THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION OnllT ••* maaifr carrier 'delfnry, 13 ffmtm . VoL iXXTVX—No. 262. ATLANTA, GA^ WEDNESDAY MORNING, , MARCH 4, 1914. —FOURTEEN PAGES. tlmflr eofin •» tkc mnctB ud at •ewMtmd* C cnrts.

MENACED BY DEATH, MILLIONAIRE POST HREET CLAIMS Now! Get Busy! LUTHER Z. RACES TO THE KNIFE GREATLY LESSENED Los Anseles. Cal., March S.—C. W. PROVING NECESSITY HOLDS CONFERENCE Post, millionaire manufacturer of Bat- tle Creek, Mich., passed through here late today In'a special train bound for BY GREAT BRITAIN Rochester, Minn., for an immediate surgical operation. He -was accompa- OFA MHEW YORK OVER nied by Mrs. Post and a physician, who attended him at his winter home at United gtates Will Not Be Santa Barbara. With $184,729 Needed to Mr." Post arrived at Santa. Barbara LEO FRANK'S CASE Asked to Use Force as a a month a?o, broken in health. His Complete Big Improve- condition grew worse, and today at- Result of the Killing of tending: physicians said his only hope ments Started, Only $78,- lay in an immediate operation. Doubt Lawyers for Prisoner Tell Benton. was expressed, however, that he could 000 Is Available at Present. New York Newspaper survive the trip to Hochester Men Atlanta Was Stirred AMERICAN ATTITUDE STEVENSON'S WIDOW WORK OF YEAR PLANNED by Large Number of Un- TO BE MORE ACCRESSIVE IN LAST TESTAMENT\ BY STREET COMMITTEE avenged Murders, and SCORES SON'S WIFE That the Newspapers and President Wilson, British Spring Street Committee Santa Barbara, Cal., March 3.—Mrs. People Were Determined Minister and Sir Lionel Robert I*ouia Stevenson's -will, dispos- Asks Indorsement of Plans ing of an estate valued at $120.54)0, was on Meting Out Punish- Garden Go Over Entire filed for probate here today by Lloyd and Profiles for Grading ment to Slayer of Girl. Osbourae, her son. Under its terms Situation. the estate ffoes to Mrs. Stevenson's School Lot Section. daughter, Mrs. lEObel Strongr, with in- structions to pay Hoyd Osbourno ?300 Presentation of claims ag-gregatlng FAIR TRIAL POSSIBLE a month for life. Another provision of $184,729 to carry out Atlanta's most CARB.ANZA 3TAMES BOARD the -will reads: IN ATLANTA NOW, SAYS TO PROBE BENTON CASE conspicuous street improvements gave "To Katharine Durham Osbonrne, of impetus to the agitation for a $3,000,- Nogales, Sonora, March 3.—A incredible ferocity, who lived on my ROSSER IN INTERVIEW commission to investigate the Ben- bounty for many years, at the same 000 bond issue for street, sewer a nd ton case was appointed tonight T>y time pursuing me with malicious slan- school improvements, following a General Carranza. The decision der, I leave SB." meeting of council's street committee was taken after a long session of Katharine Durham Osboraa is the Tuesday afternoon. Harry Latham Returns to the provisional cabinet. It was said wife of Lloyd Osbourne, the son of Mrs. Mayor James G. Woodward admits the dearth at Juarez of the British Stevenson. that the appropriations for street work Atlanta With New Affida- subject, -William S. Benton, had oc- Edward Salisbury Field, secretary to are meager but he does not favor the cupied virtually all the attention ot Mrs. Stevenson, was bequeathed a small issuance of bonds at this time for any vit, in Which Attack Is Carranza and his advisers. piece of property. purpose. He takes the position that .the city should be clearly out of debt Made on Time Element as and all the bond money spent before Washington, March 3.—Great Brit- the city again burdens itself. Presented by Prosecution. ain's pronouncement through"" Sir Ed- . With a mere pittance of $78,000 ward Grey that the United States was available to carry out tbe plans q£ It Is Expected That Pris- in £10 way responsible for the recent Chief of Construction Clayton covering execution at Juarez of 'William S. Ben- street work alone, the street commit- tee began work Tuesday afternoon oner Will Be Brought Be- ton, a British subject, and that the planning its program for relief of bad American government would not be conditions of Atlanta's streets. fore Judge Ben Hill Today auked to resort to force as a result GUILT OF Muat Do Piecemeal Work. of the incident, was the chief factor ' "Miy estimates of improvements on to Be Sentenced, IB the Mexican situation today. the most important streets called for President Wilson, In a conference to- $184,729," Captain Clayton said. "We New Tork, Mardh S-—(-Special. 1<— night with Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, the LAID TO j ihaven't half the amount required to Luther Z. Rosser, of Atlanta, chief complete three big jobs, but there ap- British ambassador, and Sir Lionel Car- pears to be no relief and the best we counsel for Leo M. Franfc. arrived m " den, British minister to Mexico, is un- can do is to work piecemeal." New York today and. tonight empha- derstood to have expressed his approv- Albert Davis Confesses He The projects which cover the esti- sized the contention ot his associate al and appreciation of the friendly sen- mates—that amount asked by the con- Herbert J- Haas, th»t their client had timents uttered by the British foreign Murdered Wife of V. H.* struction department and the appro- not had a fair trial, that such had been secretary In the house of commons. priations—are as follows; impossible in Atlanta last summer be- '-nsion which had been felt here over "West Peachtree got $15,000, will cost Davis, Now in Jail at $38,880; West Mitcnell grot $6,000, will WIDOW ASKS LIFE cause of local conditions and the sen- i J killing of Benton arose largely be- cost $24,934.86; South Pryor street got sational report that had been spread cc*js& it was believed that Great Britain Brunswick for Crime. ?15,000, will cost $35,494.33; Peachtree FOR YOUNG BANDIT broadcast concerning the character of mtght press the United States into tak- i f "bottle neck" got $16,000, will coat ?35,- IS DEAD; ing drastic steps to obtain reparation, ' 621.55; Spring street got $5,000 for the accused. New -Orleans, "March 3.—(Special.)— rlgtht-of-way, will coat $30,000; Glenn WHO SLEW SPOUSE Mr. Rosser pointed out that the vet - More AjEarreBsive Attitude. diet of the Georgia supreme court, n. The Brlti sh view that the URS ted Realizing that he has put up a losing \ street grot ? 10,000 will cost $20000, and fight against tuberculosis and has not. «« Whitehall^ Forsyth projects got declining a new trial, was not baso confessed today to killing hy' the streej, .committee - since the condemned to he hanged next Friday, clear ^Uat the Benton incident has de- his brother's wife near Brunswick, ac- finance sheet was adopted. Oi THursclay President .Will obtained an advocate of mercy in his Norcross "Man, Suddenly ins -down and following the l£\v n.ti' veloped an Intention on the part of cording- to a statement of the police. CoromiAsloners Waters, Wten and behalf today In the person of Mrs. been made -by "the judse who presided Davis said he heUeved his brother was I Smith, composing the improvement Edna Gerson Montague, widow of at the trial. the American government to take a committee, asked the city to prepare Personally Address Con- Going Mad, Shoots Up His charged with the crime. He is in a Horace Montague, the railroad official WHY FRANK •more aggressive attitude toward the a program of the. work it wishes start- whom Farriss murdered in a train hospital here and it Is "believed too ed first. gress and Urge Repeal of! contending factions in Mexico. holdup at 151 Monte, l}ecember ],,last- Family, Turns Gun on Self WAS CONVICTED. The entire situation was discussed at weak to be .removed. County Heady to Start. '"Why was Frank convicted'1" *a- Davis gave no reason for killing the Clause. ; Mrs. Montague telegraphed Governor and Gashes Throat. length tonight in the conference. It Commissioner Waters informed the Johnson begging executive clemency. asked Mr. Rosser. •was the first time the British ambas- woman, the police said. According to committee that the commission is "The reasons are difficult to ei.pla.ti their statement I>avis said he str-ack readiy to start the machinery in mo- "In the name of my two little girls sarlor had called on the president since Washington. March 3.—President and, of myself and my beloved hus- to any one who does not know what her with the butt of his revolver, tion on Spring street; in fact, he ex- Norcross, Ga., March. 3.—.(Spec-ia-1.) — t3te Benton execution, all his confer- "Wilson will personally address, a Joint band, I beg mercy for Farriss." Mrs the situation wae in Atlanta at the crushing her skull. Local officers plained that the county had already Luther Martin, a railway postal clerk, ences laving been with Secretary Bry- ordered a force of men to start work session of congress Thursday, advocat- 1 Montague's message read. time," he said. "My associate, Mr- Haas- have communicated with the sheriff of is dead and his mother-in-law, Mrs. an, /le came primarily to introduce i this week and would be prepared by ing repeal of the clause in the Panama | .,j beHeve crime is a disease, pointed out the other day that a laigfe Glynn county, Georgia, who requested Albert,McKinney, will probabjy die be- next week to double the force. canal act which exempts American soc|ety should treat It as such an Calling- the official in shortly before week, and that it meant the opening sets forth hiB opinion that congress i and that no plans had been suggested not dangerously wounded, while his Atlanta a stranger and engaged in .L by Sir Llnoel. The latter, who Is en- noon, Davis related that two months of Nineteenth street from Peachtree should reverse Itself and keep the obli- to Spring street without cost to the 8-year-old daughter, Louise, although new enterprise." ago, while walking along a railroad gallons of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, f route to London, had been attacked in j ABE FACING ARRESTfired upon, escaped uninjured. "He knew few p«opl« who were no city and tflie acquisition of a 60-foot which he believes were violated by th« j track with his sister-in-law, wife of the the American press as unfriendly to the right-of-waty valued at ¥10,000, free. Panama canal act. J Unbalanced by Wreck. of his own religion, being closely oc- American policy In Mexico. His meet j brother now in Jail near Tholman, Ga., T He assured the city that the Spring- National Honor at Stake. j Fully 14,000 Have Not Paid The attack of mania, it is believed, cupied with his business, and thifa fact ing with the preident was most cordiajj. j he drew a revolver out of his pocket street property owners, at leas-t some was induced by injuries received by rather counted against htm at the time and b,eat her to death. He fled. of them, would guarantee to stand the The president holds that national the State License The president received his visitors in honor is at stake and that European Martin in a wreck about a year ago, "There was the prejudice to be found Davis said he was willing to go back j cost of diainage and other incidentals, the private parloro of the white house. ! nations should not be allowed to be- for 1914, from which he had never fully recov- In the south, of the employee class without requisition papers, but Dr. C. and give the city a deed to the prop- Later Secretary Bryan attended a din- j j erty. He al«o Informed the city that Ueve treaties made by the American ered, augmented ^ probably by hard against the employer and some local ner in honor of Sir Lionel given at the T. Durel. in charge of his ward, seri- waivers on the part of the property government are not adhr-ed to both in studying he had been doing lately to prejudice againsl a stranger. Out- ously doubts that he is able to stand ( There are some 14,000 owners of British embassy. , owners had been secured, and tlhat the letter and in spirit. ' e exemption pass postal service examinations,. He rageous statements about the reputa- Britain Krlemdly to United States. the journey. Death from consumption county commissioners were ready to clause, he points out, Wi*s passed on automobiles In the state of Georgia tion of Frank and about the con-dfttori had been observed to-act strangely at is but a few weeks oft at most, it is I go to wortk just as soon as the city the assumption that while the Hay- I liable to arrest for misdemeanor at al- of the body of the girl were printed The conference with the president, it times, hut was never supposed to have believed. f gave acquiescence to the scheme, Pauncefote treaty guaranteed equal most any moment. Approximately this and given, wide circulation. Such was is understood, was arranged to empha- homicidal tendencies, "The opening of the street will give treatment to all nations in the matter number of persons have not yet secured the effect of these statements thai size the friendliness of Great Britain Tuesday morning he aros'e. secured were published at the time, many peo- HI SB AND QF SLAI1V A\ OM V!N a thoroughfare f i om Peachtree Into of tolls, the document was to be ln- state licenses for 1914 and the longer to the United States in Its handling Spring street, and will be invaluable :erpreted as meaning all nations ex- a revolver from an outhouse and re- ple in Atlanta today still believe them, WILL BE GIVEN !VE1V TRIAL they delay 'the greater will be their of the Mexican problem. Sir Lionel to the cit\." the secretary informed cept the United States. turned to bed, failing1 to get tip for in spite of sworn testimony at tbe Brunswick, G-a., March 3— (Special.) trial that absolutely refuted them. expects to return to Mexico after his i the committee. he president believes there should danger of arrest. breakfast. When his wife entered the Sheriff Berrie this afternoon received a "The negro, Jim Conley, was thr visit in London, and it is believed 31 ore Data Wanted. no debatable ground on treaties March 1 was the last day under tie room to remonstrate with him he sud- telegram from .New Orleans announc- sole witness a.nd asserted Frank wa-i ho assured the president of hia own de- Although the members of the corn- once made. Originally he had not In- i new law to secure licenses. "Within the denly began firing at -her. Mrs. Mc- ing that A. R. Dayis, wanted in_ this ! rmttee were impressed with the scheme :ended to deliver a massage on this , past five days so'me 9,000 licenses have a man of bad character—a pervert. sire to follow the policy of the British Kinney also rushed in, and the two city for the murder of Mrs. V. H they were almost unanimous in the subject. He had conferred. "With sena- been Issued, th'e majority of persons- CONLEY government in interposing no obstacle Davis, had been arrested in that city, women began struggling with the man opinion that the city should be fur- tors and members of the house and waiting until the last possible moment. to the handling of the Mexican ,ques- and had confessed to tlie murder. nished with more data a* to waivers in an ^ndeavor to wrest away the pis- MURDERER. sentiment in favor of the repeal ap- Approximately 24,000 state licenses tion by the United States. which was one of the moat heinous j an(j other details before recommend- leared to him to he strong. Some tol. Martin wounded his wife twice "That this same Conley IB the niui - were issued last year, and it is expect- In some quarters 11 was suggested crimes ever committed in Glynn ing the work to fche county. As the eaders, however, were of the opinion and fired a bullet into Mrs McKinney county. tha-t the interview eventually might restilt, the conjmittee decided not to ;hat international phases of the situa- ed that 26,000 will,be Issued this year. as she was kneeling" beside hie bed, jhave an important result, as Sir Lionel V. H. Davis, husband of the mur- take any action until It is shown that ;ion should be emphasized In a com- Secretary of Sta fCook urges those dered woman, who has once been tried the city cannot be held Cor any dam- which took effect In her lower jaw and Weather Prophecy would be able to convey to provisional munication from the president to con- who have not secured licenses to do~so ranged downward, slightly cutting the ' for the murder, a mistrial resulting, ages which might accrue by grading gress to impress upon those who had SfAlK President Huerta an idea of the unal- at once, not only in order to avoid jugular vein. There is but slight hope was jubilant when informed that his on somebody's property. voted for the exemption previously the terable determlnatiin of President Wil- possible arrest, but to save hie office for her recovery. brother had been captured and had Briefly, the committee went over the necessity of changing their votes re- confessed. from the annoyance which late arrivals i—Fair Wednesday; Thursda> *on never to recognize the Huerta gov- most important projects with a view gardless of domestic questions In- Turns Gon on Self. probably rain and colder. The murder was committed on the of making up a program. The county always entail. ernment. volved. When Martin's young daughter, Lou- Sir Edward Grey's statement In Lon- night of October 30. Two weeks later commissioners have each made up ten- ise, came running into the room, he Local Report. the dead body of the murdered woman tative programs a*nd has Invited the Europe Shown Difltmst. lx>west temperature .;<> don was received through the press in also took a shot at her, but missed. Highest temperature .. oj was found in a -secreted spot a short city to confer with the improvement Since the tolls question -was before ACQUITTAL VERDICT The maddened man then turned his re- time to be read by the president at to- distance firom the tracks of the At- committee Saturday morning. With Mean temperature.. 40 congress last the president has told volver against himself, sendin3 g a bul- Normal temperature 4! day's cabinet meeting. It produced lanta, Birmingham and Atlantic rail- the county program and the city pro- CAUSES BARRING let through the front of tin brain. Not Rainfall in past 24 hours, inches . .00 gram it is expected to make up the senators that European nations gen- JL favorable impression, some of the road. A large iron bolt, a short dis- erally were taking the view that the satisfied with this he drew a razor Deficiency since llrst of month, cabinet officers referring to it as a tance away, told how the crime had calendar of work to be forwarded dur- from undpr his t^d and cut his throat", inches .. .41. ing the spring and summer months. United States had violated the Ha}- OF JURY MEMBERS Deficiency since January 1, inches .5.VJ "high-minded declaration." The day's been committed. A coroner's Jury in- ?auncefote treaty. The governments s^.wring bis collarjone In his mad ef- vestigated for several days. The hus- From discussions among the mem- development^ were accepted as show- of the -world, he made it clear, were forts at self-destruction. Thrusting Report* From Varioaa Stations. band surrendered and a warrant was bers of the committee It Is impossible _____ Shreveport, La., March 3. — Respond- his fingers into the wound he tried to ing clearly the close co-operation be- issued for the brother, but he made to judge just what work will be start- beginning to believe the United States } STATIONS I Temperature. I Rain was not sincere in construction" of ! ing to the demands of a mass meeting hasten death until restrained. und etate of } 1 J2J h „ tween the United States and Great Brit- goc 1 his escape. ed first. West Mitchell street has a The affair Is deeply deplored here, ain in the Mexican situation, a clrcum- claim for early consideration, but Jt treaties. j held here last night and attended by WEATHER. I 7 p.m. 1 High. Itncbe* v A. the tHa.1 lajst month of the hus- The message to congress will open j over 3,000 citizens. Judge John R. Land, as both fain i lies are well connected Abilene, rain. 40 48 .00 staiicc -which it is believed would make band, thje state contended that a con- is understood that there are a num- on both sides and are well thought of. Atlanta, clear. . 48 Fi4 .on a. deep impression on the Mexican fac- spiracy existed between the huaband ber of houses to be moved before the the fight in earnest. Senator O'Gor- • presidinff over the criminal section of Shortly after the tragedy Mrs. Mc- Birmingham, clear bO .00 tions. and the brother to miirder Mrs. Davis. work can be started. The street will man. chairman of the mterocean.c ca- j ^ Cafido district court, tod*y had en- Kinney expressed herself as anxious Boston, cloudy. . 42 46 Some strong- evidence was Introduced be graded and widened. nals committee, is expected to oppose ' tered upon the for the recovery of her son-in-law and Brownsville, p cly 70 80 .'oo Fate of C«u»tav Bauch. Alderman J. H. Kelley, chairman of the president's view. Lately it has records an order forev- "Seemed to forgive htm for hia act. Buffalo, rain. -I 28 ZS .00 connecting the husband with the crime, been said a majority of the committee !e r barring fro^n service as jurors in Charleston, clear. 60 .00 ".Vhlle definite information as to the but almost conclusive evidence was the street committee, asked that the Medical attention was given as soon Chicago, cloudy. . 34 .00 xz^e of Gustav Baucn, the American cit- brought out against the brother. After $15,000 provided in the sheet for that would favor a repeal. The white house | this parish the twelve men composing as doctors could be rusihed to the scene, Denver, p cloudy. . 44 .02 izen supposed to have been killed by deliberating over the case for many project be passed up immediately, so confident the repeal will be passed, the jury which acquitted Mr. and Mrs. but despite all they could do, Martin Des Moines, clear. 48 .00 constitutionalists, and Clemente Ver- that the money mlgftt be available for republicans joining democrats in mak- passed away at 8:50 o'clock Tuesday Durango, clear. . . 40 44 .00 sara, another American, reported rour-. hours a mistrial was declared. immediate use. It is the aim of the ;ng the change. H. S. Little, charged with the murder of nJa-ht. ' At a late hour Mrs. McKinney Galveston, cloudy., 68 62 .00 dered by Mexican federals, was lack-" A. R. Davis will be brought to property" owners to use the money for Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, the British J. J. Vanclcve. was reported in a desperate condition. Matteras, clear. . . 40 46 .00 Brunswick at once for trial, but his The order of the court assigns aa a Huron, cloudy . . 34 40 .00 ing. It is certain there will be no let- brother will not be released but will work up to Ormond street. imbassador, discussed the Mexican Jacksonville, clear. 54 5S .00 up in the efforts of the American gov- probably he given another trial. Only 'Waivers have been given by the situation -with the president tonigh^ reason for the barring? of the twelve Kansas City, p cly. 42 46 .00 ernment to obtain complete investiga- property owners up to that point. The but white house officials said the canal men that they returned a verdict of ac- MORE U. S. SOLDIERS Knoxvillc, cltar. . 46 48 .00 tions. a f«w -weeks ago the state offered a only difficulty now confronting- the :olls subject was not mentioned. Louisville, cloudy. . 44 .00 There were few dispatches of import- reward of $200 tor the arrest of A. R. city is the removal of some of the quittal after the sate had presented TO BE SENT TO HAWAII Memphis, cloudy. . 58 .00 / Davis. evidence showing Little and his wife to Miami, clear. . . . 58 68 .00 / ance to the state department from Mex- j trees. This can be accomplished at Mobile, cloudy. . . ! 62 66 .oo/ ico today. Word was being awaited j less cost -with a tree-mover, -which OVER NEW BABY GIRL have been guilty beyond a reasonable San Francisco, March 3.—The United Montgomery, p cly 58 62 .00 States army forces in Hawaii are to 48 from General Carranaa as to whether CONDUCTED A FUNERAL "has been ordered by the park board doubt. i Nashville, cloudy. . I SO .00 he would persist in his attitude, deny- and which General Manager Carey will BRYAN IS CHUCKLING be increased from 8,000 men to 14,000 New Orleans, L-ldy. I 56 64 .66 AND THEN DROPPED DEAD or 15,000 as soon as the troops can be Oklahoma, cloudy.. 40 4C .01 ing the right of the United States to use on the street just as soon as he transferred from the states, according Phoenix, clear. . .! 68 70 .00 inquire about a British subject, which can. "Washington, March 3.—A new ba-by EARLY SPRiNG INDICATED Pittsburff, p cldy.. I SO 32 .OS halted the expedition of commissioners Stratford, Conn., March 3.—Return- "Bottle :%>ck» Project. girl at Secretary Bryan's home today to Major General William H. Carter, Raleigh, clear. . . i 42 54 .00 •who were to examine BentorTs body. Ing to the rectory after officiating at lelayed a conference with the E-it- BY HOOKING OF SHARK who is to sail for Honolulu today to San Francisco, p c. I 56 62 .on The Peachtree "bottle neck" project, ish ambassador and also the cabinet assume command of- the division of St. I-ouis. snow. . . 30 40 .01 Carranza's friends here have been the funeral services of a life-long St. Paul, clear. . . elegraphing- the constitutionalist chief CHend, Dr. Nathaniel B. Cornwall, rec-for which the finance committee gave meeting. x Boston. March 8.—AD early spring Hawaii. 40 .02 $16,000, will be one of the .fobs tackled was predicted by Boston fishermen Salt L«lke Citv. e!r. ! 42 44 .Oil tor of Christ Episcopal cb urch, died Mr. Bryan telephoned his office and With General Carter will g-o about Shreveport. cloudy. 64 71) .00 idvislng a change In his position, but «arly. Work will be started at the when they learned today that a shark 1 jrt> word had been received by them up euddenl y of heart d leease. He was the white house that he would be late 1,000 men to augment the present gar- Vickshurg, clear. . 60 68 .00 formerly pastor of the parish church "Winecoff hotel and will be extended to and announced the birth of a girl to had been hooked off the middle bank. rison on.Oaha." The remainder of the Tamt>a, p cloudy. . 52 SO .00 at Stratlor<3-on-Avon, England, where hie daughter, Mrs. Richard L. Har- It js declared that the appearance of proposed increase, he said, will' be "Washington, clear. 36 43 .0" Continued on Page Fourteen. Shakespeare wa» Continued on Page Fourteen. greaves. of Lincoln, Xeb. Air. Bryan sharks in these waters is a siffn of an1 transferred as soon as the men can has MIX £randcb.ildr«a. •arly C, K von HKHRMAKX, be spared from the Texa* - border. Section r»r»etar. NEWSPAPER! SPAPERf r Page Two THE CONSTTPUTIOlsr, ATLANTA, GA., WEDiNESDAY, MABCH 4, 1914.

derer of that little girl there is not ' this afternoon, but it will not be tratll courageous ones set toe pace* tb* a few smiled and exuded self-con ten t\ papers j esterday and telegraphed up It was intimated in court circles Why Buy Some Other Color ment all day long. But w ha.t el*=e ^ Tuesday—on which, day the supreme here I may say that 34ary Pnag^-n had could be expected o1f a dumW> ° not worked for two days in the pencil FORAJplY court remittitur was received by the MAY PROVE •"The colored wig will become a craze within a remarkably short time factorv where she was employed and superior court—that Solicitor Hugh I am growing new, thralling, exclaimed anotnei "w-ho said a fashion critic Tuesday Thev Dorsey -would apply for habeas corpus threads among Che bluo didn't haive a wasp-like waist nor too will be quite the thing* at receptions of which Prank, was au-pe^nten-dent. proceedings to have -the convicted roan The attempt to elect Mareellus An- much powder but ought to have h?4- Architect Claims He Secured derson on the police board against the Cover ua> the spreading- gray, 1 and dress affair^ but they will bardli The hands were usually paid on Frl appear before Judge Hill this afternoon will of the sex enth ward delegation by Touth is coming back tay way "Oui M'sl'e,' cried a blithe litUe be seen on the streets They are too day "Vow Helen Ferguson testified Hatchet When His Son f for resentencing thing of French extraction * j«st think, daring- What is most needed are a On the heels of the remittitur s ic- breaking a councilmamc precedent, 13 What's more, darling. J'ou may see, my countree eea reesponsibl ' few bia^e p oneei"; V.-&-Q will lead off on the witness stand that she had Drew a Pistol. ceipt, members of counsel for the de- likel> to act as a boomerang against may see, **I wouldn t be proud of it. retorted gone to the factory on F*i 'day and , [ fense said that it would he a consider- the first ward delegation Locks of pink or green on me her companion I think thev re hor- I able while j et before their motion ex- Councilman Wardlaw of the first, rid'* " asked for Mary Pb/agan s T*offes, and ixr*iii*iii T feiiai- <=v j« ^>&Kitect traordinary—which is now in process placed Commissioner Anderson in nomi :Now that they re here, who has the "But zei would hide zee gr*y hair, that Frank had said to her "-.o, and William L KiKe-- Sr an_ aicmtect | formulation—would be pat in the nation after Alderman 4.rnustead, lead- m's lie™ connected with the firm of Morgan &. nan<3s of Judge Hill \ few da>s be er of the seventh -ward delegation of- ner\e to wear one of the things Rain- Women and girls crowded the w n that she left before he could make an& fered Pace as the choice of -the seventh Dillon, who lives at 141 Greenw Ich fore the execution date they stated bow wigs "wft m*an» and rainbow is dow all da>i, exclaiming and sighing Cure* * Coloin Oue l?iy. Grip m 3 Day* further statement would be thfi^time Councilman Wardlaw s action was ta- and saving all those gidav things avenue was arrested and held at po- ken as a challenge to break down, good, for they can be changed—are of The statement aa printed yesterday lice station, Itond beingr denied, this women s&^ when they up &s&touft which, told that Helen Ferguson had Work on the new motion will likel> precedent. every color THie* came Tuesday and something extremely novel A Ipt o£ morning- a"bout 2 o'clock on the charge be checked for a snort time on account Shortly the first ward delegation of conquered when four coquettish wast them had suggestions One -woman made an aftida*\ it that s>ht= was ap- -v, hich Councilman Wardlaw is leader of disorderly conduct Kilcer was aar of the absence of two members o£ the statues stood with superior air in a thought that they blended cha-rminslv proached by the negro Conley at the rested on the charge that he attacked defense—Herbert Haas and Luther Z b\ reason of the death of Alderman witfc the complei-ion same spot on the ground floor of the Rossei who are in Ne,w York It is Harwell must elect an alderman and TV hitehall street show T* indow all day Her companion replied that she wisj? his wife, Bessie and his stfn, William should some member not of the first and showed aust how enchantmffly up- factory where the detense contends L Ji , with a hatchet, running- them persistently rumored that both, men ed colored T* igs •were in fashion for the the Ptiagan girl was killed also added p are in that city on new de\ elopnaents waid run out a candidate against the to-date "Whitehall street can be if she men, too fc>he thought a crimson one out o the house into the street in their fisrht. choice of the fJrst ward and members •wants to would harmonire with her husband *» that at the t lal she had a-^lced for At the station house he claimed that The*r colleague^ hovie\er deny tti2,t could not consistently ask council to nose Marv ^ wag-es on the da\ before the follow a precedent they tried to bieak There were shades of pink and AMUSEMENTS. Ins son had drawn a pistol on him and there is any connection of their \isita shades of gpieen and shades of blue and 1 o\ig-ht to get a green one for t ie murder and tn tt F*i ank had told her t\ ith thf I ank case, and that Haas "W. hile there has been no candidate wife remarked a man m passing It that he went down to the basement to suggested yet it is not at all unlikelv siltei and blaek^and white and, oh 1 she could ha~ve the money adding- that l,et the hatchet for protection and and Rossei ai e in Maniiatton on would match hep e>es so perfect } "Vtary herself was comjjig for her separate missions It is also ~eported that the first ward will g-et off without 4.?nes what all else' \nd the> looik when I speak to a ts'clrt friend that M hen he i eturned the officers that they ha\e gone north to investi a bad scare if not an actual fig-ht on ed fine too Perfectly fascinating-, "St> le arbiters of Atlanta sa> the wages the next day Such testimony v, ere present to ai rest him on the gate the connection of William S Os- their hands said one quite charming ladv with rainbow wig has come to staj The MYRTLE ELVYN as this -was, not given by Helen Fer- chai ge of his -wife that he was at borne a, famous handwriting expert, wasp-like waist and too much powder women will at first, show a reluctance CONCEBT PIAN1STE guson in the trial as the i ecorrts will tempting- to beat her and her son who was paid ?100 by the prosecution on the tip of her nose Awfully en- in wearing: them but w*-5n a few show but wnose testimony was never used 'BABIES" IN TROUBLE ^oloi^t with Philharmonic Orchestra faolieitor I>orbey stated Tuesday that \tlanta Theater, Thursday Evening. SAYS NOTES Osborne had evamined the murder Detective Fails to Come to Atarch 5th. that he was with Fiaiik. disposing of notes at the solicitor s instructions but HE'LL BAR LIQUOR Cardinal Kopp Dead. •Vusplces CONVICT CONLEY the bodv from four minutes before 1 that this was the expert s only connec- Their Aid. Breslau, Germanj March 4 —Cardi- ATLA>T\ MUSICAL ASSOCIATION To anybody w"ho know a the uegio until half past 1 He said Frank left tion w4th the case ,His testimony was TO BE DECLARED nal George Kopp died earlj this morn- PEES9 CO5IMEXT—Buffalo Evening character the notes found near the the factor at 1 JO If \ve show that ne\ei used Dorsey said because Jim ing at Troppau Austi ian Sileaia, from Times \ musician who compare^ Conley admitted having written the meningitis The pi elate, who was In •with the best in the world todaj body absolutely shou who committed is not true e-\eaythmg else Conley missives When Mrs Bonnie Talent, wlio sa,is the crime It is ni> opjnaon that no COMPETENT MAN his seventv seventh ^ ear was the Tickets >ow on SiOe Atlanta Theater BSJ3 falls to the ground and is false It -became known Tuesday that Or she is a married woman from Etr highest dignitar\ of the Roman Catho and Kimball Store, 04 North Fryor bt white man. e\ er could have dictated B Wildauer the dentist, a-nd Milton ming-ham and JMiss Annie Berkner, PICK KS ZSc, fiOc, 75c and $1 OO Klein of Daniel Klein &, bon, employed lie church in. Germany the notes, whose intention was appa- HELEN KERN'S both about 2 5 years of age arrived ban Fianui&co March 3 — 1£ "V\ aUei rently to fasten the crime upon some Detective William J Burns to investi- gate the Phagan murder are at the police station last nigrht on the McCreery clubman po'i> plA> er and body else than the perpetratoi TESTIMONY charge of idling- and loiteung around \o\v Helen Keiii a iHile gul ol li close friends to Leo Frank and stated millionaire i& restored to competency 'The prosecution claimed that the that their object in employing the public places they begged to be al word negro in thi. notes was a white a type,"A i itei has an ixnpoi tan t piece lowed to use the telephone claiming — and Judge Graham strongly in-dicat famous investigator was to make an that they wanted to telephone their man s won! Now i i Georgia white of test mon> bhe stated on tb.e stand impartial investigation into the cage ed today in the superior *.ourt vhat suth ATLANTA to ascertain if any stone has been left friend a detective, to come down to folks call a blaok man a nigger but that on the afternoon of the murder the station ind get his 'babies o-ut 01 v,as his intention — he promise 1 the MAIIMSE rODAY J SO ihc had been malciiig; some purchases unturned an the previous investigation trouble They -were allow ed to use comt ne1 er *o tako anot,ae~ d-inK He negro is the tir«,t xvord the negro Barna I^etams Tomorrow. Charles Frohman Presents learns to spell At auhool ai d that is at a store and was to meet a g^irl the phone but no detective had the has not touched lic-uo" he said for two iricnd at ten minutes past one and Officials of the Atlanta agency of nerve to come down and face the mu the one word that he bhe looked a,t a clock on the cor ness trip JURY /S LOCKED UP Nights $Z Mat. 2Sc to SI 50 police and \v hich thp \\ oinau declared nt r to notice the time ana betw cen Ivjde interest is now centered on the IN THE MELTON CASE ti c a^ions They continued progies- the oth( t uj.j \\ is total perjui \ a,nd one and ten pa.Mt the noui she saw tight to be made for a new trial The n ely urtii they rea"h*d a ciimax in FRIDAY, One Day Only that the police really put the •% oids 1 3auk nearbv and SAW him board a defei be is generally known to po&bess Vugust 19x ', v> aen he was declai ed in into hci mouth tliac ^-cui tpd the talk cir solng; in the di ection aw«ij from tu mass ( f evidence to be submitted in Matinee and Night tht, laotorj fc-he kjieu T'raiik becaus/t, J J Alelion a well kno^vn 3 oun, competent D> J 'd^o diaham ard K againat Frank, s mota.1 chaiactei theli retiial application Much of tits, farmei of Hunib countj cha,rged w itii fehc had applied t Ji a position in his ewdcnce has already been made ^mb 1 H McFfke an a.tto ne> \\ is T.]jooin*. In out nvtirtoidm-UT- nut on for a utfice the murder of Miii - r«-el Deceni ed his guardian Return Engagement lie such as the affidavits made by ber went on trial JPuesda/v in the su- 1 IIBTV ti i tl \ve hope fli st to ^lio\\ tha.1 Vs thft situation stand^ -do ^ ou think Albei t McKnight the negro v, Itness perior court before Judfce Ben H Hill In Octobei 913, McCrcci y escaped ^_ HENHTW SAVAGE Ag «ome of thf v\!ti>t«bea in the trta.1 no\v 1-rank could now set - fair trial m AC \ina Foi mby w ho c-iiaisret, detectK e Melton w a.fe hi ought to Atlanta to li Orn JLos Muertos raiiv-h ii^ar Holllbter admit they ga.\ e falt>e testimonv 1 inta. Mi Hostel \JLS asked crookedness Helen Ferguson v, ho ac a^ oid a pis-siblt feud between his f-am M hile theit- ib **till a lot of mibm cuses Conley ot making a diunken ad Cal where his guardian had seques- One of tht, most \ital questions *U 111 and Peel s trated him fled to England, and last for nation and pieiidice theie i think \ance uoon heft on weett befoia the Melton and Teel it is said had been Cctke in tht, trial H a«t whcthti 1 r ink o-ple lia.\e ching-ed theii opinions murder and" the dlsclobure by Dr at outs tor over \. \ear \vhen Meltori month retujned to SJ.n l^ian^isco arm- w. as 111 the pencil tact M v bt tween 1 he replied \t am iate there is not Harris relatin^ to the hau found ui in decided to settle the affaii last Uecem ed with the depositions uC prominent ulock and 130 on ST.tin day aftei ib strong- i tejud ce there \\ras 1C the pencil plant lathe ber 9 in Jo. ksoii t= mill Melton Htd British al emsts that ie v. »& sane Two EVERYWOMAN the trial court igri Her Pilgriraagi: (n Ouesi nt Icivt noon the da^ j£ the mu^dti We cs «e are w illina It i& repotted that, 1> i ank s ooansel w ith him his ^hotg-un loaded Tvlth S^n Francisco allicnisti appointed by t< ha\ e the i ase t i tcl there a.g;>le aie awakening numerous othei afiidav its mobt of his ivife and aftei words weie passed J Jc'se Giahana rcjj^rted today tka* v. as not Vi e ha\ e additional tcsti to a ifaUiation that terrible mistake which \\ere made by witnesses for th*1 between the t\v o Melton opened fn e they had Ivep Mctieei^ under cxami Matmaa, 25c to SI.SO mony to tlu«, f fi 1,1 i tit nt „! o t,I urns maj have been mad probccution V blanket of secrecy has with both ban eJs the slug's ta-Kingr rat on dailj. £o ncriad^ of fnm one Vecoriiing to a. di^patc h f i oiu Vt thus far been thrown around the se effect in Ttel s left side and his death to four hours since February 17 and SEATS NOW ON SALE lantia tonight u was repoi ted tliei e documents but it is predicted that thev being1 almost instant were satisfied that he is sane that .ilessrs Rossei and Haas had will be made public at an. eatH date— The detcnse claims that the shoot come to New "Voik to interview "U il manj tliv^ thJb SJde of the letual plea ing- wets in self defense and that Teel SATURDAY, One Day Only liam -• Qsbotnc L nandvu ltin& expert Remittitur Received CAPT. WALTER HOWARD Matinee and MKhl. had dra^vn this grin upon Melton The Charmlas Operetta •w ho had been paid b\ the prosecu Ihe lemittitin from the supi erne jun was lo ked up until I tte 1 ist WILL NOT RUgT tion to examine thv. murder notes in Coui t denying a reheai ing and \vhicn night on the case DIES VERY SUDDENLY the Phagin case makes tiie find ngs of the --uperio: Cork Protected Cl M Rossei said that theie was no Style 650 The Rose Maid com t tliobe ot the supreme LOUI t was MISSING BOY IS FOUND; Vv iltei 11 eston Howard known as truth in this I came up hei p on cei received bj the clerk ot the superior Captain Howard because of his for Company of 5O, tain hu-suusb matte r*. he said tnd coui t of Fulton countv on Tucsdav SPENT NIGHT IN CAVE mer interest in military affairs in his Best Beats matinee $1 I mao saj that thJt o~ftei no m I ha.\ e moinin&. It \vas entt red upon the formei home in Louisville and Owena- f NEWMAN & SONS confei ed with certain persons \\ho ire docket in th case of the btate ^ Leo boro Kentuck> before moving to At SEAT SALE TODAY interested in the Prank abe i expect Praniv. as final judgment in the litiga 222 Fourth Avenue New York to le i\ e foi b( me tomon ow t i the Cl»a lie MuMona.&le the 1- \ ear old Janta mo^t eights- vears a^o died last next d-ij tion son of "Vtj jud "Wrs Jleno "VIcMonasle night. SEATS NOW SELLING The next move in the mattei of the of 310 1 aat If an btret,t wJio difaap He was reared in Louisxille and the retuin of the remittitur -will probabU peared bundo.\ morning- about 10 30 bodv will be carried there later m the Mon. Tues. f&V Mar. 9-10 \n in.tima.te iiiend stated last night bo taken "w ithin the next 4b houi b 0 clocrtv was found Tuesdai moining th U Harry Latham had ieturned f i om when Solititoi Geneial Hugh Dor--ey afjout 30 o clock m a pressing1 club He was a Shuner Kiu^ht Templar New Orleans 1 Lst Friday and had will file ii writ of habeas coi pus with bi ought an affidavit ti om a man in near his home Knight of Pythias and an Elk all of WEDNESDAY ATSEKEU'S PAVLO WA Judge Ben Hill of the criminal di Tt is reo>orted t ia,t the little fellow which were dear to his heart and in with Aovikoff and great company «vm the Crescent Cit\ in which it is sworn \ ibion of the snpei ioi coui t asking si pt in a. ca»"\ tvhich ha and ssome which he took keen interest Xt». lOpail f euf Lard ybonj orchestra,, new and different pro that Marv Phatau w is set a on the the court to oidei that 1 lank be of his bos frit, ids dug- out in thu w qa ^s Captain Howard was a man of stei No, 1O vail Ho^l(N* Lard »4 I-2t STom each nerlonnmoce "treets on the day of the tragedy at brought bef01 e that tribunal for re on South B julevard and this pU ling qualities and noble impulses He AVhlte Suit Uaeon 12 l-2u Ib. Pricet* Ore ?3 and $3 50 BnO. $£ SJ >0 a time which conflicts materially with sentence w as repot tf 1 to th*1 police Mond t,v \vas 1 member of the First Methodist Red Gravj Han 17 1-Se Ib. mid SI Gallery 75c and $1 the prosecution s f imous time theoi i Judge Mil1 v\ ill follow i i ecedent in 1 Ig-ht The went tu this pla.ce and church and \v hen in health took an M[naourt Breakfast Ba- The name of the affiant was not tljt, the matter it is know n and at once lound the *shps of a jecent flre ind acti\ e interest in its work con t&l-Svlb. closed Latham after staying o\ ei \ o. 1(1 V el i a **Tr«p 44c two day*, depai ted bund 13 night HP oidei his deputies to bi iiig Frank be discov ei ed thf> ra\ e du^ about foi ty Tues-daj h< v, ent to his off w,e as fore him ftet up on the <-ide of a steep railroad usual but returned about noon and Moadovr Brook Butter 33c Ib. FORSYTH tire \A eek nt Marrh is now 111 Bi i mingham 4. la whei e It is rumored that at thib point the out lust off South Boul \ ird -which rested all afternoon retiring earlv I tirsre t- onoy 1 emu nit, doz 12 1-Jc _lly Matinee and Night he is said to b* iurthenng an investi defense will enter a unique plea was large enough for a man to enter and at 7 4S passed awa> with heart OrfftHfd footitry and Country Short s Lamb ottnibol Succe&* gation into the Phagan mystery This ca\e had to be reached by climb trouble Captain HOTV ard was a de JbKKS*. Triumph Friends say he will i etui n home at Unique Flea ins up the steep b^nk and then scaling scendant of General O O Howard on "DANCE REVERIES" an eai l-v^late Depending upon the wording; of sec a ladder which ran up to the entran-ce Latham 19 al&o stated to have pro his father a side and Oliver Wendell With a -sextette of Charming Girl Dancers tion 6U, of the code of Geoigria wiii< h of the cave Holmes on his mother a side He leaves Sewell Commission Go. TV HUamt, Thompson and Copela.nd—Mr duced othei d.\idente in behalf of the in. bubstance sayb that i pre&idmg i wife one child Miaa Mary F How and Mrs. Allison—Sam Curtis a-nd C m convicted m xn Much mystery now judge has it within hts discietion to ard who leside at 527 North Tackson W HOttS VLK D Ri,T%II, pans—The Hasbiuam—Prevosi & Brown bmroun It Latham s actions The de sentence a man t onvicted of mm der HOME OF MRS. MADDOX street one sister Mis "Will Smith of in-15 -UMtehHl) 184 Decatnr. '\aude\Illee Datntlest Comedienne fente h is repeatedly denied that he to life imprisonment \\ here the tebti near Gainesville also survives him ETHLL GREKN his my connection with Franks coun mony in the case has all been circum DESTROYED BY FLAMES bel and stated thit the first they knew stantial, the lawyers for Frank will of hi & reported tiip to New Orleans in attempt to prove that Judge Hill sit effort to get afiidav, its was when it ting1 in the court of resentenfte ib the \. fire of unknown origin nuiqJilj w is iead in an exclusive story pub 'piesiding juust in the case and -abk spiead oaei the enttie rebldence or J PARF\VELL TO STOCK for a life sentence. Mrs C J Maddov at 16 Daley avenue WEDNESDAY THE HOTEL OF AMERICAN IDEALS I YD If* ^LL Wh,LK OF- M4EUH li-^hed i ecently bj The Constitution } night about 10 0 o clock aestroy LlfllW Tnesday Thursday ""aturdav Mat I>iM FZ^ 1L W fcLK Ul li w ab first t eported that the m tn ed by Solicitor General Dorsey w ho men could arrrve Mrs Maddox and M.dium HOTEL POWHATAN whom i itham went to New Orleans to w ill cite the one hundredth Georgia hei little 9 l ear old faon Caleb were Norman Hackett Stock Co. deci^ionb pa£,e *><*$ ^ hich declareb in 1 SnowdriH Washington, O C irtei \ie-w pui ported to t»e an uncle of substauct that i priboner is sentenced bitting in the front room when th* Presenting PAUI ARMSTRONG s PI the inui dci el 5,111 It v, as said thit to e's.pcution but once and that, the act smu-ke -nas discos eied "Alias Jimmie Valentine" he told Lath im tins storv when the oJ. i escntencing is in tact K it the re The\ spread the dial m and witii tne Medlum Atlanta man met him on i lecent \i&it d Umg of a sentence alreadv inflict aid nl neighbois and tw > loomers i A PLA\ THAT WILL APPCAI TO ALI to F ouibiaii u It s now said how evei ed ^ n^ill amount of fuiniturc was saxed CLASHES OF THEATERGOERS that the man denies relationship to the l mcludiiiE one suit of furnitui* and Cottolene de id girl Judge Ben Hill ia& it \\ ithin hit. the piano and a few other articles The Ihe affidavit it ib •'aid states U>at pov\er should he rebeiitcnce Frank to 3Sc Wesson Oil, can ... .24c 1 house was piloi a-ssistant inanaeei of the Pied 2 Mu A t oimby is now in Chatt uiooga the date of the execution unless *he mont hotel was chosen pi esident and | 40c Edgewood Coffee, Ib . 28c Formei associates say it is hei inten plea were gi inted Claud 13ns"land < hief cleik at the Aia 20c Argo Salmon, 2 for 2Sc ite f«r '••"ii* entr HoaUet tion to return to Atlanta soon and Kon made seci etaj v About tw eU e with M«p personal! v make hei charges against ncu me nbt-ra wtie eiiteied upon the 15c Pink Salmon, 3 for 25c "CHECKERS" BEACON SHOE STORE the detective and polite departments members up role Winner Milk, can 9|/ c Clifford M. Lewis 17 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. John Gosset a formei court olTicial PROMINENT SPEAKERS 1he *. lub appointed a committee to 2 WITH v.ho hib been connected w ith the -wo ADDRESS TURN VEREIN piavide foi the entertainment of "the 15c Condensed Milk 8 1 3c Thomas W. Ross and mans counsel in the past stated to a Southeastern 5 Gret-Lerb associition Golden Egg Macaroni, 3 for 10c repoiter fot The Conbtitution that she \\hich con\ t-i e? * in Atlanta Jil\ t and 10c Velva Syrup, 3 for 10"c Katherine La Salle UNION^MADE. ; FOR MEN'; S the date* «ct bv tho Atlanta club 5 Gomiilete Part». £25 *•< encs. had come to Chatt inoog'a recently, The Atlanta Tum A eiein Socift\ No 10 Velva Syrup ,. 44c \\ hei <=* she is i esidingr tempoiai ili observed its lort> first ai ni\erstary of (_T, eeters 1 he ch tirmin of this %Un>!*«Itm lOc and Jfic $3 $350 $4 $42° Hei tddi ess Gossett stated v, as last night •« itli a. Dutch supper a,ncl committee i^ f r OeJ^mette is,;, st Arbuckle's Coffee, Ib . 19|^c EDLCAriONAL 171^ Ninth street \\ here ^he is stop grand ball at then home on Pi yoi ant manager of the Ansle> hotel The Sliced Bacon, 1 Ib box 29c pins -with friends She will not retuin street club will hold its next meetins next ^RKHTON'SIfUnAKEf to 4tlant t hi. siid until idvised to do Among the speakers of the evening Wednesd.i.3 at the Georpr an Terrace H . so by Tiei attorneys Jn tlif meantime weie Governor Slat011^ Ma> or "\Voocl Country Style Hams, Ib. 153/4c Tvrentv ronndM of fioxlnir 1B4 Buyln ^Lreet. Boston It a Titte she w ill remain i Tennesse*- hei for \vard Recordei Bi o^les Tohn "^ Picnic Hams (Shoulders) 123/4C TON10HT- l3a5'e^ of old mer home trofabctt declared that she Smith Or Gilbert pastor of the G(.r SPECIAL GLASSES Kid \oangr t. Jack Gold Setters pparihr vtanm* man chui ch and FM ed Wedemej er Hrixp a pan of glasses marte—jubt j itainp oljectiona. ^r)d aoto w i*s i ead> and "w illing- to personally to faint >-our own bel Ivtid. lat ge I Fresh Pork Shoulders, Ib. 123/4C r^ldup Collln« > Jncfc lleMabon Eraphs The advanced coi f ice the police and detectives she ac president of the societv The "Wede «nt! Hunter Kid Bonder v Joe Tiirnpr Vector ta offered «flectton cuses and \crball"\ m ike the sensa me\ er band ind orche«-ti i furnished lenses extra heav> or li^ht fold fiames Pure Pork Sausage, 2 Ibs 25c ne of the largest, and tional charge-^ '-et forth in her «cith music foi the occasion or peihaps a new st/lo shell rim with] MONTHLY FOA TUITION Columbia Burlesque Theatre t ext-fiptltfn ne Choi The parlois and auditorium of the tinted lenseb \^e U htlp you select a,' 37 d Class roome equipped wltti mvmty ing a)?tdt\it made public by The Con style shape and size that suits \ ou t 4drat»«lon I'. SO an*J 7"! c<*n<* iiocl s (ft 3ta-mps in stitution li»t Sunday hall were attractive with decoiations modern convaalonee. lngKlde, 31 5» "i Me, Tolson la pre Tho pi aspects are that Leo Franks About 300 guests enjoyed ttie hospi A K. Ha^vkes Co Opticians 14 "White CASH6RO,CO, |;r!eT INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION ffiv*t» br Ch* tq pbirel an^ meet hall—(-Vdv) | In person Aaywhtr*, sentence will be oronounced some time tality of the Turners BUMUI. Catataww Frwo. L P F I A IIMSLJR/XIMCD FIFTEENTH (15th) FLOOR MOVED TO MEALEY Many beautiful homes completely destroyed by fire recently. Yours may be xthe next. Delays are dangerous. Protect yourself now. Call on us for rates and terms. Phones Ivy 1161 and Ivy 1 162. Lipscomb-Pattillo Fire Insurance Agency

JL^Hfe*"***^* *ft-.faK*W*l|$Mteft«^^ ^- / - a. -y-^Et viifc^W--.-"*^^ THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MABCH 4, 1914. Page Three.

or had a brief but warm fisticuff ai_ I Judge Allows Woman ALBANY CHILD DIES \MAYOR AND MERCHANT Uupont Citv AlirshJJ J II Allen sep FLOYD RESIDENCE HAVE WARM FIST FIGHT arated the fighters after se\ eral blows JONES ANNOUNCES COUNCIL TO PAY HONOR To Stay-in Atlanta OF BURNS RECEIVED had been passed Wa> cross GT Ma-cli 3 —(Special )— To Earn Living Here WHEN DRESS BLAZES In an ai gument o\ er a dray license Piles Cored In 6 to 14 Days which. Ma>or Ben Simons claimed v>a.s I>rugeista refund money If PA2O \ DESTROYED BY FIRE due because a merchant named Z Mli-NT fails to cure Itching Blind. Bleeding Begging" pitifully to be allowed to Weaver moved a store from one place or protruding Piles. First application Elves POSTOFFIGE STAFF reirain in Albany, G&, "March 3 ^(SpecraJ >— City Hall Shocked by Death Atlanta and go to worn nere The victim of burns sustained several to another the merchant and th« may- relict 50c- - _. „- . ,_ to make an honest living, Mrs Fred J Lack of Fire-Fighting Tacili- days ago and which at the time were, o f the First Ward Rep- not regarded as being serious, Frances Reorganization of Staff Is Wilson the pretty blond little wife ties Held to Be Partly EHzabetft Perry 3 3 ear-old daugirter resentative. of one of the three allied fate de to Blame. of Mr and Mrs A S Perry, died this Completed and the Details recti v es who were bound 01 er on a zuormng- at 7 o clock The child s clothing caught fire from $100 bond each by Judge Brovies for 1 Cit> hall was shocked yesterday 1 Given Out by Postmaster. robbing W \I Lankford of Qanon The resi ience of James S Floyd vice an open grate last Sunday morning v, nen the news was received of the Ga on last Friday night aiwl pleading ] president of the -Vtlanta aNtional bank, The mother, who had gone into the at o !t,ast Fifteenth street was de h, It eta en for a. few moments vraa sum Hunt Named Inspector. death of Alderman John H. Harwell with tears in her eves not to be sent ' moned by the litUe grlrl s screams and more affectionately known as TJncle back to her home in Chicago Judgfe I stroved by a fire which originated In her hands were badl> burned in tear the attic of the structure, burning a ' John first ward representative In the Broyles decided to g-ive the little worn , ing the flaming clothing from the child Postmaster Boiling H Jones jester { •valuable collection of paintings and It was not thought at first that the general council and one of its oldest an a chance to make good here and j child s burns would prove fatal uii Cay announced the completion of re turned her over Tuesday to the tare tapestnes at about 1 o clock Tuesday f members afternoon •<- less It should develop -that she had organization of his force in the Atlanta of Miss Claxton woman probation of inhaled the flames which unfortunate- Immediate!^ upon receipt of the Mrs Floyd and her two children postofflce and ^a-ve out for publtca tioer with instructions to g"!ve her a ly was the case news Ma\or James G Woodward is- were forced to flee from the buildini tion his full st«iff with the duties of chance to sav e their lives the flames bemi_ sued a special call for a meeting of discovertd too late to give them time Watson is Nominated* each council and appointed -Vldermen James It was stated Tuesdav that Wilson "W hen Postmaster Jones look over hen^highwayman husband brought her to save anything of value "Washington March 3 —President The residence cost £18 000 and is "Wilson today nominated Edward Minor the \tlanta pobtoffice from Mr Hugti down from Chicago to Atlanta, some , total los-g Very little furniture \tas Watson of Honolulu to be associate \l-cKee his p-eGecessor September t> ,j two months airo ant* has been forcing | sa% ed \nd "Mi Flo\d s entire art col justice of the supreme court of Hawaii lection was. lost The loss is partially Dewitt r Cole -was assistant postmas ner to lead an Immoral life T supp rt covered bv insurance him Judge Bro>lea -disco*ered some Sf-veial complaint"? against the lack ter \s Mr Tone* assumed Ins worlv discrepancy in the names on the mar of fire protection on the north side of tic stated that he TVould not be In J- i age .license and those given to the po the cilv ha\ bfen telephoned into the huri v in making- changei that lie lice w hioh started his inv estigatlon office o£ The Constitution following wanted, ume LO studv the mcmbois -,t hevond all hope of &a\ing before S IS of J & p Coats his forct and to that declaration It*- the department -could an n e on the adhered for -v full siv months w hen SCPI P as the neighbors claim The P°° - - J C Staton with twenty years in the nearest fire station is located on Xorth mail service to his credit was named a* enue and the propertv owners who i\o out on the far north end of the (Wednesday Only) for assistant postmaster succeeding Mi SENATORIAL ELECTION citj limits believe that thej ought to Cole who left the office in t ebruarv be afforded better fire protection by Mr Cole haimg handed in his resigna the citj tion as assistant postmastei to Mr Jones immedtatelv after the latter had qualified CALLED FOR ALABAMA REPORTER PLANTS Long Kid Gloves The Atlanta po«tof fie t, has thirty three stations ta.Uei ed a.11 over the Mbntgomer\ Ala March 3 —Go\ HIS FIST IN FACE Going like fury—$3, i6-button length itj and for a. Ion0 time it has been ernor j expired term of the late benator Columbu= s C March "—\lbert D self that the Vtlanta service required; Joseph F Johnston Oliphant a reportei for The btate, For Pair $1.69 i.n inspector jaiid Postmaster Jones j In a telegram to R Ts ler Goodwjn vfhen iccubed tonifeht b% Represen a. I found a wa\ to get whit th<> \t Chairman of the state democratic ex tlx e Rogxife of fepartaaburg1 of m's NOTE—Hurry vour mail orders in tor lanta oflice r^duti «?cl It will he the ecuti\e committee vt hich n session i quoting hi& remarks-In a debate of list these Buy no\\ for the "Grand Opera ' dut^ of thp inspectoi to \ ifait e\er tod^3 in Birmingham the s~o\ PI nor eek *>tr uk tho r prtSttntative in the station in tl c citj everj da^ and to suggests that a pnmar> be called foi fact. 1 iter the hoxibe s i nm nel Mr season—limit 2 pairs at this price -nake a complete ft port on one sta. ALrUERMAJS J H HARWELL April *> for the nomination of the Oliphant to ipp i tomorr >\\ morn t s tion e\ei\ two we Kb checking- up the short term senator before the committee on pi ivile= eb tate executive eomm ttee the preSfe <3oaU on the Cloo j the postal serMt-e resolutions Members of counc 1 spoke feelingly toda> railed a stite primar\ lor ^pril house immediately befoi e The recoil Hunt tlade fDHpector 6 to nominate a. candidate for the seat v en Ing- of the bodv following a i ecebs "W !:> Hunt as intent to Irvine G of tht, love and esteem which the% felt HIGH'S for the deceased member of the late Tjnited States Senator fiom last I i lda\ Hart wiss i amed tu fill the new office— Joseph r Johnston \ majority of the Pure Food Store Tribute to Harwell. C C "\\vdip of the Sp->rtanburg Oranges Ic Each inspet t i ol stations Mi Hunt has \otes cast m ist be gained b\ one of delegation mo\ed that Mi Oliphant be bepn c >nnected with the Atlanta, post I have served with \ldertnan. liar the candid ites, or there wtll be a run Tod iy with a $1 00 purchase of groods anj part of ep irtme ir othin,., exreplccl \\ nil) IciIIed m n^-di itel\ to thp bai o£ the usuallj 3Uc do/en foi IZe dozci Phone office foi i number o€ ~v e-\rs Irv me well foi thirty fire \ eai •- and through off -Vpul 0 Nomin ition in the pn j house The mjtion ^vhiuh prevailed was sell >ou Indian Rivei Sweet Juie\ Oranges—good medium G Hart s j erintendent of Lit mails out tbose >ears I foun I him to be i maij- will be ». qui\ bstt?i (1 eg \lic-T iren s C\\ ^st named foi the faB election of sen berr^ refei in§r t i mattti to the com 1 and packed setts). b^grarj hai been retained bv Postrnas coui teou& gentleman said Ma> or ator nit ttee on pinUeg-es and ele tton Woodward I don t think that he had can lOc 4Oc 15c &25c ter Junes Ne f 1 atel ami 1 hilad Iplui \nd there is none in that 1 uo of an eiitmj- in council and 1 know that No 3 Meadow Brook Lemon Real Boston w ork hotter than Hart remarked he vi as belo\ ed throughout the citj FORMAL CITY ELECTION ding Oal Peaches Codfish car lOc I calltd council together Coi the pur 20e values can 15c 5c & 1 Oc I ostmo.'itt i Jones Dozen . . *l 10 c I a forn G * f lark tl o an is^tstant to Su pose of paying him a, fUt ng tribute TAKES PLACE /N ROME I""raneo American Soup 4.600 BALES OF COTTON •Vo 2 Carmplo ""ountrv all flavors 1Oc C 1 eesc lOc pci inttndent Hart has oeen appointed Council mwi fa L I>ouglas of the se\ cnth offeied a. i cbolution authonz Ttomf Ga Marrh 1 —<-Spe tal )— Gentlemen dozen $1 yu t > st it it ii \ i < 1 i«s h«_ 1 at itioii un Sweet Corn 15c bottle Dingo lOc del tl \tliHa. postofli ing Cleik \\alter Taj lor to pro\ de Rome «. citv election took, place todav Olives bottle "" 25c 1 he rr a^ M O 11 ft i 1 it K in c iai ere carr:afcey foj members of council an-d d n 1 tbe nominees of the i ecent v, hite can lOc I rlmttr^ \\ero elected without opposl A en Best Pork _and Bea i*- to Hi nest Boneless codfish whit e lOc of st Ui n c V ifhtree and Tenth also pi ov ide toi d^ppin^ th f citi hall AT NEW ORLEANS tion II c^ were J D ITanl b mayor m«ito sauce and jui v sti ret*- 1 s beer tr«m*.f**i i ed to tl c in mourning- He also' ordere J the c ty ( T ?*• us < O \V-Uden and r* Ter ^ener il rieh\ei\ «* <_tior in tin- Vtlanta 1 c in 1Oc&15c extr i Ib 25c lOc pobtottice hall custodian to diop the flag J.L half N \\ Ctrlems \la.ioh 4—Tw > he Is- hune Uderm^n at lare* and ^ H mast (01 ssl\tv day's of the I ouisiarn KaiJw i> and Naviff^i (»rifhn 1 uke Mtl^nMd "W J sha\\ \\rlpht Promoted Afte \lderrneit Vuttlns Kagsdale J T Wilkeison E A Heard mr m Jol n c XVii^ht 1 * etoiorc in charge and Ivellev and Councilman G&xude Ma tion company on "^ew basin canal be bers of th* hoaid ot education The th tral ii li\trv hit, bten made son paid their tribute*, Ma>cj ^ ood tiveei liov\a.i<1 in 3 Huben tson -^trer l& newl^ elected officials will commence a cleik i the ward was authorized by ouncil to toiitd-inin^ 4000 I lies i cotton and their duties on the first Monday in ~Y\ e w ill prepa\ C h i H t, 1 I n b one of the most order the city hall closed at 1 o clock several fie] ht rai s ^et 1 stroked by April wh^n their first official act will exp n i ced leti i tnrriPi= in the \t todaj iy a mark of respect Aliv 01 be the election oi city emplovees A lire heie «?hortl\ .tfU 11 drfight this lively campaign is in Progress foi "Eat With Us" 1 inta s,(i-\i e has bfen placed in barge Woodward urged the heads of tl c van w all (liaigcb on or the se c 7i la^s i ixie department on^ depai tments to close tht / depart i lorning causii *; t lot,-, estimated at ever> olfke on the list there being * o FREE Leom las H 1 ivmgston Jr hat. been nrents in order that employees mi^ht if-tO 000 The amoi i t of insurance IB or moie candidates foi each position letained n charge uf the second class attend the funeial which w 11 be held i ut known TODAY —Turke j Diunoi. Cranberry pni( bases of $3 r matte ft om th*> Harwell home Nu 10-> C as V negio \v o gave his name as James Sauce, Rice, Ct earned Potatoes, Cejei-y, \ Yan^ev Bi>ant hit, been left in the cade i\enue it 2 30 o clock I Turner and ^ addrehs aa ^ oodv ille WIDOW OF JUDGE WRIGHT or over, to am pomt--o 7<)iK s from At xnonev oidei md postal sa* intos do Courcil will assemble at citj hull it Angel partrnent 1 JO and will proceed to the Hi •'well Mifas Wtifa asl "*p in the cotton and was PASSES AWAY IN NEWNAN rhoice Tfd, Toffee or Milk, Cornell is J Shpehin Cor \eurs audi home in a body to pay then 1-tst e rescued badly burned bv a night watuh lanta, about ^00 miles—c vpiebs, f i eight tot 1 as been made «peci I bookkeeper spects to their co league man T line told the polact that lie Food Marshmallow Cake — and auditoi \indei the postmaster to Injured itk Council Chamber saw a negro walking thiougto, the cot Newnan Ga March a (Sptfial ) — whom bo --eports direct in a.11 matters Alderra tn J lai well s death w is the Mrs Emili E ^V ri^ht w if^ u! the late all for ...... oi parcel post bend in vom. man 01- P B \V ouflnoust, long tune cashier rcfault of a fall from the lostrum in ton \ aid throw a lighted ngiiette Judge B IT Wright died today of has been ietain*-d in that position the cit> council f haniber during- a mons the otton He ifa being held paralysis at her liono her1e She -n as T ha^o jt formation in IR it ing th-U: meeting" of counc 1 in November He l*\ the po)iee &4 vears old and one of tl)* best known Restaurant or Soda Fountain. ders—new bin sts oE ^peed foi all orders there h,a\e been fewer changes in the sustained a fra( tuie of the hip and and well tjclived citizens of \ewnin \tlanta j- jslofnce than in in\ office in was emo\ed to the Gra,d\ hospital for t-uiPial will b** held trom her resi the countr% su c the change of na treatment tie died shortly after 1 20 dence \Ve Inesda\ ifternoon at i tional adrmnibti at ion sa\ b Postmas Tuesday noon ATLANTA IS WORKING 0 clock and interment w ill take place far Jones •ilderman Harwell wa.s 63 years o/d in Oakbill cemetery of this place She Ht was bom in Newton < ountj b it FOR SHOE RETAILERS is survived b\ two sons G B Wright came to \tlanta nearly f ort> > ears of Atlanta and Colonel \\ C \\Hght $20 Silk Dresses a£,o and had resided Tiere e\er sin< e Birmingham Mo. March 3 —The fifth of Newnan tnr*> %vith M ^ Cuitls tolim A-m^rrctis da 'March 3—fSpecu.1 ) than twentv tears Afterwards ht be bus Ga president In fhe chair The The countj i-ommis-sioners of Sum- K-an b tsinebS foi himself on Marietta first session was an open one w th tei have unanimouslv agreed to con stieet and TV ib sucresbfi 1 He bn SOUTHERN PASSENGER tribute 53 OOl to the eomplet'on of the came aetivo jn politics about the ~v ear .Dave liich of Birmingham vice presi Americut, hospital nd the citv council ] tl)4 ind sei\(U the cjtv faithfuli\ in dent of tho association presid ng \d DERAILED AT FOLKSTON at its next meeti ig iviJl contribute a v a-rioJ^ aoacllies lie H as council dre*ise^ ot welcome weie jna-dt in be silimar i mount The handsomo build man and alderman ind was also a I oiks ton Ga Mai ch " —A do^er half of the city and the local 01 ganiza pibsengeis sustained bruises and othei ing is ^vell i ij^h tompletcd and this member of the < ladv hospital board tion Todav 350 Silk Dic-bse-?, Taiftta, Po]jlin contribution of "^6 i)00 TV ill finish it Me « ts rnijor pro tern foi se\eial minoi injuries when southern jail way Lip"\\T-idfa of 150 shoo deilers a e heie tr iin No 30 from Jacksonville to Cu The building will Afford accommoda tci ms and a sbce show is bt nt, hold foot tion to fiftv patients Jt TV-as erected 1 lumbi i was deiailed near here at noon and Faille, all the in \\ spring seabon'fa li\ oouwnrd ^ Clone I neiitl \\ei made in all pat ts f the world be toda> by and v\ ill be conducted bv ladies nig shown The convention w U con onlj no rm.n having am pai t ir Us \ derm in Haiwell wa^ Mayoi Wood The mju ed tinue three da>b Vtlanta as w 01 k ns A J Crradj Da,nvi!le \a cut about ver> latest colors, Browns, Copen, w at d s closest pei sonai f i lend k< or foi the next convention 7 \eais t icj s,er\ed toeethc in co incil faee Kdgar smith \V ebton W \ i and the bond between tnem was almost leg and mouth bruited \ tl Tans, Wistaria, Reseda, Wasp, black and brothtrlv j he ilaei man \ isited the Stafford Jam Jsloiv n N Y thish and SHOT WHILE HUNTING, ma\or almost e\.ti da> in the j eai MRS. AND MISS HOUK arm bruised ilrs H Johnson Duluth and joked and t-Ukt_d politics with "Vlinn jnkle sprained K-lmbiough M many others. Lace net and belf-trimnipd HAS LEG AMPUTATED 1 im lu mofat of his p-ollcit s he INJURED IN RUNAWAY riarnrock Mercksvllle N C left vas i \ oi ible to the ma\ or b it he shouldei sli^htlv hurt E3 F E ibanks with 2 and 3-tiored skiitfa Many two- Rome Ga Maieti — (^p^ lat > — had a few policies ut h s own ai d he Pullman eonduetor Jacksonville t ia W hili i Pturn n^, Ci om i ribbit hunt stood bj them Uul tn^, the last v eat s \\ i oi oss Ga March " — (Speeial ) nffht arm and chest huit \\ P Mitch vesterdav ] rinl Tlainev spe al deliv of h *• t>ci \ to the eitj Aidf rman I n a i inav\a\ th s afte noon Mis N i ell Greenfield low a, back and neck toned combinations, so vei;y populai this erj elf rk at th Ion I po^toEtioe atci !Tiri\ ell bad been feeble in str ng-th Houk and da^l4,ht^ i Alias Sarah Houk spiamed Mrs ^V fc Mitchell Green dent i-ll-v shot hi it,eU in tie left leg But lie bad a. stiong mind and 1 hei e woi thiown trom a b tgrpi and pain field Towa. IPK br used knee to ankle The wound was SQ <=erioiis that ampu an lew men in Atlanta toda> Ma,joi f illj inj Jied The.} wei e near thetr Mr^ J K flontz Sr Touts Mo slight beasoj] We think them sfiand \alaes, latiou w as TiPce--sar'v He stoo 1 th \\ udw nd included who knew more home on Will am Heights at the time Ii bruised J H lones dining- cai con operation well aii it is believed that lntlrnat^ \ the nit) J ate pj oblems Ih bu^gv striking i hitching pobt is ductor Charlotte hurt In chest cut vou'll think so, too v\hen jou see them ho Will rnrov r nhUh cunfionted the city Adnnni-stra w I at t> tew. them out about fa e Solomon Greelej colored Kaine\ h til stopped it a. local icpai tion la-k^onvillo b it k badl> sprained Mark the pi ice Some houses would ask shop ind i so 71 inkno \ n minnt i I e son hospital buard I cept a paymaster They were led bj 106 years She h.aot been in erood health in men's clothes He it, aui % ived by •*. widow and tw o I ^ugrlers and drummers General C until a few weeks ag-o Her husband sops and two daughters. His sons are j T Ivelly is the commanding? officer died sixty years ago \\ T Harwell and \V t, Harwell and i \ is 1 m^hters !\Irs Lizzie May Hanie follow the lines ot VtlantT and Mrs Julia E Head of i 1 urm Ga —Third Floor. He v, as a de\ oted member of the of the natural figure. Baptist church B 01 many \ears he ' uas a supeimtendeiit of faunday school at the Jones avenue church Athletic ycmn'g men The following- will act as pallbearers Relief for Agonizing Backache Major James G "W oodward John "High's Special" Jen*ren fohn M" Green Captain Rob ' No need, friend, to suffer from the frightful pain of acute back- House Dresses are glad of it; but f 11 M Clayton H Thaden C H Kcl le\ \\alter Tailor and John Malone ache, lumbago, rheumatism or sciatica. Just get a bottle of Sloan's others needn't worry. Liniment—lay it gently on (no rubbing required) and tee how Corsets ALABAMA WINS FIGHT quickly it soothes and quiets, bringing rest and ease to aching, Our designers know TO LOWER RAIL FARES twinging nerves and muscles. But be sure to get the ngkt hm- received 1,000 98 ment—there's no substitute for Sloan's. Montgomerj \la March 3 — Ua pairs these famous bama \von her long- and expensive 500 Xew Percale how to adapt a gar- light against the railroads to enioi ce the 2*£ cent fare on all lines todav Coutil Corsets with 6 House Dres&es m j when in agreement was signed bi ment to any figure. I Uovernor O Neal the railroad commis hose supporters, low, prettj new spring sion the Louisville and Nashville Rail SLOANS i -»a\ comp xni the Nashville Chatta medium and high It's all in the drap- nooga and St I^ouis railway the "West colors — medium ern Tlailwaj of \labama and the Can tral of Georgia railway bust, free hip, and and dark. Splen- ing; they've done it The igreement puts into effect the LINIMENT *-% cent passenger rates in the state * is also good for you would find such a didly *iade; regular unless changed bv the railroad comi mission dismisses all litigation be Croup or Colic Headache Neuralgia Corset for style and $1.50, the price usu- artistically for figures tweeii the contesting iallroads and the Coughs Hoarseness Paralysis state of MaUama dismisses appeals ally—today— J to the supreme court taken both bv Cuts La Grippe Stif* Neck, etc. wear usually sold at of every sort. j the state ind. the railroads and grives 1 the railroad commission the right, Refine* Sciatica $2.00. Here today at w ithout fear of eontempt of court to Mr. J W Stewart, 1MB Cbapel St Cincin- The dealer who sells our read3ust the freight rates of all rail nati, O , writes I bad been suffering with roads operating within the state sciatic rheumatism fir* fourteen months and clothes in your town bad used everything I ever heard of. I began tothinktherewasnohelp forme bnthearing $ 1.00 advertises that fact. of Sloan's Liniment, bought one 35c bottle, 98 SHE ATTEMPTS SUiCIDE used it. and rot relief in three days. I have —Second Floor. —Second Floor WHILEJN FRUITSTAND osedtUiree bottles and never felt better in my Hart Schaffner & Marx Sa\annah Ga~. March 3—(Special)— Stops Backache Mrs Marv Crutchffeld of 1323 West Mr John Patmon, MS Balder St. Atlanta, Good Clothes Nlakers Broad street, attempted suicide this Ga., writes: "I fell and hurt my back and it Full and complete line of "Ferris" and "H. & W." afternoon. She was found in a fruit Wined a. food deal. I used one bottle of i onr stand near her home in an uncon Sloan s Liniment and ft stopped the pain It Corset Waists—Misses', children's and ladies', at 50c, faious condition clutching a, bottle uthe best I ever used > labelled tincture of iodine JW.M T5c, $1.00 and $1.50. Sold In Atlanta by I>espondenc\ srowins out of domes tic trouble is responsible for the act B*. EARLS. SLOW, l«c. ButM, Mass. The growing girls can be fitted •w ith any ot these it is said There is a chance tor faei Daniel Bros. Co. to recover =J. M. HIGH CO. — J. M. HIGH CO. ==

NLWSPAPLR! THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., WEPiraSDAT, MARCH 4, 1914. .Four. fore the parcel post was inaugurated. This DAILY GRIST FROM THE THE paper was the first in the south to advocate AStoryofihe Moment a parcel post. It fought for that institution STATE'S POLITICAL GRIND •nre CT-AMnAftp'sCTJTHERNNEWSPAPER By WAIT MASOH, when many regarded it as only a vagrant Tile Faanoiui Proae Poet. fad. Our position has been eminently justi- PulliaW Daily. Sunday. Tri-Weekly LCOUNTIES VIOLATING PICKENS POLITICS fied by developments. GOOD SENSE. ARE GETTING LIVELY CLARK HOWELI. With the establishment of the parcel "Mrs. Spellbinder was here this after- \ STATE PRIMARY LAW Editor mnd General ' It is noticed that several of the counties Jasper. Ga., March 3.—(Special.)—The po- post we'are getting better service today noon,", said Mrs. Jamesworthy, "ar.d she told litical pot in Pickens county is beginning W. L. HALSTEAD. me of a bargain sale of ready mixed paints which ihave so far called spring primaries from the parcel post than if the ex- for the nomination of county officers have to boil a little. This is Pickens' time to at the drugstore, and said that she noticed name a senator for the forty-first senatorial Bnnaen Manager. press companie^ s were not in the field; our house needs paint. I didn't deny that, included in the list of those who are to be voted for candidates for the senate and district. Colonel L. E. Tate, of Tate, is,be- . the express service is both cheaper and but I told her that we couldn't afford to ins frequently mentioned lor the place. spend money painting the house this year. house of representatives. better than ever in its history- Competi- Most of the counties, however, have con- Colonel Tate is well known and has a host Telephone Main 50OO. "It is gratifying to know that you took of friends in the district. the safe and sane view for once, Mrs. James- formed with the state law on the subject, tion does it. postponing the vote for senator anil repre- There is no candidate so far for repre- It is argued by some that the postal worthy. When you began your remarks I sentative. It is understood the presenl thought you intended to urge me to nee to sentatives until the regular state primary service should not have competition, and in August. member. Rev. J. R. Allen, will not offer foi the bargain sale and blow in the few coun- U &%e U re-election The law on the su'bject is as follows: that no government activity really offers terfeit piastres I have salted down for my Tom Ed Johnson, of Talking- Rock, i>- elastic and effective competition. But the old age. But? for once you shed a new lustre (Acts 1008, p. 53.) being very prominently mentioned as a can- upon the proud name of Jamesworthy, and ^- Code §129 — Whenever any political party, didale for sheriff and will doubtless be in fact remains that since the establishment our escutcheon remains untarnished. etc.. shall hold primary elections tor nomi- nation of candidates for office. Bucli party, the running. He is very strong and popular of the parcel post the customers of this "It is possible that our house needs paint, etc., shall cause all candidates for gover- Hfs father was sheriff of this county some as Mrs. Spellbinder truthfully observed, and Great Trials nor, statehouse officers, members 01 con- twenty-four years ago for four years. Ed class of transportation have been getting it is going to keep on needing paint until cress, United States senators. Judges of su- periOB- and supreme courts and court of ap- kerning- will be a candidate for re-election better,service than at any time in the his- good times borne again, and. the strmgency peals. solicitors general and members 01 as 'county treasurer- He is now serving his in our exchequer is relieved. .It you will the general assembly to be voted for on one tory of this country. -' look around you. Mrs. Jameaworthy, you and the same day throughout the state at flrst term. If a package sent by parcel post is not such flate as may be -fixed by the state As Pickens is. disided politically no pri- will see that all the houses in the neighbor- executive committee of such party, etc., pro- ! delivered as promptly as it should be the hood are needing paint, and if we went ahead vided that said executive committee snail > maries sire held for county officers. Kverv- and decorated our abode with two coats of not fix the date for aald general primary body runs that feels like U. The man thai complaint very promptly goes to headquar- earlier than sixty days before the date of gets the most i otos gets the office. ready mixed yellow ochre, it would seem like the general state election In October. ters. Uncle Sam does not tolerate careless- Historu ^ Very little is being said ajbout the con- Entered at the j>ostc,ffice at Atlanta, vulgar ostentation. People who can't af- cuits, for members gressional and fiiited states senatorial second-class mail matter. ness and the man responsible will lose his ford to paint their houses would see us piling of the genera! as embly in their respective , on the agony, and they would be embitter- TRIAL OF THOMAS DORR counties and Cor enators in their counties r.-u-es. Governor Slaton has many stronp POSTAGE RATES: job. ed. Thev'd lift up their voices and speak as the authorities of the party may direct. friends in this county. TTe carried Piokeii- United States and Mexico. Likewise the management o£ the ex- coulity in the Inst election for governor bv one to another, saying: 'Have you noticed Thus it will be seen that wherein any about 900 majority. There were not OVIM 10 t. 13-we paper* 1« V^-gl press companies are naturally more alert how those presumptuous Jamesworthys are It was the charter rlgiits, granted by a spring primary called especially for the pur-, 3o; 24 to 3U-p»ce p.pcr.. 3«! blowing their substance in vain display?' king which regulated the political institu- 1,300 votes polled. BG-psce papers, So. than ever in assuring prompt delivery, for pose of naming county officers, the ordering "By painting our house we'd stir up hatred tions in Rhode Island for nearly .two nun. of a vote for any statehouse officer, senator, ATLANTA, GA., March 4, 1914. they know they are in active competition and jealousy and other evil passions, and dred years that brought on the rebellio.ii m representative, judge or solicitor is in strict CLAYTON POLITICAL with the- government's parcel post. Care- the neighbors would poison our dog or Khode Island in 1842, in which Thomas W. violation of the law. POT BOILING HARD liUBSCttlPTION RATESs throw bricks through the windows, and other Dorr figured as leader. In 1841 the Khode lessness is promptly located and an irre- misfortunes would follow fast and follow .Tonesboro, Ga-. March 3.—(Special.)—The Island legislature was petitioned for an ex- NEW SENATOR'S SILENCE 1 sponsible official is supplanted by someone faster. As the house now stands, the agents tension of the rights of suffrage. A con- changing of the date for holding the pri- and oily tongued strangers give us a wide vention was called in October of tnat year WORRIES APPLICANTS mary for Clayton county offices from May who Is on the job every minute of the day. berth. I haven't seen a book agent here in 7 to March 2tl has set the political pot to Daily and Sunday 2.25 4.00 and the instrument called the Pe,.pie's Con- Val-dosta, Ga., JVtarch 3.—(Special.)—Ru- 1 Daily 1.3B 2.00 The very fact that each of these two six months, and so there's some pleasure in stitution was _ the result of their delibera- mors and speculation are rife in, this city boiling . Sunday spending my spare time at home. The ex- There- art- threo < andidates for sheriff Trl-Weekly great package delivery institutions know tion. as to the appointment 'Of postmaster to suc- they have a record to make that will be planation is that the passing agent, who is When this constitution was submitted to ceed Major J- O. Varnedoe, the incum-bent. C. D. Dickson. present sheriff; E. L. Dorsey. carrying eighteen sample volumes of the En- the people for ratification It received Jour- whose term expires in May. Major Varnedoe, a prominent farmer of West Clayton, and compared with the other keeps both ever cyclopedia, sees our house all shabby and un- tten thousand votes. "the returns being J. F. Stapler and J. P. Coffee are the appli- II. K. Pearson, a. prominent Jonesboro citi- adorned, and he reasons that there is no use zen. This promises to he a close race Tvith on the alert, and the man who sends a counted and the result declared in January, cants most prominently mentioned in con- 1 package is the beneficiary. coming to our door. 'The man who lives 1842, and the landholders constitution having nection with, the appointment, though there very little loom for eruesstns - The clerk's in such a shack as that,' he savs to himself, been defeated, there was now presented the aire a number of others who may be consid- race will also be a lively one, as four o£ the The effort in some quarters to engineer •wouldn't buy the sacred writings of Con- bingle issue of the old charter of Iu6i> on ered in the running:. It was generally con- county's citizens have expressed their •wil- parcel post legislation with the single ob- fucius if they -were offered at the price of the one hand, and the suftra-lc constitution, sidered that the appointment would reet lingness to serve in that capacity: John 31 ject in view, of exterminating the express a last year's almanac.' just adopted, as claimed, by the popujtir entirely on the re-commendation of lion. J. Mundy," the present clerk; B. H. Coleman "And the stranger with the hallowed vote, on the other. Great entliuFiasm was R. Walker, congressman from the eleventh of Rex, at present tax receiver; L. J. Brown companies is both unjust and impolitic, and smile, who is collecting money to establish manifested by the triumph which the sjl£ra:,e district, but dispatches from Washington, a farmer and business man, of Jonesboro. a home for indigent grandmothers, will look constitutionalists and. their cause had printed in some of the state papers on Sat- and A. S. Mai-tin, alsn a farmer and livei"\ it is no wonder that the New York City at our down at the heel domicile and mutter: THE CONSTITCTION ieu achieved, and meetings and processions, witli urday last,' indicated that the -death of Sen- man, of Jonesboro. Merchants' association protests. •If I went to the door of that house the music, badges, bonfires, etc.. everywhere pro- ator Barcon had complicated matters some- Five of the county's citizens would ai-r proprietor probably would overpower me and claimed the event. what and that the recommendation for the as treasurer. H. P. Strickland, of Jonesboro. rob me of the few pieces of eight I have Chief among the leaders in this remark- appointment might be put up to Senator J. VT. Aclair, the present treasurer; I* K A REMARKABLE WOMAN. collected.' able revolution, as it was termed, was Thom- W. S. West as soon as he takes the oath Spanks. &. P. Crane, all three of near Mor- •• "Thus we see, Mrs. Jamesworthy, that as Wilson L>orr, of Providence, a graduate of office. row, and O, A. Mayo, of Riverdale. A rarely lovable woman and a very re- the house in its present condition is a shield or Harvard college. Governor Kins issued Whether Senator West will care to take f I-'our offer foi tax receiver: J. K. Smitli 1 .dvlnce ?a^nti0?o markable character has passed in the death aud buckler to us. Only the other day the liis proclamation, pronouncing the movement up the matter of recommending a post- J. W. l>avis. W. CJ Kirkland and J- H. Uili ricrs. dealers or asonta. assessor was here, and -when I told him that of the suffrage -party treasonable, and warn- master during the interim is not known, t-on Th-f aanie number would collect the of Mrs. Emma B. Bell, of Atlanta. we had nothing worth jotting down in his ing all of the consequences \vhlch a contin- though, persistent rumors have it that the ta^ces of the county • T. M. Brown, the prps printed blanks, he didn't Question my as- uance in such acts would bring upon them. appointment is to be made within the next ent collector; J. J. Hartsfleld, G. H. Robert- ESTABLISHING The mission of making a home for home- sertion. In fact he looked sympathetic, as Undismayed, however, by these threats, few days. , and O. L. Tliiigstlale, all farmers. PERMANENT GRADES. less men is assumed to be a cheerless one though in half a mind to offer to lend me the suffrage party, presuming on its strength It seems that the appointment of Colonel P. illl Camp, the present coroner, vi ill half a dollar. Now, if the house had been and popularity, went into an election of state "West to succeed Senator Bacon is likely to again ibe in the race. —one devoid of the human touch—o f those glittering in new paint, advertising to the have considerable effect oh a number of Council is to be congratulated upon the officers April 18, 1842, resulting In the eleva- 1 No one has yet offered to be sm-vej 01 enactment of a finance sheet which makes little human intimacies that take life out world the prosperity of its inmates, the as- tion of Mr. Dorr to tlie governorship, to- appointments that are pending . One icport but it is generally understood that the of the commonplace and give it a vital sessor would have laughed my statement to gether with the other officers constituting states that the appointment of Mr. Adams present surveyor, "W. J. Lee, of upper CIa\ provision for continuing and assuring the scorn, and would have rummaged through the government of -the state. as district attorney for the southern district ton, -will be re-ejected. completion ol the new and permanent meaning. the shank from garret to basement, expect- The seal of the state was copied, and a of Georg-ja is bein,g held up awaiting- Sen- Mrs. Bell loved and glorified that ing to uncover ingots of gold and silver." facsimile engraving procured. Orders, in ator West's arriyal in Washing-ton. So far WALKER HAS EYE ON yade and extension work on several im- "I know that what you say is true," said the form of requests, were issued to the mili- Senator West has declined to say what his mission. Mrs Jamesworthy, "and I wouldn't for a min- tary in Providence and elsewhere, which ad- action will be in any of these matters" The ATTORNEY GENERALSHIP portant city thoroughfares For years her home has been a Mecca ute think of spending money for paint under hered to the new order of things, to appear new senator returned last night from Ocala, Clnr'ord M. Walker, of Walker count \ The development of the city is hampered fQr young men wilo, coming to Atlanta as present conditions. Besides, if we painted In the city on the 4th of May to perform es- Fla_, where he spent Monday attending to and former solicitor of the north east ei n the grades of its main thorough- _strangers* , hav!,„„„e growo.™«rn ton Tprominent citi- the house this spring we might not be able cort duty on the occasion of organizing the important business matters. He leaves' * to- circuit, whose name is being- prominent^ - so long as to afford a trip to the mountains next sum- new government. ri ig-ht for Washing-ton, and will proba'bly mentioned for attorney general, for whir fares are s!teep, tortuous and the widths con- zenship. mer, and I've set my heart on that trip." The Rhode' Island legislature undertook ta&e the oath as senator on Thursday office Attorney General Fel-der announces In- If a promising youngster came from "Suffering sidewhiskers!' eried Jameg- to suppress agitation by declaring that any will not be ? candidate, offering for ' stricted and unfavorable to the free flow of worthy "I might have known, that you •person who should preside over illesal meet- STATE SENATOR SWEAT United States senate instead, was in AtlaiU.t the country, unused to city ways and still wouldn't miss a chance to spend money at a Tuesday. traffic. bargain sale unless you had some unworthy ings should be subject to fine and imprison- DECLARES FOR WEST yearning for the domestic atmosphere—he ment On May 17, 1842, Dorr's followers, by Mr. Walker admits that he Is In coin Council has taken cognizance of this motive. There won't be any trip to the moun- Wayci oss, Oa., March 3..— (Special.) — nvunieaUon with friends throughout tun found it at Mrs. Bell's. tains this year, you can bet your Sunday bon- command of their leader, seized some pieces Judge J. Jj. Sweat, the present senator £rom 1 principle. The Whitehall street improve- of artillery, and on that same day. about state an-d, while not having definitely .in Man after man of this type she has net. If you are suffering for mountains, the fifth district, in an interview says; nounced his cand.wia.-cy, thinks it piobabU Mrs. Jamesworthy, you can go to the ten cent midnight these same followers set out to "While from a leg-al aspect senators are ment, one of the most important on the "mothered," surrounding, with the gentle in- take possession of the arsenal on Cranston that he will do so soort- list, is cared for. With the ultimate com- fluences of the home, later to see them store and buy a quarter's worth. That's the not selected to represent geographical sec- be=t I can promise yoct uiitfl there's a "new street. tions, but the whole state, yet, in matters ANDERSON WILL RUN pletion of the project Whitehall will be an blossom into leaders of thought and action. administration and a return of prosperity." Dorr succeeded in organizing his govern- affecting our material interests and the ment in Providence while. Governor King a* selection of government officials, such con- FOR GOVERNORSHIP, IF— Years ago she could have laid aside the Newport was helpless. Martial law was de- eveniv graded north and south boulevard. siderations are entitled to great weig-ht, Hon. J Randolph Anderson may be count exigency of wrestling with the business side clared on June 26. Arrests were frei-ly. even especially jn these d-ays of practical politics. This is not to speak of the enormous ad- indiscriminately, made. All prisons were ed in the rare for the 'governorship in tlT- of life to retire to peaceful seclusion. But "As Senator Smith, is a resident of north event that Governor Slaton decides to cnu-i vantage that accrues to outlying districts BILL FOR REGULATING filled, and as Dorr fled the state, a reward •Georgia, the appointment of William S. she had come to love this molding of young of $5,000 was offered for his apprehension. the senatorial contest and does not offer foi on the south side in enjoying quicker and COTTON EXCHANGES IS West, a south Georgian, by Governor Slaton re-election as the chief executive of tin lives, the safeguarding of careers just Nobody came forward to claim it. For more as successor to the lamented Bacon was not than a year Dorr kept out of Rhode Island, easier access to the city via Whitehall. started, the making comfortable and STRONGLY APPROVED only right and proper, but Colonel West Mr Anderson, who is president of th.- but at length, on October 31. 184S. he went to should (be elected toy the people to fill out The other improvements are ail of a "homey" of men who, without her, would Providence. He was immediately arrested state senate and would succeed temporarily the remainder of the unc-xpired term, thus to the .governorship in the event Governor part in their relative bearing upon the wel- have Jacked both comfort and home or had Editor Constitution: I am glad to see in under an Indictment for high treason ana giving him a tenure of about five years. oday's Constitution that the Smith bill to on April 26, 1844, he was, brought to trial 1 Slaton went to the senate, was in Atlanl.i to accept poor substitutes. She had a mis- during which time south Georgia will at Tuesday and. while he dec-lined to talk poll fare and evolution of the city. Spring street, epulate the diffeiences in the grades of •before the state supreme court, with Chief least have one of the senators, and sufficient Justice Durfee presiding. tics at any length, let it be known that ho which is abs-olutely indispensable to provid- sion—and she loved the work. otton in cotton contracts on cotton ex- with his energy, ability and devotion to could be counted in the gubernatorial con- Dorr's trial was held at Newport—a place A woman of this caliber stands out as hanges has been favorably reported by the her interests within which to accomplish test provided Governor Slaton did not offc, ing facilities for lightening the dangerous other than that where the crime was com- something." load on Peachtree, and for giving a city and unique, as the "shadow of a, great rock in a ommiittee. This bill seems to be in line mitted—before a jury who -to a man were, as weary land." w-ith your editorial of yesterday an-1 if The has been said, "Aigerines and "W'higs." Sam- county air-line from Five Points to Buck- That is why some D! the most prominent 'onstitntion will get behind it there is no uel Y. Atwell was the principal attorney for Alaska's New Gold Fields. head, will become a thoroughfare of county- eason why the democratic congress should the prisoner, bat at the time of the trial (From "Alaska—A Future Empire." by Kd citizens of Atlanta are deeply touched today he was ill. and Dorr, although assisted by HAVANA. wide importance. Along with Spring goes ! ot pass it. It is not by any means a bill H. Thomas, in the American Review or at her death. They were near and dear to hat will benefit any particular section of other counsel, conducted -in the main his own By GEORGE FITCH logically the widening of the Peachtree her in the tender relations that give life a case. His chief reliance was upon the con- Author of "At Good Old Siira Reviews for January.) he country, but will benefit the whole tention that treason could not be committed Discovery of a new and apparently r.rl, "bottle neck," giving to traffic at a strategic softer and a vital meaning. American people. At least 6i> per cent of against an individual state of the union, placer-gold region. the Shusbanna, on the cotton is exported and tho cottiri crop This point was more novel thamann it woulvvou.du Havanavana is the capital of Cuba and the point a wide and straight entry into the _=,. sources of the Tanana, emphasize, s the only thing that causes the balance of appear today. It had not been illustrated by | mjddle name of all good cigars. most heavily laden streets of the city. the acts of John Brown, of \irginia- Nowadays Havana does not overbalance the fact that Alaska is still in a physical for- KISSING AND DIVORCE. rade between nations to be in our favor. It is an empire in the mak- The other south and north side street Bait for tne cotton business uf the south, The ruling of the Rhode Island court was the globe by its size and importance, but mative period. improvements rank proportionately with Vice President Marshall has broken he trade balance would be on the other that treason against a state,was an offense a. hundred years ago it was as big as any- in» for all the forces whose complex ac- loose again. Here he is advising an audi- side of the ledger. altogether possi'ble and under instructions thing »on this hemisphere. Havana people tJns and reactions have made the «r h v,-lrich left nothing to the discretion of the Whitehall, Spring and Peachtree, not forget- ence in New York that a cure for divorce is To depress the price of cotton, therefore, put on airs when they visited New York and habitable are still at work in %the northe, t, s an injury to the whole people. To raise jury Dorr was convicted. He was sentenced territory. ting the important continuation of the work for a man to "kiss his wife each day as an :he price of cotton and maintain it is a by the court to imprisonment for the term Rio Janeiro and said "Nice little city you The forces which have raised continent- on West Peachtree. benefit to the wihole country. For Instance, of his natural life at hard labor and in sepa- have here" with impunity, and the harbor of e forces which have leveled mountain act of good faith." the question or potash in Germany — the rate confinement. the city was filled with ships from all. tire The most significant feature of the sheet Now, no man with normal instincts ob- world. Havana has grown ever since, but ranges and filled valleys; the forces whuh German government, recognizing this prin- A reaction of sentiment soon set in. am' has htvf created fertile argicultural areas: th- jects to osculation, even after the honey- ciple, instead of Injuring the whole people in January, 1845, Dorr was offered his free- has gotten off the main line. It now is that it lays down the precedent that as 300,000 people, and tourists vteit it for its forces which have reclaimed wilderness^ moon has waned into a harvest moon. by the reduction in the export value of dom on condition of subscribing to the oath and set up man's dominion over them, are Ih. fast and far as possible the city will remodel potash, benefited their country by p,revent- of allegiance to the state of Rhode Island. quaintness, not to see its skyscrapers. forces which are conspiring to create an nn its streets to conform to permanently estab- But if kisses between husband and wife ing uiiilue competition and allowing a com- This offer he promptly declined to accept Havana is situated on the north side of p°re. rich and diversified, within the con- lished grades. There should be no more are to be tendered as so much coin as "an bination to maintain prices. If it is a wise In June 1845, he was unconditionally liber- Cuba within 100 miles of freedom and pro- fines of the last territory of the United act of faith," we wax rather dubious re- policy on the part of Germany to maintain ated by an act of general assembly, and in gress until 1898", v,hen both the above men- States—Alafaka. piddling dabs at improvement, wasting garding their remedial effect upon the di- good prices for potash, it certainly would be May 1851, his civil and political rights were tioned moved down and scooped it in. It is Katmai. Paplov. Shishaldin, St. Augustm'. money, but every dollar spent hereafter wise policy in the United States govern- restored to him. On December 27, 18o4, Don a beautiful one-story city, dec-prated wi,th Hliamna, th'« Bogoslovs. and mighty Jit vorce evil. ment to maintain fair prices for cotton, fir. died at the age of forty-five years. tropical plants, .colored stone and plaster Wrangell are some ot the safety-valves o. per cent of which is exported. Under the should be toward substantial and permanent When incompatibility creeps in and be homes and bright costumes. It has drives the volcanic forces still at work. Sherman law as it now stands It is a crime and alamedas around its harbor instead of Rivers of ice and rivers of wH.ter Rra grades and contours, so that every lick will comes chronic and incorrigible, no amount to "bull" cotton and no offense at all for HOOKWORM MAKING wooden wharves, and its cathedrals, palaces some of the erosive agencies. Under the of artificial aid will rekindle the chilling cotton exchanges, by manipulation, under and castles are large enough to strike the surface of the broad interior vallejs are suli count in a definite finished scheme. contracts which permit the delivery of dog GLOBE CONQUEST embers. tourist from this country with considerable terranean ice lakes which feed the vegeta- There will, and should be, no more ex- tail cotton, that is not spinnable, to run the awe For years the most prominent resident tion from'beneath. Long days full of sum- The good and talkative vice president price down foelow the cost of production mer sunshine and this sub-irrigation pro- penditure as in the past for work that may Georgians may receive some consolation of Havana was Christopher Columbus, whose must look farther for a specific. Divorce As there is such a great difference in the remains lay in the cathedral, but he recently duce vegetation in a luxuriance unknown have to be done all over again, and there may-best be combatted by careful selection construction of the Sherma-n act President in the news that the famous hookworm not oukside ot the tropics. This vegetation 111 should be no patchwork compromise of big Wilson was eminently correct in recom- only pervades the sandy regions of the Em- turn decays and Is making the soil for fu- in marriages. And that comes back to the mending the passage of an act definite! pire state, but is carrying his conquest ture fertile acres. • jobs the permanent completion of which proper training of boys and girls, from the prescribing what acts were intended to be around the globe. Dr. A. G. Fort, field sani- Last of all is here and there a handful prohibited by the Sherman law. of determined men and w'omen, pioneers in 'may cost double the amount ,if postponed. very flrst day they learn the real meaning Legislation on the line suggested, on ac- tation- director ot the Georgia t Board of Health, and an expert in hookworm war. the herculean task of conquering this land All these reasons combine to endow the of th,e more vital things and life. count of the fact that 65 per cent of ou so rich in promise. It seems an unequal con- Daily we are more impressed with the cotton crop is exported, -will save to the says: test—puny man against untamed and un- principles back of the-present finance sheet nation, annually, great sums of money "The fight in Georgia against the hook- conquerable nature! with an importance almost epochal. suspicion that many of the social ills o: excess of $100,000,000. worm is only one of many around When the news of the Shushanna strike which we so loudly complain date back to a Under the present status recently I notice this part of the globe. The campaign was confirmed on the 13th of last July a- that memibers of the New York cotton ex- stampede began paralleled only by those of relaxation of the old-fashioned parental dis change, dealers in spot and future cotton is being waged actively in the Windward islands off the coast of Florida anc? In the the Klondike and Nome, except that for th" cipline, firm but kindly. We have pro- were buying spot cotton and paying more most part only seasoned veterans have gone A MA'fTEK OF ECONOMICS. than 100 points more for the actua" British empire. Asia Minor is fiercely be- The Richmond Virginian comments vig- gressed marvelously over the days of oui to the Shushanna, while all sorts of "clieec- fathers in many directions. In some re- cotton, in Monroe, than the actual cotton sieged with the pestilence, but I don't think hacos"—tenderfeet—went to Nome and th" orously upon the statements of William A. was bringing in New York. This was be any fight against it is being carried on Klondike. Almost the first reports that came spects we understand better how to con- cause under the New York contracts they there- but there are campaigns being in- out showed that the existence of the gold Marble, president oJ the Merchants' Asso- could manipulate the future market down placers was due to tho erosive action of a serve child life. But when it comes to the to more than 100 points below spot cotton augurated from as high up as 36 degrees ciation of New York, to the effect that there above the equator {northern Virginia) to 30 glacier which had cut the lode and deposited matter of training that is different. Our even in New York, and 200 points below spot the rich gravels. But this was a comparative- is an effort on part of some congressmen rushing and crowded civilization gives cotton in the south. If the Smith bill be- degrees south, of It." ^^ ly young glacier, as its remains still lie comes the law this cannot be done because to -widen the scope of the parcel post far father and mother less opportunity than they will then have to deliver the grade of sprawling over the upper sources of the beyond its legitimate field, the sole idea formerly to watch the growing boy and girl cotton prescribed by the contract. Swiss Rent Payers Re6el. creeks. being to bait the express companies irre- as they should be watched. i If The Constitution will continue this (From The London Chronicle.) The greatest tUnB that ever lutppene* The question now naturally arises: What good work in the interest of the south and Revolt has broken out amoris the middle Havana. of the huge glaciers still active over great spective of whether or not that demagogic , Absence of that gentle shepherdship is areas of Alaska's surface?- the whole nation, the whole country will be and poorer classes in Switzerland against succeeded in getting -home to Spain after end is accomplished at the expense of good largely back of the divorce problemj under obligations to it. the tyranny of house owners and their They, too, may be cutting rich lodes and FELKBR. almost 400 years of exile. concentrating the precious metal in gravel service and the public treasury. The Vir- agents Syndicates have been formed to Havana was founded just '400 years ago deposits to be exposed thousands of years ginian indorses the, views of Mr. Marble. Monroe, Ga. obtain reasonable rights, accommodation and hence. With hundreds of thousands of square A money sheet is a good thing for the miles of flowing ice-streams still In exist- Had .these views emanated from an avowed city fathers to draw np over them this cold ^^or several years there has been a build- ence who can say that Alaska's placer de- proponent of the express companies they Pretty Safe. ing fever, especially among get-rich-quicfc weather. Schopenhauer, the German pessimist, was posits will ever be exhausted? speculators, and by means of a "ring" *mts up Havana. It was besieged by buccaneers would be discounted. Bat considering the asked one day to dinner by a gentleman obvious disinterestedness of Mr. Marble, •who had also invited a number of Prussian have been forced up by them nearly 30 per and French and threatened by Drake. In It needs just two letters added to Villa's 1589 Spain built Morro Castle and these six parts yellow fever. A year later the they are receiving unusual consideration. officers. Said one of the officers to Scho- cent in «pite of the fact that the supply ot/ American army, a^rmcd with ten boat loads name to make a first-class definition. penhauer: "Why do you put a coin under houses is greater than the demand.. Ten- amusements ceased for a while. of soap, took possession and Havana began Mr. Marble believes that the parcel post j vour plate?" "I have made a vow," replied ants in old houses and flats have their In 1898 the United States battlesip Maine to clean up. Now it is healthy, honest and and the express 'companies have distinct I the philosopher, "to give this piece of money rents increased and at the same time are of- was blown up in Havana harbor by persons unknown to the jury. This was the greatest prosperous. It supplies sugar and cigars to fields, and that . if left undisturbed by Vice President Marshall would cure the , , a beggar the very first time I dine with fered sli&htly cheaper accommodation In ne,w half the world, and the palaces of the for- divorce evil by kissing. More divorces are ' the military without hearing talk aJbout" buildings for a year only. Then the rent thing that ever happened to Havana, ".^as mer grandees are now filled with men and ignorant interference these fields will, women and horses. It is fifty years since 1 js .increased as much as 30 and 40 per cent, owned by Spain at the time and consisted caused by the wrong than the right sort of made this vow, but T have not yet been called of four parts dirt. £iv«r parts tyranny and -women making pure Havanas. quickly develop into their natural functions. the family generally staying on. '• . The Constitution took this position be- j kissing. upon to bestow my money in alms." t iNEWSPAFERr VSPAPERI THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1914. Five.

J the experience necessary to cope with motion on the plea to the jurisdiction i government problems. ' - and the motion to vacate the warrant for the arrest of Charles S. Mellen. The Debate In tbe Scntc. former president of the New Haven. POLICE HOLD HOE MAN I CITIZENS' LEAGUE OPENS FEMALE WRATH I JDurfnp the debate in*tne senate Sen- Mr. aieJlen is charged with manslaugh- THOUSANDS LISTEN t ator Clapp declared that all the sinister ter in connection with the Westport influences of the country "were lined wreck on October 3, 1912. ^ u-p against woman suffrage. He said WHEN GIRL DISAPPEARS he regretted that good people, in oppos- OFFICES IN PETERS BLDG. ing suffrage, allowed themselves to be FOMOCRATS used as. a mask for these evil influ- . TO LONDON DIVINE TO CANAL BOILDER l ences. Dyspeptics Envy F. £. Hellen Says He Sent Her League Leaders Plaft Big Mass i Senator Bryan, of Florida, made the j first extended speech affalnst the and His Aged Mother to Meeting at the Auditorium amendment. He -contended first of all AH Good Eaters Dr. G. Campbell Morgan President Wilson Presents Suffragists Threaten Re- ' that the states should be allowed to Spartanburg. Two Weeks Hence. deal with the question, saying, that Special Gold Medal to Col. venge at Polls if There's i California had no more right to say Makes Powerful Appeal to | whether the negrro woman of Florida But If They Would Stop Fearing The office of the Citizens' League of , should vote than Florida had to say Food and Use Stuart's Dys- Women to Help Their P. E. Hellen, a retired hotel pro- Goethals — Wilson Styles Adverse Action on Suf- that the Japanese should vote In Cali- prietor of Trion, N. C-, reported to be Atlanta in the Peters building •was a 1 fornja. pepsia Tablets They ! worth a quarter of a million dollars, busy place Tuesday. frage Amendment. Fallen Sisters. was held at police station yesterday, Goethals World's Greatest All during the day Archie Lee, sec- Could Eat Heartily. retary of the league, was busy answer- being denied bond, while the detectives Engineer. It is not only sad but amusing as Taking as his theme the friendship of ' made investigation Into the sudden ing Inquiries regarding the league and Washington, March 3.—All .phases of j well to watch dyspeptics regard a Jesus Christ and illustrating the mar- ' and mysterious disappearance of providing petitions to those who a,r« tne woman suffrage question were pre- ; SHOT DOWN ON HIGHWAY friend aa that friend talks about a fine campaigning for new mem'bers. seated to the house judiciary commit- j meal he has just enjoyed, velous manner of its workings by the young Bertha Whitehouse and Hel- Washington, March S. —'Washingto n len'e ag-ed mother on Monday, foliow- There were some seventy-five peti- tee today, accompanied 'by cheers, Jeers, To the dyspeptic there comes only instances of the Master's allowing Him- tonight paid tribute to Colonel George the thought of the pain, the belching. . Ing- a dispute between the girl and tions in circulation Tuesday, and many hisses and applause. Deserting sentl- the Indigestion, etc., that follows the self -to be followed by a 'foreign wom- Washington GoethaJs. fcuilder of the hundreds of new members were se- Hellen in a boarding house at 273 Panama canal. The occasion was the menta* phases of the suffrage argu- BY GANGfYOUNG MEN meal and the awful sense of repug- an* and also His entering the house I "Washington street on Monday morn- annual banquet of the National Geo- cured. ment -Mra. Crystal Eastman Benedict nance that occurs while the meal is of the rogue, Zachlas, greatly to the ing-, in which it is reported Hellen graphic society, with Colonel Goethals Forrest Adair, one of the leading am* >lrs. Mary Beard, New York law- being: eaten. consternation and holy horror of the } threatened to take the girl's life. present as the guest of honor, and to members of the league, stated Tuesday yr ; threw down the gauntlet to tne that he had received scores of tele- Clifford Aycock Accused and rulers, Dr- G. Campbell Morgan, of Hellen told Chief of Detectives Lan- receive from the hand of President / .locratic party in no uncertain terms, ford Tuesday about noon that when Wilson a special gold medal awarded grams from Atlantans, temporarily out v-irning the committee that the politi- Then Killed Near Cor- London, last night at the Bible con- ! of the city, asking- that their names lbe cal wrath of the 4,000,000 women in 1 , the police' came to make the arrest he him by the society in recognition of ference meeting at the Baptist Taber- i had hurried his mother and the young- his wonderful achievement. enrolled and expressing sympathy with suffrage states would be visited upon dray'i Mill. nacle, issued a powerful appeal to the | girl attendant out of the back door Secretary Bryan was toastmaster the movement. the party, unless favorable considera- c-hurch women of Atlanta to help the i of the boarding" house, with instruc- and graShered about the banquet table John Moore, the well-known attor- tion were given the constitutional ney, spent some time in the offices of .Albany, G-a., Mjardh 3.—(Special.)— fallen women and warned them, leat ' tions to leave the city of Atlanta and wi-th distinguished scientists of the amendment for woman suffrage. the league. He was enthusiastic over Anti-suffragistB stold the committee Reports in which details are lacking in the neglect of this duty jthey bring • go to Spartanburg, S. C. The detec- society were President Wilson and his have reached here from Edison of the tives at first suspected foul play con- cabinet, justices of the supreme court, the interest being- taken, that woman suffrage would toe harm- down upon themselves scorching ire "We will go Into the next election ful "not only to women 'but to the killing near Cordrajy*s Mill, a remote nected -with the strange disappearance memtoers of the diplomatic -corps, high settlement, of Clifford Aycoclc- of the Master. officers of the army and na.vy, leaders with 5,00f> voters," said he. "You can Mr. Morion stated that during- the of the girl, but late Tuesday after- eountrj'." I The report from Edison Is to the in both, houses of coiifrress and other depend on us as a factor in ipoJJtJcis Jtf, \VnJfctr in TTOHJSCIW- I •winter months at his home — or rather noon Chief of Detectives Lanford re- effect that Aycock and another young- ! ceived a telegram from the chief • of notable figures in the life of the na- from this time oh." in the country in which b.6 does the It is the plan of league leaders to At the conclusion of the hearings, T>r. | man were in the road going to Oor- police at Spartanburg stating that the tional capital. "Walker, trousered and silk hatted, pre- • dray's Mill. When about a mile from principal part of his work. — he had girl and mother were there, having During the evening Jules J- Jusse- hold a big mass meeting in the audi- made a -careful study of the Testament . arrived there at 9 o'clock Monday torium within the next two weeks, at sented to the committee what she, the mill these boys were overtalcen "Which one do yon ibink Is dcacribinff rand, the French ambassador, and dean called "the crowning constitutional I by about four or ftve more youiig men, to discover just how Christ_ acted in night. of the diplomatic corps, was formally which prominent speakers will explain a great biff dienrty raenlf" ' the presence of the "down-aud-o-uts," Hellen is a man about 45 years of the purpose of the league. argument" to show that women already and Ay cook was questioned about age, tall and slender, with hair which notified of his election to honorary have the rifirh-t to vote under the con- something he was accused of dolngr. The easy way, the pleasant T\ ay. is Never Repraehed Them. membership in the society. to use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets that or the "notorious sinners" of the Bible. i has turned slightly gray. He Is a stitution. The yorung; man -with, him ran and |ba'chelor. He was stopping off in At- A Strfkinit Scene. Aycook was fired upon. The re-port quickly restore appetite and build up "In every instance 1 found," said lanta with his mother and the young In the meanwhile debate on the suf- the worn-out body by the perfect as- Dr. Morgan "that He never reproached girl attendant. whom he states he The banquet hall presented a strik- frage amendment was continuing m says he was shot about four times similation of food. them, nor had He any harsh word for hired to wait on his old mother, and ing scene. At one end, raised high the senate. and each time the ball entered the These little digesters are powerful, LEAVES FOR NEBRASKA back. At last reports no arrests had pleasant, and produce almost immedi- them. was going to Florida to spend a few above the table, the words: "AtJantac- T-he suffragists who appeared before ate digestion of anv meal. If you will "But those for whom He did have m,onth3. Goethals- Pacific," blazed in brilliant the committee were divided. Mrs. •been made. use them occasionally you will quick- Burton Smith has been employed as electric letters as all-other lights were Antoinette Funk, Mrs. Medill Mc- harsh words were those who had them- counsel for the defendant, who is now ly learn •what a joy food really is. One selves no tenderness for others. For extinguished. Cormick and Mrs. William Kent, rep- cannot hope to help nature l>y eating held on a charge of disorderly conduct, TO Louis W. Hill Chosen. food from .which a weakened digestion these the printed pases of the Testa- and the case will be tried by Judge Ice cream was served the ** diners resenting the National Woman Suf- from miniature dredges, carried by St. Paul, Minn., March 3.—L.OUIS W. cannot take the ingrodientfj it needs. ment fairly burn wilh, scorching Broyles this morning at 8:30 o'clock. frage association, urged that, if the The only way is U> put those in- words." At the police court matinee session waiters dressed in the uniform of the Jjecatur, Ga , March 3.— (Special.)— committee would not report the pro- HiJl, chairman of the board of direc- gredients In a pure form into the body. Tuesday Judge IJroyles released Hellen United States engineer corps, and fol- Charlie L,ifsey, bailiff of the Decatur posed, amendment, it report an amend- tors of the Great Northern railway, Then wh«n they ;u e absorbed the s\ s- Then leaning far out from his pulpit on a $25 bond. and shaking that skinny «md power- lowed by sailors bearing a tiny battle- justice of j>eace court, left Monday for ment to all of the suffrage question to was elected president of the company teni at once starts lebutiding and IK ship. Individual dishes of cream ap- enabled to soon perform its proper And fully eloquent index finger of his in Onij,ha, Neb., to brinj? back C. B. Park- be decided by referendum in the various at a special meeting of the board of perfect funetions. the faces of his audience, hi; said: "CHECKERS" ON FILM peared molded in the shape of the er, /who is under a $10,000 supersedeas states, instead of by the legislatures. directors held this afternoon. He will Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain "To you "women of the church: "What Panama canal dump ear. 'bond, charged with seducing a girl of Mrs. Benedict, Mrs. Beard, Mrs. Glen- retain the title of chairman of the the very essences most demanded d.iul -board exofficio. are you doing for tho»e 'other' wom- The medal awarded Colonel Goethals a prominent X>t;KaIb county family dower Evans, of Boston, and Dr. Cora ( desired by the body to do its work of ' COMING TO THE GRAND was given as an expression of the The resignation of C. R. Gray, who taking nutrition from food. en? Por thobC who are trying to get about six years ago. The case has been Smith Knox, for the Congressional i has accepted the presidency of the appreciation o"f the society and the tried several times, 'but resulted each Union, declared that the time had come J As soon as the stomach is enabled back?" It has been announced that the Grand nation of the • arm-y engineer's distin- Western Maryland, v*as accepted. Mr. to stop food dfM^ay and *oalan\-u HP With great emotion, Dr. Morgan con- management Jhas perfected arrange- guished service. It.s presentation was time in an appeal or mistrial. The" to make the suffrage question one of' Gray will become active head of the gastric juicta, then raw stomach g«H^, tinued. ments with the southern offices of the the final act or President Wilson's first bond was furnished by five Citizens of political expediency. Western Maryland on March 15. foul breath, catarrh, heartburn, now <•! f All-Star Feature corporation for the "It is because I have the interests trouble, etc., disappear Tho result i.s "Tho s:re,U>-ht truuble T find is to presentation of "Checkers," the power- year as chief executive of the United UcKalb county. 1 States. Parker was convicted about three of this administration at heart,'* said always the parne This fac-t alon* IF get women \\hi-> will I;is,s the^o-women ful play by Henry W. Blossom, that Inscribed on the medal were the Mrs. livans, "that 1 hope the demo- Me/fen's Plea Overruled. what has made Stuart's. 1 ^ .sp^psia Tab- and be kind to them and help them l has been recently a-rrangeil for motion words: years ago before .} udg^e L. S. Roan, then cratic majority in the house will see lets the great PS. t dvsneysia and stom- pictures. The announcement hardly jud^re of the atone Mountain circuit of its way clear to reconsider what after Bridgeport, Conn.. March 3.—Judge ach remedy ever sold. Tli^y ;i re on buck to the church and back to the carries the importance of the fact, for "This medal of the aNtional Geo- sort of llf*j they ought to lead. graphic society is awarded to Ge-org-e superior court, and sentenced to ten all was a somewhat unconsiderect ac- Joseph P. Tuttle, in the criminal su- sale at every drug store tnnl you may its means that other great plajs will years in prison. Judge Charles Reid, tion of the democratic caucus." perior court here today, overruled the obtain a box any\vhcie. Price 50 eent>. "You women who are not willing to be seen on the screen at Atlanta's fa- Washington Goethals, to whose ability mous theater. and patriotism the world owes the con- then solicitor, but now judge of the Democrats Are Warned. receive UJP-SU women jn your company struction of the Panama canal, March Stone Mountain, heard the and hel'> them — He would have harsh. Henry W. Blossom wrote the play. It 3, 1914." twice, each time 'pronouncing a mis- Mrs. Evans antl Mrs, Benedict warned words for >ou " has been produced with the greatest trial, and another judge must be select- the democrats not to "dodge the issue," success with Thomas W. Ross and Wilson. to Goethals. ' and declared that action on the suf- Jr're S to tins L>r. Morgan had Katharine J.a-Salle in the loading- roles. Presenting the medal, President ed to try Parker when he is brought Wilson said: back. It is said that the girl testified frage question must be taken at this outlined the wonderful friendship Mr. Blossom has aided Augustus Thom- against Parker in the trials. session of congress. which .I lia rtu-ibt has for every man as in preparing the play for the screen, "I am here to do what I suppose is an unusual thmj^ for a society of this Congressman AV'illiam Schley Howard "Gentlemen," said Mrs. Beard, "you and wit li every utu^n should feel jn and the two original stars will be seen will prosecute the caso and Colonel J. cannot answer UH by s-hakiiig jn our in their old parts. sort. It generally confers its honors faces that tatterdemalion of a states' Him. The play will be produced in five upon those who hav« disclosed geogra- K. McClelland represent the defense. "Christ \\aiith Iriends,1' he said. "How Colonel McClelland states that the bond rights scarecrow and then expect us complete reels with more than 225 phy rather than upon those who have was a. swpersedejib one and did not call not to read the newspapers when you Wt-11 do j uu and I measure up? thrilling scenes, that could rtexer have altered it. It is a, sort of advertiser for Parker's appeal unce. and that it repudiate your platform and violate The New Low "I am' after jut>t a few people," lie been produced on the largest sta-g-e. and custodian of the globe, but it is express states' rights in the matter of For instance, the race scene will be a now about to honor a gentleman who was there-fore voi-d. but that if Parker said. "I am after the doubter. Do sensational feature. It will show had though his bond was anywise in a presidential primary. You cannot has had the audacity to change the jeopardy he would have immediately te]l us that the platform will not al- nut bo hypocritical. If you doubf, do "Checkers" holding the ticket for the globe. The engineering profession is low this suffrage discussion because not pretend that you do not. If your bet he has made with the 50-dollar gold returned to Decatur. Express Rates one of the few creative professions. "Thei e is nothing against Barker," it is silent regarding it. but will permit doubt i& hoiHbt. take it to Christ and piece given, by his sweetheart, and Those of us who have attempted to be whom he promised never to part with. said Colonel McClelland, "except his the repeal of the canal tolls exemption have it out with. Him. You will find literary men conceive tliat we have indictment." Parker is being held by which it expresslly forbids, it is un- that He is > our friend to whom you created conceptions oC the mind, but the omaha officials until Baliff 4-,ifsey derestimating- our resources to sup- "we never 'can produce them in court. arrives. 'pose that we can't put these facts into offer to merchants, manufacturers may talk, and that He will help you." GAINESVILLE AMATEURS They are never visibly upon exhibi- the hands of 15,000,000 voters, includ- Spci&Ka OD Home. tion. But the magic of the engineer is ing over three million free women. The and business men a safe, high speed In a brilliant analysis. Dr. G. Camp- TO GIVE PLAY FRIDAY that he can change the face of nature "political party which will enU-r into bell Morgan, the London divine, laid and show the work of his hands, and possession of the federa.1 government carrying service at lower charges on March 4, T3T7, will believe that bare the causes of the disintegration Gainesville, Ga., March 3.—(Special.) that it is in some deep sense creative The Dramatic club, of Gainesville, Ga., in character. The life of mankind on PACE MAY i NAMED woman suffrage is a matter of national than have ever before prevailed in of home life in his address at the Bap- will present its first play, "The New the globe is altered, for example by concern and transcendent national im- tist Tabernacle Tuesday morning1. Generation," at the Brenau auditorium, the cutting and the use of the Panama portance.'* This address was one in the series Friday evening. March 6, at 8:30 canal. Tiie representatives of the National the history of transportation. of splendid lectures that Or. Morgan o'clock. The Dramatic club is com- "It fills the imagination to think of "W-oman Suffrage association disclaimed posed of some of the attractive young what this Work will ^accomplish. It POLICE BOARD CHIEF participation in the political warning of is .delivering" upon the subject, "Na- ladies and prominent young men of will create new neighbors. It will gen- the congressional union, and for some These new rates are even lower tional Life," and its title was, "The Gainesville, and this occasion lends orate new friendship. It will make a time the committee room was in con- Home in Its -Relation to National Life." much interest, not only locally, but to new atmosphere of rivalry and of gen- Humors of a "deadlock" in the police fusion with half a dozen women trying when applied to food products. The Tabernacle was crowded and the the state-at-largre. because some of erous association. The whole tendency board in the contest for the chairman- to explain things. audience .sat spellbound as Dr. Morgan the members of this organization have of the routes of trade will be changed, Bhip between Commissioners "W. I>. HlHMea for Heflin. They will help the farmer find talked with Such wonderful knowledge figured. lairgely in college affairs of and the routes of trade are the routes Fain, of the second ward, and W. A. At times during the hearing the and insight of the home and the influ- this btate \vithin the last few' years. of enlightenment. Only when neigh- The members of the club and those bors touch one another do they cease Vernoy, of the third ward, has started spectators, who crowded the room, gave new markets—and help the house- ences whit-u in latter dajH are break- in the cast are as follows: Misses to be provincial and look out upon the a movement to urge the candidacy of vent to their feelings. Representative ing down its unity of purpose and in- Elizabeth Alexander. Isabelle Charters, Robert T. ljace for the place, which will Heflin. of Ala'bama, who spoke against wife lower the living cost. great tasks of humanity instead of suffrage, was frequently hissed. terest. Carol l>ean. Susie J-Tam. Nelle vMurphy, confining- themselves to the relatively be vacated by Carlos Mason next Tues- After tracing the origin of the word Mary Klla Perry, Annie I>ou Pagett, day. Mrs. Arthur M_ Dodge, president of Atlanta, Ga., and Messrs. Edgar Dun- selfish tasks of their own domestic the National Association Opposed to Express service from now on must "home" back to '-ts original sources, lap, Charles T. Estes, Hammond John- development, and it is only as we ex- Mayor Woodward was in conference Woman Suffrage, conducted the oppo- showing that in its correct conception s,on. Lester W. Hosch. Stephen P. port and import ideas that civilization with a number of friends and close sition to the amendment. Mrs. Henry It is older than Christianity itself, Dr. Kenyon, Bdward "E. Kirnbrough, Sid- becomes thoroughly established. supporters Tuesday. During the early White, of Boston, declared that woman become a factor of steadily increas- Morgan entered upon a pertinent dis- ney O. Smith, George P. Bstes, Jr., and (ioethals Greatest KnKi»eer. morning- hours he was with leaders of has succeeded in getting all of her Wendell Williams. legal rights without the ballot, and ing importance in the business life discussion of the ideals which should "We have, therefore, to lion or to- the Citizens' League Movement, and that the ballot was unnecessary. govern the home. night the greate&t living representa- towards noon Coionel Fred J. Paxon, "The wise state recognizes that wom- of the nation. Interesting addresses were delivered tive of this extraordinary profession. who is also indentified with the new an must be preserved for the work she Tuesday afternoon by Dr. S. D. Ourdon, ENGINEER EMPLOYED It seems to me to be natural, if 1 say organization, called on him. Just what only can do for the state," said Miss Dr. George Stuart and Dr. William &o with apologies to some of our the conferences related to neither May- Alice H. Chitten-den, of New York. The new rates spell opportunity for you. 1 FOR GRANITE HIGHWAY friends present, that the greatest en- or Woodward nor his conferees would "W.hen a woman attempts to fight with Souper. gineer should come from the United state, but gossip has it that the Pace the weapons of men she is playing a Whether producer or consumer you need Rev. Mell Trotter spoke at the Tab- r>ecatur. Ga.. March 3,—(Special.) — Statc-s. The United States is not one boom for the chairmanship was dis- lowing- game." ernax'Io at noon. The executive committee of the Granite of the statical nations of the world. It cussed. Miss Margery Dorman, of the Wage the express service and will find profit in Great Interest in Macon. That Mayor "Woodward would person- Higrhway association, met this morn- is ono of the nations whK-h has dis- ally like to see Commissioner Pace Earners' Anti-Suffrage league, of New Macon, (ra., ilarch 3. — (Special.) — If ing- at 9:30 o'clock at the office of the turbed equilibrium, which has cut new elected to the chuirmaiiHhip of the York, said that working- wome.i did its use. You can speed your deliveries, the attendance at the opening session Decatur Board of Trade and deci-ded paths for the thought and action of board he made plain. He declared that not need the ballot.- She said that of the Max on Bible conference is to be to employ the engineer for the roa is our one of the best ever delivered before proud boast that we have cut this SQUEEZED SOUTHERN a Macon audience. highway for all the seagoinfi ships of JUST A e HOURS Dispatch Efficiency Tonight l>r. fci. D. Gordon, of Phila- FRANCE IS RAVAGED the ^vorld. delphia. author of "Quiet Talks" and Washington, March 3.-—Representa- other devotional books-, ,was the speak- BY THE WHITE PLAGUE The Helpers of Goethals. tive Collier, of Mississippi, in a speech er. His address dealt with the deeper "I take it for granted that we -do in the house against interlocking di- If Cross, Feverish, Constipated, Christian life and lifted his audience Pans, March 3.—Tuberculosis has not tonight forget that distinguished rectorates today, declared the South- Give "California Syrup into that plane v> Ivere new visions of doubled in France sance 1S87, accord- group of men who have been associat- ern railroad had to g-o to J, P. Morgan Christian service are seen and new de- ing to- figures supplied to The Temps ed with Colonel Goethals — that gallant & Co. witii an exorbitant premium to of Figs." sires kindled. The auditorium was by Henri Sc-hmidt, a republic-radical and devoted soldier who gave his very get money with which to meet $50,- again parked. • deputy, one of the leading temperance life to see that the great work 'was 000,000 worth of bonds about to fall Thursday night, when Dr. G, Carfip- workers in France. done at Culebra cut; that man who due. bell Morgan speaks, the indications are "They are straining every nerve to Mothers can rest easy after giving the auditorium "will be uiiab-le to ac- Infantile mortality In Normandy, ac- made so much of this work possible, cording to Schmidt's statistics, where Surgeon General Gorgas, by knowing pay the enormous interest on that "California Syrup of FiR-s," because in STATEMENT OF HEMS CONDITION OI>' THE commodate the crowd- Much interest a few hours all the clogged-up waste, is centered, over, the coming of Dr. women drin'k excessively, is just dou- how to hold disease off at arm's great bonded indebtedness of theirs," ble what it is in the temperate de- length while these men "were given said Mr. Collier. "They cannot pay sour bile and fermenting food gently Morgan, generally recognized as one moves out of the bowels, an-d >ou have of England's most noted ministers. > partment of the Gers. Infantile mor- leave to work ; Colonel Sibert, who these 'bonds, so they have to go to J. tality is at its highest in those dis- built the walls 'of Gatun dam and cre- P. Morgan & Co. and get $50,000,000 to a well, playful child again. Children Security State Bank tricts where absinthe drinking- is prev- ated Gatun lake, making, it look to redeem those bonds. The Morgan simply will not take the time from alent. company says, 'We will give you $50,- play to empty their bowels, and they Located at Atlanta, Ga., at the close of business February 25, 1914, the eye of the beholder as if nature become tightly packed, liver gets slug- had done the work over which he him- 000,000, but we want $60,000,000 for gish and stomach disordered. self presided; and Colonel Hodges, this fifty million of bonds; we want RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. you to add ten million more in bonds." When cross, feverish, restless, see if Sentence Is Modified. who made the locks and the machinery tongue is coated, then give this de- •Demand Loans $ 2,794.79 Capital Stock Paid in ... ?(!') 000 00 Diamonds by which these great things are ad- Mr. Collier referred to the consolida- Time Loans 73,182.89 Undivided Profits, le&j, Cur- J udge Newman, of the federal dis- tion of railroad interests, saying that licious "frilit laxative." Children love trict court, yesterday is-sued a.n order ministered. But we are merely ac- it, and it cannot cause injury. NO dif- Furniture and Fixtures .. .. 204.00 rent Expenses, Interest and fa Vafituie Steadaly modifying: a time and money sentence knowledging the presiding character once there was keen competition and ference what ails your little on,e if Due from Banks and Bank- Taj«*s Paid , . . 4,<*M 77 imposed on Bud Mulkey. wlho had en- and genius which drew .all the ele- cutting- of rates in his state, but that full of cold, or a, sore throat, diarrhoea ers in this State . . <, 681.93 Bills Payable, Including Tune and Hake Ideal Gifts tered a plea of guilty to a charge of ments of this work together, which following the example of the inter- stomach-ache, bad breath, remember Due from Banks and Bank- Certificates R'-prcb^nting illicit distilling. Mulkey was sentenced made it a work done by eo- laborers, locking- directorates in New York they a gentle "inside cleansing" should al- ers in other States , 63S.49 Borrowed Money.. 12,200 tut A diamond is certain to be by Judge Newman October 8, 1912, to not by rivals —wor k done as if it were got together and today merchants, In- ways be the first treatment given. Full —• Reserved for Taxes .... 32(>3.j six months In the Fulton county jail the conception of a single mind, and sead of having the agents come to directions for babies, children of all appreciated, no matter to and to a line of S100 and costs of the work in the spirit of service and self- them for business, go to the agents ages and grown-ups are printed on Total $77,502.12 Total < •whom you give it. prosecution. The modification order effacement which belongs to a great and then find the rates of all the roads each bottle. reads "that the defendant be imprison- service of a great government. There not only increased, but identical. Beware of counterfeit ftg syrups. . OF GEORGIA. FULTON COUNTY.—Before- mo < aino H O c;radd\- Diamonds ,are attractive, ed in the Fulton county jail for a term is nothing selfish in the eminence of People of Mississippi. Alabama, Ask your Druggist for a 50-cent "bottle Cashier' of The Security State Bank, who, 'being duly sworn, t-ay.s that the and are admired for their of,four months and that he pay a fine Colonel Goethals. It is representative Georgia, Florida, the CaroHnas, Ten- of "California Syrup of Figs," then above and foregoing statement is a true condition of s.ud Hank as Mimvn by natural beauty and worth. of $100 and costs of prosecution, the of a great profession: it is representa- nessee, Virginia and Kentucky, he look carefully and see lhat it is made the books of ale in said Bank. . * sentence to date October 8, 1813." tive of a great government; it is said, "are paying the freight and giv- by the "California Fig- Syrup Com- When you give a diamond to representative of a great spirit. ing- Morgan & Co. more than $10,000.- pany." We make no smaller size. Hand Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 3d day of March ioi'-t a loved one it yields a two- 9io Thought of Private Profit. 000 and have to pay the interest on back with contempt any other fig LEE G. WILLIAMS, those bonds." syrup. Notary Public, Fulton County, G*. fold pleasure—it confers upon Evers Due Today. *'I am glad this thing was not clone the wearer a certain prestige, Macon, Ga., March 3.—The Boston by private enterprise and that there and is an investment which Nationals, in training camp here, to- is no thought of ..private profit any- day took their first spring- workout. will constantly increase in i where in it, but that a government put OP TIHiE CONDITION OF THE The day was considerably warmer than I itself at the service of the world and value. was yesterday, and the Braves spent i used a great man to do a great thing. It will be a- daily reminder the jpreater part of the afternoon in {That is the ideal of the modern world, tossing the ball around. Johnnie that the services to mankind shall be of your tlioughtfuluess for a Evers is due tomorrow, with the three commonly shared. Dr. E. G. Oir $8 Set of Teeth Colonial Trust Company lifetime. Cubans, Luque. Villazon and Gon- "So I esteem it a real privilege, act- Diamonds are admired by zales. ing on behalf of this society, to pre- Located at Atlanta, Ga., at the close of "business February 25, 1314. sent to you. Colonel Goethals, this Griffin's $5 the old and young alike. A very beautiful medal. It is made of LIABILITIES. diamond is the gift supreme. Veterans Name Delegates. mere gold and gold is of no conse- GATE CITY Demand Loans ? 2,700.00 Capital Stock Paid In .. -...$121,700.00 quence in this connection, but it Time Loans 152,089.43 Undivided Profits, less Cur- One cannot have too many, Americus. Ga., March 3.—(Special.)— rent Expenses, Interest At a meeting of Camp Sumter con- speaks, in the most precious metal we DENTAL ROOMS Furniture and Fixtures 1,580.00 so such a gift is sure to de- federate veterans today delegates know, the gratitude and the admira- Due from Banks an-d Bank- and Taxes Paid 17,706.80 light the recipient, were elected to Jacksonville reunion tion of the world." ers in this State 10,098.99 Individual Deposits Subject Write or call for our bo.ok- Line designated the official route of 241/2 Whitehall St. Due from Banks and Banlc- to Check 16,316.S« the large Americus party. In the Court at Nashville. ers in other States ." 4,250.09 Saving's Deposits .m 2,456.8»J let, "Facts About Diamonds/' election of camp officers for the year Over Brown & Allen's Currency . J987.00 Time Certificates 1,500.00 and 160-page illustrated cata- Commander H. T. Davenport, for ten Nash viUe, Ga., SJarch 3.—(Spec ial.) Gold 25.00 Bills Payable, Including Jg^xe. They explain our at- years .commander, was re-elected", as The adjourned session of the civil Silver, Nickels, etc... . 100.75 Time Certificate.^ repre- were all other camp officers. week of city court convened here this Lady Attendant Clearing House 164.43— 1,277.18 senting Bon-owed Money. 30,000.00 tractive selling plans and morning. Judge C. A. Christian is pre- $15 Gold Dust Balance du<- on Loans - - . . 2,000.00 quote net prices. siding- The session was postponed r-hone M. I7O8 Reserved for Taxes 315.20 Called to Cedartown. last month because of the United Plates ...... Cedartown, Ga-, March 3.—(Special.) States court convening in Valdosta at Total $171,995.69 Total S171,995.6'J Maier<& Berke3e,fliuc. At a conference of the First Baptist tS§6t time. Many important cases will EXAMINATION FREE Crown and Bridge Diamond Merchants church, of this city, the church extend- be tried. Work ...... STATE OF CteOiRGLA, FUT/FOX COUNTY.—Before m« came JT. O. Graddj.. ed a call to Rev. C. A. Lovelace, of $4 Secretary of Colonial Trust Company, -who. beini? duly sworn, t ys that the 31-33 Whitehall St. Mount Vernon, Texas. Rev. Mr. t*ove- above and foregoing statement Is a true condition of said Bank, 5s shown by Established 1887 lace was here recently and preached Co the Fale and Sickly Teeth Filled 50c up the books of file In said Bank. Atlanta, Ga. twice and so favorably impression did -Ige- - ' Painless Extraction 50c H- O. GRAXJDY. he make that the call was extended «ROVE'S TASTEI Svi-orn to and subscribed before me, this 3d day of March. 1914. out Malaria, enriches tlie blood, builds uji LEK G. WILLIAMS. him. It is not known definitely yet the system. A tru* Tonic. r*«r adoU* *nd Whether he will accept. children. UOc. .Notary Pu'Mie, Fulton County, G*.

'SPAPERf SPAPER! Pacre Si". THE ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1914. ARE REBELS IN (IIP JOHKR INVESTIGATES SEEKING INTERVENTION? 52 SUSPICION FlffiS Rev. J. P; Lancaster Believes State Fire Inspector Secures That Is Why they Are Hold- Two Convictions for Arson ing Benton's Body. and Five True Bills.

promptly at o'clock on "Wednesday That the Mexican rebel leaders, W. R. Joyner, State fire inspector, Driving Club. afternoon. ^ has submitted his first annual .report One hundred and fifty guests will as- Carranza and Villa, are trying to force semble at the Piedmont Driving club intervention on the part of th,e United to Insurance Commissioner Wright. this afternoon when the Wednesday Mrs. Osgood to Lecture.. States by holding the body of Benton. The report is an interesting one, and FELT MATTRESS tea and dancing will be the feature The parent-Teacher association of the executed Engrlishman, is the opinr- shows that Mr. Joyner has done some of the afternoon program. The or- the 2Corth avenue school, will hold its ion of Rev. J. P. Lancaster, late of good work in running down the perpe- chestra will present a bri&ht musical monthly meeting on Friday, March 6, prog-rani; there will be dainty refresh- at H:20 o'clock:. Torreon, Mexico, but now of Shaw- trators of incendiary fires. In speak- The real mission of any ments to order and the scene wjli re- Airs. Harry Osgo-od, head of the inut, Ga., who is attending- the Atlanta. ing of his work, Mr. Joyner said: peat that being enacted in all the clubs, drawing department of our schools, Bi bie conference. "Each suspicious fire reported or that hotels and social centers Of pleasure will lecture on "The History of Art." Mr. Lancaster left Torreon last Sep- I heard of in the state was investi- mattress is to afford com- the world over, for d^ru-iriS" fetill liolda :Vlrs. Curtis Arnold North, of Cox tember 25, and was xmore than a month gated by me. During the year 1913 I as the universal pleasure. college, will give a reading. Those who will entertain parties at T?IP pupils of the eighth grade will making- hiS way with his family to investigated fifty-two suspicious fires. I fortable rest. the club this afternoon are Mrs. Pitz- be guests of the association. All mem- IjaGrange, Ga. I had two trials for arson during the | Mmmonb, Mrs. Elijah Brown, Mrs, W. bers and their friends are cordially in- "Before I left Mexico." said Mr. Lan- year, and secured convictions in both j A Spcer Mrs V G. Powell, Mrs. vited to he present. caster to a Constitution reporter on cases. One man got a sentence or The mattress that furnishes most Thorne Klagler, Mrs. Ashera-ft. Mrs. ants. JOSEPH P:E"RRY FOSTER. Lewis Bt>ok, Mrs. Cnarles G-odfrey, JVlrs. Chairman Press "Committee. Tuesday, "there was a persistent ru- twelve a.nd one-half sears, and the | comfort for the greatest number of l-oUoj (Jhildr-s, Mrs.. I... 2. Kosber. Jr, mor that when it appeared that either other five \cars. T have secured fi\ e j -Mrs. J. C IJuuter. -Mr. l^e 1 »ouglus of the contending factions in Mexico true bille against other persons, whose years at the lowest price is the The dinn^r-danr* at the Driving Huo Tuesday Evening "42" Club had reached a point where it felt that trials will uoine up at the spring term Jsettui-c'a.y nf^'ht \\iii usfteicbie a bright Mi. and Xlrp. Fred Hadley enter- it could not longer survive, the United of court. Six other cases are being party, there Ueins: a. number of pretty Lux-You-ry. ic i"ied the members of their Evening States would be forced to intervention investigated by sheriffs, solicitors gen- visiting girls in t'nc city arou-nd whom Domino <-Ktb and a few other guests before the weaker (action would allow eral and myself. popular interest will center. in a delightful way the past week. itself to go down in defeat. It looks Pure Cotton Felt—skilfully made and in Quanities of red carnations xvere used very, much now as if this were the "In many instances I have discov- for decorations, and a delicious lunch- very thing' that Carranza and Villa ered over-insurance where incendiar- artistic tickings. Price $15.00. Ask your Box Party. eon was served. Mr. and Mrs. E>ow- are trying to do." ism has been proved. Local agents are Airs, t.' K. llurphey' will entertain man will entertain the club at the next Mr. Lancaster tells a thrilling story too anxious to get business, and the dealer. at a. box pa-rtJ- this afternoon at the meeting. r -.,-,•.;,-. in ...-.unniminnit- trt "VTi^Fi Alm^a. !*&&- of the hardships and privation experi- property insured is" not properly in- Hirscb & Spitz Manufacturing Co. enced from Torreon in getting out of spected. Mexico. But he brought back with "I would like to -call attention to the For Wedding Party. him as a souvenir of that memorable fact that if- any suspicious fire is re- ATLANTA Miss Marlon Goldsmith entertained trip one of the brightest and moat ported to me. whether there is insur- eight guests at a dinner party last pleasant little reminders a man could ance or not, I will give it my prompt niffht at the Driving: club for Miss Ruth wish. This souvenir is none other attention. Unless I am notified Stalling^ and Mr. Preston Witherspoon, than Ulies Diantha 'Mayran Lancaster, promptly, the chances of securing con- of New York, -whose weddincr will be the 3-months-old daughter of Mr. and victions are minimized." ;ut event of this evening. The table Mrs. Lancaster. This bright-eyed little was placed in the grpen room of the Jady took her first peek at this world club, and was decorated "with Killar- upon the refugee train as it stood at T>cy i o=;es. All of the pretty details Lake Mayran. Mexico, whence she de- Mrs. Emma Bell Will Were in pink. rived her name. Mrs. Fletcher's Lecture. Miss Goldsmith wore a gown of light The KoHowms a numb* ; of requests. Mrs. j blue taffeta, f the Ansl hotol. Other A ssociation Is Completed f afte; noon ,+ t het home on Ponce de Tuesday morning, will take place this interesting f -n t'n t-s u!" the program L( ins u\ t-nue afternoon at - o'clock from the Bell i\ ill bo .MI ss on "The Justice ot The apartments were spring-like, house. Rev. Richard Orme Flinnj* pas- AV-orruur r--u " by Mrs. .Tun on s. •n i th bowls of jonquils, narcissi and The prograrrf of the annual conven- s and a "Votes foi Women" rec- violets, and tiie centerpiece of the tea tion of the Tri-State "Water and Light tor of the North Avenue Presbyterian itation bv littlo Miss Helen Mi-Clure. table ^\as a basket of the same flow- church, -will conduct the services. The A cordial invitation to attend is ex- association, which will tre held in At- lanta April 10 and 11, was fixed at a Interment will be at West View ceme- tended to everv one. The prizes were silk stockings and The members oJ the executive rom- meeting of the local entertainment tery. 1 a iJUTn of lingerie. The pallbearers will be: C. E. Cur- niitte<- of thr Atlanta Kqual Suffrage ' The njuests were Mrs. J. W. Morrow', committee in the offices of the Atlanta association ;u-< re nutted to me^t Mrs. TV. R, C. Smith. Mrs. O t> Gor- convention bureau Tuesday afternoon. rier, Dr. W. S. Klkin, Myron E. Free- J man. Mrs. Mat tie D unbar, Mrs^ Sain The headquarters of the convention, ma n. Th onias H. Pal n e. Cap tai 11 J. C. j (Ksborne Mrs \ithur Reid. Mrs. Wil- will be at the Piedmont hotel, and all HasKell. Percy H. Adams and Dr. John : liam o A-ens, Mi s. F. O Foster, M"rs. Makes Unsightly Hairs meetings of the .association will be P. Den ton, all active or honorary mem- i r;<--oi ^e \dMir. "Mrs. Har^v Tolbt-rt, Mrs. bers of the Bell house colony. J Quickly Disappear \V. I". Plane, Mi s. K. ar. Pearce, Mrs. held in the assembly hall of that Women's Fine IT. 0* Fisher, Mrs. William Heath, of building-. T'h,e death of Mrs. Boll caused great 1 J. P. Allen & Columbia, . S. C.; Mrs. Thaddeus The opening Cession of the conven- sorrow in Atlanta Tuesday and him- , Ready-to- C'hesshire. Mrs. "E. T). Kennedy, Sirs. tion will be held Tuesday morning, dreds of "her boys" called at the home Company ( Scanty Culture) William Peanody. Mrs. D. N. McCul- April 10, at 1 Oo'clook, when Mayor to pay their last respects to her mem- lough, Mrs. Harry T^. Flynt, Mrs. Hal ory. Wear A smooth, hairless akin is possible Steed. Mrs. Charlton Barrett, Mrs. John James G. Woodward will welcome the for ever:- woman it' shf uses a delatone .T. "Woodside. Mrs. -Tack Lewis. Mrs. water and light men, and a response The fun»ral this afternoon win be p.iato to remove tho ugly hairs. This William Hnntt. Mrs. K. C. Crawford and to his welcome will be made by A. one of the largest ever held in Atlanta simple treatment quickly banishes all Mrs E Arthur Howrll. J. Sproles, of Greenwood. S. C., presi- and wjll be attended by hundreds of huir or fua-fl uud Itvives the skin firm former boarders. Active boarders will and sputle&s. Thr- peisto, made by mix- dent of the association. The afternoon ing v al CM witli powdcrt-d delatone. is Myrtle Elvyn's Art. meeting will consist of a "round table" attend in a .body. applied to ttii- skin toi " or :> minutus, \ tj pieal cotuni-ut on tho work of discussion. There will be a theater t (UMI rubbed of t ami tli'e .skin wa.shr-<.]. JfVt'ilf l-JH'yn, tho celebrated Ameri- party for the visitors that night, fol- No liarn-i t osults frutn thib treatment, can pianist who will be the soloist lowed by a Dutch supper at the Pied- but cart- should b<- uvd to see that you with the philharmonic orchestra of mont. This Negro Charged iret delatone in an original package.— the Atlanta Miibical association The election of officers will be held (adv.) Thursday night at Che Atlanta theater, With Trying to Steal is contained in the following clipping Friday morning and on Friday after- from The Minneapolis Tribune after noon the visitors will make an au- her appearance there with the Min- tomobile tour ot the city, visiting the Everything in Sight nea.polis Symphony orchestra: new disposal plant and winding up at "The assisting: soloist was Myrtle It is easy to buy the city waterworks with a Brunswick 1'jlvyn, one of the most beautiful and John Henry Mangum, alias J. H. Ken- stew lunch and an inspection of the artistically accomplished of America's dall, the negro who it is alleged tried Diamonds from •v ouiisei generation of pianists IVTis^ plant. KIvvii pluypfl, with the orchestra, the to steal everything in aig-ht that hf About 250 visitors will attend the could lay hands upon Monday night on ti omondouwly dilficult and complicated convention. T.s'ch;) ikowsky i-oni/orto for piano ajul .South Broad street, first driving- off Eugene V. Haynes Co. 01 Uu-sti ,i ni' B fl'it minor, giving it Fi an'lv Krwin is chairman of the with one of the new grocery delivery n n i 11 terprotation of profound beauty, lot al entertainment committee and wagons of the J. M. High company, 49 Whitehall Street p.s> c-holugioa] grasp and technical per- Fied flouser is secretary. The other fection beyond her apparent years. In with an $18 iparlor rug in it then load-' members are Peter Peters-on, C. AI. ing has wagon with flour and meal -osponse to an enthusiastic encore she House, L. J. I>ea.ry, "W. Z. Smith and J pla> ed, with endearing tenderness and which he took from the sidewalk in You may pay one-fifth the W. Nash, eloquence, the well-known and always front of one of the wholesale grocery Stone's value in cash, the welcome G major Nocturne ot Cho- remainder being divided stores on South Broad street, was Kor the Thursday concert, members toound over to the higlier courts on into 10 monthly payments. of th" association are offered the priv- Police Are Puzzled 'bond of (600 for larceny by Judge ilf-Ke of an cxtui ticket for fifty cents, B-royles Tuesdav afternoon. thus in addition to their free member- Over Disappearance The Best IJ anion'l House in Dixie ship Li< Kelt-. Kor otheis the prices are UMU iIoH;i r, seventy-live. fifty ami i w ent\ -live t outs. Of Money in Safe Thomasville Citizens Give $4,000 to Help Without a single broken door lock or window through which the supposed Establish Oglethorpe burgrlars could have entered and with- out the safe being blown, ?120 was Upon hJs return to this city, after found missing Tuesday morning from a short absence, Dr. T3iornwell Jacobs, the safe of the Walton Discount com- field agent for the Oglethorpe univer- 519.75 S18.75 pany at 43% Decatur street, according sity, announced that 54,000 had been S10.75 to the police report. \ raised to aid the establishment of the j Detectives on investigating the educational institution by 200 members mysterious disappearance of the inoney of the First Presbyterian church at | discovered black powder marks on Uie Thomasville on Sunday, I safe and on tho floor, but it was evi- "Every week adds fiom 74,000 to $5,- dent, they claim, that the safe had not 000 -to the school fund," said Dr. Jacobs been blown, but had been opened in Tuesday. "The total fun

j The motion for a new trial by S. The Spring season says it is to be; taifcta. We say that it .shall A. Stoe, recently ' convicted in the Hon. £>. P. Marker, supreme com- Good United States court on. a true bill mander of the Knights of the Macca- also be good taffeta, guaranteed—even unto the dresses for which you bees, will arrive in Atlanta Friday- charging white slavery, which was to March G. He will be met at the train have been argued before Judge New- by a reception committee from the pay only $19.75. man, by whom he was sentenced to three local tents and the two hives of two years in the federal penitentiary, the L. O. T. M. - We guarantee the taffeta in these dresses, as in all taffeta dresses today, has been postponed until Sat- The order will hold an open meet- urday next, March 7. as Judge New- ing in the Wigwam, 86 Central avenue, that we sell. at 8 p. m. and a program of interest man leaves the city this morning for .Savannah to hear argument in a bank- has been, arranged, including addresses No alarm clocks or frequent calls to dress and ruptcy caso. by the governor, mayor and Mr. Seeing these that today are offered you at this price will convince The case against Mrs. Stoe, indicted Markey, also a musical program and hurry to the table when there is beckoning together with her husband, has been entertainment followed by refresh- you that they have a much greater value. In i'ac-t, some of them are set for trial in the local federal court ments. All Maccabees and their for Monday, March 9. Mrs. Stoe is friends are invited to attend. earlier $25.00 styles. now under bond. The head of the order in this state to you— is J. C. Bartram, who recently moved to Atlanta from Little Rock, Ark. Have your choice of these pictured styles and many more, in ALLEGED CAR THIEF taffeta, black, blue, green and In-own, and a few printed patterns in HELD IN $500 BOND J. J. MANGHAM WINS OUT "Pussy-WiJlow" and oilier novelty silks. F. C. Ma thews, the alleged car thief IN BREMEN ELECTION who was arrested by Special Agent Every dress is a beauty—every design a choice one. Jarmon in the yards of the Atlanta Bremen, Ga., March 3.—(Special.)— joint terminals last Sunday ngrht, was A special ejection for mayor and four bound over to the higher court on a councilmen and one member of the The one price is $500 bond at Tuesday's matinee session board of education was held here to- SYRUP of police court by Recorder Nash daj;, the regular election for city of- Broyles. The judge deemed the evi- ficers having been held on January 10. dence in the case sufficient to bind in which a tie vote occurred between him over. J. J. Mangham and Dr. E. T. Williams, It appeals to little folks and grown ups candidates for mayor. I The result today was Mangham's alike. ALAGA for breakfast puts a Petition in Bankruptcy. ellection by a vote of g5 to 60. John McDaniel, A. A. Otwell, John H. Jones $19.75 smile on the face, a glow on the cheek - A voluntary petition in bankruptcy and R. L. Smith were chosen council- j was iin^d with Deputy Clerk Fred men by safe majorities. Richard Field i Be«rs, ot" the t^nited States court, yes- was elected as member'of school board and a zest to the appetite. It satisfies. j terday by Gardener Allen Potter, of Atlanta. The petitioner writes his ! liabilities at $1,018.80, without any as- Sold in sealed tins sets. HARRIS IS PROMOTED by your grocer BY GOODYEAR COMPANY J. P..Allen,& Co. C. 7*. Cape in Atlanta. W.

ri^kishaws and American boats were features in the scene. .The Japanese place cards and souvenirs were broug-iic by the hostess from Japan. The lights Memorable Events Described were under Japanese shades, and \ - ' ' 4 - placed about the room were vases fill- ed with roses and carnations. The guests were Mrs. Poster, Mrs. In Mrs. 'Minis' Diary Sunday Francis H. Orme, MJS. John M. Graham, of Marietta; Mrs. Spencer Atkinson, Mrs. Josephine Earnest Purse, Mrs,. Howard McCaU, Mrs. Roswell H. Drake 1 -History Club Entertained. of Griffin, Miss Mabel Cortel-you of The sixth installment of the remark- Returning to Atlanta, she, with Henry Mrs. "\V. P. Anderson was hostess for Marietta, Mrs. Herbert Franklin of able diary of Mrs. Livingston Mims, "W, G-radyr Judge Bleckley and others, the Twentieth Genturv Coterie last Tennille, Mrs. T. C. Parker of Macop, •which is being: published serially in organized the Shakespearean club, the •weeK. After, a mo'st Interesting pro- and Mrs. W. H. Devoe, of Brunswick. first dramatic club organized in At- gram dainty refreshments were served The Sunday Constitution, continues to lanta. The first meetings of the club tram a prettily appointed table,, wliich reveal with exquisite delicacy the in- are described by Mrs. Mims, and in a had for its centerpiece a vase of datto- Meeting Postponed. ner life as well as the social life of brief report written by Mr. Grady for oi.s. rhe sanav.-K-h^s. mints a,nd cakes The meeting of chapter N'o. 9, of All The Constitution. that beautiful and charming woman, The visit to Atlanta of Vice Presi- i-jirried out the color scheme of yel- Saints' church, which was to have been who was one of the establish a ou low. Besides the members, a few inti- held this afternoon with Mrs. "W. T, dent and Mrs. David Davis is noted, mate friends were invited for 5 o'clock. Comer, has been postponed on account salon in the stirring days of the new and the funeral of Alexander Stephens, The next meeting will be with Mrs. of -Mrs. Corner's illness. south. is described. •"W. A. Crowe, on Lee street. In the early part 'Of the year 1883, Samuel Barnett. the noted scholar, she visited New Orleans and saw one Judge Bleckley. Senator Joseph Emer- son Brown, Bishop Beckwith, and men Mrs. Meador's Luncheon. of the first productions of the opera Mrs. Griffin Entertains. A -bright occasion of yesterday was of similar distinction in all the pro- , After a meeting of the state press Mrs. J. Frank Meador's luncheon for "Aida." At the same time «he saw, and fessions are referred to in this in- committee of the Daughters of the Miss Ruth Stalltngs and Mr. Preston commented upon charmingly, Mrs. stallment of the diary to he published American Revolution on yesterday. "W'itherspoon, of New York. Langtry, then a "world famed beauty. Sunday. JBafce Mrs. Eula Griffin entertained the mem- A basket of Ijady Hilling'ton roses bers of the committee at a beautiful •was the centerpiece of the table, and luncheon at the home of Mrs. Shep- all other details were in yellow. p-ard W. Foster. The table was deco- The guests wore Miss Stallings, Mr. rated to represent a Japanese scene. Witherspoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pink carnations were in the, center of Rhodes, Miss Marion Goldsmith, ,Mr. Story of Henrik Ibsen Told the table and traceries of smilax were Hal Hentz and Mr. and Mrs. Meador. over the table. Japanese figures, jin- Before the Drama League a Good

Those who went to the lecture given g-le at home to accept the pension yesterday afternoon by Dr. Jenkins given by Norway to young men en- couraging- in them the creative genius Loyd Jones before tfie Drama league in literature, going out to broaden his who expected tp be thrilled by dram- view of life by study in other coun- CaJke ? atic climaxes; who expected to be tries. This study of life brought charmed by tricka of speech, by what fourth the first works of Ibsen ap- the fair ones call sometimes a "fasci- preciated by the world and yielding nating- delivery," were disappointed, him compensation. His address reflected his views of for'the scholar who presented the sub- life; his growth in spirit and knowl- ject of Henrik Ibsen felt too much the edge; his study of his country; his depth and loftiness of his subject to knowledge of his weakness; the poli- descend to a play on the incidental tics of it, and these as related to the politics of the world at the moment. qualities of a lecture. Then came from his pen the group of A Tasty Dr. Jones proved to be a great wonderful dramas dealing with the Of course, you can bake a cake. teacher, one who had a serious - and problems of society, not as the world Spaghetti useful lesson to impart—that lesson would see them always in radiant having as textbook dramas of Ibsen, lights, but as they are in life—life as whom he proclaimed as the prophet,, lived in all the reality of truth, Dinner philosopher and poet of truth. whether truth in- the glory of light or He not only held subdued with in- the hopelessness of darkness. terest his audience, but he taught Each of the dramas and the lesson Get out your best recipe and win one at IOC the ignorant, enlivened the indiffer- it teaches was touched upon in turn by ent and made those 'who thought they Dr. Jones. He brought the lesson home . —or—' knew Ibsen realize his greatness was in brief analysis of the drama. He yet to be realized by them and en- read beautifully certain poems of couraged all to go on in pursuit of Ibsen, one great in thought and ten- of the handsome prizes listed below: A Porter- their knowledge of the greatest Nor- derness written after the death of wegian of whom the world has taken Abraham Lincoln, this one sounding note. the note of death triumphant, as clear- ' house at 40c' Sympathy first Dr. Jones aroused in ly as that poem on. the same subject his subject when he presented Ibsen by America's poet and philosopher, Contest Held Friday, March 6 A lot of folks would decide I as the student misunderstood, strug- Walt Whitman. gling through his university course in The lecture of Dr. Jones will lead to take the steak, jumping Christiania, Norway; struggling then readers of Ibsen to become students at the conclusion that it to be understood in his earlier writ- of him, believers in him and followers Cable Hall, 2 p. m. makes the more nutritious meal ings, and finally giving up the strug- uf truth in literature and the drama. of the two. That's not so. 1st Prize: $45 Kitchen Cabinet, sold and guaran- A lOc package of Spaghetti—enough to make a substantial meal for seven teed by the Haverty Furniture Company.' people—contains four times more nutrition of Free Kindergarten Handsome Cut Glass Water Set. than 1 pound of meat. 2nd Prize: By Mrs. F. G. Hodgson. on these mothers the reasons why 3rd Prize: A Perfection Blue Flame Oil Burning Once a month the executive com- young children ahpuld not be sent ou T into the world too early. mittee of the Atlanta B ree Kindergar- Perhaps it will astonish you that Cook Stove. ten association meets to read reports some of these mothers -have signed a from the five kindergartens under their pledge not to give their children in- SPAGHETTI care, and to dispose of any business toxicating liquors for the rest of the 4th Prize: Handsome Mesh Bag. that may come up in connection with year. Does not this reveal an uplift is a food very rich in gluten—the bone- and muscle-building an awakening of the moral sense in element. One of the main reasons why housewives don't serve the association. the souls of these women to whom 5th Prize: A Large Rocking Chair. The report from the teachers have lite has been a hard struggle under Spaghetti is because they don't know the great variety of been so encouraging- this year that bitter privations? Those of us who rich, savory dishes that can be made of it. Our free we feel the public should understand know and love this work could tel 6th Prize: Cut Glass Fruit Dish. recipe book will open your eyes to its many uses— the real value of .our kindergartens to so many things in regard to the actua write for a copy. the neighborhoods in which they are improvement of whole neighborhoods established. that we wish every one could visit oui And Four Other Valuable Prizes. 5c and Wcpkgs.—buy to-day. The mothers' meetings continue to free kindergartens and join us in this be a source of inspiration to teacher effort to start these babies out with and to mothers. In one kindergarten some vision of the ideal in their little MAULL BROS. they have planned a program for the lives. Special Prize: To the young lady under 1 8 years iSt. Louis, Mo. rest of the year, taking up matters of historical interest; they also plan a reception to the neighborhood, which of age who bakes the best cake we will give will mean a great deal in interesting DeKalb to Subscribe their friends in the kindergarten home 3n another kindergarten the Over Half of Cos* five pounds of Nunnally's Chocolate Candy. mothers are interested in study of child life and home training. In an- other they have taken up child labor— Of Granite Highway the teacher wisely trying to impress ® (8> <0> <$> DeKalfa county, through its commis- sioner, "William J. Freeman, h agreed to subscribe 51 per cent of the RULES OF CONTEST cost of construction of the "Granite Highway" to Stone Mountain providing the property owncvs would subscribe the remaining 49 p«r cent Bake Your Cake at Home Dnlvalb county further agreed to em- ploy an expert who will start to work Any kind you wish except Angel Food—They are this .wock surveying the route of the highway and submit his estimates as Barred from Contest. early ;is possible. These definite steps were taken Bring it to Cable Hall, 82 North Broad Street. Tuesday morning, at a meeting of the executive committee of the Granite Highway association, Jn the quarters Deliver to Mrs. W. W. Stout not later than 2 p. m. of the Decatur Broad of Trade. K. A. "VVeiblin. president of the Stone Mountain Granite corporation, a greet on Friday, March 6th. to furnish the granite lor paving pur- poses free. The Only Condition is that the cake shall be baked with CALUMET BAKING POWDER. MUSICIANS WILL GIVE BIG BALL IN TAFT HALL This contest is held in the interest of local organizations and soci- eties. The cakes, after the judging takes place, become the property of For the first time in several years the relief association of local 148, these people and will be sold to help along fheir good work. Musicians' union, will give a ball March 18 in Taft. hall. A military band of twenty-five piece's, under the Please remember, however, that every lady of Atlanta and suburbs directorship of Bandmaster C. Jfl. Bar- ber, of the Fifth regimental band, al- stands an equal chance to get one of these prizes. And if you arc not a ternating with an orchestra of twen- ty-five pieces under the direction of member of any organization or society you have the privilege of taking Vincent Kay, will furnish the music Dancing will begin at !> o'clock. Tick- home your cake if you do not win a prize. ets are on sale at the of fire of the secretary, 34% Peachtree street. SPECIAL NOTICE: To the society or organiza- $600 ADDED TO FUND tion entering the largest number of cakes FOR WESLEY HOSPITAL the Calumet Baking Powder Company will At a meeting of the central commit tec of the Wesley Memorial hospital donate campaign fund raisers held Tuesda\ noon at the Winecoff, it was reportec that over $600 had been raised by tha committee toward the rebuilding o Authoritative Styles the hospital, despite the fact that tht campaign for funds would not start un til next Monday. Added to the $2,030.50 reported on Monday, the fund already has assmne< Spring Opening this Week formidable size. $25 j WANT DRUID HILLS LINE I EXTENDED TO DECATUR IN GOLD j The Decatur board of tra-de. with j the co-o-pcration uf the mayor and city 1 council of Decatur, are Urging the Georgia Hail way arid Power compart v f to extend the Druid Hills car line to Contest Open to All Decatur. The car line terminates half a mlJe east of the Druid Hills golf club, or nearly two miles from the court- house in Decatur. , in ilii? ^i-cat land, in every city and town, .merchants all this week are. showing' Warner Spring' Models. O'KELLY-WRIGHT. If your grocer has no Calumet Baking Rutledgt*. Ga.. March ^.—{Special-) Powder, Call Ivy 1542 L, ask for Mr. Stout, -tLVery . WOTTHm — whatever her sixe ur age — ought to see these new styles. Miss Alleen O'Kelly, "age 16 years, and If yon have not seen them this is for you — ». convicts. \Vomen s Spring Apparel at Keely^s "Mr. and Mrs. Ernest "Woodruff have returned from the Hampton Terrace, Augusta, KISS COSTS HIM $15.75. if** Mrs. John Lamar Meek, of Ohatta- noosa, arrives Thursday to be th« guest Never Saw Aged Man Before, of Oovernor and Mrs. Slaton, for the Philharmonic orchesta, concert Thurs- Says Mrs. Backus. day nls"ht. Mr. John Mack has returned from It costs J. S. Boyd, who is 71 years •New York. old and a local watchmaker, $15.75 **^ to kiss Mrs: Annie Backus at one of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Gann are in Balti- the cafes of the city whije under the more. ; influence of whisky Monday night, it is state d. Mrs. Evelyn "Harris, who underwent Both -were sent down to police station an operation Monday, at Grady hospi- by Officer Covington-and Boyd was re- tal, is improving. leased on a $15 bond, which he for- ' «Q* feited, failing to appear In police court Mrs. T. Henry Hutchings. oC Phila- Tuesday afternoon for trial. , Mrs, delphia, is the guest of Mrs. "W. George Backus told Judge Broyles that she Coleman. did not kisa Boyd, but that he kissed her. Both, it is alleged, were under the influence of whisky at the time. Mrs. Backus' case was continued to NIGfiT SCHOOL AT TECH this afternoon, -when more will be NOW HAS 200 STUDENTS heard of the kissing by a gentleman whom, she swears she had' never seen Although the free night school at the before. - Georgia. School of Technology has al- ready over 200 students, the dean. Dr. • J. N. (j. Ne-sbit. announces that it can Suffragists Prepare take care of a few more. However, those who still wish to enter must Today tte cream of tte new models in Dresses -will fee ready for make.application for registration with- For Coming to City in' the next two or three days, as the spring- term opens toni'g-ht. The Tech Of Prominent Wamen you. Twentyrsix styles of new Dresses in night school now numbers among its students boys as young as 14 and men up to the ages of -15 and 50. The use of 'the Tech plant and of the faculty - Preparations are already under way, Is freely given by the state of Georgia by the three -suffrage associations in to afford a technical education prac- Atlanta, for the entertainment of thr- Silks, Crepes, Poplins, Brocades, ^Moires tically free of cost to those who can- noted suffrage advocates who come to not attend in the daytime. The only Atlanta to lecture at the Grand opera expense to the students is a contin- gent fee of $5 per term, which ia used house on March 11. to pay the actual cost of lighting, The visitors, who will be tendered snow you FIRST, tne accurate copies from latest imported heating and power. a reception, as well as address what promises to be a large gathering; are Miss Jane Addams and IJr. Anna How- models. EacK Dress is a smart one, and the wide range of models DOMINICAN FATHERS ard Shaw. A reception will be held on the aft1- insures an INDIVIDUALITY ao much desired by swell dressers. CONDUCTING MISSION ernooii of the lectures at the Georgian Terrace to which the public is invited. Father Can ill and leather Leary, Dominican missionaries, are conduct- ing mls.sion .services daily, with the ex- ceptiou of Saturdays, at Immaculate LEAVE COATS AT HOME, Conception church. the hours of the Moire Poplin Gowns, fancy styles . $37.50 to $50 services being at 5:30 and S:30 o'clock BUT CARRY RAIN STICKS in the mornings and at S o'clock In the There's nothing" like variety to add evenings. ' Besides regular Catholic spice to life—particularly -when it Fancy Crepe Dresses, short coat styles . 45.00 to 60 services, the Catholic doctrines are ex- comes to weather. Ko to prove that ylamed to non-Catholic attendants. he is not Close in the matter of giving- Father Kennedy, pastor of the church, Atlantans pjlenty of variety. Forecast- 1*. assisting-. er Von Herrmann declared that to- Black and Colored Moire Dresses . . 25.00 to 60 dav will be warmer—but it will rain. Felton Seriously IlL Following the snow and cold wind, the rain will add n- touch of the bizarre J. B. Finch, manager of the 1). £>. to Atlanta's weather report for the last Crepe de Cnine Dresses, tunic styles . 17.50 to 40 Felton Brush ' company's Atlanta of February and the first of -March, branch, has been called to Manchester, that will make good reading for those N- H« because of-"the serious" illness of who seek a home place where "the cli- I>. JD. Felton,- president of the com- mate is pleasantly variable." The rain ^/ool Crepe Dresses, tier tunic styles . 25.00 to 65 pany. is due here by noon today. Changeable or Plain Taffeta Gowns . 35.00 to 75 HIS CASE HOPELESS Taffeta Gowns, new pannier styles . 20.00 to 45 Pussy Willow Taffeta Dresses . . 30.00 to 65 MOST FRIENDS THOUGHT Taffeta Afternoon Dresses . . . . 25.00 to 50

Could Not Eat or Sleep. A Friend Advises Black-Draught, Which Does the Work. Beside* the more elaborate styles in taffetas, moires, brocades, in values from $50.00 to $125.00,

Fomeroyton, Ky.-^This town Is the However, I have now taken 331ack~ home of Mr. A. J. Hughes, whose con- Draught for three months, and ca.ii dition for five years was such aa led truthfully say that I am Well. » Panniers, Puffs, Frills and Ruffles blxn, as well as most of his friends, to I haven't had sick headache any more, believe that h* could not recover. and feel so thankful for what Black- iT&r. Hughes now says: "I was down Are shown in all of their charming variations. Many single expressions Draught has done for me." with stomach trouble for five years, This reliable, vegetable remedy haa of the newest importations developing the pannier styles in COMBINA- and would have sick headache so bad, at times, that I ithought surely T would been In successful use" for three quar- TIONS of puffs and ruffles -with Poiret -waists of net and frills. ters of a century. To purify the blood, die. My condition wa-s-such. that I could renew the appetite, regulate liver, stomach and bowels, we urge yoa to riot eat ojr sleep. I tried many differ- try it. ent medicines, but they did me no good. Nearly all my friends thought I wily su£fei^.when the same relief-tiiat 'would die, but one of them advised me Mr. Hughes found, 1« within easy reach ICeely s, Headquarters For Stylisli to tafee Thedford's Black-Draught. I of you? At every drue store. Only followed his advice with but little faith- ,.,,_


course has recerved E s m Baseball and basketball BILL BRENNAS HEADS The letirmg? captain of lin 1 *1«* tLim FEDS' UMPIRE STAFF ih George Matliexv^ of rifzgcratd %\ ho succ eedejd V^a Porter of Lil Paso rincigo 111 Alaich 3—Bill Br^nnin fexaa The labt tv, o ciptiin^ w ere \vas ippointed duel of the Federal um jacK. f" eld men nir^s staft ^oda^

BOMBARDIER WELLS , ROBERT STOKES HEADS Arthur Schwind Reports, KID YOUNG BOXES KNOCKS OUT BLAKE' EMORY BASEBALL NINE London March 3 —Eombarolei Emory College CKfoid Ga, March TVells, (he tormt-j British Champion' Other Players Delayed; heavyweight pu-gil'bt tonight knocked - —(Special )—Robeit Stokee of ATM COLUMBIA \Ioultner has been earned captain of out Bandsman Blake, the middleweight champion, in the fourth round of what the 1915 class football team by the Public Is Invited Out was intended to be a twenty-round members of the squad The election Meets Jack Gold in the Main fight Blake, prior to tonight's en- took place last night when Coach, Bout—Two Other Good counter, nex er nad been defeated and George P Shlngler, Jr., tendered his was regarded by manv as England s Vrthui &chvk jnd the > oung sttiort to ha\e the%i come out and -see us anmnl banquet to the team stop secured b} the Crackers from ^n weak but I insist that thev stay off Scraps. •white hope for winning" the world 3 The new captain plajs a tackle on th« lield Th^y are weUorne just as Antonio Texas \ 11 the Boston ^.a 1 1 hea\ > weight championship At the hit> cldbs team and has been honored. tionai" a ncd thf small sQU«id of play lorJE^ is the ta' in th* stands When weighing in Blake was 2S pounds light }j\ selection on the all Emory team They all see it now-rwhat th \ sr r ^r th tleld thov not onl" er" that hav< r ] urtcl fo practice An ail star boxing treat v. ill bo ei than "VV ells f lie has plaved thiee >eai-s 0*1 the on ru^sil^ ^> j. t i n w. but. the -ii c likely handed local farm at the <~*oUu ibia the Henry Ford saw years ago— "-chv-ln 1 b]«"T% n Tuesda^ moi ning t3 L,ot III ater tomorrow night 1went\ lounds <1 i"s squ id and during hva college tud was out wn tht field with Mana rij^ 1 lookf d splendid I Tutsclay of boxing- will be offered the fans one that the light, strong, quality ^rer fcmith O-itlielder Nixon and In attf,i novri w hen the fti st pra.cticp ivaa ten-round bout one sl\. round affair FRANK CHANCE STARTS lieldc Maiiush and several semi proa held Tlie cjiound is a trifle- soft •% el and a four-round &o being- on the bill car, sold at a low price, best Pueada,} afternoon frum the n*-^w «,now of last week and Kid Young, one of the greatest 122 YANKS AT HARD WORK Schwind evident)} reported in good the tha/t\ ing- out of the freeze thai pounders In the south, will be aeeii in condition read} to go right to worK follow ed action against Jack Gold, and this Houston Texas March, " —With meets the demands of all the for he cut loose a little during the Carpenters wei«. ett "w ork rei»aii ing: scrap should be a hummer Young the fence that was clown down b\ Franlc Ciiaiice m aria ger of th e New afternoon as it he had not Just been will be forced to give away several York Americans driving grounders to MARLEY people. Now they're all fol- the -wind storm of bundiy and In the through i, long- winter, but had been pounds In weight, but hia great fight his infielders the acfcJve practice of the plj,vmgr for s ha\ c been rivals for sunie pi a ticc seisin S Uirrfj* Touimie M M UAH The new -hortstop ,H>it I i sda^ thd.n d d J hei i were time and the fui should certain 1\ fl\ ia fast co\t-r-) a \voild of ground and bcveial pld,veis due tiid uo\v lhe> a,re •when the-\ mix matters The \v1nne Hive hundred dollars is the price of the fnrd from fust impressions is one of the oveidue of tins go will get Hap-py Joe Trent runabout, the louring CHI is five fifty, the town neates* 1 ittJe Inhelders that has e~\ er Today s trains should bring a large next week. ENTER stepped up to the plate- quota of the team and the field will Joe Turner the promising1 youngster car seven htty—f o b Detroit, complete with Just what he can do with, the stick te covered w Uh ba.U players during who bested Bob'by LaRoux last •week "N,ew "i ork Mirch 3—Se\ en competi ! equipment Get catalog and particulars from IB problematical He has been hit the afternoon weather perniittlng will meet Kid "Wonder in the four tors have enteied for the national class Ford Motor Company, 311 Peachtree Street, ! ting left aanded and hit that way on Elliott Dent biie WcaJsh brothers, ro-und go A IS 2 balK line imiteur billiard lest season He switched to the right 'Sealon Lyncli Harry Welchonce and championship tournament The Imt 1 Atlanta, or direct from Detroit Factory aide of the plate Tuesday and stung Ham Reynolds are all o\erdue n the i -v*> s are TH the hall hard ai d fai I he time is no\\ short Manager PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAGUE g-ene tt "Wilbuin Memphis Joseph | .Man ,?er -TTI tSi was impressed with Sm th fnstiuctcd all the pJat era to re MEETS ON WEDNESDAY ? i i J' iii own tht ounprstet «s j rrfoi ma-nce and is p-ort b~v n tt ln.te than Ma-ri-h S They Bro( ! 1 n 1 \\ ' iirinei Ntw "ioil ARROW lEroiiijr to 11 ^ st th it lie bat right hand ha\c- todav lit i iu v to go to keep The taecond meeting of the Pub 1 if C har»e~> Hedrto i 1 >ov- )onl league, will be held at 119 ~\\ B T,ftenli 11 t i I ! ila Itlphia, md clip than fie -'I ovi ed last seast n he The -no k ft. t if f st few daj a will Pearfitree street Wednes^a^ at 3 ^0 J > Pofrwe»bui fi \i R "> ork Thr COLLAR Is g-olns t 3 si^ e some one i mighty be light 11 n ased a little every daj p m All teams desiring entrance matches! begin at tlie \raa*em CLUETT FEABODYSCOLTROY N.Y. battle foi the shortfield berth until mornii p ind afternoon work should be at this meeting Bill!ard club here on March 0 The general public ia invited out to outs will be tiit- order of the day see the practices every dai Manas'ei The first exhibition game is leas than Smith makes only one proviso w hen two weeks a\v av so extra steam will thev do come have to be crowded on to whip a team 'Plfcase tell them for me * he said in shape to battle with the Louisville •vesterdajr afteinoon that I am srlad Colonels on March 16

A Cracker a Day for Fans 24. HARRY HEDGEPATH.

EDITOR.'** \OTE—OThia la the twen- ty-fourth, of a •wrtep of dallv article** that will be carried by The Constitu- tion, introducing to \tlanta fandom YOU CAN NOW BUY A REO the- men Who Mill try Cor positional on tlit- 1fH4 Crackers rhe complete rec- ord and history of «ach of the tblrtj oan dictates TV 111 be printed in this form. Peteisburs' "V a, March 3—(Special) Earrv Hedgepath who established a world s pitching record here October 13. 1913 w hen he pitched a double header and allowed but one safe hit, Is 23 years old His lirst real experience on the FOR ONE-THIRD CASH mound came when he twirled for an amateur team at his home, Faj ette- vllle 'S C He played two summers with the amateurs after which he nrade the team oL Elon college where he herthfd or e season going from Elon to the tjnl\ ersity of North Carolina To make such an offer on any car without "Reo Class" would be T\ her*1 lie twirled two seasons During the 1911 season of the > ir | gmia State league Hedgepath was signed with the Petersburg team, suicidal. But we know the Reo. We know there is never a time where he showed coming ability Hf) played with the Petersburg team through 1912 w ithout accomplishing any thing spectacular, but steadily when a Reo is not worth more than deferred payments amount to aTiowed improvement It was in the latter part of the 1933 season that Hedgepath made his marlt and demonstrated to the worm that he was worthy of g"olng up higher The latter part of July he pitohed teeveral two and three bit games, and on the Our confidence'm this Masterful Car is best shown 13th of August faced the fast team representing the cit> of Richmond In a double reader allowing" only ono safe hit throughout the elffhteen in nlngs thereby establishing: a world 3 by the terms upon which we are willing to sell it pitch ng: record Hedgepith s record last season was Pitching Won Ivost Pled P C -1 10 2 667 The marketing of this high-class car in a common-sense commercial way marks Batting AB ft H PC 142 3 ^6 »95 a new era in the Automobile business of Atlanta. It is the acknowledgment

PO A F PC of your rights. 1" 1 2 976 Hed^epath is a fourth yeai student In the Medical College of Virginia, at Richmond He was sold to the Wash irrpton Americans last season He is THE CAR ITSELF called 3>oc bv the fans OUR REMARKABLE OFFER Corbetfs Place Raided. S-in I ran isco Cal March o —The polict. raided an alleged pool room con ducted b\ Tom Corbett brother of We will sell any model Reo to any Jj,mes J Corbett, tormer champion ugillst late toda> and arrested near- Rr 1st) ni n I dward 1< agan was HARRY ITEDGEPATH person who is worthy of the usual charged with being the keeper and Cracker s nt-w- southpaw from Roa the others with. freo;uentins a g-am- noke A a., who pitched a record g"ame blind house last year commercial courtesy at the regular ALL CASH price, upon these terms: Poor Matchmaking Results In Joke Fights at St at en's

Pooi n it(.hin iking resulted in three Hooper though he w ts game ONE-THIRD CASH joke figrht.s it H4irv fetaten s qlub on Jack Monahan fouled Bi'tUng Jozies REO THE FIFTH, Touring Car, $1175 the "V laduct p!«ixe Tues Hoopei stopped bones its equipment; comfort in its roominess. cent interest and no more. Dixie Kid m four rounds The latter Vny mo^e such cards as this and— •was entirely too ^jmall to cope with grood night boxing in Atlanta You probably know all about the Reo. If not, ask No string to this offer. It is plain, simple, and most anybody—-they'll know. means just what it says—no more; no less. Keep Your Dollars in Your Business Earning Dollars Van Winkle Keep Your Bank Account Intact Against Business Needs Made by the highest-grade machinery We expect to sell Reos upon these terms indefinitely builder of the south—and bears his name— Let us be your bankers in the purchase of your Car. 6% is all we want built in an Atlanta factory— A GEORGIA PRODUCT FOR FULL INFORMATION PHONE IVY 7571 which means a factory service to every owner of a VAN WINKLE at first hand. Piedmont Auto Sales Co. Write for information. 14 West Harris Street, Atlanta, Georgia VAN WINKLE FORT & PARROTT, Managers Motor Truck Co. ATLANTA, GA. City Office: 1130 Candler Bldg.


girl's room at ni^ht, where he xnad* an examination of her person. The judges who passed on fifae J.N.TALLEY APPOINTED charg-es were Joseph Choate, Jr.. Sam- CLOSE GAME PLAYED CUTTING DOWN TES uel Seabury, etate supreme court Jus- tice, and Miss Lillian Ward, a social worker. Sports of the Day JDlckJemison An erroneous report *rom Ithaca ON GJ.A.'S COURT SUSTAINED BY BOARD .REFEREE INBANKRUPTCY Sunday night said that the judges In this hearing had rendered, a decision acquitting- George, Donald Fraser Wins Over the Commissioner Belcher Criti- former Secretary to Judge Feds Warn Organized Ball; Georgia Military Acad- cised General Manager Speer Named by Judge mm COLLEGE emy 23 to 20. Carey for Action. Shepherd. The meeting of the park board yes- Baseball War Seems Likely Donald Fraser won a good game of Macon, Ga.. March. 3.—(Special.)—J. basketball from the Georgia Military terday was featured by two attacks N. Talley, for sixteen years private LEADSTHE PREPS academy yesterday afternoon* by the on General Manager Carey by Park secretary to Judge Emory Speer. of score of 23 to 20. The game, which Commissioner James L. Belcher. tfae United States district court, has Chicago, March «-—The greatest war lifer and Branding in good faith, and was played on the G. 1*. A. court, was of baseball history was threatened by advanced money to them. Commissioner Belcher started "both been appointed referee in bankruptcy "If the American and National bitterly contested from start to finish. for the Macon division by Judge W. B. President Gilrn-ore, of the Federal In the first half Donald Fraser did rows by criticising "General Manager By Defeating Tech High leagues ignore our contracts and failed Shepherd, of Florida, who is presiding league, today as the result of reports to appreciate the spirit of sportsman- not get the hang of the G. M. A. court, Carey and the park board. Improvement for Judge Speer. Mr. Talley succeeds School Tuesday by Score that the American and National leagues ship we have sfoown, we will start the and were a little off in their goal committee for cutting- down eom« of were proselyting among the Federal's 'biggest of baseball wars. When it Is shooting-. Consequently, at the end the late Alexander Froudfit, who died the trees in Grant Park, and by rais- players. over the will have the of the first half G. M. A. led by a 2- a few months ago. During the vacancy of 37 to 20 in Very Fast News that Pitcher Blandtng had re- stars of the old leagues and will be point margin. The score at the end ing the question of the right of the in the office R. J. Bacon, referee at the strongest in the game." of this period was G. M. A. 9, Donald Albany, has been filling the Macon joined the Cleveland Americans after Negotiations were begun. It was said Fraser 7. board to employ white men as labor- Game. signing a Federal contract Pres- today, between President Gilmore and In the second half Donald Fraser ers in Grant Park at $2.35 a day and office. ident Gilmore decide to ta*ke action. Ray Collins, the Boston American came back strong, and played G. M. A. negroes in Piedmont Park at 51-25 a The appointment came as a surprise Besides Blanding, Killifer, Williams pitcher, whom Gilmore wants. Bic-k off their faet, and quickly took the to Mr. Talley. He immediately was ilarist college grained the leadersMp Egan, the Cincinnati player, it was lead. Both teams were playing great day. Commissioner Belcher's conten- or the locd.1 prep league Tuesday aft- and Baumgardner are players who, the learned today, is the eighth of the tion in the first instance was that the sworn in by Judge Shepherd and has Federals claimed, have violated con- ball when the whistle blew for the ernoon when they won a great_ oame world tourists sought by the Federals. final ending, and the lead that Donald people of the third ward are indignant already begun his new duties. from Tech high school. 37 to_2o. The tracts with the new league. The Federals' umpires will meet to- Fraser had obtained at the beginning over the removal of some of the old After Mr. Talley resigned *is Judge game was played on the Marist court "If our contracts are no g-ood, their morrow to discmss interpretation of the of this period was enough to win for trees; and on the other matter he took Speer's secretary he went into part- and was sensational throug-hout contracts are no good, and a pia-yer rules. Among (the topics for discus- them. Both teams started things off Wltln can disregard a contract with, a cluib sion will be the "infield fly rule," w*hich the position that the laborers should nership with the judge's son-in-law, For G. M- A., the playing of Rodri- A. H. Heyward. Jr.. though that firm a rush, and neither one seemed to nave in organized ball as easily as he can is interpreted differently in the Amer- guez was the best. This player has be put on a parity In both parks. r any advantage over the other until ours," Gilmore said. "Theref-ore, If the ican and National leagues. Bill Bren- In the midst of the discussion anent was dissolved a few months ago. For the last few mmutea of play, when improved wonderfully recently, and F'HE young man National and clubs nan, chief of the umpires, feared that played great ball Tuesday. During- the wages of laborers. Commissioner some time Mr. Talley has been stand- Marlst forpred into the lead and held are trying to take our signed men the two interpretations might cause the contest he scored 14 of his team's Young- made the charge that "politics ing- master ol Judge Speer's court. it until the w-histle blew. In this half away from us, we will take theirs confusion when former Nati9nal 20 points. Porter and Cobern aleo JL who knows what's the playing of both the Learns -was good away. leaguers were praying with American and unionism are responsible for keep- His appointment as referee is ex- ar.d both of them seemed confident oE played well for G. M. A. For Donald "We have unlimited ca&h and the leaguers Umpires aicOormi-ok and An- Fraser, the playing of Phillips and ing- up the high price of labor in Grant pect sd to give general satisfaction what in styles, value, the outcome. The team work; of Marist united support of all our club owners derson, it was announced, will go with among members of the local bar, with was good and consistent throughout Van Valkenburg was the best. Phil- Park." Commissioner Van Houten and backers. We can hid as high, for the Kansas City and Indianapolis lips played his usual good game, mak- took umbrage at the charge, and de- whom Mr. Talley stands high. He has this period and they had some hard the players as anybody. teams to Wichita Falls, Te.xas had much experience with bankruptcy appearance wears ing some great field goals. manded that Commissioner Young luck in throwing goals. The score at "Up to this time we have played The Federal league's grand stand The line-up: matters. the end of the first haU was: fair. "We g-ave up Cole, despite

RANGE IN COTTON OPTIONS. . in N«w York Cotton. Kuve In New Orleans Cottoa. GRAIN BOARD CALLED Frevt ATLANTA QUOTATIONS. 1 I (Last) Prev. iouenlHighl Low! Sale! Close. C10B6. BETTER TRADING SPOT OFFERINGS iOpenjHIgbl Ix>w[ Salej Close. ctoae. (Men. |12.23|12.23|12.10|12.11|12.0S-11 12.20-21 12.4.0)12.39 12.25 12.20-2. VEGETABLES. Apr. .'I..::: 11.80-82 ApcL , 12.26-27 12.43-45 (Corrected by Fidelity Fruit and Produce May .'t'Ll/SSIll.SS 3A.65 11.CJ5 11.GB-6S 11.80-82 May - ^ss iz.38 iz.Yo 13.22 12.21-22 12.40-42 Company. 67 South BroaA Street.) June ..; ii.8o-$; 12.40-41 BARREL APPLES — GIANT OF SPECULATIi : July '.fii'.io ii."8oii.~65 11.6&-66 11.81-82 iitio i2.?i ii'z'a is^ss-aa 12142-43 Fancy Baldwins. . ; ...... JO.aO Aug. .ill.66 11.66 11.52 11.61-C2 Ben Davis...... »6-0<> IN STOCKMARKET FOR WHEAT CROP !L£S-ff4 11.49-Sl SENT COTTON OFF BOX APPLES — ' Sept. .111.47 11.47 11.47 ii.*. .-,„-,, Oct. ii.46 11.38-39 11.52-53 Wlnesap ...... [email protected] "Fictitious Wheat Transac- , Oct. -ill-42 11.42 H.aO}lL30 11.30-31 11.48-50 Nov. 11.38-3.- 9 11.52-5.- 3 PINEAPPLES, fed. Spanish .... S3.00®3.50 Dec. . jll.39 11.48|11.3Sill.38|11.34-35 11.46-47 Dec. 11.4G 11.48 11.38-39 11.62-53 Abaska ...... - - $2.00 tions" Charged to the Chi- Liquidation Caused Market J This Caused the Prices, to FLORIDA ORANGES, fancy .. . .S2.00®2.50 But None of the Leaders Closed barely steady. Closed Bteady. FANCY GRAPEFRUIT ...... 52.75® 3.50 BEANS, ereen, drum ...... -.»2.50®s.oo cago Exchange. to Close Barely Steady at] Decline Three-Eighths to "Wax ...... 51.50 Moved More Than a Frac- ONIONS, red. We ...... ,54.25 STOCKS. White ...... ;.**-25 ton, March S*—The Chicago Loss of Eleven to Sixteen j Seven-Eighths Cent—Corn BONDS. CABBAGE, crate ...... tlft5®2.00 tion Either Way—New CELERY, dozen ...... 7Sc Board of Trade was arraigned as a \ tF. s. ref. 2s. registered ...... Fr«T Florid^ crate " ...... »-60®2.00 "giant of fictitious wheat transactions" Haven at Lowest Figure. 1 Points. \ Lower. f ^ do. conpon. . ... ••••«...*. . Close. Clo3B- POTATOES, red, bushel ...... »}•»« and the weapon of^a price controlling- j H. 8. Ss.^reg:l3tered 1 Aznal. Copper 4 73<£ 73% "White, bushel ...... ' ...... 51-10 .monopoly today by Samuel H. Greeley, ni Am. Agricultural ____ 63 # LEMONS, bos ...... »3.60®3.7!; C. a T rSlstere'd V. "..".'. .'. ".'. '.'.: Am. Beet Sugar. . 22H 22% EGG PLANT, crate ...... 53.00 who tor more than twenty years was :Sew York, March 3. —Report s that the Uliicag-o, .March ,3.—Speculatora sold do, '' anon ,. .. ., ., .. ..1 ncy crate ct New York,,March 3.—Stock exchange wheat today with more courage than .Fananw 3s, coupon .. .. J...... ] Am, Can 29% 29H 29% transactions today, while oa a larger a member ot the board. Appearing be- active spot demand expected after the do. pfcL . . . . 92^a 92% fore the house rules committee In be- first of March had failed to develop they have shown in some time. Opin- American Agricultural 5a 1 Am. Car and F. . 50% 49% CUCUMBERS basis than yesterday, still were ab- and rumors of freer spot offerings ions by crop experts that the Plant American Tel. & Tel. cv. 4s, bid .. 50% normally small. , The financial district half of several wheat growers* organi- American Tobacco 4^s, bid 1 Am. Cotton Oil . . 4G 44V* 44% LETTUCE, drum l has not recovered from the effects or zations of the north-west, Mr. Greeley were" accompanied by active liquida- was entering spring- -with the oest Armour & Co 4^s ' . Am. Ice Securities.. 30% 30 SQUASH, yellow urged federal action against an alleged tion in cotton today The opening was promise in many years, look attention Am. Unseed 10'4 White 1! the' storm. Atchlson gen. 4s Movements of the stocks were small, monopoly maintained by the public steady, 3 higher to 2 lower, in sym- away from scattering advices of dam- i do. cv. 4b <1960> .. . - Am. Locomotive. . 34 y, 34',£ 34 Mi PEPPER, 6-bushel crate . . warehouse men of Chicago and other nathy -with steady cables. Some buy- age. The close was weak, 3-S@l-2 to 1 do. cv. 5B, bid 1 A.m. Smelt, and Re- OHRA, crate, tender and the undertone was good. None of fining 68 % SWEET POTATOES, busiiel the leaders moved more than a frac- market centers. ing seemed to be . encouraged by re- 3-4@j-g under last night. Corn finish- AtJtntic Coast J-lne 1st 4s .. ;. C7% 67% Through membership on tiie Chicago ports that active business was pend- ed 3-S to 1-2 down, oats off 1-8 @ 1-4 Baltimore & Ohio 4s do. pfd 102% 101% 102 t£ 102 CAULIFLOWER, drum tion above or below' yesterday's close. and pro-visions varying from a shade ! do. S*ia Am. Sugar Refining. .... 104% 104 & Sir Edward Grey's statement on Mexi- 'board and control of the storage of ing In Russia, and private advice* Brooklyn Transit cv. 4a POCXTKY AND EGC.S. decline to an advance of 5c. Am. Tel. and Tel. .120%12. 0 120 ft 119% a c can affairs was construed favorably •grain, the warehouse "trust." he de- claiming that German spinners Central of Georgia 5s : Am. Tobacco •. . .248^. 248% 248 24G',-j Hens, live, pound ^ clared, had built up an organization would call cotton freely in the near "Wheat prices at first were inclined Centra] .Leather 3s c bv the bulls and unfavorably by the Anaconda MIn. Co.. 35% 35% 3S^ 35% Prlers; pound • -«c "which controls the wheat prices of the future. There was not much support, to advance, owing to higher cables and .Chesapeake & Ohio 4%s Atchison 96 % Ducks, apiece . - - • -jj bears, and came to naught as a mar- because of ,contmued. complaints of 96% 96% 96 1 ket factor. . world more than any other agency ex- however, while thefirs tmessage s re- | j do. conv. 4^.3 do. pfd 101% 101 100% 101 Eggs, dozen --* cept war scares and financial panics." ceived from New Orleans showed rel- j winter killing in Missouri. Nebraska (Chicago & Alton Slis, bid Atlantic Coast, Line . . 121% 121 Of the influence immediately sur- and Kansas. Support gave out, how- Chicago, B. & Quincy joint 4s UHOCEKBES, , rounding the market most attention T-he key to the situation was dealing alive weakness there, and brought , do. gen. 4s Baltimore and Ohio 91% 91% 91 91% in futures, where no delivery was in- southern yelling -orders. ' The . market ever, and the market had a shaxp set- Bethlehem Steel . .38% 38% 38% 38% 3 .. ..] Axle Grease—Diamond. $1.76; No. 1 Mica, ing of the railroads for January. The tended, he declared, and in this busi- soon weakened- in consequence, and all Chicago. R. I. & pac. R. R, col. 4s. . . . Brooklyn R. T. . .93% 92% 93 92% ness the Chicago Boaud of Trade out- months, except March, made new low ord that winter wheat as a whole has j Chicago, R. I. & Pac. Ry. rfff. 4s.. .. Canadian Pacific . 209% 208% 210% $5.25; No. 2 Mica. J4.2S. growing sensitiveness of railroad improved 2 points since December 1 Central leather . . 31 >£ 31 Vi 31% Cheese—Alderney, 21^i. . stocks to this condition of affairs was stripped the other markets of the ground for the season, with the close and that Wisconsin and Iowa, were the Colorado & Southern ref. & ext. 4,%s. . Red Rock Glneer Ale—Quarts,, $9; pints, world combined. barely steady, 11 to 16 net lower. Delaware & Hudson cv. 4a. bid . . Chesapeake and O.. 635i 63 % 63 tO. Red Rock syrup, 51.50 per galJon. indicated by New York Central's only exceptions to an ail-round grain. I Denver & Rio Grande ref. 58.- Chicago G. w. . .. 12% 12% 12% weakness yesterday and by .New Alleved Warehouse Trust. •General business was still restricted Distillers 5s Candy—ftick, 5%; mixed, 6%; chocolates, by the limited wire service, aud- New- Estimates that farm reserves were Chicago, Milwaukee & 12c. Haven's decline today. Xew Haven nearly 4,000,000 bushels larger than a Erie- prior lien 4s. bid . . ".". .". ".". !. St. Paul 102 sold at 65%, the lowest figure in the Evidence was submitted to the com- Orleans was the only southern market do. gen. ^s . ' Chicago and North- Salt—100-lb. bags, B3c; ice cream. 60c; mittee designed to sliow that the ware- heard from up to the close. ' vear ago led to increased Belling pres- do. cv. 4s. aeries B Gra'nocrysta, 80c; No. 3 barrels, J3.25. history of the company. X*ast month sure later. There was also much, un- western . . . .134% 134H 134 1S4 Arm and Hammer Soda, $3,05, tee soda. it was marked up to 78 after selling house "trust" began business in 1887, Spat cotton quiet; middling uplands JJlInoJH Central 1st ref. 4a Colo. Fuel and Iron 32 "32 31 ¥• 31 and had increased in power until to- doing of spreads between the July and : Inter borough-Met. 4%B 2c; Royal Baking Powder, 1-lb., J4.SO; at 65 5-8 in December, on the passing IS. 00; gulf 13.25. No sales. May deliveries. Longs in May un- Consolidated Gas .. 134 134 132% 133 %-lb., SE.OO; Horsford'3. $4.50; Good Luck, day the Chicago board was "throttled. inter. Mere. Marine 4%s. bid Corn Products . ,1114 11& 11 11} of the dividend. and controlled by the public warehouse loaded. Japan'4^B 53.76; Success. $1.80; Rough Rider. $1.80- London prices for American stocks Kansas ity Southern ref. 5s . . ., .. Del a, and Hudson . . . ' 152 Beans—Lima, 7c; navy, $2.75. men." Spot Cotton Market. Corn suffered a bearish reaction, as Oenver and R. G 13 IS were lower, and there was a moderate a result of the break in wheat, and Lake Shore deb, 4a (1931) Ink—Per crate, $1.20. amount ot selling here for foreign ac- Mr. Greeley read into the record, a Uvvins to the t-torm. wire service te still in consequence of figures showing that Louisville &• Nashville tin. 4s do. pfd 22^ 23 Jelly—30-lb. pails. $1.35; 3-on., $2.70. reaent change i n the rules by the Interrupted a.nd it «-a« impossible Tuesday Mo.. Kan. & Texas 1st. 4s, bid Bistillers' Securities. 20 19% 19% Spaghetti—$1.90. count. Th*e only important movements board removing certain penalties pre- to obtain thf figures showing - the move- •the stock here had greatly enlarged do. gen. 4%a, bid .. Erie 2914 29% Leather—Diamond oak, 4Sc, today were in a few" of the less active ment of cotton in the markets The- tone In the last week. Considerable buying Missouri Pacific 4s. bid do. 1st pfd 45% Pepper—Grain, IBc; ground, ISc. , shares. Canadian Pacific, influenced scribed against warehouse members. of the markets and Quotations for middling was done early on the theory that the do. conv. 6s... ' . . . do. 2d pfd. . . .'127% 127>4 Flour—Eleg-aot, $7.00; Diamond, ' $6.15. by foreign selling, was heavv through- This, he said, was done at the order of were as follows: "west would show a lighter movement f National Rye. of Mexico 4%s Great Northern Ore Best Self-Rising. $5.75; Mytyfyne SelC-RIs- out the day. Express stocks were the warehouse men's com-bination. Atlanta, -steady. 'l"T»c. and that the east would increase de- \ New York Central gen. 3%s Ctfs ss 35% 36V4 Ine, *6.3E; Monogram, $5.50; Carnation. again strong:, Adams Express showing The committee had under considera- Xew Orleans, steady. 12"-&c. mands. i do. deb. 4s Illinois Central . . .- 109% 109 ?5.35; Golden Grain, $5.00; Pancake, per a 5-point advance. tion Representative Manahan's resolu- New York. q,uiel, 12c. Oats swayed with,, corn. A falling •N. Y.. N. H. & Hartford cv. SV*S, bid. Interborough-Met. . . ,. . 1454 14% case, $3.00. " »_ _.. Bonds were steady. Sales $2,570,000. tion to authorize an investigation of Liverpool, steady. 7 4-100d. Norfolk & Western 1st con. 4s," ofd .. do. ptd 6 By, S9% £9% Lard and Compound—Cottolene, $4.<5; the charges that a monopoly existed -off in the visible supply apparently do. cv. 4s, ofd United States bonds unchanged. •Wilmington, nominal. was ignored. Inter Harvester . .105% 104% 105 Snowdrift, cases, $6.50; Flake White, 9; within the grain exchanges of Chicago. Galvrston. steady. 12%c. Northern Pacific 4s Inter-Marine pfd. . 10% 10% 10% Leaf, 12 ^c basis. .Dulu-th and Minneapolis, founded upon M-bilc, firm. 12 %c. In provisions. Chicago's large stocks do. 8s International Paper. . . . Rice—S&c to 8c; grits, ?2.16. Philadelphia, steady, IS**'--. were offset by the fact that h-og^ re- Oregon Short Line rfdg. 4s, bid International Pump Sour Gherkins—Per crate; $1.80; kegs, $13 the warehouse operations and future ceipts turned out unexpectedly small. ! cv. '3%s (1915) _>15; sweet mixed, kegs, $12.50; olives, 90c TESTIMONY IS TAKEN trading. It was said that if the hear- Savannah, steady, 13c. • do. con.' 4s, bid , . • Kan. City Southern. 25U ing's bring* out evidence -to warrant, Baltimore, nominal, 12c. Besides, the world's supply of lard Lactede Gaa to $4.50 per dozen. A_ failed to gain at a rate equal to that Reading gen. 4s EitractB—lOc Souders, 95c per dozen; S5c IN GRAY LUMBER CASE the matter probably will be referred Norfolk, steady, 13c. St. Louis & San. Fran. fg. 4s, bid .... Lehigh Valley. . .150 . 149>4 149% 149% Boston, steady, 13c. of 1913. do. gen. 5s , . ... Louis, and Nash. . . ---- 135 li 1S5 Souders, $2 per dozen. to ,the committee on agriculture with Augusta., steady. JU'AC. St. Louis Southwestern con. 4s . . Minn.. St. P. and S'lt Sugar—Granulated, $4.60; light brown, ,\Vaycross, Ga., March 3.—(Special.)— recommendations that it draft legisla- Memphis, steady, ,13c. Chicago Quotations. Seaboard Air Line adj. Ba. St. M 4%; dark brown, 4%c; domino, 8"Ac. Testimony in the Gray Lumber com- tion to remedy the alleged evils. lireenvUle, quiet, 12%'* Prev. Southern Pacific col. 4a . . Mo.. Kan, and Tex. IS pany case was taken over today by Mr, Greeley charged that pu'bli-c St. Louis, dull, 13c. Open. High. Low. Clone. Close. do. cv. 4s ... . Mo. Pacific . , . ,25 24% 24% 24% PROVISION M/VBHET. warehousing in Chicago was conduct- Athens, steady. 13 '/4c. WHEAT— Southern Pacific R. R. 1st ref. 4s"' '.'. National Biscuit . .131 ft (Corrected by White Provision Co.) James P.Cracken. of Valdosta, acting Houston. Htei"-cly, 12 %«.'- 94% 131 y, 131% 131 ed "openly and brazenly in violation of May . . . Southern Railway 5s National Lead. . ---- 49% 49S Cornfield ham, 10 to IB average 1| as special master. Today's proceedings law without any organized opposition Charl'-HtQn. firm, 12 % t. July .- . . 8914 do. gen. 4s, bid " Nat'l Rys. of Mexico Cornfield ham, 12 to 14 average IS are another step in the petition filed of state legal authorities" to crush Little Rock, quiet. 12'ii. CORX— union Pacific 4a 2d pfd Cornfield skinned hams, 16 to IS aver. last year asking that the company be I-ouisviIle. firm. ISc. 67% do. cv. 4s 11 11 Cornfield picnic hams, 6 to 8, average open competition. May . . . N. Y. Central. . . . 9014 89% 89 ii 89 Vj placed in bankruptcy. The special Mucon, steady, ISc. _____ July . . . 68% do. 1 st and ref 4s bid N. T.. Ont. and W. Cornfield B. Bacon master will make his report to the In Favor of Speculator. Sept. . . . .Gtj% 66% f. S. Rubber 6 " " .' - 27% 2791 Cornfield sliced bacon. 1-lb boxes, 12 TT. s. Steel 2nd 5s : Norfolk and W.. . 102}» 102% 102% 101% 3.30 United States court for the southern "It is recognized," he asserted, ""that Orleans Cotton. OATS— North American . . . to case May' . . . -«0& 40 tt Virgin I a-Car, Chemical 5s .... 69 69 Grocers' bacon, wide and narrow . . district of Georgia by April 1. Attor- 95 per cent, .at least, of all cash grain s March 3. — Cotton softened July . . . 40V* Wabash. 1st and ext. 4s Northern Pacific -112H 111)4 112 112 Cornfield fresh pork sausage, link or neys from Valdoata, , Brunswick and which has entered public storage for PORK— Western Maryland 4s Paciflc Mail . . . L'4 24 24 % 24% bulk, * 2&-1D. buckets Douglas attended the hearing, which many year's has been controlled by the May . . . :U "16 Westinghouse Electric cv. 5s Pennsylvania . . .111% 111% 111% 111% Cornfield Franklorts, 10-lb. cartons . . consumed all of the day. Illegally operating1 warehouse proprie- 21.46 TVisconsln Central 4a, bid .. .' People's Uas -. . .123 122 121% 122 Cornfletd Bologna, 25-lb. boxes .. . - July .... D0 s The lumber insurance company or tors. Innocent individuals are subject LARD—• Pitts., C., C. and St. Cornfield Luncheon Ham, -b-lb. *® New York joined other creditors today Louis .... 85 85 Cornfield amoked link sausage, J5-lb. to many hardships of odds or per- fluc-ti*ation in many seasons. The close May . - . Money and Exchange, Pittsburg Coal . . 2!^ in the fight to have the corporation centages in the g-ame which, are cor- w-us at practically the lowest. July . . . 20% 20% 21% box • -\ v-iri»tv- of reasons were given for tne RIBS— New York. March 3.—Call money teady Pressed Steel Car . , 42% 42% Cornfield Frankforta in pickle, kits declared bankrupt. respondingly iu favor of the comlblned May . . . at 1 =)i @ 2; ruling rate 1 %.: closing i • i$>2. Pullman Pal. Car .15414 1B4% 154% 154% Cornfield pure lard, tierce basia - - - - 1^ warehouseman-speculator. PPllinB- pr^Msurfi that developed. Heavier Reading: 165 ii rp'-eiiKv :u ports, good weather over the July . . . Time loans firm; 60 days '2%G&3- 90 days 164J4 IBo 164% Corntry style lard, &0-lb. tins ...... 1.J "Closely associated with the ques- 3tt:.8ix months 3%©3%. y Republic Iron and Country (style lard,' tierce basis i«i? cotton bolt expectations of large ret-jrns Steel 2B EVERYBODY IN COURT tions herein involved should be con- 'n the nmll glnnins report of the season. Receipts in Chicago. Mercantile paper 3%©4V». / D. S. ertra ribs ^ ft .sidered the manufacturer ,of so-called uow pemllni-;. dories of liquidation of spot - Estimated Sterling exchange steady: CO'days 4,8375; do. pfd D. S. Bellies, medium average l;|J4. SEARCHED FOR ARMS ,'contract' grades of grain from mixtures Button and the fear of intervention in Todajf* Tomorrow. demand 4,8b90. ' Rock Island Co , & a- D. S. bellies, medium average "* of the lower grades with better grades. Whenl, cars ... 94 91 Commercial bills 4.S3. do. pfd SB^ Ue-ciro were all offered as the causes tor Bar silver 57%. St. Louis and San Such mixtures illegally placed in pub- the in. n-at.ed offerings. Corn, oars . 354 382 FLOUR, GRAIN AND S"JEED. Oats, cars . . '.' 1:25 173 Mexican dollars 46. Fran, ad pfd. . ' 7'i Flour Sacked, Per Barrel—V ictory, In St. Lou-Is, Mo., Ilarch .".—-Henry Zang, lic storage -by various subterfuges, are Th" en-dine was unexpected in view of 16.000'" 32,000 Government bonds steadv - railroads towel bags, ?6.^5; Victory, our finest patent, who yesterday shot and killed Wesley easily discovered and understood and the Rood cables. large exports and .promises •Hoss, head steady. . " Seaboard Air Line. . 20% 20% tif a V thia export movement. At Wheat. 57,021,000, against ST.806.000 la^t Treasury Statement. 32 33 01 6 der of another gangster, today was not, properly control the warehouses wee£. against 63.7S«,000 last year. Southern Pacific.. . 94 93% Paragon, highest patent, $5.60; K " 'bound over to the grand jury by the buainess of Illinois." thf ui-clino bulls, however, offered little Washington! March 3.—The condition of 93% 93% Queen, highest patent; $G'.60; White Cloud, *»um>tiri. mid. the market was steadied chiefly Corn. 18.374,000. against 17,537,000 last Southern Railway is ai 25% 25% 25% coroner's jury which heard Zang's own The effect of this, -he said, was to week, against 17,918,000 last year- the United Statfs treasury a.t the beginning do. pfd high patent, $6.35; White Daisy. hl£h pat- bv profit-raking from showts. - of business today was: 8? ent $5.35; Ocenn Spray, patent, $5.10; story of the shooting. enable the warehousemen, to keep In " Snot i-oJton steady, '-k lower;' middling. Oats, 21.489,000, against 22,077.0(-0 last Tennessee Copper. . 35% 35 week, against 12,343,000 last year. rflet balance in general fund, *91.525,541. Texas and Pacific 8g * Southern Star, patent, $5.10; Sun Bue. pat- Before the Inquest was opened each storage enough wheat to control the , ]-H- s,ues on the spot, 3.100: to arrive. Total receipts yesterday, $657,954. 14 ent $510; Sun JUeam. patent, $5.10; King of the 350 spectators was searched for market in futures and establish the 50ti-*Kuod ordinary. 10 9-1'',: HtrK-t good or- Union Paciflc . . .lajjii 158% 1Q9 weapons by policemen. Zang will be 1 J lb: Primary Morcment. Total payments yesterday, $1,919,007. do. pfd 84 84 84 Cotton, patent, $4.90; Tulip" Flour, straight, price on the farms at whatever tliev dinarv. 11 T-tfi : lo* middling. . j ^: Wheat—Receipt, .714,000, against -SIS,000 The deficit this fiscal year Is ?28,3,18,855, U. S. Realty . . . 83% held without bail pending the action of choose to make it. strict" 1 <>*.•. niiddling. 12%; strict middling. against a surplus of $7;&02,246 last year, ex- .... i>:c 53 *4Meal Sacked, Per Buahel—Meal, plain, K: • ,',-lC: (rood middllnir, 1=! 11-16; strict last year. 'Shipments, 526.000. against U. S. Rubber. . . fiOW59. % 5»54 5314 the grand jury. 402.000 last year. ciusive of Pana-ma canal and public debt U. S. Steel ... e 404 96-pound eacks, SSc; meal, plain, 43-pound -ood middling, 1S%; receipts, T.tiSS: stock, transactions. 64% «4'i 64% sacks, 90c; meal, plain, 24-pound sacks, 82c. Corn—Receipts, 1,02,4,000, against 1,037,000 do. pfd 110% 110% 1101% no last year. Shipments, &79.000. against 967,-• U tah Copper . 6 4 "4 Grain Sacked, Per Bushel—Choice Red- HIS ASSETS ONLY $150, 000 last year. 6414 64 "A, Cob Corn, 94c; corn. No. 2 white. 92c; corn, TEN BALES OF COTTON Mining Stocks. Vft.-C*rolina Cheml- yellow, 90c; oats, fancy white clipped, 97c; HIS DEBTS $2,893 f 31 * Comparative Port Receipts...... 31 30 » oats No 2, white clipped, 5t>c; oats, fancy DESTROYED BY FLAMES 1 Boston. March S.—CJose mining i Arizona Wabash ... •> i/i ' Followinc were net receipts ot cotton at Grain. Commercial, 5 ^; Calumet and Arizona* do. pfd. ...." white; 65c; oats, mixed, 53c; oats, mill oats, the ports on Tuesday. March 3. com.- 67 %. Oreene-Cananea, 38; North Butte, . 7V4 Philadelphia, March 3.—A schedule pareil with those on the corresponding day CUlcitgo. March 3. —Cas h : Wheat. No. 2 Western Maryland 31 ii 31% 81 Vi -jeedg—Amber can'e seed, $1-75; Orange Ten bales of cotton at the Atlantic of liabilities and assets of Adolj>h red, 95%; No. 2 hard, 93®93%,; No. 2 north- Western Union . 6374 63% 03% cane aeed, *l.-75; Burt oats, 660; Texas Compress company at Edgewood ave- Segral, promoter, and until recently last year: ern. 94Vi®95%: No, 2 spring, 94}i<3>96%. Westlnffhouae Else ' 1914- 1033- 111 70% Rust-Proof oats, t!4.c; seed wheat, Tennes- nue and the Southern railway were de- head of a company conducting" a Jarg-u •53.794 12,644 Oats,' No. 2 wblte. 4I%©42; standard, 40% Foreign Finances. Wheeling and see blue stem, $1.50; Georgia seed rye, stroyed by fire Tuesday afternoon- hotel here,—filed today, showed ts . 7.6S8 3.8,41 @41. Erie - ...... 4 4 $1.20; Tennessee barley, $1. Chlno Copper . . . when ignited by a spark from a.pass- amounting to $2,893,731 and assets of . 1,:.^7 377 Rye. No. 2, 62^. London. March 3. —Consol s for money, •*!% 41% Hay, Etc.—No. 1 alfalfa hay,. $1.35; $1EO. The latter consists of wearing , Barley. 60® 70. 7415-16 ex. dividend; for account, 76% ex. N. Y-.. N. H. & H. 67 G5% 66% timothy, choice- large bales, ?1.30; timothy, ing locomotive. The destroyed cotton ar If. "'244 Timothy. J3.73 @ 5. 2f>. dividend. Bar silver steady at 26 ll-ltid. Ray Cons. Copper . 20% No 1, small bales, $1.25; large light clover was valued at $700. Further spread of apparel and jewelry. Segal recently \VilmlnRton Clover, *[email protected]. Money, 1%@.2. Short bids, 2%@2%; three mixed hay. $1.20; No. 1 .light clover mixed the fire was prevented by the quick was adjudged an involuntary bankru-pi Norfolk - . 1.231 St. Louis, March 3. —Cash : Wheat, No. 2 months, 27-16@2Vj. Total sales tor dar. 123.000 shares. hay $1.20- heavy clover mixed hay, $1.1C; work of the employees of the com- He had been operating for nearly I'ort Arthur 529 red, 94^96^,; No. 2 hard, 91%@93^. Berlin, March 3. — Exchange on London, straw, 65c; C. S. meal. Harper, $2i>.00; C. S. pre*ss plant. twen-ty-five years, among his • enter - Variown . . Corn, No. 2, GGH®66: No. 2, white. 68. 20 marks. '43% pfennigs. Money, 3%@4?fe. meal, Cremo feed. $27.00; C.-g. hulls, sack- prises being1 twb sugar refineries. Oats. No. 2. 41%@41%; No. 2 white. 41%. Private discount, 3. ed, $13.00. St Louis, March 3. — Close: Wheat, May, Parfs, March 3. —Rentes , 88 franco 7^ Chicken Feed, Per Cwt.—Aunt Patsy centimes. Exchange on London, 25 francs RECOVERS SUM LOANED n A 2 8 __ash, 100-pound sacks, $2.25; Furlntt Lower Fares for Tennessee. Kstimated Receipts Wednesday. c o?n! i.a^8 41i8%; JUW 6S*@68%. 20J.6 centimes. ON LINTERS FOR COTTON pigeon feed, 100-pound aacks, $2.50; Purina K-eston, 10,500 to 11.500. against -G,7f.6 Oat«. May, WA: July. 40. chowder, 12-package bales, $2.50; Purina Nashville, Tenn., March 3—An agree-- Kansas City, March 3. —Cash : Wheat: No., London Stock Market. chowder, 100-pound sacks, $2.30; Purina ment signed today between the Louis- -*"Orleans, 4,500 to 5.000, against 3,334 2 hard. 89®SO>4: No. 2 red, 90%(8>9H4. Savannah. Ga., Slarch g.—The Ma- baby chick feed, $2.20; Purina scratch, 12- ville and A'asliville railroad and the Corn! Ko. 2 miked, 04%; No. 2 white. 67% London. March 3. — The Mexican situation tional Bank of Savannah has been ad- package bales, $2.80; Purina ..scratch,. 100- Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Bonds for Investment caused further losses in Mexicans on the vised that the supreme court of the pound sacks, $2.10; Victory baby chick railway and the Tennessee railroad,. stock market today. , The market finished , United States yesterday denied a writ feed $2.20; Victory scratch, 100-pound Liverpool Cotton. rather uncertain, owing to the statement on commission provides for the inaugura- High-grade municipal, 9f certiorari to the Kerehaw oil mill, sacks. $2.10; Victory scratch, 50-pound Liverpool, March 3. — Cotton spot in f*ir the Mexican situation by Sir Edward Grey- th CarIma sacks, $2.15; oyster NheZI, 10 fnr -s-pecu)alion and export. Re- Xew York, March 3. — Copper nominal, that when banks lend money on bales pound sacks, per cwt., $2.00. ceipts 74.000. including 66,700 American. onenine navigation: No. 1 northern Manitoba. Sen* for list of Offerings J1?0; beet aminer, is engaged hi winding up the M ity-June .. 6.59 (5.56^4 .i No. 2 red. U-00^ ; spot. No, = red western. £21 7s 6rl. thought was cotton, but which turned affairs of the failed bank of Arnericus, Iron quiet and unchanged. pulp 100-pound, sacks, $1.65. N. W. Harris & Co. June-July. . . . 8.54 6.52 5.54^a $100%; March No. 2 red. $1.00%. out to be linters. Suits were brought Shorts, Bran and Mill Feed—Shorts, Elmfir A. Ul£TS"iTis, vrho was appointed • July-Aug. . . 6.45 Vj fi.47-Mj6.50% Corn quiet and steady; spot contract. 68; London copper steady; spot £64 2s Gd; fu- against the oil mills "in deceit" be- from Mantsromery, Ala., will look after Aug.-Sept . . (i.40 tures, £64 I 2s 6d. white, UTO-pound sacks, 51.85; shorts. Red Pino Street, Corner William M cause it was alleged Jraud had been Dog, 100-pound aacks, $1.86; aborts, Cancy, the routine examination of national Sept.-Oct. .. 6.28^, Oaw firmer: standard white. 45®43%; No. Tin ateady: spot £373 SB; futures, £175 banks. Tho work has gotten consid- Oct.-Nov. .. 6.20% 5s. committed upon the .commercial world. 75-pound eacks, $1.80; shorts, P. W., 75- NEW YOR Nov.-Dec. . . 6.16 Icon, Cleveland warrants, BOs 4^d. A TJ rated States court judge in South pound sacks, $1.70; shorts, brown, 100-erably u-ider way since Mr. Dunlap has Doc.-.lan. ... St. Louis, March 3. — Lead. S3. 90 @ 3. 92 >/a. Carolina directed a verdict against the pound sacks, $1.70; Georgia feed. 75-pound, been engaged at Americus. Jan.-Feb .. Movement of Grain: sacks, $1.65; germ meal, Homco, 100-pound Spelter. [email protected]. bank, but a higher court granted a sacks, $1.65;. germ meal, 75-pound cotton St. Louis. March 3-^Receipts: Flour 11.- reversal, and the bank gained its case. sacks, $1.70; bran, 100-pound sacks, $1.55- Cotton,-Seed Oil. 000- wheat 41,000: corn, 86,000; oats, 107.000. The oil mill company toctk a writ of bran. 75-pound sacks, $1.55; bran arid Shipments: Flour. 18,000: wheat. 79,000; COTTON CORPORATION certiorari to the supreme court of the shorts mixed, $1.60. Nev, York, March" S.—Cotton seed oil was corn. 58,000; oats. 106.000. United States, which has been denied. Salt—Salt brick, med.. per case, $4.85; higher, owing to absence of March ten- The decision is of great importance ™.lt brick, plain, per case, $2.25; salt red ders, light crude offerings and in sympathy AND ITS DIFFICULTIES wherever cotton is dealt in. rock, per cwt.. $1,00; salt. Ozone, per case with lard. Final prices were steady, 1 to Liverpool CTrain. l 30 packages, 90c; salt, Grnocryat. case 25 3 points net higher. Spot 7.10@ 7.50. Fu- Liverpool, March 3.—Wheat, spot tirm; Dallas, Texas, Marefa 3.—A call for packages; 75c; salt, 100-pound sacks, Chip- ? Checking Accounts tures ranged as follows: 'No 2 red western winter. 7s 6d; No. 1 Man- a meeting: of the directors of the pewa, 53c; salt, 50-pound aacks, ChJppewa, Open. Close. itoba, 7s 6d; No. 2. 7a 5d Futures steady; Southern States Cotton corporation, to I LIBERAL AID /S URGED 3Qc; salt, 25-pound sacks, Chippewa. ISc- March, 7.13 ©7.15 [email protected] March. 7a 4!*d; May. 7s 4Hd: July. 7a STfed. be held in L>allas March 7, was issued salt, 100-pound sacks. V. P., BOc. Aptrll 7.10 @7.22 7.10(317.23 Corn, spot steady; American mixed, 6s last night by, George Dole Wiadley, FOR AMERICAN FARMER These prices are f.o.b. Atlanta. Subject Is. Perhaps, the "Most Important Feature May [email protected] 7.29 ©7.30 8 %d: La Plata futures steady; March, 4a to market changes. Special prices on mixed chairman of the executive committee. and solid cars. Julv . , 7.43 (S?7.5„ 5 [email protected] 10%d; July, *s 75id. Plans for adjusting the present diffi- W!oshin«rton, March 3. — A vigorous of Modern Banking. August ...... 7.57©7.5S 7.57(g!7.59 culties of the organization, now in the appeal for liberality on the part of the ATLANTA LIVE STOCK MARKET. Country Produce. hands of a temporary receiver, will federal government in aiding the (By W. H. White, Jr., of the White Pro- Oc-tobT 6.75<3>7.35 [email protected] be considered at the meeting". All hold- farmer to meet the nation's increasing vision Co.) Tofea.1 sales. 5.SOO barrels. Chicago. March 8.—Butter irregular; ers of scrip of tihe company have been demands for food was made today by Good to choice steers, 1,000 to 1,200 Ibs., Memphis. March 3.—Cotton seed products, creameries 23® 30. asked to meet in this city Mareji 14. $6.25 to $6.75; good steers, 800 to 1.000 Ibs nrlm«- »a*is: Oil, 6.20; meal. $26.00 @ 26.25; "Bees higher- receipts 8,603 cases; at Representative Lever, of South Caro- $6.00 to $6.50; medium to good steers. 700 mark, cases included. 27@28; ordinary firsts A temporary receiver was appointed lina, opening the houae debate on the 1 inters. - i- (6>3%. several days a&o on petition of several agricultural appropriation bill, which to 850 Ibs.. $5.50 to $6.00; good to choice The Lowry beef cows, 800 to 900 Ibs., $6.25 to $6.75- "' Cheese' unchanged. holders of the company's scrip. 1 In carries about $19,000,000. The measure medium to good cows, 700 to SOO Jbs., $4.50 Dry Goods. Potatoes, receipts 38 cars; unchanged. his call for the directors' meeting Mr. was before the houae all day and the to $5.25; good to choice heifers, 750 to 850 Poultry, alive, unchanged. "Wadley said he believes the corpora- debate will be resumed Thursday Ibs., $5.00 to $6.00: medium to good heifers, - Neu York, March 3.—Cotton goods markets New York, March 3.—Butter firm, un- tion can liquidate 'all of its debts if Discussion took a wide range, some 650 to 750 IbB., $4.50 to $5.00. were aui^i and Jtteady todav. Yarns were the cotton now on hand is held under The above represents ruling prices of good 8.70; mixed $5.45(3)8.70: heavy $8.30 Peanuts unchanged. Mast and peanut fattened l%c to 2c under. '©8.7^^: rough S8.30iS>8.45; Pigs [email protected]. amount to m-ore th-an the market price RAW SUGARS ON MARKET Cattle—Receipts -1,000: strong; baevea of the cotton when tbe sellers deliv- Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $7.25 @ 9.73: Texas steers $7.10@S-10: stock - ered it to the corporation. UNDER THE NEW TARIFF A fairly good run of medium grade cattle ers and. feeders $5.5QS>S.OO; cows and belt- Coffee. In yards this week. Market hag ranged ers S3.B5©S.">5; calves $7.00©10.60. New York, March 3.—Steady European ajid New York, March 3. —Heav y with- about steady. A few small bunches topped ' ' Sheep—Receipts 17.000; lower; natives I smaller Interior Santos receipts Inspired scat- drawals from bonded warehouses of out of the better loads sold, at a premium, $4.S5@6-~0: year!* '& $5.85® 7.10; lambs. j tering demand in coffee today and first ARIZONA LONG STAPLE fancy cattle being scarce. $2,25O,OOO natives. 56.75 {p>7.(,* '" prices were 5 to S higher. Reactions to raw sugar a were made yesterday »at St. Louis. March 3.—Hogs—Receipts 10.- ! about last night's closing followed under li- BRINGS A HIGH PRICE New York as the result of the 25 per Hog receipts light—demand active, prices 000; steady; pigs and ligh.ta $7.50 @ 8.75: quidation. , easier closing from Havre and cent cut in duties provided for in the slightly higher. , intsed , and butchers [email protected]; good bearish statistics, but the market firmed up tariff act of 1913, effective March 1. heavy *8.75®8.S2'.^. again on covering and bull support with the Wa&liington, March 3.—A portion of The custom houae officials reported Cattle—Receipts 3.500. including 650 Tex- close firm 4 to li net higher. Sales, 18,- a 2,100-bale 1913 crop of Arizona, long that twenty-two warehouse entries for * ans; higher; native beef steers S7.50SJ9.25: 000. staple cotton of the Egyptian type de- delivery were made, while the. duties AGREEMENT /S REACHED cows and htfifers $4.25(0)8.5d; atockers 35.00 Futures closed as follows: March. 8.81; veloped by the. department of agricul- paid on tlie withdrawals aggregated ©'7.50: Texas and Indian steers [email protected]; May. 8.99; July.. 9.18; September, 9.3&; Oc- ON ALASKAN RAILWAY cows and heifers 54.00® 6.00; native calves ture, sold in Liverpool recently at $290,000. t tober, &.40; December, 9.49; January, 9.52. 23 1-3 cents, a pound, netting the Ari- Several refineries in this city and The American Audit Company Sheep-^-ReceJpts 3,300; steady; nativ* i Spot, steady; Rio No. 7, D*£; Santos No. 4. zona growers 21 3-2 cents a pound at Yon-leers have resumed full time after Wasihinsrt-on, March 3.—Senate and muttons [email protected]; lambs [email protected]. Ill"* their shipping: point in Salt River Val- a long period of part operation of their house conferees aerreed late today on Home Office, 100 Broadway, New York City. Kansas City, March. 3.—Hogs—Receipts i Mild, quiet; Cordova. 13@16Mi. nominal. I lev, it was announced today b-v. Secre- plants. It was said In the trade to- 14,000; higher; bulk $3.35 © 8.60; heavy Havre, net unchanged. Hamburg, " " " tary Houston. This was taken to in- all differences over_ die Alaskan, rail- 58.50<£? S.S5; packers and butchers JS.4Q @ pfennig higher. Rto. 125 lower, at day that the tariff reduction has al- F. W. LAFRENTZ, C. P. A., President. i World's visible supply decreased 365,000.* dicate that English spinners consider road bill, and a report will be sub- 8.60; light [email protected]; pj»3 »7.50 ® 8.10. ready been discounted and will not, in THEO. COVU.EV. J«.. , V. FTC*. * Sfc'r. —A . if. TTreu. Cattle—Receipts S.OOO. includinR 200 this cotton equal to the best grades all probability, cause any further de- mitted for final action in both' houses, southerns; steady: prime fed steers $8.50 @ produced in Egypt. A quantity sold to cline in the price of refined, sugar. probably tomorrow. The senate con- BKAHCHBS: 9.25; dressed beef steers $7.25©8.40; south- ! Sugar and Molasses. American spinners brought prices, ferees yielded to the house amend- NEW TORK —WaldorJ-Aatorlm . AJ.-.LANTA — Fourth Nat. Sank Bide ern steers 36-90 7.75; cows 54.2-5 ©7.75: Xew York, ilarch 3.—Raw sugar steady; which make thia a profitable crop for i ments providing that the road should BOSTON —Exchang e Hunting. CHICAGO — Marquette Building. heifers ?6.75@9,00; stockers [email protected] centrifugal, 3.i04; molasses sugar. 2.39. Re- irrigated lands of the southwest. ! be financed out of t^ic treasury. In- WASHINQTON —Colorad o Bn»ain«. PHILADELPHIA — Bellevue-Stratfor Sheep^—Receipts 9,000; lower; lambs J6.T3 fined steadv. '• SAVANNAH BOND ISSUE stead of bv a bond issue, and that the NEWOBL.BANS —Maiso n Blanch*. SAN FRANCISCO — Western Metrop (3S7.50; yearlings $G.OO(g)6.60; wethers 45.25 Molasses steady. ®5.75; ewes [email protected]. PROVES TO BE INVALID maximum of expense $35,- BAJvnMOl-tE — K«yser Bulldlnc. - Bi-nk Building. Louisville. March 3.—Cattle—Receipts PRIZES ARE OFFERED 000,000, ihstead of $40,000,000. RICHMOND —America n National Bank l-ONDON. ENGLAND —F . C. SO Gr«.ham 175: slow at $2.50($S.OO. Rice. llhe house amendment stipulating ~ Building. Street, Bank HOSTS—Receipts 50; steady to 5 higher at FOR FLOYD FARMERS Savannah, Ga., March 3,— {Special.) — that all of the proposed railroad shouJd ATOAJtTA BBAJTCH. 1OI5-17 fourth »«Oom«J Buric New Orleans. March. 3.—Rough Honduras Everything tli&t has- been done toward be of standard guage has been strick- Sheep—Receipts 25; steady^ lambs 7 and Japan rice Is quiet, the clean grade extending the hou e drainage and en out. It was also agreed that the down: sjieep 4 cents down. ruling steady. Quote:» Rough Honduras, Rome, Ga., March 3.—(Special.)— storm sewerage systt m in Savannah is operation of the road should, not be C. B. BIDWELL, C. P. A., Resident Vice President. 2.00 ©4*50; Japan. 1,[email protected]; clean Hon- Prizes for the 19X4 season, mave been about to be vitiatet because it "has under the jurisdiction of the inter- Televlume tUOm tflS. Cable Addrcu, AKUlt. Mew Torlc. duras. 44a@6; Japan, 2J4@3%, Receipts; announced by the Farmers and Mer- been discovered that the ordinance state commerce commission unless the Naval Stores. Rough. 939: clean. 2.876; millers. 939. Sales: I chants' association of Floyd county. validating the bond election has never Savannah. Gn., March 3.—Turpentine dean Honduras, 036 pockets, at 4%@5=i- government should lease it to a pri- 1 ' These include awards tor the •'first, been passed by city council. vate corporation. firm, at !5; sales. 154; receipts. S6 ; shlp- " second and third largest yields of corn This discovery came today following meiits, 341: stocks. lTi.255. ^Roaln firm- j on one acre, and on three acres. There the announcement yesterday that the sales. 423; receipts^ t-119; shipments, 4,400; Groceries. I are additional prizes for the largest stocks, 115.335^ A, B. C, D, E, $3.90- F. two largest purchasers of the " drain- Coal Famine in Cedartowh. ALONZORICHARD50N&CO. G. S3.95; H, $4.00; T, 34.10; K. ?*.15: M. St. Louts, March 3.—FIt>ur dull. i yield of field peas on a single acre, for age bonds will, in all probability, with- fS.OO; N. S5.SO; window glass, $6.05; water- New Tork, March 3.—Flour quiet. the largest yield of pea vine hay, and draw their bids they thought Cedartown, Ga., "March 3.—(Special.) white: 56.45. In addition to these county prizes three they were bidding on straight terin Cedartown has a coal famine on hand. WJlixUJD£Tton. jv~. C.. llarch 3.—Spirit? tur- prizes will be given in each militia dis- bonds, when, as a matter of fact, a Every coal dealer in the city is en- CeHTlrTEDPlJBUCACCOUNTANT5 pentine- nominal; receipts, 6 casks. Rosin Provisions. i trict for the largest yield of corn on serial issue was provided. tirely out of cpal. They are being: be- •steady ai 5*^70: receipts, 12 barrels. Tar chiuago. ilarch 3.— ! a single acre, and, two prizes in each All of the bonds, $600,000, have been sei&ed with orders and the best ,they EMPIRCBlNUHMG AMERICANNATlBWKBlflUMW flrri at $2.yO: receipts, 14 barrels. Crude Lard. $10.35. district for the largest yield of cotton sold, about $100,000 erf th^m having have for their customers is that they C0f turpentine firm at J2-25, ?3.BO and on a single acre. been delivered. are expecting shipments at any time. ATLANTA ^"^??^^ PENSACOLA^LA. lEWSPAPERI iNEWSPA'FERr Page Twelve. THE CX>NSTITDTION. ATT.AWTA, GAL, WEDNESD^T*, MARCH 4, 1914. Are Wise amd Profitable InvestmeiratSc Increase In Land From .Want Ads<

HELP WANTED—Male RAI i.ROAD SCH EDUL.ES LEGAL NOTICES. SITUATION WANTED—Male BUSINESS AND MAIL (BUSINESS AND MAIL I "WANT G men to solicit ordera from the BUSINESS MEN—Could you offer an open- TKe foirowIn^~"s^h^duJLeT Kgures are GEORGIA—FULTON COUNTY* men of Atlanta. I have the article that Ing in your office to an energetic, hard published only as information and ar« TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OP SAID will aell itself- You must be of &ood appear- working man, one who will commence on DIRECTORY I ' ORDER DIRECTORY not guaranteed: ATLANTA'S STRIDES COUNTY. ance and a fluent, ready talker. For fur- email salary and wants to devote his life •Daily except Sunday. * "Sunday Only. The .petition of P. L. Provano, W. G. ther particulars apply, by letter only, with to one line of work offering advancement as Smith_ H. M. Purnell and H. T. Kilpatrick. references, to Mr, Griffin, P. O. Box 347, At- UB learns and merits it ? Have had six HATTEBS. Atlanta Terminal Station* all of the County, of Fulton and State of lanta. *_ ^^ . years' experience in office work, handling FUKNlTURiS, bousenoid ffooOB, otlic. fix- OLD HATS MAOK AtiW—buUa£s.cUon guar- Georgia, respectfully show to the courti accounts, collections and stock books and tures, uid. in l&cc. everything you want. anteed. Mail orders given prompt atten- Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic. SALESMEN AJtfD SCL1CITORS. ! my references are good. Address B-877, tion. FROM DAY TO DAY 1st. That th«y desire for themselves and JACOBS AUCTION CO. ACME BATTERa 20 K. HUNTER STREET. Effective Feb. 1. —Leav •M** e — Constitution. associates to be incorporated under the LOT SALESMEN i 61 DECATUR STREET. Brunswick, Waycross name and style of WE ARE placing on the market our latest BOOKKEEPER seeks better position. As to Near Klmball Home. Bell phona U3i; At- MOUSE MOVING. and ThomasvIIle 6:10 am DIXIE CONE COMTANY efficiency and character, will refer to past lanta 2386. - 1 Roanoke and Cordele 12:S5 pm 3:05 pin for a period of twenty years, with the priv- and present employers. You will Know them jfY "Ok A Sib'AU. 3S>i. .Sd. 1S16." "417 Brunswick, Wavcross Ponce de Leon Heights I __ . \j. JT Ti t\ OJli 4tn Kofi tok. Bldg. That immediate action will 'be taken ilege of renewal at the end of said time, and a close inquiry will be of advantage and Thomasvllle. 8:15 pm 10:30 pm ;ii regard to the widening of "the neck 2nd. That the object of said corporation m Ponce de I .eon avenue, adjoining Druid to me. Address B-S84. Constitution. ATLANTA T1XU£ LiUAKANTKE INSUR- ^^^^^JjEWELKKg^A Hills. We want « few more high-class, pro- Sleeping cars on night trains between At- of the bottle," at Peachtree and Ellis is pecuniary gain to its stockholders and WHO WANTS a capable, energetic, experl- ANCE COMPANY. wound floor Equltal)l« to that end petitioners desire the right to ducing salesmen to sell above property and., building. Main 5420. Dunaway Bros. lanta and Thomasvllle. streets, was indicated on Tuesday by to such men we can give a liberal contract. Ij enced office executive, nates and credit manufacture and sell Ice cream cones and manager? A-l credentials. Confidential in- BANKS. the appointment of Councilman Boyn- IS. P. McElroy, Sales Manager for L. P. , JEWELRY REPAUtlSC. Atlanta and West fotitt Railroad Company. all articles necessary thereto, and to buy, EottenSeld. 1114-<28 Empire building. I teryiew. Address B-863. ^Constitution. ~ ton to confer with the property owners, sell, lease, release and rent real estate and AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK . ... Arrive From— No, Depart *.^,— buildings thereon for the purpose of the cor- WE have an excellent opportunity for a live SITUATION by first-class meat cutter and Alabama and Broad Street*. Vaudette Theater. Repairs your watches West Pt.. S:15 am35 New Or... 6:25 am whose property will be affected by th.s poration. man In the southern part of Alabama. ! sausage maker, strictly sober; best ref- Capital and Surplus 11,200,000. k and Jewelry. Good and reasonable. _ 18 Columbus. 10:55 urn 19 Columbus. 6:45 am Clerks, 23 to 35 years of age, with a thor- i erencea. Edward, care Balase Market, Oldeat Savings Department In the City. 3S N. improvement. It is expected that he 3rd. That the principal office of aaid Griffin, Ga. Or...HJ5flam 33 Montgom'y 9:10 am , will confer with them on Wednesday. corporation shall be fn Fulton County. ough knowledge of merchandising-, ara par- fl.OWBB BOXES A-NP VAHE8. KEYS JBAPE. 40 N Or.. . 2:35 pm 39 New Or... 2:00 pm YOUNG man 22 Is In search of a position as 34 Montg'y Georgia, and petitioners desire the right to ticularly fitted for our work. In replying, 1 J. A. CLAKK1S. •30 pm 17 Columbus. 4:0.1 pm. ' It further became knnwn. in this establish branch offices In other cities of please give experience for past five years, bookkeeper and all around office man; PRETTY flower boxes on Formerly witn C. C. Downs. 20 Columbus". 7 -45 pm 37 New Or... 5.20pm connection on Tuesday, that the widen- this state. In other states of the United also four references, one of which should can furnish best referencea. Address B-869, *3ow with Atlanta Gun and Key Works, isrtfe. 36 New Or...11:35 pm 41 West Pt.. 5:45 pm ing of the street hero may result In States and in- foreign countries. a bank. Ability and integrity must be of Constitution. sun and Hey experts, 7 ft YV. Alabama St, 4th. That the capital stock of said cor- tiigh order. Apply In person on March 6th EXPERIENCED salesman open for Imme- display at McMillan Bros, between Whitehall and Broad. Main 633. All Central of substantial building i-npi ovementa in or 6th to O. C. Breese, Special Agent, Amer- poration shall be S 10,000.00 divided Into diate contract as city or road salesman. outeide work promptly attended to. Way." the property fronting liere. shares of 5100.00 each, with the privilege ican Sales Book Co., Ltd., Exchange Hotel, Now employed, but good reasons Cor change. seed store. Broad street,' Arrive From— Montgomery. Ala. ^ i Depart To— Hugh Richardson, who ow.ns ->0 feet of Increasing same to $25,000.00, said stock Adgress B^SSg. __Con«tituUou. ^ Thomasville. 6- n'Savannah, .. !> of frontage in the center of this block. to be paid for in whole or In part In cash WANTED—Young man. 25, with clerical Atlanta. Jacksonville. S. r am Albanv S .Oft am or In property necessary to said corporation WANTED—Bright boy of neat appearance •Savannah. . 6: Stated Tuesday that it I& probable that experience, wants position at once; good VYOBK. .., > am Jacksonville. 9 47 am at a fair valuation to be fixed by- the In- to solicit advertfslng, 17 or 18 years of references. Address B-87S. Constitution. " Albany c. > am Macon 12 :30 pm •when this work is done he will tear corporators of said company. age. Apply 3d floor Constitution bide-, aft- EAG1>E MU^TIGKAPillJNG CO. Jacksonville. 7 • > am Macon 4 5th. That petitioners desire the right to YOUNG man, 22, open for position as sales- E. Y. CROCKETT :00 pm the present building awa:,- and rebuild ;r 9:30 a. m. man, collector or clerk, with best refer- CONTRACTOR for all kinds Of store and ft North Forsyth St. Fhooe Main HGK. Macon g i am Jacksonville. H SO pm. exercise the privileges conferred by this ences. Address B-87e,__Cgnatitutiqn_. office work, counters, shelving-, book and Macon .... IQ • > am Savannah ... i> :00 pm. upon, the site, inste-il of attempting to charter when 10 per cent of ther* capital Kavannah.., 4 A KKW Orst-clasB salesmen for a flrat-Uaan YOUNG man desires position as stenogra- wall cioseo, etc. 160 8. Pryor. t pm v'aldosta. •00 pm movB the D-iJding back. However, he stock has been paid for in cash or any Main 3651. Residence, Main 543S. Micon L 7- Jacksonville. 10:10pm property' at a fair valuation to be' fixed by real estate specialty. Apply 10 to 12 pher or billing clerk. Best references. & JONES Macon has yet no definite plans for the struc- forenoon. Bjl Cfffd'et building. Address B-S72. Constitution. 31 PETERS. PLUMBERS, 392 Peachtrve Btxe*t. Ivy 428, 55 pm :4S pm the incorporators. Jacksonville 03 pm Albany !ll :4K pm ture to replace the present one. What Cth. That petitioners desire the right to WANTED—Two men to travel. Experience EXPERIENCED lunch counter, soda and ci- L. Y. CARTER, Main 1661. 1JT1. Atlanta f>KE>. tne other property owners intend to do borrow money and secure the same by unnecessary. Apply 60$ Empire bide. grar man wants work at once. Address STORE FRONTS. Well Ca««». «tc. PROMPT attention to repair work fourteen notes, deeds of trust, mortgages or such -years' experience. 4 City Mall Place. M. .«, Sonthera . could not 03 learned on Tuesday. . • MISCELLANEOUS. B-886, Constitution. . *Premier Carrin of the South." other legal methods as may be determined YOUNG MAN desires position as bookkeep- 1188. C. K. Bennett. Bnlldlnic 1'roBpccta. by the Board of Directors. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED— Atlanta. *"** Z>eparturo °r Splendid- Income assured right man to er or general office work. Beet of refer- f 100 I cannot repair and MONEY SAVED by buying your plumbing WHEREFORE, your petitioners pray to ences. Address B-878. Constitution. R, L. Barber, 123 Marietta St. material of Pickert Plumbing Company. he follow Any considerable perlo-J of sood be Incorporated under the name and style act as our representative after learning our n T - inK schedule flg-ures are pub- business thoroughly by mail. Former ex- YOUNG married man deaires position. We aell everything needed in tne plumbing y &S lnformatlon weather, too, promises a reawakening: aforesaid, with the powers, privileges and Would leave city. Best references or line. Prompt attention to repair work. 14^, guarantee" d «* «*» not immunities set forth, together with such --rrlence unnecessary. All we require Is bond. Address B-873, Constitution. ^-< Kaat Hunter street. Both phones 6SO. No. Arrive From— of the building activity. as are now and may be hereafter conferred inesty. ability, ambition and 'willingness BU1LD1AG ANO HKPAIR. CO Xo. Depart To— A permit for a $21,000 apartment to learn a lucrative business. No soliciting AN experienced young man bookkeeper wish- ___ MAITltKSS KENO VATINO. 86 B'harn 12 01 am 3C New York.12:15 am by the laws of the State of Georgia on or traveling. All or spare time only. Thia IF YOU are contemplating building, we ca^ 3o New York. 5:4" am imilar corporations. es to make change. Address P. O. Box 569. save you money; we do all kinds of repair £0 Columbus. 6.15am house, to be built by Mrs. L. il. I>aniel, Is an exceptional opportunity for a man in CAPITAL MATTKi!*aa cu^ i48^ 13Wash'ton.. fi 05 am 35 B'ham 6.00 am on Bonaventui-e avenue, was taken out J, McSWAlN WOODS, " section to get Into a big paying buei- ..ork at reasonable j Pryor. M, 21tf3-J. We 5 i be a. day or so yet before they will be class Atlanta roads, J65 to $165 month, rick. 27 Piedmont ave. Main 2087^-J. C. F. BINDER & SON 6 Cincln'ti ..11 -00 am In the matter of Dixie Cone Company, as steady work, experience unnecessary, no York.n in a shape for any pu-blicity. the same appears of file In this office. Htrlfce. Inclose stamp, name position want- W. R. HOLDER. Contractor, 801 Empire MANUFACTURERS oC high-grade palnta, Lite bldK. Ivy 5. Remodeling and repair- white iead and creosote stains. We make 40 pm 1 SO frtlumbuF 12 30pm Witness my official signature and the seal ed. Passes and uniforms furnished when BOOKKEEPER with eight years* experi- ing given prompt attentlo; 29 Columbus. Real Efttatc- Sales. of said court this the 10th day of Febru- necessary. Address Railway lust., Dept. 17, ence desire* permanent position at once. ready-mixed paints to order. Corner -La 5 :40 MH ^0 New York. ?.4B pm InfUanapolle, Ind- WILL complete your home xvithout any France and Lowry etreete. Bell phone Ivy 30 B'ham l.i ChattA'fca™ 3 00pm E. U Marling sold for L. P. Skeen, ary, 1914. Best references. Call Bookkeeper, Main money tflf finished. J. D. Gunter, M. 11S8. 35 Charlotte.. ARNOLD BROYLES, WANTED—by a^ corporation a young man 2715. 6S»i:-J. Atlanta, Cla. 3*> B'ham.... •). 10 pm of Tifton, to a customer, No. 643 Edge- WHEN in need of carpenter work, call J. 5 Jack'vlllf*. 18 Toc.-oa. ... 4 45 pir. Clork Superior Court, Fulton County, Ga. H to 21 years of age to collect accounts PRINTING. " ' 37 N. Y. 1st wood avenue, which consists of a two- resident part of city. Will be required A. Johnson, West 1288-J; estimates on all A 50 rm 22 Columbus. &.10 pni UNITED STATES PENITENTIARY, AT- Job work; prices reasonable. Printih£~aT'reaaon-~ 37 N. Y. 2d. o "00 pm 5 Cincinnati. 6.10 pn. story, ten room house on a. lot 80x200. LANTA, GA. HORSES AND MULES to give bond and furnish satisfactory ref- able pricea, vour order erences as to character, etc. Give experi- 15 Brunrw'k—.. 7:30 pm 2K Ft. Valley. 5.20 pm The consideration was $8.000 cash. FOR SALE. CAPABLE, energetic woman, well con- solicited. Lomax. 4X9-20 Austell bl ^a. 796 31 Pt. Valley. 8.00 pm 10 Macon. ... 6:30 pm Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be re- e and references when making applica- 15 Jack'vllle. - -- Mr. TIarling alto sold for John B. ceived at the office of J. M. Blllington, sales tion In own handwriting; also phone number. nected in Atlan ta, wants position along FAlNTiNG _AN1> TINTING. S:10 pm|25 Heflln 5-4S pm housekeeping lines, could manage a large IffULTiOTAPHrNG" II Richmond. '" pml 13 CIncInn'tJ. »:20pm manager. National Stock Yard Commission Sala,ry and commiubion paid. Address J. A. SERVICE COM4 ANY, 914 EMPIRE BLDG KEEP your no use painted and UntedT Richards to Mrs. Mary A. Tully No. 90 Company, until 10 a. m March 16, 1914, and care Const!tutio dining room or an entire house; willing to iSmbry Construction Company, aiS Fourcn 16 Chattu'gra. 9 26 pr Tnman circle, an eight-room, two-story then Opened by av officer of this peniten- start witli small salary. Address B-86S, care TELEPHONE IVY 7200. National Bank Main 146o. - Chlcag-o. . . 9 5F pm - Jack'vllle.10.05 prn house on a lot 50x200, for 57,250. tiary, for ten mules and two horses, the DRAUGHON'S Business- Col- Constitution. 21 rack' 30pm property of the United States. Cor which 11 Shr'vport.Zl 10pm The Charles F. Clover Realty com- ATLANTA Oriental JAS. W. BOWERS "^r^Sii^S:^^- the United States has no further UBB. lege, Atlanta; enter any time. DOSS HOUSE PAINTING, 14 fJnrinn'tl .31 :SO pm 14 Jnck'vllle.ll -10pm pany sold for Archibald Smith to the This stock can be seen at tho National 9^12 rugs cleaned $1.60 ana UP- Ivy 3741. Main 6O2T. Wall and Tinting. AM traina run dallv. Central time. Maclntyre Investment company, forty Stock Yard Co mm IMS! on Company by ap- CATALOGUE free. No vacation. No. 17 South. Foruyth St.. Main HS7. __CHy JTJcket Office No_._l Peach tree St. plication to J. M. Billington, sales manager. BOOKKEEPER or general office work; com- W M. COX cleans Oriental Rugs like new; acres in Cherokee country, for 51,000. Bids will be received on the lot, and the BK A DETECTIVE—Earn ?150 t»"$300 per petent, responsible; desires permanent or does fur. repairing and upholstering; lace government reserves the right to accept or month; travel over the world- Write Su- temporary position. Call Ivy 1664. curtains laundered. 145 Auburn ave.._I. 113S-J J. A. JOHNSON Union Passenger Station. BuUdlng Permits. rejecl any bid received. perintendent Ludwig, 6Q4 Westover Bldg., Painting and wall tinting. \v. 12S8-J. Kansas_City, Mo. Georgia Railroad. 'a 12 000—Mrs. L. H. Daniel. 17 Bonavenure, Address all bids to William H. Mover. FOR kalaomlnlng; walia, painting floors or No. Arrive From-— " No. Depart To— U-wtory brick veneer apartment. Day labor. Warden, care J, M. Bllllngton, Sales Man- GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to general house cleaning, call Ivy 5619-5518 3 Augusta. 6 20 ! 4 Augusta. . 12 .10 n't S300—Mrs. Day, 608 Chestnut, repairs. J. ager, National Stock Yard Commission get. JVIy free booklet Y-102 tells how. or Atlanta^ phono 20. " Cov'ton . . 7 30 s Company. - £ Augusta and P Gfore. contractor. Write today—now. Earl Hopkins, Washing- 93 Union Pt. 9 30 Nrw York 7 30 am XoSO—Mr«s. A. J. Jones, 2S5 Neal, repairs. The State Board oT^Examlners^bf~~Nurses ton, D. C. 1 Augusta. 0 pm "26 LItbonl»,10.30 am J. P. Glore. contractor. fOr Georgia will hold Ita annual examina- SPECIAL •25 LUh . 2.1. 0 pin r WANTED—First-class fraternal Insurance WE HAVE one six-cylinder 48 H. P. ,-» - «-*n^^i^.« wt'HOLHTKRiAU an8d 23 Aus'uata^ a.10 pm • ?27. ,—D. A. Crumley, »0 White, repairs. tions in Atlanta, Augusta and Savannah, on organizer, good contract, open territory, PEACHTREE DAIRY - York 94 Union Pt. n.OO p:u I>ay labor. April 1, 2 and 3, 1914. state manager. 418 Fourth National Bank FIERCE-ARROW CAPITOL i.^^'ir'-'Vi-i^ Aug. 8.20 pm •10 Cov'ton. . u.lO put jl.SOO—R H. CaM'vell. Jr., 134 Atwoocl, Applications must be on file with secre- 813 PEACHTREE ST.—Cream, sweet milk, that we are goln r to aell for 9 2,000, com- buttermilk. Two wagons, 5 messenger frame dwelling:. Day labor. tary 15 days In advance of above date, pletely equipped. Here Is a chance to buy A KOOJb- KEPA3LK1NG. E. R. DENDY. R. N., Secretary. WANTED—Railway mail clerks. Commence boys. Bell phone Iiy 5833., ille Railroad. standard high grade car at about one-third -- - ,i-- y-rj RUUF LJUAKS. call W. B. ISITcotlv-ft Nov 16. Leave. ] Arrive 822 Greene St., Augusta, Ga- $75 month. Examinations coming. Sam- JJ? iV^LjJA' Barnelt. Ivy 7238. 'le questions free Franklin Institute, Dept. Its original cost. In beautiful mechanical Chicago and Nortliwest 5 10 pin 111 1 55 arr NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 9 L, Rochester, N. Y. condition. Will make demonstration. ' WANT Sealed bids will be received until noon of BARGAINS IN OTHER 'patent' dYawine3*,"phlns* 'and alterations. Cincinnati and-Louisville 7 12am P C-0 pm March 20th, 1914. for the erection of an ad- A MAN in every state collect names and Dick Burt. 203 Hlllyer Trust Bldg. Ivy 1639. Knoxville vfa Blue Ridgp. .7-3S am fi 1 2 pm dition to the Milledge-vllle Baptist Church. addresses for Wilson, Sales Co.. $2.50 per 100. Wilso Salea Co.. Toled o. Ohio. _ MAKES Kno-.viii<.-.vill<" viavia. tt'artersvlll 'artersvliiee , 7.1t.i^a2 am 9n o5u0 ppm ADVERTISEMENTS Plans and specifications can be secured from Knuxville via Cartersvllle 6.10pm 111.5 l.S5" am I KKFA11UNU. Rev. Harold Major, Chairman of Building t-N—AKu lit to 35. become railway mall GUARANTEED LOCOMO- Blue Ridge acjcommodatlon4 05 pmj 10.0"i am Pa ice. Col. Committee, Milledgevllle, Georgia, or from clerks. J75 month. Pull unnecessary. Par- . H. K. Chapman, Architect. Atlanta, Ga, lcularf free. F-2G. Constitution. ^^_ luvtion Sales (3 1 BILES DENTISTET Seaboard Air Line Railway.. MEN with patentable Ideas write Randolph 50 CENTS Effective Nov >rnber 30. 1913. Automobile* 12 4 & Co.. Patent SolIcltors. Washington. D. C AT GWINN'S hHOE SHOP, 6 Luckle street, EXCHANGE CAK DEP'T No. Arri\e From— No. Depart To— Board and ItooinK 13 — opposite Pled-nont hotel.. Both phones. In HELP WANTED—Female THE LOCOMOBILE CO. OF THE GEORGIA DENTAL PARLORS, hurry '! Call 1' CCompany for auto 11 New York. S:20 am 11 B'ham. .. 6 Business Opportunities. . . 13 2 rent tiervlce. H Norfolk. . . 6:20 am11 Memphis. . fi Bu»lnes» and Mail Order VV Jienever you have some- 101% Whitehall street, corner 1J. Wanh'ton. 6.-0 am 30 Monroe. . . 1- WANTED—Young women and glrla dealr- AMERICA STOVE 11 Portsm'th. 6:20 am 6 New York. 1. Directory 12 _ **_ Ing attractive positions. Welfare of em- 469 PEACHTREE ST. Mitchell, offer the following prices for 17 Abbe.S C.. S .50 ;tm 6 Wash'ton. 1. Cast-OfV ClotbiDK 12 -*~ thing to sell or buy, pfrone a ployees closely supervised, their conduct a few days: DAM, THE KIXER 6 Memphis.. l-.IOpm 6 Norfolk. .. 1. Cleaners, Preascrsu Etc, . . 12 4 guarded by Matron, Women Supervisors AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS STOVE AND RANGE REPAlRINGv 6 B'ham .... 1 30 pm 6 Portsm'th. 1- Kdm-ntlonal I." 1 and Chief Operator who have complete FOR SALE—One 1812 Studebaker 30. in "We mveep chimueya. 22 B'ham .. .. 1Z 10 pm 23 B'ham 3 want ad to Main 5000 or At- charge. Two weeks* training course, salary first-class corditlop and repainted, Set of Teeth ...... ^ 131 Whitehall St. jieil Phone Main JiSgO. 5 Now York. 4:30 pm 5 B'ham.. .. 4- while learning. Salary Increased In two ONE 1311 National, good condition, electric ~ 5 \Vash*ton. 4 HO pm B Memphis. . 4; Kor Sale—«Ml«cellaneoti». . 13 1 weeks; for those oecoming efficient, increas- 22-k. Gold Crown ...... $3.00 18 Abbe.S.C.. 4: ed ac they become worthy, with opportuni- lights, $500. 5 Norfolk. . . 4.30 pm For Sale—Live Stock. ... 13 1 lanta 5001. 3 lines 3 times ties fol ultimate advancement to 975 per ONE Ifllfc Overland B-passenger car, first- Bridge Work ...... $3.00 BEARDEN & DUKE 5 PortBm'th, 4 SO pm 12 New York. 8. Kor Rent—Apartments. . . 13 4 month. References proving the standing class shaoe, $460. TRUNK and fiber cample case makers; ex- 12 B'ham. ... S 35 pm 12 Norfolk. . . S- of the applicant essential. Lunch room, ~ O. E. HOUSER. White Crowns ...... $3.00 pert repairing; Him caaea. Main 176*, 29 Monroe. .. S.OO pm 12 Portnmt'h. 8 Kor Rent—<»aragen A Barns 13 2 54 cents. 4B Auburn Ave, Phone Ivy 791L retiring room, Carnegie Library books. BAOS AJNI> SUITCASES ItK- City Ticket Office, 88 Peach tree f F"or Rent—Houses ....'. 13 3 Trained Nurs-9 and Physician to visit th« Silver or Amalgam Sellings, .? .50 F*or Rent—Miscellaneous. . 13 4 sick. Apply to Miss Bell, Training- School. Columbia Auto Kxchange. Gold Fillings ...... $1.00 Western and Atlantic Railroad. Kor, Rent—Offices 13 & 25 Auburn Ave., Southern Bell Telephone A 287. EDGE WOOD AVK.—IVY 1626. Xo. Arrive Telegraph^ Cojn pany. Atlanta. Ga. IP IN the market for a used car It would he KOUNTKEE'S, 3 Nashville. 7:10 am for Ren t—Warm* 13 2 LOST AND FOUND GIRLS, take course In Miss tiparkman's im- to your advantage to see us before you _ Phones: Bell, MaiJi 99 Chicaso... 0:25 am 2 Nashville. S'35 an For Rent—Rooms 13 3 buy, as we can save you from 40 to 60 per 73 Rome 10 :20 am 52 Nashville. 4 BO pn proved Millinery School. 34 ft Whitehall. cent. Over 60 cars on band. Write for Kor Rent—Housekeeping ADVERTISE FOUND ARTICLED Free scholarship offer. All millinery worn UMBRKJLLA and K.*-y Hospital, Luckle St. 93 Nashville. 11:45 am 72 Rome 6:15 prr our complete list. For the Original Moncrief 1 Naahvllle. 7:35 pm Rooms. 13 4 THE LAW. from Georgia Decisions; free. FURNACE phone Moncrief Furnace Compa- Umbrellas recovered cheap. RibK put In 15c FOR SALE —O r trade, automobiles for lots, each. C. L. Powell, 35 Chicago. , . 7:50 pm Kor Rent—Stores 13 " 3 "A finder of lost goods who, hav- or anything of value, or lots for autoa; ny, 139 South Pryor atreet. Main 285. ing means vt knowing the rightful 9 ALBS WOMEN—SOLICITORS. Call Cor S. P. Moncrlef or J- B. Lee. UMBRELLAS made to order, large selec- Kor Rent——TypeTV rite* s 13 4 WANT 6 women of neat appearance to have your old car made new at McDuffie owner, retain them for the nnder-a work the residential sections of Atlanta Bros*. Shop, East Point, Ga. Phone Atl. 89 FPKKITDKE KEPAXlttNG. tion, line handles, also repairing. Harry TAXI CABS Games 12 4 o\vu use or advantage, may, upon night: Bell gaM. Point 340.______Briggs. 5 Viaduct j>tace._ Phone Main 6100 d vicinity. House-to-house proposition. HIGH-CLASS FUKNITUKB repairing and Help Wanted—Mnle 12 2 conviction thereof, be punished for ' 7-PASSENGF.R car for sale or will exchange a simple larceny under the laws of The article I have will sell faster than you carpet cleaning- Boutbern Furnltura and Help Wanted—Kemale ... 12 3 can take the Borders. For Interview, apply for property; good condition, $500. Ownoi', Carpet Works. 69 Blla atreet. B. R. Skolton, „ ^T^SvT~a~vef y^fTn e "a« lectio Georgia." "A person v/bo finds lost 38 Tat tn all street. Help Wanted—Male and Fe- by letter, with references, to Mr. Griffin, Manager. Main 6333. West 12G6. of wall paper, all grades, that i can show TAXICABS goods Is legally liable to the right- P._O. Box_347, Atlanta. you. Also prices for hanging and interior male 12 3 ful owner for their proper care WANT ED. ' i OBMEBAJL M.UMBEKS. WANTED—Millinery/coat and suit and shirt- painting. J. W. Dyer. Main 3440. Horses and Vehicles. ... 12 7 while in 'tho finder's possession; WANTED— Four or live-passenger automo- and he is legally entitled to be re- waist salesladies, none but that worked bile, will pay cash; must be cheap. 32C ~ UNION PLUMBING CO. ^_^WimmW_JAN»^OU^E^Lj^NJl^J.^_ Belle Isle " ' Hotels 13 1 imburse<3 for expense incurred In exclusively in millinery, suits and shirtwaist Empire building. JOHN J. HILL, Mer., 33 Auburn Ave. fiotb. Household Goods 13 2 properly caring for the goods found departments need apply. Grossman's. N T1 WANTED to buy light 5-passenger touring phones. E Hunter St. M. 1176. Atlanta 1051. Tnetubators 12 7 and may retain them until such IVY 5190; ATLANTA 1598. expense Is paid.." , Constitution Want DOMESTIC. car; must be late model and In good con- Lost and Kound...... 12 2 Ads find lost property for Its owner. NURSE for two children, experienced with dition. Address B-875, Constitution. t-cferencea. Apply 771 Piedmont ave. PERSONAL MONEY TO LOAN Iiejcal Notice . 12 2 8C PPLU2S — ACCKS SOKIES. SEED AND PET STOCK Medical 13 1 WANTED^ —Goo d cook; private family 194 Washington street Miscellaneous ...... 13 2 &IAIN 4C4. ATLT . 113t>i GRANDO MASSAGE CREAM please return same to owner at LEAVES skin smooth and velvety, made of LOANS $25.00 AND UP H. G. HASTINGS & CO. Money to Loan 12 6 WHITEHALL GARAGE purest milk and cream, equals a medi- SEEDS. PLANTS. BULBS AND POULTRY ont avenue or 138 ^3 Auburn ave- GIRLS, learn millinery; best trade: pays $60 On Furniture, Pianos Music and Dancing .... 13 2 receive liberal reward. to $100 month. Free scholarship plan now, J. FKED WELLER, MGR. cated milk bath, for ladles who desire the SUPPLIES 3fas1t*al Instruments .... 13 2 We make over and retrlm bats free. Ideal WHITEHALL AND MciJANlEL STREETS. best. Price 50 cents. "Write at once. Home Bell Phones, Main 2663. Main 3062; AtlanUi IF the per-son who picked up an obstetrical REPAIRING AND PAINTING. VERY Kconomy Co., Atlanta, tja. Dept H. P. O. Or Indorsed Notes. 2668. Personal 12 5 •bag at corner oE Forsyth and Alabama sts. School <»f Millinery. 100^5 Whitehall. BEST WORK IN CITY. OUR MECHANICS Box 11 a 7. 1C WEST MITCHELL ST. Palmistry 12 4 will return to me, 156 Dill ave., will -get IMMEDIATELY—Competent Oliver opera- AKE EXPERTS. BRING YOUR CAR AT RATES permitted by the laws of the Plants and Seeds 12 7 tor stenographer for nice office position. AROUND AND LET THEM TELL YOU state. Our easy payment plan allows you WE HAVE mailed out several thousand LOST—From Lake wood Friday afternoon The Oliver Typewriter Agency, 54 Auburn WHAT YOU NEED. JACK WALL AND to pfey us back to suit your Income. We Purchase Money Notes. . . 12 5 dressing sprinR catalpgues In the- city Did you female pointer pup; solid liver color, about avenue. SAM MIDDLES ROOKS IN CHARGE OF now under new management, and a.rt* In a also protect you from publicity and extend eet one? If not, phone ue and we "111 semi I*roffesslooa1 fords ..... 12 2 9 months old. Call Charles Hart, Main 627, GOVERNMENT JOBS for women. Big pay. SHOP. C. C. SHEPPAKD, PAINTER. position to do more and better work. Ladies' every courtesy to make the carrying of a It out If you .ire going to plant a garden Railroad Schedules .... 12 7 Atlanta 556. for reward. Atlanta examinations April 6. sample hall-dressing and manicuring, children's hair loan satisfactory to you In every way. ur Home flowers you will need one. It telli questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. Real Estate for Sale ... 13 5 LOST—March 2, either Highland ave. car. J. cutting and mole removing- a. specialty. 40Va how and TI hen to plant. M. High or- ' Vaudette. open-fac' e -lady' - •* 600. L. Rochester, N. Y. Whitehall St. Main 3IJ25. GUARANTEE LOAN CO. THE WSATHKR. MAN has promised un Real K.state for Sale or gold watch .d pin. M. 2957 or ivy 2240. CHORUS GIRLS WANTED—Experienced or some good went her now, M hether he IH WHY let your feet nurt LOST—Silver mesh bag at Kress', given by inexperienced. Miss Braswell, 7 Carnegie Room 318 Atlanta National Bank right or not, it is a good time to buy your w ay. NOTICE be Immediately relieve^, _. . .__ ._ _, supply of garden seed. You know what a Seed amt Pet Stock .... 12 7 a departed loved one. Reward. No ques- THE METAL WELDING CO. HAVE 8. A. Clayton Co., manicurinc. .chiropodist tions asked. Ivy 2753-L. WANTED—Ladies of refinement and execu- and halrdraBBtns parlors. 36^ Whitehall Bldg. Both Phones. rush there Is \\ hen the pretty weather comes Situations Wanted—Male 12 3 MOVED THEIR AUTOGENOUS "WELD- a,nU our advice IB to come in and get youi LOST . r. Re tive ability to travel. Phone room 514 Kim- ING AND DECARBONIZING PLANT TO street. Children's hair treated. Situations Wanted—Kemale 12 4 oan.ll_. 1.tu^to^_JL:J,0 to i^,_ i^ tI NAL R S Apply _1120^ Candler Bldg.. teacher preferred. fontd. Infants for adoption. Mrs. M. T. a good deal of home funds that <:hances on getting- stung. Conic to Han- 9 9 9* P * Mitchell. 26 Wtndaor atreet. tings. We handl*> nothing but tho highest, Wanted—Board-Rooms... 13 2 . H. Brewster. Albert Howell. Jr., EXPERIENCED pantry PROTECT your automobile from fire and we can place promptly. Can lend grado of seed^, pure, fresh and reliable, 1018 Century building. theft by having your own. all sterl garage Wanted—Miscellaneous . . 13 1 Hugh M. Dorsey. Arthur Heyman. COMPOUND OXYGEN—Mad* dally for WE CAN FURNISH bulbs of Cannas.. Tube' COLORED hotel pastry cook. 1018 Cen-Fireproof, weatherproof, and indestructible. catarrh, deafness, disease* of noae and on 5 years' straight, or monthly Wanted——Money 12 5 Dorsey, Brewster, How«ll & Heyman, An artistic structure any owner will be proud Roses. Caladiuma and Gladlolaa, Time to tury building. throat and ears. This Is the season to be payment plan. Also money for plant boon as the ground gets dry. Wanted—Teachers .... IS 3 Attorneys-at-Law. of. Cost less than frame building- and Is cured. Special reduced rates. Dr. G«orro Offices: 202. 304. 206. 205, 207, 208, 210 RELIABLB COLORED COOK. portable. Booklet, with full description and Brown, 312-14 Austen buildlng. urchase money notes. Foster & WE HAVE GOTTEN in a new shipment of Klser Building. Atlanta. Ga. tury Building. illustration, sent free on request. Jos. F Harz Mountain Canaries, guaranteed sing- BE3 UP TO DATE!. Use Sanozone disinfec- Long Distance Telephones 3023. 3024, and Brannon, Manufacturer's Apent, 717 Temple Robson, ii Edgewood Avenue. ers, $2.76 each. Court building. Atlanta. Ga. tant and perfume In your homes, auto- Cost of Local Want Ads 3025. Atlanta. Ga. t-tuLP wANlcD—Male and Female mobiles, etc. Everybody IB dolnf It. West- "WE CAN FURNISH eggs of mo&t all the H. L. HALL, Doctor of Chiropractic, Ner- m ^reland & Copper, 1421 Hurt Bldg. popular breeds of chickens at $1.50 per vous and Chronic Disease. Chiropractic, ATLANTA ELECTRIC CO. Do you need Money? setting. Fertility guaranteed. THE FREE CLINIC is open 34-36 JAMES ST. Phone Ivy 4821-J. C. A. MRS. ZAHN'S delicious homemade An«et Jefferson Loan Socletj- FEED YOUR CHICKENS on "Red Comb" fin The Constitution the new science that removes the cause of Bthrldse and J. H. Gray. Proprietors, Stor- of Atlanta, disease. 514 Forsyth Bldgv Ivy 6831. ; Food and BUTTER, cakes for Bale at E. feed, the cleanest and best feed sold on 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. daily. age batteries rebuilt, repaired and charged. H. Cone's and Morris & Thomas' every Sat- 59 N. Forsyth St.. this market. We sell four hundred bagR 1 Im*er«Jon lOc « ]!•« Spark battery worli a specialty. General urday. Special orders. Ivy 5829. Loans Money Electric Auto repairs. WoEftln* and pollab- on a week in the city. Pretty good proof of * luertlani «e • Hue Atlauta Dental College, 84% the quality. Try it one time and you will HELP^WANTED—Male Inc- Diamonds. feed nothing else. $2.36 per 100 pounds. 7 Insertion* DC • line THE BREAD Gema, Jewelry, Gold "sxGKEff Edggwood avenue. MADE at 66 Edeewood cures stomach and and Silverware. CYPHERS INCUBATORS, the standard of lo p«r word Omt tot? AUTOMOBILES WANTED—A good bookkeeper for a EARN $18 to $40 per week. We show you ell kidney troubles. We also Bill the flour. Lowest Interest Charges. perfection. We have them In all elzea. office. Must be a young man of experience how. Learn at home. Complete courses REPAINTED The Gluten Bakery. Ivy 4987-J. Most Liberal Plan. and ability and come well recommended as (row onlfllde •t At- by mail. Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Type- TOPS recovered and repaired. Wheels, mx- ASA BEDOWS write Walter E. Clark, Derry, to character and ability. Salary "O. K." writing. Show Card Wrltlnc. or Draw las lea and sprints repaired. Ki£h~«rad« work New Hampshire, for news J. R. B.'a wife P L ANTSi A N 0> S E EDS Immtm. When applying, do so in own handwriting, SOUTHERN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. at reasonable prices. experience, references and phone num- DALLAS. TEXAS. JOHN M. SMITH. and child. and half cotton seed SPECIAL HOME FUNDS was third Georgia Experiment Station .No advertisement accepted for ber, otherwise application will not be con- BRIGHT, well educated young men and wo- 12Q-122-134 AUBURN' AVB. 8MOKE E3E-M Tobacco for catarrh, bron- TO LEND on Atlanta home or business sidered. Address E. L. Co., care Constitu- chitis, asthma and colds. lOc bags. Your 1912, standing ahead , of seventeen of the less titan two lines. Count six ordi- men for thirty clays to become expert in OUR expenses don't bother us. We can do property, at lowest rate. Money advanced best known ana moot prolific varieties; de- nary words to each line. tion. 1314 model direct dictation printype Olivers i work cheaper and better than othersi AaTc drusstet or EE-M Co.. Atlanta. Qa. to builders. Write or call. ACTIVE MAN as manager, sound. stapli ant i dictaphone. Shorthand unnecessary I why. McDuffie Bros.' Shop. Bast Point, Ga. mand great, supply limited, order quick. Discontinuance of advertising FREE1—Our 1914 magazine catalogue. Just Jl.&O bushel, 60 bushels. SL40; 100 bushels. business In Atlanta; one who can com- Oliver Typev.-rlter Agency. 54 Auburn Ave. Atlanta phone 3d, or nlgbt phone Bell East out. Phone or write for It. Charles D. S. W. CARSON must be In writing. It wlil not b« mand some capital, good salary; large profits, r Point 24tf. $1.30. Fair View Farm, Faimetto. Ga. _ *JOY EItNMKNT Jobs open to men and wom- Barker. Clrculation. J.9-^1 PeterB. M. 4S23-J. 8 accepted by phone. This protects rare opportunity right man; full particulars: en. Thousands of, appointments coming. 24 SOUTH BROAD STREET POTATO PLjTyT — Better order now for your intere»t» as well as our*. personal Interview. Address B-871, care Con- GUARANTEE AUTO CO. WE make switches from combJng-B, $1.00 flrat dellverj. Ttioy are grolng to be dlf- List of positions free. Franklin Institute, I HAVE SOME 7 PER CENT MONEY FOR stitution. __ Dept. 53 L, Rochester, K. Y. iS9 Edeewood avenue. Auto repairs anil each. 70 :& Peachtree Bt. Mrs. Allle Gal- ficult 10 obtain this season. Early Triumph, • supplies, alt ^-ork guarantegd. Ivy 7950 laher. Call Ivy 11W6-J. THE NORTH SIDE AND CAN ACT 500 52. So, 54.00 per 1,000 by express. Straw WANTED—A competent woman to take QUICK; ALSO 7',6 PER CENT MONEY FOR Jf You Can't Bring or charge of our dressmaking and altering MAKE money silvering mirrors. Instruc- berry plants, 100, 75c, 500, $3.25, 1,000, »G.OO. tions mailed for U5e (sil\er>. Will Dutton E. H. OOOM BRO. CO. MATERNAL HOME—For full particulars ad- SOUTH SIDE AND WEST SIDE. ATLANTA Southern Plant and Poultry Farm, Alexander department. Must be able to design. Apply 1321 Main, Little Rock, Ark. dress P- O. Box 470, Atlanta. REALTY LOAN AND CONSTRUCTION at once to the Hand Trading Co., Pelham, HAVE your automobile repaired the right COMPANY, 305-7 EMPIRE LIFB BUILD-- City, Ala. ^ _ Send Your Want Ad Georgia., Rear Auburn avenue. Ivy 6983. MRS. L. M. J. HOAR—China decorating ING. IVY S42C. DON'T miss getting Burpees new bush and HIGH-GRADE man to serve as manager WANTED—Teachers j IF YOU HAVE carbon troubles, use Crime. lima bean»; tiower seeds and fertilizers at Atlanta, office for Wilmington Beach cor- I Sold und«>r guarantee. 1116 Fourth Natl. taught and sold at 234 Whitehall street. REAL ESTATE LOANS FOR EASTERN Hark W. Johnson Seed Company, 35 South poration; must be an experienced organizer, ^T Prompt, ef- I ganjc building. Main 3317. INSURANCE CO. ON ATLA NTA PROP- Pryor gtreet. capable of handling an agency force. AU- ficient service. 422 Atlanta, National Bank ERTY ONLY, DESIRED. dreas B-821. Constitution. building. Mala 3146. WANTED—Money W. Carroll Latlmer. FOR SAJ-E—100.000 one-year apple trees, ATLANTA RADIATOR CO. Attorney-at-Law. grown from whole French aeedlingn. Re- WANTED—Combination stenographer and BOUTXL ATLANTIC TEACHERS AGSNC Automobile Radluxor Work Exclusively. 51,500.00 WANTED. 1309 4th Nat'l Bank'Bldg. tail and wholesale. Write Appalachian bookkeeper; must be good at both. work 1125 Atl. Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Atlanta* GO- Bell, fvy 7434. 76 Ivy St. Will repay the same at the rate of Nursery. BQ-S. 10. Tallulah Park. Ga. not heavy. Adilress'at once P. O. Box 1273, DIXIE GARAGE CO.. IS-14 EAST CAIN $150.00 monthly and will deposit .first MONEY TO LOAN—At 6, 7 and 8 per cent, Clty- on Atlanta residences and suburban real WE carry a complete line of field, carden OB ATLASTA SITUATION WANTED—Male STREET. 333LL PHONiC IVY 1*19. mortgage notes amounting to $7,000.00. and flower seed; aleo pet stock. J, C. Mc- WANTED—Young man about -0 for office Will pay S per cent and liberal bonus, evtat? In euma of- f 600 to 12,000 and on *tore Millan. Jr., Seed Company, 23 -S. Broad St. work: nruat be first-class, educated, ener- SPECIAL, rates for sitfc ..Lions wanted atfs. 3 Address at once property, any amount desired. Dunson & getic, reliable. Ford Motor Co. lines one time, 10 cents; H times, 15 cento. CLEANERS—fRESSERS, ETC. B-87C. Constitution. . 409 Equitable building. Te set' thete rates ads must be paid in ad- LOANS ON REAL ESTATE—We buy pur- DRY GOODS CLERKS WANTED—«100 WE can invest your money for yoa on first month. Write Commercial Instructors, vance and delivered at The Constitution chase money notea, abort time loans for THE IMPERIAL mortgage, high-class improved property. building houses. The Merchants aud Me- Atlanta. Ga, It will net you 7 and a per cent. p"ARTRTDC3E~ WyandottegkV" settfng~ oY AN AKSWi^B TO Y.OU.K AI>. DRY CLEANING AND DYEING CO. chanics' Banking and Loan Co- 209 Grant at $1.50. P. C. Harris, 370 Oak street. I We make a specialty of hats, plumes, TL'RMAN. BLACK & CALHO17N. building. Telephone Ivy 6341. Courteous operators, thoroughly PBOFESSIOK8 AXI> TRADES, or several of them raay be ecnt in as late aa Second Floor Empire. Phone West C62-J. TBS—Prof. G. O. Binnninff will teach you a week after your ad last appeared tu The draperies, carpets, xugs. etc.; gentlemen's familiar with rates, rules and clas- and ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. Ivy MONEY TO LOAN on Improved residence WHITE Ol^PINOTON eggs from good utility sifications, will give you complete the barber trade.


FOR SALE—Miscellaneous BOARD AND ROOMS FOR RENT—Room* REAL ESTATE—For Sale REAL ESTATE—For Sal* REAL, ESTATE—For Sale OS^ RESIDENCE •ASK THE CONSTITUTTO:? WHBBB . com-pleted two beautiful six-room bunga- J ASK THE CONSTITUTION lows, storm sheathed, hardwood floors, fur- SALE BY OWNER. TO LIVE. , TO LIVB. nace heat, tile bathrooms; every conven- FULTON COUNTY ACREAGE. ience, including servant's room; lots 50 by BARGAINS IN LOTS. A FREE BUREAU of boarding *nd A. PR HE BCTRBAtT of bbardln* and 2 SECO-VD-HAND PRINTING 4L4.TEK1A1. 150, In J>ruid Hills section. To&e your choice "BAST FIFTH, near Jackson, 50x125. 5 93" too ACRES fronting on Pace's Ferry road, near the junction rooming bouse InConnatioc. If you rooming house Information, If you for 95.000; $500 cash, balance $30 per month. want to pet a place to board or rent want to get n, place to board or rent SEAUB Place, near Boulevard. 48x140. FOB SALE CHEAP. Will take vacant lot as first payment. 42$ BGLESTOKt street, near Oordoa, 52%xl30. of Howell's Mill road; plenty of road frontage; beautifully situ- rooma In any pert of the city or sub- rooms in any part of th* city or sub- Hurt building, or call Ivy 8043. urbs, ask ^JTiie Atlanta Constitution* urbs, asle Ttte Atlanta Constitution. COOPER street, near Richardson, 100x130. ated for a country home, or well located for subdivision. We can 250 California cases, cost J5c; sale price 20C. W« will be Clad to helpT-ou cot what W« will to tc three Third Floor Constitution part Druid. Hilla section, lot 50x220; will ex- MT SUMMER JECOME, Just off WIIHams Mill columns, }3. Third Floor Constitution Building. office. 10 wooden double frames, cost $8.50; sale Main ftOOO. Atlanta GOOt. Mala 5000. Atlanta £001. change for large bouse, which can use for road, beyond Druia Hills, for sale; 25 price, $3.75. two families; even swap, 96,500; agents not acres. Shallow Ford road splits property In. 85 ACRES adjoining the above on the rear; part cleared, balance in 22 doable iron frames, holding 12 cases, coat considered. Address B-868, care Constitu- haK; beautiful building site; lots of fruit; NOBTH SIDE. tion. only G& miles from Whitehall st. viaduct; woods; "located in land lot 199 of'the 17111 district of Fulton 117.50; sale price *10. FCBNI8HBD—NOKTH SIDE. four roads from. Atlanta to place. Price One proof press, will tak« a three-column A Modern Family and Tourist only $6,500, or will take. Good ranting prop- county. Owner has made a low price for a quick sale. Titles perfect. sailer; sale price $10. THE PICKWICK erty In Atlanta in part payment, "Stoallow- Tiro stones and one stand to hold them. HOTEL NEW TEN-STCjRr ANO FIRBPBOOF. WANTED—Apartment* ford Farm," B-849. Constitution. about 8 feet lone: sale price $10. Steaxn-neated. rooms wltii connecting batba. One wooden case rack, nolds 30 full*size ELECTRIC LIGHTS and steam heat. Euro- Conv«nient «bow«r batas on «acb. floott FURNISHED. IF SOLD this week, I will sell one of th* THE L. C. GREEN COMPANY cases; cost $10; sa'e price ?4. pean. S3 a week and up, 50c a day ana Fftlrlle flu. Malmn cellent table board; utea'm heat, electric- cold water. 46 West Baiter st. one In building. First floor, corner apart- ife &5S fo9l "- ° ™ *- Ity. 314 Peachtree. Ivy 129&. ment. Immediate possession. $60. Smith SAFES BESIRABLE furnished rooms, with all con- Ewlng & Rankln. 130 Peachtree street. 6-ROOM bungalow, exceedingly well built EDWARD H. WALKER BEAUTIFUL front iom. deliehtful aur- veniences; gentlemen preferred. Opposite by day labor for a home; has to be put 35 NORTH PORSTTH STREET. ii£RRING, HALL, MARVIN. roundln meals; gentlemen, Eyrlc Theater. 41 Carnegie Way. Main 3129. STRICTLY modern north side 7-room apt.; on the market; will sell direct and let you Ivy S&86-. street. every conceivable convenftnce. "Would save agent's commission. Best part of West New and second-hand. Also FURNISHED rooms, with board, all con- transfer lease. 284 Forrest a%. Ivy 4329-L. End. Easy ternis. Phone "West 346, or ad- HANDSOMELY fur. rooms, with excellent veniences, housekeeping if desired, 20 • dress C, F. O Box 706. other makes. Gookin Bank and table, for ladies or gentlemen; excluelv* Ivy.JtVF- MODERN 4-room cocner apt.; can have pos- neighborhood. Phone Ivy 3_4_23-J* session Immediately, electricity included. FOR SALE—ilag-ntftcent home, 10 rooms, Office Equipment Co., 113-115 N. NICELY lurnished rooms, In private, modern Apt_8,__ _The_Sjssonia, 61 W. Harris street. hardwood floors, conservatory, three tiled EDWIN L. MARLING 362 FEACHTREE^Co"upIe or gentlemen; home; all conveniences. 400 Spring et- Ivy -J) choice rooms, ateam heat. Table boarders baths, garage and stable-. On Piedmont REAI- ESTATE 32 EAST ALABAMA ST. BOTH PHONKR IJV rvor street, Atlanta, Ga. FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated apt., S45 month. ave., near Driving club. $25,000. Terms. H. M accxnn moda ted. Gae range, refrigerator, shades and water NORTH SIDE COTTAGE AND LOTS—On Burnett street. Just oft Ponce dc I.eon avenuf FUR. steam-heated room; modern conven- furnished^ I)i> W. Feachtree. Apt. 10. Ivy S924. Ashe & Co., Healey Bldg Ivy ISlfi. TWO beautiful connecting rooms, private iences; north aide; gentlemen or business we have a 6-room cottage on a corner lot 171x197, that we «il! sell for $7.&00. Vo bath; Juniper St. Ejccellent_ table. Ivv 0675. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, corner lot, located tn can have five extra lots besides the one thA cottage is on "We will give >ou good t^rn: Nitrate-Soda, Bulk Acid lady. Ivy 8024. MODERN 4-room corner apt.; can have pos^ one of the best sections of Inman Park PHOSPHATE, Muriate Fotaab, Kalnit. C. NICELY furnJsheof rcom^." with excellent session immediately Apt. li'. The Si5- for this or we will trade some with you, if jou are in the trading humor. it u S. Meal. Hulls and Coal at wholesale fn THREE nice, lar^e, fur rooms, suitable for sonta. 61 Weat Harris street. for $4,500- JCOfl cash and $35 month. John •ECjth us^at once. This la a. pick-up table j>oard,- close In. 83 Auburn ave. housekeeping, or young men. Home com- S. Scott. 202 Peters hldg^ Phone Main 2091. nolld cars. Vf. E. BIct'alla, Manufacturers' Xorth Bo Agent. 415 Atlanta Kational Bank: Bids- ROOMS \vlth private bath and board. 21 East forts. 50 E. Ellis. Ivy 4877. BEAUTIFUL G-rooxn apartment on north PIEDMONT AVE. LO1\ with Piedmont BAST EIGHT ST. BUXGALOW—On LIndei street. Ivy 132. Miss Annie Dennis. a new, modern. 6 -room bungalow FOH SALE—Machinery of quality. Peerless LARGE front room, next to bath; furnace side corner; all conveniences. Phone Ivy park for a back yard. Price $2,250. Joan S. Scott. 203 Petera bulldinir. Phone Mate for the balance. _ Threshers, Steam and Gasoline Engines, SOCTH SIDE. heat; gentlemen preferred.^_Ivy_ 4j>69. Saw Mtllt*. Blx Four Gag Tractors. Shinffla 2091. ORMONTD STRBBT COTTAGK—On Orraond street, near the park, we have .1 modern TWO nice connscting rooms for light house- BEAUTIFUL rooms for'ladies or gentlemen. 6-.ROOM apartment, north bide, steam heat, room cottage, on a lot €0x136. for $4.000—?IOO cash, $25 per month for the balani and Planing Machinery. See or write us. hot be-th^ reasonable. Ivy 7503. elevator. Janitor. Call Ivy 4168. NORTH SIDE—Ansle y Pant lot. 100 feet Malsby Company, 43&-440 Marietta street, Iceeping, reasonable rates, can also accom- No •use to pay rent when you can li\e in a cottage Ijko this atjiur price^aiid t^rmg modate table boarders at reai,onable rates. LARGE, desirable room with conveniences; front, overlookinng clubhousecuouse, ttennie ns courcourt* Atlanta, Ga. Phone ^Atlanta. 88U7 5S Garnett St. —I w ill aub-lease 6 -room, swimming pool aand eolf courts. Charles J* N^GRO^ROPERTT^iFOSr"SAtTE:—Near Spel maiT^7nlve.-alty we haie a large corner alking distance. 195 Luckle_St ch_eap._Iyy_1783. Wllllama. Metz^ 62^62'^^a building. with five new 6-room houses. These houses rented for $900 per year. ~i ou can ha LET US INSURE YOU against burglars and EXCELLENT board and light, sunny rooms, | braakaBQ of windows by using our bur- NICELY fur. rooms, modern, with conveni- BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT. best section of this property for 55,760—SI.250 cash, balance to suit No loan. These hoTise-* are t all conveniences. Mrs. Smith, 48 Wood- ences, close In. 23 W. Harris st. 2F YOU want to rent apta. or buaioeaa prop- best buiU and most conveniently arranged of any negro houses Jn Hie city As an fflar-proof window and door guards. Ttoe coat ward avenue. -_ erty, sea B. M Grant & Co.. Grant bldr Inman Park, cherted street with car line is small, easily put up at night and taken NICELY furnished rooms, with convenl- in front Bargain at $2.100. John S Scott, vestment you can not beat It. tiown In the mornins. The Southern Wire BEAUTIFUL front room and board m pri- : close In. T.26 W. Cain at. 203 Peters building. Phone __M&in_2081. and Iron WorXs. 63-59 Martin St. Both vate home for young men. walking dls- NICELY fur. room; close in; conveniences. FOR SALE—By owner, new fi^room bunga- phones 6306. _^__ tance. 143 Pulllam street. Atlanta 3286. 85 W. Harris. Ivy 1934. ....-----. low, near S More land ave. Price $2 500- FOB SAX.B—Contractors' equipment, sec- NEAT, DESIRABLE ROOMS, with excellent NICELY furnlahed room, close in, apart- NORTH SII>K. $160 cash, $17,50 per month, 7 p«r cent. ond-hand machinery of all kind*, used In table board, all conveniences, close In. 119 ment. Ivy 2999-L. between 6 and 10 a. m. FOR RENT to desirable parties without Phone Main 4256. * A 12 PER CENT INCOME BRICK STORE the construction of Hales Bar dam. Prices Washington St. Main 43SQ-L. small children, 5 rooms In new, up-to- NO CASH PAYMENT. very low. Uats sent on application. $175.000 POH business -woman, quiet, eteam-heated date home iii Druid Hills. e\ery modern EXCELLENT board. Ill Washington; front room in the Siasonla. Ivy 6377. conveniences. Ivy Z294-J NO. 32 CLELAND AVE., new 6-room bunga- \vorth of material. Address Box 66, Cuat- young men or couple or bunlneas lady; low. Call Milton Straues, Ivy 4666. CORNER. canooga» Tenn. walking distance Atlanta 5600-A. TWO furnished front rooms, meala next THREE connecting unfurnished rooms, ROOM and board for three young ladles and door If desired. Phone Ivy 3912. halls, private bath, conveniences; reason- NO CASH PAYMENT. ATLANTA SAFE CO. two young men at reasonable rates; close ONE nicely fur. room, -with conveniences; >le. 270 H------Housto-n street. NO. 9 KROGG ST., a new 5-room bungalow. YOU DID NOT KNOW it was In Atlanta, did you? \ve have it, on In- 78 Eatrt Mitchell Bt. Phone Atl. 4421. Gentlemen preferred./CloBe In. 60 E. Bills NICELY furnished rooms: rooms with or Call Milton Strauss. Ivy 4666. one of our best North Side business thoroughfares—a 2-story NICELY^fur front, steam-heated room, with without board. 6 Baltimore Place. I\ y 4574-J. VACANT LOT, 45x140, >C50, Kelly street, be- brick, corner, leased for J600 per year—net. Yon get enhancement in WE have very nice assortment of second- lavatory 64 Forrest avenue^ _^__ tween Milledge and GJenn streets- water hand desks and flllnt cabinets at attractive A LAKGE and small room v, ith kitchen- newer and gas. Owner, Main 3951-J. value in addition to tills. Price, $5,000 cash, if you apply at once. prices at our stock room 6 N. Broad st. 3EAUTIFUL room and excellent board, TWO nicely fur. front rooms, hot bath. Ivy close In. Matn 4810. 1Q2 Capitol avenue. 7508. 18 Blmpaon street. ette, completely fur. 20 E. Pine si. Ivy Kooto & Davie« Co.. 6 N. Broad st. 5571-J. __^_ GOOD piece of renting property on South SECOND-H AN I> Bales, all Mizea, home aafas. STRICTLY e?:ulusi\e board. Mlas Crush. 97 21 DELTA PLACE, Inman Park. lower floor Side; will trade for farm. 321 Hurt bldg. furnished for hougekejipjng. Ivy 3463-L. LARGE, well furnished room, mi Stable for }1E> up. Hall's bank tuid bur jflar-proof Capitol square (oppo-iit**_btate capitpj^^^ housekeeping. 1SS W. Peachtree. Ivy 7828. nates; vault doors. C. J. Xmnlel. 418 Fourth ONE large room and boar- and cold water, electricity and gas, with \"a.uonal Banfe building. hot water. 191 S. Pryor St. Main 933-J". private family; very close In. Rent very TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, SUBURBAN. FOR. SALE—Large roller-top dent, leather reasonable. Call 7G-A Crew street, corner blacks from, Arago hotel. Ivy 7793-J. 7-ROOM bungalow, sleeping porch, all im- lounge, deik chair, alx office chairs, one Rawson. or phone Atlanta 5913-F. provements, on Col lego ave., Decatur. An •street show case, one candy show case. Ap- _ SOCTH sine. Ideal hlgh-claes home, price $5,750. Equity ___ FOR RENT—One room, ateam heat, beauti- FGR'REXT—Marffa 1, 2 connecting: rooms, $2,000. Will take auto or vacant lot at $1,000 ply S North Forayth st. Eagle Stamp Works. fully furnished, all home convenience*, WILL EXCHANGE furnished for light house keep inc. bath balance cash $1,030. See owner. 607 Peters i SAVE 120 on delivery wasonb. Buy direct board: close in; north or t-outh. mide. Ad- electric lights, hot and cold water. Corner and telephone, close In, private family; nice building. Phone Main 2041. Capitol avenue, 237-A Fulton. Main ROM. resident jttreet; m Children. 17 PuUiam at. from factory. Any style. Catalog- dress B-882. Constitution. ON Morgan st. (East Lake), facing club Hill Buggy Company. Rock. Hill. 3. C. ELEGANT rooms, GOc day up, 32.50 and up FOB RENT—Two upstairs rooms, unfur, grounds, and only one block of clubhouse, per week; hoi and cola water free. Gate for housekeeping, to couple, reasonable, we offer 2 dandy lots at $1,500 each—one- Good Automobile for Real Estate FISH A£S~D MEATS ^,_ WANTED—Room Mate City Hotel, lt-8% South Forsyth street. good neighborhood, walking- distance, 143 half cash, M. Hatch Cook, 601 4th Nat. Uarner Market, Main 3S-U, Atlanta BEAUTIFULLY newly fur, rooms, walking PulHam street. Atlanta 3286 Bank Building. Main 4613. YOUNO MAtT^O^35^IAT^Br^HvZte^~ho^ier distance. Mrs. Smith, 48 Woodward Ave. THREE nlt-e, largf, unfur. rooms, kitchen, WE. HAVU ANYTHING you want. Let ua excellent table; modern conveniences. Ivy FOR SALE—In Decatur, houses large and save you monty. Jacobs Auction Co. 61 ONE nice room in apt. to young men or pantry and all conveniencee. Good neigh- 6259-L, borhood 429 S. Pryor at Atl 6136-B. small and medium, both in size and price; W. W. WISDOM, JR. Pecatur. Bell phoue M. HS4. Atfeuita. 2286t couple,, al. l conveniences. Main 4162.. ___ also vacant residence lots. Fletcher Pearson, NICELY lurnished rooms, also nice house- FOR RENT—One large fur room for house- 422 Atlanta National Bank building. STEWARD & HUNT keeping rooms, close jn. 121 South Fryor. keeping-, sink and Eras range. $2.50 per week. 18 Woodward ave. ANOTHER home bargain, brand new _ PLUMBERS. ^3 El AST HUNTER ST. LAARGE, nicely furnished rooms; conv< ient room bungalow, all modern conveniences. 1021 Candler Bldg. 1 SECOND-HAND ARjatY TENTS^ricT A~ 53.000 00 to business section. 201 H. Hunter NICELY fur housekeeping- rooms, close in; Prfc* , $2,200. $50 down, $1( per month. tents, $6; UxS A. tents, J8.60, 16-ft. conical PURCHASE MONEY NOTES. reasonable. 101 Capitol ave. Main 3484-J. E. P. 286. Lenta^ $ 1 6. Springer, a i)o 3. Pryor_ street. These note.s are pa>a.ble $100.00 month- aBD —NORT H S1DJB. WKOT END. FARM LAKDP. FOR. SALE — One pair beautiful sJlver~ca"n7 ly, and are first notes. Call or SIX ROOMS on first and second floor of FOR RENT In Wett End. three completely deiabraa. can be seen at^J26^a Peachtree. phone at once beautiful olose-in rebidence, 28 Carnegie furnished rooms for housekeeping. Call FOH SALE--Georgia lands a specialty. Inon. F. L. Volberg- W. P COLE. Way; hot bath on main floor, for family or Main 4497-J. W. Jackson. 4th Nat. Bank Bide.. Atlanta. I>"OH SALK—One nine-columu a^joinE ma- __140S Candler_BTag._ Ivy 432. will rent three rooms on each floor separate- $2,250 BUYS THIS WELL-IMPROVED FARM OF 40 ACRES, that is located cbine at a tremondoua oar^olu. Addr«a« FOR SALE—Automobile taxi business. In ly Cor two families. _ tQO Highland avoi^ue. Atlaata. good town, equipment 3 7-passenger Packard. 3 "»-pnssen&-er Velies, 1 5-passenger BACHELOR APARTMENTS -,.__.___ ^^^ one mile this side of Redan, Ga., one-half mile from Georgia Railway FOR SAX*£*—Puro Georgia syrup 35c Nyberg, gasoline rentier tank on sidewalk, OFFICES for rent in the Empire Life per gallon, Iu barrels and kegrt.. W. H, ,iir pump and other fixtures, cheap rent VPOUItD rent unfuriUsbed rooms to young TYPEWRITERS RENTED junction Peachtree and Broad streets, Da,vis. Savannah, Qa. and the best and oidf'bt adv ertihed phones men; all conveniences, close in. 28 Car* 4 MONTHS FOR 95 AND UP. right in the heart of busy Atlanta. Some station. Good 5-room dwelling and several other buildings, barn, etc. Pas- FOR SAL.E —On o Xorw alk oompreasor ca- in town. Call or \\rtte Chattanooga Taxi negte Way. Rebuilt Typewriters $23 and $75. space Ideally arranged for dentists • and pacity ' 300 pounds, fair condition. Liquid1 Auto Co., J Alfred \\lllJams. Manager. 709 FOR~ RENT—21* East" rine St., nice lower AMERICAN "WRITING MACHINE CO. physicians. Phone Ivy 3260, or call at Rioom Ca rbpnJ c__Co. Broad street. Chattanooga. Tenn. uat, 5 rooms; on car line; for small famuy. 4S North Pryor St. Phone Main 2526. 310. ture, spring water. To see this will convince you that it in the bargain you " J2B. ___ " k. \\atch7 FOR SALE—The beJst'paj Ing" and . C. borhood. Close in. 310 Whitehall St. Ap- Xatl. Bank Bldg. FOR SALK—One of the" "best established ply SIS Whitehall WILSON BROS. hairdres^ing buwin^sbet, in thb> city, w ill LOVELY front room, be: HURT BUILDING 701 EMPIRE BUIL.MNG. WK PAT highest cash prlcea for anything: II at sacrifieo on account of one of part- End, all conveniences. Pianos, household ffood* furniture «nd ;rto leaving clti. (Jooif lea^e. At reason- oifica fixtures a specialty. Jacobs Auction aijle price. Addre>ti> B-BSl Constitution. Company, 51 t>ecatur street, Atlanta 22SE- ou ses Bell J-IS4. 4 P> \VOLTLI> be!l~~planTnff miTl~"and lumber Affords: yards, near Atlanta, part cash, balance - .rrH' _ . good paper, or retain half interest with LNFCKNISHKO. WANTED—Fifty old feather beds at once" 37 X. BOULEVARD—A splendid 7-room ^ 111 pay highest cash price. Ivy SOdU-J, good man who dm Id take management. Ad_dreas__IJ-jS!JQ, Constitution. house with sleeping porch, has hardwood Atlanta. j071-A. Addresb New York Feath- floors, furnace heat, electric lights, nice tile )—| eallhnil surrounding^. WEST PEACHTREE LOT FOR EXCHANGE er Company. 17 Warren Place. BOARI>1NG~HOUSE ~for~sale Walton bath, large lot. See us for rate. street CHAS. P. GLOVER REALTY CO. JACOBS AUCTION CO. will buy any thing Ivy 3390^ 2^i Walton St. Ivy 3350 WE HAVE a well-located lot on West Peachtree street, between In the way of household goods. We pay the highest cash price. Call Atlanta phoua HOUSEHOLD OOPS 585 PER MONTH to acceptable party only; V_J nusual service. Eleventh and Twelfth streets, size 50x205 feet, to exclmnge for 2J85. sell Main 1434. Si Decatur tsreet, 11-room house, with two servant rooms. pric Gas and. electricity, hot and cold water; new- unencumbered renting property. We trade the lot at cash valuation. Booda, pianos and office furniture; cash ly tinted; first-class furnace; brick house; WANTE1I>—Small show case.' Quality Kodak advanced on conslgnnmnt. Central Auction beat section of West Peachtree at.; just Ouishliiff. Vans, 106 H Whitehall st. Company. 12 East Mitchell Street. Bell south of North ave. Apply Ware & Harper, • fx ooras with good light. Phone Main 2424. 726 Atl. Nafl Bank Bldg. M. 1705. Atl. 186S. J. R. SMITH & J. H. EWING FOR SALE—Live Stock SAVE 25 per cent by buying your furniture $12.00 PER MONTH—Nice 4-room hous* from E Matthews & Co.. 23 B. Alabama with reception hall; newly painted and pa- 1^ he arrangement to suit you. 130 PEACHTREE STREET. FANCY BERKSHIRE PIGS—Royally bred. Street. pered ; water, gaa, sewer, aide walks and perfect Individual^ correct type, proper FOR best bargains In furniture see Jordan curbing; 7& yards double car line; fine Furniture Co . 144^ Auburn ave. Ivy 4467. neighborhood. Ware & Harper, 725 Atlanta raartOcca; grandson* and «raoddju)mt«ra National gank bldy. Majn 1705, Atl 186S. of Grand Cbamslona. Sore to pleae«: Fair FURNITURE for sale, oak and" mahogany"" or trio not related. Tht ruular $36 kind. 158 BummU ave-^^Ivy 617», $60 PER MONTH-—Nine-room house, best only 316 each. Vatr View Farm, Falm«ttefc part of Forrest avenue, to acceptable APPLY AT 1110 HURT BUILDING FURNITTfRE and ruga~~at~Iowe»t prices. ftrty only; newly papered, graa and elec- Roblson Furniture Co., 27 K. Hunter St. S:1clty: this is a very cheap rental. Ware & Harper, 725 Atlanta National Bank bldg. or Phone Ivy 7200 M. 1705 and Atlanta 18«S. HOME OR INVESTMENT ^ MUSIC AND DANCING NO. 20 Jefferson place, Cacatur. a handsome HILBURN HOTEL P^O^VESSbR 'ITAHLER/S Select dancTng 6-room bungalow, cherted street, best sec- •10 AND 12 WALTON STREET. school, 42S Peachtree. Ivy 778-L Only tion—$£7.60. Every convenience. W. H. S. A GOOD 9-ROOM, 2-STORY HOUSE oa Formwalt street. Lot 29x125. This FOR GENTLEHiLK only: center of city, resident member International Teachers' Hamilton, 224 Hurt Bide- Ivy 8212-J. FOR RENT—Miscellaneous. FOR RENT—Miscellaneous near qew poatoftlce. Ratea. SQc. 76c and il Association. is about 250 feet from Whitehall street. Almost sure to enhance. Always WANTED^Plano, rented for $360 per year. Price, $3,250. Can arrange some terms. LF.T/ATSTD HOTEL A«. 23 «„«- ton St. Ivy 10C4. Excellent table. 20 meab> GEO. P. MOORE tickets tS.OQ. Quick and polite aarvlce. MODERN dances taught, privately to chil- 208 WOODWARD AVE —7 nice rooms, 825. REAL ESTATE AND RENTING. EAL HOTEL dren, and adults; tuition reasonable. Ivy A good two-family honse, between Capitol , LIEBMAN CC.VTKR of citr; rat«a reasonable; con- 2t8-J. and Crew street, and a dandy. Smith, fiw- 10 AUBURN AVENUE. venient to Onion station. *2 to 62 Decatur tng_<£_RanlSci_p. ^^ Atlanta phone 38IS. 9-ROOM, close-in north side house- Let us REAL ESTATE AND RENTING. 17 WALTON ST. MARIETTA HOT EX*—Rates 25 to 60 cents. INSTRUMENTS show you the beat value on north side for Sp«c(at w««kly rates. 163 Marietta st. SS3 SS3 peperr momonthr . Smith, Ewing & Rankln, PIANv j.^iitj_Liivr Chllds. College 130 Peachtrei itreet. Park. Bell phone East Point XO. HOUSES, bungalows and cottages. We have FOR RENT EDUCATIONAL FINE piano for sale cheap for cash, used a large Hat. Phone us. Smith. Ewinsr 7 months, 5135. M. R, Brln, Forsyth bldff. & Rankin._130 Peachtree street. FOR RENT—Houses FOR RENT—Houses ATLANTA SCHOOL OF Ivy 6539. OUR weekly rant Slat tfvea full descriptions STUDIO BUILDING, corner James and Forsyth" btreeu,, Across of anything for rent. Call for one or let PRACTICAL MILLINERY is nudl Jt _tp j-ou. Forrest jfe George Ada*r. the street from Ansley Hotel; 100 feet of Peachtree .street and HE OHIGINAJL and only regular Millinery MISCELLANEOUS !AUU write cr phone for our Rent Bulletin. Candler Building; three floors and basement; fireproof"; five-year FOR RENT. School in Atlanta. full course tn Edwin P. Ansley Rent Dept.. 78 North sis. ^veoics. Our rates are lower for WHAT Forsytb street. Ivy 1600. Atlanta 263. lease at attractive figure. ROOMING and boarding house, No. 102 I\-y street: twenty rooms. WB GIVE than any other school. We cave the Indorsement of alt the wholesale mti- POR- RENT —N e -room house . all con- STORE ROOM, 215 Peachtree street; best location. iinery houses. Now la me timo to begin. BONES veniences. W.4TO, At). 156S. " M. Poole. "Miss Rainwater. Manager, 40^ Whitehall St. for chickens , ground every day. TEN-ROOM HOUSE, No. So Hurt street: strictly modern. Bros,. S9 .Decatur street. GARAGE, Porter Place and Peachtree, 75x120 feet. A good place to make money. Attractive lease to desirable tenant. TEN-ROOM HOUSE, No. 79 West Cain street: close in. AUCTION SALES SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, No. 25 Brantley street, Inman Park. FOR RENT—Garages and Barna 112-114. NORTH PRYOR ST.—530 square THET SOUTHKKN ' Al/OTiON A NO SAiP feet each. Steam heat and water in- THREE 6-room double houses, three rooms to a side, Inman Yards.. VAGE CO.IPANY; &t ao south Pryor. win cluded in lease. Price right. A*a G. Cand- NO. 59 EAST ALABAMA STREET, a few doors from Central buy or sell your furniture, household ler. Jr.. vAgent. 222 Candler Bldg. Phone or piano. Phoaa Bell Main 230*. Ivy 5274. See Mr. Wllkinaon. avenue and Produce Row. 21x116 feet to alley; two floors and B-OtJB fine new stores and Ions at 134, 13ft, basement. Will rent as a whole or subdivide. FITZHUGH KNOX, MEDICAL 13S and 12£ Whitehall street; also fi*» S. road street: also 61 B. Alabama St~ Oco. CAXDLER BUILDING. O:^ FOR RENT—Farme W. Sclple, 13 Edgewood Ave. Botb phones Cotton Hoot Pills, a. eafo and reliable 203- CHEAPEST central rent in Atlanta. No. 35 South Broad street, u*eatme>nt for Irregularities Trial box by HA\ B several 1good farms, with good xn*U 50 ceiittf, Frank Edmond^on & Bro4» ouses and barn -, will rent for almost STOKE for rent in good Iccali very reas- large storeruom and basement, established location," formerly Manufacturing Cta^mtatm. 11 Itfartk - binf to good t«&4ctB that own stoct. XK sable,. S3xiQfi feet «pac* «tre«t, Atlanta. Ga. Gro3«nan, 9$ Wim-halt st, Atlmntu, Ga. occupied by Bell Bros. Price, $80 per month. Be quick. , < WANT ADS ICc Line WANT ADS NEWSPAPER SPAPERRRCi Page Fourteen. ; THE CONSTITUTION. ATTrANTA.

mediate action -without, however, MEXICAN TENSION me' any suggestion or indication of GREATLY LESSENED what action we can take at the mo- In Double Bill John Drew ° LODGE NOTICES SOUTH IS BEST PLACE ment. , " NO C.O.D. SHIPMENTS ' XvtbinK to »o at Present. Continued From Page One. "I must repeat what I said last weelc A special communication, — that 'there is nothing we can effec- Scores an Artistic Triumph of Atlanta ibodge No. 69, F. to late today from Carrahza at Nogales. tively dp -under present conditions.- FORTHEffllRSTYTEXANS A" & A. M., will 'be held In Ma- FOR SOUTHERN PEOPLE •-^^. sonic temple, corner Peach- - "The government in Mexico City That the United States again may GrJMl tree and Cain streets, this 'communicate with Carranza seeking no control over the territory .where the w J!M death of Ben ton took place, nor ;over r (Wednesday) evening, March •protection for Spanish . subjects was *• , By Sidney as a dotteringr, helpless old man, be- Right of Express Companies to _ 4, 1914, at 7.o'clock sharp. "Stay-at-Home" Slogan Urged Intimated- by Secretary Bryan today. thoae responsible- for his death. We reft of mind, his memory slipping and Representations have been made to the cannot, therefore, under the present ci'r- Before* the usual preliminaries of -the The Master Mason's degree will be con- writer of things theatrical are indulged, failing him. The man—a knigtht he Refuse Such Liquor- Consign* ferred. All duly qualified resident and by Fairfax Harrison to United States on behalf of a Spaniard "camstances, secure reparation through Is now—again comes to ma-Ice 'his "will; 1 sojourning brethren cordially invited to Check Emigration. named Ruiz, and it is likely the Ameri- that government. in, let me advise you.with all the ear- His wife is dead. . His son is disgraced. ments Is Upheld. attend. can government will ri*ak« inquiries to "We have no intention of engaging nestness at my command to waste no His daughter has married a chauf- JAMBS M. FULLER, Carranza for him. Though there have in what, on our part, would be such a time In securing tickets for one of the feur. Worshipful Master. been Intimations in .press dispatches tantastic attempt as the sending of a Why say more? that the same answer would foe extend- two remaining performances of John Jefferson City, Mo., March 3.—The THOMAS EVANS, Secretary. Selma. Ala., March 3.—President force —which , to be effective, would Drew's double bill at the Atlanta thea- John JDrew does some splendid char- Harrison, of the Southern Railway ed to inquiries about Spanish subjects have to be a large fprce —int o amy part acter acting in the part of. Philip Ross, right of exnress companies to refuse as was given about the Benton case, of Mexico. ter. Not that you will have any'dif- the husband. Herbert Druce" Is splen- to deliver C. O. D. shipments of liquor A regular assembly company, addressed the Selma Cham- the determination.of the American gov- "Under ordinary circumstances we ficulty In getting seats (the audience did as the elder Devizes. of Jason Burr • Council ber of Commerce' this evening on ernment to continue to act for 'other into Texas was upheld by the Missouri No. 13, R. & S. M.. wilU- might have taken action at a port or 3f last night was rather small), but Tttiere will be a matinee and a night supreme court today. The decision of "Railroad Co-operation in Southern nations has not been altered. by way of blockade. Under present you might forget It, and if you do you performance of the two plays. be held in the Masonic the court was based on the Texas law - temple on this (Wed- Agricultural Development." Attitude of CarnuuEa. conditions, if we took such Action ana will have missed one of the rarest 1 1 prohibiting such shipments. nesday) evening, March After pointing- out -that, as a busi- These • phases of the situation and it had any effect, it could only result ness enterprise seeking increased pros- in giving assistance to the .contending treats of the season. Abraham Rosenberg-er. a liquor deal- 4, at 7:30 o'clock- This Carranza's attitude occupied much of Two plays so totally different in NEW YORK DIGS SELF will 'be a business ses- peri tv through an enlargement of its the time of today's cabinet meeting- party in. north Mexico. er of Kansas City, claimed he had de- volume ofi. traffic, a railroad may structure and appeal, two plays of sion. No work in the Some administration officials,expressed "To take action tha-t would positive- FROM SNOW BLANKET livered shipments of liquor to the Pa- degreesA. All qualified visiting ami /properly co-operate 'with the people greater contrast, yet both equally the opinion that while Carranza may ly help those from whom we demand cific ..Esc-press company and to the i resident companions are cordially in- •whom it serves for community develop- not have intended to be unfriendly to reparation simply for the sake of ap- charming? in their way, could not be New York. -March 3.—New Tork-part- Welle, Fargo ft Co.'s express for Texas * vited to be present. ment, Mr- Harrison told of the organi- the United States in denying the right pearing to do something, would be imagined. The double bill formed an « IF dug itself from under Its deep blan- points. Before the shipments were i DAVID E. SHUMAKER. T. T. M. zation of the Southern railway land of this government to make inquiries worse than futile. evening's entertainment in -which ket of snow and ice today and re-estab- delivered, the Texas law prohibiting 1 LEE HOVT WILLIAMS, Recorder. and industrial department by Presi- about foreign subjects he had produced "But we do not intend to let the mat- lished something like normal com- such shipments became effective. The dent Spencer: of the great enlargement an embarrassing situation. Failure to ter rest, and as soon as by any change humor, philosophy, eynicism and pathos i muni cation with the outside world. express companies refused to deliver of co-operative work, especially for comply with the .American viewpoint in of circumstances, it is in our power were blended in just the proper pro- Wthin the city 36,000 snow shovel- the liquor. agricultural development, under Presi- this case, it was agreed, might lead 'to to carry the matter further, we shall portions. ers, 2.500 extra1 teams, the entire SPECIAL NOTICE dent Finley, and declared his purpose serious complications, as other nations take .whatever steps may be practi- I have but one -criticism to offer. equipment of the street cleaning -de- to continue the work 'Inaugurated by might not be as tolerant as Great Brit- cable." "The "Will" should have been presented partment, millions of gallons of water Final Briefs Against Thaw. CARD OF THANKS. Itis predecessors and to give it close ain. Cabinet members showed their Replying- to another question. Sir first. i for thawing and flusning. about six Mrs. L. I-Iunerkopr and family -n-ish personal attention. He spoke of the agreement with the president that Edward Grey said that Great Brit- hours of warm sunshine, and the co- Concord, N. H., March 3,—Final to express their sincere thanks and special value of this work in the pend- every peaceful means first - should be ain had not .recognized General Villa Tfce Vyrmtmy of Xemr*. | operation of many citizens and public briefs for the sate of New York on appreciation for ' the kindness and ing- revolution of agriculture in the tried to settle the Mexican, question be- aa a belligerent. ' A further question Many of us were familiar with "The I service corporations made it possible the extradition of Harry K. Thaw were sympathy extended them by their south, brought about by the invasion fore there is resort to armed Interven- brought the statement from Sir Ed- I to maintain, on the trunk thoroughfares to have been filed here today, but i t friends, neighbors, Knights of Pythias of the Mexican cotton boll weevil. tion. There is apparent, however, a Tyranny of Tears," an exquisite comedy a semblance of normal traffic. I>ittle, was announced that William T. Je- lodgre No. 20. rhe Turn Verein, Germania ward that no assurances had been ob- by C. Ha-ddon Chambers, In which Mr. •which, by rnforcing the, arguments or stiffening in the American policy and tained from provisional President Huer- however, could be done on the side rome, representing the New York at- Park association. Master Builders' as- experts " for diversified agriculture, a firmness which is'interpreted in of- ta regarding -the protection of British Drew starred some eight years ago. streets. torney general, had been granted five sociation and the Ladies' Auxiliary No may yet prove a real educational force ficial circles as meaning an insistence subjects in Mexico. Tu those who had seen it, the second Except in a few cases railroad tracks additional days. The document prob- 20. K. of P., on -the death of the hus- in the south. on demands hitherto made. There is leading Into the city were made avail- ably will be flled next Monday, after band and father. Louis P. HunerkoDf sight of it proved almost, if not fully, able for regular use, but trains con- which counsel for Thaw will have Speaking of the co-operation of the every reason to believe the United as interesting as the first. T-he -title Is —(Adv.)...... Southern Rail-way company with com-. States will continue to press its re- HUERTA SEEKS TO FREE tinued to be late. fifteen days In •which to reply. quest for an examination of Benton's an apt one. It sums up the story as inanities to secure the locatipn 'of de- eloquently and as truly as possible. It sirable immigrants, Mr. Harrison cited body. BftOO MEXIC REFUGEES is all about an author who has grad- ' the reports of the "United States census Secretary Daniels announced that the Kl Paso, Texas', March 3. — Asserting ually come under the complete control FUNERAL NOTICES. of 1910, showing that at that time one thousand marines on -board the Hancock would be kept at Mew Orleans that, there is n-o warrant of interna- of his charming wife, merely because 2,571,734 natives '" of the nine south, 'indefinitely. His policy, 'it is known, tional law or treaty under which the she gives vent to tears at the slightest FTARWKLJj—The friends and relatfvep eastern states traversed by the South- is t'o keep aa many marines as possible 5,000 Mexicans who fled to th^ United provocation. One 'by one his friends of air. and Mrs, J. H. Harwell, Mr. and ern railway lines were living in other States after ttie battle of OJinaga, and leave h-im; he gives up his club and is Spring is coming. Mrs. W. T. Harwell, Mr. and Mrs. W.' states, while only 472,412 natives of in gulf water at this time. •who are interned at Fort Bliss, cai in a fair way to become hopelessly 13. Harwell. Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Heaf .this kind, w«e nwilr l-i endeavornpr»nn»i, L-hithert^ to hhav v£e f^nlffailedl ton securwiire^ a^lnan in-- former superintendent of construction COOK—The friends and relatives of laiougn correspondence or a personal vestig.ation jnto the facts respecting of the Torreon division of the Mexican legal document, -gilie is generous. -She EQUITABLE BUILDING , ' ' ESTABLISHED 1890 Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Cook and family. interview, to convince the man who is National railway, with being- a rebel wants of all things that the poor thinking of leaving that' it is to his ad- the death of William S. Benton. cousins of her husband be unencum- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Coleman, Mr. an«l vantage to remain in the south. "The persistent difficultites put in spy. Consul Hamm Is said to be trying Mrs. J. R. Cook and family. Mr. and the way of such an investigation cre- to obtain his release. bered. She insists that he leave' money Mrs. J. S. Cook. Miaa Ann Cook and "Great as has been the progress of The American had been 'buying hides, to a hospital, of which he had once the south, we have only fairly begun ,ate the strongest presumption of a de- been an inmate. The picture is one Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Campbell of Jones- LJte auuujj, we Jittve oniy tairiv oegun •"••'- t V »« t- ^n-^na*,* +ha and came to Torreon from Durango, boro. Ga., are invited to attend the to realize our opportunities for agri- '^re and an intention to conceal the, which is held by rebels. To this fact reeking with romance, redolent of cultural and industrial development. Itruth on the **•£. °£ tnos,f IrV??e^° love and hope and ambition. The bit- "•" funeral of Mr. B. F. Cook. 'Wednesday. The rapid progress being made by who are responsible for wha ft has hap- he owes his arrest. He carried a large terness of the world has not yet tamed March 4, 1914, at 4 p. m.. from th<* sum of money, which It is said was residence, 428 Woodward avenue. Rev. southern farmers in the adoption o'f . confiscated by his captors. with its touch. improved, farming: methodtods wilwill great- ''Communicationa with th.e Bovern- The next scene discovers the -wife in B. F. Fraaer and Rev. T. T. Davis will ly increase our steadilily growing agri- | ment of the United States are still pro- the same office. The picture of Queen Desks officiate. The remains will be taken he economic law : ceeding, but ^ I would_ repeat^ jvhat I Victoria has given way'to the por- ** Thursday morning: at 7:30 to Conyery. cultural output. The economic law ALL FOREIGN~AFFAIRS CJa., for interment. tending to the 1 ' ^ ~"~ " trait of King Edward. She Is a, woman > ing enterprises .______...... _ __ ^ IN HANDS OF CARRANZA of snow-white -hair in the middle years i ~~ plies of raw material and.' to power ro- I *-"• «•«**- ^"-.-~— ------— - -_--• — ~.;~ Chihuahua, March 3. — General Villa She has learned that her husband is Won't you let us show you the finest | BEI^Li—The friends and relatives or sources and the advantages of home ' bllity for what has taken place —b y today cleared up the mystery as to to make a will—the first of many he ii i ! Mrs. Emma Bell, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. markets based on a prosperous and in- ' which I mean, of course, the death of the origin of the order which halted ha« made without consulting her. display of GOOD desks in the city ? Cutler of Macon, Ga., and Mr. Richard creasing- agricultural population will ! Benton. Wealth is hers, but ambition Is hers >;ii Bell are invited to attend the fu- the Benton commission as It was about t neral of Mrs. Emma Bell Wednesday, stimulate the development of diverai- "While, therefore, we shall welcome to leave Juarez last Sunday. It had also—ambition and greed for more "We are Atlanta agents for the famous 1 ' fled manufacturing in all of the south- any action that tiie United States is been credited both- to him and to Gen- gold! The canker, of suspicion has March 4. 1914, at 2 p. m.. from the em states. I can assure you, as i prepared to take to secure Justice, we eral Carranza, but Villa said the re- entered Into her life. .The man enters "CUTLER" Desk; unexcelled in construc- i residence, 258 Peachtree street. Tho representatives of the progressive and I have no title to dema-nd as a right that quest came from Carranza, and he the room. No tears now at th« thought ' Rev. Richard Orme Fllnn will officiate. enterprising people of the south, that ! the United States should Itself resort merely transmitted it into an order to of death. There is a silent battle be- tion and beauty in appearance. • Interment will be in West View- cem- In this forward movement you" will to the use of force. the Juarez garrison. tween the two. etery. The following named gentle- have the continued co-operation of the "One can demand that another gov- "The Benton case and all foreign re- The third scene shows the attorney Our prices on these desks are reasonable ! men will please act as pallbearers and Southern Railway company." ernment Should go to all lengths to se- lations are now in the hands of the meet at the chapel of H. M. Patterson cure reparation for a crime only when supreme chief, and will remain there," enough to suit everybody. , «& Son, at 1:30: Mr. C. E. Currier, l>r. one holds that government in some -way said Villa. W. S. Elkiit, Mr. Myron E. Freeman, RELIGIOUS EDUCATORS The general salfl he intended to edu- MORTUARY. , Mr. W. W. Kingston. Mr. Thomas B. responsible for. the commission of the Let us show them to you. Paine, Captain J. C. Haskell, Mr. Percy crime. cate forty poor children in the United GATHER IN NEW HAVEN States at public expense, owing to the , H. Adams and Dr. John F. Denton. Ivlntl Offices of United States. demoralized condition of Mexican Call Main 26OO. Xew Ha,ven, Conn., March 3.—Mam*,'S_o fa—r the Unite- - d States has shown schools. B. F. Cook. i PAGE—The friends of Mr. and Mrs. ~wT. J. Pagev Mrs. O. I. Culberson, Mr. and delegates to the eleventh annual inter- at least as much interest In the death The bomb-dropping- aeroplane and B. F. Caotk, aged 5-ti yeaxe, died 'i* national convention ot" the Religious ' in Mexico of- a British subject as it has T.,000 shrapnel shells have arrived, he Tuesday * afternoon at bis residence, Mrs. A. P. Stewart, Mr. T. H. Stewart Education association, which convenes j in the- case of outrages on American 428 Woodward avenue. Funeral will and family, Mr. W. A. Stewart .i.m! here for four days^ commencing Thurs- ' citizens—for I understand that several be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock, from Foote and Davies Company !fj family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murphy and day, arrived today. A number of the Americans have been killed in Mexico. the residence, and the body sent to family. Mrs. J. M. McAfee, Mrs. Kmmio visitors are from foreign lands. Pre- , And the United States lias shown every Conyers, Ga~, for interment. He is sur- Stewart and family, Mrs. Reed Scott liminary conferences will be held to- desire to use its influence to secure pro- STREET CLAIMS SHOW vived by his wife, six aons, Sam, Fran-k, Five Seconds from Five Points and family are Invited to attend the mor.row. 'tection for British subjects in the Mes- Ed, Howard, Pierce and Louis Cook ; •J? funeral of Mrs. TV. J. Page this (Wed- e NEED OF BOND ISSUE three daughters, Mrs. C. C. Coleman, «•• nesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock at sec- Mary and Vivian Coote; two brothers, ^i^ . tion 12, West View cemetery. The fol- John S. and J. R. Cook. lowing gentlemen will act as pall- Continued From Page One. bearers and meet with the family at Mrs. Laura Moss. Barclay & Brandon Co.'s chapel, 24C Carnegie way. Chief Clayton told the Ivy street, at 2:80 p. m.: Mr. "W. A. committee that Hugh Richardson, one Mrs. Laura Moss, aged 33 years, died Stewart. Mr. T. H. Stewart, Mr. An- Monday night at 10:30 o'clock at her drew Stewart, Mr. Stewart McGInty, of t'he largest property owners, is go- Mr. H. T.I. Culberson. Rev. C. T. A. ing to make the city a proposition ihome, near Union City. She is sur- ligious workers will be speakers. For- [ reasons of its own, .the United States vived by her husband, . three children, Pise and Rev. L. B. Richards will of- mer President Taft will be one ! does not think it desirable to take such which, it is said, contemplates the re- two brothers and four slaters. Fu- ficiate. t steps, we must, of course, reserve to moval of certain buildings which will 1 32 LOTS $2,750 neral will be held Wednesday .morning I ourselves the right to secure reparation be replaced by new ones. Chief Clay- at 11 o'clock at Bethesda church, and CROKER—The friends of Mr. and Mrs. 'whenever it is an opportunity to do so. ton did not discuss the details of the interment will taSte place in the church- C. L. Croker and family. Mr. and Mr? "Our general policy towards Mexico proposition. yard. - E. F. White of High Point, N". C., are ABOUT THE DAM ACT and the Central and South American With this information, the commit- Inside city, lie beautifully, covered with shade, ele- iayited to . attend the funeral of Mrs. republics is confined to commercial In- tee decided that nothing could be done C. L. Croker this (Wednesday) morn- Wistiiuston. March :',. — Chairman -tf> rests, which we keep within non-po- Immediately on the project, but au- Paul Rainwater. fng1. at the Union Rescue mission, 231 Ada-mson. of the house committee on | Utical limits. As a rule, , therefore,, thorized Councilman George Boynton Paul Rainwater, the 4 -year-old son vated. Biggest bargain on the market. Can be sold at Marietta street. at 11 o'clock. The interstate commerce, discussed "~ witli . all questions that rise between those to confer with Mr. Richardson and of Mr. and MJ~B. J. W. Rainwater, died following named gentlemen will please 1'resident Wilson today the draft of republics and purselves are settled by take tip with Him the adjustments at the residence. 2iT Weyman a-venue, j retail for $10,000. It's yours if you come first. Owner act as pallbearers and meet at the •it general dam act proposed by Sec- ' diplomatic means, or can be referred to hich are to be made by him. Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock- Funeral i residence, 3S2 Glenwood avenue, at in rotary Gurrison foi- the .regulation. " of ' rbit'ration. According to the custom of the past, will be held this mornins at 10 o'clock ' needs money. o'clock: Mr. C. M. Patterson. Mr. T. AT. - projects in navigable | «BUt the violent death of a» British the street committee will follow lines from Poole's chapel and the bodiy sent j Doster. Mr. Fred H. Wheeler, Mr. W. 'subject and 'the refusal of tbose re- of least resistance in the matter of to Roswell, Gia., for interment. ; L. Hardin, Mr. C. H. Burge. Mr. Ulys- selecting projects to start work on; ses Lewis. Interment at Went View that is. Chief Clayton will be author- cemetery. Rev. S. M. Hanes officiating. ized to begin work on those projects Mrs. C. L. Croker. [ Carriac;(;n will ' leave Barclay &-. Bran- on oa n where all the details have" been per- The funeral of Mrs., C. L. Croker, E. Rivers Realty Co. don Co.'s, 246 Ivy • •street, at 9:4." not in entire aerreoKient' with the plan « I,,^!T +},„?" ti . TT»it«i Qtntoa -and predicted that some-changes would "Assumincgr that th10e Umted States fected. In that event the West Peach- who died Monday at faer residence, I o'clock. -diave to be made in it. • Mr. Adamson • does not desire itself to take any re- tree property owners will have first 382 Glennwood avenue, will be held call. The street is In an incomplete this morning at 11 o'clodk from the Oecliricd to discuss his interview witli sponsibillty of intervention, it has been Union Rescue mission, 234 Marietta the president. purged upon me that we should take 1m- condition now. It waa started some l BARCLAY & BRANDON CO. time 'ago and .was pushed as far ajs the street. Interment 'will b« in West View cemetery. j Funeral Directors, 246 Ivy St. money available would permit "With G. B. BRANDON. B. H. BRAN DOW, $15.000 now available the city can al- We will build you a house on one of ^ President. Vice Pre«!4evt. Sunday's Ad Appears on Back of Society Section ! most finish the job this year. Mrs. Loula Roye. \ J. TV. AWTRT. Seer. «nd Treas. Will Visit Glenn Street. The funeral of Mrs. Loula Roye, who fi? those beautiful lots on Ponce de Leon ii Glenn street will be visited by the died at her residence. 57 Kennedy street committee on Wednesday and street. Monday morning1 at 10:30 every day the committee will go over o'clock, will take place from the resi- 11 avenue, or St. Charles avenue, and make ,& RICH & BROS, CO. some one of the streets to get ac- dence this afternoon at 2 o'clock. In- terment will be Holly wood ceme- 1? reasonable terms. .-, HiblH tratft quainted with the details. . . Book of> .«b)«i-«i-l The street committee will meet every tery. I Fret. DR. B. M. WOOIAE Y. 7 -N, Vtooc day with the engineers of the con- I Sulurin. Aduu. C.oril>. struction department to perfect the CharUs Smith. Si ' FT \\T XTIf Fiofc £f ^Ofl * plans for the year. | 1 VV Miss Jackson, the Bon Ton Captain Clayton stated yesterday Charles Smith,. a«,aged 311 years vears, ,die died'd * -T - • 1^1 U-IH-HO FRITZ WAGCiran. Kddte Mtlner v. State, from Spaiding. (!>!•- soii and Wardlaw. The body of J. B. Boyle, who died mJased,) Gtving Qualities- of the Sunday afternoon, will be taken this K»OM ISM* Vonrth Xa«M Dufc Bid*. Wlnrnan Powell v. State, from Sp»ldlnc. morning to Blue RJdge, Ga., for fu- | HOME Atlmmtm. Ga. Charlie Stokes v. state, from neral and Interment. famous Bon Ton Corsets M/SS AILEEN HEPPNER NoJson Strickland v. State, from Plerc*. William Bell v. State, from Dougherty. In her twic&yearly trips to Atlanta in the ACQUITTED OF PERJURY Bud Black, alias F. Smith, T. State, from last five years. Miss Jackson has estab- REDUCED TO $5 A TON. Oglethorpe. I £,. C. Woodcock v. State, from Warn*. lished a wide reputation as a oorsetier, Chicagp, March 3.—Miss Aileen BEST HIGH GRADE JEL- 1 Rich Arnall v. State, from Coweta, Many of the best dressed women in Atlanta He-ppner, accused of perjury In con- Wald.o fJunn v. State, from Fannln. nection with the alienation suit of LICO COAL. CARROLL Con Moore v. state; from Bartow. wait to be fitted before starting on their John C. Henning against Clarence S. YOU CAN DEPEND Collier Terry v. State, fit»m TJouflmm. campaign .with the suit and dressmakers. Funk, former general manager of' the G. H. Manaon v. State, from Emanuel, International Harvester company, was & HUMTJSK. Elby Thompson v. State, from Pierce. Miss Jackson will 'give special fittings for found not guilty by a jury today. Florled Mills v. State, irum Fulton. two weeks. Appointments can be made by Henning. a bell boy. sued Funk for Upon Us to Furnish Just the telephone. ' , ' alleged alienation of the affection of Mrs: Henning. The Henning suit fell SUCCESS DEPENDS through, and resulted in a vindication My Many Friends have not invited I largely on your foresight—planning of Funk. Later, conspiracy charges Accessory You Need I ahead and preparing to take adv-antage Bon Ton Corsets Are •were flled against some of the partici- me. I have a strong desire to be i of every opportunity ami to be rea-dy pants in the alienation suit, and Oan- • for an emergency. Don/t depend on iel Donahoe, attorney for Henning1, was Secretary of the State of Ceorgia. one pair of glasses: you break thorn to $25 found guilty. ELYEA-AUSTELL CO. just when you need them most. An Miss Heppner had testified that she Vote for me. Vote! Vote! Vote! extra pair saves .valuable- "time. At • (Corsets— Second Floor.) {sair-Funk.antJL Mrs. Henning in a Chl- EVERYTHING For Your Auto least have an extra pair of lenses made r~c;aK<*"ntrtet; in--the--conspiracy trial W. G. KEEN. ... up, ready to insert, in your frames Mrs. Kenning- testified, that, .ph* had _.;"_.. 7 Fora" Viney, ~G«.~ ' quickly. A. K. Hawkes .Co« Opticians, RICH & BROS. CO -j-never met Jfunte. 14 Whitehall.—'(Adv.)