THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION OnllT ••* maaifr carrier 'delfnry, 13 ffmtm . VoL iXXTVX—No. 262. ATLANTA, GA^ WEDNESDAY MORNING, , MARCH 4, 1914. —FOURTEEN PAGES. tlmflr eofin •» tkc mnctB ud at •ewMtmd* C cnrts. MENACED BY DEATH, MILLIONAIRE POST HREET CLAIMS Now! Get Busy! LUTHER Z. RACES TO THE KNIFE GREATLY LESSENED Los Anseles. Cal., March S.—C. W. PROVING NECESSITY HOLDS CONFERENCE Post, millionaire manufacturer of Bat- tle Creek, Mich., passed through here late today In'a special train bound for BY GREAT BRITAIN Rochester, Minn., for an immediate surgical operation. He -was accompa- OFA MHEW YORK OVER nied by Mrs. Post and a physician, who attended him at his winter home at United gtates Will Not Be Santa Barbara. With $184,729 Needed to Mr." Post arrived at Santa. Barbara LEO FRANK'S CASE Asked to Use Force as a a month a?o, broken in health. His Complete Big Improve- condition grew worse, and today at- Result of the Killing of tending: physicians said his only hope ments Started, Only $78,- lay in an immediate operation. Doubt Lawyers for Prisoner Tell Benton. was expressed, however, that he could 000 Is Available at Present. New York Newspaper survive the trip to Hochester Men Atlanta Was Stirred AMERICAN ATTITUDE STEVENSON'S WIDOW WORK OF YEAR PLANNED by Large Number of Un- TO BE MORE ACCRESSIVE IN LAST TESTAMENT\ BY STREET COMMITTEE avenged Murders, and SCORES SON'S WIFE That the Newspapers and President Wilson, British Spring Street Committee Santa Barbara, Cal., March 3.—Mrs. People Were Determined Minister and Sir Lionel Robert I*ouia Stevenson's -will, dispos- Asks Indorsement of Plans ing of an estate valued at $120.54)0, was on Meting Out Punish- Garden Go Over Entire filed for probate here today by Lloyd and Profiles for Grading ment to Slayer of Girl. Osbourae, her son. Under its terms Situation. the estate ffoes to Mrs. Stevenson's School Lot Section. daughter, Mrs. lEObel Strongr, with in- structions to pay Hoyd Osbourno ?300 Presentation of claims ag-gregatlng FAIR TRIAL POSSIBLE a month for life. Another provision of $184,729 to carry out Atlanta's most CARB.ANZA 3TAMES BOARD the -will reads: IN ATLANTA NOW, SAYS TO PROBE BENTON CASE conspicuous street improvements gave "To Katharine Durham Osbonrne, of impetus to the agitation for a $3,000,- Nogales, Sonora, March 3.—A incredible ferocity, who lived on my ROSSER IN INTERVIEW commission to investigate the Ben- bounty for many years, at the same 000 bond issue for street, sewer a nd ton case was appointed tonight T>y time pursuing me with malicious slan- school improvements, following a General Carranza. The decision der, I leave SB." meeting of council's street committee was taken after a long session of Katharine Durham Osboraa is the Tuesday afternoon. Harry Latham Returns to the provisional cabinet. It was said wife of Lloyd Osbourne, the son of Mrs. Mayor James G. Woodward admits the dearth at Juarez of the British Stevenson. that the appropriations for street work Atlanta With New Affida- subject, -William S. Benton, had oc- Edward Salisbury Field, secretary to are meager but he does not favor the cupied virtually all the attention ot Mrs. Stevenson, was bequeathed a small issuance of bonds at this time for any vit, in Which Attack Is Carranza and his advisers. piece of property. purpose. He takes the position that .the city should be clearly out of debt Made on Time Element as and all the bond money spent before Washington, March 3.—Great Brit- the city again burdens itself. Presented by Prosecution. ain's pronouncement through"" Sir Ed- . With a mere pittance of $78,000 ward Grey that the United States was available to carry out tbe plans q£ It Is Expected That Pris- in £10 way responsible for the recent Chief of Construction Clayton covering execution at Juarez of 'William S. Ben- street work alone, the street commit- tee began work Tuesday afternoon oner Will Be Brought Be- ton, a British subject, and that the planning its program for relief of bad American government would not be conditions of Atlanta's streets. fore Judge Ben Hill Today auked to resort to force as a result GUILT OF Muat Do Piecemeal Work. of the incident, was the chief factor ' "Miy estimates of improvements on to Be Sentenced, IB the Mexican situation today. the most important streets called for President Wilson, In a conference to- $184,729," Captain Clayton said. "We New Tork, Mardh S-—(-Special. 1<— night with Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, the LAID TO j ihaven't half the amount required to Luther Z. Rosser, of Atlanta, chief complete three big jobs, but there ap- British ambassador, and Sir Lionel Car- pears to be no relief and the best we counsel for Leo M. Franfc. arrived m " den, British minister to Mexico, is un- can do is to work piecemeal." New York today and. tonight empha- derstood to have expressed his approv- Albert Davis Confesses He The projects which cover the esti- sized the contention ot his associate al and appreciation of the friendly sen- mates—that amount asked by the con- Herbert J- Haas, th»t their client had timents uttered by the British foreign Murdered Wife of V. H.* struction department and the appro- not had a fair trial, that such had been secretary In the house of commons. priations—are as follows; impossible in Atlanta last summer be- '-nsion which had been felt here over "West Peachtree got $15,000, will cost Davis, Now in Jail at $38,880; West Mitcnell grot $6,000, will WIDOW ASKS LIFE cause of local conditions and the sen- i J killing of Benton arose largely be- cost $24,934.86; South Pryor street got sational report that had been spread cc*js& it was believed that Great Britain Brunswick for Crime. ?15,000, will cost $35,494.33; Peachtree FOR YOUNG BANDIT broadcast concerning the character of mtght press the United States into tak- i f "bottle neck" got $16,000, will coat ?35,- IS DEAD; ing drastic steps to obtain reparation, ' 621.55; Spring street got $5,000 for the accused. New -Orleans, "March 3.—(Special.)— rlgtht-of-way, will coat $30,000; Glenn WHO SLEW SPOUSE Mr. Rosser pointed out that the vet - More AjEarreBsive Attitude. diet of the Georgia supreme court, n. The Brlti sh view that the URS ted Realizing that he has put up a losing \ street grot ? 10,000 will cost $20000, and fight against tuberculosis and has not. «« Whitehall^ Forsyth projects got declining a new trial, was not baso<i States is not obligated to demand rep- CANALTOLl FIGHT Los Angelas, March 3.—Ralph Far- HIS VICTIM DYING on the evidence submitted In the lower aration for Great Britain relieved the long, to live, Albert Davis, of Brans- Tuesaay's^meetln« was Uver flrst held riss, the youthful Bakersfleld bandit court but upon -whether errors In laj - tension to some extent, although it is wick, Ga~> confessed today to killing hy' the streej, .committee - since the condemned to he hanged next Friday, clear ^Uat the Benton incident has de- his brother's wife near Brunswick, ac- finance sheet was adopted. Oi THursclay President .Will obtained an advocate of mercy in his Norcross "Man, Suddenly ins -down and following the l£\v n.ti' veloped an Intention on the part of cording- to a statement of the police. CoromiAsloners Waters, Wten and behalf today In the person of Mrs. been made -by "the judse who presided Davis said he heUeved his brother was I Smith, composing the improvement Edna Gerson Montague, widow of at the trial. the American government to take a committee, asked the city to prepare Personally Address Con- Going Mad, Shoots Up His charged with the crime. He is in a Horace Montague, the railroad official WHY FRANK •more aggressive attitude toward the a program of the. work it wishes start- whom Farriss murdered in a train hospital here and it Is "believed too ed first. gress and Urge Repeal of! contending factions in Mexico. holdup at 151 Monte, l}ecember ],,last- Family, Turns Gun on Self WAS CONVICTED. The entire situation was discussed at weak to be .removed. County Heady to Start. '"Why was Frank convicted'1" *a- Davis gave no reason for killing the Clause. ; Mrs. Montague telegraphed Governor and Gashes Throat. length tonight in the conference. It Commissioner Waters informed the Johnson begging executive clemency. asked Mr. Rosser. •was the first time the British ambas- woman, the police said. According to committee that the commission is "The reasons are difficult to ei.pla.ti their statement I>avis said he str-ack readiy to start the machinery in mo- "In the name of my two little girls sarlor had called on the president since Washington. March 3.—President and, of myself and my beloved hus- to any one who does not know what her with the butt of his revolver, tion on Spring street; in fact, he ex- Norcross, Ga., March. 3.—.(Spec-ia-1.) — t3te Benton execution, all his confer- "Wilson will personally address, a Joint band, I beg mercy for Farriss." Mrs the situation wae in Atlanta at the crushing her skull. Local officers plained that the county had already Luther Martin, a railway postal clerk, ences laving been with Secretary Bry- ordered a force of men to start work session of congress Thursday, advocat- 1 Montague's message read. time," he said. "My associate, Mr- Haas- have communicated with the sheriff of is dead and his mother-in-law, Mrs.
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