MOST PROGRESSIVE WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay%;Di$trict" VOL. VI.—No. 2 FORDS, N.-J., FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1941 PRICE THREE Emmet Didn't Have Permit, Awaits Bingo Decision Now He Doesn't Have Rifle • ISELIN — Recently Milf ord Emmet, 30, of Hillcrest Avenue, this place, was the proud owner of a .22 calbre rifle. But since he was unwise enoug-h to shoot the rifle in the woods near his home without the necessary li- cense he no longer has the weapon. Eleven Workers Dismissed, He was picked up by Officer Omenhiser Is Given Orders Thomas Bishop. When he ap- Raritan Engine Company Walter M. Martin Is Be- '**•"* 1 259 Firemen/ Guests Are Present Two Remain, In Slash peared before Recorder Arthur By State; Innocent Vic- Brown in police court the Iselin Again To Conduct An- queathed $24,500; Sis- Ordered By U. S. man was given a suspended sen- nual Observance tims To Be Excepteii tence and his rifle was confis- ter Gets Like Sum cated. Two-Hour Floor Show Features Affair; Jensen Toast- SWALES, JR., TO SERVE NET VALUE OF ESTATE master And Only Mayor Greiner Delivers Speech 'BARGAINING' FOR HELP AS GENERAL CHAIRMAN PLACED AT $222,148 FORDS—About 250 firemen, their wives and friends, ALSO IS PROHIBITED, and invited quests attended the annual banquet for Fords Cost, However, Is Expected School Children, Patriotic Inheritance Disclosed By Fire Company No. 1 in honor of ex-Chief John Carmody Rule To Apply Throughout Commissioner Rankin at The Pines Saturday night. To Be Considered Too And Civic Groups Are Filing Of Return With The affair, one of the outstanding events of,the local New Jersey; Epidemic lommittee Asked To Take Part N. J. Tax Department social season, featured an all-star floor show whieh lasted Of Disputes Cause for more than two hours. Danc- 1 . - PISCATAWAYTOWN—Plans FORDS—A report filed by the ing followed until a late hour. cfangr WOODBRIDGE — Unless the for the annual Memorial Day par- <8> WPA reconsiders its action in dis- New York State Transfer Tax De- • An innovation -at Saturday ders from Arthur Mudd, ct County Board Announces ade and services, to be sponsored partment Tuesday disclosed that missing eleven Recreation Depart- Rankin Says Game Will night's function was the elimina- of the State Hnancial, Assistance ment .workers including Director by Raritan Engine Company No: the late William H. Martin, who Official Rate, One-Cent 1 here, were furthered at a meet- Not Be Permitted Till died November 17, 1939, left $24,- tion of long speeches. May/pr Commission, Jo-hn T. ^ Samuel Gioe, or the Township August F. Greiner, in'tHe role* of takes over the department wMch ing of the organization Tuesday 500 each to a brother living in municipal welfaie director, today night in the Plainfield Avenue fire- It Fords and -a sister residing in principal speaker, spoke briefly. appears unlikely at the present Under Estimate Here Four Volunteers Among 15 announced that relief -will Mt m house. Carteret. time, the leisure time activities WOODBRIDGE—"Until such Bernhardt Jensen, head of thegranted to any person on strifes - in the Township will be sharply Fire Chief Thomas Swales, Sr., time as we receive authority from The beneficiaries, as listed by Left Township For county's probation, departmeirt, The order reads that no "pufc& curtailed. CONTINUAL REDUCTION is serving as general chairman, as- the prosecutor's office to allow the tax department, are Walter again served as toastmaster. In assistance will be granted to per- sisted by a large committee. Har- Year With Army sons (and/or their depeu<Jente> The only official WPA employes bingo games in the Township, .we M. Martin, 4 Grant Avenue, Fords, the absence of George Jogan, old L. Berrue Post No. 246, Ameri- during the time *hey are engage! left at the Parish House are An-IN FUTURE PREDICTED will continue to ban the game.1' and Mrs. Ada Sofield, 209 Roose- RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Fif-president of the fire company, who can Legion is cooperating with the velt Avenue, Carteret. m labor disputes and m conse- thony Cacciola and Joseph Kurzin So declared Police Commission- teen Selective Service volunteers was injured in an automobile ac- company on arrangements. Property left by the testator quence oi whach they have letffc em- sky. Although Mr. Gioe received er Herbert B. Rankin last night. and draftees left the municipal cident two days before the annual his dismissal notice last week he is Invitations to participate will be was appraised at'$233,964 gross plo-yment." Exempt Property Valuation The police head said that the municipal building here this morn- banquet, Jensen also welcomed tire still on the job, largely through extended to township officials, value, $222,148 net. However, relief will foe grand jury • presentment was ing for Trenton for induction into assemblage. the efforts of the sponsoring com- school children and all patriotic, to two e\ceptaons^-"a. psovi&a Placed At $5,337,095, Others sharing in the Martin Wife Given Photo mittee members, who have obtain- civic and fraternal organizations "weak" and after talking the mat- the U. S. Army. The eighth con- that the persons are aot pertie>~ ter over with Chief of Police will include four brothers, Frank, Invocation was by the ed permission from the Township Including Schools -ofth e townshiP- Fire' companies Leonard, Randolph and Edward; tingent numbered fifteen and in- Rev. patmg, financing 01 directly inv- Committee to pay Mr. Gioe's salary of the municipality will also be in-George E. Keating they both- felt cluded four volunteers. ested in the dispute" and '<B. pro- three sisters, Mrs. Carrie Bopf Krauss, president of the Board of for a few weeks from its $2,500 vited to participate in the partha- t the "Township should contin- Tiding- that the persons are not and Mrs. Nerinc Fisher, both of Eight of the group are from Me- Fire Commissioners, presented the appropriation for recreation work. WOODBRIDGE — When the ade. ue as is in the matter of bingo membeis of the organized groua 1941 tax rate f Staten Island, and Mrs. Ella Car- tuchen, three from Highland Park, outgoing chief with an ex-bhief's T ,, - -.- , , 0J Woodbridge Harold Drake, president of thegames until something in a con-mody, of New York. which in -whole -or in ^part, is inter- In the meantime it is understood Township was struck by the county crete nature comes from the prose- two from Raritan Township and badge. James S. Wight, former company, conducted the meeting one each from Fords and Iselin. ested m the -dispute " that the _sponsoring committee., late yesterday afternoon it was dis- cutor." assistant proseeutor, presented. which consists of Hampton Cutter, and named John Powers to serve Walter Falcon, of Stelton, who re- Carm-ody -with, a large metal badge Ins his -orders to Omeniiisear, ths covered that the new rate will be The grand jury presentment George Merrill, John E. Brecken- $6.96, one point less than origi- as chairman of the committee in places a rejection from the seventh suitably insenfljed. Mrs. Carmody state director no-ted has been interpreted in police cir- ridge, Maurice P. Dunigan and nally estimated several weeks ago. charge of arrangements for the .call, also left with the new group. received a.large photograph,"of her '^Members of organized grotips Victor C. Nicklas, will make every cles in the county as an "attempt The new rate shows a saving of 35annual memorial church services The ninth •contingent, 'to number husband from, the firer company;. oay dues theieto pr%^ effort to have Mr Gioe reinstated. Ipchlt s fmm the mo rate\.hich to be held at St. James' Episcopal to throw the whole matter into seventeen, is scheduled to- leave the benefits to accrue to Telegrams have alreadv_been._. ent j .47,31.. .. , _. , the laps of ths municipal officials Guests introduced included Com- 5 was Church, .Woodbridge Avenue.. .._ •township Wednesday 1 periods ihafe labor disrates to legislators and WPA officials m' mitteeman- 'Charles. J. 'Alexander,' It is estimated that if the Town- "Final arrangements for the par-even though the controversy was April. 23, Gene M. Crane, clerk of progress This "commissi Washington. ade and service will be made at started by Justice Case and theRev. William Sclimaus Dis- Fire Chief Louis Grispart, who fore, declines to- assume jai ship maintains its present "pay-as- the board, announced yesterday. succeeds" Carmody;. Fire *Chie£ Others employed at the Parish the next regular meeting, May 6.December term of the grand jury." responsiiidity for public assisting® you-go" basds that the tax rate'will cusses Education Of . Gerard H._ Coffey, 35 School James_ Jardot o£ W-ood-bridge, Mr.' (Continued on Page 3) be, decreased 20 points each year Frank Takacs and John Bernat Although the presentment di- Street, Metuchen, one of the volun- in these eases." rects the prosecutor to enforce Pre-School Child aid Mrs. Frank Dunham, who were for the next few years. were appointed to serve on the re- teers, is leader of the group which celebrating their twenty-fifth wed- Orgmnixations Barred The 1941 rate "was struck from freshments committee for the the law "as he interprets it" in the FORDS—"Religious Education left this morning. Other volunteers Mr Mudd also stated th^t V5& (Continued on Page 3) ding anniversary; William . Hoy. the folio-wing figures: . meeting. for Pre-School Children" was dis-included Joseph. R. O'Oonnell, 170 former •township commltteeman,; "principle of collective barganiiitg' Anil to cussed by the Rev.
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