Mt. Tabor Park Bird List
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Species S s F W Species S s F W Jays & Crows Warblers (continued) *Steller’s Jay C C C C Blackpoll Warbler X *Western Scrub-Jay C C C C MacGillivray’s Warbler F O *American Crow C C C C *Wilson’s Warbler C O C Swallows Hooded Warbler X Tree Swallow R R Sparrows Mt. Tabor Violet-green Swallow F F F *Spotted Towhee C C C C Northern Rough-winged Swallow X Chipping Sparrow O O Cliff Swallow R R Savannah Sparrow X Bird List *Barn Swallow C C C Fox Sparrow (Sooty) F F U Purple Martin V *Song Sparrow C C C C Chickadees Lincoln’s Sparrow O O *Black-capped Chickadee F F F F White-throated Sparrow V V V *Chestnut-backed Chickadee C C C C *White-crowned Sparrow U O U R Bushtits Golden-crowned Sparrow F F U *Bushtit C C C C *Dark-eyed Junco C C C C Creepers & Nuthatches Grosbeaks & Tanagers *Red-breasted Nuthatch C C C C *Black-headed Grosbeak F F F *Brown Creeper C C C C Rose-breasted Grosbeak X Wrens *Western Tanager C U U X *Bewick’s Wren C C C C Summer Tanager X House Wren X X V Buntings *Winter Wren C O C C Lazuli Bunting R V Kinglets Blackbirds Golden-crowned Kinglet C O C C Brewers Blackbird V V V V Ruby-crowned Kinglet C C C Red-winged Blackbird X Thrushes Brown-headed Cowbird C C U Townsend’s Solitaire U R V Orioles Swainson’s Thrush C O C Bullock’s Oriole R X Hermit Thrush C C U Finches *American Robin C C C C Purple Finch U O O Birds recorded inside Mt. Varied Thrush C C C *House Finch C C C C Starlings & Waxwings Red Crossbill U O O O Tabor Park, Portland, OR European Starling U U U U *Pine Siskin F U F F *Cedar Waxwing U U U O *Lesser Goldfinch C C C C Pipits *American Goldfinch U U U U List and drawing by Adrian Hinkle. American Pipit R Evening Grosbeak C R R R Special thanks to Christopher Hinkle, Warblers Pine Grosbeak X Nathan Hinkle and Em Scattaregia Northern Parula X Old world Sparrows *Orange-crowned Warbler C R C R House Sparrow U U U U Tennessee Warbler X Nashville Warbler F R Yellow Warbler R R *Yellow-rumped Warbler C O U U Black-throated Gray Warbler C O C Townsend’s Warbler C O F F Hermit Warbler U U Species S s F W Species S s F W Geese & Ducks Pigeons & Doves Canada Goose O O O O *Band-tailed Pigeon F F F U Symbols and abundance: Cackling Goose X X X Rock Pigeon F F F F S=spring – about March to May Wood Duck X Mourning Dove O O O O s=summer – about. June through August American Wigeon X Owls F=fall – about September to November *Mallard C C C C *Great-horned Owl O O O O W=winter – about December to February Ring-necked Duck X X Snowy Owl X * Nesting confirmed or suspected Lesser Scaup X X Barred Owl X C=common; usually found in good habitat Bufflehead U C C *Western Screech-Owl F F F F F=fairly common; frequently found in good habitat Common Goldeneye X Short-eared Owl X U=uncommon; sometimes found in proper habitat Hooded Merganser X X Nightjars O=occasional; infrequently found in proper habitat Ruddy Duck X Common Poorwill X R=rare; a few records every year Grebes Swifts V=very rare; less than annual Pied-billed Grebe X Vaux’s Swift F F F Red-necked Grebe X Hummingbirds X=extremely rare; only one or two records Located on the top of a 643 ft. cinder Horned Grebe X *Anna’s Hummingbird C C C C cone in SE Portland, 200-acre Mt. Tabor Park Cormorants Calliope Hummingbird O R R Double-crested Cormorant R R Costa’s Hummingbird X has some of the best birding around. The park Herons Black-chinned Hummingbird X X consists of Douglas Fir stands mixed with Great-blue Heron R R R R Rufous Hummingbird U U C maples, fields, shrubs and recreational areas. New world Vultures Kingfishers The three concrete reservoirs (Portland’s Turkey Vulture U U U X Belted Kingfisher R R drinking water supply) attract a surprising Hawks & Falcons Woodpeckers diversity of waterfowl, gulls, and other species. Osprey O O O Red-breasted Sapsucker O O O O Resident Anna’s Hummingbirds and Bald Eagle R R R R Red-naped Sapsucker V V Lesser Goldfinches are common on scrubby Sharp-shinned Hawk U U U U Williamson’s Sapsucker X slopes, while many species such as Band-tailed *Cooper’s Hawk F F F F Hairy Woodpecker X Pigeons, Steller’s Jays and Hutton’s Vireos Northern Goshawk V V *Downy Woodpecker U U U U *Red-tailed Hawk C C C C *Northern Flicker C C C C breed in the extensive woodlands and Douglas Northern Harrier V V Pileated Woodpecker X X Fir stands. A few Red-tailed Hawks nest every American Kestrel R R R R Flycatchers year, and the occasional Mallard raises young Merlin O O O Olive-sided Flycatcher U O U at the reservoir. During winter months, flocks Peregrine Falcon R R R R *Western Wood -Pewee C f C of chickadees, kinglets, thrushes, sparrows, and Plovers *Pacific-slope Flycatcher C U C finches move in. Killdeer R R R Willow Flycatcher R R R The park is best known for its diversity Sandpipers Hammond’s Flycatcher URU of neo-tropical migrants. Large flocks of Spotted Sandpiper R O R Dusky Flycatcher R V V flycatchers, vireos, warblers, grosbeaks and Least Sandpiper V Gray Flycatcher X X tanagers gather during spring and fall. A few Gulls Say’s Phoebe X Mew Gull R R R Vireos Dusky Flycatchers and Townsend’s Solitaires Ring-billed Gull R R R Warbling Vireo C O C move through every spring, and loads of California Gull O R U U *Hutton’s Vireo F F F F hummingbirds appear in the fall. Mt. Tabor has Herring Gull O U U Red-eyed Vireo X hosted numerous rarities, including several Thayer’s Gull R O O Cassin’s Vireo C O U county firsts such as Gray Flycatcher, Western Gull R O O Blue-headed Vireo X Plumbeous Vireo, and Summer Tanager. Glacous-winged Gull U F F Plumbeous Vireo X .