A Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, August 12, 1873. the Astoriaff
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tn A yi t. jwuMKjLiMajgjjcjat-'TrwwwRfM- B nWK f T TRI-WEEKL- Y - I J ASMLO i Yol. 1. Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, August 12, 1873. No. 19. Shipping Intelligence. Personal Notes. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. At Long Branch the ball for the bene- THE ASTORIAff. fit of the Portland (Oregon) sufferers has The American ship Confidence, Captain Among the Attorneys arrived by the Gold in New York to-da- y, 1151. been posponed until Wednesday next Howes, cleared for Cork on Saturday, she Emma Hayward last evening, wo note PUBLISHED EYKRT Portland Legal Tender rates, 85J The Government has received no is loaded with wheat, 27,097 bushels the names of Hon. N. Dolph, official, TUESDAY, TUURSD AY AND SATURDAY, of J. Judge buying; 86 selling. communication from Great which, valued at $24,450, was taken on W. W. Page, M. F. Mulkey, Geo. H. Britain relative to the Manitoba Monitor Building, Astoria, Oregon. A dispatch from Berlin says the difficulty. 7 board at Portland, and 12,175 bushels, Durham, O. P. Mason, H. Y.Thompson, cholera is prevalent in the barracks valued a 10,340 was taken at Astoria. Judgo, Thayer and others, of that city. The Norstandt Zeitung reports that I. C. IRE&AND Proprietor Count Be Chambord has accepted The Confidence is a ship of 794 tons meas- Hur-gre- n Mr, G Shindler, of the firm of A fire in Walla "Walla destroyed a the throne of Prance, a formal tender Subscription Kates: urement, hails from New York, and is & Shindler, burned out by tho big block of buildings used as a livery of which was recently made to him One Copy ono year 5 00 owned by three maiden ladies of mature fire at Portland, left here last Saturday stable, last Saturday night. by a deputation of Legitimists. Ono Copy months 9? years. present successful, will be a Ono Copv three months 1 o" The if on his way to San Prancisco for the pur- Dr. R. T. Deputy Marshal, profitable voyage. A large rice mill in Steprey, a sub- Dunn, Bur Single Number, Ten Cents. "ua pose of procuring a new stock with which urb of London, burned last Friday was assassinated at Corinth, Miss., on Advertising" Kates : The cargo of the barkentine Jane A. to renew business. night. Loss five millions. Friday night by an unknown assas- Ono Inortion persquare, 10 lines or less...S2 nO Falkinburg, from Honolulu, is as follows: sin, who shot him with a gun Each additional Insertion, per square 2 00 Hon. "W. W. Upton, Judge of the A.n incendiary fire was kindled in asleep in month, per square 1 50 3,160 kegs sugar; 130 kegs mdlasses; 120 through a window as he lay Yearly adv'ts per Circuit Court came to Astoria by the Em- Victoria Thursday morning which de- mur- in bed. There is no clue to the Agents : bags rice; 230 bags salt; 50 tons salt ma Hayward yesterday for the purpose of stroyed the Albian foundry. derer. 20 21 Now Ex- bulk; 100 gold fish; 500 limes; 75 cocoa L. P. Fisher, and Merchants holding a term of the CoiiTt for Clatsop The contract for building two new The Anna Won from New change, is authorized to act as Agent for the and 55 bunches bananas. One pas- bark v in San Francisco. nuts, County, beginning to day. iron sloops of war has been cruisjeinthe Astoria senger, Mrs. Johnson, came by her. here awarded Bedford, June 19th for a Any friend who feels an intorcst in tho pros- to John .Koach & Co. of New York. Atlantic, capsized five perity of this region, is authorized to act as Mr. Alva Condit, of Clatsop Plains, and of the Gussie Captain Lf-re- Agent for this paper, in procuring subscribers. The steamer Telfair, at 290,000 each. were drowned. The remainder Gardner, returned from Puget Sound one of the oldest settlers in this vicinity, (seventeen in number) were rescued been days Another heavy fire visited Portland ports reaching Astoria Saturday morning. has spending a few among his by a passing vessel and landed at CITY INTELLIGENCE. friends in this city. Maine, last Saturday. It caught from The cargo consisted of 500 barrels lime, a steamer at dock, and destroyed Liverpool. has completed his the J. "William "Welch 120 sacks wool, 400 pieces water pipe for "We are glad to see O. P. Mason "and a vast amount of property. A horrible outrage was perpetrated contract on "Wall street. works, quantity 47 others" in Astoria, from Portland yes- near Brighton Station, Tennessee, on the Salem water and a of The cholera reappeared in Chatta-nug- a furs, hides and peltries. terday, Hope they will all profit by the Saturday last. Three white fiends The Yaruna brought a barge load of on ,the 7th. It is confined to negro whom trip, pecuniarily othorwise. poured turpentine over a hay from the Klaskanine farm Pridaj7 The British bark Lieut. Mawy which and colored people, and is caused by eat- they fouud asleep, and then set fire evening. left San Francisco July 30th, came into Hon. James K. Kelly, United States ing unripe fruit and melons. to it, burning him to death. There - The excursionists by the 3Iary Bell port under sail Saturday evening. She Senator from Oregon, passed Ogden on Kate Stoddard has executed a quit- is intense excitement ameng the ne- claim deed, freeing all property groes neighborhood, who on the 10th report having had a fine time. comes in ballast and will load with wheat the 8th, He is returning, and will arrive of in the for Europe. the late Charles Goodrich from any threaten retaliation. to-d- ay on the Oriflamme. The Orator from Deep river accompained here be- claims that might be urged in her Thursday morning last, near Perci-v- al them, returning with more baggage than Tho barlts Garibaldi and Porward, load- A Van Dusen of this city, returned half. when he left, but short on parchment ac- ing at Weidler's mill for Australia, Are Station, Iowa, Thos. Woodson, a from a business trip to Portland last eve- The Cubans of New York city are nephew of Gov. Woodson instantly count. now nearly ready to start for this port ning looking as jolly and well-ke- pt as ever preparing another expedition to land killed Wm. Barlow of Nebraka, who A. Adams of Nehnlcm valley has and prepare for the final departure. J. Judge Philo Callender, of Clatsop arms and ammuition on Cuban soil by had left home the day before, armed placed upon our table five goose berries Por list of arrivals, departures, etc. etc., steamer Virginius. is with purpose of killing Plains who was very ill recently, was in the It stated the avowed the aggregate measurement of which is see third page. that this will be the largest one yet Woodson who had received informa- 1756 inches. They grew on a bush only the city last evening. attempted. tion of Barlow's purpose and arming about a foot high, which he has been cul- is city-- , roadside The United States steamer Shubrick Master Ed Hallock in the A Paris dispatch of the 7th says: secreted himself by the tivating for four years. "We understand Mr. A. B. Hallock will The rumor that M. Conocelles was and as his would be assassin approach- returned from Portland Sunday evening, ed fired and killed him. G. "W. Hume, closed the business of be down this week. endeavoring to induce the French and will proceed to Shoalwater bay from Government to to President Grant has issued th? follow- Salmon packing for the season of 1873 last Astoria. attempt Prof, and Mrs. McGibeny returned the temporal power of the Pope, ing order respecting civil service: "The week, and left for San Francisco by the John Dawson & Co., of Queenstown, to Portland last Saturday. is unfounded. Civil Service Board, at its session at John L. Stephens on Saturday, to attend Washington which terminated June 4, are agents and consignees for the Confi- At a meeting of the directors of the to affairs in California. He has packed Circuit Court Calender. 1873, recommended certain further rules 30,000 cases and about 400 barrels this dence. The vessel got off in good stylo Atlantic cable company organized to bo presented by the President for tha season. Sunday evening. ' George Flavel vs. Ben Holladay et.als. to lay a cable direct to the coast of government of the civil service VLJiso Strong and Page for plaintiff. Action at JNew Hampshire, it was unanimously rules, as published, are approved, and -- Venison was served at Arrigoni'ji The new Councilmen chosen at the law. resolved to change the route and land theHr provisions will be enforced as rapid- yesterd:i3 The deer was killed about late election to represent the city in the the cable on the coast of Newfound- ly as the arrangements can be made. Lloyd Brooke vs. James Taylor et als. land. Tongue Point evening befoe last, Ty a Council have mostly all qualified and will Strong for plaintiff, Thayer and Elliott It is reported In Spanish circles in A present New York city that telegrams from party of gentleman coming down the river meet in their first session even- ior defendants. view of the disorganized m a small boat from the Prairie. Mr. at half past seven o'clock, at the Coun- condition of affairs in Spain, vessels Havana were received on the 8th by , ing A. C. Farnsworth et als. vs. SPeorge C. "W. Burrage and C.