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HERITAGE TRAIL School of Art Lower Church Lane Church Lower Victoria Garden mixingofsmallandlargebricks thecornerNote theclever at ofthebuilding. Club. pottery. Wrecclesham thecelebrated madeat anumberofgreen tileswhich were initsentrance, and, outsidetheMethodistChurch. are you thispointso at over andUnion Roadandcross thejunctionofSouthStreet islandat tothetraffic Walk turnleftintoSouthStreet. At thegates this hallforsparring practiceduring trainingbouts. used inFarnham, McCormick, wholived aninternational boxer ‘Boy’ Inthe1920sNoel timessince. A similarpageanthasbeenheldthree offset thissum. heldto In1910thefirst was Farnham Pageant stilloutstanding. completedadebtof£800was was When thebuilding in1909. built itwas showing vane openingintoSouthStreet. gates iron a pairofwrought memorial gopastthewar andthento bridge, thewooden across walk besidetheriver, thepath andfollow area intotherecreational thegate Go through at Meadow Gostrey Farmer. Jolly asthe timethehostelry known At that was born. was Cobbett William end wall. of which hasthesignSampsonLicensedMaltsterpaintedonan thelastone first (1500s), ofwhich intown isoneofthe oldestbuildings the ofcottages, andthengopastarow reach apavement, untilyou walk left. find road, meets a narrow it where and Maltings building stoppedtheproblem. thebankshasnow Widening Street. upDowning ashalf-way asfar itsbanksandfloodedthisarea broke regularly Wey Untilthe1960sRiver andhops. yeast theothers beingwater, ingredients ale, ofreal grain tobecomea place where malted-maltisoneofthefour converted was was industry it brewing ofFarnham’s during theheyday A former tannery, venue. community arts Farnham Maltingsisamulti-faceted and Today demolition. itfrom tosave residents, Farnham by purchasedThis complexwas theCouragebrewery, inthe1960sfrom sideofthebridge Onthefar tothe walk inFarnham onthispieceofground). loaded withwheat, authorof (Daniel Defoe, F Initially, this is a thoroughfare without pavements, so keep to the left, totheleft, sokeep withoutpavements, this is athoroughfare Initially, Read the large plaque giving information about the building and its architect. This was the first public work designed by Edwin Lutyens to be built. tobebuilt. Lutyens Edwin designedby thefirst work This was public Readthelargeplaquegiving information anditsarchitect. aboutthebuilding ARNHAM MAL GOSTREY MEADO Look across the road to your rightandsee toyour theroad Look across Turn left and walk over Longbridge then cross into then cross Longbridge over leftandwalk Turn plaque 8 Robinson Crusoe . , wrote, in 1722, that a man had told him that he had once counted 1,100 teams of horses, all drawing wagons orcarts, wagons alldrawing hehadoncecounted1,100teamsofhorses, amanhadtold himthat that in1722, wrote, , To your right are the town council offices and a tourist information point. This building has some fine windows hassomefinewindows This building councilofficesandatourist right information thetown your are point. To TINGS Continue walking past The past walking Continue theinnwhere On your way lookleft way On your plaque 7 W wooden bridge crossing the River Wey. Note the heritage plaque on the bridge as you cross it. Notetheheritage it. plaqueonthebridge cross asyou Wey. bridge theRiver crossing wooden turnright, carpark Yard Wagon Council. Borough Waverley with inco-operation Ltd. Trust Preservation) theFarnham (Buildings 20thcentury which inthelate by refurbished was 17th century frontage, Lane Church intothestreet. first from floorwindows thrown was waste human body timeswhen Tudor in sewers usedasoverground Gutters thuspositionedwere of theroad. War companiesforfilmsetsinprogrammes such television as usedby isfrequently This street inexistencenextdoor. made whentheforgewas were They doorofthehouse. Notethehingesonfront American colonies. withthe the war which in1784tofinance introduced was Tax, theBrick ofavoiding oftenusedasaway tiles were Mathematical tiles-notbricks 1757incisedintooneofthemathematical appear. Bradly asthey oppositethechurch theporch ofthehouseimmediately andfindthenameofE. gate above At thispoint, . At the end of this lane turn left into Lower Church Lane Church At theendof this lane turnleft into Lower . Turn Turn . Number 31 (on the right) is an example of a late 16th century building, witha Number31(ontheright) 16thcentury isanexampleofalate building, . and see the former Church House (now The Vineyard Church) with a weather Church) withaweather Vineyard The andseetheformer Church House(now plaque 6 At the northern edge of this building find find ofthisbuilding At thenorthern edge Farnham Hospital. The composer, Arthur Sullivan (later Sir Arthur), was was Arthur), Arthur Sir (later Sullivan The composer, Farnham Hospital. setto communion asilver Shealsogave visitortothe Pagets. frequent a Nightingale was Florence family. the homeofPaget was it when asLowlands earlierknown was The latter entertainmentthe theatre's suite. usedas Houseandthehousewas onceadjacenttoBrightwell was Theatre The former Redgrave House. andBrightwell liesBrightwells Ahead ofyou Victoria Gardenis The bath. inlinefor accesstothe whilewaiting held, children withthepenniesthey of generations madeby marksinthebricks were The concave designs. each framesat sideofthearch which Falkner’s two anotherofHarold was the lintelsabove The whitepaintedlettering canstillbeseenonthewooden DiamondJubileein1897. Victoria’s Queen tocommemorate subscription, public by entrance totheformer which bath built, was swimming the This was arch building. which of thesideofLutyens isacontinuation Club. thesideofLiberal at alongthepath Walk VICTORIA GARDEN VICTORIA , is at the junction of Upper and Middle Church Lane. Lane. thejunctionofUpperandMiddleChurch isat , right walk between the parked vehicles, then left, andontoa thenleft, vehicles, theparked between walk . Walk past the church and stop outside the Liberal andstopoutsidetheLiberal pastthechurch Walk behind the wall and open tothepublic behind thewall Turn right Turn and walk past a row of cottages. ofcottages. pastarow andwalk plaque 9 . Note the gutter in the centre . The William Cobbett At the end of Lower At theendofLower At the entrance to At theentrance . Look at thelarge Lookat Look up Foyle’s Foyle’s . also a visitor to the Pagets and wrote An Idyll and dedicated it to Farnham, particularly those visiting Waverley Abbey (the first them after one of his visits to Farnham. Cistercian monastery in this country). They crossed the River Wey Return to South Street and look around you at this point. at Longbridge - where there was once a ford - then turn left along FARNHAM Note the square building at the junction of Victoria Road and Abbey Street then right over what is now the bypass followed by the facing the United Reformed Church. This was Farnham’s first railway level crossing and then on to the abbey. (South Street was HERITAGE TRAIL School of Art. Later the art school moved to West Street. It is now not constructed for another 742 years after the abbey had been in Falkner Road and is designated as the University for the founded). Turn and walk back to the pedestrian crossing and Creative Arts. Continue to walk towards the town centre cross the road. Turn right and walk a few yards to reach the foot traffic lights noting the display, on a right-hand wall, dedicated of Castle Street where this tour began. St Andrew's Church to Farnham’s most famous sons. It is hoped that, having followed the route, you have spent an enjoyable hour or two on a whistle-stop tour of Farnham. THE WOOLMEAD HERITAGE SURROUNDING FARNHAM Cross over the road at the traffic lights to the flower beds in the Woolmead open area. Plaque 10 is on the building on More information can be found in the Museum of Farnham, the the extreme left. Note the milestone adjacent to the traffic light public library and from books available in local bookshops including pole. It shows this point in Farnham as being 38 miles from the fact that only one mile from the town centre is the site of what London. This area was once the site of a toll bar at the entrance to is recognised as the first village in England. It is marked by an the town. Look back to South Street down which you have just inscribed stone and is not far from the Six Bells Roundabout walked. This thoroughfare was completed in 1870 (at a cost of (formerly known as the Tin Hut Roundabout). nearly £3,000) to connect the town to the railway station, which Remains of a Roman villa and bath (now had been built in 1849. South Street is the only major town street grassed over or built upon) lie 200 yards in Farnham not to have buildings numbered consecutively. from this Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) site and amongst the many famous people who are closely connected with, or lived in, the THE BOROUGH Farnham area are J.M. Barrie, Jonathan Swift, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Sir Arthur Cross the traffic lights diagonally, walk right and stop outside Conan Doyle, Robert Baden-Powell, Peter the Bush Hotel Courtyard. Here you can see plaque 11. The Pears, Dame Vera Lynn, Jessie Matthews and Bush Hotel is the town’s oldest hostelry where people have imbibed Liza Goddard. Waverley Abbey (1128), the first Cistercian alcoholic beverages for over 500 years. It was a coaching inn, is monastery in this country, is just two miles from the town centre, reputed to have several ghosts and has an indoor sundial on the the first two-seater petrol-driven car in this country was constructed ceiling of its Oak Lounge. Leave The Bush Hotel, continue in West Street and Mike Hawthorn, the racing driver who first westward

—— Preview end. ——

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