LOVES a CHEERFUL GIVER Pope Francis Has Appointed 14 New Cardinals on June 28

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LOVES a CHEERFUL GIVER Pope Francis Has Appointed 14 New Cardinals on June 28 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 8, 2018 GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER Pope Francis has appointed 14 new cardinals on June 28 ope Francis first announced the names of the 14 new cardinals from 11 countries on Thursday evening, June 28, during the Ordinary Public Consistory in Rome at P the St. Peter’s Basilica. The cardinals-designate are from Bolivia, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Peru, Madagascar, Mexico and Spain. Pope Francis explained that the places from where the new cardinals come “expresses the universality of the Church, which contin- ues to announce the merciful love of God to all men and women on earth”. He said their nominations “manifest the unbreakable bond between the See of Peter and the lo- cal Churches throughout the world”. The 11 new cardinals under the age of 80, who will be active participants in a future conclave, are: ● Patriarch Louis Raphaël I Sako, Iraqi, Chaldean Catholic Patriarch of Babylon and the Head of the Chaldean Catholic Church. ● Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, Spaniard, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. ● Archbishop Angelo De Donatis, Italian, Vicar General of Rome. ● Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu, Italian, Substitute of the Vatican’s Secretariat of State. ● Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, Polish, Almoner of the Office of Papal Charities. ● Archbishop Joseph Coutts, of Karachi, Pakistan. ● Bishop António Augusto dos Santos Marto, Bishop of Leiria-Fátima, Portugal. ● Archbishop Pedro Ricardo Barreto Jimeno, Archbishop of Huancayo, Peru. ● Archbishop Désiré Tsarahazana, Archbishop of Toamasina, Madagascar. ● Archbishop Giuseppe Petrocchi, Archbishop of L’Aquila, Italy. ● Archbishop Thomas Aquino Manyo Maeda, Archbishop of Osaka, Japan. Pope Francis also created three new cardinals who are above the age of 80, deciding to honor them for their service to the Church. These men are: Archbishop Sergio Obeso Rivera, the Archbishop Emeritus of Xalapa, Mexico; Bishop Toribio Ticona Porco, the emeritus of Corocoro, Bolivia; and Father Aquilino Bocos Merino, a Spanish Claretian. As of June 29, when the new cardinals are inducted, the total number of cardinals will be 227, of whom 125 will be under 80, meaning able to vote for a new pope. That’s well above the traditional ceiling of 120 electors established under Blessed Pope Paul VI. GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER With Every Good Wish "O come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord" Psalm 134:1 In thanksgiving for his 40 years of dedication to the priesthood, we would like to invite you to join us in celebrating Fr. Phil Lloyd during the 10:00 a.m. Mass Sunday, July 15, 2018 A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall after Mass. What Is the Secular Discalced Carmelite Order? (For lay men and women 18 years and older) “My vocation is love!” – St. Therese of Lisieux St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face Secular Discalced Carmelites will meet with us on Saturday, July 21, 2018 12:00 p.m. Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall followed by Marian Prayer and readings. To RSVP and for more information please send an email to [email protected] RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Interested in becoming Catholic? Are you a Catholic who wishes to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? Next RCIA inquiries are July 8th, and July 29th, at 9:00 a.m. in the Church office. Please contact Ginger Tamborello at [email protected] GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER Faith Formation is equipping people to live as Disciples of Jesus. In his latest book, Generations FAITH Together, John Roberto reaffirms a traditional, but very rich notion that “faith formation in- FORMATION forms, forms, and transforms the person— whether child, youth, or adult—into a robust, vital, and life-giving Catholic Faith that is holistic: a way of the head, the heart, and the hands.” Calling all 2018-2019 Faith Formation Volunteers Registration Please prayerfully Pre-K4 through 12th grade consider joining our Faith Formation team! We are now registering for Faith Formation on- For more information line at From the home about registration and/or page, just click on the Ministries tab, then Faith volunteer opportunities, Formation where you will find the link to register please contact: Janice for classes. You can also stop by the Church Berger at offices and register with the receptionist. Please [email protected] or contact Janice Berger at [email protected] 713.869.3783, ext. 335. or 713-869-3783, ext. 335 with any questions. Now accepting applications PK3—8th grade for the 2018-2019 school year Register at www.StTheresaSchool.ccContact Kelly McCarty, Director of Admissions at [email protected] WOMEN’S SUMMER BOOK GROUP Join us for one or all of the Fridays! FIVE PILLARS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE BY FR. ROBERT SPITZER, S.J. June 22 thru Aug. 3 *Eucharist 10am - noon *Prayer Fellowship Hall *Beatitudes Please RSVP *Holy Spirit at 713.501.0663 *Contemplative Life to reserve a book. CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM CELEBRATION OF JUNE FIRST COMMUNION JUNE We welcome these new Catholics into the Roman Catholic Church by the Sacrament of Please join us in congratulating Holy Baptism. the following children who received First Holy Communion. Thomas Michael Gilliam Arya Matilda Parameswaran Henry Pierce Ling Javier Adrian Paredes Tovar Gabriel Lopez Carreon Mariana Elise Shippen Jedric Kirk Ponce Garcia Angelo Michael Velasquez Lincoln Thomas Bowman Easton Barrett Schindler Gabriel Henson Rayos Hudson Paris Schindler Matthew Bernard Del Rio CELEBRATION OF MATRIMONY JUNE We congratulate those couples, who received the Sacrament of Marriage. May God bless them each and every Recently deceased: day and enlighten you with His grace. Theresa Michalewicz and Audrey Morrow David Garcia Joyce Alene Telschow Cipolla Alvin J. Kainer Marissa Young and Franco Sala Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine Erin Beverick and upon them. Damon Sylvester And may the souls of all the faithful departed, Kory Vincent and through the mercy of God, Jake Boos rest in peace. Jody Henry and Amen GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER HOW DO I BECOME A COMMITED ADORER? Take Courage, Get Up, He is Calling YOU! Please sign up today! Commit to be an adorer for one hour a month. Please know we still have many hours with only one adorer. St. Theresa’s Hours of Adoration: Tuesday and Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. We are in need of a committed adorer on Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m. and on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. For more information contact Diana Sepulveda at 713.542.4706 HELPFUL PHONE NUMBERS AND WEBSITES HOUSTON POLICE: 911 NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE CENTER: 1-800-273-8255 |Available 24 HOUSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT hours everyday | Online Chat: https:// NON-EMERGENCY CALLS: 713- 884-3131— NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS (NA): HOUSTON FIRE DEPARTMENT: 311 713-661–4200 —- NATIONAL EMERGENCY CHILD LOCATOR SEX ADDICTS ANONYMOUS (SAA): CENTER: 1-866-908-9570 713- 405-1142 — AMERICAN RED CROSS: 1-800-RED-CROSS COUNSELING (GRIEF, FAMILY, ETC.): Volunteer at Catholic Charities | 713-526-4611 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: The Bridge Over Troubled Waters FAMILIES OF ADDICTS: 24 Hour Hotline: 713-473-2801 Al-Anon Family Groups 713-683-7227 UNITED WAY OF GREATER HOUSTON: 211 Texas/United Way Helpline ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (AA): Available 24/7 713-686-6300 — OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS (OA): CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER: 713-973-6633 — 713-961-3993 | Bienvenidos E N E S P A Ñ O L Noticias Mis más cordiales deseos "¡Ea, vamos! Bendigan al Señor todos los servidores del Señor!" -Salmos, 134 - 1 En acción de gracias por sus 40 años de sacerdocio, nos gustaría invitar- lo a unirse a la celebración del Padre Phil Lloyd durante la misa en inglés de 10:00 a.m. el Domingo, 15 de julio de 2018. Se realizará una recepción en el Fellowship Hall después de la misa. Donaciones en Línea Hay varias maneras de donar en línea: Descarga la aplicación gratuita QR code reader 1 en tu teléfono y escanea esta imagen: 2 Puedes ir directamente a esta dirección: Ve a la página web clic en el botón “Giving” en 3 la parte verde de la navegación y clic en “Stewardship Dona- tions.” Gracias a los nuevos alegres donadores que apoyan a nuestra parroquia y un agradecimiento especial a los donadores que au- mentaron sus donaciones durante la última semana. Cada regalo hecho a través de la recolección del ofertorio, en línea, o medi- ante retiros automáticos hacen una gran diferencia en los minis- terios, programas y obras de Santa Teresa. ¡Ayúdenos a contin- uar sirviendo bien a través de sus donaciones todos los domingos durante todo el año! GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER Parish and School Directory 6622 Haskell, Houston, TX 77007 Phone: 713-869-3783 Fax: 713-869-3784 Pastor: Fr. Phil Lloyd, ext. 312, [email protected] Deacon Larry Vaclavik, Deacon Dwight Coles, [email protected] [email protected] Deacon Bill Wilson, Deacon Juan de Dios Perez [email protected] [email protected] Operations & Finance Director St. Theresa School Cherie Hernandez, ext. 305 [email protected] StTheresaCatholicSchool Pastoral Associate Matrimony/Annulment Application/ Principal—Melissa Ilski Funerals Patrick Miral, ext. 310 [email protected] [email protected] Director of Admissions, School & ECC Director of Music Kelly McCarty, ext. 314 David San Miguel, ext.
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