Alliance Unity and Intervention in Naples ( –)
Alliance Unity and Intervention in Naples (–) of peace had appeared at the end of , troubling events continued to unfold. Repeatedly, local circumstances G forced the great powers to reexamine the Quadruple and general alliances, including the question of what it meant to act in concert (concerter). Simply put, the perils of war and revolution never receded from what the peace- makers saw before them. In the years and , diplomats faced political uncertainty, the threat of revolutionary upheaval, and the looming prospect of war. Since German politics had caused concern, and in December , the French government again had shown signs of instability. e departure of the Duke of Richelieu, a moderating inuence and trusted interlocutor, fueled nagging suspicions about the viability of the Bourbon restoration. Outright assaults on the Bourbon rulers of Spain and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies heightened the sense that volatility reigned in French politics, and conrmed the fears of radicalism and revolution. e peace settlement would survive, but the longing for tranquility would not be satised. On January , Spanish troops in Las Cabezas, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Rafael Riego, disobeyed royal orders to set sail for South America, where colonial insurrections had been underway since –. e disobedience became more than mutiny when Riego proclaimed restoration of the liberal constitution of . e constitution provided for an independent judiciary, civil liberties for the nation, and an elected Cortes to share power with the king. Initially, the great powers responded to the events in Spain with re- straint, making no commitment to concrete action. Indeed, not until March, when King Ferdinand VII accepted the constitution, did it become clear that a revolution had taken place.
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