Energy Sector of the World and Poland Beginnings, Development, Present State

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Energy Sector of the World and Poland Beginnings, Development, Present State . Polish Member Committee of the World Energy Council ENERGY SECTOR OF THE WORLD AND POLAND BEGINNINGS, DEVELOPMENT, PRESENT STATE Second edition, updated Warsaw, December 2014 Contents FOREWORD .................................................................................................... 115 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 117 PART I. ENERGY SECTOR OF THE WORLD .................................................................. 119 1. General characteristics of the history of human use of energy .......................................... 121 1.1 Ancient times and antiquity .......................................................................... 121 1.2 Modern times to the end of 18th century ............................................................ 121 1.3 Period of industrial revolution and of the economic development in 19th and 20th centuries .. 122 2. Main driving forces of the energy demand growth ....................................................... 123 2.1 Population growth ..................................................................................... 123 2.2 Economic growth ...................................................................................... 123 3. Global reserves of energy commodities and their classification ......................................... 126 3.1 Global reserves of non-renewable energy commodities ........................................... 126 3.2 Hard coal and lignite .................................................................................. 126 3.3 Hydrocarbons – crude oil and natural gas .......................................................... 127 3.4 Bitumen ................................................................................................ 128 3.5 Uranium ores .......................................................................................... 129 3.6 Renewable energy sources – general characteristics ............................................... 130 3.7 Hydro energy resources ............................................................................... 131 3.8 Biomass resources .................................................................................... 131 3.9 Peat resources ......................................................................................... 131 3.10 Solar energy ........................................................................................... 131 3.11 Geothermal energy .................................................................................... 132 3.12 Wind energy ........................................................................................... 133 3.13 Wave energy, tidal energy, ocean thermal energy .................................................. 133 4. Global production, international trade and consumption of primary energy ........................... 134 4.1 Beginnings and development of primary energy production ...................................... 134 4.2 Development of primary energy subsectors ......................................................... 135 4.2.1 Hard coal and lignite production .............................................................. 135 4.2.2 Crude oil production ........................................................................... 135 4.2.3 Natural gas production ........................................................................ 136 4.2.4 Nuclear energy for electricity generation ..................................................... 136 4.2.5 Use of renewable energy sources ............................................................. 137 4.3 Producers, exporters and importers of fossil fuels .................................................. 137 4.3.1 Hard coal and lignite ........................................................................... 137 111 4.3.2 Crude oil ......................................................................................... 138 4.3.3 Natural gas ..................................................................................... 138 4.4 Global consumption of primary energy and its structure .......................................... 139 4.5 Indicators of per capita primary energy consumption .............................................. 141 5. Development of the global electricity industry ........................................................... 142 5.1 Beginnings and development of the electricity industry ........................................... 142 5.2 Global capacity of power plants, its structure and level of utilisation ............................ 142 5.3 Electricity production – main producers ............................................................. 143 5.4 Structure of electricity production ................................................................... 143 5.5 Development of global consumption of electricity ................................................. 144 5.6 Indicators of per capita electricity consumption .................................................... 144 6. Energy intensity of the global economy ................................................................... 147 6.1 Energy intensity indicators ............................................................................ 147 6.2 Energy intensity of GDP in the macro scale ......................................................... 147 7. Energy prices ................................................................................................ 149 7.1 Prices of energy commodities in international trade ............................................... 149 7.2 Final prices of fuels and energy in OECD countries ................................................. 151 8 Energy and the environment ............................................................................... 153 8.1 Energy sector impacts at the natural environment ................................................. 153 8.2 Activities mitigating degradation of the natural environment ..................................... 153 8.3 Global emission of CO2 and global warming of the Earth atmosphere ........................... 155 9. Summary of Part I of the report ........................................................................... 158 PART II. ENERGY SECTOR OF POLAND ...................................................................... 165 10. Basic information on Poland ............................................................................... 166 10.1 Social and economic situation of Poland in the years 1918-2013 .................................. 166 10.2 Country area, population, borders, membership in international organisations ................. 166 11. Historical outline of the energy development of Poland ................................................. 168 11.1 Beginnings and development of energy use at the lands of Poland up to the First World War . 168 11.2 Energy sector in the period of independence 1918-1939 ............................................ 168 11.3 Development of energy sector in the period of centrally planned economy 1945-1989 .......... 169 11.4 Development of energy sector in the conditions of market economy 1990-2013 ................. 170 12. Reserves of energy commodities in Poland ............................................................... 171 12.1 Reserves of fossil fuels ................................................................................ 171 12.1.1 Hard coal ........................................................................................ 171 12.1.2 Lignite ........................................................................................... 171 12.1.3 Crude oil ......................................................................................... 173 12.1.4 Natural gas ..................................................................................... 173 12.2 Resources of renewable energy ...................................................................... 174 12.2.1 Hydro energy ................................................................................... 174 12.2.2 Geothermal energy ............................................................................. 174 12.2.3 Biomass ......................................................................................... 174 12.2.4 Wind energy ..................................................................................... 175 13. Development of the fuel and energy subsectors .......................................................... 176 112 13.1 Hard coal mining ...................................................................................... 176 13.2 Lignite mining ......................................................................................... 178 13.3 Oil industry ............................................................................................ 179 13.4 Gas industry ........................................................................................... 181 13.5 Electricity supply industry ............................................................................ 182 13.6 Heat production and supply .......................................................................... 185 14. Primary energy – production and consumption 1950-2013 .............................................. 187 14.1 Production, import, export and consumption of primary energy .................................. 187 14.2 Structure of primary energy consumption .........................................................
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