
HHUIKIHHHMini SEAL ROCK BEACH 33MgI2ElMIIMtSMiaa33UlSHIIM:Ua3EHttaa3 Health, Pleasure, Profit.

Summer-Trav- ffihetti&e of el The-attentio- n turns toward SEAL ROCK BEACH, which excells in beauty and value any beach on the Northwest Coast. of investors is directed to this desirable locality. SEAL ROCK BEACH will be placed on the market June 16th. The Astoria & Albany road is located to run by SEAL ROCK BEACH. Lots in Seal Rock Beach are a Profitable Buy. KEEN & COOK, Agents, Astoria, .

emus. kvi:xson. F.COOK in gfatlg gktfmfmt. S.ARNDT&FERCHKN THE FORESTS OF RUSSIA. KO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BETOHOUT THE yjm ASIORIA, - OREGON. 7"ssaaj Wilson & ASTORIA, OKEGON: Cnrious Snierstitions as to the Red Pine Fisher Machine Z PURE and the Cedar. MONDAY --JUNE W. 1830 The Pioneer Shop yuntral Hotel BLACKSMITH "Although. Russia is a country of Ship Chandlers, XI UK TABI.C FOR ASTORIA. plains," writes a correspondent, "it is not destitute of trees. Some of HEAVY AND SHELF EVENS0N & COOK. SHOP the forests are immense and man uatku. LOW WATKIt. On European 0?PRICEs there are many varieties in the Plan. AND HARDWARE FItSt. Second. l"ir-t- . Second. the trees. One "of the most com- LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, mon is the pine, usually called the red FARM IMPLEMENTS, A FIRST-CLAS-S RESTAURANT Boiler Ship pine on account of the tint of its bark. This pine grows moat abundantly in Paints. Oils, and Varnish. Board by the Day. Week or Month All kinds of I the Crimea and Small Kussia, on ac- h. ?i tn.LS h. m. ;8 7i. m. LOGGERS' n..i CREAM count of the rich soil of those two SUPPLIES. Private Rooms 'or Families, Etc. . CANNERY places. r. 6 ::i 7 S5 1 07 2J 1 Ki Solicited. ENGIHE, The first branches of this pine 2 18 2 0 2 17 Transient Custom AXD start twenty feet ground, so V 8 sio Oysters, PrIi MimK Kte.. from the PRO 181 ON : 22 11 ' 2S 1.1 :i 22 Cooked to SEIIdODS that one can judge how tall the tree AND w." 0 2,10 lr 4 25 05 1 IS Order. 11 29 G 3 10 M 5 17 --02 5 07 STEAMBOAT WOKE itself must be. The Crimean pine, 12 2DP cot -- 0 7 r r.2 vrrtr tu. im Ftiarit Ml stake Promptly attended to, a species of the red pine, is now 1 07 G4G --1 1 g:u grown to a great extent throughout MILL FEED 18 1 1 1 4KlNg KOK .0 7 ir. Aspecl<ymadeof repairing flAVDRltf A.JENTk A FiKi CLASS SALOON Kussia on account of the great amount The hours between midnight and noon arc of turpentine obtained from SALEM PATENT R0LLEB NULLS designated by a (a. in. tlnw noon l!:in in coiii:ir:i(in mill i in Premises. The CANNERY DIK8. it It He.--t r will grow and midnight by j (p. in.). 0 7 win a de- in any climate as long FOOT OF LAFAYETTE BTKKE1 Portland Roller Hills. notes midnight, oh ooin. 7 d 'note; noon. WINES, LIQUOR? AND CIGARS. as it is planted in sandy The height is reckoned from the leel of soil. Over 40,000,000 logs, FAIRBANKS' 8CAL s. average lower low waters to which tin sound Hood Itii;ian. ami Private Card EXTRACTS I RESTLESSNESS.. R3 ings arc given on the Coast Survey limits. Know: Squemoque not less than from forty to sixty yards WPOR1A. OKh Street Assessment long, and having a diameter ot three Hjjg S SaMLTLSSS FAMIUT MCOICUIC. Notice. gg PERFECT feet, are used yearly as lumber for - --- -. , - Mi t'--l s B. F. & GO. sESS CARDS. house-buildin- g. r ALLEN THE VIENNA Notice is hereby given that the as- Over 60,000,000 cords sessment made by Ordinance No. 1173, are used per year as fuel. The Siber- DEALERS IN M of the city of Astoria, for the improve- ian cedar somewhat resembles the red I. K.W3XXI, Used I sjti, ment of Squemoque street, from Main by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Univer-- pine, differing from it in that its a.coii,ixd Wall Paper and Oil Paintings CIVIL 3XG1XE1SI.. street to Water street, is now due 3UICS anu iuuuc ruou analysis, as me oironjieM, ana most iienltlmi!. Dr. Price s f and Cream Baking Towdor does not contain Ammonia. Lime needles grow in gronps of five while PHILADELPHIA. payable at the oflice of the city treas- , orAInni. Dr. Price's Delicious B County Surveyor of Ciatsop County. FlavorinK Extracts. Vanilla, Lemon, Ora'-e- Almond, Uosetc,rto not contain Poison those of the pine grow single. This : : urer, in U. S. gold or silver coin, and ous if us or iiieniicais. unless paid within live days of final cedar grows extensively in Siberia, AND DECORATORS. Aslo-- the PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. New York. Chicago. PAINTERS Office: l.opm No. 7. Kinney's Ihiclc, i of notice, wit, on and is also used for building purposes, a-; -- -- mHTTUBJjmltmX la, Oregon. publication this to or ,,? before Monday. June 23rd, 1890, the but not to the extent that pine is. The majority of tho Ills of the Iiumaii All Work Cuarantoed. common council will order warrants The wood of the Siberian cedar is Sim- Cor. Cass anil .TelTerson Sts.. Astoria. XT. TOTov rt. o. FULTON issued for the collection thereof. I body arise from a diseased liver. The Faler's Golta Female Pills more durable than that of the pine, mons Liver Regulator has been tha means assessment is as follows: and has a very pleasant order. The LIDDICOAT & CRIBB. North Pacific For Female Irreg- of restoring more peoplo to health, ant --So. No. growth of two -! 1 the cedar for the first happiness by giving healthy U XE i45 AT JAW. XAMEOrOW.NF.lt Lot. Blk. Cost. ularities : nothinc them a Car pou tors and Builders. Iiko them on the or three cars is very slow, but after Uvor than any other agency on earth. MK6Mtd G.Odd Fcllons Building. George Flavel 1 2G 108 80 BKEWKKY. aallibN market. Never JaiU fonr years it grows rapidly until its Ho't & McOurtrie'b old stand, have over 2u0 George Flavel 2 20 108 80 i successinnv u s n ci BOB THAT YOU GET THE GEXU1XE. pLites and draw ings of all kinds and styles thirtieth year. The cedar lives from dwelling-house- s, 5JKX) George Flavel 3 26 105 20 JOHN KOPP. - - - Proprietor. ibv nrominent ladies rriee, S1.00. of ranging from to A. 'monthlv. Rnaran- - 100 to 300 years, while the pine from 400 S12.000. Call and see them. OM'.VKLAM. George Flavel 4 26 101 GO tecd to relieve sup- - GOO. George Flavel 5 25 103 20 to A greater quantity of turpen- ATTORNEY AT LAW. Patronize Home Industry! prcsscu menstrua- tine is obtained from the pine than & George Flavel 6 25 107 20 tion. Offle Flavors new brick building. cornel G. W. Fisher Co., Prop's. George Flavel 7 25 108 80 Sure! Safe! Certain! from the cedar, but the latter pro- Cass streets ; up We and stairs. George Flavel 8 23 110 80 supply :ls Don't be humbug-co- d; duces a greater amount of resin. The Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., George Save time nnil Flavel 5 59 175 00 money; sapin differs from the Siberian cedars J. CURTIS. George Flavel C 59 175 00 GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER health and p COOKED TO OltDER-- tane no oilier. in its shape, which is cone-lik- e. The r: George 7 59 175 Attorncy-at-Lai- otarr Public. Flavel 00 As In Sent to any grow low George Flavel 8 59 175 00 Any the Market, branches on the tree and in EverythlBC socnw fiv the shape of ring. Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Fino Private Reams. OFL&BA 1 GO 175 00 AT AH KKASONABL.E A PRICE. mail on receint of a circular The Territory. Office in Flavel's new brick lir8t Clasg. George Flavel 2 CO 175 00 price, 2, Address. seeds ripen in one year, and it is said building. Cor. Second and Cass streets. ksr. Genevieve Street, rear or Griffiu & Reed's. Hiram Brown 3 60 175 00 THE APHR0 MEDICINE COMPANY. that if these seeds are 'plentiful the Hiram Brown 4 60 175 00 Tie Kortk Pacific Brewery Beer farmers can expect large crops of corn rouv :i s"!r;Tir. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED B Carruthers 8 58 175 00 Branch, Box 27. PORTLAND. OR. or wheat that year, while the amount John Hobson 9 58 175 00 la Fore and Unadulterated. of good ATTOILVEY vine seeds usually foretells a AT LAW. Est Thomas Monteith 10 58 175 00 It elves general Satisfaction and Is Furn- or crop of barley. is Kinney 11 58 ished in Quantities to Suit. bad The sapin Office on Cavi ireet, 2 doors back of Odd MJ 175 00 found growing usually in the northern lMloxcx Ihiiidiug, Astoria, Oregon. Rucker s Restanrau M J Kinnev. E21H ft. 12 58 76 25 Leave orders With A, W. Utzmper Fulton & Dement, V next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, parts of Russia. An extract of the I A. 28Uft 12 58 99 75 next to Foard & Stokes. Tutt's Pills llower is used as medicine. The Kiev J. MtVjlL, Enlarged and Refitted to Meet the . Fopular Demand, Fulton & Dement, E Daily Delivery in Any Part ol the City. willow grows in immense numbers 13 58 87 50 by the banks of rivers. i.;r..-- j u Counsellor at liaw FINEST RESTAURANT IN CITY ! M J Kinnev. N 25 ft.. 13 58 87 50 of frillow Kinney The seeds the Go. Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters. Est Eliza and Malaria, Fever and Ague, are useful for tanning purposes. The I. R. & N. 1cMn G.icuai:ius Street, Astoria, Oregon Private Rooms for Dinner Parties, etc. Meals w aiunney 14 58 175 00 to Astoria Exchange.... 5 57 175 00 Go Dumb Chills, Wind Colic, asp belongs the poplar family, aud Coookcd to Order. Hughes & will grow any climate or soil. K.vXAGA, - Astoria Exchange.... 6 57 175 00 in It is T11K STEAM2R tnr.. THIRD STREET, ASTORIA, OR Fnlton &. Dement.... 7 57 175 00 Bilious Attacks, etc. called tho tree of the curse as it is the Wholesale and Retail ATTOirNEY AT LAW. Fulton & Dement.... 8 57 175 00 They produce regular, natural evac- one on which the betrayer Judas was "GEN. GANBT, City of Astoria 1 61 175 00 uations, never supposed to have hanged himself, and ML mMttffmaM gripe or Interfere itli '1 Office over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. MJ Kinney 2 61 175 00 LIQUOR DEALERS. daily business. As not. Pa it i Kit. Master. ai a family medicine, is therefore not mnch liked by the VaaamSJawS-- 'aaVfaaaaHaaaaaaaPaaalBaaaWvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal MAIS0N D0RE! " GS Gunderaon 3 61 175 00 they should havo a placo In every people. Will Leave 4 Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do household. 25 The birch is the most useful .11 Fythian L & B A 61 175 00 Price, cents per hex. XI. IXSKLL, mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. trees is -- 7 -- RESTAURANT. Est Thos Monteith... 5 61 175 00 of all the of Russia. It used A. G jR. L Sold Everywhere. honse-bnild-in- g S INSTATE WE Warren C 61 175 00 J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val in making furniture, for I ttIMl. BROKER fire-woo- THE ONLY FRENCH RESTAURANT IN Warren 7 61 175 00 Blatz of Key Oflice, 44 Murray St., 3T. Y. and and the twigs are DAll.V lO.t AND THE CITV. WE Bottled Beer. Finest brands KBarth 1 62 175 00 West and Domestic Cigars. used as lights instead of candles, ft Tanzy Point, Fort NOTARY PUBLIC. It is the object to make the Maison Dore Griffin kEeed 2 62 175 00 Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Notice to Contractors. is the favorite tree of the peasants and btcvci?. 18S3. IhebestrcstjiurantoniliP coast where the Itablislicil JHMansell 3 62 175 00 Family Trade Solicited. All orders from lierebj given is called by them "our curly birch." a:; a iivvaco SSBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaai finest French meal can be had. Second St., EANoves 4 62 175 00 the City and Country promptly filled. Notice is (hat bids will c, East of Benton. lift rPPPlVPil nt. thr nflifi nf thn Amlitnr The birch will only grow where there Third Street, next to W. U; Telegraph Astoria Street B'y Co , strip six Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. Asloria, or. C. FRAMTlsCOTIcn, Proprietor. feet wide through the center and Police Judge for the construe ion is an abundance of sunlight. I'ONMa'.lMi W til UAil.iM I of said 1,100 880 00 ol a terra cotta sewer on Jackson street, The leaves of the birch are dried K.)i: street feet from souMi side oC to J lt J. K. Ii V FORCfc. Chenamus street and used by the peasants in taking By order of the common council. AUG. DANIELSON, wharf line, in the manner provided by their baths, and also the leaves are NAHCOTTA a.,.i SEALiiHi) - Attest : T. S. Jewktt, ordinance No. 1170, and according to Mri5Sff--Bl-yffif-MMtta- DENTIST, Standard Saloon. Auditor and Police Judge. specifications on file in the office of tho boiled and prepared as medicine. And ISoats on Slwia'nater I for R. EARTH'S OLD STAND. Astoria, Oregon, June 5th, 1890. Sample Rooms. Auditor and Police Judge, until Mon- "Black Russian leather" is almost ttnom. 11 ana 12 Odd Fellows Building, day June 10th, 1890, at two o'clock v. jr. wholly made from the bark of the birch, HorlbCoTe. Grays Harliop,Soutli Beufl Wines, Liquors Cigars. By order of the committee on Streets and the sap is used as a drink. The Tho only STJOUIA, OREGON, North and And other Points on that B ly. modi cmo which destroys the The Celebrated Pacific Water Street Assessment Notice. Agent for the GUI ON Steamship Line and and Public Ways. flowers of the lime tree are used as a sprin" of Cafciirh. Rheumatism, Pomala Brewery Beer on Draught. theTHINGVALLA Steamship Line, direct. T. S. J KWETT. medicine, wliile the wood is used for complaints, Coisumption'df .not too far Notice is hereby given that the as- rn- - DyflDepsia, "O F. RAFFCRTY, HIT. . Also, agent for "Svenska Tribunen" aud Auditor and Police Judge. building purposes. does not grow Astoria, Malarial and all Blood sessment made by Ordinance No. 1172, Svenska Amerikanaren." Astoria, June 12th, 1890. It Willleavo Flavel's Wharf, eveiy uid Disoasos. It is a safe and positive Also ihc Finest Kinds Wines, Li- of the city of Astoria, for the improve- in all soils. The horn beam can always day at 8 a, m.. except Sunday, when :aro fcr LOSS Of and Graduate Jefferson Medical College, of Corner ot Water and West Ninth Streets he w 111 leave 0 a . m. Manhood Oori. ment of Water street in the city of As- Astoria. Oregon. be growing at arrhea. Is pleasant to driak. Givoitatrisl Philadelphia. quors and Cigars. found near the beech, which 75 toria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Petition. grows usually in the southwestern rnco, cents and (1.25. Offick -- Upper Astoria. Shively, from Squemoque street to West PACIFIC SLOPE MEDICINE CO., And last, but not least TIO THi: HONORABLE, THE COUNTY states of Russia. Tho wood of the Cth street, is now due and payable at Parlor, or the Sratc of Oregon for Clatsop Will leave Nahcotta and Sealand daily at Spokano Falls, Wash. the office of the city treasurer in U. S. Resort Billiard County : beech is very durable, and is used for 8 a. m., except Sunday, when they will h ave T P. MULLINIX, M. D.f Tho Grand Orchestra, and a Free Lunch. 9 JSQ m. connecting Ihvaco. J. C. Dement. Sole Agent. Astoria gold or silver coin, and unless paiJ. KKOSBAUER &P:iACIJ, Prop's.. We. ths undersigned le 'al voters in Sea various purposes. The bark of the at a. with boat at AND SURGEON. within five days of the final publication side Precinct. Clatsop Co.tatc of Oregon.re- - common maple is used for tanning rnYSICIAN H. CRUBE. Propr. L. FETJRER'S CELEBRATED pecuuny petition in&sn. DC CRY OF MILLIONS! of this notice, to wit, on or before Mon- License granted and as powdor instead ot quinine. and S. S. Co. THE Office on Slrect, Main and Cass. - - - OREGON. to Seaside Hotel. C. C. Cooper, manager, to Portland Coast Fostlh bet AbTOULV. day, 1890, common coun- I a June 23rd, the Cambrinus Beer sell Spirituous Liquors at Seaside in said OH, 2UTx BHCK! Special attention given to private diseases. cil will order warrants issued for the ON DRAUGHT. Precinct, In quint me-- less than one quart, IlucklcH's Arnica. Salrc. GRAYS HARBOR. Office hours o to it a. at.. 2 to 5 r. m. collection thereof. The assessment is said License to be granted for three months, Port- 6TOP IT NOW, From Terminal or Interior Points iam1rlBnff Battled Beer. posted or in the world for STR. ALLIANCE. Sails from as follows: having legal indices ills intention The Best Salve land every Thursday at 7 M. : and J. II. CHtter Whisky, Denestir to apply for such license in said precinct. Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhe- r. IT WIIL BE TOO LATE. A. yUl.TOX. TH- E- MLcy West Cijrars. Irom Astoria the following morning. laud- SOON IW. U AKl J. A. NAME No. No. anu um, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped D OP OWNER. Cost. XA3tES OP I'ETiyOXKI'S. ing at Iloqulam, Aberdeen, Cosmopolis and , Lot Blk. Constantly on hand. Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Montesano. I have been troubled many year-- a ith Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. Third Street, four doors west of Telegraph Kaspar Anderegir, 11. L. Eberman, .1. I. disease of the kidneys and hav tri-- d Pacific Railroad J A Devlin, south part 1 136 195 00 E. AL Grimes, Eruptions, and positively enres Tiles, Special attention to Diseases of Women iera umce, lormeriy teiepnone itesianr.int, Atistn. l:. Pelland, L. II. BAY. many different lemedie aud lmvc J A Devlin, south part 2 136 195 00 Abcicronibic, L CoflTiuan, or no pay required. is guaranteed to SHOALWATER a sod Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. ASTORIA. OREGON. F. Pccruian. I. It sought aid from different Wm Bock, south part 3 136 195 00 John 'Williamson. N.Ivimball. J. -. Martin, give perfect satisfaction, or money re- STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland without relief. About the 15th 01 Apr J attention to Surgery, by Dr..I. A. Is the 14ne to Take Mrs C Gratke, S part 1 135 195 00 S. K. Stanly. N. A. Ehennas, F. Goodfcllow, funded. Price 25 cents per box. For on 1st and 15th of each month, landing at I was suffering from a very vu.tc.it Fulton. MrsGWWood,Spart 2 135 195 00 Thomas Johns. Machcl .Mcrchano, A. Ham- sale by J. V. Conn. North Cove, South Bend, "Wlllapa and Bay attack that almost prostrated ms in Office hours from 10 to 12 A. :.t l to 4 GERMANIA BEER HALL ilton, John G. Gcrrltso, V. J. Eberman. J. Center. sucn a manner afd Mrs Ii Ward, S part.. 3 135 195 00 tuai iwas ocaiur. -- P.M. Tc Ail Points East and South. P. Eberman, V,'. It. Duncan, Geo. F. Oefiler, When I sat down it was almost impossible tur L KG Smith, S part.. 4 135 195 00 E. Brainier, C.'lhompsen.C. C. Sackett, ADVICE TO MOTHERS. F. It. STRONG, President. on my clothes, & The Celebrated J. to get up alone, or to put v ca Noyes Bobb, S part 5 135 195 00 Joseph Walsh. MlW. WlNSLOW'S SOOTHTXa Sykup C. P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with t.ie TUTTLE. M. D. It Is The Noves & Bobb, S part 6 135 195 00 to my JAY WEINHAR0 LAGER BEER, should always be used for children OREGON KIDNEY TEA, l I)i ii jfCxir J W White, S part.... 1 134 195 00 Custom nouse, Astoria. Oregon, June 3rd, teething. soothes t Accoucheur. ui Route. ItrunsTkreHffb On Draught HOC un- It the child, softens Physician, Surgeon and J W White, S part.... 2 134 195 00 Sealed proposals will be received the gums, allays all pain, cures The Str. Telephone using the tea. It had an almost Yrstibulcd. Trains Every Day W White, S part.... 3 134 195 00 til 12 o'clock noon. Juno loth, 1KX). for fur- wind effect, to the aston Office, Room G, Fythian Building. J On Ice. and Drawn from the Wood. choke, and is the best remedy miraculous aud In the Year to W White, S part 4 134 97 50 nishing fuel, lights, water, and miscellane- ishment all guests at tee notel, -- 10 12 to 5. J EK ous fis- cents a of the Oficc hours to and 2 S WK-Ja- supplies for this building during the bottle. of next Jas Turk, part s 4 134 97 50 Five Cents a Class. cal year in a few days,I am happy to state, Residence, south side Cedar St., ending Juno .. isoi. Particulars M-a- Mock west of the Hospital. ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. Turk, S part E& 5 134 97 50 WJl. HOCK, Tropriclor. on application. E. A. TAYLOlt, Custodian. that I was a new man. I will C3l Mrs C Gratke, S part Two toughs, of Montrose, Col., tried recommend the tea to all afflicted ' M. IK W 5 131 97 50 to stand up the president of a bank as x nave oeen. K. XILLKR, No Change of Cars, O "EsV'g W INSURANCE. Portland and Astoria. B. Ii, and the other night, but he pulled a gun G. A. TUPPEU, Composed of Parker, S part 6 134 195 00 Graduate of Clevelaud Homoeopathic Hos- Dining: Cars unsurpassed. ' The Gem Saloon. an d marched them into town. A com- te New Drawing Room Sleepers DPBBCo,Spart... 1 133 195 00 Time Tabic. Proprietor Occidental Hotel, pital College, and of Pullman mittee was formed, who gave the vic- Yette City Polyclinic School of Medicine Of Latest Equipment UP lilt Co, S part... 2 133 195 00 Leave Astoria: sania Kosa, ai. aadSerpery. UPBBCo.Spart... 3 133 195 00 The Popular Resort for Asterians. INSURANCE tims a terrible beating with rawhides First and Mam streets, Portland. Tourist Sleeping Cars UPBBCo,Spart... 4 133 195 00 and then started them on the road. Every evening except Tuesday at 7 o'clock The Celelirateil French Core DifteaseK Women a. Specialty. UPEBCo, Spart... 5 133 195 00 or the f Rest that can be constructed and in which sheaves accommodations arc both Free and UPBBCo,Spart... 6 133 195 00 Finest of Wines and Liquors Portland: Warranted "APHRODITIHE" or money K.. . KSTKN. FurniKHCfL to holders of First or Johanna Young, sub Fire ami Marine and Life Every morning except Tuesday at 7 o'clock to cure refonded. D Second-clas- s Tickets, and for div A 5 13C 117 00 Go to THE GEM SALOON. IS SOLD OX A Johonna Young, sab - POSITIVE Y&IC1AN AND SURGEON. ALKX. CAMPBELL. PROPRIETOR ril Elegant Day div A 6 136 117 00 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria 5Qf? GssraBt.ee Coaches. McGowan & Sons, VAN DUSEN & CO., Ag'ts, to cure any spy Special attention to Diseases of Women P J JJgWBDdl form of ner- A ContiHHOHi Line Connecting with sab div A 7 136 117 00 LWKcj affording and vous disease ornoK: Opposite Telegraph Office, up All liines, Direct Andrew Catlin, sab L0EB & CO.. ASTORIA, OR., or any dis- wpon. UuintcrrnvtcA Service. A. 8 (Vhen i4tn& Va Stairs. Astoria, div 136 117 00 Baby tvas sick, "vro gave her Castoria. -- f.fcf- order of the Of tlip Following Keliablc - - P J Goodman, sub div Foreign and (Then aaVdIW generative Pullman Sleeper Reservitfens Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Hohie Companies : she iras a Child, she cried for Castoria, Mj XfilCA" BT--flarj- s . KF.!'.S, 9 136 117 00 organs o4 c r. H B'PMker.'N'wu.. 1 135 195 00 Liverpool and Loudon and (Jlobc. North !7hen she became 3Gas, she clung to Castoria, WDi Z AltriA SAY First-Clus- BEFORE - D Can he Secured in Advance through any Mrs Wood, N part 2 135 195 00 A Large Stock of s Goods. British aud Alercantile. Scottish Union and sQStC vvM whether ar- AFTER DENTIST. GW (Then shohad Children, gare isingfrom excessive Stimulants.To-bacc- o Agent of the Road. w ju ana m. sautn, The Trade National, Hartford of Connecticut, Commer- she them Cutorii the usoof Uulld- - a cial of Caufornia, London and Lancashire VAse WK& or Opium, or throngh youthful indiscre- Keoms 7 and 8, Flavel's new Brick N part S 135 195 00 Supplied at Lowest of a" tion, indulgence, Through Market Rates. Liverpool, Commercial Union of London, HEALTH. f. DISEASE. over &c, such as Loss of Tickets Est G W Parker, N All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Guardian of London. Northwest of Portland, Brain Power. Wakefulness, Bearing down To and from all Points in America, England part 4 135 195 00 Agents for First Class Forelcn Domestic Mutual Life of New York. The largest cabbage ever crown in rams in me jiacK, ouuiLnai n eaimess. Hys- 135 and teria. tNervons Prostration. Nocturnal Emis and Europe can be purchased at any Mrs B Grant, N part. . 5 195 00 Brands. Main street opu. Parker House. Florida weighed 36 J CoJJ-B- I- Balsam i W.T. EUEXEV. Ia T. JIAniX, W C Martin, N 6 135 195 00 pounds, which is Cares Cnancrcs, first and X. sions, Lencorrhoea, Dizziness, Weak Memory, W. Ticket Office of this Company. part.. 4j?. second .T. nitAWlR. 1 134 195 pounds heavier than all com Sores en thi LW and Body; Sore Loss of Power and Impotency. which if no-- J W White, N part.. . 00 Frompt,Liberal Adjustments Guaranteed & giectea otten to premature age Full information concerning rates, time of W White, N part... 2 134 195 00 petitors. SSiv?! Blotches'. lead old and BuEBey, Barin & Draper, train", routes and other details furnished on J Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all insanity. Price 81 a box, 6 boxes for 55. Sent J W White, N part... 3 134 195 00 THE PEERLESS. ot b7 mail on receipt of price. application to any agent, or part. 4 134 195 f03, Jh known u A S5 Attrueys Ben Young, N .. 00 SS Prire, 55 OO per Bottle. WBIITEN tiUARATEE for everv or Jas IV AD H Welch, Thos. Craves, Propr. U Riclian's Golden Balsam Kto.2 der, to refund the money if a Fenaaaeat cure Oregon City, Oregon. A. D. CHARLTON, I Cares-Tert- iary is not effected. Thousands N part 5 134 195 00 . "W. Mercurial SyphiliU'c Kheu-matis- or testimonials experience as Register of A new and first-cla- ss saloon, fashionably CASE Pains In tho Bones, from old and young, of both sexes, perma- ,Twtve vears Assistant General Passenger Agent, Jas W&DH Welch, fitted Pains in the nently by APHRODrmtg. Office here, recommends us 6 134 195 00 All the modern conveniences. Head back cr the Neck. Ulcerated So cured Circular free. tleU.8.Iasd N cart Insurance Agent. - SyphlUtic " Address. THE APHEO XEDICDE CO. la ear specialty of Jiiningand all other bus No. 121 First St.. cor. Washington, 1 1S3 195 00 P"- Posh, Lumps and co Land Office or the Courts. UPBKCo.M part.. My Aim is to Please My Patrons. KEPEESEXTING Cords, Stiffness of Box 27. Westers Branch, Pertlui, Or. lae(ereUie Fortland, Oregon. 2 133 195 00 thelimbs.an.1 sale by C. tavelTbH: tho pracuce in the General UPBRCo,Npart.. Marine Ins. Co.. S. P. eradicates all dacaso from tho system, For J. DEMENT. LMAOSce, TJPBBCa, Npart.. 3 133 19700 SECOND STREET, - ASrOKIA.Olt, With jour name and address, mailed to whether causeti by indiscretion or abuse 4 133 195 00 Columbia Fira and Marine Ins. Co., of Icavi- n- tho blood Hill's Palace .Varieties. UPEBCo, Npart.. Opposfie 3ferciJn pure and UPEfiCo, Npart.. 5 134 195 00 Flavel's Brick Building. Portland. the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Gs., h healthy. Price f 5 OO per Bottle. FOR MEN 6 La lUchau'x Golden Kpanlsb Tke Law dAbstract Office Open Every Night. UP KB Co. Nsart.. 134 195 00 Home Mutual Insuiance Co..S. F. fcr Ami. Astoria Street B'y to atrip six necessary to obtain an interesting treat- dote the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet. of GEO. mLL, - - Sole Proprietor. Phoenix of London. Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Geni- feet wide throagh the center ise on blood diseases incident tal difarrangticentj. C. R. THOMSON NEW PEOPLE WEEKLY. ,680 Imperial of London. the and tie Prlco $ 59 pei Dxamrrs drug stouk of said street 3,100 feat $1 00 Bottle. One Dook xact of Aim to Please Everybody. The only Free I. Lo i W. Case, to it. Uichan' Coldeu tohwt. icobtoamweorflTKMUris. BwaaiufVSi ec Spanish A set Asetract uooks ior uic Snow in Astoria. Wines. Liquors Ci- of coamon council. f cnilflc Kept w and By order the rsjvcro caspsof Gonorrhoea, BrmucawxAx,raBcviitafaairAaotaaax, eomtMy- always pcu gars. : S. to y Abaolatrlr tmtUSmf HOIS TaXlTaXST aMM te dnb - fjyutmi vlrw to .nrachce inuicthe Ire Cela Beer. Attest T. J kwett, BANKER. InjUnini Clett. Strictnrrs.ic. Price Bra tnlltj Trtm 41 SfUu, Ttiillwlw, mm IiSl 7MJUm the exam mat toe of Auditor-an- Police Jadge. 91 per Itottle. Tea tma writ Uem. "-- , h" TTilitlm.TtUffffS . OAeet ad Robb & a--ltd) tm OF ISO OFFERED FOR THE Astoria, OregoB, Jwe 5th, 1890. Parker L? Klcli'nt'j Golden Ointment frr. AUnm HIE MltWAl CI., IttTAtf, 1. 1 REWARD Trutacts ft Geaeral Baikug Buiinen- - AGENCY OK for t.ie eff rt.vj healfnt; of Syphilitic Sores, G. H.Ward, Jr.. Tratdusaa andcruptioiu. x prescribe on board the "Harvest Qaeen," who wss Skin Eruption Cured. Price $1 OO per Box and folly of! Drafts any part of Fire and Marine Insurance, Le l:ichau' Golden Pills Xme endorse Big Q as ths MAN for each drowned May 2S. Oak Poiat. He draws available la the CsnalaH only specific foe eer-tai- n AN ACnXE and treatment; r, the was 9 high,l0. lbs., 0. 8. and Europe, oh Iloeg Kong, Chiaa Ilrin losi of physical pow-c- TO ft DATSjV WAXTKP to 5 in. weighed 1KL bad a and AFith ovcr-wor- cure of this disease. ssiMySTSto sieo, It an Aggregate Capital or One of y cutomcw, a highly respected aad cv.tsi or i. Fl CompRBy BMHUtacbe and cMn wblaken, as was Globe Saloon p. Prostration, etc WBanttnliMttl G. H. IS QBAHAK, M. D. wpteswitaseceeerfeiy.Y. The Orricz Doras -i jutt. to 3 x. to absent from Prlco S3 OO per Box. 1 Dnr-Geo- fs. dressed in black. WARD BRO&, laflaeatial dikes, bat who bow , B waMMi. Amsterdam, N. Y. sanely Ooth PerUaad. - T-- i I'ir-Inc- MnMMdM Uaaer Hew Manatwt. Obd Fbixows Buildxxg, Astoria, Oregon. $70,000,000- .ic i d etc- the car. bM wed Swift's Spedicwitb, exceUeat XrBlybyaw Wenave sold BhrG for iefc ftiM, Jewetoy. - t coasueiwat IMPERIAL, of Loadon. Sent .. ro where, C. O. !., lecurely packed Bf To Quiet Year Nerves, Satoke CkricCIaa WJa, PaeaileiT. California. resaX. Bessys It cared him of a aktaerHpttoa express. Bllriki Oalsl 0s. many years, and It has enrolled. CONNECTICUT,CAKgiAM jcr riven tne oss oisaus-- f lSr(mSibow (Fanaarly Barteaaar at tae "JCesert," Far Site. of Hartford. taat he aai aeaa tomsated with for thirty years, action. paM ki.) Utiewneoi icxmaeid. DRUG CO., AGESTS, D. Co., HMN ANDfLOT, CORNER OF MAIN SBdaal resisted tae caraUTO qodKiet of mmj THE 8ICUASDS0X aaV Oato. ft. Dtchb k icreait BMMfi WMHrVj wfjara. HOUSE 609 sail 611 aarset strest, W Chicago, I1L aHaWfa Niath streets. Lots flatlM. all 31. SoldbyDnggists, Uteata. grafted. Iaaalre of VAN DUSEN CO. Ssa Frsaekce, Csl. Cwair MaH art IK )bWBt Caeo, Oraggist, FU City, A, CIBCTJLAB3 SENT FREE, SeldDyJ.W.OsBa Aiteris, Orsfea, y - .

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