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Fp5 Projects ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT KEY ACTION 4 The City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage FP5 PROJECTS http://www.cordis.lu/eesd/ka4/home.html edition February 2003 compiled and edited by Joanna Basztura How does this document work? The projects are listed alphabetically by the priority area of the Key Action in which they fall. You will find each priority area listed in the Section II. Section III lists all the projects. Section IV lists all the clusters, which have been established around different projects and which are centred on strategic thematic areas. Section V includes full tables outlining each project, including project titles, work descriptions, contact details, and a list of participants. Web-site addresses can be found at the start of each sub- section. Table of contents: I. Introduction................................................................................................................................................................. 4 II. List of priority areas ................................................................................................................................................... 5 III. List of projects in each priority area.......................................................................................................................... 6 IV. List of clusters of projects....................................................................................................................................... 16 V. Abstracts of projects ............................................................................................................................................... 17 I. Introduction The City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage Key Action aims to improve urban sustainability through delivering real, noticeable benefits to citizens throughout the EU by 2010. It will achieve this: • by concentrating these resources on four specific areas: • city planning and management, • cultural heritage, • built environment, • urban transport, where action is urgently required, and where there is untapped technological potential and strong demand for new solutions from cities themselves; • by focusing primarily on the integration and co-ordination of outputs from other EU and national research programmes, thus avoiding duplication of effort; • by selecting only projects likely to have significant impacts, regionally and at European level, managing and clustering them with a view to practical implementation and the transferability of their results; • by ensuring appropriate end-user involvement, and creating transnational networks with the capacity, opportunity and motivation to continue to exploit and disseminate results after the research phase is completed. The Key Action has thus been specifically designed to ensure rapid, EU-wide take-up of practical new approaches to urban governance, planning and management. It is expected to produce, within a decade, measurable advances in economic development, environmental performance and quality of life, which will directly benefit the 80% of EU citizens, who now live in cities and large towns. This document includes the main projects that relate to the Key Action within the Fifth Framework Programme. Following changes within the Research DG, a number of INCO projects (International Cooperation in Research) are managed alongside within the City of Tomorrow & Cultural Heritage Key Action. These projects involve research into cultural heritage preservation and integration in the Med- countries. They are listed under Section 4.2 of this guide. II. List of priority areas 4.1 Sustainable city planning and rational resource management 4.1.1 Improving urban governance and decision making 4.1.2 Improving the quality of urban life 4.1.3 Improving economic development, competitiveness and job creation in city centres and neighbourhoods 4.2 Protection, conservation and enhancement of European cultural heritage 4.2.1 Improved damage assessment on cultural heritage 4.2.2 Development of innovative conservation strategies 4.2.3 Foster integration of cultural heritage in the urban setting INCO projects (International Co-operation in research) 4.3 Development and demonstration of technologies for safe, economic, clean, effective and sustainable preservation, recovery, renovation, construction, dismantling and demolition of the built environment, in particular for large groups of buildings 4.3.1 Sustainable construction and reconstruction of large groups of buildings and urban infrastructure 4.3.2 Optimum use of urban land and rehabilitation of brownfield sites 4.4. Comparative assessment and cost effective implementation of strategies for sustainable transport systems in an urban environment 4.4.1 Strategic approaches and methodologies in urban planning towards sustainable urban transport 4.4.2 Comparative assessment and demonstration of novel transport forms and related infrastructure III. List of projects in each priority area 4.1 Sustainable city planning and rational resource management 4.1.1 Improving urban governance and decision making ACRONYM TITLE COMMUNAL Development of instruments for labelling, benchmarking and 24 LABELS TQM for (energy-) efficient communities DEMOS Democratic Participation in Urban Governance 26 DISCUS Developing Institutional and Social Capacity for Urban 28 Sustainability ECOPADEV Developing new decision-making tools to promote the 30 sustainable development in European cities based on eco- industrial park strategy GREENSCOM Communicating Urban Growth and Green: 32 assessment of planning concepts and policy instruments for sustainable development of the urban landscape IANUS Indicator system to assess new urban services. Improving 35 decision making through evaluation INTEGAIRE Integrated urban governance and air quality management in 37 Europe INTERACT Integrated Urban governance for the City of Tomorrow 39 LASALA Eco-efficient urban management and new models of urban 41 governance: the evaluation of LA21 in European local authorities through "concerted self assessment' LASALA-ONLINE Local agenda 21 self-assessment for local authorities on-line 43 PASTILLE Promoting action for sustainability through indicators at the local 45 level in Europe PEGASUS Planning, Environment, Governance and Sustainability 47 PLUS Participation, leadership and urban sustainability 49 RECOURSE Research and Education Centre for Urban Socio-Economic 51 Development SUDLAB Sustainable urban development laboratory 53 SUT-GOVERNANCE Sustainable urban tourism: involving local agents and 55 partnerships for new forms of governance UGIS Urban development programme, urban governance, social 57 inclusion and urban sustainability URBEST Urban best practices 59 URBS PANDENS Urban Sprawl: European Patterns, Environmental Degradation 61 and Sustainable Development 4.1.2 Improving the quality of urban life ACRONYM TITLE AWAST Aid in the management and European Comparison of a 63 municipal solid waste treatment for a global & sustainable approach AGORA Cities for People 65 BUGS Benefits of urban green space 67 CAST Process and software tools for analysis and simulation of 69 development of cities into the future CLEANAIR Increased quality of life for 76 million EU citizens by enhancing 71 air quality in urban areas through development of a residential cleaning technology for burning solid fuel for domestic use ENTRUST Empowering Neighbourhood Through Recourse of Urban 73 Synergies with Trades EUROCULT21 Urban cultural profiles exchange project 76 EUWMC European urban waste management cluster 79 FUMAPEX Integrated Systems for Forecasting Urban Meteorology, Air 81 Pollution and Population Exposure GREENCLUSTER Clustering of five ongoing research projects on green space in 83 urban areas GREENSPACE The contribution of urban green-space to quality of life 85 HOMESERVICES Benchmarking sustainable services for the housing sector in the 87 city of tomorrow INDICATORS FOR Formal Indicators of Social Urban sustainability 89 SOCIAL URBAN SUSTAINABILITY INERWASTE Development of a new wastes inerting technique for landfilling or 90 valorisation LCA-IWM The Use of Life Cycle Assessment Tools for the Development of 92 Integrated Waste Management Strategies for Cities and Regions with Rapid Growing Economies LUDA Improving the quality of life in large urban distressed areas 95 MICRODRAINAGE Development of a cost-effective solution for the safe and 97 definitive remediation of the European landfills which present the danger for the leachate to pollute the waterbed NEHOM Evaluating housing and neighbourhood initiatives to improve 99 quality of life of deprived urban neighbourhoods and assessing their transferability across Europe NOZONE An intelligent responsive pollution and odour abatement 101 technology for cooking emission extraction systems ORMA Optimisation of resource use and waste management in an Eco 103 Industrial Park ACRONYM TITLE OSCAR Optimised Expert System for Conducting Environmental 105 Assessment of Urban Road Traffic PAYT Variable rate pricing based on pay-as-you-throw as a tool of 106 urban waste management PETUS Practical Evaluation Tools for Urban Sustainability 109 PUB+ Accessibility to the public utility buildings for urban citizens with 111 mobility impairments. The socio-economic comparative studies. RELIEF Environmental relief potential of urban action on avoidance and 112 detoxification of waste streams through green public procurement RESTATE Restructuring Large-scale Housing Estates in European Cities: 115 Good Practices and New Visions
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