Washtenaw Jewish News Presort Standard In this issue… c/o Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor U.S. Postage PAID 2939 Birch Hollow Drive Ann Arbor, MI Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Permit No. 85 High Hazon Year in Holidays Israel Review Services Sustainable 5773 Food Tour Page 2 Page 15 Page 18 September 2013 Elul 5773/Tishrei 5774 Volume XXXVIII: Number 1 FREE From My Heart , women's American Foodways exhibit at Hatcher Library mission to Israel Mary Bilyeu, special to the WJN Mimi Weisberg, special to the WJN o you remember the ads that pro- on the University of Michigan campus. The cookbook published in America (1871) and claimed “You don’t have to be Jew- display will demonstrate the great depth and works about early butchers and bakers, in- Leave your high heels at home and join ish to love Levy’s real Jewish rye?” breadth of Jewish food, cooking, identity, cluding the first kosher butcher in Amer- our intrepid group of smart, motivated D women from across North America and Is- Did you know that, back in 1933, Crisco and life in the United States. ica (1660). We will also display advertising rael on a unique journey that will feed your published a cookbook—Resepyes far der Janice (Jan) Bluestein Longone, adjunct ephemera and menus from Jewish food pro- soul and engage your mind. Idisher Baleboste or Recipes for the Jewish curator of American Culinary History at ducers, delicatessens, restaurants, and Jew- Join women of all ages from across Housewife—featuring entries in both Yiddish North America as a part of the JFNA’s and English “to enable two people (from fifth Heart to Heart Mission to Israel, Febru- different generations) to work together?” Perhaps you picked up a brochure at the ary 9–14, 2014. Explore, learn, and be inspired Yiddish Food Festival that was held in Chey- by the people we meet and the experiences enne, Wyoming (yes, Cheyenne, Wyoming!) we share as we travel north, south, east, and this past May, an event that featured Israeli west to experience first-hand the amazing work dancing and Klezmer music? Or maybe you of Federation. This mission draws a range of bought a recipe booklet from the Interna- women from younger to retirees, from doctors, tional Kosher Food Festival hosted by Tradi- nurses and lawyers to realtors, accountants and tional Congregation near St. Louis, in order stay-at-home moms. to make the Ecuadoran llapingachos (stuffed The idea of Heart to Heart was simple: use potato patties) that were among many deli- the proven magic of a women’s Israel mission cious and different dishes served at the party? to inspire and engage people at all giving lev- You can view more than 200 items such els and all life stages, regardless of how involved as the ones just referenced—rare antiquated with Federation they’ve been. cookbooks and brand new ones, pamphlets, Gail Norry, JFNA’s chair of National Wom- advertising materials, restaurant menus, fly- the University of Michigan and curator of ish food festivals. The exhibit will … feature en’s Philanthropy, has attended every Heart to ers, event souvenirs, and so much more—in “American Foodways,” states that the exhibit books published by Jewish magazines and Heart mission since the program’s inception, a new exhibit entitled “American Foodways: will display numerous “treasures and signifi- other media connections. Most of the collec- and attests to its unparalleled ability to connect The Jewish Contribution,” opening Septem- cant pieces from the Jewish culinary experi- tion is in English, but there will also be items participants with Israel, humanitarian service, ber 4 at the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library ence in America,” including “the first Jewish Continued on page 30 Continued on page 14 Federation offers “Love of Food” series Mary Bilyeu, special to the WJN feature prominently in the series, which nine different vegetables. Paritcipants will Roadhouse earn one of the “Top 10 New alling all foodies—Come explore covers the history, the significance, and the leave with his “Alex’s Red Rage” BBQ sauce BBQ Restaurants” by Bon Appétit in 2009. your passion with some of Ann Ar- joy of food. recipe, too. This is the sauce that helped the bor’s most prized experts. “Federation is very excited to offer this November 19, at 7 p.m. C “American Foodways: The Jewish Whether you seek the ultimate barbecue unique program in which culinarians can sauce, grow and cook with heirloom veg- connect as we reach out to build the Ann Contribution” at the University of Michigan etables, relish sipping a perfect cup of coffee, Arbor Jewish community!” exclaims Mimi Hatcher Graduate Library: Join Avery bake challah, are a devoted locavore, in- Weisberg, campaign director. Rather than Robinson, master’s degree student at the Frankel dulge in sweet treats, follow the James Beard focusing solely on one aspect of food, the Center for Judaic Studies, on a tour of this Awards (often called “the Oscars of the food series is an overview of many—from the special exhibit. Robinson has pored through world”), collect cookbooks, peruse menus, traditional to the trending.” Jewish cookbooks and culinary ephemera in are a chefs’ groupie, or all of the above, the the Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor has October 8, at 7 p.m. for three years to help develop the exhibit. something to whet your appetite. FAQs and Farming at Zingerman’s Following the tour, Frankel Center Director Roadhouse: Come talk veggies and BBQ and Deborah Dash Moore will deliver an mini- “Four the Love of Food” is a four-part series taste the abundant fall harvest with James lecture entitled “Cooking Reform Judaism.” of classes devoted to food. Ann Arborites are Beard Award-winning chef Alex Young of fortunate to have access to farmers’ markets, Zingerman’s Roadhouse. Learn about Chef December 10, at 7 p.m. nationally recognized chefs, a respected Young’s journey to Zingerman’s and hear Coffee and Food Pairing at Zingerman’s culinary archive, artisan bakeries, state-of- how he founded Cornman Farms, where Coffee Company: Participants may be the-art coffee purveyors, specialty markets, he grows over 50 varieties of more than and so many more resources. And all of these Continued on page 25 Not Just A IHigh Holidays Photobooth! WEDDINGS 2935 Birch Hollow Drive Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 BAR/BAT Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Services voice: 734/971-1800 MITZVAHS e-mail: [email protected] ROSH HASHANAH 9/4 9/5 Tashlich 9/6 www.washtenawjewishnews.org SCHOOLS Beth Israel Congregation 8 a.m. 5 p.m. 8 a.m. BIRTHDAYS Family Celebration 4 p.m. CORPORATE Children’s Programs 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Editor and Publisher EVENTS Mincha 5:30 p.m. 7:50 p.m. Susan Kravitz Ayer Ma’ariv 8 p.m. 8:10 p.m. 7:50 p.m. 248.545.6460 Calendar Editor Chabad House 7:45 p.m 9:45 a.m. 4 p.m. 9:45 a.m./7:45 p.m. Claire Sandler Sounding of the shofar, festive meal 11:30 a.m. Advertising Manager Code: Gordon White WJN Ma’ariv 7:30 p.m. Hillel 4:30 p.m. Design and Layout Conservative 7:15 p.m. 9:30 a.m./7:15 p.m. 9:30 a.m Dennis Platte Orthodox (AAOM) 7:45 p.m. 9 a.m/7:45p.m. 9 a.m. Staff Writer Reform 7:15 p.m. 10 a.m. Mary Bilyeu, Sandor Slomovits, Rochel Urist Jewish Cultural Society 7 p.m. 4 p.m. Contributing Writers Mary Bilyeu, Rabbi Lisa Delsen, Hadar Dohn, Pardes Hannah 9:30 a.m. 1p.m. 9:30 a.m. Maxine Dovere, Jessica Faul, Diane Fenske, Lisa Reconstructionist Congregation 7:30 p.m. 10 a.m. 5 p.m. Franklin, Karen Freedland, Karla Goldman, Rabbi Aharon Goldstein, Rabbi Alter Goldstein, Uriel Temple Beth Emeth 8 p.m. 1:45 p.m. Heilman, Peretz Hirshbein, Rachael Hoffenblum, Jacob Kamaras, Cindy Klein, Lucinda Kurtz, Joan Family serwith Kol Halev 9 a.m. Levitt, Carol Lessure, Cnaan Liphshiz, Soo Ji Minn, Lisa Raycraft, Joel Rosenberg, Mae Sander, Elliot Traditional 11 a.m. Sorkin, Eileen Thacker, Mimi Weisberg AARTY 10 a.m. The Washtenaw Jewish News is published month- Pre-school 4:30 p.m. ly, with the exception of January and July. It is registered as a Non-profit Michigan Corpora- tion. Opinions expressed in this publication do YOM KIPPUR 9/13 9/14 BREAK-THE-FAST not necessarily reflect those of its editors or staff Beth Israel Congregation 7:30 p.m. 8 a.m. 8:30 p.m. Youth (6th—8th) 7:30 p.m. th th Programs for 9 —12 7:30 p.m. Member of Programs for K - 5/6th- 8th 10:30 a.m. American Jewish Press Association Study Session 4:30 p.m. Mincha, 5:30 p.m. Neilah 7:15 p.m. Chabad House 7:30 p.m. 9:45 a.m. 8:30 p.m. Mincha/Neilah 6 p.m. Hillel ©2013 by the Washtenaw Jewish News. Conservative 7:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m./6:15 p.m. All rights reserved. No portion of the Washtenaw Jewish News may be reproduced without Orthodox (AAOM) 7:30 p.m. 9 a.m./7:15 p.m. permission of the publisher. Reform 7:30 p.m. 10 a.m./7:15 p.m. Signed letters to the editor are welcome; they should Jewish Cultural Society 7 p.m. 2 p.m. 6 p.m.
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