- i --f f w fr- (V iminiiiWHiinimminMMiiii SEAL ROCK BEACH izxisii33SSEix::iaasa2tM::ss::z5!22sss33:5i2::j:aas3 Health, Pleasure, Profit, The tide of Summer Travel turns toward SEAL ROCK BEACH, which excells in beauty and value any beach on the Northwest Coast. The attention of investors is directed to this desirable locality. SEAL ROCK BEACH will be placed on the market June 16th. The Astoria & Albany road is located to run by SEAL ROCK BEACH. Lots in Seal Bock Beach are a Profitable Buy. KEEN & COOK, Agents, Astoria, .

CHRIS. EVENSON. P.COOK GoIm A I'ritNh Ready For a iSfu ga S.ARNDT&FERCHEN Faliers a leiale Pills! CruKe In Belirins's Sea jtofatt. THE DYSPEPSIA. - OREGON. Pacific Irreg- Wilson & Fisher ABIOSLL. North For Female 1 snd-den- ASTORIA, OREGON: ularities: noth'uiir "While iu the other dayi IS that misery cxerleui wiien we liko them on the Iiccoinu :ware t..it v The Pioneer Machine Shop market. Never JL boarded the revenue cutter diabolical ismmseinei.l .0! hi :v s:m:ieli. MONDAY JUNE 23. 1890 BREWERY, fail. Hear, which was The stomach is tho Successfully used lying in the harbor ! .. Central Hotel hy prominent every flbro tl. u mtu I poi.rlsl.cd, SMp Ohandlers, BLACKSMITH JOHN KOPP. Proprietor. ladles awaiting final orders for its de- nndanytroul IowitIiiti.o(Aiii 1: through- TIBE TABLE FOR ASTORIA. monthly. Guaran- parture out v.h ! HEAVY AND SHELF teed to relieve sup- to the Eehring sea, where it the systiiij. A:ioi :i dozen dyspeptics 110 1 v will ha s t I.i !sie pressed mcnslrua-tio- n. is to operate against the seal pirates. JUNE. EVENSON & COOK. Home Industry ! osteins. l);.pj .ftoiaeiivo 8HOF Patronize The veteran Captain Ilaley told me mental :iblUic ! .i.ptrament Snre! ixwoi:iud . HIGH WATER. LOff "WATER. SaM Certain! aro bubject to SIclc II0.1:! t.-i- ; t!:o-- e, On the European Plan. 1ND We supply as Don't he humbug- that his orders were to seize all ves- HARDWARE First. Second. I First. Second. sels found to viola- fleshy and phtegina t:i:atioa, LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, ged. S.'.ve time and be eugaged iu any while the tliiu andncrvoiuart u' aidonetl FARM IMPLEMENTS, health money ; oE . and tion the laws of the United "States, forebodint;-?- uyx'-eiitio- : QOOD A QUALITY OF BEER togloomy Sonic S FIRST-CLAS- Ship no s 5 MS E jx S jtc A S RESTAURANT Itiler take other. and the vessels so seized were not to aro wonderfully luivctfui; thei-- Paints, Oils, and Varnish. 1 1 any ad- hvo h a h As Any In the Market, Sent to great irritability of t ;:ijor. h h la All kinds ol dress, secure bv be dismantled and turned loose, as Board by the Day, Week or Mtnth mail on o'f Whatever form ly;n.i,i:i mav take, LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. wJ Ih. jv 7i. m. AT AS REASONABLE A FKICK. receipt had heretofore leen the custom, but ono thing Is certain, h. m. Ji. m. price, S2. Address, for Families, Etc. they wore to be bronght into an Private Rooms ENGINE, CANNERY, THE APHR0 MEDICINE COMPANY, The midcrZyi't:? cause is -- 1 American port, or to be totally de- 55 S5 2) 8 01 0! 7 53 Transient Custom Solicited. AJTD The Mortb Pacific Brewery Beer in the JCIZ'JEH, PROVISIONS 131 11 300 833 --1 7 8 23 Oysters, Fish. Meats, Etc, Branch, Box 27. PORTLAND, OR. stroyed and their crews made prisoners AND -- Cooked to one tiling more is equally 2 :' 3 41 S 03 15 9 09 in case of the inability of the and certain, no -- Order, Is Fore and Unadulterated. Sear's ono will remain a. dyspeptic who will 2 42 75 4 13 9 3C 11 953 STEAMBOAT WORK captain to get them into an American 3S3 7 1 4 49 10 00 02 10 42 ' It elves General Satisfaction and Is Furn 11 H'ATKR HU, Opp. Foard MttkM Proaptir attended to. s&f GC 525 10 45 0C 34 ished in Quantities to Suit. YOU harbor. It occurred to me that this MILL FEED 1 HAVE will correct C 11 11 23 0 IF AGENTS FOR CI A, W. Utzmeer no appetite. Indigestion, placed an enormous responsibility upon it 12 14 Aspedalty made of repairing Leave orders With Flatulence, Acidity of tho 60S 57 6 57 029 30 A FIRST CLASS SALOON next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, Sick Headache, "all run tlown," losing the shoulders of tha Hear.? captain. SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS yon find Stomach, The teoHts between midnight nnd noon are Hun in connection lth the Premises. The next to roara s sioices. flesh, will The dispute over Behring sea lies TTSSs55i?3 (a. noon CANNERY DIES, Any City. designated by a m., those between Best of Dally Delivery in Part of the solely iu the of three-mil- e lirpel foul gases. Portland Holler Mills, and mldnlctit by p (p. in.). 0 lu 00m. o FOOT OF LAFAYKTTK 8TRKE1 value the' midnight, oh. oom. p denotes noon. WINES, LIQUORS AND CMAK8. limit. Caph Haley construes liis Allay Irritation, Ttee height Is reckoned from the level of Good Billiard Tables and Private Card instructions to be to claim United Assist Digestion, .STMUfA. OKKGON. average lower low waters to which the sound-te-g Rooms. Squemtque Street Assessment Tutt's Pills States jurisdiction over all the seal arc given on theL(foastjurycvcharts1 nnd, nt tho samo Go bearing localities, and he is a man to aaaaif Notice. Hughes & tho remedy yon need. They tono np "" 5, time B. P. ALLEN & CO. tho freak stomach and stand up for his country's rights. He , BUSINESS CARDS. Notice is hereby given that the as- ha3 the ,ivcr iPorA'iisg-- THE VIENNA had fifteen years' "experience in Start lo DEALERS IN sessment made by Ordinance No. 1173, Wholesale and Retalt tne Artie waters, and his cutter has when all other troubles of the city of Astoria, for the improve- BUILD UP poachers. soon disappear. y I. KAYMOXD, ment of Squemoque street, from Main LIQUOR DEALERS. the sagging energies. Sufferers from been a terror to the seal Wall Paper and Oil Paintings street to Water street, Is now due and mental or physical overwork nrill find His good sliip, the Hear, was the same "My wife was a confirmed dyspeptic. Some Do- great relief from them. Elegantly three years ago by the advice of Dr. Steiner, cl CIVIL ENGINEER. payable at office of city treas- Importers of All Brands of Foreign and vessel which took iho lead in the : PRACTICAL: the the mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. agar coated. Price, 25 cents per box. Augusta, she vra: iniiuccil to try Simmons I iver County Surveyor of Clatsop County. urer, U. & gold or silver coin, and Greely relief expedition, was Regulator. 1 teel gnteful fjrlhe relief in SOTjD and the it has PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. unless paid within five days of the final Whiskies specialty. Yal EVERYWHERE. one to discover Greely given her, and may ail w ho read thli and are J. H. Cutter a and rescue the other- Oittce : Room No. 7, Kinney's Brick, Asto- publication of this notice, to wit, on or Blatz Bottled Beer. Finest hrauds or Key Office, 44 Murray St., New York. party. Ifc then belonged to the British afflicted ia any way, hether chronic or All before Monday, 23rd, 1890, West Cigars. wise, use Simmons Lner Regulator and I feci Work Guaranteed. ria, Oregon. June the and Domestic govcrment, confident will will Cor. Cass common council will order warrants but was afterward pur health he restored to ail who and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. chased by the United States. AVliile be advised." Wm. M. Kutn, Fort Valley, Ua. . w. rrr.TON. G. a FULTON issued for the collection thereof. The Petition. Family Trade Solicited. All orders from at Victoria was LIDDICOAT & assessment is as follows: the City and Country promptly filled. mO THE HONORABLE, THE COUNTY I aboard the British See yon Genjiine, CSIBB. BROTHEBS; of of Orejron Clats.i p man-of-w- AmpJiion. magnificent that sci the FliLTOX Mo. Mo. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. X Court the State for a Carpenters KAMEOFOWSKK. Cost. County : ship and splendidly armed, which was with red on front of Wrapper, and Builders. Lot. Blk. legal In Sea- rREVARED2 ONLY BY ATTORNEYS AT LAW. We. the undersigned voters Holt McCtirtrie's old 2U0 Oregon.rc-spectful-ly in the dry dock for repairs; and in .t btand. have over George Flavel 1 26 $108 80 side Precinct, Clatsop Co.,StateoI J.n.ZnnXX JtCO., I'hlladelpnia.ra. plates and drawings or all kinds and styles oems5and C.Odd Fellows Building. George Flavel 2 26 1U8 HO petition that a License be granted conversation with some of the crew or dwelling-house- s, DMIELSON, Cooper, manager, to I Prlee, SI.CO. ranging from $900 to George 3 26 105 20 M. to Seaside Hotel. C. C. learned that they expected to have a S12.0OO. Call see Flavel sell Spirituous Liquors at Seaside in said and them. A A. CLKVELAKO, Restaurant mi Quid jhn. George Flavel 4 26 101 60 Precinct, in quantities less than one quart, summer campaign in the Behring sea. George Flavel 5 25 103 20 Sample Rooms, said License to be granted for three mont lis. Hence I draw the conclusion that 6 25 107 20 01 ATTORNEY AT LAW. 4c. George Flavel navtng posted legal nonces ins luicmnm there is a prospect for a first class row C. W. Fisher Co., Prop's. 103 80 to apply such license in said precinct. Uce Flavcl's new brick building, coruei George Flavel 7 25 Wines, Liquors and Cigars. for in the Artie sea3 this season, with tho ocoad and Cass streets ; up stairs. George Flavel 8 25 110 80 Apent GOION Line and xamks ok Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., George FJavel 5 59 175 00 for the Steamship possibility that secretary Blaine and tlKiTHINGVALLA Steamship Line, direct, Kasnar Andercesr. R. L. Eberman. J. 1. the British may J. CURTIS, George Flavel 6 59 175 00 AIs., agent for "Svenska Trlbunen" and Austin, E. Pelland, E. M. Grimes, L. K. minister have their O. COOKED TO ORDER- - George Flavel 7 59 175 00 Svenska Amerikanaren." Abercrombie, F. Beernian. 1 D. Colfinnn, hands full before the summer is over Atteraty-at-Li- Notary Tubllc George Flavel 8 59 175 00 Comer of Water and West Ninth Streets .Tolm Williamson, K. Kimball. J. I. Jlartin. FIhc Private Reams. JKverythlas; Astoria. Oregon. S. K. Stanly. N. A. Eberman, F. Goodfellow, Washington OFLiBA 1 60 175 00 Urn'SitcM OMnmlssloner ol Deeds for First Class. George Flavel 2 60 175 00 Thomas Johns. Jiachel icrciiano, A. ili'3ii':r Salve. Territory. Office In Flavel's new brick G. ficrritsc, W. .1. Eberman. J. lli-S- 3 60 175 00 Tin: T .Sai.vi: in Slus world for Cass streets. Hiram Brown V.'. R. Duncan, Geo. 1 Ocfllcr, , building. Cor. Second and Genevieve Street, rear of Griniu & Reed's. P. Eberman, IMivr.-?- Jtlic-im- i, m 11 Hiram Brown 4 60 175 00 Brallller, C. Thompson , C. C. Sackett, (Jul:, llrui.ii's vjon's, Salt im m ss Billiard Parlor, J. E. Siuv.s, Chapped SATISFACTION GUARANTEED R. Carmthers 8 58 175 00 Resort Josepli Walsh. "ottiT, 0KK II. SMITH. Hands, (liil!i!ains 'u.-:i-s. ami all Skin ihhi:b:h John Hobson 9 58 175 00 CROSBAUER & BltACH, Prop's. ' k J Est Thomas Monteith 10 58 175 00 Eruptions, and positively cures l'ilcs, ftfSMHBHBBHHKJBBJJuLa A B B h CELEBRATED &1AKKETS. i ATTORNEY AT LAW. M Kinney . 11 58 175 00 L. FEURKR'S or no pay rc(ju icd. It guaranteed lo J money re- OMce nu Cits street, 2 doors back ol Odd BncKer M Kinney, E21& ft. 12 58 76 25 I give perfect .itfcf tciiii. or s Restaurant J 1 funded, 2.1 For mm B BLIwUpB ! m Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. Fulton &. Dement, V Gambrinus Beer rice cents per lox. m9B9'H I 11 ON DRAOGHT. I .1 'JI.Yj II Id 12 58 99 75 Washington sale W. lo:u:. I . A. COWLBY, Enlarged and Refitted to Meet Uie 28ft GambriBMS Battled Beer. iarkef. Popular Demand, Fulton & Dement, E J. II. Cutter Wklslry, Domestic 25 it 13 58 87 50 illnln Street, AIori.i, Oregon. An African craze prevails in Ger- 13 58 87 50 asd Key West cigars. CUBISTRXSEX & CO., FINEST RESTAURANT IN CITY ! M J Kinney, N 25 ft. Constantly on fltOS'HISrrOKS. many. The foreign ollice is Hooded & uml Counsellor at JLaw Eliza Kinnev hand. I. E. N. itiernr Bay Est and Third Street, four doors west of Telegraph with applications, largely from army Shoalwater and Eastern Oysters, WSKinney 14 58 17fi 00 - Private Rooms for Dinner Parties, etc. Meals omce, lormeriy xeiepnono itestauraur, 1SESPECTFULLY CALL TflE ATTEN- officers, but including .ill sorts of peo- tce oa Cueuaraus Street, Astoria, Oregon Coookcd to Order. Astoria Exchange 5 57 175 00 ASTORIA, OREGON. to the fact that the THE STEAMER Astoria Exchange.... C 57 175 00 aoore Market will always hcsupplled with a ple, asking Tor government enjoyment IftKKM KAXAGA, THIRD STREET, - - ASTORIA, OR. Fnlton & Dement.... 7 57 175 00 in Africa. FULL YARIETY AND BIKT QHALlTV "GEN. GANBY, Fulton & Dement.... 8 57 175 00 GERMANIA BEER HALL tmt ATTORNEY AT LAW. City of Astoria 1 61 175 00 Titos. Parkkk. Master. M Kinney 2 CI 175 00 oatee over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. MAIS0N DURE! J Tlie Celebrated Will Leave CSGunderson 3 01 175 00 FRESH AND CURED K1A1S ! I Pythian L ABA 4 61 175 00 WEINHAR0 LAGER BEER, 3Ei M. MAXHKIiLi, RESTAURANT. 5 61 175 00 NVhlch will be .sold at lowest nites, Atiole-sal- e A S T O A r EstThosMonteith... On Draught I 00 and retail . DAILY ONLY FRENCH RE? TAURANT IN WEWarren 6 61 175 RK4I. ESTATE BROKER TnE 7 61 175 00 Wood. ESpecial attentixin plvrrt lo tuppiyhig' THE CIT. WEWarren On Ice, and Drawn from the ships. AKD RBarth 1 62 175 00 Tanzy Point, Fdi Stevens, NOTARY PUBLIC. It is the object to ma'te the Malson Dore Griffin&Reed 2 62 175 00 Five Cents a Class. the best restaurant on the co;st where the 62 175 00 and liwaco. Established 1S83. finest French meal cau be had. Second St., JHMansell 3 WM. BOCK, Proprietor. East of Benton. EANoyea 4 62 175 00 STAR MARKET. TMrd Street, next to W, U, Telegraph e, Astoria Street R'y Co., strip six CONNECTING AVITII RAILROAD C. FRAXCIRrOVICH, Proprietor. Astoria, Or. leet wide tnrougn tne center WHERRir a coruPArjY, FOR of said street l,100feet 880 00 R. J. K. LA FORCE, The Gem Saloon. D From Terminal or Interior Points By order of the common council. NAHCOTTA and SEALAND Attest: T. S. Jewktt, Fresh and Cured oat.s, And Boats on Shoalwater Bay for DENTIST. THE Auditor and Police Judge. The Popular Retort for Astorians. ESEF TO THS EIGHT. Astoria, Oregon, June 5th, 1890. or the North Coye, Urays Bcua Xooms and 12 Odd Fellows Building, SO-tElloXi&- , Do rot be inposca on by any of the Han3orsSontli ll Pacific Railroad "" nnmerota Tho only medicino which destroys the Northern Finest of Wines and Liquors Imitations, substitutes, etc, wlsich aro flcoding And other Points on that Bay. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON, FRUITS, I lorm" of Cat3rrh. Rheumatism, Female Water Street Assessment Notice. Go GEM SALOON. 8UTTER, and E86S. the world. There ia only ono Svvlft's Specific, uompfcunts. Consumption (if not too far to THE OyBDopsia, TD IW. - and there is nothing like it. Oar remedy con- Malarial and all Blood r. EAFIERTY, I. Is the Line to Take Notice is hereby given that the as- ALKX. CAMPBELL. - PROPRIETOR OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOT El , Will leave SteamerFlavel's AVharf, Astoria, every nd ciia Disoasos. is asafo nnd positive tains no Mercury, Potash, pois- It sessment made by Ordinance No. 1172, Aracnlc, or any nay a, except sunuay, wnen 2nro for LOSS andGon-arrho- i. Medical College, CHKXA3ZUS O ats si., of Manhood - Graduate Jefferson To All and of the city of Astoria, for the improve- Ktrcr:. A8toriu. onous substance whatever. It builds up the gen- she will leave at !) a. m. Is pleasant to driak. Givoitntrial Philadelphia. Points East South. Price, 73 ment of Water street in the city of As- eral health from the first dose, and has never cents and 31.25. -- Upper Astoria. L0EB & CO.. PACIFIC SLOPE MEDICINE CO., Office Is The toria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. faQed to eradicate contagtoua blood poison and . It Shively, from Squemoque street to West Cars Spokano Roadway Market. its effects from the system. Be sura to get the Will leave Nahcottfrhnd Scaland daily at Falls, Wash. T P. MULLINIX, M. D.f 6th street, is now due and payable at Wines, Liquors anil Ciprs. 8 a. m., except Sunday, when they will leave DiiiingCarReHtc. ItrunsThreHfclt A; gcnnlnc. Send your address for oar Treatise J. C. Dement, Eolc Agent, Astoria Vest tallied TraiHM Every Day the office of the city treasurer in U. S. O'Uara Inalls, I'ropr's. on at a au a. 31. counecttug with uoat at nwaco. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. coin, A Large Stock of First-Cla- Goods. Blood end Skin Diseases, which will bo mailed Year gold or silver and unless paid Opposite Fnanl ."c Stokes. on bet. Main and Cass. In the te within five days of the final publication Tlie Trade fco. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, Ga. Co. Seletoatefl OAce Fourth Street, First-Clas- Portland and Coast S. S. Tie FrM of notice, to wit, on or before Mon- A s SVieax Shop. m given to private diseases. this Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. Special attention ST. PAUL and CHICAGO; day, June 23rd, 1890, the common coun- GKAYS HARBOR. or money msec Hears v to 11 a. m., h io o r. n. All orders filled promptly and 'Accurately. Fresh and Salt Meats. """APHRODITIKE" refunded. cil will order warrants issued for the Domestic ALLIANCE. Sails from Port- Agents for First Class Foreign and All Purchases Delivered in any part of the STR. IS SOLD ON A RH. A. I- - AXUJ. A. FIJITON. No Change of Cars, collection thereof. The assessment is isranas. Mam street upp. ranter uouse. City. BOOIs ANB SROES! land every Thursday at 7 p. M. ; and D as follows: from Astoria the following morning. Land-In- jr POSITIVE Composed ol unsurpassed. Of Best Quality, and at at Honuiain. Aberdeen. Cosmonolis and Guarantee Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. Dining Cars NO. No.1 to euro any Pullman Drawing-Rea- Sleepers XAXK OF OWXKR. Cost CO TO Montesano. Special attention to Diseases ol Women Of Latest Equipment Lot Blk. form of ner- LOWEST PRICES, vous discaso &m CbUdrcn, by Dr. a, u tuiton. A Devlin, south part 1 136 195 00 THE PEERLESS. LARSON & HSUBACK SHOALWATER BAY. by A. J $ AT THE or any dis- Special attention to Surgery, Dr. J. Sleeping A Devlin, south part 2 136 195 00 STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland of tho Tourist Cars J Thos. Craves,. Propr. -- order FtriKW. Wm Bock, south part 3 136 195 00 Fon- SIGN OF THEJQLDEH SHOE. on 1st and istli of eacli month, landing at tronorativo 4 which first-cla- South Bend. AVillaDa Bay Offtce hoars from 10 to 12 A. ai and 1 to Best that can be constructed and in Mrs G Gratke, S part 1 135 195 00 L new and ss saloon, fashionably North Cove. and organs of4 r.x. accommodations are both Free and fitted. All the modern conveniences. Center. nithnr ' to holders of First or Mrs G W Wood, S part 2 135 195 00 sit Famished 3 135 00 GROCERIES F. K. STRONG, President. BEFORE whether ar- - AFTER Second-clas- s Tickets for Mrs L Ward, 8 part.. 195 TUTTLE. M. P. ad 4 135 195 00 My Aim is to Please My Patrons. AKD C.P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. isingfrom tho oxecssivo use of StimuIants.To-bacc- o JAY L KG Smith. S Dart.. FillCSII FRUITS. or Opium, or throngh youthful indiscre- Noves&Bobb,8part 5 135 195 00 - Surgeon and Accoucheur. Elegant Day Coaches. SECOND STREET. - ASTORIA, OR, tion, over indulgence Ac.,- such as Los3 of Pkjwaan, Noyea&Bobb, Spart 6 135 195 00 Orders Delivered Free of Charge. Country Brain Powor. Wakefulness, Uearins down Office, Room C, Pythian Building. A Continue-a- s Line Connecting with J W White, 8 part.... 1 134 195 00 Opposite Flavel's Brick Building. Orders Solicited. Third btreet, The Str. Telephone Pains in tho Rack, Seminal Weakness, Ilys-teri- a, next to Pioneer office. J. B. Wyatt, Emis- affording OBceliours : 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. All Lines, Direct and J W White, Spart.... 2 134 196 00 :Ncrvou3 Prostration, Nocturnal BesMeace, of nest I7n I nterrHated Service. W White, Spart.... 3 134 195 00 DEALERS IN sions, Leucorrhoea,Dizzines3, Weak Memory, south side Cedar St., J Loss of Power and Impotoncy. which if ne- of Hospital. w wmte, part 4 134 9750 -- Meek west the j b js$ - THE- Ship Chandlery, glected often lead to prcmaturo old ago and Pullman Reservations - Saloon. Hardware and Sleeper Jas Turk, S part WK- 4 134 97 50 Standard insanity. Price SI a box, 6 boxes for Sent R. MIIiLF.K. M. Jas Turk, S part 5 134 97 CO I. any E). Southeast Corner Third and Olncy Sts. Pure 0:1. Bright Varnish. Binaclc Oil, by mail on receipt of price. B. Can he Secured In Advance through Mrs u uratke, a part Astoria, Oregon. DIAMOND PALACE Cotton Canvas Hemp Sail Twine, A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every S3 or- Homoeopathic lTos-BK- al or Portland and Astoria. Gndaatc of Cleveland Agent the ltoad. WK 5 134 97 50 GUSTAY HANSEN, Proi)'!--. Lard Oil. Wrought Iron Spike, der, to rofund tho money if a Permanent cure College, and of New C W North Pacific Galvanized Cut Nail?. is not effected. Thousands of testimonials School Medicine L, and Est G The Celebrated Yeri: atyTolycllule ol 6 134 A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fino Timo Table, from old and young, of both saxes, perma- Surgery. Through Tickets Parker, Spart 195 00 Brewery Beer on Draught. by Circular a4 1 Agricultural Implements, Sewing nently cured Apuroditink. froo. U Co, Spart... 133 19500 CO-B- First mad Main streets, Portland. To and from all Points in America, England PRE Xucliincs, Oils, leaves Astoria: Address. THE APIIRO MEDICINE ox and Europe can be purchased at any UP BB Go, Spart... 2 133 195 00 Taints, 27. Western Rranch, Portland, Or. f Wmca a Specialty. Also the Finest Kinds Wines, Li Everj-- except 7 o'clock Ticket Ofllce of this Company. UPBBCo,Spsrt... 3 133 19500 of Diaionis 1 Jewelry DE2to. evening Tuesday at For saloby J. C. DEMENT. I. UPBB Co, Spart... 4 133 195 00 quors and Cigars. ESTKS. Full information concerning rates, time of U Co, 8 part... 5 133 195 00 Grooeriosi Leaves Portland: D' trams, on PRE At Extremely Low Prices. routes and other details furnished UPBB Co, Spart... 6 133 195 00 The Best t FreacM Brandies Net Lost. Every morning except Tuesday at 7 o'clock application to any agent, or Young, AH Ubrfs Bssgbt at Thin Establishment AH TALL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Johanna sub AND BRANDY PEACHES. y div A 5 136 117 00 Genuine. THE SOUTH CHANNEL, WEDNES-da- A. D. CHARLTON, Warranted night, the iSUi inst., about 200 fath- 1 of Women Bjirrltl iTtrntlirn to Diseases Johonna Young, sub XjuhcIl Watck and Clock Repairing oms net and lines. Corks marked iM8cery. Assistant General Passenger Agent, div A 6 136 117 00 l Free SPECIALTY. "A. B. & Sons," leads the same. Finder will : Opposite Telegraph Office, up A Norman Stallion will ijma rcgon. P J MeGowan & Sons, H. CRUBE, Propr. please return same to Lambert & Lawson. A Fine make the TWilri, Astoria, No. 121 First St.. cor. Washington, Comer Cass and Squemoqua Streets tSZJteasV ensuing season at the farm of T. II. FOSS, at 7 136 117 00 at Booth's Cannery , Upper Astoria. .. Jtr Fortland, Oregon. ssbdivA ASTORIA. OREGON. k Gray's River, Wahkiakum county. Wash- R. P. A. RKK8, Andrew Catlin, sab .... ington. D div A. 8 136 117 00 mf?r lie is a gray ; seventeen hands high, 7 4Hib C. Upshur, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! ACaii TAJ'tV DENTIST. Hill's Palace Varieties. P J Goodman, div G. P. 1 years old, and weiclis 1,700 pounds, and is - A.JT1 9 13C 117 00 Dement. m every way a line animal. 7 sad 8, Flavel's new Brick Build- John Shipping and Commission Merchant Open Every Night. H B Parker, N part.. 1 135 195 00 DRUGGIST. There Is no occasion for the most fastidi- fSS 1E TERMS.-$- 13 forsingle service ; will in- Mrs GW-Woo- N part 2 185 195 00 sure foal for 20. Mares will he pastured GEO. HILL, - - Sole Proprietor. Slain Wharf, Astoria, Oregon. ous of our citizens to send to Portland or IRfji M Sfflith, W. E. Dement It Ca. St. for HEALTH. vAe5 nnd cared for at $1 a month, hut will not he W. T. BCXXKT. I T. HABIX. NEW PEOPLE WEEKLY. WEandA Successor tt DISEASE. responsible for accidents. W. DRAPKB. N part 2 135 195 00 SPECIALTIES J. Aim to Please Everybodv. The only Free Est Parker, N Carries Complete Stocks of Custom Made Clothes Show iu Wines. Liquors Ci- GW Lo THOS. H, FOSS. Astoria. and part 4 135 195 00 Drugs As they cau get Better Fits. Better Itlchati'M Coiaon Ralsam To 1 Baraey, Barin & Draper, gars. and Druggists' Sundries. Cures stages.-Sore- Ire Cel Beer. 185 195 00 and for less Money. Chancres, first and second s MrsB Grant, Npsrt.. 5 Cannery Supplies By Leaving MEANY. ca tin Legs and Body; W C 135 195 00 Carefallj their Orders with Sore Ears" Attarwcys Martin, N part.. 6 FreserlstUas Csatasaaae. Lyes, Nose, tie., Copper-colore- Blotches! BOOK WOO, OF $50 OFFERED FOR THS 1 134 195 Agent tor New Goods bv Every Steamer. Oregen City, Oregon. REWARDof G. H. Ward, Jr.. wateaswa J W White. N part... 00 Syphihtic Catanh. diseased Scalp, and all on board the "Harvest QseeB," who wm JW Waits, N part... 2 134 195 00 afszioan SalTS.and Salmon Net Call and see him and satisfy yourself. primary forms of the disease known as MERCHANT TAILOR. Twelve years expericace as Register of W 3 134 195 00 Barbour's Twines. - us drowned May 26. 180. of Oak Foist. He J Waits, N part... Iforwsglan Pile due Meany. Merchant Tailor. t ''i- P,rl.S5 00 Per Bottle. And Dealer In taeG.8.LaBa OAee sere, recommends was 5 0 weighed 185 lbs., Ban Yoww, N part... 4 134 195 00 P. J. C other bus-a- n ft. in. high, had s NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine. Ail la ar saeeiaRy Iflain and all 3Iercur!alSypliilitic Rhen-matis- Gents Furnishing Goods of Kinds LaaaOAce or the Courts, moustache and chin whiskers, ssd was JssW&DH Wstoh. Cn3TJ.rt.,ar'' acferetse dressed in black. WARD BROS., Portland. part 5 134 195 00 Patns in tho Bones, Pain3 in the ftood. aaa lavatviBg the aracoce in the General N WOOD BERRY Cotton Lines and Twines Head, back of the Neck, Fit: Lowest Prices. Welch. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., Ulcerated Sore Always New Goods on : Also Clean- laaaOatet. JhWsDH Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lumps and con- Hand Npsrt .v 6 134 195 00 County Coroner. tracted Cords, Stiffness ing and Repairing. AND and NETTING of the Limbs, and Water St., Astoria, near Saloon. amd Abstract Office UPEBCo,N part.. 1133 195 00 SEINES eradicates all disease from the system Daniekons' The Law FOB SALE. 2 133 195 00 whether caused by indiscretion UPBBCo,Npsrt.. Of all Description Furnished at or abuse A Fine Bull. UP KB Co, N part.. S 133 195 00 of Sfcrcury. leaving the blood pure anil C. R. THOMSON Jersey Livery Stables. Factory Prices, healthy.. Pi Ico 53 00 per Kind and Gentle : Foar Years Old : UPBB Co. N Dart.. 4 133 196 00 Lo Cottle. FOB MEN ONLY! fen Dee xawt of Dkmsbt's dbvo stoke Go, 5 134 195 00 Jtlclmu'd Goltlen SpanlsU Antl. A. at Abstract Books for Uie Good Condition. UPBB Npsrt.. FIRE INSURANCE dote for tho enre of Conorrhcca, Gleet, wpletesst 6 134 195 00 .conveyances of any kind, on short notice. 1 1 W Caaaty always kept asstedto date. Also 2 Jersey Heifer Calves. ForasrUcs-lar- s UPBB Co. Npsrt.. ji .' Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Geni- KTUOl C General and HERVOTJS DEBILITY; satire to strip six Transferring Baggage, etd, a specialty. Class Companies, sapytftft tal disarrangements. a i mi matins plTrn ttt staeUee is tse apply to G. H. PSTIRSON, Astoria Street B'j Effected in First Prlco 33 50 per X1 Weakness of Sodyaad Kind: Effecti a.S.LsaaOse, aa the erawiHMiefl oi Chinook River, Hwsca, Waah. feetwids throat, the caster Telephone No, 12. Class Undertaking Bottle. VflllllKJ i.axaofErroraorExcesaemiaOIdorTonar. Representing First Lo ttichau'H Ooldon Robust, Nobis KiXIIOOD rallr Rettorfd. How to Kmlarn of said street 3,100 fast $1.660 00 H. W. SHERMAN A CO. 913.SO0.O0O ESTABLISHMENT. Spanish In- StreBCtltcnWEAK.CXDETELOPEOOROAXSftPlBTSoriOBT. u4 jection, forsjverc cases of Gonorrhoia. materia) Inflammatory Absolute! nnfalllnc IIOUK TREATHEXT BcmftU la a dT. By order of the coamon council. PHCMC.... .nartford, Conn New Styles, Caskets and funeral Glett. Stricturrs.&c. Price ra tutlfjr rnn 1 SUtn. Tfrritorie, and Forlg CooatrWi. Carnahan & Co. NOME,. York, Next to astoiitax oDlce. SI r, per Bottla. Ton ea write th?a. Boob, fall oxpIuiaUoa, ud proofs Batted Attest: T.S.Jkwett, ..Kcw Etafed) frte. AiMrfta Wm. Edgar, SUCCESSORS TO Auditor Police Jadge. L? ?lcJist?'3 GWo Ointmont E81E HEB1CAL CI.. IIFFAll, i.1 sad for tlie cffvctivj hcalm-- of Stk, AgeMj Facile Expre sad Wells. Fargo St Co. Syphilitic Sores, prescribe fully Astoria, Orefoa, Jose 180. ENTERPRISE. and eruptions. Pricogl OO per nox. I and tMl Sniff. I. W. Case, A NEW Lo endorse Big U ta. the daws, Tsktcct mchau'ii Goldea Pills Nerve mmmwCiat ta B only specitic for the cer- T. W. and Eram treatment; Ios3 of physical pow. TO S DATS.V MsBsssaass sad Briar Piaes. CASE, e3 mW tain cure of this disease. BANKER. Company. cr, cr ovcr-wor- uoaraataod not to V IMPORTERS AMD WHOLMALR AMD H. EKSTR0M, City Express Transfer Irostration, ttc. v O. 71. INOKA IIAIT.M. D. fuSu Cattery Mrle Class' The Globe Saloon Prlcu S3 OO per Box. mEm MCMBtrtetsr. Amsterdam, r. Y. atari ns sty sad KoMoas. RETAIL DEALCBg DT : Tonic ni.il Nervine, Efl HrdonlybjUui We 'have sold Big G for Trtjsjacta a Qaasral Baakiag Basiasst. Practical Watchmaker, H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, Kent oerynhcro, C. O. 1., recurely packed many years, and has i Astoria, ur ChmlMl Bi it asACaeaaanM St., PROPRIETORS. jcr express. hbItui riven me U6oioiaaiis-- f Cferiattaai Drsfti craws STsOsble Issay sartottas , ASTORIA, OR. action. Casta; Qaslity that Wk. Wi, lrf)lafr. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. AGENTS, I), it. Dycit k Co.. i Iff mcEiiDSE, (Fstsmlj aartssiasr at "Bsssrt," O. . sad Csrese, sad osBoss; JCsag, CWaa Gold TELEPHONE NO. 43. THE RICHARDSON DRUG CO., mm ths see lias of asa Silver Watches, 511 Market street, Chicago, ill. OSFXCX HOCaS A. M. tO S P. M. Gold Plated Jewelry, Clocks, A General Express and Delivery Business 509 tad KlWan Sold by Druggists, slMsis. mM IMBJB I BaBBsl t1 8oUa sad etc, Saa Fraaclsco, Cal. 0isOssasiaMOssi W VSSsrVy aalaHsTavWAM WWi wssnssjilft prices. Repairing Promptly transacted. SjHH9HRHHX VRll OB Pxxxows lOTLDUto, Astsria, Orsgos. at Is CIRCULARS SENT FREE. SoIdbyJ.W.Gonn Astoria, Oregon, AaTOBCA OaaWOK Dsaf. NexttoMorgsSbeman. Your patronage solicited. assHsssHsaaai . 3' iV

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