
Mediterranean and Archaeometry, Vol. 14, No 3, pp. 55-65 Copyright © 2014 MAA Printed in Greece. All rights reserved.


Giulio Magli1, Eugenio Realini2, Mirko Reguzzoni3 and Daniele Sampietro2

1Faculty of Civil Architecture, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 2Geomatics Research & Development (GReD) s.r.l., c/o Politecnico di Milano, Polo Territoriale di Como, Como, Italy 3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA), Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Corresponding author: Giulio Magli ([email protected])

ABSTRACT Via Appia was built by the Romans around 312 BCE to connect Rome with Capua dur- ing the Samnite wars. The road is an astonishing engineering masterpiece. In particular, the segment which runs from Collepardo to Terracina – 61 km long – is renowned for be- ing virtually straight; however this “straightness” was never investigated quantitatively. As a consequence, the techniques used by the ancient surveyors and their scope – wheth- er it was only practical, or also symbolic – remain obscure. We report here a high- precision GPS survey of the road, performed with a u-blox receiver and further checked with a dual frequency receiver. We give a detailed analysis of the methods used and of the errors, which are shown to be less than 6’. To our knowledge it is the first time that such a long ancient manufactured structure has been surveyed with such a high accuracy. The results lead us to conclude that astronomy was certainly used in the construction of the road and in that of the associated grid, oriented to the setting of the star Castor and to the cardinal points respectively.

KEYWORDS: GPS, azimuth estimation, satellite image georectification, archaeoastrono- my, Via Appia, centuriation.

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1. INTRODUCTION ical and/or hydrographical considerations; The issue of the accuracy required in ar- there exist, however, clear and documented chaeoastronomical analyses is a delicate cases (Trousset, 1997) in which the orienta- one. There are, indeed, times when the ac- tion was clearly astronomical (to the sol- curacy required for obtaining sound results stices or to the cardinal points), and an is relatively low and/or the quantity of da- astonishingly accurate case of astronomical ta calls for quick methods of relief; for in- orientation of grid and roads will be pre- stance, for the collection of hundreds of sented in this paper. The centuriation in pieces of data about many scattered dol- question, although already discovered in mens, a combined compass-clinometer cer- the 1970s (Cancellieri, 1990), is poorly tainly suffices (Hoskin 2001). However, in known, while the road is the most famous other cases accuracy must be very good. among the Roman roads. It is Regina This is the case when ancient architectures Viarum, ‘the queen of the long roads’, or as were oriented with astonishing precision, the Romans called it, Via Appia. for instance, the pyramids of Giza (Magli This road, constructed by the Roman 2009, Nell and Ruggles 2014), and/or when consul Appius Claudius around the year they exhibit perfectly conserved and clearly 312 BC to connect Rome with Capua, is an measurable features, as in architectural astonishing work of engineering (Quilici, projects of ancient Greece (Belmonte & 1990). In particular, the first section of the Hoskin 2002) and ancient India (Malville road, leading from Rome to Terracina, is 2000). composed of two straight segments con- Another context in which high-accuracy nected by a short zigzag section aimed to methods of modern survey are always cross the Alban hills at Colle Pardo. The needed is clearly the study of ancient high- first of these segments runs for 26 km. The accuracy surveys. Among these, as is well second crosses the Pontine Marshes, going known, are many of the land-forming straight for as far as 61 km. works carried out by the Roman mensores. To our knowledge, no one has ever tack- These works, called centuriations, were led seriously the problem of the project of regular divisions of huge territories accord- this road. Further, although it is well ing to orthogonal grids of lines. These divi- known –and actually obvious to anyone sions had multiple objectives: assigning the even today– that the path proceeds with lands of new colonies, establishing the Ro- impressive straightness, the accuracy asso- man rule and cadastral control, regulariz- ciated with this “impression” was never ing the hydrology of the area by tracing analyzed quantitatively. For instance, it is canals along the grid, and finally renovat- usually taken for granted in the literature ing or creating ex novo a system of roads. that the segment crossing the Pontine Roman land-forming through centuria- marshes runs with azimuth 135°; that is, tion is a very old system, as it traces back to along the northwest/southeast direction. the early fourth century BC (Settis 1983), Such a – if true – would have been and there exist famous examples which of great help in the project of the road. In- show the accuracy of the Roman surveyors deed, astronomy could be used to deter- and their ability to maintain it over vast mine the north celestial pole, and then the territories. Perhaps the most astonishing groma (the instrument of the Roman sur- centuriation is the one carried out in the veyors) could be used first to find the me- territories of modern Tunisia by the 3rd ridian and then to bisect it two times to ob- Augusta Legion (Caillemer and Chevallier, tain the northwest/southeast direction. 1957). However, as we shall see, although the The orientation of the centuriation grids Romans did survey all the associated terri- was in many cases dictated by topograph- tory with a cardinally oriented grid, they

© University of the Aegean, 2014, Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 14, 3 (2014) 55-65


did not choose the intercardinal azimuth Specifically, the u-blox antenna was posi- for the road. tioned on the rooftop of a car (see figure 1) The aim of the present paper is to pre- driven at an almost constant velocity of 60 sent the first high-precision GPS survey of km/hour from Cisterna di Latina to Torre the Colle Pardo – Terracina segment and of Elena (round trip), with the receiver re- the associated Roman grid, while the com- cording observations at the frequency of 1 plete historical and architectural analysis is Hz. provided in a companion paper (Magli et al., 2013). Many technical difficulties had to be solved and, to our knowledge, this is the first time that an ancient artifact stretched for so many tens of kilometers is analyzed with such a high accuracy.

2. THE GPS SURVEY OF VIA APPIA FROM ROME TO TERRACINA The first section of Via Appia, starting Figure 1. The u-blox antenna positioned on the rooftop of the car. from Rome, runs straight for about 26 km, then the road crosses the Albani hills. The The Latina permanent GPS station was second straight section, which is the main used as the master station in a double- focus of the present work, crosses the Pon- difference GPS positioning, and a Kalman tine marshes and proceeds to Torre Elena, filter was applied in order to reduce the near Terracina, for as far as 61 km. A very measurement noise (for details on the GPS long section of this path, about 41 km, from processing with goGPS, see Realini and Cisterna di Latina to Torre Elena, is cov- Reguzzoni 2013). ered by the modern road, which has been In this way the geocentric Cartesian co- traced along the ancient one. A few visible ordinates and the corresponding geodetic remains, such as Clesippo’s mausoleum in coordinates, i.e., latitude, longitude and Mesa, survive here and there along the ellipsoidal height, respectively, of more modern street, as do scattered blocks of the than 5000 points, with an expected accura- ancient crepidines (platforms) on the west cy better than 1 m, were retrieved. The two side. coordinate systems are related by the rela- The survey of this segment of the Via tions: Appia was performed with a u-blox AEK- 4T GPS receiver processing data with  X=( Nh + )cosϕλ cos goGPS software (Realini and Reguzzoni,  Y=( Nh + )cosϕλ sin (1) 2013, http://www.gogps-project.org), and  Z= N1 −+ 2f f2 + h sinϕ further checked with a dual-frequency  ( ) Leica 1200 system GPS receiver processing data with LGO software (Leica Geosys- a tems, 2006). Note that the present research, where N = is the ra- 2 2 apart from the analysis of the Roman pro- 1−−(2f f )sin ϕ ject of the Via Appia, had also the practical dius of curvature of the prime vertical, i.e. scope of investigating the possibility of us- the right, and 2.54cm top and bottom. The ing relatively low-cost GPS receivers, like distance from the surface to the Z-axis the u-blox receiver, instead of the more ex- along the ellipsoid normal, a and f the pensive dual-frequency receivers, for the semi-major axis and the flattening of the purpose of high-precision topographical ellipsoid respectively. In order to estimate and archaeoastronomical surveys. the azimuthal direction of Via Appia, the

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58 GUILIO MAGLI et al.

coordinates of these points have been ex- tion from the meridian is smaller than 17 pressed in a local east, north, up (enu,,) km (i.e. δλ ≤°0.15 ), corresponding to a reference system centered in the middle of maximum error in the north definition the survey, close to Borgo Faiti. This can be smaller than 6 arcminutes. In fact, the rota- done by the following equation (see Sansò tion to be applied on a point of coordinates 2006): (ϕoo, λ+ δλ o) to get the correct north direc- tion from the one obtained by centering the

e  XX− o  reference system in (ϕλoo, ) is simply given n= RY  − Y   o ; (2) by:

u  ZZ− o  δ= ϕλ + δλ−1 ϕλ RR( oo,, o) R( oo) . (3) with Considering that in the Via Appia survey

−sinλλoo cos 0 δλ ≤°0.15 , ϕo ≅°41 30'N and λo ≅°13 E, the R =−−sinϕ cos λ sin ϕλ sin cos ϕ, above equation can be approximated to the o o oo o δλ cosϕo cos λ o cos ϕλ oo sin sin ϕ o first order in o as follows: where ( XYZ,, ) and (ϕλ,,h ) are the 0 5.9'− 6.6' oo o ooo  Cartesian and geodetic coordinates of the δ RI≤ +−5.9' 0 0 (5) centre of the local system (see figure 2). 6.6' 0 0

That is, the approximation in the estimate of the north direction due to the considered local reference system is not greater than 5.9 arcminutes (this approximation is well known in geodetic literature as meridian convergence; see for instance Soler and Fu- ry 2000). Note that the rotation of 6.6 arc- minutes around the north axis does not af- fect the azimuthal direction. Keeping in mind this approximation, one can estimate the Via Appia azimuth by ap- Figure 2. Reference systems used in order to esti- plying a least squares regression to the set mate the azimuthal direction of Via Appia. of observed points; in particular, the obser- vation equation can be formalized as: It should be observed that the above equations allow one to define a local refer- (nn−= )(αν ee −+ ) (6) ence system with the n-axis pointing to- oi oi i ward the exact north direction only for (,en ) points on the meridian passing through where oi oi are the GPS-derived coor- dinates of the i-th point, (,)en are the co- ( XYZoo,, o) , while in order to get the actual ordinates of an arbitrary point lying on the azimuth for all the other points, a rotation, interpolating straight line, α is the un- defined by eq. 3, should in principle be ap- known azimuth, and ν is the error. The plied. However it is simple to prove that in i the case of the Via Appia survey, if the corresponding (linearized) stochastic mod- origin of the local system is fixed in the el is: centre of the measured segment, the devia-

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σ2= σ 2 + ασ 22 νiine i (7)

1 m nn−  1 m  oi  where α = ∑ with nn= ∑ 0i , meei=1 oi −  m i=1 1 m  ee= ∑ 0i , m is the number of observa- m i=1 2 2 tions, σ n and σ e are the error variances of the north and east coordinates obtained from the GPS data processing. Choosing:

m e oi Figure 3. Via Appia at Clesippo's mausoleum in ∑ 2 i=1 σν Mesa and the dual frequency GPS receiver (as dis- e = i , (8) m 1 cussed in the text, the setup did not work properly under dense trees, so the image is only explicative ∑σ 2 i=1 νi of the working scenario). the least squares estimate of the azimuth Our final result is the following: the azi- results: muth is 135° 57', with a maximum error of ±6'. This error is the sum of two terms: the m GPS observation error propagated to the ne0i() oi − e ∑ 2 azimuth estimate, on the order of a few i=1 σ αˆ = νi m 2 . (9) arcseconds actually, and the effect of the ()eeoi − ∑ 2 meridian convergence mentioned above. i=1 σ νi The latter is dominant, and, as demonstrat- ed earlier, it is of about 5.9 arcminutes for In order to validate the result, a second the study case. We stress again that this 5.9 survey was performed with a dual- arcminutes error in estimating the north frequency receiver, which was used to es- direction is not due to the observations (an timate the coordinates of three points (at intrinsic error of 5 cm would be reflected in the ends and in the centre of the path). an error of some 2 arcseconds) but to the The coordinates were estimated by static use of the specific local Cartesian reference positioning (lasting about 15 minutes), and frame. This is basically due to the fact that in this case the observations were also for very extensive surveys the approxima- elaborated by double differences using the tion of the actual shape of the earth’s sur- permanent station of Latina, thus obtaining face with the local tangent plane starts to accuracy on the order of a few centimeters be less effective, and therefore even the (Hofmann-Wellenhof et al. 2001). The dual- availability of more GPS observations will frequency GPS receiver could not be em- not result in a significantly better solution. ployed over the complete road segment Using satellite images, this result can al- because of the dense foliage that covers so be validated (with a slightly lower accu- most of it (e.g. figure 3), which does not racy) for the remaining part of the road. allow for centimeter-level positioning. Therefore, we conclude that the azimuth of However, the u-blox AEK-4T receiver the whole straight segment of Via Appia could be employed, since it is a high- between Colle Pardo and Terracina is 135° sensitivity receiver, with its lower position- 57’ ± 6'. ing accuracy partly compensated for by the There is, therefore, no possible doubt to goGPS Kalman filter algorithm. the fact that – contrary to what is written in many papers and textbooks – the Romans

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did not align the road along the intercardi- our case, digital scans); the coordinates are nal direction. Further, the measures do not generally surveyed or extracted from a reveal any appreciable joint between seg- georeferenced source (in our case, Google ments of slightly different azimuths, which Earth satellite imagery). These points are is what would be expected (even taking for usually referred to as Ground Control granted the very high precision of the Points (GCPs). A transformation is then builders) if the road had been constructed applied to rotate, scale and warp the origi- using several different docks (building nal image, aiming at minimizing the intro- sites) working simultaneously on the plain. duced error according to a least squares Therefore, the road was very likely built by principle. Different transformation models a single, moving dock. Why? And how was can be used; in this work, first or third or- the chosen direction maintained with such der polynomials were applied, depending a high accuracy? The answer to the latter on the number of available GCPs and their question will lie in a companion high- distribution on the image. In fact, to apply accuracy survey work, most probably car- the third order model at least 10 GCPs are ried out by the same planners, together needed. with the road. The open source geographic information system (GIS) software GRASS (Neteler et 3. THE REDISCOVERY OF THE CEN- al. 2012, http://grass.osgeo.org), and in TURIATION OF THE PONTINE particular its “Georectification Tool”, was MARSHES used to identify and select the GCPs, apply In the 1990s, a few traces of a regular di- the polynomial transformations, and pro- vision of the Pontine marshes were discov- duce georeferenced image files. These files ered using aerial photographs (Cancellieri, were then processed by means of the open- 1990). This centuriation, based on squared source software MapTiler blocks of 10 actus (355 m), appeared to be (http://www.maptiler.org), in order to oriented to the cardinal points. The centu- produce KML files to overlay the newly riation was tentatively dated ca. 340 BCE, georeferenced image on Google Earth. therefore before the construction of Via Ap- Four images were georectified: two aeri- pia; however, the issue of its chronological al photos with visible centuriation traces relationship with Appia remained unex- and two maps based on the Italian Military plored, and even its existence was over- Geographic Institute (Istituto Geografico looked in many subsequent works. Militare (IGM)) cartography, with the trac- Of course, the pre-existence of a regular es and an extrapolated grid representing grid would have facilitated the tracing of the centuriation. One of the two aerial pho- the road, so we became interested in study- tos had to be rectified by first order poly- ing the layout of this centuriation. To facili- nomials due to the poor distribution of the tate the identification of the original traces available GCPs, while for the other three found by Cancellieri on currently available images third order polynomials were used. satellite images, we carried out a georectifi- All the final KML files are freely available cation of the available figures and maps. for download at the website: The process of georectification consists in http://geomatica.como.polimi.it/elab/v associating geographical coordinates to ia_appia/. points in a non-georeferenced image (in

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Figure 4. One of the georectified images overlaid on Google Earth, representing an aerial photo (after Can- cellieri, 1990) with centuriation traces indicated by triangles; the 13 GCPs used for the georectification (third order polynomials) are also shown; a section of Via Appia extends from the upper left to the lower edges of the figure (crossing GCPs 2 and 7).

Figure 5. One of the georectified images overlaid on Google Earth, representing an IGM map (after Can- cellieri, 1990) with centuriation traces indicated by horizontal and vertical lines; the 21 GCPs used for the georectification (third order polynomials) are also shown; the final section of Via Appia, ending at Terrac- ina, is visible from the upper left to the lower right corners of the figure.

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have found three sides of a square of the original centuriation, located at Codarda (Latina). The square, whose “authenticity” is beyond any doubt since the side length is precisely 10 actus, breaks the regularity of the much later 19th-century grid and prob- ably had been privately drained before the modern reclaim of the Pontine marshes. At the end of the process, we obtained a Figure 6. An example of the inconsistencies in the computer reconstruction of the full centuri- centuriation grids proposed by Cancellieri (1990), ation grid and a computerized viewshed as shown by our computer-reconstructed grid (thin grid lines, with regular spacing of 10 actus, or 355 analysis of the corresponding inter- m) overlaid on Cancellieri’s georectified grid (thick visibility areas, which allowed us to inves- grid lines), using Google Earth. While the two grids tigate the relationship with the via Appia in agree quite well near GCP 8, the hand-drawn grid a quantitative way. exhibits an increasing error along both the horizon- tal and vertical directions; it should be noted that First of all, the centuriation was very the hand-drawn grid becomes inconsistent also precise and very well oriented to the cardi- with respect to traces that were actually first report- nal points. There was no topographical rea- ed by Cancellieri (e.g. vertical trace near GCP 7 and son whatsoever to orient it in this way; horizontal trace near GCP 11). therefore, the grid cannot postdate the road (if this were the case, then every – admit- Figures 4 and 5 show examples of tedly not crazy – surveyor would have georectified figures overlaid on Google traced one of the two main axes along the Earth, respectively representing an aerial existing road). Further, the possibility that photo (after Cancellieri, 1990) and an IGM the grid predates the road is very unlikely. map, both with centuriation traces. A Indeed, in this case every surveyor would warning must be stated here: In general, bad have traced the road along the diagonal of topographic correction of oblique images or the existing grid, that is, along the inter- non-compensation of perspective effects in aeri- cardinal direction. The most likely conclu- al views may render Google Earth not a truly sion is thus that the construction of Via reliable GIS. Actually the georectified Can- Appia also triggered a regular division of cellieri's photo has been used to facilitate the surrounding land. Centuriation re- the identification of the original traces. sponded to the practical reasons of control By utilizing the georectified figures, it of the territory and allowance of fertile was possible to confirm some, although not lands to veterans, and also to the aim of all, of the traces reported in the previous establishing the Roman control and author- analyses. Some traces might have been de- ity via a “terraforming” of the landscape. stroyed by recent modifications of the envi- The accuracy of the grid is very good and ronment or might not be visible on the comparable to that of the road. In fact, us- available satellite imagery. ing a priori (before interpolation) single This procedure also highlighted some in- lines measured on satellite images, the grid consistencies in the centuriation grid pro- turns out to be oriented about 10' east of posed by Cancellieri, probably due to the north. Such accuracy is hardly established limited precision achievable by hand draw- with a solar method, and therefore a stellar ing on the IGM maps, further enhanced by method (most probably based on circum- the extrapolation of a few visible traces to polar stars) was likely used. produce full sections of the centuriation To have a final proof that the road and grid (see figure 6). the grid are indeed contemporary, and thus On the other hand, we were able to iden- belong to a global project aimed at model- tify several new traces; in particular, we ling the landscape of the Pontine Marshes

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in Appius’ times, we searched for intersec- bined with symbolic aspects related to the tions at grid nodes. To our surprise, we sky, as occurs, for example, in many Ro- discovered that they intersect at a node man towns that are astronomically oriented very close to the beginning of the straight (Magli 2008, Gonzalez Garcia & Magli segment at Torre Elena (figure 7). 2012). Via Appia indeed points with im- It is, therefore, very likely – if not certain pressive precision to the setting of the star – that the road was traced from the south- Castor (taking the 1M star at 1° degree of east only, starting from this node used as altitude, it occurred at 315° 59' in 312 BC), the main survey point and, therefore, with and as is well known, the Dioscures (Cas- the key help furnished by the contextual tor and Pollux) were protectors of the Ro- tracing of the centuriation grid. man army (see e.g. Rüpke 2007) and were identified with the two brightest stars of the Gemini constellation as early as the fifth century BC (Castagnoli 1983). Interestingly enough, a quite explicit link between the Appia and the Dioscures is documented in the historical sources, and such a link was fixed precisely at the times of the construction of the road (McDonnell 2006). It is the parade of the Roman equites (knights), which occurred annually at the Ides of July (15 July) and was called trans- vectio equitum. According to the ancient sources, the ceremony was instituted in 304 BCE, and its route started from a Temple of Mars located on the Appia outside Porta Capena, proceeded along the road up to Figure 7. The intersection between the computer- reconstructed grid (thin grid lines) and the GPS- the Temple of the Dioscures in the forum, surveyed Via Appia (thick white line), overlaid on where a sacrifice was offered, and then up Google Earth satellite imagery. to the Temple of Iuppiter Optimus Maxi- mus on the Capitolium. The date of the 4. DISCUSSION ceremony might have been related to that of the Lake Regillo battle (which is un- Many ancient cultures devised and known), but it is at least interesting to note adopted suitable, probably astronomical that the Heliacal rising of Castor and Pol- methods allowing them to trace straight lux occurred around the 26th of June and roads. Among them, one can mention the the 6th of July (Julian) respectively. The an- Hopewell (Lepper 1995, 2006), the Ances- cient ceremony later went into disuse and tral Pueblos (Sofaer, Marshall and Sinclair was revived in imperial times by Augustus 1989, Malville 2008, Malville & Malville (Humm 2005). 2001) and the Maya (Mathews 1999). All in all, the main objective of the pre- It is pretty clear that the Romans also sent paper was to show that, to study an- used astronomy – in many cases combined cient high-accuracy works, high-accuracy with a clever application of simple geome- modern measurement techniques can be try – to trace their long, straight roads. As applied. In this respect, satellite positioning discussed in details in a companion paper is a particularly useful tool in archaeoas- (Magli et al 2013), in the present case the tronomy, since it offers the means to carry well-known “practical” mentality of the out very precise measurements of archaeo- Roman builders (Via Appia was first of all a logical remains all over the globe (if unob- military road) seems to have been com- structed view of the sky is available),

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providing coordinates of the measured ob- with repeated, accurate sighting of the star jects according to global reference systems at the horizon, combined with a rigorous that are inherently aligned to the cardinal alignment of the direction of the road seg- directions. However, it is crucial to take ments with the use of the groma - which we into account approximations and errors were able to grasp only with a seemingly that might be introduced when one moves accurate survey, can only be glimpsed by from global to local reference systems (or, riding along the road, but not fully appre- similarly, from geographic to projected co- ciated. Therefore, it was clearly not needed ordinates) for estimating precise directions, for practical purposes; rather, it seems to in particular in the case of artefacts stretch- have been of vital importance to “build it ing over long distances, as is the case for in” as a ritual act of foundation for such an Via Appia. By all means, the accuracy that important artifact. its builders managed to obtain – probably

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