EU Member Parties List

Party Name - Acceptance as Full Country Party Name Party Name – Original Language Acronym Member Party

Българско Национално Bulgaria Bulgarian National Movement IMRO-BNM February 2019 Движение

Croatia Croatian Conservative Party Hrvatska Konzervativna Stranka HKS May 2015

Cyprus National Unity Party Ulusal Birlik Partisi UBP April 2017

Czech Republic Civic Democratic Party Občanská demokratická strana ODS Founder Member

Finland Reform Sininen Tulevaisuus BR Dec 2017

Liberal Conservatives Germany Liberal-Konservativen Reformer LKR June 2018 Reformers

Italy Fratelli d’Italia Fratelli d’Italia FdI February 2019

Nacionālā apvienība „Visu Latvia National Alliance Party Latvijai!” – „Tēvzemei un NA Founder Member Brīvībai/LNNK

Electoral Action of Poles in Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija – Lithuania Lithuania – Christian Families EAPL-CFA Founder Member Krikščioniškų šeimų sąjunga Alliance

Alternative Democratic Reform Alternativ Demokratesch Luxembourg ADR June 2010 Party Reformpartei

Netherlands Forum voor Democratie FVD June 2019

Poland Party Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc PiS Founder Member

Alternativa Dreaptă Romania AD March 2016 (Formerely M-10 Party)

Slovakia Civic Conservative Party Občianska konzervatívna strana OKS March 2011

Slovakia Party Sloboda a Solidarita SaS Nov 2015

Slovakia NOVA Party Nová väčšina NOVA Nov 2014

Spain VOX VOX June 2019

European Conservatives and Reformists Party Rue du Trône 4, 1000 - Brussels

Sweden Sverigedemokraterna SD June 2019

Non-EU Member Parties List

Acceptance as Party Name – Original Party Name Country Party Name Full Member Language - Acronym Party

Albania Republican Party Partia Republikane e Shqipërisë PR (SH) April 2017

Bargavatch Hayastan Armenia Party BHK July 2014 kusaktsut’yun

Australia Liberal Party Liberal Party LP Nov 2013

Azerbaijan Popular Front Party of Whole Bütöv Azərbaycan Xalq Cəbhəsi PFPWA Nov 2015 Azerbaijan Partiyasi

Беларускі Народны Фронт Belarus Popular Front Party BPF April 2017 "Адраджэньне"

Canada Conservative Party Conservative Party CP Nov 2013

Columbia Centro Democratico Party Centro Democratico CD May 2017

Hin føroyski fólkaflokkurin – Faroe Islands People’s Party FF Nov 2013 radikalt sjálvstýri

Georgia Conservative Party Sak’art’velos konservatiuli partia SKP Nov 2014

Iceland Independence Party Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn XD Nov 2011

Israel Party HaLikud LP Nov 2013

Kenya Jubilee Party JP July 2017

Partia Demokratike e Kosovës Kosovo Democratic Party PDK Feb 2019

Macedonia Internal Macedonian Внатрешна македонска VMRO- Feb 2019 Revolutionary Organisation револуционерна организација DPNME

Maldives Progressive Party Dhivehi PPM June 2018

Montenegro Pokret za Promjene PzP May 2015

Mișcare Social-Politică Republicană Moldova Sor Party Sor June 2018 Ravnopravie National Party New Zealand National Party NP Nov 2013

Доста је било Serbia Party DLB Feb 2019

Ulusal Birlik Partisi TRNC National Unity Party UBP April 2017

European Conservatives and Reformists Party Rue du Trône 4, 1000 - Brussels

Chadema Party Party CP July 2017

United Kingdom Conservative Party Conservative Party CON Founder Member

United Kingdom Ulster Unionist Party UUP Founder Member

Republican Party USA Republican Party GOP Nov 2013

Affiliate Organisations List

Party Name Affiliate Name - Acronym Chairman/President

European Young Conservatives EYC Alex Redpath

European Conservatives and Reformists Group Rysard Legutko MEP ECR in the MEP

New Direction, The Foundation for European ND Tomasz Poreba MEP Reform

European Conservatives and Reformists Group at ECR CoR Władysław Ortyl the Committee of the Regions

European Conservative Group at the ECG (PACE) Ian Liddell-Grainger MP Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

European Conservatives and Reformists Group ECR (CRLA) Halldor Halldorsson / Andrew Boff Congress of Regional and Local Authorities

Dated on March 18, 2021

European Conservatives and Reformists Party Rue du Trône 4, 1000 - Brussels