The Journal of Nutrition 1956 Volume 58 No.1
CONTENTS No. 1 JANUARY 1956 James M. Orten. Biography of Eugen Baumann (1846 -1896) with frontis piece .................................................................................................... 3 W. A. H ardison, R. W. E ngel, W. N. L inkous, H. C. Sweeney and.G. C Graf. Eecal chromic oxide concentration in 12 dairy cows as related to time and frequency of administration and to feeding schedule. One f-gure 11 E lwood F. E eber, C. C. Morrill, Horace W. N orton and Harry E. Rhoades. Studies of the effects of ehlortetraeycline, vitamin E and vita min K in the nutrition of the rat. I. Growth. One figure..................... 19 W erner J. M ueller. Feasibility of the chromic oxide and the lignin indi cator methods for metabolism experiments with chickens...................... 29 W. J. M ueller, R. V. B oucher and E. W. Callenbach. Influence of age and sex on the utilization of proximate nutrients and energy by chiekens 37 Edwin T. Mertz and J ulius Golubow. Effect of optical antipodes of 6- hydroxy norleucine (hexahomoserine) on growth and hematopoiesis in rats .......................................................................................................................... 51 R uth M. L everton, M ary R. Gram, Marilyn Chaloupka, E ileen B rod ovsky and A my M itchell. The quantitative amino acid requirements of young women. I. Threonine. One figure ......................................... 59 R uth M. L everton, Mary R. Gram, E ileen B rodovsky, Marilyn Cha loupka, A my Mitchell and N orma J ohnson. The quantitative amino acid requirements of young women. II. Valine. One figure ............... 83 A rthur H. Smith, M ax K leiber, A rthur L. B lack and Glen P. L ofgreen.
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