free os downloads Endless OS. Comes preloaded with over 100 apps and essential tools so you have all you need, even when there's no internet access. Install side-by-side with Windows Try or Install on your Computer. You can use Endless OS on your computer and still be able to use your existing Windows® system. We have developed a simple download-and- install process that allows anyone - Seriously, anyone! - to install Endless OS alongside Windows without risk. Once installed, when you turn on the computer, you will have a dual boot system and will be able to choose between the two operating systems. Start enjoying Endless OS instantly! *With this download, you can also create an Endless USB Stick for more advanced installation options. ** Endless OS is also available as an ISO image; to download it, click the “Try or Install on your Computer” tab. Download your preferred image now to test or install Endless OS on your computer. It’s easy. You just need to follow two steps, choosing your image and downloading the correspondent file of the version you’d like to try. With the Desktop Computer image you can: * Try Endless OS in your computer with a bootable USB stick running Endless OS. * Format your computer installing Endless OS as your main system. With the Virtual Machine image you can: * Import it directly into your favorite virtual machine software and try Endless OS on a virtual machine. With the ARM64 images you can: * Install Endless OS on a SD-Card and run it on your 4 , Pinebook Pro , Khadas VIM2 or AML-S905X-CC. What is Endless OS? Endless OS is a free, easy-to-use operating system preloaded with over 100 apps, making it useful from the moment you turn it on. Explore what makes Endless OS different, intuitive, and powerful. Join our community! Whether you need help with Endless, or are just excited and want to connect with us, we invite you to join our community. Ask and answer questions on our forum, or join our community chat channels. We can’t wait to hear from you! Audio & Video Codecs. Endless OS supports many patent-free formats so that you can enjoy your own music and videos. If you are looking for additional video formats like .mp4, .avi, .mov, etc, purchase licenses in our store. Endless OS Foundation LLC is a program of Endless Network Inc., a 501(c)(4) social-welfare non-profit. © 2021 Endless OS Foundation LLC. Download. We are no longer working on older versions of OSForensics, but you can download the older versions of OSForensics on our website. This is purely for supporting users of the previous versions. We recommend upgrading to Version 9 where possible, as we have improved many aspects of OSForensics and have addressed many issues based on user feedback. If you do not wish to upgrade to Version 9, you can download old software releases here. Version Download OSForensics v8.0.1008 Download OSForensics v7.1.1012 Download OSForensics v6.1.1005 Download. System requirements. Windows Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10, Win 11 Windows Server 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019 32bit and 64bit support, (64bit recommended) Minimum 1GB of RAM. (8GB+ recommended) 500MB of free disk space, or can be run from USB drive. Download Hash Sets. OSForensics allows you to use Hash Sets to quickly identify known safe files (such as operating system and program files) or known suspected files (such as viruses, trojans, hacker scripts) to reduce the need for further time-consuming analysis. You can download some sample hash sets below. They are individually zipped. Hash sets Size Download Windows 10 Home v1709 build:16299 (x64) hash set 37,376 KB Download Windows 8.1 Professional (x64) hash set 10,228 KB Download Windows 8.1 (x64) hash set 10,232 KB Download Windows 8 Professional (x64) hash set 9,785 KB Download Windows 8 (x64) hash set 9,785 KB Download Win7 Ultimate (32-bit) hash set 18,825 KB Download Win7 Enterprise (x64) hash set 11,670 KB Download Vista Business (32-bit) hash set 8,475 KB Download Vista Business (x64) hash set 8,069 KB Download XP Professional SP3 (32-bit) hash set 1,889 KB Download XP Professional SP2 (x64) hash set 1,456 KB Download Office 365 v1806 build:10228 (Win10) hash set 1,528 KB Download Office 2007 Enterprise (Vista) hash set 1,313 KB Download Office 2007 Enterprise (Win7) hash set 1,978 KB Download Common Keyloggers hash set. Old set from 2010 124 KB Download Common Keyloggers hash set on Win10 64bit, 2019 Already bundled with OSF V7 281 KB Download Common Peer to Peer P2P tools hash set on Win10 64bit, 2019. Already bundled with OSF V7 1177 КВ Download Common Cryptocurrency tools hash set on Win10 64bit, 2019. Already bundled with OSF V7 761 KB Download Common VPN tools hash set on Win10 64bit, 2019. Already bundled with OSF V7 761 KB Download. The hash sets can also be purchased as a complete set pre-loaded onto a hard disk. Installing the Hash Sets. To install the hash sets, you must download the individual zip files (linked above), and unzip them into the OSForensics program data folder. On Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008+ & Win10, this would typically be the following folder (you may need to enable viewing of hidden directories to see it or enter it directly into the Explorer address bar): C:\ProgramData\PassMark\OSForensics\hashSets. On XP and Server 2000/2003, it is typically something like this: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PassMark\OSForensics\hashSets. You will then need to restart OSForensics if you have it currently open. When you next start OSForensics, you should now find additional sets listed in the tree view under the "Hash Sets" module. Download Rainbow Tables. OSForensics enables you to utilize Rainbow Tables to retrieve passwords given that you have the hash (encrypted text) of that password. The use of rainbow tables serve essentially as a time-memory trade off in the decryption of a hash. That is, they store precomputed password to hash pairs, so that instead of generating these pairs on the fly, you can just search for a hash in the table to recover the password corresponding to that hash. OSForensics can generate Rainbow Tables for different input parameters. Some example Rainbow Tables are available below for download. They are individually zipped. To install the Rainbow Tables for use with OSForensics, refer to the paragraph below. To use these rainbow tables for password retrieval, click the "Retrieve Password with Rainbow Table" tab in the Passwords module of OSForensics. You can also download and use Indexed Rainbow Tables from (use RTI1 files only) with OSForensics. Hash sets Size Download md5_loweralpha-numeric#1-7_0_72656x4797112_OSF 32.6 MB Download lm_alpha-numeric#1- 7_0_23680x23656320_OSF 172 MB Download sha1_loweralpha-numeric#1-6_0_4235x3708576_OSF 20.4 MB Download. The rainbow tables can also be purchased as a set pre-loaded onto a hard disk. Installing the Rainbow Tables. To install the Rainbow Tables, you must download the individual zip files (linked above), and unzip them into the RainbowTables folder located in the OSForensics program data folder. On Vista, Windows 7-10, and Server 2008 and up, this would typically be the following folder (you may need to enable viewing of hidden directories to see it or enter it directly into the Explorer address bar): C:\ProgramData\PassMark\OSForensics\RainbowTables. On XP and Server 2000/2003, it is typically something like this: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PassMark\OSForensics\RainbowTables. If you already have OSForensics open, then you may need to click the "Refresh" button under the rainbow tables display window to view the rainbow table/s you have added. 12 Free Alternatives to Windows Operating Systems. Does Windows cost too much? Here are several free alternative operating systems. Linux is just the beginning! Need a new operating system that doesn't cost a penny? You might have heard about Linux, the free and open source alternative to Windows. However, there are many other free operating systems for laptops and desktop PCs. Capable of performing standard computer tasks, these free operating systems are strong alternatives to Windows. 1. Linux: The Best Windows Alternative. Linux is free, widely available, and has acres of online guidance, making it the obvious choice. MakeUseOf publishes its own Linux help guides, while we're also addicted to compact Linux-powered ARM hobbyist computer the Raspberry Pi. And that is the beauty of Linux: it will literally run on anything. If you're looking for a free alternative to Windows, you try Linux Mint, currently the most popular Linux operating system. But this is a competitive field---perhaps you aspire to own a Mac? If your Cupertino lust is all about the visual design of macOS, then you might consider Elementary OS. In short, Linux is the number one free alternative to Window for the simple reason that it is amazing. 2. Chrome OS. In some ways this is another obvious choice. Chrome OS, from Google, is available on several low-cost and some high-end laptops, known as Chromebooks. It's also available to download free, suitable for installing on aging hardware. Lightweight and with a focus on cloud computing, Chrome OS is great for web browsing, social networking, and word processing. It is less impressive at media playback, while media editing is beyond its capabilities. Gaming is possible via web apps and streaming services such as Google Stadia. If you're looking for something that is easy to use, Chrome OS is a good free OS for PCs. 3. FreeBSD. Many think that FreeBSD is just another Linux distribution. While sharing the Unix-like roots of Linux, FreeBSD is the modern, open source version of the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD). FreeBSD can be considered a relative of Linux and its code can be found in many places. These include Apple's macOS and Sony's PlayStation 4 operating system. Overall, FreeBSD is a reliable operating system for servers and desktops alike. While it doesn't ship with a desktop environment by default, there is support for GNOME, KDE and Xfce desktops. FreeBSD is of interest to those with security and privacy concerns, offering enhancements developed by the TrustedBSD project. This has the support of McAfee, DARPA, Google, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, Apple, and many more. 4. FreeDOS: Free Disk Operating System Based on MS-DOS. Most modern operating systems are built around the concept of multitasking. FreeDOS is different. This DOS-compatible OS is as different from Windows as it's possible to get--- FreeDOS is based on Windows' predecessor, MS-DOS. A free operating system with support for older games and applications, FreeDOS can be easily connected to your network. In addition, various software packages can be installed, from tools to enhance the classic DOS experience, to apps and games. FreeDOS is as useful for productivity as it is for recovering old data. It doesn't matter if you own a modern desktop, an older rig, or you're running it in a virtual machine. FreeDOS is a great option if you're looking for a more traditional experience reminiscent of 80s/90s computing. 5. illumos. Another UNIX-based free Windows alternative, illumos is based on OpenSolaris, an operating system abandoned by Oracle in 2009. Based on BSD and System V Release 4 (SVR4), the illumos core is the heart of many OpenSolaris forks. This is not unlike the way in which the Linux kernel is found in every Linux distribution. As a result, many illumos distributions are available. The most popular is probably OpenIndiana, which features in the accompanying video. 6. ReactOS, The Free Windows Clone Operating System. If talk of the alternatives being Linux and UNIX is leaving you on edge, consider ReactOS as your Windows alternative. Originally launched in 1996 as a Windows 95 clone project, the official website states that "the ultimate goal of ReactOS is to allow you to remove Windows and install ReactOS without the end user noticing the change." In short, the aim is that you should be able to continue using your PC as you did before. ReactOS features over 9 million lines of code and is open source. However, ReactOS has been in the alpha stage for quite some time now. While some apps such as Adobe Reader will run on ReactOS, many won't. It's lightweight, though, requiring just 500MB of hard disk space and 96MB of RAM to run. One day, ReactOS might be a perfect, free alternative to Windows, but until then, it is available for your evaluation. Install it from the boot CD or run the LiveCD on your existing operating system. 7. Haiku. Haiku is free and open source and was first released in 2001. Since then, this free operating system has been in continuous development and runs various apps. Some you will have heard of, like VLC Media Player and Quake. Haiku will also run may apps from the abandoned BeOS operating system. If you're looking for a free alternative to Windows, it's certainly worth looking at Haiku. 8. MorphOS. MorphOS is an Amiga-like operating system, based on the 80s/90s home computer and available for PowerPC and similar devices. While the chances an old Windows PC having a PowerPC processor are small, old Macs will run MorphOS. However, if your Mac experience ended with Apple's adoption of x86 CPUs, a Windows alternative might be useful. Time to dig out that old iMac, Mac Mini, or Power Mac! 9. A Free Alternative Operating System: AROS. AROS is a free operating system with a similar heritage to MorphOS but designed for x86 systems. This means that it should be able to run on your PC. In some ways, your PC or laptop turns into a modern-day Amiga computer, capable of running old and new software. Note, however, you'll be unable to read old Amiga discs on a modern PC, even with a 3.5-inch drive. As such, you'll be limited to ROMs. Even so, this makes for an interesting alternative to Windows. Try the Live CD version of AROS to get a good flavor of this free operating system for PCs. 10. MenuetOS. Available for 32-bit and 64-bit hardware, MenuetOS is an operating system that can be installed from a single floppy disk. Just to clarify, that's a single floppy disk of 1.4MB . Incredibly, it includes a full GUI desktop, a browser, media player, and spreadsheet pre-installed. Built with Assembly language, MenuetOS also features support for USB webcams, and handles resolutions up to 1920x1080 (16 million colors). Some recognizable games are also built in, along with email client, FTP, and HTTP server. No floppy drive? You can also boot MenuetOS from CD or USB. Download : MenuetOS. 11. PrimeOS: A Free Android OS for PC. Google has been developing Android and Chrome OS towards a convergence of operating systems in recent years. Thanks to the addition of mouse and keyboard support, Android is becoming increasingly useful as a desktop operating system. And thanks to some independent developers, Android is available as a free download for 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. The benefits of using Android as your free Windows alternative are clear. After Windows, it is the most-used operating system on the planet. Apps for Android are everywhere and you're probably already using at least one. Android offers support for standard PC applications, like word processing and email/web, along with good media editing tools. Android can also be used for media streaming and has a massive library of games. In short, Android could be the ultimate free alternative to Windows. It really depends what you're looking for in an operating system. Various Android versions are available for desktop and laptop PCs. Phoenix OS provides an Android gaming platform on PC; you should also consider PrimeOS as a free OS for laptops. 12. RISC OS. Finally, for ARM-based computers (everything from Raspberry Pi to BeagleBoard) is RISC OS. While a little basic in some regards, RISC OS provides the user with a functional desktop experience. All the apps you need to be productive are available, from word processors to image editors. It's an unusual operating system, as different from Windows as Linux is, but worth trying if you need a free operating system. RISC OS is developed by RISCOS Ltd and the RISC OS Open Community. A new version of RISC OS, Cloverleaf, is in development [] Awesome Free Windows Alternatives to Install Today! These alternatives to Windows are free, easy to find and straightforward to install. Linux Chrome OS FreeBSD FreeDOS Illumos ReactOS Haiku MorphOS AROS MenuetOS Android RISC OS Cloverleaf. Not all will suit your specific requirements, but we're certain you'll find a new OS you can grow to like. Are you having trouble choosing from all these options? We can help you choose the right operating system for your next PC. And if you're interested in seeing how operating systems have evolved over the years, check out these classic operating systems you can access in your browser. Feel nostalgic? You can still relive some of the operating systems of old. Enjoy these classic operating systems in your browser. Deputy Editor for Security, Linux, DIY, Programming, and Tech Explained, and Really Useful Podcast producer, with extensive experience in desktop and software support. A contributor to Linux Format magazine, Christian is a Raspberry Pi tinkerer, Lego lover and retro gaming fan. Subscribe to our newsletter. Join our newsletter for tech tips, reviews, free ebooks, and exclusive deals! Apple Makes OS X Lion and Mountain Lion Free to Download. Apple recently dropped the $19.99 fee for OS X Lion and Mountain Lion, making the older Mac updates free to download, reports Macworld . Apple has kept OS X 10.7 Lion and OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion available for customers who have machines limited to the older software, but until recently, Apple was charging $19.99 to get download codes for the updates. As of last week, these updates no longer require a fee, and can be downloaded from the OS X Lion and OS X Mountain Lion support documents on Apple's website. Mac OS X Lion is compatible with Macs that have an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor, a minimum of 2GB RAM, and 7GB storage space. Mac OS X Mountain Lion is compatible with the following Macs: (Mid 2007-2020) MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer) MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer) (Late 2008 or newer) (Early 2009 or newer) (Early 2008 or newer) Xserve (Early 2009) Macs that shipped with Mac OS X Mavericks or later are not compatible with the installer, however. The $19.99 fee dates back to when Apple used to charge for Mac updates. Apple began making Mac updates free with the launch of OS X 10.9 Mavericks, which also marked the shift from big cat names to California landmark names. Mavericks was free to download, and Apple has not charged for Mac software since then outside of the legacy Lion and Mountain Lion updates. Apple also used to have OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard available for a fee, but it is no longer purchasable. Best Free OS Cloning Software Free Download. Here, you can free download the best free OS cloning software: AOMEI Partiiton Assistant Standard. It can clone the operating system partition from one partition or disk to another partition or disk and allow you to boot from the new location successfully. By Emily / Last Updated June 7, 2021. "Can I clone just the operating system?" "My Windows 10 OS runs on a SanDisk HDD, but it begins to fail. So I bought a new SDD hoping that I would be able to clone the OS from the failing hard drive to it. But I have never done this (copying OS from one drive to another) before. So anyone can tell how can I copy OS from one drive to another? Or is there any great OS cloning software? Thanks!" Suffer from OS running slow or failing and want to clone the old hard drive to a new HDD or SSD? Buy a new computer and want to enjoy the OS environment on the old one? Plan to make a system backup in case of unexpected disasters? In either situation, you can clone the OS to the destination location without reinstalling Windows 10 system & installed applications. Thus, you will need a proper system cloning tool. Best OS cloning software free download. The OS (system) cloning software, as its name implies, is to clone the original operating system from one disk to another storage device such as a hard disk drive (HDD), solid-state drive (SSD) or other external hard drives. Then you can obviate the need to reinstall OS from scratch, which can be a tedious process especially when the Windows activation keys are not available any longer. If you have no idea how to identify a reliable OS cloning utility, you can try AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard. This software is completely free without any bundled software. Its "Migrate OS to SSD Wizard" can clone Windows 10/8/7 OS from one drive to another hard drive (HDD or SSD). Besides, it also allows you to: ▶Copy OS partition to a smaller hard drive as long as the available space on the destination disk is equal to, or larger than the used space of the current OS partition or disk.

▶Boot your OS from the target disk after the OS clone since it will copy everything necessary for system startup. Steps to clone just OS from one hard drive to another. Now you can press the above button to free download the OS cloning software and learn how to clone only OS partition to another disk in Windows PC. To clone the Server OS partition, you can try AOMEI Partition Assistant Server.

★Tips: Ensure the destination disk has an unallocated space, equal to or larger than the used space of OS partition. If no unallocated space, create one by deleting or shrinking existing partitions. Back up everything important on the destination disk because this process will delete all data inside. Check whether there are some bad sectors or errors on the original system drive. The freeware only supports cloning OS from MBR to MBR disk . If you need to copy OS between MBR and GPT disks, you can upgrade to AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional. Step 1 . Install and run the AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard. Then you can get into the main interface of this software; click "Migrate OS to SSD" on the left side under Wizards. In the pop-up window, click "Next" to continue. Step 2 . In the next window, choose an unallocated space on the destination HDD or SSD, and then click "Next" to go on. Step 3 . In the pop-out window, you could resize the partition, assign a drive letter to it, or just keep default settings and click “Next”. Step 4 . A helpful note about boot problem will appear. Read it in case you might meet some boot failure problems after OS migration. Then click “Finish”. Step 5 . Click “Apply” in the main interface to start transferring operating system to a new disk. One more step: boot from the destination disk. After copying OS from one drive to another via the free OS cloning software, now you need to insert the target disk into your computer and reboot it, change the boot order to set the PC boot from it: 1 . Start your computer and keep pressing ESC, F1, F2, F8 or F10 during the initial startup screen to enter BIOS setting. 2 . In the Boot option, change boot order, select new HDD/SSD as the new boot drive and save all the changes. 3 . Finally, restart the computer, you should be able to see Windows OS running on your new disk without any problems. If the cloned hard drive or SSD won't boot, you might need to check whether the system files or the Master Boot Record of the current system drive are intact. Summary. So, with this powerful OS cloning software, you can easily copy OS partition to another hard drive as you wish. If you want to clone the entire OS disk (both OS partition and other data partitions) to another disk, you can try the "Disk Clone" function. Moreover, it is far more than an OS copying utility, and it is also a free MBR to GPT converter (allowing you to convert disk between MBR and GPT without deleting existing partitions), an SD card repair tool, MBR repair tool, and more.