LEVEL up LEARNING: a National Survey on Teaching with Digital Games

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LEVEL up LEARNING: a National Survey on Teaching with Digital Games LEVEL UP LEARNING: A national survey on teaching with digital games By Lori M. Takeuchi & Sarah Vaala LEVEL UP LEARNING: A NATIONAL SURVEY ON TEACHING WITH DIGITAL GAMES 1 This report is a product of the Games and Learning Publishing Council based on research funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates !"#$%&'!#()*+,)@#$'#./)%#$)0!#01"/'!#/)0!#&%'#,$)2'&+'#)%3,) &+!/,)!4)&+,)%"&+!3/)%#$)$!)#!&)#,0,//%3'15)3,A,0&)7!/'&'!#/)!3) policies of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. SUGGESTED CITATION Takeuchi, L. M., & Vaala, S. (2014). Level up learning: A national /"38,5)!#)&,%0+'#.)2'&+)$'.'&%1).%9,/():,2);!3<=)*+,)>!%#)?%#@) Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop. A)4"11B&,C&)DE )!4)&+'/)3,7!3&)'/)%8%'1%F1,)%/)%)43,,)$!2#1!%$)43!9=) www.joanganzcooneycenter.org . LEVEL UP LEARNING is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. LEVEL UP LEARNING: A NATIONAL SURVEY ON TEACHING WITH DIGITAL GAMES 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS !3,2!3$ . 4 What It Means . 56 Executive Summary .. 5 SYNTHESIS .....................................56 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................57 Introduction .. 7 FINAL THOUGHTS ................................59 Our Methods . 9 References . 60 What We Found . 13 Appendix . 63 PLAYERS .......................................13 A: WRITE-IN GAME TITLES ........................63 PRACTICES .....................................17 B: CLUSTER ANALYSIS METHODS ..................65 PROFILES ......................................35 PERCEPTIONS ...................................47 LEVEL UP LEARNING: A NATIONAL SURVEY ON TEACHING WITH DIGITAL GAMES 3 FOREWORD BY MILTON CHEN, PH.D. CHAIR, GAMES & LEARNING PUBLISHING COUNCIL This survey can trace its origins to a long history in &!)&3%#/4!39)&+%&)0"33'0"1"9)%#$)1%"#0+)'&)!#)%)#,2) are also learners and ready for more in-depth and the design of games for learning at Sesame Work- trajectory that harnesses story, simulation, and stimu- 0!973,+,#/'8,)DE)%F!"&).%9,/())*+,)/&"$5/)&57!1!.5) /+!7()A/),%315)%/)'&/)@3/&)/,%/!#)'#)GHIHJ) Sesame Street 1%&'!#J)%1!#.)2'&+)0!97,&'&'!#)%#$)0!11%F!3%&'!#J)&!) of game-using teachers—the Dabblers, Players, Barrier '#0!37!3%&,$)%)01%//'@0%&'!#).%9,)4!3)73,/0+!!1,3/=) achieve higher standards and deeper learning. W"/&,3/J)%#$):%&"3%1/0%#)73!97&)9!3,)7!2,34"1J) 2+!)$!,/#&)<#!2)&+,)9"/'0)%#$)153'0/)43!9)M#,)!4) peer-based approaches to professional learning. *+,/,)*+'#./)N/):!&)O'<,)&+,)M&+,3P)A)1%&,3)/,.9,#&J) *+'/)/&"$5)73!8'$,/)%#)'97!3&%#&)/#%7/+!&)!4)+!2) 0'30%)GHRSJ)43!9)&+,)T!3</+!7/) Square One TV, used 4%3)2,)%3,)%1!#.)&+%&)&3%^,0&!35()A/)%)/'#.1,)/"38,5J)'&/) `$"0%&'!#J)9!3,)4%9'1'%3)2'&+)%).1%0'%1)7%0,)!4)0+%#.,J) %).%9,B/+!2)4!39%&)&!)$'/71%5)%)7%#,1)!4)/+'3&/)%#$) @#$'#./)%3,)#,0,//%3'15)1'9'&,$)F5)/%971,)/'@,)%#$) '/)#!2)7'0<'#.)"7)&+,)7%0,()N&)'/)@&&'#.)&+%&)&+'/)3,7!3&) /1%0</J)%#$)%/<,$J)U!2)9%#5)!"&@&/)0%#)F,)03,%&,$P) /,14B3,7!3&'#.()U!2,8,3J)&2!)4"#$%9,#&%1)@#$'#./) is brought to you by the letters G, L, P, and C, an activ- V!9F'#%&!3'%1)9%&+,9%&'0/)2%/)&+"/)71%0,$)2'&+'#) should capture the attention of all educators, develop- '&5)!4)&+,)>!%#)V!!#,5)V,#&,3)%&)\,/%9,)T!3</+!7J)%#) reach of an 8-year-old. ers, funders, and policymakers: a majority of teachers '#/&'&"&'!#)<#!2#)4!3)9%<'#.)1,%3#'#.),#.%.'#.)%#$J) are using digital games in their classrooms, and games $%3,)2,)/%5)'&J) joyful . There is cause for optimism here W5)&+,)9'$BRX/J)&+,)@3/&),$"0%&'!#%1)0!97"&,3).%9,/) are increasingly played on mobile devices that travel and for redoubling our efforts to give teachers the sup- 2,3,)F,'#.)'#&3!$"0,$)'#&!)01%//3!!9/()Y,&,3%#),$" - 2'&+)&+,'3)/&"$,#&/()N#)/+,,3)#"9F,3/)!4)&,%0+,3/)%#$) port they need and students the learning they deserve. 0%&!3/)Z%#$)5!"#.)7%3,#&/[)2'11)3,9,9F,3)M3,.!#) /&"$,#&/)"/'#.).%9,/)!4)%11)&57,/J)&+,).%9,/)9!8, - *3%'1J)V%39,#)\%#$',.!J)%#$)]!0<5/)W!!&/J)"/,$)F5)%) 9,#&)'/)#!2)9%'#/&3,%9J)%0+',8'#.)&+,)U!15)?3%'1)!4) Dr. Milton Chen is a senior fellow and Executive Direc- small number of innovative teachers to enliven their educational innovation: getting to scale. tor, Emeritus, at The George Lucas Educational Founda- classrooms through characters, graphics, and sound. tion and a trustee at Sesame Workshop. He also serves U!2,8,3J)&+,)&,0+#!1!.5)&3%'1,$)4%3)F,+'#$)&+,)8'/'!#) U!2,8,3J)9"0+)3,9%'#/)&!)F,)$!#,)&!)3,%0+)&+%&) as chair of the Panasonic Foundation and education !4)9'03!2!31$/),971!5'#.)4"11B9!&'!#)8'$,!J)3'0+) higher trajectory, in professional development and committee for the National Park System Advisory Board. /!"#$),44,0&/)%#$)9"/'0J)%/)2,11)%/)03,%&'8,)%771'0% - communication to teachers, in the supply side of tions across the curriculum. developing more creative and complex games, and in research on outcomes. Through this study, teachers In those days before the Internet, the majority of %3,)'#$'0%&'#.)&+,'3).3!2'#.)3,0,7&'8'&5)&!)"/'#.).%9,/) /0+!!1/)+%$)4,2,3)&+%#)GX)0!97"&,3/()T'&+)&+,),C7! - %#$)%).%9,/)7!2,3)4!3)/&"$,#&),#.%.,9,#&()*+,) nential increases in multimedia capacity and dramatic momentum to date has been largely fueled by bottom- $,03,%/,/)'#)73'0,J)&!$%5/)$'.'&%1).%9,/)!44,3)9"0+) up professional development—teachers spreading the more than an occasional game for reinforcement or 2!3$)%#$)&,%0+'#.),%0+)!&+,3)%F!"&).%9,/3%&+,3) 3,2%3$)%1!#./'$,)&+,)F%/'0)0"33'0"1"9()N99,3/'8,) than formal, district-led training tied to state stan- and complex games are demonstrating their potential dards. Teachers in this survey are telling us that they LEVEL UP LEARNING: A NATIONAL SURVEY ON TEACHING WITH DIGITAL GAMES 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY N#) %11)aXGbJ)&+,)>!%#)?%#@)V!!#,5)V,#&,3J)!#)F,+%14) + EDUCATIONAL GAMES RULE IN K-8 CLASSROOMS. Four + TEACHERS ARE LEARNING TO TEACH WITH DIGITAL of the Games and Learning Publishing Council, sur- !"&)!4)@8,).%9,B"/'#.)&,%0+,3/)/%5)&+,'3)/&"$,#&/) GAMES VIA MORE INFORMAL MEANS)Z'(,(J)43!9)4,11!2) veyed 694 K-8 teachers from across the United States primarily play games created for an educational teachers and by self teaching) than formal train- !#)2+,&+,3)%#$)+!2)&+,5)%3,)"/'#.)$'.'&%1).%9,/)2'&+) %"$',#0,J)0!97%3,$)&!)^"/&)ge)2+!/,)/&"$,#&/) ing programs (i.e., pre-service and in-service). As a &+,'3)/&"$,#&/()U,3,)%3,)/!9,)<,5)@#$'#./)%#$)3,0!9- most often play commercial games. Eight percent of result, teachers may not be getting exposure to the mendations from this research: game-using teachers say their students mostly play broader range of pedagogical strategies, resources, %)+5F3'$)!4)&+,)@3/&)&2!)!7&'!#/,#&,3&%'#9,#&) and types of games that can enhance and facilitate FINDINGS games that have been adapted for educational use. digital game integration. + DIGITAL GAMES HAVE LANDED IN K-8 CLASSROOMS. :,%315)&+3,,Bc"%3&,3/)ZSde[)!4)fBR)&,%0+,3/)3,7!3&) + FEW TEACHERS ARE USING LEARNING GAMES OF THE + MIXED MARKS ON STEM LEARNING. :,%315)&+3,,) "/'#.)$'.'&%1).%9,/)4!3)'#/&3"0&'!#() !"3)!"&)!4)@8,)!4) IMMERSIVE VARIETY, the kind that lend themselves c"%3&,3/)ZSGe[)!4)$'.'&%1).%9,B"/'#.)&,%0+,3/)3,7!3&) these teachers say their students play at least monthly, to deep exploration and participation in the types that games have been effective in improving their %#$)gge)/%5)&+,5)$!)/!)%&)1,%/&)2,,<15()E'.'&%1).%9,B of activities that set digital games apart from more /&"$,#&/)9%&+,9%&'0/)1,%3#'#.()U!2,8,3J)!#15)dae) "/'#.)&,%0+,3/)%1/!)/%5)&+,53,)"/'#.).%9,/)&!)$,1'8,3) didactic forms of instruction. Most teachers instead 3,7!3&)&+,)/%9,)%F!"&)&+,'3)/&"$,#&/)/0',#0,)1,%3# - 0!#&,#&)9%#$%&,$)F5)1!0%1)Zdbe[)%#$)/&%&,h#%&'!#%1) 3,7!3&)"/'#.)/+!3&B4!39).%9,/)&+%&)/&"$,#&/)0%#)@# - '#.J)$,/7'&,)3,/,%30+)/"..,/&'#.)&+%&).%9,/)%3,)2,11) 0"33'0"1"9)/&%#$%3$/)ZdGe[J)%#$)&!)%//,//)/&"$,#&/)!#) '/+)2'&+'#)%)/'#.1,)01%//)7,3'!$()T+'1,)1%0<)!4)&'9,)'/) /"'&,$)4!3)&,%0+'#.)0!971,C)/0',#&'@0)0!#0,7&/( /"771,9,#&%1)Zbbe[)%#$)0!3,)<#!21,$.,)ZaHe[( %)1'<,15),C71%#%&'!#J)&,%0+,3/)9%5)%1/!)@#$)/+!3&,3B form games to be easier to map to curriculum stan- + SEEING THE BENEFITS OF CO-PLAY. M#15)bSe)!4) + WHO’S USING GAMES WITH THEIR STUDENTS? Gender dards. game-using teachers report digital games as being does not predict digital game use in instruction, but ,44,0&'8,)'#)'973!8'#.)/&"$,#&/)/!0'%1)/<'11/J)2+'0+) 5!"#.,3)&,%0+,3/J)&+!/,)2+!)&,%0+)%&)/0+!!1/)/,38 - + DIGITAL GAME INTEGRATION IS HARD. )`$"0%&!3/)2+!) 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Coincidentally, the teachers that use games more regularly also use games to hit a 2'$,3)3%#.,)!4)!F^,0&'8,/)Z&,%0+)0!3,)%#$)/"771,9,#- tal content, assess students) and expose students to a 2'$,3)8%3',&5)!4).%9,).,#3,/)%#$)$,8'0,/( LEVEL UP LEARNING: A NATIONAL SURVEY ON TEACHING WITH DIGITAL GAMES 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS discussing key lessons.
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