2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 ANNUAL REPORT NCSEJ: National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry CONTACT US NCSEJ 1120 20th Street NW, Suite 300N Washington, DC 20036 (202) 898-2500 (202) 898-0822 fax @NCSJ facebook.com/thencsj Visit www.ncsej.org to sign up for NCSEJ updates. © 2015 NCSEJ. All rights reserved. For general inquiries, contact
[email protected]. All photographs are from the archives of NCSEJ except where otherwise credited. Cover photographs (left, right blocks) and pages 2–5, 6 (bottom left), 8 (top center and bottom left), 9 (right), 10 (bottom), 16–19, and 21, are by Ron Sachs/CNP and Mannie Garcia/CNP. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 MISSION AND BACKGROUND 3 LOOKING BACKWARD AND FORWARD STEPHEN M. GREENBERG, CHAIRMAN 4 NCSEJ AND THE NEW AGENDA ALEXANDER SMUKLER, PRESIDENT 5 NOTES ON THE YEAR MARK B. LEVIN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 6 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 12 CRISIS IN UKRAINE SPREADS TO THE REGION 16 BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEETINGS 20 FEDERATION PARTNERS 21 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 22 DONORS, MEMBER AGENCIES, AND PROGRAM FUNDERS 25 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF MISSION AND BACKGROUND MISSION organizational spokesperson for the To empower and ensure the security renaissance of Jewish communal life in the of Jews in the fifteen independent fifteen successor states to the Soviet Union. states of the former Soviet Union and In 2014, NCSJ became NCSEJ, the Eastern Europe; to foster cooperation National Coalition Supporting Eurasian among the U.S. government, U.S. Jewry, with an expanded mission to Jewish organizations, and the Jewish promote and protect the growing Jewish communities and governments of communal presence throughout Eurasia, the region; to facilitate international including Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic Jewish organizations’ access to Jewish states, and Eastern Europe.