas the district known as the Waihopai Rabbit Survey District ; then~e northerly by the eastern . boundary District has been constituted under and for the purposes of of Run 110 and the Omaka River to Dog Point Road in the said Act : · Block XVI, Onamalutu Survey District; thence westerly by And whereas the Board of the said district has, pursuant the Dog Point Road to the Waihopai Road; thence northerly to the said section thirty-one of the said Act, requested that by a public road forming the east boundaries of Sections 4 the boundaries of its district be altered and redefined by and 3, Block XVI, Onamalutu Survey District; thence in an excluding an area of approximately 9,300 acres: easterly direction along the Wairau Valley Road to the And whereas it is deemed expedient to alter and redefine eastern corner of Part 2 of Section 160, Omaka; thence the boundaries of the said district accordingly: northerly by the eastern boundaries of Lots Part 2 and 3 Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the powers of 160, Omaka; thence easterly and northerly by the southern and authorities conferred upon him by the said Act, His and eastern boundaries of Lots 61, 57, 56, 51, and 50 of Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the Section 161, Omaka; thence in a westerly direction by the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby- northern boundary of the said Lot 50, southerly by the eastern boundary of Lot 12, and westerly by the southern ( 1) Alter and redefine the boundaries of the said district boundaries of Lots 12 and 11 to a public road; thence in a so constituted as aforesaid: northerly direction along that road to the south-western corner (2) Declare that the boundaries of the said district shall of Lot 82; thence easterly along the southern boundaries of be those set forth in the Schedule hereto; and, Lots 82 and 76; thence along the eastern and northern further, boundaries of Lot 76 and in a northerly direction along the ( 3) Declare that this Order in Council shall come into western boundaries of Lots 77, 78, and 79; thence in an force on the day following publication hereof in easterly direction along the southern boundary of Lot 80 to the Gazette. the main road; thence in a northerly direction along that road to the Wairau Bridge; thence in a westerly direction along a public road fronting Sections 4 and 5, Block IX, SCHEDULE Cloudy Bay Survey District, and 9A, Block XVI, Onamalutu BOUNDARIES OF THE ,WAIHOPAI RABBIT DISTRIC'.l' Survey District, to the Wairau River; thence westerly along ALL that area in the Marlborough Land District containing the southern bank of the Wairau River to the point of approximately 142,200 acr-es, and bounded as follows: Com­ commencement. mencing at the north-east corner of Section 13s, Erina Settle- C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Consenting to the Raising of Loans by certain Local A uthoritiea and pre/jcribing the Conditions thereof

C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 24th day of May, 1944 Present: THE HoN. D. G. SULLIVAN PRESIDING IN CouNClL HEREAS the several local authorities enumerated in the Schedule hereto, being desirous of raising the respective loans stated W opposite their names therein, have respectively complied with the provisions of the Local Government Loans Board Act, 1926 (hereinafter called "the said Act"), and it is expedient that the precedent consent of the Governor-General in Council, as required by the said Act, should be given to the raising of the said loans : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on him by section eleven of the said Act, as set out in section twenty-nine of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, doth here.by consent to the raising in New Zealand by the respective local authorities mentioned in the first column of the said Schedule of the respective loans set out in the second column of the said Schedule up to the respective amounts specified in the third column of the said Schedule, and in giving such consent doth hereby determine as follows :- (1) The terms for which the said loans or any parts thereof may be raised shall be the respective terms (in years) stated in the fourth column of the said Schedule. (2) The rates of interest that may be paid in respect of the said loans or any parts thereof shall be such as shall not produce to the lender or lenders a rate or rates exceeding the respective rates per centum per annum stated in the fifth column of the said Schedule. (3) The said respective loans or any parts thereof, together with interest thereon, shall be repaid by equal aggregate annual or half­ yearly instalments extending over the respective terms as determined in (1) above. (4) The payment of such instalments shall be made in New Zealand, and no such instalment shall be paid out of loan-moneys. (5) The rate payable for brokerage, underwriting, and procuration fees in respect of the raising of the said respective loans or any parts thereof shall not in the aggregate exceed. one-half per centum of any amount raised. (6) No moneys shall be borrowed under this consent after the expiration of two years from the date hereof.


Fourth Second Column. I 1'hird Column. Column. Fift~ Column, :l!'irst Column. ! I -. -- -- - Name- of Loan. Term of Rate of Name of Local Authority. i Amount of Loan. Loan Interest. I I (Years).

< £ £ s. d. Central• Hawke's Bay Electric-power Reticulation Loan, 1944 ...... 10,000 20 3 10 0 Board Mauriceville County Council .. .. Housing Loan, 1944 ...... 1,200 15 3 10 0 Central Waikato Electric-power Board .. Special Loan, 1944 ...... 25,000 20 3 15 0

C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. (T. 40/416/6.} 630 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 44

Varying the Determinations in respect of the Bay of Plenty Hospital Changing the Purpose of a Reserve in the Nelson Land District l;Joard's Loan of £45,000 C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 24th day of ORDER IN COUNCIL May, 1944 . At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 24th day of Present: May, 1944 THE HoN. D. G. SuLLIVAN PRESIDING IN CouNCIL Present: HEREAS the land described in the Schedule hereto is a THE HoN. D. G. SuLI'1VAN PRESIDING IN CouNCIL W reserve duly set apart as a village: And whereas it is expedient that the purpose of the reservation HEREAS by Order in .Council made on the fifteenth day of over the said land shall be changed to a reserve for water-supply W December, one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, purposes: and subject to the determinations as to borrowing and repayment Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the therein set out, consent was given to the raising in New Zealand by Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and the Bay of Plenty Hospital Board (hereinafter called " the said consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in local authority ") of a Joan of forty-five thousand pounds (£45,000), exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon him by to be known as "Capital Expenditure Loan, 1943" (hereinafter subsection one (a) of section seven of the Public Reserves, Domains, caUed " the said loan ") : and National Parks Act, 1928, doth hereby declare that the purpose And whereas the authority conferred by the said Order in of the reserve described in the Schedule hereto is hereby changed Council has not yet been exercised, and it is expedient to vary the from a reserve for a village to a reserve for water-supply purposes. determinations aforesaid in respect of the said loan : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent SCHEDULE of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in pursuance and exercise of the. powers and authorities conferred on him by NELSON LAND DISTRICT section eleven of the Local Government Loans Board Act, 1926, SECTION 2, Block VIII, Waimea Survey District : Area, 26 acres as set out in section tw'enty-nine of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), I rood 25 perches,. more or less. and of aU other powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. doth hereby vary the .determinations aforesaid in respect of the said loan by prescribing that in lieu of .a term of twenty (20) years, (L. and S. 13/108/68.) as prescribed in clause one of the said Order in Council, the term for which the said loan or any portion tl).ereof may be raised shall not exceed twenty-five (25) years. Reserves in Nelson Land District declared to be subject to the Coal­ C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. mines .Act, 1925 (T. 49/589/6.) C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 24th day of Consenting to the Assigr1Jment to Victor James Meehan, of May, 1944· Waimate, by Willvam Black, ferrmerlry of Waihao Grange, Present: Waimate, of his Rights, Powers, and Privileges under an THE HoN. D. G. SULLIVAN PRESIDING IN CouNCIL Order in Council dated the 18th November, 1935 Y. virtue of the powers and authorities vested in me by sub­ B section two of section one hundred and one of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, I, Cyril Louis C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New ORDER IN COUNCIL Zealand, acting by and with .the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, do hereby order and declare that the At the Government Buildings at WeUington, this 24th day of land described in the Schedule hereto, being reserves for municipal May, 1944 pur·poses, shall, . from and after the day of the gazetting hereof, become subject to the Coal-mines 1\ct, 1925, as if it were Crown land Present: as defined by such last-mentioned Act. THE HON .. D. G. SULLIVAN PRESIDING IN COUNCIL N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in him by I the Public W:orks Act, 1928, and of every other power SCHEDULE and authority in anywise. enabling him in that behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New NELSON LAND DISTRICT Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the SECTIONS 1167 to 1172 (inclusive), Town of Reefton: Area, 1 acre Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby consent 2 roods 12 perches, more or less. to the assignment to Victor James Meehan, of Waimate, by William Black, formerly of Waihao Grange, Waimate, of his C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. rights, powers, and privileges under an Order in Council (L. and S. 6/1/664.) • dated the eighteenth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five, and published in the New .Zealand Gazette No. 89 of the fifth day of December, one thousand nine ·hundred and thirty-five, at page 3588, authorizing him Recreation Reserve in Nelson Land District brought under Part II to use water for the purpose of generating electricity and to of the Public Reserves, Domain8, and National Park8 Act, 1928 erect certain electric lines. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. ORDER IN COUNCIL (P.W. 26/2073.) At ·4;he Government Buildings at Wellington, this 24th day of ', M:ay, 1944 Present: THE HON, D. G. SULLIVAN PRESIDING IN COUNCIL Deputy of Member of Otago Land Sales Committee appointed Y virtue of the, powers and authorities vested in me by the . B thirty-fourth section of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor­ C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the· Executive ~founcil of the said- Dominion, ORDER IN COUNCIL do hereby order and declare that the reserve for recreation in the At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 24th day of May, Nelson Land District described in the Schedule hereto shall be 1944 and the same is hereby brought under the operation of and declared to be subject to the provisions of Part II of the said Act, and such Present: reserve shall hereafter form part of the Rabbit Island Domain, TIIE HON. D. G. SULLIVAN PRESIDING IN COUNCIL and be managed; administered; and dea.lt with as a public domain URSUANT to the provisions of subsection three of section by the Rabbit Island Domain Board. ~,.. P seventeen of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby SCHEDULE appoint NELSON LAND DISTRICT. Warrington McCarter Taylor, Esquire, of , Solicitor, SECTION 4 (Birds Island), Waimea East District, Block II, Waimea to be the deputy on the Otago Land Sales Committee of Eric James, Survey District : Area, 13 acres, more or less. Anderson, Esquire, the Chairman of that Committee. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the- Executive Council. (L. and S. 1/371.) JUNE 1] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE

Revoking the Reservation over a Resen1e in the Parish of W aipareira, of section ·one hundred and twenty-eight of the ·Public North A uclcland Land District Works Act, 1928, shall not apply to the western side of the portion of Mays Street adjoining part of Allot­ C. L. CN. NEWALL, Governor-General ment 19, Section 2, Parish of Takapuna, C.T. 83/277 and ORDER IN COUNCIL C.T. 567 /61 "; At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 24th day of subject to the condition that no building or part of a building May, 1944 shall at any time be erected on the land fronting the western side of the J>Ortion of Mays Street ( described in the Schedule Present: hereto) within a distance of thirty-three feet from the ·centre­ THE HON. D. G. SULLIVAN PRESIDING IN COUNCIL line of the said p(?rtion of street. · N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred I upon him by subsection one (b) of section seven of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by SCHEDULE and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said THE western side of all that portion of street, situated in Dominion, doth hereby revoke the reservation as a site for a public the North Auckland Land District, Borough of Devonport, hall over the land described in the Schedule hereto; and doth hereby known as Mays Street, fronting parts of Allotment 19, declare that the said land, being vested in the Crown, is Crown land Section 2, Parish of Takapuna. As the same is more par­ available for disposal under the Land Act, 1924. ticularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 119237, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Welling­ SCHEDULE ton, and thereon coloured red. NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. ALLOTMENT lllA, Waipareira Parish: Area, 2 roods 14 perches, more or less. · (P.W. 51/1082.) C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. (L. and S. 4/:36.) Officers authorized to take and receive Statutory Declarations The South-eastern Bide of Portion of James Street, in the Borough of Balclutha, exempted from the Provisions of Section 128 of the C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Public Works Act, 1928, subject to a Condition as to the Building. URSUANT to the authority conferred upon me by the three­ line P hundred-and-first section of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify and declare that the ORDER IN COUNCIL persons whose names are set out in the Schedule hereto, being officers in the service of the Crown holding the offices stated opposite. their At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this· 24th day of names respectively in the said Schedule, are authorized to take and May, 1944 receive statutory declarations under the three-hundred-and-first Present: section of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927. THE HON. D. G. SULLIVAN PRESIDING IN COUNCIL N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the Public I Works Act, 1928, and of every other power in anywise enabling SCHEDULE him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Alfred Stanley Powley, Deputy Chief Postmaster, Dunedin. Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent Thomas Bassett Lendrum, Deputy Chief Postmaster, Hamilton. of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve Joseph Bernard Ernest Stanley, Accountant, Post-office, Inver-. of the following resolution passed by the Balclutha Borough Council cargill. · on the twenty-sixth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and John Simpson, Chief Postmaster, Napier. forty-four, the side and portion of street affected by such resolution Kenneth McGregor Boswell, Accountant, Post-office, Napier. being more particularly described in the Schedule hereto, viz. :- Clyde West McGiven, Accountant, Post-office, New Plymouth. " The Balclutha Borough Council, being the local authority George Anderson Bird, Accountant, Post-office, Oamaru. having control of the streets in the Borough of Balclutha, by John William Pound, Postmaster and Telephonist, Opapa. resolution declares that the provisions of section one hundred Ellison Edward Porter, Postmaster, Owaka. and twenty-eight of the Public Works Act, 1928, shall not apply Lionel Edward Osborne Bullard, Postmaster, Pahiatua; to that portion of James Street abutting on Lots 1 and 2, Henry Roberts Pool, Chief Clerk, Post-office, Palmerston North. Block V, Deeds Plan 100, Town of Balclutha"; Leonard Charles Simmonds, Postmaster, Rakaia. Denis Patrick Roughan, Postmaster, Seddon. subject to the condition that no building or part of a building.shall Joyce Margaret Doreen ,Jerome, Postmistress, Te Uku. at any time be erected on the land fronting the south-eastern side Willoughby Drummond Rawlinson, Postmaster, Upper Moutere. of the portion of James Street (described in the Schedule hereto) Harvey Ashton Eves, Postmaster, Waikari. within a distance of thirtv-three feet from tlvi centre-line of the sa.id Douglas James Bruce Walker, Chief Postmaster, Wanganui. portion o.f ~treet. V Eric Wingate Ward, Postmaster, Wellington South. · As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, SCHEDULE this 27th day of May, HJ44. · , THE south-eastern side of all that portion of street, situated 111 the A. H. NORDMEYER, Otago Land District, Borough of Balclutha, known as James Street, For the Minister of Justice. fronting Lots 1 and 2, Block V, Deeds Plan 100, Clutha District. As the same is more particularly delineated on the pla.n marked P.W.D. 119244, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon edged red. Additional Member appointed to the Pelorus Scenic Boarcl C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. (P.W. 51/84.) C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General HEREAS by a Warrant dateq. the third day of May, _one The Western Sid-e of Portion of Mays Street, in the Borov,gh W thousand nine hundred and forty-three, and published in the' of De·vonport, exempted from the Provisions of Section 128 Gazette of the sixth dav of that month, the control of certain of the Public Works A.at, 1928, subject to a Condition, as reserves in the Marlborough Land District, known as the Pelorus vo the Building-line Scenic Reserves, was vested in certain persons therein named who were by the said Warrant constituted a special Board, by the name C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General of the Pelorus Scenic Board, in pursuance of section thirteen of tJ::\e Scenery Preservation Act, 1908: . ORDER IN COUNCIL And whereas it is desirable that William John Elvy, of Blenheim, At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 24th day of should be appointed .as an additional member of the said Board: May, 1944 Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of_ the Present: Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers · THE HoN. D. G. SuLLIVAN PRESIDING IN CouNCIL conferred on him by section thirteen of the Scenery Preservation Act, 1908, doth hereby appoint the said N pursuance and exe..rcise of the powers con£ erred by tl:e I Public \'V orks Act, 1928, and of every other power m William ,John Elvy anywise enabling him in this . behalf, His Excellen~y the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, actmg by to be an additional member of the Felorus Scenic Board constituted by the Warrant dated the third day of May, one thousand nine and with the advice ari:d consent of the Executive Council of hundred and forty-three, hereinbefore referred to .. the said Dominion, doth hereby approve of the following resolution passed by the Devonport Borough Council on the As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General; nineteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and this 26th day of May, 1944. forty-four, viz.:- " That the Devonport Borough Council, being the B. ROBERTS, local authority having control of streets in the Borough For thw Minister in Charge of Scenery Preservation. of Devonport, by resolution declares that the provisions (L. and S. 4/354.) 632 THE NEW ZEA.LAND GAZETTE [No. 44

Appointments, Promotion8, Tran8fe1·s, and Relinquishments of Officers Dated 16th April, 1944- of the Royal New Zealand Air !'orce J ames Edmends MoBBERLEY. James Peter Marshall CoRN• WALL. Air Department, Dated 17th April, 1944- Wellington, 22nd May, 1944. John Duncomb WHITEMAN, George Frederick WooDs, IS li;xcellency the Governor-General has been pleased to Dated 18th April, 1944- H approve the following appointments, promotions, transfers, Archibald Millar MOFFAT. . Fra.nk Edvmrd COOPER. and relinquishments of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force:- Dated 19th April, 1944 : Lawrence Alfred IDLE. GENERAL DUTIES BR.A.NCH Dated 20th April, 1944-·· Appointments Harold Tudor HAYNES. Noel Eric RoSEl\fAN, The undermentioned are granted temporary commissions in Dated 21st April, 1944 : Harold Trevor NINNES. the rank of :- Dated 22nd April, 1944- As Pilots- Trevor Snell KN.A.PMAN. Claude Cyril McCORMACK, Dated 19th February, 1944- . Dated 23rd April, 1944- NZ 422269 Norman Wilfred DONNELLEY. Raymond Attwell AYTON. Wilfred Albert HoLT. Maurice Frederick FIFIELD. Clive William ELLIOTT. Dated 9th April, 1944- NZ 424505 Flight Sergeant Lawrence Michael O'CONNOR. Amendments Dated 14th April, 1944- In the notices appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 102, NZ 42415 Flight Sergeant Arthur Ralph KITTO. dated 18th November, 1943, page 1388, under the heading "General Dated 22nd April, 1944- Duties Branch-Appointments: As Air Bombers" and "As Air NZ 426041 Flight Sergeant Wilson Orchard HADLEY. Gunners", for "Dated 25th October, 1943 ", read "Dated 15th Dated 1st May, 1944- October, 1943 ". NZ 415421 Flight Sergeant Phillip John REID. In the notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 13,. NZ 416442 Flight Sergeant Archibald Currie BEAZER. dated 24th February, 1944, page 193, under the heading "General Duties Branch-Appointments: As Pilots", for "NZ 411431 As Navigators- Warrant Officer Colin MONCUR", read "NZ 411431 Flight Sergeant Dated 1st April, 1944- Colin MON OUR ,, • NZ 422447 Flight Sergeant Gordon Prujean WILLI.A.MS. Dated 1st May, 1944- ADMINISTRATIVE .A.ND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH NZ 413450 Flight Sergeant Edward MILLAR. Transfer NZ 413475 Flight Sergeant David William REGAN. Pilot Officer William Alexander Clydesdale PULLAR is transferred NZ 415432 Flight Sergeant Cornelius Ashton MCGUINNESS. from the General Duties Branch to the Administrative and Special NZ 413805 Flight Sergeant Jack Thomas BATTYE. Duties Branch in his present rank and with seniority as from 6th As Wireless Operator/Air Gunners­ January, 1943. Dated 5th May, 1944. Dated 4th April, 1944- NZ 412336 Warrant Officer Ernest William BUCHANAN. Relinquishment Dated 1st May, 1944- Gordon Huntly BENTON is permitted to relinquish NZ 412897 Flight Sergeant Lewis Pat MILLER. his temporary commission. Dated 1st June, 1944. NZ 415908 Flight Sergeant John Joseph McDONALD. NZ 402659 Warrant Officer Arthur George HOSKINS. Works Section- NZ 391278 Warrant Officer Frederick John HARVEY. Promotion NZ 412459 Flight Sergeant Charles Neil O'LouGHLIN. (temp.) John Lionel WELLS to be Acting As Air Gunner- SquadronLeader (paid). Dated 15th May, 1944. Dated 1st May, 1944- NZ 401224 Flight Sergeant Herrold Raymond CORRIN, Educational Section- D.F.M. Relinqui8hment Flying Officer Kenneth John DUNCAN is permitted to relinquish Promotions his temporary commission. Dated 30th May, 1944., Donald Edward GRIGG, M.B.E., to be (temp.). Dated 6th April, 1944. ADMINISTRATIVE .A.ND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH, SECTION II (A.T.C.) Flight Lieutenant (temp.) Gordon Kenneth Dundas MACKENZIE Relinquishment to be Acting Squadron Leader (paid). Dated 9th April, 1944. Pilot Officer Kenneth Pemberton PROCTOR is permitted to The undermentioned Flying Officers to be Flight Lieutenants relinquish his Air Training Corps Commission ... Dated 1st January, (temp.):- 1944. Dated 20th April, 1944: Charles Henry LATTIMER. RESERVE OF Arn FORCE OFFICERS Dated 24th April, 1944- Charles Spence LYONS. Warren Hornbv AUGUST. Transfer Edward Greer FLEMING. Patrick Montague BOYLE. Wing Commander Donald Edward GRIGG, M.B.E., is transferred Gordon Wallace CAMMELL. Eric William TANNER. from the Active List to the Reserve of Air Force Officers, Class B, Verrell WEATHERLEY. John David GRUBB. Section I. Dated 27th May, 1944. Lloyd James APPLETON. Ronald Arnott KEAR. John Charles Lawson PETTIT. Douglas Haig TODD. Corrigenda James Richard Robert DEVEREAUX. Claud Peter COWAN. Gordon Farquhar FORBES. · In the notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 13, dated 24th February, 1944, page 192, under the heading," General Dated 27th April, 1944- Duties Branch-Appointments: As Pilots", for "NZ 414341 George Oliver WHATNALL. Douglas George CULL. Flight Sergeant Kevin William ROBINSON", read "NZ 414341 The undermentioned Flying Officers (temp.) to be Acting Flight Flight Sergeant Kenneth William ROBINSON." Lieutenants (paid) :- In the notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 38, Dated 5th May, 1944: Patrick Stanley TENNENT. dated 11th May, 1944, page 560, under the heading" General Duties Branch-Appointments : As Pilots ", for " NZ 4215952 Sergeant Dated 21st May, 1944- Rennaird Alexander RAE", read "NZ 4215952 Sergeant Kennaird Peter Douglas GIFFORD. Dennis Edward HOGAN, D.F.C; Alexander RAE ",. The undermentioned Pilot Officers to be Flying Officers F. JONES, Minister of Defenc~. (temp.):- Dated ~th November, 1943 : Basil Vivian GAIN. Dated 30th November, 1943 : Kenneth William ROBINSON. Appointments, Promotions, and Transfers of Officers of the Royal Dated 9th February, 1944 : William Henry GRAY, D.F.M. Ne·w Zealand Air Force Dated 20th Februa:r:y, 1944: William Reginald ARNOLD. Dated 8th March, 1944: Robert Leonard SOMMERVILLE, D.F.M. Air Department, Dated 15th March, 1944 : William Jack BIRCHALL. Wellington, 26th May, 1944. Dated 25th March, 1944: Henry James BENNETT. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to Dated 29th March, 1944: William Feilding SHORTT. H approve the following appointments, promotions, and trans­ Dated 30th March, 1944: Albert Noel WARD. fers of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force:- Dated 10th April, 1944: Leslie Eric"1'URNER. GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH Dated 14th April, 1944- Colin Malcolm WALLACE,D.F.M. Robert Walter CODDINGTON. Appointments Frederick Stewart STEVENSON. Leith Lander THOMPSON. The undermentioned are granted temporary commissions in Vincent ,John KELLY. David Robert FOWLER. the rank of Pilot Officer :- Dated 15th April, 1944- Peter Gordon HILLYER. Percival Leonard DAUBNEY. As Pilots- Noel REID. Victor Digger HENDRY. Dated 5th May, 1944- John Stanley WILSON. Richard Pascoe PERRY. NZ 414846 Sergeant Henry David YEOMAN. Thomas Gordon Huie ADAMS. Harold William Norris BUDD. NZ 4216713 Sergeant Desmond Edward STOKES. Roland Edward MURRELL. James Robert CRAIG. NZ 432057 . Sergeant Kenneth James DOUGLAS. JUNE l] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE

NZ 4217066 Sergeant Richard James Prescott VALLEN- Transfers TINE. The undermentioned Pilot Officers are transferred from NZC 433239 Sergeant John Cecil CALLAGHAN. Administrative and Special Duties Branch to the General Duties NZ 4215820 Sergeant Thomas Graham WALKER. Branch in their present rank :- NZC 431114 Sergeant Murray Jackson WYATT. NZ 4217071 Sergeant Gordon Barry Fyans NEILL. As Pilots- NZ 431152 Sergeant William Alexander Graham BISHOP. NZ 433704 Sergeant Edmund LEADLEY. Dated 5th May, 1944- NZ 431221 Sergeant Ian Clark WooLLEY. George Ewen BALLANTYNE. Ronald Raymond HITCHCOCK. NZ 417017 Sergeant George Henry Barrington CHILDS. NZ 432012 Sergeant Donald Cecil ADAMS. As Navigators- NZ 431356 Sergeant James Reginald GYLES. Dated 1st May, 1944 : Eric O'BRIEN. NZ 4217043 Sergeant Ronald Howorth MARSH. NZC 427059 Sergeant Bruce McKINNON. Dated 5th May, 1944- NZ 431163 Sergeant Brian William CURRIE. Charles Phillip Dent CHILDS. Ernest Carl BOTT. NZ 4215105 Sergeant Clifford Herbert THOMS. Arthur Edmund ANDREWES. George WILKINSON. NZ 4215796 Sergeant William Wickett TENNET. Geoffrey W al1ace BIBBY. NZ 432224 Sergeant Douglas Bryce ROPE. NZ 432911 Sergeant Frederick William SAWYER. As Air Bombers- NZ 432045 Sergeant Stanley Garrick LIVINGSTONE. Dated 5th May, 1944- NZ 4213461 Sergeant ,John William OAKLEY. Alan Macpherson LEE. Clarence William ANDERSON. NZ 4215262 Sergeant Arthur Lloyd TAYLOR. NZ 4217077 Sergeant Ross Smith MACARTHUR. EQUIPMENT BRANCH, SECTION II : TECHNICAL OFFICERS NZ 431714 Sergeant Herbert GRIMSON. NZ 431319 Sergeant Roger Leon CORCORAN. Promotion Armament Duties- As Navigators- Pilot Officer Reginald Horatio JARRATT to be Flying Officer Dated 5th May, 1944- (temp.). Dated 28th April, 1944. NZ 4210709 Sergeant Peter Frederick CALVERT. NZ 436154 Sergeant Bruce Riddell HENDERSON. MEDICAL BRANCH NZ 4211898 Sergeant Jack Kenneth THIELE. Promotion NZ 425500 Sergeant William Henry MALONEY. NZC 4213388 Sergeant Francis Royden CLARKE. Flying Officer David Lloyd RrnHWHITE, M.B., Ch.B., to be NZ 434678 Sergeant Stanley Thomas SMYTH. Flight Lieutenant (temp.). Dated 3rd March, 1944. NZ 4212786 Sergeant Reginald George David ADLAM. F. JONES, Minister of Defence. NZ 4211709 Sergeant Charles Mackenzie HERBERT. NZ 4211856 Sergeant Albert Douglas FRASER. NZ 4216221 Sergeant Cecil David WILSON. NZ 4210949 Sergeant George Alexander RAIT. Appointments, Promotions, Tran8fers, and Relinqui8hnients of As Air Bombers- Officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Dated 5th May, 1944~ Air Department, NZ 4213877 Sergeant Robert William Gilbert ALEXANDER. Wellington, 26th May, 1944, NZ 432257 Sergeant David Ca.rtmer MOULTRIE. NZ 4212657 Sergeant Sidney FRANKS. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to H approve the following appointments, promotions, transfers, and relinquishments of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Promotions Force:- Flight Lieutenant (temp.) Thomas Drummond WEBSTER to be GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH Acting Squadron Leader (paid). Dated 15th May, 1944. Appointments The undermentioned Flying Officers to be Flight Lieutenants The undermentioned officers, on relinquishing their com­ (temp.):- missions in the Reserve of Air Force Officers (United Kingdom), Dated 27th April, 1944- are granted temporary commissions in the ranks shown. Dated Colin Garvin BROWN. Philip .Albert LEWIN. 1st January, 1944 :- William Charles Kingston As Pilots- HENDER. In the rank of Squadron Leader- Dated 1st May, 1944- With seniority as from 1st July, 1943- Hansford Ward CHAMBERS, Lloyd ELLIOTT. NZ 2214 Alexander FRAME, D.F.C. D.F.C. Robert George LYNN. Peter MERCER. Charles Anthony ARMSTRONG, In the rank of Flight Lieutenant- Bernard Cyril William D.F.M. With seniority as from 28th May, 1941- SIMMONDS. Ernest CLOW. NZ 2216 Claude Alexander HANSEN. Brian Ennis Hull LAYNE. Robert Arthur COLVILLE. With seniority as from 2nd October, 1941- Douglas Fleming WATSON. Charles Victor BARGH. NZ 2212 Leicester Cornelius KINGSBURY, D.F.C. Selwyn Guy COOPER. With seniority as from 3rd December, 1941---,-­ Dated 2nd May, 1944: Douglas Gordon COOKSON. NZ 2213 Charles Robertson HUTTON .. Flying Officer (temp.) Robert Bell HAMILTON to be Acting Flight Lieutenant (paid). Dated 1st May, 1944. As Navigator- In the rank of Flight Lieutenant- The undermentioned Pilot Officers to be Flying Officers (temp.):- With seniority as from 3rd September, 1941- NZ 2215 Ian Ronald Gow. Dated 6th November, 1943: Henry Edward RICHMOND. Dated 4th March, 1944: Claude Theodore Vignoles PAGE. The undermentioned are granted temporary commissions in the Dated 25th March, 1944: Cedric Stanley GAY. rank of Pilot Officer:- Dated 27th March, 1944: Rawdon Lambton CARTER. As Pilots- Dated 25th April, 1944- Trevor Lowther Wright Leonard Claude BAINES. Dated 1st Mav, 1944- MULLINDER. NZ 421734 Flight Sergeant Rae. LOWTHER. NZ 415695 Flight Sergeant William Dndley HOLMES. Dated 26th April, 1944- NZ 421058 Flight Sergeant Douglas Roy Chambers Leslie John CARTER. Lionel Horace BURRIDGE. HUTCHINS. Dated 27th April, 1944 : Raymond John CAMMOCK. As Wireless Operator/Air Gunners- Dated 28th April, 1944- Dated 1st May, 1944- Colin Roy BAKER. Robert Maitland ROBINSON. NZ 413852 Flight Sergeant Alan ,John HUTCHINSON. Dated 29th April, 1944- NZ 414412 Flight Sergeant Kenneth James MOORHOUSE. Colin Mum. Ronald Fergusson O'BRIEN. NZ 412438 F'light Sergeant Robert Lewis SMITH. Gordon Howe WARREN. Stuart Hector RICHMOND. Arthur Francis THOMPSON. John Gibson WEBB. As Air Gunner- William George BIRNIE. Macnab BETTJEMAN. Dated 1st May, 1944- Eric James PARSONS. Neill Henry ELLIS. NZ 403772 Warrant Officer Amos Arthur BATTY. Dawson John PERCIVAL. James Venton CASTLES. Roderick George HOFFMAN. Cecil Paul SPARKES. Allan Montague BEZZANT. Promotions Dated 30th April, 1944: George Thomas CouTTIE. Squadron Leader (temp.) Aubrey Arthur Ninnis BRECKON, D.F.C., to be Acting Wing Commander (paid). Dated 23rd May, Dated 1st May, 1944- 1944. Lawrence Willia.m HITCHINS, Beryck Phillip ,Villiam DALCOM. Flying Officer (temp.) Eric John TRESIDDER to be Acting D.F.M. Kenneth Pearson FIS:JIER, Flight Lieutenant (paid). Dated 15th May, 1944. 624 THE NEW -ZEALAND GAZETTE - [No. 44

The undermentioned Pilot Officers to be Flying Officers RESERVE OF Am FoRcE OFFICERS (temp.):- Transfers Date:d 23rd April, 1944_,_ The undermentioned officers are transferred from the Active Eric James 0MUNDSEN. Gordon Langley PARKER. List to the Reserve of Air Force Officers, Class B, Section I :- Peter Jackson KEDDELL. David Meredith THOMAS. Frederick Hodgson MYERS. John Steele GUTHRIE. Dated 4th May, 1944: Squadron Leader Cheviot. Wellington William Edward CODY. Bruce Richard BANFIELD. Dillon BELL. . .Hem:y. Edward OLDALE. Leslie Raymond TORRIE . Dated 19th May, 1944: Flight Lieutenant Alfred William 'Anthony Dennitts WILLCOX. Raymond Arthur MACKINDER. KEYES. Roger Hetherington PEART. John Hart CASELBERG. Dated 17th May, 1944 : Flying Officer Donald Stuart John Tarzan MARTIN. Colin Strathearn CouTTS. MACKENZIE. Dated 27th May, 1944: Flying Officer William Edward PUDDY. Dated 29th April, 1944- . Neville Francis Roderick Leonard Arnold Rose HILL. NEw ZEALAND WoMEN's AuxILIARY. Am FoRcE SECTION JOYNT. Barry Webster MAZ-EY. William Gray PAYNE. Graham Henry Goss. Transfer William Stuart NORMAN. Assistant Section Officer Dorothy Irene McKENZIE is trans­ Dated 30th April, 1044: Clifford John WRIGHT. ferred from the Active List to the Reserve. Dated 9th May, 1944. F. JONES, Minister of Defence. Relinquishment Flying· Officer Charles Ralph BLACKETT is permitted to relin­ quish his tempo_rary commission. Dated 26th May, 1944. Members of Local Government. Loans Board appointed EQUIPMENT BRANCH, SECTION I : EQUIPMENT OFFICERS Promotions The Treasury, Wellington, 19th May, 1944. The ·undermentioned Pilot Officers to be Flying Officers (temp.):- N pursuance of section 1-1 (1) (b) of the Local Government Loans I Board Act, 1926, His Excellency the Governor-General has Accountant Duties- been pleased to appoint the following persons to be members of Dated 1st April, 1944- the Local Government Loans Board for a period of three years Percy Roy PAUL, M.M. John .Tames HOWARD. from the 1st April, 1944 :- Nelson Valentine BREWERTON. H. M. Christie, Esquire, of Wellington. C. L. Grange, Esquire, of Auckland. EQUIPMENT. BRANCH; SECTION ·II: TECHNICAL OFFICERS J. W. Heenan, Esquire, C.B.E., of Wellington. Promotions E. Hitchcock, Esquire, of Christchurch. The undermentioned Pilot Officers to be Flying Officers D. G. SULLIVAN, Acting Minister of Finance. (te1(1,p.) _:- (T. 40/4:16/2.) Engineer Duties---' Dated 1st April, 1944: Claude Patrick PERRETT. Members of the Conncil of the Royal Society of New Zealand reappointed Daties-.- Dated 1st April, 1944: · Patrick Francis NOBLE. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Wellington, 23rd May, 1944. ADMINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH IS .Excellency the Governor-General in Council has. been Promotions H pleased to reappoint The undermentioned Pilot Officers to be Flyi~1g Officers Walter Reginald Brook Oliver, D.Sc., and (temp.):- Bernard Cracraft Aston Dated 1st April, 1944~· · to be members of the Council of the Royttl Society of New Zealand, Eric· Alwyn RoussELL'. Eric Claud McCOOK. as constituted by the Royal Society of New Zealand Act, 1933. Henry James BUTLER. Brian O'Donnell PATERSON. D. G. SULLIVAN, Wilfrid Christian KOHN. Timothy Robert COTTER. Minister in Charge of the Department of John Francis HANNA. David Alexander GAIN. Scientific and Industrial Research. Percy Warwick BLUNDELL­ Louis Sydney. HANCOCK. Robert Ferdinand Davenport Fanshawe BING~EY. Dated 9th April, ·1944: RalJ>h Kraeft. TRIMMER. Consul of. the United States of America at Wellington appointed

· Relinquishment Ministry of External Affairs, Flying Officer Norris Yeoman SMITH is permitted to relinquish Wellington, 23rd May, 1944. his temporary commission. Dated 6th June; 1944. .HIS Excellency the Governor-General has been\ pleased to direct it to be notified that His Majesty's Exequatur Promotions empowering Educational Section- Prescott Chifds, Esquire, The undermentioned Pilot Officers to be Flying Officers . to act as Consul of the United States of America at Wellington has (temp.):- ' been issued. Dated 1st April, 1944- D. G. SULLIVAN, Kenneth Richard AUSTIN. John James MOYLE. For the Minister of External Affairs. Thomas Kelsall TAYLOR. · Frederick John Walter BILLINGS.

ADMINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH~ SECTION' II (A.T.C.) ; Consul of the Unite;d -States of America at Wellington appointed Appoint~ents The undermentioned are granted AiP"Training Corps commi~sions, in the rank of Pilot Officer :- Ministry of External Affairs, Wellington, 23rd May, 1944. Dated 1st April, 1944- :HIS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to direct Laurence, -Davis KEEDWELL. Henry Arthur JAEGER. : it to be notified that His. Majesty's Exequatur empowering · Promotions Carl E. Christopherson, Esquire, The undermentioned Pilot Officers to be Flying Officers :-:- 1 to act as Consul of the United States of America at Wellington has : been issued. Dated 1st March, 1944- D. G. SULLIVAN, William James TooMEY. Gerald GREEN. For the Minister of External Affairs. John:Francois McDONALD. Harry Robson LAKE. Douglas Laurence BEDING- Frederick Arthur CRIMP. FIELD. Alexander Innes MILNE. Joseph Beadon MAUNDER. Richard George PILLING. Vice-Consul of the United States of America at Auckland appointed Dated 11th March, 1944 : Alfred Herbert LARKMAN. Dated 16th March, 1944 : Gerald Plimsoll ROXBURGH. Ministry of External Affairs, Dated 19th March, 1944: Edward HUTT. Wellington, 23rd May, 1944. Dated 1st April, 1944- IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to direct Clement Harold LUDGATE. William Wallace STIRLING. it to be notified that His Majesty's Exequatur empowering }Jartley Emerson PIKE. .Harold Verdun BAIGENT. H · WHliam Francis DP-NSMORE. Francis Theodore AGER. John C. Fuess, Esquire, 'Linden Charles Mansell Archibald. Frederick JOHNSON. to act as Vice-Consul of the United States of America at Auckland . . SAUNDERS. John MACMILLAN . has been issued. :- Alleri Norman Ha:n,sen SNOW. Willi_ani B;arry TUCKER. D. G. SULLIVAN, Frank ANSELL. - · · For the Minister of External Affairs. JUNE l] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 635

Vice-Consul of the United States of America at Wellington appointed Appointments in the Public Service

Office of the Public Service Commissioner, Ministry of External Affairs, Wellington, 30th May, 1944. Wellington, 23rd May, 1944. HE Public Service Commissioner has made the following IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to direct appointments in the Public Service :- it to be notified that His Majesty's Exequatur empowering T H Cecil Hector Watson Larsen J. Jefferson Jones, Esquire, to be Resident Commissioner of Niue, a Judge of the High Court to act as Vice-Consul of the United States of America at Wellington of the Cook Islands, and Collector of Customs and Postmaster at has been issued. Niue, for the purposes of the Cook Islands Act, 1915, on and from D. G. SULLIVAN, the 14th day of April, 1944. For the Minister of External Affairs. John Mellerick Lodge to be Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the District of Waverley, on and from the 10th day of May, 1944. Vice•Oonsul of the United States of America at Wellington appointed Leonard Frederick Round to be Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the Ministry of External Affairs, District of Otautau, on and from the 11th day of May, 1944. Wellington, 23rd May, 1944. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to direct George Myring Newton H it to be notified that His Majesty's Exequatur empowering to be Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Taupo, T. Eliot Weil, Esquire, on and from the 12th day of May, 1944. to act as Vice-Consul for the United States of America at Wellington Ella Catherine Lee (Miss) has been issued. to be Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the D. G. SULLIVAN, District of Mercury Bay, on and from the 15th day of May, 1944. For the Minister of External Affairs. Jasper Lovell Browne to be Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the District of Mangonui, and Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris Judge of the Compensation Court appointed at Mangonui, on and from the 16th day of May, 1944. Stella Margaret Musson (Mrs.) Department of Justice, to be Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the Wellington, 26th May, 1944. District of Heriot, on and from the 18th day of April, 1944. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased, pur­ L. A. ATKINSON, Secretary. H suant to the Compensation Court Regulations 1940, and amendments, to appoint Overtime and Holidays Labour Legislation Suspension Order 1941, The Ilonourable George Panton Finlay Variation No. 29 to be a Judge of the Compensation Court established by the Com­ pensation Court Regulations 1940, to hold that office until the 30th N pursuance of the Labour Legislation Emergency R_ egulations day of ,Tune, l 944. , 1940, the Minister of Labour doth hereby order as follows:- H. G. R. MASON, Attorney-General. I 1. This Order may be cited as the Overtime and Holidays Labour Legislation Suspension Order 1941, Variation No. 29. 2. This Order shall be read together with and deemed part of Appointment of Deputy Commissioner of Works under the .illinis.'ry the Overtime and Holidays Labour Legislation Suspension Order of Works Act, 1943 1941 (hereinafter referred to as "the principal Order"). 3. The principal Order is varied as follows, namely :- The provisions of the principal Order shall not apply to the Office of the Minister of Works, workers coming within the scope of the Auckland (Twenty-mile Wellington, 30th May, 1944. Radius) Milkroundsmen's award dated 25th March, 1943, Book ·of T is hereby notified that His Excellency the Governor-General Awards, Vol. 43, page 97. I in Council, in pursuance of section 3 of the Ministry of Works 4. This Order shall come into effect on the day of the date Act, 1943, has been pleased to appoint hereof. Edgar Ravenswood McKillop, Esquire, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Dated at Wellington, this 31st day of May, 1944. of Wellington, Civil Engineer, to be the Deputy Commissioner of P. C. WEBB, Minister of Labour. Works, to hold and exercise the duties of that office during pleasure ; the appointment to take affect on and from the 1st day of April, 1944. Authorizing the Laying-off of Roads of less Width thap, 66 ft. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works. HEREAS in the opinion of the Minister of Lands it is (P.W. 56/34.) W inexpedient, by reason of the fact that the land shown upon the plan of Town of Stoke Extension No. 7, affecting pa.rt of Section 53, Suburban South, Block VII, Waimea Survey District, M embei· of the Fireblight Committee of the Waimea Commercial Nelson Land District, is intended to be used wholly for residential Fruitgrowing District appointed.-(Notice No. Ag. 4100) purposes, that the proposed roads shown thereon should be of the width of 66 ft. : Now, therefore, in pursuance of the power conferred upon him URSUANT to Regulation 3 (13) of the Fireblight Committee by section 17, subsection (1), of the Land Act, 1924, and of every P Regulations 1928, the Minister of Agriculture doth hereby other power him thereunto enabling, the Minister of Lands doth appoint hereby authorize the laying-off of the proposed roads of a width William Boswell Stead of not less than 50 ft. : Provided always that it shall not be lawful for any person to erect or cause to be erected any building at a less to be a member of the Fireblight Committee of the Waimea Com­ distance than 35 ft. from the middle of such roads. mercial Fruitgrowing District, 'IJice Henry William Chisnall, resigned. Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of May, 1944. Given under the hand of the Minister of Lands, this 29th day of May, 1944. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Agriculture. C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. (L. and S. 25/913.)

The Rural Intermediate Credit Act, 1927.-Appointment of District Authorizing the Laying-off of a Road of less Width than 66 ft. Intermediate Credit Supervisor and Chairman of the Canterbury District Board HEREAS in the opinion of the Minister of Lands it is W inexpedient, by reason of the fact that the land shown T is hereby notified for public information that the Rural Inter­ upon the plan of Town of Raureka Extension No. 4, affecting part I mediate Credit Board, acting in pursuance and exercise of the of Section 2235 in Block XI, Kaniere Survey District, Westland powers and authorities conferred upon it by section 14 of the Rural Land District, is intended to be used wholly for residential Intermediate Credit Act and of paragraph 10 of the regulations purposes, that the new road shown thereon should be of the width made under the said Act, and published in the New Zeal,and Gazette of 66 ft. : of the 22nd December, 1927, and of all other powers it in that behalf Now, therefore, in pursuance of the power conferred upon him enabling, has made the following appointment:- by section 17, subsection (1), of the Land Act, 1924, and of every other power him thereunto enabling, the Minister of Lands doth Hamilton, Douglas Stuart, of the State Advances Corporation hereby authorize the laying-off of the new road of a width of not at Christchurch, to be District Intermediate Credit Super­ less than 60 ft. : Provided always that it shall not be lawful for visor for the Canterbury District and Chairman of the any person to erect or cause to be erected any building at a less Canterbury District Rural Intermediate Credit Board in distance than 33 ft. from the middle of such road. succession to the late Francis Shaw, the appointment to take effect as from the 24th May, 1944. Given under the hand of the Minister of Lands, this 29th. day of May, 1944. Dated at Wellington, this 25th day of May, 1944. C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lauds. A. D. PARK, Chairman. (L. and S. 25/996.) B 636 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No .. 44

Awards approved by His Majesty the King His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in recognition of gallantry and devotion to duty in operations against the enemy :- Office of the Minister of Defence, Wellington, 6th May, 1944. Distinguished Service Order HE following awards to members of the Royal New Zealand Acting Wing Commander Trevor Owen Freeman, D.F.C. (NZ 1026), T Air Force since the 3rd September, 1939, have been published of Dunedin. from time to time in the London Gazette, but have not previously Acting Wing Commander Edward Preston Wells~ D.F.C. (NZ 39950), appeared in the New Zealand Gazette :- of Cambridge. Acting Squadron Lea,der Maechel Anthony Ensor, _ D.F.C. Victoria Gross (NZ 402175), of Rangiora. Acting Flight Lieutenant James Fraser :Barron,· D.F.C., · D.F M. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to confer the (NZ 401749), of Palmerston South. on the undermentioned officer and airman in recog­ Group Captain Edward George Olson (NZ 1008), of New Plymouth. nition of 111:ost conspicuous bravery:- Flight Lieutenant Keith Frederick Thiele,. D.F.C. (NZ 404966), of Christchurch. Flying Officer Lloyd Allan Trigg, -D.F.C. (NZ 413515), of Pahiatua Pilot Officer Valentine Stuart Moore, D.F.M. (NZ 404924), of (missing, believed killed). Taumarunui. Flying Officer Trigg had rendered outstanding service on Acting Squadron Leader Gage :barwent Sise, D.F.C. (NZ 39941), convoy escort and anti-submarine duties. He had completed of Dunedin. forty-six operational sorties, and had invariably displayed skill Acting Squadron Leader William Robert Kofoed, D.F.C. (NZ 404380) and courage of a very high order. of Outram. - -,- One day, in August, 1943, Flying Officer Trigg undertook, Acting Squadron Leader Desmond James Scott, D.F.C. (NZ 40779.), as captain and pilot, a patrol in a Liberator although he had of Westland. not previously made any operational sorties in that type of ActingSquadronLeaderJamesBayntunStarky, D.F.C. (NZ 401787), aircraft. After searching for eight hours a surfaced U-boat of Opotiki. was sighted. Acting Flight Lieutenant Charles Wynne Brunsdon Kelly, D.F.C. Flying Officer Trigg immediately prepared to attack. (NZ 403562), of Christchurch. During the approach the aircraft received many hits from the Acting Flight Lieutenant John Leonard Wright, D.F.C. (NZ 405781), submarine's anti-aircraft guns and burst into flames, which of Frankton. quickly enveloped the tail. Acting Squadron Leader John Milne Checketts, D.F.C. (NZ 403602), · The moment was critical. Flying Officer Trigg could of Invercargill. have broken off the engagement and made a forced landing Squadron Leader John Alfred Hegman, D.F.C. (NZ 4ll508), of in the sea. But if he continued the attack the aircraft would Auckland. present . a ".no deflection" target to deadly accurate anti­ Flight Lieutenant Malcolm Robert Head (NZ 413414), of Inver­ aircraft fire, and every second spent in the air would increase cargill. the extent and intensity of the flames and diminish his chances Acting Squadron Leader John Leslie Munro, D.F.C. (NZ 413942), of survival. of Gisborne. There could have been no hesitation or doubt in his mind. Military Gross He maintained his course in spite of the already precarious condition of his aircraft and executed a masterly attack. Pilot Officer Edmund Douglas Crossley (NZ 402465), of Wellington. Skimming over the U-boat at less than 50 ft. with the aircraft, Bar to Distinguished F1,ying Gross fire entering his openedbo1:pJ:> doors, Flying Officer Trigg 4ropped his bombs on and around the U-boat, where they exploded Acting Flight Lieutenant Edward Preston Wells, D.F.C. (NZ 39950), with devastating effect. A short distance further on the of Cambridge. .. . · Liberator dived into the sea with her gallant captain and crew. Pilot Officer Timothy John Wilder Williams, D.F.C. (NZ 401797), The U-boat sank within twenty minutes, and some of her, of Hastings. crew were picked up later in a rubber dinghy that had broken Acting Squadron Leader FrederickJohn Lucas, D.F.C. (NZ l056), loose from the Liberator. of Balclutha. . The battle of the Atla,ntic has yielded many fine stories Acting Wing Commander Trevor Owen Freeman, :b.S.O., D.F.C (NZ 1026), of Dunedin. of air attacks on underwater craft, but Flying Officer Trigg's exploit stands out as an epic of grim determination and high Flight Lieutenant Desmond James Scott, D.F.C. (NZ 40779), of courage. His was tp.e path of duty that leads to glory. Westland. Flying Officer Maechel Anthony Ensor, D.F.C. (NZ 402175), of Rangiora. NZ 401793 S'ergeant James Allen Ward, of Wanganui. Flying Officer Roy Oldfield Calvert, D.F.C. (NZ 404890), of Cam­ On the night of 7th July, 1941, Sergeant Ward was second bridge. pilot of a Wellington returning from an attack on Munster. Acting Flight Lieutenant Cyril Keith Silcock, D.F.C. (NZ 4ll461), When flying over the Zuider Zee at 13,000 ft., the aircraft was of Nelson. · · attacked from beneath by a Messerschmitt llO, which secured Acting Squadron Leader Keith. Frederick Thiele, D.S.O.; D.F.C. hits with cannon shell and incendiary bullets. The rear gunner (NZ 404966), of Christchurch. was wounded in the foot, but delivered a burst of fire which Acting Squadron Leader Reginald Joseph .Cowan Grant; D.F.C., sent the enemy fighter down apparently out of control. Fire D.F.M. (NZ 391352), of Auckland. then broke out near the starboard engine, and, fed by petrol Squadron Leader Cyril Henry Baigent, D.F.C. (NZ 4ll973), of from a split pipe, quickly gained an alarming hold and threatened Taupo. - to spread to the entire wing. · The crew forced a hole in the Flying Officer John Donald Rae, D.F.C. (NZ 402896), of Auckland. fuselage and made strenuous efforts to reduce the fire with Squadron Leader Bruce Gibb Wallace, D.F.C. (NZ 403482), of extinquishers and even the coffee in their vacuum flasks, but Invercargill. without success. They'were then warned to be ready to abandon Acting Squadron Leader Evan Dall Mackie;· D.F.C. (NZ 41520), of the aircraft. Waihi. - · As a last resort, Sergeant \Vard volunteered to make an Disting·uished Flying Gross attempt to smother the fire with an engine cover which happened Squadron Leader Cyril Eyton Kay, O.B.E. (NZ IOU), of Auckland. to be in use as a cushion. At first he proposed to discard his Flying Officer Neville Williams (NZ 1068), of Auckland. parachute to reduce wind resistance, but was finally persuaded Flight Lieutenant Aubrey Arthur Ninnis Breckon (NZ 1025), of to take it. A rope from the dinghy was tied to him, though Auckland. this was of little help and might have become a danger had Acting Flight Lieutenant John Adams (NZ 1027), of Christchurch. he been blown off the aircraft. With the help of the navigator, Flying Officer Trevor Owen Freeman (NZ 1026), of Dunedin. he then climbed through the narrow astrohatch and put on Flying Officer William Harcourt Coleman (NZ 39781), of Auckland. his parachute. The bomber was flying at a reduced speed, Acting Flight Lieutenant Frederick John Lucas (NZ 1056), of but the wind-pressure must have been sufficient to render the Balclutha. operation one of extreme difficulty. Flying Officer Wilfred Maurice Chalk Williams (NZ 105_7), of Napier. Breaking the fabric to make hand and foot holds where Flying Officer Lindsay Basil Buchanan (NZ 40885), of Palmerston necessary, and also taking advantage of existing holes~ the fabric, North. Sergeant Ward succeeded in descending three feet to the wing Flying Officer William Davenport Brown (NZ 40732), of Wanganui. and proceeding another three feet to a position behind the Pilot Officer George Ronald Simich (NZ 391369), of Auckland. engine, despite the slipstream from the airscrew, which nearly Pilot Officer Kenneth Stanley Peterson (NZ 40628), of Wellington. blew him off the wing. Lying in this precarious position,, he Pilot Officer Richard James Bollard (NZ 40642), of Auckland. smothered the fire in the wing fabric and tried to push the Acting Flight Lieutenant Edwa.rd Preston Wells (NZ 39950), of cover into the hole in the wing and on to the leaking pipe frpm Cambridge. · . which the fire came. As soon as he removed his hand, however, Pilot Officer Graham Wellesley Hamlin (NZ 40227), of Auckland. the terrific wind blew the cover out, and when he tried again Pilot Officer Alan Murray Hobbs (NZ 40230), of Christchurch. it was lost. Tired as he was he was able, with the navigator's Pilot Officer John William Purcivalf (NZ 401031), of New Plymouth. assistance, to' make successfully the perilous journey back into Pilot Officer James Williamson Thomson (NZ 40667), of Oamaru. the aircraft. Pilot Officer Winston Brooke Mackley (NZ 39926), of Auckland. Pilot Officer Eric Clarence Cox (NZ 401256), of Napier. There was now no danger of the fire spreading from the Pilot Officer Timothy John Wilder Williams (NZ 401797), of Hastingc. petrol pipe, as there was no fabric left nearby, and in due Acting Flight Lieutenant Everest George Edmunds (NZ 403312), course it burnt itself out. ·when. the aircraft was nearly home of Wellington. · some petrol which had collected in the wing blazed up furiously, Pilot Officer Harold Roger Blake (NZ 401164), of Christchurch. but died down quite suddenly. A safe landing was then made Pilot Officer James Fraser Craig (NZ 402168), of Wellington. despite the damage sustained by the aircraft. The flight Pilot Officer William Adino Newenham (NZ 39869)-, of Nelson. home had been made possible by the gallant action of Sergeant Pilot Officer Maechel Anthony Ensor (~Z 402175), of Rangiora. Ward. in extinguishing the fire on the wing in circumstances Acting Flight Lieutenant Graham Howe Francis (NZ 3918-34), of of the greatest difficulty and at the risk of his life. Takapuna. ------~~------


Pilot Officer-Robert Inglis Laing (NZ 391360), of Nelson. Acting Flight Lieutenant Bruce Gibb Wallace (NZ 403482), of Flying Officer Derek Harold Hammond (NZ 401493), of Christchurch. Inverca.rgill. - Pilot Officer Desmond James Scott (NZ 40779), of Westland. Flying Officer Samuel tTackson Madill (NZ 404395), of Auckland. Pilot Officer Philip John Lamason (NZ 403460), of Napier. Flying Officer John Austin Henry Smith (NZ 402474), of Dannevirke. Acting Squadron Leader Freeman Jesse Steel (NZ 391370), of Napier. Flying Officer Alfred Bruce Smith (NZ 41369), of Wellington. Pilot Officer Lyndon Poynton Griffith (NZ 40968), of Levin. Acting Flight Lieutenant Roy Curl'ie Buchanan (NZ 412199), of NZ 39864 Warrant Officer Frank Skipworth Kirke, D.F.M., of Mataura. Wellington. Acting Flight Lieutenant Richard Stansfield Derek Kearn:;;, Acting Flight Lieutenant Dennis Miller (NZ 402207), of Auckland. D.F.M. (NZ 405572), of Reefton. Acting Flight Lieutenant Stephen Delaney Watts (NZ 404008), of Acting Flight Lieutenant Frederick Hilton (NZ 41330), of England. Morrinsville. Acting Flight Lieutenant Richard James Lyall Powell (NZ 404038), Pilot Officer James Kenneth Climie (NZ 403561), of Wellington. of Auckland. Acting Flight Lieutenant Geoffrey Charles Pannell (NZ 391856), of Flying Officer ,Tack Marshall (NZ 391865), of Nftpier. Christchurch. Pilot Officer William Alexander Irwin (NZ 41-1632), of Dannevirke. Pilot Officer Gordon William Brewer (NZ 412196), of Auckland. Flying Officer Cecil Ronald White (NZ 412913), of Bay of Plenty. Flying Officer John George Grey (NZ 402864), of Milburn. Acting Flight Lieutenant Allan Roy Scott (NZ 414686), of Kumeu. NZ 391383 Warrant Officer Francis Emslie Hogg, of Masterton. Acting Flight Lieutenant James Stewart Frame (NZ 41982); of Pilot Officer Bruce Hamilton Hay (NZ 41511), of Auckland. Wellington. Pilot Officer Gray Stenborg (NZ 402494), of Auckland. Pilot Officer John Henry Low (NZ 404611), of Ocean Beach, South­ Flying Officer Andrew Frederick Henderson Tye (NZ 391852), of. land. Dunedin. Acting Flight Lieutenant Edward McLeod Gray (NZ 404998), of Acting Flight Lieutenant Thomas Welch Horton (NZ 39920), of Wellington. Masterton. Acting Flight Lieutenant James Gillespie Neilson (NZ 40423), of Pilot Officer Allan George, D.F.M. (NZ 403441), of Kaupokonui. Feilding. Acting Squadron Leader Raymond John Newton (NZ 40984), of Acting Flight Lieutenant Leo George Trott (NZ 412743), of Otoro: Christchurch. hanga. Acting Squadron Leader Keith Frederick Thiele (NZ 404966), of Flying Officer James Cowan (NZ 411861), of Hastings. Christchurch. Flying Officer Noel Ainsley Cresswell (NZ 41472), of Napier. Acting Flight Lieutenant Valentine Allport (NZ 402839), of Nelson. Flying Officer Dugald Louis Poppelwell (NZ 41357), of Dunedin. Acting Flying Officer George Maxwell Davies (NZ 402551), of Pilot Officer William John Muir Low Barclay, D.F.M. (NZ 404454), Dunedin. of Dunedin. Acting Flying Officer David Stewart Gibb (NZ 401266), of Motunau. Pilot Officer Harold Reginald Hamerton (NZ 412918), of Dunedin. Pilot Officer John Edwin Casey (NZ 403425), of Auckland. Pilot Officer Harry O'Brian Liver (NZ 403013), of \Vellington. Pilot Officer Alfred WHliam Gordon Cochrane (NZ 403429), of Pilot Officer Irvine Watt Renner (NZ 413892), of Gisborne. Rawene. Pilot Officer Donald Winter Thomson (NZ 41613), of Aria. Pilot Officer Peter Stanley Duff (NZ 402859), of Hamilton. Pilot Officer Anthony Martin Singer (NZ 413490), of Gisborne. · Pilot Officer Robert Clifford Barclay (NZ 41505), of Dunedin. Pilot Officer Peter Lloyd Singer (NZ 413491), of Gisborne. Flying Officer Renton Stewart Rutherford (NZ 404573), of Opotiki. Flying Officer Trevor Windsor Allen (NZ 413007), of Auckland. Flight Lieutenant Henry Neil Blundell (NZ 439054), of Wellington. Flying Officer William John Robert Scollay (NZ 4;1497), of Wel- Acting Squadron Leader Reginald Joseph Cowan Grant, D.F.M. lington. (NZ 391352), of Auckland. Flying Officer Owen Leslie Hardy (NZ 411399), of Auckland. Flight Lieutenant Michael Moray Shand (NZ 391368), of Welling­ Flying Officer Evan Dall Mackie (NZ 41520), of Waihi. ton. Flying Officer Kenneth Percival Fyans Neill (NZ 41145), of Canter- Acting Flight Lieutenant Reginald William Baker (NZ 401748), of bury. Dunedin. Acting Squadron Leader Francis Murphy (NZ 411928), of Wellington. Acting Flight Lieutenant Mervin Robert Bruce Ingram (NZ 402190), Pilot Officer Peter John Oswald Buck (NZ 413377), of Wanganui. of Dunedin. ]'light Lieutenant David John Verdun Henry (NZ 40229), of Invcr- Flying Officer Roy Oldfield Calvert (NZ 404890), of Cambridge. cargill. Flying Officer Cyril Keith Silcock (NZ 411461), of Nelson. . Acting ·Flight Lieutenant Clifford John Harold Le Couteur Flight Lieutenant Delwyn Stanley Morris Constance (NZ 402167), (NZ 404383), of Otago. of Auckland. Acting Flight Li<:'utenant Harvey Nelson Sweetman (NZ 40992), of Flying Officer Francis John William Chunn (NZ 40733), of Te Auckland. Awamutu. Flying Officer Alexander Litchfield Craig (NZ 403586), of England .. Pilot Officer Alan Cheyne Baxter (NZ 40730), of Wellington. Flying Officer Leonard Chambers (NZ 403758), of Karamea. Pilot Officer Frank Colwyn Jones (NZ 403606), of Auckland. F.!.ight Lieutenant John Leslie Munro (NZ 413942), of Gisborne. NZ 402863 Warrant Officer Arthur Percy Gainsford, of Rotorua. Acting Flight Lieutenant William Bruce Cowan (NZ 413383), of NZ 402846 Warrant Officer Alan Charles Bray, of Ashburton. Hastings. Acting Flight Lieutenant Cyril Henry Baigent (NZ 411973), of Taupo. Acting Flight Lieutenant Guy Lionel Roy Heywood (NZ 40622), of Acting Flight Lieutenant -Henry Gift Coldbeck (NZ 405235), of Auckland. Christchurch. Flying Officer Sydney Armstrong Haig Short (NZ 412009), of Paeroa. Flying Officer George Esmond Jameson (NZ 41479), of North Flying Officer John Aitcheson Maguire (NZ 402113), of Otago. Canterbury. Flying Officer Charles Fray Ormerod (NZ 413340), of Gisborne. Flight Lieutenant John Rae Hutcheson (NZ 39967), of Wellington. Flying Officer George Alfred Patrick (NZ 411442), of Dunedin. Flying Officer Ernest Albert Holdaway (NZ 405761), of Whangarei. Flying Officer James Menzies Smith (NZ ,.104957), of Te Awamutu. Pilot Officer John Donald Rae (NZ 402896), of Auckland. Pilot Officer John Mathers Bailey (NZ 412183), of Christchurch. Acting Flight Lieutenant Roy Bramwell Spear (NZ 405332), of Pilot Officer Lloyd Allan Trigg (NZ 413515), of Pahiatua. Christchurch. Pilot Officer Colin Sydney Marceau (NZ 39690), of Auckland. Pilot Officer John Leonard Wright (NZ 405781), of Frankton. Acting Squadron Leader Richard Broadbent (NZ 391339), of Auck-. NZ 402856 Warrant Officer Maurice Damien Cullinane, of Fordell. land. ]!,lying Officer Neilson Arnold Williamson (NZ 411488), of Gisborne. Flight Lieutenant Frank Albert Andrews (NZ 391336), of Auckland. Pilot Officer James Johns Richardson (NZ 404947), of Oam.aru. Pilot Officer Richard Otway French (NZ 415756), of Feilding. Pilot Officer Charles Wynne Brunsdon Kelly (NZ 403562), of Christ- Pilot Officer John Richard McCormack (NZ 412004), of Dunedin. church. Pilot Officer John Forbes Thomson (NZ 413509), of Rotorua. Flight Lieutenant Heathcote Huia Butler Beale (NZ 41465), of Te Pilot Officer Colin Harben Robinson (NZ 415786), of Nelson. Puia. Flying Officer Owen Raymond Chapman (NZ 414589), of Geraldine.· Acting Flight Lieutenant John Allan Hetherton (NZ 405268), of Warrant Officer Huon Andrew Chandler (NZ 403944), of Westport. Christchurch. . Flight Lieutenant John Gordon Pattison (NZ 39931), of Waipawa. Flying Officer Robert Thomson Fleming (NZ 404460), of Opotiki: Acting Flight Lieutenant James Kerrow Porteous (NZ 401030), of Acting Squadron Leader Gage Darwent Sise (NZ 39941), of Dunedin. Auckland. Acting Flight Lieutenant James Fraser Barron, D.F.M. (NZ 401749), Acting Flight Lieutenant Hugh Charles Wilkie (NZ 415397), of Tura- of Palmerston South. kina. Acting Flight Lieutenant Barry Martin (NZ 403790), of Christchurch. Flying Officer Norman Dumont (NZ 405243), of Sydney. Flying Officer Douglas Watson Newall (NZ 402887), of Christchurch. Flying Officer Dennis Edward Hogan (NZ 411897), of Auckland. NZ 404063 Warrant Officer Errol Mervyn Greaves, of Canterbury. Acting Flight Lieutenant Brian ;Montgomery Gilmour (NZ 412224), ot · Flying Officer Hansford Ward Chambers_ (NZ 404334), of Opotiki. Aucklimd. . Acting Flight Lieutenant William Robert Kofoed (NZ 404380), of Acting Flight Lieutenant Ronald Stanley Perks (NZ 414728), of Outram.. Auckland. Flying Officer Frederick Victor Campbell (NZ 411367), of Auckland. Acting Flight Lieutenant Ronald ·w alter Stewart (NZ 411786), of Flying Officer Basil Howard Gray (NZ 41477), of Waverley. Whakatane. ]!,lying Officer Ivan Reid Mitchell (NZ 404921), of Auckland .. Flying Officer Leslie G'erald Fowler (NZ 411878), of Auckland. Flying Officer Harold Arthur Poole (NZ 40662), of Invercarg1ll. Acting Squadron Leader John Milne Checketts (NZ 403602), of Flying Officer Cedric Rossall Hesketh (NZ 411404), of Auckland. Invercargill. Pilot Officer Harold Brassey Newton (NZ 404449), of Taranaki. Flying Officer Geoffrey Gordon White (NZ 414367), of S0uthl1md. Flight Lieutenant William Arthur Coleman Ball (NZ 39786), of Flying Officer John Baird Smith (NZ 414691), of Wellington. Wellington. 1 Pilot Officer Paul Windermere Wilson Brunton (NZ 413541), of Acting Flight Lieutenant James Arnold Harrison (NZ 404870), of \Vellington. Dunedin. · Pilot Officer Francis Campbell Carswell (NZ 404457), of Invercargill, Flying Officer Jack Colin Parker (NZ 405608), of Motueka. Pilot Officer Terence McKinley (NZ 402544), of Wellington. Flying Officer Lindsay Johnston Drummond (NZ 413043), of Pilot Officer Michael Acton Sullivan (NZ 414697), of Whakatane. Auckland. Flying Officer Frederick James Read (NZ 39871 ), of Wellington. Flight Lieutenant William St'rmnens Austin (NZ 391332), of \Vel­ Acting Flight Lieutenant Roy Elliott Hanlon (NZ 40228), of lington. Hamilton. Acting Flight Lieutenant John Alfred Hegman (NZ 411508), of Flying Officer Raymond Joseph Ernest Peterson (NZ 404646), of AnnlTl"~rl Nanier. THE NEW ZE.AtAND GAZEtTE

Flight Lieutenant Cyril Patrick Towsey (NZ 403480), of Auckla.nd. Squadron Lea,der William PapillfoJJ. K~mp lNZ !WBJ>.vO), Pi O,p.otJ.W. Acting Flight Lieutenant Thomas Alexander Stewart, D.F.M, Flight Lieutenant Ira Allison Sutherland (NZ 402~09), o.f A.v.¢kJ~p,d. (NZ 41629), of Dannevirke. Flight Lieutenant John G~skin Claridge (NZ 417020), ,of Palmerston Acting Squadron Leader George Reginald Coates (NZ 403428), -of North. Auckland. Fligat Lieutenant Ernest Herbert Shattock (NZ 4l6547)., pf Nels0n. Pilot Officer Gordon Roger Hewlett (NZ 413847), of Auckland. Flight Lieutenant Nornian David Webb (NZ ,4.15895), of Wangan;in. Flight Lieutenant Arthur Ernest Umbers (NZ 404003), -of Du:oodin. Flying Officer Eric Snowden Kelly (NZ :391626_~, ofPalmerston North. Flying Officer George Stevens (NZ 403037), of Hunterville. Flight Lieutenant Olaf Patrick Olson (NZ 411439), of Aucldan,cl. Flying Officer Walter Young McGregor (NZ 412789), of Auckland. Flight Lieutenant Arthur Carey (NZ 415406),, of Chdstehur,ch. Flight Lieutenant Hilton Rex Hall (NZ 39187.9), of Wellington. Flight Lieutenant John Russell Kay (NZ 41559)"' of Auckland. Acting Flight Lieutenant Bruce Gibb Johnston (NZ 412698), of Pilot Officer John Danie] McCorkindale (NZ 417286), of ::Balclutha. Port Chalmers. Pilot Officer Norman Thomas Newton (NZ 41.6,526), of WeUingto11. Acting Flight Lieutenant Robert Cox Munro (NZ 40il.405)., of Pilot Officer Kenneth Alfred Sidney Pipe (NZ 4014'12}, of Ohinewl\.i. Rotorua. NZ ,10246 Warrant Officer Bryan Walker Turnbull, o.f Palmerston Acting Flight Lieutenant Lindsay Blair ·Renolds (NZ 402899}, of North. TeAwamutu. Pilot Officer Norman Douglas Harrison (NZ F413068), of Raikaja, Acting Flight Lieutenant James Bayntun Starky (NZ 401787), of C11nterbury. Opotiki. Flying Officer Keith Bernard Rogers (NZ 4J./5368), of Auc;ikland. Flying Officer Clifton Francis Benefield (NZ 402463), of Feildfag. Pilot Officer Sidney Antone Luyk {NZ 415332.}, of Aµdd_and. Flying Officer Robert Henry Blytl?- {NZ 414581), of Wanganui. · Pilot Officer Saville Hercules Moon (NZ .tJJ2M8), of Aucldan~. Flying Officer ArchibaJd England Davis (NZ 411719), of Auckland. Flight Lieutenant Vaughan Clarles Fittall (NZ 411873), of A:y,cldand. Flying Officer Ormand William Wood (NZ 412374), of Napier. Squadron Leader Ian Dousland Waddy (NZ 4029l/>), of S!')cid011. Pilot Officer Bruce Colin Dre.aver (NZ 40916), Qf Auckland. Squadron Leader Richard Webb (NZ 391853), of Levin. Pilot Officer Walter Douglas Smellie (NZ 411463), of Dunedin. Flight Lieutenant Peter Macgregor Wa,lker (NZ 412520), .of D.arga­ NZ 411411 Warrant.Officer Gordon Lindsay Kennedy, of Auckland. ville. Flight Lieutenant Errol Howard Brown (NZ 1296), of Hamilton. NZ 41906 Warrant Officer George Harold Frederick I!;i;itc_b,ji,01;1, of Flying Officer Geoffrey Bryson Fisken (NZ 401556), of Rotorua. Christchurch. Flight Lieutenant Noel Rupert King (NZ 41337), of Dunedin. Flying Officer Warren Edward Schrader (NZ 411944), o.f W.!4lington. Flight Lieutenant Raymond Johnson Watson (NZ 404978), of Flying Officer John Stewart Leech (NZ 421968), oJ Waikie]~e. Whakatane. Flight Lieutenant Wal]is George Finlay ,(NZ 40376.6), of Kaitika,tj. Flying Officer Stanley Franklin Browne (NZ 411853), of Wellington. Flying Officer John Milward Mee (Ni 416518), of Lauder, iOtago. Flying Officer Warren Lewis (NZ 413094), of Hawera. Flying ,Offieer John Cunningham Allan .(NZ 41298), .of D@edin. Acting Flight L~eutenant Bryan Hubert, Thomas (NZ 405341), of Flying Officer Walter Bradley Lamber.t (NZ 416505), .of New Ply- Waverley. mouth. Flying Officer Eric James Shaw (NZ 411457), of Matangi. Flight Lieutenant Gordon Loversidge Bonham (NZ 4024S:4::), of Acting Flight Lieutenant William Tinsley Hawkins (NZ 41986), of Christchurch. Wellington. Acting Flight Lieutenant James Henry Wright (NZ 414717), of His M~jesty the King hl;l,S be!'l.n graciously pfoased to approve Masterton. the following awards:-:- · Pilot Officer Sydney Colin Rive Mackie (NZ 413713), of Auc_kla;nd. Air Force Gross Acting Squadron Leader Jack Joli, D.F.M. (NZ 40234), of New Plymouth. Pilot Officer Harry Lm;nsden Tancred (N~Z 1089), of Blenheim. Acting Squadron Leader .Brian Roy Quinlan (NZ 40.4408), ofRotonJa. Flight Lieutenant Erik Alfred Anderson Moen (NZ H)32}, Bf •Christ- Flight Lieutenant Kenneth Sydney Jenner (NZ 40647), of Morrins­ church. ville. Squadron Leader Ronald Joseph Cohen (NZ 1015), of Wellingt@. Acting Flight Lieutenant Raymond Herbert Brookbanks Squadron Leader Geoffrey Newla,.nd Rpberts (NZ 1087), ofA:ti!ikl~11d. (NZ 413809), ofAuckland. Acting Squadron Leader John Ada-ms, D.F.C. (NZ 1027), of ·Christ- Acting Flight Lieutenant William Thomson Brown (NZ 415405), of church. Timaru. · NZ 411445 Warrant Officer Harold 'William P:layer, of W¢}1i~t!)n. Acting Flight Lieutenant Lloyd Harry. Butler (NZ 404456), of His ~faj esty the King has been gracioµs]y pleased 1to :a:ppro;v:e Dunedin. · the following awards in recognition of gallantry displa,y.ed in 1lying Acting Flight Lieutenant Athol Larry McGrath (NZ 415337), of operaitions against the enemy ~- · • Christchurch. Acting Flight Lieutenan.tBtanley Maurice Ge.orge Peryer (NZ 416156), Conspicuous Galtar~try Medal of Christchurch. NZ 404104 Flight Sergeant Leslie Bruce Wa;_llace, of South Canter­ :Flying Officer Alfred Sydney Drew (NZ 404560), of Auckla.nd. bury. Flying Officer Alexander Arthur MacFarlane (NZ 415344\ of North Canterbury. NZ 415807 Flight Sergeant Osric Hartnell White, of Christchurch. Flying Officer Harold John Sheild (NZ 404953), of Patea. His Majesty the King ha.s beeu graeiou&ly pleased to appr9ve ~ilot Officer Geoffrey Woods Palmer (NZ 401229), of Timaru. the award of the George Medal for gallantry to:- NZ 39916 Warrant Officer ·Gilbert Sydney Halley, of Palmerston North. George Medal Flying Officer Kenneth Henry Becroft (NZ 412189), ·of Helensvi1le. NZ 3-91725 Gorporal Er.nes:t Alfred Stra_ttpn, of PaJIDJKS;t_Qn N9.r,th. NZ 416502 Acting Warrant Officer Samuel Graham Johnson, of NZ 40974 Leading AircraJt:rnan Dennis Trevelyitn iHe,:,dck, qf Hamilton. · Hastings. Pilot Officer Kenneth .James Campbell (NZ .411857.), of Wellington. NZ 4129.14 Sergeant Hamish Wilson, of Paeroa. Pilot Officer Maurice Alli:q.gton .Carter (NZ 391694), .oi Hastings. Squadron Leader ,John Tregonwell Davison (NZ 39909), oJ Christ­ ~ilot Officer Raymond Clifford Re~Tnolds (NZ 403030), of Wellington. church. Pilot Officer Alan Whitelaw (NZ 413719), of Wellington. NZ 403874 CorpP.ral (Temporary Sergeant) Cyril George :&ent, Qf Pilot Officer Hilton Clifford Williams (NZ 416219), of Woodville. Palmerston North. NZ 412310 . Acting Warrant Officer James Edward Barnham, of New Plymmit.h. His Majesty the King fa1,s .bJ~en graq,ipusly pleased to a.ppr_ove Flying Officer Allan Mason Forbes Alexander (NZ 41712), of Pal­ the following awards in recognition of gallantry and devotfon to merston North. duty in operations against the enemy :-- Pilot 0:ffic.er Kenneth A1lherton Crank~ha.w, D.F.M. (NZ 404533), of Greymouth. Bar to Disting1.iished Flying Medal Pilot Officer Alexander William .Lowe (NZ,4:1570_3), of _Hastings. NZ 404362 Flight Sergeant Raymond Brown Hesselyn, P,:F,M., Acting Flight Lieutenant John Douglas Henderso.n (NZ 411403), of of Christchurch. Auckland. .A,cting _Flight Lieutenant Raymond Charles Rawlings (NZ 416164), Distinguished Flyin_g Medal of Dunedin. NZ 37122 Corporal Colin Beresford Graham.Kn..igh_t, qf ~fo:tQn, Flying Officer Norman Benjamin Blakey (NZ41540.3.), oLAuciklaind. NZ 382il5 Se..rgea,nt Edw:in Peter Willi{l._ros, of .R..ots:u:ua. Pilot Officer Wilfred Eric Elder, D.F.M. (NZ 416J01), of Gore. NZ.3.918.6.2 Sergeant P.eter Victqr Mi:iLa,ren, .of"AuP.k.la.in.d. Pilot ,Officer' Norman Gardiner (NZ-413.837 ), of ,R_aka,ia. NZ 391B7l S.erg.®.n.t Keith Iau .Str.eet, qf_;New .Plym.o:uth Pilot Officer John Henry Verrall (NZ 415044), of Wangauui. NZ . .4°-7..27 Ser~ant fan O_:v:erh~11, ·Qf P.-eJtth. Fly:in_g Oflker :Raymond .Brown Hess.elyn, n.F.M. · (NZ-4.04362), of NZ -4.0285 S.wgea:u.t W:illiarn _Jack .S.c:0:tt, Qf .M.n.r.rit1$~ille, Christchurch. NZ 39864 Sergeant Frank Skipwith Kirke, of Welling~Q!J. Ac,th?:g .Flight Lieutenant D.e.smond Palmer Perrin ··(NZ .40.4404), of ~ ..:.3.9~,2 ,Ser~av_t ~rvy.ti Ev::a.n~, o.f N.e.w Y-lYJllP.lltA, . . Invercargill. . . NZ 401221 .S.el'.~a:o.t ...'illan.Rphert J'JtJ.lles~.Q:Jl:, .P(Al.m~J.ltl. Flying Officer . Jolin. Gha:des l(ennedy Fabian (NZ 413720), of NZ 409.52 S.er~ut Wjllirun .N:oel ·:wulii:liIDS, ~QfDmwdiu, W.ellfugt.on. . · · -~ · NZ 39J'.3:52 Se.rgeant .R.~ald ,JMep.h G.ow:a,n Gril!n~, ,.9.f _,au.Gk}_ru1cl. Pilot Officer William Henry Pilet (NZ 414338), of Mart.on. NZ 3.0.lli31 -Sergea,nt Geoffrey Edw~r:d _MQQr..e, Qf .1.iml~ld, Aus- Flying Officer Patrick James Mac.Avoy (NZ 403974), of Dunedin. - tralia. Pilot Officer David Walker Findfay (NZ "412217)., of Napier. NZ 401224 Sergea.nt Herr.old Raymond QQrrin, oLAu.G.kland. Pilot Officer Allan Fish.er (NZ 412670), -_of Taumarunui. NZ 401219 Sergeant David Alexander Abbot, of Welllngt.Qn. Pilot Officer John Gall (NZ 416476), of Auckland. NZ 4012.02 Sergeant Herny Cumberland Staplefon Cotton~ of Pilot Officer J.ohn RusselLPe.tde (NZ.414.337), _of Balclutha. Auckland. P~lot Officer .JJihn Richa_rd Rhoades (NZ .41R476), of Wellington. NZ 40234 Sergeant .Jaok JQU, of New .Plyro.o.u:th. Pilot D.:fficer Thomas Andrew :Robs.on (NZ 414893), of .Canterb.ury: NZ 401295 Sergeant,Je_ffery George West, of Wellington. Flying Officer James Robertson Grant Bathgate (NZ 403932), of NZ 40947 Flight Sergeant Hugh Francis Rochford, of.Auckland. Outram. - NZ 403441 · Sergeant Allan -George, of Kaupokonui. NZ 39242 Warrant Officer Colin Francis Laloli, of Whakatane. NZ 401235 Sergeant Francis Charles Sergent, of Wellington. Flying Officer Neal.Aubrey Ward:(NZ 4.Ql.03.4), _of New :elymouth. NZ 40l2.93 Ser_geant_Kynast_on_John Stanford, ofMart.Qn. Pilot Officer Samuel John Fourneau (NZ 412674), of Hastings. NZ 40613 Sergeant Peter Coulson Whitwell. of Emrla:rid. JIJNE lj TIIE NE'\V ZEAtJ\.Nb GAZETTi 63f}_

NZ 40750 Sergeant Richard Bruce Berney, of Eketahuna. NZ 411465 Flight Sergeant Robert Leonard Sommerville, of NZ 401247 Sergeant Ralph Norman Allen, of Dunedin. Auckland. NZ 391389 Sergeant Maxwell Gyles Turner, of Wellington. NZ 411214 Sergeant WiHiam Thomas Gunn, of Invercargill. NZ 402158 Flight Sergeant Richard Colvin Seddon Beck, of NZ 402987 Flight Sergeant Robert Tahana David Doak, of Canter­ Westport. bury. NZ 402136 Sergeant ,Tames Phillip Farrow, of Gisborne. NZ 415048 Flight Sergeant David Dennis Morris Wilkinson, of NZ 402916 Sergeant Charles Benedict Wareham, qf Kaikou..ra. Wellington. NZ 41388 Sergeant Bert Sam Wipiti, of New Plymouth. NZ 412766 Flight Sergeant Forrest Harold Thompson, of E.ast NZ 402191 Sergeant Ian Hamilton Irvine, of Auckland. Coast. NZ 402105 Sergeant Leslie Charles Curno, of Dunedin. NZ 404102 Sergeant Edward Henry Smith, of Pahiatua. NZ 401791 Sergeant Onslow Waldo Thompson, of Waipiro Bay. NZ 414292 Sergeant Raymond Ernest Joseph Hogg, of Ohau. NZ 40783 Sergeant Ronald David Millar, of Palmerston North. NZ 414671 Sergeant Colin Rees Pearce, of Canterbury. NZ 405356 Sergeant Gordon Albert Williams, of Napier. NZ 416101 Flight Sergeant Wilfred Eric Elder, of Gere. NZ 404390 Flight Sergeant Ivor John McLachlan, of Ma.sterton. NZ 41612 Flight Sergeant Adam Haddon Thomson, of Chri&'t· NZ 401368 Flight Sergeant Charles Anthony Armstrong, of Auck- church. land. NZ 414382 Sergeant Bernard Cullinane, of Gisborn@. NZ 40717 Flight Sergeant Keith Kingsmill John Coleman, of NZ 416176 Sergeant Pax Gilbert Frank Smith, of Auckland. Hastings. NZ 411102 Flight Sergeant David Aitken Sibbald, of ~mberley. NZ 391328 Sergeant Athol James, of Wellington. NZ 42340 Flight Sergeant Alan John Rhodes, of Tomarata. NZ 404362 Sergeant Raymond Brown Hesselyn, of Christchurch. NZ 414658 Flight Sergeant Nicholas Matich, of DargaviIJ.e. NZ 401749 Flight Sergeant ,Tames Fraser Barron, of Palmerston NZ 411961 Flight Sergeant Maurice Jamison Wells, .of Christcl:i.urc·h. North. • NZ 42499 Sergeant Rona.ld Charles Cecil Nairn, of Wellington. NZ 401203 Sergeant George Henry Dow, of Wellington. NZ 412422 Flight Sergeant James Frederick Bailes, of Ngarua- NZ 403990 Flight Sergeant Anthony Ridley Robson, of Hastings. wahia. NZ 403991 Flight Sergeant Walter Jack Runciman, of Auckland. NZ 416170 Sergeant Stanley Rutherford, of Inchclutha. NZ 403040 Flight Sergeant Jack Menzies Smith, of Te Awamutu. NZ 416565 Flight Sergeant Walter Donald "\Vhitehead, of Pl;l,pa'.\{ura. NZ 403997 Flight Sergeant Colin John Stirling, of Invercargill. NZ 41599 Flight Sergeant Pat Menzies, of Auckland. NZ 40223 Sergeant Morris Bruce Fearn, of Invercargill. NZ 413715 Flight Sergeant Edward Desmond O':R,eilly, of Hamilton. NZ 402444 Sergeant Peter Masters Gawith, of Masterton. NZ 416661 Flight Sergeant Andrew Stanley Miller, of Invercargill. NZ 405336 Flight Sergeant David Ronald Stewa1·t, of Dunedin. NZ 41714 Flight Sergeant John David Rudling, of Auckland. NZ 404924 Flight Sergeant Valentine Stuart Moore, of Taumarunui. NZ 413159 Flight Sergeant Colin Malcolm Wallace, of Auckland. NZ 405306 Sergeant Herbert Keith Minton,. of Masterton. NZ 42292 Flight Sergeant Trevor Gordon Dill, of North Aucl,dand. NZ 41340 Sergeant Kenneth Oscar Law, of Cambridge. NZ 412232 Flight Sergeant Lawrence William Hitchins, of Wel- NZ 404467 Flight Sergeant Raymond Albert Peters, of Linton. lington. NZ 40770 Flight Sergeant Ernest Leslie Joyce, of Hamilton. NZ 416191 Flight Sergeant Gordon William Burness, of Timaru. NZ 4054 71 Sergeant Alexander Raymond Brown, of Ti;maru. NZ 413705 Sergeant Ronald Claris Gordon, of Ta.ihape. NZ 404627 Sergeant John Aston Wilkinson, of Auckland. NZ 416086 Flight Sergeant Desmond Roy Browne, of Wellip.gton. NZ 402180 Flight Sergeant William Henry Gray, of Wellington. NZ 414601 Flight Sergeant.Arnold Divers, of Dunedin. NZ 37138 Sergeant James Dudley Cayford Cumming, of Timaru. NZ 415793 Flight Sergeant Robert Ernest Stowers, of _Hamilton. NZ 403613 Flight Sergeant Percy Henderson Stewart, of \Vhaka- NZ 404049 Flight Sergeant John Robert Berry, of New Ply:ip.o1fth. tane. NZ 421742 Flight Sergeant Colin Rupert Marriott, of Christchurch. NZ 405572 Sergeant Richard Stansfield Derek Kearns, of Reefton. NZ 416582 Flight Sergeant Bernard \Villiam Windsor, of Christ- NZ 40607 Flight Sergeant Colin Leo Malcolm Forsyth, of Tau- church. ranga. NZ 401431 Sergeant James Kitchener Callister, of D1,1,nedin. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve NZ 411970 Flight Sergeant Frank Ellison Gatland, of Auckland. the following awards:- NZ 415049 Ser~eant Raymond Johnston Wright, of Palmerston North. Air J?orce Medal NZ 404533 Flight Sergeant Kenneth Atherton Crankshaw, of NZ 539090 Leading .Aircraftman Frederick Ahm Partridge, of GreY.mouth. . Christchurch. NZ 41629 Flight Sergeant Thomas Alexander Stewart, of Danne­ NZ 437025 Sergeant Maurice Kidson, of Christchurch. virke. NZ 391885 Sergeant Daniel Paul Phillips, of Vi'ellington. NZ 402206 Flight Sergeant Aylwin Gilbert Metcalf, of Hawera. NZ 403445 Flight Sergeant William Arthur Hamilton, of Manga­ His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve weka. the following awards of the British Empire Medal (Military Division) NZ 403619 Sergeant Reginald Fuggle, of Auckland. to the undermentioned :- NZ 411989 Flight Sergeant Peter John Dickson 1VIcGeehan, of Auckland. · British Empire Medal NZ 411466 Sergeant Maurice Spinley, of Wellington. NZ 404069 Sergeant James Irvine, of Auckland. NZ 41577 Sergeant Ronald Florence, of New Plymouth. NZ 39405 Corporal Alan Stuart Paterson, of Milton, North Otago. NZ 413051 Sergeant William .Alexander Fraser, of Auckland. NZ 413759 Sergeant Cy:rjl Foster Johnson, of Feilding. NZ 404454 Flight Sergeant William John Muir Low Barclay, of NZ 414350 Sergeaut Regina:ld Morris Fitzallen Simpson, of Christ­ Dunedin. church. NZ 403033 Flight Sergeant Albert William Temm, of Auckland. NZ 34151 Sergeant Thomas Richard Read, of Auckland. NZ 405365 Sergeant Ian Armstrong Blaikie, of Napier. NZ 41502 Sergeant Rae Jessep Taaffe, of Hastings. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve NZ 405487 Flight Sergeant William Leonard Harvey, of Dunedin. that the following be Mentioned in recognition of distingti.ished NZ 405267 Flight Sergeant John David Monroe Herron, of Christ- service and devotion to duty :- church. NZ 41922 Flight Sergeant Maurice Marment, of Wellington.- - Mentioned in Despr;itches NZ 405231 Flight Sergeant Robert William Lawrence Cargill, of Wanganui. _ · Wing Comll).ander Maurice vVilliam Buckiey, M.B.E. (NZ 1005), of NZ 411948 Flight Sergeant Kenneth Smith, of Auckland. Auckland. NZ 411770 Flight Sergeant Andrew John Moller, of Hawera. Flying Officer ~eville Williams, D.F.C. (NZ 1068), of Auckland. NZ 41576 Acting Flight Sergeant Morris Watson Egerton, of NZ 40931 Sergeant Raymond John Belcher, of Levin. Southland. NZ 40948 Sergeant Lawrence Patrick Ryan, of Auckland. NZ 405505 Acting Flight Sergeant Harold. Ernest Anzac Price, of NZ 34153 Sergeant William Douglas Steven, of Auckland. Invercargil1. · · . NZ 3716 Corporal Donald Charles McGlashan, of Timaru. NZ 414340 Sergeant James Clarence Ralph, of Auckland. Acting Flight Lieutenant Thomas James Desmond Baber (NZ ·39857), NZ 40604 Flight Sergeant David Baillie Campbell, of Dargaville. of W e]J.ington. NZ 401808 Flight Sergeant Francis Murray Haslett Henderson, -of Acting Flight Lieutenant Raymond John Newton (NZ 40984), of Whakatane. Christchurch. NZ 39197 Flight Sergeant Thomas Benson Blackburn, of Christ- Flight Lieutenant William Stanley Simpson, l\f.B.E. (NZ 23103)_,_ of church. Christchurch. NZ 414709 Sergeant Gregory Francis Whitwell, of Tirau. Flight Lieutenant Wilfred Maurice Chalk Williams, D.F .C. (NZ 1057), NZ 404097 Flight Sergeant Arthur R·aymond Rowsell, of Okaihau. of Napier. NZ 41570 Sergeant Robert James Carter, of 'ratuµarµnui. NZ 40679 Sergeant Kenneth Keremehana Bevan, of Manakau. NZ 414647 Sergeant John Henry McDonald, of Pukerau: NZ 40203 Sergeant Valton William James Crook, of Auckland. NZ 412995 Sergeant Mikaere Tutahunga Tomika Manawaiti, of N_Z jO~J-18 $ergeant ~r~in f Wh11ng11,rei. NZ 412302 Flight Sergeant Ian Alfred Woodward, of Frankton Flight Lieutenant Richard Broadbent (NZ 391339), of Auckland. Junction. Flight Lieutenant Donald Belton Collie (NZ 40219), of Invercargill. NZ 414614 Sergeant Bernard .Alexandei· Gumbley, of Hastings. Flight Lieutenant Richard George Hartshorn (NZ 401271), of NZ 414263 Sergeant Herbert James Dalzell, of Christchurch. Auckland. NZ 412870 Sergeant Peter Devine, of Ward, Marlborough. Acting Flight Lieutenant vVilliam Arthur Coleman Ball (NZ 397-86), NZ 413108 Sergeant Murray David Muggeridge, of Pate11. of Wellington. _ NZ 411740 Flight Sergeant John William Michael Colbert, of Acting Flight Lieutenant Phillip Ronald Coney (NZ 391825), of East Coast. Auckland. · NZ 411068 Flight Sergeant Ralph Crossgrove, of Auckland. Pilot Officer Roy Elliott Hanlon (NZ 40228), of Hamilton. NZ 411094 Flight Sergeant Russell James Noonan, of Christchurch. Flying Officer Sefton Douglas Lisle Hood (NZ 40975), of Christchurch. NZ 412714 Sergeant Allisdair Archibald Matheson, of Carterton. Flying Officer Lindsay ,Tames (NZ 40•1539), of Whangarei. NZ 413341 Sergeant Jack Brokenshire Price, of Auckland. Flying Officer Charles Henry Butt (NZ 401751), of Hamilton. NZ 413956 Serg~ant John Robert Rodgers, of Timaru. Pilot Officer Robe:i;t ~eith Walker ,(NZ 40248), of Invercargill. NZ 41386 · Sergeant James Lionel Tupuae Williams, of Gisborne. Pilot Officer Ivan Oswald Brecken (NZ 40963), of Auckland. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 44

Pilot Officer Noel Robert Shakespeare Humphreys (NZ 414630), of The Servicemen's Settlement and Land SalM Act, 1943.~Notice Wellington. decl,aring Land taken for the Settlement of Discharged Sen·icemen Pilot Officer Alan Edward Coates (NZ 40643), of Auckland .. NZ 414629 Sergeant Cyril Patrick Francis Hughes, of Greytown. Squadron Leader Freeman Jesse Steel, D.F.C. (NZ 391370), of HEREAS an application has been made for the consent of Napier. W the Land Sales Court to a transaction which relates to the Acting Squadron Leader Philip John Lamason, D.F.C. (NZ 403460), land de$cribed in the Schedule hereto and to which Part III of the of Napier. Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, applies: Acting Squadron Leader Stephen Delancy Watts (NZ 404008), of And whereas the Land Sales Committee to which the application Morrinsville. has been referred is of opinion that the land to which the application Flight Lieutenant David John Verdun Henry, D.F.C. (N.Z. 40229), relates is farm land suitable or adaptable for the settlement of a of Invercargill. discharged serviceman or two discharged servicemen : Acting Flight Lieutenant Ivan Oswald. Breckon (NZ 40963), of And whereas the said Committee, not being satisfied that the . Auckland. Crown had decided not to acquire or arrange for the acquisitio11 of Acting Flight Lieutenant Roy Bramwell Spear (NZ 405332), of the land, did on the 11th day of May, 1944, make an order deter­ Christchurch. mining the basic value of the land and no appeal from the said order Flying Officer Donald Arthur Adams (NZ 41859), of Hamilton. was made within the time prescribed by the said Act or within any Pilot Officer Francis Charles Fox (NZ 40762), of Napier. further time allowed by the Court : Pilot Officer Malcolm Robert Head (NZ 413414), of Invercargill. And whereas the said land is not the land of any serviceman NZ 402240 Sergeant Eric William Barr, of Christchurch. who is for the time being serving outside New Zealand in any of NZ 416084 Sergeant Richmond Brough, of Morrinsville. His Majesty's Forces or in .any British ship : NZ 402061 Sergeant John Lloyd Joyce, of Wellington. Now, therefore, I, Clarence Farringdon Skinner, Minister of NZ 41597 Sergeant John Anderson MacPherson, of North Auck­ Lands, acting in pursuance of section 51 of the said Act, do hereby land. declare that the said land is taken for the settlement of discharged NZ 413562 Leading Aircraftman Clarence Mervyn Glading, of servicemen, and I hereby specify the 14th day of June, 1944, as the Wellington. date on which the said land shall be deemed to be .vested in His NZ 34151 Sergeant Thomas Richard Read, of Auckland. Majesty the King. Flight Lieutenant Philip Henry Creswell (NZ 40618), of Wellington. Flight Lieutenant George Ronald Simich, D.F.C.. (NZ 391369), of Auckland. SCHEDULE NZ 401787 Sergeant James Bayntun Starkey, of Opotiki. ALL those parcels of land containing together two hundred and NZ 40744 Sergeant Robert Alfred Turton, of Kakahi. fifty (250) acres thirty and five-tenths (30·5) perches, more or less, NZ 405284 Warrant Officer Ralph Jo:ffre Kennedy, of Linwood. being Lots 226, 229, and part of Lots 225 and 228, Deposited Plan Acting Squadron L0ader James Phillip Farrow (NZ 402136), of 107, being portions of Sections 23 to 28, Block I, Mataura Hundred, Gisborne. - and being the whole of the land comprised and described in certificate A,cting Squadron Leader David Stewart Gibb, D.F.C. (NZ 401266), of title, Vol. 59, folio 176 (Southland Registry). ofMotunau. Acting Squadron Leader Walter Jack Runciman, D.F .M. (NZ 403991 ), As witness my hand, this 30th day of May, 1944. of Auckland. C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. Flight Lieutena.nt Jolin Pierson Ford (NZ 412673), of Christchurch. Flight Lieutenant David Gale (NZ 412676), of Auckland. (L. and S. 36/1444/16.) Flight Lieutenant Godfrey Simon Harcourt (NZ 412684), of Wel­ lington. Acting Flight Lieutenant Charles Anthony Armstrong, D.F.M. The Servicemen;s ·Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943-Notice (NZ 401368), of Auckland. decwring Lan,d taken for the Settlement of a Discharged Servicemq,n Acting Flight Lieutenant Frank Colwyn Jones, D.F.C. (NZ 403606), of Auckland. Acting Flight Lieutenant Ian George Medwin (NZ 41488), of Hamil­ ton. HEREAS an application has been made for the consent of the Acting Flight Lieutenant Lindsay Will Munro (NZ 40776), of Kaeo. W Land Sales Court to a transaction which relates to the land Acting Flight Lieutenant Stanley Charles Shea, (NZ 413571), of described in the Schedule hereto and to which Part III of the Nelson. Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, applies: Acting Flight Lieutenant Ira Allison Sutherland (NZ 402909), of And whereas the Land Sales Committee to which the application Auckland. has been referred is of opinion that the land to which the application Fly1ng Officer Richard Bruce Berney, D.F.M. (NZ 40750), of Eketa- relates is farm land suitable or adaptable for the settlement of a huna. discharged serviceman : Flying Officer John Roulstone Cooke (NZ 404897), of Auckland. And whereas the said Committee, not being satisfied that the Flying Officer Ralph Carson Dunn (NZ 404997), of Kaiapoi. Crown had decided not to acquire or arrange for the acquisition of Flying Officer Francis Charles Fox (NZ 40762), of Napier. the land, did on the 17th day of February, 1944, make an order Flying Officer Charles Melvin Gibbs (NZ 412678), of Taumarunui. determining the basic value of the land : Flying Officer Peter Mercer (NZ 41395), of Hawke's Bay. And whereas an appeal from the said Order was made within Flying Officer John Baird Smith, D.F.C. (NZ 414691), of Wellington. the time prescribed by the said Act : Pilot Officer Wilfred Eric Elder, D.F.C., D.F.M. (NZ 416101), of Gore. And whereas the Land Sales Court did on the 22nd day of May, Pilot Officer Daniel Clements Colemore-Williams (NZ 40816), of 1944, make an order determining the basic value of the land : , Auckland. And whereas the said land is not the land of any serviceman NZ 401221 Flight Sergeant Allan Robert James Box, D.F.l\L, of who is for the time being serving outside New Zealand in any of Auckland. His Majesty's Forces or in any British ship : NZ 439022 Flight Sergeant Peter Gerald Dobson, of Blenheim. Now, therefore, I, Clarence Farringdon Skinner, Minister of NZ 412738 Flight Sergeant Robert Cecil Rainey, of Auckland. Lands, acting in pursuance of section 51 of the said Act, do hereby NZ 391896 Sergeant Norman Victor Anthony Hadrup, of Auckland. declare that the said land is taken for the settlement of a discharged NZ 405032 Sergeant James Lloyd McGahan, of Wanganui. serviceman, and I hereby specify the 15th day of June, 1944, as NZ 404169 Sergeant Albert Reginald Read, of Kaikoura. the date on which the said land shall be deemed to be vested in NZ 405426 Corporal Arthur Jenkinson, of Runanga. His Majesty the King. NZ 405028 Corporal Mervyn Andrew Jillings, of Hastings. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to give SCHEDULE orders for the publication in the London ()azette of the names of ALL that pa.reel of land containing sixty-nine (69) acres two (2) those specially shown below as having received an expression of roods and thirty-three and four-tenths (33·4) perches, more or less, Commendation for their brave conduct :- being the residue of Lot 4 on Deposited Plan No. 14180, being NZ 403525 Warrant Officer Thomas Harold Hatchard, of Wel- po:rtion of the block situated in Blocks II and III, Waihou Survey lington. District, called Horahia Opou No. 1, and being the balance ofthe Flying Officer John Gordon Thompson (NZ 413510), of Manukau. land contained and comprised in certificate of title, Vol. 328, folio 181 Pilot Officer Sexton Ivan Baird (NZ 39897), of Wellington. (Auckland Registry). Pilot Officer Joseph Rowland Stanley (NZ 40840), of Hamilton. As witness my hand, this 30th day of May, 1944. F. JONES, Minister of Defence. C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. (L. a.nd S; 36/1444/5.)

Appointments of the Distinf}uished, Service Order· and Honours and Awards approved by His Majesty the King · Fellows of the Royal Society of New Zealand elected

Wellington, 22nd May, 1944. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, IS Excellency the Governor-Gr>neral has been pleased to Wellington, 26th May, 1944. H approve of the following amendment to the New Zealand T is hereby notified that at the annual meeting of the Council Gazette No. 22, dated 16th March, 1944 :- I of the Royal Society of New Zealand, held on the 17th May, Mentioned in Despatches 1944- Lucy May Smith and Delete-:- Frederick Thomas Seelye Temporary Lieutenant Ralph Burton Goodwin, Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve. were duly elected Fellows of the Royal Society of New Zealand. F. JONES, Minister of Defence. F. J. A. BROGAN, Assistant Secretary. JUNE l] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 641

Registers of Inspectors of Electrical Wiring and Electrical Wiremen

Office of the Minister of Works, Wellington, 24th May, 1944. URSUANT to section 14 of the Electrical Wiremen's Registration Act, 1925, and the Publication of Registers Emergency Regulations P 1942, the following amending list is published setting out the names added to and removed from the Register of Inspectors of Electrica.l Wiring, and the Register of Electrical Wiremen, and Registers of Electrical. Wiremen's Limited Registration, and other material alterations therein since the 31st day of March, 1942, and since the publication in the Gazette on the 9th day of June, 1942, in Volume II, at page 1497, of a copy of the Registers as at the 31st day of March, 1942, and since the publication in the Gazette on the 10th day of June, 1943, in Volume II, page 661, of a copy of the Registers as at the 31st day of March, 1943. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works.


Registered Date of Na.me. No. Registration. Inspector for

Arnold, George William A740 22/5/43 Timaru Borough Council. Creedon, Clarence Patrick A744 30/9/43 Franklin Electric-power Board. Douglas, Donald Stacey A749 15/10/43 Stratford Borough Coun<:il. Finlayson, Thomas A737 16/4/43 Public Works Department. Hunter, Alfred Ernest A741 26/8/43 Stratford Borough Council. Langbein, William A742 27/9/43 Marlborough Electric-power Board. Macdonald, Colin A753 16/3/44 Dunedin City Council. Maidens, James A743 27/9/43 Marlborough Electric-power Board. Mathews, Arthur Gordon A751 14/1/44 Marlborough Electric-power Board. Mooney, Verdon Spencer A745 30/9/43 Franklin Electric-power Board. Paltridge, Henry Alfred Cecil A750 29/11/43 Waitemata Electric-power Board. Percival, Lawrence Arthur A739 20/5/43 Stratford Borough Council. Ross, Raymond John A738 16/4/43 Public \Vorks Department. Tamblyn, John Bruce A746 4/10/43 ,vaitaki Electric-power Board. Walshe, Joseph Russell A752 28/2/44 Westport Coal Co., Ltd. 'Wiseman, James A747 6/10/43 \i'Vestport Coal Co., Ltd. Wyatt, Joseph A748 8/10/1-3 Thames Valley Elect.rfr.power Roard.


: Registered I Date of /1: Registered I Date of Name. No. Registration. Xame. No. Registration. -~'------Andrews, Norman Alexander B4338 1/9/43 I McDonald, Neil Murray B4374 10/3/44 Ashby, Richard Bertred B4319 30/7/43 McKinnon; Arthur Roiiald B4348 1/11/43 Bacon, Albert Victor B749 rn/7/26 MacAulay, Norman Angus B4364 28/2/44 Barker, Stuart B2939 3/10/30 Macbeth, John Alexander B4310 24/6/43 Bartlett, Murray Hill B4361 7/2/44 Marsden, Alfred Wesley B4346 28/10/43 Bell, Roy Thomas B4301 1/4/43 Martin, Richard Gerald B4366 2/3/44 Billings, Kenneth Sydney B4351 16/12/43 Midson, John Lawrence B4329 11/8/43 Blackstock, Clifford Lindsay B4363 16/2/44 Millar. Malcolm .. B4372 9/3/44 Boyer, Henry B4315 1/7/43 J\fitch~ll, Ronald Lyall B4349 29/11/43 Breen, Joseph Alexander R4:108 24/6/43 Morris, Gordon B4306 25/5/43 Brown, Richard Tracy (formerly Tracy B2400 14/12/27 Morse; Edward Barry B4339 8/9/43 Richard Browne) Ness, Douglas William B4360 7/2/44 Cole, John Taylor BIGIO 19/11/26 Nichc:>lson, Arnold Villiers B4311 24/6/1:i Coll, Kevin Patrick 1H350 8/12/43 Nicol, David Edmond B4345 22/10/43 Connole, Gerald Ignatius .. B4317 28/7/43 Nolan, Reid Monat B4320 30/7/43 Coulter, Reginald William B4309 24/6/43 O'Carroll, Eustace Jack B4326 4/8/43 Culpan, Neill D'arcy B4321 2/8/43 Read, Allan Edwin B4305 6/5/43 Dawson, Allan Sydney B4327 6/8/43 Reed, Eric Charles B4369 6/3/44 Douglas, Colin James Cameron B4373 9/3/44 Rennie, John Gilbert B4365 28/2/44 Drain. Alexander B4344 15/10/43 Robertson, Ronald Hislop B4340 23/9/43 Ellisoii, Frank .. B5I6 25/6/26 Scoon, ·William Humphreys B4316 16/7/43 Estaugh, Russell ,Vilson .. B4314 29/6/43 Scott, William David B4371 8/3/44 Ewing, Garth John B4368 3/3/44 Smart, Roy William B4318 30/7/43 Faulknor, Douglas Albert B4324 4/8/43. Smit, Albert John B4312 28/6/43 Fetherston, James B4323 3/8/43 Smyth, William Martin B4367 2/3/44 George, Harry Edwin B4362 9/2/44 Spencer, Ronald Joseph B4347 1/11/43 Gibson, ,John Stanley B4302 17/4/43 Steele, William I van B4307 16/6/43 Greenstreet, Dennis Nelson B4354 19/1/44 Steiner, Alfred .. B4353 18/1/44 Gunther, Arthur William Emile B4342 27/9/43 Strachan, William Eckford B4355 19/1/44 Hanley, Alexander B4375 30/3/44 Tait, Francis John B4325 4/8/43 Hartstill, John Hector B4304 1/5/43 Thompson, Basil James .. B4343 28/9/43 Henry, Ronald Keith B4358 4/2/44 Titcomb, Arthur Lawrence B4303 22/4/43 Hermiston, James B4332 18/8/43 Wallis, William Victor B4356 20/1/44 Hollingsworth, Richard Derwent B4331 16/8/43 Wells, William George B4359 4/2/14 Hollis, Basil Sidney B4337 27/8/43 Whelan, Jack Leonard B4333 20/8/43 Johnson, Ronald Bowman B4357 1/2/44 Whiting, Ronald Henry B4336 26/8/43 Kendrick, Roy Francis B4330 14/8/43 Whyte, Donald Graham B4370 6/3/44 Lavers, Frederick Rothery B4352 16/12/43 Williams, Francis Patrick .. 134322 2/8/43 Lea, Keith John B4328 9/8/43 Wyatt, Albert Leonard B4335 25/8/43 Leicester, Edgar Finch (jun.) B4313 28/6/43 Young, James Paton B4334 23/8/43 Lennon, Anthony


Registration Date of Name. Registered for* No. Regist,ration. ----· Appleyard, Cyril Bertie Radio experimenter 01088 2/8/43 Ashley, David Howard Secondary of radio sets 01096 27/10/43 Benson, Percy Walter Radio experimenter 01115 31/3/44 Brown, Floyd F. All classes of wiring work in establishments occupied 01080 19/7/43 by U.S. Forces Burch, John Robert Radio experimenter 01104 7/2/44 Chatfield, Richard Oliver Radio experimenter 01110 3/3/44 Cheshire, Arthur He'rbert Radio sets 01067 21/4/43 Ching, Hubert William Radio experimenter 01068 24/6/43 Cottingham, Frank All classes of electrical wiring whilst employed with 01114 28/3/44 Public Works Department De Fazio, Michael Repair and maintenance in establishments occupied 01103 14/12/43 by U.S. Forces Dick, Maurice Leonard Cornelius Radio experimenter 01095 29/9/43 Frankhouse, Howard Grant All classes of wiring work in establishments occupied 01074 19/7/43 by U.S. Forces Freeman, Charles Herbert Radio experimenter 01109 3/3/44 Gaffney, Joseph Arthur All classes of wiring work in establishments occupied 01073 19/7/43 by U.S. Forces Hayes, Kevin Sheridan (jun.) All classes of wiring work in establishments occupied 01098 17 /11/43 by U.S. Forces Rettig, Clinton Reuben August Repair and maintenance in establishments occupied 01087 19/7/43 by U.S. Forces Hoskins, Leonard Newton Maintenance work at the Waitara Freezing-works 01091 2/8/43 Howard, John Geoffrey Radio experime:t1ter and the servicing of portable 01065 7/4/43. appliances in the Anatomy Department of the Medical School of the Otago University James, Jess W. Rerair and m:aihtenance in establishments occupied 01084 19/7/43 by U.S. Forces Johnson, Walter Hiram All classes of wiring work in establishments occupied 01081 19/7/43 by U.S. Forces Kane, Mark James AU classes of wiring work in establishments occupied 01071 19/7/43 by U.S. Forces , Kerfoot, Edwin Work at the Chateau, Tongariro .. 01090 2/8/43 Kozak, Morris All classes of wiring work in establishments occupied 01072 19/7/43 by U.S. Forces Lark, Morice James Motion and sou.rid pictures 01094 1/9/43 Le Bel, Alfred Thomas All classes of wiring work in establishments occupied 01076 19/7/43 by U.S. Forces Lepper, Loren Edward All classes of wiring work in establishments occupied Al082 19/7/43 by U.S. Forces Lester, Claude Radio sets 01100 17/11/43 McCulloch, I van Andrew George .. Radio experimenter 01105 11/2/44 McIntosh, William John Serviceman 01108 28/2/44 Martin; Allen Hibbert .. Work in coal-mines 01112 16/3/44 Menzies, Ciaude Eric Radio sets 01099 17/11/43 NichoUs, Lester Ivon Serviceman Cllll 14/3/44 Parra.nt, Leonard Charles Motion and sound pictures ct101 24/2/44 Perkin, Sidney Richard Radio experimenter 01116 31/3/44 Petrie, Logan Gordon Radio experimenter 01113 27/3/44 Ridden; Daniel John Serviceman 01066 21/4/43 Riley, Le Roy Francis Repair arid maintenance in establishments occupied 01085 19/7/43 by U.S. Forces Rilling; Harold David Repair and maintenance in establishments occupied 01102 14/12/43 · by U.S. Forces Rowe, :Richard Henry Radio experimenter 01092 13/8/43 Rusch; Charles Aloysius .. All classes of wiring work in establishments occupied 01075' 19/7/43 by U.S. Forces Sabo, Paul All cla~ses .

* For full details of limits see last page of Class C Register under "Names added to the Register... " Motion and sound pictures " means- (a) The replacement of subcircuit fuse-links ; and (b) The following work in connection with sound.-film equipment only- (i) The adjustment and/or replacpment of component parts in the sound system from the power transformer to the output; and (ii) The adjustment and/or replacement of fractional horse-power motors and control equipment for projector drives, arcs, rewinding, exhaust. as applied to lamp-house ventilation, rectifier cooling system, gramophone records, the curtain, and for the lighting effects ; and (iii) Servicing rectifiers used in connection with supply to an ate ; ahcl · (iv) The adjustment and/or replacement of a change-over mechanisn1 ; and (v) Servicing the direct current side of the motor-generator used in connection with supply to an arc ; and (c) Servicing theatre emergency lighting. " Radio experimenter " means- The following work in connection with amateur radio experimental work only­ (a) The replacement of fuse-links: (b) The connection and replacement of flexible cords: (c) The earthing of radio sets: (d) The disconnection and reconnection of radio sets: (e) The assembly and repair of radio sets. • JUNE l] . THE NE"W ZEALAND GAZETTE 643

NAIVIES ADDED TO THE REGISTERS-continued REGISTERS OF ELECTRICAL "\VIREMEN'$ LIMITED REGISTRATION-continued Class C-continued " Radio sets " means- ( a) The installation and connection of any earthing conductor used for any radio apparatus: (b) The connection @fa flexible cord to any radio apparatus or any plug-top, ceiling-rose, or other connector used between the fixed wiring and such apparatus: (c) The replacement of any flexible cord used for supplying electrical energy to any radio apparatus and used between the fixed wiring and such apparatus: (d) The replacement of a fuse-link on any subcircuit used to supply electrical energy to any radio apparatus: (e) The removal and/or replacement of any radio apparatus as a whole or in part and which is connected to the fixed wiring by means of a flexible cord: (f) The assembly, alteration, and/or repair c,f any radio apparatus. " Secondary of radio tiets " means- Work on the secondary side of the power transformer of radio sets. " Serviceman " means- ( a) The imit.allation, connection, alteration, removal, or repair of an overhead line (whether in conduit or otherwise) up to the point of entry in the external wall of a consumer's buUding ; and (b) The installation, connection, alteration, removal, or repair of an underground line up to a service cut-out within a consumer's building; and (c) The erection or removal of meters or time-switches, the replacement. of fuse-links and defective flexible cords, the removal and replacement of defective accessories, apparatus, and appliances, and the minor adjustments of defective accessorieR, apparatus, and appliances; and (d) The assisting of a registered elect.rical wireman to replace defer;tivc conductors between the main switchboard on a cornmmer'B premises and the service-line from which supplr is obtained, when no apprentke, improver. or other registered electrical wireman is available. "All classes of wiring work by U.S. Forces" means- All classes of electrical wiring and equipment in establishments occupied by the United States Forces. "Repair and maintenance by U.S. Forces" means- Repair and maintenance of electrical wiring work and equipment in establishments occupied by the United States Forces. "Radio experimenter and the servicing of portable appliances in the Anatomy Department of the Medical School of the Otago University" means­ Radio experimenter and the servicing of portable appliances in the Anatomy Department of the Medical School of the Otago University and the replacement of fuse-links on the sulJcircuits supplying such appliances.

ELECTRICAL SERVICEMEN Class D* Class E* -----·----··------

Name. Registration Date. Registration includes i::~~-1No. Name. includes I ~.,,-1tered Date. No.

I Andrews, Jack Charles Radio D72 19/1/44 Bayly, William Bray Radio E72 1/3/44 Batenburg, Noel D75 18/2/44 Crawford, Wallace Campbell Radio E65 I 17/6/43 Benseman, Henry William D71 26/10/43 t I Fieldsend, Lloyd Clarence Radio E71 14/1/44 Cooper, Raymond Campbell Radio D69 5/9/43 Heath, Mervyn \Vilberforce Radio E70 29/11/43 D68 Heather, Wilfred Clyde N. 2/8/43 Keats, Vivian Thomas Radio E68 26/10/43 McGlone, Daniel Henry Radio D65 19/5/43 McMahon, John Patrick Radio E67 29/9/43 McLeod, Fraser William Radio D73 4/2/44 Magness, Roland Joseph Radio E64 29/4/43 Perkins, Eric Rentoul .. Radio D67 23/6/43 Morris, Thom1:1os Francis E66 23/8/43 D74 Price, John Donald 4/2/44 Ranson, Edward Spencer E73 16/3/44 Radford, Leslie Joseph D66 23/6/43 Rhodes, Melbourne Clive Laurie Radio E63 1/4/43 Ridden, Daniel John D70 13/10/43 \Veir, Joseph Alexander Cameron Radio E69 1/11/43

* Registered for- ( a) The replacement of fuse-links. * Registered for- (b) The connection and replacement of flexible cords. (c) The earthing of appliances. ( a) The replacement of fuse-links. (d) The disconnection and reconnection of appliances. (b) The connection and replacement of flexible cords. (e) The assembly and repair of appliances. (c) The earthing of appliances. t Limited to Armstrong and Springhall, Ltd., and N.Z. Typewriter and Supply Co. ------


Regis­ Name. tered Late Inspector for --~------N_a_m_e_.______, Registered No. No. Murrell, Frederick William B2624 Newick, William Thomas B1493 A640 Mar 1borough Electric-power Anderson, Willie Ritchie Noble, Thomas Houghnay B2033 Board. North, Frederick Stuart B1947 A248 Westport Coal co·., Ltd. Brown, Matthew Edward Randall, Samuel Flanagan B1187 Copland, William Edward A64I Bay of Islands Electric-power Board. Smith, George Oswell B1485 Taylor, Joseph Herbert Spencer B352 A312 Waitomo Electric-power Board. Davidson, Norman A. Thomlinson, Charlie Howard N. B2274 Ditchfield, Frederick A696 Hutt ,Va 11 e y Electric-power Board. Douglas, Donald Stacey A735 Stratford Borough Council. Evans, Lovell Parata A657 Southland Electric-po'.ve r REGISTERS OF ELECTRICAL VVIREMEN'S LIMITED REGISTRATION Supply. Class C Heath, James Garfield .. A721 Timaru Borough Council. ----·------Henderson, Charles Alex- A426 vVaimea Electric-power Board. Name. \ Registered No. ander Langbein, William A513 Otago Central Electric-povrnr Board. * Andrews, ,Tack Charles C745 McPhail, Douglas Stewart A533 Tauranga Borough Council. *Drain, Alexander C938 Maclean, Lauchlan Gualter AI60 Dunedin City Council. *Fieldsend, Lloyd Clarence C889 Mathews, Arthur Gordon A693 Invercargill City Council. *Heather, Wilfred Clyde N. C213 Maynard, Frederick John A505 Waitaki Electric-power Board. *McLeod, Fraser William C783 Ranger, Thomas Herbert A373 Mar 1borough Electric-power Board. Stewart, Thomas Charles A621 Westport Coa.l Co., Ltd. Class D West, Willia~ James .. A247 W aitaki Electric-power Board. Name. Registered No.

REGISTER OF ELECTRICAL WIREMEN *McGlone, Daniel Henry D51 Name. Registered No. *Perkins, Eric Rentoul D41

Barlow, Maxwell Richardson B3501 Cla8s E Burns, Thomas B1361 Clarke, Reginald Huia K. B1584 Name. Registered No. Ditchfield, Frederick .. B1674 Grace, Ian \Valter Bl04 Hall, Alfred Edgar B1042 *Cooper, Raymond Campbell E37 Jones, Mervyn George B3805 *Radford, Leslie Joseph E21 Maynard, Frederick John B1114 ------·------~- Moore, Bernard B4115 * Limitl'I extended, see" Names added to the Registers." C 644 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 44_


Registered Date of Name. No. Registration.

*Banks, Thomas Joseph I B1752 10/12/26 *Hunt, Reay B975 12/8/26 *McRobbie, Angus John I B584 29/6/26 ! * Endorsement removed.


Registered Date of Name. Registered for* No. Registration.

Neate, Roy Frederick Leopold Secondary of radio sets 0980 18/12/42 ,Rayner, William Russell Serviceman . . . . 0954 7/8/42 I ------~~--- * For full details of limits, see last page of Class C Register under" Names added to the Rrgisters," also 1942 Gazette copy. I certify that the foregoing is a true copy as at the 31st day of March, 1944, of the names added to and removed from the Register of Inspectors of Electrical Wiring, and Register of Electrical ·wiremen, and Registers of Electrical Wiremen's Limited Registration, with other material alterations and corrections since the publication in the Gazette on the 9th day of June, 1942, in Vol. II at page 1497, of a copy of the Registers as at the 31st day of March, 1942, and since the publication in the Gazette on the 10th day of June, 1943, Volume II, page 661, of a copy of the Registers as at the 31st March, 1943. C. C. KENWARD, Registrar. Public Works Department, Wellington, 17th May, 1944.

The Dangerous Drugs Act, 1927, and the Dangero:Us Drugs Regulation,, Frank Stevens .. Auckland. 1928.~List of Persons lice,ised to deal in certain Dangerous David Teed, Ltd. Auckland. Druga United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Auckland and Devonport. sary Department of Health, Valley Pharmacy, Ltd. /Auckland. Wellington, 26th May, 1944. Victoria Pharmacy Auckland. Walker's Pharmacies, Ltd. Auckland. HE following is a list of persons and firms licensed under the R. Woods, Ltd. Auckland. T regulations under the date hereof to deal in all dangerous W. H. Woollams and Sons, Ltd. Auckland. drugs ,as defined in the Schedule to the Dangrrous Drugs Act,. This Woollams Pharmacy, Ltd. Auckland. list does not contain the names of registered chemists in business A.G. Meredith .. Manurewa. under their own names and on their own account, registered medical Cornish and Little Otahuhu. practitioners, registered dentists, or registered veterinary surgeons W oollams and Smith Otahuhu. who are authorized to deal in dangerous drugs and who do not require Hobson's Pharmacy Papakura. to hold a special license issued under the regulations:- J. Rees George and Co. Devenport and Takapuna. Dental and Medical Supply Co., Ltd. Auckland, Wellington, Christ­ Strand Pharmacy Takapuna. church, and Dunedin. B. A. Meyer, Ltd. Pukekohe. Dominion Dental Supplies, Ltd. Auckland, Wellington, and Ratjen's Pharmacy Pukekohe. Christchurch. Barron's Pharmacv Waihi. Early Bros. Trading Co., Ltd. Wellington and Christchurch. E. A. Clark • Waihi. Fairbairn, Wr{ght, Ltd. . . Auckland, Wellington, Christ­ S. J. Hedge's Ohinemuri Pharmacy Paeroa. church, and Dunedin. Baillies Ltd. Hamilton. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s Auckland, Wellington, Christ- Day's Pharmacy, Ltd. Hamilton. N.Z. Drug Co., Ltd. church, and Dunedin. Manning's Ltd. . . Hamilton (2). Sharland and Co., Ltd. Auckland (2), Wellington, United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Hamilton. Christchurch, and Dunedin. sary Drummond's Pharmacy Dargaville. G. G. Warren Hamilton. Kaitaia Pharmacy Kaitaia. Bundles Pharmacy Te Awamutu. Burfoots Ltd. . . Whangarei. Merrikin's Pharmacy Morrinsville. lVlenziPs Pharmacy (Coutts the Whangarei. Crawford's Pharmacies Rotorua (2). Chemists) Len Fisher, Ltd. Rotorua. Woolleys PhR-rmacy Whangarei. Reed and Co., .. Cambridge. Henry Alton, Ltd. Auckland. D. A. Smillie, Ltd. Frankton Junction. Auckland Drug Co., Ltd. Auckland. C. W. Pierson Te Aroha (2). Auckland Pharmacy Auckland. Harper's Pharmacy Te KuitL Bates Pharmacies, Ltd. . . Auckland. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Taumarunui. Boots, The Chemists (N.Z.), Ltd. Auckland, Wellington, Pal- sary merston North, and Dunedin. Corn the Chemist, Ltd. Gisborne. Chemicals Ltd... Auckland. Crawford's Pharmacy, Ltd. Gisborne. Chemists Urgent Dispensary AuckLmd. Tait's Medical Hall New Plymouth. Coutts the Chemist Auckland. Friendly Societies' Dispensary, Ltd. New Plymouth. Delaney and Menzies Auckland (2). A. E. Sykes and Son, Ltd. New Plymouth. Eccle's Pharmacy, Ltd. Auckland. Tribe's Pharmacy Inglewood.. English Pharmacy, Ltd. Auckland. United Friendly Societies' Dispen­ Waitara. Gibson's Pharmacy, Ltd. Auckland. sary Grafton Pharmacy Auckland. Feaver's Pharmacy Opunake. Horsley's Pharmacy, Ltd. Auckland. United :F:riendly Societies' Dispen- Hawera. T. W. Irwin, Ltd. Auckland. sary Le Quesne's Pharmacy Auckland: Fookes Pharmacy Taihape. Mackay's Dispensary Auckland. J. W. Infield and Co. Taihape. W. H. McKinney Auckland (2). Fraser's Pharmacy, Ltd ... Pate11. Maclean's Pharmacy Auckland. F. and R. Campbell Feilding. Marriage's Pharmacy Auckland. Tingey and Hubbard, Ltd. Feilding. R. B. Mason's St. Heliers Pharmacy Auckland. A. E. Kitchen, Ltd. Wanganui. Melvern's Stores Auckland. A. L. Sarney, Ltd. Wanganui. Morgan's Pharmacy Auckland. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Wanganui. Muir and Neil Pty., Ltd. Auckland. sary Powell's Pharmacy Auckland. Barraud and Abraham, Ltd. Palmerston North. Queen's Arcade Pharmacy Auckland. Leary's Pharmacies Palmerston North (:3). A. Roberta Auckland. United Friendly Societies' Dispen. Palmerston North. Royal Oak Pharmacy Auckland. sary Sandler's Pharmacy Auckland. Urgent Medicine Dispensary Palmerston North. J. C. Sharland, Ltd. Auckland. Robson's Ltd. . . Napier. Shaw's Pharmacy, Ltd. Auckland. United Friendly Soeieties' Dispen­ Napier. Mendel Spitz, Ltd. Auckland. sary JUNE l] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 645

Hawke's Bay Drugs, Ltd. Hastings. J. H. Reynolds and Son Christchurch (3). Knight's Pharmacy, Ltd. Hastings. E. Cameron Smith, Ltd. Christchurch. Davidson's Pharmacy, Ltd. Hastings. H. F. Stevens, Ltd. Christchurch. Rodger's Pharmacy Hastings. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Christchurch. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Hastings. sary sary Adams Pharmacy Kaiapoi. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Dannevirke. G. M. Collins Fairlie. sary Bonnington's Pharmacy .. Ashburton. Leigh and Eagle, Ltd. Waipawa. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Ashburton. Healey's Pharmacy Foxton. sary Campbell's Pharmacy Masterton. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Temuka. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Masterton. sary sary E. E. Ayers, Ltd. Timaru. Wood's Pharmacy Masterton. J. C. Oddie and Son Timaru. Alpin's Pharmacy .. _ Carterton. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Timaru. Stubbs Pharmacy Carterton. sary Wilson's Pharmacy Otaki.' B. A. Bryan Waimate. Abbott Laboratories Wellington. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Waimate. R. C. Brien Wellington. sary Burbery and Blinkhorn, Ltd. Wellington and Lower Hutt. W. Kinder and Co., Ltd. Oamaru. Drug Distributors Wellington. Lane's Pharmacy, Ltd. . . Oamaru. Farquhanions Ltd. Wellington. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Oamaru. Eddie Fletcher, Ltd. Wellington. sary Fluenzol Pty., Ltd. Wellington. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Port Chalmers. Gower Pharmacy, Ltd. Wellington. sary Hanlon's Pharmacy, Ltd. Wellington. F. ,J. D. Jeffery Roxburgh. Lockwood and Son, Ltd. Wellington. All Night Pharmacy Dunedin. Newson and Co., Ltd. Wellington. Cameron Bros., Ltd. Dunedin. Opera House Pharmacy, Ltd. Wellington. Cameron's Central Pharmacy, Ltd. Dunedin. Perrett's Cecil Pharmacy Wellington. Clifford's Pharmacy, Ltd. Dunedin. H. J. S. Rickard, Ltd. Wellington. Conns Grand Pharmacy .. Dunedin. W. M. Sunley, Ltd. Wellington. Evans Pharmacy, Ltd. . Dunedin. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Wellington. Grant's Exchange Pharmacy, Ltd. Dunedin. sary H. W. R. Outram, Ltd. . . Dunedin. Urgent Pharmacy (Wellington As- Wellington. H. L. Sprosen, Ltd. Dunedin. sociated Chemists) Starks Grand Pharmacy .. Dunedin. Wellington Federated Buyers Wellington. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Dunedin (2). A. H. Young, Ltd. Wellington. sary East End Pharmacy Karori. \"Valker and Laing Dunedin. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Petone. J. Waters, Ltd. Dunedin. sary Wilkinson and Son, Ltd. Dunedin (2). United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Blenheim. Leary's !>harmacy J\fosgiel. sary Vincent's Palmerston Dispensary, Palmerston. Ancell's Pharmacy Nelson. Ltd. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Nelson. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- :Milton. sary sary Central Pharmacy Greymouth. Owa.ka Pharmacy Owaka. L. F. Hogg Greymouth. H. H. F. Grant, Ltd. Gore. Parkinson Co., Ltd. Greymouth. Quin's Pharmacy, Ltd. Gore. William and Ross Greymouth. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Wyndham. Buller United Friendlv Societies' Westport. sary Dispensary " Brown's Pharmacy, Ltd .. Invercargill. Williams Medical Hall Hokitika. Clark's Pharmacy, Ltd. . . Invercargill. C. W. Pentecost, Ltd. Lyttelton. Night Pharmacy, Ltd. Invercargill. Barnett and Co. Christchurch. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Invercargill. Bealey Pharmacy Christchurch. sary Bonningtons, The Chemists, Ltd. Christchurch. United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Bluff. The Canterbury Drug Co. Christchurch. sary Christchurch Associated Chemists, Christchurch. Thomson's Pharmacy Riverton. Ltd. The following have been granted restricted licenses:­ R. S. Cook Christchurch. J. A. Cooke, Ltd. Christchurch. Osmond and Sons (N.Z.), Ltd. Wellington. Cook and Ross, Ltd. Christchurch. (opium) D. S. Dodds, Ltd. Christchurch. P. Hayman and Co. (tinct. opii, Dunedin. W. B. Falvey Christchurch. tinct. chlorof. et morph.) J. S. Hanafin Christchurch (4). Marshall Pty., Ltd. (tinct. opii) Dunedin. Hewith and Heyward Christchurch. Harold Schmidt, Son, and Daughter Auckland. McArthur's Ltd. Christchurch. (opium and preparations) R. G. Malcolmson Christchurch. William R. Warner Co., Ltd. (codein Auckland. phof'phate) E. J. Miles Christchurch. N. M. Peryer, Ltd. Christchurch. M. H. WATT, Director-General of Health. E;;tate of the late C. W. Price Christchurch. (H.D.D. 44/1.)


STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND AS AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MONDAY, 22ND MAY, 1944 Liabilities Assets £ s. d. 7. Reserve­ £ s. d. I. General Reserve Fund 1,500,000 0 0 (a) Gold 2,801,877 10 0 2. Bank-notes 37,142,577 0 0 (b) Sterling exchange* 30,690,653 14 3 3. Demand liabilities­ (c) Gold exchange (a) State 10,936,729 18 6 8. Subsidiary coin 48,100 17 9 (b) Banks 36,831,616 6 1 9. Discounti- (c) Other 689,983 7 4 (a) Commercial and agricultural bills 4. Time deposits (b) Treasury and local-body-bills 5. Liabilities in currencies other than New 10. Advances- Zealand currency 33,199 17 2 (a) To the State or State undertakings­ 6. Other liabilities 2,272,949 7 6 (!) Marketing Department 5,853,482 9 10 (2) For other purposes .. 35,885,000 0 0 (b) To other public authorities (c) Other 11. Investments .. 11,734,340 8 6 12. Bank buildings 13. Other assets .. 2,393,600 16 3

£(N.Z.)89,407 ,055 16 7 £(N.Z.)89,407 ,055 16 7

* Expressed in N~w Zealand currency. Proportion of reserve (No. 7 less No. 5) to notes and other demand liabilities, 39·088 per cent. W. R. EGGERS, Chief Accountant. 646 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 44

Sitting of the Native Land Court at Rotorua on 6th Jitne, 1944

Office of the Nativ~ Land Court, Rotorua, 22nd May, 1944. OTICE is hereby given that the matters ~entioned in the Schedule hereunder w-il.1 be heftrd by the N~tive Land Court sitting at Rotorua N on Tuesday, the 6th June, 194.4, at 10.30 a.m., or as soon thereafter as the busmess of the Court will allow. [Rotorua, 1944/5-1.J J. J. DILLON, Deputy-Registrar.


No. I Applicant. Name of Land. Nature of Application.

99 Assistant Under-Secretary, Public Te Pahou No. l Block .. Application for assessment of compensation for Works Department land taken for additional land for Te Whait.i Native School. 100 Ditto Waerenga B 4 Application for assessment of compensation for land taken for quarry, Hamurana-Okere Road, Rotorua County. 101 Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6A, Section 2 Application for assessment of compensation for No. lB lan

Sittin.g of the Native Land Court at Taupo on the 20th June, 1944

Office of the Native Land Court, Rotorua, 22nd May, 1944. OTICE is hereby given that the matters mentioned in the Schedule hereunder will be heard by the Native Land Court sitting at Taupo· N on Tuesday, the 20th June, 1944, at 10.30 a.m., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will allow. . [Taupo, 1944/5-2.J J. J. DILLON, Deputy-Registrar.


Applicant. Block. Nature of Application.

23 Assistant Under-Secretary, Public Part Rangatira No. SA 2, part Rangatira Application for assessment of compensation for Works Department No. 4, part Rangatira No. 8A land taken for river bridge at Taupo. 24 Ditto Tauhara Middle No. 4A No. lA .. Application for assessment of compensation for land taken for Taupo State Highway.

Abstract of Railway8 Working Account

FOUR-WEEKLY PERIOD ENDED 29TH APRIL, 1944 Section. I Revenue. I Expenditure. Net Revenue. £ £ £ North Island main line and branches 547,852 522,243 25,609 South Island main line and branches 300,379 300,273 106 Nelson 1,347 1,915 -568 Picton 5,803 6,928 -1,125

Total railway operating revenue 855,381 831,359 24,022 Miscellaneous and subsidiary services 142,485 105,878 36,607

Total 997,866 937,237 60,629

ANAI,YSIS OF RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUE AND TRAFFIC ANALYSIS OF RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENDITURE 1-Fo~;foed~ly IYear to Date. Four-weekly I y ______I P_e_ri_od_._-'-- ear to Date: I £ I £ Passenger 177,933 .. Maintenance­ £ £ Parcels, luggage, and mails 27,032 .. Way and works 155,775 Goods 626,605 .. Signals and electrical appliances 24,363 Labour and demurrage 23,811 .. Rolling-stock 193,221 Transportation­ Total railway operating revenue 855,381 .. Locomotive 181,368 Traffic 253,009 Passengers No. 2,184,835 .. General charges 10,6581 Superannuation subsidy 12,965 Live-stock Tons 76,114 .. Timber 39,716 .. Total operating expenditure 831,3591 Othet goods 560,779 .. Net operating revenue 24,022 I Total goods 676,609 .. Total railway operating revenue 855,381 I Road. l\foto.r Services­ Passengers No. 936,512 .. Revenue £ 59,520 .. £ Capital cost of open lines as at 31st March, 1944 •. 70,999,125 I JUNE l] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 647·

Notices under the Regulations Act, 1936

NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of the Regulations Act, 1936, of the making of regulations and orders as under:-

Serial Date of I Price (Postage Authority for Enactment. Short Title or Subject-matter. Number. Enactment. Id. extra).

Rehabilitation Act, 1941 Rehabilitation (St~Lmp Duties and Registration 1944/82 24/5/44 2d. Fees) Regulations 1944 Emergency Regulations Act, 1939 Stamp Duties Emergency Regulations 1939, Amend­ 1944/83 24/5/44 2d. ment No. 6 Marketing Act, 1936, and the Agriculture Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1939, Amend­ 1944/84 31/5/44 3d. (Emergency Powers) Act, 1934 ment No. 4

Copies can be purchased at the Government Printing and Stationery Office, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies may be ordered by quoting serial number. E. V. PAUL, Government Printer.

Decisions of the Bureaii of Industry under Part III of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936

Bureau of Industry, G.P.0. Box 3025, Wellington. OTIOE is hereby given that, pursuant to the authority conferred on the Bureau of Industry under Part III of the Industrial Efficiency N Act, 1936, the following decisions have been made in respect of applications for licenses. G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary.

------·--···-··-·---~-.. ------Applicant, and Location. Nature of Application. Decil!ion. Date.

Taking of Fish for Sale H. A. Gaskin, 17 Oornfoot Street, Castle­ For a license to permit him to operate his fishing-boat Granted .. 22 May, 1944. cliff, Wanganui "L & B" (not yet registered), using set-nets, drag­ nets, long lines, hand-lines, and crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Wanganui E. M. Smith, Ru;,sell, Bay oflslands For a license to permit him to operate his fishing-launch Granted .. 22 May, 1944. "Katherine B" (not yet registered), using drag-nets, long lines, hand-lines, and crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Opua A. W. Ebbett, Mount Maunganui, via For a license to permit him to operate his fishing-vessel Granted .. 22 May, 1944. Tauranga "Dawn" (not yet registered), using drag-nets, long lines, han

Notice of Persons affected by Applications for Licenses under Pa.rt .lII permit him also to operate the fishing-vessel "Erlin," WT. 134, of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936 using trawl-nets, set-nets, drag-nets~ long lines, hand-lines, and crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Picton. 0. H. Gerring and K. F. Gerring, both of Walton, have applied Taking of Fish for Sale for licenses to permit theni to operate their 40 ft. 16 h.p. engined F. W. Mitchell, Westport, has applied for a variation in the vessel "Kaitoa" (not yet registered), using set-nets, drag-nets, · conditions of his industrial fishing license in respect of his fishing­ long lines, hand-lines, and crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at vessel "Margaret," VilT. 144, using long lines and hand-lines, so as Whakatane. to permit him to also use trawl-nets. H. Dormer, 17 Seacombe Avenue, Point Chevalier, .Auckland, Manufacture for Sale of Footwear has applied for a license to permit him to operate his fishing-launch P. R. Jenkins, llO Khyber Pass Road, Auckland, has applied "Gladys" (not yet registered), using drag-nets, long lines, a,nd for a license to manufacture children's sandals and shoes, sizes 5 hand-lines, catches to be landed at Cornwallis. to 2, and ladies' sandals, 2 to 7, by the machine-sewn and riveted A. M. '\Vray, Thornton, Bay of Plenty, has applied for a license processes. to permit him to operate his 16 ft. launch " Gladys " (not yet Persons considering themselves materially affected by th~ registered), using long lines, hand-lines, and crayfish-pots, catche.; decisions of the Bureau of Industry on these applications should make to be landed at Thornton. any desired representations in writing not later th~n 15th June, 1944, C. L. Perano, Rutland Street, Picton, has applied for a variation to G. L. O'Halloran, Secretary, Bureau of Industry, G.P.O. Box 3025~ in the conditions of his industrial fishing license in respect of the Wellington. ' fishing-vessel "Hinemoa," PN. 38, fishing into Blenheim, so as to G. L. O'HALLOR.AN, Secretary. 648 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 44

Officiating Ministers for 1944.-(Notice No. 16) Charts affected: l'fo. 2411. Publications : New Zealand Pilot, 1930, pages 292 and 294 ; Admiralty List of Lights, Part X, 1942, Nos. 2287 and 2288; New Registrar-General's Office, Zealand Nautical Almanac and Tide-tables, Part I, pages 164 and Wellington, 30th May, 1944. 165; Part II, pages 283, 285, and 286. T is hereby notified that the names of the undermentioned Authority: Otago Harbour Board, 24/3/44. I officiating ministers have been removed from the List of B. W. MILLIER, Acting-Secretary. Officiating Ministers under the Marriage Act, 1908, by request :- (M. 3/3/120.) The Methodist Church of New Zealand Mr. Frederick Sanderson. Mr. Thomas Alfred Winn. Notice of Adoption under Part IX of the Native Land Act, 1931 P. H. WYLDE, Deputy Registrar-General. Tokerau Native Land Court Office, Auckland, 22nd May, 1944. T is hereby i1otified that the order of adoption as set out in the Notice to Mariners No. 10 of 1944 I Schedule hereunder has been made by the Native Land Court· under the provisions of the Native Land Act, 1931. Marine Department, J. H. ROBERTSON, Registrar. Wellington, N.Z., 25th May, 1944. NEW ZEALAND.-SouTH Isr,AND.-0TAGO HARBOUR SCHEDULE Alterations to Leading Beacons ADOPTING parents : Keita Kingi and W atewhanga Kingi. Adopted child : Raniera Pita Pomare. Previous Notices: No. 9 of 1943 and No. 5 of 1944 hereby cancelled. Position : Flagstaff, Taiaroa Head. Lat., 45° 46' · 6 S. ; long., Whalcaatu tangohanga Tamaiti Whangai i raro o W ahi IX o te Ture 170° 43'·5 E. (approx.). Wheniia Maori, 1931 Abridged Descriptions: Front beacon: F. 15 ft. 5 M. (U). Rear beacon: 0cc. 5 sec. 60 ft. 101\f. (U). Tari Kooti Whenua Maori, Tokerau, Detail8 : The two lighted leading beacons for the new main Akarana, 22 o Mei, 1944.- entrance ha,ve been re-establishBd in positions 254.f0 2,444 ft. and 0 0 HE whakaaturanga tenei kia mohiotia ai kua hangaia e te Kooti 230f 4,186 ft. from the above flagstaff and hear 203! when in Whenua Maori i raro i nga tikanga o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1931, line. tetahi ota whakamana i te tangohanga o tetahi tamaiti whangai The front beacon, triangular in shape and painted orange e whakaaturia nei e te Kupu Apiti i raro nei. with a vertical black stripe, is 20 ft. high and stands on a dolphin. A fixed white light visible five miles is exhibited at TE RAPIHANA, Kai-rehita. an elevation of 15 ft. 'fhe rear beacon, rectangular in shape and painted orange with two vertical black stripes, is 35 ft. high. An occulting KUPU APITI white light, 5 sec., eclipse 2·5 sec., visible ten miles, is exhibited NGA matua whangai: Keita Kingi me Watewhanga Kingi. at an elevation of 60 ft. Tamaiti whangai : Raniera Pita Pomare.


Land in the Wellington Land District forfeited

Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 29th May, 1944. OTICE is hereby given that the leases of the undermentioned land having been declared forfeit by resolution of the Wellington Land N Board, the said land has thereby reverted to the Crown under the provisions of the Land Act, 1924.


Tenure. Lease No. Section. Block. District. Lessee. Date of Forfeiture.

T.R.L. 186 16 Town of Tangimoana .. J. Reweti and R. Cribb 29th March, 1944. T.R.L. 359 12 III Town ofBirchville Extension W. E. Lethaby .. 23rd February, 1944. No. 4

(L. and S. 22/950/4.) C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lauds.

Land in the Marlborough Land District forfeited

Department of Lands and S11.rvey, Wellington, 29th May, 1944. OTICE is hereby given that the leases of the undermentioned land havin_g be__ en declared_ for_£__ eit b_ y r_esolution of the :Marlborough Land N Board, the said land has thereby reverted to the Crown under the provisions of the Land Act, 1924. ,


Tenure. Lease No. Section. Block. Survey District. Lessee. Date of Forfeiture. I

S.G.R. 245 Run 157 XIII Hundalee Y. H. Robinson 13th April, 1944. L.P. 291 , I 4 XIII

C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. (L. and S. 26/17137.) JUNE -1] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 649


In Ba.nkruptcy.-Supreme Court E, BERNARD JOSEPH O'HARA and DANIEL Ross BRAND, of W Auckland, Chefs, hereby give notice that the partnership JAMES REVEL NICHOLSON, of Dominion Road, Tuakau, Share­ carried on by us under the name or style of" Q'Hara and Brand" milker, was adjudged bankrupt on 24th May, 1944. Creditors' as proprietors of the Grosvenor Dining-rooms, Durham Street, meeting will be held at my office on Friday, 2nd June, 1944,, at Auckland, is dissolved as from the 22nd day of May, 1944, and the 10.30 a.m. said business will be carried on by the said BERNARD JOSEPH A. W. WATTERS, Official Assignee. O'HARA as from the date of dissolution. Law Court Building, High Street, Auckland. Dated at Auckland, this 22nd day of May, 1944. D.R. BRAND. 82 B. J. O'HARA. LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES

VIDENCE of the loss of Outstanding Deed of Lease No. 204975, GREYMOUTH BOROUGH COUNCIL E affecting part of the land now comprised in certificate of title, Vol. 767, folio 168 (Auckland Registry), whereof the Auckland RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE Grammar School Board is the lessor and the vVaiwai Mineral "rater Company, Limited, the original lessee, and JOHN BURNS .AND Greymouth Cemetery Extens-ion Loa.n, 1943 CO., LIMITED, the present lessee, having been lodged with me, N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that and application to register a surrender of the said deed of lease I behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the Greymouth without production of the outstanding copy thereof in terms of Borough Council hereby resolves as follows:- section 40 of the Land Transfer Act, 1915, notice is hereby given of my intention to register such surrender after fourteen days from " That, for the purpose of providing the principal, interest, 1st June, Hl44. and other charges on a loan of two thousand three hundred pounds Dated this 26th day of May, 1944, at the Land Registry Office, (£2,300), being the Greymouth Cemetery Extension Loan, 1913, Auckland. authorized t.o be raised by the Greymouth Borough Council under R. F. BAIRD, District Land Registrar. the above-mentioned Act for the purpose of acquiring all that parcel of land adjoining the Greymouth Cemetery, containing two roods and thirty perches (2 roods 30 perches), being Lot One (1) of PPLICATION having been made to me for the issue of a new Section 2303, Block 12, Greymouth Survey District, and preparing A certificate of title in the name of BERTHA FLORENCE for cemetery purposes the said land and other lands now comprised MILLS, wife of Percy Edmund Mills, of Murchison, Tailor,, for in the Greymouth Cemetery, the said Greymouth Borough Council Section 49, Village of Murchison, containing 1 acre 3 roods 8 perches, hereby makes and levies a special rate of · 10417 5 of one penny in and being all the land comprised in certificate of title, Vol. 26, the pound upon the rateable value (on the basis of the unimproved folio 128 (Nelson Registry), and a new certificate of title in the value) of all rateable property of the Borough of Greymouth, com­ name of WILLIAM HENRY McFARLANE, formerly of '\Vai­ prising the whole of the Borough of Greymouth ; and that such mangaroa, Hotelkeeper, but latterly a member of the 1st New special rate shall be an annually recurring rate during the currency Zealand Expeditionary Force (now deceased), for Lots 10 and 11 of such Joan and be payable on the 1st day of April in each and on Deposited Plan 21 (Town of Harben), and being part of Section 4, every year during the currency of such loan, being a period of twenty Block II, Kawatiri Survey District, containing 1 rood and 16 perches, years or until the loan is fully paid off." and being all the land comprised in certificate of title, Vol. 9, I hereby certify the above is a true copy of a resolution passed folio 122 (Nelson Registry), and evidence having been lodged of by the Greymouth Borough Council at a duly convened meeting the loss of the said certificates of title, I hereby give notice that held at Greymouth on the 22nd day of May, 1944. I will issue the new certificates of title as requested after fourteen 83 F. H. DENTON. days from 1st June, 1944. Dated this 23rd day of May, 1944, at the Land Registry Office, Nelson. A. FOWLER, District Land Registrar. GREY1VIOUTH BOROUGH COUNCIL

RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE VIDENCE having been furnished of the loss of certificate of E title, Vol. 308, folio 133 (Canterbury Registry), for part of Cobden Sewerage Loan, 1943 Lot 115, Deposited Plan No. 82!), part Rural Section 32729, City N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that behalf of Christchurch, whereof FRANK LESLIE DRURY, of Christ­ I by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the Greymouth Borough church, Coal-merchant, is the registered proprietor, together with Council hereby resolves as follows :- an application for a new certificate of title in lieu thereof, I hereby give notice of my intention to issue such new certificate of title " That, for the purpose of providing the principal, interest, at the expiration of fourteen da;ys from 1st June, 1944. and other charges on a loan of four thousand pounds (£4,000), Dated this 26th day of May, 1944, at the Land Registry Office, being the Cobden Sewerage Loan, 1943, authorized to be raised Christchurch. by the Greymouth Borough Council under the above-mentioned A. L. B. ROSS, District Land Registrar. Act for the purpose of providing drainage works and sewerage works for the purpose of extending and improving the drainage facilities of such part of the Borough of Greymouth as comprises the former Town District of Cobden, excluding the portion thereof ADVERTISEMENTS now served by drainage and sewerage works provided in respect of d wellinghouses erected by the State, the said Greymouth Borough THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 {3) Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of 2·222d. in the pound upon the rateable value (on the basis of the unimproved OTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of three months value) of all rateable property of that part of the Borough of Grey­ N from this date the names of the undermentioned companies mouth situate on the north side of the Grey River a,nd formerly will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register known as the Town District of Cobden, but excluding therefrom the and the companies dissolved:- portion thereof now :'Served by drainage and sewerage works provided The Wattle Catering Company, Limited. 1930/57. in respect of dwellinghou:;;es erected by the State-na,mely, Suburban Northern Hemplands, Limited. 1939/101. Section 230, Block IV, Cobden Survey District (State Housing Block), bounded by Munro, Hall, Ward, and Fitzgerald Rtreets, Given under my hand at Auckland, this 26th day of May, H)44. and Subsection 1 of Suburban Section 130 of the said Block IV L. G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. (Government Railway Housing Block), at the corner of Ward and Ha.11 Streets; and that such special rate shall be an annually recurring rate during the currency of such loan and be payable on the 1st THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6) day of April in each and every year during the currency of such loan, being a period of twenty-five years or until the loan is fully OTICE is hereby given that the names of the undermentioned paid off." N companies have been struck off the Register and the companies I hereby certify the above is a true copy of a resolution passed dissolved :- by the Greymouth Borough Council at a duly convened meeting New Zealand Tung Oil Corporation, Limited. 1930/83. held at Greymouth on the 22nd day of May, 1944. New Zealand Tung Oil, Limited. 1936/68. 84 F. H. DENTON. Dominion Roadmakers, Limited. 1939/46. Given under my hand at Auckland, this 26th day of Ma,y, 1D44. L. G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. MEDICAL REGISTRATION

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6) KELSON BRASTED, B.Sc., 1937, M.B., Ch.B., 1944 (N.Z.), I 11 now residing in Palmerston North, hereby give notice that I intend applying on the 25th June, 1944, to have my name placed on OTICE is hereby given that the name of the undermentioned the Medical Register of the Dominion of New Zealand; and that I N company has been struck off the Register and the company have deposited the evidence of my qualification in the office of the dissolved :- Department of Health at Palmerston North. The Wairoa Shingle Supplies, Limited. 1937/45. Dated at Palmerston North, this 25th day of May, 1944. Given under my hand at Napier, this 26th day of May, 1944. KELSON BRASTED. E. C. ADAMS, Assistant Registrar of Companies, Public Hospital, Palmerston North. 85 650 THE NEW ZEALAND Q-AZETTE [No. 44

SUBURBAN INVESTORS, LIMITED GREEMENT BETWEEN AUSTRALIA AND NEW A ZEALAND MADE AT CANBERRA ON THE 21srr OTI.CE is hereby given that at a meeting of the company held JANUARY, 1944 N on 25th May, 1944, the following resolution was passed:- · " That the company be ·wound up voluntarily, and that M~. PAMPHLE'l.'-ROYAL 8vo SIZE S. S. H. Brns, of Auckland, Public Accountant, be and he is hereby appointed liquidator of the company." Notice is further given that a general meeting of the share­ Containing Agreement as signed by the two Governments. holders of the company will be held at the office of the liquidator, Price, 6d. Postage, ld. 60-63 Yorkshire House, Shortland Street,, Auckland, on Thursday, Also available at post-offices at AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, 6th July, 1944, at 11 a.m., for the purpose of receiving the report and DUNEDIN. and account of the liquidator. 86 . · R. S. H. BISS, Liquidator.

WILD LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND E. J. GILL AND CO., LTD. Manual No. 5 NOTICE OF RELEASE OF LIQUIDATOR Part II: Introduced Birds, Frogs, and Fishes. Name of company : E. J. Gill and Co., Ltd. Paper, 4s. 6d. (postage 2d.); cloth, 7s. (postage 3d.). Address of registered office : Wanganui. Registry of Supreme Court: Wanganui. Number of matter : G.A. 2072. ELECTRICAL WIRING REGULATIONS 1935 Liquidator's name : S. Tansley. Liquidator's address : Wellington. 2s. 6d., post :free.] Date of release : 25th May, 1944. 87 S. TANSLEY, Official Liquidator. ELECTRICAL SUPPLY REGULATIONS 1935 3s., post free.] CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY

OTICE is hereby given that S. J. BEST & COMPANY, LIMITED, CONTENTS N has changed its name to BEST PAINTS, LIMITED, and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. l'AGE Dated at Auckland, this 24th day of May, 1944. ADVERTISEMENTS 649 88 L. G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. APPOINTMENTS, ETC. 634 BANKRUP'l'CY NOTICE 649 CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY CROWN LANDS NOTICES .. 648 DEFENCE NOTICES 632 OTICE is hereby given that DA Y's PHARMACY, LIMITED, has LAND- N changed its name to K. P. BLAIR, LIMITED, and that the new Coal-mines Act, Reserves declared to be subject to the 630 name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place Permanent State Forest, ·Crown Land set apart as 627 of the former name. Provisional State Forest, Revoking a Proclamation setting Dated at Auckland, this 22nd day of May, 1944. apart Land as . . 628 89 L. G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. Provisional State Forests, Crown Lands set apart as 627 Public Roads, Proclaiming Road-lines laid out to be 628 Public Roads, Roads traversing Native Land proclaimed as 628 In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, No. P. 9/106. Public Works Act: Consenting to Assignment of Rights, Wellington District Powers, and Privileges under an Order in Council . . 630 (Wellington Registry). Rabbit District, Altering and Redefining the Boundaries In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and its amendments, ~ ~9 and in the matter of EDWARD COLLIE, LIMITED. Recreation Reserve brought under Part TI of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act 630 · OTICE is"hereby given that the Order of the Supreme Comt of ReRerve, Changing the Purpose of 630 N New Zealand, Wellington District, dated the 19th clay of Reserve, Revoking the Reservation over 631 May, 1944, confirming the reduction of the capital of the above­ Roads, .Authorizing the Laying-off of . . 635 named company from £12,500 to £6,250, together with the minute Servicemen's Settlement and Land. Sales Act, Notices approved by the Court showing with respect to the capital of the declaring Land taken under 640 company as_ altered the several particulars required by the above Streets, Portions of, exempted from the Provisions of statute, were registered by the Assistant Registrar of Companies Section 128 of the Publie Works Act, l\:lil:l 631 at Wellington on the 23rd day of May, 1944. CROKER, SUTHERLAND, AND TUCKWELL, LAND TRANSFER AcT NOTICES . . 649 90 Solicitors for the Company. MISCELLANEOUS- Abstract of Railways Working Account 646 Awards approved by His Majesty the King 636 CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY Dangerous Drugs, List of Persons licensed to deal in . . 644 Honours and Awards approved by His Majesty the King: O'l'ICE is hereby given that AJAX FOUNDRY, LIMITED, has Deletion of Name · 640 N changed its name to M.H.S. LIMITED, and that the new name Industrial Efficiency Act, Decisions of the Bureau of was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the Industry under 64 7 former name. Industrial Efficiency Act, Notice to Persons affected by Dated at Wellington, this 26th day of May, 1944. Applications for Licenses under ...... 647 91 H. B. WALTON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. Land Sales Committee: Deputy of Member appointed.. 630 Loans, Consenting to Raising of, &c. . • 629 Native Land Act, Notice of Adoption under 648 NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Natjve Land Court, Sittings of the 646 Officiating,Ministers for 1944 648 Overtime and Holidays Labour Legislation Suspension OYALTY IN NEW ZEALAND Order 1941, Variation No. 29 635 R Price Order No. 238 (New Zealand Lemons) 625 SPECIAL PICTORIAL SOUVENIR, 1927 Registers of Inspectors of Electrical Wiring and Electrical Wiremen · 641 Price, 2s. 6d. Postage, 3d. Regulations under the Regulations Act 625, 647 Reserve Bank of New Zealand: ·weekly Statement of Assets and Liabilities ~ 645 REPORT OF THE ECONOMIC COMMITTEE, 1932 Royal Society of New Zealand, Election of Fellows of 640 Scenic Board, Additional Member appointed to 631 Statutory Declarations, Officers authorized to take and IN PAMPHLET FORM receive 631 75 pages and cover SHIPPING- Price, 9d. Postage, 2d. Notice to Mariners .. 648

By Authority: E. V. PAUL7 Government Printer, Wellington,