2020 The Media Year in Review Father Frank Pavone and the entire Pastoral Team were regularly quoted or called on to comment on the hottest topics in the news. /Walk for Life 2020 The January timing of the annual Walk For Life is a nod to the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision that, in 1973, legalized . Among the other speakers Saturday afternoon was Father Frank Pavone, director of the anti-abortion Priests for Life.

Rev. Frank Pavone, a Catholic priest, urged the crowd to vote against abortion in the November election. “We could have in a very short time a Supreme Court with a 7-2 pro- life majority,” he said to cheers. “But this is possible only with a successful 2020 election. Pro-life progress in the law happens when we have a pro-life president, a pro-life House, and 60 pro-life votes in the Senate.”

“Momentum is on our side,” said Father Frank Pavone, director of Priests for Life, a national family of pro-life ministries for clergy and laity, and one of the main speakers at the Walk for Life West Coast. Father Pavone did not shy away from politics, saying it is the only way to move the pro-life agenda forward in the coming election year. Thousands of pro-life activists converged in front of San Francisco’s City Hall on Saturday for the annual Walk for Life in a festive mood, the day after federal health officials declared illegal a California rule that requires private insurers to provide abortion coverage. “The momentum is on our side,” Fr. Frank Pavone, director of Priests for Life, told a cheering crowd on Saturday.

As I’m leaving for the @March_for_Life tomorrow I thought I would introduce the world to me grandson Wyatt do May 9th. #whywemarch

Coronavirus is destroying abortion access in U.S.

“Everybody is accepting, to a large extent restrictions on their freedom. Why? For the purpose of saving lives,” said Father Pavone, national director of Priests for Life. “What we’re happy about is, isn’t it nice to have everybody talking about how we can save lives and even accepting restrictions on our freedom to do that?” Coronavirus will lead to a ‘deepening of the faith’

Father Frank Pavone, National director of Priests for Life: “I believe we already see the signs that it is leading to a deepening of faith. When we have our president declaring a national day of prayer and people rallying around that. When we see people searching online more for prayer resources than they've ever done before and ministries, including my own, making available more and more resources online for prayer and for worship -- I've been privileged to offer mass every day online and will continue to do so during this pandemic -- we see that people turn to their faith... in a particular, strong way when things are not going well.” Trump 2020 campaign kicks into high gear

“When you look at Catholic social teaching, it is very much aligned with the way this president prioritizes strength on the national stage and fairness in economic relations with other nations, such as with China and NATO,” said Fr. Frank Pavone, a controversial Catholic priest who served on Trump’s anti-abortion advisory board in 2016. Trump’s campaign, however, billed his embrace of anti-abortion policies prominently in their materials on its Catholic outreach kickoff. The event featured Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, a staunch anti-abortion advocate.

"This coalition is going to be truly a movement when Catholics rise up and say, 'Hey, look, everything the church has been saying, we're seeing it unfold before our eyes,'" Pavone said. "Not like magic but with a strong, united effort under this president."

Yet the Trump campaign hopes that the chief issue on which it means to appeal to Catholics—abortion—will also be its most powerful weapon against Mr. Biden. Another high-profile anti- abortion crusader in Catholics for Trump is Frank Pavone, a priest and national director of Priests for Life. The Trump campaign regularly highlights the president’s opposition to abortion as a reason why he deserves the support of Catholic and evangelical Protestants. The controversial head of Priests for Life, the Rev. Frank Pavone, endorsed Mr. Trump in 2016 and again this time around.

“I’m not sure in what sense people consider me ‘a representative of the ,’” Pavone said in an interview with Crux. “I’m a Catholic, and I’m a priest, but beyond that I don’t claim any special role in representing the Church. I head up a large ministry and represent those ministries, but nothing more than that,” he said.

Comparable strategies and tough talk are coming from the other side as well. Catholics for Trump is organizing meetups in various states, including one in Florida featuring the Rev. Frank Pavone, a Catholic priest and anti-abortion activist who calls the Democrats “the party of death.” Supreme Court rules against women in Louisiana case

The Rev. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life and a member of Trump’s Catholic voter outreach effort, said “Once again this ruling underscores the importance of elections,” Pavone said in a statement. “We need a solid pro-life majority on the Supreme Court to uphold the rights of women and the unborn.” The Rev. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life and a member of the Trump campaign’s Catholic voter outreach project, noted that two of the liberal justices — Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer — are the oldest members of the court. “Nobody can predict the future, but who’s going to name their replacements when the time comes? That is a question that motivates a lot of voters,” Pavone said.

Rev. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, observed to the Associated Press that the oldest two members of the court, Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, are liberals. “Nobody can predict the future, but who’s going to name their replacements when the time comes?” Pavone said. “That is a question that motivates a lot of voters.”

“#NormaMcCorvey was my friend,” tweeted Janet Morana, co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and executive director of Priests for Life. Morana links to a story she wrote about McCorvey following the woman’s death, and said: “She was not paid to be #prolife – how some documentary filmmakers got her to say so is suspicious, at the very least.”

Fr. Frank Pavone, head of the Priests for Life organization, told CNA May 19 that in his view, what McCorvey said in the documentary’s trailer doesn’t tell the whole story. “Her story, and really anybody’s story, especially if they’ve been on a journey, can’t be told by an interview, a snapshot. It has to be told through a look at the whole journey.”

A key figure in the McCorvey saga is Rev. Frank Pavone, head of a group called Priests for Life and lately back in the news as an outspoken supporter of President 's policies. "Her pro-life convictions were not an act," Pavone said Wednesday. He claimed to have spoken to McCorvey hours before her death. He described McCorvey as "my friend of 22 years." Some members of the anti-abortion movement have suggested that McCorvey’s words were somehow manipulated or aren’t representative of her real feelings. Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone has said that he remained in contact with McCorvey through the last years of her life and that her conversion to Catholicism was real.

Pro-life leaders who knew her personally – and who did not appear in the documentary – say that McCorvey’s story is more complicated. On May 21, Operation Rescue released an open letter addressed to FX Chairman John Landgraf and Director Nick Sweeney. Signed by 26 pro-life leaders who knew McCorvey, the letter requested the unedited footage “to see for ourselves just what was left on the proverbial cutting room floor.”

The Rev. Frank Pavone, leader of Priests for Life and a prominent Catholic Trump supporter, grew close to McCorvey during her transition to Christianity as she become an anti-abortion advocate in 1995. Pavone said McCorvey's "burden of pain" from her involvement in the Roe v. Wade decision was unquestionably real, despite her tendency to air blunt grievances and say "things that make her seem like two different people." "If she was making up her regret," Pavone said of McCorvey, "what we witnessed and what we went through with her would have been impossible." Another pro-life activist, Fr. Frank Pavone, knew McCorvey for decades and rejects this portrayal of her. “I knew her and was one of her key spiritual guides for 22 years, starting in 1995 with her baptism, right through the conversation we had on the day she died. She didn’t just have positions; she had deep wounds because of her involvement with Roe vs. Wade, and I guided her through the healing of those wounds, in the quiet hours of struggle that nobody saw or heard about. Those are things you don’t fake.”

Indeed, if pro-lifers may be accused of paying Norma to “act,” the AKA Jane Roe filmmaker may be accused of doing the same thing. In May 2016 Norma sent a text message referencing the interviews she’d been doing with the Australian Sweeny to Father Pavone—a text that he saved. In the text, a screenshot of which I have seen, Norma tells him that a film crew is coming to make a movie: “I’m interviewing with a company out of New York via Australia. I’m very happy doing it. I charged of course so I’ll have some bucks at the end, so happy bout that.” Apparently, when the filmmaker pays Norma, she tells the truth, but when pro-lifers supposedly pay Norma, she’s just faking it.

Pavone, whose remarks slamming media coverage of abortion at a Religion News Association conference last fall riled quite a few pro-choice reporters, would have blown apart FX’s narrative. He told Catholic News Agency that pro-life groups would support McCorvey because she was destitute, but it was never big money, plus McCorvey would push back if she felt pressured. Democrats pick as presidential nominee Father Frank Pavone, Co-Chair of Pro-Life Voices for Trump, in a statement provided to the Daily Caller News Foundation said, “In an effort to conform to the far Left’s agenda, Biden is now calling for zero restrictions on abortion and wants to force taxpayers to foot the bill. Biden has also made promises to ‘codify Roe v. Wade,’ taking the issue out of the hands of our duly appointed Supreme Court justices.”

The Rev. Frank Pavone, a Trump supporter who leads the conservative group Priests for Life, said that many Catholic Americans might agree with Trump that Biden is “anti-God.” “He says he’s a devout Catholic and yet embraces policies that are contrary to the Catholic faith,” said Pavone, who wrote a letter to Biden saying he could not be Catholic while defending abortion rights. “It’s not like Biden is saying, ‘Let’s outlaw belief in God.’ But what Trump is saying is not an exaggeration.”

The religious liberty issue still remains. Frank Pavone, a priest and anti-abortion activist, who, until recently, served in the Trump campaign’s outreach arm to Catholics, said that Biden’s position on the Little Sisters may prove to be his undoing. “We’ve just been through nearly a decade of battles, and Joe Biden wants to start that up all over again,” he said. “How are Catholics supposed to take that?” Biden picks Kamala Harris as running mate Reaction to Biden's selection of Harris from the pro-life community was swift. "My first reaction is, so what? It doesn't matter who runs with presidential hopeful Joe Biden because Sen. Harris belongs to the same party, with the same platform and the same embrace of abortion extremism," Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, said in a statement.

Harris' support for abortion rights also sparked criticism from Priests for Life, an anti-abortion group led by a Catholic priest and longtime backer of President Donald Trump.

"Kamala — another abortion extremist," said Frank Pavone, a Catholic priest who until recently served on the Trump campaign's outreach arm to Catholics and anti-abortion voters. Pavone is an outspoken critic of Biden, who is Catholic, arguing that his positions on abortion and religious liberty place him in direct opposition to the teachings of the Catholic faith. President Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Court

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Election 2020: It ain’t over ‘til it’s over, but familiar religion-news hooks are already obvious Ninety-nine op-eds written by the Priests for Life team were published in 2020. This is an increase of 23 op-eds over 2019 Trump Has Torn the Mask Off the Liberal Media – Father Frank

Undecided Voters: Consider the Number of Children Killed Every Year by Abortion – Father Frank

President Trump Takes Concrete Action for Law and Order – Father Frank As Marchers Protest Abortion, the Court Again Debates It – Father Frank Don't Applaud No Drawing a Line on Abortion – Father Frank Preserve Balance of Power by Ending Unhindered Injunctions – Father Frank In November We Can Repair the Very Foundation of Life – Father Frank To Win on Abortion Churches Must End Self-Censorship – Father Frank Georgia Tech Lapses Into Viewpoint Discrimination – Father Frank Pandemic Reveals Soul-Searching Past Due on Abortion – Father Frank Norma McCorvey: AKA Roe No More – Alveda King Democrats Win in November? Expect Planned Parenthood in Cabinet – Father Frank Biden Will Undo Win for Religious Freedom – Father Frank Trump Defends Religious Freedom and the Unborn – Father Frank and Alveda King Biden-Harris Dangerously Changed Their Tune on Abortion – Father Frank Constitution is Why Anti-Abortion Americans Like Amy Coney Barrett – Father Frank Biden Supporters Should Stop Celebrating – Father Frank Biden’s Choice for HHS More than Worrisome – Father Frank

President Trump’s Random Acts of Extraordinary Kindness – Father Frank Trump Healthcare Plan Puts America First; Biden’s Puts Us All in Jeopardy – Janet Morana Review of Mexico City Policy Shows International Abortion Providers Decline U.S. Aid – Father Frank Georgians Hold the Future of the United States in Their Hands – Janet Morana What Do ‘Believers for Biden’ Believe – Father Frank The June Medical Case Claimed New Victims – Father Frank Even As It Needlessly Spreads Coronavirus, Abortion Still a Sacred Cow to Some – Father Frank Don’t Let the Liberal Media Erase Women Who Regret Their Abortions – Father Frank Chuck Schumer’s Unreasonable, Offensive, Threatening Speech – Father Frank

BLM Supporters Need to Ask Kamala Harris Why Unborn Black Lives Don’t Matter – Janet Morana Aborting a Presidency – Kevin Burke The Democrats ‘Transition’ To Radical Gender Theology – Kevin Burke Silent No More – Leslie Palma Louisiana Supreme Court Case Shows Abortion Clinics to be Houses of Horror – Father Frank Critics of Cardinal Dolan Embarrass Themselves with their Feeble Arguments – Father Frank Will the Real Joe Biden Please Stand Up? – Father Frank Catholic Church Sees Protecting the Dignity of Every Human Life as the Most Important Thing We Can Do – Father Frank The Bishops Have Spoken – Abortion trumps – Father Frank Born-Alive Act is Compassion Bill – Father Frank Pro-Life Momentum is On the Rise in America – Father Frank No, Abortion is Not Safer Than Childbirth – Father Frank Supreme Court Precedent on Abortion Not Irreversible – Father Frank Why This Pro-Life Catholic is Voting for Trump – Janet Morana Fear-Based Self-Censorship has Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Afraid to Share Their Beliefs – Kevin Burke Thank President Trump for the Right to Try Act – Janet Morana President Trump and the War on Free Speech – Father Frank Amy Coney Barrett and Speaking in Tongues – Janet Morana Trump’s Abraham Accords a Monumental Accomplishment – Father Frank The Truth About President Trump’s Covid Response – Janet Morana Without Religious Liberty, America is Betrayed at Her Foundation – Father Frank It’s Time to Take Back New York – Janet Morana 10 Reasons Why Abortionists Should Not Speak for Their Patients – Father Frank Apostle Peter Offers Hope to Those Suffering After Abortion – Kevin Burke Mourning Missing Children on Mother’s Day – Kevin and Theresa Burke On the Anniversary of the Death of a Pro-Life Giant – Father Frank I Know in My Soul Norma McCorvey Wasn’t Lying – Janet Morana I’m Amazed by How Many Saints I’ve Known – Father Frank Knowing a Man By His Endorsements – Father Frank The Mailbox Hoax and the Real Danger of Election Fraud – Janet Morana First Lady’s Rose Garden Renovations Spark the Usual Hysteria – Janet Morana The Resurrection of Jon Ponder – Kevin Burke President Trump Has Restored Power to the American People – Father Frank Biden’s Courts Would Endanger Religious Freedom – Father Frank Why Suburban Women Might Want to Vote for President Trump – Janet Morana Responding to – Father Frank Reflections on – Father Frank For Shepherds, Neutrality is Not an Option – Father Frank We Need More Like Clemens Van Galen – Father Frank Responding to Controversy – Father Frank Justice Clarence Thomas Says All Abortion Precedents Must be Overturned – Father Frank My Priesthood Doesn’t Take Away My Human and Patriotic Duties – Father Frank Don’t Ignore the Signs of the Times – Kevin Burke Catholic Voters Have Many Reasons to Support President Trump – Father Frank How Would Clergy Advise Their People About Voting in Nazi Germany in 1933 – Kevin Burke Kansas Supreme Court Abortion Ruling is a Mind-Numbing Contradiction – Father Frank Doc saves baby who survived abortion; OB yells at him – Leslie Palma Is Abortion Really Between ‘A Woman and Her Doctor’? – Father Frank Evangelium Vitae and its Influence on Silent No More – Janet Morana Remembering an Exemplary Pro-Life Cardinal on the 20th Anniversary of His Death – Father Frank Ginsburg knew that laws to help women ‘could have the opposite effect’ – Janet Morana Silent No More Cannot Be Silenced – Janet Morana Virginia Evers, Creator of the ‘Precious Feet’ Pin, Dies at 99 – Janet Morana

Early Voters Deserve to be Just as Informed as Later Votes – Father Frank Trump’s Policies Save Lives – Father Frank Abortion is Not a Safe Procedure – In Louisiana or Anywhere Else – Father Frank

Norma McCorvey was truly pro-life and Christian – Father Frank Florida Bill Would Protect Parents Rights, Require Parental Consent on Abortion – Father Frank New Project Will Give Names to Every One of the 61 Million Babies Killed in Abortions – Father Frank President Donald Trump Has Supported Pro-Life Christians, It’s Time for Pro-Life Christians to Support Him – Father Frank

Birthe Lejeune, Wife of Great Pro-Life Geneticist Dr. Jerome Lejeune, Passes Away – Father Frank We Must Stop Abortion Globally Because “All The World is Our Parish” – Father Frank We Need to Bring an End to Abortion – Father Frank Ten Reasons Americans Should Vote for President Donald Trump – Father Frank Florida Bill Would Protect Parental Rights – Father Frank If Politicians Can’t Respect the Life of a Little Baby, How Can They Respect Yours – Father Frank On the radio Catholic Radio

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