MOST PROGRESSIVE WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay%;Di$trict" VOL. VI.—No. 2 FORDS, N.-J., FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1941 PRICE THREE Emmet Didn't Have Permit, Awaits Bingo Decision Now He Doesn't Have Rifle • ISELIN — Recently Milf ord Emmet, 30, of Hillcrest Avenue, this place, was the proud owner of a .22 calbre rifle. But since he was unwise enoug-h to shoot the rifle in the woods near his home without the necessary li- cense he no longer has the weapon. Eleven Workers Dismissed, He was picked up by Officer Omenhiser Is Given Orders Thomas Bishop. When he ap- Raritan Engine Company Walter M. Martin Is Be- '**•"* 1 259 Firemen/ Guests Are Present Two Remain, In Slash peared before Recorder Arthur By State; Innocent Vic- Brown in police court the Iselin Again To Conduct An- queathed $24,500; Sis- Ordered By U. S. man was given a suspended sen- nual Observance tims To Be Excepteii tence and his rifle was confis- ter Gets Like Sum cated. Two-Hour Floor Show Features Affair; Jensen Toast- SWALES, JR., TO SERVE NET VALUE OF ESTATE master And Only Mayor Greiner Delivers Speech 'BARGAINING' FOR HELP AS GENERAL CHAIRMAN PLACED AT $222,148 FORDS—About 250 firemen, their wives and friends, ALSO IS PROHIBITED, and invited quests attended the annual banquet for Fords Cost, However, Is Expected School Children, Patriotic Inheritance Disclosed By Fire Company No. 1 in honor of ex-Chief John Carmody Rule To Apply Throughout Commissioner Rankin at The Pines Saturday night. . To Be Considered Too And Civic Groups Are Filing Of Return With The affair, one of the outstanding events of,the local New Jersey; Epidemic lommittee Asked To Take Part N. J. Tax Department social season, featured an all-star floor show whieh lasted Of Disputes Cause for more than two hours. Danc- 1 . - PISCATAWAYTOWN—Plans FORDS—A report filed by the ing followed until a late hour. cfangr WOODBRIDGE — Unless the for the annual Memorial Day par- <8> WPA reconsiders its action in dis- New York State Transfer Tax De- • An innovation -at Saturday ders from Arthur Mudd, ct County Board Announces ade and services, to be sponsored partment Tuesday disclosed that missing eleven Recreation Depart- Rankin Says Game Will night's function was the elimina- of the State Hnancial, Assistance ment .workers including Director by Raritan Engine Company No: the late William H. Martin, who Official Rate, One-Cent 1 here, were furthered at a meet- Not Be Permitted Till died November 17, 1939, left $24,- tion of long speeches. May/pr Commission, Jo-hn T. ^ Samuel Gioe, or the Township August F. Greiner, in'tHe role* of takes over the department wMch ing of the organization Tuesday 500 each to a brother living in municipal welfaie director, today night in the Plainfield Avenue fire- It Fords and -a sister residing in principal speaker, spoke briefly. appears unlikely at the present Under Estimate Here Four Volunteers Among 15 announced that relief -will Mt m house. Carteret. time, the leisure time activities WOODBRIDGE—"Until such Bernhardt Jensen, head of thegranted to any person on strifes - in the Township will be sharply Fire Chief Thomas Swales, Sr., time as we receive authority from The beneficiaries, as listed by Left Township For county's probation, departmeirt, The order reads that no "pufc& curtailed. CONTINUAL REDUCTION is serving as general chairman, as- the prosecutor's office to allow the tax department, are Walter again served as toastmaster. In assistance will be granted to per- sisted by a large committee. Har- Year With Army sons (and/or their depeu The only official WPA employes bingo games in the Township, .we M. Martin, 4 Grant Avenue, Fords, the absence of George Jogan, old L. Berrue Post No. 246, Ameri- during the time *hey are engage! left at the Parish House are An-IN FUTURE PREDICTED will continue to ban the game.1' and Mrs. Ada Sofield, 209 Roose- RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Fif-president of the fire company, who can Legion is cooperating with the velt Avenue, Carteret. m labor disputes and m conse- thony Cacciola and Joseph Kurzin So declared Police Commission- teen Selective Service volunteers was injured in an automobile ac- company on arrangements. Property left by the testator quence oi whach they have letffc em- sky. Although Mr. Gioe received er Herbert B. Rankin last night. and draftees left the municipal cident two days before the annual his dismissal notice last week he is Invitations to participate will be was appraised at'$233,964 gross plo-yment." Exempt Property Valuation The police head said that the municipal building here this morn- banquet, Jensen also welcomed tire still on the job, largely through extended to township officials, value, $222,148 net. However, relief will foe grand jury • presentment was ing for Trenton for induction into assemblage. . . . the efforts of the sponsoring com- school children and all patriotic, to two e\ceptaons^-"a. psovi&a Placed At $5,337,095, Others sharing in the Martin Wife Given Photo mittee members, who have obtain- civic and fraternal organizations "weak" and after talking the mat- the U. S. Army. The eighth con- that the persons are aot pertie>~ ter over with Chief of Police will include four brothers, Frank, Invocation was by the ed permission from the Township Including Schools -ofth e townshiP- Fire' companies Leonard, Randolph and Edward; tingent numbered fifteen and in- Rev. patmg, financing 01 directly inv- Committee to pay Mr. Gioe's salary of the municipality will also be in-George E. Keating they both- felt cluded four volunteers. ested in the dispute" and ' Burial and is divided as follows': Public Wargo, Miss Edith Wargo, Miss chum, of Highland Park; Frank D. cluded many novelty numbers. The Commission as to the extent to- was in Windsor Gardens, Wood- schools, $2,206,160; other school Genaert. Repairs and improvements to both the club Fullajtar, 69 Wildwood Avenue, iiiidge, ' Anne Whitten, Mrs. William Var- floor show was provided by Charles wluch relief may be given ehgifole- property, $65,000; public property, house and docks, located on lower Player Avenue, are al- ady and Mrs. George Ferdinand- and John I.. White, Lincoln High- Stillwell. persons or families Raritan Lodge No. Gl, F. & A.§2,685,952; churches and chari- ready underway. sen. Refreshments were served by way, near Plainfield Avenue, Stel- Danish pastry and coffee were M.., of which lir. Jago was a long table property, §350,603; 'ceme- a committee consisting of Mrsto. n section, Raritan Township; - 'Need' Is Measure member, conducted its ritual at the teries and 'graveyards, 525,380. Commodore Gernert has named served after midnight. "Relief is given to meet i-the^ | July 4, when the annual run will Kurt Baumgarten, Miss Ida Fuller- James J. Ricotta, 1 Diaz Street, 'The bearers were Roy Fer- , a planning committee to arrange Iselin, and Wai-field E. Txo-vjbridge, NEEDS and not the 'wants* of, be made to the Richmond County ton, Mrs. Ann Tilley and Mrs. "Wil- eligible persons o-r families ac.- guson, A. L. Kissen and Millard for special events, in cooperation liam Warren, Jr. 103 Hornsby Avenue, Fords. Munn, representing the Masons; with the Ladies' Auxiliary. Steven Yacht Club, Staten Island. The aceepted." LeRoy Woelper, personnel man- McNally is chairman of the com-annual moonlight ride will be Fri- A successful card" party was Discussing complaints of belief ager of the Baltimore plant of the mittee, assisted by George Daw- day, August 8, while the annual held by the organization in the recipients, Mr. Mudd ruled: fish dinner of the auxiliary 'has American Smelting: and Refining son, Herbert Wildgoose, ^George chapel social room Monday night. "Relief recipients shall malte Company; Horace Miichem, gen- Meyer and Gernert. been tentatively set for August Prizes were won. by Mrs. Henny, their complaints first -verbally la eral foreman of copper refineries, Clara. Barton Women Plan ; The committee announces a pro- l " Columba Sacket, Marjorie Krauss[ Total Of 15 Leave Monday the investigator (case-worker)Jan.d xnd Michael Kushma, general fore- gram of special events for the The major event of the season Ann Tiiley and Connie Van Horn. if satisfaction is not o-btained to nan of the casting department of For Annual Event To summer months, the first to bewill take place Saturday and Refreshments were served by Mrs. For Army Duty; Next the case supervasor. Or the-rejtef- :he plant. Be HejdA.priI 15 held Tuesday, April 15, at the Sunday, September 6 and 7, when Kurt Baumgarten assisted by Mrs. West Rantan Unit, South Group Goes April 23 ._•recipient may sulbwnt his eomj)Iiamfe> The honorai-y bearers were K. A. home of Mrs. Elsworth Lowne of nearby units of the United States Charles Moore, Mrs. .Louis Peter- Aiafeoy Group, Also To in -writing directly to- the Local liindner, general manager of the CLARA BARTON"—An -exten- Mill town. Mrs. Lowne will serve Power Squadron will be guests of son and Mrs. Charles Warga. Assistance Board All complainte- as7 chairman, assisted by Mrsth. e club. WOODBRIDGE — Eight volun- ?crth Amboy and Baltimore plants sive schedule of activities during Have Bowling Match teers, five of whom are from Iselin, shall be given fair considerafcioE >f the A. S. & R_; W. M. Mossison, April is being1 formulated by theGeorge. Meyer and Mrs. John ON GRAND JURY and those submitted to fee Boaa?3.» Gernert. WHAT A GAME! WOODBRTDGE—Earl J. Lloyd PISCATAWAYTOWiN — T h pand seven draftees will leave here shall (be answered in writing direfefc-. general superintendent of the Clara Barton Woman's Club. ' Monday morning on the 7:01 train Perth Anrboy plant; Major R. D. ISELIN—While playing "jack- and Albert M. Hagen, of town, West Earjtan Young- Republican ly to the recipient, but no -copies The annual Federation Night . Friday night, May 9, the club as the next • draft . quota from iVny-tock, director of personnel; B. knife" Friday night, young Thomas were among the members of theClub will hold a party tomorrow of such letters shall be sent to anym celebration and the guest night will be host to members of the night at Fritz Kiefers Mayfair Woodbridge Township. Ttte men j. DiSanto, chief engineer; George program, 'two of the outstanding Mil-ford, of Persning Avenue, this April term of the Middlesex Coun- person, gro>np or organization- auxiliary and also to all members place, threw his knife and hjit nine- ty Grand Jury which was -drawn Grill, Route 25, near Main Street. will report at the Draft Board Persons alleged to have 'been dee- RTeis, superintendent of brass de- events of the elub, is slated for the headquarters at the firehouse at lartment, and T. D- Jones, metal • month. The Federation Night af- of the cast of the recent produc- year-old Caroline Andreas, daugh- and in, Tuesday morning by The affair will follow a bowling tion, "Ladies In White," at a so-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mordee An- Supreme Court Justice Clarence E. match at the Fords Recreation be- 6:30 A. M. med xekef unjustifiably shall urgist lead refineries. fair will take place Tuesday night, mit their complaints directly to £h_ cial and party. dreas, of 6 Wilson Street, in theCase. Donald R. McCain, of Hel- tween a team representing the lo- The volunteers are as follows: Long Known In Industry- April 15. Mrs. Einar Jensen, pro- left thigh. roetta, was named foreman. cal group and a combine -of the Local Assistance B-oasrd, in- "wiucki Mr. Jag-o was of a long line of gram chairman, is in charge. ' A covered dish supper will be From Iselin, John Brown, Fiume case tha same procedure shaH J3&- served Sunday, May 25, by the South Amb-oy Y-oung Republican smelter workers. The Jagos havp An excellent program of enter- Club. Street; Victor A, Difino, 92' Mid- followed as with regard to those «§; )een 'associated with the copper in- tainment will feature the guest auxiliary for all members of the \ dlesex Avenue; Michael Lewka, relief recipaents." iustry of Pdrth Amboy.- for three night event in the school audito- club and their families, and on I Preston Gillis is chairman of theTrento Street; 'Arthur J. Dude, 5 jenerasions. The original Jag:o= rium. All members of the club, Sunday, June 22, the annual party, assisted hy Miss Elizabeth 272 Iselin Boulevard and Albert iettled in Perth Amboy coming their friends and other residents strawberry festival of the auxil- i Stout, Mrs. William Woerner and Moscarelli, Bloomfield Avenue; Bonhamtown Church Units Tom Swansea, Wales, where smclt- of the township wilt be invited to iary will take place and will be i ges John Yorke. from Woodbridge: John W. Dxum- Arranging Dance April 28 ng and refining is an ancient ir.- attend. open to the public. '• i raining Are mond, Edgar Street; from. Colo- lustry. Members of the literature and Moonlight Sail WOODBRIDGE—Jshn T. Omen- distance from his local board as to nia: Robert L. Rippen, New Dover Mothers'Club Of Troop 51 Road; from Keasbey, Jbsepii A. BONHAMTOWN — Mr. Jago entered the employ of history department of the club at- The initial yachting event of hiser, municipal Director of Relief, make travel thereto impracticable, Name Society and Altar ,he American Smeltin and Kefin- tended the literaure and drama de* the season is slated for. Friday, announced this week that his o'f- Sponsors Dance On Friday Egrie, 410 Smith. Street. he .may request that his records be of St Margaret-Mary Chord* t ng Company in 1896. His service partment conference held in Avon ficc is accepting CCC applications transferred to the local board near- vith the company was broken for FORDS—The Mothers' Club of Selectees are: Albert C. New-sponsor a dance at the church ia3I last week. Hopelawn Club To Sponsor from youths between the ages of est his CCC camp. Such a request man, May Street, Paul Myers, of ive years in 1915, when he went The regular meeting of the Am- Boy Scout Troop 51 held a most Sunday afternoon, April 30- Party In School April 25 17 to 23 inclusive. A now ruling: must 'be made by the registrant successful dance Friday night at 383 Florida Grove Road, both of Araencan and Hungarian ,0 Chile, South America, as an ex-erican home department will visit makes it possible for the applicant directly to his local board and at >ert casting foreman with the Chile the home of Thelma Palmeren in to School No.. 7. Refreshments, con- Hopelawn; Daniel A. Bartha, of will be provided by Joseph HOPELAWN — The A.Ki-Kata i select his own camp, Mr. the time his questionnaire is re-sisting of d-ougnnuts and coffee, and his White Jackets orchestra. Exploration Gompany. On his re-Elizabeth Wednesday, April 9. Girls' Club will sponsor a public hiser said. turned. - Greenbrook Avenue, Steve Aba- ,urn, he resumed his duties in the A meeting of the garden depart- were served. basze, Maplewood Avenue, Joseph Members of both societies card party Tuesday night, April All applications must be in. the It was also announced that if a 3 -oppcr department of the Perth ment was held Wednesday at the2o, at the Hopelawn school. Plans local relief office by Thursday. Members of the committee in- Eudi, 45 Greenbrook Avenue, all serve on the committees in charge CCC boy has been -designated by a cluded -Mrs. Martin Loftus, chair- of Keasbey; Isaac W. Parker, 87 $.mboy plant and in 1925, he washome of Mrs. Emma Moore, Edgc- for .the affair were made at a meet- April 10. local board to be inducted under of refreshments, reception and"_ ippointed general1-foreman. sruen Avenue. Mrs. Willard An- man, Mrs. Marius Nielsen and Mrs. Main Street, Woodbridge, trans- music. The affair is open to 1 ing- of the -group recently. In the meantime, C. R. WIcoff, the_Selective Service Training act, Edward Drake. ' Surviving are his widow, Mary; drews, -chairman, conducted the. Present at the session were the county coordinator, has issued a he may go to the local board near- ferred from Salisbury, Md., andpublic "osir children, -Mrs. Edward Balog, Misses Evelyn. Gutwoin, Irma statement in which he points outest his camp and ask that board ARRANGE DANCE Harvey W. Giberson, Oceanville, N. J., a registrant of the local lohn Jr. and Matthew MT Jago, of Grundmann, Helen Cherico, Rose that the CCC has proven to besend him to an "induction station." HOPELAWN—7plans for a d:ance PARTY IS SUCCESS ^ rV'oodibndffc; one granddaughter; IT'S A GIRL! board. ' . '' • Reitenback, Kay Hlavati, Angle j the means through which many However, if he prefers, on receipt to be held Apnil IS. at the Hope- PISC4.TAWAYTOWK — Asnip ;wo brothers, George, of Perth Arr.- FORDS—A daughter, Jo-Anne. Massucci, Mary Toth, Frances | boya have secured fine jobs and ful- of his induction notice, he may be lawn school were advanced at a The second April contingent, joy, and Thomas M-, of Irvington; cessful •card party for the jy, s DOrn to Mr. and Mrs. Russell ^Pitzke, Irene Hladik, Minnie Cher- j filled life-long ambitions. discharged to return to his home to special meeting of the Hopelawn which will consist -of 17 men,, will of the Rosary S&eiety of St- ihree sisters, Mrs. Anna Bauer, of jSyvertsen Saturday at South Am- ico, Marge Ingtassiat Midge Simon, Many questions have come up re- report. He be provided with Greyhounds Athletic Association leave here on Wednesday morn- Rose Kozma, Helen Hlavati, Mary rcsa's B <:, Church, ?erth Amboy; -Mrs. William Jen-;.boy Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Sy- garding CCC boys in the draft age tarnsportation home if he prefers Tuesday Jiight. Music -will be pro- ing, April 23, Eugene Bird, sec- •was held M-ondayn^htat the of Fords, and Mrs. •JofenU-ertsen is the former M4ss Laurel Swallick, J-oan Paszinski, Marian Limit. If the CCC camp to which to be inducted in his home commu- stms. 1 vided by Al Kalla and -his orches- retary of the -local -.Draft Board 'bran ball Prizes were of Sewaren. • Eymundsonof King George's Road. Skavanek snd Josie Massucci. an enrolled is assigned is at such a nity. tra. " • •'-.'• announced • yesterday. • . .. -..-an.d refreshaiaeal FRIDAY; APRIL 4, 1941


OWNED AND OPERATED Custom" Bround coffee' is • A&P, 5 coffee 1 correctly ground for | your iown .coffee pot, 1 WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED I if fl."faB I He No artificial &B!% ™ tans fea^J pkgs. Savor used. JI-LB.; m Before you see the prices and taste the foods, you'd hardly believe how little you pay for de- First in favor because it's first in value. BAGS j§ licious things to eat in your A&P Super Market! They're tasty, high quality . . . and sensa- -g tionally low-priced, too! You'll find these "buys" in every one of our 5 departments, 6 days Metropolitan Area's Largest Selling Coffee H in the week—everything that you want for your table! What's more, you can pick from iggS AHH PAEE ^ fully 2,000 values all told! Join the millions of smart, thrifty women who prefer the friendly 4 Envelopes pK9' A&P Super Markets for fine foods at savings. You get the savings because we make them SUNNYFIELfl 8oz."pka- , by buying direct, eliminating many in-between profits! Come, shop, save with confidence! N. B. C. pkg. ttb yOffgg Strong and Vigorous t bags or SBNNYFIELD r s ANN PAGE lib lib. 2 Pure jar bags rSiif © JANE PARKER carton Naturally fSieat Flakes SHIELD 2 1 doz. llliid "Dated for Freshness" Aged lb. Tetlev's Tea pkg pkg Cut From 1st Six Ribs Steer Beef II oz. pkg.. 22 oz. pkg. AJ-iixury y«lb. Blend pkg 1 BAKER'S or HERSHEY'S Pkg 24 oz. DEL MONTE cans ) or A&P 25c Of! £121 Pure and No ids time . * cans i .ANN %lb Hffla'PANCAKE FLOOR ^9 PAGE pr h '£ 1 5E 1 20 oz. >| FlOlir SUNHYF1ELD .5 12 ox. can HC • pkgs. I ' 9 SUNNYF1ELD ANN PAGE—A Blend 20 oz. pkg. of Pure Cane and Maple Syrups Quick Cooking WHITE I No. 2 | 14 oz. can RELIABLE Brand *) No. 2 flU Unsweetened HOUSE Grade A-Large *• cans * cans 1 Sizes 24 0Z. SLUE LABEL 2 Standard Quality 2 2 to Zvz cans ql. boL I BRER RABBIT „ m nn 19oz can Rushed Overnight From Nearby Farms GREEN LABEL - 3 22c A&P Brand qf Milk r - 1 12 oz. jar | JjC 24 oz. jar PeSS Standard Quality 3 Pirfte bof. bof. B Amplifier No 2 RED CHEEK ffi ) - 1 „ 23c Carrots & Peas •gs? 2 TJ17« The Chocolate Drink O Vz Ib. • cans B Children Love &• cans 's Beans 4 25a |g SUN-RAYED 1 13 oz. &% "Tender- ,,. Yz lb. can 2 1 C • 11 lb. can lib a cans ™ Cooked'* " 2 Ib. 'ft I0NA Brand J 24 oz. ft Naturally Aged Four Season's Salt 2 . Ib. SCOTT ANN PAGE—Quick Cooking COUNTY c 's Cleanser 3 — Ib. gal. can c 3 cans Freshly Ground Ib. ;iib. i can-i * cans c cans ' Top or Bottom Ib. ANN PAGE 12oz. i iaity 6 £ 25c Fresh or Corned lb. Double Acting cans c With Towel Ige. pt-g. BONELESS 3 It 25c Silver Dust 2%lb. c Fresh or Corned Ib. FUWES OR SBMBLES Ige pkg. pkg. l Daily Dog Whole Biscuit p£ 9c Chipso HR"BB ff% nnr* on 011DDV A A A A • UIO1TC CAM C— 1SflrSHNNYFIELD-Makes Your t 2% ib. C Ilia Best Cakes Taste Better! t pkgs. i s-nall o Macaroni,Spaghetti GINGERBREAD MIX pkgs. Waxed Piper-«"=•«« 2**£ 21c Reckitt's Blue • squares 5 or Hoodies pkg. c uEENflNNE k f8o or DEVILS FOOD MIX SPAGHETTI OB HQ03LES Here are but a few of the Jnany fine products awaiting SAIL 12 ez. bet pkg. Paper Napkins Q P s° 5c Liquid Blue wnm ANN PAGE your selection in our Dairy Department. c pkgs. QUEEN') pkgs..-'"I Cre HfQllA fit* SULTANA Brand rail can 1 ANNE t Of 200 I W 1*1 aliU U! ANN PAGE Fancy Domestic ib. Ught Ige. • SPARKLE fc Meat 2 si 23c can ib! c 1 Fancy Imported med. can Statler Paper Towels 2 «* t5c Laundry Bleach S H.B.G. lib pkg. c 1 Fancy Domestic oval can ib. . -n6c Oakite . . . « Exceptionally Fine Flavor » JANE u in Tomato Sauce l5oz. g & PARKER'S each You will enjoy its 4 «* 15c Ivory Soap 2s&9« A&P Brand 2 cans ib.1 cakes E sharp, nutty flavor! NO-RUB pt. FRANCO-AMERICAN Seminole Tissue 3 c JANE PARKER'S each h ^* CRESTV1EW Brand cin. of E 'tm PAGE-Prepared 0** Mixed Colors idoz. 3 10c Rubless Floor Wax 1!iI . Beady-to-Eat Med- Size 2 ib. pkg. cans ige CHEF SUHNYBRQOK Brand ctn. of 2 - B A&P Brand 21b. BOY-AR-DEE pkg. Large White Leghorn i doz.' ; lc cake QC Formerly Super Sads Ige. pkg Med. Size pkgs.' SaNHYBROOK © Large ctn. of Delicious Alaskan 1 ib. can 2a- CODFISH CAKES aw Mixed Colors idoz. 10 oz. can 5c Kirkman's Soap Powder g; 15 3 Beady-to-Fry live Domestic each COLD STREAM 11b. 3 c s •» Flakes 2 & 37 Choice Alaskan 2 cans Lux Toilet Soap SHREDDED Domestic lb.; 3 c 5 oz. pkg. •4- "••« S CODFISH § FACIAL 21c 3 p^s. 25 Selox 19c Noodles 2 American lb. ' 12oz.can BORAX Soap 7 cak« 25c Soy Sauce 3 oz. bot BROAD- 11b. CAST 2 cans , CORNED E 2 1 lb. BEEF S iasi cans CORNED lb Delicious fruits, garden^resh vegetab! es . . . all attractively priced for you! 1 - BEEF h 2'cans II tm can med. 12 ox. can size 12 oz, can Ige, size Standard Quality ™ °* DOT* CALIFORNIA HERB OX tin of 5 Spring Crop

. 2 TEXAS—Spring Crop lbs. |C 6% oz. pkg. each *C

STAYMAN WiNESAP gives you the mQst im- MOW MORE THAN EVES... Excellent for Either Eating or Cooking C I 113 MAIN ST. Opposite Woodbridge Nat'l. Bank WQODBRIDGE portant minerals' and AMERICA'S BEST BREAD BUYl' vitamins tiiaf average I 271 SMITH STREET Between Elm and Oak Streets £ERTH AMBOY If I d Young, Crisp Igs,-each j C f| 1396 IRVING ST. Between Cherry St. & East Milton Ave. ^ RAHWAY i00% WhoI^Vyheat Bread URGE t provides J'A. while yoi/ [^ Western Grown " N. BRUNSWICK AVE. . * This Store Has Mo Meat Itepartnient FORDS -bunch. [C- • «rt|by;the;jpi?:

Dixons, Wed A Week, Jasie Massucci Is Honored Germak Car Smacks Truck Piscataway Party Guests By Club On Her Birthday But Driver Escapes Hurts CIARA BARTON — Ji <._i U PISCATAWAYTOWN—Mr. and HOPELAWN—A birthday par- Mrs. George Dixon, who were mar- Germak, 05 Carlton Street *•!•[ ty was given in honor of Miss Jo- ed injuries when his oar s< <. i ried a week ago, were honored at sie Massucci by the A-Ki-Kata a party and shower at the home Pastor Preaches On Special parked truck on Route-25 lit. •of Mr. Ddson's parents on Lincoln FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Fred So- Egan was his brother's best man. Club at the club rooms recently. College Bridge about iiti u Highway .Saturday night. lovinski, 85 Hornsby Avenue, an- The bride graduated from Wood- Refreshments were served.- Topic; Confirmation Sunday morning *„ _ nounce *he marttfage of their •bridge High School in 193S and is Present were the Misses Evelyn The ffcraek, dnven hy * re tl Guests present were: Miss Wini- now employed in the stenographic Class To Meet t fred McGrath, Mrs. George Wright, daughter, Vera Louise, to Law- Gutwein, Irma Grundmann, Hel- By A. F. Explorer Patrol, being a senior Paolillo, Bronx, N Y.,toaT h r- Mr. and .Mrs. George Backus of renee R.' Egan, son of Mr. anddepartment at the Raritan Arsenal. en Cherieo^ Rose Reitenbaclc, Kay •FORD'S—'Lenten services were Five members of. the Explorer scout patrol of older boys, lmew ting a ear which skadcted -an i »> Mrs. Rtfbert Eganf King- George's The groom, a graduate of Perth Hlavati, Angie Massucci, Mary held Wednesday hig-ht at Our Re- which wood was suitable for burn- road m front of it, stopped n uu. Phiiadelpia, 'Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Roy 1 Patrol 51, of Fords Troop 51, went Cambpell of Wilmington, Del., Road, The marriage was perform- Atnboy vocational school, is in Toth, Frances Fitzkc, Irene Hlad- deemer Ev. Lutheran Church. on. an 'Overnight camping trip re- ing,, and brought in dnlj this highway. Germak's car aft * - Mrs. Louis Zach, Miss Doris Zach, ed by Kev. Father Joseph Ketter business in Fords. ilc, Minnie Ch«rico, Marguerite "The Price of Love Or Three In- cently to the Schiflr Scout Reserva- The campers slept m Ihe eab^n ded but crashed into the te i- Russell Zach of Sayreville, Mrs. at Our Lady of Peace Ghurch. The couple will be at home to Ingrassia, Midge Simon, Rose cidents of the Cross" was the ser- tion, near Mendham, N. J.. The. Saturday night.and occupied it un- George B. H'owell of Plainfield. The bride wore a maroon trans- their friends on April 15 at their Kozma, Helen Hlavati, Mary mon topic of the pastor, the Rev. Sehiff Reservation is -a /national til 'Sunday afternoon, at which Mrs. Theresa Foraker of Stelton, parent velvet street length dress new home in Edgegrove Avenue, Arthur Kreyling. • Boy Scout camping--, location, and time they left, arriving- home at 1 Swallick,, Jean Paszinski, Marian Mrs. Fred Chelle, Miss Elsie Ghelle, with, matching turban.' • She wore Clara Barton. Skavanick and Josie Massucci. The Ladies' Aid Society held a. was used toy the Raritan Council as 5 'P. M. . Mrs. Muriel Markano, Mr. and ,a •corsage of sweet peas. The successful clam chowder and food its summer camp in 1939. The senior scouts who went on Mrs. E, D. Ellison, Miss Myrtle -bride's only attendant was. Mrs. Clara Barton Club Chooses sale last-Friday afternoon. Bread, The group left the home of H. the trip are as follows Howard ^^..^s. Kllison, Mrs. John Harayda', Miss Matilda PoIesselH of Bound Brook, Staff Cut coffee cake, pie, cake and other McCallen early Saturday morning McOallen, 'William Lesburg, John Alice Harayda, Mrs. Robert Hag- who wore a* powder blue street Committee To Name Slate foods were sold. / and arrived at camp at about 9:30 Simun, Kenneth Schultz and Augie aman, M;iss Mary Dixon, Mrs. Flo- length dress with blue accessories (Continued jrom Page J) The confirmation class will meet A. M. A log cabin being vacant, Wiegand. CLARA BARTON—-A nominat- House and who wore dismissed, rence Pullen, Mr. and Mrs. John and a eorsage of gardenias. Francis tomorrow morning at 9:30 :o'clock. the patrol was assigned to it. Odd- As its Troop meeting progiam ing committee, comprising the are: Catherine Houser, George Schmm of Highland Park, Mrs. The Girl Scouts will meet tonight ly enough, in the deep woods there recently, Troop 51 held a scaven- Misses Eleanor Yaftek, Mildred Lattanzio, Veronica Banas, Peter • ELIZABETH Russell Harrison, Miss Lottie at 7 o'clock in the parish hall un- were still five inches of snow on ger .hunt. Eaeh patrol was given a Kai-nish and Natalie Frenchsky, Milano, Arthur Quackenbush, John •Smith. Mrs. Frederick Meyer, Miss der the leadership of Miss Dorothy the ground around the cabin. When list of twenty articles to be was appointed at a meeting of the Keller, George Sedlafc, Joseph Ko- Emma Wobbe, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kreyldng. this snow melted, as it did in mid- brought- in. . At 9 P. M., the close Little Woman's Club Tuesday vacs, Kalman Kovacs and Robert Dixon of Piscatawaytown. afternoon, the result was a lot of cf the contest, each patrol had to r; afternoon at the home of Miss Haniich. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT what is called in the Ramy "The be in its -corner with all the articles Yaftek, in Albourne Street. Miss Same As Elsewhere FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Steven Good Earth," but which we. call before it. Members of the Senior •Lucille Kaus, president, presided. Health Play, Safety Talk William "Juicy" Faufele The "lay-offs" in the Recreation Balars, 4'5 Jensen Avenue, have an- plain "mud." The' snow and mud Council acted as examiners xn nounced the engagement of their Department here were in line-with dampened things slightly, but checking the returns.' Features Of PTA Meeting During the business session, daughter, JMary. to John B. Viz- FORDS FICKLES—Heard that Miss Barbara Anderson, chairman, similar action throughout the Scouts in camp can't be held down. The winning patrol was the Ti- zeillo, son of Mrs. Rose Vizziello 1 CLARA BARTON — A health Tony Collbmbetti got a chocolate reported that she had purchased county. A number of recreation They go out and make their fan. ger Patrol, which has no patro 1 of New Brunswick. play by Clara Barton school pu- bar free from one of the 5 & 1C twelve towels which the club will employes in the neighboring bor- Getting- firewood in itself is a leader at present, but is in. charge pils and a safety talk by Miss Su- cent store -girls in P. A. — Nov.- donate to the Kiddie Keep Well ough of Carteret were also dis- responsible task, especially when of Robert Drake. The Tiger Patrol san Phillips of Metuchen, county what has that guy got anyway! . . . Camp. missed. there is snow on the ground. The brought -fifteen objects out of PTA safety chairman, featured Mickey Karnas has been signed up Since Mr. Gioe, who has been en- twenty in correctly. After thet the meeting yesterday afternoon :n the Eastern Shore League and gaged in the Recreation Depart- (Continued from Page 1J Keasbey Auxiliary Group meeting,, each member of the Ti j KOWVTX of the Clara Barton Parent-Teach- will play for Milliard, Del.—Marty Penny Sale To Be Feature ment activities approximately six same breath it practically con- ger Patrol was treated, to a soda er Association. Virgillo was his contact . . . That Of Parent-Teachers Meet years, received his notice, there dones bingo games conducted by Give Party To Mrs. Kipsey by Scoutmaster GHsdorf. . nas :been some talk regarding the •Some of the articles., on- the list UIT Mrs. Alfred J. SchnebbeJ presi- Outerbridge road is still a mess . - . churches and charitable organiza- KEASBEY —• Mrs.' Stanley Township taking over the •Depart- brought in .were, as follows- a dent, conducted the business ses- "Vvh was the guy 'who- took a spill PISCATAWAYTOWN Clas tions, which were the only games Kipsey of Perth • A-rrabdy was ten- off the ball rack, at the Rec Tues- Mothers of the 'Piscataway town ment. Estimating very conserva- white 'Scout hat; one piece, of rope OR TOPCOAT sion. In addition to the large num- permitted in Woodbridge Town- dered a miscellaneous -shower by tively it would cost the Township with any nine different knots tied day- might? Everybody knows . . - Parent-Teacher Association, met ship. The presentment reads in the mem'bers of the Ladies'Au>yIi- ber of children present, many §7,500 a year; $2,500 for expenses in it- count and report the num I won't trust Meyer Larsen- to hold (Tuesday afternoon at the home of part as follows: ary to Keashey^ Protection Fire mothers ulso attended the meet- and equipment and $5,000 for per- her of windows in the west side o+ anymore hot dogs for me ... Joe Mrs. Kenneth Rush, Gerimintown Fire Company No. 1. (Mrs. Kipsex, sonnel. Investigation by this news- Presentment Excerpt Sehooa No. li. - . - • {Corky) Matusz, local fireman, Avenue. Mrs. John Weissenburg-- prior to her marriage, was Miss paper indicates that four full-time "There are certain social games was afraid to climb a 60-foot lad- er, chairman, presided. Helen Nemeth of Oakland Avenue. workers and six part-time employes and games of chance, which, while der. Perhaps he needed some oi 'The executive board of the group ;present were Mrs. Helen.- Urban, at certain seasons of the year are in violatiuii cf the law if strictly Dave Meyer's anesthetics . . . We met Wednesday afternoon at th>-:- Mrsy Mairy Bertram, Mrs. Mar- heard that Duke Dudash's wife home of Mrs. Henry Troger Jr., in!needed to cariT on fche activities. interpreted, are accepted by this grand jury, and we believe, by the garet Quish,. Mrs. . Marguerite went along: with him to investigate Woodbrwlge Avenue- There are approximately 3,500 Schuster, Mrs. Mary Hiodan, Mrs. general public as not conducive to MIC whether he' really was going to Plans were for the regular individuals registered with the Rec- Anne Heenan, GVlrs. Frances Pars- the impairment of morals. These grass fires. meeting of the association reation Department throughout the ler, >Mrs. Irene Vamos, Mrs. Mary held in the school auditorium here [Township. Of that number 60% include social card parties, ba- Johnny Cacciola went on a Faczak, 'Mrs: 'Pauline Dunham, are under 16 years of ae;e and more zars, bingo and similar games in nine mile hike -with the army but on April 2. A penny sale will fea- Mrs. Mae Dunham, Mrs. Anne S-it- than half ai-e, boys. Under Gioe's which there are offered as prizes coscy and the Misses Hazel Bela- ihe blisters got so big on bis feet ture the session. ; Refreshing! Enjoy direction 50 teams in various sports merchandise articles of limited ney, iMary Charonko, Irene Toth, he had. to ride back. Next time were formed each season. They value." Julia Fazekas, Mary^ Fazekas and WINDSHIELD WIPEBS it plain or with take a pair of roller skates, I-SEUN INKSPOTS—Our apol- have registered 40*0 players in bas- The presentment also, indicates Rose Charonko. " AND SHOCK ABEOEBEHS ginger ale. It's fella . . . Andy Lesko is stick- cgies to De Witt Milligan for list- ketball and SOG in baseball and that the grand jury, which at first Drive Your Car in NOW. ing His chest out since he hit his ing him a few weeks ago as the GOOD for you! Softball . game, regardless of the type of first 600 set—He'll be giving the first draftee. It should have read, Operate Nine Playgrounds frowned at every type of bingo New Members Admitted Leskos lessons soon . . . Another "Iselin's first enlistee" . . . The prizes or sponsorship, would con- Houdini in the making—Tony Kerosene Kids were forced to can- > Nine playgrounds have been op- At Session Of Fords Club erated m the ast each sent to non-eommereial games in Horvath is taking up magic . . . cel their hall game Sunday on ae- • P . summer. In which no cash prizes were offered. FORDS—The "Five and Two Glad to hear of Bobby Jogan's count of the snow, although we addition to athletics the depart- mpnt has It stated: Clu'b" welcomed several new mem- 257 New Brunswick Ave. quick recovery . . . Tony Lund did hear that some of the boys were | sponsored art and crafts bers at its monthly meeting at the trying to borrow some snow shoe-, classes, cultural activities such a-, "Members of the grand jury be- (at-Elm St.) did all right for himself at the home of Mrs. Milton Hansen. Ar- Perth Arc-boy, N. J. Firemen's banquet—He had a so that they 'could play . . . Who *>and concerts, photography clubs,lieve that the offering of large rangements were completed for a lady on each arm practically the were the damsels who were April- j Americanization classes, _ story money prizes in such games is^ not 3ranches; Newark and Jersey City silver tea to be held April 18 at P. A. 4-3Z43 whole evening - - - Shorty didn't fooled into thinkins^thev were go- reading and dramatics; social ac- conducive to public welfare and the home of. E. Waldman. • • Open 8 A. M. to 6 P. M- One of Ihe many do so bad at the Alamo Sattiday ing back to work? Luigi's Res- tivities including dancing, sewinj that the offering of such money Flagstaff foods sold night - . . Sam Virgillo is begin- taurant had a close one last week bees and clubs, holiday parties, an- prizes should not be permitted by PT. SOTS. ti( u exclusively fhrough ning to slip . . . Corky is telling when a large truck overturned | * e shows, baby parades and pic- law enforcement officials." your neighborhood everyone he doesn't need a job Route. 25 and. demolished a .tele) Among the special activities Then,- attempting to place the QT.BOT. now, ne has one . . . As predict- phone pole in' front of the ulatia conducted yearly were: the .soap independent grocer. entire problem upon the shoulders EASTSR BUXXIES* „ '.'. '..... _ from Iflc He serves you faith- ed, the Fords Fire Co. bowlers . . . G. Hutterman, L. Woods, Bates box derby, trips to major league of municipal law enforcement offi- baseball games, marble tourna- ELKCTRI-FIED W.INKV BUN NTT _ from $1.50 25* couldn't hold up after the ban- Brinkman and V. Difino have been cials the grand jury notes: fully, handles only ments, track and field champion- CHILDREN'S BOOKS A\D KDUCAT1OXAI, TOYS from 2Zc quet and dropped a decision to called and. are ready to serve their quality foods.. ships, Hallow-e'en parties and pa- "The grand jury is not a law- GAMES, jM^BUIHS ASD LOTTOS '.... -...].. from TtOc the Keasbeyites . . . Uncle Sam . . . rades and providing: entertainment making nor is it a law-enforcing FTCTIOA* and XOX-F1CTION - , „:... from ~Mc agency. It is the duty of the grand BOOK OF "FORT DIX" __ _ spci-inl -"Of for Christmas shows and parties "BACK STKJBKT"—HURST — ; special 50c conducted 'by Rotary and Lions jury to seek out those activities EASTER- GREETING CARDS '. '. Clubs. which appear to be in violation of the law and to call these to the at- Minors, who have appeared ain CORNER LENDING LIBRARY BOOK SHOP police court charged with petty of- .tention of law enforcement offi- 307 STATK ST- PERTH AMBOV .\ATIO.\AL BASK BI.DG. - fenses, have regularly been paroled cals. Here the duty of. the grand Open Daily 0:30 to C:S0—Open Hon., Thur.s., Fri. and Sat. Eves. by Recorder Arthur Brown in Mr. jury ceases." Glee's custody. The hoys had to report regularly to the Parish House and were assigned to vari- ous classes to keep them out of mischief. Most of the hoys 'became interested in the work and turned out some fine articles in the arts and crafts classes especially.


shirts for Easter give that well groomed appear- ance. Quality and work- mans tip are insures in these fine values, priced to fit your STETSON purse, and styled For Spring-. Pretty Costume Jewelry is - $ Look

Shirts and Shorts DIAMONDS expertly made, durable, SPRING TIES As traditional as the Wedding Hosiery in ribbed, pat priced for Spring large selection iiself, is the gift of a diamond. terned or clocked styles. See our specially planned val- cOforS $ ues for the Easter Bride. Dis- tinguished in quality, exquisite in beauty, and priced moder- WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF WORK CLOTHES ately.

JEWELERS 127 SMITH ST. FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1941- AKD SARI*AN * 6WN&&IF LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES i-»yiii.i|, Uiltli eriiie, Harding: Ave- j Westbi-ook, Edith, Profi»ect RosKkowski, ^ eionjLi 17 Erin M ip entitled ""Jrddlf&f \~ fc*wli«i«$~- Street. Avenue. ( jloni i New litvti pi r pei tt il thsc t.'.vnof, "William, Ha riling: Avenue. Welter, John, SS2 Mereline Ave- JLiLt-weger, Leo, Inman Avenue. *ai(liilf»e\ 1 in^n e f o I mu irj5- JJiivis, W'ilber, Hilicrest Avenue. nue. Remak, itar> ott) W tst ^enuc UJO Hiitlim-tii Pil tt IIKI T,ouker i>:.ivis, Alviiretta, Hilltire^t Avenue. Zich, ELhel. 1-14 Fairfield Avenue. Spaetli, Joseph Mrs,.. 57 New Street. ijindsf ipe f ngtnt ef- t~ itrotdw n J= .DimMriiyk, ilijie, ZS .k-r&ty Aveuue.' Zelier, Joseph, 10 West AvenuK. Spaeth,' Will jam i "\i v, •atiett \e"t loik ( itv sriji] "Mm h ixit, tmz_ JJeinko, George, «S "William Street. ,KSKX COUNTY BOARS tichayer, James, 5J9 Olive Place; file in tltt ytliif of lit CounU tltr&w .IMljJw-ji-'.Juliii, 2S Jersey Ave nice. Ot* ELKCTfOXii. Sullivan, Daniel, 65 Cutters Lane. ol Middle*,*^ c >unu N J Lhuu.e-'-'" Jennie Brozowski Honored Minstrel To Be Staged For J.>e!iLiiey, James, 510 Kast Avtmue. By: Jacob 1. Polkowitx, Sj^ppe, Herman ji Miple -\.ienu« from- it 1 beginning" P mt rumnnPr'^ FORDS—The Junior Auxiliary Miss Julia Dani and Mrs.' Benja- Dei-'yung, Jean, 70 Manhattan Aver President. Sorensen, Anna, Woodland Avenue. (1) t> bo 0 ' Y\ _x« (><) J*et to t juniu theme (i) ii n^Iu in^U-- b of Harry Hansen Post No. 163mi, n Sunshine. • nue. Walter J. £tielle>\ Schneider, .Hfcti>li -()•. W' oofiland At Surprise Shower; To 'Fathers' Night' Observ- Krdelyt. Anna.. Florida Grove lioad. Secretary. Avenue. 21 ii r 1 t) 10 fret to i point *s A'merican Legion, will hold a card Listed on the calendar for the KHdress, Jioyden, Jensen Awnue. Scott, Margaret, Enfield Avenue. Be Married April 19 party tonight at the home of thenext -regular meeting- of the auxili- ance April 23 J^ndrfss, Aiii'f, Jensen Avenue. X O T I C E Stern, Edward, Av.eiiel Street. tours^ \ CO <> F ''HMJ0 feer to- - L'ikumi), UiLi-ljtirii, ol llemaen. Ave- Sliyrj-n, Mary, . Oakland Aveque. i j>c nt thent-t (1> % i l"i E - advisor, Mrs. Paul Chovan, 22 Fah-- ary, which will" be held Tuesday In accordance with Provisions of 1» '•I teet to A point in the xitit^ -* KEASBEY—Miss Jennie Bro- • FORDS—Plans for the observ- ntif. an act entitled "An Act to Regulate Simoiiisen, Loretta, ISO Woodbrid§Te field Avenue. i"j?ght at the post rooms, will be Avenue. siul XS t-^tei l\ line ul MfietUill zowski, Hig'hiand Avenue, was thu ance of Fathers' Night on Wednes- ICikninp, Adam, ."il Cemsen Avenue. Elections", (Title ]H:"1-S, Revised Poil fume f V ilr-iff s id V, eat "^ Attending the monthly meeting preparations for the party to ba l-'edy, Juseyli !'• Peyser Kireet. Statutes of 1933) together -with the Simonsen, Alberta. . ISO Wood- eiH lint- < i Mtitai h I oo.d \ at> _t: guest of honor at a. surprise mis- day nig-ht, April 23. at 8 o'clock, amendments and supplements there- bridsre Avenue given to the inmates of the Menio l-'iiiui-.yan, Jrjsi?i>li, TtUa Biiri-o-ji Ave- " -'0 "U l"«t0 1 et to tlif 1 (ftnt ^ cellaneous showei- by Mrs. Eleanor of the Middlesex County Executive in School No. 14, were made at a to, the following- names have been Slater, John B., (>G1 Leone Street. Oi p!i( c 1 bP^-inmn-K ~ Park Veterans Home on April. 1-1 llltt;. removed from the Permanent Regis- Slone, Everett, Corneil Street. Woloshin of Perth Amboy. Board, held recently at Perth Am- meeting of the executive board of 1 Contiining 1 "is A.Lreb oi land bo ^ at which time the local unit will J- ! em ins. Anna, 2iu New Bi*uns- tration Binders aC the Township of Semuk, Michael, Harriet Street. •Miss Brozowski will be married boy Legion rooms, were Mrs. Ar- the Parent-Teacher Association of uick Aveniie. Woodbricige, lor the reason that Salvaior, Patrick, U Cedar Street. iht same more ur IP&V an I Iiem^ a be host. Mrs. Arnold Ghristenscr. I'liiJiiiny, -Xiilhan, ^(17 New Eruns- said registrants have not voted at Siletio, ililo. First Street* pojtion ot I >t nuttiT u ' ^^ «?h ")-?rn '- April 19 at Our Lady of Peacs thur Perry, Mrs. Carl Hansen, Mrs. School No/ 14. on the tbne mini i •» led II i[v ~^ is chairman. WJL-k AVMlLlr. a General Election lor Tour consec- Trier, Aladier, 2S9 Main Street. •Church in Fords to Jack Long- George Hoff, Mrs. Charles Looser, A program .on safety will be pre- Floyd, Hu.siii], "t!0 Jidgerton Boule- utive years. Trier, l-'reda, 2$9 Main Street. Ihe sajd pieirise >rt tr be „ Mrs. Arnold Christensen, Mrs. Paul Reservations will be made for VLirfl. Tuttle, .Everett, 144 Valentine 1 novn T.nd tlesi^rn ite 1 -i^ i fit T-b _q street of Perth Amboy. The bride- sented and the successful, minstrel l-'lasli, l.orelfa, 3fiu Eager ton In order to ag^-in vote in the m ! lce Place. to-be received many beautiful Chovan, Mrs. Fred Chr.istensen, staged recently will also be given. Boulevard. -Toth, John F., ^3 Louis Street. and theatre party, through "Mrs. Gem-ay, LoniK, 41 Claire'Avenue. necessary for the persons -whose Take further notice that th& gifts. Tentative plans for a luncheon to names are set out below to appear Toth, Helen, 23_Lquis Street. Ga.lyiini, Emma, 79 St. Stephens Toth, Steven, 4i Cununeruiar Ave- To-Rn&lup Committep ha<; by ret>o- _J Paul Chovan. A venue. at the^QJl'iqe of the County Board of lution and pnrsaint to lair fivert t Among' those present were: .Mrs be held in the future were also nue. 5 Plans are being' formulated to Cuiiilcliuk, Jolin, Fiume Street. Elections, Room 7DS, Perth Amboy minimum price it •« flich taid Iot3 Stella Brozowski, Mrs. John Bro- discussed. National Bank Building, -13 State Ternay, Daniel, Woodbridge Ave: Gri 1 fe, Jt'iLiinie, Miirconi Avenue. nue. in said clock -will be •«" Id toðer_ zowski, Mrs. Helen Urban, Mrs attend the luncheon in Atlantic G(_-nsingi:r, Margiirtl, l^incoln Street, Perth Amboy, X. J., or at TCI h nil other dettils pertm«it safd ~* ST. JOHN'S CHAPEL Members who attended the re- the Township Clerk's Office, Muni- Trotter, Richard, 2?, Wedgevrood City, honoring the Lesion auxiliary Hiyii'.vay. Avenue. inmimum pntf h^ms 5 uit 00 plus John Boyea, Mrs. Helen Stawieki. cent spring conference in New Gal higher, Frances, Con'eja Ave- cipal Building", Woodbridge, N. J., costs of preparing de< d and ad\er Mrs. Anna Lowry, Mrs. Eleanor Rev. William H. Schmaus, S.T.B., national president, Mrs. Lous n u •;. on or before the 19th clay oC August, Vernerus, John, 159 Clinton Street. Using tli s ^jle Satfi lota, in &anl _" Brunswick included Mrs. Thomas Yemenis, Mrs. John. 159 Clinton Vicar Lemstra. This is one of the hig-h- tlers'iby, James, Fnizer Street. 19-11 and re-re sister: block if *;old on terms •will require Zavistowski. Mrs. Stella Skarezyii- Aldington. Mrs. Hans Erickson, Gallagher, Miiry, Currejit Avenue. Street. lig-hts of the year, and is usually WOODgKIDGE i lo-wn paimertt oi $ 0 00 the ba!—* ski, Mrs. Frances Fee! or, Mrs. Miss Ida FuIIerton, Organist Mrs. James Rennie and Mrs. Totin. UussfiiiLii, J-'reU, 60 Centre Street. Venerus. Mary. 55 Lincoln Avenue. ance ot purehise price to be pawl in. 3 Anderson, Edward, o iloore Ave- Vargo, Paul, Jr., B7 Alraon Avenue. Helen Duffy, Mrs. Joseph Krohne, Services for Palm Sunday: attended by 1,0-00 women of the Gasman, Wji'ter, (JU Centre Street. equal monthly mst illnifntt _rf ? « tn> _n Gree"h;Lls'!i, Howard, Aveiiel nue. Wilson, Elizabeth, 150 Freeman plus mteie^t and other teims pro- " Mrs. S. Seyemborsko, Mrs. Frank Holy Communion and Blessing State of New Jersey. Sti-eeL. Amerman, Chester, Warwick Street. viflecT for in contnc of *ra.le ^ of the Palms, 9:30 A. M-; Church The final reading of the unit 'Meaning Of Lent' Is Topic Grunt, Harry, 'ZI Burnett Street. Street. Whitaker, Harold, 4S6 " Rahway The abo e iiemises th^Jl be sub- _ Seyemborsko, Mrs.. Violet Smucka, Buntins, Franklin, SI Green Street. Avenue. constitution and by-laws will be Grant. Klkt. .'I-i Grant Street. je t tt the conliti n-- ind if»trip 4 Mrs. Raymond Bonczuk, Mrs. Elea- School, 10:30 A. M.; Young- Peo- At Meeting Of Fords Choir Gray, Hubert AY., Stili Hull way Ave- Bareellona, Jessie, 3S5 School Wysacki, Bertha, 104 2Cew Bruns- tion^ set rr>rth in m oidin^ntre en- -^ nor Woloshin. ple's Fellowship, 7:00 P. M. held, after which amendments may Gioidana, KaLhefiiit.', JI. 11. Camp. Street. wick Avenue. titltd \n Oiditiiii Inp ISI Lg Con be added. FORDS — "The Meaning of Gull, Stephen, Thu'd Street. Euiekerwood, John E., 2CG Amboy Wissing, Ella, Ford Avenue. ditions and festn ti. Bolilke, .Ethel, Middlesex Avenue. President. saie or anv date to which it ma,, -3 Rose Charonko, Mary Konowicz, arid Penitential Office, 6:00 A. M., Club Directorate To Holdcial room. l-liggins, Annette, .Route to. Burke, 'Henrietta, 68 Liberty Walter J. Rielley be Adjourned the Tiwn hip Com Stre'et. Secretarj-. Helen Koperwitz, Alice Skarezyn- Easter Even, Holy Baptism (by ap- Members present included Don- liubt-n, Benjamin, '10 Burnett mittee reserves the rig-lit in Its dis-: A pointment). Struct. Blauchar^, Josephine, 22 Ling cretion to're.ieet any one 'or"all- bids'»l ski Mary Voloshdn, Wanda Kwiat- Next Meet Monday Night ald Bergman, Raymond FuIIerton, 1-1 iiber I, Augusta, 40 Burnett Street. PROPOSAL and to sell sal^-lots in said • block "^ Claire Jogan, Germaine Looser, Street. Baijerie, Marion, ' Demarest Ave- to such bidder as it may select,-, diie "a kowski, Betty Dunch and Elaine CLARA BARTON—The board Sealer] proposals will be received Jensen, Ferdinand, Dunham Ave- nue. by t!ie Board of Education, TowrH- regard being: given to "terms -anti-'ip Orsak. Charles Moore, Marie Schuster, manner .of payment, in OT^ of directors of the Clara Barton nue. Banas, John 34 Central Avenue. ship of Woodbridse, . at the Board ! Ralph Varady, Lorraine Wargro, Juwo'rski, Mary, Correja Avenue. Brodniak, Madeline, 2i! Freeman more minimum -bids-i "shall be'""re-'•'•!$ Woman's Club will meet Monday Room in the High School Building; eelved. - - ":. . M Thomas Wargo, and Jean Warren. Jenkins, JVIary, i Commerciai Ave- Street. Woodhriclg-e, N. -T., at R "o'clock P. Tiig-ht at 8 o'clock, in the home nue. Bylicke, Stephen, Woodbridge Ave- "Upon acceptance of the mininanm M 1 M., April 21, ip-ii, at which time —Mrs- Edward Chesire, Christie The supper committee consist- Keating , Beatrice, 257 Main Street. nue. bids will be publicly opened and bid, or bid • above minimum, by. the :M of Mrs. Niels Christensen, Al- Eania, George, Carteret Street. Township Committee ancT the pay- ~>& ed of Miss Ida FuIIerton, Miss Kmmtr, Genevieve, 55 U read for janitors' supplies. List and Street, celebrated her birthday an- bourne Street- Avenue. Ctioma, John, 221 Fulton Street. ment thereof by the purchaser".-ac- 3 specifications may be secured at the cording- fo the manner of purchase g : niversary Sunday. Germaine Looser and Mrs. Char- Juikon, John, 10S Pennsylvania Covert, Clarence, 14 Van Buren District. Clerk's Office. .—Mrs. Soren Peterson, Mrs. Arrangements will be completed Street. in accordance -with terms of sale, on-'I! —'Mrs. Albert ChristofTersen , les Schuster. Avenue. Tiie Board reserves the right to. 1 Clifford Dunham and Mrs. Soren for the organization's next regu- Kaminski, John, '12 New Bruns- Covert, Vivian, 14 Van Buren file, the Township" will "deliver 'p-'.M Hamilton Avenue, entertained the reject any qr all.bids, and to waive barg-ain arid sale deed for said, 'pze'in- § v.-ick Avenue. Street. J = Hansen visited friends in Haddon- lar meeting on April 15 at which immaterial informalities. ises. • • • •"""-.••-•'•.•••.'.' : Si Woman's Bridg-e Ckrb Wednesday Knudsen, Marjorie, 507 Kins Covert, John, IS Van Buren Street. : : time the birthday of the club will BOARD OF EDUCATION, DATED: March IS. 1941. " .: " -M .field Tuesday. Birthday Party In Fords Georges itoad. Coucannon, Mary, 463 Amboy Ave- Township' of Woodbridge, ' • - ' B. J. DUNIGAN," ";ii night at her home. King, Kthfel, Middlesex Avenue. nue. ; —A board meeting of the "Wo- be observed. 1 Woodbridge, X. J. Township. Clerk." "' "M —Mrs. Hugh Grapes, Edison Fetes Stephen King , Harry, Middlesex Avenue. Cservenak, Michael, Watson Ave- ROT E. ANDERSON, To be. advertised Marr-Ii 2§ anri y man's Club was held Wednesday Avenue, and Mrs. Lorain Grapes'. KakLntonis, Xick, Trcnto Street. nue. District Clerk. April - 4,' 19-fl,- in rhe .Fortts .Beaeoif,-"ffl night at the library. The American FORD'S—Stephen Bartos, Jr.. Kirsli, Mary, 279 New Brunswick Confal, Frank, Lincoln Highway. Lincoln Highway, were Perth Am- New Auxiliary Has Special Avenue. Comunale, Peter, Harrison Street. Refer To: W-4S6, 173 Itefer To: W-4SS;" Socket 132/G8C --:' Home Department of the group boy visitors recently. Fainfield Avenue, was honored on Kelt, Wanda, 45G Woodbridse Ave- Christopherson, George, Water 1 1 nue. NOTICE OP PUBLIC SALE NOTICE OF PUBLIC "SAIiE-.. -.'V met yesterday afternoon. Meeting; Program Planned his fourteenth birthday anniver- Street. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: TO WHOM IT MAt.CONCERA':.-". v\\ —Miss Theresa Petriella, Thom- Knstick, Steve, "U'ylie Street. Cloud, Alice, Correja Avenue. sary at a party sponsored at his lvotun, Xiek, 71 jKa.hway Avenue. At EI regular meeting of tlie Town- At a regular meeting- of the Town-: as Street, entertained the Chain O' MENLO PARK -— A special Cloud, John, Correja Avenue. ship Committee of the Township of J ship. Committee .of tlse —A Classified Adv. Will Sell it— home by friends. , Ki|?er, Frederick, l:ahway Avenue. Ciccone, Anna, Oak Tree Road. Girls Club Tuesday night. meeting of the recently organized l^enuisiij, Jolin, Si)'S Fulton Street. Woodbridj held Monday, March Wdbid hlheld MMonday, Refreshments were served and Gliristensen., Anna, llemsen Ave- 17, 1941, I was directed to adver- 17, .18il_. I was "direfctei"!. to Ladies' Auxiliary to Edison Vol- Lund. Maili i as, Bay view Avenue. nue. tise. the fact that on Monday eve- tise thh e fact that on--Monday eye- unteer. Fire Company was held motion pictures were shown. The Larson, George, 50 James Street. Casale, Albert, Woodbridg-e Ave- ning, April 7, 1941. the- Town- ning, " April" 7, 3941, tlie :"Town-. Fords Playhouse boys engaged in practice boxing ljurkin, Catiierine, Woodbridgre nue. ship Committee will meet &t S P. ship Committee- will - meet£ last night in the Monmouth Ave- Avenue. IJeWorUi, Gerald, 13 Jean Court. M., .;wil]-reg.iTir^-rFS Fri. to Sun. Wednesday night at the.home of Mosinak, Mary, 100 Ford Avenue. . IJiiPrile, Louise, 2U Turner Street. block it' sold on terms,-will require a down payment of $1S.0H, 'the i»al--_4^ Mrs. Emma Moore in Edgegruen SET OV- I'l VR K RTS—2 honK.% J- c;ir, Mosinak, Jolin, ]'l)il Ford Xveiiiie, Kills, James, 525 Olive Place. a dbivn payment of $35.00, the. bal- ance of to be. pa^f.iw-.'h 1 office;1 lost' -ti-MTVi'Pn Grei-n Sr., Aiiikuck, John, 2S5 New Brunswick 15II is, James W., Jr., 52.1 Olive ance of purchase price to be- paid equal monthly'lnstaJlmeiits. of_"$fO.Qff' 'M JACKIE COOPER Avenue." Berry Si. urnl Amlmy Ave. Ui-\v;ir.I Avenue. Place. in equal monthly installments o£ plus interest aiici other- terms pro.- J§jj Plans were made for spring ac- if brought, lo Jiii]e]>enf'l(;iu-i^:iM BONITA dBANVILLE iilurutgh, Joseph, 2 So Avenel Ferraro, Colegero, S6 New Street. provided l'o"r in. contract, of sale. Take further "notice' that" at.-feia-^ tivities of the group. Mrs. Willard Street. Kay Francis - Jack Oakie Felier, Mary, 39 Louis .Street. Take" further notice tha.t at said sale,., or- any .date to-.-wti'ich .'it Tnay M iiurphy, Waiter, Route 25 be- adjourned, the "Township Com- 'M — Co-FfKtnre Andrews, chairman, conducted the Grimaldi, Adeline, 2S Lillian Ter- .sale, or any date to which it may be session. llosiriak, .iolm, Oakland Avenue. race. adjourned, . tlie -Township Commit- piitteft.\rGsaryes..l.Jje, right •in ifs ^ WM. BOYD in HELP WANTED Martin, -iame.s, 555 West Avenue. Gilrain, Mary, C72 St. George tee reserves tlie right in its discre- .cretioni - to".reject"jtlt all^bii3sl " Markulin, James, 131 Homestead A tion to reject any one or./ill bids .and "to "-se-M";sairt Ict'.in siiiri Woelc || "OLD COLORADO" BOVS—14 years of age or over, lo Avenue. [President's stand for all-out aid at Gorduk, Steve, 1-", "Wat-son Aveniie. and to sell said lots in said block to (to such "bidder as it may select, :dae'.'|| carry this newspaper. Apply iliniii-ci, John, .Second Street. GergowitK, John, 123 Loretta such bidder as it may select, due re- regard.-being given to terms "and 3 Is widely accepted by press. our office any time ami leave your MtrGuy, Peaiie, 117 W. Pond Road. Street. gard being: griven to terms and man- manner of- pas^nierit, in' case one or"-|g name and address. Here is your pM.-Ga.y, Willard, 117 "W. Pond . Gerg-owitz, Sopliie, 10-S Pennsyl- ner of payment, in case one or more mare minimum, bids .snail" he:-. TG-;'% chance to make some extra money. Road. vania Avenue. minimum bids shall be received. aiatfullongh, Mildred, JS Fifth Gilbert, Lee, Ifi Livingston Ave- Upon acceptance of the minimum Upon acceptance of; HELP WANTED FEMALE •Avenue. nue. ] bid, or bid above minimum, by the hi^, or bid above minmiiim, by tha § FRI. - SAT. - SI'S. MacCunough, .John, IS Fifth Ave- Gilbert, Jessie, 1C Livingston TownsJiip Committee and the pay- Township Committee., and the pay- nue. Avenue. ment thereof .by the purchaser ac-. ment thereof by the; LADY—Single about ?•(> In i.'iiw McKnlty, Martin, Woodbridge Sidney Tolei- as "Charlie Chan" c-rs fur garden ^uppllep. Write Garner, Mary 44C Xew Brunswick cording to the manner of purchase cording tD the manner of purchase in" Ayeuue. Avenue. accordance with terms of 'sale; •oii-.p 'MURDER OVER NEW YORK' mnns Co., Mei.oelien, N. J. -J in accordance fwitli terms of sale : HcGratli, George J., Daniel Street. Gasper, John, Jr., '11 Hansen Ave- on flic, the Toivnsliip will deliver a die, the Township will deliver a bar-J| Marjorie Weaver-Robt. Lowery McGratli, Jluth, Daniel Street. nue. bargain and sale deed for said prem-. gain and sale deed for sa-ifl'premEses/'' Novak, John, 55 Gordon Avenue. Gasper, Anna, 27 Hanson Avenue. DATED: Mitfh-IS..-33-S — Also — MISCELLANEOUS ises. Owen, Zima, Uoug'lati airfeet. Gass,; 116 Wondbridge Ave- DATED; Marc:Ii IS, ]fl4I. •• -*-; .;.--.". E. ,r.- TIM HOLT WILL PAY uc a lb. for rags Palko, Juiui, :is;t Schoul Street. nue. J3. .1. DU1CIGAN, ..To-srnshin Cl**r.fc'. Independent-L.ea.tler, IS Green St. Palko, Aium, uS^ School StVeet. i-iodas, Clara, ]95 Main Street. To be"fs.fivertisefl- Marcii-.-'2S, !S4d'. 7M "ALONG THE RIO GRANDE" 1 Township Clerk. n Waoilbritlgre, N. J. Pavel', Frank, HO, ! Fulloii Street. Heller, William G., 514 Linden To be advertised .March 2S and and April-' 4,. 1341,' iiV the ^»-Jt"- ^ PctUngili, George B., ^54 Grove Avenue. April 4, 3041, in the- Fords. Beacon: Beacon. ; -.'• PLOWING—Team work ol" all kinds. Street. Tlofher, Adolnh, Dahl Avenue. Miimire dt"-Iivere the'Toi^n- Prisula, .Helen, Woodbridge Ave- Jorgensen, Sarali, -i2 Second ship Committee of the Township of ship Committee of the Township'of nue. Street. Wood bridge held Monday, Mar«h 17, Woodbridgre, held .Monday,. March .PRIVATE OAilAGE rent. S-i.00 Fri tula, George, G.r,2 "Woodbridge Jensen, Christ, 121 Grant Avenue. per ninnl h. 1 -Ml Viil^m iiii; PIJU-». liHl, I was directed to advertise the 17, 1SA1. I was iiirecterrl 'to .adver- 3 Avenue- Jensen, ^Johanna, 1'il Grant Ave- fat.-t that on Jtonday evening, April tise the fact that o-n ^.T'oBday eve- ondbridg-e, N. .1. 1-i Peterson, Petri, Lee Street. nue. 7, ]9-!i, the Township Commit- ning:, April. 7, . 19(1,- Lite : Townshfp Pratt, Joseph, 39 Madison Avenue. Kovach, Julian, SI Green Street. tee will meet at S P. 11. (BST) in Committee will meet ^at~ :S P/:M. LEGAL NOTICES Pratt, Caroline, ii!! Madison Ave- Klein, Mary, Jean Court; the Committee Chambers, Memorial (EST> in the Committee .Chambers,- nue. Kellniitn, Andrew, 340 Main Street. Municipal Building, "Woodbridg'e, Memorial Municipal BuildIngr,:'Wot>d-- Phillips, George, 11 Park Avenue. Keating-, George A., 357 Main St. New Jersey, and expose and sell at bridge, Xew Jersty, and expose-flifiiV X O T I C E public sale and to tlie highest-bid- In accordance with Provisions of Phillips, Tiinnias, Jr., 11 Park Ave- Xui'ta, Anna, 15 Alman Avenue. der according to terms of sale on sell, at-public sale and-to the high- an act entitled "An Art tit Regulate nue. King*, Catherine, Green Street. file with the Township Clerk, open est bidder-according to termer of sale "Elections". (Titl.j 19: Xl.-ir>, lluvisseil - Phillins, Loretta, 11 Park Avenue. Katen, Edward, Green Street- to inspection and -to be public!v read on file with Uie Towiishiii Clerfc Statutes of 1933) together wirh tlie I Phillips, .Elizabeth, 11 Park Ave- Kolnok, Anna, Blair Road? prior to sale, Lots 1 and 2 in Block open to inspection-and to be publicly, TODAY and SATURDAY amendments and supplements tliere- nue. Kuzma, Rudolph, 425 West Ave- liE, TVoodbrid^e Township Assess- read prior to sale. Lota" $-:~-, Blo'cfe to, tiie following names will he re- Palculitk, Andrew, y Remsen. Ave- nue. ment Map. 11A: L.ots 7-S. Block 11B; Lots 7-Sr moved from the Permanent Jleg-ifs- nue. Kara, Isabelle, 39 School Street. Blork li'B;-. Lots- 1-2. Block itCfi Lots 1-4 inc-i., Block" ISA: Lots';1-,S tr«ti:..Lots 1-JV;. Blouk - 5.5E^-. boy National Bank Building:. 313 Peer, Mary, 050 Rah way Avenue. Lubeyik, Paul,' W. Pond Road. in said block will be sold together Lots T, S, lEt, i'0, 25, 2$, Block' tr>F; Lots1 .C5G, ..1SS, 3S3-aS3--int-.l., Bloplc-- State Street, Perth Amboy, on or Keedy, Alice, Berkeley Boulevard. Liirsen, Fred, 5S James Street. with all other details riertinent, said- r before--Aua-tist 19th, 11141, and prove lieilly, Charlotte, IS Fiat Avenue. Larsen, Bohlte, 5l> James Street. minimum price being S150.00 plus 17A;Lots 272-273, Blai'fc-lTD, T\ oo'd-- to the siu.istiietiou of Uie P:>M1 Mid- lieiily, William Ii., IS Fiat Avenue. Limoli, Thomas, Correja Avenue. costs of preparing deed and adver- lirldge Township Assessment" Map;"-/ — Pins — dlesex County Hoani of K lections tising this sale. Said lots in said Rodney, Robert, 613 Woodbridge Liazlo, Michael, St. George Avenue. block it" sold on terms, will require Take ^further, hotlce that the.- JOE E. BROWN that they si [11 resi'leiits of the Avenue. Larson, Dorothy, 1^0 Woodbridgre Township Committee has,' by'reso- Township of IVaodbricige and en- a down payment of S15.C0, the bal- "SO YOU WON'T TALK" Rodney, Anita, 613 Woodbrictge Avenue. ance of purchase price to be paid-in lution and pursuant to lai^, 'fixeS-^a titled to vote. Avenue. Larson, Simon, . 121 Woodbridse minimum price at which said REQUEST FEATURE SAT. SITE equal monthly installments of $15.00 The following: names are removed Remak, Michael, Woodbridge Ave- Avenue. .. plus interest and other terms pro- said blocks will "be soM together Barbara Stan wick for the reason that postcards mailed nue. Lapoczka, Mary, 35 Spruce Street. vided for in contract of sale. with.a.11 otber details pex.tineni,..sai

  • \ RANDOLPH SCOTT Avenue. Simon, llary, 530 Crows Mill Road. Xovatrick, Joseph, 13a Main Street. such payments,-or any part, Sullivan, Ivathi'yn, West Avenue. Kernes, Steve, 3U-! Main Street. E. J, DUNIGAN, as reasonable. Rowers, Jake, Stiner "Highway. Township Clerk. to the date of request for,-a.-aeed,.t&e:. - DEANJAGGER Beeman, Anna, 1ST Tcn-ane Steiizel, Joliannes, '63 Park Ave- Nelson, iiinar, 6a Sherry Street. purchaser shall t>e .entitled -lo re-~ nue. Nagy, Michael, Smith Street. To lie advertised Marcli 2S and VIRGIHIA_GILMOP nue. Aprii 4, 1941, in the Fords Beacon. ceive a. barg-ain -and--aale .deed fo-T.; Beeman, George. 1ST Terrace Ave- Stenzel, Eva, 33 Park Avenue. O'Neill, Catherine, Hillcrest Ave- : nue. any one lot to be selected upon tne. — Plus — Seguine, Arthur, 31 Wylie* Street. Refer To: \V-27Sj Docket1 payment of- an additional- $125.08,. EutkewiCK. Jean, Sfl Burnett Street. Sc-guine, Julia, Jl Wylie Street. Powers, M'argaret, 311 Fulton per lot, together with .a reasonably' Lloyd Nolan Street. NOTICE OP PITKLIC SALE Brower. Frank, Meinzer .Street. Simon^en, Henry, i'l Oakland Ave- To Whom -It May Concern: fee .'for the" preparation ot" the.iiee^'; - "MICHAEL SHAYNE, Eolli, Josephine, 10 Coddinglon nue. •_ Peterson, Anna, 157 Strawberry except tne,lotK in •'Block J7A ahO. Hill. At a regular meeting- of the Town- DETECTIVE" -Sabo, Alex, GO Lee Avenue. ship Committee of the Township oJ ltD, which Khali renuirei Benitez, Joseph, 117 Hagamait SarisKy, Miehael, 7li New Bruns- Pyck, Alfred, 1ST "Rowland Place. Woodhritfge held Monday Mareh $150.00 per loft . . •_, . WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. Street. • ivu-li Avenue. Petrusick, John, l£lm Street. 17, 19-tl, I was directed to adver- Take further-, notice that at Campbell, Whitman, -US School Toth, Charles, 303 Fulton Street. Petruska, Joiin, 55 Ford Avenue. tise the fact that on Monday- eve- sale, or any date .'to which. H Teffenhardt, Anna, ^0B ElraUursc Petevari, Louis, 55 Ford Avenue. ning-, April T, 1941, the Township be adjourned, the; Township CoSS"-v Collins, "Walter, 21 Factory Lane. Avenue. Pirrit, Charles, 2S Wildwood Ave- Committee will meet :it S P. - M. mittee. reserves tise riglit in. .its dia,->..: "1, AIM;. 'My'- AVenUe. Trembly, William N., Correja Ave- nue. (EST) in the Committee Chambers, cretion to reject any .one or all btd't •eli, Jt"ni". C'vii-' Awnue. nue. Puskas, .Vincent, Emmet Avenue. Memorial Municipal Building-, Wood- and to sell saiil lots, in,said .,_. e. Ora M,, r'. I tint bar Avenue. Thomas, George, St. George Ave- Piiillips. Edna May, 370 East Ave- bridge. N'ew Jersey, and" and to such bid'ler as it may select, Clark, Qeorsje G., 55 Punbar Ave- nue. nue. sell at, public sale and to the high- regard, beiu? given to terms a Tliurn, Kusseil, 21 Burnett Street. Paul, M. Elizabeth, 555 West Ave- est bidder according to terms of sale manner of payment, in case one Coffey, Rose, Beech Street. Tluirn, Cleo E., 21 Burnett Street. nue. on file with the Township Clerk open minimum' .**Ids\ shall be i Ci vj kalo, W i 1 Mam A., Marco n i Volkmutti, John, 411 Elmwood Pomeroy, Lendel, 63 Manhattan- to inspection and to be publicly read : Avenue. prior 10 sale. Lot part of 7 in Block- Upon acceptance of the Avenue. Avenue, 477, to be designated hereafter us Chap id, John D., Oa'U Trer Road. ^'uruney, Elsie, Oak Tree Road. Quackenbusjh, Blanche, 515 OliVfi hid, or hid above minimum, by Place. Lot 7B in Block -4i7P, more particu- Township.. Committee- and • the\- 91 SMITH ST., PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Chris ten Sen. Alex, Reraseti Avenas. Verguro, Luiffii, Woodbridge Ave- larly described as follows: ment thereof by- the purchaser nue-. Ryan, Anne, Kingf George Roa,rf. i, Stanford, Dcitiare&t Ave- r cording- to. the manner.of Vcrguro, An^eline, "vv oodbridffe Reider, Elizabeth, 515 Amboy Ave- Beginning- at a point in the 'West- tn:accordance •w-itli-terms of Open Monday, Friday & Saturday Toons, Eulniia, 27 Blifnet Street. Avenue. nue. . - erly line oE Meredith Road,- distant file, the 'To-tpnship"1 will' dAliv^i!; Coons, - Robert A,, '11 Burnett Verg-uro, Antoinette, Woodbrtdge Kusznak, John, "2, Howard Street. along Hiiid Westerly line of Mere- barga-in and sale deed.for said pre'i Evenings Street. Avenue. Ronier, Melvin, Clum Avenue. dith Road S. 36°-53' 20" "B. - 350.00 IseS. 1 ' :"• "7^ Carpenter, David W:, Randolph Vergruro, Michael, Wood bridge liamsden, Luella, Super Highway. feet from the corner formed by the Easter Week Open Every Evening Avenue. Avenue'. ' : Ratajczak, Michael, Main. Street. intersection, of said Westerly line of ' Dressier,' Martha, Florida Grove Varjro, Michael, 341 Avenel Street. Riley, Thomas, 54 Senora Avenue. Meredith. Pr id with the Soitherl-v Road. West Brook, Raymond, 4G8 Prospect itoszkoivski,'Henry, IT lirin Ave- line of afidtvood Wa^ a-r said Toad - Dale, Nellie,-Super Kigrhyray. . St: ' nu e. and said Way. are hud down on h. F&TBAY, APRIL- 4, 1941

    Courtroom Triangle

    Popular Actor Scores Big 'Land Of Liberty' Depicts Starring Ann So them in her fa- i Malsie," again directed, with J. ' A g&y modern comedy di ama, great promise of 1 Success In The Trial miliar stranded showgirl character- Waiter Ruiben continuing as pro- Century la Colonial set off by striking Technicolor, in/his own rig-fct, very, brings Madeleine Carioll and Fied Of Mary Dugan' ization, '•' Maisie Was a Lady,"' ducer. The screen play is by Betty "Vjrginia" is a story of a Heinhart and Mary C- McCall, Jr. Life Of Nation MaeMurray together as a team ond invasion" of the Old Dsir latest in the popular series, will or for the third time •when Para- by a sudden influx Q$ laXge- Robert Young-, acclaimed the "Land of 'Liberty,'1 which opens open toirfeht at the Strand Theatre. mount's "Virginia" opens today til ben of wealthy Northerners most consistently popular star in at the Strain! Theatre on Tuesday, Lew Ayres plays the male lead, the Majestic Theatre. buy up the beautiful esfcafces 4 Hollywood, comes Saturday to the epitomizes more than a century i •with -Maureen O'SuIlivan, C. Au- Added to this famous due is a have been the ancestral ^6-oS Ditmas Theatre teamed with La- and a half of American history in handsome blond newcomei to the piorainent Southern raine Day in what is said to be the brey Smith, Joan Perry, Paul Cava- a feature motion picture .that runs screen, Stirling- Hayden, who shoTv* was written fay Vrr?i»aa most powerfully dramatic picture nagh and Edward Ashley heading less than an hour, imd a half on thy of his career, "The Trial of Mary from data that she screen. Dug-an." the featured cast. Vivid Scenes Recall Life In Dunne Home Scene Of Club eouise -of a several months By selecting sequences frq^ 112 The actor takes the leading hole Miss So them continues her role m the picturesque ShenaiidoaS Frontier Days; On Bill different features, shorts' and news- Party Held Monday Night in the new film following hit per- of JVIaisie Ravier, the showgirl pe- ley. rennially in need of a job, and reels, Cecil E. DeMille has brought WOO-D-BRI0GE—A oard party The plot revolres formances in '"The Mortal Storm" At Crescent to the screen in \Tivid flashes the and "Western Union," He portrays holding one temporarily this time was held.-Monday night at the home turn of a, native Zane Grey's "Western Union'' story of millions of men and wo- a desperate young lawyer who as the "Headless Woman" in a car- of Mi's. James J. Durine'on. Gri*en had moved away -when men who struggled to' attain and 1 n. , -. , „ , ,, . .has been made into a memorable Street, under the auspices of the small child, to find her-seif - must depend upon his legal skill defend American liberties. More I a to save his sweetheart from the nival sideshow. But through Lew |picture. Filmed in brillian.t Tech_ Jeffersonian- Club. poor; and her refbelkon agaia Ayres who deserts his Dr. Kildarej y . than 130'film stars appear as his- grallows. nicolor and produce on a lfareath torical characters in the well-knit Winners in the games weie • Mis. slo-w, eaSy-going, characterization to play tne yo-un?[taking scale, it opens Wednesday Miss Day, in the title role, makes narrative. Albert Braun, Mrs Charles Farr, of living However, inebriate playboy, Bob Eawiston,, . her first, screen appearance since he loses her job- He, contrite &i at the Crescerit Tneatre ST., Mrs. Leon E Campbell, Mrs lore and devotion of Its ibitlliant cast, headed by Rob- Laraine Day finds herself faced with lv.o suitors m Robert .Ijeing- named the outstanding young having been the cause of her un- Young arid Tom Conway, rivals for her affections in the thrill- The picture, with proceeds going Eugene Bird, >Iro L Cohen, Mis. ^nd the loyalty of old family ert Young, Randolph Scott, Dea-i Thomas Genty, Mi} John ^Elliott, actress in Hollywood in a poll employment, gives her work as t. packed courtroom drama, "The Trial of Mary Dugan" whicli to war emergency xelief -work, rants, she becomes actively Jagger_ and Virginia Gilmore, Mrs. W. Aeton an-d Mis Michael J taken in the firm colony. She first maid in his home. Then the fun comes to the Ditmas Theatre screen tomorrow. opens in -Colonial times. Venture- scious of hei heritage as&xe brings to life, all the colorful char- Trainer. ••.von recognition for her Mary La- starts. some settler in America, seeking ability to- carry on- the veot acters created by the West's great- girl, passionate and impetuous, mankind's .second chance, build family tiaditions mont role in the "Dr. Kildare" j Maureen O'SuIlivan is seen as est story-teller in his latest best- runs, away and when he finally dis- homes and organize local govern- HEART ATTACK KILLS series. Subsequently she sky- Abby Rawlston, Bob's sister, who seller. Others featured include covers her,- she, has/married.' San- ments. Founding fathers of the COUPLE The -wealth and worldly^ rocketed to the top in "My Son, makes Maisie her personal attend- John Can-artine, Chill Wills, Slim •dor 'bitterly rejects the.-'overtures republic are brought living to the Little Falls, K Y —Three hours tication of a playboy.-J&J-I My Son," "Foreign Correspon- ant. C. Aubrey Smith is the per- SummeYville and Barton. HacLane. of the countess and-goes feack to screen. Patrick Henry, Georgre after being informed o£ tiie sud- newcomeo." to the localiiy^ >&/ 1 j dent'' and "The Bad Man." fect Rawlston butler, Walpole. Romance, action, drama and 'his clan, the eternal gypsy-- . Washington, Thomas Jefferson, den death of her 73-year-old hue- ca.tes the young girl*s dn&mg Based on Hit Play shocked -by Maisie's unconvention- thrilling adventure are all part of There is excellent acting, none Alexander Hamilton and James tand from a heart attack, .Mrs: heart. In. the ealorf ul ^u!npl alities. Edward Ashley is east a^ 'Blue Danube' Combines All The picture is taken from Bay- the spectacle in "Western Union," of it over done. But the; most Madison are portrayed as personal- Albert Weaver, 63, died of a simi- -of this romantic tale lies -gar Abby's fiance, Link Phillips, and ard Veri'Iler's sensational play and which opens in the roaring boom Elements Of Romance, amazing.-, feature of this picture is ities in action. lar attack. and amu^ng entextainaneaxtr Joan Perry as Diana Webley, the deals with a girl who flees from a town of frontier Omaha—where the spontaneous acting and the' de- ~ The Trek- to the. West girl he jilted. Paul Cavanagh ap- reformatory (where she is held un- the -only raw was a blazing six- lightful music by the. Tzigane peo- . By the magie of motion picture, pears as "Cap" P^awlston, wealthy justly) and attempts to rehabilitate shooter. ple, which ranges from tinkling historical events are recreated. herself. She falls in love with a clubman father of^Bob and Abby,! Dean Jagger, portraying Ed- To judge.from the viewpoint of the critics, Herbert Wilcox has pro- folk songs to the classics'of "Liszt Spectators sit with the men who young lawyer, who asks her to whose neglect of his children ward Creighton the telegraph dueed a picture of exceptional ]aad Strauss, drafted the Constitution and the marry him and go with, him to causes various dramatic complica- builder, starts a huge "vvagon-train merit and surprising qualities ml "Blue. Danube" will take a high Bill or'Rights. They tofl west- READE'S South America. Thiis she must re- tions which finally involve Maisie rolling: out across the prairies. "Blue Danube," with the pictu-!rank in the new era of fil ward with restless pioneers, .fight fuse, for she cannot get a passport as she attempts to straighten out Their job is to build the telegraph resque Joseph Schildkraut m the] ~" under Lincoln's leadership to pre- without revealing her true identity. Abby's difficulties. over a West infested by renegades starring role. Here is a pictur-1 INQUIRY serve the Union, and work with the The iawyer goes without 'her, Though finding herself in a so- and savage Indians. that proves beyond doubt the abil-! men who built the first transconti- and when he returns, a year later, ciety setting for the first time, in Randolph Scott as a reformed The House recently tabled a nental railroad across a reunited ity of the producers to turn out he finds that she is standing trial contrast to the ranches and jungle outlaw and Robert Young, as a resolution proposing a special com- country. romance and drama, sacrificing for the murder of her former of her previous adventures, Maisie tenderfoot surveyor from Harvard, mittee to investigate the progress nothing of reality, yet lacking a benefactor. He discovers that the proves just as adept at keeping her leave with Creighton's men.' Both of the defense program, by a vots "Land of Liberty" is more than single objectionable scene. It defense attorney is making only a footing and helping others regain are in love with the builder's of 252 to 112. Opposition came a formal history. Its background comes to the Crescent Theatre. 4 Days Starting With half-hearted attempt to defend the theirs. Her wisecracks fly with all charming sister, Virginia Gilmore. from regular committees who Re- is a rich tapestry into which have Perth Amiboy, on Wednesday. girl and takes over the case him- their old-time sparkle and she is as First sample of the dangers lieved that the special committee teen woven the folkways of the "Blue Danube" is a story of the self. In a sensational triaj he quick on the trigger as ever. Fur- ahead comes soon after the wagon- would infringe upon their preroga- American people. No medium but Tzigane gypsies—pronounced, in- proves that the girl could not have thermore, she is surrounded with train leaves Omaha. Vicious rene- tives and from labor leaders who the screen could thus present cus- cidentally, Sigoina—a tribe that committed the crime ami pins the her strongest supporting cast to gades attack without warning. De- felt that the special committee toms and eosturaes, furniture, until recently, roamed the forests murder on the real criminal. date. vastating forays • by the savage might be unduly critical, of labor, habits and a thousand other items of Hungary and Austria. Now, Sioux follow. activities. of social history- Supporting the two stars is a Edwin L. Matin, who guided tha for the first time, the Royal Tzi- cast headed by Tom Con way. original "Maisie"' and "Gold Rush But the plainsmen keep moving gane Band, directed by Alfred forward across the prairies, sink- Ecde, is brought to the screen. Free Comics ing telegraph poles and stringing There are eighteen members, none Free Dishes To Every wires as death strikes swiftly and whom is able to read a note of To The Ladies Lnte Come Boy & Girl SIlMW As l-«te An silently all about them. Thrill is music. Every Hvcry 31 P. "W., And See neaped on thrill as the renegade^ Mon. - Tues, PERTH AMBOY. N. .1. Sat. Matinee Satitriiav A t'miijilete plot complete destruction of the In the humble opinion of this re- Show! FRIDAY - SATURDAY & SUNDAY On State St. at Five Corners line. Cattle are stolen, wires cut viewer, it will not he long now until down and worst of all, the Indians Rode and his artists will be stage, MAISIE rreels are incited to massacre. screen and radio sensations under 7 Days — Starting Tomorrow - Saturday April 5th (and falls f«x the guidance of some shrewd man- I>R KiLDASE" PREVUE TIME TABLE. DEFENSE BONDS ager with an eye for showmanship. 44 "Mr. f.nd Mrs. Smith" The public will have the oppor- The story of "Blue Danube" des- !J) "The Trial <-f *Mary Di tunity of investing amounts from cribes the adventures of the gypsy »Mr. !•»>

    MON. & TUES j WED. & THURS.

    Cesor ROMERO It's ihe Blue vs. the Grey Virginia Gifowre UfE SHOW SATURDAYS — again ... in a riotously' Milton BIRLE Last Complete .Sfow 11:00 P. M. romantic un-civil war of _SB - ? ~N»gf «te?iB> ?.'* AH Seats 28?, Tax Included hearts! ^ROBERT YOUNG • RAMJCftPH ^ — Also —_ SCOTT - VIRGINIA GILMORE "I WANT A — Also — ; DIVORCE" A Dramatic Masterpiece of Gypsy Romance, Mirth s •with and Melody DICK POWELL STARTING WITH JOAN BLONDELL "BLUE DANUBE"

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    Taken together, there were 7,927,848 volumes of Biblical literature published. This compares with 2,356,3,95 volumes for er PUBLISHED EVERY FEIDAY By H S, Sims • —by— • law, 1,868,992 for medicine, 2,306,829 THE BEACON PUBLISHING GO. for history, 3,432,642 for science and tech- FUNDS FOR POLICY and other wafceicraft; nology and it does not include the 6,413,- AID FOR THE BRITISH 000 for tanks- and other With Offices at TAXES ARE COMING equipment; $260,000,^00 for 611 New Brunswick Avenue, Fords, N. J. 606 volumes that were published under the MAN-HOURS INVOLVED cellaneous military TELEPHONE: PERTH AMB0Y 4—2123 $200,000,000 for testing, general head of religion and philosophy. FOOD TO GO ABROAD ! Subscription $1.50 per year ' The Bible, it seems, continues to gain WILL HELP FARMERS ing and outfitting:; $50,(H>0,GiOG for Elmer J. Vecsey Publisher and Managing Editor WARSHIPS ON GREAT LAKES adramistrafave expenses. ' Entered at the Post Office at Fords, N. J., asreaders. It does very well for' what some second class mail matter on April It, 1936, people consider an "old-fashioned" book. The same . Congress that took Farmers will be interested^ m * In fact, the figures suggest that somebody two 'months, from January 10 to tentative plans for March 11, to pass the Lease-Lend food purchases for the must be reading the Bible, which is a com- Bill, coimanittingr this country to all- It is expected that the buying forting thought. out aid to- Great Britain, and es- will be directed by Milo R. Per- tablishing a new foreign, policy, re- kins, Administrator of the Sur- quired only twelve days to pass plus Marketing Administration^ Bingo the $7,000,000,'000 - appropriation and head of the Food and Cotton*-,- bill to manufacture and procure Stamp operations of the Depart*" We recognize in bingo, as it is conducted Information Without Understanding goods of many kinds for anti-Ajis ment of Agriculture. - for church and charitable purposes, a We think there is much truth in the nations. harmless and pleasant diversion. Under recent statement of Dr. Robert M. Hutch- The food-buying operation ins, President of the University of Chicago, The House voted 337 to 55 in expected to exceed any such auspices, no-one but a Comstock could favor of tke measure and *3»e enterprise an the peaee-taae object to it on moral grounds. that "our university graduates have far Senate 67 tj3 9- The appropria- tory -oS this country, except tthas& Despite this view, however, we also must more information and far less understand- tion bill was the largest ever now being "undertaken for iSgeu- ing than in the colonial period." passed in peace-time History of Army and Navy "While food pma^ recog-nize that as of today, our State Con- the United States. •chases will be made, at first ats most entirely for the British, rE is " stitution forbids the game. We cannot for- There can be little doubt of the fact Senators who opposed the Lease- that the process of specialization in intel- 1 expected that Amencaa food, wi& get, either, that it is the sacred duty of self- Lend Bill, "but were supporting "the later be sent to China, Greece amK respecting, law-abiding citizens to comply lectual pursuits has developed considerably appropriation measure, explained •other nations joining the more detailed information on a great many that they felt constrained to pio-against the totalitarian, po-wers. with the strictest requirements of consti- vide the money necessary to-carry subjects and that specific individuals, in tuted authority even though sometimes we out- the policy established by tha The British Food Mission, is in- > are not in agreement with it. their chosen- fields of study, have far more majority of Congress. Against the terested in, vitamin-rich foods," ~ information than wasj available to their bill were recorded three Demo- It is in the best democratic tradition that crats, Clark of Idaho, Clark of Mis- especially in concentrated forms. predecessors. The products- wanted include- *? a majority of the-voters .can change or im- souri, Wheeler of Montana; five powdered milk, condensed milk) -"* pose restrictions when such action appears Republicans: Butler. Langer, Hje, We are rather inclined to agree with Shipstead and • Thomas, of Idaho, raisins, cheese, prunes, dehyd- to promote the public good and welfare. the thought that the very process of spe- rated fruits, cod-hver oil, halibut * - one Progressive: La-Follette Sen- oil, dried eggs, smoked pork, If bingo, for instance, is considered hy the cialization prevents an individual from de- ator Johnson " of California and Senator Wiley were'-padred against canned or pickled pork, orange majority to be socially and morally sound veloping balanced information "which is the bill. juice, lemon juice and lard, *• then there is no reason why it should con- necessary to any comprehensive under- Dried skimmed milk and cheese <• •will be needed. Synthetic vita? ~ tinue beyond legal boundaries. The consti- standing of human beings, their environ- Interesting in the discussion, mm products will be- sent to in- " and a sign, of things to come, tution which at present forbids it, also pro- ment and aspirations. crease the vitamin contents -of ~ was the statement of Senator foods'.now in Britain- vides the machinery whereby the prohibi- Inasmuch as human beings must co- Connelly that the Finance Com- tion can be removed. Editor's Note — PruUaMy the ?.paxtment bouse porter alter the Italian people, I recognize that mittee would bring in a .tax bill operate in a world which includes other STrestmtt enigma in military Iiits- •which "is probably going to jerk It is also expected that the Brit- tory is posed by the pliant of the British naval raid on Genoa. "Poor these do not tell the story. It was We think it is indeed unfortunate that human beings, it is vitally necessary, in ap- some people outi of their boots." ish « cxplanatiou. money and a considerable por- for tire .stunning- reverae.*" TVMCII of the Messagiero at Rome -with a It was not that these humbler on the lubber-cotton barter of the methods whereby a change can be >IiiM>«liiii*.s nri»M-.s have suffered. tion of it must be raised ny tax- which, it so happens, is what the world Mr. Davis is nuiv in the L!niJed headline denouncing the dastardly people were 'all actively pro-British. ation. ean get eotton from India or E^gypt wrought in the constitutional structure needs today. States and Iii.s article, therefore, British for 'bombing Naples, which Nor were they by any means whole- and ha\e extensive stores of was not -subject to military cen- American cotton which were pre- which would give legal sanction to the sorship, t everyone knows is a .naval base and heartedly anti-Fascdst, though they William- S. Knudsen,^ Duector- a military objective. did blame Signor Mussolini and his viouslj sold to- them at a discount" playing of bingo under such auspices as General of the OPM, was asked under the Export- Subsidy Plan. -. It was on the home front that "Look," he said. Next to thepro-Germian advisers for the war.whether _ the defense. administra- are approved. We think that men in this April, Our Month Of War headline was a photograph of theThey were numb and miserable af- Fascism really lost the war. tion, could judiciously use the $7,- In 1817, the United SEates a»d~ position should provide the initiative and It is now April, our nation's month of ''glorious bombing of Coventry" ter so many wars and privations. 000,000,000 appropriated ffor the It was there that the bulk of the Their spontaneous gaiety- which Canada signed the Rush-l5agot~ leadership to meet the public demand for Italian, people came to grips with showing the ruins. ''Stupid, bung- purposes concentrated, in the lend- war! ling propagandists," he said. "And fills so much of their lives with Agreement, providing for the de—^ ~~ bingo, not try to devise ways of circum- Benito 'Mussolini's pro-German, lease bill. He pointed out that militarization of the Great Lake* Three times, in the same month, the they expect us to thelieve their sunshine had gone out of them and when this sum is transferred, -into' venting the prohibition against it. militarism and drained it hollow. left nothing'but ache in its place. and Lake Champlain. Under the? United States has begun to fight. The The people refusecUto be genuinely lies." man-hours "it is not so much." He terms of this pact, neither the. It is not so long ago that the sale and militarized for the sake of the Fas- A. group of Sicilians in. a-'cafe They are by nature a gentle folk reminded the senators that ke had United States nor Canada built .* twelfth is the anniversary of the shot at with a- depth of civilization, which consumption of alcoholic beverages was cist Party's gamble on quick Ger- were discussing the sentence of a handled $1,800,000,000 a year in naval vessels, but during- die- -^ Fort Sumter that began four years of man victory. They refused to belocal character on their island to 30 can 'be appreciated -only by living one* industry—in one fum—and World War, a temporary ar-^ forbidden. When adequate leadership and bloody strife. The twenty-fifth marks our converted into friends of German years' imprisonment. in Italy. sTo them, the Nazis ap- that when spread out "the appro- rangement covered certain na--* organization' was supplied, this constitu-J declaration of war against Spain and ±heNational Socialism. "I'd rather," said one, "be exe-peared las their ancient enemies, priation" does not amount to-any- val construction. *" th-e Huns, taking on a new andthing—I mean quantitatively " tional inhibition was erased because a ma- It was the people, then, who won cuted than spend 30 years in sixth- is the anniversary, of our entry into prison." "Not at^all,'?- -answered more menacing form, • The. iNazis jority of the people-wanted it erased. If the the initial propaganda battle over Canada Teeen€ty ^ the World War. another. "He's infinitely better off were the destroyer of their Ovarc-h Secretary Stimspn said that budd naval vessels up to a- dcaffe. these basis issues of the war. Their BS the local priest lost no oppor- ninety-five per cent,of X^e- ma- situation as it pertains to bingo is the same, Once more, in 1941, the United States passive resistance overcame all the wffth the prison term The British of fourteen feet, but, until peg-J" why not handle it in the same manner? We will soon -let him out." tunity to whisper. terials to be purchased under the mission -?ras .granted hy the United.^ faces more than the possibility of warfare. weapons of dictatorship. There- lease-lend program .-would be think it will be much better in the long run after, what happened at the front The ni-em'ber of the group who "These Nazis bring out the worst States, did! not .place guns on the As Spring comes to the nation, to give it later recounted the story said that in us," said a fruit dealer. The weapons and munitions which vessels nntil they reached the A1P" and it will give added prestige to our sys- lines •• was inevitable. The army could be used in our own Army gladness, the threat of hostilities adds a turned out to be only the shell of this last comment met with the ap-Italians quite simply were afraid. lantic seaboard- In notes e^~ tem of government - which permits such proval -of everyone presents In Through their own inherited na- and Navy, and only five per cent, changed late last year, the RnSh.-_ touch of sadness. sn army—indeed, an army largely of the purchases would be weap- elasticity in public matters. composed of conscientious objec- fact, he said, most of the islander? tive wisdom most of them came Bagofc Agreement was modified to are living in hops of that day. to the same conclusion, one which ons of purely British type. permit construction of vessels sot There is some comfort in the thought tors. ^ ! After all, this is no time to minimize the that the people of the United States have Fascism, in a word, failed to Or there was an Italian diplomat {Continued on Page 10) intended for service on the Great on home leave. "I think," he con- . As finally approved,, the Lease- Lakes and, armamenis incapable -of. respect which we plead so loudly we hold seen the way they should walk. They have meet its greatest test. For IS years Lend appropriation provides: $2,- it had 'been building civilian armies, fessed to a friend rather shyly, but immediate use while the- vessels for the American way. 054,000,000 for aircraft and aero- remained in the Great Lakes. x-eaffirmed their stand for the freedom of indoctrinating a whole people with showing that he felt deeply on tha nautical materials; $l,350v000,0Q0- ( subject, "that these defeats (in Al- men, regardless of the danger that the Pignor Mussolini's slogan : 'Believe, for agricultural, industrial.. and Greatest Disaster at 1940 obey, fight." When the trial came, bania and Libya) were given to us other commodities; $1,342,000,000 Reminiscent Of Sales Tax Project course entails. by some providence to save us from dancebaH fire in- Mississippi belief was nagging, obedience was for ordnanee and ordnance stores; in which 210 lives were lost was Assembly'Bill No. 407 known as the . The world, be it r-ecalled, was nodazet d and mechanical,' and under the Germans. Had we won, we $752,000;000 for manufacturing the greatest disaster in the United State Wage and Hour Act, continues to be meant to be the mausoleum of human these circumstances men do nomight t have ibecorne intoxicated and facilities; $629,000,000 for ships States in 1940 genuinely fight. become genuinely Germamized. Flynn, In Article In the object of 'stormy - state-wide protest. hope, the grave of human faith and the "Throughout the war, Italian gen- Since we have lost, we may be oc- Reader's Digest, Not since the 2','e consumers' sales tax was cemetery of human personality. It simply erals tried to keep the foreign press cupied iby a stronger Germany; but repealed in 1935, has any Legislative pro- is not ordained. Those who seek to plunge from any direct contact with their we know in our hearts now that we Says humanity into the darker barbarisms of heart-sick, incredibly unwarlike never were meant for Germaniza- posal been the target for such broad and Army. With a minor exception, tion and this lcind of war." No military authority in this vigorous opposition. earlier eras wage a battle as fruitless as none of us went to the front. Hope for British Victory country believes an invasion of America by Germany is possible, Apparently, the volume of criticism di- the effort of Winter to obliterate the re-While our colleagues from Berlin One*day a group of us were dis- birth of nature, that comes with Spring and were rolling into Belgium. and cussing the war with a member of says John T. Flynn in. the leading- rected against this proposal is increasing, France just behind the guns of'the animportant Government ministry. article of the current Reader's Di- gest. notwithstanding amendments which have warms the heart of man. German Army,'we in Rome follow- "The only thing which can save us ed the day-to-day fortunes of thefrom Germany," 'he said, "is a Brit- Flynn' appraises the question telephone wire been suggested by sponsors of Assembly Mediterranean fronts via the Brit- ish victory." "Can Hitler Invade America?" and No. 40. ' . "*m&. About Airplane Accidents ish Broadcasting- Corporation. • Someone chided him humorously reaches the conclusion that Ameri- While indicating- a willingness to sup- Witnesses of Collapse for voicing such a heresy when cans "should disabuse themselves o£ the panicky illusion that -they port any sound proposal ''aimed at the Every once in a while we hear some It is thanks to the generals, working in one of the ministries. anxious American express alarm and therefore, that we were eyewit- He replied quite seriously: "I must help Britain because a vic- elimination of sweat shop practices, New nesses of the really decisive col- should say that half of those work- torious Hitler would conquer Am- Jersey's 75,000 retailers are standing- by amazement at the number of pilots killed iapse of Italy. 'My notes are 'Crowd- jing with me are of the same erica next. "When Hitler turned on Eng their guns. They insist they cannot serve I in airplane accidents. ed with small, disjointed jottings opinion." It is true that accidents have increased which, really tell the "inside story" It would be easy to multiply typi- land," Flynn says, "there was the their customers if forced to operate under on the home front. eal incidents of this sort- But look- English Channel—only 23 miles a schedule of hours primarily designed to and that they are overemphasized' in. the There was the comment of-the ing back on my memory of thewide at its narrowest point. Ten public mind by the publicity they receive. months after France fell, he still regulate _ work in factories and manufac- •had not even attempted to -cross turing enterprises. It is well to remember, however, that the POLITICS that narrow strip of water with soldiers or tanks. When he at- This sounds like common sense. Fed- Army and the Navy are doing- more flying than ever before. tempts to invade the Undted States eral authorities recognized the special —or Canada—he would face the characteristics of retailing and exempt • General George G. Marshall, Chief of problem of crossing- with his armies Staff of the Army, in discussing these acci- 3,000 miles of the Atlantic Ocean merchants from the provisions of the Fed- and confronting- not 50,000,'000 eral Wage and Hour Bill. New Jersey Re- dents, cites figures for the Army, showing people on a small island with small tailers warn that passage of Assembly Bill that in 1921 there was one accident for natural l'esources, but a vast nation every 214 hours of flying but that in 1940 with 130,000,000 people and "re 40 will sky-rocket the cost of living many sources far exceeding his own . . ." there was one accident for every 1,941 millions of dollars annually and that New "Germany, even with the British Jersey Consumers will pay the bill. hours. While the number of accidents has fleet, would not have complete increased about one-third, the flying time command of the seas.' The Ameri Many well Informed persons believe has increased twelve times. can navy would have to be wiped that the Legislature should approve a sound out. Two things must be remem minimum wage bill and':let it go at that. bered* First, at the end of .this f New Jersey's telephone system war the American navy would 'be ",i you well, means always pre- They fear that any attempt to tinker with Airplane Engines Now I larger than .the German navy and 1 - •!_• .'ji . . Telephonelinemen-wiil add regulation of hours at this time of National the British navy combined. Sec An idea of what is happening- in the - u >."iy _±_n.•; of wire in cable to the sys- crisis is bound to be disastrous. ond, Germany would have to -do its defense program Is obtained by recalling naval fighting on. this side'of the * . • !'• »j.i • to care for changing denjaads r. LL -i- ;. -owth. Most of die 4,350,000 that in September, 1939, the three manu- ocean." . . Somebody Reads The Bible facturer of airplane engines in the United Quoting President Roosevelt's •i •* i i »*i,». now in the New Jersey tele- message to Congress of January ''»i"» "'-rttuk is in. cable, , In 1939, according to the Census Bu- States produced between 200 and 300 air- 6th, "Even if. there were;no British reau, the Bible was easily the "best-seller" plane engines. navy it is not probable any enemy Your telephony service is fast, dear, low in cost—a among all the countless books that were In February,' according to William S would 'be stupid enough to attack us by landinsJa-oop'5 in the United real means for making •each day's -work more pro~ published. Knudsen, ^American manufacturers deliv- ductive; Keeping the service ready for every need ts States from across thousands of the work and responsibility of 12,000 trained, experi- In that year, 2,348,069 complete Bibles ered 3,470 high-powered airplane engines. miles of ocean, until it had acquir- enced Near Jersey telephone men and women, were published. Testaments published sep- While all of them did not come from the ed strategic bases from which to operate," Flynn" eites this "a com- Tuneinthe'Te!ephoneHour"Mondaynightat8-WEAF.KYW arately numbered 1,268,614 volumes. Parts three manufacturers referred to in the first plete admission that invasion is im- of the Bible made up ah additional 3,361,- paragraph, most of them did and the three possible, from the lips of a. man 234 volumes and some 969,9Sl Biblical companies are expected to turn out nearly Who nas done more than any other 4,000 engines a month by July. to frighten us -with, the fear d£ in- HEW JERSEY BEU TEIEPHONE COMPANY ^volumes were not classified. vasion-" - •• • FRIDAY, APRIL-4, 1941


    "A dignified and Imposing manner is rio-.v almost unknown in this demo- ,ratlc world." "Quite true—how greatly we're in- debted to the traffic cops that we lave any knowledge of it at all." IT AJKT TO \7HOM IT APPLIES T A LIFT. OtT

    \7:£e—This paper says, in the old lays the word "Simple" meant ".foolish." That couldn't be applied to frocks as it is today. Hubby—I\To; it only applies now to She man. v.1io nays for the frocks.. POOR FELLOW IP IP <

    Clam—Well, I see you're - Sere, now— Oyster—Yes, and I'm likely to get stewed tonight! 3I0DEBX YOtlTH

    "-'• /fZ-2 r~\ 1*>ai-': ***-v6 * HAND . £ fc^7 f } 'T 50 fLfc. WAJ.1.OP

    Sunday School Teacher—-To1 under- stand human evil, Willie, we must go back to the first temptation.

    Smart Kid—Yas'm—then we'll gel 1 2t the core of the thing. IT'S CLEAN NOW


    "I hope you are a man who ap- preciates a fireside." "In due season. Just now I em siiiiSSling up to an electric fan."

    3.IcrJ:—I'm goin* to open.' a boot- black parlor. Turtle — Ha! More "mortfcey-


    Icmperate Cosily Yolanie First Snstained Flight Humans Have Same Traits Plastic'Paper Chattel Mortgage Breaks—Free Drinks Dr. F. K. Kirsteri of the Univer- The most ebstly scicntiSc publica- The first sustained flight by man All human beings have the same C6See-is now being hermetically A chattel mortgage Is- a mortgage The- AHHiquecque, W. M., eosiarf- packed in a new plastic paper pack- sity of Washington has invented an tion, in proportion to its size was in a heavier-tban-air machine was traits and capacities, a noted psy- 1 made with the conditional transfer house- employees bit the jackpot on air-cooled bed for luxurious slum- the report ot the Wilkes expedition, made by Wilbur and Orville -Wright chologist recently stated. "Everyone age. It is said to rival the vaccum- of movable property as security. a. soft drink vending machine and ber. It uses a compressed air sys- to the Antarctic, issued by the TJ.. S. in Kill Devil Hill, Kitty Hawk, N. C. has the ability to solve problems; sealed tin can for efficiency. irlany of them gof free drinks when tem in tlie mattress and an air-filled government The whole book never all have some mechanical ability, Pedestrians Careless something wenf wrong and bottled blanket. Air from a tank in the was published and only 250'sets were More Electric Irons some will power, some •* foresight, Just Common Quinine More' than two-thirds of all pedes- drinks cascaded out on the floor. ••basement determines the heat or printed at a cost of $27&,l3l. and some ability for salesmanship "Peruvian1 bark-,"' ^c medicine- ad- 1 Employees Iroih nearby offices coolness.of the bed, adjustable by a The United States has almost 10,- trians kiHe'd commit a violation- of Irouto—IS he strong? 000,000 more electric irons than it or self confidence, he states. The ministered as a cure for certain of traffic laws or engage iii some ob- poured- out to- take advantage of the Cucumber—I should say so. dial at the bed's head- . difficulty, he declares, is that the the malarial fevers, is just ordinary viously unsafe act. opportunity until County" Purchas- Air Auto Fees Gttxwixig washing machines, of which- average person does not know iow most as strong as an onion! 1 quinine. ing Agent Joseph B. Velasquez During tite pa'st decade motor ve- there are 14,000,000, much cf these abilities he has, or torned off the machine. The county, Bobber for Night Fishing hicle fee collections" totaled $3,510,- Coal arift Oil Jobri Schott of Scr'anton, Pa., has 1 else he thinks he does not possess he explained, would have to pay 252,908, a rise of'52. per cent over Saint Worked as Slave them. Smallest Monkey Sixty pet cent of the world's coal for the drinks ouf of its share of the No Political Fartles invented a bobber" for night fishing, similar collections during the1 pre- Saint Vincent de Paul was cap- The Brazilian pygmy marmoset is and- 50 per cent of - the world's oil There was a time in this country declares the American magazine. vious decade. tured by pirates and later worked the smallest known' monkey in the preserves are possessed by the v;:isr. there were no political parS^f. It Sashes when a fish is hooked. among galley slaves- Snakes Cafcn Mice world. It weighs 4*6 ounces* or United States. - Ti vras called the "Era of Good Feel- twice as much as a mouse. i.-jg in American History," Swimming IBs Large, harmless snakes are kept Tancy* Asparagus lowest Gfade Two-Stick Method Observations in the past few Volcano in Kansas in some- parts of Mexico to catch, Pineapple in Te'i Do you know mat **faney" aspara- The two-stick method of produc- years* according to authorities, Kansas once had active volcanoes. mice, much as Americans' keep Prodficers of? Serve canfiecf pineapple cut In gus is the lowest grade? Grades Bad Lands g fire was originated by the Esld- disclosed many sinus 3»d ear infec- One- cone is visible today, just west house cats. • Non-poisonous, they Colombia and Ecuador are; the small pieces in tea. The pineapple of asparagus sreJaacy, jetect extra The "Bad Lands" are la Souta end the Indians. tions were caused by swimming. otRiley, Kan, .swallow their prey. . .. greatest producers of Panama hats. gives the tea a delicious flavor. select, jumbo and'colossal. - "*" FORDS'AJl§ , AFEffi. 4, 1941 •PAGE

    AGAIN By Jack Sdfds jRed Wings Outplay Hawks | LflffiJE, FULLERTON To Win Volky-Ban Title 'A7 Squad Is Downed/9-3 I "W OODBRTDGPw—Dcfeatm* the By Second Team; Belko [BUck F.'wks Ti tnido i»2si^s our four gave the Red Wings the Shows Up Well volley ball-cHampionship1 of School BBT FORMER COPS No. 11 for the i94O-lff41 season STILL WORRY Nosed Out, 43 to 40, By Township Teams Have Dis- Tho'mas Lim.olv physical training Dpt Sc*w«izer In Triumph instructor, conducted the tourney. Over Mrs. Rodner fa *F Defending Champions In astrous Week In Fac- • The" Wings won the first: game WOODBRIDGE—Thel941basc- / Straight Matches 'ball outlook of Woodbridge High Industrial Loop tory League Flay 15 to 10; the second: by the .same School appears somewhat gloomy score; lost the". third tilt 21 to- at present. Candidates for the dia- 14, and copped" the finale and the WEEK'S GAMES mond club listlessly stumble--! ALSO DROPS PLAY-OFF SHELL IS"SHELLACKED title. . . . . ' WOODBRIBGB through, practice sessions this week Vincent Orlifik, captain, George leaviny Coach Nick Priseo with . FORDS — General Cable of WOODBRIDGE—Nateo was the the township badminton nothing but a crying- towel. Perth Amboy nosed out the Cata- only to*wnship team to emerge vic- Lucas, Ma-lcolm IVfosfieiv Rogers. ehmmation. Tournament JS lin cagers of this place, 43 to 40, Schaufele and Richard Colej/ To make matters worse, the "A" tor! tis_ in the Perth Anrboy Ind'us- keener nightly,- as play Perth Amboy Y. M. C. A. Indus- trial Bowling: League this. week. It made up the personnel . of th^- quarter-finals. club, which Priseo thought was his champions. " . . , No. 1 odtfit, took a 9 to 3 lacing to retain the championship of the won two out of three games from In one of -the most g from "B" team in a five-inning- trial Basketball League for the fiaritan 'Copper. exhaustive matches thus shindig-. "Lefty Murdock, elbowing 1940-19 4A. season. • - Carborundum dropped three parish house, Harry Liade^Sr-, d|£ for the "A" crew, looked good in Playing before a large crowd straig-ht td A~ S'. & R. General BIG FIVE U feated ^oy« Full-erton Fullerton the initial stanza only to blow up Friday night, the Cablers elimi- CerUniiqs took a blanking, at the won the first £ame 15-9 but Ies-1 in the second and give the •B" nated the possibility of a three- hands of Titanium. Federal Sea- the next two 13-15 and 14-17."^te game title series with the Fords board copped a pair from Shell Oil third ^ame ended m a 14-14 "HS combine seven runs. : AI Aquilla and Ernie Baranav team. Had Catalin won, it would and U. S. Metals zeroed Steel' Fullertou aud LaBde -decided to I have given the Fords team title to Equipment. play it out—the winner to- get the the homer and triple respectively..Bill second half of the tourney, Doulbie - century scores were best out of five points. thereby necessitating a playoff. chalked up by Jeffrey, 212;Komer, scored tne first point Belko turned in a good game, hold- 1 Mclaughlin Brillia/Jt In ing the "A" team scoreless for two In the consolation award play- 224; Berndt,203; Sabo ; 202; Pucci, 14-lead Lmde then ta&ed* ffin&ln frames. Because of 'batting possi- off'for runner-up position, Cata- 207; Payne, 217; Si'morisen., 225; Offense, With Lef^ler, a row to decide the game. bilities, John Suriek was shifted lin lost a 44-39 decision to Na- Kovach, 202 and 201; Bixby, 223 Levi, Co-Sferri^g In the women's division, Dot from the infield to the outfield. tional Lead Saturday night. and 222, and Van Camp 203, 204 Schwenzer" scoied a sm prase ,vic- and 213." toiy ovei -Mrs Alfied Rodner -of The Barrons lack experience G^.ieral Cable (43) WUKOVETSHFACE RID! J more than, anything else, Prisen Lakomski, f % 18 Earitar. Copper (1) Fords MJSS Sch-ft-enzer won Xt-'l said yesterday. Due to this weak- [ Deter, f 0 4 Wiekley ...., 133-" 188 132 WOODBRIDGE —-The Wood- and 11-7, ness, Stephen K. Werloek is ar- Evanelio, i 0 0 Anderson .'. 190 142 167 bridge Big Five registered-a clean With the nearing of the quar£ea£ several practice games D'bczyn'ki, f . 1 0 Musolf 163 164 161 sweep in .the. WoodbrSdge Town- finals, -matches are more even as •with schools not on the 1941 Red Bilgrav,' f ...:... 0 Stanley 173 199 161 ship' Heavy Senior Basketball •wmneas meet winners • Next and Black slate. Cha'pis, e ....:.....:.'. 205 212 177 League this season. It .won the sch.ed'ule proiai'^es some •first and second h'aK" titles: and matches, according to Sam Practice Game Slated Pincelli, g , . lecteation -director The first of the practice tilts will L'amprinos, g 864 90-5 798 this week defeated Avenel, 2-6 to take place Saturday afternoon, Lynch, g Natco (2) 25, for the loop championship for Women's Division April 12, at Leg-ion Stadium, with Jeffrey - 212 173 186 1940-1941. ; . • - ' Second round. Alta Ryan Kimas ...., 158 150 187 but Jane Warr, 11-S, 11-B; the Alumni. Priseo hopes to learn 19 5 4i Kluj ...... _ loo 129 167 In defeating Avenel, Wood- Schwenzer defeated Mrs. Alfred what his pitchers can do againsb Catalin (40) bridge was paced' by L; McLaugh-' Rodner, 11-7, 11-7; Mrs. P. Jjtkt&t good hitters. Komer : 190 170 224 G P P Szabolsky ...., 191 176 128 lin, who turned - in six points. won over Geraldme Komuves, 11-1. Available fen- moimd duty with Handerhan, f .: 5 6 16 Leffler and Levi, with four count- 11-2; Marion Lee dowaed -4 the Alumni will be Bob Simonsen, Milesik, f S 2 14 " 906 79S 802 ers apiece, co-starred. Lee, Concannon, 5-11, ll-^, 11-7, Paul Gurzo and Ernie Barfcha. The Wagenhoffer, c 0 0 fee, Dubay and Lotz--""seored Mai ion Such? defeated Kay outfield will consist of Jim Bedi, A. S. &. R. <3) a Paskiewicz, g 1 3 Suswal • 135 1S5 191 nel's total.... - . land, 11-2, 115. Alex Ur. Georg'e Berry and Bill Barcellona, g 3 Big Five (26) Men's Division _, Gnrney. Either Louie Luck or John A. Simonson 157 210 178 Schult2, g 0 Breza 164 190 177 Second round E-oy Fullerten Trosko will occupy first base; Andy Mayer,- f 1.0 2 lost to Harry Lmde Sr, 15-9,, 13- Vshaly at second; George Wasilek, Al Simonson 162 189 214 15 10 40 Zuro 207 223 182 Tyrell, f j." 0 2 15,14-17; Bob Deter defeated Jacfc shortstop and Steve Pochek at National Lead (44) Take Series From Hitherto Dunigan 15-0, 15-7; Percy Locker third. Jimmy Jaeger will do the *BT ELMER "STEVE" VECSEX Leffler, f ....:„ 2 0 4 G F P Won •over ~\i P. Dunigran Jr, 1S-2. catching. Unbeaten Pinners In 875 947 942 Levi, c 2 0 4 Jaglowski, f 8 15-6; Ed Lotz beat Harry Lmde Earron Briefs 1 17 A Project Worth Keeping Carborunc&m £O^ J,-Mclaughlin,, g _.'.,.._ ; 1 1 3 Harridan, f '2 1 5 Match On Sunday Jr, 8-15, 15-9. 15-10; Bob Simonsen has been attend- In 1932, the Township Committee set up the re- Berodt : 155 203 192 Fitzpatriek, g 1.0 2 Cacteiola -won on d-efauTt over 1 Bruziowski, e 2 TotH 183 147 112 ing practice sessions tutoring Red 1 5 FGRDS—-The hitherto undefeat- creational department in cooperation with the CWA L. HcLaughlin, g. _ 2 2 6- lEansen, and Nick Urban, ?.nd Black mound aspirants. Kozlowski, g 4 I ed Fords Fire Company keglers Orosz : 174 145 15f Martin, g „. 11 3 to Arthur Locker. Charley Jai-cellona is still on the Muska, g 3 0 took it on the chin Sunday after- . . . Local funds were made available to carry out the Sabo : 202 156. 189 Next Week's ;iek list. _ j Ya.nk-ovich,. g l 0 noon when the Keasbey Protection- work of the new division, while the CWA, through Colombetta ,„.. 160 19T. 182 .- - .,;. .- • .' 11 4 26 Tulio Janovanich is hitting far Ca'talin (39) Fire Company pinners won two Avenel (25) Monday,^*. M., Mrs. federal funds, provided the personnel to direct activ- Dorothy Kmely; at 8-45, better this season. G F out of three games at the Fords S74 S4j8 827 G F P Handerhan, f 7 1 Recreation Center. ities . . . For nine years, the department has provided General Ceramics (Qi) Ruddy vs Arthur Locker; at John Cipo. Ban-on grid star, is Dunfee, f , 2 2 0 Walter Norman vs Harry Lmde^rj trvinsj hard to land second base Barcellona, f Q 0 Pucci ' 172 L79 207 Dubay, f .; 3 0 S Keasbey lost the first game by invaluable recreational service to the township . ... Tuesday, 8P.M, AKar Ryafi position with the •Priscomen. . jSchultz, f 1 0 Bandies .,.. 168. "150 110 Lee, e — .„__._. 3 1 7 154 pins, but won the next two by Today, with a great reduction in personnel, the pro- Payne 217 175 191 ManoTi Snehy; at S'30, N Coach Priseo is locking- for bet-.Wagonhoffer, c 4 1 Farr, e ; , „... 0 0 0 margins of 84 and 122. In total Banzyk .-. 193" ,181 192 vs. Ed MJIer; at 9 P. fcer results when the team starts Milcsik, g 2 3 pins,'Keasbey was on top, 2,463 to gram is being continued with the same director, Sam Lotz, g l 2 2 6: Jenkins -• 173 190 179 Howe v& Jane Warr, to work out at Legion field. The Paskiewicz, g 3 0 2,411—a margin of 52. Gioe, in charge. _ / Schubert, ^ „ 0 .0 0 paiish house field is not conducive Wednesday. 8 P. K, Kay Johnny Sabo, with 221, and WukovetSj g :.„._.. 0 ' 0 0 to good baseball, with the holes, 92-3 • 875 888" 3and vs. -Geraldine Komuves; 17 5 39 Matusz, with 211, paced Keasbey When the department was first established, a Re- Caccioia vs. Follerton; s£ 9, ruts adding to its general poor con- Titanium (3^ : and Fords, respectively. creation Sponsoring Committee was appointed by the 10 5 25 Schubert vs Tom Gerity. dition. Heck 187 202 168 Sunday night, April 13, at 7 Practice sessions will be held Township Committee . . . Named to handle the assign- Alexander 165 198 182 o'clock, the Keasbey firemen will - merit were George E. Merrill, chairman; John E. Bauer ;. 22fe 162 192 each morning throughout the Eas- meet the Edison Fire Company. : ter vacation. Kaiinowski ...:. 21 2 169- 198 On Sunday, April 20, a return Breckenridge, secretary and treasurer, John H. Love Biekel - ieo 196 152 match will be rolled between and Hampton Cutter . . . Since the original appoint- Hankinson To Launch Big' Fords and Keasbey.. ments, the only changes have been that of Victor C. 940 927 892 John Dambach, manager of the Federal Seab-ioar<2 (X) car Competition On Keasbey team, challenges the fol- Nicklas filling the vacancy resulting from the resigna- LIzura 146 165 145 tion of Mr. Love, and the addition of Maurice P. Dun- Fairgrounds Track lowing fire companies: Perth Am- Sharo ; 147 193 163 WOODBRIDGE — The annual Gardner, Lou5s Fezza, Jack boy, South Amboy, Sayreville, igan, school board president. Kuhlthau -- , 158 195 183 marble tournament of the . town- and Leo Burrtett. ORANGE CITY, Fla.—The first South River, Monmouth Junction, Bucko - 190 206 196 ship, to decide a champion who Also Entered Junior World Champions In signs of spring have arrived, Milltown, Carteret, Wbodbridge, The Sponsoring Committee is now.entering its Dietz .".«. 1S3 150 176 will play in the county tourney, Hopelawn School—Michael accompanied. by the , announce- Metuchen, Raritan Engine Com- tenth year, giving much valuable time and venerable will be launched about May 1, Sam Cann, Michael Kormitas, High Hopes Of Dupli- panies 1 and 2, Highland Park 824 909 S63 J ment from Hankinson Speedways, advice without compensation . . . The many.hours Gioe, director, of recreation, an- Stahan, Frank Sandor, Jack Wai- cating 40 Feat Orange City, Fla., to the effect and South Plainfield. Shell Oil CO dron, Frank Novo, Joe Nikov&s, nounced yesterday. About .600 en- that the official opening of the Keasbey Fire Co. (22) of devotion and attention to the program by the group Simonsen -.. 182 225 176 Howard Munn,. Robert NEWARK—The Newark Bears Hodan 96 136 108 tries have been received' to date. eastern circuit of big-car auto- Joe Dambach .... 157 157 189 has been very successful . . . Juvenile delinquency is ; George Waldron, Richard sill break camp at Sebring, Fla., Pokol ; ...~ 1 66 16S 15-5 Winner of the county title tomorrow afternoon and head mobile racing is scheduled to oc- Hoden .127 153 161 practically a thing of the past ... It is a known fact John Myer, Edward cur at the Reading, Pa., Fair- John Dambach .. 121 184 163 Kovach --.-:.!_..-. 202 145 201 meet other county winners.for the Anthony Lance, Steve lorth with high hopes of duplieat- that Woodbridge Township rates among the leaders if Krohne 185 173 175' state championship. Thei state vic- ng the feats of the 1940 Junior grounds speedway on April 20. Joe Stark 158 182 157 Peter Nash and James which will make the 18th consecu- not on top as-far as the smallest per centage of juven- tor will then compete for the na- .vorld champions. Obivously the ''! Sabo 178 155 221 : • 831 847 815 Woodbridge School No. 1 tive year that the Hankinson tional -crown. Prizes will be award- Sears are not as strong at this ile delinquency is concerned . . . Streets are more Seco (0) Frank Hruska, Joseph Ur, group have sponsored recognized 741 83X 891 ed in all legs of the tournament. EIlo, Thomas VanDecker, .vriting as the club that downed quiet than they were a deca-de a'go . . > There is less Blind 12-5 125 125 -St. James' school entries will be :he Louisville Colonels in the Jun- auto races over the fast "Pretzel Fords Fire Co. (1) rence Lucas, Barron City" oval. mischievousness going on ... Less accidents are occur- Blind- :- 125 125 125 announced next weeki or Classic last fall but with the Sandorff 159 163 192 Powers 159 . 159 170 Stephen Guhes, Donald r-niiktjes having at their disposal At the close of'the 1940 racing E. Krauss 154 161 120 ring because children are lured off the'streets, away Bixby 223 222 193 Tourney Entries Robert Hoag, Raymond nore good material than ever be- season at the South Carolina J. Dudik 191 137 167 from street corners, and into supervised playgrounds Stephen .- 171 133 176 Avenel School—Lynn1 Johnson, Dimitri WoUenbaek, Harry fore the 1941 club promises to State Fair, Columbia, Ralph A. Fischer 180 125 157 and recreation centers. . ' , Van Camp 203 204 213 William Kunie, Edward" O'Brien, Ronald Chestnut, Michael ^ •each its peak much earlier than Hankinson had completed 30 Matusz 211 161 133 Rosser Parker, Robert Hacker, William Baldwin, Matthew <3res1- ast year's team which didn't start years -of direct affiliation in con- The vast and varied athletic program gives 2,000 881 S93 877 June Regensberg-, Rachel Behrens, heimer, James Murray, Blair Ep- :o click until June 15. nection with the promoting of su- or more of the youth of the" township—and adults, U. S. MetaU (3) . Caroline Nielsen, John P'etersen, stein, George Nagy, George Kv&$& per-speed events. The opening Siekerka -... 241 202 212 Stanley Knapek, Daniel Lattan^K^ "Right now we are much strong- •tocr—an opportunity to keep physically fit ... Many Alex Tarcz, Robert Perry, Robert George Se Martin sen and Fred Iversen. ege, and George Stirmveiss, sec- Sunday. While the weather was South Second Coal C3) md baseman from North Carolina . Stars Invited enter each of these tourneys each season . . . Each Stokes, Jack Monson, Richard still not quite perfect for baseball, Rakos 161 192 189 Coleman, Charles Ahfiels, Eichard jniversity, both promise to be All the famous stars who have the boys showed plenty of pep and sport, divided into groups and affording equal compe- dge Entries mtstanding players in their first been seen in the past at Reading Beak 201 185 176 Young, James Bauda, James Mon- spirit. tition to all, is played, by approximately 800 players Lesko , 175 234 198 Wobdibridgre School No. nil year of professional baseball. have been irivitefl to compete in tesanno, Janice D'ragoset, Nancy Robert Breza, Bernard B Nineteen candidates reported the season's opener, including such during- each season of baseball and softball, and "by Cacciola .-. 219 148 197 Palmer, Betty Jane Conrtot, Doris Albert Brozanski, Shermari: SPY RELEASED for the initial workout. Ball hand- 400 in basketball.. .-These individuals play schedules Madger ..:.. 193 187 168 HeMunri, John Brookwell, Edwin A Russian spy, convicted at Los previous winners as Ted Horn, ling and stick work featured the singer, James Cafwn, S Joey Chitvvood, Mark Light, Ever- Cosgrove, Lee Fox, Wtlliam Gen- Chestnut, Wilford Chestnut, Angeles, of espionage, in eonnec- practice session.- A four-inning in- totaling about S50 games ... It is evident, therefore, Totals ."_... 9'49... 946 928 ett Savior, Bob Sail, Bill Holland, singer, Wfliiam Graham,. Andrew Desmond, Alton Doilbas, ion with buying information from tra-squad game ended -with the Kroep Meat (0) Tony Willman, Bill Holland, Tom- that considerable time is- devoted by the players in- the Hacker, Albert Johnson, Richard Dufaut, Frank Franchei, : civil employe of the Navy con- regulars on the long end of a 9 to my Hinnersh-it2, Buddy Rusch, Vic various sports. . Blind US 115 115 Kanski, George K-ayser, . Carl Gillis, Vmcent Gioffre, :erning Japanese activities on the 5 count. Nauman, Lee Welard and*- in fact, Hirner _....-- ISO 116 Leldner, Frederick Leidner, Alton Guiles, Raymond Habrok, RoB :oast, was granted probation by The Cubs are slated to open the Then there, are the arts and crafts classes for the Blind US he Federal Judge who responded every name that means anything Magee, Ronald Nier, Ira Rhodes, Hadden, Fred Hall, Alphottse to auto racting. 1941 campaign against the Me- youth of the township ... No less than 600 boys.and Hansen - X69 .152 156" Adol£ Zieseniss, Adrian Young, lub, Elmer Horvath, George 0 a request from Siimner Welles, tuchen Eagles at the Legion field ictinjr - Secretary -of State, and girls participate at least otiee each week in tap dan- Gaydos .:.: 192 172 155 Louis Cenegy, William La Forffe, vath, Domeniek La Penta, >ased his action on ''certain fm- SEA LEVEL? in Metuchen. The balance of the Stevens .'..• 213 16^ 151 Ronald Temparado, William Palm- ert Hutt, Stewart Haft, schedule will be-played- at home. cing, clay modeling-, sewing, mask making- and other K>rtai*t infoi-mation of alfinterna- The old controversy as to the er, • Bohert Den Bleyker, Harold Harrison, Costa Loukiaies1 ional nature." The Russian spy merits of a sea level canal at Heavy senior teams desiring to classes . . . These projects have proven quite educa- Totals .-- S69 724 706 Monson, Frank.. DiLeo, Frederic Lucas, Vinfcent Manganaro, tnmediately took passage on a Panama has been revived by the book games wth the,locals should tional and cultural in addition to being recreational A. H. Moore D. C. (3) Bunacore, Eugene Arny, John %Terwin, James Muffins, Jo iner bound for Vladivostok. introduction of a bill to convert communcate wth Greg Comsuds, Koperwhats '.. 188 158 176 Hacker, WHliam Wanes, Edward ehey, George Petroff, P. Annual track and field, meets, soap box derby, V the Panama Canal from a high- P. O. Box 346, Correja Avenue, '- trips to major league baseball games, marble tourn-a- Kochek ...... ;..-.- 207 149 176 Regan, Robert'.. KSeser, Joseph buseh, Wilham Schofieldv' •Standardization pushes in, level lock to a sea-level canal. The Iselin, telephone Metuchen 6-0980- ffickle ,.~; r«- 236 142 200 Schiriger, William. Magfie;. E-ugene SUnsky, Jobs SeiaMy 'or United States and Britain. cost is estimated at fl.OOD.QOCOOO. K • (Continued on PIQ\ ti; on Page; 10). ...Simmons, __Harry . Allem, - Robert __ &C>Spt&&ed on J^aae FAGE TEN FKIDAY, APRIL 4, 1941 FORDS

    The •outside world appears to are for the most part antiwar and •Perhaps so. But fighting- in their given the Italians much less anti-German; but almost in. -the own way they (have conquered than their due. Coming out df se- same breath, unlimited score is Fascist miEtarisnu | Continued from Sport Page clusion in Italy, I find it generally poured upon them because "they (Continued from Sport Page) Stafford/ Edward Trost, James said "witih approval that the Italians are ibad fighters." —A Classffied Adr. TO! ments, holiday parties for underprivileged, tennis and "Wight,' Jack Younger, Joseph Zel- ( Continued from Editorial Page) taible or over the radio from the enek, George Ziesmer and Robert we heard repeated- over and over BBC. and carried it at once from, many other special events are also offered .. . Finally, Ziesmer. again: house to house. When he arrived •*• but not in least importance, is the system of play- "There can be no victory for us. with little gift for' organization, Sewaren .'School No. 12—James "Even if we win, we lose—-to the exciitedi voices would bring the grounds and recreation centers which, during-the sum- Dunn, George Anderson, Theodore Germans. whole kitchen population of the mer-and winter, offers boys and girls and adults safe, Stecher, Floyd Patucak, James "And if there -is a choice, it is apartment house to the back doors wholesome and educational recreation. Burns, Peter Szeweyk, George better to lose to the, British than which gave on the court. In a mo- Slty, Louis Sasso, Richard Tack- lose to the Germans." ment, everyone knew. The department, originally a CWA project assist- acs, Arthur Nielson, Robert Peter- Hard Words to Speak Then came the corriere, from the" ed by local funds, encountered difficulties off and on sen, Victor G-ortuay and Byron These were hard words to speak; country with his satchel of eggs Sullivan. for it was the brothers and sons and maybe a few chicken legs pro- .. > Government alphabetical departments met trans- truding from a bag1. He was the Fords School No. 14—Norman of these people who were taking 1 positions ... So did-the township recreation depart- Scfimehl, Donald IVlundy, Geo*rge the brunt of the British drive In liaison 'officer .between city and ment . . . From CWA, it went to ERA . . . For the past Kozel, Louis Baar,. Robert Olpin- Africa. Yet the words came forth country town. With every egg he four years, the WPA provided the personnel and the ski, Warren Petersen,1.,Arthur So- all the same. furnished a nugget of news. With dolski, Julius Izso, Charles Grega, every lira he fetched back a story township the money for supplies, heat, rent—in fact The. information in the hands of in exchange. Frank Duvak, Joseph Patrick, Wil- the averag-e Italian is nothing everything- but salaries for the personnel. liam Hialasz Christian Miller, short of astonishing. In a country So did the vegetable man and Employing- a trained director for the department John Torok, Fred Chrestensen, with little gift for organization, the railroad conductor, the travel- Earl Conover, John Yanick and the purely spontaneous system for ing salesman, and the commuter. was a constant headache of the Sponsoring Commit- Goddick Schaarup. spreadting1 information was. pro- The grapevdne spread its tendrils tee .- . . The services of Sam Gioe of Woodbridge, a digiously efficient. Everyone talk- everywhere. A fact dropped from Fords School No. 7—Ralph Var- [the ether at any point, spattered Notre Dame graduate, who has considerable know- ady, Thomas Dunham, George Mi- ed. Army officers complained aibo-ut the Fascists. Fascists com- like quicksilver. If there was any ledge of physical education and athletics, were con- sak, Robert Gifford, Peter Peter- plained about the Army officers. fault with the system, it was the sen, Edward Scott, Clifford Knud- Government •officials simply could- zeal with which facts and rumors tracted in 1935 . . . Entering- his sixth year as head of sen, Donald Rodner, William Leh- the department, Mr. Gioe has established an enviable n't keep their troubles, which were were passed along- with equal im- man, Edward Triggs, Stephen Ba- legion, to themselves. . partiality. record . . . Without his untiring efforts, sports in the lough, Edward Estok, Lawrence Fascism couldn't stop it. Fascism Maids heard what their people \ township would have died a natural death. Andrechik, Roy Lambertson, Alex- said at the dinner taible. They didn't even try, seriously. For ander Yuhas, "Richard Nelson, Wil- leaned over their courtyard bal - years it had drilled the people In The Sponsoring Committee and Mr. Gioe have liam Fabian, Joseph Cara, Rob- conies and called it from apart- drawing a strict line of demarca- had a man's size job to do ... It was handled-in "Su- ert Mascenik, Lawrence Grispart, ment to apartment. The milk boy tion between talk and political ac- perman" fashion . . . The Committee and Mr. Gioe de- Edward Eberle, Rodman Stratton, at the 'back door picked up some- tion. They -could say pretty mu-ch Harry Seguine, Bernard Seguine, thin?: which came from the family what they chose; but the moment serve the commendation of everyone in the Township Bernard Kordelski, Alexander that talk threatened to spill over . . . And, the continuance of both are urged so that Yuhas, Eertland Toth, Ralph An- George Backso, Joseph ' Parsler, into political action, the secret po- athletics might continue to live in the townshiD. derson, Frank Heri, Howard Mc- Alex Boros, Stephe'n Dalina, Rich- lice struck and no one attempted it Callen, Rudolph Gloff, John White ard Hodan, John Vamos, LeRoy again. Meanwhile the people were George Matey, Robert Toth, Jo- Keller, George Wonski, Sultan deliberately allowed to ease their seph Biando, Donald Furdock, Oracz, Stephen Faczack, Raymond feelings in the cafes, and when left Raymond Murphy, William Se- Fullerton, Theodore Geradina, Er- to their own devices they made a nest Gosach, Michael Kertesz, mockery of the 'censorship. guine, Donald Balint and Joseph Soldiers Talk • Continued From Sport Paj: • Matuss 151 139 194Hoff. ... Rudolph Vargo, Eugene Antol, Jugan 231 180 175 I Young 157 238 183 Charles Banko, Joseph Parsler, The sol'diers returning from the Marhevka :. 168. 164 206 'Anderson 170 213 Colonia School No. 2—-Sidney front talked, too. What the -gen- Brown, Richard Larsen, John Peter Zwardski, Frank Vagner, Damoci : 159 John Cyrus, Joseph Banyacski and erals tried to conceal, the colonels, Totals .1030 793 933 Johnson, John Lenart, Sam Chu- lieutenants, -and", buck- privates bet, Jerry Marazzo, Stanley/Smith Ernest Bbros. Totals .."850 935 954 poured out tons in angry, torren- Corner Tavern (0) Charles Nelson, Charles Mundy Iselin No. 15—George Fink, tial phr-ases. Their generals were Bilka 151 142 171 Fords Coal (2) Clyde Brooks, Wilbur. Hodencamp Clifford Conover,, Thomas Adri- softened by wars without serious, Plasik 176 Nagy 195 178 220 Kenneth Mun,dy,. Patrick Bottog- ance, Hugo Wagner, Richard modern, opposition. Their .equip- McLary ..:„ 174- 141 Galya 213 168 182 lia, Joseph Wallman and'Wallace Knapp, Vincent Magno, Melyin ment was part shiny machinery 135 Longfieid, John Howard, Anthony Mackay 138 Sabo 161 . 150 Brooks." ... and part graft in the higher-ups' Argondizzo, Robert Towsend, Cal- Thomson _.-. 143 132 Stanley 132 . Added Starters : pockets. Such as there was of it' "Whatney 133 129 vin Rosencranz, John Backowsky, Toth „.:..„ 159 171 202 . Strawberry Hill School—Frank making up the stage setting against Jankovich 233 166 142 James Burke, William Funk, Rob- which Signoa: Mussolini shone at Marinscak 186 129 176 Dwarok, Steve Penik, Gharle Bennett, James Palfi, Joseph Kle- ert Almasi, Abraham. Van Bram- peacetime reviews—never really Totals _. 829 714 er, Stephen Donnelly, John Apos- had the polish rubbed off by hard Totals .„ 885 807 930 ment, Harold Stankowitz, Augus Petersen Brakes (1) Rivere, John Mosley, James Biczo taiou, Aiphonse Mozzerelli, George efficient training. Benish 200 151 202 Chesebrough (1) Edwin Smith, . Robert -Bressler Schulz, Lawrence Pearee,. Ray- We knew that their aircraft mond O'Connell, Robert Fink, Ev- Perry 161 184 170 •Koczan . 144 James Pochek, Theodore Scarlett. were antiquities, their uniforms erett Tuttle, Raymond Corcoran, Tice ; 221 195 203 Kranyik 145 Leonard Larsen, Ambrose Kocum shoddy, their guns frequently --M Balla : 149. 179 170 Olah Ernest Farkas and Louis Vasques, Botis Belehaff, George Schnebbe, lacking in parts and the proper 149 James Rielly, Joe D'Alexandre, Kantor . ...I.. 216 211 199 Sipos 160 204- 189 Keasbey No. 8—Joseph Gaczak ammunition. Worse than that, the Joseph Domasica, Ernest' Mundy Dennis Lichtman, Martin Bloom- vital staff work which made a su- Karycki ....151 . 193 129 field, Herbert Gunther, Robert Totals _._.. 947 929 Michael Kemash, Harold Petersen perb flexible fighting machine out 944 Collow :.. 185. 146 213 Sorenson, John Brey, John Mas- ' Fords Sporting (2) Paul Cyrus, Michael Katransky of the German, Army was some- Deak 192 166 235 trangelo, Ralph Lake,' Edward thing far more than the Italian Virgillo 174 205 .162 Jo'hn Sipos, Edwin Petersen, Al fred Benckso, William" Fbder Pennington, Thomas O'Neill and genius for comfortable chaos could Xurkus '..... 209 183 202. Totals- ....\ -837 • 853 911 Donald O'Connell. manage. But worst of all,, and .agonizing Represent Port Reading to the sophisticated neutral on- . Eort Reading School No. 9— looker, was -the fact that all of Michael Earaniak, Robert Decibus, the ranks down to the humblest Nick Ottavianno, Joseph Santora, soldier knew it. If they hadn't Joseph DiBari, Patsy Rinaldi, Er- learned the facts at the front nest Coppola, Carl Travalgione, themselves, they heard the' story Albert 'Uttaviano, Charles Miri- with embellishments from friends ucci, Thomas DeFererico, Michael who had. If there were any starch Benko, Neil Zullo, Laurence Mak- left in them- by their antiwar and anti-German attitude, this knowl- finsky, Joseph Zullo, Domenick edge that their Army was blunder- Volpnone, Steven Banko, William ing and mismanaged took the re- Kudrick, George Hopstak, Mich- maining sizing out of them. ael Rinaldi, Raymond Demorseki, Joe. Sysmanki, Edward Larse, In particular, it was the boys of Nicholas Vidakovich, John Sivak, the Albanian campaign who re- George Markovics, Patsy DePal- turned, wide-eyed with horror> to raa, Patsy Volpone, Arthur Mak- tell of utter disorganization in the supply lines, freezing by the hun- finsky, LeRoy McGettigan, Ronald dreds . and thousands, inadequate Lozak, Robert Ui-ban, Chester food and supplies. It was their Rerioli, David Ryder and Dome- own generals and not the Greeks nick Decibus. who .were killing-them, they said. Iselin. School No. 6—Alfred "Enough o£ This Massacre" Groiss, Andrew Noll, Frank Tan- Hospitals throughout Italy rap- zi, Louis Galasso, Lorraine Bahr, idly filled with these wretched Bernice Funk, Antoinette Bowen, cases. In spite of restrictions on Harry Tanzi, William 'Beck, Alex who could visit the wounded, their Fundock, Richard Funk, Anthony stories spread toy the grapevine un- Aquila and Laivrence Gerhart. • til they, were common property-


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