Transylvania-Maramureş, Romania

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Transylvania-Maramureş, Romania Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 9, (2010), "The Rodna Mountains National Park" 113 TERRESTRIAL GASTROPOD FAUNA OF THE REPEDE RIVER VALLEY IN THE RODNA MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK (TRANSYLVANIA-MARAMURE Ş, ROMANIA) Voichi ţa GHEOCA * * “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Dr. Ioan Ra ţiu Street 5-7, Sibiu, Sibiu County, Romania, RO-550012, [email protected] KEYWORDS : Romanian Carpathians, Rodna Mountains, Repede River valley, terrestrial gastropods, diversity, human impact. ABSTRACT In the frame of investigating the flora and fauna of Rodna Mountains National Park, this paper aims to supplement the data on the fauna of terrestrial gastropods of the area. The study analyzes the terrestrial gastropod fauna of Repede River Valley in the Northern area of Rodna Mountains National Park. Qualitative samples were taken from 7 locations between Vi şeu River and the confluence of Repede River with Buh ăescu. After analyzing the collected material, 33 species were identified. In each sampling station were identified 5 to 17 terrestrial gastropod species, the highest value was recorded in the town of Bor şa. Among the species the more common are Monachoides vicinus, Faustina faustina and Trichia bielzi. RĖSUM Ė: La faune de gastéropodes terrestres de la vallée de la rivière Repede du Parc National des Montagnes de Rodna (Transylvanie-Maramure ş, Roumanie). Dans le contexte de l’investigation de la flore et la faune du Parc National des Montagnes de Rodna, ce papier vise à compléter les données sur la faune de gastéropodes terrestres de la région mentionee. La présente étude analyse la faune de gastropodes terrestres de la vallée du Rivière Repede, dans le nord du Parc National. Des prélèvements qualitatifs ont été réalisés en 7 points entre la Rivière Vi şeu et la confluence de la Rivière Repede avec Buh ăescu. Apres l’analyse, 33 espèces de gastropodes terrestres ont été identifiées. Le nombre d’espèces dans chaque point de prélèvement varie entre 5 et 17, le plus élève étant identifie dans la ville de Bor şa. Parmi les espèces le plus communes sont Monachoides vicinus, Faustina faustina et Trichia bielzi. REZUMAT : Fauna de gastropode terestre din valea râului Repede în Parcul Na ţional Mun ţii Rodna (Transilvania-Maramure ş, România). În contextul investig ării florei şi faunei Parcului Na ţional Mun ţii Rodnei, lucrarea de fa ţă î şi propune s ă completeze datele referitoare la fauna de gastropode terestre a zonei men ţionate. Lucrarea analizeaz ă fauna de gastropode terestre din Valea Râului Repede, în nordul Parcului Na ţional Mun ţii Rodna. Au fost colectate probe calitative din 7 sta ţii amplasate de la v ărsarea în Vi şeu pân ă la confluen ţa cu pârâul Buh ăescu. În urma analizei materialului colectat au fost identificate 33 de specii de gastropode terestre. Num ărul de specii identificate în fiecare sta ţie este cuprins între 5 şi 17, cel mai mare num ăr de specii fiind înregistrat în localitatea Bor şa. Speciile cele mai comune în probele analizate sunt Monachoides vicinus, Faustina faustina şi Trichia bielzi. 114 V. Gheoca – Terrestrial Gastropod fauna of the Repede River valley (113 ~ 122) INTRODUCTION The study area (Fig. 1) is located in the northern part of the Rodna Mountains National Park, northern Transylvania and Maramure ş areas. Figure 1: The study unit and location. (Badea et al., 1983; - modified). Concerning the geology, the studied area is localized on crystalline schists substrata, as is the most important part of the Rodna Mountains. The limestone substrata are present only in the south-western area of these mountains. Favored by heavy rainfalls, the natural grasslands are present here on extended surfaces, most of them being constantly overgrazed. This human activity (grazing) has lead in the most of the past decades to a high local and regional degradation, Repede River valley being one of the most affected from this point of view (Iacob, 1987). Spruce forests cover over 75% of the forested area. The first data concerning gastropods of the Rodna Mountains area are known since the XIX Century (Bielz, 1867; Kimakowicz, 1883, 1890, 1894). Only after a long period, almost a century later, in his valuable and comprehensive work, Grossu (1981, 1983, 1987), presents new data regarding also about this area, but they are most often sporadic and incomplete. More recent studies are more or less directly related to this mountainous area. Some papers present the snail fauna of the neighboring Maramure ş Mountains Nature Park (Fehér et al., 2008; Gheoca et al., 2008; Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 9, (2010), "The Rodna Mountains National Park" 115 Sîrbu et al. 2008). Some recent papers concerning the Rodna Mountains where published by Andrei (1997) and Bába and Sárkány (1999), which presents aspects regarding the land snail fauna of the Some ş River valley, three of the sampling points being located in the southern area of the Rodna Mountains, on Some şul Mare River, as well as Feher et al. (2008). The last one presents a synthesis of data from the scientific literature and some still unpublished material from the Wagner collection of Hungarian Nature History Museum, including some data from the Rodna Mountains area. The present study aims to examine the terrestrial gastropods fauna of Repede Valley, in the northern area of Rodna Mountains National Park. MATERIAL AND METHODS In this study, qualitative samples were taken during one single campaign, in the month of June in 2009, in the Repede River valley. A total of seven sampling sites were chosen from the Vi şeu River to Izvorul Repede - Buh ăescu confluence, as shown in the figure 1. The sampling sites are as follows: S1 - Vi şeu River downstream the confluence with Repede River; modified, with cut wood, and coarse woody debris; vegetation consisting of Salicetum fragilis with Urtica dioica , Impatiens glandulifera and Petasites sp.; S2 - Repede River in Bor şa, at the confluence with Vi şeu River; vegetation - Salicetum fragilis with Urtica dioica, Rubus idaeus , Dryopteryx filis-mas ; S3 - Repede River in Bor şa; Salicetum fragilis with Urtica dioica and Impatiens glandulifera ; waste deposits on the side of the river; S4 - 1 km upstream Bor şa; rocks with mosses and ferns near the river, S4 - 3 km upstream Bor şa; Picea abies , rocks with mosses and ferns on a small side stream; S5 - 4 km upstream Bor şa, exposed rocks on the side of the river; S6 - 5 km upstream Bor şa; small stream with rocks and decomposing logs; wooden vegetation dominated by Picea abies. S7 - 6 km upstream Bor şa; Izvorul Repede - Buh ăescu confluence; slope which is generally very steep and unstable with much bare ground; Picea abies , some damper patches with Petasites sp . The sampling stations were chosen according to the valley’s morphology, the habitat type and the type and degree of human impact, in order to highlight the diversity of terrestrial gastropods. The biological material containing terrestrial gastropods was sorted and analyzed in the laboratory, preserved in 70% alcohol and included in the collections of the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Zoology Laboratory. The collected biological material was identified using Grossu (1981, 1983, 1987). The nomenclature follows Fauna Europaea v. 2.3 (Bank, 2007). 116 V. Gheoca – Terrestrial Gastropod fauna of the Repede River valley (113 ~ 122) RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS In the seven sampling points, we have found 33 terrestrial gastropod species, belonging to 20 families. The following list presents the terrestrial gastropods taxa identified in the studied area; the taxonomy is based on Fauna Europaea (Bank, 2007); zoogeographical range and ecological preferences: H - hygrophilous; MH - mezohygrophilous; M - mezophilous; MX - mezoxerophilous), mentioning the collecting points. Ordo Pulmonata Cuvier, 1814 Fam. Carychiidae Jeffreys, 1830 1. Carychium tridentatum (Risso, 1826) European; H. S2; Fam. Succineidae 2. Succinea putris (Linnaeus, 1758) Eurosiberian; H. S2; 3. Succinea oblonga (Draparnaud, 1801) Eurosiberian; H. S2; Fam. Cochlicopidae Pilsbry, 1900 4. Cochlicopa lubrica (O. F. Müller, 1774) Holarctic; H. S2; Fam. Orculidae Pilsbry, 1913 5. Sphyradium doliolum (Bruguière, 1792) Central-South European; original data: S4; Fam. Valloniidae Morse, 1864 6. Acanthinula aculeata (O. F. Müller, 1774) European; M. Original data: S4; Fam. Enidae Woodward, 1903 7. Ena montana (Draparnaud, 1801) European; MH. original data: S6; Fam. Punctidae Morse, 1864 8. Punctum pygmaeum (Draparnaud, 1801) European; M. Original data: S6; Fam. Clausiliidae A. Schmidt, 1857 9. Cochlodina orthostoma (Menke, 1828) European; MH. Original data: S2, S4; 10. Clausilia dubia Draparnaud, 1805 European; MH. Original data: S2, S4, S5; 11. Ruthenica filograna (Rossmässler, 1836) Central European; M. Original data: S4, S5; 12. Macrogastra latestriata (Schmidt, 1857) Carpathic; M. original data: S3; 13. Alinda (Pseudalinda) fallax (Rossmässler, 1836) Carpathic; MH. original data: S1; Fam. Arionidae Gray, 1841 14. Arion subfuscus (Draparnaud, 1805) European, MH. original data: S6, S7; Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 9, (2010), "The Rodna Mountains National Park" 117 15. Arion circumscriptus Johnston, 1828 European; MH. Original data: S2, S7; 16 . Arion hortensis (Férussac, 1819) European; MH. Original data: S1, S7; Fam. Vitrinidae Fitzinger, 1833 17. Vitrina pellucida (O. F. Müller, 1774) Holarctic; original data: S2; 18. Semilimax semilimax (Férussac, 1802) Alpino-Carpathic; original data: S2; Fam. Pristilomatidae Cockerell, 1891 19 . Vitrea transsylvanica (Clessin, 1877) Central-East European; MH. original data: S2, S4, S5; Fam. Oxychilidae Hesse, 1927 (1879) 20 . Nesovitrea hammonis (Ström, 1765) Palearctic; M. original data: S1, S3; 21 . Aegopinella pura (Alder, 1830) European; M. original data: S3; 22. Aegopinella epipedostoma (Fagot, 1879) Central European; MH. original data: S7; 23. Oxychilus orientalis (Clessin, 1887) Carpathic; MH. original data: S3, S7; Fam. Daudebardiidae Hartmann, 1821 24. Carpathica calophana (Westerlund, 1881) Carpathic; MH. Original data: S2, S3; Fam.
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