THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF Publrshed under the Authonty of Hls Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya 41 . XLIX-NO. , September 30,1947 Pnce 50 Cents Reglste~ed as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Published every Tuesday

CONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZETTE , 1 OFFICIAL GAZElTE-Contd PAGE Proclamation No 40-Session of Leg~slatlveCouncrl 527 Govt Notice No - PAGE Govt Nobce No - 947-EAic~ency Deco~atlonAwa~d 528 941-Appointments, etc 527 948-The Natlve Lands Trust Ordmance, 1938-Land 942-Appomtments, K U R & H 527 set apart 529 943-The Crown Lands Ord~nance-Notlce 527 944-Harbour Advisory Board-Appointment 527 949-The Tradlng w~ththe Enemy Ord~nance--Order 530 945-Arr~vals and Departules 528 95Mommlttee to Examlne Proposals foi Establlsh- 946-The Natlve Author~ty Ordinance-Appomt- Ing 3 Ro'id Fund and Road Authonty 530 ment 528 General Notlces Nos 1666-1706 530

APPOINTMENTS-(Co~ztd) MISS EILEENM~RY YONGE B 4 to be an Educatlon OAlce~ SESSION OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (Female), Educat~onDepartment, wrth effect from 25th August, PROCLAMATION 1947 I, Stafford W1111am Powell Foster Sutton, Esquire, Oficer of MISS ROSEMARYSTOTI SUNDERLAYDto be an Asslstant Mlstless, the Most Excellent Order of the Brltlsh Empire, Kmg's Counsel, Educatlon Department, mth effect from 25th August, 1947 Acting Governor and Commander-~n-Chlef of the Colony and M~ssCLEOVE ADELA NICOLLEto be an Educat~on Ofhcer Protecto~ateof Kenya, in exerclse of the powers vested in me (Female), Educatlon Department, with eflect from 7th by lnstructlons under the Royal Sign Manual and S~gnetdated Septembel, 1947 the 29th day of March, 1934, and all other powers thereunto REVERSIONS enabling me, do hereby dlrect that a sesslon of the Leglslatlve HAROLDCLAUDE FRANF. reverted to hs substantlve post of Councll be held at the Memonal Hall, Nairob~, on the 20th Deputy Chef Storekeeper, Publlc Works Department, wlth day of Octobel, 1947, at 11 a m effect from 22nd September, 1947 Given under my hand at Nalrobl this 29th day of Septembel, HERBERTVICTOR GRAVESreverted to his substantwe post of 1947 Sen101 Storekeeper, Publlc Woiks Department, wlth effect S W P FOSTER SUTTON, fiom 22nd September, 1947 Act~ngGovern01 GOD SAVE THE KING' JAMESNOTMAN reverted to his substantlve post of Asslstant Storekeeper, Pubhc Woiks Department, wlth effect from 22nd September, 1947 C H THORNLEY, Acting Chief Secretary APPOINTMENTS MISS MARGARETHENDERSON COLVILLE to be a Nuislng S~ster wlth effect from 24th July, 1947 MISS MARYJANE HORNER to be a Nuislng Srstel with effect fiom 24th July, 1947 KENYA AND UGANDA RAILWAYS AND HARBOURS WILLIAMSTACEY ROSE BROWN Maime Engineer, to be Chief MISS JOANMARGARET HORNSEY to be a Nurs~ng S~sterwlth Engineel (Marme), with effect from 10th February, 1947 effect from 24th July, 1947 MISS GENEVIEVEHELEN PARSONS to be d Nurslng Slstel with P C DUFF, effect from 24th July, 1947 Secretary to the Hrnh Commrssroner for Transport J~MESEDWARD DUFF B sc to be an Educatlon Officer, Educat~onDepartment, with effect from 24th March, 1947 GOVERNMENTNOTICE NO 943 G Lnd 471112 MISS EILEENVICTORIA EDWARDS to be an Asslstant M~stress, Educatlon Department, wlth effect from 2nd April, 1947 THE CROWN LAND ORDNANCE MISS DORIS MAUD PAGE to be Health Workel, Educatlon (Chaptel 140 of the Revzsed Edrtro 1) Department, w1t11 effect fiom 2nd Aprrl, 1947 IT IS NOTIFIED for lnformat~onthat the veto exe~c~sedby MISS PHYLLISNOREEN CECIL CUWNINGHAMBA to be an the Governor in Counc~lm accordance with the powers vested Educatlon Office1 (Female), Educatlon Depa~tment, w~th ~n him by sectlon 73 of the Crown Lands Oidlnance in respect effect from 29th April, 1947 of the transaction set out m the Schedule to Government Notlce ALBERTREES EVANSto be an Asslstant Mastel, Educat~on No 110 of 24th Janualy ha, been withdrawn Department, wlth effect from 3rd June, 1947 Nalrobl, C H GORMLEY, MISS MARY JOSEPHINEKEANE to be an Asslstdnt Mistress, 12th September, 1947 Cle~kto Execrc+zve Cozcizczl Educatlon Department, w~theffect from 23rd May, 1947 GEOGEERNEST PERREN to be an Educatlon Officer, Educatlon Department, wlth effect from 21st July, 1947 JOHN MICHAELPOPKIN B 4 to be an Educatlon Officer, Educa- 1 KENYA AND UGANDA HARBOUR ADVISORY BOARD tlon Department, w~theffect from 24th July, 1947 APPO~NTMENT PHILIP OLIVERBRYANT B sc to be an Agrlcultulal Educatlon IN ACCORDANCE w~ththe provisions of Alt~cle12 of the Officer, Educatlon Depa~tment,with effect from 24th July, Kenya and Uganda (Transpoit) Orders In Councd, 1925-1939 1947 it IS hereby certified that Mr R V Stone has been duly MISS MARGARETPHYLLIS ANDERSON B sc , to be an Educatlon appointed a member of the Halboul Advlsory Board durlng the Officer (Female), Educatlon Department, wlth effect from 9th absence flom East Afnca of Mr H H Roblnson August, 1947 Government Not~ceNo 580 of 17th June, 1946, 1s herebj HENRYPARKYN LAMONT to be an Education Office], Educatlon amended accordmgly Department, with effect from 9th August, 1947 P C DUFF, MISS YVONNEWRIGHT to be an Assistant Mrstress, Educatlon I Nairob~. Seo eta1 11 to the Hcnh Coinmzss~o~zer Department, wlth effect from 25th August, 1947 528 TH E OFFICIAL G A ZEU E Septem ber 30, 1947

' G ovl RNMENT N o'rlcE N o 945 A R R IV A LS

N am e D eslgnatlo3l From leave or on D ate of leavzng D ate of Armval ln 1 st lppozntm ent E nglancl the Colom

l l lsh A1 H & o rl) o' lts j Uyarf s ) Hn gB S ) Ss t eo rz s Axjjej ud lj (c; a lj SD eps t l 1 s t A. 1) p o m t m e n t j? 4 t la J u l ;! l 9 4 7 2 0 t h A u g : l s t l 9 4 7 yj jys s o X y,a #' > M lss J' M H ornse, N uzsm z szster M edleal o eot . ,, ,, Mlss M J H'ornel Nursln-g szster Metucal o expt l , Jo' BrAne Health Inspeetor I z T' H arrls M edtcal ofllcel w .A. r'rlee A sst Inspecto, or rohee X C W I-I 'q R ol et l'Cdl e ) Ss Ss t ) rsppelle t or o ft- Ps Oo ) )Or e l , , S H Shav I Asst Inqpec toI of Pollce , J H H ughes Asot Inspeetor of Poltce #, 11 J H utehlngh Asst Inspeetaz of Polzee , D 5 Bullov -' Photo Operatoz, Prlntzng and Statzonez: ,, ,, , J M Popklu Educatzon O fllcel Educatzon D ept , P O Bryant Agrzc Educ ttlon Offlcer, E ducatzon D ept ,, J A Allan Pasture Reqealch Omcer Agmc Dept 6n tlansfer from C,, prus I H A ttken Assessoz , Ineom e Tax D ept Lea'k e 55 E Alcorn A sst Stozekeeper P M D J' A Palfrem an Supdt of Poltce ,, K W Szm m onds D lsttlet O lâeer ,, T R Jones Lab Technzclan, M edlcal D ept 0, J D Grav R egzonal D ltector P and T D ept , ,, K L H unter o B y; Provznclal f-om m lsqlonet 16th Atzgust 1947* 24th Auaust, 1947 C G Fentum Asst Supdt of Pollce , -; A V H atfleld E ducatton Om cet , , M zs T E Hawktns Clerk Inform atson Om ce 22nd Tune 1947f 31st August, 1947 Ahss A1 J'am sch A sslstant D zzectol of E clucatlon 231:1 Augucst, 1947* 3rd Septem ber, 1947 M tss A M C Le R oux M atron Educatton D ept ,, ,, J' 55 zlllam s A lchttectural D rauglltsm an, D ev and R econstruetzon Authorlt; lqt fppozntm ent # ,> P B E Thom pson Asst Englneel (Road) P M D ,, 27th August 1947* 4th Septem bel, 1947 M zss M P A nderson E ducatton Om cer ,, 9:14 August, 1947 ## TI 12 Lam ont E ducatzon Oflleel ,, ,, ,, K Eglen A sst Inspeetor of Pollce R e appom ted ? D r E M Clark M edleal Offleer Leave ,, , Malor E 55 M Magor ldmn Oflleel (Cadet) 1st Appozntm ent 2nd Sept , 1947): 13th Sept , 1947

*Durbarz ! New Zealand tBombay D EPA R TU R ES

N am e D eszgnatton On Leave or Term znatzon D ate of D eparture of A ppom tm ent A. ,.r w ,se R eglstrar of N atn e: Labour D ept Leave 23rd August, 1947 c. apt G G H enderson V ar Penszons Oihcel , Conference of E A G overnozs Leave pendm g reverszon 26th August, 1947 to H om e Govt J B M zthemek Local G o5 t Inspectol D ept of Loeal G ovt Leave J Thomas Postmastel Postal Dept ,, J,' R E H Plekwell A sst Englneer, Postal D ept A G Fm ntm ore Postm aster Postal D ept G 1.1 fzhaundy Sentoz A gme E ducatton Om eer, Edueatlon D ept I'I T Llo's d A sst Agmc Om eer, Agzlc D ept M zss G M Carr M atron E ducatton D ept A J' A llan Asst lnspeetor of Polzce, Polzee D ept , M zss E Bzelb: Clerk, Labour D ept Leave pendzng term zna tzon of appom tm enb c s Lzitlefalr O m cer m Chalge Pohce btores and A ccounts, Pollee D ept Leave G lt B Brovn D eputy Proxznctal Com m zsstoner, A dm ln T A W attb D zstm ct O m cer, A dm ln > R f) F R yland D lstrlct Officer, A dm m M N E vans D lstm ct Om cer, A dm m 'w 55 Lew ls Jones E dueatlon Om cer, E dtzcatton D ept D r C W D avzes M edzcal O ffieel M edlcal D ept ,, M zss M P E Blsshopp Clerk, Secretaltat ., ,, C Cam obell D lstrlet O fllcel A dm m ', y A. yixlhs Chzef A ccountant, Publzo 55 orks D ept Leave pendlng transfer to q N zgerla y s shennan Inspector, Postal D ept Leave pendlng retzrem ent 20th A ugust, 1947 1q4, c stead W zreless Om cer Leave ,, (p2 1.: gyum gan A sst Inspeetor of Pohce, Polzco D ept #, 2nd 8epti 1:47 I-I Goltm an lnvotce Inspectol H M Custom s ,, 6th sept 1947

G OVERNMENT N OTICE N O 946 G ovemqMBx'r N oT1cE N o 947

TH E N ATIVE AU THO RITY ORD IN AN CE TH E EFFICIENCY DECORATION A BPOINTM ENT W H EREAS by loyal W arrant dated 23rd Septem ber, 1930 It IN EX ERCISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, I heleby was oldalned that the Eë clency D ecoratlon shall be conferr, ed appolnt the person nam ed ln the schedule annexed hereto to m accoldance wlth the rules and ordlnances contalned m such be ofliclai headm an fo1 the area nam ed thereln W arrant and under such regulatlons ln am pllficatlon thereof D L M ORGAN , as m ay be lssued by H ls Excellency the G overnor wlth the N akuru, P'os lnctal C'tzrrlnzdyyltk?zc? approval of the Klng s M ost Excellent M alesty , 22nd September, 1947 Rljt P-J//E'I Pro% rzce SCHEDIJLE And whereas such regulatlons wele Issued by H ls Excelloncv D tstrlct Ptos /nce tbe G overnol on 23rd October) 1935, and on 25th day Octobely BaA p/zkjrtp Rtjt Vallev 1946 W zth N am e A rea effpct from R em arks N ow be lt known that by vlrtue of the powers contalned m such regulatlons the Eë clency m coratlon has been awarded. on the authonty of H 1s Excellency the A ctlng Governor, to R uto arap E v alel Iuoeatlon 16 9 47 On slx m onths pro Cherogony batlon zuoe Chlrchir Captaln A F S A rcher Iftptal deceased, ap pom ted G overzunent N otlce 189 of 26 2 46 N alrobl, C H TH ORNLEY , 231-d Septem ber, 1947 Acttng Chlej Seoetar) Septem ber 30, 1947 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZEU E 529

(JOVBRNMBm N oTlcs N o 948 TH E N A TIV L LAN D S TR U ST OR D IN A N CE , 1938 W H ER EA S I eonstder lt deslrable under Seetzon 22 of the N attve Landa Trust Ordm anee, 1938, to set apart eertam porttons of land m ore partzeularly descrlbed m the Sehedule below ln the M aehakos D lstrzct w tthm the K am ba Land U m t, and w hereas thzs settzng Lpart has been duly approved by the proper authorzty zn aeeordance w lth the provzszons of the aforesald Ordznance I do hereby ln aecord émce m th the provzszonq of Sub sectzon ( 1) of Sectlon 16 of the aforesazd Ordm anee notlfy tha,t the porttons of land as desurzbed zn the jyehedule below have been set apart for the purposes speczfled ln the Schedule A C M M U LLIN S, çyen, 22nd Septem ber, 1947 xzlcflng P rom nm al Coozlzzllga oper, Central P rom nee ScnsnvLe ' M lsslon N am e of land set apart A rea Purpose Sztuated at A eres hqalvatlon Army Ifam gwenez i Prayer House Masn locatzon Tala 2 School M atungulu locatzon Chom bom 2 School M bztm t locatzon Izyanz 1. Prayer House Mukaa locatzon Masokanz à. Prayer House , M azanz 2 Sehool :> #> K ztam go 2 School #; ,, K yee 2 Sehool K llungu loeatzon M akongo 2 School ,9 ;* Makongo à Prayer House ,, ,, M w eam 2 School M boonz locatzon Utangw'a 1. Prayer House ,, ,, Chaz (Kyaz) l Prayer House ,, ,, Itetanz 2 School ,, ,, Afrzea Inland M zsslon K ahlum Prayer H ouse Ivetz loeatzon Ikolenz Prayer H ouse ,, ,, K om bu Prayer H ouse ,, ,, K asm ga Prayer H ouso ,, ,. K aew a School :> ## K ztoonz Prayer Hbuse ,, ,, K ztuku Prayer H ouse M uym tz locatzon K aw atm z Prayer H ouse K angtm do loeatzon K akuym u School #F ,, à K wa M utula Prayer H ouse M w ala locatzon K um klla Prayer H ouse :# ;# M ango Prayer H ouse ## ; M ukandonz Prayer H ouse ,, K atztu School 'F #> M bazkm z School K lteta locatzon M bazkm z P rayer H ouse ,, ,. N gam ba P rayer H ouse @# ,. Taw a School *# ## Em bm Prayer H ouse ## ## K ztm dw anl P rayer H ouse K tbaonl locatlon Iwam Sehool K aum om locatzon Iw am P rayer H ouse ,, ,, N goto Sehool M bltm z locatzon M bztm t Prayer H ouse ,, ,, M bztm z Sehool #, ,, K ztazngo Prayer H ouso M ukaa locatzon Kyanthele (Isovzyu) School Ktlungu locatzon Isovzu Prayer H ouse ,, ,, K ango Prayer H ouse M boonz locatton M uthw am Prayer H ouse ,, ,, Tuhm anz Prayer H ouse ,, ,, Roman Cathohc Mzsszon Nzebenl Prayer H ouse M uputz locatzon K ztm Prayer H ouse K angtm do locatzon M m sonz M zsszon Statzon , ., Tals Prayer H ouse M atungulu locatzon M uam P rayer H ouse M ukaa loeatzon M uanz School :# #' Cham atez Prayer H ouse K zlungu locatton Ew ane Prayer H ouse M boom locatzqn Afncan B rothezhood Church I:a Itune P rayer H ouse K angundo locatzon K akuzsw a Prayer H ouse M atungulu locatm n K avalule Prayer H oqse K zteta locatlon M uua School M ukaa locatzon K alom e Prayer H onse ;, ,, Changala Prayer H ouse ,, ,, M ua Prayer H onse ## A, Gospel Furtherm g Fellow shzp L ezm a Prayer H ouse Iû sau locatzon Kavtm gz Prayer H ouse Iû ltm gu locatvon M banya Prayer H ouse M boom locatlon M akm du Prayer H ouse Kakm nbulm loeatzon Feventh D ay Adventzsts K ltundu Prayer H ouse M boonz locatzon K zlenge Prayer H olzse ,, ,, K alutam Prayer H onse ,, ,, D zstnct Educatzon Board, M aehakos K athlam School Ivebl locatlon K tpandm z School M uputz locatzon K zbaum School K zbaonz locatzon M oham m edan Com m um ty Tala Prayer H ouse M attm gulu locatlon M achakov Local N stzve Counezl K athzanz N atzve M arket Ivetz looatzon K abam onz N atzve M arket ,, ,, K aew a N atzve M arket ,, ,, M utztum N atw e M arket ,, ,, K m m tw a N atlve M arket M uputz locatzon K akuyum N atw e M arket K angundo locatton K anzalu N atzve M arket #> ,, U om N atzve M arket M asu locatzon K zmxlrxonz N atw e M arket M atungulu loeatzon K avethez X atlve M arket ,, ,, N gulunz N atzve M srket ## ## M uzyu N atw e M arket K lsau locatzon M azyam N atlve M arket N zawz loeatzon K akum zm N atzve M arket ,, ,, K alongo N atzve M arket K zlungu locahon W althm z N atzve M arket ,, ,, K aalz N attve M arket M boonz locatton Iyam ya M ang'ulu N atlve M atket ,, ,, Kyam onyo (Utangwa) Natzve Market ,, ,, K zthtm gulu N atw e M arket ,, ,, M aam andu N atlve M arket K alam a locauon 530 TH E OFFICIAL G A ZEW E Septem ber 30, 1947

G OVERNM ENT N o'rlcs N o 949 QIENERAL '4oTlce 'fo 1666 THE TRAD IN G W ITH THE ENEM Y ORD IN AN CE, 1939 TEN DER S O RDBR TEN D ERS are lnvlted for the purchase of m achlnery and IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the G ovelnol m lscellaneous ltem s lylng at the Tanganylka Flbre Board by sectlon 9 of the Tladlng w lth the Enem y O rdlnance, 1939, Factory, Shum e, Lushoto The follom ng ls an abrldged 11st of and all other powers thereunto enabllng hlm , H 1s Excellency the the artlcles for w hlch tenders are znvlted A ctlng G overnor has been pleased to order as follows - qaj Power #/cl7/ 1 That the 50 ordlnary shares of Sh 20 each m the K enya (1) Steam bollers and englnes Canm ng & Estate Ltd , Nloro, N os 4951-5000 held by (2) Dtesel englnes A Klenke are hereby vested ln the Custodlan of Enem y (3) Steam pumps, gauges and valves Property (5) Prenure Vessels 2 That the power ls heleby conferred upon the Custodlan of Enem y Property to sell the sald shares (c) Factory Plant By Com mand of Hls Excellency the Actlng Governol (1) Plant Chlppers, sawbenches elevators, cotton balmg press, conveyers N alrobl, J F TROU G HTON , (2) Vessels wooden and lron tanks 26th September, 1947 M ember ytpr Flnance (#) Electrlcal Equw m ent Alternator, motol s, swltchgear, wlrlng, Instrum ents and GOVERNMBNT No'mcE N o 950 sundrles COM M ITTEE TO EXAM IN E PROPOSA LS FOR (e) Transmlsnon ESTABLISH IN G A ROA D FU N D AN D ROAD AU TH ORITY (1) Shaftlng, beanngs and coupllngs H IS EXCELLEN CY the Actlng G overnor has been pleased (2) Pulleys, beltlng and belt fttlngs to reconstltute the C om rm ttee, whose appolntm ent was (3) Assemblles of shaft, beanngs and pulleys announced m G overnm ent N otlce N o 597 of 1947, dated 14th (jj Pumps June, 1947, as follows - G ntnfugal, dlaphragm and sem l-rotary The Deputy nnanclal Seoretary (Chalrman) The H on D lrector of Publlc W orks (gj Tools The H on M ember for H ea1th and Local Governm ent ol hls Engm eers', blacksmlths', carperttel s' garage and tackle representatw e (h4 'Iplag fitttngs and b'alves The Consultlng Englneer, D A R A The H on S V Cooke (I) Structural Steel The H on G M Edye (1) Plate, perforated and 'plmn The H on Dr M A Rana (2) Glrders, angle lron and channel The Hon A Ohanga Qj General Stores Slr R obert Shaw G eneral, enp neers' and laboratory equzpm ent By Comm and of H 1s Excellency the A ctlng Governor (k4 Oyce Equlpment lncludtng typewrtters The Secretarlat, N alrobl, J F G TROU G HTON , (Ij Domestlc FI/?rllrulc 26th September, 1947 M enlber ytar Flnance (rn) Plantatton Tools crld M afze M ïlls (,1) Vehlcles .Lo??IeJ', Tractor and Spares Gsxsau N cncs No 30 (oj M edtcal Equlpment H IS M M ESTY 'S SU PREM E COU RT OF K LN YA Catalogues and condztlons of sale may be obtalned flom the NOTICE ls hereby glven that the followm g Sesslons of H 1s Secl etarlat, D ar es Salaam , free of charge M alesty's Suprem e Court of K enya w2l be held at the places set out hereunder - C C W H EATCROFT, Secretark SUPRBMB COURT SBSSIONS AT N NIROBI Central Tellder Board D ar es Salaam For plea on 1-10-47 Cr C N o 199/47 Rex v.ç M acagua Klbobo 19th Septem ber, 1947 SUPREMB COIJRT SBSSIONS AT N AIROBI 1-10-47 For plea only Cr C No 182/47 Rex v: Lelz s/o Okech GSNSRAL N olqcE No 1667 Cr C No 191/47 Rox vs (1) W awe,m s/ o Klguru, (2) Klmant Kahuhe, (3) Ndlnda s/o Gachunga Cr C No 190/47 Rex v.ç Lazaro M unyao s/o Nzau TH B W ATER ORDIN AN CE, 1929 Cr C No 193/47 Rex v.ç Sham Smgh s/o Tztar Smgh Zaabe Stream Trtbutaty // Edzawa Rtver, XI.ç1/???l/ Dlstrlct A PPLICATION S by the Dlrector of Pubhc W orks for a SUPREME COURT SBSSIONS AT N AIROBI, W ater m ght from the Zaabe Stremn for a net quantlty of For âecrlag on 6-10-47 134,700 gallons per day of norm al flow for the use of M aseno Cr C No 182/47 Rex vs Lell s/o Okecb Townshlp water supply SUPREME COURT SESSIONS AT N YERI, 29-9-47 Plans may be seen at the, Head Oïce, Publlc W orks Depart- Cr C No 135/47 Rex v.< Klbabu s/o Nondl ment, N alrobl, and at the oë ce of the Publlc W orks Cr C No 143/47 Rex v.ç M Nlamm s/o Kamwltha D epaltm ent, K asum u Cr C No 189/47 Rex va (1) Nderl s/o Kamunyo, (2) M akla- O olectlons statlng speclsc grounds therefor should be sled m muru s/o Nyondon dupllcate wlth the W ater Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, wltbm Cr C No 198/47 Rex v.v Kanyora M urage 30 days from tho date of publlcatlon of tlals notlce and a copy served on the underslgned SUPREME COURT SESSIONS AT K ISUMU For plea cad Jor hearmg on 29-9-47 at Klsumu H E CARRICK , Cr C N o 120 /47 Rex v,g Nyawln w/o Zakayo Alando For Dlrector oj Publlc W orks, Cr C No 132/47 Rex v.ç Amade s/o Odera Lawjully Authorlzed Agent, Cr C No 137/47 Rex vl Klmltot Songhor Publlc W orks D epartment Cr C No 138/47 Rex v.ç Johannes Ogelo s/o Obambu P 0 Box 662, Nalrobt Cr C No 139/47 Rex v.ç Oluoch s/o Odembo Cr C No 145/47 Rex vx Ambros Ododa s/o Okello Cr C No 179/47 Rex v,ç Antonlo s/ o Otundo Cr C No 180/47 Rex vs Okech s/o Ormng Cr C No 181/47 Rex vl Onyango s/o Ndenga QIBNERAL 'foTlcE 'fo 1668 (a4p 6j5I1j Cr C No 183/47 Rex vs Awma s/o Olulu Cr C No 184/47 Rex v.ç Ongan s/o Angyenda LICEN SED A IRFIELDS Cr C No 186/47 Rex vs (1) Ogondo Osodo, (2) Oyoo Okech IT IS heleby notllied for general lnform atlon that a llcence to Cr A No 377/47 M wambl s/o M eregwa vl Rex use a slte at M asara, South K avlrondo D lstnct, Nyanza For hearm g on 6-10-47 Provlnce, sltuated half a m lle north of M asara M lne, and twenty mlles east of M ohuru on txake Vlctorta m latltude C A No 16/47 Hall Herse Abdulle v: M B Tennent 01 01' 20// south and longltude 34 22' 15/. east, as a clvll SUPREME COURT Ssssloxs AT 7-10-47 landlng ground for alrcraft not exceedlng four thousand pounds Cr C No 153/47 Rex vy Ndenga s/o M akau gross welght, for a perlod of one year flom 8th Septem ber, 1947, Cr C No 171/47 Rex v: M uhla s/o Rlglsha to 7th Septem ber, 1948, lncluslve, has been lssued to M asara, Cr C No 195/47 Rex vxç Benlamm Klbuko s/o Ngoo Ltd , P O K zsll, Nyanza Provlnce, South K avlrondo, Kenya Cr C No 204/47 Rex v: M elu wa M athambl A M D H OW ES, D F SH AYLOR , Reglstrar Nalrobl, Actll'g Dtrector 0/ Ctvtl Xvllflon Supreme Court 0/ Kenya 8th September, 1947 E f7a/ Ajrtca > ptem ber 30, 1947 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZEU E 531


E STIMATIS OF R SVINUI AND E KPKNDITURI F0R TM Y zA.x E NDING 3IsT D scsxsss, 1948 The followmg summarv of the Esblmates 1g pubhshed ln pursuance of the provzskons of Sectzon 111 of the Locq,l Government (Dlstrlet Counmls) Ordm ance, 1928 1946 1947 1946 R lvsNvz, 1948 1947 A ctual IEXIPINIIITUIII. 1948 Estlm A ctual Ex Estzm stes R evenue ates pendlture ' f f Z f f f: g A GxANTs- A A DMINISZSATION AND 1 B asm R oad GINERAI'-- G rant 12,467 l Salarles and Allowances 2 M T R oads Clerk Supervzsor 720 Czw l and M z H ouse A llow ance 72 lltary Grant 4,258 Accotm tant 420 3 Im provem ents Stenographer 300 Grant 13,850 Provzdent Fund 80 4 Vehzole Ll Stafr Leave P ay snd eences 25 Passages 300 30,600 26,375 24,208 Cost of Lm ng B onuses 186 Fem ale Clerk 1y0 B H osprl'x:ra R ATZS - l 01 - 2,198 2 T ravellm g E xpenses C INtrlsls'.p ox INR ST M em bers 480 r Nl'ss xTc l98 280 91 Clerk Supervzsor 250 730 b Govlu xzx'.r CONTRI 3 Om ce Expenses BvTxox o/A T'Ixœ Rent, Conservancy and R Axtm lts 20 40 2 W ater 40 Statzonery and Prm tm g 150 E Tœ szza N.r Idaksorzœ xs' Postages, Telegram s, O apzNAxcz, 1937 19 M essengers, etc 80 R enewal of Om ce F urm lr E xcxss E xzœ xpltrvltE ture 47 ovsx R zvzx'v:ls 1,032 Stm dmes l50 4g7 4 Genersl Charges A dvertlsm g, E lectzons, etc 150 Audzt Eees 115 Legal Expenses 5 270 3,665 L6sa - Governm ent Con trzbutzon 280 Charged to Stm dry W orks 70 Charged to T R fplvll and M zhtary 590 Charged to Im provem ent W ork 557 Charged to Contmbutzon o/a Przce Control 96 . l 593 1,842 1,667 2,072 B M M x1,zNxx'cs AND Ie sovs MSNT o:p R oADs- l D zstrzct R oads M am tenance, Sehedule A 10,048 2 M am Trlm k R oads M am tenance, Schedule B 4,258 3 D zstmct R oads Im prove m ents, Lane R eport, Schedule C Brtdges :5,025 R oads :8,825 13.850 4 D zstrzct R oads E m ergenczes 310 28,466 24,573 22,003 C Ssm PIXMANSNT Baloozs- R epalrs 240 200 D H osn u L R u zs - - 101 E EF'z:az R xxozzts 40 80 4 F R aSIIM NT Lasouxslts' OSDINANCZ, 1937 11 G U N/XPZNDaD G RAN'A'S AND R Eslltvyns 1,024 H CONTXD XJCrIOx' To CAAII'AL 643

& 30,818 26,695 25 453 : 30,818 26,b95 25,453 = = = = R= * . 18th Septem ber. 1947 J H: PE ILLIPS, Clerk Jfzmertae/r

G BNSRAL N oTlcE N o 1670 G ENERAL No'ncE N o 1671 D ISSOLU TION OF PARTN ERSHTP TH F. FRAU D U LEN T TR AN SFER O F BUSIN EV ES O RDIN AN CES, 1930 N OTICE ls hereby glven that tho partnershlp heretofore sub- slstlng between Bhagslngh s/o Isher Smgh and Sucha Smgh PUR SUAN T to the abovo Ordlnance, notlce ls hereby glven Nlrman s/o lsher Slngh carrylng on buslness under the 51-1:1 that the busm ess of retall goneral trado heretofore carned on by nam e ol style of N akuru Furmture M art at N akul'u, on Plot Amarbal d/o Kala M anll w/o Bhanll M anp under the namo or N o 23, Sectlon 1, Indmn Bazaar, N akuru, has been dlssolved style of K lbos Store on Plot N o 7, Sectlon 1, Klbos, ln the by m utual consent wlth effect from 19th Septem ber, 1947, by Colony of K enya, has been sold and 'transfened to Tarm oham ed the retlrement of Bhag Slngh s/ o Isher Slngh from the sald N azarah as from 1st August, 1947, who wAll carly on the buslness busmess ln tho sam e nam e at the sam e address The contlnulng partner, Sucha Rngh Nlrman q/o lsher Slngh, Tho address of the transferor and the transferee ls P O K lbos w11l henceforth carry on the sald buslness at the same place and The transferee does not assum e and ls not lntended to assum e under the same name ( Furnlture M art) A11 assets and llablhtles m curred by the transferol ln the sald buslness up to llabllltles of the sald buslness up to and lno'udlng the sald 19th the date of transfer, such hablhttes bom g the sole responslblllty day of Septem ber, 1947, w 1ll be collected and pald by the sald of the transferor Sucha Slngh Nlrman s/o lsher Slngh, tho contlnumg partner AM ARBAI d/o KALA M ANJI w/o BHANJI M ANJI, BHAG SINGH s/o ISHER SINGH, Translet or Rehrlng Partner TARM OH AM ED N AZAR ALI, SUCHA SINGH N IRM AN s/o ISHER SINGH, D annjeree N akuru, 19th Septem bel , 1947 Contlnm ng Partner 532 TH E O FFICIAL G A ZEW E Septem ber 30, 1947

CJBNSRAL i4oTlcs lfo 1672 GENBRAL N oTlcB N o 1676 TH E TRA DE M A RKS ORD INAN CE, 1930 TH E 'IA AD E M ARK S ORD IN AN CE, 1930 Apl>LlcxTlox N o 3590 A PPLICATION N o 3527

C ER ESA N . TA K E N OTICE that an apphcatlon for the reglstratlon of the trade m ark shown above ln Class 2, ln respect of chem lcal IALPRETA. substances used for agncultural and hortlcultural purposes, TAK E N OTICE that an apphcatlon for the reglstl atlon ot has been lodged by W lnthrop Products (Proprletary), Ltd , of the trade m ark shown above ln Class 50, m respect of m ece D elm ark House, 123 M arket Street, Johannesburg, South Afrlca, goods com posed wholly or m alnly of rayon, has been lodged whose address for selwlce m the Colony ls c/o M essrs Atklnson, by The Callco Prlnters Assoclatlon, Ltd , of St Jam es's Bulld- Alnslle, Chtlds-clarke & O Donovan, advocates, of South Bntlsh m gs, Oxford Street, M anchester 1, England, cahco prm ters lnsurance Bulldlngs, K lllndlm R oad P O B ox 29, M om basa and merchants, whose address for smvlce m tho Colony ls c/o The sald trade m alk wlll be reglstered aftel the explratlon of M essls A tklnson, Alnshe, Chtlds-clarke & O'D onovan advocates, of South Bntlsh Insurance Bulldlngs, Klllndlnl Road 90 days from the date of thls Gazette, provlded no notlce of P O Box 29 , opposltlon ls recelved , M om basa n e sald tlade m ark w11l be legtsteted after the exm ratton of N ml obl, W B CU M M IN G , 90 days from the dato of tlus Gazette, provlded no notlce of 11th Septem ber, 1947 Reglstlar oj F/ctfe M atks opposltlon ls recelved Reglstratlon of thls trade m ark shall glve no ngbt to the excluslve use of the letters :çC P A '' QJENERAL '4oTlcB ':o 1673 tTo be assoclated wltii No 3526 ) TH E TRA DE M ARK S O RDINAN CE, 1930 AppLlcm ox N o 3592 N all obl, W B CUM M IN G . 10th Septem bel , 1947 Regkstlal oj Trade M J,#& S K IN D EEP TA KE N OTICE that an appllcatlon for the reglstratlon of the trade m ark shown above ln Class 48, ln respect of per- GBNBRAL N OTICB N o 1677 fumery (mcludlng tollet artlcless preparatlons for the teeth and halr, and perfumed soap), has been lodged by J & E Atklnson, TH E TRAD E M ARKS ORDINA NCE, 1930 Ltd , of 24 O1d Bond Street, London, W 1, England, m anufac- A px jcm ox No 3595 turlng perfum ers and soap-m akers, whose address for servlce ln the Colony ls c/o M essrs Atklnson, Alnslie, Chllds-clarke and O'D onovan, advocates, of South Bntlsh Insurance Bulldm gs, K llmdlnl R oad, P O Box 29, M om basa M O U S S E D IA N E n e sald trade m ark wlll be reglstered after tho explratlon of TA K.E N OTICE that art apphcataon for titc repstratton of 90 days from the date of thls Gazette, provlded no notlce of the trade m ark shown above m Class 48, ln respect of per- opposltlon ls recelve,d fumery (lncludlng tollet artlcles, preparatlons for the teeth and halr, and pelfttmed soap), has been lodged by J & E Atkmson, N alrobl, W B CU M M ING , Ltd , of 24 Old Bond Street, London, W 1, Bngland, m anufac- 10th Septembel , 1947 Reglstrar t# Trade M al kâ' turm g perfum ers and soap-m akcrs, whose address for sm'vzce ln the Colony ls c/o M essrs Athnson, Alnshe, Chllds-clarke and O'D onovan, advocates, of South Brltlsh lnsurance Bm ldm gs Klhndlm Road , , P O Box 29, M om basa GENBRAL N oTlcE N0 1674 The sald trado m ark wlll be repstere.d after the explrahon of 90 days from the dato of thls G azette, provlded no potlce of 'ITIE TRAD E M AR KS ORD INAN CE, 1930 opposltton zs recmved AN LICATION N o 3593 N alrobl M IR A G E 10th keptembm, 1947 RegWts trBa r CojU MTrMadme MG,arks TA KE N OTICB that an apphcatlon for the reglstratlon of the trade m ark shown above m Class 48, m respect of per- fumery (mcludlng tollet artlcles, preparatzons for the teeth and halr, and perfumed soap), has been lodged by J & E Atkmson, GENERAL 'foTlcE llo 1678 Ltd , of 24 Old Bond Street, London, W 1, England, m anufac- turlng pelfum ers and soap m akers, whose address for servlce TH E TR AD E M ARK S ORDINAN CE, 1930 ln the Colony ls c/o M essrs Atkmson, Alnslle, Chllds-clarke AP/LICATION N o 3596 and O D onovan, advocates, of South Bntlsh lnsurance Bm ldlngs, Klllndlnl Road, P O Box 29, M om basa The sald trade m ark m ll be reglstered after the exm ratlon of I catpxmux eqwy 90 days from the date of thls G azette, provlded no notlce of opposltlon ls recelved Nalrobl, W B CUM M IN G , 10th Septem ber, 1947 Reglstrar 5/ Trade M atks (?

GBNSRAL pçoTlcE ';o 1675 TH E 'IX ADE M A RK S ORDINA N CE, 1930 A P/LICATION N o 3594 l 4 l l O A R ILLO N TAk E NOTICE that an appllcatlon for the reglstratlon of TA KE N OTICE that an apphcatlon for the reglstlatlon of the trade m ark shown above m Class 48, ln respect of per- the trade m ark shown above m Class 48, m respect of per- fumery (lncludlng tollet arttcles, preparatlons for the teeth and fumery Uncludmg tozlet artlcles, preparatlons for the teeth and halr, and perfumed soap), has been lodged by J & E Atkmson, halr, and perfumed soap), has been lodged by J & E Atklnson, Ltd , of 24 O1d Bond Street, London, W 1, England, m anufac- Ltd , of 24 O1d Bond Street, London, W 1, England, m anufac- turlng perfum els and soap m akers, whose address for servlce ln turlng pelfum ers and soap-m akers, whose address for servlœ m the Colony ls c/ o M essrs Atklnson, Alnslle, Chllds-clarke and the Colony s c /0 M essrs Atkm son, Amslte, Clulds-clarke and O 'D onovan, advocates, of South Brltlsh lnsurance Bm ldlngsy O D onovan, advocates, of South Bnttsh lnsuranco Butldlngs K lllndm l Road , K lhndlm Road, P O Box 29, M om basa , P O Box 29, M om basa I'he sald trado m ark w lll be reglstered after the expllatlon of The sald trade m ark w11l be reglstered after the explratlon of 90 days from the date of tlus Gazette, provlded no notlce of 90 days from the date of thls Gazette, provlded no nohce of opposltlon zs recelved opposltlon ls recelved N alrobl, RenWts trBa t CojU MTrMadIeN MG ,lpkx N azrobl, W B CUM M ING , 10th Septem bel, 1947 10th Septem ber, 1947 Regtstrar 0/ Trade M crH Septem ber 30, 1947 'I'H E OPFICIAL GA ZE'F'IY T)3

G BNBRAL N olqce N o 1679 GWNERAL lfoTlcs 'fo 1682 TH E TR A D E M A R K S O R D IN A N CE 1930 TR A D E M A R K S O R D IN A N CE, 1930 A BPLICATION N o 264 APPLICATION N o 3591 Alteratlon oj Reglstel ed Tlade M al k LEAVE has becn glven undel sectlon 39 of thc Trade M alks O rdlnancc, 1930 to Jam es Buchanan & C o , lam lted, the A T K IN S O N S leglstered ploprletors of the Tlade M alk N o 264 ln Class 43 TAKE N OTICE that an appllcatlon tol the reglstlatlon ot the (advertlsed ln the Omclal Gazette of 21st M arch, 1917) to altel trade m alk shown above ln Class 48 Jn lespect of perflzm ery the mark (lncludjng tollet artlcles, preparatlons fol the teeth and hall A lepresentatlon of the m alk, as alteled, ls shown below - and pcrfumed soap) has been lodged by J & E Atklnson Llm 'ted, of 24 Old Bond Stleet, London, W 1, England, manu- P R O D U C T O F S C O T L A N D facturlng pelfum ers and soap m akers w hosc addless fo1 servlce ln the Colony ls c/o M essls Atklnson, Alnslle, Chllds-clarke & O D onovan, A dvocates of South Blltlsh lnslzrance Bulldlngs, i: B LA C K & H ITE9 @ K llm dlnl Road, P O Box 29, M om basa T R 8 D e M A R K The sald tlade m alk m ll be leglstert,d aftel the explratlon of 90 days from the date of thls G azette, provlded no notlce of S p F. C I A L B L E N D O F opposltton ls tecetved C HO ICE O LD SCOTCH W H IS KY N allobl, W B CU M M IN G , 25th Septembm , 1947 Reglstrar oj Trade M arks ( G BNBRAL èfoTlcE èûo 1683 SC O TC H W H ISKY D I STI LLE Q S IHL IRA DE M ARK S ORDINA NCII, 1930 GLAssow & LO h1 D O & A eeLIc.TIoN N o 3597 GLENTAUCH E R rè GW &tkVeT DIST ttE Qv MUKBE h: SpeY's.l De hl B N alrob. W B CU M M IN G 24th àeptembel , 1947 Regtstrar oj z'rco u 'alk'

G ENBRAL Nolqcs N o 1680 + ' , TH E TRADE M ARK S ORD INAN CE, 1930 IW KE N O FICL that an appllcatlon for the reglstratlon ot the trade m ark shown above ln Class 22 m resped of m otor cars A P/LICATION N o 3464 and chassls thelefol has been lodged by Rlley (Coventry) Llmlted, of Foleshlll, Coventry, England, m anufacturers, whose * î!x :&c addless fm servlce ln tho Colony ls o/o M essrs Kaplan & Ar9 f z.'z Stratton, A dvocates, P O Box 111, Nalrobl .y. The sald trade m ark wyll be leglstered after the cxplratzon of 90 days from the date of thls Gazette, provlded no notlce of :I' opposltlon ls lecelved j N alrobl, W B CU M M IN G , 25th Septem bel , 1947 Regutrar // Tlade M arks

5 QJBNBRAL i4oTlce ':o 1684 TA K E N O TICE that an appllcatlon fo1 tbe reglstlatlon of TH E TRAD E M ARK S ORD IN AN CE, 1930 the trade m ark shown above m Class 38 ln respect of boots, APPLICATION N o 3602 shoes, sllppers, goloshes, overshocs, sandals, legglngs, galters and soclts for boots, shoes and sllppers has been lodged by C & J Clark, Llnuted, of Stleet, m the County of Som erset, England,

G ENERAL N o'ncs N o 1681 THE TRAD E M ARK S ORD IN AN CE, 1930 A PPLICATION N o 3507 ê&cKApo 1Jt

TAK E NOTICE that an appllcatlon fo1 the lep stratlon of the trade mark shown above m Class 22 m respect of bicyolts, tncycles and m otor velucles lnoluded m thls class has been e lodged by H um ber Llm lted, of H um ber Road, Stokey Coventry, TA K E N O TICL that an applluatlon for the l eglstratlon of the W arwzckshlre, England, m anufacturers, whose address for ser- tlade mark shown above m Class 33 m respect of yarns of wool, vlce ln the Colony ls c/ o M essrs Atklnson, Alnslle, Chtlds- worsted or hall has been lodged by Patons & Baldwlns, Llm lted, Clalke & O D onovan, advocates, of South Brltlsh Insurance of Clalk Brldge M llls, H allfax, Yolkshlre, England, m anufac Bu ldlngs, K lhndlnl Road, P O Box 29, M ombasa turers, whose address for servlce ln the Colony ls c/o M essrs The sald tl ade m ark w1l1 be reglsteled after the explrauon of A tklnson A lnslle, Chllds-c larke & O 'D onovan, A dvocates of 90 days from the date of thls G azettc, provlded no notjco of South Brltlsh lnsurance Bulldm gs, Kllm dml R oad, P O Box 29 opposltton ls recew ed M ombasa The essentlal partlcular of the trade m ark ls the comblnatlon The sald trade m alk w11l be reglstel ed aftel the oxplratlon of of devlces, and the proprletors dlsclalm any nght to the 90 days from tllo date ot thls Gazette, provlded no notlce of excluslve use of the added m atter except ln so far as lt conslsts opposttton ls reoetved ol thell own nam e N alrobl, W B CU M M IN G , N auobl, W B CU M M IN G , 25th Septem bel , 1947 Regtstrar oj T?cffe M o ks 25th Septem ber, 1947 Reglstrar t# Trade M arks !j4 THE OFFICIAL GA ZETT'E Septem ber 30, 1947

G BNBRAL i4oTlcs 'fo 1685 GBNBRM- N oTIcB N o 1689 TRAD E M ARK S ORD IN AN CE, 1930 THE TRAD E M ARK S ORD IN AN CE, 1930 A PPLICATION N o 3531 A PPLICATION No 3607 BO B M A R T IN 'S S T ER A D EN T TAK E NOTICE that an appllcation for the reglstlatlop of the trade m ark shown above ln Class 2 ln respect of veterlnary TAK E N OTICE that an applicatlon for the reglstratlon of the pleparatlons for use ln connexlon wlth the treatm ent of çlegs tlade m alk shown above ln Class 48 ln lespect of dentlfnces and cats has been lodged by Bob M artln (Export) Llmlted, and tollet preparatlons for cleanlng artlficlal teeth has been of 61 to 69 H oghton Street Southpolt, Lancashlre, England, lodged by Steradent Llm lted of K lngston W orks, H ull, Y olk m anufactulers and m erchants, w hose address fol servlce ln the shlre, England, whose address for selvlce ln the Colony ls Colony lo c/o M essrs Atklnson, Alnslle, Chllds-clarke & c/o M essls Da'y & Fjggls, advocates P O Box 34, Nalrobl O'Donoyan, Advocates, of South Blltlsh Insurance Bulldlllgs, The sald tlade m ark w11l be reglstered after the exp ratlon of Klllndln'l Road, P O Box 29, M ombasa 90 days from the date of thls G azette, pl ovlded no notlce of The sald trade m ark w 1ll be leglstel ed aftel the expllatlon of opposltlon ls lecelved 90 days from the date of thls G azette, provlded no notlce of N alrobl, W B CU M M IN G , opposltlon ls lecelved 25th September 1947 Reglstlal o! Trade M /rk; N alrobl, W B CU M M IN G , 25th Septembel , 1947 Reglnh ar oj Tlct/c M al &: CJENSRAL lforlcE Afo 1690 TH E TRA DE M ARK S ORD IN AN CE, 1930 G BNBRAL N oTlcE N O 1686 JQ//LICATION l:o 3599 TH E T RA D E M A R K S O R D IN AN C E, 1930 A PPLICATION N o 3603 IT C P 1ù p1ù IW K E N OTICE that an appllcatlon fol the 1 eglstl atlon of the tl adc m alk shown above ln Class 42 ln respect of substances used as food ol as lnp edlents ln food has been lodged by Coleman and Com pan#, Llm lted, of W lncarnls House, 112-114 Prlnce of W ales Road, N orwlch, England, m anulacturlng e ê chemlsts and wlne m elchants, whose address for servlce ln the J : '%D 2x. Colony as c/ o M essrs Atklnson Alns3le, Chllds-clarke & fX% > O 'D onovan, advocates, of 50:1th Blltlsh Insulance Bulldlngs, wgw . .f j- s >al''.aw. +. Klllndlnl Road, P O Box 29, M om basa The sald trade m alk wlll be reglsteled aftel the cxpllatlon of 90 days from the. date of thls G aàette, provtded no notlcc of Yvz?r Zz + w//lzz'z/ tv Zrzwzpfz / zzzzzzz, opposltlon ls lecelved zzr olccctzz/-' zzazrz;y utwye.v-i..k -1 A K L N OTICE that an appllcatlon for the reglstratlon ot the N alrobl, W B CU M M ING tladc mark shown above ln Clasw 45 In respect of tobacco, 25th Septem bcl , 1947 Regutl z7, of T, ade M :?l Ix.b whether manufactured ol unm anufactured, has been lodged by Blltlsh-Am el lcan Tobacce Com pany, Llm lted, of W estm lnstel H ouse, 7 M lllbank, London, S W , England, tobacco m anufac- GENERAL 'foTlcE lfo 1687 turers, whose addless for selvlcc ln the Colony ls c/ o M essl s Atklnson, Alnshe, Chllds-clarke & O 'D onovan, A dvocates, of TH E TRADE M ARK S ORD IN AN CE, 1930 South Blltlsh lnsulance Bulldlngs, K lllndlm Road, P O Box 29, A prslcArlox N o 3604 M om basa Thc sald tlade m ark wll1 be leglsteled after the. explratlon of 90 dayq from the date of thjs G azette, provlded no notlce of FL8MOTO opposltton ls recm ved TAKE NOTICE that an apphcatlon fol the lepstratton of the N alrobl, ReWgl stlB J l CoUj MTlM adIeN MG aI ks trade m ark shown above m Class 50 ln respect of oleanlng and 25th Septem ber 1947 pollshlng preparabons and m aterlals lnduded ln Class 50 has been lodged by Charles Thornfield, tradm g as Furm oto Chem lcal Company, of 1-3 Bnxham Road, London S W , G ENERAL N oerlcis N o 1691 England, pollsh m anufacturer, w hose address for servlce ln the Colony ls c/o M essrs Atklnson Alnslle, Chllds-clarke & TH E BA N K RU PTCY O R D IN A N C E O 'D onovan, advocates, of South Brltlsh Insurance Bulldlngs, FIRST M BETING ol7 CRBDITORS AND PIJBLIC EXAMINATION Klllndlnl Road, P O Box 29. M om basa Debtoî s ?ltzlAle - prabhakel M oreshwar Panwalker, form elly Tht sald trade m ark w11l be 1 eglstered aftel the explratlon of carrylng on buslness as Paladlse Ba1 and Restaurant 90 days from the, date of tlus G azette provlded no notlce of 4dd' ess .- R acc Coulse R oad, N alrobl opposltlon ls recelved D escrtptton - Restaul ateul l Court - H M Suprem e Court, N alrobl N alrobl, W B CU M M IN G Numbet oj nlcf/c? - 4 of 1947 25th Septem bel , 1947 Reglshar oj Trade M aI ks Date t7/ hrst meetlng oj c? edttots - 28th Octobel, 1947 H ou' - 2 15 p m Place --officlal R ecetvel s Olhce, Law Coults, N anobl Date t# pubhc cawnl/ntzfltpn - 31st October, 1947 GBNERAL N o'rlcE N o 1688 H our - 10 30 a m THE TRADE M ARK S ORD IN AN CE, 1930 Place --suprem e C ourt, N alrobl Aerclcm ox No 3605 N alrobz, W B CU M M IN G , 22nd September, 1947 Omctal Recetve 8CLITII8E TAKE N OTICE that an appllcatlon for the reglstlatton of the GBNERAL NoTIcE No 1692 trade m ark shown above ln Class 50 yn lespect ol cleanlng and pollshlng preparatlons and m atellals lncluded ln Class 50 has PR O BA TE A N D A D M IN ISTR A TION bten lodged by Charles Thornfeld, tradlng as Fulm oto Chem leal CwrsE N o 75 olë 1946 Com pany, of 1-3 Brlxham Road, London, S W , England pollsh Ill tlle l'latter oj M aclulnu sl o Sana t/fc.ç Amul Sallnl deceased m anufacturer, whose addless fo1 selvlce m the Colony ls TA K E N O TIC E that aI1 persons haw ng any olalm s agalnst c/ o M ossrs Atklnson, Alnslle, Chllds Clarke & O'Donovan, the estato of the above-named M achlmu s/o Sana allas Amu! advocates, of South Bntlsh Insurance Bulldlngs, Klllndlnl Road, Sahm , deceased, who dled at K lsaunl, M om basa, on 8th P O Box 29, M om basa October, 1946, are requlred to prove such clalm s before me the The sald trade m ark w1ll be reglstered aftel the expllatlon of underslgned on or before 231,d N ovem ber, 1947, after w hlch date 90 days from the date of thls Gazette provlded no notlco of the clalm s so proved wll1 be pald, and the estate dlstnbuted opposltlon Is retem ved accordm g to 1aw N all obl, W B CU M M IN G M om basa, M D CH ITNAV IS, 25th Septem bel , 1947 Reguttar oj Trade M tz?/v.& 231d Septem bel, 1947 azl gettt oj tlte Publlc Tm uç/ee Septem ber 30, 1944 TH E OFFICIAL GA ZEW E 5!5

GBNSRAL N ozqcB N o 1565 constnzcted of stone > burnt brlck or concrete, on proper ' THE CROW N LAN D S ORD IN AN CE foundatlons 2 N o bulldlng shall at any tlm e dullng the term of the grant THoMsox s FALLS TOw NSHIP PLOTS be used for any other purpose than a dwelllng-house N OTICE ls hereby g ven that gl ants ln respet,t of the plots at Thom son s Falls, speclhed ln the Schedule hereto wl11 be 3 At no tlm e durm g ttle telm of ttze grant shall m ore than sold by auctlon at Thom son s Falls at Barry's H otel, Thom son's one dwelhng house wlth the necessary olces and outbulldlngs Falls, on Thursday, 9th October, 1947 at 11 a m be erected on any plot wlthout the consent of the G okernor Plans of the plots m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap O lhce of 4 The glantee shall not at any tlm e durlng the term of the the Lands, M lnes and Surveys D epaltm ent, N alrobl, ol at the glant elect any bulldlng or bmldlngs so as to cover m ore than oKce of the Dlstnct Com m lsmoner, Lalklpla-sam buru, Rumurutl one half of the alea of any plot or may be had on appllcatlon to the Commlssloner of Lands 5 A 1l om bm ldlngs, oflk es, ete , shall be properly slted and P O Box 89, N alrobl, on paym ent of Sh 3, post free screened from vlew to th: satlsfactlon of the A uthorlty or such other person as m ay be appolnted, and shall be kept so screened The rlght to m thdraw any plot from the auctlon 1$I reselved dullng the term of the grant to the Com mlssloner of Lands In the follow lng general and speclal condltlons of sale the G J ROBBIN S term 4:A uthorlty'' m eans the D lstrlct C om m lssloner F Lalklpl 4- N all obl, C'oplnllsslï:ller /or Lands M lnes Samburu, Rumurutl, or such other munlclpal authorltj qs may Septem ber, 1947 and s'lfrvel.s be hereafter establlshed by law SCHEDULE CONDITIONS ()F SALE (c) Auctlon R ent R oads Propor 1 Each plot w1ll be auctloned separately Plot See N o A rea U p per Sur ahd tlonate R ent 2 The amount of the advance of each b1d w1ll be regulated No Approx set an 1 vey Drazns from 1 11 47 Pzzce num Fees Con to 31 12 47 by the auctloneer, and no bzddlng shall be retracted trzbutzon 3 n e hlghest blddel w 1ll be the purchaser, but lf any dlspute arlse as to any bld the plot w111 be reosered at the last un- A orea ,$'# 8h dlsputed b1d V I 1 509 6l0 80 4 Each purchaser shall pay to the auctloneer lm medlately ,, l 580 640 80 ,, l 680 680 80 on the f all of the ham m tr a depostt of 25 per cent of the pur- ,, 1 471 590 80 chase m oney In default of such paym ent the plot m ay be ,, l 476 590 80 lm m edlately reolered for sale, and any subsequent bld by the ,, l 476 590 80 person who has m ade dd ault m ay be lgnored or refused ,, 1 476 590 80 5 Each purchaser shall on paylng the deposlt lnform the ,, 1 476 59û 80 ,, l 47l 59@ 80 auctloneer of the nam e ol nam es of the person or persons on ,, 1 476 590 80 whorse behalf the plot ls purchased , the grant wl1l be lssued ,, 1 +92 600 80 In accordance wlth thls m form atlon ,, 1 567 630 80 6 The balance of the purchase m eney, together m th the ,, I 832 740 80 rent due to 31st D ecem ber, 1947, shall be pald to the C om - l 837 740 80 ,, l 837 740 80 m lssloner of Lands, M m es and Surveys, N alrobz ,, l 832 740 80 The survey fees, the fees payable for the preparatlon and zs 1 837 740 80 reglstratlon of the grant and the stamp duty (dpproxlmately ,, 1 837 740 80 ,, 1 837 740 80 2 per cent on the purchase pnce and on the rent) payable m 1 832 740 80 respect of the grant, and a11 other expenses, lf any, shall be ,, ,, 1 442 580 80 pald to the Com m lssloner of Lands, M lnes and Surveys, N alrobl ,, l 83l 740 80 A11 these am ounts shall be pald wlthln seven days of a ,, 2 096 840 80 dem and belng m ade therefor ,, l 648 660 80 ,, 357 220 70 U pon such paym ents belng duly m ade the purchaser shall, ,, 344 210 70 sublect to the provlslons of the Crown Lands Ordm ance ,, 344 210 70 (Chapter 140, Rewsed Edltlon) and to the condltaons of sale ,, 344 210 70 havlng been com plled wlth, be entltled to a grant of the plot, ,, 335 200 70 whlch grant shall be presented to h1m duly executed as soon as ,, 339 200 70 convem ently m ay bo ,, 344 210 70 ,, 344 210 70 Provlded that the balance of the purchase m oney shall not ,, 339 300 70 be payable wlthln the tlm e stated or theleafter, unless and untll the Comm lssloner of Lands can pl esent to the purchaser the grant duly executed Plots 5, 11, 14, 23s 26, 32, 44, 47, 51 and 54 have been wlth- 7 Sublect to the prowso contalned ln Condttlon N o 6, lf dlaw n from the sale the am ounts thel eln m entloned are not pald as there n lald down wltlun seven days of a dem and bem g m ade therd ol , the Com mlssloner of Lands m ay older the deposlt m ade by the purchaser to be forfelted, and the purchaser shall have no GexeRst NoTlce No 1693 further clatm to the grant of the plot CENTRAL COM M OD ITY D ISTRIBU TION BOA RD (D) Spectal 1 The G overnm ent or such person or authonty as m ay be IssuE og N sw SsRlls 6 R ATION Booxs appom ted for tlw pulposo sball have the, right to enter upon A N ISSU E of new ratlon books wl1l shortly be m ade and aII any plot and 1ay and have access to water malns, selvlce plpes, European and non-European reglsteled consum ers arr requested telegraph ol telephone wzres, and electnc m alns of all descl Ip- to watch fol notlces ln the Pless regardlng the dates upon whlch tlons, whether overhead or tm del ground, and the grantee shall the books m ll be lssued at the varlous Ratlonlng Oë ces not erect any bu ldm g ln such a way as to cover or m terfere throughout the C o'ony wlth any exzstm g z outes, m am or servlce plpes or the telegraph W lthln the dates speclfied all consum cls m ust apply ln person or telephone wlles and electnc m alns aforem entloned at thelr nearest Ratlonlng Oflice and take wlth them one of the 2 No bmldlng shall be erected on the plot unless plans (1n- followlng means of ldentlty - cludlng block plans showlng the posltlon of the bulldlngs), Passpolt, or drawlngs, elevatlons and speclfcatlons thereof shall have been Blrth Celtlfcate, ol prevlously approved by the authonty, and by the Com m lssloner M arrlage Certlficate of Lands or such pelson as he m ay appolnt Such plans, etc , Consum ers m ust also take wlth them thelr Senes 5 Ratlon shall be subm ltted ln tnpllcate to the D lstrlct Comnusslonel Book and Supplem ent , one of the Spectal Coupons on page 8 for necessary actlon of the form er w 111 be rem oved by tbe. lssulng clerk so tbat care 3 The grant m ll be lssued under the Reglstlatlon of n tles should be taken to see that thls page ls not rem oved prlor to Ordlnance (Chapter 142 of the Revlsed Edltlon) The term of appllcatlon belng m ade the grant w1ll be for 99 years from 1st Janualy, 1948 l-he head of a fam lly only m ay apply on behalf of any 4 The grantee shall not at any t m e subdlvlde the plot ol m em bers ot h1s household who are ln the Colony provlded asslgn, sublet or othezw lse dlspose of any portlon of the plot m eans of ldentlty for each lndlvldua' m em ber and thelr Senes 5 wlthout the prevlous wntten consent of the G overnor Ratlon Book and Supplem ent are produced 5 A ny bulldlng erected shall conform to a buildlng llne lt should be noted by all consum ers that - dectded upon by the A uthorlty (1) No document other than a passporth bzrth certlfcate or 6 The grantee w l11 be responslble for the paym ent of all m al rlage certlficate w lll be accepted as ploof of Identlty rates lncludlng G overnment s contrlbut on ln lleu thereof (2) N o postal appllcatlons wlll be accepted (c) Speclal t3) N o 'vlslts w1ll be m ade by tbe Ratlonm g Om cer to clubs, Specml Condlttons ln respect t# Plots descrtbed ,/I Schedltle lnstltutlons Or buslness Plem lses ' Each purchaser of a plot shall el ect wlthln two years of N alrobl, H GOLD SW ORTH Y, the com m ençem ent of lus grant a bulldlng of approved deslgn 25th Septtmbel , 1947 Executtve O/cer 536 TH E OFFICIAL GAZETT'E Septem ber 30, 1947


' N oTlcs N orlcs TEN D ERS are lnvlted for the manutactul e oupply and TEN D ERS are m vlted for the m anufactul e, supply and dellvery of the followlng Curnltlzl e - dellvely of furnlture lequlred by - 200 only slngle beds ln m vull wltb wI1 e m attlesseq, The Prm ce of W ales School, N alrobl 100 only book racks ln m vull, The European Prlm ary School, N alrobl 300 only lounge challs ln m vull upholstered and covered ln The Prlm ary School, W estlands rexlne, The Pnm ary School, K lhm am 600 only oë ce challs, wlthout alm s, wlth upholstered seats The K enya H lgh School for Gllls. N alrobl covered ln rexm e, w The Indlan M en s Teacher Tlalnlng Centre, N all obI 100 only oë ce chalrs w lth arm s, wlth upholstered seats The ltem s reqtured are approxlm ately - covered ln rexm e, 157 tables, assorted slzes 200 only chests of drawers ln m vull m th plyboard bottom 880 chalrs, ordlnaly assorted slzeg and types and back, 91 chalrs, m orrls 10 only com m odes ln m vull, 18 bookshelves 70 only m eat safes ln podo covered wlth m osqulto gauze, 35 laboratory stools 100 only sldeboards ln m vull w ltb podo shelves and p1y 30 lockers nests board bottom s and drawers, 4 desks, pedestal 175 only dresslng tables ln m vull w lth m lrrors 27 m 2 lihng cablnets 21 m , 71 benches, assorted types and slzes 100 only kltchen tables m podo, 47 bath m ats, wooden 200 only occaslonal tables ln m vull, 187 bedslde lockers 100 only oë ce tables ln mvullo 6 deck chalrs 100 only wardrobes ln m vuh wlth podo shelves 1 lnspectlon couch A II artlcles are to be m anufactured from w ell seasoned m vull 4 trays or podo w here such ls stlpulated A rtcles m ade of m vuh are 23 cupboards, assorted types to recewe one coat of raw llnseed oll, but those m ade of podo 25 bath stools are to be left untreated 2 pr household steps Thls furmturo ls to be strlctly ln etccordance wlth drawm gs 1 bedscreen and sam ples w hlch m ay be lnspected at the oflice of the C hlet 6 galvanlzed lron dustblns Storekeeper, Publlc W orks D epartment, N allobl, at any tlm e 294 desks, assorted types and slzes durm g norm al G overnm ent oflice hours, and tenderers quota Com prehenslve llsts glvlng speclficatlons, places of dellvery tlons should lnolude the cost of dellvery to the Central Stores and partlculal s of whele speclm ens of each type can be seen Publlc W orks D epartm ent, N alrobl m ay be obtalned from the undel slgned at R oom 121A R allw ay H eadquarters Bm ldlng, N alrobl, at any tlm e durlng norm al Quotatltms are lequlred separately for each ltem and tendel el s should also state the dellvery date for each ltem G overnm -nt oflice hours Each artlcle m ust be exactly the sam e as the sam ple both as Com pleted artlcles are sublect to mspectlon on dellvery at the Central Stores > Publlc W orks D epaltm ent, N alrobl, and regards dlm enslons, wolkm anshlp and fim sh, and only first unsultable artlcles w1l1 be relected at the sole dlscretlon of the quallty seasoned tlm ber of the klnd speclfied ln the com prehen- D epartm ent's Inspectlng O ë cer slve llsts js to be used 'I'he lowest ol any tendel need not be accepted ttnd any Tenderers m ust state ln thell tenders apploxlm ate dates of tendel m ay be accepted elther wholly or ln pal t dcllvery ot each ltem tendeled for and prlces m ust Include cost of delw el y Tenderx ln sealed envelopes m arked t Tendel fo1 Publlc W olkq D epartm ent Fulnlture'' m ust 1 each the underslgned by noon on A ltlcles dellvered w lll be sublect to lnspectlon by elthel an oë cel of the Publlc W olks D epaltm ent ol the Educatlon Tuesday, 21 st October, 1947 D epartm ent, and any artlcles not up to tbo standard of the H G W ATK IN S, sam ple wlll be lelected The Treasul'y, N alrobl, Secreta'y Quotatlons are requlred separately fo1 each ltem ln the com- 23rd September, 1947 Centlal Te//lel Boal d prehenslve llsts The lowest ol any tender need not be accepted and any tendel m ay be accepted elther w holly or ln part Tenders m sealed envelopes m arked 4 Tender for School GBNERAL N on cE N o 1695 Furnlture'' m ust reach the underslgned by noon on W ednesday, 22nd O ctober, 1947 IN H IS M AJESTY 'S SU PREM E COU RT OF K EN YA AT N A IR O BI Tho Treasury N alrobl, H G W A TK IN S, Secretary 24th Septem ber, 1947 Central Tender Board PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION G uss N o 148 oF 1947 Nohce ol appllcatton /t)? J?z obate oj the wtll t# Altce M aud Basta'd late oj The Zlne Nanyukl rrl Kenva deceased GBNBRAL Non cE N o 1698 TA KE N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls D ISSOLU TION OF PARTNERSHIP Court by Segar Southey Bastald and W llllam K enneth Bastard, of Sotlk and N anyukl respectlvely, for probate of the m ll of N OTICE ls hereby glven that paltnershlp heretofore submstlng A llce M aud Bastald, late of The Llne, N anyukl ln K enya, w ho between Sallm Saleh Awath and M ohamedall Esmalh! dled at The Llne, N anyukl, aforesald, on the 10th day of July K arachlw rtlla calrylng on buslness of dealers ln furm ture and 1947 thls C ourt wlll prooeed to lssue the sam e unless cause be second-hand goods m the style of Sallm bm Saleh & Co at show n to the contrary and appeazance ln thls respect entered premlses N o T 409 M akupa Road, M om basa, has been on ol before the 14th day of Octobel , 1947 dlssolved as from 25th Septem bel , 1947 as the satd buslness has now been sold and transferred N alrobl, D F SH A Y LO R , R eglstrat N otlce Is heleby glven that all persons havm g any clalm s 24th Septem be) , 1947 5'lfr? enïe CtJI?? t oj X'elpyw agalnst the aforesald late partnel shlp ale requlred to lodge and prove such c'alms wwlth M ohamedall Esmalhl Kalachlwalla at h1s om ce m E ast Street, M om basa, on or before 10th O ctober 1947, aftel whlch date no clalm s w11l be entertalned

G BNERAL N olqcs N o 1696 M om basa, SA LIM BIN SA LEH 25th Septem bol , 1947 M E KARACHIwW I-A IN H lS M AJESTY 'S SUPREM E COU RT OF K EN YA AT NAIROBI PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION C AusE N o 150 oF 1947 CIBNERAL 'foTlcE èfo 1699 Nottce t# appllcahon jor Jvtphc/e oj /he wlll t# Deklt Ladha N OTICE ls hereby glven that the K enya Farm ers' A ssoclatlon Patel Iate oj N alrobt deceased tCo operatlve), Ltd , have applled for permlsmon to transfer thelr TA KE N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls w holesale llquor lscence from prem lses sltuated m R eata Bulld- Court by Kanll Harll Patel and Juthlbal d/o Savll Patd, both 1ng to prem lses on No 8 Hangar, R N A S , R A F , Nalrobl of N alrob 1, for probate of the wl11 of D evll Ladha Patel, late of W est Aerodrom e Any oblectlons to the transfer of the above N alrobl aforesald, who dled at N alrobl on the 18th day of llcence should be lodged at the D lstrlct Com m lssloner's Om ce, Septem ber, 1947, thls Court wll1 proceed to lssue the sam e unless N alrobl wlthln 30 days of the date of thls notlce cause be shown to the contrary and appearance ln tlus respect entered on or before the 14th day of October, 1947 D OU G LA S M CKEAN , D tstrlct Com m lsstoner, N alroby, D F SH A Y LO R , R eglstrar N alrobl, Chalrm an, N alrobl Llquor 25th Septem ber, 1 947 Supreme Court oj Kenya 26th Septem bm , 1947 faice/lxlag Court Septem bel 30, 1947 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZEU E 537


N am e L R oz Plot Loeahtv A rea Stand Term A nnual R em arkf No (Approx ) Prem mm Rent A cres Bh I?ktire s'?è cts 1, lt Aast GR &NTR (c) By azlzlclson or Tendel N1l (à') D1% 6ct Grants Nll 11 F'

Aberdaxe Dlstrlet Cotmcll Plot 24/111- 100'x300 R. 99 1 Pepper For Councll omee Plot 14/1:j Thomson s Falls T (; agg f- 1 I 4.7 mcoarnd zerd e caznl d1 aDrdtstmct Coun- W Gulloch Plot 33/XX Nlem T 4 22 99 20 00 Grant to retzred 1 6 46 Clvzl gervant F zench Consul N alrobz Plot 298 N alrobt T l 940 4 660 99 932 00 For new Fzench Con. 1 2 47 sulqte A Bunker Plot 65/XXXV Nakuzu T 1 818 99 20 00 Grant to retzrect Czvzl sen ant J' S Cone'k Plot 57/XX Nvem T 2 11 99 20 00 ,, ,, IA L Morgan Plot 39/XX 3 07 99 20 00 ,, ,, A W Rtggs Plot 55/XX 2 05 99 20 00 ,, ,, Power Pzopertles Ltd Plot 14, 15/ 1, 15/2 Nazzobz T 4 230 16 920 99 3,384 00 Plot 1144 R esldentzal pur. 1145 ,, 3 005 12,020 99 2,484 00 poses C S Baptlsta Plot 14/11 Thlka T 0 4889 - 99 20 00 Grant to retzred 1 3 47 A szan Czvzl servant (c) Clbonge8 t o .fJckl&ft4fe X'o'tl.'n Plttnrùsp,g M essrs Bam burz Estates Ltd Plot 357 M om basa M aznland N orth 0 50x2 25 8,280 G zanted zn exchange for aurrender for (tf) Dgreqt tlrq'nz.s for .PUz#èo'?z.9, 0 66 acres of Plot E dunatm n'ql and CNltp 0 l3s'/rlklbm basaM am . table Pyryltltge.e land X orth Indzan School, K tblgort K tbtgotz T 3 72 00 Sublect to extenszoa l 2 47 to 99 ), ears on com (o) Dvect Granle j'o' S'/tlFf'9 pletlon of an ap- P'ttrpose,s proved buzldm g Educatzon D epartm ent Plots 12 l 3 and 14 K abete Granted to Prznce of W ales sehool for playzng lelds Thom son's Falls Countr, Club Thom son's Falls T 238 25 476 00 For polo grolm d race 1 4 47 track and sp, orts (J) Dveot tprc,nly .foî &v 6cstzl purpoges P urpoeea N al 57 Tov N P LOTS- R IIVERSIONS Thomson % Falls Country Olub Plot I/VIII - - - Surrendered zn ex- ehange for new ' vl suo'a'.r TsxM Ls-tsls :inox grant of 238 aeres W ARTIMS PRODUCTION amprom m ately J D ozg - FOlt 'lernan T l69 1 33 80 1 12 46 P R Croft H zl1 L R 3501 Fort H all 348 - l 69 b0 1 3 47 VII SHORT TERM LHASES FOR W ARTIME PRODUCTION E xvsxsloxs Portzon of L R To G M H am zlton 598 Lum bwa T 980 - 31 12 47 196 00 Extenszon of pre- vlous lease V III SKORT I'ERM LEASES FIIR W ARTIME PRODUCTION- R svsxsloN% N l1

QIENERAL lloTlcs llo 1701 G ENERAL N o'ncE No 1702

GEN ERA L PRICE LEVEL- AU GU ST, 1947 ORIEN TAL G OVERN M EN T SECU RITY LIFE A SSU RANCE TH E GENERAL level of retall pnces of consumers' goods m C O M PA N Y LIM ITED N alrobl, as at 31st August, 1947, m easured by returns recelved N OTICE havm g been glven of the loss of pohcy numbered from representatlve dealers, w as 67 per cent above the pre-war 717684 on the hfe of N aranbhax K alldas Patel, of N alrobl, level whlle the correspondlng hgure for June, 1947, was 66 3 per K enya, a dupllcate pohcy wll1 be lssued unless oblectlon 1s, cent lodged m th us wltlun one m onth from thls date The pnnclpal increase ln pnce was that of petrol Other Bom bay, L S VA IDYAN ATH AN , recorded lncreases were for kerosene and som e clothlng ltem s 30th Septem ber, 1947 M anager 538 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZEU E Septem ber 30, 1947

G ENERAL N oTlce N o 1703 TH E CROW N LAN DS ORDINA N CE A LIBNATION olz LAxo APPLICA TIO N S 1o1 the dn ect allenataon of the land noted 3 Plans of the aleas m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap Office an the Schedule hereundel have been lecelved and thls mtim atlon of the Depaltm ent of Lands, M lnes and Surveys, N alrobl, or ls publlshed for publlc lnform atlon m ay be obtaIned on paym ent of Sh 3 post flee 2 A ny rem arks on the appllcatlons or any counter-clatm s fol conslderatlon by persons lnterested, m cludlng persons who have G J RO BBIN S, prevlously submltted appllcatlons, must be submltted to the Nalrobl, Colnnllsslonel jor fatp7tfx underslgned befol e noon on 30th October, 1947 26th Septem bel, 1947 M llles c?,J Skttve) s

Scyz>m uz,:s

Plesent rent per A rea R ate pet annum per acre 4zn L R Xo Locahty (approx ) acle Appllcant aecordance wzth Czow n Lands Ordznance A eres Sh z143, 5144, 5146 5149, Nyezz 1,380 To be ass G J Hopklns 20 cents untzl 31/12/50 5151, 5148 and 5150 essed later then levzsable known collectlvely as x

G ENERAL NoTlcB N o 1704 GENSRAL No'ncB N o 1706 N OTICE ls hereby glven that the partnershlp heretofore sub- THE FRAU DU LEN T TRAN SFER OF BU SIN ESS slstlng between Devral Ramll and Revulal Raghavjl carrymg on ORD IN AN CE, 1930 buslness on Plot No 477/ 36, Rlvel Road, Nalrobl, under the N OTICE ls hereby given that the buslness of dealers ln style or firm of N atlonal Contractors, has been dlssolved by fulm ture and second-hand goods callled on by Sahm Saleh m utual consent as from 20th Septem ber, 1947, so far as con- Awath and M ohamedall Esmatkl Karachlwalla under the cerns the sald R evulal R aghavjl, who retlres from the sald hlm nam e or style of Sahm bm Saleh & Co at plezm ses N o firm and that a1l debts due to and owlng by the sald late 1 490, M akupa R oad, M om basa, has been sold and transferred 'lirm w11l be recelved and pald by the sald D evral Ram ll, who as lrom 25th Septem ber, 1947, to G ulam husem Esmallp Essall, w 111 contlnue to carry on the sald buslness under the sald firm who wzll carry on the sald bumness at the sam e place m the name ot N atlonal Contractors sam e firm nam e or style of Sallm bm Salch & Co The address of the transferors for the purpose of thls notlce D EVRM RAM JI, ls P O Box N o 572, M om basa trrt/ zz tlll IfJ?lï; zzf?z t'1 zr? The address of the transfereze zs the aforesald prem lses No N alrobl, REVU LAL RAG H AVJI, T 490, M akupa R oad, M om basa 20th Septem bel , 1947 JCr éftll l?7 ér lDtïl tll t!r The transferee zs not assum m g nor ls he lntended to assum e any ilablllties whatsoevel m cul red by the transferors m the sald buslness up to and m cludm g 25th Septem ber, 1947 The trans- ferors wlll pay thelr own debts and wlll collect all outstandm g G ENERAL NorlcB No 1705 up to and Jncludm g the sald 25th Septem bery 1947 SA LIM BlN SA LEH , TH E FRAU D ULENT TRAN SFER OF BU SIN ESS M E K ARACH IW A LLA , O R D IN A N C E, 1930 Transjerors N OTICE Is hereby glven that the buslness of retall trade M ombasa, G E ESSAJI, carned on by Gulabchand Vlrpal Shah ln Plot N o 44 M paka 25th Septembel , 1947 Transjeree R oady N alrom , under the nam e or style of W estlands G eneral Stores has been sold to Ebrahlm Jlwan Jlwanl as from 1st Septem ber, 1947 N O W ON SALE Sh cts The address ol the transfelol ls P O Box 944, N alrobl Annual Trade R eport of K enya and U ganda, The address where the transferee wlll carry on the buslness ls Plot N o 44 M paka R oad, N alrobl 1946 Uncluslve ot postage) 20 M edical D epartm ent A nnual Report, 1945 5 The transferce does not assum e and zs net jntended to assum e 00 any llabllltles lncurred ln the buslness by the transferol up to M em orandum on Colonlal M m lng Pollcy and lncludlng the 1st day of Septem ber, 1947 (fzoionlal 206) (postage, Cts 10 extra) 20 M onthly Trade and Revenue Rem rts tor the G ULA BCH AN D VIRPA L SH AH , m onths of January to M ay, lncluslve (each) 25 D alujerol Oz clal Import and Export Llst (1n force 1st N alrobl, EBR A H IM JIW A N JIW A N I, January, 1948), appllcable to the Colony 15th September, 1947 Transjeî ee and Protectorate of K enya, U ganda Protec- torate, Tanganylka Terrltory and Zanzlbar Protectorate (postage, 15 cents extra) 1 00 R eport of the Boarö of tbe Land and A g11- G ExsR&L N oTlcB N o 1578 cultural Bank of K enya, 1946 1 00 i Report on the Potentlahtles of Frult- IN H IS M AJESW 'S COU RT OF APPEAL FOR growlng ln K enya'' by R alm und H M ar1oth 1 EA S'I'ERN AFRICA 50 R evlew of K enya Flshelles, 1939-1945, by TH E N EXT Sesslons of H ls M alesty s Court of Appeal for H ugh Copley 2 E astern A frlca have been iixed to be holden at D ar es Salaam 00 to commence on Tuesday, 21st October, 194% at 10 a m or Second Progress Report of T setse F1y and as soon thereafter as appeals can be heard Trypanosom lasls Survey and Control ln To ensure appeals bmng set down fol heanng at these Sesslons, K enya C olony 1 00 m em oranda of appeal should be iled m th the Registrar, H M The Law Relatlng to Com panles ln Force ln Suprem e Coult of K enya, N alrobl, or wlth the D lstrlct Reglstrar, Kenya (postage, Cts 50 extra) 10 00 H M Suprem e C ourt of K enya M om basa not later than 30th ttThe Llguru and the Land'' by N H um phrey Septem ber, 1947 (postage, Cts 15 extra) 1 00 N alrobl, D F SH AYLOR , Regtstlar Coples of the above publlcatlons are obtalnable from 10th Septembel , 1947 H M Coltl t (# Appeal /t7? E ./1 the G overnm ent Prlnter N alrobl