ED 050 903 RE 003 564

TITLE Individually Prescribed Instruction: 1968-1970 Reading Objectives. INSTITUT:T)N Pittsburgh Univ., Pa. Learning Research and Development Center.; Research for Better Schools, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. SPONS AGH1CY Office of Education (MIEN), Washington, D.C. REPORT itt: WP-30 PUB DATE 1 Oct 69 CONTRACT OEC-1-7-062867-3053 NOTE 62p.

EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS Auditory Discrimination, *Beginning Reading, *Behavioral Objectives, Elementary Grades, *Individualized Instruction, Reading Comprehension, *Reading Instruction, *Reading Skills, Study Skills, Visual Discrimination, Vocabulary Development

ABSTRACT Behavioral objectives for various skill areas related to reading are listed for eleven levels (A through K). Each level deals with seven or eight skill areas, and each area has from one to 12 objectives with specific examples given for each objective. The skills for the various levels are visual discrimination, auditory discrimination, literal comprehension, interpretive comprehension, evaluative comprehension, library skills, related reading, reference skills, structural analysis, vocabulary development, and organizational skills. The eleven levels increase in overall difficulty, although the behavioral, objectives for skills within each level seem to be of the same general level of ,difficulty.(VJ) A






Learning Research and Development Center University of Pittsburgh


Research for Better Schools, Inc. 1700 Market Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

October 1, 1969


The research reported herein was performedpursuant to a contract with in the Office of Education, U. S. Department of Health, Educationand Welfare. Contractors undertaking such projects under Government sponsorshipare en- couraged to express freely their professional judgment inthe conduct of the project. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily Ce3 represent official Office of Education position or policy.

1 ,r -1-

Level A


Skill Example

1. Identify similarities and 1. "Make an X on the things in eachrow that differences among pictured ob- are alike." jects by placing a mark on the 0 designated object. "Circle the picture in each row that is 44

2. Identify similarities and 2. "Circle the one in each row that is like differences between objects, the first one." 1 .71.7 other than pictures, when pre- sented on worksheets by placing "Make an X on the picture that is dif- a mark on the designated object. ferent in each row."

3. Identify the size differ- 3. "Circle the largest item in each row." entials: big-little, larger- smaller, largest-smallest, fat- e t, (,ta thin, up-down, long - short, tall- "Put an X on the one that is short." short, by placing a mark on the picture which represents the designated size.

4. Discriminate between capi- 4. "Circle the letters that are the same as tal and small letters presented the first letter in the row." on a worksheet by marking the letter asked for by the teacher. d agbee

5. Name orally each letter of 5. Hold up a separate card for each capital the alphabet presented visually and lower case letter and ask children by the teacher. to name the letter on each card.

6. Identify words as groups of 6. "Draw a line in each space between words." letters separated by spaces by drawing a line in each space sat--ant -wet between two words.

7. Circle each gi:oup of letters an. that combine to form a word, when 7.00 given a sentence of 4 to 6 words. Use the Primer vocabulary from McGraw-Hill.

8. Discriminate between single 8. "Circle the letters that are the same as letters and groups of letters the first letter." that combine to form words by h n r g u marking similarities as pre- "Underline the one that is e same as sented on worksheets. the first." is so is si

2 -2-

Level A


Skill Example

9. Identify the colors: red, 9. "Point to the red dress." orange, yellow, green, blue, "Find the blue balloon." white, purple, pink, tan, brown by pointing to an object of the "Touch the green book." designated color.

1 . Respond orally with the 10. Hold up the red card and ask, "What name of the colors: red, color is this?" Proceed with the orange, yellow, green, blue, rest of the color cards in the same way. white, purple, pink, tan, black, brown when shown an object of each of these colors by the teacher.

11. Match the color name to 11 "Read and color." the correct color word for red, yellow, blue, brown, green, purple, black, orange when given a designated color by the teacher.

12. Respond orally with the name 12. Hold up the color name cards and ask, of the color when the teacher pre- "What color name is this?" sent the printed color words: red, blue, green, yellow, brown, purple, orange, black..


1. Name the sonads from non- 1. Listen and discuss the sounds on records human sources: dog's bark, train's from non-human sources: As sounds are whistle, cat's meow, duck's quack, repeated on record ask the children to fog horn, etc. when hearing them identify what makes the sound: i.e., on a recording. lamb bleating, vacuum cleaner, hammering.

2. Indicate whether the word 2. The teacher will say two words. Say pairs pronounced by the teacher yes if they are exactly alike or no if are alike (or different) by re- they are different. sponaing "yes" or "no". deskdesk today tuesdayoftenover YES NO NO

3. Place a mark on pictures of 3. "Make an X on the pictures in the row that objects that begin with the same begin with the same sound as the word I sound when objects are named by say." Teacher says, "funny." the teacher

/C1- J


Level A


Skill Example

4. Name the words which 4. Listen and then tell me which two words rhyme in a Mother Goose rhyme. rhyme read by the teacher. Jack and Jill. Went up the hill.

5. Place a mark on those 5. "Make an X on the picture whose name pictures on a worksheet rhymes with '-he name of the first picture. which have names that rhyme.

6. Identify words which 6. "As I say a word, tell me a word that rhyme by naming words which rhymes with it: down." (town) have the same ending as a word given orally.


1. Explain orally the re- 1. Explain why each pair of words go lationships between asso- together. ciative pairs of objects or catkitten school -- teacher cup-glass persons when given the words.

2. Shown a randomly arranged 2. Draw lines that connect two pictures series of pictures of paired that go together. objects, draw lines to con- nect objects as associative pairs.

3. Select the picture which 3. After listening to a sentence the corresponds to a sentence dic- teacher reads, make an X on the picture tated by the teacher. that shows best what has been read.

Teacher reads, "Jim is carrying a bag of groceries for Mother."

4. Respond to oral directions 4. "Make an X above the first ball." given by the teacher by placing the indicated mark on a work- 0 0 0 sheet. "Make a line under the third hat and a line above the last hat."

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4 -4-

Level A


Skill Examplee

5. Describe orally the dif- 5. "Here are pairs of things. Tell about ferences in size, shape, color their size, shape, color, and use." and function of concrete ob- apple-orange shoes-boots jects handled by the pupil. mittens-gloves


1. Select objects which are 1. "Circle the picture that 18 the same as arranged in a row to match an the first picture. indicated object at the begin- 0 0 0 ning of a row, by placing a .? mark on the objects that match. 0 0 0 0

2. Arrange three or more pic- 2. "Cut out the pictures and paste them on tures in correct time sequence, colored paper so that the pictures tell proceeding from left to a story in the order that they would happen."

3. After observing a series of 3. "Tell a story about the three pictures. related pictures, give orally Be sure to tell the story in the order the events of the story in that it would happen" logical time sequence.

4. Give orally the story of the 4. "Tell a story from the picture." picture of pictures presented.

5. Respond with an oral inter- 5. "Retell Ask Mr. Bear, after hearing the pretation of a story read by. the story on tape." teacher of presented on tape;


1. Given a picture which is in- 1. "Draw a line to the thing that is missing." complete, indicate, from a choice of items, which item is necessary to complete the picture. ,f


Level A


Skill Example

2. Given a pictured situation, 2. "Make an X on the part of the picture place a mark on the item or that wouldn't happen." items which are incongruous or absurd.


I. Relate term "title" to the 1. Say the word "title" when shown he story or book by pointing to title of a book or story. the title designated by the teacher.

2. Point to a group of letters 2. "Point to any group of letters that that form a word on the printed form a word." page of a book. I saw a/2 pig. /9711

3. Examine books whose contents 3. Tell a story from the picture book are pictures, rather than words, A Cat. and tell the story orally.


1. Hold pencil between thumb 1. Copy the numerals. and second finger with first finger resting on top, and copy simple shapes, letters, and Copy the letters. three-to-four letter words. Fs

2. Hold crayon, paintbrush, 2. Copy the figure. and pencil in the manner des- cribed above and draw simple pictures.

3. Identify right and left 3. "Write the capital L rt the top of the sides of an object or page by left side of the page." placing a mark on the correct "Write the capital R at the top of the side. right side of the page." "Draw a flower on the left side of the page." ."Draw a tree on the right side of the page."

6 -6--

Level A


Skill Example

4. Proceed from left to right 4. "Trace along dotted lines from left to in identifying objects by right. Make an X on the first thing placing an "X" on the first in a row cf pictures." object to be identified.

5. Work from top to bottom of 5. "Trace along dotted lines from top to page with columns of objczts bottom. Make an X on the first thing by circling the object at the in a column of pictures." top before proceeding.

6. Classify pictured objects 6. "Circle every picture that is a piece by grouping them, orally Or on of furniture." a worksheet, in broad categor- ies such as furniture, clothing, animals. tP

7 -

Level B


Skill Example

1. Identify words which begin 1. "Write an A on the line if the picture with short a, f, m, p, t., tli, begins with the same sound as apple." by selecting the designated word on a worksheet. .g) efir

2. Give orally words that 2. "As I say a word, tell me a word that rhyme with the word presented rhymes with it: wall." (fall) by the teacher.


1. Identify words that begin 1. "Circle the words that begin with a with both capital and small capital. Letter." letters by underlining the indi- ran c.o and cated card on a worksheet. "Circle the words that begin with a small letter." Ann 0 Char' Sam (2)E]

2. Give orally words from Ole 2. Hold up flash cards containing separate

McGraw-Hill Primer and Book 1. words and sentences and ask children when presented on flash cards to read the card. by the teacher or when pre- sented in sentences.

3. Give orally the first 100 3. Hold up flash cards containing the first words of the Doich Basic Sight ()0 Dolch words and ask children to Vocabulary Cards when presented read the card. as flash cards.

4. Illustrate two different 4. After listening to a word that the meanings of an orally presented teacher says, make up two sentences word by giving an oral sentence that show what each word means. using correctly each of the trip can ring word's meanings.


1. Follow simple printed direc- 1. Circle Tab's kitten. tions on a worksheet. Underline the chicken. Circle the stick.

8 -8-

Level B


Skill Exa7ple

2. Answer orally, recall 2. After listening to Pony Tales.About questions following en oral Queenie, answer orally recall questions: reading presentation by the "How did Dr. Noble first get Queenie?" teacher.

3. Identify in written form 3. Write the word on the line that best which of two meanings fits t;-ie fits the sentence. context of a written sentence when the words used are from Be a GOOD boy. ,the child's level of McGraw- gold good Hill text or from the firer. 50 words of the Dolch word list,

4. Find the sentence in a given 4. In each sentence underline the words selection which contains the that tell what Ann had. answer to an oral or printed Ann had a glass of milk. question of ample recall. Ann had a pink mitten.


2, Describe orally the con- 1. Tell a story about what is happening in sents of events portrayed in the pictures. a picture.

2. Listen to a selection read 2. "Circle the picture that tells how the by the teacher and explain person in the sentence might feel." orally the reason for deciding "Ann is standing on Sam's hand." whether the selection was happy, sad, or funny.

3. Observe a picture sequence 3. Choose picture to complete a picture and give orally a logical pre- story. diction of its outcome.

9 4


Level B


Skill Example

4. Explain orally why outcome 4. 'Why did the boy loose his bag of shown in picture sequence peanuts?" occurred.

The boy looses his bag of nuts because the bag was still in elephant's reach when the boy turned around to see the other animal.

5. Explain orally the reason 5. Number the pictures in the right order for ordering pictures in a so that they will tell a story. logical sequence when given a group of pictures to be ar- ranged.

6. Observe an ordered but in- . Tell what might happen next. complete picture sequence and give orallyalogical con- clusion.

7. State orally ideas that 7. After observing a sequence of pictures, are implied but not pictured ask children questions whose answers in a given sequence of pic- require an appriciation of implied tures. ideas. One series of pictures show the adventure of a dog and child. An implied idea is that series is the friendship between the two characters.

8. Supply orally the missing 8. "Say the word that is missing from this word in a sentence given by the nursery rhyme: Mary had a teacher. lamb." (little)


1. Given a pictorial series of 1. Circle the item that does not belong. 4 or 5 items, mark the item which does not belong in the series.

10 -10-

Level B


Skill Example

2. Given a series of 4 or 5 2. "The pictures in each row tell a story. pictures which tell a story, Put an X on the picture which does mark the picture which does not belong." not belong in the story.

3. In a three or four sen- 3. Underline the sentence that does not tence paragraph, mark the belong. sentence that does not be- Ann has a ham. long in the paragraph. The pill is pink. The ham is on a dish.


1. Point to author and title 1. Point to the title on the cover and of a book when asked to do so ask, "What is the name of a book by the teacher. called?" (title)

2. Indicate a book is read 2. "Open the book to any page and run your from left to right and from finger under the words the way you top to bottom by running a would read it--from left to right." finger along the line of print.


1. Fill in the missing let- 1. Fill in the missing letters. ters, both upper and lower case, when given a series of ABCDEF letters of the alphabet on efghijkl a worksheet.

2. Give orally the letters of 2. "Say the letters of the alphabet." the alphabet iu order.

3. Arrange groups of three to 3. Write the letters on the lines in the five letters alphabetically in right order. whatever order they are pre- jkli rspq sented. ijkl pqrs

11 Level B


Skill Example

4. Mark the picture that 4. Circle the picture that shows the right illustrates the definition meaning of the word trip. of a given word. "Tom took a trip to the countr



1. Use capital letter to be- 1. "Put an X beside the sentence that is gin. the first word of a sentence written with the right kind of letter written on a worksheet. at the beginning." X This is a bed. this is a bed.

2. Place a period at the end 2. "If the words below tell something in a of a group of words that be- sentence, put a period after the words. long together on a worksheet. If the words do not tell you something in a sentence, put an X at the end." A can is tin. Ship am has X I am a tin man.

3. Place a question mark at 3. "If the sentence asks a question, put a the ead of a group of words question mark at the end. If the that ask a question on a words are a telling sentence, put a worksheet. period at the end." Can Sam drink milk? A cat drinks milk.

12 -12-

Level C


Skill Example

1. Identify a root word from 1. Underline the root word. a list of words on a work- sheet by placing a mark, cir- acted slipped talking cling, or underlining, to indicate the letters that form the root word.

2. Discriminate between nouns 2. If the word means one thing put a 1 in the singular form and nouns on the line. If the word means more which add s to form the plural than one thing put a 2 on the line. without changing the root word, by indicating in written form, ant 1 the nouns which are singular mats 2 and those which are plural. cat 1

3. Use orally or in a written 3. Circle the correct word. sentence the appropriate sing- The fat man has two ular or plural nouns which add chin s without changing the root word. Can Nip nap in his 2> be ds

4. Identify a contraction as 4. Write these words the short way. one word that is formed by it is it's joining two words with the omission of a letter or let- that is that's ters by marking in an indi- cated manner a list of con- tractions and the words from which they are formed.


1. Mark in the manner indi- 1. Draw a line from each word in list 1 to cated on a worksheet, words a word in list 2 that has the same from a prepared vocabulary meaning. list that have similar 1 2 meanings. throw mad shiny pitch ang plane jet bright

13 -13-

Level C


Skill Example

2. Identify in the manner in- 2, Draw a line from each word in list 1 to dicated, words, from a pre- a word in list 2 that has the opposite pared vocabulary list, that meaning. have opposite meanings. 1 2 ove pretty ugly -worse bette under winner

3. Select words, that rhyme 3. Circle the words that rhyme with the with a written or pictured word first word. of similar sound, using words from a prepared vocabulary peg cat that list.

4. Identify the correct meaning 4. Make an X on the picture that shows the of a word from the context of a meaning of the underlined word. sentence using words from a Betty will sign her name. specific vocabulary list.


1. Match words from a speci- 1. Circle the two words on each line that fied word list which form an go together. associative pair. 2B) hand sleep

2. Copy a statement from a 2. Read "Treasure Hunt", then answer these printed selection which answers questions. a direct recall question. What did Billy want? a dog What was in the box? a pirate hat

3. Answer printed questions 3. Read The Sun is a Star. Then mark the which require recall of facts statements. concerning a specific selection Put aa X on the line beside the right read orally or silently. answer. (continued on next page.)

14 -14-

Skill Example X The nighttime stars are very far away. The nighttime stars are very near.. X Our nearest star is the sun. Our nearest star is the moon.

4. List in written form the 4. Read the first story from Baby Elephant. main characters in a short Find the answers. story after it has been read Are there any people in this story? NO silently. What is the name of the main character in this story? ELLEN


1. Order sequentially a group 1. Number these sentences in the order that of two to four sentences either they would probably happen. orally or by numbering. 2 Ann fell.

1 Ann ran fast.

2 The wind blows the hat off.

1 The man has a hat on his head.

2. Read a short story, select 2. Read the paragraph, then number the from choices given on a work- sentences in the right order. sheet which of three events John bought some bean seeds. He happened first. planted them in a pot. Everyday he watered them. One day he saw a tiny plant growing.

2 He planted them in a pot. 3 He watered them everyday. 1 John bought some bean seeds.

3. Read a sentence or sentences 3. Read these sentences, then write what silently, and write in child's might happen next. own words what might happen next. Bobby and David were playing baseball. The ball hit a window. Answers will vary. Examples: The window broke. (or) The boys tan. etc.

4. Read a poem or story, and 4. Read the poem. Put an X' in the box indicate in written form the beside how you feel. mood expressed in the poem or School is over, C=1 angry story as happy, sad, or angry. Oh, what fun! Lessons finished, CV happy Play begun. E::3 sad

15 -15-

Level. C


Skill Example

5. Read story, pictured or 5. Read the story, The Frog and the Turtle. unpictured, and write or Put an X in the box beside the right verbalize orally the idea answer. that is presented by the Turtles are slow. author. I= C23Frogs can jump. [10 We can make the things we need.


1. Select from multiple choices 1. Underline the sentence that tells what the logical sentences or picture might happen next. that indicates what might happen Tom is fishing. next in a story sequence. a. Tom catches a fish.

b. Tom catches a fan.

2. Write a short description 2. Look at the picture. Is it cold out? of a picture, telling'what is YES seen. ,o s'. Write about the picture.

Two children are making a snowman.

3. Draw a picture that illus- 3. You will need the book, Where the Wild trates an event in a story read Things Are. Read the story. Draw a aloud by the teacher or read picture of Max and the Wild Things silently in a book. dancing in the moonlight.

4. Select correct answers from 4. You will need the book, You Can Plant a worksheet to questions that Flowers. Put an X in the box beside examine understanding of the the right answer. author's purpose. Why did the author write this book? 1.0 To 'makeus laugh about flowers. 2.E:3 To help us learn about bees. To help us learn about planting flowers.

16 -16-

Level C


Skill Example

1. Locate the page on which 1. You will need the book The Cat and the a story or article begins by Bat. Turn to the Table of Contents. writing on a worksheet the Put the page number beside the story. page number from the table of contents of a book. 1. The Black Cat 3

2. The Witch and the Bat . . 12

2. Check table of contents to 2. You will need the book More Fun With determine whether a designated Our Friends. Write /fs or nc on the book contains a specific story line. or information and write the 1. Is there a dog story in this .infiormation on a worksheet. book? NO 2. Is there a story about Tom in this book? YES

3. State whether or not a book 3. Read the list of books; below. Writes from a given list is fiction or fiction above the not true list. Write non-fiction. non-fiction above the true list. fiction non-ficcion Snow White In the City Peter Rabbit Snails


1. Arrange groups of three to 1. Put these letters in alphaber:ical order. five consecutive, or non-con- d C n M secutive letters, in alpha- e D o N betical order. c E m 0


1. Identify proper names as 1. Copy the sentence. Put in the capital those names that begin with letters. a capital letter, by selecting spot bit tom. them from a given list, and writing them correctly in a Spot bit Tom. sentence.

17 -17- Level D


Skill Example

1. Indicate a root word by 1. Underline the root w,-,rds. marking the base word from a given specified list when in- played runs flectional endings have been added.

2. Add 's to words from a 2. Read each sentence and find the word given list to show possession that shows ownership. Underline that or ownership. word and write the 's after the word. That is Jim's brother

3. Add the inflectional endings 3. Write three new words from the root ing, ed, and s to verbs which do word by adding ing, ed, and s. not change the root. listen listening, listened, listens

4. Select the word with the cor- 4. Read the words in the box in front of rect inflectional endings ina, ed, the sentence. Read the sentence, and and s to complete given sentences. write the correct word in the blank. The big steam shovel can dig a hole very fast. It is standing in the empty lot.

5. Match the contractions 1'11, 5. Draw a line from the two words to their isn't, I've, I'm, you're, it's, contraction. and let's by connecting them with let us tm their uncontracted forms, or form I am that's the contractions from the pronoun is not et's and verb. that is isn't

6. Mark the silent vowels and 6. Circle the silent letters in these silent consonants in vocabulary words. Each word has a silent letter. words from a list. live pupeet

7. Form the plural of singular 7. Finish each sentence by writing the words ending in ch, x, sh, and plural of the word that is in the box. ss by adding es to the root word My mother bought a new set of DISHES . from a list. dish

18 -18-

Level D


Skill Example

1. Mark in the manner indi- 1. Listen to the word I say and then circle cated, consonants and con- the letter or letters that form the sonant blends for dictated beginning sound of that word. or pictured words. Qat

2. Draw a picture to illus- 2. You will need a copy of Science Everyday. trate the meaning of new words Read the story on page 13 about Martha taken from a content area sub- and her shadow. ject such as science or social Do you have a shadow? studies. yes Have you seen it?_yes HLve you seen your shadow at night? no Draw a picture of yourself and your shadow. Be sure to put the sun in the picture.

3. Match given pictures to 3. Which one is right? sentences or paragraphs they Make an X on the one who could not fix illustrate according to direc- g, a flat tire. tions on a worksheet. CP

4. Supply from a printed list 4. Read each sentence and circle the cor- of given choices, the word rect word at the end of the sentence. which correctly completes a A pig lives in a . car, sentence.


1. Complete in written form a 1. After reading "The Census Taker" finish statement based directly on the the following sentences: content of material read in a In the United States a census is taken short selection. every __ Write a sentence_that_tells-what-questions Mrs. Brown, the census taker, asks at each house.

2. Select the correct item to 2. After reading a story, complete the complete a statement from a following sentences: printed multiple choice selection A hummingbird can fly like a(n) of answers, when the statements HELICOPTER require recall of material read in a short selection. cloud kite

19 -19- Level I)


Skill Example

3. List in written form in 3. Read the paragraph onlow. Then number the order of their occurrence, the gentences under the paragraph in the main events of a story the order in which they happened. read silently. Debbie likes to watch television. One lay she watched a program where some children were singing. First the boys sang a song. Then the girls sang a song. Last, the boys and girls sang together.

1 Debbie listened to the boys sing a sang. 3 The boys and girls sang together. 2 She listened to the girls sing a song.


1. Underline the part of the 1. Read the sentence. Then underline the sentence.that answers a given part of the sentence that answers the question. question. Why did the librarian give Tom a base- ball book? The librarian gave a baseball book to Tom because he loves the game.

2. Describe a story as being 2. After reading or listening to a story, happy, sad, funny, or exciting the following type of question is either read silently or by the given. teacher, when responding to Susie was 1. very happy oral or written questions con- 2. very angry cerning the mood of the story. 3. very sad

3. Sclect the main idea in 3. After reading "Too Big," check the the ..orient of a short para- sentence below that tells best the graph by checking the idea, main idea of the story. from a given list, that ex- Sally had been in the country presses the thought of the during the summer. paragraph. I( When Sally went back to school she was happy to see that the other children had also grown. Sally's mother told her that they must go shopping the next day for new clothes.

20 -20- Level D


Skill Example

4. Give orally in several 4. Child listens to story on disc and is sentences an account of the asked to tell teacher, in a few sen- story read by the teacher to tences, the story he heard. A check- the group. list is used to help determine how the teacher should score the response.

5. Explain orally to the 5. After readirt& a story, child answers teacher cause-effect rela- questions like: tionships in stories read Why was Peter so happy? silently.


1. Select from choices given 1. After reading "Mrs. Green and the Birds," on a worksheet, which of three make an X in the box before each sen- events happened in a short tence that tells about something that story read by the teacher or happened in the story. read silently.

2. Give an oral or written 2. Read this paragraph and write an ending explanation of what might hap- that tells what might happen next. pen next, after reading a short John and his father went fishing. They paragraph. threw their lines far out and sat down and waited for a bite. It was a warm sunny day. Before long, John and his father fell asleep. Suddenly,


1. Use the table of contents 1. After looking at the table of contents in a library book or text- of a specified book, answer the follow- book to find out whether a ing: book contains required infor- What chapter tells about the problems mation to answer questions of living on the desert? on a worksheet.

2. Differentiate between fic- 2. In the library, nonfiction (true) books tion and non-fiction books in have numbers on the back. Fiction (not the library by selecting, as true) books do not have numbers. Write directed on a worksheet, spe- fiction or nonfiction on the right line cified books in each category below each group of books. from the shelves.

21 -21- Level D


Skill Example

1. Differentiate the vowels 1. Draw a circle around the consonants. and consonants in the alpha- Draw a box around the vowels. bet by marking them as indi- cated on a worksheet. 00 0 0

2. Alrhabetize groups of 2. Put the following groups of words by three to four words oc a work- number in alphabetical order. sheet according to the first end act may huff letters of the word by num- bering or arranging the words 2 1 4 3 in order.

3. Locate the page on which a 3. From the table of contents of The Star- story begins by using the table ship, find the page number of the story of contents in a book and write and write it on the line. the number of the page in the The Wishing Well appropriate blank on the work- sheet.

P2 -22-- Level E


Skill Example

1. Form compound words from 1. Each word in List A will make a com- given root words. pound word when joined with a word in List B. Write the compound words on the lines. A oat body sun step dr.or meal every shine oatmeal sunshine doorstep everybody

2. Identify the component 2. Circle the two words that make up each parts of compound words. compound word.

3. Given a word whose spelling 3. Write the root of the word fairly. does not change when the suf- FAIR fixes ed, 1E, er and est are added, distinguishes the root Write the suffix of the word cooked. from the suffix and adds a ED suffix to a root.

4. Given a word ending with a 4. Add the suffix est to the word fine. silent e, adds the suffixes ed, FINEST ins, er and est. Given a word ending in any of the above suf- Write the root of the word shining. fixes, writes the root word. SHINE

5. Identify the number of syl- 5. After saying each word to yourself, lables in given words. write the number of syllables in each word on the blank line.

bat 1 elephant 3 watermelon 4 tried 1 cancel 2 improve 2 brain 1 something 2

2:3 -23-

Level E


Skill Example

1. Identify synonyms for 1. Circle the word which means the same specified words, when these as the underlined word or words in the words are presented in a sentence. sentence. We put the groceries in a sack which made it easier to carry them home. box

2. Distinguish between a word 2. In each of the sentences below there that names a group and a word are two underlined words. Choose the that identifies a member of answer which tells you what these words that group. mean. Put an (X) in front of the correct answer. Pork is the name given to the meat which comes from pigs. X Pork is a kind of meat. Meat is a kind of pork.

3. Select from choices the 3. Circle the best meaning of the under- meaning of a specific word in lined wcrd. a sentence, when the meaning A baby bed like the cradle was used by of that word is included as a mother to rock her child to sleep. part of the sentence. a. ab bed b. rocking chair c. sleeping bag


1. Answer who, what, when, 1. Directions: Read the following questions. where and how questions after 1. Who was hiking? reading a short fiction 2. What were the boys carrying? selection. Read the story and look for the answers to these questions. One chilly fall afternoon Tom and Bill were hiking through the woods. Each one was carrying a knapsack and blanket roll.

24 -24-

Level E


Skill Example

2. Answer factual questions 2. Directions: Read the following questions. after reading an informative 1. Where do the Indian women carry selection. their babies? 2. etc. Read the story arid look for the answers to these questions. Answer the questions.

3. After reading a paragraph 3. Cross out those sentences that do not in which the purpose has been tell how to make paste. stated, delete those sentences Here-#s-a-fea-way-te-make-4nempensIve which are unnecessary to that paste. Combine 1 cup of flour with 1/2 purpose. cup of salt. Mix this well. Thls-paste yes-are-making-can -be-seed-fer-pang paper7-but-net'.-weai-et-mesa=. While mixing the flour and salt, add enough waterrto make it creamy.


1. List in the order of their 1. After reading the story, number the sen- occurrence the main events of tences in the order in which they hap- a selection. pened. The chickens all had a drink. Little Red Rooster found a pitcher with a little water in it. The chickens were all thirsty. He put stones in the pitcher to raise the water. There was no water in the water pan.

2. Identify alliteration in 2. Place a check beside each of the phrases phrases, sentences and poems. below in which you find the same begin- ning sound repeated in each word of the phrase.

v( big bad boy silly laughing girl Underline the words that begin with the same sound. Please pass me a piece of pecan pie.

25 -25-

Level E


Skill Example

3. Identify cause and effect 3. After reading the paragraph, write in relationships in a selection. the space provided why Mary cried. MARY CRIED BECAUSE THE CHILDREN LAUGHED AT HER. THE CHILDREN LAUGHED AT HER BECAUSE SHE FELL OFF HER CHAIR.

4. After reading part of a 4. Read the sentence below. Find the sentence or story, select from right ending in the answer box and given choices' what might hap- write it on the line. pen next. Judy's hands were covered with dirt so she WASHED THEM

put mittens on washed them1

5. After reading a story, 5. After reading the paragraph, select describe the physical appear- from the words below those which des- ance of a specific character. cribe Sally. Put an X beside those which tell what she looks like. Bill and I were at the baseball game and I was trying to point out my friend to him. "See, that's Sally! She is tall and has dark blue eyes. She also has very long blonde hair which she wears in two thick braids down her back. Can you pick her out Bill?" "Oh, yes, I see her now,". cried Bill, "she is very pretty." X pretty dark hair dark brown eyes X tall short hair X long hair Xblonde hair Xdark blue eyes


1. Select words or phrases 1. Purpose given: The author wrote this from a short selection which story to make you laugh. illustrate the author's pur- Directions: After reading the story, put pose when that purpose is given. an X on the line beside the sentence from the story that makes you laugh. (CONTINUED)

26 -26- Level E

Skill Example

1. Tom bought some ice cream. 2. Three dogs licked his sticky fingers.

2. Determine which selections 2. Read the sentences below. Underline deal with reality ancl which the one that could have happened. deal with fantasy. Jimmy and his Uncle Lee went for a walk. Cinderella asked her fairy godmother to help her go to the Prince's ball.


1. Differentiate between 1. In the library find three fiction books fiction and non-fiction books and three nonfiction books. Write the in the library by selecting titles on the lines below. specified books from the Fiction Nonfiction shelves.

2. Determine the purpose of 2. Let's imagine you are making a report on an encyclopedia by using it Cowl.oys and you decide to use the World to locate specific information. Book Encyclopedia. In which volume will you look to find Cowboys? On what page do you find Cowboy Terms?


1. Answer questions by refer- 1. Directions: Get the book Story Carnival ring to the table of contents and turn to the table of contents.Use in a book. it to answer the following questions.

1. Which unit contains stories about dogs?

2. Arrange words in alphabe- 2. Put the following words in alphabetical tical order according to the order by numbering them. first three letters of the nothing 4 words. nose 3 candy 1 mother 2

27 -27-- Level E


Skill Example

3. Identify dictionary entry 3. Turn to page 245 of Thorndike-Barnhart words by locating them in Dictionary.. the dictionary. What is the first entry word on the page? What is the last entry word on the page?

4. Identify guide words in the 4. The underlined words are guide words, dictionary and use them to from a page in a dictionary. Circle all locate entries. the words that can be found on that page. cell claw chas (daE1---)1" cast carry Ccheesecak:e)

5. Find the meanings of speci- 5. Look up the following words in your dic- fic words in the dictionary. tionary and write the meaning of each. pitchfork crop

6. Answer questions by refer- 6. Use the index to answer these questions: ring to the main topics in the What pages tell about corn? index of a book. What topic would you read about on page 44?

7. Answer questions by refer- 7. Find Transportation in Part I. ring to topics and subtopics How many subtopics does Transportation in the index of a book. have? What pages tell about transportation by train?

28 -28-

Level F


Skill Example

1. Given a word for which the 1. Write the root of the word fitting. final consonant must be doubled FIT when a suffix is added, add the suffixes, ed, er, and est. Add the suffix est to the word big.. Given a word to which any of BIGGEST the above suffixes have been added, identify the root word.

2. Given a word ending in y, 2. Write the root of the word prettier. add the suffixes ed, _Lb ing, PRETTY er and est. Given a word whose root ends in y to which any of Add the suffix est to the word easy. the above suffixes have been EASIEST added, identify the root word.

3. Form new words by adding 3. Attach the prefixes self, up, or under the prefixes out, over, self, to the root words to make new words under, root words. which will fit the meanings of the- sentences.

1. A person who has control of himself has SELF -control.

2. A person who does not get enough to eat is said to he UNDER fed.

3. The car is traveling up, a hill-- it is going UP hill.

4. Divide words into syllables 4. Draw a line between the syllables of by applying the following prin- each word below. ciphi: when the first vowel is button piclture followed by two consonants, the certain consent first syllable usually ends with bulilet biggest the first of these consonants. (Pronunciation should be checked.)

5. Divide two-syllable words 5. Circle the word which has been correctly having only one consonant after divided into syllables. the first vowel by applying the ladies--lad ies la dies following principleY when the first vowel sound is long, the station --tta t163) stat ion consonant begins the second ca bin syllable; when the first vowel sound is short, the consonant ends the first syllable.

29 -29-- Level F


Skill Example

6. Mark the accent in words 6. Place the accent mark (') after the by applying the followlls syllable that is accented. principle: in most two- din'ner hap'py syllable words, the first metal pen'cil syllable is accented. trou'ble cud'dle


1. Identify antonyms for 1. Circle the antonym in the sentence for specified words when these the underlined word. words are presented in sen- The dog jumped over the stool and tences. r a n the chair.

2. Select the meaning of 2 After reading the paragraph, circle the specific word when the correct meaning for the underlined word. ing is implied but not stated The flute has been played for many in the selection. years. The first flutes were made from wood, but now they are made of metal. Some beautiful music has been written for the flute. The flute is: a new toy Ca- musical instrument) a radio


1. Answer factual quests one . Directions: Read the following questions. after reading an informative 1. What materials are used to build selection. an Eskimo summer home? 2. Where do Eskimos get these materials? Read the paragraphs and look for the answers. Write answers beside the question.

2. Answer factual questions 2. Directions: Read the following para- requiring recall of facts from graphs about pineapple growing in Hawaii. an,informative selection. Get a question sheet from your teacher and answer the questions.

1. How long does it take pineapple to grow before harvesting? 2. When is the pineapple harvesting season?

30 -30- Level F


Skill Example

3. State the main idea of a 3. Directions: After reading the paragraph, short selection. write a sentence, in your own words, that tells the main idea of the paragraph. Some dogs are used for hunting. Other dogs are used as watchdogs. Dogs that watch the cows and sheep are called shepherd dogs. Big strong dogs are used to pull sleds and small carts. DIFFERENT DOGS CAN DO MANY KINDS OF WORK.


1. Select from choices words 1. After reading the paragraph, underline or phrases that describe a the word which tells how the person felt. character's reactions to a How did Bill feel about living on situation. the prairies? thankful ham sad

2, Identify exaggerated phrases 2. Put an X before those phrases or sen- and sentences. tences which are exaggerations. Please put this letter in the mail immediately. XDorothy made the pie before I could say Jack Robinson. XHe ran the course in the twinkling of an eye. We all want a picnic in the Park.

3. After reading part of a 3. Read the paragraph below. Underline the selection, draw a conclusion phrase that best completes it. based on the information. Jimmy is wearing his spacesuit. He wishes he had a toy spaceship to play with. Jimmy enjoys: playing spaceman playing games

4. Lis' the sequence of action 4. Number the sentences in the order in portrayed in a selection. which they happen in the story. Jill got her turn at bat when it was getting dark. Tommy promised to play with Jill. Tommy kept yelling, "Run!" Jill's run won the game for Tommy's team. Tommy promised to give Jill a turn at bat. 31 -31- Level F


Skill Example

1. Identify author's purpose 1. Directions: After reading the story, as informative or entertaining put an X on the line beside the and give evidence to sqpport author's purpose. that purpose. to make you like astronauts to help you learn about astronauts

2. Select details from a 2. After reading the paragraph, list two selection that supports a things Dennie saw on his canoe trip given conclusion. that made it "the most beautiful sight Dennie ever saw."

3. Select words, sentences, 3. Directions: After reading the story or phrases that are relevant about an alligator hunt, list words to a specific topic. and phrases that suggest the hunt is dangerous.


1. Locate an entry in the 1. On the line beside each subject, write encyclopedia by using the the letter or letters and the numter of guide numbers and letters on the volume where you would find that the cover. subject. Abraham Lincoln Silk worms

2. Use guide words in an 2. (Use Compton's Encyclopedia) Look up encyclopedia to locate spe- each of the following subjects in the cific information. encyclopedi,,. After the subject, write the guide words you find on the same page. Emu Brittany

3. Locates information in an 3. Look up Peanuts in the World Book En- encyclopedia to answer speci- cyclopedia.Ilse that article to answer fic questions. the following questions. Which state in the United States grows the most peanuts?

32 -32- Level F


Skill Example

1. Lccate a specific word 1. Use guide words to help you find the in tIle dictionary by using following words. On the lines beside guide word each word write the guide words that helped you find it. grumble

2. Find the dictionary defin- 2. The underlined word in each sentence has ition for a specific word in more than one meaning listed in the context when that word has dictionary. Write the number of the multiple meanings. entry that is the best definition for the Tiord as used in the sentence. The boom was lowered into the well.

3. Given a list of root words, 3. Look up the entry for "limit" in your locate entry wordo in the dic- dictionary. There are three other tionary which are derived from words listed that have limit as their these root words. root word. Write the three words. LIMITATION LIMITED LIMITLESS

4. Answer questions concerning 4. Draw a line between the word as it is the phonetic spelling of given usually spelled and its phonetic spel- words by using the dictionary ling. key. album a.liv' alive al' born

5. Answer questions that did- 5. Answer the following questions about tinguish between the functions the glossary and the dictionary. If of a glossary and a dictionary. dictionary is your answer, use "D". If glossary is your answer, use "G". If both are correct, use "B". G Which is shorter? BWhich arranges words alphabetically? D Which is a book all by itself?

33 -33- Level F


Skills Example

1. Select the topic sentence 1. After reading the paragraph, underline in a paragraph. the topic sentence. Boxes of every shape and size were brought to the palace grounds. There were hat boxes, lamp boxes and dress boxes. There were even boxes for cookies and cakes.

2. Arrange a given list of 2. Read the four sentences below. Then scrambled sentences in se- number the sentences in the dorrect quential order. order to tell a story.

.....3 The package was addressed to him. 1 The mailman rang the doorbell. 4 Jim was excited. 2 He handed a package to Jim.

3. Select situations from a 3. Put an X in front of each situation in given list in which outlining which outlining would be useful. would be useful. After seeing a football game. X After reading a book for a report'.

4. Complete a simple outline 4. After reading the article, use facts to by addition of necessary details finish the outline. when the outline form is given, Glass using pne level of indentation for each main heading. I. Common uses of glass


34 -34- Level G


Skills Example

1. Form new words by adding 1. Add the suffixes ness, ment, or ion to the suffixes ness, ment, ship the root words. Then use the newly- add ion (tion and ation) to formed words to complete the sentences root words. below. kind KINDNESS bewilder BEWILDERMENT

1. The hikers experienced BEWILDERMENT when they lost their way in the woods. 2. Great KINDNESS was shown toward the wounded dog.

2. Add the prefixes non, dis, 2. Attach the prefixes un, dis, and non to un, mis, and in to root words the root words to make new words, which to form new words. fit the meaning given. New Word Meaning UNable not able DIShonest not honest NONstop no stop

3. Mark the acdent in words 3. Mark the accented syllable in each word. by applying the following in flame' dis hon' est un lock' principle: wher a prefix is added to a root word, the (Check pronunciation of words.) root word is usually accented.

4. Divide words into sylla- 4. Divide each word into syllables. bles by applying the following bottle bot tle principle: when the last syl- kettle ket tle lable of a word ends in le, trouble trou ble the consonant preceding the le usually begins the last (Pronunciation should be checked.) syllable.


1. Choose the correct homonym 1. Write the correct homonym on the line. for a particular context. Tom will BUY a kite at by buy the storp.

2. Write the meaning of a 2. Write in'your own words the meaning of specific word when the meaning the underlined word. is implied but not stated in The boys explored the trail looking the selection. for the old pine tree that marked the spot where the treasure was buried. 35 -35-

Level G


Skills Example

1. Answer questions from a 1. Directions: Read the following ques- fiction selection when the tions. Look for answers as you read answers are not directly the paragraph. stated in the te7ct. 1. What holiday is it? 2. What happened in Karen's school yesterday? The smell of hot roast turkey drifted through Karen's bedroom. She woke up with a start thinking she was late for school. Then she remembered- no school today or tomorrow! She thought of all the things she must do today before her cousins came. First there was her Pilgrim costume from yesterday's school play to put away. Then she wanted to help her mother make a special cranl !rry salad for dinner. Karen could hear her mother working in the kitchen as she jumped out of bed to get ready for the big day.

2. Read a selection and answer 2. After reading the story, answer the questions under timed conditions. questions.

1. Name 3 pieces of equipment used by scuba divers. 2. Where are the 3 most famous scuba diving areas?

3. Answer factual questions re- 3. Directions: Read the following story quiring recall of details from about the Minotaur, a fairytale monster. a selection. Get a question sheet from your teacher and answer the questions.

1. What did the Minotaur look like? 2. Where did the Minotaur live?

4. State the main idea of a 4. After reading the paragraph, write in short selection. your own words the main idea. Distances and depths mean very little to many whales. The blue whale can easily travel at a steady 10 miles an hour, and when chased, it has no trouble doubling that speed. The depth to which some whales can dive is almost unbeliev- able. A quarter of a mile is quite a common dive. WHALES DON'T WORRY ABOUT DISTANCES AND ,,,,,, DEPTH. (Answers will vary) 36 -36.-

Level G


Skills Example

1. Select words or phrases 1. Each sentence below describes one of that describe a character's the characters about whom you have just physical appearance. read. Write the person's name on the line next to the sentence which beet fits him. BILLHe was not yet 14, but he was as big as a man and just as strong.

2. Select words or phrases 2. Read the story on pages 110-114 in that describe a character's Peacock Lane. Underline the answer feelings and/or reactions to that correctly completes each statement a situation. below. At first, the woodcutter appeared to be a very man. wise clever trusting calm

3. Identify cause and effect 3. After reading the paragraph, tell what: relationships by stating which happened and why it happened. is the cause and 'which is the what: JANE FELL DOWNSTAIRS. effect. why: SHE SLIPPED ON THE RUG AT TOP OF THE STAIRS.

4. Read a partial story and 4 After reading the selection and seeing predict an outcome. Use evi- what has happened, write in the space dence from the story to sub- provided, a future event that might stantiate the conclusion occur on the basis of the given events. made. Underline those words, phrases, or sen- tences in the selection which made you give your answer: The day was rainy and cold, but Jimmy decided to go swimming anyway. The water felt freezing and when Jimmy got out he was shivering. The next day he had to stay home from school. JIMMY GOT SICK FROM SWIMMING ON A COLD DAY.

5. Identify and form similes 5. Choose a word from the list and write it in sentences. on the blank to correctly complete the simile. Motherls cake was as light as a FEATHER. stone feather cookie

37 -37- Level G


Skills Example

1. State the author's pur- 1. Directions: After reading the story, pose and list phrases to write the author's purpose and list support that purpose. four phrases from the story that support that purpose.

2. Given two possible con- 2. After reading the paragraphs about Dick's clusions, select the valid skiing adventures, put a check beside one based on evidence in a the best conclusion. selection. Dick will never ski again. .7"-- Dick is just learning to ski.

3. Select words, phrases or 3. Directions: After reading the story sentences that are relevant to about sky divers, list sentences that a specific topic. tell about safety precautions.

4. Determine which given state- 4. Put an F beside the information which ments are fact and which are is probably fact. Put an X beside the opinion. information which is someone's opinion. F The fire took place on Miller Street. XThe flames of the fire reached the sky.


1. Locate specific information 1. Locate the article on Pennsylvania in in an encyclopedia by using Compton's Encyclopedia. Under which subheadings. subtitles below would you look for the following information? Recreation areas Dairy farming

2. Locate specific information 2. Look up the following entries in the in an encyclopedia by using World Book Encyclopedia. List the cross cross references. references to which you should refer for information. All Fools' Day Auditory Canal

3. Locate the call numbers of 3. Look up the card for each title below library bOoke by using the in the card catalog and write its call card catalog. number on the line. The Story of Nursing The Pennsylvania Story

38 -38- Level G

Skills Example

4. Locate author, subject 4. Use the card catalog to find the fol- and title cards in the lowing information. card catalog. The author of Mary Poppins

One book written by Beatrix Potter

One nonfiction book on cats


1. Locate specific information 1. Use the index of Exp,oring American by using the key to the index Neighbors to locate the page numbers of a book. of the following: Map of South America Graph of coffee grow:Lng areas

2. Answet questions by refer- 2. On the line beside each subject write ring to topics and subtopicr the main topic and the subtopic as you in the index of a book. would look for them in an index. a map of Canada

sports in England

3. Identify the function of 3. Find Worlds of Nature! by Walt Disney in a specific book. the library. Read the preface. Answer the following questions: Who took the photographs?

4. Arrange names, titles and 4. Number the words belovi in the correct compound words in alphabetical alphabetical order. order. Mt, Everest 1 mountains ...L. Mt. McKinley 2 mouse

5r Use the dictionary to deter- 5. Write the plurals of the following words: mine the spelling of singular monkey MONKEYS and plural forms for specific words. goose GEESE thief THIEVES

r1 .1 a -39-

Level G


Skills Example

1. Select the topic sentence 1. Read the following paragraph and under- in given paragraphs. line the topic sentence. Realistic stories tell about people or things that are real or that could be real. Writings of the actual life of George Washington would be real. Wash- ington was a real person. A story that you wrcte describing how you spent your summer would be a real story. The events are true.

2. List specific details to 2. As you read the paragraph below,.note support the main idea in a the specific details which are used to selection. support the main idea. The main idea is underlined. Tom had never dreamed that one table could hold so many good things to eat. At one end was a blue bowl piled high with a mountain of snowy white potatoes. At the other end of the table two fat brown chickens pointed their drumsticks in the air. There were loaves of bread still warm from the oven, dishes of cheese, bowls of applesauce, and good yellow turnips. Best of all there were the pies--apple, berry, and good smelling pies of all kinds.


3. Construct in correct form, 3. Read the article Services of the Red an outline using 2 to 3 main Cross. Complete the following outline. headings and one level of I. Wartime Services indentation. A. B.

II. Peacetime Services A. B. C.

4n -40-

Level H


Skills Example

1. Given words ending in 1. Choose from the words given below, the able, ible, ful, ous or one which will best complete the sen- less; choose the correct word tence. for particular contexts. lover lovable helpful helper

1. A LOVABLE person is one whom others are able to love.

2. A person who helps others is HELPFUL.

2. Identify the correct root 2. Circle the root word on each line. words ending in ous, ful, gracious grace graceful able, ible, and less. lovable lovely

3. Syllabify words of three 3. Draw a line between the syllables of or more syllables. these words. government goy6r94ent misunderstand miAAeriltand

capl.tal ca4kal adventure a0er/ture (Check pronunciation)

4. Identify the syllables 4. Circle the words whose primary and with primary and secondary secondary accents have been correctly accents in specific words. placed. dem of crat is dem' o crat' ii2) vi/ va' cious) vi va' cious When you have completed this, pronounce each correct word for your teacher. (Permit use of dictionary.)

41 -41-

Level H


Skills Example

1. Identify the meaning of 1. May I present the President. homographs in particular 2. I have a present for the President. contexts. Write 1 or 2 in the answer to the following question. Which sentence has the homograph that means a gift? 2

2. Write the meaning of a 2. Write in your own words, the meaning of specific word when the the underlined word. meaning is implied but not Mother asked Don to hang up his new suit stated in the selection. so it would not get wrinkled and.messy.


1. Read a selection and 1. After reading the paragraph, answer the answer questions under questions. timed conditions. 1. Why is the scorpion dangerous? 2. When are the animals of the desert most active?

2. Answer questions from a 2. Directions: Read the following questions. selection when the answers Look for answers as you read the para- are not directly stated in graphs. the text. 1. What are John and his father going to do today? 2. Why are they wearing red? 3. What season, is it? 4. Why is John wearing insulated boots? 5. Why are the dogs excited? Today was the day! John leaped out of bed and slipped on his warm red- checkered shirt and trousers. Then he pulled on his insulated boots and fumbled with the laces. As he dressed, he could hear the dogs barking excitedly. The beagles had seen his father in his red-checkereu outfit load the guns and boxes of shells into the car. They knew this was their day,too.

3. State the main idea of a 3. After reading the paragraphs, write 1% short selection. your own words, the main idea of the selection. DIVERS CAN GO MUCH DEEPER INTO THE OCEAN WITH NEW AQUA LUNGS.

42 -42- Level H


Skills Example

1. Select words and phrases 1. Read the story "Joaby."What did Henry that describe a character's do on the first day that he found out reaction to a situation. that all his regular friends were out of town?

2. Identify the sequence of 2. Read these paragraphs. (Worksheet nar- events in a selection. rative with paragraphs in scrambled order.) You will see that they make a story, but are not in order. Number them in their correct order.

3, Select the correct sentence 3. Put an X before the sentence that tells or sentences that describes the most important thing about the be- (states) the plot. ginning of the story. A new girl moves to town. --- X A new girl is unhappy because she feels no one cares about her. A ballet is coming to town.

4. Identify and form similes 4. Complete each sentence below. Then un- in prose. derline the simile in the sentence. The slices of meat were as thin as PAPER. The little girl is as pretty as A PICTURE. a picture paper

5. Select words or phrases 5. Read "The Story of Mulberry Bend" in which describe traits of spe- Open Highways. cific characters. Circle the words that describe Jacob's traits.

kind selfish (observant,) (5ersistenD lazy care-free


1. State the author's pur- 1. Directions: After reading the story, poses and give evidence to state the author's purposes and list support those purposes. phrases from the story to support each.

2. Select relevant headlines 2. Under which headline would you expect to for newspaper articles. find an article on baseball?Check your answer. Band Concert Scheduled v( Pirates Win Double-Header Pike Crash Halts Traffic 43 -43-

Level H


Skills Example

3. Determine which given 3. Read each pair of sentences below. Write statements are fact and "F" before the statement of fact and "0" which are opinion. before the statement of opinion. 0 Tom had the funniest lines in the play. F Tom played the part of a clown in the class play.


1. Arrange library book 1. Use the ten main headings from the Dewey titles according to the Decimal System of Classification to Dewey Decimal System of answer the following questions. Classification. Write the heading which names the area in which each book below would be found.

1. The First Telephone 2. North American Birds

2. Locate bibliographic in- 2. formation coflcerning specific The Big Gems The First Book of books by using the card catalog. by Clouds Ronald Twilling by New York: Jones J. L. Neil Company, 1963 Boston: Robel:Ls Company, Answer the questions using the sample catalog cards above. What company published a book you could use for a report on weather? J. L. NEILL Which book was published mostirecently? THE BIG GEMS

3. Differentiate between the 3. Put U on the line if you need to use the usage of the abridged and the unabridged dictionary to locate the fol- unabridged dictionaries by use lowing information. Put A if you can of spe:Afic entries. use the abridged dictionary. What is the dual meaning of the slang word buck? What is the accented syllable in apple?

44 -44-

Level H


Skills Example

4. Locate information by 4. A direction that begins with "See" or using cross references in "See also" is called a cros3 reference. an encyclopedia. What is a possible cross reference for the main heading of Forests?


1. List information on spe- 1. Rewrite the information about the books cific books in the correct below into correct bibliographic form bibliographic form. and then number the entries in alpha- betical order: A book called Away Until Tomorrow pub- lished in New York in 1960 and written by Sampson E. Rodmann. Rodmann, Sampson E. Away Until Tomorrow. New York, 1960,

2. List the parts of speech 2. Look up the following words in the dic- of specific words as indicated tionary. After each word write the in the dictionary. abbreviation for each part of speech. Solite words can be more than one ,part of speech. love whip


1.. Arrange the events of a 1. The paragraphs below make a story if they given selection in sequential are arranged in the proper order. Read order. them. Decide on the proper order, and then number them accordingly.

2. Construct e. simple outline 2. After reading the selection, make an using one level of indentation outline. Include three main topics and for 3 to 4 main headings. at least two subtopics.

45 -45-

Level I


Skill Example

1. Given words ending in 1. Choose from the words given below, the en, ize, ify, and ate, choose ones which will best complete the sen- the correct word for a par- tences: ticular context. magnify black blacken industrious industrialize magnificence

1. After World War II, Japan was aided in its goal to INDUSTRIALIZE by the United States.

2. Jerry wished to BLACKEN his worn boots.

3. That lens will MAGNIFY your mushroom specimen.

2. Choose the correct root 2. Circle the root word on each line. word for words ending in colonize oloTO colonial en, ize, ify, and ate. thickly thicker

3. Form new words by adding 3. Attach the prefixes sub, trans, or dircum the prefixes sub, circum, super, to the root words to make new words which inter, trans, or intra to root fit the meanilis of the sentences. words. 1. A tunnel,-running underground, is SUBterranean. 2. TRANSoceanic travel is travel across the ocean.


Skill Example

1. Supply an antonym, synonym 1. Write a synonym for the 1st boxed word, or homonym, as indicated, to an antonym for the 2nd, and a homonym complete a given sentence. for the 3rd. Ann threw her cup on the broke floor and SMASHED it. Tom FIXED a kitchen chair. Mr. Beck slammed on the BRAKE.

46 -46-

Level I


Skill Example

2. Write the meaning of a 2. Our company is looking for qualified specific word when the meaning people to work for us. The new people is implied, but not stated in should be neat and well-dressed. Soma the selection. of them will need to be able to take shorthand and type. We also wish co employ writers and scientists who are college graduates. Our company can offer excellent salaries for skilled people.


1. Select statements from a 1. After reading the paragraph, find a sen- given selection which substan- tence in the paragraph which supports tiate inferred conclusions. the conclusion below. Football is a rough game.

2. Read a selection and answer 2. Read the paragraph and answer the ques- questions under timed conditions. tions.

1. How long does a sky diver free-fall before opening his parachute? 2. How long is the training period for sky divers?

3. State the main idea of a 3. After reading the story Rachel's Rainbow, given selection. write the main idea of the story. THE MAGIC BROUGHT BY RACHEL'S RAINBOW MADE THE FAMILY RICH.


1. Select words or phrases 1. Read the following story . . which describe traits of Match the names of the main characters specific characters. with the descriptive words listed. Sam silly John wicked Lucy polite

2. Predict the content of a 2. After reading the introductory paragraph selection from the introductory on the hazards of skydiving, predict the paragraph. contents of the rest of ;.he article.

47 -47- Level I


Skill Example

3. Identify six kinds of 3. For each of the propagandistic statements propaganda techniques: below, select the name of the type of Bad names propaganda that applies and circle it. Glad names-glittering Feel young again--use new Murmor Mist generalities Perfume. Testimonial (1. glittering_generalit Plain folk 2. name-calling Bandwagon 3. testimonial Card stacking 4. bandwagon

4. Identify and state the 4. Read the following story . . . mood in a selection. What is the mood of this selection?

How did the author convey this mood?


1. After reading a selection 1. Directions: Read the following perfume involving the use of propoganda, advertisement. Answer these questions answer the following: about the advertisement: a. What is the author's purpose? 1. What is the author's purpose? b. What propaganda techniques TO PERSUADE READER TO BUY PERFUME does he use? 2. What propaganda technique does the c. How does this selection author use? affect you? BANDWAGON

3. How does this advertisement affect you? I MAY TRY THE PERFUME. (Accept any logical answer.)

2. Identify the bias of an 2. Read the following four statements. They author in a given selection. were given by four different people who were asked whether they thought that the deer-hunting season should be extended so that more deer would be shot. After you have read the four statements, answer the questions. Which statements show an interest in the well-being of the deer? Which statements express opinions that were influenced by personal experiences? Which s-atement has the most impersonal and factualftoner Which statement is based entirely on the selfish desires of the speaker?

48 -48--

Level I


Skill Example

3. State whether information 3. Get EDL Listen and Think Tape E-15 in a selection is sufficient "Drawing Conclusions." Also get the to support a given conclusion. workbook. Turn to page 40 in the workbook. Listen to the tape and record your answers.

4. Given the author's purpose, 4. Sam wanted to learn how to ride a select from choices those horse. statements which are relevant Put a check in front of each statement to his purpose. in the list below which is directly related to the purpose above. Sam asked his father for permission to take riding lessons. Sam was very happy and slept Soundly all night long.


1. Locate irlormation in an 1. Find the following information in the encyclopedia to answer specific World Book Encyclopedia. ouestions. How many people live in Manhattan?

What are the five main classifications of sheep?

2. Compare information con- 2. Look up Babe Ruth in both the World cerning a common entry by Book and Compton's encyclopedias. using two encyclopedias. Then answer the following questions.

1. List the information which both en- cyclopedias give about the subject.

2. List the information which is given in World Book but not in Compton's.

3. List the information which is given in Compton's but not in World Book.

4. Which of the two encyclopedias covers the subject best.

49 -49-

Level I


Skill Example

3. Identify the purpose for 3. Below are five reference sources. Each using each of these reference is numbered. Place the number of the sources: Reader's Guide to correct reference source before each of Periodical Literature, The the reference problems listed. Library Catalog, The World 1. Reader's Guide to Periodical Liter- Almanac, Thesaurus and Atlas. ature. 2. The Library Catalog, 3. The World Almanac 4. Thesaurus 5. Atlas

4. Locate origins, histories 4. Find each word in the dictionary. Write and meanings of given words the origin and history of the word. in an unabridged dictionary. allegro detour


1. Locate synonyms for spe- 1. Find the definitions of the underlined cific words by using the word. Then use the Thesaurus to find Thesaurus. synonyms for the word. The car speedometer began to oscillate constantly. Definition:


2. Write a research paper 2. a. Select a topic from the list below. using two reference sources. b. Find two sources of information. c. Read and take notes. d. Write your paper.

3. Locate and distinguish be- 3. Look over the following items (table of tween types of information in contents, masthead, weather report, various sections of a news- classified ad section, entertainment paper. schedule, editGrial page, etc.) Answer the questions below. On what pages will you find the sports news?

On what page will you find the editor-

The want ads are on pages Name two syndicated columnists in this paper.

50 -50- Level I


Skills Example

4. Locate the following in- 4. Read Life magazine and fill in the formation about a magazine: blanks below. editor, editorials, publisher, Magazine editor date of publication and Publisher contents. Table of contents page Date of publication


1. Rephrase prose, making 1. Rewrite the following sentences in a each sentence shorter but shorter form without changing the maintaining the essential meaning. You will probably have to meaning. use some of your own words to get the same meaning in more concise form. The dawn ate the stars, one at a time, then moved in to force the trees and rocks to show themselves against the sky.

2. Construct an outline which 2. After reading the following paragraphs, has two levels of indentation. construct an outline using main topics, subtopics and sub-aubtopics. I. A. B. 1. 2.

51 irt


Level .1


Skill Example

1. Given words ending in ance, 1. Choose from the words given below, the ence (ancy, ency), ic, al, dom, one which will best complete the sentence. ity, ure, ism, and th, comical purify choose the correct word for purity distance particular distant comic 1. Bob Hope, the COMIC, entertains U.S. troops overseas. 2. The large building is visible from a great DISTANCE. 3. The inspector assured us of the PURITY of the water.

2. Choose the correct root word 2. From the choices below each sentence for words ending in ance, ence circle the root of the underlined word. fancy, ency), ic, al, dom, ty, 1. Tolerance is a quality of great need. ity, ure, ism, and th. toleration tc=a;1t tolerable 2. How great is India's dependence on fore! aid? da en independence dependable

3. Form new words by adding the 3. Attach the prefixes re, pre, or ex to the prefixes re, con, de, ex, pre, root words to make new words which fit pro, ad, and ob, to root words. the meanings in the sentences.

1. This old building will be REconstructed next spring. 2. Dwight Eisenhower is one of two EX- presidents of the United States, who is still living.

4. Identify the following Latin 4. Find the common Latin root in each of roots and their meanings and use the words below and underline it. them in context. uniforms unions unity unique sery sta unit universe fac dic Choose from the words above the one that uni -tra best completes the sentence. cap ject vis lect All the waiters in the restaurant wore UNIFORMS that were exactly alike. The latin root uni means: withdraw agptooutside


1. Use the Thesaurus to locate 1. After reading a story with overworked synonyms and antonyms for words, use the Thesaurus to find three given words. synonyms for these words. wonderful places interesting -52- Level J


Skill Example

2. Select from choices the 2. Choose the definition from the list be- definitions of specific, words low which would best fit the underlined in a selection when the mean- words. After the underlined words, ings are implied. write the number of the definition which best fits. John was so irate (4) when his brother broke his new baseball bat that he punched him in the stomach. His brother retaliated (2) with a blow on John's chin. 1. joyful 2. hit back 3. ran away 4. angry


1. Answer questions for a 1. Directions: Read the following paragraph. selection when the answers Joan stood quietly at the window watch- are not directly stated in ing snowflakes dan-,:e in the light of the the text. gas lamp which lit the driveway. It was a lonely hour for Joan, for she could hear the faint cheers of neighbors as the clock struck 12. At that moment sirens blared and several cars tooted as they passed her house. Joan turned from her window and slipped into bed with tears in her eyes. 1. What holiday is it? 2. Name 2 clues that told you the holiday. 3. What happened when the clock struck 12?

2. Answer factual questions 2. Directions: Read the following article requiring recall of details about PittsblIrghle Aquafari in Brazil. from an informative selection. When you have finished, ask your teacher for a question sheet.

Directions: Answer these questions. If the article did not answer a question, write "no answer given." 1. What was the purpose of the Aquafari? 2. Was the Aquafari successful? 3. How did the Aquafari affect Pitts- burghers?

3. Give an oral book report to a group of classmates.

53 -53-

Level J


4. Write a short book report. 4. After reading the book, write a short report on it. Take it: to the teacher to discuss and evaluate.


1. Identify a metaphor in 1. Place a check beside each sentence that prose and poetry. contains a metaphor. He has a very cutting tongue. VHe climbed that mountain like a billy goat.

2. Identify cause and effect 2. After reading the selection, decide relationships in selections in what caused the angel food cake to fall. which either the cause or the THE CHILDREN RUNNING THROUGH THE effect is implied rather than stated. HOUSE AND SLAMMING DOORS.

3. Select words used by the 3. Choose the words in the sentence below author to convey a specific which help express the mood the author mood in a story or poem. is trying to present. Harry stumbled toward home in the rain, dragging his injured leg.

4. Determine the emotional 4. Circle the word from the list below that reaction of a character in a best tells how Marilyn felt in this particular situation. situation. "Mother! Mother!" screamed Marilyn as she tore into the house. "I made it! I'm a cheerleader!" excite] 2. gay 3. angry 4. conter.ted


1. Classify advertisements 1. Mark Spitz, U.S. Olympic swimmer, speaks according to type of propaganda out (glad names, bad names, testi- The goals of most athletes I know are monial, bandwagon, card stacking, to make the 1968 Olympic team, and to win and plain folk) and give evidence a gold medal for the U.S.A. (Mark, des- to support the classifications. cribed as the'"most versatile swimmer in the world today," won 5 gold medals in the Pan American Games last summer!)


54 -54--

Level J


Skill Example

2. (CONTINUED) 2. The basic elements of physical fitness are the same for everyone: Plenty of rest, exercise, and well-balanced meals. Skipping important foods throws your diet off balance and can result in poor physical cond!:ion. That's one reason I try to have milk with every meal. American Dairy Association Classify the advertisement above accord- ing; to type of propaganda. TESTIMONIAL Explain why you classifed the advertise- ment as you did.

2. State the author's bias 2. In the following statements, different in a given selection. viewpoints on the extension of deer- hunting season are given.Answer the questions which follow the statements by putties; in the numbers of the state- ments which express the particular bias asked by the question.

3. State whether and why given 3. After reading the selection about the conclusions are, or are not, Union Army, answer the following: valid as based on the evidence The southern Army had inadequate trans- in a particular selection. povtation .facilities when compared to the north. Valid or invalid? Why?

4. Given a newspaper article 4. Directions:After reading the following with headline, state whether or article and headline, state whether the not the headline is justified headline is justified by the facts in by the facts included in the the article and why or why not. article.


1. Locate information in The 1. Using the table of contents of the 1967 World Almanac to answer specific World Almanac, locate information to questions. complete the following statements. The birthdate of President Johnson is

Who was the Ambassador from the U.S. to Spain in 1967?

55 -55-



Skill Example

2. Collect and synthesize in- 2. Using the given sources, collect and formation on a specific topic summarize information on the history by using The World Almanac, of baseball. encyclopedia and other refer- ence sources.


1. Use the dictionary to find 1. Using Webster's Seventh New Collegiate abbreviations, signs, symbols, Dictionary: proofreader's marks, biograph- Define N.A.T.O. ical names, pronouncing gaze- teer, and forms of address. Tell how you would address a mayor:

Coi,y the pronunciation of Cur.lcao:

2. Compare the function and 2. Using 2 current news magazines, select a coverage of specific magazines. topic covered in both. Compare the articles.

3. Write a research paper 3. 1. Select a topic. using three reference sources. 2. Find three sources of information. 3. Read and take notes. 4. Make an outline. 5. Write your paper.


1. Select sentences in a 1. Turn to page 10 of The Forest and read given selection that are "The Forest in. Winter." Using the two subordinate to the main stated main ideas, list the subordinate idea. statements:



2. Organize a given selection 2. As you read the article on this page, according to time sequence. pay particular attention to the order in which the events occur. Arrange the list of 9 events in correct order using numerals.

58 -56- Level J


Skill Example

3. Take notes from an oral 3. Get disc J-OS-3-1R. Follow the direc- presentation. tions on the disc and write the notes on this page.

4. Construct an outline that 4. After reading "Designing and Making Rag has three levels of indentation. Dolls," complete an outline with three levels of indentation.

57 -57-

Level K


Skill Example

1. Given words ending in ant, 1. Choose from the words given, the one ent, ive, ic, and ary choose which best completes the sentence: the correct word for particular allergy attentive contexts. allergic attendance 1. Nancy is ALLERGIC to ragweed and feathers. 2. Because the lecture was interesting the audience was ATTENTIVE.

2. Choose the correct root 2. Circle the root word on each line. word for words ending in ant, missionary ssio,, missing ent, ive, lc, and ary. energetically energize

3. Identify the following Latin 3. Underline the Latin roots spect and spic roots and their meanings and use in the words below. them in context: mov, mob, mot, inspect suspicion spect, spic, quest, quire, scribe, expect respect script, rul, reg, rect, don, der, spectacles pos, pon, pound, signific, sign, Choose from the words above the word that vert, vers, ag, act. correctly completes the sentence. If you do not believe that I do not have any money you may INSPECT my pocketbook. The Latin roots spect and spic mean:

(EC)see to run to laugh

4. Identify the following Greek 4. Underline the common ,greek root in each roots and their meanings and use of the words below. them in context: graph, syn autographs phonozra2ls (syl, sym), cir (circl, cycle), telegraphs graphics or, organ, phon, phone, mon, Choose from the words above the word that mono, tel, tele, pol, poll, auto. correctly completes the sentence. Joan has a collection of famous AUTOGRAPHS from people she met when she went to the United Nations in New York. The Greek root .ara_p11 means:

to swim to reward 4121.07771 -58-

Level K


Skill Example

1. Answer questions from a 1. After reading the following passage about technical selection requiring magnets, answer the questions below. an understanding of mathe- 1. Underline the correct answer. matical and scientific words. Does Magnetic Field refer to: a. materials that attract other materials made of iron, steel, cobalt, and nickel. b. the space around a magnet that can act like a magnet. c. the middle of the magnet. 2. What do the lines of force tell you about tha magnetic field?

2. Use source books to locate 2. Look up the word dungarees in the Diction- origins and histories of words. ary of Word and Phrase Origins. Answer the following questions: In what country did this word originate? What was the original word?


1. Determine whether given 1. Directions: Would the following para- questions can be answered by graph be a useful source for learning a specific selection. about tin mining in Bolivia?Why or why not? Tin miners in Bolivia perform some of the most colorful dances of South Amer- ica. After a week of mining, the tin miners exhibit their exhilaration by taking a day off for holiday celebra- tions. The miners and their families don gay costumes and assemble in the village square to dance the day and night.

2. Write a book report. 2. After reading the book, write a report on it, remembering to include the main idea, the mood, the setting, and impor- tant information about the main charac- ters. After completing it, take it to your teacher to discuss and evaluate with her.

3. Give a report on a bio- 3. Give a report on a biography or autobio- graphy or autobiography. graphy that you have chosen. It can be a written report or an oral report to a group of your classmates.

59 -59- Level K


Skill Example

1. Identify how various sounds 1. In the blank space, write the sound or (hard and soft) function to the letters that make the sound which create poetic mood. helps us to imagine what is being pic- tured in words. lightly lowing cattle "L" sound

2. Identify personification 2. In the sentences below, underline each in a given selection. part that is an example of personification. Uncle Joe's shaggy eyebrows were twin brother's of his moustache.

3. Describe the mood of a poem 3 Using all of the knowledge you have about and identify some of the reasons what poets can do to make their poems (both technical and personal) give us a picture of a certain thing or which account for the suggested idea or mood, write a one page discussion mood. of the last stanza of The Bells. You should include some comments on mood, sound effects, controlled connotations, evaluation of the illustrator's work and ier,,,onal feelings. Also, in your dis- cussion, you should try to show that you have some idea of why the poet has been able to make you feel the way you do when reading the stanza.


1. State one author's purpose 1. State the author's purpose for writing in specific material and com- the Omega watch advertisement . . . pare it with that of another Compare the purpose of the Omega ad- author writing on the same vertisement with that of the article on topic. watchmaking in Switzerland.

2. Compare the viewpoints of 2. After reading two articles, answer the two editors on the same sub- following: ject in given editorials. How do the editors in editorial A view the government's growing intervention in the arms race? How do the editors in editorial B feel about this problem?

60 -60- Level K


Skill Example

3. Given statements, identify 3. In the following excerpts, distinguish which are ihferences and which between those statements which are in- are valid conclusions based on ferential and those which are factual. the evidence in a selection. The sentences are numbered so that ycu can write down the numbers of the sen- tences in each category. Inferential statements Factual statements

4. Given a newspaper headline, 4. Directions: Read the headline below. write an article with facts Write an article with facts to support relevant to the headline. the headline. BOY FINDS $1000 IN TREE TRUNK


1. Locate the pronunciation, 1. Select two of the following words that derivation, and definition of lcok most interesting to you and explore specific words by using the their derivations.Write out the story dictionary. of their derivations, check the pronun- ciation and definition. incognito translucent abdicate

2. Vrite a research paper 2. After selecting a topic from a list of using four sources. questions, the child will make a pre- liminary outline, select materials for information, take notes, make a final outline, write a rough draft, make footnotes and bibliographic notations, and write a final copy.


1. Given informational state- 1. Below are a number of sentences mixed up ments, organize them sequen- in such a way that they don't form a tially into a paragraph. logical paragraph. Organize these sen- tences into a paragraph that will have a certain pattern of thought and will be sequential. He knew how long to use a friend and how to get rid of him afterward. Santa Anna, was; in some ways, like a modern dictator. He was a champion. rabble rouser.

61 -61-

Level. K


Skill Example

2. Take notes from an oral 2. While listening to a disc, the children presentation. will take notes. The quality of the notes will be evaluated in terms of a teacher check list-

3. Construct an outline that 3. After reading, the following selection, has three levels of indentation make an outline that has three levels from reference materials. cf indentation. Be sure the outline is consistent in numbering, lettering, in- dentation, and capitalization.


Funded by Title IV ESEA of 1965 in cooperation with the USOE, under Research Contract 4 'i0.E.C. 1-7-062867-3053-a regional laboratory for New Jersey, Delaware and eastern Pennsylvania. 62