The Paper I This Collection Explore..The Sstratelies for Eq,Uality in Physical Edudation and Ithletics.-Marjorie Reguipiients Of
7777177-7.. .1) 019.931:. thysical, Education 'and ',Athletic84..Str.ategies fbr .,110iPting. Tit 1:e..IX'..Requirements...1.onforence , Proceed4igs...'anc/C0 ,titban 'Divertity .Seri0., ..NuMber 66, August. 1979:. .-- .'%#,A, 1N4T toTiON ColuMbia Uniit ,' New-York:0. N. Y. NIIC Clear 4enghouse.'on the Orban:.DisadvattagEd.,:.1-Col.umbia UniV., New' N.Y. Sex DesegregatiOn AsSistance .CenteSt, 1 : . ONS AGENCY National. Inst.. of 'Education, (DHEW), Wa.shIngton, D4C,; Office. of EdUcatiOn. (MIER., Washington; p4C. :.. OS .DATt... Aug-I-9' .. st" ..\ i8.... ONTRACT.. 1100.,-77,-,00,71 . ,.. ;NOTE:1 15p. ,,,i AVAI ihttLE FROMIntti.tute. for . Ur ba.n. and,MinOrity4Educitio.n, ,Box 40,, Tec4ers_college, .C.olum04.4 ariiv4rsity, NowYork,NeV.. York 10027.($5.00).. ... * . .. .. EDES 'PR.TcE... MFOI/PC01,40los' Postage. ., . DOCRIPTOES Athletics:: Elementary. SeCondary -Oucation; *Equal EducAtioi: strede'raVlegislatkon;..*Femiles:. *Physica_. .. .E.4-fication; Sex (Characterisi4ici);. Sex Inerences; . *Sex' Discrimination f'" 1DENTIFIE4-S *Title IX EdicatiOn Amendments 1972' 'ABSTRACT . The paperithis collection explore..the implicatl.ons of Title IX i (arms of,Oducational equity, analyze 'sex-related differences between -males and females., and outline sstratelies for eq,uality in physical edudation and ithletics.-Marjoriesome Blaufarb discusses.the physical and psYchological ine.guities that exist in -the traditional .approach, to physical'educlaticz which provides for separate .progratms 'for boys and girls., Borotby .Harris reviews. the state of research on physiological, sex differences and, emphirsizes ,the 'fact that observed- dif aliences are mediated by _apical. fitness 14vels rathethan by sex. ,k;*---Aiete 1-1449-T-43-Xert4nes the ala reguipiients of Title IX requlations lor physical education .and .athleticS and suggesti ways for- develdping suppertive Measures necessary to make com,pliance meaningf ul.
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