2018 Edition 1 Team Captain’s Handbook Table of Contents FSA 2018 Officials .................................................................................................................................... 4 Participating teams ................................................................................................................................. 6 Site plan ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Pit plan ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Event schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Daily operations .................................................................................................................................. 9 Sunday, 29th of July 2018 ................................................................................................................... 9 Monday, 30th of July 2018 .................................................................................................................. 9 Tuesday, 31st of July 2018 .................................................................................................................. 9 Wednesday, 1st of August 2018 ........................................................................................................ 10 Thursday, 2nd of August 2018........................................................................................................... 10 Friday, 3th of August 2018 ................................................................................................................. 10 Judging schedule ................................................................................................................................... 11 General procedures ............................................................................................................................... 12 On-site registration process .............................................................................................................. 12 Check-list for on-site registration .................................................................................................. 12 Parking at Red Bull Ring ..................................................................................................................... 13 Entering the event site / set up day .................................................................................................. 13 Leaving the event site / closing day .................................................................................................. 13 Emergencies ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Weather conditions ........................................................................................................................... 13 Sunshine ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Wind and rain ................................................................................................................................ 14 Pits ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Power outlets ................................................................................................................................ 15 Bikes, scooters, etc. ........................................................................................................................... 15 Services .............................................................................................................................................. 16 Tire changing ................................................................................................................................. 16 Free WiFi ........................................................................................................................................ 16 Team lounge ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Event control ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Dynamic passes/ safety vests ............................................................................................................ 17 Media passes ..................................................................................................................................... 17 Results & announcements................................................................................................................. 17 Ramp to the dynamic area ................................................................................................................ 17 Smoking ............................................................................................................................................. 17 Team captain’s meeting ........................................................................................................................ 17 Scrutineering ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Scrutineering order ........................................................................................................................... 18 Bemo’s guide for scrutineering ......................................................................................................... 19 Tilt & noise ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Brake test .......................................................................................................................................... 20 Static events .......................................................................................................................................... 20 2 Team Captain’s Handbook Cost and design ................................................................................................................................. 20 Business presentation ....................................................................................................................... 20 Dynamic events ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Engine testing .................................................................................................................................... 21 Event closing ...................................................................................................................................... 21 Brake lights ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Working on the cars inside the dynamic area ................................................................................... 21 Tire protection ................................................................................................................................... 21 No help zone ...................................................................................................................................... 21 Timing transponders ......................................................................................................................... 21 Campsite ................................................................................................................................................ 22 Campsite regulations ......................................................................................................................... 22 Campsite plan .................................................................................................................................... 23 Area around the Red Bull Ring .......................................................................................................... 23 1. Austria is called the “Heart of Europe” ..................................................................................... 23 2. The official language in Austria is German ................................................................................ 23 3. We use the metric system and only the metric system ............................................................ 23 4. We use 230V AC with Type C and type F power plugs. Make sure to bring adapters .............. 23 5. Water in Austria is one of the best all over the world .............................................................. 23 6. Credit card vs. Cash ................................................................................................................... 24 7. Emergency calls (free of charge) ............................................................................................... 24 8. Internet access / Mobile Phone ................................................................................................ 24 9. ATM's ........................................................................................................................................
Chassis and Impact Attenuator Design for Formula Student Racing
CHASSIS AND IMPACT ATTENUATOR DESIGN FOR FORMULA STUDENT RACE CAR MECH 5825M Professional Project Chassis and Impact Attenuator design for Formula student Race car Ahmed Oshinibosi Project Supervisor: Prof. D.C Barton 30th August 2012 AKNOWLEGDEMENT Firstly, I would like to appreciate the effort of my supervisor, Professor David Barton who is the head of school of mechanical engineering for his invaluable contribution towards the successful completion of this project. Secondly, I am indebted to my employer, Tallent Automotive Limited who did not only provide financial assistance to me in order to pursue this postgraduate Master’s degree, but also gave me the permission to utilise the company’s software packages to carry out this project. I also want to use this opportunity to thank the faculty of engineering for awarding me the International Excellence scholarship which also contributed towards my tuition fees. ABSTRACT Generally, in the automotive industry, weight reduction, cost of engineering design and reduction in vehicle development cycle time are becoming increasingly focused on. In order to tackle this, Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) is popularly being used to lead design process. This is more efficient than just using CAE as a verification tool. In the design of the F15 chassis, suitable Finite Element Analysis (FEA) optimisation techniques have been adopted from the early design stage. The design problem in view of weight reduction and increasing torsional stiffness has been solved by means of topology optimisation and also by applying gauge optimisation at the later stage of the design phase to optimise the size of structural members of the chassis.
Improving the world through engineering Images: This page: Bloodhound show car; and page 7: Bloodhound Ambassador training, both by Tom Luddington Photography www.tomluddington.com; page 9: Population Challenge team, photography by Peter Luckhurst CONTENTS 02 PRESIDENT’S REVIEW 2011 04 STRENGTHENING LINKS WITH THE MEMBERSHIP AND MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT 08 INTELLECTUAL LEADERSHIP 11 BROADENING AND GROWING THE MEMBERSHIP 12 DEVELOPING AN AWARENESS OF ENGINEERING AND THE PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTION 15 IMPROVING THE FINANCIAL POSITION 16 FINANCIAL REVIEW 2011 AND SUMMARISED ACCOUNTS PRESIDENT’S REVIEW 2011 In 2011, the members looked to the Institution Strengthening links with the membership to support them during continued challenging and membership engagement economic times; delivering the things that As ever, members valued their Institution’s really mattered to them, promoting high profile position as a market leader in the profession with education initiatives that will inspire the next a committed focus on the continual development generation to work in engineering, getting of engineering skill and knowledge worldwide. engineers in the media and being heard by This was further bolstered this year with the government. Members feel passionately that positioning of learning and development at the the Institution should be an organisation with heart of the Institution’s brand. Belonging to an global reach that truly represents and reflects organisation that supports their achievement the profession, and encourages professional or maintenance of professional registration, registration and long-term career development. and demonstrating their status as professional The Institution was able to deliver on these engineers, meant a lot to members. Our volunteers requests, achieving significantly against every one again demonstrated their remarkable commitment of its strategic aims, making 2011 another record- by organising just under 1,000 events for over breaking year.
Formula Student 2013 Confirmed Teams Class 1: University Team Name Country Fuel Car No. TU Graz TU Graz Racing Team Austria Petrol 10 UAS Graz joanneum racing graz Austria Petrol 8 Group T International University College Formula Group T Belgium Electric 111 Karel de Grote University College KdG Automotive Belgium 0 Thomas More Mechelen - De Nayer Thomas More Innovation Belgium Electric 73 Dalhousie University Dalhousie Formula SAE Canada Petrol 0 University of Zagreb FSB Racing Team Croatia Petrol 0 Czech University of West Bohemia Racing Team Pilsen Republic Petrol 74 University of Southern Denmark SDU Vikings Denmark Electric 21 Ain Shams Uiversity ASU Racing Team Egypt Petrol 39 Cairo University Racing Cairo University Team Egypt Petrol 121 University of Exeter Exeter Racing England Petrol 66 Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Metz ENIM Formula Student France Petrol 57 ESTACA ESTACA Formula Team France Petrol 92 University of Burgundy - ISAT ISAT Formula Team France Petrol 158 Hamburg University of Technology e-gnition Hamburg Germany Electric 123 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) KA-RaceIng E Germany Electric 14 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) KA-RaceIng C Germany Petrol 13 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover Horsepower Hannover Germany Electric 40 Ecurie Aix Formula Student Team RWTH RWTH Aachen Aachen e.V. Germany Petrol 42 TU Darmstadt Racing TU Darmstadt Team e.V. Germany Electric 37 Elbflorace Formula Student Team TU Dresden TU Dresden e.V. Germany Electric 27 Kaiserslautern Racing TU Kaiserslautern Team Germany Electric 63 TU Munich TUfast Racing Team Germany E85 4 Running Snail Racing UAS Amberg-Weiden Team Germany Electric 22 UAS Coburg CAT-Racing Germany Petrol 70 UAS Dortmund Race-Ing.
PROGRAMME 2012 We Would Particularly Like to Thank the Sponsors of Formula Student Germany 2012 for All Their Support
July 31st - August 5th 2012 Hockenheim PROGRAMME 2012 We Would particularly like to thank the sponsors of formula student Germany 2012 for all their support in cooperation with audimax MEDIEN | Avisaro AG | campushunter media GmbH | fishfarm netsolutions HI:TECH Campus| Hockenheimring GmbH | Isabellenhütte Heusler GmbH & Co. KG Kautex Textron GmbH & Co.KG | Linde Material Handling | Omni-ID Cayman, Ltd. SLV Mannheim GmbH | XeNTiS Composite a special thanks Goes to the numerous Volunteers Who contriButed siGNIFICANTLY in the REALISATION of the seVenth formula student Germany GrEETINGS GruSSwOrT Dr. Ludwig Vollrath, Tim Hannig Dear friends of Formula Student Germany, Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde der Formula Student Ger- many, In 2012 Formula Student Germany remains true to its tradi- tion of advancement. Not only are there more internationally auch die FSG 2012 bleibt der Tradition der Weiterentwick- established teams that participate, but also is the level of lung treu. Dies bezieht sich auf immer mehr Teams, die sich technological development displayed ever increasing. weltweit etablieren, genauso wie auf das technologische Le- vel, mit dem sie sich vor Ort präsentieren. At the same time Formula Student Germany is changing more and more from an educational project into a test bed Mit mehr und mehr Verwendung innovativer Materialien und for technical innovation, where the use of innovative materi- Konzepten in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen, entwickelt als and concepts across a range of different fields has be- sich die FSG von einem reinen Ausbildungsmotor, zuneh- come commonplace. This is not limited to the technical solu- mend gleichzeitig zu einem Innovationslabor. Das sehen Sie tions alone, it is also reflected in experienced organisations, nicht nur an den eigentlichen Technologien und Lösungen, networks and cooperations amongst teams, or amongst the sondern auch bei erlebten Organisationen, Vernetzungen different locations of a single team.
Formula Student Germany Programme 2008 Programme 2008
presented by Formula Student Germany ││ InternationalInternational DesignDesign CompetitionCompetition ││ Programme 2008 Hockenheim August 6th — 10th 2008 │Creating│www.formulastudent.de a future for engineers│ │ We would particularly like to thank the sponsors of Formula Student Germany 2008 for all their support EuroMold Europcar Autovermietung GmbH Kautex Textron GmbH & Co.KG KION Group RIEDEL Communications GmbH & Co. KG SLV Mannheim GmbH VEKA AG presented by in cooperation with INTERNATIONAL A special thanks goes to the numerous volunteers who contributed significantly in the realisation of the third Formula Student Germany 2 Greetings Greetings Grußwort It was only five years ago that some Gerade mal fünf Jahre ist es her, da former Formula Student participants and setzten sich ehemalige Formula Student the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. (VDI) Aktive und der Verein Deutscher Ingeni- met to plan the realization of an interna- eure e.V. (VDI) zusammen, um die Ein- tional engineering competition in Germany führung eines internationalen Konstrukti- onswettbewerbes für Ingenieursstudenten following in the footsteps of an established nach bewährtem Rezept in Deutschland formula. We discussed concept, rules, konkret zu planen. Gemeinsam diskutier- claim and venue and agreed on the name ten wir Konzept, Regeln, Anspruch und for the project: Ort und einigten uns auf den Namen: Formula Student Germany! Formula Student Germany! The decision was then made: Unser Vorhaben war beschlossen: We designed a student engineering Wir machen einen Wettbewerb, bei dem competition with the highest priority on the principles of safety, trans- die Grundsätze Sicherheit, Transparenz parency and fairness. A competition where the student competitors und Fairness oberste Priorität haben. profit from hands-on experience and direct feedback from active Einen Wettbewerb, der von den Erfah- rungen und Rückmeldungen der aktiven and former participants, as well as top automotive engineering talent und ehemaligen Teilnehmer lebt und sich brought in from around the world.
Confirmed Class 1 Teams: Car # University Team Name Country
Formula Student 2015 Teams Confirmed Class 1 Teams: Car # University Team Name Country Fuel Delft University of Technology The 1 Delft University of Technology Racing Team Netherlands Electric 2 University Stuttgart Rennteam Uni Stuttgart Germany E85 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 3 (KIT) KA-RaceIng C Germany E85 6 Oxford Brookes University Oxford Brookes Racing UK Petrol 7 University of Bath Team Bath Racing UK E85 Norwegian University of Science 8 and Technology Revolve NTNU Norway Electric 9 Cardiff University Cardiff Racing UK Petrol Elbflorace Formula Student 11 University of Technology Dresden Team TU Dresden e.V. Germany Electric 13 Kingston University KU e-Racing UK Electric 14 University of Sunderland SU Racing UK Petrol University of Strathclyde 15 University of Strathclyde Motorsport UK Petrol 16 University College London UCL Racing UK Petrol 17 Loughborough University LUMotorsport UK Petrol 18 University of Hertfordshire UH Racing UK Petrol University of Liverpool 19 University of Liverpool Motorsport UK Petrol 20 Dalhousie University Dalhousie Formula SAE Canada Petrol 21 UAS Cologne eMotorsports Cologne Germany Electric 22 KU Leuven Formula Electric Belgium Belgium Electric 23 OTH Amberg-Weiden Running Snail Racing Team Germany Electric Universitat Politècnica de 24 Catalunya UPC ecoRacing Spain Electric 25 University of Glasgow UGRacing UK Petrol 26 Universität Stuttgart GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. Germany Electric Odessa Polytechnical National 27 University Formula Student ONPU Ukraine Petrol 29 Queen's University
putting bright young engineers on the start line. Event Programme 14-17 July 2011 improving the world through engineering Event Programme: £5 for visitors “The Mercedes-Benz HPE Graduate Scheme has not only fulfilled my dream of working in Formula 1; it has given me the opportunity to grow and develop as an engineer at the start of my career” Mercedes-Benz HighPerformanceEngines is a Daimler AG company whose principal activities are the design and manufacture of Formula 1 racing engines and hybrid systems for MERCEDES GP PETRONAS. We are also proud to supply engines to the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes and Force India F1 teams. Based in Brixworth, Northamptonshire, we employ over 400 dedicated engineers and run a successful graduate and placement student scheme. Developing engineers is at the heart of these programmes; encouraging them to be the best that they can be. Applications for our 2012/2013 intake open in October 2011. For more information and to apply, visit www.mercedes-benz-hpe.com or visit our stand in the IMechE registration marquee. Contents. 02 WelCome 03 sChedule 05 introduCtion 06 events & sCoring 09 aWards 11 Class 1a inFo 12 Case STUDY 14 partner inFo 17 list oF volunteers 18 partiCipating teams 21 Class 1 team proFiles 67 Class 1a team proFiles 75 Class 2 team proFiles 79 Class 2a team proFiles 81 site map OFFICIALS RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Patron Ross Brawn OBE FIMechE Despite the organisers taking all reasonable precautions, Chairman Jon Hilton FIMechE unavoidable accidents can happen. In respect of these, we must Head Rules Advisor Dr Andrew Deakin MIMechE make clear the rules of engagement for all participants and Project Leader Kate Jones visitors.
Formula Student Germany │ International Design Competition │ Programme Formula Student Germany 2006 Hockenheim August 3rd — 6th 2006 │Creating a future for engineers│ │Formula Student Germany 2006│ We would particularly like to thank the sponsors of Formula Student Germany 2006 for all their support A special thanks goes to the numerous volunteers who contributed significantly in the realisation of the first Formula Student Germany 2 Greetings Greetings In Germany the automotive industry and engineering in general have great tradition. High time that an internationally success- ful concept such as Formula Student should be held in Ger- many – hosted by the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI), of course. 41 teams from 11 different countries from Russia to Canada and Germany to Australia will be participating at the first Formula Student Germany from the 3rd to the 6th of August 2006. By taking part at this worldwide design competition the students supplement their education with the attractive task of building a race car. This experience is invaluable for their professional careers. Consequently, at this weekend in August more than 600 highly motivated students will be coming to the Hockenheimring to present their prototypes and face the competition from the other teams. The use and gain of engineering knowledge is one of the main issues at Formula Student. However, what should be specially mentioned, is that the participation at Formula Student Germany demands a high level of initiative, motivation and team spirit from the students. Learning these and other soft skills make them interdisciplinary and holistic young engineers. Dear visitors, in Hockenheim you will experience motor sport from a different angle.
The UK’s Premier Low Carbon Vehicle (Technology Showcasing & Networking) Event C Millbrook, Bedford | 12th - 13th September 2018 M Y CM MY CY CMY Technology K Exhibition Ride & Drive Seminars Contents Welcome to LCV2018 2 Contents 3 Welcome to LCV2018 4 LCV2018 Sponsor Listing It is my great pleasure to welcome showcase developed with Meridian Mobility, 5 Cenex you to the second decade of Cenex- along with the presence of the Meridian 6-7 Automotive Council LCV, which, in 2018, is the eleventh Test Beds, in Hall 3, as well as the newly formed Faraday Institute’s stand in Hall 1. 8-9 Centre for Connected & Autonomous Vehicles event for Cenex. 10-11 Department for International Trade The CAV Showcase illustrates the importance 12-13 Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) We hope it will be the continuation of of what are now being referred to as the 14-15 Advanced Propulsion Centre successful events to take us through the rest ACES drivers: Automated, Connected, of this decade and beyond, as we address the Electric and Shared. Also, this year’s 16-17 LowCVP complexities and challenges of deployment, link with the Zero Emissions Vehicle 18-19 Government Pavilion management and integration of low carbon Summit, along with the publication of 20 Low Emission Truck Stop vehicles and related technologies into the government’s Road to Zero Strategy, 21 SMMT our future transport and energy systems. highlights the importance of zero emissions 22-23 Meridian as the target for air quality management It is also an honour to welcome you to stepping beyond vehicle emission control.
Formula Student 2019 Cost Event Results Place Team Score Car Num Car 1 24 University of Liverpool 100 2 48 University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) 99 3 42 University of Agder 98 4 T 26 University of Southampton 97 4 T 80 Ain Shams University 97 6 T 40 Sheffield Hallam University 96 6 T 60 Ain Shams University / University of Sussex 96 8 T 5 University of Sheffield 95 8 T 6 University of Birmingham 95 8 T 57 Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Metz 95 11 T 25 Cairo University 93.84 11 T 115 University of Strathclyde 93.84 13 T 22 University of Hertfordshire 90.37 13 T 37 Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia 90.37 13 T 61 University of Bath 90.37 16 17 University of Bath Electric 88.05 17 88 University of Huddersfield 86.89 18 T 30 Heriot-Watt University 83.41 18 T 135 University College Dublin 83.41 20 31 De Montfort University 82.26 21 9 Queen's University Belfast 78.78 22 95 Birmingham City University 77.62 23 T 161 Manchester Metropolitan University 76.46 23 T 196 Westsaechsiche Hochschule Zwickau 76.46 25 T 74 University of Portsmouth 75.3 25 T 87 Coventry University 75.3 27 T 2 Oxford Brookes University 72.99 27 T 41 Imperial College London 72.99 27 T 66 Brunel University London 72.99 30 181 University of Hull 71.83 31 79 Linköping University 70.67 32 T 52 University of Glasgow 69.51 32 T 93 University of Surrey 69.51 34 T 10 Loughborough University 67.2 34 T 77 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 67.2 34 T 97 University of Manchester 67.2 37 38 Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia Hybrid 64.88 38 T 69 University
Dutch Team's Electric Car Wins Formula Student for Second Year in a Row 13 July 2015
Dutch team's electric car wins Formula Student for second year in a row 13 July 2015 were at Silverstone on 8-12 July. There were 135 teams in total, with 49 from the UK and teams from as far afield as Australia, Turkey and Ukraine. Stijn Pennings, Team Leader for Formula Student Team Delft, said: "All the hard work over the past year has paid off and the whole team has gained invaluable hands- on experience on what is involved in developing a car from start to finish. "I think the key to our win is the extremely light and agile nature of our car. This year we trimmed the weight of the drivetrain and also had a one-piece monocoque. "We worked well as a team and I am incredibly proud and happy with our win – particularly winning A team of 60 engineering students from Delft by such a big margin." University of Technology (TU Delft) has stormed to victory at this year's Institution of Mechanical Engineers' Formula Student competition. Formula Student challenges student engineers to design, build and race a single seat racing car in one year. The competition is composed of eight challenges and events with a separate amount of points allocated for each. These include, among others, tests to assess cars' acceleration, endurance, fuel economy, as well as the design and business case each of the teams has prepared. Team Delft claimed the prize at Silverstone this weekend with a total score of 909.3 out of a total score of 1,000 points.