SURNAME GIVEN NAME MAIDEN DEATH YEAR DEATH CITY DEATH STATE Abbey Julia a Carroll 1904 Portland OR Abbott Edward a 1905 Portland

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SURNAME GIVEN NAME MAIDEN DEATH YEAR DEATH CITY DEATH STATE Abbey Julia a Carroll 1904 Portland OR Abbott Edward a 1905 Portland Oregon Death Index 1903-1905 SURNAME GIVEN NAME MAIDEN DEATH DEATH CITY DEATH YEAR STATE Abbey Julia A Carroll 1904 Portland OR Abbott Edward A 1905 Portland OR Abbott Florence 1903 Portland OR Abbott Frankie 1904 Portland OR Abbott James Plimpton 1904 Portland OR Abbott Sarah Etheridge Larrimer 1904 Portland OR Abernatha Jennie Hazel 1903 Portland OR Abraham Jane StJohn StJohn 1904 Portland OR Ackles Kittie A Seeley 1905 Laurelwood Park OR Adams Clarence 1903 Portland OR Adams Florence A 1903 Dallas OR Adams Ivan L 1905 Portland OR Adams Olive S Paget 1903 Eugene OR Adams Phoeba Jane Andrews 1905 Portland OR Adamson Baby girl 1905 Portland OR Adkins Arthur G 1904 Portland OR Adler Hulda J Johnson 1903 Portland OR Adler Victoria 1905 Portland OR Ady Mary A Mitchell 1905 Portland OR Aerne Anna Dorothea Hell 1905 Portland OR Aertli Balthasar 1905 Portland OR Agnew Bessie Irene 1903 Portland OR Agnew Elizabeth Jane Buchanan 1903 Portland OR Agnew William K 1905 Little Falls WA Ahalt John J 1905 Oak Grove OR Ahola Vincent 1903 Portland OR Aiken Cyrus H 1904 St Johns OR Ainsworth Fanny Babbitt Babbitt 1905 Portland OR Akazawa T (male) 1904 Portland OR Aker Baby boy 1903 Portland OR Akers Robt H 1903 Portland OR Akeson Baby boy 1905 OR Akin Robert John 1905 Portland OR Alarcon Jaunita Bamondez 1905 Portland OR Alband Mildred 1904 Portland OR Albee Edward E 1903 Portland OR Albee Edwin W 1904 Portland OR Albers Herman H 1904 Portland OR Albert Henry 1905 Portland OR Albertani Cecillia 1904 Portland OR Albrecht Katharina 1903 Portland OR Albrecht Katharina 1904 Portland OR Albrecht Katy 1905 Portland OR Albright Jennie Dutcher 1903 Portland OR Aldergot Alexander 1905 Portland OR © 2020 Genealogical Forum of Oregon Oregon Death Index 1903-1905 Aldrich Amorette L 1904 Portland OR Alexander Arthur 1904 Portland OR Alexander Baby boy 1905 Portland OR Alexander Hillel 1903 Seattle WA Alfred Mary E Hoffman 1905 Portland OR Allen Amy Zoe Rogers 1903 Portland OR Allen Annie A O'Grady 1903 Portland OR Allen Baby girl 1903 Portland OR Allen Christina McNeil McNeil 1904 Portland OR Allen Faye Edna 1903 Portland OR Allen Harold C 1904 Buckeye WA Allen Jack R 1904 Portland OR Allen Joseph Pearl 1904 Portland OR Allen Louisa A McCoy 1904 Portland OR Allen Minnie Anderson Anderson 1904 Portland OR Allen Robert C 1904 Salem OR Allen Thomas B 1905 San Francisco CA Alliston Francis Henry 1903 Portland OR Allyn Edwin J 1904 Portland OR Aloria Genoeffa 1903 Portland OR Althouse Wm 1904 Portland OR Altman Dora Goetcha 1904 Portland OR Altree Alma D 1904 Portland OR Altstock Marks 1905 Portland OR Ambrose William H 1903 Portland OR Amos Baby boy 1904 Portland OR Anderson Baby boy 1904 Portland OR Anderson Bryson Scott 1905 Portland OR Anderson Carl Gustave 1904 Portland OR Anderson Charles 1903 Portland OR Anderson Charlot Arthur 1903 Portland OR Anderson Emma H Stahl 1904 Portland OR Anderson Gustav 1905 Portland OR Anderson Henry 1905 OR Anderson Jessie Walker 1905 Portland OR Anderson Jno L 1905 Bonneville OR Anderson Larse 1903 Oregon City OR Anderson Luther D 1904 Woodlawn OR Anderson Mary Nelson 1904 Portland OR Anderson Mary E Adams 1904 Portland OR Anderson Nels 1904 Portland OR Anderson Olie 1903 Portland OR Anderson Rosie 1903 Portland OR Anderson Thomas 1904 Portland OR Ando B (male) 1904 Portland OR Andre Adam 1903 Portland OR Andresen James 1903 Portland OR © 2020 Genealogical Forum of Oregon Oregon Death Index 1903-1905 Andrews Charles 1903 Portland OR Andrews Fredrick Vigne 1904 Portland OR Andrews Katherina 1903 Portland OR Andrews Lorne Wilson McLean 1903 Portland OR Anjola Joseph 1904 Portland OR Anker Sidelia Gant 1903 Portland OR Anrys Kate Mensenkamp 1905 Portland OR Antell John 1905 Portland OR Antinona Acellia 1903 Portland OR Apperson Albert Jefferson 1905 Portland OR Apperson Jennie Taylor 1904 Portland OR Armbruster Frederick 1904 Portland OR Armstrong Edward James 1903 Cathalamet WA Armstrong Engas Sophia 1904 Portland OR Armstrong Ina Maud E 1903 Spokane WA Armstrong James J 1905 Portland OR Armstrong Kate A Neilson 1905 Portland OR Armstrong Martha D 1905 Portland OR Arnold Frank 1903 Portland OR Arnold Fredrick Louis 1904 Portland OR Arnold Mary Nichols Tower 1905 Portland OR Arthur Edwin Miles 1905 Seattle WA Arthur Eugene L 1904 Portland OR Ashby Edwin Ellis 1904 Portland OR Ashby Genevieve 1905 Portland OR Ashly Philip 1903 Portland OR Ashton Margaret J 1905 Portland OR Askey Ellis 1903 Portland OR Aspland Louise Francis 1905 Portland OR Atkinson Jewett D 1905 Salem OR Atlee Wm A 1903 Portland OR Atwater John W 1904 Portland OR Auer Franz X 1904 Portland OR Augerstein Louis E 1903 Salem OR Aumiller August 1903 Portland OR Austein Johanna Modositzhy 1903 Portland OR Authors Gilbert 1904 Portland OR Averill Martha A 1905 Portland OR Avery Ada Ruth 1905 Vancouver WA Avise George G 1905 Portland OR Axelson Carl 1904 Portland OR Axtel Baby girl 1903 Portland OR Ayers Miria 1904 Portland OR Aylwin May 1905 Portland OR Aylworth Edwin 1903 Portland OR Aylworth Laura B Brush 1903 Portland OR Ayres Robert L 1904 Portland OR © 2020 Genealogical Forum of Oregon Oregon Death Index 1903-1905 Bachman Fred 1905 Lents OR Bacon Baby boy 1905 Portland OR Bacon Sarah E Thomas 1905 Portland OR Bagley Ann S Mulkey 1904 Portland OR Bagley Wm 1903 Portland OR Bagstrand C K (male) 1905 Montavilla OR Bailey Ambrose C 1903 Los Angeles CA Bailey G N (Mrs) Barnes 1905 Portland OR Bailey Launsford Y 1905 Portland OR Bainbridge Louisa Alridge 1903 Portland OR Baker David 1903 Portland OR Baker Ethel Wyn 1904 Portland OR Baker George 1905 Portland OR Baker J C (male) 1905 Salem OR Baker James P 1904 Portland OR Baker Joseph W 1903 Portland OR Baker Mary Ruth 1904 Portland OR Baker Perry Grimes 1903 Portland OR Baldwin Frank 1905 Portland OR Baldwin Harry D 1904 Portland OR Baldwin William 1903 Portland OR Bales Baby 1904 Portland OR Ball Mary F Griffith 1904 Portland OR Balsiger Anna 1904 Portland OR Bamberger Adam 1903 Portland OR Bancroft Anna C Cunningham 1904 Portland OR Bankson John Wesley 1904 Portland OR Bannister David 1903 Portland OR Bannister Ettie Laura Stillwell 1904 Portland OR Bannon Mabel 1905 Portland OR Bantz Byron Beest 1904 Portland OR Barbato John 1903 Portland OR Barber Richard Henry 1904 Drain OR Barbour Maud 1905 Portland OR Barger Baby boy 1904 Portland OR Barin Louis T 1904 Portland OR Bark Mark Foo 1903 Heppner OR Barker Devant 1903 Portland OR Barker John Milton 1905 Roseburg OR Barker Merrill 1904 Portland OR Barkey David 1903 Portland OR Barnard Fredrick Wm 1904 Portland OR Barnes Donald Wesley 1904 Portland OR Barnes Edith B 1904 Portland OR Barnes Lydia 1903 Ilwaco WA Barnes Mary Anna Lee 1904 Portland OR Barnes Mary Elizabeth Maher 1903 Portland OR © 2020 Genealogical Forum of Oregon Oregon Death Index 1903-1905 Barnes Thomas 1904 Portland OR Barnes Willard Charles 1903 Portland OR Barone Louis 1903 Portland OR Barr Eloise M 1904 Portland OR Barr Lora 1904 Portland OR Barrett Thomas William 1905 Portland OR Bartel Charles B 1905 Portland OR Bartels Ferdinand 1904 Portland OR Bartholomew Joseph 1903 Sellwood OR Bartlett Edward 1903 Portland OR Bashara Zitar 1903 Portland OR Batcheller Coe 1903 Portland OR Bates Marshall A 1905 Portland OR Batter Eleanora W E Redburg 1905 north of Portland OR Bauer Christina Jost 1904 Portland OR Bauer Emma Elisabeth 1903 Portland OR Bauer Henry 1903 Portland OR Bauer Katharina 1903 Portland OR Baughman Baby boy 1905 Portland OR Baum Baby girl 1904 Portland OR Baumgarten Charles 1905 Portland OR Baumgartner Anna K 1903 Portland OR Baxter Edward 1904 Portland OR Bayer Lucy 1903 Portland OR Baylis Mabel Rose 1905 Portland OR Beach Carlton Truman 1905 Portland OR Beach Laura Harris 1904 Portland OR Beard Albert L 1903 Portland OR Beaudette William 1904 Columbia City OR Beaver Harvey L 1903 Salem OR Beavis Harriett H Turner 1903 Portland OR Becher Emma Vonhaften 1905 Portland OR Beck Aaron 1904 Portland OR Beck Charles 1904 Portland OR Becker Alexander 1904 Portland OR Becker Anna Maria Stromberger 1905 Portland OR Becker Carl 1903 Portland OR Becker Ruth Edna 1905 Portland OR Bedell Al 1905 Portland OR Bee Chung 1903 Portland OR Beeson Elizabeth E 1904 Seattle WA Begier Charles 1903 Portland OR Beissel Frank R 1903 Portland OR Belardoni Vincenzo 1903 Portland OR Belcher Mary C George 1904 Seattle WA Belding Lester 1903 Portland OR Belding W D 1903 Portland OR © 2020 Genealogical Forum of Oregon Oregon Death Index 1903-1905 Belieu Nellie 1903 Portland OR Bell Baby boy 1905 Portland OR Bell David B 1905 Portland OR Bell Hannah Emerine McHolland 1905 Portland OR Bell J (male) 1904 Portland OR Bell Martha 1905 Portland OR Bell Viola C Miler 1904 Portland OR Bellinger Charles Byron 1905 Portland OR Belt George W 1905 Portland OR Benecke William J 1903 Portland OR Benedict Margeret Coyle 1903 Yamhill Co OR Bennett Adda Bryant 1903 Portland OR Bennett Clarnce Albert 1903 Portland OR Bennett Geo W (Rev) 1905 Portland OR Bennett James 1905 Portland OR Bennett Omer Earl 1904 Portland OR Bennett William H 1905 Portland OR Bennett Wilma Grace 1905 Portland OR Bennick Clarence 1905 Yreka CA Benson Ellen Hollas 1904 Portland OR Benson Oscar O 1905 Portland OR Benson Peter 1903 Portland OR Berardenelli Mary 1903 Portland OR Beresford M W (male) 1904 Portland OR Bergh Christina Hume 1903 Portland OR Bergh Hannah Dryfuss 1904 Portland OR Bergman Babette Vierbacher 1905 Portland OR Bergot Victor 1905 Portland OR Bergstrand Matilda 1905 Portland OR Bergsvik Aenis 1905 Portland OR Berkley John Thomas 1905
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