
HEBER MARTÍNEZ 43 years old Mobile +54.911.4143.7857 [email protected]


Currently, I am a member of the Board of Directors of the National Telecommunication Agency (ENACOM), representing the Executive Branch.

Previously, I worked for the TELEFE Group, where I held several positions in different companies. I specialize in the elaboration of strategies, both in terms of communication and crisis management, as well as in resolution of regulatory difficulties.The latter due to my capacity as lawyer.

I was in charge of communication with the branches of the Provincial States and with the National State, as well as of the corporate relations with the different communication media nationwide and abroad (Latin America), universities and advertisers.

In my more than fifteen years of work in the audiovisual sector, I have had to face, cope with, mitigate and solve different types of difficulties, both in the public and the private sector.

One of my most important skills is the facility to provide creative solutions to conflicts and to build strong and long-lasting bonds.


01/2016 currently Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones ENACOM (National Communication Agency) Member of the Board representing the Executive Branch.

06/2012 to 06/2014 Círculo DirComs. Chairman.

07/2013 to 12/2015 IDEA. Member of the Institutional Relations Commission.

05/2013 to 05/2014 Consejo Publicitario Argentino (CPA). Advisor. Entity dedicated to making corporate social responsibilty- related campaigns.

10/2013 to 10/2015 Asociación Internacional de Radiodifusión (AIR). Advisor representing Argentine television. Institution committed to supervising freedom of expression and LatAm regulations.

10/2013 to 10/2014 Comisión Empresaria de Medios de Comunicación Independientes (CEMCI). Chairman. Entity gathering newspapers, magazines, radios, pay television companies and free-to-air TV stations.

11/2013 to 11/2014 Asociación Teleradiodifusoras (ATA). Chairman. This association gathers ´s private channels.

11/2014 to 11/2015 Asociación Teleradiodifusoras Argentinas (ATA). First Vice-Chairman. This association gathers Argentina´s private channels.

07/2011 to 11/2015 Cámara de Control de Mediciones de Audiencia (CCMA). Alternate Vice-Chairman and Advisor This chamber gathers the entire Argentine advertising market and establishes the audience measurement standards nationwide.

01/2015 to 11/2015 Grupo TELEFE. Corporate Affairs and Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) Manager. TELEFE is Argentina´s main televisión network, with 95% coverage nationwide.

05/2011 to 01/2013 Consejo Empresario Argentino-Ruso (CEAR). Advisor and Institutional Relations Director. Entity with diplomatic characteristics; it is the mediator between the governments of Argentina and Russia to produce commercial exchange.

04/2007 to 12/2014 Grupo TELEFE. Institutional Relations Manager TELEFE is Argentina´s main televisión network, with 95% coverage nationwide.

09/00 to 03/07 Corporación Telefonica Media. Governmental Relations Manager Grupo TELEFE. Governmental Relations Manager

04/00 to 09/00 EDESUR S.A. (electric utility) Chief of Collection for Medium and Large Customers

10/96 to 03/00 EDESUR S.A. Chief of Banking Services

I worked for the Judicial Branch, hired by the Supreme Court of Justice and also for IBM. Both jobs have earned me good, long-lasting friendships.


- Managerial Development Programme (U.C.A.)

- Legal Framework of Financial Derivatives (A.D.A.).

- Activity Based Costing (Price Waterhouse).

- Team work, Management Control and Quality of Service (I.T.B.A.).

- Accounting and Financial Calculus (EDESUR S.A.).

- Credit Fraude (O.C.A.S.A.).


- Postgraduate Course in Institutional Communication, Universidad Austral (2010).

- Transformation = Profitable Growth, Universitas Telefonica (2010).

- Postgraduate Course in Political Communication, Universidad Austral (2009).

- Postgraduate Course in Intelectual Property Law. Universidad de (2005).

- Postgraduate degree in Communications Law. Universidad de Buenos Aires (2001).

- Lawyer, graduated from the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino at 22 years of age.


Universidad Católita Argentina. Member of the Academic Council for the Master in Corporate Affairs.

Universidad Católita Argentina. Professor in the chair of the Entertainment Marketing, Institutional Communication and Advertising career.

Universidad de Buenos Aires, School of Law. Master in Commercial Law. Guest professor.

Universidad de Palermo and New York University. MBA in Entertainment and Media. Guest Professor.

Universidad de Tres de Febrero. Master in Journalism. Coordination of the chair at TEFELE News.

Universidad Católica Argentina. Social Communication Institute. Coordinator of the series of classes at Grupo TELEFE.

Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Master in Cultural Industries. Class Coordinator at Grupo TELEFE.


Interamerican Federation of Lawyers

Argentine Digital Television

Argentina Connected

Technological Convergence


Author of the "GUÍA DEL MARCO REGULATORIO DE RADIODIFUSIÓN” (Guide for the Broadcasting Regulatory Framework), published by the specialized monthly publication "Radio y Televisión Americana".

Coauthor of the book “Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual” (Audiovisual Communication Services), Ediciones La Ley, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Directed by Raúl Aníbal Etcheverry and Susana E. Pachecoy. Authors: Gustavo López, Damián Miguel Loreti, Heber Martínez, Juan Félix Memelsdorff, José Manuel Menéndez García, Ricardo Porto and Claudio Schifer.


Member of the Executive Committee and Editorial Committee of “Argentina Debate”, NGO responsible for organizing the first presidential debate in Argentina, held for the last election in November 2015.

Independent consultant for politicians and companies.

Godfather of the Don Orione Charity in Argentina.

Recipient of the “Communications Leader 2012” Award. Convergencia Magazine.

Recipient of the Communicator of the Year 2013 Award, Vistage Organization.

Recognition in the area of communication 2014, Vistage Organization.