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IRISHIRISHAugust/September 2009 AMERICA AMERICACanada $4.95 U.S.$3.95





The Life

DISPLAY UNTIL SEPT. 30, 2009 08 of Brian 73334 74470 ’s Brian Moynihan

on family, Ireland and 09 what the future holds > AIF-Left 7/9/09 12:08 PM Page 1 AIF-Left 7/9/09 12:08 PM Page 2 MutualofAmerica 7/6/09 11:15 AM Page 1 WaterfordAD 7/10/09 2:06 PM Page 1 IA.38-41.rev.qxd 7/10/09 7:36 PM Page 38

38 IRISH AMERICA AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2008 IA.38-41.rev.qxd 7/10/09 7:36 PM Page 39

WAL L STREET50 KEYNOTE SPEAKER THE LIFE OF Brian Bank of America’s Brian Moynihan says “It doesn’t all break your way all the time, so you’ve got to just power through it.”

e has the look of an athlete, com- “He has proved in difficult environments he is pact with broad shoulders. He also very capable,” said Anthony DiNovi, co-president of has something of a pre-game private-equity firm Thomas H. Lee Partners focus, a quiet intensity, and gives LP, in a Wall Street Journal article by Dan the impression, even as he Fitzpatrick and Suzanne Craig. The article addressed answers questions, that he has his Moynihan’s emergence as a right-hand man and eye on the ball and he’s not forget- potential successor to Bank of America Corp. Chief ting for a moment that right now Executive Kenneth Lewis. he’s involved in the biggest game DiNovi, who has worked with Moynihan on past of his career. deals, also said, “When Ken has a tough job at hand HAt just 49, Brian Moynihan is engaged in the com- he turns to Brian, and Brian has always been there plicated task of integrating Lynch into Bank for him.” of America. Moynihan, who grew up in a small town in Ohio, A graduate of Brown University and the lives in Wellesley, Massachusetts with his wife, University of , Moynihan Susan Berry, whom he met while he was at Brown, joined FleetBoston in April 1993 as deputy general and their three children. He credits Susan’s family, counsel, and came to Bank of America following its along with playing rugby (which has taken him to acquisition of FleetBoston. Ireland on occasion), with bringing him up to speed He arrived at his present position as the head of on Irish culture. Bank of America’s Global Banking and Wealth “My wife’s grandmother is from Ireland so she’s Management in January, after Bank of America’s more the classic sort of Boston Irish Ð the Clancy $50 billion acquisition of Merrill Lynch and the brothers, the Irish humor and all that stuff,” he says, departure of Merrill’s CEO John Thain. adding that he’s been at many St. Patrick’s Day


AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009 IRISH AMERICA 39 TourismIrelandAD 7/6/09 11:25 AM Page 1 CIE Tours 7/6/09 10:57 AM Page 1 IA.38-41.rev.qxd 7/10/09 7:36 PM Page 40

Parades in Southie. His own family this. But it is a tribute to those hardscrab- to go to law school. It was a very support- immigrated in the 1850s to upstate New ble ancestors, and perhaps because he ive place and we had more fun than we York and grew vegetables. had inherited some of their tenacity and probably should have had. It’s a great Our meeting took place on the after- understanding “that it doesn’t all break school for a lot of reasons, but the law noon of June 15, at the newly constructed your way all the time, so you’ve got to school was small, you really knew the pro- Bank of America Tower at Avenue on the just power through it,” that Moynihan fessors, you really knew the undergradu- Americas in Midtown Manhattan. The took time out from his hectic schedule to ates. I played rugby so it was fun, too. massive steel and glass structure Ð a one talk to Irish America, and agreed to give billion dollar project Ð located on Avenue the Keynote Address at our annual Wall Do you think Rev. John Perkins, of the Americas Ð would seem to signal Street 50 dinner on August 24. Notre Dame’s president, was Bank of America’s confidence that it will right to invite President Obama Your family came over when? to give the commencement In the 1850’s. Both my parents come speech? from small towns in upstate New York I think he was right, his reasoning was where the Irish part of their families had right. I think at the end of the day one of farms and then opened some stores. My the challenges for a place like Notre grandfather was a lawyer up there. My Dame is to ensure that they maintain their dad went to school and became a chemist willingness to have the debate. I think to work for DuPont. I’m one of eight going back to Father Hesburgh [“Father children, number six. My parents moved Ted,” the man who led the University of to a little town in Ohio, called Marietta, Notre Dame for 35 years], the reason the month before I was born. why the university has had such an

TOP LEFT: Brian and his father Robert, impact on political leaders and others in near the Lakes of Killarney. ABOVE: Brian with his wife Susan, this country, is that they’re willing to daughter Mary, and son Christopher. have debates even though they have a LEFT: Brian and Mary on the family’s trip heritage and a particular point of view. It weather this current financial crisis. to Ireland in 2008. served them well. As I receive my visitor’s pass from After doing your undergrad at Security and find my way into the inner Brown you went to Notre Dame When were you last in Ireland? sanctum of the largest bank in the United Law School.Was that a different We went last August [2008]. We took States, passing through a futuristic set of experience? my father and mother, and three of my glass doors, I cannot help but think of Very different. Brown was a great siblings and our children went, so we Moynihan’s ancestors being processed school but it was very heavily Eastern. My had about 18 people traveling around in by immigration officials after landing in grandfather and my uncle both went to a bus, and it was a lot of fun. We went to New York. They could hardly have fore- Notre Dame, so I had a great Notre Dame Dublin for a few days and then took off seen a future that included anything like tradition. It was the best place in the world down to the southwest. We had a bus

40 IRISH AMERICA AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009 IA.38-41.rev.qxd 7/10/09 7:36 PM Page 41

driver who had that great Irish humor; we just laughed.

Did you discuss the economy? He [the bus driver] and other Irish peo- ple we met along the way had the com- mon view that it was prop- erty values and subprime mortgages and all that that created this worldwide finan- cial crisis which was starting to affect Ireland. But at the end of the day, it is local conditions that drive housing prices. Irish housing prices had gotten so out of control relative to what a person could pay that you knew they were going to face what they faced. It’s a classic problem that if you try to outgrow your normal growth rate there’s always a bub- ble on the other side of it. And as soon as the economy slowed down a little it just all came crashing down. It’ll adjust and come back.

Will the U.S. economy also adjust? Our view, as a company, is that we’ll start to see a little growth in the latter part of this year and into next year, but the American consumer is still struggling to pay their debts. American companies are more Ð they’re stabilizing, I think would

be the word we’d say right now, KIT DE FEVER PHOTO: in terms of their employment, in terms of their view of their future. They’re not robust and growing but they’re stabilizing, so they’ve come through the worst of it, and we see we’re starting to come out the other Brian Moynihan at the Bank of America side. And I think that bodes well Tower in Midtown Manhattan. for the whole world because when the American consumer spends, that helps everyone. it’s really tough. So I think the govern- Ireland and America and UK and ment did the right thing to calm the popu- Europe and China and Japan, every- The Irish government was the lation down by guaranteeing their body’s going to learn a series of lessons first to guarantee bank deposits. deposits, guaranteeing the liability side, from all this, but I think the common les- And after its bailout it now has and injecting their capital. I assume their son is going to be about leverage, and too 75 percent voting rights now in goal would be to sell their stock positions much borrowing. In Ireland for example, Anglo-Irish Bank. How does that down over time as the economy stabilizes. I saw houses that were valued at over $2 compare to here? But in the U.S. because of the number of million, beautiful houses but miles from I thought the Irish government did a institutions and the size of the capital mar- the city in the countryside, where popu- good job of stabilizing the situation. kets, we were able to raise our capital, our lation pressures were nonexistent. People What’s hard to appreciate here is how company and other companies, through bought outside their means, they much more consolidated most [national] private investors, after the government could’ve taken cash out to do something economies are compared to the U.S. Ð like gave us capital. else with it, just the same as the United Ireland in banking. When you have three States. A financial crisis was created by or four key institutions that aren’t stable Are there lessons to learn from and people start pulling their money out, the crisis? Continued on page 100

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Irish America Magazine & FTI Consulting extend a special thank you to our sponsors: Mutual of America • Waterford Crystal • 1-800-Flowers.com • The Coca-Cola Company • The American Ireland Fund • Continental Airlines • HSBC - North America • Invest Northern Ireland • Prudential • Shannon Development • UCD Michael Smurfit Business School • Irish Government Agencies: CIE Tours International • Enterprise Ireland • IDA Ireland • Tourism Ireland PRNewswireAD 7/6/09 11:22 AM Page 1 IA.43-45 (WS50 09)rev.qxd 7/11/09 1:51 PM Page 43

WA L L STREET50 PAINTING: KAMIL KUBIK Celebrating the Irish in the Finance Industry

AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009 IRISH AMERICA 43 FTI Consulting 7/6/09 11:08 AM Page 1 Shannon Develop 7/9/09 12:15 PM Page 1 IA.43-45 (WS50 09)rev.qxd 7/10/09 5:34 PM Page 44

WAL L STREET50 Gerald Beeson his, our Twelfth Annual Wall Street 50, Citadel Investment Group, L.L.C. is a celebration of the best and the Gerald A. Beeson is a senior managing director brightest and Irish- and COO of Citadel Investment Group, L.L.C. He is responsible for key corporate functions, including born who demonstrate standout suc- treasury, finance, human capital development, market- cess in the financial industry. ing, investor relations and corporate communications. Gerald joined Citadel in 1993 and was among the company’s first From to Texas,Boston to employees. He served as Citadel’s CFO from 2003 to 2008. California, to New York’s Wall Street Gerald is currently on the Board of Directors for The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation. He was named to Crain’s Chicago itself,America’s financial companies Business “Forty Under Forty” in 2007. Gerald has also maintained an T active involvement with education through participation as a member of and business executives have pressed through the Directory at Marist High School (Chicago), the Board of Trustees this year’s economic challenges and maintained for DePaul University and involvement with the Big Shoulders Fund. a balance of optimism and thoughtful planning Gerald received his MBA from the University of Chicago and his BS in commerce from DePaul University. He is a third-generation Irish for the times ahead.The Irish have a long tradi- American who traces his father's family back to County Mayo and his tion as survivors, a history which has served mother's family to County Cork. He believes that “the success of Irish- Americans is a testament to the work ethic and sacrifices of prior gener- many of our honorees well in staying afloat ations who overcame hardships, and is a powerful reminder of all that is this year. possible in America.” Gerald is married with four children. In 2009’s Wall Street 50, we welcome new Irish and Irish-American faces as well as cheer- Michael Brewster ing on those past honorees who have with- Credit Suisse stood the economic downfalls that have sur- Michael Brewster, managing director in the Private Banking Division of Credit Suisse, recently joined the rounded us, and maintained their Irish spirit, firm in September 2008 from Lehman Brothers. He is a humor and determination throughout. Our registered investment advisor involved in analyzing, reviewing, and investing for the MB Value and Growth keynote speaker, Brian Moynihan, came from a and MB Strategic Dividend & Income Portfolios. He also co-manages small town in Ohio to become president of the Small Mid-Cap and Special Situations Portfolio on the team. Michael is a board member of the Enterprise Ireland Financial global banking and wealth management at Bank Services Advisory Board and the Irish in Business Network. He was of America, and believes that the worst of the honored as one of the “Top 40 under 40” by The Irish Echo in 2008. Michael’s career at Lehman Brothers began in February 1993, and recent economic troubles are behind us.We he spent the past 16 years managing investments for high net worth congratulate this year’s Wall Street 50, and and institutional clients. He graduated from Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland with a diploma in management finance and offer a special word of thanks to our sponsor earned his BS from Thomas Edison State College with a degree in and co-host of this year’s Wall Street 50 din- business administration. Michael was born in Ireland. His family on his father’s side comes ner, FTI Consulting, Inc. from County Fermanagh; his mother’s family, the Hegartys, comes - Mortas Cine from County Longford. A member of the Ireland US Council, Michael lives in New York with his wife, Margaret.

Ancestral Links: Counties of Origin: Education: Cork MOST MENTIONED COLLEGES: Mayo Fordham 28% Clare Trinity 12% 16% Kerry St. John’s Donegal University College in Dublin 22% 22% Fermanagh New York University

44 IRISH AMERICA AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009 PrudentialAd 7/10/09 10:24 AM Page 1 BNY AD 7/6/09 10:56 AM Page 1 IA.46-59 (WS50 09)rev.qxd 7/9/09 3:30 PM Page 46

WAL L STREET50 Marianne Brown Mary Ann Charles Carey Omgeo L.L.C. Callahan CME Group Inc. Marianne C. Brown is president and CEO of Depository Trust & Charles P. “Charlie” Carey is vice Omgeo L.L.C. Marianne is an accomplished chief chairman of CME Group, a com- executive with a proven track record of driving Clearing Corporation pany formed by the 2007 merger revenue and income growth within complex glob- Mary Ann Callahan, managing of the Chicago Board of Trade al organizations. Prior to joining Omgeo in 2006, director of global relations and (CBOT) with the Chicago Marianne served as CEO of Securities Industry Automation development at DTCC, has for Mercantile Exchange. Today, Corporation. She began her career in 1978 at Automatic Data over 20 years cultivated CME Group is the largest deriva- Processing, Brokerage Services Group, now known as Broadridge DTCC’s strategic business rela- tives exchange in the world, with Financial Services, where she remained until 2005. Throughout her tionships and links with other operations in over 85 countries. 26 years at ADP, she held numerous positions that provided a broad market infra- Earlier, Charlie was chairman of swath of experience. Marianne has been profiled extensively in the structures. She the CBOT from 2003 until press, in outlets such as CNBC’s Squawk Box, The Wall Street served as head assuming his current position at Journal, and Wall Street & Technology. of DTCC’s CME Group in July 2007. A native of Brooklyn, NY, Marianne is a graduate of Concordia London office Previously, he served on the College with a degree in business. Marianne is a second-generation for four years, CBOT Board of Directors for Irish American, and her father's side of the family came from County and as president eleven years in various roles, Fermanagh. She lives in Westchester, NY with her husband and son. of the Americas’ including vice chairman, first Central Securities Depositories vice chairman and full member Association since 2007, she director. An independent futures Christopher Don Connelly leads a regional forum of 25 trader, Charlie became a member Condron Don Connelly & national market infrastructures. of CBOT in 1978 and is a partner A third-generation Irish in the firm Henning and Carey. AXA Financial Associates American, Mary Ann earned a In 2007, Charlie was presented Christopher M. “Kip” Condron Don Connelly, perhaps the BA at Manhattanville College with the Oak Park and River was elected president and CEO of nation’s most successful advisor and an MBA in finance at Forest High AXA Financial, Inc. and a mem- to the retail brokerage industry, NYU’s Stern School of School Tradition ber of the AXA Group has long been a powerful beacon Business. Her maternal grandfa- of Excellence Management Board in 2001. In of wisdom to ther, whose parents emigrated Award and earli- addition, Kip is chairman of the investors and from Dublin, served with the er that year with board, president and CEO of financial services Fighting 69th during WWI. the Western AXA Financial’s principal insur- professionals. During her childhood, her Illinois ance subsidiary, AXA Equitable His career on grandfather marched each year University Life Insurance Company, and is Wall Street spans with his Irish-heritage regiment Distinguished Alumni Award for responsible for AllianceBernstein, nearly 40 years at the front of NY’s St. Patrick’s his business and professional AXA’s majority owned Asset and includes Day Parade. Her paternal great- accomplishments. He is president Management firm. Kip joined positions as grandparents hailed from Mayo. of the Chicagoland Sports Hall of The Boston Company in 1989 as stock broker, financial planner, Regularly in touch with Fame, an organization that pro- vice chairman and head of the branch manager, wholesaler, and Invest Northern Ireland’s NY vides scholarships for underprivi- Private Client Group. Prior to national sales manager, and for team, Mary Ann is also a keen leged youths. joining the Boston Company, he nearly 19 years he was company supporter of International A lifelong resident of Chicago, was co-president of AYCO, the spokesperson, senior vice presi- Center in New York, Covenant Charlie received a BA degree in financial and tax planning sub- dent and senior marketing officer House and Iona College. business administration from sidiary of for Putnam. Now, as founder of Western Illinois University. American CampConnelly.com, an extraordi- Express, which nary ‘e-boot camp,’ Don’s timely acquired his and provocative sales ideas are Brendan Connolly Pittsburgh-based available to thousands of finan- UBS Investment Bank firm, Condron cial professionals around the Brendan Connolly is a managing director and head Associates. globe. Audiences at England’s of Leveraged Capital Markets for UBS Investment Kip is on the Cambridge University, Harvard, Bank in New York. In this role, he manages UBS's board of AllianceBernstein Wharton School of Business, Global High Yield Bond and Loan Capital Markets Corporation and AXA Financial, Chapman College and activities and is a member of the Credit/Fixed Inc., a member of the Financial Pepperdine have all benefited Income Management Committee and the IBD Americas Executive Services Roundtable and chair- from his presentations. Committee. man of its Board of Directors. He Offering practical guidance to Brendan received a BA in economics from Rutgers University and is a director of The American financial services professionals, an MBA in finance from Columbia Business School. Prior to his cur- Ireland Fund and also serves as Don is known as a guru on man- rent position, Brendan worked for Credit Suisse Group in New York. treasurer and chairman of its aging client relationships, selling He joined UBS's High Yield Syndicate group in 2004, with responsi- Executive Committee. and becoming a successful finan- bility for the firm's High Yield underwriting risk. Married with three children, cial advisor. A Bronx native, Brendan is married with three children. He is a Kip is a third-generation Irish A third-generation Irish first-generation Irish American and very proud of his Irish heritage. American with roots in counties American, Don says, “Being of His father John hails from Tyholland, County Monaghan and is the Donegal and Cork. Irish descent makes me stand just a bit taller.” proprietor of the popular Connolly's midtown Manhattan pubs; his mother Mary hails from Irishtown, County Mayo.

46 IRISH AMERICA AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009 INI-AD 7/10/09 6:33 PM Page 1 CreditSuisse 7/6/09 11:06 AM Page 1 HSBCAd 7/8/09 6:44 PM Page 1 IA.46-59 (WS50 09)rev.qxd 7/9/09 3:43 PM Page 48

WAL L STREET50 Gavan Corr Christopher Hillary Cullen NYSE Technologies Crotty UBS Gavan Corr is a director of Farina & Associates, Inc. Hillary Cullen joined UBS Financial Services in NYSE Technologies, the com- Christopher C. Crotty, Esq. is 1998 through its predecessor firm Paine Webber and mercial technology division of vice president and director of currently works as the vice president of investments NYSE Euronext. Growing up in convertible trading at Farina and at UBS. She is a member of the Sager/Swasey Ballyhegan, Co. Armagh, he was Associates, Inc. Born in Toledo, Group in the Private Wealth Management office at educated at Queen’s University, Ohio, Chris was raised in UBS and works as a private wealth advisor. Belfast and the Hamburg, NY, and studied at Hillary graduated from Wheaton College with a BA in mathematics. Ulster Business Fordham University and the New She is a former director of business development, RGE monitor and School. He has York Law School. During his associate director of international sales for International Strategy & over 12 years time at Fordham, Chris was Investments (ISI), both leading macroeconomic research firms. She experience offered a position as an assistant started her career as a portfolio assistant at Morris & McVeigh, LLP, a working at the research analyst at McMahan trust and estate law firm. Hillary then worked for the Archdiocese of leading edge of securities. After suggesting the New York with charitable fundraising and development. She is a mem- financial tech- company place someone on the ber of the board of advisors for Cathedral High School in New York nology. He lived and worked in floor at the New York Stock and a member of The American Ireland Fund. Vienna, Stockholm, Frankfurt, Exchange, Chris found himself Hillary is a third-generation Irish American. Her father’s family hails Paris, Palo Alto and London right in the heart of the NYSE. from Blackwater, County Wexford and her mother’s family from before moving to New York full Chris later joined Cuttone and County Clare. Hillary says that her Irish heritage gives her pride in time in 2003. Gavan began his Company, who made him a bro- where she comes from, in her family and her faith. career with Irish based First ker in 1998. Chris joined Vincent Derivatives working with Morgan Farina & Associates in 1994. The Stanley, JPMC and Bank of firm has since branched into the David Dempsey Craig Donohue America amongst others. This futures markets, prime brokerage, Bentley Associates L.P. CME Group Inc. was followed by three years at research, and David Dempsey, who has over Craig S. Donohue has served as Gemstone Systems before mov- compliance con- 28 years of experience as an CEO of CME Group and its pred- ing to NYSE Euronext. sulting. international investment banker ecessor compa- Gavan travels often to Belfast Chris traces specializing in private equity, ny, CME where the firm has a substantial his roots back to mergers and acquisitions, is a Holdings Inc., core engineering center serving County Clare, managing director at Bentley since 2003. He the global needs of NYSE Kilrush and Associates L.P. in New York. joined CME as Technologies. He also works with Kilkee on his Prior to joining Bentley, David an attorney in Invest NI promoting Northern father’s side and Ennis on his worked with a number of banks 1989. During his Ireland as a destination for high mother’s. Chris resides in in New York and London, on 20 years at tech and financial companies. Pelham, NY with his wife the merger and acquisition and CME, Craig has held a range of Gavan spends as much time as Jennifer, daughters Delia and corporate finance sides and also positions with increasing respon- possible with his wife Aveen and Emma, and son Will. with a major management con- sibilities, including general coun- sons Matthew and Dara. Since In September 2008, Chris gave sulting firm. He began his sel and CAO. moving to NY, he admits to miss- a human face to the economic career at the In 2009, Craig was named to ing family, friends, Ballyhegan crisis when this photo of him on Chase Bank in Institutional Investor’s “Power Gaelic football and a decent pint the NYSE floor appeared on front London after 50” list of the world's most influ- of stout. pages of newspapers nationwide. completing his ential people in finance. He is a term as Secretary member of the Wall Street General of Journal’s CEO Council and John Daly AIESEC serves on the steering committee Goldman Sachs & Co. International in for its Future of Finance John Daly is co-head of the Industrial and Natural Brussels, and also serves as the Initiative, as well as serving on Resources (INR) Financing Group sector and head of director of The New Ireland the Commodity Futures Trading the INR sector in Equity Capital Markets New York. Fund, Inc., a closed-end diversi- Commission’s Global Markets He joined the firm in 1989 in Global Finance after fied investment company with Advisory Committee. working as a summer associate in 1988. John became 80 percent of its assets in a port- Craig holds an MBA degree a managing director in 1998 and a partner in 2000. folio of Irish securities. from Northwestern’s Kellogg After a three-year period in Hong Kong as co-head of Capital Markets, David is an advisory board Graduate School of Management, Asia ex-Japan, John returned to New York in his current role in late member for the Pennell Venture a JD degree from John Marshall 2003. Before moving to Hong Kong, he had responsibility for Energy Partners Marathon Fund L.P., Law School, an ML degree in and Power transactions in the Equity Capital Markets (ECM) Group in and the founder of the China financial services regulation from New York. John worked for four years in the Corporate Finance Group Investment Group, LLC. David IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law within the Investment Banking Division prior to his transfer to ECM. grew up in Dublin and earned a and a BA degree in political sci- John is a member of the Foundation Board, the bachelor of commerce degree ence and history from Drake Trinity School of Business Advisory Board and the Financial Services from University College Dublin University. Advisory Board of Enterprise Ireland. He earned an MBA from Wharton, and his MBA from Fordham Craig is a third-generation Irish a BAI in engineering, and a BA in mathematics from the University of University. He lives in New American with roots in County Dublin, Trinity College. A Dublin native, John lives in New York City York City with his wife Cork. He lives in Northbrook, and is married with four children. Deborah and their daughter. Illinois, with his wife and their three children.

48 IRISH AMERICA AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009 MEtlife 7/10/09 2:22 PM Page 1 BOA AD 7/10/09 2:04 PM Page 1 IA.46-59 (WS50 09)rev.qxd 7/9/09 4:47 PM Page 50

WAL L STREET50 Michael Doorley • Fidelity Investments Terrence Duffy Bryan Durkin Michael Doorley is executive vice president, chief CME Group Inc. CME Group Inc. administrative officer and a member of the Terrence A. Duffy has served as Bryan T. Durkin has served as Executive Committee of Fidelity Investments. executive chairman of CME managing director and COO of Prior to joining Fidelity, Michael was most Group since 2007. Previously, CME Group Inc. since July recently chief administrative officer of the he served as chairman of the 2007. He previously held a vari- International Division of Prudential Financial Inc. board of CME and CME ety of leadership roles with Previously, Michael held the positions of chief Holdings since 2002 and as Chicago Board of Trade from financial officer and chief administrative officer for executive chairman since 2006. 1982 to 2007, most recently as Van Eck Global. In 2002, executive vice president and Michael received a bachelor of arts degree in accounting from Terrence was COO. He also served as chair- Fordham University and is certified public accountant and member of appointed by man of the Joint Compliance the New York State Society of CPAs. He travels to Ireland frequently President Bush Committee for all US futures both on personal trips and for business. He is a member of the Ireland- to serve on a exchanges and represented US Council and is associated with Irish-American philanthropic activ- National Saver CBOT on various industry pan- ities. Summit on els concerning trading practices Born in New York City, Michael is a first-generation Irish American Retirement and trading operations. whose parents were both from Strokestown, County Roscommon. Savings. He was appointed by Bryan, who has also been an President Bush and confirmed adjunct faculty member of by the U.S. Senate in 2003 as a Lewis University's MBA pro- Mary Callahan Michael Farrell member of the Federal gram teaching courses in organi- Retirement Thrift Investment zational behavior and manage- Erdoes MetLife Board (FRTIB). ment, is a second-generation J.P.Morgan Michael K. Farrell is executive Terrence currently serves on Irish American who traces his Mary Callahan Erdoes is chair- vice president at MetLife the Board of Directors of World roots to County Mayo on both man and chief executive officer responsible for the Retirement & Business Chicago, the Board of sides. He credits his Irish immi- of Global Wealth Management Wealth Management businesses. Regents for Mercy Home for grant grandparents with “paving for J.P. Morgan. A member of Since November 2008, Michael Boys and Girls, the Board of the way” for his “beautiful and the J.P. Morgan Chase Executive has run all Trustees of Saint Xavier productive life,” Committee, Mary is responsible aspects of University, and is co-chair of the adding, “The for the firm's ultra high net MetLife’s annu- Mayo Clinic Greater Chicago Irish have worth clients. ity business. Leadership Council. He is chair- proven to be a Since joining J.P. Morgan in Michael has man of the NYMEX Foundation resilient and giv- 1996, she has served in a variety over 33 years of and vice chairman of the CME ing culture and I of roles including head of experience in Group Foundation. Terrence is a am most grateful Investment Management and the financial member of the Economic Club to be a part of Alternative Solutions services industry. Before joining of Chicago, the Executives’ that legacy.” for the Private Bank and chief MetLife in 2001, he was presi- Club of Chicago and the Bryan has a bachelor’s degree executive officer of J.P. dent of Michael K. Farrell President’s Circle of the in business administration and Morgan's Private Bank. Associates, Inc., which at the Chicago Council on Global an MBA from Lewis University. An Illinois native, Mary is a time of its sale to ING in 2001 Affairs. He attended the Bryan lives in Chicago with his fourth-generation Irish had over 1,500 clients. University of Wisconsin- wife and five children. American. Her great-grandpar- Michael’s interest in his Irish Whitewater. In 2007, he ents emigrated from counties heritage was passed on to him received a Doctor of Humane Cork on her from his parents. His paternal Letters from DePaul University. father's side grandparents emigrated from and Tipperary Tuam, Co. Galway. Michael’s on her moth- first of some 60 trips to Ireland Ryan Fennelly • RBC Capital Markets er's. was after his graduation from St. Ryan Fennelly is a director on The US Treasury Mary Benedict’s Prep and established Trading Desk at RBC Capital Markets, the invest- received her a connection to family that con- ment-banking arm of Canada's biggest lender, the BS from tinues to this day. Michael was Royal Bank of Canada. Born and raised in New Georgetown University and her named New Jersey Irishman of York, Ryan is a graduate of Cornell University MBA from Harvard Business the Year in 2005 by the Brian with a BS in applied economics & business man- School. She currently serves on Boru Society. He and his family agement. Ryan was previously the head US agency the Board of Directors of the US were honored in 2007 by trader at Credit Suisse Securities. Fund for UNICEF. Fordham University with the Ryan is a second-generation Irish American whose maternal Mary lives with her husband prestigious Mara Award. grandparents came from Kerry and whose father’s grandparents emi- and three daughters in New Michael is a graduate of grated from Kilkenny. Ryan is an avid golfer and makes annual trips York City. Fairleigh Dickinson University. to the emerald isle. He and his wife Nancy live in Ryan appreciates his Irish heritage and work ethic and uses it to New Vernon, NJ, and are the instill hard work and discipline in every day life. He says, “I can proud parents of Meghan and remember my grandmother who was proud to be an Irish American Seann. Catholic. My mother named me Ryan Patrick after my grandfather. She taught me to be a God-fearing, loyal citizen who respects coun- try and his fellow man.” Ryan currently lives with his wife, Helen, and their three children in Rockville Centre, New York.

50 IRISH AMERICA AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009 CME Group 7/10/09 2:23 PM Page 1 PricewaterhouseCoopers 7/6/09 5:46 PM Page 1 AXA Equitable 7/10/09 2:24 PM Page 1 IA.46-59 (WS50 09)rev.qxd 7/9/09 4:50 PM Page 52

WAL L STREET50 Robert Golden Matt Gorman Michael Higgins Prudential Financial Credit Suisse CIBC World Markets Robert Charles “Bob” Golden joined Prudential Matt W. Gorman is a managing Michael Higgins is managing in 1976 and is now executive vice president of director of Credit Suisse and New director and head of Real Estate Prudential Financial. Under his leadership, York regional office manager of Finance at CIBC World Prudential founded a technology and call center Private Banking USA. He joined Markets. CIBC is a leading in County Donegal, which now employs 700 peo- Credit Suisse First Boston in financial institution and one of ple. Bob, who earned his BS and MBA from Fordham University, 2000 when the firm merged with the largest in North America, serves as first vice chair and director of HeartShare Human Services Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette, with total assets exceeding $200 of New York, a nonprofit organization for children in need. In 2000, where he was a producing man- billion and offices around the he received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. In 2001, he was named ager and a recipient of the Super world. Man of the Year by Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and by the New Achiever Award in 1999. Prior to Michael is one of the most York Aquarium. In 2002, Bob was named Man of the Year by joining DLJ in active and respected real estate Catholic Big Brothers, and in 2006 was named a Distinguished Irish 1994, he worked finance executives in the U.S. American by New York City Comptroller, William Thompson. Bob for Kidder He has experience in all aspects is a Knight of Malta and a Knight Grand Cross of the Holy Peabody in of the real estate industry and Sepulchre. A third-generation Irish American with roots in County Private Client has been involved in the financ- Mayo, Bob is a member of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, the Services, where ing and advisory of over $50 Ancient Order of Hibernians and the St. Patrick Society of he served as the billion of commercial real estate Brooklyn. He and his wife Maureen live in Staten Island with their sales manager of transactions. two children, Katie and Bobby. the headquarters office. He grad- A native of County Mayo, uated from Princeton in 1978 Michael earned a bachelor of with a BA in economics, and commerce degree from National Karen Higgins- James Hogan spent two years working in public University of Ireland, Galway, Carter HSBC accounting with PriceWaterhouse where he serves prior to attending the Wharton James Hogan is on the founda- GE Asset Management Business School for his MBA. executive vice tion board. Karen Higgins-Carter is the Matt is a third-generation Irish president and He also holds chief information officer for GE American. His great grandfather, regional head of a master of sci- Asset Management. In this William Gorman, came to the Portfolio ence degree in capacity, she oversees the opera- United States in 1855 when he Management - real estate tions and enhancement of all was 18 years old with no money North America finance from GEAM IT systems. and looked for work, leaving his for HSBC Bank New York University. Karen was hired as an IT family behind in County Clare. USA, N.A., a Michael, who is married and strategy leader at General William settled in the Hartford, subsidiary of HSBC Holdings has four children, is a member Electric Capital Services in CT area. Matt’s maternal ances- plc (NYSE: HBC). In this role, of The American Ireland Fund. 1998. In 1999, she joined GE tors, the Moroneys, came to which he assumed in December An avid golfer, he served as Consumer Finance responsible America in 1842 and settled out- 2008, he is responsible for chairman of the AIF’s golf out- for all IT project delivery for side of Cleveland, OH. ensuring a satisfactory return on ing at Baltusrol, New Jersey in GE’s US private label credit Matt has five children and three HSBC’s commercial lending 2004. card clients. Most recently, dogs. He and his wife of 27 portfolio from a capital manage- Karen led IT years, Lorri, live in Pelham ment perspective. Operations Manor, New York. for GE In more than 20 years of Commercial experience with HSBC, James Finance with a has served in a variety of posi- specific focus tions in Asia, the Middle East, Paul Keary • FTI Consulting on IT security, Europe and the United States. Paul Keary is senior managing director and direc- disaster recov- He transferred from Hong Kong tor of business integration with NYSE listed FTI ery and continuous improve- to New York City in September Consulting. Paul is also a board director of ment in system availability and 2007. During his career, he has Financial Dynamics Ireland. He brings over 13 performance. held senior management posi- years experience on both sides of the Atlantic. Prior to GE, Karen was a tions in Global Transaction Prior to joining FTI, Paul held a senior man- manager at Andersen Consulting Banking, Commercial Banking, agement position for an international PR agency (now Accenture) in New York. Global Banking and Markets, and advised a wide number of blue chip technolo- While at Andersen, she special- and Strategic Planning. gy companies on communications strategy surrounding IPOs and ized in application development James was born and grew up M&A activity. Previously he was also head of communications for to support emerging broadband in Dublin; he earned a bachelor Xerox Europe Ltd. services in the telecommunica- of commerce degree from A marketing and communications graduate, Paul has twice been tions industry. Karen earned a University College in Dublin. awarded by the Public Relations Consultants Association, for BS in mechanical engineering He believes that “being Irish Excellence in Financial Communications and Excellence in and a BA degree with a major in allows you to keep an open Corporate Communications. economics from Lafayette mind about relating to other Paul is currently a director of the US Foundation Board for College. She is a fourth-genera- people and their values.” James National University of Ireland, Galway, a founding board director of tion Irish American with roots in is married to Josie, who hails the IN-NYC business network, and was recently honored as a recipi- County Cork. from Hong Kong, and they live ent of The Irish Echo’s “Top 40 Under 40” Awards for North in New York City. America.

52 IRISH AMERICA AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009 OmgeoAD 7/10/09 2:26 PM Page 1 GrosvenorAD 7/10/09 2:01 PM Page 1 IA.46-59 (WS50 09)rev.qxd 7/9/09 4:50 PM Page 54

WAL L STREET50 Denis Kelleher Sean Kelleher Shaun Kelly • KPMG Wall Street Access Wall Street Access Shaun Kelly is the vice chair in charge of KPMG’s US Tax practice and regional head of the Americas Denis Kelleher is founder and As managing director of Wall Tax practice. He is responsible for setting the strate- chief executive officer of Wall Street Access, the financial gic direction for, and overseeing the operations of, Street Access. Since 1981, Wall services organization founded KPMG’s Tax practice. Shaun leads a team of over Street Access has combined an by his father Denis Kelleher, 400 tax partners and more than 4,000 tax profes- independent, entrepreneurial Sean has helped guide the firm sionals. He serves as a member of the firm’s culture with a powerful platform through successful ventures in Management and Operating Committees. Prior to assuming the vice to build and operate a diverse online brokerage, institutional chair role in 2005, Shaun led KPMG’s Global Transaction Services set of successful financial serv- research and trading, and asset practice and was regional coordinating partner for the Transaction ices businesses. management. In 1992, Sean Services practice in the Americas. Denis began his career in joined the firm as a clerk and Shaun grew up in Belfast and attended Holy Child Primary 1958 as a now manages a team of more School and St. Mary’s Christian Brothers Grammar School in West messenger than 50 analysts, traders and Belfast. He received a bachelor of commerce degree from University with Merrill salespeople. College, Dublin. Shaun first moved to the US in 1984 on a short-term Lynch, where A graduate of Wagner assignment. After working in Belfast from 1990-1999 he returned to through College, Sean now serves on the US where he has worked in KPMG’s offices in San Francisco, dynamic the college’s alumni board and Chicago and New York. Shaun lives in Connecticut with his wife financial tal- finance committee. He also Mary, who was born in Donegal, and their four children, two of whom ent, he rose serves as co-chairman of the were born in Belfast. dramatically through the compa- Staten Island Film Festival and ny ranks until 1969 when he is the co-founder of the Gerry founded Ruane Cunniff and its Red Wilson Foundation to sup- Sequoia Fund. In 1981, he port spinal meningitis research. Sean Kilduff Thomas Lynch founded Wall Street Access. Sean, who spent the sum- UBS Milkie/Ferguson Denis, a native of County mers of his youth in Ireland, As senior vice president of Investments Kerry, is a graduate of St. John’s working the investments at UBS Private Thomas “Tom” University, where he served as bog, says the Wealth Management, Sean T. Lynch is a vice chairman of the board for the catalysts behind Kilduff focuses on delivering president of last eight years. He is director of his love for Irish customized solutions to high net investments and The New Ireland Fund and culture are his worth individuals and families. registered princi- member of the Staten Island family and play- He also serves as senior portfolio pal with the Foundation, and was proud to be ing Gaelic foot- manager in the Portfolio Dallas-based recognized with the Ellis Island ball in his Management Program concen- firm Medal of Honor in 1995. In father’s village trated on developing customized Milkie/Ferguson Investments. 2005, Denis was Grand Marshal in County Kerry. He lives on investment strategies that utilize 2009 is Tom’s 25th year in the of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Staten Island, New York with strategic and tactical asset alloca- investment business. in New York City. He is married his wife Wendy and their three tion models. Throughout his career, Tom with three children and seven children, Maggie, Jack and Born and has earned numerous Top- grandchildren. Denis. raised in New Producer awards. He specializes York, Sean is a in stocks, exchange traded graduate of St. funds, option strategies and IRA John’s University rollovers. Donald Keough with a BS in Tom graduated from the Allen & Company Incorporated finance. He University of Missouri-Kansas Donald Keough is chairman of the board of Allen & began his career at Shearson City. He is a second-generation Company Incorporated. He was elected to that posi- Lehman Brothers and spent nine Irish American whose father’s tion in 1993. Donald retired as president, COO and a years at Morgan Stanley Global family was from Roscommon director of The Coca-Cola Company in 1993, posi- Wealth Management before mov- and his mother’s from Cork. tions he held since 1981. His tenure with the compa- ing his team and practice to UBS Pride in his Irish heritage was ny dates back to 1950. Donald currently serves on the boards of Private Wealth Management. ingrained from childhood. Tom IAC/InterActive Corp, Global Yankee Holdings, Sean is a first-generation Irish and his wife have been active in Inc. and The Coca-Cola Company. Donald has served for many years as American whose mother was the past with Project Children, a member of the boards of McDonald’s Corp., The Washington Post born and raised in Dublin. His which brings children from the Co., H. J. Co. and . He is chairman emeritus of father’s family is from North of Ireland to the US each the Board of Trustees and a life trustee of the . Westmeath. Sean notes, “Having summer. He is also a member of Donald has received many honors including honorary doctorates from visited my grandmother in the American Ireland Fund and the University of Notre Dame, his alma mater Creighton University, and Dublin often, Ireland became a supports Concern USA. The Trinity University in Dublin. He received the University of Notre big part of my life from an early motto on the Lynch family Irish- Dame’s highest honor, the Laetare Medal, in 1993. age. As a result, I gained a true coat of arms is Semper Fidelis Donald resides in , Georgia with his wife, Marilyn. They have appreciation for the world (Always Faithful) and serves as six children and eighteen grandchildren. Donald received honorary Irish famous warmth and incredible Tom’s code of conduct: always citizenship in June 2007. wit of the Irish people.” faithful to family, friends, Sean lives in Rockville clients, Irish Catholic heritage Centre, New York with his wife and to Texas and the USA. Jean and their four children.

54 IRISH AMERICA AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009 Don KeoughAD 7/10/09 10:26 AM Page 1 IA.46-59 (WS50 09)rev.qxd 7/9/09 4:51 PM Page 57

WAL L STREET50 Meg McCarthy • Aetna Inc. Brendan Liam McGee As chief information officer and senior vice president of McDonagh Bank of America Procurement and Real Estate, Meg McCarthy is responsible for all Liam E. McGee is president of information technology services, process and performance improve- HSBC Brendan the Consumer & Small Business ment, procurement and real estate at Aetna Inc. Prior to being named Bank for Bank of America, CIO in 2005, Meg was vice president and head of Business McDonagh is chief executive which serves 55 million US con- Solutions Delivery at Aetna. sumer and small business house- Meg received her master’s of public health degree in hospital officer of HSBC Ð North America holds. In addition, he is responsi- administration from Yale University and received her BA in philoso- ble for the corporation’s global phy from Providence College. Before working for Holdings Inc. Appointed CEO technology and delivery in the Aetna, she was senior vice president of over 30 countries in which Bank Information Technology at CIGNA. in February 2008, he is responsible for the of America operates. Meg’s military experience includes US Navy Liam joined Bank of America Medical Services Corps; lieutenant at Bethesda group’s banking and consumer finance operations in the US and in 1990 and has broad leader- Naval Hospital; and US Navy Reserves, lieu- ship experience in consumer tenant commander. Canada. In 2008 Brendan also became group managing director banking, corporate and commer- A third-generation Irish American whose cial banking, and technology father’s family came from Kerry, Meg is a member of the Ancient for HSBC Holdings plc, and is a member of the HSBC Group and operations. In 2001, he was Order of Hibernians and calls her Irish heritage a source of “strong appointed president of the Bank spirit, personal warmth, and perseverance.” Management Board. He joined HSBC in 1979 as an internation- of America Consumer Bank. al manager and held a series of Active in civic affairs and senior executive positions before education, Liam is a member of becoming CEO. the National Urban League Thomas Anthony Murphy Brendan was born and raised Board of Trustees and the Meagher Jr. HSBC in Dublin and received his bach- Financial Services Roundtable Anthony J. “Tony” Murphy is elor’s and master’s degrees from Board of Directors. Additionally, Grosvenor Capital he serves on the board of the Management L.P. senior executive vice president Trinity College. He is past chair- of Strategy Implementation at man of the Consumer Bankers Andres H. Thomas Meagher Jr. joined HSBC North America Holdings Association, a member of the Bechtler Arts Grosvenor Capital Management, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary Civic Committee of the Foundation. A L.P., in 2001 and shares respon- of HSBC Holdings plc Commercial Club of Chicago, native of sibility for business develop- (NYSE:HBC). Prior to his and a member of the Chicago County ment. Grosvenor, established in appointment to this role, Tony Council on Global Affairs. Donegal, 1971, is a pioneer in the hedge was head of Portfolio Brendan is active in several Ireland, Liam fund industry. Management for HNAH. He USA/Ireland organizations, grew up in From 1998 to 2001, Thomas was formerly president and CEO including the New York Southern California and speaks was a director with First Union of HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. Regional Board of the American Spanish fluently. He is a gradu- National Bank. From 1995 and a dual executive officer of Ireland Fund and the USA ate of the University of San through 1998, HSBC Bank USA N.A. He had Board of Co-operation Ireland. Diego, with a master’s degree in he was a direc- been a leading member of the He resides in the Chicago area business administration from tor with The Global Banking & Markets sen- with his wife Kenane and their Pepperdine University and a law ServiceMaster ior management team in the two children. degree from Loyola Law Company. Americas since 2000, appointed School. Thomas also CEO of HSI in 2003 and in served as assis- 2006 took on the added respon- tant to the gov- sibilities as COO of CIBM and ernor on economic affairs in the Conor Murphy • MetLife INV in North America and over- office of Governor Thompson as Conor Murphy is vice president and head of sight of Balance Sheet well as the deputy director for investor relations for MetLife. He was appointed to Management activities. He the Illinois Housing this position in 2007. Previously, Conor was vice joined the HSBC Group in 1990 Development Authority from president and CFO for MetLife’s investments and has held various general 1982 to 1990. He received a department since 2002. He joined MetLife in 2000 management, trading, strategy BBA in marketing and manage- after seven years with PricewaterhouseCoopers and risk management positions ment in 1982 from Texas LLP, where he served in the New York Financial in New York and London. Christian University. Services Industry Practice. Prior to that, he spent five years with Grant Tony holds a degree from Thomas resides in Chicago Thornton LLP in Dublin, Ireland. Trinity College, Dublin with his wife, Diane, and son. Conor is a founding trustee of Cristo Rey New York High School University, and a PhD in theo- In addition, he has two adult and a past president of the Association of Chartered Accountants in the retical physics sons living in Chicago and United States. He is a certified public accountant and a member of the from Oxford Florida. Thomas is a member of Massachusetts Society of CPAs. Conor is also a chartered accountant University. He is the Economic Club and on the and a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland. a Fellow of the International Board of Visitors Conor is a native of Donegal, where the third generation of Murphys UK Institute of of Texas Christian University still runs the family store, “Murphy of Ireland.” He resides in Actuaries. and the Board of Old St. Westchester County, NY with his wife Ani and sons Jack and Aidan. Patrick’s Church, Chicago. He credits his good fortune to having received a great education that "started in a two-room village school" and to being married "to a saint."

AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009 IRISH AMERICA 57 IDA Ireland 7/6/09 11:10 AM Page 1 EnterpriseIreland 7/6/09 11:07 AM Page 1 IA.46-59 (WS50 09)rev.qxd 7/9/09 4:52 PM Page 59

WAL L STREET50 Kevin Murray Alfred Nunan Jr. Anthony O’Callaghan AXA Financial, Inc. Capital One Bank Credit Suisse In 2005, Kevin E. Murray was Alfred Nunan, Jr. is a senior vice Anthony “Tony” O’Callaghan is a director and rela- appointed executive vice presi- president of Business Banking at tionship manager for Credit Suisse Private Banking dent and CIO of AXA Financial, Capital One Bank. He manages USA, based in New York. Tony has over 26 years of Inc. and member of the compa- over one hundred business bank- experience as an investment professional. Prior to ny’s Executive Management ing relationships for the bank joining Credit Suisse (DLJ) in 1994, he was with Committee. As executive vice and coordinates a team of bank Kidder, Peabody & Co. for 12 years. Tony’s focus is on providing president and CIO, Kevin directs product specialists. Despite the wealth management solutions for corporations, foundations and pen- all systems strategy and delivery economic slowdown, Alfred con- sion plans as well as senior corporate officers, family offices and ultra towards the execution of its mis- tinues to successfully develop high net worth and high net worth individuals. Tony is among the most sion to become the industry new business for the bank, and senior advisors in Credit Suisse’s Private Banking USA with particular leader. Over credits his contacts within the expertise in asset allocation and fixed income. He earned his BA in the past 25 Irish-American community for economics from Michigan State University. years, Kevin his continued success. Tony is a fourth-generation Irish American whose great grandfather has held a Prior to joining Capital One came to the United States in the late 19th century. His branch of the number of Bank, Alfred worked for O’Callaghans traces back to County Mayo, where you can still see the leadership roles Deutsche Bank in the Leveraged ruins of the once great O’Callaghan castle. Tony and his wife Patti in the technolo- Finance Portfolio Group and have three children: Anthony Ryan, Julia Britten and Bonnie Diane. gy industry Allied Irish Bank in New York. They have all visited Ireland and speak to their friends there regularly. with a significant focus on retir- Alfred is the president of the ing legacy technologies and suc- Irish Business Association and cessfully implementing new serves on the Board of Directors James O’Sullivan Declan Quirke strategic business systems. Prior of the Morris Center YMCA. He UBS Cowen & Co. L.L.C. to joining AXA, Kevin served as served nine years on the active James “Jim” O’Sullivan is a Declan Quirke grew up in CIO of the American roll of the First Troop managing director and senior Dalkey and moved to the US for International Group. Philadelphia City Cavalry, a unit economist for UBS. While the studies at Kevin is a member of the within the Army collapse in US housing was Columbia. American Ireland Fund New National Guard, more dramatic than expected, he Declan, head of York Regional Advisory Board, and continues to had been forecasting significant health care the AT&T Technology Advisory serve as a non- weakening in sales and prices M&A for Board, Hewlett Packard active member. and spillover to the overall econ- Cowen and Advisory Board and the Alfred is a third- omy. Jim was co-ranked first in Company, Enterprise Ireland’s Advisory generation Irish economics in the Institutional joined the firm Board. American who Investor survey of fixed-income in 2001 from Kevin earned a BS in comput- traces his Irish roots to investors in 2007 and 2008. He where he was co-head of their er science with an emphasis in Castletown Conyers, Limerick. was named Forecaster of the East Coast M&A activities. Prior finance at Penn State University. He is a graduate of The Hun Year for 2008 and 2006 by Dow to Robertson, he was a managing He is a second-generation Irish School of Princeton and received Jones MarketWatch. director in PaineWebber’s M&A American. All of his grandpar- a BS degree in economics from Born in New York, Jim grew Group responsible for all of their ents were born in West Cork and Monmouth University. He up in Co. Offaly. technology and healthcare M&A. migrated to the Bronx, NY in the resides in Maplewood, NJ with His father is Declan focuses on Cowen’s early 1900s. Kevin resides in his wife Anne and three children from Limerick Biotechnology, Specialty New York City. Bridget, Freddy and Denis. and his mother Pharmaceutical and is from Cork. Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Jim says, Services sectors in Europe and John O’Donoghue “People in North America. He has originat- Ireland take an ed and executed a large number Cowen & Co. L.L.C. exceptional interest in political of transactions across a range of John F. O’Donoghue is the head of equities at and socioeconomic develop- geographies and sectors, includ- Cowen & Company L.L.C and a member of the ments. Growing up there stimu- ing mergers, acquisitions, divesti- firm’s Executive Committee. As such, John over- lated that interest in me. As an tures, exclusive sales, spin-offs sees the firm’s research sales, sales trading, and all economist, I am focused on the and other assorted defense and trading areas of the firm, along with strategic plan- interactions among government financial advisory assignments. ning and expansion of the firm’s franchise. policy, financial markets, and the Declan received an MBA from Prior to joining Cowen in 2005, John was managing director and economy.” Columbia University Graduate co-head of trading at Credit Suisse First Boston and was a member of Jim holds a BA in economics School of Business and a BE in that firm’s Global Equity Operating Committee. Before that, he was a from Trinity College Dublin, mechanical engineering from partner at Schroders PLC and spent 17 years working with Schroders, where he achieved the distinc- University College Dublin, including six years as managing director. tion of Scholar, and an MA in Ireland. Prior to business school, A native of County Down, John received an honors BSc degree in economics from Queen’s he was a project engineer for economics from Queen’s University in Belfast. He moved to the University in Ontario. He lives Babcock Power PLC, a nuclear United States in 1980 and has been active in the American Ireland in Manhattan with his Offaly- and defense contractor in the Fund, serving on the last seven chairman’s committees for the annual born wife, Margaret Molloy, a UK. Declan is married to Karen New York Gala. John also serves on the QUB Advisory Board (US) marketing executive, and their Murphy and they have four and is married to Debbie with two sons, John Patrick and Brendan. sons, Finn and Emmet. daughters and one son.

AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009 IRISH AMERICA 59 ContinentalAD 7/9/09 12:11 PM Page 1 DooleyAD 7/9/09 12:13 PM Page 1 ConcernAD 7/9/09 12:12 PM Page 1 IA.46-59 (WS50 09)rev.qxd 7/9/09 4:52 PM Page 60

WAL L STREET50 Brian Ruane Sharon Sager John Shea Bank of New York Mellon UBS Eaton Vance Brian Ruane is executive vice president of Client Sharon Sager, senior vice presi- John Shea is vice president and Management and head of Financial Institutions at dent of investments, is a private CIO for Eaton Vance. He is The Bank of New York Mellon. Brian is a member wealth advisor at UBS Financial responsible for all technology of the Bank’s Operating Committee and sits on the Services Inc. A 25-year veteran leveraged across Eaton Vance board of Pershing LLC and BNY Mellon Financial of the financial and supervises a staff of more Services PLC, an Irish bank. In March 2009, Brian joined the Bank's securities indus- than 70 employees. John has newly created Sovereign Advisory Board, tasked with best serving try, Sharon pre- over 10 years of experience in sovereign organizations, sovereign wealth funds, sovereign pension viously worked the investment industry and over plans and central banks. in the textile 25 years working in technology. Brian graduated from Colaiste Eanna in Dublin in 1982. In 1989, industry. She Prior to joining Eaton Vance, he graduated from The Chartered Association of Certified Accountants graduated from he was director of information in the U.K. and Ireland. In 1995, he received his MBA in international the College of technology at Batterymarch banking from The Zarb School of Business, New York. Brian sits on Mount St. Vincent with a bache- Financial Management, an asset the advisory boards of The UCD Michael Smurfit School of Business, lor’s degree in fine arts. Later, management subsidiary of Legg Dublin, and The Zarb School of Business, New York. she obtained the Certified Mason. Previously, John was Brian’s father comes from Crossmolina, County Mayo and his Investment Analyst degree from senior vice president of MFS mother is from Drumhaldry, County Longford. He and his wife Anna, the Investment Management Investment Management. Before from Dublin, live in New York with their four children. Consultants Association. In entering the financial services 1983, she began her financial industry, John developed soft- career at Kidder Peabody & Co., ware for the nuclear power which merged with Paine industry and spent nearly 10 Patrick Shouvlin Brian Sweeney Webber in 1995 and UBS in years as an officer in the U.S. PwC Marco Polo Network 2000. Sharon is a member of the Navy Submarine Force (Nuclear Patrick J. “Pat” Shouvlin Brian Sweeney is a managing board of directors of the Careers Power Program). He is currently began his career with director of Marco Polo Network, Through Culinary Arts Program. a captain in the Naval Reserve. PricewaterhouseCoopers in a financial serv- In 2006, 2007 and 2008 John holds a Cincinnati in 1977. He moved to ices firm with a Sharon was named one of BS in marine New York in 1986 to work in the specialized Barron’s “Top 100 Women engineering firm's Strategic Planning depart- focus on emerg- Financial Advisors,” and will be from Maine ment. He was admitted to the ing markets. again in 2009. She was also Maritime partnership in 1988 and joined Brian was one named to Barron’s “Top 1,000 Academy, an the firm's Mergers & Acquisitions of the founding Advisors” in 2009. Sharon is a MBA from Anna group in 1990. In 1992 he joined members of the second-generation Irish Maria College the Insurance group and led the company, which was established American and holds member- and a graduate certificate in group from 1996 to 2003. Pat is in New York City in 2001. With ship in the Irish Georgian internet technologies from the global engagement partner on offices across the major emerg- Society and the New York Irish Boston University. American ing markets, Marco Polo History Roundtable. Her father’s The native Bostonian is a sec- Express and Network is one of the fastest family, the O’Tooles, are from ond-generation Irish American Zurich growing platforms capitalizing County Galway, while her moth- with roots in counties Killarney Financial on global demand for emerging er’s, the Carrolls, hail from and Kerry, and is married with Services. market investments and the County Cork. five children. Pat holds a growth of new marketplaces BA in history across the globe. Brian, who has from Denison over 15 years experience in trad- • end quote • University and an MBA in ing and operations, is responsi- finance from The University of ble for client strategy and sales “My mother ran that house as if it were a navy Pennsylvania's Wharton School of equities, futures and fixed with an MBA in finance. He is on income to Quant Funds and destroyer, but with such calm and grace, we never the Executive Committee of the Proprietary Trading Desks in knew how regimented it was.” The Crottys’ Board of Overseers of St. John’s Europe and the USA. He began University, School of Risk his career at Citigroup before home doubled as the neighborhood playground, Management, Insurance and becoming an options specialist ball field, and general gathering place for the Actuarial Science, is a member of on the NYSE floor, and devel- the AICPA, and is a licensed CPA oped his emerging markets neighborhood. “With the community tennis in NY, Connecticut and Ohio. expertise while at the Standard Pat’s grandfather, PJ Shouvlin, Bank of South Africa. courts and swimming pool at the end of was born in the town of Ardara, A Dublin native, Brian was the street, we never had to leave the Donegal, in 1863 and emigrated educated at Terenure College with his family in 1866. PJ, with and University College of neighborhood…we had everything.” only four grades of formal educa- Dublin, where he received a BA tion, became an engineer and in economics and English. He – Christopher C. Crotty, vice president and director of convertible designed one of the first internal resides in New York City with trading at Farina and Associates. The second of seven close knit siblings combustion engines for use in the his wife, Fabienne and two chil- born a mere eight an a half years apart from each other, to James and oil fields in the US. dren, Liam and Xavier. Kathleen Crotty, Chris and his family grew up in Hamburg, in the suburbs of Buffalo, New York.

60 IRISH AMERICA AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009 1800FLOWERS 7/6/09 10:53 AM Page 1 Coke AD 7/6/09 11:02 AM Page 1