Table of Contents

Part I

Overview of the Territory

Chapter One: Introduction to

1.1 The Territory of America Samoa ...... I - 1 - 1

1.2 The Territory’s Land and Location ...... I - 1 - 1 1.2.1 , the Main Island ...... I - 1 - 1 1.2.2 Manu’a Islands ...... I - 1 - 2

1.3 Climate and Environment ...... I - 1 - 3

1.4 Population and Human Settlement ...... I - 1 - 3 1.4.1 Bay ...... I - 1 - 4 1.4.2 Tafuna Plain ...... I - 1 - 4 1.4.3 Outlying Residential Villages ...... I - 1 - 5

1.5 Political and Personal Status ...... I - 1 - 5

1.6 Samoan Society and Leadership ...... I - 1 - 6

1.7 Features of American Samoa ...... I - 1 - 7 1.7.1 Pago Pago Bay and the ...... I - 1 - 7 1.7.2 The National Park and North Shore ...... I - 1 - 7 1.7.3 Ofu and Olosega: Paradise Found ...... I - 1 - 7 1.7.4 Tutuila’s South Shore and Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary ...... I - 1 - 7

Chapter Two: State of the Territory

2.1 Population Characteristics and Immigration ...... I - 2 - 1

2.2 The Economy ...... I - 2 - 3 2.2.1 Base Economy ...... I - 2 - 3 Tuna Canneries ...... I - 2 - 3 American Samoa Government ...... I - 2 - 4 1) Revenues and Expenditure ...... I - 2 - 4 2) Government Owned Enterprises ...... I - 2 - 4 (2.1) American Samoa Power Authority (ASPA) ...... I - 2 - 5 (2.1.1) Electric Power ...... I - 2 - 5 (2.1.2 Water ...... I - 2 - 5 (2.1.3) Solid Waste ...... I - 2 - 6 (2.1.4) Wastewater ...... I - 2 - 6 (2.2) American Samoa T elecommunications Authority (ASTCA) ...... I - 2 - 7

i (2.3) Main Sea Port in ...... I - 2 - 7 (2.4) Petroleum Storage (Tank Farm) ...... I - 2 - 8 (2.5) Airports ...... I - 2 - 8 (2.6) Golf Course ...... I - 2 - 9

2.2.2 Private Sector ...... I - 2 - 9 Retail and Wholesale Trade ...... I - 2 - 9 Agriculture ...... I - 2 - 10 Fisheries and Marine Resources ...... I - 2 - 10 Visitor Industry ...... I - 2 - 11 Labor Force Characteristics ...... I - 2 - 12 Remittances ...... I - 2 - 12

2.3 The Environment, Land and Resources ...... I - 2 - 13 2.3.1 The Role of the Government in Resource Management ...... I - 2 - 13 2.3.2 Coastal Environment and Resources ...... I - 2 - 13 Coastal Terrain ...... I - 2 - 13 Coastal W etlands ...... I - 2 - 14 Coral Reefs ...... I - 2 - 14 2.3.3 Renewable Land and Water Resources ...... I - 2 - 15 Forests and Agricultural Land ...... I - 2 - 15 Fisheries and Marine Life ...... I - 2 - 16 Wildlife: Birds and Mammals ...... I - 2 - 17 Watersheds and Water Resources ...... I - 2 - 17 2.3.4 Human Settlement and Government Land Use ...... I - 2 - 18 Human Settlement ...... I - 2 - 18 1) Pago Pago Bay and Harbor ...... I - 2 - 18 2) Tafuna and Southwest Tutuila ...... I - 2 - 18 3) Coastal Villages and Upland Bedroom Communities ...... I - 2 - 19 Government Land Use ...... I - 2 - 19 2.3.5 Conservation, Land and Resource Management ...... I - 2 - 20 Land and Resource Management ...... I - 2 - 20 1) Land Tenure System and Traditional Leadership ...... I - 2 - 20 2) Land Use Management by Government ...... I - 2 - 20 Conservation and Historic Preservation ...... I - 2 - 20 Environmental Protection: Air and Water ...... I - 2 - 21 1) Air Quality ...... I - 2 - 21 2) Water Quality ...... I - 2 - 21 (2.1) Drinking Water ...... I - 2 - 21 (2.2) Pago Pago Bay Water ...... I - 2 - 22

2.4 Society and Social Development ...... I - 2 - 22 2.4.1 Society and Traditions ...... I - 2 - 22 2.4.2 Religious Life ...... I - 2 - 22 2.4.3 Arts, Culture and Entertainment ...... I - 2 - 23 2.4.4 Education ...... I - 2 - 24 The Educational System ...... I - 2 - 24 1) Educational Attainment ...... I - 2 - 24 2) The Library System ...... I - 2 - 25 2.4.5 Health and Well-Being, Medical Care ...... I - 2 - 26

ii 2.4.6 Social Conditions and the Delivery of Social Services ...... I - 2 - 27 Children, Youth and Adult Assistance ...... I - 2 - 27 Care of the Elderly ...... I - 2 - 28 Youth Programs ...... I - 2 - 29 Federally Funded Food Assistance ...... I - 2 - 29 2.4.7 Outdoor Recreation\ ...... I - 2 - 29 2.4.8 Law and Order ...... I - 2 - 30

Chapter Three: Principal Concerns and Issues

3.1 Introduction ...... I - 3 -1

3.2 Population Growth and Impacts ...... I - 3 - 1 3.2.1 High Population Growth Rates ...... I - 3 - 1 3.2.2 Immigration: Unplanned Increase ...... I - 3 - 2 3.2.3 Immigration Policy and Weak Control ...... I - 3 - 2 3.2.4 Progressive Exodus of Human Capital ...... I - 3 - 2 3.2.5 Population Concentration in the Youth ...... I - 3 - 2 3.2.6 Urbanization and Over-Crowding ...... I - 3 - 2

3.3 Economic Growth and Economic Stability ...... I - 3 - 3 3.3.1 Base Economy and Dependency ...... I - 3 - 3 Cannery Domination and Flight ...... I - 3 - 3 Government Management Ability ...... I - 3 - 3 3.3.2 Escape from Base Economy Dependency ...... I - 3 - 3 Economic Diversification: Difficult...... I - 3 -4 Private Sector: Marginal Prospects ...... I - 3 - 4 Agriculture: Under-Utilized Asset ...... I - 3 - 4 Fisheries: Restricted Possibilities ...... I - 3 - 4 Visitor Industry: A Fading Mission ...... I - 3 - 5

3.4 Resource Management: Sustainable Development for the Future ...... I - 3 - 5 3.4.1 Sustainable Development ...... I - 3 - 5 3.4.2 Carrying Capacity of the Territory’s Natural Resources ...... I - 3 - 5 3.4.3 Overview of Natural Resources Status and Environmental Concerns ...... I - 3 - 6 3.4.4 Less than Effective Stewardship of Renewable Resources ...... I - 3 - 6 3.4.5 Human Settlement, Land Use Policy and Unwanted Effects ...... I - 3 - 8 Pago Pago Bay Area ...... I - 3 - 8 Urban Sprawl on the Tafuna Plain ...... I - 3 - 8 3.4.6 Undesirable Land Use Practices and Conservation of Land ...... I - 3 - 8

3.5 Provision of Basic Needs and Infrastructure ...... I - 3 - 9 3.5.1 The Government: the Source of the Territory’s Basic Needs ...... I - 3 - 9 3.5.2 Population Growth and Funding: Two Impediments to the Provision of Basic Needs Service and Infrastructure .. I - 3 - 10 Population Growth: Surpassing Service Providers’ Capacity ...... I - 3 - 10 Funding Deficiencies: Limiting Future Development of Services ... I - 3 - 10 3.5.3 Facilities and Infrastructure Needs and a New CIP Plan for 2000 through 2006 . I - 3 - 10 3.5.4 Basic Needs Facilities and Infrastructure ...... I - 3 - 11 Health System ...... I - 3 - 11

iii Education ...... I - 3 - 11 Public Safety ...... I - 3 - 12 Utilities ...... I - 3 - 12 3.5.5 Other Infrastructure Needs ...... I - 3 - 12 Ports ...... I - 3 - 12 Shoreline Protection ...... I - 3 - 12 Highways and Roads ...... I - 3 - 13 Parks and Recreational Facilities ...... I - 3 - 14 Historic Preservation and Cultural Attractions ...... I - 3 - 14 Economic Development Facilities and Infrastructure ...... I - 3 - 14

3.6 Social Development and the Delivery of Social Services ...... I - 3 - 14 3.6.1 Overall Balance ...... I - 3 - 14 3.6.2 Arts and Culture ...... I - 3 - 15 3.6.3 Health Care ...... I - 3 - 15 3.6.4 Education and the Public School System ...... I - 3 - 16 The Educational System’s Overall Impact upon Territorial Development I - 3 - 16 The Impact the Educational System has upon Students ...... I - 3 - 17 The Structure and Mission of the System...... I - 3 - 17 3.6.5 Social Development ...... I - 3 - 18 Social Change and Social Stress ...... I - 3 - 18 Quality of Life ...... I - 3 - 18

3.7 Government Planning and Management ...... I - 3 - 19 3.7.1 Planning and Lack of Vision ...... I - 3 - 19 3.7.2 Human Resources, Leadership and Management ...... I - 3 - 20

Chapter Four: Forecast for Principal Areas of Concern

4.1 Introduction ...... I - 4 - 1

4.2 Population and Available Funding for Programs ...... I - 4 - 1 4.2.1 Population Growth ...... I - 4 - 1 4.2.2 Available Funding ...... I - 4 - 3 Local Revenues ...... I - 4 - 3 The Department of the Interior, Office of Insular Affairs ...... I - 4 - 3 Other Federal Programs ...... I - 4 - 4 4.2.3 Social Development and Social Services ...... I - 4 - 4 Educational Services ...... I - 4 - 4 Health Care System ...... I - 4 - 4 Social Services ...... I - 4 - 5 Youth and Women’s Affairs ...... I - 4 - 5 Arts, Culture and Recreation ...... I - 4 - 6

4.3 The Economy ...... I - 4 - 6 4.3.1 Canneries ...... I - 4 - 6 4.3.2 Private Sector ...... I - 4 - 7 4.3.3 Tourism ...... I - 4 - 7 4.3.4 Agriculture ...... I - 4 - 8 4.3.5 Fisheries ...... I - 4 - 8

iv 4.3.6 Construction and Capital Improvements ...... I - 4 - 9

4.4 Probable Impacts: Environment and Resource Management ...... I - 4 - 9 4.4.1 Planning and Human Settlement ...... I - 4 - 9 4.4.2. Management of Natural Resources and The Environment ...... I - 4 - 10

List of Figures

Chapter One

Figure 1.1 Tutuila Island ...... Part I - 1 - 1 1.2 The Islands of Ofu and Olosega...... Part I - 1 - 2 1.3 Pago Pago Bay ...... Part I - 1 - 3 1.4 The Tafuna Plain ...... Part I - 1 - 4 1.5 Masefau Village on the North Shore of Tutuila ...... Part I - 1 - 5 1.6 The Fono, The Legislature of American Samoa ...... Part I - 1 - 6 1.7.1 Rainmaker Mountain ...... Part I - 1 - 7 1.7.2 The Cocks Comb on Tutuila’s North Shore ...... Part I - 1 - 7 1.7.3 Tutuila’s South Shore and Fagatel e Bay Nati onal Mar ine Sanctuary ...... Part I - 1 - 7

Chapter Two

Figure 2.1 Population of American Samoa ...... Part I - 2 - 1 2.2 Non-Samoan Populaiton by Ethnicity ...... Part I - 2 - 2 2.3 Population by District and County on Tutuila ...... Part I - 2 - 2 2.4 Starkist Samoa Cannery ...... Part I - 2 - 3 2.5 Foreign Fishing Vessels ...... Part I - 1 - 3 2.6 American Samoa G overnment Executive Office Building ...... Part I - 2 - 4 2.7 The Tafuna Power Station ...... Part I - 2 - 5 2.8 Pago Pago Bay W astewater Treatm ent Plant ...... Part I - 2 - 6 2.9 ASTCA Satellite Communications ...... Part I - 2 - 7 2.10 Port Administration Main W harf ...... Part I - 2 - 7 2.11 Petroleum Storage Fac ility ...... Part I - 2 - 8 2.12 Pago Pago International Airport Terminal ...... Part I - 2 - 8 2.13 The Public Golf Course ...... Part I - 2 - 9 2.14 Square Business and Shopping Center ...... Part I - 2 - 9 2.15 Local Comm ercial Agriculture ...... Part I - 2 -10 2.16 Local Commercial Fisheries ...... Part I - 2 -10 2.17 The seen from Utulei Beach Park ...... Part I - 2 - 11 2.18 Twin Otter Aircraft of Samoa Air ...... Part I - 2 - 11 2.19 The Labor Force in 2000 ...... Part I - 2 - 12 2.20 North Coast of T utuila Island ...... Part I - 2 - 13 2.21 Wetland Ifi Trees of Vatia ...... Part I - 2 - 14 2.22 Fringing Reef off Niuloa Point ...... Part I - 2 - 14 2.23 Territorial Land Coverage ...... Part I - 2 - 15 2.24 Forests of the Eastern District ...... Part I - 2 - 15

v 2.25 Reef Fish of American Samoa ...... Part I - 2 - 16 2.26 Bats Roosting in a Tree ...... Part I - 2 - 17 2.27 Pago Pago Bay Land Use ...... Part I - 2 - 18 2.28 Tafuna and Leone Area Land Use ...... Part I - 2 - 19 2.29 Government Land Use ...... Part I - 2 - 20 2.30 A Church in Pago Pago Village ...... Part I - 2 - 22 2.31 Annual Christmas Program ...... Part I - 2 - 23 2.32 Educational Enrollment and Educational Attainment ...... Part I - 2 - 24 2.33 American Samoa Comm unity College ...... Part I - 2 - 25 2.34 The Feleti Barstow Public Library...... Part I - 2 - 25 2.35 American Samoa Medical Center ...... Part I - 2 - 26 2.36 Department of Human and Social Services ...... Part I - 2 - 27 2.37 Nazareth House ...... Part I - 2 - 28 2.38 A.P. Lutali Senior Center ...... Part I - 2 - 28 2.39 Veteran’s Stadium ...... Part I - 2 - 29 2.40 Lions Park Childrens Playground and Tennis Courts ...... Part I - 2 - 29 2.41 Department of Public Safety Headquarters ...... Part I - 2 - 30

Chapter Three

Figure 3.1 State of the Environment ...... Part I - 3 - 7 3.2 Education’s Broad Impact...... Part I - 3 -16

Chapter Four

Figure 4.1 Analysis of Census 2000 Population Count ...... Part I - 4 - 2 4.2 Possible Negative Externalities ...... Part I - 4 - 9 4.3 Possible Terminal Impacts...... Part I - 4 -10 4.4 Forecast of Expected Outcomes without Mitigation or Attitude Changed ...... Part I - 4 -10
