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Sex, AIDS, and Magic Sex, AIDS, and _Jan_uary 19_92 V_ol_S,_N_o3 $_4.0_0 Magic '%e 6oisterous sea offi6erty is never without a wave. JJ - Jefferson (((jive Me II Liberty II or (jive Me 'Death. 11 -Patric/(J{enryI 1775 Old Pat really was an extremist ... especially when ·it came to Christmas presents! The odds are good that your friends are less fussy about the gifts they receive ... And chances are excellent that they would genuinely appreciate a gift of Liberty! This winter, why not give a special friend the sheer pleasure of individualist thinking and living ... This is the ideal gift ... it is so easy, and so inexpen­ ... the state-of-the-art in libertarian analysis ... the sive: free-wheeling writing of today's leading advocates of freedom ... the joy of pulling the rug out from under Specia{ j-{o{iday 1\fltes! the illiberal establishment. To encourage you to give gifts of Liberty this holiday These are a few of the little pleasures we provide season, we offer gift subscriptions at a special rate: the every other month. Wouldn't it be fun to share them lowest price subscriptions we have ever offered! with a friend? First Gift (or your renewal) . .. $19.50 In the past year, Liberty has published the writing of Second Gift $17.00 Karl Hess, Milton Friedman, John Hospers, David Each Additional Gift. ...... .. $15.00 Friedman, Richard Kostelanetz, Loren Lomasky, Rob­ Act Today! These special rates are available only ert Higgs, Stephen Cox, Mark Skousen, David Boaz, through December 31, 1991. And remember, your own Bill Kauffman, Jane Shaw, Leland Yeager ... The most subscription or renewal qualifies as one of the subscrip­ exciting libertarian writers providing a feast of good tions. reading! Use the handy coupon below, or call this number with You pay a compliment when you give the gift of your gift and credit card instructions: Liberty. Send us your gift list today, and we'll send your greeting with every issue! We'll also send a hand­ 800-321-1542 some gift card in your name to each recipient. What could be easier-or better! r---------------' Pat Henry was right! Please send Liberty to -------------- Name _ I·Yes my gift list as directed below. -­I Address _ I have enclosed additional names on a separate sheet I o City _ I of paper. I o My first "gift" is for myself, so I can take advantage State Zip _ I of these great savings! I o Start my first year of Liberty with the next is­ I Name _ sue. I I o Renew my current subscription. Address _ I o My check (or money order) is enclosed. City _ I Please charge 0 Visa 0 MasterCard Expires _ I State Zip _ I account # I Send to: Liberty Gift Department I SIgnature PO Box 1167, Port Townsend, WA 98368. L. _.- -------------------------- .I ed Leb January 1992 l nSI e 1 erty Volume 5, Number 3 4 Letters Our readers take Liberty into their own hands. 7 Reflections Liberty's editors on Magic Johnson, motorcycling, liberal sensitivity, David Duke, political chicanery, honoring dead composers, and other matters, ephemeral and eternal. 17 The Thomas-Hill Affair Sex. Racism. Gross injustice. Trendy politics. Washington D.C.'s answer to L.A. Law is reviewed by our critics - Jane Shaw, David Friedman, Richard Kostelanetz, and Bill Kauffman. Features 23 The National Park Disgrace R. W. Bradford observes the 75th Anniversary of the National Park Service. 31 Rocky Mountain Low Karl Hess, Jr., explains how the National Park Service is turning one of America's most spectacular regions into an ecological nightmare. 38 Why Term Umits Lost Chester Alan Arthur analyzes what went wrong with Washington State's recent term-limitation initiative. R. W. Bradford wonders why we should care. 41 Beyond Austrian Economics: The Economy as Ecosystem Michael Rothschild explores the common ground between a new paradigm of economics, ''bionomics,'' and the"Austrian school" of Mises and Hayek. 53 America's Population Registration Act Brian Doherty reveals the ominous parallels between the recent civil rights bill and South Africa's justly hated apartheid. 55 How to Think About Pollution The Swedes got it right when they awarded the Nobel Prize in economics to Ronald Coase. David Friedman shows how Coase pioneered a solution to the problem of pollution. Reviews 60 Post-Randian Objectivism: R.I.P. Ayn Rand's "intellectual heir," Leonard Peikoff, has written a book. David Ramsay Steele performs the autopsy. 61 Will ObjectiVism Ever Become Respectable? Henry B. Veatch, the eminent Aristotelian, looks for the Peripatetic among the fugitive arguments presented by Ayn Rand's oracle, Peikoff. 69 Democracy Diagnosed Leland Yeager adds some choice libertarian and Public Choice thoughts to Alan Ehrenhalt's The United States of Ambition. 71 Drug Policy Abuse The Heritage Foundation puts its $10 worth into the propaganda effort of the war on drugs. Mark Thornton demythologizes the establishment crusade. 72 The American Meteor Gary Alexander surveys the life and writing of America's most popular socialist author, and finds much to admire. Departments 74 Classified Advertisements What our readers want to sell ... or freely give. 77 Notes on Contributors Who we are and what we do, if not why we do it. 78 Terra Incognita Excerpts from the real and unreal worlds of the media, the state, and the booboisie. work natural rights libertarians have un- dertaken ..." S In the field of science, theories are con- ( et t er ]] L stantly challenged by conditions they fail .;:::=================================~ to explain. But new theories that do ex- Give Me Accuracy or ... the realization of the dreams of Marx plain the exceptions to the rule are almost Historical inaccuracies usually lay would be "a police and slave state." never developed by - and are almost al- hidden in some obscure paragraph, so It is of the last importance to appre- ways resisted by - those who brought you can imagine my surprise and dismay ciate the significance of such refusals to forth the preceding theories. Indeed, a to see one in the headline of an advertise- attend to seriously argued criticism. For whole generation of adherents must fre- ment in the November Liberty. his indifference to the likelihood ofthat quently die off before an old theory can be Patrick Henry made his famous servile outcome indicates that Marx him- replaced by a superior version. This is be- speech which concluded with "Give me self was not, what so many have asserted cause we humans invest so much identity liberty or give me death" on March 23, that he was, someone who - however in our ideas (as opposed to our thought 1775. misguided - was sincerely and whole- process) that curiosity withers, and any What he was doing in 1776 I know not heartedly devoted to the cause of human question raised against our ideas assumes nor do I care. Mr. Henry gerrymandered emancipation and betterment. Had he the nature of personal attack. So it would James Madison's district in an attempt to been, Marx could not but have been wor- seem in the field of philosophy as well. stop him from being elected to the House ried by that likelihood. For abundant bio- While providing no replacement theo- of Representatives (he had already graphical evidence of his actual motiva- ry, my offering of exceptional cases clearly blocked his appointment to the Senate) tion, compare Leopold Schwartzschild's points to the need for further evolution in and I haven't forgiven him for it yet. The Red Prussian. thought. It is my hope that these questions John R. Carter Antony G. N. Flew raised will spark new work by minds Earlysville, Va. Bowling Green, Ohio more agile than mine. First Things First VUlgar Politicians Jim McClarin Cool, Calif. One little correction ofDavid Horo- I question R.W. Bradford's attribution witz's article ("The Road to Nowhere," of "vulgar" notions of the economic and Machan Si, Yeager No! November 1991): He states that the 50- ecologic systems to "the man on the I was astounded, angered, and dis- viets celebrated the fortieth anniversary street," in his "Economics and Ecology, mayed to read Leland Yeager's review of of the revolution by launching a man into Sophisticated and Vulgar" (November Tibor Machan's Capitalism and Individual- space in 1957. Actually, the first man 1991). I believe that the "average citizen" ism: Reframing the Argument for the Free 50- launched into space, Yuri Gagarin, made has a reasonably correct intuitive sense of ciety ("Ethics vs Economics," November his trip in 1961. (Sputnik was an un- his proper place in society and nature. It 1991). Yeager is guilty of precisely the fail- manned satellite.) Not a big deal, but it's is the politician that is convinced that "the ings for which he faults Machan, and it is nice to get these things straight. economy will run amok if left unregulat- clear that Yeager doth protest too much. Gary McGath ed by the state" and that "nature is chaot- Yeager's main objections rest on what he Penacook, N.H. ic if left alone." It is the politician's con- tells the reader are Machan's misrepresen- stant exhortations and promises that stir tations of several writers. This is a serious Marx: Worse Than You Think up a vocal minority to become political charge to level against a scholar, more so The argument of David Horowitz is activists. It is an avalanche of legislation when prefaced with the ad hominem, "I overwhelming. Yet even now he is still that forces the average citizen to take wonder whether Machan is equipped to understating the case.
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