ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 11/13 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 334 - November 2013 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, Kolumne. liebe Filmfreunde! Unsere multimedialen Leser dürfen sich Ein Blick aus dem Fenster unserer Bü- übrigens freuen: es gibt Zuwachs auf roräume auf das in Nebel gehüllte unserem Youtube-Kanal. Zum Einen Korntal macht uns klar: es ist schon haben wir die Premiere des Films DIE wieder tiefster Herbst und der Winter NONNE in Stuttgart begleitet und uns klopft bereits an die Tür. Wer nicht mit Regisseur Guillaume Nicloux und gerade ein Kino gleich um die Ecke hat, Hauptdarstellerin Pauline Etienne un- der freut sich jetzt bestimmt umso mehr terhalten. Zum Anderen gibt es dort auf schöne Filmstunden in seinem ge- den Trailer zu REMEMBERING mütlichen Heimkino. Wie immer soll WIDESCREEN (in englischer Sprache) jedoch niemand bei unserem Newsletter zu sehen, einem Dokumentarfilm über zu kurz kommen. So gibt es nicht nur das “Widescreen Weekend” in den neuesten Filmblog von Wolfram Bradford. Der Film selbst befindet sich Hannemann, in dem aktuelle Kinofilme momentan in der Post-Produktions- gelobt und zerrissen werden, sondern Phase und soll im kommenden Jahr im auch wieder jede Menge Informationen Kino seine Premiere feiern. Wir halten zu anstehenden DVD- und Blu-ray- Sie natürlich auf dem Laufenden. Und Veröffentlichungen für Heimkinofans. last but not least gibt es in ein paar DIE NONNE: Wer in dieser Ausgabe “Hallo Holly- Tagen dann auf unserem Kanal ein Vi- Regisseur Guillaume Nicloux (oben) und Hauptdarstellerin Pauline wood – hier spricht Anna!” vermissen deo zur Deutschlandpremiere von Bet- Etienne (unten) sollte, den können wir beruhigen. Denn tina Blümners SCHERBENPARK das Sprachrohr unserer Kolumnistin ist (Kinostart: 21.11.2013)zu sehen. Dort nicht etwa Sparmaßnahmen zum Opfer haben wir nicht nur die Bühnen- gefallen, sondern musste aus gesund- präsentation in Bild und Ton festgehal- heitlichen Gründen entfallen: Anna ten, sondern uns auch mit der Regis- liegt nicht nur mit einer üblen Erkäl- seurin unterhalten. tung flach, sondern wird gleichzeitig auch noch von den Folgen einer Wur- Sie sehen: es gibt viel zu tun. Viel Spaß zelbehandlung gequält! Wir wünschen dabei. ihr alsbaldige Genesung und freuen uns schon umso mehr auf die nächste Ihr Laser Hotline Team

SCHERBENPARK: Regisseurin Bettina Blümner

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013

Die nächsten beiden „Cinerama“-Filme sind als DVD+BD-Combos an den Start gegangen. Und alles natürlich im bewährten „Smilebox“- Verfahren und mit jeder Menge Bonusmaterial. Sowohl DVD als auch BD können auf allen DVD- und BD-Playern abgespielt werden. Beste Demo-Qualität und ein MUSS für Projektorenbesitzer!

Jetzt auf Lager


LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 07. Oktober 2013 muss nicht zwangsläufig langweilig OT: Io E Te Black Monday inszeniert sein. FRAU ELLA ist typisch Verleih: Kool Angesichts der zur Begutachtung ins deutsches Kino wie es typischer nicht Land/Jahr: Italien 2012 Rennen geschickten Filme erwies sich sein kann. Dass Regisseur Markus Regie: Bernardo Bertolucci der erste Arbeitstag als ein ziemlich Goller das alles schon einmal wesent- Darsteller: Tea Falco, Jacopo Olmo harter Brocken. lich besser konnte, hat er mit Antinori, Sonia Bergamasco FRIENDSHIP! im Jahre 2010 zur Genü- Kinostart: 21.11.2013 FRAU ELLA (1:2.35, DD 5.1) ge bewiesen. Umso bedauerlicher nun Verleih: Warner dieser Absturz in die Mittelmäßigkeit. Seine Mutter glaubt ihren 14jährigen Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Sohn Lorenzo im Skiurlaub mit seiner Regie: Markus Goller RUNNER RUNNER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Schulklasse. Doch sie ahnt nicht, dass Darsteller: Ruth-Maria Kubitschek, OT: Runner Runner sich der Sonderling im Keller des Matthias Schweighöfer, August Diehl Verleih: Fox Mietshauses für eine ganze Woche Land/Jahr: USA 2013 eingerichtet hat! Dort will Lorenzo end- Kinostart: 17.10.2013 Regie: Brad Furman lich einmal ganz für sich sein und alles Darsteller: Ben Affleck, Justin tun, wonach ihm der Sinn steht. Doch Seit er seinen Doktor hingeschmissen Timberlake, Gemma Arterton, Anthony seine vermeintlich gewonnene Freiheit hat, fährt Sascha Taxi und genießt die Mackie wird jäh gestört, als seine Halbschwe- unproblematische Beziehung zu Freun- Kinostart: 17.10.2013 ster zu ihm stößt. Dass die mo- din Lina. Als die ihm jedoch plötzlich mentan auf kaltem Entzug ist, macht die eröffnet schwanger zu sein, bekommt Als College-Student Richie beim On- Sache ziemlich schwierig... Bernardo der junge Mann Panik und baut prompt line-Poker sein gesamtes Vermögen Bertoluccis neuester Film hat nicht viel einen Unfall. Noch im Krankenhaus verliert und erfahren muss, dass es Handlung zu bieten. Stattdessen kon- gibt ihm Lina den Laufpass. Dafür lernt dabei nicht mit sauberen Dingen zu- zentriert er sich ganz auf die Beziehung er Frau Ella kennen, eine alte Dame, die ging, macht er sich auf den Weg nach zwischen den Halbgeschwistern. Erst er vor einer gefährlichen Operation Costa Rica, um den Boss des Online- durch die Extremsituation, in der sich rettet, indem er sie einfach aus dem Casinos Ivan Block zur Rede zu stellen. die beiden befinden, kommen sie sich Krankenhaus entführt. Die Alte steckt Zu seiner Überraschung bietet ihm der näher und beginnen einander zu ver- voller Lebensweisheit und erzählt ihm sogar nebst einer Wiedergutmachung stehen. ICH UND DU ist Kino der lei- von ihrer unerfüllten Liebe zu einem auch gleich noch einen äußerst lukrati- sen Töne. amerikanischen GI. Gemeinsam mit sei- ven Job an. Richie willigt ein und fin- nem Kumpel Klaus beschließt er, Frau det sich schon bald in einem Geflecht INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS (1:1.85, DD Ella mit ihrer großen Liebe zusammen- aus Korruption und Gewalt wieder... 5.1) zubringen. Der Weg führt das Trio di- Wenn ein Film derart bieder inszeniert OT: Inside Llewyn Davis rekt nach ... *Sarkasmusmodus wird wie Brad Furmans RUNNER Verleih: Studiocanal EIN* Endlich mal wieder ein Film, bei RUNNER, so darf man sich nicht wun- Land/Jahr: USA 2013 dem man von Anfang an weiß, wie er dern, wenn man spätestens nach einer Regie: Coen, Ethan Coen ablaufen wird und vor Überraschungen halben Stunde sein Publikum verloren Darsteller: Oscar Isaac, Carey sicher ist! *Sarkasmusmodues AUS* hat. Weder ist Ben Affleck in der Rolle Mulligan, John Goodman, Justin Was Markus Goller hier abgeliefert hat des Ivan Block auch nur annähernd Timberlake ist vermutlich exakt das, was Fernseh- angsteinflößend, noch hat man auch Kinostart: 05.12.2013 zuschauer an einem Sonntagabend in nur eine Sekunde lang Angst um Justin einem öffentlich-rechtlichen TV-Sender Timerlake, der sich von Macht und 1961. Erfolglos tingelt der sehen wollen. Matthias Schweighöfer Geld regelrecht verführen lässt. Selbst Musiker Llewyn Davis nicht nur von spielt nun schon seit gefühlten zehn Gemma Arterton als “Love Interest” der einem schäbigen Gig zum nächsten, Jahren dieselbe Rolle und Frau beiden Protagonisten weckt kein Inter- sondern auch von einer Schlafgelegen- Kubitschek will es im gesetzten Alter esse beim Betrachter. Langeweile domi- heit zur nächsten. Als ihm dann auch noch einmal wissen – sehr zum Leidwe- niert das Geschehen. Eine Verschwen- noch die Katze des Wohnungseigentü- sen all jener Zuschauer, die gerne et- dung von Zeit und Geld. mers entwischt, verschlimmert das sei- was mehr Abwechslung haben wollen ne Lage noch weiter... Schon seit jeher und auch Überraschungen gegenüber Dienstag, 08. Oktober 2013 stehen die Gebrüder Coen auf Loser. aufgeschlossen sind. Dieses Road- Weder Fisch noch Fleisch Kaum einer ihrer sehr unterschiedli- Movie macht ihnen aber leider einen Tag 2 der Pressewoche konnte mich chen und zumeist skurrilen Filme hat Strich durch die Erwartungshaltung trotz dreifachem Einsatz nicht überzeu- nicht mindestens einen Verlierer in ei- und läuft brav nach Schema F ab. Es gen ner Hauptrolle. In die Coen’sche Riege gilt: nicht jeder Film kann ein Meister- der hauptamtlichen Loser reiht sich werk sein. Es gilt aber auch: ein Film ICH UND DU (1:1.85, DD 5.1) jetzt also auch Llewyn Davis ein, dem

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog einfach alles missglückt. Doch man hat tung des Films fragt man sich jedoch getaktetes Leben kommt ganz schön ihn irgendwie gern, da man sich – frei- zurecht, warum sich Besson ausgerech- durcheinander, als er nacheinander willig oder unfreiwillig – mit ihm sehr net für diesen Film wieder hat reaktivie- zwei extrem unterschiedliche Frauen gut identifizieren kann. Und Oscra ren lassen. Seine Handschrift jedenfalls kennenlernt... Ob man es nun will oder Isaac spielt ihn wirklich grandios, mit trägt das Werk keinesfalls, wirkt es nicht, aber Joseph Gordon-Levitt oftmals stoischem Blick. Dennoch kann doch sehr beliebig. Dazu ist es weder bringt es in seiner Rolle als Frauen- das neueste Werk der beiden Brüder Fisch noch Fleisch, kann sich nicht schwarm Jon Martello auf den Punkt: nicht so ganz überzeugen: die dahinter entscheiden, ob es nun eine Krimi- manchmal ist Pornoschauen einfach stehende Story ist etwas zu dünn gera- komödie sein möchte oder doch eher geiler als richtigen Sex zu haben! Und ten und die Folkmusikeinlagen sind ein ernstes (und blutiges!) Gangster- er belegt seine Theorie sehr anschau- etwas zu viel des Guten. Die visuelle drama. Immerhin gefällt sich Robert de lich mit rasanten Bild-Stakkatos und Gestaltung des Films ist auch nicht Niro offensichtlich ziemlich in seiner dem passenden musikalischen Grund- gerade originell. Denn – so scheint es Rolle des untergetauchten Mafia- gerüst. Natürlich wird “Don Jon” im – ist die Manie amerikanischer Filme- bosses – er spielt ihn grandios. Mich- Verlauf des Films eine Wandlung macher, fast sämtliche Farben zurück- elle Pfeiffer, deutlich in die Jahre ge- durchmachen, die ihn zu einem besse- zudrehen, jetzt auch bei den Coens kommen, mimt seine nicht minder ren Menschen machen wird. Diese angelangt. Warum die beiden Filmema- durchtriebene Gattin. Die beiden Kids Wandlung wird ausgelöst durch zwei cher nicht gleich zum Schwarzweiß des Ehepaares hingegen wirken ziem- Frauen: als die ex- greifen (wie etwa in THE MAN WHO lich blass, auch wenn sie kräftig zu- trem oberflächliche Barbara, die gerne WASN’T THERE) lässt sich nicht ganz schlagen dürfen. Der Exekutiv- “teast” und bestimmt sowie Julianne nachvollziehen. Pluspunkt: John produzent des Films ist kein Geringerer Moore als die ältere Esther, eine Frau Goodman darf wieder einmal in einer als , der sich sodann mit Lebens- und Leiderfahrung. DON Nebenrolle glänzen – eine Nebenrolle auch gleich seine eigene Hommage in- JON ist eine gelungene Komödie mit ganz im Geiste der Coens. Fazit: von tegriert hat: bei einem Screening des einer Botschaft und lebt ganz beson- einem Coen-Film darf man durchaus örtlichen Filmclubs kommt natürlich ders von ihren Charakteren. mehr erwarten. GOODFELLAS zur Aufführung. Fazit: wenn schon der Film selber nicht so ALLES EINE FRAGE DER ZEIT (1:2.35, MALAVITA – THE FAMILY (1:2.35, DD recht weiß, was er eigentlich gerne sein DD 5.1) 5.1) möchte, dann will es der Zuschauer OT: About Time OT: The Family erst recht nicht wissen. Verleih: Universal Verleih: Universum Film () Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2013 Land/Jahr: USA, Frankreich 2013 Mittwoch, 09. Oktober 2013 Regie: Richard Curtis Regie: Zeit ist relativ Darsteller: Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel Darsteller: , Michelle Der heutige Mittwoch stand mal wieder McAdams, Bill Nighy Pfeiffer, Dianna Agron, Tommy Lee ganz im Zeichen von Komödien Kinostart: 17.10.2013 Jones Kinostart: 21.11.2013 DON JON (1:2.35, DD 5.1) An seinem 21. Geburtstag wird Sohn OT: Don Jon Tim vom Vater in das große Familien- Ex-Mafiosi Fred wird im Rahmen des Verleih: Ascot Elite (Paramount) geheimnis eingeweiht: alle männlichen Zeugenschutzprogrammes mitsamt sei- Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Nachkommen besitzen die Fähigkeit, ner Gattin sowie den beiden Kindern in Regie: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Zeitreisen zu machen und dadurch einem unscheinbaren Haus in einem Darsteller: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Handlungen zu beeinflussen. So also Dorf in der Normandie untergebracht. Scarlett Johansson, auch Tim. Anfangs noch ungläubig, Möglichst unauffällig leben heisst die muss Tim aber bald schon feststellen, Devise. Doch wie das nun einmal so Kinostart: 14.11.2013 dass ihm sein Vater keineswegs einen ist: alte Gewohnheiten legt man nicht Bären aufgebunden hat – es ist alles so schnell ab. Als die ersten kleineren Jon lässt nichts anbrennen. Der gut- wahr! Schnell gewöhnt sich Tim an Probleme auftreten, schlagen alle Vier aussehende Barkeeper hat Schlag bei seine neue Fähigkeit und setzt diese mit unverminderter Härte und einem den Mädels, was ihm jede Menge Sex gewinnbringend bei der Eroberung sei- Lächeln im Gesicht zu... Eigentlich einbringt. Doch für ihn ist trotzdem ner großen Liebe Mary ein. Doch er wollte er sich schon längst vom Regie- nichts so befriedigend wie Pornos im weiß längst noch nicht alles über seine stuhl verabschiedet haben und sich auf Netz zu schauen, die Kleenextücker Zeitreiseeigenschaft und muss bald das Produzieren von Filmen beschrän- stets griffbereit. Er mag seine Familie, schon eine schmerzliche Erfahrung ken. Doch Frankreichs Kultregisseur sein Auto, seine Kumpels und geht machen... Um es auf einen Nenner zu Luc Besson konnte es wohl doch nicht jeden Sonntag zur Kirche, wo er seine bringen: morgen ist der erste Tag vom lassen und übernahm bei MALAVITA Sünden loswerden kann. Doch sein Rest Deines Lebens – also nutze ihn! höchstpersönlich die Regie. Nach Sich- ungezügeltes durch Internet-Pornos So lautet in etwa die Quintessenz die-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ser Romantikkomödie. Warum sie aber Gegenlicht lässt uns als Zuschauer Wo Bildung erkämpft wird eine Zeitreisegeschichte benötigt, um spüren, wie sich Trunschka nach Zum Ausklang einer prall gefüllten Wo- zu dieser Kernaussage zu gelangen, durchzechter Nacht fühlt. Den Kontakt che gab es heute zwei interessante Do- erschließt sich nicht wirklich. Vor allem zu Frau und Kindern hat er komplett kumentationen dann nicht, wenn das Zeitreiseelement verloren, nur Trugbilder seines treuen so stümperhaft wie in diesem Film be- Hundes erinnern ihn an das Zuhause, AUF DEM WEG ZUR SCHULE (1:1.85, handelt wird. Auch ist es ein verdammt das wohl nicht mehr existiert. Ulrich DD 5.1) langer Weg bis zu oben erwähnter Er- Tukur spielt diesen Ritter der traurigen OT: Sur Le Chemin De L’école kenntnis – ganze 124 Minuten braucht Gestalt sehr souverän, man hat keinen Verleih: Senator Richard Curtis für diese simple Sicht- Zweifel daran, dass sich hier ein Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 weise der Dinge. Gewiss: es gibt ein Mensch im Sturzflug befindet. Selbst Regie: Pascal Plisson paar nette Einfälle in diesem Film, die den Retter in der Not, den ebenfalls Kinostart: 05.12.2013 wieder versöhnlich stimmen, wie etwa beziehungstechnisch gescheiterten die erste Liebesnacht mit Mary, die Tim Amerikaner Robert Wagner, vermag er Bildung muss erkämpft werden. In sei- mit Hilfe seiner Zeitreisefähigkeiten zur nicht mehr als Freund wahrzunehmen. nem Dokumentarfilm führt Regisseur größten Liebesnacht aller Zeiten Gespielt wird Wagner typisch amerika- Pascal Plisson dies ganz konkret vor macht. Fazit: man kann sich diesen Film nisch naiv-aufdringlich von Garret Augen. Sein Film konzentriert sich auf gut mit dem passenden Date anschau- Dillahunt. vier Schulkinder, deren Weg in die en, sollte sich aber nicht zu viele Ge- Schule alles andere als einfach ist. Da danken machen. MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE (1:2.35, gibt es den kleinen Jackson in Kenia, 5.1) der zusammen mit seinem kleineren Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2013 Verleih: Arsenal Bruder einen sehr abenteuerlichen Von Headhuntern und Bankern Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Österreich Schulweg durch die kenianische Steppe Heute gab es etwas ganz besonderes: 2013 hat und stets mit großer Gefahr einher- zwei thematisch zusammenpassende Regie: Marc Bauder geht. Oder ein aufgewecktes Mädchen Filme. Kinostart: 07.11.2013 im Hochgebirge von Marokko, die mit zwei Mitschülerinnen jeden Montag HOUSTON (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Rainer Voss war einer der führenden vier Stunden Weg auf sich nehmen Verleih: farbfilm (24 Bilder) Investment-Banker in Deutschland. Bis muss, um zur Schule zu gelangen. Der Land/Jahr: Deutschland, USA 2012 die Finanzkrise kam. Jetzt lebt er zu- kleine Carlito und seine kleine Schwe- Regie: Bastian Günther rückgezogen als Privatier. Marc Bauder ster lassen sich von ihrem Pferd durch Darsteller: Ulrich Tukur, Garret ist es gelungen, ihn für seinen Doku- halb Argentinien tragen, um an Bildung Dillahunt, Jenny Schily mentarfilm zu gewinnen – einen Doku- zu kommen. Und Samuel aus Indien Kinostart: 21.11.2013 mentarfilm, der dem Zuschauer tiefe schließlich, an einen improvisierten Einblicke in jene Parallelwelt gibt, die Rollstuhl gefesselt, wird von seinen Im Auftrag eines großen Konzerns soll sich die Banker vor dem großen Crash beiden Brüdern auf unwägbarem Gelän- Headhunter Clemens Trunschka den geschaffen haben. Bauder platziert sei- de in die Schule geschoben. Mit gran- CEO eines amerikanischen Ölkonzerns, nen Protagonisten Voss in ein leerste- diosen Bildern und unterlegt von einer Steve Ringer, abwerben. Als er die hendes Frankfurter Bankgebäude und einfühlsamen Filmmusik zollt der Film Chance verpasst, diesen bei seiner lässt ihn in dieser abgeschotteten, iso- seinen kleinen Protagonisten Respekt. Stippvisite in Deutschland abzupassen, lierten Umgebung aus dem Respekt zollen dürften auch die Zu- reist Trunschka nach Houston, dem Nähkästchen plaudern. Voss‘ State- schauer, die die Schüler bei ihren teils Sitz des Ölkonzerns. Doch die Kontakt- ments sind oftmals schockierend, be- irrwitzigen Schulwegen beobachten aufnahme mit Ringer gestaltet sich stätigen sie doch, dass der gesamte dürfen. Für die deutsche Fassung des schwieriger als erwartet und so werden Finanzmarkt aus den Fugen geraten ist Films gibt es allerdings Punkteabzug: Trunschkas Versuche ihn zu treffen, und noch lange kein Ende in Sicht ist. die Erwachsenen sprechen grundsätz- immer verzweifelter... Wenn Ulrich Börres Weiffenbachs CinemaScope- lich gebrochenes Deutsch, während die Tukur Headhunter Clemens Bilder unterstreichen in hervorragender Kinder astreines Hochdeutsch reden. Trunschka einen Blick aus dem Fenster Weise die Seelenlosigkeit, in deren Um- Man will auf diese Art und Weise wohl seines Hotelzimmers in Houston wirft, gebung die Finanzjongleure ganze Län- deutlich machen, dass die Eltern über starren ihn nur seelenlose Hochhäuser der in den Ruin getrieben haben – und keine Schulbildung verfügen, ihren an und spiegeln damit den Seelenzu- es nach wie vor tun. Die One-Man- Kindern jedoch eine bestmögliche stand des Protagonisten hervorragend Show des Rainer Voss ist einer der Schuldbildung ermöglichen. Hier hätte wider. Trunschka ist der perfekte Ver- spannendsten Dokumentarfilme des man sich wahrhaftig lieber die mehr- lierer. Auch sein Freund der Alkohol Jahres. sprachige Originalfassung mit deut- vermag ihn nicht mehr aus diesem Zu- schen Untertiteln gewünscht! stand herauszuholen. Viel gleißendes Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog AS TIME GOES BY IN SHANGHAI ein “Jesus Freak” – “ kann nichts ra am Stamm eines riesigen Baumes (1:1.85, DD 5.1) passieren, weil es Dich gibt” ist seine entlang vom Boden bis hinauf in seine Verleih: Neue Visionen Devise. Als sein bester Kumpel Eule Wipfel und macht dadurch dessen gi- Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Niederlande nach Berlin auswandert, verliert Tore gantische Ausmaße erfahrbar. Jacquet 2013 sein Zuhause. Der Zufall will es, dass lässt einen Botaniker und begeisterten Regie: Uli Gaulke er im Schrebergarten einer Familie vor Baumliebhaber durch den Regenwald Kinostart: 28.11.2013 den Toren Hamburgs landet. Oberhaupt wandern, Zeichnungen anfertigend. Benno nimmt ihn in der Gemeinschaft Aus dem Off hören wir seine Stimme (in Die “Peace Old Jazz Band” aus Shang- auf. Erst nach und nach kommen je- der deutschen Fassung ist es die von hai ist die älteste Jazzband der Welt – doch dunkle Abgründe zum Vorschein Bruno Ganz). Er klagt über die sinnlose amtlich bestätigt. Ihr jüngstes Mitglied und Tore ist sich sicher: Jesus hat ihn Rodung der Regenwälder und erklärt, ist gerade einmal um die 70, ihr ältestes zu dieser Familie geschickt, um sie zu dass die Bäume mindestens 500 Jahre bereits 88 Jahre. Und trotzdem spielen retten... Bereits die Eröffnungssequenz benötigen, um wieder auf demselben sie noch immer mit den alten amerikani- ihres Films imponiert: da wird der junge Stand zu sein. Und Bäume sind so schen Rhythmen von Glenn Miller und Tore standesgemäß im Freien getauft, wichtig für unser Überleben auf der Artie Shaw zum Tanz auf. Doch ganz unterlegt mit suggestiver Musik und Erde, verdanken wir ihnen doch die unvermittelt erreicht den Manager der fotografiert in beeindruckendem Luft um uns herum. Der Botaniker Truppe ein Anruf aus Holland: dort will CinemaScope. Katrin Gebbe, die sich nimmt den Zuschauer mit auf eine Rei- man die Band beim Jazzfestival in Rot- für ihren Film durch eine wahre Ge- se durch die Wunderwelt der Bäume, terdam spielen sehen! Uli Gaulke be- schichte inspirieren ließ, versteht sich macht den Mikrokosmos um sie herum gleitete die alten Herrschaften bei ihren auf richtige Kinobilder. Mit TORE sichtbar und demonstriert ihre Vorbereitungen zum großen Auftritt, TANZT liefert sie ein kompromissloses Verteidigungsstrategien gegen äußere der gleichzeitig ihr erster Auftritt au- Drama mit einer beängstigenden Feinde. Auch wenn der komplexe The- ßerhalb Chinas darstellt. Die Suche Gewaltspirale, das an die Werke eines menbereich höchst interessant ist, so nach einer geeigneten Sängerin ist da- Michael Haneke erinnert. Man ahnt scheint sich der Film doch ein paar Mal bei ein besonderes Problem. Nicht zu schon sehr früh, dass Tores Glaube, im Kreis zu drehen. Viel zu oft werden jung soll sie sein, aber trotzdem gut der ihm nicht nur vorschreibt in die eindrucksvollen Bilder durch digita- aussehen und gleichzeitig den alten Keuschheit zu leben, sondern im Falle le Animationen, die aussehen, als wä- Stil der Band verkörpern. Und es wird eines Falles auch die andere Wange ren sie von Kinderhand gezeichnet geprobt, dass einem die Ohren schmer- hinzuhalten, ein böses Ende nehmen worden, in ihrer Wirkung gestört. Und zen. Denn derart schräge Töne ist man wird. Seine innere Haltung fordert Ben- genau das ist sehr schade angesichts als Westeuropäer nicht gewohnt! Im no geradezu heraus, sich gegenüber eines Films, der die Natur in den Mit- Verlauf seiner Dokumentation porträ- Tore immer aggressiver zu verhalten, telpunkt rückt. tiert Gaulke jeden einzelnen Musiker bis die Gewalt am Ende ein schier uner- der Band, lässt ihn vor der Kamera dar- trägliches Maß erreicht. TORE TANZT Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2013 über erzählen, wie er zur Musik kam ist harter Tobak. In den Hauptrollen Aller guten Dinge sind drei und was die Kulturrevolution mit ihnen überzeugen Julius Feldmeier als der Schlechtes Wetter draußen – drei Filme anrichtete. Diese Band – so schräg sie naiv gläubige Tore und Sascha Alexan- drinnen. auch klingt – muss man einfach mögen. der Gersak als sadistischer Benno. Der Film macht richtig Spaß! DER MOHNBLUMENBERG (1:1.85, DD Montag, 14. Oktober 2013 5.1) Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2013 Von den Wurzeln bis in die Wipfel OT: Kokuriko-zaka Kara Zuviel Religion ist ungesund So wie die vergangene Pressewoche Verleih: Universum Film (24 Bilder) Weil die kürzlich anberaumte Presse- endete, so begann heute die neue Wo- Land/Jahr: 2011 vorführung ausfallen musste, habe ich che: mit einem Dokumentarfilm. Regie: Goro Miyazaki mir heute einen Screener des Films an- Kinostart: 21.11.2013 geschaut DAS GEHEIMNIS DER BÄUME (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Japan kurz vor der Olympiade 1964. Die TORE TANZT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Il Etait Une Forêt 17jährige Schülerin Umi lernt den etwas Verleih: Rapid Eye Movies Verleih: Weltkino älteren Shun kennen, der in der Redak- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 tion einer Schülerzeitung tätig ist. Regie: Katrin Gebbe Regie: Luc Jacquet Durch ihn lernt sie auch das alte Holz- Darsteller: Julius Feldmeier, Sascha Kinostart: 02.01.2014 haus kennen, in dem sich die Schüler Alexander Gersak, Annika Kuhl ein Jugendzentrum eingerichtet haben. Kinostart: 28.11.2013 Die Bilder in Luc Jacquets neuestem Dieses soll allerdings abgerissen wer- Naturfilm sind durchaus beeindruk- den, was die Schüler auf die Barrikaden Jesus ist sein Held. Der junge Tore ist kend. Ganz langsam schwebt die Kame- bringt. Gemeinsam kämpft Umi mit Shun

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog und seinen Kommilitonen für den Er- Tochter. Erschüttert über ihren Tod halt des Hauses und verliebt sich in Kinostart: 24.10.2013 weist er seine kleine Tochter zurück. Shun. Doch diese Liebe muss noch ein Die ihn pflegende Krankenschwester großes Hindernis überwinden... Goro Kaum hat Erfinder Flint die Welt und wittert ihre große Chance und ehelicht Miyazakis Animationsfilm ist nach ei- seine Heimatinsel im Besonderen geret- ihn schon bald, um an sein Geld heran- nem entstanden und hat nichts tet, interessiert sich der bekannte Wis- zukommen. Währenddessen wächst die mit westlichen Animationsfilmen ge- senschaftler Chester V für Flint. Er holt kleine Carmen bei ihrer Großmutter auf. meinsam, in denen es stets wundersa- ihn in seinen Erfinder-Kader, wo sich Als die jedoch stirbt, wird das Kind in me und märchenhafte Figuren gibt. Flint Hoffnungen macht, zum Erfinder die Obhut der Stiefmutter gegeben. Miyazaki hätte genauso gut einen Real- des Jahres gekürt zu werden. Doch Und die ist ihr alles andere als wohl- spielfilm inszenieren können, doch er Chester V hat in Wirklichkeit ganz an- gesonnen... Nun kommt er also doch wählte die Animation als Kunstform. dere Absichten – und die rücken die noch ganz regulär ins Kino: der Gewin- Die ist auch durchaus bewundernswert Welt alsbald wieder in die Nähe eine ner des Publikumspreises des diesjähri- in ihrem Detailreichtum. Die Geschichte großen Katastrophe... Erinnern Sie sich gen Fantasy Filmfest. Und das voll- selbst jedoch hat nichts Aufregendes noch an den einfallsreichen und ge- kommen zurecht. Regisseur Pablo zu bieten, was im Gedächtnis haften fühlvollen ersten Teil des Films? In der Berger und sein Chefkameramann Kiko bleiben würde. Kaum ist der Film zu Fortsetzung tummeln sich zwar auch de la Rica demonstrieren mit ihrem Film Ende, hat man ihn auch schon wieder wieder alle liebgewonnenen Figuren sehr eindrucksvoll die Kraft der Bilder, vergessen. aus dem Originalfilm, doch das liebe- die eigentlich keiner Erklärung mehr volle Element scheint weggespült zu bedürfen. Inszeniert als Stummfilm in SCHWESTERN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) sein. Lebte der Urfilm noch von der historischem Bildformat und elegantem Verleih: farbfilm Beziehung zwischen dem verschroben- Schwarzweiß und nur unterlegt mit der Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Schweiz 2012 schüchternen Erfinder Flint und der Orchestermusik von Alfonso de Regie: Anne Wild Wettermoderatorin Sam Sparks, so gilt Villalonga berührt die Geschichte wahr- Darsteller: , Marie die jetzt als quasi etabliert und wird haftig. Grundgerüst ist das Grimm’sche Leuenberger, Jesper Christensen nicht weiter verfolgt. Stattdessen jagt Märchen vom Schneewittchen, das ein skurriler Einfall den nächsten, für Berger in das Stierkampfmilieu der Kinostart: 12.12.2013 Gefühle ist da kein Platz mehr. So ge- 1920er-Jahre in Spanien gepackt hat. lingt es auch nicht wirklich, eine Bezie- Traditionelle Bildgestaltungstechniken Saskia Kerkhoff ist außer sich: ihre hung zu den Figuren aufzubauen. Es des Stummfilms mischt Berger gekonnt jüngere Schwester Kati hat sich dazu bleibt bei einer Achterbahnfahrt der mit neuzeitlicher Kameraführung und entschlossen, ins Kloster zu gehen. Gags, auf die man gut hätte verzichten Schnitttechnik. Und seine erstklassige Und das ohne vorher mit ihr darüber zu können. Besetzung beherrscht die hohe Kunst, sprechen! So trifft sich die ganze Fami- mit Mimik mehr auszudrücken als mit lie an jenem Sonntag im Kloster, an Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2013 Worten. Tipp: unbedingt anschauen! dem Kati eingekleidet werden soll. Eine Schneewittchen als Stierkämpferin Verzögerung bei der Prozedur nutzen Ein Grimmsches Märchen hatte die Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013 die Familienmitglieder für ein improvi- Pressevorführung heute für mich im Dirty Old Man siertes Picknick unweit von der Gepäck Die nächste Runde der “Jackass”-Reihe Klosteranlage. Eine Zeit der Reflektion wurde heute eingeläutet. beginnt, alte Wunden brechen wieder BLANCANIEVES – EIN MÄRCHEN auf, andere werden gekittet... SCHWE- VON SCHWARZ UND WEISS (1:1.33 JACKASS: BAD GRANDPA (1:1.85, STERN ist ein Vertreter typisch deut- & 1:1.85, DD 5.1) DD 5.1) schen Arthaus-Kinos. Hier begegnen OT: Blancanieves OT: Jackass: Bad Grandpa sich Künstlichkeiten und Absurditäten, Verleih: AV Visionen (24 Bilder) Verleih: Paramount wie etwa in Bienenkostüme gekleidete Land/Jahr: Spanien, Frankreich 2012 Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Menschen, die den Synchronflug üben. Regie: Pablo Berger Regie: Jeff Tremaine Au weia ! Darsteller: Macarena Garcia, Maribel Darsteller: Johnny Knoxville, Jackson Verdú, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Ángela Nicoll, Georgina Cates WOLKIG MIT AUSSICHT AUF Molina Kinostart: 24.10.2013 FLEISCHBÄLLCHEN 2 (1:2.35, 3D, DD Kinostart: 28.11.2013 5.1) Ein alter Mann sitzt im Wartezimmer. OT: Cloudy With A Chance Of Antonio Villalta ist der Star der Stier- Eine Frau setzt sich neben ihn. Eine Meatballs 2 kampfarena. Doch das Schicksal meint Schwester betritt den Raum, geht auf Verleih: es nicht gut mit ihm: durch einen Unfall den alten Mann zu und sagt ihm, dass Land/Jahr: USA 2013 wird er an den Rollstuhl gefesselt und seine Frau leider gestorben sei und Regie: Cody Cameron, Kris Pearn seine Frau stirbt bei der Geburt seiner man nichts mehr hat machen können,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog um sie zu retten. Der Alte reisst die weitaus mehr Intuition als die Erwach- Mobbing-Opfer zweier Mitschüler. Augen auf und verfällt in ein schallen- senen. In dem jungen Ender meint Fernsehjournalistin Nina gewinnt den des Gelächter. “Und ich dachte schon, Colonel Graff den perfekten Führer für minderjährigen Kyle für eine Reportage die Alte stirbt nie!” sagt er zum voll- den entscheidenden Schlag gegen die über Online-Prostitution, nichtahnend, kommenen Entsetzen seiner Sitz- Invasoren gefunden zu haben. Getrennt was sie dadurch anrichtet... Das nachbarin. Hinter dem alten Herrn ver- von Eltern und Schwester wird der Jun- Internet als das Medium, das alle Men- birgt sich natürlich niemand anderes ge außerhalb der Erde einem harten schen miteinander verbindet, hat nicht als Johnny Knoxville, der die gesamte Training unterzogen... Ganz ehrlich? nur gute Seiten. Henry-Alex Rubin be- Szene mit versteckten Kameras aufneh- Bei diesem Sci-Fi-Film hatte ich mit leuchtet in seinem Film die dunklen men lässt! Dieses Mal gibt es eine Schlaf zu kämpfen. Und das lag nicht Seiten des Netzes und präsentiert mit Rahmenhandlung, die ihn als “Bad etwa daran, dass ich Schlaf nachzuho- seinen drei ineinandergreifenden Ge- Grandpa” gemeinsam mit seinem 8jähri- len hätte. Der Film ist derart träge in- schichten Fälle, die so oder ähnlich gen Enkel quer durch Amerika szeniert, dass es ihm nicht gelingt, den Tag für Tag in Wirklichkeit passieren. reisen lässt, stets auf der Suche nach Zuschauer bei Laune zu halten. Groß- Hier geht es um Mobbing, Betrug und neuen Thrills für die vielen versteckten teile des Films sind nichts anderes als Ausbeutung. Aber es geht auch gleich- Kameras. Seine Scherze als “Dirty Old ein gigantisches Videospiel, in dem sam um Entfrendung von den eigenen Man” zielen dabei natürlich fast immer sich der Protagonist (gespielt von Asa Kindern und auch vom Ehepartner. Das unter die Gürtellinie, man könnte sie “HUGO” Butterfield) ständig von ei- Internet mit seinen vielen Chatrooms durchaus als geschmacklos bezeich- nem Level (hier Dienstgrad genannt) in bietet für viele in solchen Situation nen. Mancher seiner Gags geht dabei den nächst höheren hangelt. Nicht ein- einen idealen Zufluchtsort, an dem man natürlich im wahrsten Sinne des Wor- mal der gesamte tricktechnische Zauber sich mit Gleichgesinnten austauschen tes und auch mit voller Absicht in die vermag in seinen Bann zu ziehen. Ge- kann, Die ständig im Wechsel gezeig- Hose. Da sind dann solche Späße wie schweige denn die Darsteller – die ten Storys steuern allesamt auf einen das sich ständig mitsamt Opa zusam- Kids sind zu jung, um echte Charaktere Höhepunkt zu, an dem sich alles ent- menfaltende Bett oder das riesige Paket zu verkörpern, die Alten zu alt, um lädt – und das großartig in Super Slow mit lebendigem Inhalt, das verschickt noch etwas zu reissen. Immerhin: der Motion und unterlegt mit der Musik werden soll, wirklich noch harmlos. Film ist nicht in 3D, was ihm sofort ei- von Max Richter. DISCONNECT ist Allerdings gibt es durchaus einen nen Zusatzpunkt beschert. 114 Minu- spannend inszeniertes Kino mit einem Grund, sich den Film bis zum Ende an- ten geballte Langeweile – da nützt durchweg überzeugenden Darsteller- zuschauen. Denn genau dort präsen- auch die durchaus interessante ensemble. tiert Knoxville seine Persiflage auf Message des Films leider nichts mehr. LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE, in der er Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2013 seinen Enkelsohn in ein Mädchen- Montag, 21. Oktober 2013 Politischer Zündstoff und hammermäßige kostüm steckt und damit letztendlich Ein Leben im Netz Action für ziemlich verstörte Gesichter im Pu- Die erste Pressevorführung dieser Wo- Recht abwechslungsreich gestaltete blikum sorgt. che beschäftigte sich mit den dunklen sich heute mein betreutes Filme- Seiten des Cyberspace. schauen. Freitag, 18. Oktober 2013 Kindersoldaten DISCONNECT (1:1.85, DD 5.1) INSIDE WIKILEAKS – DIE FÜNFTE Eine Science-Fiction-Verfilmung ließ OT: Disconnect GEWALT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) die Pressewoche heute ausklingen. Verleih: Weltkino OT: The Fifth Estate Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Verleih: Constantin ENDER’S GAME – DAS GROSSE Regie: Henry-Alex Rubin Land/Jahr: USA 2013 SPIEL (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + Atmos) Darsteller: , Hope Davis, Regie: Bill Condon OT: Ender’s Game Frank Grillo , Paula Patton, Andrea Darsteller: Benedict Cumberbatch, Da- Verleih: Constantin Riseborough, Alexander Skarsgård, niel Brühl, Anthony Mackie Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Michael Nyqvist, Max Thieriot, Colin Kinostart: 31.10.2013 Regie: Gavin Hood Ford Darsteller: , Harrison Kinostart: 30.01.2014 Seit es die Enthüllungsplattform Ford, Sir , Wikileaks gibt, ist nichts mehr so wie Kinostart: 24.10.2013 Derek versucht den Tod seines kleinen es einmal war. Dabei hat alles ganz Sohnes beim Online-Gambling zu ver- klein angefangen. Der charismatische Irgendwann in der Zukunft. Die Erde drängen, während Ehefrau Cindy Hilfe und autistische Züge tragende Julian wird von Aliens bedroht. Auf der Su- in Chatforen sucht. Beide werden Opfer Assange rekrutiert in Berlin seinen che nach perfekten Kämpfern macht eines raffinierten Kreditkarten- Kollegen Daniel Domscheit-Berg. Ge- das Militär auch vor Kindern keinen betrügers. Ben gilt als Freak an seiner meinsam wollen sie die Privilegierten Halt, beweisen die doch im Kampf noch Schule und wird unwissend zum Cyber- und Mächtigen dieser Welt überwa-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog chen. Dabei sollen sogenannte ste. Visuelle Effekte dominieren auch aus der Reserve zu locken... Während Whistleblower die Möglichkeit haben, jetzt wieder das Geschehen und ver- der Autofahrt zum Ferienhaus wird ihr Wissen vollkommen anonym publik drängen die Charaktere, die Story ist Duncan von Trent gefragt: “Auf einer zu machen. Das System schlägt ein wie vernachlässigbar. Und wenn man meint, Skala von 1 bis 10 – wie würdest Du eine Bombe... Es bedarf schon eines dass die Endtitel das lang ersehnte Dich da einschätzen?” Nur zögernd relativ guten Nervenkostüms, um die- Ende des Films einläuten: falsch! Es antwortet Duncan mit “6”. “Ich würde sen überlangen Film durchzuhalten. gibt noch eine relativ lange Sequenz Dich mit einer 3 einschätzen”, erwidert Denn so hektisch, wie es darin zugeht, inmitten der Endtitel. So – aber jetzt ist Trent. Damit ist unmissverständlich kann man das als normal gestresster Schluss. Denkste! Ganz am Ende kommt klar: Trent ist ein echter Kotzbrocken! Arbeitsmensch fast nicht ertragen. Da- noch eine Sequenz! Und wem das alles Niemand der auch nur ein wenig Inter- bei reflektiert Bill Condon in seiner noch nicht genügt, dem hinterlassen esse am Sohn seiner Freundin hat, wür- wahren Geschichte vermutlich einfach die Macher ganz am Schluss noch die de so etwa sagen. Da wundert es nicht, nur den Rhythmus der Dinge, wie sie überflüssige Botschaft “Thor will dass sich Duncan dem lockeren Owen wirklich abgelaufen sind. Mit dem return”. zuwendet, in dem er alsbald eine Art Internet hat eben auch die Taktzahl Ersatzvater findet. Sam Rockwell spielt extrem zugenommen – insbesondere in Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2013 ihn auf seine gekonnt lässige Art und der Nachrichtenbranche. Bei einem Von Wasserrutschen und Bestien man schließt ihn gleich ins Herz. Entge- derart weltumspannenden Thema fällt Wenn ein Coming-of-Age-Drama gen bisherigen Rollen darf Steve Carell natürlich die deutsche Synchronisation ungebremst auf eine Tierfreundschaft dieses Mal den “Bad Guy” mimen, eine extrem negativ auf. Dieser Film wäre stößt, kann es sich nur um ein Presse- Rolle, die er souverän beherrscht. Liam sicherlich in einer untertitelten Fas- Double-Feature handeln. James schließlich mimt den Außensei- sung vorzuziehen. Zuschauer mit wenig ter Duncan, der in dieser Coming-of- Kenntnis über das Internet werden GANZ WEIT HINTEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Age-Geschichte Selbstvertrauen ent- Probleme haben, die im Film gezeigte OT: The Way, Way Back wickeln darf, sehr überzeugend. GANZ Technik zu verstehen. Die ist selbst für Verleih: Fox WEIT HINTEN ist kein großer Film, etablierte Nutzer nicht immer leicht Land/Jahr: USA 2013 sondern einer der leisen Töne. Und das nachzuvollziehen. Passend dazu wer- Regie: Nat Faxon, Jim Rash tut zur Abwechslung mal richtig gut. den natürlich die Wikileaks-Gründer als Darsteller: Steve Carell, Sam Rockwell, waschechte “Nerds” porträtiert. Voll- Liam James, AnnaSophia Robb, Aman- BELLE & SEBASTIAN (1:2.35, 5.1) kommen unpassend dazu wird dann da Peet, Toni Collette OT: Belle Et Sébastien noch eine halbherzige Liebesgeschich- Kinostart: 05.12.2013 Verleih: Ascot Elite (Paramount) te eingebaut, die wohl ein Zugeständ- Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 nis an weibliche Zuschauer darstellen Duncan hat eine Menge Probleme. Regie: Nicolas Vanier soll. Nicht nur steckt der introvertierte Darsteller: Felix Bossuet, Tchéky 14jährige gerade mitten im schwierigen Karyo, Margaux Chatelier THOR – THE DARK KINGDOM Alter, auch sein Vater hat sich von der Kinostart: 19.12.2013 (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) Mutter getrennt, um sich mit einer Jün- OT: Thor: The Dark World geren zu vergnügen. Auch Mama hat Die französischen Alpen 1943. Wäh- Verleih: Walt Disney wieder etwas Neues angefangen. Und rend die Nazis in den kleinen Bergdör- Land/Jahr: USA 2013 so sitzt Trent zusammen mit seiner älte- fern schwadronieren, um Fluchthelfer Regie: ren Schwester und seiner Mutter im dingfest zu machen, die Juden über die Darsteller: Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Auto von Mamas neuem Freund Trent. Grenze in die Schweiz bringen, suchen Portman, Kat Dennings Ihr Ziel: Trents Ferienhaus in den der kleine Sebastian und sein Ersatz- Kinostart: 31.10.2013 Hamptons. Mit Strand und Meer hat Opa Cesar nach der “Bestie”, einem Duncan allerdings gar nichts am Hut. herrenlosen wilden Hund, der angeb- Der böse Malekith und sein Volk der Er möchte lieber alleine sein, zumal er lich Schafe reisst. Dass dem nicht so dunklen Elfen wollen Odins Reich über- Trent nicht leiden kann und auch die ist, erkennt Sebastian, als er der “Be- nehmen und es in Dunkelheit stürzen. Nachbarin extrem anstrengend ist. Nur stie” alleine gegenübersteht. In Wirk- Das ruft natürlich Odins Sohn Thor auf an deren Tochter findet der Teenager lichkeit handelt es sich bei der “Bestie” den Plan, der gemeinsam mit seiner Gefallen, traut sich aber nicht. Bei sei- um eine zahme Hündin. Sebastian Erdenfreundin Jane und seinem zwie- nen einsamen Ausflügen mit dem Fahr- freundet sich heimlich mit ihr an und lichtigen Adoptivbruder Loki Front rad entdeckt er sein eigenes, kleines tauft sie Belle. In einem Versteck will er gegen die Bösen macht... Jetzt darf er Paradies: die Water Wizz Badewelt! sie vor ihren Häschern schützen. Das wieder seinen Hammer schwingen: Und mehr noch: in dem unorthodoxen jedoch ist erst der Anfang eines großen Chris Hemsworth alias Thor ist wieder Bademeister Owen findet er einen und gefährlichen Abenteuers... Wenn zurück. Sein zweites Kinoabenteuer ist Freund. Und dem gelingt es sogar mit dieser Film etwas Grandioses hat, dann leider genauso langweilig wie das er- seinem anarchischen Humor, Duncan sind es seine Bilder: die unendlich wei-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ten Täler und die riesigen Berge der tomatisch ergreift man als Zuschauer ihr steckt. Gleiches gilt natürlich auch französischen Alpen werden von Chef- ihre Partei und unterstützt sie zumin- für die Nebenfiguren, die dem typisch kameramann Eric Guichard kinogerecht dest gedanklich bei der Erfüllung ihres Allen’schen Universum entsprungen zu im CinemaScope-Format eingefangen. großen Traums. Schade nur, dass sein scheinen. So gut wie seine Beset- Nicolas Varniers Film ist die Kino- Rensings Film ab und zu recht holprig zung ist der Film selbst leider nicht. adaptation einer gleichnamigen franzö- daherkommt. Dass Beates Kinder ihrer Der Wechsel zwischen den verschiede- sischen Fernsehserie aus den 1960er- Mutter gar nicht zuhören und sie ihr nen Zeitebenen erscheint allzu willkür- Jahren, die wiederum auf einem Kinder- Leben nach den Bedürfnissen ihrer lich, ja fast schon etwas unbeholfen. buch von Cecile Aubry basiert. Dass Kinder ausrichten soll, macht der Film Auch die Kameraarbeit (dieses Mal die Geschichte ausgerechnet in den schon sehr schnell klar. Dass dieses sogar in CinemaScope!) ist an mehr als Wirren des Kriegsjahres 1943 angesie- Thema aber in Folge immer wieder aufs nur einer Stelle etwas holprig geraten. delt ist, könnte kleinere Zuschauer Neue präsentiert wird, erinnert an die Der gute Woody wird doch nicht auf verstören. Möglicherweise wollte man Methode Holzhammer. Es ist so als ob seine alten Tage tatsächlich noch alt dem damit entgegenwirken, dass sich der Zuschauer ständig wieder daran werden? der im Film auftretende Haupt-Nazi am erinnert werden müsste, wie egoistisch Ende als Gutmensch erweist. Aus der doch diese erwachsenen Kinder sind. Montag, 04. November 2013 Sicht des erwachsenen Zuschauers Es gibt auch andere dramaturgische Zwei Brüder und eine Leiche wirkt das jedoch ziemlich aufgesetzt. Schwächen, die den Film als ziemlich Nach einer ganzen Woche ohne eine dick aufgetragen wirken lassen. Das ist einzige Pressevorführung ging es heu- Freitag, 25. Oktober 2013 sehr schade, denn er hätte es wahrlich te endlich wieder rund. Eine Frau die schwimmt und eine Frau die nicht nötig gehabt. Weniger ist manch- trinkt mal mehr. 45 MINUTEN BIS RAMALLAH (1:2.35, Sehr unterschiedliche Frauenfiguren 5.1) dominierten die letzten beiden Filme BLUE JASMINE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Zorro der Pressewoche. OT: Blue Jasmine Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Verleih: Warner Regie: Ali Samadi Ahadi DIE FRAU, DIE SICH TRAUT (1:2.35, Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Darsteller: Karim Saleh, Navid DD 5.1) Regie: Akhavan, Julie Engelbrecht Verleih: Verleih (Warner) Darsteller: Alec Baldwin, Cate Kinostart: 05.12.2013 Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Blanchett, Louis C.K., Regie: Marc Rensing Um seiner Mutter einen Gefallen zu Darsteller: Steffi Kühnert, Jenny Schily, Kinostart: 07.11.2013 tun, reist Rafik von Deutschland aus Christina Hecke zurück in seine Heimat Israel, um an der Kinostart: 12.12.2013 High-Society-Diva Jasmine ist am Hochzeitsfeier seines Brudes Jamal Ende. Nachdem ihre Ehe mit dem rei- teilzunehmen. Dabei kann Rafik weder Beate ist fast 50, berufstätig und Mut- chen Geschäftsmann Hal gescheitert seinen Bruder ausstehen, noch verträgt ter zweier erwachsener Kinder, die sie ist, rettet sie sich mit Psychopharmaka er sich mit seinem Vater. Da passiert ständig brauchen. Als sie eines Tages und Alkohol zu ihrer Schwester Ginger. das Unerwartete: der Vater stirbt wäh- erfährt, dass sie Gebärmutterhalskrebs Die hat sich auch von ihrem Mann ge- rend der Feier. Sein letzter Wunsch: er hat, erzählt sie davon nichts ihren Kin- trennt und bewohnt mit ihren beiden möchte an seinem Geburtsort in der dern, nur ihrer besten Freundin Hanni. Kindern ein Apartment. Gingers neuen Nähe von Ramallah beigesetzt werden. Behandeln lassen will sie sich nicht, Freund klassifiziert die hochnäsige Das aber liegt in den palästinensischen sondern stattdessen sich ihren letzten Jasmine sogleich als Loser. In ihrer Autonomiegebieten. Gemeinsam mit großen Traum erfüllen: die ehemalige Verzweiflung beginnen beide Schwe- seinem Bruder und dem Leichnam des Sportschwimmerin will den Ärmelkanal stern, nach einem Partner Ausschau zu Vaters macht sich Rafik auf, des Vaters durchqueren. Als sie mit einem harten halten, der standesgemäß zu ihnen letzten Wunsch zu erfüllen. Das jedoch Training beginnt, stößt dies bei ihren passt. Doch genau da liegt der Hund erweist sich als extrem kompliziert... Kindern auf komplettes Unverständnis. begraben... Eines muss man Woody Dass man durchaus eine Komödie vor Beate bleibt nur ein Weg, um ihren Allen lassen: er versteht sich wirklich dem Hintergrund der palästinensisch- Traum zu leben: sie muss das Ding al- darauf, seine Darsteller zu Hochform israelischen Spannungen machen kann, leine und ohne Rücksicht auf die Fami- auflaufen zu lassen. In seinem neue- hat Christopher Morris 2010 mit seinem lie durchziehen... Marc Rensings Tragi- sten Regie-Streich gilt das insbesonde- famosen Schelmenstück FOUR LIONS komödie lebt ganz von der sehr über- re für Cate Blanchett, die ständig an hinlänglich bewiesen. Ali Samadi Aha- zeugenden Hauptdarstellerin. Steffi irgendeinem Drink nippt und sich des dis Film ist zwar etwas anders geartet, Kühnert spielt die Frau, die sich traut, Mund fusselig redet. Aber auch Sally doch letztlich zieht auch er dieses so souverän und mit nettem Ostakzent, Hawkins in der Rolle ihrer minderbemit- Spannungsfeld durch den Kakao – al- dass man sie einfach mögen muss. Au- telten Schwester kann zeigen, was in lerdings weitaus langweiliger! Dabei

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog bietet die Story durchaus Potenzial. an die deutsche Produktion heisst es nicht mehr “Machete don’t Warum dieses nicht genutzt wird und FINSTERWORLD. Wurde dort bereits text”, sondern in logischer Fortführung stattdessen ein lautes, überdrehtes, eine Art Bestandsaufnahme über den “Machete don’t tweet!” Die Lacher schwarzhumoriges und teils sperriges Zustand der insbesondere bundesdeut- jedenfalls dürfte Multitalent Robert Etwas in die Kinos geschickt wird, ver- schen Gesellschaft gemacht, so könnte Rodriguez damit auf seiner Seite haben. wundert. man Jarmuschs Film als Bestandsauf- Wie er es im Abspann von MACHETE nahme über den momentanen Zustand bereits angekündigt hat, liefert BLAU IST EINE WARME FARBE der Welt interpretieren. Denn frei nach Rodriguez jetzt mit MACHETE KILLS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) dem Motto “wenn unsere Welt inzwi- den Fortsetzungsfilm ab. Und der Re- OT: La Vie d’Adèle - Chapitre 1& 2 schen derart schlecht geworden ist, gisseur ist seinem Stil durch die Bank Verleih: Alamode (Wild Bunch) dass nicht einmal Vampire überleben treu geblieben und zelebriert Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Belgien, Spani- können, dann dürfte alles schon zu menschenverachtendes Grindhouse- en 2012 spät sein”. Adam und Eve, die beiden Kino – im durchaus positiven Sinn. Regie: Abdellatif Kechiche sich liebenden Vampire, sind hierbei Denn wer sich aus Versehen in diesen Darsteller: Léa Seydoux, Adèle Metaphern für den aktuellen Zustand Film verirrt, der ist hier definitiv fehl Exarchopoulos, Jeremie Laheurte menschlichen Daseins. Wenn man dem am Platz. In einen MACHETE-Film geht Film auch ankreiden muss, dass er sein man nicht aus Versehen, sondern mit Kinostart: 19.12.2013 Thema ziemlich in die Länge zieht (wir ganz klaren Absichten: Splatter-Fun ist sprechen hier von immerhin 123 Minu- angesagt. Schon gleich zu Beginn Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung ten!), so faszinieren auf der anderen schwört Rodriguez seine Fans auf die gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Seite seine Bilder. Und die reflektieren “Coming Attractions” ein (natürlich erst ab 01.12.2013 auf nichts anderes als Trostlosigkeit. Lei- stilecht mit vielen Kratzern und der gelingen dabei Kameramann Yorick Schrammen im Bild): MACHETE KILLS de Saux nur ein einziges Mal Bilder AGAIN...IN SPACE ist der Titel des Dienstag, 05. November 2013 hypnotischer Sogwirkung, nämlich Machwerkes, mit dem Danny Trejo ali- Machete don’t tweet! dann, wenn die Kamera gleich zu Be- as wortkarger, Machete schwingender Wenn Vampire auf Machete treffen, so ginn die Protagonisten von oben filmt Mexikaner seinen Krieg gegen böse kann das nur Eines bedeuten: es gab und sich ständig dabei dreht, immer im Buben im Weltall fortsetzen wird und ein Presse Double-Feature Wechsel mit einer sich ebenso drehen- dabei die heiligen Pfründe der STAR den 45er-Schallplatte. Immerhin: jetzt WARS Jünger mächtig besudelt. Im ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE (1:1.85, bekommt auch endlich das Arthaus- aktuellen Film wird nicht nur der Body DD 5.1) Publikum Vampire zu sehen – wenn Count in die Höhe geschraubt, auch OT: Only Lovers Left Alive auch relativ unblutige. die Anzahl leicht bekleideter Girls mit Verleih: Pandora reichlich Oberweite hat zugenommen. Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Großbritanni- MACHETE KILLS (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Derart pralle Tatsachen schreien förm- en, Frankreich, Zypern 2013 OT: Machete Kills lich nach 3D. Ein Schrei, den Rodriguez Regie: Jim Jarmusch Verleih: Universum Film (Walt Disney) nicht ungehört verstummen lässt und Darsteller: Tom Hiddleston, Mia Land/Jahr: USA 2013 so den 3D-Hype gekonnt persifliert – Wasikowska, , John Hurt, Regie: in 2D. Der Meister schreckt sogar nicht Tilda Swinton Darsteller: Danny Trejo, , davor zurück, die Eröffnungsszene sei- Kinostart: 25.12.2013 Demián Bichir, Michelle Rodriguez, nes Klassikers DESPERADO durch Sofía Vergara, Charlie Sheen, Lady den Kakao zu ziehen (besser müsste es Adam und Eve sind zwei Vampire, die GaGa, Antonio Banderas, Walton hier heissen: durch den Tequila zu zie- sich schon seit Jahrhunderten kennen Goggins, Cuba Gooding Jr. hen). Eines dürfte aber klar sein: wenn und lieben. Beide sind sehr kultiviert Kinostart: 19.12.2013 Gedärme über die laufenden Rotor- und verfügen über immenses Wissen. blätter eines Helikopters geworfen wer- Ihre animalischen Triebe haben sie Im Auftrag der amerikanischen Regie- den, dann darf so etwas natürlich nicht weitgehend unter Kontrolle und ver- rung soll Machete einen schizophrenen jugendfrei sein. Und so ist zu hoffen, sorgen sich mit Blutkonserven. Doch Mexikaner ausschalten, der eine Rakete dass die FSK ein Einsehen mit den Be- ihre Tage scheinen angesichts zuneh- auf Washington abfeuern will. Doch dürfnissen der Rodriguezianer haben mender Blutseuchen und anderer Um- der Auftrag hat einen Haken: der Aus- und den Film nicht unter 18 Jahren zu- weltprobleme gezählt zu sein, die Vorrä- lösemechanismus für die Rakete ist mit lassen wird. Etwas anderes würde die te werden knapp. Präventiv lässt sich dem Herz des Bösen gekoppelt. Stirbt Fangemeinde enttäuschen. Fazit: der musikbegeisterte Adam eine er, geht die Rakete los. War da eben die Rodriguez liefert exakt das, was auf der Pistolenkugel aus Holz anfertigen. Wird Rede von einem Haken? Machete kennt Verpackung steht. Freut Euch! er sie benutzen? In gewisser Weise keine Haken! - Darauf hat die Fan- erinnert Jim Jarmuschs neuestes Werk gemeinde schon lange gewartet. Jetzt Mittwoch, 06. November 2013

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Die Königin der Herzen wahrzunehmen. Allerdings tritt der Film OT: Frozen Das lang erwartete Biopic über die 1997 spätestens nach der Hälfte auf der Verleih: Walt Disney bei einem Unfall ums Leben gekomme- Stelle und entwickelt sich nicht we- Land/Jahr: USA 2013 ne Prinzessin von stand heute sentlich weiter. Regie: Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee auf dem Programm Kinostart: 28.11.2013 Freitag, 08. November 2013 DIANA (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Von falschen Bärten und knallharten Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung OT: Diana Fleischklößen gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Verleih: Concorde Zum Ausklang meiner Pressewoche gab erst ab 19.11.2013 auf Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, USA 2013 es mal wieder einen Film für den Regie: Oliver Hirschbiegel Kinogängernachwuchs. Darsteller: Naomi Watts, Naveen THE COUNSELOR (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Andrews, Douglas Hodge ELLA UND DAS GROSSE RENNEN OT: The Counselor Kinostart: 09.01.2014 (1:2.35, 5.1) Verleih: Fox OT: Ella Ja Kaverit Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung Verleih: Film Kino Text Regie: gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Land/Jahr: Finnland 2012 Darsteller: Michael Fassbender, erst ab 01.12.2013 auf Regie: Taneli Mustonen Penélope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Javier Darsteller: Freja Teijonsalo, Jyry Bardem, Brad Pitt Kortelainen, Artturi Auvinen Kinostart: 28.11.2013 Donnerstag, 07. November 2013 Kinostart: 25.12.2013 Ein Blinder unter Blinden Um sich und seiner zukünftigen Ehe- Mit den Ohren hören – unser heutiges Weil ein durchgedrehter Rennfahrer frau ein luxuriöses Leben zu ermögli- Thema in der Pressevorführung. eine neue Rennbahn bauen will, soll chen, lässt sich ein Anwalt an der ame- die kleine Schule, in der Ella und ihre rikanisch-mexikanischen Grenze auf IMAGINE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Freund unterrichtet werden, abgerissen einen großangelegten Drogendeal ein. OT: Imagine werden. Die Erwachsenen sind absolut Als jedoch der Drogenkurier abgefan- Verleih: Neue Visionen machtlos gegen den Durchsetzungs- gen wird und die heisse Ware in dunkle Land/Jahr: Polen, Frankreich, Portugal, willen des Rennfahrers. Doch der hat Kanäle verschwindet, sieht er sich dem Großbritannien 2012 nicht mit dem Engagement der kleinen mächtigen Drogenkartell ausgeliefert. Regie: Andrzej Jakimowski Schüler gerechnet... Nachdem die Und das fordert Blutzoll... Dass man Darsteller: Edward Hogg, Alexandra “Ella”-Bücher von Timo Parvela sogar einen Thriller nicht zwangsläufig mit Maria Lara, David Atrakchi auf dem deutschen Markt Bestseller brachialer Action inszenieren muss, Kinostart: 02.01.2014 sind, war es nur eine Frage der Zeit, sondern insbesondere auch leise Töne dass eine Verfilmung ins Kino kommt. als Spannungskatalysator dienen kön- Der blinde Engländer Ian kommt als Taneli Mustonen hat sie geschaffen nen, beweist Ridley Scott mit seinem Lehrer für räumliche Orientierung an und damit einen zielgruppengerechten neuen Film. Er stellt Dialoge in den eine Augenklinik in Lissabon. Mit sei- Film abgeliefert, der alles hat, was Mittelpunkt und porträtiert dadurch die nen unorthodoxen Lehrmethoden stößt Kinderherzen höher schlagen lässt: Charaktere, die allesamt irgendwie mit- er nicht nur bei seinen Vorgesetzten, Spannung, Humor und jede Menge Ac- einander in Beziehung stehen. Dass sondern auch bei seinen Schülern auf tion mit falschen Bärten und knallhar- alles böse enden wird, ist einem zwar Skepsis. Weil er sich immer ohne Blin- ten Fleischklößen. Und wenn wie im schnell klar, doch bleibt bis zuletzt of- denstock bewegt, glauben diese sogar, vorliegenden Fall die Kinder um den fen, wer mit dem Leben davonkommt dass er ein Schwindler ist und in Wirk- Erhalt ihrer kleinen Schule kämpfen, und wer nicht. Als besonderen Clou lichkeit sehen kann. Nur die schöne dann gibt das dem Ganzen sogar noch hat Scott Hollywood-Aktrice Cameron Eva vertraut ihm voll und ganz... Mit einen pädagogisch wertvollen An- Diaz dieses Mal ganz entgegen ihren Zungenschnalzen und Händeklatschen strich. sonstigen Rollen besetzt. Brad Pitt hin- kann man ganz schön weit kommen. gegen ist in einer Nebenrolle zu sehen, Eindrucksvoll demonstriert Andrzej Dienstag, 12. November 2013 die er in ähnlicher Weise bereits in Jakimowski in seinem Film, wie sich Erst eisig, dann heiss KILLING THEM SOFTLY ablieferte. blinde Menschen mit Hilfe ihrer Ohren Mit dem Output des ersten Presse- Der großartig photographierte Film orientieren können. Immer wieder be- Doppels in dieser Woche war ich sehr schreckt dabei jedoch auch vor einigen weist Lehrer Ian seinen großen und zufrieden krassen Szenen nicht zurück – schließ- kleinen Schülern, das man nur genau lich hat ja das Drogenkartell die Finger hinhören muss, um sich ohne Stock DIE EISKÖNIGIN – VÖLLIG UNVER- im Spiel. THE COUNSELOR ist span- drinnen wir auch draußen zurechtzufin- FROREN (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + nende Unterhaltung bis zum Schluss. den und selbst die kleinsten Details Atmos)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Donnerstag, 14. November 2013 auch therapeutische Wirkung für die ist ganz sicher nicht der erste Film über Tanzen mit dem Feind Kinder. Hilla Medalie ist mit DANCING einen Künstler und seine Muse, aber In den heutigen Filmen ging es um Völ- IN JAFFA ein ebenso emotionaler wie es könnte der erste in Schwarzweiß kerverständigung und ungewollte Va- mitreißender Dokumentarfilm gelungen. sein. Kameramann Daniel Vilar versteht terschaften es aber einen Film auch ohne Farbe DER LIEFERHELD – UNVERHOFFT bunt aussehen zu lassen. Die sehr äs- DANCING IN JAFFA (1:1.85, 5.1) KOMMT OFT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) thetisch komponierten CinemaScope- OT: Dancing In Jaffa OT: Delivery Man Bilder passen hervorragend zum Thema Verleih: MFA Verleih: Constantin des Films, in dem es unter anderem Land/Jahr: USA, Israel 2013 Land/Jahr: USA 2013 auch um Perfektion geht, die nicht er- Regie: Hilla Medalia Regie: Ken Scott reichbar zu sein scheint. Mit Jean Kinostart: 16.01.2014 Darsteller: Vince Vaughn, Chris Pratt, Rochefort in der Rolle des Bildhauers Cobie Smulders und Aida Folch als dessen Pierre Dulaine ist ein international ge- Kinostart: 05.12.2013 Inspirationsquelle ist Truebas Film feierter Tanzstar. Geboren in Jaffa in perfekt besetzt. als Israel kehrt der als Tanzlehrer arbeiten- Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung des Meisters Gemahlin spielt hier nur de Dulaine jetzt zum ersten Mal seit gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film eine untergeordnete Rolle. DAS MÄD- seiner Ausreise in den 1940er-Jahren erst ab 22.11.2013 auf CHEN UND DER KÜNSTLER ist ein wieder in seine Heimatstadt zurück – Film der leisen Töne, in dem der Regis- mit einem ungewöhnlichen Projekt im seur nach eigenem Bekunden große Koffer. Frei nach dem Motto “Tanzen Freitag, 15. November 2013 Themenkomplexe wie Leben und Tod, verbindet” möchte er israelisch-jüdi- Wen die Muse küsst Jugend und Alter, Schönheit in Zeiten schen und israelisch-palästinensischen Ja ist denn schon wieder Wochenende? des Grauens, Sinn und Notwendigkeit Schulkindern Tanzunterricht geben. Tatsächlich – keine weiteren Presse- von Kunst und der Suche nach der Nicht etwa getrennt – ganz im Gegen- vorführungen im Terminkalender. Schönheit behandelt. teil: die durch religiöse und politische Umstände zu Feinden gewordenen Kin- DAS MÄDCHEN UND DER KÜNST- der beider Lager sollen miteinander LER (1:2.35, 5.1) tanzen! Regisseurin Hilla Medalia hat OT: El Artista Y La Modelo Pierre Dulaine bei seiner schwierigen Verleih: Camino (Filmagentinnen) Mission begleitet. Noch bevor die bei- Land/Jahr: Spanien 2012 den Lager zusammengeführt werden, Regie: Fernando Trueba gilt es zunächst innerhalb jeden Lagers Darsteller: Jean Rochefort, Aida Folch, die kleinen Schüler davon zu überzeu- Claudia Cardinale gen, dass ein Junge mit einem Mäd- Kinostart: 25.12.2013 chen zusammen tanzen darf, dass sie sich gegenseitig berühren dürfen. Da- Es ist der Sommer des Jahres 1943. für muss Dulaine auch die Eltern über- Frankreich ist von deutschen Truppen zeugen. Durch seine Art und Weise, mit besetzt. Zurückgezogen lebt der Bild- den Kindern umzugehen, gelingt es hauer Marc Cros zusammen mit seiner Dulaine, deren Vertrauen zu gewinnen. Frau in einem kleinen Dorf am Rande Vertrauen ist auch die Basis für ein der Pyrenäen nahe der spanischen Miteinander auf der Tanzfläche. Hilla Grenze. Eines Tages bringt seine Frau Medalia hat für ihren Film zwei Paare die 20-jährige Mercè mit nach Hause, herausgepickt, die sie genauer beob- die sie im Dorf aufgelesen hat. Cros achtet. So erfahren wir als Zuschauer bietet der aus einem Lager Geflohenen von deren Lebensumständen und ihren eine Unterkunft und Verpflegung an, Problemen, können eine Beziehung zu wenn sie ihm dafür Modell steht. ihnen aufbauen. Pierre Dulaines Mercè willigt ein. In seinem in den Hü- Schulprojekt hat nicht nur die friedli- geln gelegenen Atelier beginnt der che Koexistenz der beiden Völker- Künstler mit der Arbeit. Mercè wird zu gruppen zum Ziel, sondern gleichzeitig seiner Muse... Fernando Truebas Film

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

AV Visionen( House) 31.01.2014 Intergroove Media(Picture Lake) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056598 06.12.2013 Animation 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056783 Arcana Famiglia 3 (Blu-ray) Aaahh!!! - Die komplette La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia Doc McStuffins - Spielzeugärztin, Dir. Chiaki Kon Serie (8 Discs) Vol. 2: Lass dich untersuchen Booklet, Rezepte, Hintergrundinfo Tarot Doc McStuffins Aaahh!!! Real Monsters Fantasy/Zeichentrick 125min. Kiara Muhammad, Lara Jill Miller, Robbie Dir. Gabor Csupo, Peter Gaffney AV Visionen(Anime House) 31.01.2014 Rist, Loretta Devine, Caitlin Carmichael, Magnetkarte, Postkarten, Poster, Sticker 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056610 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1994-1998 min. Jess Harnell Turbine Media Group 06.12.2013 Astonishing X-Men Box (4 Discs) Zeichentrick/Fantasy min. The Walt Disney Company () 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056863 Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous / GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Astonishing X-Men: Gifted / Astonishing 05.12.2013 Abenteuer mit Telemekel und X-Men: Torn / Astonishing X-Men: 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056542 Teleminchen (2 Discs) Unstoppable Albrecht Roser, Ina von Vacano - Dir. Elisa- Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 278min. Dora - Schnipp Schnapp Haare beth Schwarz AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) Portrait Albrecht Roser 29.11.2013 ab Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1961-1968 min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056510 Dora The Explorer Pidax film media(SWR) 15.11.2013 Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056339 Astonishing X-Men Box (4 Discs) Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong Bonusepisode Alfred J. Kwak - Vol. 1 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 117min. Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous / Alfred Jodocus Kwak Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 Astonishing X-Men: Gifted / Astonishing Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1990 325min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056377 X-Men: Torn / Astonishing X-Men: Universal Music Family Unstoppable Entertainment(Karussell) 11.10.2013 Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 289min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056106 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) How To Train Your Dragon 29.11.2013 Alfred J. Kwak - Vol. 2 (2 Discs) Dir. Dean Deblois, Christopher Sanders 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056530 Alfred Jodocus Kwak Trickfilm/Fantasy 2010 98min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1990 325min. Die Biene Maja - DVD 07 Paramount Home Universal Music Family Entertainment(DreamWorks) 07.11.2013 Dir. Daniel Duda, Mario von Jascheroff Entertainment(Karussell) 11.10.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056747 (Dialogregie dt. Synchro) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056107 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 82min. Dragons - Die Reiter von Berk, Angelina Ballerina - Die Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) 03.01.2014 Vol. 2 Talentshow 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056931 Dragons: Riders Of Berk Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps Dir. Anthony Bell, John Sanford, John Eng, Dir. Davis Doi Die Biene Maja - DVD 08 Louie del Carmen, Joe Sichta Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 60min. Dir. Daniel Duda, Mario von Jascheroff Featurettes Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 120min. Sony Music Strategic Entertainment (Dialogregie dt. Synchro) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Division(Europa) 22.11.2013 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 70min. Germany(DreamWorks) 12.12.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056582 Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056292 03.01.2014 Toons - Season 1, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056932 Volume 1 Drawn Together - Staffel drei (2 Bob der Baumeister - Flitzers Discs) Zeichentrick 70min. Schneeabenteuer Drawn Together Dir. Dave Jeser, Matthew Silverstein, Bill Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Bob The Builder Freiberger 03.12.2013 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 50min. Zeichentrick/Komödie 2004-2008 300min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056142 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment polyband Medien GmbH 29.11.2013 Division(Europa) 22.11.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056419 Angry Birds Toons - Season 1, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056585 Volume 1 (Blu-ray) DreamWorks Holiday Collection Angry Birds Toons Btooom Vol. 1 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. Zeichentrick 73min. Btooom Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Dir. Kotono Watanabe Germany 29.11.2013 03.12.2013 Action min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056309 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056178 AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.11.2013 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056600 Anja und die vier Jahreszeiten Eden of the East - Die komplette Sekai Meisaku Dôwa: Mori Wa Ikiteiru Btooom Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Serie (3 Discs) Dir. Kimio Yabuki Btooom Higashi No Eden Featurette Dir. Kotono Watanabe Dir. Kenji Kamiyama Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1980 65min. Action min. Drama/Zeichentrick 2009 237min. Intergroove Media(Picture Lake) AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.11.2013 Universum Film(Universum Anime) 13.12.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056612 22.11.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056782 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056579 Däumelinchen Arcana Famiglia 3 Oyayubihime Ernest & Célestine La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia Dir. Yugo Serikawa Ernest Et Célestine Dir. Chiaki Kon Featurette Dir. Vincent Patar, Stéphane Aubier, Benja- Booklet, Rezepte, Hintergrundinfo Tarot Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1978 61min. min Renner Fantasy/Zeichentrick 120min. Making of, Trailer

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Trickfilm 2012 79min. Go Wild! Mission Wildnis - Folge Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2010 75min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 03.12.2013 1 Kroko-Kinder Universum Film(Universum Kids) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056481 06.12.2013 Wild Kratts 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056625 Ernest & Célestine (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 22.11.2013 Ernest Et Célestine Karlsson vom Dach - Die komplet- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056870 Dir. Vincent Patar, Stéphane Aubier, Benja- te Serie (4 Discs) min Renner Go Wild! Mission Wildnis - Folge Karlsson Pa Taket Making of, Trailer Dir. Michael Ekbladh Trickfilm 2012 80min. 2 Der Flug der Drachenechse Zeichentrick 2002 615min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 03.12.2013 Wild Kratts MORE Music and Media(More Brands and 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056523 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Products) 29.11.2013 Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 22.11.2013 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056838 Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056871 Redo (Blu-ray) Happy Fish 2 - High-Alarm im Kein Keks für Kobolde - Der Film Evangerion Shin Gekijôban: Kyu The Woodlies Movie Dir. Hideaki Anno, Mahiro Maeda Hochwasser Dir. Alex Stadermann Trailer, Teaser, Promoreels, TV-Spots, Booklet 2: High Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 71min. Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2012 95min. Dir. Mark A.Z. Dippé, Taedong Park Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Universum Film(Universum Anime) Wendecover, Trailer 10.01.2014 13.12.2013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 87min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056790 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056352 Atlas Film Home Entertainment 29.11.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056581 Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) Die kleine Hexe Happy Fish 2 - High-Alarm im Dir. Albrecht Roser Redo (Special Edition, Steelbook) Booklet, Featurette Evangerion Shin Gekijôban: Kyu Hochwasser (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1969 99min. Dir. Hideaki Anno, Mahiro Maeda Reef 2: High Tide Pidax film media(Pidax film) 06.12.2013 Trailer, Teaser, Promoreels, TV-Spots, Booklet Dir. Mark A.Z. Dippé, Taedong Park 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056660 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2012 91min. Wendecover, Trailer Universum Film(Universum Anime) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 90min. Der kleine König - Abenteuer im 13.12.2013 Atlas Film Home Entertainment 29.11.2013 Schloss 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056338 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056607 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 46min. Ferdy - Ferdys Abenteuer, Staffel Horseland - Staffel 2 (6 Discs) Universal Music Family Entertainment(Karussell) 15.11.2013 Horseland 5 (2 Discs) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056538 Ferdy Dir. Karen Hyden Dir. Ralph Newman Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006-2008 240min. Der kleine Tiger Daniel - Daniels Edel Germany(Panini) 08.11.2013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1985 200min. Geburtstag VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.11.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056195 Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056696 Hotel Transsilvanien (Steelbook) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 70min. Ferdy - Ferdys Abenteuer: Die (Blu-ray) Universal Music Family Entertainment(Karussell) 29.11.2013 komplette Serie (14 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056841 Ferdy Dir. Genndy Tartakovsky Dir. Ralph Newman Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 92min. Der kleine Tiger Daniel - Daniels Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1985 1328min. Geburtstag VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.11.2013 09.01.2014 Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056698 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056743 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 70min. Freedom Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich / Universal Music Family Entertainment(Karussell) 29.11.2013 The Illusionauts Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich 2 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056843 Dir. Eduardo Schuldt (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D, 4 Discs) Trailer Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 82min. (Blu-ray) Die kleine Zauberflöte MIG Film 16.01.2014 Despicable Me / Dir. Curt Linda tba BestellNr.: 20056116 Dir. Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud Trickfilm 1997 60min. Kurzfilme, Featurettes, Games-Vorschau, iPhone App , BD- MFA+ Film Distribution 19.11.2013 Live, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Audiokommentar 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056284 Freedom Force (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Trickfilm/Komödie 2010-2013 193min. ray) Germany(Universal) Kung Fu Panda (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- The Illusionauts 16.01.2014 Dir. Eduardo Schuldt 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056719 ray) Trailer Kung Fu Panda Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 85min. Illumination Entertainment Mini- Dir. Mark Osborne, John Stevenson MIG Film 16.01.2014 Movie Collection Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen tba BestellNr.: 20056170 Trickfilm/Komödie 2008 92min. Illumination Entertainment Mini-Movie Paramount Home Der gestiefelte Kater (Blu-ray 3D) Collection Entertainment(DreamWorks) 07.11.2013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056750 (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Puss In Boots 28.11.2013 Kung Fu Panda 2 (Blu-ray 3D) Dir. Chris Miller 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056201 Featurettes, Trivia Track, Entfallene Szenen, Spiele (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 91min. JoNaLu - DVD 1 Kung Fu Panda 2 Paramount Home Dir. Jennifer Nelson Dir. Nina Wels, Konrad Weise, Anja Hans- Entertainment(DreamWorks) 07.11.2013 Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar mann 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056748 Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 94min. Sing Along Paramount Home

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Entertainment(DreamWorks) 07.11.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056753 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981 1291min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056751 Universum Film(Universum Kids) Meine Freundin Conni - Conni in 13.12.2013 Kung Fu Panda: Legenden mit den Bergen tba BestellNr.: 20056732 Fell und Fu - Der Stich der Dir. Henning Windelband, Harald Schröder Skorpionin Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011-2012 45min. One Piece Z One Piece Film Z Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Dir. Tatsuya Nagamine Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 150min. Division(Europa) 22.11.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056587 Poster, Fanbook Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2012 104min. Germany(DreamWorks) 12.12.2013 Mike, der Ritter... und der AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.11.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056294 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056599 Schneedrache LEGO - Der Film: Vereini- Mike The Knight One Piece Z (Blu-ray) gung der DC Superhelden Dir. Neil Affleck One Piece Film Z Lego Batman: The Movie - DC Super Trickfilm/Abenteuer 50min. Dir. Tatsuya Nagamine Heroes Unite Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Poster, Fanbook Dir. Jon Burton Division(Europa) 22.11.2013 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2012 108min. Dokumentation, Kurzfilm, u.a. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056589 AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.11.2013 Trickfilm/Zeichentrick 2013 68min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056611 Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 Mofy - Abenteuer im 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056655 Baumwolland: Der Fremde Peter Pan 01 Mofy Les Nouvelles Aventures De Peter Pan Madagascar 3: Flucht durch Euro- Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 35min. Dir. Augusto Zanovello pa (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 06.12.2013 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 66min. Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056873 Universal Music Family Dir. Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath, Conrad Entertainment(Karussell) 11.10.2013 Vernon Mofy - Abenteuer im 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056134 Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Musikvideo, Audiokommentar Baumwolland: Schöne Geschen- Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 94min. Peter Pan 02 Paramount Home ke Les Nouvelles Aventures De Peter Pan Entertainment(DreamWorks) 07.11.2013 Mofy Dir. Augusto Zanovello 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056754 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 35min. Trickfilm/Abenteuer 66min. Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 06.12.2013 Universal Music Family Madly Madagascar 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056872 Entertainment(Karussell) 11.10.2013 Madly Madagascar 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056135 Kurzfilme Monster und Aliens (Blu-ray 3D) Trickfilm 2013 21min. (Blu-ray) Peter Pan 03 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Monsters Vs. Aliens Les Nouvelles Aventures De Peter Pan Germany(DreamWorks) 31.01.2014 Dir. Rob Letterman, Conrad Vernon Dir. Augusto Zanovello 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056693 Zwei 3D-Brillen, Bonusfolge, Featurette, Quiz, Sing-Along, Trickfilm/Abenteuer 66min. Entfallene Szenen Universal Music Family Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 95min. Der Mann der 1000 Wunder Entertainment(Karussell) 11.10.2013 Paramount Home The Miracle Maker 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056136 Dir. Stanislaw Sokolow, Derek Hayes Entertainment(DreamWorks) 07.11.2013 Making of (englisch), Interviews 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056752 Pippi Langstrumpf in der Südsee Zeichentrick 2000 87min. Pippi I Söderhavet Koch Media(Black Hill Pictures) 06.12.2013 My Little Pony - Weihnachten im Dir. Paul Riley 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056617 Ponyland Zeichentrick 1999 74min. My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas Marvel Knights Box (4 Discs) MORE Entertainment Rights(More Music) Dir. Victor Dal Chele 29.11.2013 Black Panther / Iron Man: Extremis / Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005 44min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056844 Spider-Woman: Agent of S.W.O.R.D / Thor justbridge entertainment media 08.11.2013 and Loki: Blood Brothers 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056129 Planes Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 322min. Planes AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) - Die komplette Staffel 4 Dir. Klay Hall 29.11.2013 (4 Discs) Featurettes 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056511 Naruto Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 88min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Marvel Knights Box (4 Discs) (Blu- Dir. Jeff Nimoy Storyboards, Bildergalerie, Trailer GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail ray) Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2002-2007 588min. 09.01.2014 Black Panther / Iron Man: Extremis / KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 11.11.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056726 Spider-Woman: Agent of S.W.O.R.D / Thor 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056370 and Loki: Blood Brothers Planes (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 322min. Naruto - Die komplette Staffel 5 (Blu-ray) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) (5 Discs) Planes 29.11.2013 Naruto Dir. Klay Hall 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056531 Dir. Jeff Nimoy Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Storyboards, Bildergalerie, Trailer Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 92min. Megamind (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2002-2007 655min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Megamind KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 29.11.2013 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Dir. Tom McGrath 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056363 09.01.2014 Audiokommentar, Kurzfilm, Featurettes, Entfernte Szenen, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056736 Trailer Nils Holgersson - Komplettbox (9 Trickfilm/Komödie 2010 96min. Planes (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Discs) Planes Entertainment(DreamWorks) 07.11.2013 Dir. Hisajuki Toriumi

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Dir. Klay Hall Booklet, „O-Mamori“-Glücksbringer (Blu-ray) Action/Zeichentrick 104min. Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Shrek / Shrek 2 / Shrek The Third / Shrek Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 92min. FilmConfect Home Entertainment 01.11.2013 Forever After The Walt Disney Company (Germany) tba BestellNr.: 20056117 Trickfilm/Komödie 2001-2010 368min. GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Paramount Home 09.01.2014 Samurai Girls 2 - Vol. 2 Samurai Entertainment(DreamWorks) 07.11.2013 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056735 Bride (Collector’s Edition) (Blu- 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056749 Pokémon 1-3 (3 Discs) ray) Hyakka Ryoran: Samurai Girls - Die komplette Pokémon Booklet, „O-Mamori“-Glücksbringer Season 16 (4 Discs) Zeichentrick 276min. Action/Zeichentrick 104min. The Simpsons Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) FilmConfect Home Entertainment 01.11.2013 Dir. Mark Kirkland, Steven Dean Moore 14.11.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20056171 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056855 Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Bonus-Episode Zeichentrick/Satire 2004-2005 min. Die Schlümpfe - Komplettbox Pokémon 4-6 (3 Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (Collector’s Edition, 43 Discs) Germany 12.12.2013 Pokémon 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056290 Zeichentrick 279min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 5976min. The Simpsons - Die komplette 14.11.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056856 Season 16 (Limited Edition, 07.11.2013 Collector’s Box, 4 Discs) 209,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056145 Professor Balthazar - Staffel The Simpsons 4.1(Folge 1-10) Die Schneekönigin Dir. Mark Kirkland, Steven Dean Moore Professor Balthazar Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Bonus-Episode Snezhnaya Koroleva Zeichentrick/Satire 2004-2005 min. Dir. Boris Kolar, Ante Zaninovic, Zlatko Dir. Vladlen Barbe, Maksim Sveshnikov Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Grgic Trickfilm/Fantasy 2012 73min. Germany 12.12.2013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1967 49min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056291 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056262 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056278 SimsalaGrimm 19 - Der Meister- Die Schneekönigin (Blu-ray 3D) dieb / Die sechs Schwäne Professor Balthazar - Staffel (Blu-ray) 4.2(Folge 11 - 20) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1999 50min. Snezhnaya Koroleva Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Professor Balthazar Dir. Vladlen Barbe, Maksim Sveshnikov Division(Greenligth) 22.11.2013 Dir. Boris Kolar, Ante Zaninovic, Zlatko Trickfilm/Fantasy 2012 76min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056592 Grgic Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1967 50min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056321 SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Ex- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 03.12.2013 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056586 Die Schneekönigin (Blu-ray) trem-Kah-rah-teh Spongebob Squarepants Snezhnaya Koroleva The Raccoons Specials Bonusepisode Dir. Vladlen Barbe, Maksim Sveshnikov Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 94min. The Raccoons Trickfilm/Fantasy 2012 76min. Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1985-1992 120min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056733 MORE Entertainment Rights(More Music) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056320 29.11.2013 Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Die 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056846 Die Schwanenprinzessin und die komplette erste Staffel (3 Discs) Sailor Moon - Box 1 (6 Discs) fabelhafte Königsfamilie (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 80min. Bishôjo Senshi Sêrâ Mûn Star Wars: The Clone Wars Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Dir. Junichi Sato, Kunihiko Ikuhara Dir. Dave Filoni, Rob Coleman Booklet, Sticker 27.02.2014 Featurettes Zeichentrick/Action 1992-1993 575min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056979 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2008-2009 AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.11.2013 500min. 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056651 Sengoku Basara - Samurai Kings Warner Home Video Germany 21.10.2013 2 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056429 Sailor Moon - Box 2 (6 Discs) Sengoku Basara Bishôjo Senshi Sêrâ Mûn Dir. Itsuro Kawasaki Sword Art Online, Vol. 2 (2 Discs) Dir. Junichi Sato, Kunihiko Ikuhara Booklet, Sammelfiguren Sword Art Online Booklet, Sticker Action/Zeichentrick 2009 294min. Dir. Tomohiko Ito Zeichentrick/Action 1992-1993 575min. FilmConfect Home Entertainment 2 Bonus-Episoden, Postkarten AV Visionen(Kazé) 31.01.2014 06.12.2013 Trickfilm/Action 175min. tba BestellNr.: 20056652 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056882 AV Visionen(Peppermint) 29.11.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056650 Samurai Girls 2 - Samurai Bride Sengoku Basara - Samurai Kings Vol. 3 (Collector’s Edition) (Blu- 2 (3 Discs) Sword Art Online, Vol. 2 (2 Discs) ray) Sengoku Basara (Blu-ray) Hyakka Ryoran: Samurai Girls Dir. Itsuro Kawasaki Sword Art Online Booklet, Bescgützer-Stein Booklet, Sammelfiguren Dir. Tomohiko Ito Action/Zeichentrick 2010 100min. Action/Zeichentrick 2009 286min. 2 Bonus-Episoden, Postkarten FilmConfect Home Entertainment 29.11.2013 FilmConfect Home Entertainment Trickfilm/Action 183min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056712 06.12.2013 AV Visionen(Peppermint) 29.11.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056862 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056673 Samurai Girls 2 - Vol. 2 Samurai Bride (Collector’s Edition) Shrek - Die komplette Geschich- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Hyakka Ryoran: Samurai Girls te, Teil 1-4 (Blu-ray 3D, 4 Discs) Gesamt Edition (22 Discs)

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Edel:Kids 29.11.2013 Robinson Crusoe Bildergalerie, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056876 Dobrodruzství Robinsona Crusoe, Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986-1996 Námorníka Z Yorku 3798min. Transformers: Rescue Bots - Dir. Stanislav Látal KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 29.11.2013 Weihnachten im Juli, Folge 3 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1982 96min. 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056366 Transformers: Rescue Bots Pidax film media(Pidax film) 22.11.2013 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Dir. Frank Molieri 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056411 Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 60min. Kraang Invasion Edel:Kids 29.11.2013 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056875 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986-1996 154min. Film Paramount Home Unser Sandmännchen und seine Entertainment() 07.11.2013 Freunde - Klassiker 9 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056382 Dir. Gerhard Behrendt [Rec]² / [Rec]³ Génesis (2 Discs) Thomas und seine Freunde - Kö- Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1958 57min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Sony Music Strategic Entertainment [Rec]² / [Rec]³ Génesis nig der Schienen Division(rbb) 01.11.2013 Jonathan Mellor, Manuela Velasco (Ángela Thomas The Tank Engine & 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056073 Vidal), Óscar Zafra, Leticia Dolera, Javier Dir. David Mitton Botet (Niña Medeiros), Diego Martín - Dir. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1984-2012 50min. Waiting in the Summer - Box 1 Jaume Balagueró, Paco Plaza Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Ano Natsu De Matteru Horror 2009-2012 min. Division(Europa) 22.11.2013 Komödie min. Universum Film 03.01.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056594 AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.11.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056963 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056601 Tickety Toc - Teil 1 [Rec]² / [Rec]³ Génesis (2 Discs) Tickety Toc Waiting in the Summer - Box 1 (k.J.) Dir. Gil Hoon Jung (Blu-ray) [Rec]² / [Rec]³ Génesis Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 80min. Ano Natsu De Matteru Jonathan Mellor, Manuela Velasco (Ángela justbridge entertainment media 08.11.2013 Komödie min. Vidal), Óscar Zafra, Leticia Dolera, Javier 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056123 AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.11.2013 Botet (Niña Medeiros), Diego Martín - Dir. Tickety Toc - Teil 2 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056613 Jaume Balagueró, Paco Plaza Horror 2009-2012 min. Tickety Toc Wendy - Der sechste Sinn Universum Film 03.01.2014 Dir. Gil Hoon Jung Wendy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056949 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 80min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 50min. justbridge entertainment media 08.11.2013 Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 08.11.2013 10.5 Apokalypse - Das Ende ist 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056124 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056197 gekommen (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) 10.5: Apocalypse Timmy das Schäfchen - Timmys Wendy - Pferdeklau Überraschungskiste Kim Delaney, Beau Bridges, Oliver Hudson, Wendy Frank Langella, Melissa Sue Anderson, Timmy Time Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 50min. Dean Cain, Carly Pope, David Cubitt, Tyrone Dir. Jackie Cockle Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 08.11.2013 Benskin - Dir. John Lafia Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009-2011 50min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056198 Action/Drama 2006 169min. Sony Music Strategic Entertainment justbridge entertainment media 08.11.2013 Division(Europa) 22.11.2013 Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleisch- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056172 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056595 bällchen 2 Tom und Jerry - Ein gigantisches Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 112 - Sie retten dein Leben, Vol. Dir. Cody Cameron, Kris Pearn Abenteuer 2 (2 Discs) Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 91min. Action min. Tom And Jerry’s Giant Adventure Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Universum Film(RTL video) 13.12.2013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2013 54min. 27.02.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056627 Warner Home Video Germany 24.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056977 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056895 12 Hunde zum Weihnachtsfest Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleisch- Tom und Jerry - Ein gigantisches The 12 Of Christmas II bällchen 2 (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray Sean Patrick Flanery, D.B. Sweeney, Abenteuer (Blu-ray) 2D) (Blu-ray) Danielle Ryan Chuchran, Alli Simpson, Dar- Tom And Jerry’s Giant Adventure Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 ren Ewing, Alisha Mullally, Angella , Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2013 57min. Dir. Cody Cameron, Kris Pearn Gillian Foreman, Skyler Holman, Carlos A. Warner Home Video Germany 24.01.2014 Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 95min. Cabarcas - Dir. Kieth Merrill 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056915 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Komödie/Familie 2012 90min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 01.11.2013 Transformers Prime, Folge 11 - 27.02.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056987 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056193 Die Omega-Schlüssel Transformers Prime Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleisch- 186 Dollars to Freedom Dir. David Hartman, Todd Waterman bällchen 2 (Blu-ray) 186 Dollars To Freedom Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 88min. John Robinson, Johnny K. Lewis, Alex Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 15.11.2013 Meraz - Dir. Camilo Vila Dir. Cody Cameron, Kris Pearn 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056196 Action/Drama 2012 100min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 95min. justbridge entertainment media 18.11.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Transformers: Rescue Bots - Die 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056125 27.02.2014 Rückkehr des Dino Bots, Folge 4 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056986 Transformers: Rescue Bots Dir. Frank Molieri Die wundersamen Abenteuer des 2 Guns Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 60min. Denzel Washington, Mark Wahlberg, Paula

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Patton, Bill Paxton, James Marsden, Fred Merriman, T.R. Knight, John C. McGinley, Die 7. Kavallerie Ward, Edward James Olmos, Robert John Toby Huss, Max Gail, Brad Beyer, James 7th Cavalry Burke, Patrick Fischler, Derek Solorsano - Pickens Jr., Gino Anthony Pesi, Brett Randolph Scott, Barbara Hale, Jay C. Dir. Baltasar Kormákur Cullen, Derek Phillips - Dir. Brian Helgeland Flippen, Frank Faylen, Jeanette Nolan, Leo Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen Featurette, Dokumentationen Gordon, Denver Pyle, Harry Carey Jr., Mi- Action/Thriller 2013 105min. Drama/Sport 2013 128min. chael Pate, Donald Curtis, Frank Wilcox, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 Pat Hogan - Dir. Joseph H. Lewis 28.01.2013 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056514 1956 75min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056975 5 Jahre Leben SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 01.11.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056548 2 Guns (Blu-ray) Sascha Alexander Gersak, Ben Miles, 2 Guns Trystan Pütter, John Keogh, Timur Isik, 90210 - Season 2.1 (3 Discs) Denzel Washington, Mark Wahlberg, Paula Kerem Can, Siir Eloglu, Tayfun Bademsoy, 90210 Patton, Bill Paxton, James Marsden, Fred David A. Hamade, Patrick Pinheiro, Aaron Drama 2009 475min. Ward, Edward James Olmos, Robert John Hildebrand, Burak Yigit, Ulas Kilic, Sinan Al Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 Burke, Patrick Fischler, Derek Solorsano - Kuri, Marc Hodapp, Leila Rozario, Kida 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056374 Dir. Baltasar Kormákur Khodr Ramadan, Nikola Kastner, Pinar Audiokommentar, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Making of Erincin, Torsten Michaelis, Anthony 90210 - Season 2.2 (3 Discs) Action/Thriller 2013 109min. Brockington - Dir. Stefan Schaller 90210 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Drama 2012 96min. 28.01.2013 Featurettes good!movies(Zorro) 29.11.2013 Drama 2009 393min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056984 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056860 Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056375 21 Jump Street (Steelbook) (Blu- 6 Guns (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) ray) 6 Guns Add a Friend - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) 21 Jump Street Barry Van Dyke, Sage Mears, Greg Evigan, Ken Duken, Friedrich Mücke, Friederike Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Brie Larson, Brian Wimmer, Geoff Meed, Shane Van Kempter, Emilia Schüle, Gisela Dave Franco, Rob Riggle, Ice Cube - Dir. Dyke, Carey Van Dyke, Jason Ellefson, Schneeberger, Dietrich Hollinderbäumer, Phil Lord, Chris Miller Jonathan Nation, Erin Marie Hogan, Peter Sirk Radzei, Martin Brambach, Ralph Komödie/Action 2012 109min. Sherayko, Anya Benton, Valerie K. Garcia, Herforth, Volker Brandt, Gisa Flake, Anne Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Kenny A. Remmel, Riley Polanski, Becky Schäfer, Matthias Beier, Noah Kraus, 09.01.2014 Byrum, Don Harrington, Rick Groat, Cathi Manou Lubowski, Frank Sollmann, Jo Kern 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056737 Harrington - Dir. Shane Van Dyke - Dir. Tobi Baumann Western 2010 96min. Making Of 22 Bullets (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.01.2014 Drama/Komödie 2012 250min. (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056952 Universum Film(Universum TV SI) L’ Immortel 29.11.2013 Jean Reno, Kad Merad, Marina Foïs, Jean- 6 Guns (Unrated Edition) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056120 Pierre Darroussin, Luc Palun, Richard 6 Guns Berry, Joey Starr, Dominique Thomas, Barry Van Dyke, Sage Mears, Greg Evigan, Adieu Paris Martial Bezot, Daniel Lundh, Joséphine Brian Wimmer, Geoff Meed, Shane Van Upgrade Berry, Max Baissette de Malglaive - Dir. Dyke, Carey Van Dyke, Jason Ellefson, Jessica Schwarz, Hans-Werner Meyer, Richard Berry Jonathan Nation, Erin Marie Hogan, Peter Sandrine Bonnaire, Gérard Jugnot, Jean- Action/Thriller 2010 117min. Sherayko, Anya Benton, Valerie K. Garcia, Yves Berteloot, Ina Weisse, Maria Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Kenny A. Remmel, Riley Polanski, Becky Matschke, Thure Lindhardt, André Jung, 09.01.2014 Byrum, Don Harrington, Rick Groat, Cathi Linda Foerster, Claudine Pelletier, Hannes 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056738 Harrington - Dir. Shane Van Dyke Hellmann, Nicole Max, Tobias Kasimirowicz, Western 2010 92min. Jürg Löw, Heike Trinker - Dir. Franziska 4 Pfoten für ein Jingle Bells Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.01.2014 Buch Collection (2 Discs) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056926 Drama 2012 97min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Kinderfilm 530min. 6 Guns (Unrated Edition) (Blu-ray) GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 24.01.2014 Maritim Pictures 05.11.2013 6 Guns 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056760 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056270 Barry Van Dyke, Sage Mears, Greg Evigan, 42 - Die wahre Geschichte einer Brian Wimmer, Geoff Meed, Shane Van Adieu Paris (Blu-ray) Dyke, Carey Van Dyke, Jason Ellefson, Upgrade Sportlegende Jonathan Nation, Erin Marie Hogan, Peter Jessica Schwarz, Hans-Werner Meyer, 42 Sherayko, Anya Benton, Valerie K. Garcia, Sandrine Bonnaire, Gérard Jugnot, Jean- Chadwick Boseman, , Nicole Kenny A. Remmel, Riley Polanski, Becky Yves Berteloot, Ina Weisse, Maria Beharie, Christopher Meloni, André Holland, Byrum, Don Harrington, Rick Groat, Cathi Matschke, Thure Lindhardt, André Jung, Lucas Black, Hamish Linklater, Ryan Harrington - Dir. Shane Van Dyke Linda Foerster, Claudine Pelletier, Hannes Merriman, T.R. Knight, John C. McGinley, Western 2010 96min. Hellmann, Nicole Max, Tobias Kasimirowicz, Toby Huss, Max Gail, Brad Beyer, James Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.01.2014 Jürg Löw, Heike Trinker - Dir. Franziska Pickens Jr., Gino Anthony Pesi, Brett 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056951 Buch Cullen, Derek Phillips - Dir. Brian Helgeland Drama 2012 101min. Featurette 7 Psychos (Blu-ray) Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Drama/Sport 2013 124min. Seven Psychopaths GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 24.01.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 Colin Farrell, Woody Harrelson, Sam 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056809 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056468 Rockwell, Christopher Walken, Olga 42 - Die wahre Geschichte einer Kurylenko, Abbie Cornish, Tom Waits, Mi- Aftershock (Blu-ray) (k.J.) chael Pitt, , Helena Aftershock Sportlegende (Blu-ray) Mattsson - Dir. Martin McDonagh Eli Roth, Andrea Osvárt, Lorenza Izzo, 42 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012 110min. Levy, Nicolas Martinez, Natasha Chadwick Boseman, Harrison Ford, Nicole DCM 07.11.2013 Yarovenko, Selena Gomez - Dir. Nicolás Beharie, Christopher Meloni, André Holland, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056428 López Lucas Black, Hamish Linklater, Ryan Making of, Featurette, Interview, Trailer, Audiokommentar

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Thriller/Horror 2012 89min. John Cusack, Jack Warden, Chazz Kirchberger, Dietmar Schönherr, Leslie Universum Film 10.01.2014 Palminteri, , Sir Kenneth Malton, Miroslav Nemec, Mickey Hardt, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056452 Branagh, Judy Davis, Helena Bonham Car- Mareike Lindenmeyer, Gesche Tebbenhoff, ter, Mira Sorvino, Tracey Ullmann, Tony Bernd Herzsprung, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Aftershock (k.J.) Darrow - Dir. Woody Allen Konstanze Breitebner, Udo Schenk, Bert- Aftershock Interviews, Pressekonferenz, Bildergalerien, Trailer u.v.m. hold Toetzke, Andreas Schlager, René Hof- Eli Roth, Andrea Osvárt, Lorenza Izzo, Ariel Komödie/Drama 486min. schneider, Johannes Herrschmann, Peter Levy, Nicolas Martinez, Natasha STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kuiper, Mathieu Carrière - Dir. Karl Kases Yarovenko, Selena Gomez - Dir. Nicolás Germany(Arthaus) 05.12.2013 Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2003 180min. López 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056175 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 31.01.2014 Making of, Featurette, Interview, Trailer, TV-Spots, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056941 Audiokommentar The Woody Allen Collection (8 Thriller/Horror 2012 85min. Discs) Der Anschlag (Blu-ray) Universum Film 10.01.2014 Alle sagen: I love you / Bullets over Broad- The Sum Of All Fears 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056435 way / Celebrity / Geliebte Aphrodite / Ben Affleck, Morgan Freeman, James Agentenpoker Schmalspurganoven / Harry außer sich / Cromwell, Liev Schreiber, Alan Bates, Philip Wild Man Blues / Sweet and Lowdown Baker Hall, Ron Rifkin, Bruce McGill, Ciarán Hopscotch , Woody Allen, Drew Barrymore, Hinds, , Colm Feore, Jo- Walter Matthau, Glenda Jackson, Ned John Cusack, Jack Warden, Chazz sef Sommer, Ken Jenkins, Michael Byrne, Beatty, Sam Waterston, Herbert Lom, David Palminteri, Hank Azaria, Sir Kenneth John Beasley, Jamie Harrold - Dir. Phil Matthau, George Baker, Ivor Roberts - Dir. Branagh, Judy Davis, Helena Bonham Car- Alden Robinson Ronald Neame ter, Mira Sorvino, Tracey Ullmann, Tony Action/Thriller 2002 124min. Komödie 1980 106min. Darrow, Sean Penn, Samantha Morton, Uma Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 08.11.2013 Thurman, Caroline Aaron, Kirstie Alley - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056394 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056296 Woody Allen, Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 32 (2 Interviews, Pressekonferenz, Bildergalerien, Trailer u.v.m. Der Antichrist - Das Original Komödie/Drama 776min. L’ Antichristo Discs) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Carla Gravina, Mel Ferrer, Arthur Kennedy, Erdogan Atalay, Tom , Katja Woywood, Germany(Arthaus) 05.12.2013 Alida Valli, George Coulouris, Umberto Gottfried Vollmer, Daniela Wutte, Niels Ro- 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056139 Orsini - Dir. Alberto de Martino bert Kurvin, Kathrin Heß, Oliver Pocher - Trailer Dir. Franco Tozza, Heinz Dietz, Axel Sand, Das alte, finstere Haus (Digital Horror 1974 106min. Nico Zavelberg Remastered) Sunfilm Entertainment(Illusions Unltd.) Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 315min. The Old Dark House 09.01.2014 Universum Film(RTL video) 20.12.2013 Melvyn Douglas, Charles Laughton, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056544 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056624 Raymond Massey, Boris Karloff, Ernest Thesiger, Eva Moore, Gloria Stuart, Lilian Der Antichrist - Das Original (Blu- Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 32 (2 Bond, Brember Wills - Dir. James Whale ray) Discs) (Blu-ray) Wendecover L’ Antichristo Erdogan Atalay, Tom Beck, Katja Woywood, Horror/Komödie 1932 72min. Carla Gravina, Mel Ferrer, Arthur Kennedy, Gottfried Vollmer, Daniela Wutte, Niels Ro- Maritim Pictures 31.01.2014 Alida Valli, George Coulouris, Umberto bert Kurvin, Kathrin Heß, Oliver Pocher - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056899 Orsini - Dir. Alberto de Martino Dir. Franco Tozza, Heinz Dietz, Axel Sand, Trailer Nico Zavelberg Am Fuß der blauen Berge - Vol. 3 Horror 1974 111min. Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 315min. Laramie Sunfilm Entertainment(Illusions Unltd.) Universum Film(RTL video) 20.12.2013 Robert Fuller, , Dennis Holmes, 09.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056638 Spring Byington, Stuart Randall, Robert 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056563 Crawford jr., Hoagy Carmichael, Eddie C. Alias - Komplettbox, Staffel 1-5 Waller, Norman Leavitt, Ed Prentiss, James Argo (Extended Edition, 2 Discs) Alias Anderson, Bartlett Robinson, John Pickard, (Blu-ray) Jennifer Garner, Ron Rifkin, Michael L.Q. Jones, Robert Wilke, Harry Lauter - Argo Vartan, Bradley Cooper, Merrin Dungey Dir. William Witney, Lesley Selander, Jo- Ben Affleck, Alan Arkin, John Goodman, Diverse seph Kane , Scoot McNairy, Clea Action 2001 min. Booklet DuVall, Christopher Denham, Tate Donovan, Western 1959-1963 140min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Titus Welliver, Michael Parks, Kyle Chandler Pidax film media(Pidax film) 20.12.2013 GmbH Home Entertainment & - Dir. Ben Affleck Retail(Touchstone) 14.11.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056133 Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Dokumentationen, 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056304 Interviews, Making of, Trailer, u.a. Anchorman - Die Legende von Thriller/Drama 2012 129min. Ein Alibi zerbricht Ron Burgundy (Blu-ray) Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 Ruth Leuwerik, Peter van Eyck, Charles Anchorman 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056671 Régnier, Sieghardt Rupp, Hannelore Elsner Will Ferrell, Christina Applegate, Paul Rudd, - Dir. Alfred Vohrer Steve Carell, David Koechner, Fred Willard, The Ark - Wir sind nicht allein Booklet, Trailer Chris Parnell, Vince Vaughn, Kathryn Hahn, (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Drama 1963 93min. Fred Armisen, Chad Everett, Kevin Stranded absolut MEDIEN(Fernsehjuwelen) Corrigan, Tara Subkoff, Chuck D., Maya Christian Slater, Amy Matysio, Michael 17.01.2014 Rudolph - Dir. Adam McKay Therriault, Brendan Fehr - Dir. Roger Chri- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056897 Komödie 2004 94min. stian Paramount Home Trailer The Woody Allen Collection (5 Entertainment(DreamWorks) 05.12.2013 Science Fiction/Horror 2013 88min. Discs) (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056708 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 Alle sagen: I love you / Bullets over Broad- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057004 way / Celebrity / Geliebte Aphrodite / Angélique - Das unbezähmbare Schmalspurganoven / Harry außer sich / Herz Armour of God - Chinese Zodiac Shi Er Sheng Xiao Wild Man Blues / Sweet and Lowdown Bettina Zimmermann, Stefan Jürgens, Sonja Alan Alda, Woody Allen, Drew Barrymore, Jackie Chan, Laura Weissbecker, Yao

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Tong, Rosario Amedeo, Oliver Platt, Caitlin As I Lay Dying Oliver Korittke, Markus Knüfken, Ralf Rich- Dechelle, Kwone Sang-woo, Steven Dasz, James Franco, Tim Blake Nelson, Danny ter, Willy Thomczyk, Dietmar Bär - Dir. Peter Rani Bheemuck - Dir. Jackie Chan McBride, Jim Parrack, Ahna O’Reilly, Logan Thorwarth Making of, Storyboard-Animation Marshall-Green, Beth Grant, Jesse Heiman, Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1999-2002 min. Abenteuer/Action 2012 105min. Scott Haze - Dir. James Franco Senator Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Splendid Film 31.01.2014 Interviews, B-Roll 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056903 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056900 Drama/Western 2013 102min. Splendid Film 31.01.2014 Banshee - Die komplette erste Armour of God - Chinese Zodiac 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056901 Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) As I Lay Dying (Blu-ray) Banshee Shi Er Sheng Xiao Rus Blackwell, , Demetrius As I Lay Dying Jackie Chan, Laura Weissbecker, Yao Grosse, Matthew Rauch, Bonnie Cole, James Franco, Tim Blake Nelson, Danny Tong, Rosario Amedeo, Oliver Platt, Caitlin Antony Starr, Ulrich Thomsen, Frankie McBride, Jim Parrack, Ahna O’Reilly, Logan Dechelle, Kwone Sang-woo, Steven Dasz, Faison, Hoon Lee, Trieste Kelly Dunn, Marshall-Green, Beth Grant, Jesse Heiman, Rani Bheemuck - Dir. Jackie Chan Ryann Shane, Daniel Ross Owens, Lili Scott Haze - Dir. James Franco Making of, Storyboard-Animation Simmons - Dir. , Ole Christian Abenteuer/Action 2012 110min. Interviews, B-Roll Madsen, S.J. Clarkson, Loni Peristere, Splendid Film 31.01.2014 Drama/Western 2013 106min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056918 Splendid Film 31.01.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056919 Drama/Mystery 492min. Armour of God - Chinese Zodiac Warner Home Video Germany 24.01.2014 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056892 (Blu-ray) Ass Backwards - Die Schönsten Shi Er Sheng Xiao sind wir Banshee - Die komplette erste Ass Backwards Jackie Chan, Laura Weissbecker, Yao Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Tong, Rosario Amedeo, Oliver Platt, Caitlin June Diane Raphael, Casey Wilson, Jon Banshee Dechelle, Kwone Sang-woo, Steven Dasz, Cryer, Vincent D’Onofrio, Brian Geraghty, Rus Blackwell, Matt Servitto, Demetrius Rani Bheemuck - Dir. Jackie Chan , Paul Scheer, Alicia Making of, Storyboard-Animation Silverstone - Dir. Chris Nelson Grosse, Matthew Rauch, Bonnie Cole, Abenteuer/Action 2012 110min. Komödie 2013 86min. Antony Starr, Ulrich Thomsen, Frankie Splendid Film 31.01.2014 Maritim Pictures 11.02.2014 Faison, Hoon Lee, Trieste Kelly Dunn, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056917 tba BestellNr.: 20056756 Ryann Shane, Daniel Ross Owens, Lili Simmons - Dir. Greg Yaitanes, Ole Christian Armour of God - Der rechte Arm Ass Backwards - Die Schönsten Madsen, S.J. Clarkson, Loni Peristere, der Götter sind wir (Blu-ray) Miguel Sapochnik Drama/Mystery 512min. The Armour Of God Ass Backwards Warner Home Video Germany 24.01.2014 Jackie Chan, Alan Tam, Lola Forner, Rosa- June Diane Raphael, Casey Wilson, Jon 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056913 mund Kwan, Bozidar Smiljanic, Ken Boyle, Cryer, Vincent D’Onofrio, Brian Geraghty, John Ladalski, Robert O’Brien - Dir. Jackie Bob Odenkirk, Paul Scheer, Alicia Battleforce - Angriff der Chan Silverstone - Dir. Chris Nelson Action/Abenteuer 1986 94min. Komödie 2013 90min. Alienkrieger Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 31.01.2014 Maritim Pictures 11.02.2014 Independence Daysaster 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056943 tba BestellNr.: 20056803 Ryan Merriman, Tom Everett Scott, Grace Sherman, Emily Holmes, Andrea Brooks, Armour of God - Der rechte Arm Avonlea - Das Mädchen aus der Keenan Tracey, Casey Dubois, Garwin der Götter (Blu-ray) Stadt: Die komplette zweite Staf- Sanford, Michael Kopsa, Jill Teed, Iain Belcher - Dir. William David Hogan The Armour Of God fel (4 Discs) Trailer Jackie Chan, Alan Tam, Lola Forner, Rosa- Road To Avonlea Science Fiction/Action 2013 90min. mund Kwan, Bozidar Smiljanic, Ken Boyle, Zachary Bennett, Lally Cadeau, Mag Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 John Ladalski, Robert O’Brien - Dir. Jackie Ruffman, Cedric Smith, Jackie Burroughs 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056469 Chan Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1990-1996 600min. Action/Abenteuer 1986 98min. MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Battleforce - Angriff der Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 31.01.2014 Products) 15.11.2013 Alienkrieger (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056960 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056341 Independence Daysaster Armour of God II - Der starke Arm Ryan Merriman, Tom Everett Scott, Grace Bad Boys - Harte Jungs Sherman, Emily Holmes, Andrea Brooks, der Götter (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Keenan Tracey, Casey Dubois, Garwin The Armour Of God 2: Operation Eagle Bad Boys Sanford, Michael Kopsa, Jill Teed, Iain Jackie Chan, Carol Cheng, Eva Cobo De Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, Téa Leoni, Belcher - Dir. William David Hogan Garcia, Ikeda Shoko, Aldo Sambrell - Dir. Tchéky Karyo, Theresa Randle, Marg Trailer Jackie Chan Helgenberger, Nestor Serrano, Julio Science Fiction/Action 2013 94min. Action 1991 103min. Mechoso, Saverio Guerra, Anna Thomson, Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 31.01.2014 Kevin Corrigan, , Joe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056516 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056944 Pantoliano, Emmanuel Xuereb, Karen Alex- ander - Dir. Michael Bay Battleforce - Angriff der Armour of God II - Der starke Arm Action 1995 119min. Alienkrieger (Blu-ray) der Götter (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Independence Daysaster The Armour Of God 2: Operation Eagle 09.01.2014 Ryan Merriman, Tom Everett Scott, Grace Jackie Chan, Carol Cheng, Eva Cobo De 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056739 Sherman, Emily Holmes, Andrea Brooks, Garcia, Ikeda Shoko, Aldo Sambrell - Dir. Keenan Tracey, Casey Dubois, Garwin Jackie Chan Bang Boom Bang - Ein todsiche- Sanford, Michael Kopsa, Jill Teed, Iain Action 1991 107min. res Ding / Was nicht passt, wird Belcher - Dir. William David Hogan Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 31.01.2014 passend gemacht (2 Discs) Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056961 Science Fiction/Action 2013 94min. Bang Boom Bang - Ein todsicheres Ding/ Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 As I Lay Dying Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056515

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Universum Film(ZDF Video) 20.12.2013 Battlestar Galactica - Die kom- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056630 Best of Dance: Crazy Horse mit plette Serie (22 Discs) (Blu-ray) Dita von Teese / Darf ich bitten? / Battlestar Galactica Die Bergretter - Staffel 4 (2 Discs) u.a. (4 Discs) Drama/Heimatfilm 2012-2013 442min. Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Crazy Horse / Shall We Dance? / Dirty Universum Film(ZDF Video) 20.12.2013 Jamie Bamber, James Callis, Tricia Helfer, Dancing: Havana Nights / U.A. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056631 Grace Park, Katee Sackhoff, Michael Dita von Teese, Alexa Phocéa, Azy Hogan Berlin Is in Germany Nénuphar, Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Kurzfilme, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, Susan Sarandon, Diego Luna, Romola Audiokommentar Jörg Schüttauf, Julia Jäger, Robin Becker, Garai, Sela Ward, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Science Fiction/Drama 2004-2009 Tom Jahn, Edita Malovcic, Robert Lohr, Os- Riley Smith, John Reardon - Dir. Philippe 3678min. car Martinez, Valentin Platareanu, Dieter Noël, Peter Chelsom, Guy Ferland, Darren Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Jäger, Carmen-Maja Antoni - Dir. Hannes Grant 14.11.2013 Stöhr 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056227 Audiokommentare, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes u.v.m. Kurzfilm, Bildergalerie, Trailer Musikfilm 2004-2009 326min. Drama/Komödie 2001 90min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Beat Street good!movies(Piffl) 29.11.2013 Germany(Miramax) 05.12.2013 Beat Street 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056730 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056192 Rae Chong, Guy Davis, Robert Taylor, Leon Grant - Dir. Stan Lathan Luc Besson Action Blu-ray Box (3 Best of Drama: Das Leben ist Trailer Discs) (Blu-ray) Musikfilm 1984 105min. schön / The Good Will / Dir. Luc Besson Capelight Pictures 17.01.2014 Action min. There Will Be Blood / u.a. (4 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056632 Universum Film 01.11.2013 Discs) Beat Street (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056398 Das Leben ist schön / The Good Will Hunting / There Will Be Blood / Unterwegs Beat Street Luc Besson Action DVD Box (3 nach Cold Mountain Rae Dawn Chong, Guy Davis, Robert Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschi, Giustino Taylor, Leon Grant - Dir. Stan Lathan Discs) Trailer Dir. Luc Besson Durano, Matt Damon, , Ben Musikfilm 1984 109min. Action min. Affleck, Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Capelight Pictures 17.01.2014 Universum Film 01.11.2013 Kevin J. O’Connor, Jude Law, Nicole 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056641 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056384 Kidman, Renée Zellweger - Dir. Roberto Benigni, Gus Van Sant, Paul Thomas Being Human - Die komplette 2. Luc Besson Paris DVD Box (3 Anderson, Anthony Minghella Hinter den Kulissen, Zusätzliche Szenen, Making of, Inter- Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Discs) views u.v.m. Being Human Dir. Luc Besson Drama 1997-2007 540min. Making of, Wendecover Abenteuer/Trickfilm min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Fantasy/Horror 2012 539min. Universum Film 01.11.2013 Germany(Arthaus) 05.12.2013 Concorde Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056386 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056200 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056355 Best of British: Grasgeflüster / Best of Independent: Beautiful Being Human - Die komplette 2. Lang lebe Ned Devine! / u.a. (4 Girls / Clerks - Die Ladenhüter / Staffel (4 Discs) Discs) Garden State / u.a. (4 Discs) Being Human Making of, Wendecover Grasgeflüster / Lang lebe Ned Devine! / Beautiful Girls / Clerks / Garden State / Fantasy/Horror 2012 539min. Vier Hochzeiten und ein Todesfall / Wild Coffee And Cigarettes Concorde Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Target - Sein schärfstes Ziel Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeremy Northam, Toni 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056348 Brenda Blethyn, Craig Ferguson, Martin Collette, Ralph Fiennes, , Clunes, Ian Bannen, David Kelly, Fionnula Willem Dafoe, Embeth Davidtz, Jonny Lee Die Bekenntnisse des Hochstap- Flanagan, Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell, Miller, Alessandro Nivola, Johnny Depp, lers Felix Krull, Teil 1-5 (3 Discs) , Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, Kate Winslet, Julie Christie - Dir. Douglas Rupert Grint - Dir. Nigel Cole, Kirk Jones, McGrath, Anthony Minghella, Patricia John Moulder-Brown, Magali Noël, Marie Mike Newell, Jonathan Lynn Rozema, Marc Forster Colbin, Fernando Rey, Pierre-François Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Behind the Scenes Interviews, Audiokommentare, Musikvideos u.v.m. Pistorio, Georgia Slowe, James Cossins, Komödie 1993-2009 386min. Komödie 1994-2003 387min. Nikolaus Paryla, Rolf Zacher, Hans Heinz STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Moser, Pierre Doris, Alain Flick, Vera Germany 05.12.2013 Germany(Miramax) 05.12.2013 Tschechowa, Franziska Walser, Mareike 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056187 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056205 Carrière, Despina Pajanou, Joss Ackland, Rita Tushingham, Klaus Schwarzkopf, Best of Comedy: Die Super Ex / Best of Literatur: / Der Daphne Wagner, Oliver Wehe (Felix Krull), Guess Who - Meine Tochter englische Patient / Mansfield Kurt Raab - Dir. Bernhard Sinkel Booklet, Interview kriegst du nicht / u.a. (4 Discs) Park / u.a. (4 Discs) Komödie 1982 340min. Guess Who / Scary Movie 3 / Starsky & Emma / Der englische Patient / Mansfield AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Hutch / My Super Ex-Girlfriend Park / Wenn Träume fliegen lernen AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 15.11.2013 Uma Thurman, Luke Wilson, Anna Faris, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeremy Northam, Toni 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056557 Bernie Mac, Ashton Kutcher, Zoe Saldana, Collette, Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Charlie Sheen, Leslie Nielsen, , Willem Dafoe, Embeth Davidtz, Jonny Lee Der Bergdoktor - Staffel 6 Owen Wilson, Snoop Dogg - Dir. Ivan Miller, Alessandro Nivola, Johnny Depp, Hans Sigl, Heiko Ruprecht, Ronja Forcher, Reitman, Kevin Rodney Sullivan, David Kate Winslet, Julie Christie - Dir. Douglas Monika Baumgartner, Natalie O’Hara, Mark Zucker, Todd Phillips McGrath, Anthony Minghella, Patricia Keller, Nike Fuhrmann, Sophia Thomalla, Audiokommentare, Making ofs, Deleted Scenes, Featurettes Rozema, Marc Forster Fabian Elias Huber, Martin Feifel, Dominik u.v.m. Audiokommentare, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Komödie 2003-2006 371min. Nowak, Alexander Mitterer, Ines Lutz - Dir. u.v.m. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama 1996-2004 475min. Axel Barth Germany(Miramax) 05.12.2013 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama 2013 623min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056188 Germany(Arthaus) 05.12.2013

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056199 Die Besucher / Die Zeitritter (2 Bigfoot - Der Blutrausch einer Best of Music: / Studio Discs) Les Visiteurs / Il Couloirs Du Temps - Les Legende (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 54 / The Doors / The Producers - Visiteurs Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes Frühling für Hitler (4 Discs) Christian Clavier, Jean Reno, Valérie Drew Rausch, Rich McDonald, Ashley Chicago / 54 / The Doors / The Producers Lemercier, Muriel Robin - Dir. Jean-Marie Wood - Dir. Corey Grant Renée Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Poiré Horror/Abenteuer 2012 80min. Richard Gere, Ryan Phillippe, Salma Hayek, Komödie 1992-1998 min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Neve Campbell, Val Kilmer, Meg Ryan, Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG GmbH & Co. KG(Global Cinema) 06.12.2013 Kevin Dillon, Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder, 03.01.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056166 Kenneth Mars - Dir. Rob Marshall, Mark 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056947 Christopher, Oliver Stone, Bigfoot - Der Blutrausch einer Audiokommentare, Making ofs, Interviews u.v.m. Big (Blu-ray) Legende (k.J.) Musikfilm 1967-2002 419min. Big Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Tom Hanks, Elizabeth Perkins, Robert Log- Drew Rausch, Rich McDonald, Ashley Germany(Miramax) 05.12.2013 gia, John Heard, Jared Rushton, David Wood - Dir. Corey Grant 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056210 , Jon Lovitz, Mercedes Ruehl, Mark Horror/Abenteuer 2012 76min. Ballou - Dir. Penny Marshall Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Best of Romance: Darf ich bitten? Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Making of, Trailer, TV-Spots GmbH & Co. KG(Global Cinema) 06.12.2013 / Ella - Verflixt & zauberhaft / u.a. Komödie 1987 104min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056110 (4 Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 03.01.2014 Darf ich bitten? / Ella - Verflixt & zauber- Bikers Of Anarchy - Die Hyänen, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056857 haft / Eve und der letzte Gentleman / Got- Vol. 2 (k.J.) tes Werk und Teufels Beitrag The Big Bang Theory - Christmas Savage Dawn Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Susan Lance Henriksen, George Kennedy, Karen Sarandon, Anne Hathaway, Hugh Dancy, Collection Black, Bill Forsyth, Mickey Jones, Claudia Cary Elwes, Brendan Fraser, Alicia The Big Bang Theory Udy - Dir. Simon Nuchtern Silverstone, Christopher Walken, Tobey Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Wendecover Maguire, , Delroy Lindo - Simon Helberg, Kunal Nayyar, Sara Gilbert, Action 1985 97min. Dir. Peter Chelsom, Tommy O’Haver, Hugh Carol Ann Susi, Mark Harelik, Sara Rue, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.11.2013 Wilson, Lasse Hallström Brian George, Alice Amter - Dir. Mark 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056078 Interviews, Making ofs, Entfallene Szenen, u.v.m. Cendrowski Komödie 1999-2004 416min. Komödie min. Bis dass das Geld euch scheidet STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Warner Home Video Germany 08.11.2013 Gert Fröbe, Luise Ullrich, Christiane Germany(Miramax) 05.12.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056255 Nielsen, Corny Collins, Wolfgang Lukschy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056211 Leon Askin - Dir. Alfred Vohrer The Big Bang Theory - Die kom- Booklet Best of Thriller: Bank Job / Cop plette sechste Staffel (2 Discs) Drama 1960 96min. Land / Gone Baby Gone - Kein Pidax film media(Pidax film) 06.12.2013 (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056643 Kinderspiel / Die Vorahnung (4 The Big Bang Theory Discs) Komödie 2012-2013 496min. The Bling Ring The Bank Job / Cop Land / Gone Baby Warner Home Video Germany 22.11.2013 The Bling Ring Gone / Premonition 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056314 , Katie Chang, Israel , Saffron Burrows, Daniel Broussard, Claire Julien, Taissa Farmiga, Mays, Sylvester Stallone, Harvey Keitel, The Big Bang Theory - Die kom- Georgia Rock, Leslie Mann, Gavin Ray Liotta, Sandra Bullock, Julian plette sechste Staffel (3 Discs) Rossdale, Carlos Miranda, Stacy Edwards, McMahon, Shyann McClure, Casey Affleck, The Big Bang Theory G. Mac Brown, Marc Coppola - Dir. Sofia Michelle Monaghan, Morgan Freeman - Dir. Komödie 2012-2013 477min. Coppola , James Mangold, Mennan Warner Home Video Germany 22.11.2013 Making of, Featurettes, Bildergalerie Yapo, Ben Affleck 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056254 Drama/Komödie 2013 87min. Audiokommentare, Making ofs, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Szenen, u.v.m. The Big Easy - Der große Leicht- 19.12.2013 Thriller 1997-2008 419min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056203 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment sinn Germany(Miramax) 05.12.2013 The Big Easy The Bling Ring (Blu-ray) , Dennis Quaid, Ned Beatty, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056214 The Bling Ring John Goodman, Lisa Jane Persky, Ebbe Emma Watson, Katie Chang, Israel Roe Smith, Tom O’Brien, Charles Ludlam, Best of X-MAS: Blendende Weih- Broussard, Claire Julien, Taissa Farmiga, Grace Zabriskie - Dir. Jim McBride nachten / Family Man / Noel / Georgia Rock, Leslie Mann, Gavin Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1987 108min. Rossdale, Carlos Miranda, Stacy Edwards, Santa Claus (4 Discs) Intergroove Media(Pretty Gold Productions) G. Mac Brown, Marc Coppola - Dir. Sofia Deck The Halls / The Family Man / Noel / 15.11.2013 Coppola Santa Claus 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056077 Danny DeVito, Matthew Broderick, Kristin Making of, Featurettes, Bildergalerie Drama/Komödie 2013 91min. Davis, Nicolas Cage, Téa Leoni, Don The Big Easy - Der große Leicht- Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Cheadle, Penélope Cruz, Susan Sarandon, sinn (Blu-ray) 19.12.2013 Paul Walker, Dudley Moore, John Lithgow, The Big Easy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056229 David Huddleston - Dir. John Whitesell, Ellen Barkin, Dennis Quaid, Ned Beatty, Brett Ratner, Chazz Palminteri, Jeannot John Goodman, Lisa Jane Persky, Ebbe Blood of Redemption - Vendetta Szwarc Featurettes, Interviews, Audiokommentare u.v.m. Roe Smith, Tom O’Brien, Charles Ludlam, Blood Of Redemption Komödie 1985-2006 393min. Grace Zabriskie - Dir. Jim McBride Dolph Lundgren, Vinnie Jones, Billy Zane, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1987 108min. Robert Davi, Gianni Capaldi, Jelly Howie, Germany 05.12.2013 Intergroove Media(Pretty Gold Productions) Robert Miano, Massi Furlan, LaDon Drum- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056218 15.11.2013 mond - Dir. Georgio Serafini, Shawn 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056083 Sourgose

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Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes Cary Elwes, Chris Sarandon, Wallace Action/Thriller 2013 82min. Kriminalfilm/Drama 2013 533min. Shawn, , , Carol KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.01.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Kane, Christopher Guest, Mel Smith - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056765 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(ABC Rob Reiner Studios) 28.11.2013 Interview, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Blood of Redemption - Vendetta 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056537 Fantasy/Abenteuer 1987 98min. (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Blood Of Redemption - Die kompletten Staf- Germany 15.11.2013 Dolph Lundgren, Vinnie Jones, Billy Zane, feln 8 bis 14 (51 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056249 Robert Davi, Gianni Capaldi, Jelly Howie, Bonanza Robert Miano, Massi Furlan, LaDon Drum- Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Dan Blok- Eine Braut zu Weihnachten mond - Dir. Georgio Serafini, Shawn ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung A Bride For Christmas Sourgose Bonusfolgen Arielle Kebbel, Andrew W. Walker, Kimberly Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Western 1959-1973 min. Sustad - Dir. Gary Yates Action/Thriller 2013 85min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie/Lovestory 2012 84min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.01.2014 Germany 05.12.2013 polyband Medien GmbH 13.12.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056814 239,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056138 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056707 Bloody Horror Trip (k.J.) The Border - Staffel 1 (4 Discs) - Die komplette Se- Nightmare The Border rie (21 Discs) Jason Scott Campbell, Nicole Roderick, J. James McGowan, Graham Abbey, Jonas Breaking Bad Bloomrosen, Jolan Boockvor, Amin Joseph, Chernick, Mark Wilson, Jim Codrington, Bryan Cranston, , RJ Mitte, Anna Noah Weisberg, Jennifer Carta - Dir. Dylan Catherine Disher, Nazneen Contractor, Gunn, , , Bob Bank Nigel Bennett, Ted Atherton, Sarah Gadon, Odenkirk, Giancarlo Esposito, Steven Mi- Thriller/Horror 2005 104min. Sofia Milos, Grace Park - Dir. John chael Quezada, Charles Baker, Matt L. Soulfood Music Distribution(Artwork Fawcett, Brett Sullivan, Philip Earnshaw Jones, Krysten Ritter, Carmen Serano, Entertainment) 24.01.2014 Action/Kriminalfilm 2008-2010 580min. Christopher Cousins, Jonathan Banks, Da- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056969 justbridge entertainment media 15.11.2013 vid House, Jeremiah Bitsui, Raymond Cruz, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056295 Adam Godley Bloody Secretary Komödie/Drama 2825min. Miss Nobody Borgen - Gefährliche Seilschaf- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Leslie Bibb, Adam Goldberg, Kathy Baker, ten, Die komplette dritte Staffel 12.12.2013 Missi Pyle, Brandon Routh, David Anthony (4 Discs) 159,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056546 Higgins, Geoffrey Lewis, Vivica A. Fox, Borgen Patrick Fischler, Paula Marshall, Sam Drama 580min. Breathe In - Eine unmögliche Lie- McMurray, Eddie Jemison - Dir. Tim Cox WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) be Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 87min. 31.01.2014 Breathe In Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 10.01.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056888 Guy Pearce, Felicity Jones, Amy Ryan, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056933 Mackenzie Davis, Kyle MacLachlan, Alex- Bloody Secretary (Blu-ray) Die Borgias - Season 2 (4 Discs) andra Wentworth, Ben Shenkman, Hugo The Borgias Becker, Brendan Dooling, Lucy Davenport, Miss Nobody Jeremy Irons, François Arnaud, Holliday Nicole Patrick, Brock Harris - Dir. Drake Leslie Bibb, Adam Goldberg, Kathy Baker, Grainger, Lotte Verbeek, David Oakes, Doremus Missi Pyle, Brandon Routh, David Anthony Colm Feore, Joanne Whalley, Peter Sullivan, Drama 2013 min. Higgins, Geoffrey Lewis, Vivica A. Fox, Sean Harris, Vernon Dobtcheff, Bosco Universum Film 03.01.2014 Patrick Fischler, Paula Marshall, Sam Hogan, Ronan Vibert, Ruta Gedmintas, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056904 McMurray, Eddie Jemison - Dir. Tim Cox Luke Pasqualino, Michel Muller, Steven Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 90min. Berkoff, Mark Noble, Julian Bleach, Augu- Breathe In - Eine unmögliche Lie- Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 10.01.2014 stus Prew, Jalaal Hartley, Cesare Taurasi, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056955 be (Blu-ray) Jemima West, Tom Austen, Edward de Breathe In Das Blut der Priester Souza, Noah Silver, Jesse Bostick, Melia Guy Pearce, Felicity Jones, Amy Ryan, Kreiling, Robert Cavanah, John Arthur, Ri- The Reverend Mackenzie Davis, Kyle MacLachlan, Alex- chard Durden, Alex Lanipekun, Giacomo Stuart Brennan, Rutger Hauer, Doug andra Wentworth, Ben Shenkman, Hugo Gonnella - Dir. Neil Jordan, John Maybury, Bradley, Emily Booth, Giovanni Lombardo Becker, Brendan Dooling, Lucy Davenport, Jon Amiel, David Leland, Kari Skogland Radice, Tamer Hassan, Shane Richie, Nicole Patrick, Brock Harris - Dir. Drake Featurettes Doremus Marcia Do Vales - Dir. Neil Jones Historienfilm/Drama 2012 498min. Drama 2013 min. Trailer Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 Horror 2011 93min. Universum Film 03.01.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056376 Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056922 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056471 Die Braut des Prinzen Die brennende Schnecke The Princess Bride Das Blut der Priester (Blu-ray) Maximilian Haas, Barbara Auer, Sebastian , Fred Savage, Robin Wright, The Reverend Koch, Tobias Nath, Jonas Kipp, Michael Cary Elwes, Chris Sarandon, Wallace Stuart Brennan, Rutger Hauer, Doug Huml, Wasja Stettner, Christiane Quast, Shawn, Mandy Patinkin, Billy Crystal, Carol Bradley, Emily Booth, Giovanni Lombardo Florian Stenschke - Dir. Thomas Stiller Kane, Christopher Guest, Mel Smith - Dir. Radice, Tamer Hassan, Shane Richie, Drama 1996 82min. Rob Reiner Marcia Do Vales - Dir. Neil Jones KNM Home Entertainment(Jost Hering filme) Fantasy/Abenteuer 1987 94min. Trailer 14.11.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Horror 2011 97min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056490 Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 Germany 15.11.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056517 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056243 Bring Me the Head of the Body of Proof - Die komplette Die Braut des Prinzen (Blu-ray) Machine Gun Woman (Blu-ray) dritte Staffel (3 Discs) The Princess Bride (k.J.) Peter Falk, Fred Savage, Robin Wright, TráIganme La Cabeza De La Mujer Body Of Proof

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Metralleta ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Talbott, Doug Cox, Harry Gold, Noelle Fernanda Urrejola, Matías Oviedo, Jorge Cabin Fever: Patient Zero North, Cindy Daly, Deirdre Berthrong, Alis, Nicolás Ibieta, Daniel Antivilo, Sean Astin, Currie Graham, Ryan Anson Downes, Rory Stevens, Edie Francisca Castillo, Sofía García, Miguel Donowho, Brando Eaton, Jillian Murray, McClurg - Dir. Brian De Palma Angel De Luca - Dir. Ernesto Díaz Espinoza Mitch Ryan, Solly Duran, Lydia Hearst - Dir. Trailer, Featurettes Horror/Drama 1976 98min. Behind the Scenes, Trailer Kaare Andrews Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 76min. Trailer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Clear Horror 2013 94min. Germany(MGM/UA) 15.11.2013 Vision) 25.10.2013 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056248 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056165 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056998 Cartagena - Finde dein Leben. Bring Me the Head of the Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero (Blu- Finde die Liebe. Machine Gun Woman (k.J.) ray) (k.J.) L’ Homme De Chevet TráIganme La Cabeza De La Mujer Cabin Fever: Patient Zero Sophie Marceau, Christopher Lambert, Metralleta Sean Astin, Currie Graham, Ryan Margarita Rosa de Francisco, Linett Fernanda Urrejola, Matías Oviedo, Jorge Donowho, Brando Eaton, Jillian Murray, Hernandez Valdes, Rodolfo de Souza - Dir. Alis, Nicolás Ibieta, Daniel Antivilo, Mitch Ryan, Solly Duran, Lydia Hearst - Dir. Alain Monne Francisca Castillo, Sofía García, Miguel Kaare Andrews Drama/Komödie 2009 90min. Angel De Luca - Dir. Ernesto Díaz Espinoza Trailer Edel Germany(Starmovie) 22.11.2013 Behind the Scenes, Trailer Horror 2013 94min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056256 Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 73min. Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Clear 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056997 Cartagena - Finde dein Leben. Vision) 25.10.2013 Finde die Liebe. (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056108 Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero (k.J.) L’ Homme De Chevet Cabin Fever: Patient Zero Bruderehre Sophie Marceau, Christopher Lambert, Sean Astin, Currie Graham, Ryan Margarita Rosa de Francisco, Linett Act Of Grace Donowho, Brando Eaton, Jillian Murray, Hernandez Valdes, Rodolfo de Souza - Dir. Leo Gregory, Jody Latham, Jennifer Lim, Mitch Ryan, Solly Duran, Lydia Hearst - Dir. Alain Monne Michael Dixon, Andrew Schofield, David Kaare Andrews Drama/Komödie 2009 94min. Yip, Ciaran Griffiths, Daniel York, Crissy Trailer Edel Germany(Starmovie) 22.11.2013 Rock, Ozzie Yue, Benjamin Adnams, Adam Horror 2013 90min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056315 Long - Dir. Noreen Kershaw Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056989 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 88min. Märchenstunde - Teil 1 Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 Call the Midwife - Ruf des Le- Kinderfilm 65min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056473 justbridge entertainment media 06.12.2013 bens, Staffel 2 (3 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056576 Bruderehre (Blu-ray) Call The Midwife 2 Folgen „Weihnachtsspecial“ Cartoonito Märchenstunde - Teil 2 Act Of Grace Drama 490min. Kinderfilm 78min. Leo Gregory, Jody Latham, Jennifer Lim, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) justbridge entertainment media 06.12.2013 Michael Dixon, Andrew Schofield, David 19.12.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056577 Yip, Ciaran Griffiths, Daniel York, Crissy 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056208 Rock, Ozzie Yue, Benjamin Adnams, Adam Long - Dir. Noreen Kershaw Capone - Die Geschichte einer - Die komplette fünfte Staf- Trailer Unterwelt-Legende (Blu-ray) fel (6 Discs) Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 92min. Castle Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 Capone Featurettes, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056518 Ben Gazzara, Susan Blakely, Harry Kriminalfilm 988min. Guardino, Sylvester Stallone, Peter Malone, The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Byzantium Royal Dano - Dir. Steve Carver GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(ABC Byzantium Trailer Studios) 05.12.2013 Action/Drama 1975 101min. Gemma Arterton, Saoirse Ronan, Sam Riley, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056540 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Warren Brown, Caleb Landry Jones, Jonny Germany 03.01.2014 Lee Miller, Daniel Mays, Tom Hollander, Castle Freak (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056858 Thure Lindhardt, Uri Gavriel, Christine Castle Freak Marzano, Jeff Mash, Glenn Doherty, Edyta Carol und die Weihnachtsgeister Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, Budnik - Dir. Neil Jordan Jonathan Fuller, Jessica Dollarhide - Dir. A Carol Christmas Interviews Stuart Gordon Horror/Drama 2012 118min. Tori Spelling, , Nina Trailer, Making of, Interviews, Bildergalerie Universum Film 27.12.2013 Siemaszko, Michael Landes, Jason Brooks, Horror 1995 87min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056442 Gary Coleman, Holmes Osborne, Barbara cmv-Laservision 13.12.2013 Niven, Holliston Coleman, Steffani Brass, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056787 Byzantium (Blu-ray) Gage Golightly, Paula Trickey, Ethan Byzantium Sandler, William Shatner, David Chisum - Chameli Gemma Arterton, Saoirse Ronan, Sam Riley, Dir. Matthew Irmas Chameli Warren Brown, Caleb Landry Jones, Jonny Komödie/Fantasy 2003 92min. Kareena Kapoor, Rahul Bose, Rinke Lee Miller, Daniel Mays, Tom Hollander, justbridge entertainment media 08.11.2013 Khanna, Yashpal Sharma, Makrand Thure Lindhardt, Uri Gavriel, Christine 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056132 Deshpande, Kabir Sadanand, Pankaj Jha, Marzano, Jeff Mash, Glenn Doherty, Edyta Anupama Verma - Dir. Sudhir Mishra Budnik - Dir. Neil Jordan Carrie - Des Satans jüngste Toch- Drama 2004 103min. Interviews ter (Blu-ray) da music(Laser Paradise) 01.11.2013 Horror/Drama 2012 123min. Carrie tba BestellNr.: 20056596 Universum Film 27.12.2013 Sissy Spacek, John Travolta, Piper Laurie, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056461 Amy Irving, William Katt, Betty Buckley, Charlie Chaplin - The Very Best Nancy Allen, P.J. Soles, Sydney Lassick, Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero (Blu- of Charlie Chaplin (5 Discs) (Blu- Stefan Gierasch, Priscilla Pointer, Michael ray)

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Der große Diktator / Der Vagabund und 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056128 Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2012 min. das Kind / Goldrausch / Lichter der Groß- Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs stadt / Moderne Zeiten Chicago Fire - Staffel 1 (5 Discs) GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 24.01.2014 Sir Charles Chaplin (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20056820 Diverse Chicago Fire Komödie 1921-1940 424min. Drama/Action 2012 1025min. Cold Blooded - Wer wird es über- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) leben? Germany(Arthaus) 05.12.2013 16.01.2014 Cold Blooded 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056181 tba BestellNr.: 20057006 Ryan Robbins, Zoie Palmer, William Cheech ohne Chong - Jetzt MacDonald, Sergio DiZio, Husein Madhavji, Chicago Fire - Staffel 1 (6 Discs) Thomas Mitchell, Chris Ratz - Dir. Jason rauchts in Neuseeland Chicago Fire Lapeyre The Shrimp On The Barbie Drama/Action 2012 983min. Thriller 2012 82min. Richard „Cheech“ Marin, Emma Samms, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) OFDb Filmworks 10.12.2013 Vernon Wells, Terence Cooper, Jeanette 16.01.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056091 Cronin - Dir. Michael Gottlieb tba BestellNr.: 20056996 Komödie 1990 83min. Cold Blooded - Wer wird es über- EuroVideo Bildprogramm 05.12.2013 Cinespañol 2 (4 Discs, OmU) leben? (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056349 Escuela normal / 18 comidas / Jardin de Cold Blooded Amapolas / La suerte en tus manos Der Chef - Raub auf der Renn- Ryan Robbins, Zoie Palmer, William Drama 386min. MacDonald, Sergio DiZio, Husein Madhavji, bahn / Eine Falle für den Würger Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Thomas Mitchell, Chris Ratz - Dir. Jason Ironside GmbH & Co. KG(Cine Global) 06.12.2013 Lapeyre , Don Galloway, Don Mitchell, 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056649 Thriller 2012 86min. Gene Lyons, Barbara Anderson, Elizabeth OFDb Filmworks 10.12.2013 Baur, Johnny Seven, Joan Pringle - Dir. Citizen Kane (Special Edition) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056151 Abner Biberman, Robert Butler, Michael (Blu-ray) Caffey, Richard A. Colla, John Florea, Da- Citizen Kane Colorado Saga - Die komplette vid Friedkin, William A. Graham, Daniel , Joseph Cotten, Agnes Serie (4 Discs) Haller, Leonard Horn, Jerry Jameson, Moorehead, Harry Shannon, Ruth Warrick, Centennial Bruce Kessler, Alf Kjellin, Anton Leader, Dorothy Comingore, Everett Sloane, Erskine Robert Conrad, Richard Chamberlain, Leslie H. Martinson, Russell Mayberry, Don Sanford, Buddy Swan, Sonny Bupp, Ray Gregory Harrison, Richard Crenna, Timothy McDougall, James Neilson, Christian J. Collins, William Alland, Paul Stewart, Dalton, Cliff De Young Nyby II, Leo Penn, , Allen George Coulouris, Fortunio Bonanova, Gus Dokumentation Reisner, David Lowell Rich, Boris Sagal, Schilling, Philip Van Zandt, Gregoria Abenteuer 1978-1979 1202min. Jimmy Sangster, Robert Scheerer, Ralph Backus - Dir. Orson Welles KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 29.11.2013 Senensky, Barry Shear, James Sheldon, Audiokommentar, Kurzfilm, Bildergalerie, Wendecover, u.a. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056359 Jeannot Szwarc, Don Weis Drama 1941 119min. Kriminalfilm 1967-1975 min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Concorde Inferno Soulfood Music Distribution(Moviepoint) Germany(Arthaus) 20.12.2013 Concorde Affaire 15.11.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056174 James Franciscus, Mimsy Farmer, Joseph 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056657 Cotten, Edmund Purdom, Van Johnson, Der Clan der Sizilianer (Blu-ray) Francisco Charles, Enrico Papa, Venantino Chennai Express (Einzel-Disc) Le Clan Des Siciliens Venantini - Dir. Ruggero Deodato Chennai Express Jean Gabin, Alain Delon, Lino Ventura, Irina Action/Drama 1978 91min. Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Demick, Amedeo Nazzari, Sydney Chaplin, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Satyaraj, Nikitin Dheer, Priyamani, Karen Blanguernon, Elisa Cegani, Marc 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056266 Manorama, Rani Mukerji, Rajnikanth - Dir. Porel, Philippe Baronnet, Yves Lefebvre, Rohit Shetty Leopoldo Trieste, César Chauveau, Concorde Inferno (Blu-ray) Wendecover Danielle Volle, Edward Meeks, Jacques Concorde Affaire Abenteuer/Lovestory 2013 137min. Duby, Sabine Sun, Dominique Delpierre, James Franciscus, Mimsy Farmer, Joseph Rapid Eye Movies HE 13.12.2013 Sally Nesbitt - Dir. Henri Verneuil Cotten, Edmund Purdom, Van Johnson, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056127 Featurette, Intro Francisco Charles, Enrico Papa, Venantino Kriminalfilm 1969 125min. Venantini - Dir. Ruggero Deodato Chennai Express (Limited Special Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Action/Drama 1978 95min. Germany 03.01.2014 Edition, + DVD) (Blu-ray) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056859 Chennai Express 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056323 Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Satyaraj, Nikitin Dheer, Priyamani, Clara und das Geheimnis der Bä- Confession Manorama, Rani Mukerji, Rajnikanth - Dir. ren La Confession D’Un Enfant Du Siècle Rohit Shetty Ricarda Zimmerer, Damian Hardung, Elena Charlotte Gainsbourg, Pete Doherty, August Abenteuer/Lovestory 2013 142min. Uhlig, Roeland Wiesnekker, Rifka Fehr, Diehl, Lily Cole, Volker Bruch, Guillaume Rapid Eye Movies HE 13.12.2013 Monica Gubser, Peter Jecklin, Herbert Lei- Gallienne, Karole Rocher, Rhian Rees - Dir. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056173 ser - Dir. Tobias Ineichen Sylvie Verheyde Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2012 min. Drama/Kostümfilm 2012 115min. Chennai Express (Limited Special Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Edition, 2 Discs) GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 24.01.2014 GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 24.01.2014 Chennai Express tba BestellNr.: 20056774 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056764 Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Satyaraj, Nikitin Dheer, Priyamani, Clara und das Geheimnis der Bä- Confession (Blu-ray) Manorama, Rani Mukerji, Rajnikanth - Dir. ren (Blu-ray) La Confession D’Un Enfant Du Siècle Rohit Shetty Ricarda Zimmerer, Damian Hardung, Elena Charlotte Gainsbourg, Pete Doherty, August Poster Uhlig, Roeland Wiesnekker, Rifka Fehr, Diehl, Lily Cole, Volker Bruch, Guillaume Abenteuer/Lovestory 2013 137min. Monica Gubser, Peter Jecklin, Herbert Lei- Gallienne, Karole Rocher, Rhian Rees - Dir. Rapid Eye Movies HE 13.12.2013 ser - Dir. Tobias Ineichen Sylvie Verheyde

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Drama/Kostümfilm 2012 120min. The Being niel Attias, , Timothy Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Martin Landau, José Ferrer, Dorothy Busfield, Edward Bianchi, Todd A. Kessler GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 24.01.2014 Malone, Marianne Gordon, Bill Osco, Ruth Drama 2007-2012 507min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056813 Buzzi, Murray Langston, Kinky Friedman, Sony Pictures Home 23.01.2014 Johnny Dark, Kent Perkins, Ellen Blake - 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056727 Conjuring - Die Heimsuchung Dir. Jackie Kong Horror 1982 88min. Eine Dame in Paris Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Ron Soulfood Music Distribution(Artworks Une Estonienne à Paris Livingston, Lili Taylor, Joey King, Shanley Entertainment) 24.01.2014 Jeanne Moreau, Laine Mägi, Patrick Pineau, Caswell, Hayley McFarland, Mackenzie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056970 François Beukelaers, Fred Epaud, Claudia Foy, Kyla Deaver, Sterling Jerins - Dir. Tagbo, Ita Ever, Helle Kuningas, Tonu James Wan The Crypt - Gruft des Grauens Mikiver, Helene Vannari - Dir. Ilmar Raag Horror 2013 108min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama 2012 94min. Warner Home Video Germany 24.01.2014 The Crypt good!movies(Arsenal) 29.11.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056772 Sarah Oh, Abra May, Mike Ranallo, Cristen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056861 Irene, Joanna Ke, Delaina Stevens, Michael Conjuring - Die Heimsuchung David Hill, Seth Gandrud - Dir. Craig Dance Academy - Tanz Deinen (Blu-ray) McMahon Traum! Staffel 3 (3 Discs) The Conjuring Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Trailer Dance Academy Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Ron Horror 2009 102min. Xenia Goodwin, Alicia Banit, Dena Kaplan, Livingston, Lili Taylor, Joey King, Shanley Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 31.01.2014 Tom Green, Jordan Rodrigues, Tim Pocock, Caswell, Hayley McFarland, Mackenzie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056958 Tara Morice, Robert Alexander, Josef Foy, Kyla Deaver, Sterling Jerins - Dir. Brown, Shayni Notelovitz, Stephen Multari, James Wan The Crypt - Gruft des Grauens Matt Lee Horror 2013 112min. (k.J.) Musikfilm 2010 325min. Warner Home Video Germany 24.01.2014 The Crypt Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056818 Sarah Oh, Abra May, Mike Ranallo, Cristen 05.12.2013 Irene, Joanna Ke, Delaina Stevens, Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056206 Crank / Crank 2: High Voltage (2 David Hill, Seth Gandrud - Dir. Craig Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) McMahon Dancing in the Streets - Body Crank / Crank 2: High Voltage Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Trailer Language Horror 2009 102min. Jason Statham, Amy Smart, Jose Pablo Body Language Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 31.01.2014 Cantillo, Bai Ling - Dir. Mark Neveldine, Boris Schreurs, Floris Bosveld, Lorenzo 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056937 Brian Taylor van Velzen Bottazzi - Dir. Jeffrey Elmont Action 2006-2009 min. Cult (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Drama/Musikfilm 2011 min. Universum Film 01.11.2013 Universum Film(SquareOne) 03.01.2014 Karuto 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056399 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056905 Yû Abiru, Mayuko Iwasa, Mari Iriki - Dir. Kôji Crank / Crank 2: High Voltage (2 Shiraishi Dancing in the Streets - Body Horror 2013 84min. Discs) (k.J.) Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Language (Blu-ray) Crank / Crank 2: High Voltage GmbH & Co. KG(Global Cinema) 18.10.2013 Body Language Jason Statham, Amy Smart, Jose Pablo 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056226 Boris Schreurs, Floris Bosveld, Lorenzo Cantillo, Bai Ling - Dir. Mark Neveldine, van Velzen Bottazzi - Dir. Jeffrey Elmont Brian Taylor Dam 999 Drama/Musikfilm 2011 min. Action 2006-2009 min. Dam 999 Universum Film(SquareOne) 03.01.2014 Universum Film 01.11.2013 Joshua Fredric Smith, Vimala Raman, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056923 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056385 Megha Burman, Ashish Vidyarthi, Linda Arsenio, Harry Key - Dir. Sohan Roy (Blu-ray) Crash Dive Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie The Darjeeling Limited Crash Dive Drama/Action 106min. Owen Wilson, Jason Schwartzman, Adrien Michael Dudikoff, Frederic Forrest, Reiner Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Brody, Anjelica Huston, Camilla Rutherford, Schöne, Jay Acovone, Catherine Bell, Clay 01.11.2013 Amara Karan, Wallace Wolodarsky, Irrfan Greenbush, Michael Cavanaugh, Cyrus tba BestellNr.: 20056535 Khan, , Barbet Schroeder - Dir. Farmer, Time Winters, John LaFayette, Elena DeBurdo, Pavel Lychnikoff, Marty Damages - Im Netz der Macht, Komödie/Drama 2007 104min. Yost, Michael Kopelow - Dir. Andrew Die komplette fünfte Season (3 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Stevens Discs) Germany 31.01.2014 Action 1996 90min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056921 Damages VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 09.12.2013 Glenn Close, Rose Byrne, Ted Danson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056785 Darkroom - Das Folterzimmer! Zeljko Ivanek, Tate Donovan, Noah Bean, Zeit der Buße (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Crash Dive (Blu-ray) Philip Bosco, Anastasia Griffith, Peter Riegert, Donnie Keshawarz, Casey Darkroom Crash Dive Siemaszko, Michael Nouri, Peter Facinelli, Kaylee DeFer, Elisabeth Röhm, Christian Michael Dudikoff, Frederic Forrest, Reiner Marlyne N. Afflack, Maya Days, Carmen Campbell, Tobias Segal, Britne Oldford, Schöne, Jay Acovone, Catherine Bell, Clay Goodine, Zachary Booth, Takako Haywood, Bonnie Bentley, Geneva Carr, Phil Haus - Greenbush, Michael Cavanaugh, Cyrus Tom Aldredge, Victor Arnold, Todd A. Dir. Britt Napier Farmer, Time Winters, John LaFayette, Kessler, Saundra Santiago, Elliot Korte, Trailer Elena DeBurdo, Pavel Lychnikoff, Marty Thriller/Horror 2013 88min. Garret Dillahunt, Peter McRobbie, Robin Yost, Michael Kopelow - Dir. Andrew Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 31.01.2014 Thomas, , Francie Swift, Stevens 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056957 Steven Gilborn, Kathryn Meisle, Mackenzie Action 1996 94min. Connolly, Glenn Kessler, Mario van Peebles VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 09.12.2013 Darkroom - Das Folterzimmer! - Dir. Mario van Peebles, Allen Coulter, Guy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056827 Ferland, Greg Yaitanes, John David Coles, Zeit der Buße (k.J.) Darkroom The Creature (k.J.) Lawrence Trilling, Jean de Segonzac, Da-

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Kaylee DeFer, Elisabeth Röhm, Christian Patten Marshall, Jon Harris Campbell, Tobias Segal, Britne Oldford, Western/Drama 2004-2005 618min. Horror 2005-2009 min. Bonnie Bentley, Geneva Carr, Phil Haus - Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 Universum Film(SquareOne) 03.01.2014 Dir. Britt Napier 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056393 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056964 Trailer Thriller/Horror 2013 88min. Death Race / Death Race 2 / The Descent - Abgrund des Grau- Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 31.01.2014 Death Race: Inferno (3 Discs) ens / The Descent 2 - Die Jagd 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056936 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) geht weiter (2 Discs) (k.J.) Das hat man nun davon... Death Race / Death Race 2 / Death Race: The Descent / The Descent: Part 2 Heinz Erhardt, Fritz Hellmann, Albert Inferno (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) MyAnna Buring, Natalie Mendoza, Molly Lichtenfeld, Wolfgang Kaehler, Senta Jason Statham, Joan Allen, Ian McShane, Kayll, Shauna MacDonald, Alex Reid, Sommerfeld - Dir. Peter Ahrweiler Luke Goss, , Sean Bean, Saskia Mulder, Nora Jane Noone, Oliver Theater/Komödie 1969 min. Danny Trejo, Dougray Scott - Dir. Paul W.S. Milburn, Gavan O’Herlihy, Joshua Dallas, Edel Germany(Family House Production) Anderson, Roel Reiné Anna Skellern, Douglas Hodge - Dir. Neil 22.11.2013 Action 2008-2012 315min. Marshall, Jon Harris 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056939 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Horror 2005-2009 min. 14.11.2013 Universum Film(SquareOne) 03.01.2014 Das ist das Ende 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056228 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056950 This Is The End Jonah Hill, James Franco, Seth Rogen, Jay Death Race / Death Race 2 / Desperado & El Mariachi (2 Discs, Baruchel, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, Death Race: Inferno (3 Discs) Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Michael Cera, Emma Watson, Mindy Kaling, (k.J.) Desperado / El Mariachi David Krumholtz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Death Race / Death Race 2 / Death Race: Antonio Banderas, Carlos Gallardo, Rihanna, Martin Starr - Dir. Seth Rogen, Inferno (3 Discs) Consuelo Gomez - Dir. Robert Rodriguez Evan Goldberg Jason Statham, Joan Allen, Ian McShane, Action 1992-1995 190min. Audiokommentar, Featurette Luke Goss, Lauren Cohan, Sean Bean, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Komödie/Horror 2013 103min. Danny Trejo, Dougray Scott - Dir. Paul W.S. 09.01.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Anderson, Roel Reiné 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056740 17.12.2013 Action 2008-2012 302min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056143 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Devil’s Pass The Dyatlov Pass Incident Das ist das Ende (Blu-ray) 14.11.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056202 Gemma Atkinson, Matt Stokoe, Richard Reid This Is The End - Dir. Renny Harlin Jonah Hill, James Franco, Seth Rogen, Jay Della Morte Dell’ Amore (Blu-ray) Horror/Abenteuer 2013 101min. Baruchel, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, (k.J.) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.01.2014 Michael Cera, Emma Watson, Mindy Kaling, tba BestellNr.: 20056095 David Krumholtz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Della Morte, Dell’ Amore Rihanna, Martin Starr - Dir. Seth Rogen, Rupert Everett, Anna Falchi, François Devil’s Pass (Blu-ray) Hadji-Lazaro, Stefano Masciarelli, Mickey Evan Goldberg The Dyatlov Pass Incident Knox, Clive Riche, Fabiana Formica, Anton Audiokommentar, Featurettes Gemma Atkinson, Matt Stokoe, Richard Reid Komödie/Horror 2013 107min. Alexander - Dir. Michele Soavi - Dir. Renny Harlin Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Horror/Komödie 1993 103min. Horror/Abenteuer 2013 105min. 17.12.2013 Intergroove Media(TB Zombie Productions) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056179 13.12.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20056154 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056529 Das ist Weihnachten Dexter - Die fünfte Season (4 So This Is Christmas Della Morte Dell’ Amore (k.J.) Lexi Ainsworth, Eric Roberts, Vivica A. Fox Della Morte, Dell’ Amore Discs) (k.J.) - Dir. Richard Foster Rupert Everett, Anna Falchi, François Dexter Komödie/Drama 2013 115min. Hadji-Lazaro, Stefano Masciarelli, Mickey Michael C. Hall, Julia Stiles, Jennifer Maritim Pictures 19.11.2013 Knox, Clive Riche, Fabiana Formica, Anton Carpenter, Lauren Vélez, David Zayas, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056267 Alexander - Dir. Michele Soavi James Remar, C.S. Lee, Desmond Horror/Komödie 1993 99min. Harrington, , Adam Harrington - Day of the Dead - The Last Intergroove Media(TB Zombie Productions) Dir. , John Dahl, Ernest R. Chapter (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 13.12.2013 Dickerson, Milan Cheylov, Romeo Tirone, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056498 Keith Gordon Day Of The Dead Featurettes, Interview, Making of, Bildergalerie Lori Cardille, Terry Alexander, Richard Derrick - Collector’s Box Vol. 19 Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2010 595min. Liberty, Josef Pilato, Sherman Howard, Paramount Home Entertainment 05.12.2013 Jarlath Conroy - Dir. George A. Romero (Folge 271-281) (4 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056686 Horror 1985 99min. Kriminalfilm 1974-1975 800min. Intergroove Media(TB Zombie Production) MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Dexter - Die sechste Season (4 13.12.2013 Products) 18.10.2013 Discs) (k.J.) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056528 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056137 Dexter Deadwood - Die komplette zweite The Descent - Abgrund des Grau- Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, Des- mond Harrington, C.S. Lee, Lauren Vélez, Season (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) ens / The Descent 2 - Die Jagd David Zayas, James Remar, Christina Deadwood geht weiter (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Robinson - Dir. John Dahl, S.J. Clarkson, Timothy Olyphant, Ian McShane, Molly Par- (k.J.) Stefan Schwartz, Romeo Tirone, Ernest R. ker, Jim Beaver, W. Earl Brown, Kim The Descent / The Descent: Part 2 Dickerson, Seith Mann, Michael Lehmann Dickens, Brad Dourif, , John MyAnna Buring, Natalie Mendoza, Molly Interviews, Featurettes Hawkes, Jeffrey Jones, Robin Weigert, Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2011 593min. Kayll, Shauna MacDonald, Alex Reid, Paula Malcomson, Leon Rippy, William Paramount Home Entertainment 05.12.2013 Saskia Mulder, Nora Jane Noone, Oliver Sanderson, Dayton Callie, Powers Boothe - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056687 Milburn, Gavan O’Herlihy, Joshua Dallas, Dir. , Michael Almereyda, Gregg Anna Skellern, Douglas Hodge - Dir. Neil Fienberg, Davis Guggenheim, Timothy Van Dexter - Die siebte Season (4

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Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) polyband Medien GmbH 23.11.2013 The Dark Prince Dexter 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056430 Luke Roberts, Jon Voight, Kelly Wenham, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Audiokommentar Ben Robson, Holly Earl, Stephen Hogan, Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2012 671min. - Die kompletten Richard Ashton, Poppy Corby-Tuech, Paramount Home Entertainment 05.12.2013 Specials (5 Discs) Vasilescu Valentin - Dir. Pearry Reginald 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056709 Doctor Who Teo Christopher Eccleston (), David Fantasy/Horror 2013 96min. Dexter - Die siebte Season (4 Tennant (2005-2010: The Doctor), Matt Splendid Film 31.01.2014 Discs) (k.J.) Smith (ab 2010: The Doctor), Billie Piper, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056602 Dexter Freema Agyeman, Catherine Tate, Karen Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Audiokommentar Gillan, Arthur Darvill, John Barrowman, Dracula - Prince of Darkness (Blu- Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2012 626min. Elisabeth Sladen, Camille Coduri, Noel ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 05.12.2013 Clarke, Shaun Dingwall - Dir. Keith Boak, The Dark Prince 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056688 Euros Lyn, Joe Ahearne, Brian Grant, Luke Roberts, Jon Voight, Kelly Wenham, James Hawes Ben Robson, Holly Earl, Stephen Hogan, Die, Monster, Die! (Horror Cult, Science Fiction/Abenteuer 305min. Richard Ashton, Poppy Corby-Tuech, Uncut) polyband Medien GmbH 23.11.2013 Vasilescu Valentin - Dir. Pearry Reginald Monster Of Terror 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056417 Teo Boris Karloff, Nick Adams, Freda Jackson, Fantasy/Horror 2013 100min. Suzan Farmer, Terence de Marney, Patrick Doctor’s Diary - Männer sind die Splendid Film 31.01.2014 Magee - Dir. Daniel Haller beste Medizin: Best of 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056614 Wendecover Drama/Komödie 225min. Science Fiction/Horror 1965 75min. Universum Film(RTL video) 08.11.2013 Drei Buddies knacken Vegas Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056122 Venus & Vegas Germany(MGM/UA) 06.12.2013 Eddie Kaye Thomas, Donald Faison, Jaime 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056483 Dr. Fu Man Chu Collection (5 Pressly, Eddie Guerra, Abraham Benrubi, Discs) Molly Sims, Roselyn Sanchez, Florence Doctor Who - Der Tag des Doktors Henderson, Joe Rogan, Jon Polito, Paul Der Todeskuss des Dr. Fu Man Chu / Die - Das Special zum 50.Jubiläum Ben-Victor, Stacey Alysson - Dir. Demian 13 Sklavinnen des Dr. Fu Man Chu / Die Doctor Who Lichtenstein Folterkammer des Dr. Fu Man Chu / Die Christopher Eccleston (The Doctor), David Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 96min. Rache des Dr. Fu Man Chu / Ich, Dr. Fu Tennant (2005-2010: The Doctor), Matt SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 07.11.2013 Man Chu Smith (ab 2010: The Doctor), Billie Piper, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056547 Christopher Lee - Dir. Don Sharp, Jeremy Freema Agyeman, Catherine Tate, Karen Summers, Jess Franco Drillinge an Bord Gillan, Arthur Darvill, John Barrowman, Interviews, Biografien, Featurettes, Trailer Elisabeth Sladen, Camille Coduri, Noel Action/Kriminalfilm 1965-1968 403min. Heinz Erhardt, Peter Carsten, Ingrid van Clarke, Shaun Dingwall - Dir. Keith Boak, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Bergen, Ann Smyrner, Trude Herr, Paul Euros Lyn, Joe Ahearne, Brian Grant, Germany 28.01.2014 Dahlke, Günter Pfitzmann, Billy Mo, Ralf James Hawes 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056837 Wolter, Paul Westermeier, Günther Science Fiction/Abenteuer 75min. Jerschke - Dir. Hans Müller polyband Medien GmbH 20.12.2013 Don Tango - Die Hand Gottes Bildergalerie Komödie 1959 78min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056801 Qua La Mano Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Adriano Celentano, Enrico Montesano, Lilli 13.12.2013 Doctor Who - Der Tag des Doktors Carati - Dir. Pasquale Festa Campanile 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056776 - Das Special zum 50.Jubiläum Wendecover, Trailer (Blu-ray) Komödie 1979 98min. Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions) Drillinge an Bord (Blu-ray) Doctor Who 29.11.2013 Heinz Erhardt, Peter Carsten, Ingrid van Christopher Eccleston (The Doctor), David 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056079 Bergen, Ann Smyrner, Trude Herr, Paul Tennant (2005-2010: The Doctor), Matt Dahlke, Günter Pfitzmann, Billy Mo, Ralf Smith (ab 2010: The Doctor), Billie Piper, Downtown - Die nackten Puppen Wolter, Paul Westermeier, Günther Freema Agyeman, Catherine Tate, Karen der Unterwelt (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jerschke - Dir. Hans Müller Gillan, Arthur Darvill, John Barrowman, Bildergalerie Elisabeth Sladen, Camille Coduri, Noel Downtown Komödie 1959 82min. Clarke, Shaun Dingwall - Dir. Keith Boak, Jess Franco, Lina Romay, Paul Müller, Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Euros Lyn, Joe Ahearne, Brian Grant, Martine Stedil, Beni Cardoso, Eric Falk, 13.12.2013 James Hawes Raymond Hardy, Monica Swinn - Dir. Jess 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056822 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 75min. Franco polyband Medien GmbH 20.12.2013 Interviews, Bildergalerie Drug War Komödie 1975 87min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056833 Du Zhan Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 Louis Koo, Sun Honglei, Yi Huang - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056329 Doctor Who - Die kompletten Johnnie To Specials (4 Discs, + DVD) (Blu- Making of, Trailer Downtown - Die nackten Puppen Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 102min. ray) der Unterwelt (k.J.) Koch Media 24.01.2014 Doctor Who Downtown 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056097 Christopher Eccleston (The Doctor), David Jess Franco, Lina Romay, Paul Müller, Tennant (2005-2010: The Doctor), Matt Martine Stedil, Beni Cardoso, Eric Falk, Drug War (Blu-ray) Smith (ab 2010: The Doctor), Billie Piper, Raymond Hardy, Monica Swinn - Dir. Jess Du Zhan Freema Agyeman, Catherine Tate, Karen Franco Louis Koo, Sun Honglei, Yi Huang - Dir. Gillan, Arthur Darvill, John Barrowman, Interviews, Bildergalerie Johnnie To Elisabeth Sladen, Camille Coduri, Noel Komödie 1975 84min. Making of, Trailer Clarke, Shaun Dingwall - Dir. Keith Boak, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 107min. Euros Lyn, Joe Ahearne, Brian Grant, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056280 Koch Media 24.01.2014 James Hawes 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056156 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 305min. Dracula - Prince of Darkness

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Easy Rider 2 Harrison Ford, Asa Butterfield, Hailee Warner Home Video Germany 08.11.2013 Easy Rider: The Ride Back Steinfeld, , Abigail Breslin, Sir 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056301 Chris Engen, Sheree J. Wilson, Jeff Fahey Ben Kingsley, Moises Arias, Aramis Knight, - Dir. Dustin Rikert Nonso Anozie, Suraj Parthasarathy, Khylin ER - Emergency Room, Staffel 07 Drama/Abenteuer 2013 95min. Rhambo, Jimmy Pinchak, Conor Carroll, (6 ) Maritim Pictures 10.12.2013 Tony Mirrcandani, Brandon Soo Hoo, An- ER - Emergency Room 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056089 drea Powell - Dir. Gavin Hood Anthony Edwards, George Clooney, Sherry Action/Science Fiction 2013 min. Stringfield, Noah Wyle, Eriq La Salle, Juli- Easy Rider 2 (Blu-ray) Highlight Communications anna Margulies, Christine Harnos, William Easy Rider: The Ride Back (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.03.2014 H. Macy, John Stamos - Dir. , Chris Engen, Sheree J. Wilson, Jeff Fahey tba BestellNr.: 20056793 - Dir. Dustin Rikert Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Drama/Abenteuer 2013 99min. Ender’s Game (Blu-ray) Drama 1994-2008 936min. Maritim Pictures 10.12.2013 Ender’s Game Warner Home Video Germany 08.11.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056149 Harrison Ford, Asa Butterfield, Hailee 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056303 Steinfeld, Viola Davis, Abigail Breslin, Sir Eden und danach (Collector’s Ben Kingsley, Moises Arias, Aramis Knight, ER - Emergency Room, Staffel 09 Edition, 2 Discs) (k.J.) Nonso Anozie, Suraj Parthasarathy, Khylin (6 DVDs) Rhambo, Jimmy Pinchak, Conor Carroll, L’ Eden Et Après ER - Emergency Room Tony Mirrcandani, Brandon Soo Hoo, An- Cathérine Jourdan, Lorraine Rainer, Sylvain Anthony Edwards, George Clooney, Sherry drea Powell - Dir. Gavin Hood Corthay, Richard Leduc, Pierre Zimmer, Stringfield, Noah Wyle, Eriq La Salle, Juli- Action/Science Fiction 2013 min. Ludovít Króner, Jarmila Kolenicová, Juraj anna Margulies, Christine Harnos, William Highlight Communications Kukura - Dir. Alain Robbe-Grillet H. Macy, John Stamos - Dir. Rod Holcomb, Alternative Filmversion, Interviews, Bildergalerie, Booklet (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.03.2014 Mimi Leder Drama/Erotik 1970 90min. tba BestellNr.: 20056830 Entfallene Szenen Donau Film 22.11.2013 Drama 1994-2008 939min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056567 Endlich Frauenheld Warner Home Video Germany 08.11.2013 How To Stop Being A Loser 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056305 El Dorado (Blu-ray) Simon Phillips, Craig Conway, Gemma El Dorado Atkinson, Stephanie Leonidas, Chris Grezo, Die Erde stirbt - Geburten verbo- John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, James Caan, Martin Compston, Dominic Burns, Jamie ten Charlene Holt, Paul Fix, Arthur Hunnicutt, Langthorne - Dir. Dominic Burns Z . P. G. Michele Carey, R. G. Armstrong, Edward Komödie/Lovestory 2011 90min. Oliver Reed, Geraldine Chaplin, Don Gor- Asner, Christopher George, Marina Ghane, Maritim Pictures 06.12.2013 don, Diane Cilento, David Markham, Sheila Robert Donner, John Gabriel, Johnny 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056112 Reid, Aubrey Woods, Bill Nagy, Lotte Crawford, Adam Roarke, Victoria George, Tholander, Wayne J. Rhodda, Ditte Maria - , Ann Newman, Diane Strom, Ro- Endlich Frauenheld (Blu-ray) Dir. Michael Campus bert Rothwell, Olaf Wieghorst - Dir. Howard How To Stop Being A Loser Wendecover Hawks Simon Phillips, Craig Conway, Gemma Science Fiction 1971 91min. Western/Komödie 1966 126min. Atkinson, Stephanie Leonidas, Chris Grezo, Maritim Pictures 29.11.2013 Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 Martin Compston, Dominic Burns, Jamie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056573 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056395 Langthorne - Dir. Dominic Burns Komödie/Lovestory 2011 94min. Heinz Erhardt - Natürlich die Au- Ein Elf zu Weihnachten Maritim Pictures 06.12.2013 tofahrer Elf-Man 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056168 Heinz Erhardt, Maria Perschy, Erik Schu- Jason Acuña - Dir. Ethan Wiley mann, Peter Frankenfeld, Ruth Stephan, Komödie 2012 90min. Ein Engel namens Flint (2 Discs) Margitta Scherr, Trude Herr, Hans Paetsch Maritim Pictures 19.11.2013 Günter Schubert, Hannes Stelzer, Jürgen - Dir. Erich Engels 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056402 Mai - Dir. Gunter Friedrich Wendecover, Bildergalerie Kinderfilm 1991 290min. Komödie 1959 82min. Elysium Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Elysium 08.11.2013 29.11.2013 Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Sharlto Copley, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056300 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056074 Alice Braga, Diego Luna, Wagner Moura, William Fichtner, Talisa Soto, Michael Der Engel von nebenan Heinz Erhardt - Natürlich die Au- Shanks, Josh Blacker - Dir. Neill Blomkamp Christmas Angel tofahrer (Blu-ray) Featurette , Teri Polo, Tamera Mowry- Heinz Erhardt, Maria Perschy, Erik Schu- Science Fiction 2013 106min. Housley, Kevin Sorbo, Lisa Arnold, Izabela mann, Peter Frankenfeld, Ruth Stephan, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Vidovic, Rob Boltin, Naydja Cojoe - Dir. Margitta Scherr, Trude Herr, Hans Paetsch 17.12.2013 Brian Herzlinger - Dir. Erich Engels 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056144 Trailer Wendecover, Bildergalerie Komödie/Familie 2012 95min. Komödie 1959 83min. Elysium (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 08.11.2013 Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Elysium 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056283 29.11.2013 Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Sharlto Copley, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056080 Alice Braga, Diego Luna, Wagner Moura, ER - Emergency Room, Staffel 03 William Fichtner, Talisa Soto, Michael (7 DVDs) Heinz Erhardt Box (5 Discs) Shanks, Josh Blacker - Dir. Neill Blomkamp ER - Emergency Room Drillinge an Bord / Mein Mann, das Wirt- Featurette Anthony Edwards, George Clooney, Sherry schaftswunder / Natürlich die Autofahrer / Science Fiction 2013 110min. Stringfield, Noah Wyle, Eriq La Salle, Juli- Vater, Mutter und neun Kinder / Witwer mit Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) anna Margulies, Christine Harnos, William fünf Töchtern 17.12.2013 H. Macy, John Stamos - Dir. Rod Holcomb, Heinz Erhardt 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056180 Mimi Leder Komödie 1957-1960 429min. Audiokommentar, Featurette, Making of, Produktionsnotizen, Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Ender’s Game Outtakes 29.11.2013 Ender’s Game Drama 1994-2008 800min.

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30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056486 Action 1997 95min. Extras - Statisten: Die komplette VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 02.12.2013 zweite Staffel (2 Discs) Heinz Erhardt Box (5 Discs) (Blu- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056676 Extras ray) The Expendables 1 & 2 (2 Discs) Ricky Gervais, Ashley Jensen, Stephen Drillinge an Bord / Mein Mann, das Wirt- Merchant, Shaun Williamson, Shaun Pye, The Expendables / The Expendables 2 schaftswunder / Natürlich die Autofahrer / Sarah Moyle, Andrew Buckley, Jamie Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li - Vater, Mutter und neun Kinder / Witwer mit Chapman fünf Töchtern Dir. Sylvester Stallone, Simon West Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Heinz Erhardt Action 2010-2012 190min. Komödie 2005-2007 180min. Komödie 1957-1960 447min. Splendid Film 29.11.2013 Turbine Media Group 15.11.2013 Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056512 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056409 29.11.2013 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056524 The Expendables 1 & 2 (2 Discs) F/X - Tödliche Tricks (Action Cult, (Blu-ray) Uncut) Europa und der zweite Apfel The Expendables / The Expendables 2 F/X - Murder By Illusion Hans-Michael Rehberg, Ingo Hülsmann, Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li - Bryan Brown, Brian Dennehy, Diane Elisabeth Trissenaar, Bernhard Minetti, Dir. Sylvester Stallone, Simon West Venora, Cliff De Young, Jerry Orbach, Klaus Maria Brandauer - Dir. Hans Neuen- Action 2010-2012 198min. Mason Adams - Dir. Robert Mandel fels Splendid Film 29.11.2013 Wendecover Gespräch, Booklet 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056532 Thriller/Action 1985 104min. Drama 1988 110min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Filmgalerie 451 06.12.2013 The Expendables 1 & 2 (2 Discs) Germany(MGM/UA) 06.12.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056571 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056496 Evidence - Auf der Spur des Kil- The Expendables / The Expendables 2 Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li - F/X 2: Die tödliche Illusion (Ac- lers Dir. Sylvester Stallone, Simon West tion Cult, Uncut) Evidence Diverse F/X 2: The Deadly Art Of Illusion Stephen Moyer, Radha Mitchell, Torrey Action 2010-2012 217min. Bryan Brown, Brian Dennehy, Rachel Devitto, Caitlin Stasey, Harry Lennix, Splendid Film 29.11.2013 Ticotin, Joanna Gleason, Philip Bosco - Dir. Svetlana Metkina, Dale Dickey, Nolan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056533 Richard Franklin Gerard Funk, Aml Ameen, John Haymes Wendecover Newton - Dir. Olatunde Osunsanmi The Expendables 1 & 2 (2 Discs) Action 1991 104min. Thriller/Horror 2013 90min. (k.J.) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Universum Film(SquareOne) 13.12.2013 The Expendables / The Expendables 2 Germany(MGM/UA) 06.12.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056146 Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056497 Dir. Sylvester Stallone, Simon West Evidence - Auf der Spur des Kil- Diverse Der Fahnder - Die dritte Staffel (3 lers (Blu-ray) Action 2010-2012 209min. Discs) Evidence Splendid Film 29.11.2013 Jörg Schüttauf Stephen Moyer, Radha Mitchell, Torrey 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056513 Kriminalfilm 1985-2000 612min. Devitto, Caitlin Stasey, Harry Lennix, Universal Pictures Germany(ARD Video) Svetlana Metkina, Dale Dickey, Nolan The Expendables 1 & 2 (2 Discs, 05.12.2013 Gerard Funk, Aml Ameen, John Haymes Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056834 Newton - Dir. Olatunde Osunsanmi The Expendables / The Expendables 2 Thriller/Horror 2013 94min. Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li - Fähre in den Tod Universum Film(SquareOne) 13.12.2013 Dir. Sylvester Stallone, Simon West Klaus J. Behrendt, Dörte Lyssewski, Jür- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056182 Diverse gen Hentsch, Lisa Kreuzer, Hellmut Lange, Action 2010-2012 217min. Sebastian Koch, Gerd Preusche, Ulrich Executive Command (Platinum Splendid Film 29.11.2013 Faulhaber, Herb Andress, Julia Richter - Cult Edition) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056534 Dir. Heiner Carow Action/Drama 1996 106min. Executive Command Extras - Statisten: Die komplette Michael Dudikoff, Larry Poindexter, Paul Pidax film media(Pidax film) 12.11.2013 Winfield, Richard Norton, Amanda Wyss, erste Staffel (2 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056345 Nick Corri, Robin Lang, Gina Mari, Stephen Extras Quadros, Tim Abell, Michael Cavanaugh, Ricky Gervais, Ashley Jensen, Stephen Fairly Legal - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) Warren Burton, Jim McMullan, Matthew Merchant, Shaun Williamson, Shaun Pye, Fairly Legal Walker, Marcus Aurelius, Bryan Cranston, Sarah Moyle, Andrew Buckley, Jamie Komödie/Drama 2011 min. Bok Yun Chon, William Langlois - Dir. Chapman Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Rodney McDonald Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes 05.12.2013 Komödie 2005-2007 180min. Action 1997 91min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056207 Turbine Media Group 15.11.2013 VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 02.12.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056408 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056642 Ein Fall für Titus Bunge (2 Discs) Ralf Wolter, Ruth-Maria Kubitschek - Dir. Executive Command (Platinum Extras - Statisten: Die komplette Günter Gräwert Cult Edition) (Blu-ray) Serie (5 Discs) Kriminalfilm 1967 325min. Extras Pidax film media(Pidax film) 13.12.2013 Executive Command Ricky Gervais, Ashley Jensen, Stephen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056509 Michael Dudikoff, Larry Poindexter, Paul Merchant, Shaun Williamson, Shaun Pye, Winfield, Richard Norton, Amanda Wyss, Sarah Moyle, Andrew Buckley, Jamie Ein Fall für Zwei - Collector’s Box Nick Corri, Robin Lang, Gina Mari, Stephen Chapman 13 (5 Discs) Quadros, Tim Abell, Michael Cavanaugh, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, Warren Burton, Jim McMullan, Matthew Outtakes, Featurettes Claus Theo Gärtner, Günter Strack, Renate Walker, Marcus Aurelius, Bryan Cranston, Komödie 2005-2007 390min. Kohn, Edwin Nöel, Désirée Nosbusch, Jür- Bok Yun Chon, William Langlois - Dir. Turbine Media Group 15.11.2013 gen Schmidt, Herbert Stass, Heidelinde Rodney McDonald tba BestellNr.: 20056988 Weis, Hans Brenner, Donata Höffer, Renate Schauss, Robert Stromberger - Dir. Michael

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Mackenroth, Michael Meyer Drama 1987-1990 325min. Action 2011 104min. Kriminalfilm 1981-2009 900min. Pidax film media(SWR) 06.12.2013 MIG Film 16.01.2014 MORE Music and Media(More Brands and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056508 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056458 Products) 25.10.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056119 Fest im Sattel - Vol. 4 (2 Discs) Forced to Fight (k.J.) Hans Putz, Tamara Rohloff, Hans Clarin, Forced To Fight Ein Fall für Zwei - Rainer Hunold Dietmar Schönherr, Claudia Rieschel, Tho- Gary Daniels, Peter Weller, Alexandra Box (31 Discs) mas Fritsch, Gisèle Pascal - Dir. Christine Weaver - Dir. Jonas Quastel Rainer Hunold, Claus Theo Gärtner Kabisch Trailer Interviews Drama 1987-1990 400min. Action 2011 100min. Kriminalfilm 1989-1997 5400min. Pidax film media(SWR) 06.12.2013 MIG Film 16.01.2014 MORE Music and Media(More Brands and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056792 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056440 Products) 15.11.2013 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056539 Feuchtgebiete Forrest Gump (Masterworks Carla , Christoph Letkowski, Meret Collection) (Blu-ray) Die Familie oder Schroffenstein Becker, Axel Milberg, Marlen Kruse, Peri Forrest Gump Ulrich Wildgruber, Annemarie Düringer - Dir. Baumeister, Edgar Selge, Harry Baer - Dir. Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Hans Neuenfels David Wnendt Mykelti Williamson, Sally Field, Michael Gespräch, Booklet Drama/Komödie 2013 105min. Conner Humphreys, Hanna R. Hall - Dir. Drama 1984 130min. Majestic Filmverleih 31.01.2014 Robert Zemeckis Filmgalerie 451 06.12.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056436 Drama 1994 142min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056570 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.12.2013 Feuchtgebiete (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056561 Family of Cannibals - Das Töten Carla Juri, Christoph Letkowski, Meret liegt ihnen im Blut (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Becker, Axel Milberg, Marlen Kruse, Peri Die Forsyte Saga - Die komplette The Family Baumeister, Edgar Selge, Harry Baer - Dir. Serie (8 Discs) Mark Hanson, Joe Hollow, Angie Savage, David Wnendt The Forsyte Saga Shannon Lark, Chris Losicco, Tony Todd, Drama/Komödie 2013 109min. Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Abweichende Einstellungen, Kane Hodder, Michael Berryman, Devanny Majestic Filmverleih 31.01.2014 Talkshows Pinn - Dir. Joe Hollow, Wolfgang Meyer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056453 Drama 1967 1320min. Trailer KSM GmbH 11.11.2013 Thriller/Horror 2011 87min. Final Showdown 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056369 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.01.2014 Adventures Of Power 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056953 Michael McKean, Jane Lynch, Shoshannah Frauenarzt Dr. Sibelius Stern, Chi Ling Chiu, Adrian Grenier, Ari Lex Barker, Senta Berger, Barbara Rütting, Family of Cannibals - Das Töten Gold, Richard Fancy, Annie Golden - Dir. Ari Anita Höfer - Dir. Rudolf Jugert liegt ihnen im Blut (k.J.) Gold Booklet Drama 1962 99min. The Family Komödie 2008 94min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 08.11.2013 Mark Hanson, Joe Hollow, Angie Savage, Soulfood Music Distribution(Moviepoint) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056297 Shannon Lark, Chris Losicco, Tony Todd, 25.10.2013 Kane Hodder, Michael Berryman, Devanny 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056421 Freier Fall Pinn - Dir. Joe Hollow, Wolfgang Meyer Hanno Koffler, Max Riemelt, Katharina Trailer Fled - Flucht nach Plan (Action Schüttler, Oliver Bröcker, Stephanie Schön- Thriller/Horror 2011 83min. Cult, Uncut) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.01.2014 feld, Britta Hammelstein, Shenja Lacher, Fled 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056929 Maren Kroymann, Luis Lamprecht, Vilmar Laurence Fishburne, Stephen Baldwin, Bieri, Attila Borlan, Horst Krebs, Samuel Die Farbe der Lüge Salma Hayek, Will Patton, Robert John Schnepf - Dir. Stephan Lacant Burke, Robert Hooks, Victor Rivers, David Au Coeur Du Mensonge Drama 2013 97min. Dukes, Ken Jenkins, Michael Nader, Sandrine Bonnaire, Jacques Gamblin, Salzgeber & Co. Medien 22.11.2013 Brittney Powell - Dir. Kevin Hooks 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056100 Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, Antoine de Caunes, Wendecover Bernard Verley, Bulle Ogier, Pierre Martot, Action/Thriller 1996 93min. Freier Fall (Blu-ray) Adrienne Pauly - Dir. Claude Chabrol Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Hanno Koffler, Max Riemelt, Katharina Trailer, Audiokommentar Germany(MGM/UA) 06.12.2013 Kriminalfilm/Drama 1998 108min. Schüttler, Oliver Bröcker, Stephanie Schön- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056495 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde feld, Britta Hammelstein, Shenja Lacher, Classic Selection) 05.11.2013 Der Foltergarten der gelben Maren Kroymann, Luis Lamprecht, Vilmar 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056344 Bieri, Attila Borlan, Horst Krebs, Samuel Schlange Schnepf - Dir. Stephan Lacant Fehlurteil - 20 Years for Nothing Du Bi Quan Wang Yong Zhan Chu Men Jiu Drama 2013 97min. (Uncut) (k.J.) Zi Salzgeber & Co. Medien 22.11.2013 Jimmy Wang Yu, Chen Hung Lieh, Lung Zift 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056159 Chin, Tsung Hua, Wei Hou Po, Hsing Hsieh, Zahary Baharov, Tanya Ilieva, Vladimir Kuo Chu Huang, Han Chang Hu, Kao Penev, Yavor Veselinov, Snezhina Petrova, Ein Freitag in Barcelona Cheng-Peng, Lo Lieh, Lung Fei, Pao Ching Jordan Mutafov, Anastassia Liutova - Dir. Una Pistola En Cada Mano Fang - Dir. Teng Hung Hsu Javor Gardev Ricardo Darín, Luis Tosar, Javier Cámara, Action/Eastern 1976 78min. Thriller/Drama 2008 91min. Eduardo Noriega, Leonor Watling, Candela Intergroove Media(TB Karate Productions) Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) Peña, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, Eduard 13.12.2013 15.11.2013 Fernández, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Jordi 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056781 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056269 Mollà, Alberto San Juan, Clara Segura, Ernesto Villegas - Dir. Cesc Gay Fest im Sattel - Vol. 3 (2 Discs) Forced to Fight (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Komödie 2012 91min. Forced To Fight Hans Putz, Tamara Rohloff, Hans Clarin, Universum Film 06.12.2013 Gary Daniels, Peter Weller, Alexandra Dietmar Schönherr, Claudia Rieschel, Tho- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056257 Weaver - Dir. Jonas Quastel mas Fritsch, Gisèle Pascal - Dir. Christine Trailer Kabisch Ein Freitag in Barcelona (Blu-ray)

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Una Pistola En Cada Mano Fuzzy - Tal der Vergeltung (OmU) - Dir. Wilhelm Semmelroth Ricardo Darín, Luis Tosar, Javier Cámara, Fugitive Of The Plains Drama 1966 111min. Eduardo Noriega, Leonor Watling, Candela Al St. John, Buster Crabbe, Maxine Leslie, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 29.11.2013 Peña, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, Eduard Jack Ingram, Karl Hackett, Hal Price, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056536 Fernández, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Jordi George Chesebro, John Merton - Dir. Sam Mollà, Alberto San Juan, Clara Segura, Newfield Girls - Die komplette zweite Staf- Ernesto Villegas - Dir. Cesc Gay Trailer, Fotoshow fel (2 Discs) Komödie 2012 95min. Western 1943 65min. Girls Universum Film 06.12.2013 aberle-media 25.10.2013 Komödie/Drama 2013 278min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056316 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056502 Warner Home Video Germany 08.11.2013 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056253 Fringe - Die komplette fünfte Game of Thrones - Die komplette Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) zweite Staffel (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Glaube, Blut und Vaterland (Blu- Fringe Game Of Thrones ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm/Science Fiction 2011-2012 Lena Headey, Peter Dinklage, Maisie There Be Dragons 572min. Williams, Michelle Fairley, Emilia Clarke, , Wes Bentley, Dougray Scott, Warner Home Video Germany 08.11.2013 Alfie Allen, , , Sophie Unax Ugalde, Olga Kurylenko, Pablo 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056224 Turner, Jack Gleeson - Dir. Alan Taylor, Alik Lapadula, Golshifteh Farahani, Rusty Sakharov, David Petrarca, , Lemorande - Dir. Roland Joffé Fringe - Die komplette fünfte Neil Marshall Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 126min. Staffel (4 Discs) Fantasy/Drama 2012 543min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Bubble Fringe Warner Home Video Germany 01.11.2013 Gum) 05.11.2013 Kriminalfilm/Science Fiction 2011-2012 min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056354 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056325 Warner Home Video Germany 08.11.2013 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056189 Gefährliche Überraschung Glückliche Reise - Vol. 3 (2 Discs) Deck The Halls Juraj Kukura, Sabine Kaack, Amadeus Au- (Steel Editi- Scottie Thompson, Kathy Najimy, David gust, Jennifer Nitsch, Alexa Wiegandt, on, gekürzte Fassung) (Blu-ray) Selby - Dir. Ron Underwood Conny Glogger, Volker Brandt, Anja Kruse - Thriller/Mystery 2011 90min. (k.J.) Dir. Stefan Bartmann, Peter Weissflog justbridge entertainment media 08.11.2013 Drama/Komödie 1992-1993 375min. From Dusk Till Dawn 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056130 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 20.12.2013 Harvey Keitel, George Clooney, Quentin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056794 Tarantino, Juliette Lewis, Richard „Cheech“ Das Geheimnis der chinesischen Marin, Fred Williamson, Salma Hayek, Marc Nelke Glückliche Reise - Vol. 4 (2 Discs) Lawrence, Michael Parks, Kelly Preston, FBI Contre L’Oeillet Chinois Juraj Kukura, Sabine Kaack, Amadeus Au- Tom Savini, John Saxon, Danny Trejo, Er- Paul Dahlke, Olga Schoberová, Dietmar gust, Jennifer Nitsch, Alexa Wiegandt, nest Liu, John Hawkes - Dir. Robert Schönherr, Horst Frank, Klaus Kinski, Brad Conny Glogger, Volker Brandt, Anja Kruse - Rodriguez Audiokommentar Harris, Dominique Boschero - Dir. Rudolf Dir. Stefan Bartmann, Peter Weissflog Horror/Komödie 1995 106min. Zehetgruber Drama/Komödie 1992-1993 325min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Booklet Pidax film media(Pidax film) 17.01.2014 Kriminalfilm 1964 86min. Germany(Miramax) 28.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056796 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056851 AG(Filmjuwelen) 06.12.2013 God Bless America Frozen Ground 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056580 God Bless America Joel Murray, Tara Lynne Barr, Mackenzie The Frozen Ground Genie des Bösen (Deluxe Edition, Nicolas Cage, Vanessa Hudgens, John Smith, Melinda Page Hamilton, Rich Cusack, Radha Mitchell, 50 Cent, Katherine 2 Discs) McDonald, Guerrin Gardner, Andrea Harper, La Nasa, Dean Norris, Jodi Lyn O’Keefe, The Most Dangerous Game David Mendenhall - Dir. Kevin Dunn, Kurt Fuller, Gia Mantegna, Leslie Banks, Joel McCrea, Fay Wray, Ro- Interviews, Behind the Scenes,, Entfallene und erweiterte bert Armstrong, Noble Johnson - Dir. Ernest Szenen, Musikvideo, Trailer Michael McGrady - Dir. Scott Walker Komödie/Satire 2011 105min. B. Schoedsack, Irving Pichel Featurettes EuroVideo Bildprogramm 07.11.2013 Thriller/Drama 2012 101min. Trailershow, Bildergalerie, Interview, oiriginal s/w-Fassung 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056414 Universum Film(SquareOne) 13.12.2013 Thriller 1932 60min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056259 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.01.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056928 God Bless America (Blu-ray) Frozen Ground (Blu-ray) God Bless America Joel Murray, Tara Lynne Barr, Mackenzie The Frozen Ground Der Gesundheitsinspektor Smith, Melinda Page Hamilton, Rich Nicolas Cage, Vanessa Hudgens, John Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector McDonald, Guerrin Gardner, Andrea Harper, Cusack, Radha Mitchell, 50 Cent, Katherine Larry the Cable Guy, Iris Bahr, Bruce Bruce - Dir. Trent Cooper David Mendenhall - Dir. Bobcat Goldthwait La Nasa, Dean Norris, Jodi Lyn O’Keefe, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Kevin Dunn, Kurt Fuller, Gia Mantegna, Komödie 2006 89min. und erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Hintergrundinfo, Musik- Michael McGrady - Dir. Scott Walker Maritim Pictures 06.12.2013 video, Trailer, Booklet Featurettes 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056111 Komödie/Satire 2011 108min. Thriller/Drama 2012 105min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 07.11.2013 Universum Film(SquareOne) 13.12.2013 Der Gesundheitsinspektor (Blu- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056431 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056318 ray) Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector Gossip Girl - Die sechste und letz- Frühstück im Doppelbett Larry the Cable Guy, Iris Bahr, Bruce Bruce te Staffel (3 Discs) O. W. Fischer, Liselotte Pulver, Lex Barker, - Dir. Trent Cooper Gossip Girl Ralf Wolter, Edith Hancke - Dir. Axel von Komödie 2006 93min. Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, Penn Ambesser Maritim Pictures 06.12.2013 Badgley, Chace Crawford, Ed Westwick, Booklet 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056167 Kelly Rutherford, Matthew Settle, Kristen Komödie 1963 98min. Bell, Taylor Momsen, Jessica Szohr, Defer Pidax film media(Pidax film) 17.01.2014 Gideon Kaylee - Dir. Mark Piznarski, Larry Shaw, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056942 Max Eckard, Bernhard Minetti, Helmut Peine Tate Donovan, Joe Lazarov, Andy Wolk,

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Vincent Misiano, Cherie Nowlan, Andrew Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.11.2013 McCarthy, Michael Grossman, Amy 09.01.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056085 Heckerling, David Warren, Matthew Penn, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056720 John Terlesky, Omar Madha, Norman Hauptsache Beverly Hills (Blu- Buckley, Bart Wenrich, J. Miller Tobin Hänsel & Gretel Box (Blu-ray) ray) Komödie/Drama 2011-2012 402min. (k.J.) The Slums Of Beverly Hills Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 BreadCrumbs / Hansel & Gretel / Natasha Lyonne, Alan Arkin, Marisa Tomei, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056654 Parasomnia Kevin Corrigan, Eli Marienthal, David Horror 270min. Krumholtz, Jessica Walter, , Rita Goya (2 Discs) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 01.11.2013 Moreno, Mena Suvari - Dir. Tamara Jenkins Wolfgang Büttner, Ellen Schwiers, Thomas 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056235 Komödie 1998 96min. Braut, Hans Hinrich, Bernhard Minetti, Hel- Intergroove Media(Pretty Gold Productions) mut Peine - Dir. Wilhelm Semmelroth Hänsel & Gretel Box (k.J.) 15.11.2013 Drama 1969 210min. BreadCrumbs / Hansel & Gretel / 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056086 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 29.11.2013 Parasomnia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056479 Horror 265min. Hawaii (OmU) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 01.11.2013 Hawaii Griseldis 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056217 Manuel Vignau, Mateo Chiarino, Luz Sabine Sinjen, Klaus Barner, Tatjana Palazón, Manuel Martinez Sobrado - Dir. Iwanow, Marlene Riphahn, Heinz Ulrich, Happy Metal - All We Need Is Marco Berger Claudia Rieschel, Friedrich von Thun, An- Love! Drama 2013 102min. drea Schober, Katrin Schaake, Bettina Pop Redemption PRO-FUN MEDIA 20.12.2013 Kalka, Petra Gerhardt - Dir. Peter Beauvais Julien Doré, Grégory Gadebois, Jonathan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056771 Drama 1974 111min. Cohen, Yacine Belhousse, Audrey Fleurot, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 20.12.2013 Alexandre Astier, Délia Espinat-Dief, Hawaii Five-0 - Season 2.1 (3 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056578 Arsène Mosca - Dir. Martin Le Gall Discs) Die große fantastische Komödie 2013 90min. Hawaii Five-0 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 Alex O’Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae Weihnachtsbox (3 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056991 Kim, Grace Park, Taylor Wily, Masi Oka, Drama 820min. Teilor Grubbs, Lauren German, Terry Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 01.11.2013 Happy Metal - All We Need Is O’Quinn, Claire van der Boom, Brian Yang, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056258 Love! (Blu-ray) Dennis Chun, Mark Dacascos, Larisa Oleynik, Will Yun Lee, Reiko Aylesworth, Die große Plattfuß-Box (4 Discs) Pop Redemption Julien Doré, Grégory Gadebois, Jonathan Michelle Borth, William Sadler - Dir. Brad (Blu-ray) Cohen, Yacine Belhousse, Audrey Fleurot, Turner, Steve Boyum, Duane Clark, Matt Sie nannten ihn Plattfuß / Plattfuß räumt Alexandre Astier, Délia Espinat-Dief, Earl Beesley, Larry Teng auf / Plattfuß in Afrika / Plattfuß am Nil Arsène Mosca - Dir. Martin Le Gall Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentare Kriminalfilm 2011 495min. Bud Spencer Komödie 2013 94min. Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 Trailer Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 Komödie/Action 1973-1979 min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056378 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057000 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 06.12.2013 Harley Davidson und der Hawaii Five-0 - Season 2.2 (3 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056639 Marlboro Mann (Action Cult, Discs) Hawaii Five-0 Grossstadtklein Uncut) Alex O’Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae Jacob Matschenz, Jytte-Merle Böhrnsen, Harley Davidson And The Marlboro Man Kim, Grace Park, Taylor Wily, Masi Oka, Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, Kostja Ullmann, Pit Mickey Rourke, Don Johnson, Chelsea Teilor Grubbs, Lauren German, Terry Bukowski, Tobias Moretti, Ulrike Field, Daniel Baldwin, Tom Sizemore - Dir. O’Quinn, Claire van der Boom, Brian Yang, Krumbiegel, Markus Hering, Dorothea Simon Wincer Dennis Chun, Mark Dacascos, Larisa Walda, Heinz W. Krückeberg, Karl Wendecover Oleynik, Will Yun Lee, Reiko Aylesworth, Action/Thriller 1991 94min. Kranzkowski, Peter Weiss, Andreas Michelle Borth, William Sadler - Dir. Brad Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Guenther, Niels Bruno Schmidt, Hasan Ali Turner, Steve Boyum, Duane Clark, Matt Germany(MGM/UA) 06.12.2013 Mete, Tim Wilde, Gode Benedix, Kordula Earl Beesley, Larry Teng Kohlschmitt, Juri Winkler, Alexandra Pinzke 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056499 Entfallene Szene, Bonus-Episode, Featurettes, Outtakes - Dir. Tobias Wiemann Kriminalfilm 2011 495min. Komödie 2013 94min. Hasta la vista, Sister! Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 Warner Home Video Germany 24.01.2014 Day Of The Flowers 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056379 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056890 Eva Birthistle, Charity Wakefield, Carlos Acosta, Bryan Dick, Christopher Simpson, Heimliche Spiele Trilogie (3 Hanni & Nanni / Hanni & Nanni 2 Manuel de Blas, Luis Alberto Garcia, Discs) Enrique Molina, Aurora Basnuevo, Phyllis (2 Discs) À L’Aventure / Les Anges Exterminateurs / Logan - Dir. John Roberts Sophia Münster, Jana Münster, Hannelore Heimliche Spiele Komödie/Drama 2012 96min. Elsner, Heino Ferch - Dir. Christine Hart- Dir. Jean-Claude Brisseau Warner Home Video Germany(X Filme) mann, Julia von Heinz Interview, Alternative Szene, Intro, Trailer, Bildergalerie 24.01.2014 Kinderfilm 2010-2012 170min. Drama/Erotik 2002-2009 312min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056891 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Alamode Film 06.12.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056685 09.01.2014 Hauptsache Beverly Hills 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056704 The Slums Of Beverly Hills Heinrich Penthesilea von Kleist Hanni & Nanni / Hanni & Nanni 2 Natasha Lyonne, Alan Arkin, Marisa Tomei, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Hermann Treusch, Kevin Corrigan, Eli Marienthal, David (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Verena Peter, Nicole Heesters, Lieselotte Krumholtz, Jessica Walter, Carl Reiner, Rita Rau - Dir. Hans Neuenfels Sophia Münster, Jana Münster, Hannelore Moreno, Mena Suvari - Dir. Tamara Jenkins Gespräch Elsner, Heino Ferch - Dir. Christine Hart- Komödie 1998 96min. Drama 1983 138min. mann, Julia von Heinz Intergroove Media(Pretty Gold Productions) Filmgalerie 451 06.12.2013 Kinderfilm 2010-2012 177min.

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056569 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 08.11.2013 Ryôhei Suzuki, Fumika Shimizu, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056238 Katase - Dir. Yuichi Fukuda Hell on Wheels - Die komplette Komödie/Action 2013 105min. zweite Staffel (3 Discs) Hijacked - Entführt FilmConfect Home Entertainment 29.11.2013 Hell On Wheels Hijacked 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056692 Anson Mount, Colm Meaney, Common - Dir. Randy Couture, Dominic Purcell, Tiffany Adam Davidson Dupont, Holt McCallany, Gina Philips, Craig HK: Hentai Kamen (Blu-ray) Making of Fairbrass, Vinnie Jones, Jeronimo Spinx - HK: Hentai Kamen Western/Action 2012-2013 460min. Dir. Brandon Nutt Ryôhei Suzuki, Fumika Shimizu, Nana WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Trailer Katase - Dir. Yuichi Fukuda 10.01.2014 Action 2012 87min. Komödie/Action 2013 109min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056705 Pecom AG 20.01.2014 FilmConfect Home Entertainment 29.11.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056761 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056710 Hell on Wheels - Die komplette zweite Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Hijacked - Entführt (Blu-ray) HK: Hentai Kamen (Limited Hijacked Hell On Wheels Collector’s Edition, + DVD) (Blu- Randy Couture, Dominic Purcell, Tiffany Anson Mount, Colm Meaney, Common - Dir. Dupont, Holt McCallany, Gina Philips, Craig ray) Adam Davidson Fairbrass, Vinnie Jones, Jeronimo Spinx - HK: Hentai Kamen Making of Ryôhei Suzuki, Fumika Shimizu, Nana Western/Action 2012-2013 478min. Dir. Brandon Nutt Katase - Dir. Yuichi Fukuda WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Trailer Action 2012 90min. Schlüpfer 10.01.2014 Pecom AG 20.01.2014 Komödie/Action 2013 109min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056721 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056810 FilmConfect Home Entertainment 29.11.2013 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056711 Hells Angels Collection - Die En- The Hills Have Eyes (Blu-ray) gel des Todes (3 Discs) (k.J.) (k.J.) Der Hobbit: Eine unerwartete Rei- Hells Angels Forever / The Bullfighters - The Hills Have Eyes se (Extended Edition, 3 Discs) Das Todeslied der stählernen Ketten / The Virginia Vincent, Robert Houston, Susan (Blu-ray) Cycle Savages / Die auf heißen Öfen ver- Lanier, Martin Speer, James Withworth, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey recken / Freebird / The Hard Ride / Hell’s Russ Grieve - Dir. Wes Craven Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Belles / Stone Cold - Kalt wie Stein Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Doku Armitage, Cate Blanchett, Sir Ian Holm, Action 770min. Horror/Thriller 1977 90min. Christopher Lee, Luke Evans, Hugo Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 17.01.2014 Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Weaving, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Jed 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056938 13.12.2013 Brophy, Adam R. Brown, John Callen, Mark 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056825 Herzflimmern Hadlow, Peter Hambleton, Stephen Hunter, William Kircher, Sylvester McCoy, Bret Le Souffle Au Coeur The Hills Have Eyes (k.J.) McKenzie, Graham McTavish, James , Benoît Ferreux, Daniel Gélin, The Hills Have Eyes Nesbitt, Dean O’Gorman, Aidan Turner, Michael Lonsdale, Gila von Weitershausen, Virginia Vincent, Robert Houston, Susan Evangeline Lilly - Dir. Peter Jackson Ave Ninchi - Dir. Lanier, Martin Speer, James Withworth, Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Einleitung Trailer, Bildergalerie Russ Grieve - Dir. Wes Craven Fantasy 2012 183min. Drama 1971 113min. Featurette, Trailer Warner Home Video Germany 15.11.2013 cmv-Laservision 29.11.2013 Horror/Thriller 1977 86min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056310 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056584 Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) 13.12.2013 Der Hobbit: Eine unerwartete Rei- High Speed 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056780 200 MPH se (Extended Edition, 5 Discs) Jaz Martin, Hennely Jimenez, AnnaMaria Eine himmlische Familie - Die The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Demara, Darren Thomas, Zedrick Restauro, komplette 3. Staffel (5 Discs) Jared Kahn, Paul Logan, Janet Tracy Armitage, Cate Blanchett, Sir Ian Holm, 7th Heaven Keijser, Tommy Nash, Sam Aaron - Dir. Cole Christopher Lee, Luke Evans, Hugo Drama/Familie 1998 942min. S. McKay Weaving, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Jed Concorde Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Action/Thriller 2011 88min. Brophy, Adam R. Brown, John Callen, Mark 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056343 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 08.11.2013 Hadlow, Peter Hambleton, Stephen Hunter, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056220 William Kircher, Sylvester McCoy, Bret Eine himmlische Familie - Die McKenzie, Graham McTavish, James High Speed (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) komplette 4. Staffel (5 Discs) Nesbitt, Dean O’Gorman, Aidan Turner, 200 MPH 7th Heaven Evangeline Lilly - Dir. Peter Jackson Jaz Martin, Hennely Jimenez, AnnaMaria Drama/Familie 1999 952min. Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Einleitung Fantasy 2012 175min. Demara, Darren Thomas, Zedrick Restauro, Concorde Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Warner Home Video Germany 15.11.2013 Jared Kahn, Paul Logan, Janet Tracy 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056346 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056251 Keijser, Tommy Nash, Sam Aaron - Dir. Cole Ein himmlischer Freund S. McKay Der Hobbit: Eine unerwartete Rei- Action/Thriller 2011 92min. Heinz Hoenig, Jutta Speidel, Marian Loesch, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.01.2014 Wolf Roth, Maximilian Krückl, Robin Schnei- se (Extended Edition, Blu-ray 3D 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056954 der, Christian Schäffer, Tibor Taylor, Mar- + 2D, 5 Discs mit Statue) (Blu-ray) got Mayrhofer, Elfriede Trieb, Josef Holz- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey High Speed (Blu-ray) knecht, Klaus Mayerhofer, Josef Goldberg, Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard 200 MPH Reinhard Exenberger - Dir. Karsten Armitage, Cate Blanchett, Sir Ian Holm, Jaz Martin, Hennely Jimenez, AnnaMaria Wichniarz Christopher Lee, Luke Evans, Hugo Demara, Darren Thomas, Zedrick Restauro, Komödie 2003 90min. Weaving, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Jed Jared Kahn, Paul Logan, Janet Tracy POLAR Film + Medien 21.11.2013 Brophy, Adam R. Brown, John Callen, Mark Keijser, Tommy Nash, Sam Aaron - Dir. Cole tba BestellNr.: 20056552 Hadlow, Peter Hambleton, Stephen Hunter, S. McKay William Kircher, Sylvester McCoy, Bret Action/Thriller 2011 92min. HK: Hentai Kamen McKenzie, Graham McTavish, James HK: Hentai Kamen

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Nesbitt, Dean O’Gorman, Aidan Turner, Homeland - Die komplette Horror 794min. Evangeline Lilly - Dir. Peter Jackson Season 2 (4 Discs) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.01.2014 Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Einleitung 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056930 Fantasy 2012 183min. Homeland Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Video- Warner Home Video Germany 15.11.2013 tagebuch, Making of Horror Nightmare (k.J.) 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056312 Thriller/Drama 2012 min. Nightmare Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Jason Scott Campbell, Nicole Roderick, J. Der Hobbit: Eine unerwartete Rei- Germany 06.12.2013 Bloomrosen, Jolan Boockvor, Amin Joseph, se (Extended Edition, Blu-ray 3D 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056289 Noah Weisberg, Jennifer Carta - Dir. Dylan + 2D, 5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Bank The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey The Honor of Killing Thriller/Horror 2005 104min. Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Tomorrow You’re Gone Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) Armitage, Cate Blanchett, Sir Ian Holm, Stephen Dorff, Michelle Monaghan, Tara 01.11.2013 Christopher Lee, Luke Evans, Hugo Buck, Willem Dafoe, Robert LaSardo, Kerry 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056268 Weaving, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Jed Rossall, Adam Jay Epstein, Ryan Ross - Brophy, Adam R. Brown, John Callen, Mark Dir. David Jacobson Hostel 2 (Kinofassung, Steelbook) Hadlow, Peter Hambleton, Stephen Hunter, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Thriller/Mystery 2012 88min. William Kircher, Sylvester McCoy, Bret Hostel Part II KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 29.11.2013 McKenzie, Graham McTavish, James Lauren German, Heather Matarazzo, Bijou 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056367 Nesbitt, Dean O’Gorman, Aidan Turner, Phillips, Roger Bart, Richard Burgi, Vera Evangeline Lilly - Dir. Peter Jackson The Honor of Killing (Blu-ray) Jordanova, Milan Knazko, Stanislav Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Einleitung Ianevski - Dir. Eli Roth Tomorrow You’re Gone Fantasy 2012 183min. Thriller/Horror 2007 92min. Stephen Dorff, Michelle Monaghan, Tara Warner Home Video Germany 15.11.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Buck, Willem Dafoe, Robert LaSardo, Kerry 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056311 09.01.2014 Rossall, Adam Jay Epstein, Ryan Ross - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056742 Das Höllenriff Dir. David Jacobson Beneath The 12-Mile-Reef Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller/Mystery 2012 92min. Hotel Noir Robert Wagner, Gilbert Roland, Angela KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 29.11.2013 Hotel Noir Clark, Terry Moore, J. Carroll Naish, Ri- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056389 Malin Akerman, Kevin Connolly, Rosario chard Boone, Peter Graves, Harry Carey Dawson - Dir. Sebastian Gutierrez Jr. - Dir. Robert D. Webb Hooligans 3 - Never Back Down Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 93min. Abenteuer/Drama 1953 100min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs aberle-media 25.10.2013 GmbH & Co. KG(Zenith Pictures) Green Street Hooligans: Underground 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056503 08.11.2013 Scott Adkins, Kacey Barnfield, Joey Ansah, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056681 Holy Flying Circus - Voll ver- Ryan Oliva, Jack Doolan, Christian Howard, scherzt Mark Wingett, Josh Myers II - Dir. James Hotel Noir (Blu-ray) Nunn Holy Flying Circus Hotel Noir Action/Drama 2013 97min. Ben Crispin - Dir. Owen Harris Malin Akerman, Kevin Connolly, Rosario Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Entfallene Szenen Dawson - Dir. Sebastian Gutierrez 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056155 Drama/Komödie 2011 90min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 96min. polyband Medien GmbH 29.11.2013 Hooligans 3 - Never Back Down Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056423 GmbH & Co. KG(Zenith Pictures) (k.J.) 08.11.2013 Holy Flying Circus - Voll ver- Green Street Hooligans: Underground 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056682 scherzt (Blu-ray) Scott Adkins, Kacey Barnfield, Joey Ansah, Holy Flying Circus Ryan Oliva, Jack Doolan, Christian Howard, House of Lies - Die erste Season Ben Crispin - Dir. Owen Harris Mark Wingett, Josh Myers II - Dir. James (2 Discs) Nunn Entfallene Szenen House Of Lies Drama/Komödie 2011 90min. Action/Drama 2013 93min. Don Cheadle, Kristen Bell, Ben Schwartz, polyband Medien GmbH 29.11.2013 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Josh Lawson, Dawn Olivieri, Donis 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056433 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056096 Leonard Jr., Glynn Turman, Griffin Dunne, Home Run Hör mal, wer da hämmert - Greg Germann, Megalyn Echikunwoke, Richard Schiff - Dir. Stephen Hopkins Home Run Komplettbox, Staffel 1-8 Audiokommentar, Interviews, Featurettes Scott Elrod, Dorian Brown, Vivica A. Fox, Home Improvement Komödie/Satire 2012 334min. Charles Henry Wyson, James Devoti, Ni- Tim Allen, Patricia Richardson, Earl Paramount Home Entertainment 05.12.2013 cole Leigh, Drew Waters, Robert Peters, Hindman, Taran Noah Smith, Jonathan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056689 Elvin John Rosa jr., Samantha Isler, Ty Taylor Thomas, Zachery Ty Bryan, Richard Fanning - Dir. David Boyd Karn, Debbe Dunning How I Met Your Mother - Season Drama 2013 109min. Diverse 08 (3 Discs) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Komödie 1991-1999 min. How I Met Your Mother 06.02.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, Making of, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056723 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Musikvideo, Audiokommentar 14.11.2013 Komödie 2012 min. Homeland - Die komplette 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056302 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Season 2 (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Germany 29.11.2013 Homeland Horror Box (3 Discs) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056285 Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Video- Heartstopper / It Waits / The Last Sect / tagebuch, Making of Die Nacht der lebenden Toten / Der Hundeflüsterer - Season 3 (5 Thriller/Drama 2012 min. Parasomnia / Plane Dead - Der Flug in Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment den Tod / Return of the Living Dead 5: Dog Whisperer With Cesar Millan Germany 06.12.2013 Rave to the Grave / Rise of the Damned / Cesar Millan, Ilusion Millan, Andre Millan, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056335 The Shadow Within Virginia Madsen, Ellen Thompson - Dir. Sue-

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Ann Fincke, Mark Cole, Jim Milio, Mark Schlacht der Sioux / Die vier Gesetzlosen Link, Jutta Kammann, Maren Gilzer, Arzu Hufnail Western 258min. Bazman, Uta Schorn, Udo Schenk, Michael Abenteuer 2004 743min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.01.2014 Trischan - Dir. Jürgen Brauer, Frank Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.10.2013 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056925 Gotthardy, Mathias Luther, Matthias Zirzow, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056190 Christoph Klünker Im Reich der Elfen und Halblinge Drama 2013 1080min. Der Hundeflüsterer - Season 4 (5 (2 Discs) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Discs) Das Imperium der Elfen / Westender / Germany 28.01.2014 Dog Whisperer With Cesar Millan Dragon Storm / Merlin und das Schwert tba BestellNr.: 20056839 Cesar Millan, Ilusion Millan, Andre Millan, Excalibur / Robin Hood - Beyond Virginia Madsen, Ellen Thompson - Dir. Sue- Sherwood Forest / Marcus - Der Gladiator Insane Blood Massacre - Lady Ann Fincke, Mark Cole, Jim Milio, Mark von Rom Blood (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Hufnail Bick Mick Walter, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Lady Blood Abenteuer 2004 827min. Liam Matthews, Blake Stadel, Rob Simon- Emmanuelle Escourrou, Philippe Nahon, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 03.12.2013 sen, John Rankin, Maxwell Caulfield, Angel Serge Riaboukine, Shirley Bosquet, Luc 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056583 Boris, Park Woon-young, James Callis, Shiltz, Richard Sammel, Abel Jafry - Dir. Laura Harris, Jesse Moss, Robin Dunne, Jean-Marc Vincent Hunter - Staffel 2.1 (3 Discs) Erica Durance, Julian Sands, Eric Roberts, Trailer, Storyboards, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Hunter Kevin Stapleton, Frida Farrell - Dir. Paul Horror 2008 81min. Interviews Matthews, Brock Morse, Stephen Furst, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.11.2013 Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1991 510min. Warren P. Sonoda, Peter DeLuise, Declan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056082 Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 O’Brien 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056545 Fantasy/Action 547min. Insane Blood Massacre - Lady KSM GmbH 29.11.2013 Blood (k.J.) Hunter - Staffel 2.2 (3 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056360 Lady Blood Hunter Emmanuelle Escourrou, Philippe Nahon, Interviews Im Schatten der Macht (2 Discs) Serge Riaboukine, Shirley Bosquet, Luc Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1991 470min. Michael Mendl, Matthias Brandt, Dieter Shiltz, Richard Sammel, Abel Jafry - Dir. Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 Pfaff, Michael Quast, Jürgen Hentsch, Bar- Jean-Marc Vincent 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056644 bara Rudnik, Rudolf Kowalski, Markus Boy- Trailer, Storyboards, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Horror 2008 80min. I Declare War sen, Felix von Manteuffel, Michael Trischan, Christiane Lemm, Stefan Kurt, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.11.2013 I Declare War Ulrich Mühe, Siemen Rühaak, Uwe Serafin, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056076 Siam Yu, Gage Munroe, Michael Friend, Christian Ewald, Janette Rauch, Felix Aidan Gouveia, Mackenzie Munro, Alex Eitner, Friederike Wagner, Jörg Gudzuhn, Inside Hunted Places (k.J.) Cardillo, Dyson Fyke, Spencer Howes, Robert Giggenbach, Martin Lüttge, Sieg- Nightmare House / When the Night Comes Andy Reid, Kolton Stewart, Richard fried Kernen, Birte Berg - Dir. Oliver Storz / Creature of the Night Nguyen, Eric Hanson - Dir. Jason Lapeyre Drama 2003 176min. Horror 240min. Thriller/Drama 2012 90min. Universum Film 29.11.2013 Soulfood Music Distribution(Artwork OFDb Filmworks 28.01.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056881 Entertainment) 29.11.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20056093 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056971 I Declare War (Blu-ray) In a World ... - Die Macht der Stimme Inside Wikileaks - Die fünfte Ge- I Declare War walt Siam Yu, Gage Munroe, Michael Friend, In A World ... The Fifth Estate Aidan Gouveia, Mackenzie Munro, Alex Lake Bell, Fred Melamed, Demetri Martin, Benedict Cumberbatch, Daniel Brühl, Cardillo, Dyson Fyke, Spencer Howes, Michaela Watkins, Ken Marino, Rob Cord- Anthony Mackie, David Thewlis, Alicia Andy Reid, Kolton Stewart, Richard dry, Alexandra Holden, Nick Offerman, Vikander, Peter Capaldi, Carice van Houten, Nguyen, Eric Hanson - Dir. Jason Lapeyre Geena Davis, Stephanie Allynne - Dir. Lake , Stanley Tucci, Laura Linney - Thriller/Drama 2012 94min. Bell Dir. Bill Condon OFDb Filmworks 28.01.2014 Komödie/Drama 2013 89min. Drama 2013 min. tba BestellNr.: 20056153 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 23.01.2014 Highlight Communications Ice Soldiers 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056786 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 03.04.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20056797 Ice Soldiers In a World ... - Die Macht der Dominic Purcell, Adam Beach, Michael Inside Wikileaks - Die fünfte Ge- Ironside - Dir. Sturla Gunnarsson Stimme (Blu-ray) Action/Science Fiction 2013 min. In A World ... walt (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Lake Bell, Fred Melamed, Demetri Martin, The Fifth Estate 27.02.2014 Michaela Watkins, Ken Marino, Rob Cord- Benedict Cumberbatch, Daniel Brühl, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056978 dry, Alexandra Holden, Nick Offerman, Anthony Mackie, David Thewlis, Alicia Geena Davis, Stephanie Allynne - Dir. Lake Vikander, Peter Capaldi, Carice van Houten, I’m in Love with a Church Girl Bell Dan Stevens, Stanley Tucci, Laura Linney - I’m in Love With A Church Girl Komödie/Drama 2013 93min. Dir. Bill Condon Jeffrey „Ja Rule“ Atkins, Michael Madsen, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Drama 2013 min. Stephen Baldwin, Raul Bustamante, Martin 23.01.2014 Highlight Communications Kove, Toby McKeehan, Adrienne Bailon, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056828 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 03.04.2014 - Dir. Steve Race tba BestellNr.: 20056832 Trailer In aller Freundschaft - Die 16. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 114min. Staffel, Teil 1, 24 Folgen Insidious: Chapter 2 Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Insidious: Chapter 2 Dieter Bellmann, Thomas Rühmann, Bern- 01.11.2013 Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Barbara hard Bettermann, Andrea Kathrin Loewig, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056470 Hershey, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson, Thomas Koch, Cheryl Shepard, Hendrikje Lin Shaye, Ty Simpkins, Steve Coulter, Fitz, Karsten Kühn, Ursula Karusseit, Rolf Im Land der Sioux Jocelin Donahue, Lindsay Seim, Garrett Becker, Alexa Maria Surholt, Roy Peter Spiel mir das Lied der Rache / Die letzte Ryan, Danielle Bisutti, Tom Fitzpatrick, Hank

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Harris, Michael Beach - Dir. James Wan Irgendwann in Mexico Kim Little, D. C. Douglas, Nick Stellate, Me- Horror 2013 102min. (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) lissa Renee Martin, Steven Glinn, Scott Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Soren - Dir. David Michael Latt Once Upon A Time In Mexico 20.02.2014 Thriller/Horror 2002 83min. Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Johnny 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056976 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 22.11.2013 Depp, Mickey Rourke, Eva Mendes, Danny 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056221 Insidious: Chapter 2 (Blu-ray) Trejo, Enrique Iglesias, Marco Leonardi, Richard „Cheech“ Marin, Rubén Blades, Insidious: Chapter 2 JFK - Tatort Dallas (Blu-ray) Willem Dafoe, Cecilia Tijerina, Gerardo Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Barbara JFK Vigil, José Luis Avendaño, Rodolfo De Hershey, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson, Kevin Costner, Joe Pesci, Sissy Spacek, Alexandre, Pedro Armendáriz Jr., Miguel Lin Shaye, Ty Simpkins, Steve Coulter, Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Oldman, Jay O. Couturier, Julio Mechoso, Ermahn Ospina, Jocelin Donahue, Lindsay Seim, Garrett Sanders, Michael Rooker, , Sylvia Salpoyo - Dir. Robert Rodriguez Ryan, Danielle Bisutti, Tom Fitzpatrick, Hank Gary Grubbs, , Jack Lemmon, Action/Abenteuer 2003 102min. Harris, Michael Beach - Dir. James Wan Walter Matthau, Edward Asner, Donald Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Horror 2013 106min. Sutherland, Kevin , Brian Doyle- 09.01.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Murray, Sally Kirkland, Beata Pozniak, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056744 20.02.2014 Vincent D’Onofrio, Tony Plana, Tomás Milián 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056985 Iron Sky - Wir kommen in Frie- - Dir. Oliver Stone Audiokommentar, Hintergrundinfo, Entfallene und erweiterte Inspector Barnaby, Vol. 20 (5 den! (Limited Edition, Director’s Szenen, Featurettes Cut, Steelbook) Thriller/Drama 1991 189min. Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Iron Sky Midsomer Murders 08.11.2013 Julia Dietze, Götz Otto, Udo Kier, Christo- John Nettles, Neil Dudgeon 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056247 Interviews pher Kirby, Tilo Prückner, Stephanie Paul, Kriminalfilm 500min. Peta Sergeant, Kym Jackson, Michael (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu- Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 24.01.2014 Cullen - Dir. Timo Vuorensola 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056878 Q+A-Session BIFFF 2012, Making-of, Interviews ray 2D) (Blu-ray) Science Fiction/Satire 2011 106min. Jurassic Park Inspektor Jury - Der Tote im Pub Splendid Film 29.11.2013 Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Lord Fritz Karl, Götz Schubert, Arndt 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056424 Richard Attenborough, Ariana Richards, Schwering-Sohnrey, Julia Brendler, Bern- Joseph Mazzello, Bob Peck, Martin Ferrero, hard Schir, Katharina Thalbach, Julia Iron Sky - Wir kommen in Frie- B.D. Wong, Samuel L. Jackson, Wayne Stemberger, Christoph Tomanek, Peter den! (Limited Edition, Director’s Knight, Richard Kiley, Timm Neu - Dir. Lerchbaumer, Anatole Taubman, Anna Cut, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Unterberger, Michael Schweighöfer - Dir. Featurette Iron Sky Abenteuer/Fantasy 1993-2013 126min. Edzard Onneken Julia Dietze, Götz Otto, Udo Kier, Christo- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Making of, Outtakes, Wendecover pher Kirby, Tilo Prückner, Stephanie Paul, Kriminalfilm 89min. 05.12.2013 Peta Sergeant, Kym Jackson, Michael STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056232 Cullen - Dir. Timo Vuorensola Germany 28.01.2014 Q+A-Session BIFFF 2012, Making-of, Interviews K9 - Das große Weihnachts- tba BestellNr.: 20056840 Science Fiction/Satire 2011 111min. Splendid Film 29.11.2013 abenteuer Interior. Leather Bar. (OmU) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056434 K9 Adventures: A Christmas Tale Interior. Leather Bar. Luke Perry, Ariana Bagley, Taylor Negron, Val Lauren, James Franco, Christian Jack Ryan Box - Die offizielle Camrey Bagley, Adam Johnson, Richmond Patrick, Travis Mathews, Brenden Gregory, Movie Collection (4 Discs) (Blu- Chloe, Jake Suazo, Anson Bagley, Nathan Bradley Roberge, Collin Chavez - Dir. Sears, Cate Allen - Dir. Ben Gourley James Franco, Travis Mathews ray) Komödie/Familie 2013 90min. Bonusfilm Jagd auf Roter Oktober / Das Kartell / Die Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Doku-Drama 2013 58min. Stunde der Patrioten / Der Anschlag 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056261 PRO-FUN MEDIA 29.11.2013 Thriller 1990-2002 517min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056769 Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 K9 - Das große Weihnachts- 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056396 Invisible Zombie abenteuer (Blu-ray) K9 Adventures: A Christmas Tale Skew Jack Taylor (6 Discs) Luke Perry, Ariana Bagley, Taylor Negron, Rob Scattergood, Richard Olak, Amber Der Ex-Bulle / Auge um Auge / Gefallene Camrey Bagley, Adam Johnson, Richmond Lewis, Taneal Cutting, David MacAulay, Mädchen / Königin der Schmerzen / Tag Chloe, Jake Suazo, Anson Bagley, Nathan Chadderton W. Thornton - Dir. Sevé der Vergeltung / Das schweigende Kind Sears, Cate Allen - Dir. Ben Gourley Schelenz Iain Glen, Nora Jane Noone, Killian Scott - Komödie/Familie 2013 90min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Dir. Stuart Orme Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Horror 2011 97min. Kriminalfilm 2011-2013 540min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056319 Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Edel Germany(ZDF) 09.12.2013 01.11.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056504 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056658 Kalifornia Nightmare (Action Cult, Jadup und Boel - Verboten! Film- Uncut) Invisible Zombie (Blu-ray) zensur in Europa Marshall Law Skew Jimmy Smits, James LeGros, Vonte Sweet, Kurt Böwe, Katrin Knappe, Gudrun Ritter, Rob Scattergood, Richard Olak, Amber Scott Plank, Channon Roe, Michael Käthe Reichel, Franciszek Pieczka - Dir. Lewis, Taneal Cutting, David MacAulay, Cavalieri, Rodney Rowland, Tai Thai, Kristy Rainer Simon Chadderton W. Thornton - Dir. Sevé Kurzfilme, Trailer, DVD-Rom-Part Swanson - Dir. Stephen Cornwell Schelenz Drama 1988 158min. Wendecover Action 1995 min. Trailer, Bildergalerie absolut MEDIEN 13.12.2013 Horror 2011 82min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056864 Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Germany(MGM/UA) 06.12.2013 01.11.2013 Jagdzeit 2 (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056500 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056675 Killers 2: The Beast

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Der Kandidat Products) 29.11.2013 ray) Kandidaten 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056789 North To Alaska Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Tuva Novotny, Kim Bodnia, John Wayne, Stewart Granger, Ernie Laura Christensen, Ulf Pilgaard, Henning Kleiner Mann - was nun? Kovacs, Fabian, Capucine, Mickey Jensen, Jesper Langberg, David Dencik - Hannelore Hoger, Brigitte Mira, Rosel Zech, Shaughnessy, Karl Swenson, Joe Sawyer, Dir. Kasper Barfoed Hans Mahnke, Günter Lamprecht, Karl Kathleen Freeman, John Qualen - Dir. Hen- Thriller 2008 95min. Friedrich - Dir. Tankred Dorst, Peter Zadek ry Hathaway Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 15.11.2013 Theater/Drama 1973 133min. Fox tönende Wochenschau, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056213 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 29.11.2013 Western/Komödie 1960 122min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056410 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Der Kandidat (Blu-ray) Germany 06.12.2013 Kandidaten Kleist Trilogie - Filme von Hans 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056334 Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Tuva Novotny, Kim Bodnia, Neuenfels (3 Discs) Laura Christensen, Ulf Pilgaard, Henning Elisabeth Trissenaar, Hermann Treusch, Lass dein Glück nicht ziehen - Jensen, Jesper Langberg, David Dencik - Verena Peter, Nicole Heesters, Lieselotte Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani Dir. Kasper Barfoed Rau - Dir. Hans Neuenfels Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani Thriller 2008 98min. Gespräch, Booklets Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Aditya Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 15.11.2013 Drama 1983-1988 384min. Roy Kapoor, Kalki Koechlin, Evelyn Sharma, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056233 Filmgalerie 451 06.12.2013 Poorna Jagannathan, Mokshad Dodwani, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056568 Omar Khan - Dir. Ayan Mukherjee Kick-Ass 2 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Trailer Kick-Ass 2: Balls To The Wall Knight of the Dead Komödie/Lovestory 2013 154min. Aaron Johnson, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Knight Of The Dead Rapid Eye Movies HE 29.11.2013 Chloe Grace Moretz, Jim Carrey, Donald Feth Greenwood, Dylan Jones, Lee 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056090 Faison, Robert Emms, Lyndsy Fonseca, Bennett, Nia Ann, Jason Beeston, George Morris Chestnut, Yancy Butler, Augustus McCluskey, Vivien Vilela, Alan Calton - Dir. Lass dein Glück nicht ziehen - Prew - Dir. Jeff Wadlow Mark Atkins Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (Blu- Alternativer Anfang, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer ray) Making of, Featurette, Audiokommentar Horror/Abenteuer 2013 86min. Action/Komödie 2013 103min. Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056992 Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Aditya 19.12.2013 Roy Kapoor, Kalki Koechlin, Evelyn Sharma, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056230 Knight of the Dead (Blu-ray 3D) Poorna Jagannathan, Mokshad Dodwani, (Blu-ray) Omar Khan - Dir. Ayan Mukherjee Kick-Ass 2 (k.J.) Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Trailer Knight Of The Dead Komödie/Lovestory 2013 160min. Kick-Ass 2: Balls To The Wall Feth Greenwood, Dylan Jones, Lee Rapid Eye Movies HE 29.11.2013 Aaron Johnson, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Bennett, Nia Ann, Jason Beeston, George 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056150 Chloe Grace Moretz, Jim Carrey, Donald McCluskey, Vivien Vilela, Alan Calton - Dir. Faison, Robert Emms, Lyndsy Fonseca, Mark Atkins Last Passenger - Zug ins Unge- Morris Chestnut, Yancy Butler, Augustus Trailer Prew - Dir. Jeff Wadlow Horror/Abenteuer 2013 89min. wisse Action/Komödie 2013 99min. Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 Last Passenger Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057001 Dougray Scott, Kara Tointon, David 19.12.2013 Schofield, Iddo Goldberg, Lindsay Duncan, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056204 Kollege Crampton Joshua Kaynama, Samuel Geker-Kawle - Alfred Schieske, Barbara Schöne, Heinz Dir. Omid Nooshin Kick-Ass 2 (Limited Edition, Schimmelpfennig - Dir. Wilhelm Semmelroth Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, B-Roll Thriller/Action 2013 93min. Komödie/Drama 1967 114min. Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Universum Film(SquareOne) 17.01.2014 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 03.01.2014 Kick-Ass 2: Balls To The Wall 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056439 Aaron Johnson, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056946 Chloe Grace Moretz, Jim Carrey, Donald Komasaufen Last Passenger - Zug ins Unge- Faison, Robert Emms, Lyndsy Fonseca, wisse (Blu-ray) Morris Chestnut, Yancy Butler, Augustus ,,,,,,,,,, Last Passenger Prew - Dir. Jeff Wadlow Markus Quentin, Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Oli- Alternativer Anfang, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, ver Mommsen, Kai Scheve, Anna Lena Dougray Scott, Kara Tointon, David Making of, Featurette, Audiokommentar Klenke, Julius Nitschkoff, Paula Knüpling, Schofield, Iddo Goldberg, Lindsay Duncan, Action/Komödie 2013 103min. Johanna Gastdorf, Falk Willy Wild, Samuel Joshua Kaynama, Samuel Geker-Kawle - Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Cakan, Carlo Degen, Sebastian Kreutz, Dir. Omid Nooshin 19.12.2013 Jordi Carl - Dir. Bodo Fürneisen Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, B-Roll Thriller/Action 2013 97min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056231 Drama 2013 89min. Universum Film(SquareOne) 17.01.2014 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 13.12.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056456 Kiezgeschichten (3 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056680 Peter Reusse, Jenny Gröllmann, Jürgen Trott, Marga Legal, Gerry Wolff - Dir. Jens- Land der tausend Abenteuer Last Resort - Die komplette erste Peter Proll North To Alaska Season (3 Discs) Komödie/Drama 1987 420min. John Wayne, Stewart Granger, Ernie Last Resort Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) Kovacs, Fabian, Capucine, Mickey Thriller/Science Fiction 2012 536min. 06.12.2013 Shaughnessy, Karl Swenson, Joe Sawyer, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056506 Kathleen Freeman, John Qualen - Dir. Hen- 21.01.2014 ry Hathaway 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056728 Der kleine Lord Western/Komödie 1960 min. Little Lord Fauntleroy Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Laurence Anyways (2 Discs) Preston Lockwood, Glenn Anderson, Jenny Germany 06.12.2013 Laurence Anyways Linden - Dir. Paul Annett 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056669 Melvil Poupaud, Suzanne Clément, Nathalie Drama/Familie 1976 145min. Baye, Monia Chokri, Susie Almgren, Yves MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Land der tausend Abenteuer (Blu- Jacques, Sophie Faucher, Magalie Lépine-

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Blondeau, David Savard, Catherine Bégin, tba BestellNr.: 20056966 Nowak, Johannes Scheit, Birgitta Emmanuel Schwartz, Jacques Lavallee, Weizenegger, Susanne Evers, Klaus Pérrette Souplex, Patricia Tulasne - Dir. Die Libelle und das Nashorn Nierhoff, Anja Antonowicz, Susanna Xavier Dolan Mario Adorf, Fritzi Haberlandt, Irm Her- Capurso, Wookie Mayer, Michael Baral, 2 Discs; Entfallene Szenen, Trailer mann, Maria Faust, Rainer Egger, Samuel Jennifer Steffens, Christian Rudolf, Tanja Drama/Lovestory 2012 161min. Finzi, Lina Beckmann, Bastian Trost, Seba- Frehse, Cynthia Cosima, Clara Dolny, EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 23.01.2014 stian Weber - Dir. Lola Randl Arnfried Lerche, Markus Anton, Urs 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056731 Interviews Villiger, Fritz Egger, Marc-Oliver Moro, Til Drama 2012 80min. Schweiger, Bernd Tauber, Monika Laurence Anyways (Blu-ray) EuroVideo Bildprogramm(NFP) 07.11.2013 Woytowicz, Tilmar Kuhn, Tim Knauer, Su- Laurence Anyways 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056405 sanne Gannott, Stefanie Mühle, Herbert Melvil Poupaud, Suzanne Clément, Nathalie Steinmetz, Fritz Bachschmidt, Selma Baye, Monia Chokri, Susie Almgren, Yves Die Liebenden des Polarkreises Baldursson, Hasan Ali Mete, Michael A. Jacques, Sophie Faucher, Magalie Lépine- Los Amantes Del Círculo Polar Grimm, Cetin Ipekkaya, Dietrich Siegl, Clau- Blondeau, David Savard, Catherine Bégin, Najwa Nimri, Fele Martinez, Nancho Novo, dia Pielmann, Franz Braunshausen, Ursula Emmanuel Schwartz, Jacques Lavallee, Maru Valdivielso, Peru Medem, Sara Ludwig - Dir. Herwig Fischer, Wolfgang Pérrette Souplex, Patricia Tulasne - Dir. Valiente, Beate Jensen - Dir. Julio Medem Frank, Hans W. Geißendörfer, Holger Gim- Xavier Dolan Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover pel, Michael Günther, Kaspar Heidelbach, Drama 1998 104min. Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Jens Hercher, Daniel Anderson, Karin Drama/Lovestory 2012 168min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Hercher, Nikolai van der Heyde, Ilse Hof- EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 23.01.2014 Germany(Arthaus) 28.01.2014 mann, Ron Jones, Lutz Konermann, Heidi 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056746 tba BestellNr.: 20056842 Kranz, Kerstin Krause, George Moorse, Ch Audiokommentar, Interviews, Outtakes, Koffer-Anhänger - Das Geheimnis der Lieber Onkel Bill - Box 2 (5 Discs) Drama 1985-2012 1560min. grünen Hornisse Family Affair MORE Music and Media (More Brands and The Green Hornet Brian Keith, Kathy Garver, Anissa Jones, Products) 29.11.2013 Bruce Lee, Van Williams, Walter Brooks, Johnny Whitaker, Sebastian Cabot, Heather 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056788 Wende Wagner, Lloyd Gough Angel, Gregg Fedderson, Randy Whipple, Dokumentationen, Trailer Karl Lukas, John Williams, Sherry Alberoni, Lone Ranger Action 1966-1967 84min. John Hubbard - Dir. Charles Barton, Willliam The Lone Ranger Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 13.12.2013 D. Russell Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer, Tom 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056491 Interview, Gespräche mit den Kinderstars, Behind the Scenes, Zusatzfolge, Trailer, Bildergalerie Wilkinson, William Fichtner, Barry Pepper, James Badge Dale, , Helena Bruce Lee - Der gelbe Taifun Komödie 1966-1971 950min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 29.11.2013 Bonham Carter - Dir. Gore Verbinski Fury Of The Dragon 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056361 Western/Abenteuer 2013 136min. Van Williams, Bruce Lee - Dir. William The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Beaudine Udo Lindenberg - Die Filme (2 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Featurette, Bildergalerie 05.12.2013 Action/Eastern 1976 89min. Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056105 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 13.12.2013 Panische Zeiten / Super 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056778 Udo Lindenberg Lone Ranger (Blu-ray) Interviews, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Featurette, Bio- und Der letzte Countdown (restaurier- Filmografien, Bildergalerien The Lone Ranger Drama 1979-1983 196min. Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer, Tom te Fassung) Turbine Media Group 08.11.2013 Wilkinson, William Fichtner, Barry Pepper, The Final Countdown 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056288 James Badge Dale, Ruth Wilson, Helena Kirk Douglas, Martin Sheen, Katharine Bonham Carter - Dir. Gore Verbinski Ross, Charles Durning, James Farentino, Die Lindenstraße - Das komplette Western/Abenteuer 2013 149min. Ron O’Neal - Dir. Don Taylor 24. Jahr, Folgen 1197-1248 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Trailer, Artworkgalerie GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Science Fiction/Kriegsfilm 1979 99min. (Collector’s Box Limited Editi- 05.12.2013 Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs on,10 Discs) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056164 GmbH & Co. KG(MVL) 24.01.2014 Marie-Luise Marjan, Joachim Hermann tba BestellNr.: 20056770 Luger, Moritz A. Sachs, Georg Uecker, Her- Lost Girl - Die komplette zweite mes Hodolides, Domna Adamopoulou, Season (5 Discs) Der letzte Countdown (restaurier- Sybille Waury, Andrea Spatzek, Jo Bolling, Lost Girl te Fassung) (Blu-ray) Joris Gratwohl, Amorn Surangkanjanajai, Fantasy/Mystery 929min. The Final Countdown Knut Hinz, Bill Mockridge, Julia Stark, Sontje Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Kirk Douglas, Martin Sheen, Katharine Peplow, Erkan Gündüz, Moritz Zielke, Sara 23.01.2014 Ross, Charles Durning, James Farentino, Turchetto, Harry Rowohlt, Giselle Vesco, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056729 Ron O’Neal - Dir. Don Taylor Cosima Viola, Gunnar Solka, Toni Trailer, Artworkgalerie Snétberger, Daniela Bette, Philipp Sonntag, Lovelace Science Fiction/Kriegsfilm 1979 103min. Irene Fischer, Jacqueline Svilarov, Philipp Lovelace Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Neubauer, Sarah Masuch, Julia Beerhold, Amanda Seyfried, Peter Sarsgaard, Juno GmbH & Co. KG(MVL) 24.01.2014 Valentin Schreyer, Anna Sophie Claus, Temple, Sharon Stone, Robert Patrick, Chris tba BestellNr.: 20056817 Lilian Büchner, Greta Short, Ludwig Haas, Noth, Adam Brody, Hank Azaria, Wes Horst D. Scheel, Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr, Bentley, James Franco - Dir. Robert Der letzte Zeuge - Die Gesamt- Claus Vinçon, Dominique Kusche, Ute Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman edition (26 Discs) Mora, Annemarie Wendl, Thorsten Nindel, Drama/Biographie 2013 min. Ulrich Mühe, Gesine Cukrowski, Jörg Marcus Off, Franz Rampelmann, Marianne Planet Media Home Entertainment Gudzuhn, Renate Schroeter, Volker Rogée, Rebecca Siemoneit-Barum, Liz 16.01.2014 Ranisch, Dieter Mann - Dir. Bernhard Ste- Baffoe, Margret van Munster, Willi Herren, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056240 phan (66 Folgen, 1998-2007) Costas Papanastasiou, Sigo Lorfeo, Ulrike Audiokommentar, Interviews C. Tscharre, Wolfgang Grönebaum, Christi- Lovelace (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 1998-2007 3223min. an Kahrmann, Tilli Breidenbach, Dagmar Lovelace Pandastorm Pictures(Pandavision) Hessenland, Ines Lutz, Raimund Gensel, Amanda Seyfried, Peter Sarsgaard, Juno 03.12.2013 Jeremy Mockridge, Heinz Marecek, Anna

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Temple, Sharon Stone, Robert Patrick, Chris Julian Weigend, Christian Hoening - Dir. Maritim Pictures 28.01.2014 Noth, Adam Brody, Hank Azaria, Wes Michael Karen tba BestellNr.: 20056757 Bentley, James Franco - Dir. Robert Drama/Abenteuer 2013 180min. Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Märchenperlen - Die sechs Drama/Biographie 2013 min. 06.12.2013 Schwäne Planet Media Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056342 Sinja Dieks, Julia Jäger, André 16.01.2014 Kaczmarczyk, Anton Algrang, Henning 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056245 Das Mädchen und der Tod Peker, Arved Friese, Bjarne Meisel, Paul Het Meisje En De Dood Alhäuser, Jonas Hämmerle, Timon Straka, Machined - Bloody Killer (Blu-ray) Sylvia Hoeks, Leonid Bichevin, Dieter Timon Wloka, Katja Lechthaler - Dir. Karola (k.J.) Hallervorden, Renata Litwinowa, Sergei Hattop Machined Reborn Makowezki, Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Maxim Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 2012 90min. Jimmy Flowers, Kathleen Benner, David C. Kovalevski, Friederike Frerichs, Henri justbridge entertainment media(ZDF) Hayes, Davina Joy, Chris Cox, Eleni C. Garcin, Jim van der Woude, Roman Kohnle, 08.11.2013 Krimitsos, James Ray, Matt Robinson - Dir. Paul Schlase, Ulrich Anschütz, Matthias 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056126 Craig McMahon Hummitzsch, Eva-Maria Kurz - Dir. Jos Thriller/Horror 2009 83min. Stelling The Mechanic (Steel Edition) Maritim Pictures 28.01.2014 Drama 2012 127min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs tba BestellNr.: 20056148 The Mechanic GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 06.12.2013 Jason Statham, Ben Foster, Donald 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056645 Machined - Bloody Killer (k.J.) Sutherland, Tony Goldwyn, Mini Anden, Machined Reborn Mako - Einfach Meerjungfrau James Logan, Jeff Chase, Christa Jimmy Flowers, Kathleen Benner, David C. Campbell, Amber Gaiennie, Eddie J. Hayes, Davina Joy, Chris Cox, Eleni C. (Staffel 1, Teil 2) Fernandez - Dir. Simon West Krimitsos, James Ray, Matt Robinson - Dir. Mako Mermaids Featurette, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer Craig McMahon Amy Ruffle, Ivy Latimer, Lucy Fry, Chai Action 2010 92min. Thriller/Horror 2009 80min. Romruen, Dominic Deutscher - Dir. Grant STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Maritim Pictures 28.01.2014 Brown, Evan Clarry Germany 28.01.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20056088 Abenteuer/Jugend 2013 340min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056852 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 12.11.2013 - Season Six (4 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056194 Meet the Cleavers - Familienfeste Mad Men und andere Katastrophen Drama min. Mako - Einfach Meerjungfrau Cleaver Family Reunion Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) (Staffel 1, Teil 2) (Blu-ray) Trae Ireland, Sandy Simmons, Efé, Tamara 19.12.2013 Mako Mermaids Goodwin, Arthur Richardson, Rachel Alig, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056566 Amy Ruffle, Ivy Latimer, Lucy Fry, Chai Melvin Gregg, Dylan Synclaire - Dir. H. M. Romruen, Dominic Deutscher - Dir. Grant Coakley Das Mädchen aus der Cherry-Bar Brown, Evan Clarry Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Gambit Abenteuer/Jugend 2013 354min. Komödie/Familie 2013 88min. Shirley MacLaine, Sir Michael Caine, Her- Studio Hamburg Enterprises 12.11.2013 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 29.11.2013 bert Lom, Roger C. Carmel, Arnold Moss, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056225 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056472 John Abbott - Dir. Ronald Neame Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1966 104min. Männerwirtschaft - Die zweite Megapiranha Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Season (3 Discs) Mega Piranha Classic Selection) 12.11.2013 Paul Logan, Tiffany Renee Darwisch, Barry The Odd Couple 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056633 Williams, David Labiosa, Jude Gerard, Tony Randall, Jack Klugman, Al Molinaro, Jesse Daly, Cooper Harris, William Morse - Penny Marshall, Janis Hansen, Garry Wal- Das Mädchen aus der Cherry-Bar Dir. Eric Forsberg berg, Joan Hotchkis, Larry Gelman - Dir. Horror/Action 2010 88min. (Blu-ray) Jerry Paris, Jack Donohue, Hal Cooper, Mel Edel Germany(Starmovie) 22.11.2013 Gambit Ferber 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056219 Shirley MacLaine, Sir Michael Caine, Her- Komödie 1971-1972 562min. bert Lom, Roger C. Carmel, Arnold Moss, Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 Megapiranha (Blu-ray) John Abbott - Dir. Ronald Neame 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056380 Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1966 110min. Mega Piranha Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Mara - The Killer Inside (Blu-ray) Paul Logan, Tiffany Renee Darwisch, Barry Williams, David Labiosa, Jude Gerard, Classic Selection) 12.11.2013 (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056356 Jesse Daly, Cooper Harris, William Morse - Mara Dir. Eric Forsberg Das Mädchen Krümel (3 Discs) Angelica Jansson, Emelie Frantz-Nilsson, Horror/Action 2010 93min. Cecilia Samuelsson, Martin Brandt, Philip Dorothea Meißner, Jaecki Schwarz, Frank Edel Germany(Starmovie) 22.11.2013 Hansell, Mia Möller, P.O. Möller, Pidde Ciazynski, Eberhard Mellies, Ruth Glöss, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056237 Andersson - Dir. Åke Gustafsson, Fredrik Uta Schorn - Dir. Rainer Hausdorf Hedberg, Jacob Kondrup Kinderfilm/Drama 1976 420min. Mein großer Freund Shane (Blu- Horror 2012 80min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) ray) Maritim Pictures 28.01.2014 06.12.2013 Shane tba BestellNr.: 20056804 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056668 Alan Ladd, Jean Arthur, Van Heflin, Mara - The Killer Inside (k.J.) Brandon de Wilde, Ben Johnson, Edgar Das Mädchen mit dem indischen Buchanan, Emile Meyer, Elisha Cook Jr., Mara Ellen Corby, Douglas Spencer, John Smaragd Angelica Jansson, Emelie Frantz-Nilsson, Dierkes, Paul McVey, Edith Evanson - Dir. Stephanie Stumph, Suzanne von Borsody, Cecilia Samuelsson, Martin Brandt, Philip George Stevens Omar El-Saeidi, Faraz Khan, Peter Prager, Hansell, Mia Möller, P.O. Möller, Pidde Western 1953 118min. Eleonore Weisgerber, Manit Joura, Madalsa Andersson - Dir. Åke Gustafsson, Fredrik Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 Sharma, Anang Desai, Alka Mehta, Hedberg, Jacob Kondrup 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056397 Vasudev Bhatt, Bawani Singh, Pankaj Horror 2012 77min. Tripathi, Rajkumar Kanojai, Kanika Dang,

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Mein Name ist Nobody / Nobody ist der Größte (2 Discs) Russ Meyers Die liebestollen He- Midnight Stallion - Der König der Il Mio Nome E Nessuno / Il Genio, Due xen (Kinoedition) Pferde Compari, Un Pollo Common Law Cabin Midnight Stallion Terence Hill, , Jean Martin, Babette Bardot, Alaina Capri, Adele Rein, Kris Kristofferson, Jodelle Ferland, Chelah Klaus Kinski, Miou-Miou - Dir. Tonino Valerii, Jackie Moran, Ken Swofford, John Furlong Horsdal, Matt Mazur, David Orth, April Sergio Leone, Damiano Damiani - Dir. Russ Meyer Telek, Sean Devine, Christopher Gauthier - Western 1973-1975 min. Erotik/Komödie 1967 70min. Dir. William Dear Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 29.11.2013 Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Familie 2013 90min. 03.01.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056444 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 29.11.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056948 Russ Meyers Im tiefen Tal der 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056362 Mein Name ist Nobody / Nobody Superhexen (Kinoedition) (k.J.) Midnight Stallion - Der König der Beneath The Valley Of The Ultravixens ist der Größte (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Pferde (Blu-ray) Il Mio Nome E Nessuno / Il Genio, Due Kitten Natividad, Don Scarborough, Uschi Midnight Stallion Compari, Un Pollo Digard, Angie Marie, Ken Kerr, June Mack, Kris Kristofferson, Jodelle Ferland, Chelah Terence Hill, Henry Fonda, Jean Martin, Patrick M. Wright, Robert Pearson, Henry Horsdal, Matt Mazur, David Orth, April Klaus Kinski, Miou-Miou - Dir. Tonino Valerii, Rowland, Michael Finn - Dir. Russ Meyer Telek, Sean Devine, Christopher Gauthier - Sergio Leone, Damiano Damiani Erotik/Komödie 1979 90min. Dir. William Dear Western 1973-1975 min. WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 29.11.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056445 Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Drama/Familie 2013 94min. 03.01.2014 Russ Meyers Megavixens (Kino- KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 29.11.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056962 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056387 edition) (k.J.) Meister des Horrors Collection (2 Cherry, Harry And Raquel Mike & Molly - Die komplette Discs) Uschi Digard, Lorissa Ely, Charles Napier, zweite Staffel (3 Discs) Linda Ashton, Bert Santos, Franklin H. Horror 620min. Mike & Molly Bolger - Dir. Russ Meyer Maritim Pictures 19.11.2013 Melissa McCarthy, Billy Gardell, Reno Erotik/Action 1969 70min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056406 Wilson, Katy Mixon, Nyambi Nyambi, WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 29.11.2013 , Louis Mustillo, Rondi Reed, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056446 Men at Work (Action Cult, Uncut) Cleo King, Holly Robinson Peete, David Men At Work Russ Meyers Motorpsycho (Kino- Anthony Higgins, Reginald VelJohnson, Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Leslie Hope, Cheryl Hawker, Laura Coover, Francis Keith David, Dean Cameron, John Getz - edition) Guinan, Lamont Thompson - Dir. James Dir. Emilio Estevez Motorpsycho! Burrows Wendecover Haji, Alex Rocco, Stephen Oliver, Russ Outtakes, u.a. Komödie 1990 88min. Meyer, George Costello, Richard S. Brum- Komödie 2010-2011 442min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment mer - Dir. Russ Meyer Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 Germany(MGM/UA) 06.12.2013 Erotik/Action 1965 75min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056656 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056501 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 29.11.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056447 Mr. Bean - Die komplette TV-Se- Men in Black 3 (Steelbook) (Blu- rie (3 Discs) ray) Russ Meyers Supervixens (Kino- Mr. Bean Men In Black 3 edition) (k.J.) Rowan Atkinson, Matilda Ziegler - Dir. John Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Supervixens Birkin, John Howard Davies, Paul Weiland Jemaine Clement, Michael Stuhlbarg, Emma Shari Eubank, Charles Napier, Uschi Digard, Humor 1989-1995 370min. Thompson, Alice Eve, Rip Torn, Bill Hader, Charles Pitt, Henry Rowland, Christy Hart- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Nicole Scherzinger - Dir. Barry Sonnenfeld burg, Sharon Kelly, John La Zar, Stuart 02.01.2014 Komödie/Science Fiction 2012 106min. Lancaster, Deborah McGuire - Dir. Russ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056702 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Meyer 12.12.2013 Erotik/Komödie 1975 105min. Mr. Morgan’s Last Love 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056392 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 29.11.2013 Mr. Morgan’s Last Love 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056448 Sir Michael Caine, Clémence Poésy, Justin The Mentalist - Die komplette Kirk, , Gillian Anderson, fünfte Staffel (5 Discs) Russ Meyers Up! (Kinoedition) Anne Alvaro, Michelle Goddet, Yannick The Mentalist (k.J.) Choirat - Dir. Sandra Nettelbeck Interviews, u.a. Up! Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of Kriminalfilm 2012-2013 893min. Drama 2013 111min. Janet Wood, Raven de la Croix, Monty Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 Senator Home Entertainment 31.01.2014 Bane, Robert McLane, Edward Schaaf, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056661 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056906 Mary Gavin - Dir. Russ Meyer Merlin - Die neuen Abenteuer, Erotik/Komödie 1976 80min. Mr. Morgan’s Last Love (Blu-ray) WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 29.11.2013 Mr. Morgan’s Last Love Die komplette Serie (30 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056449 Merlin Sir Michael Caine, Clémence Poésy, Justin Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Richard Russ Meyers Vixen (Kinoedition) Kirk, Jane Alexander, Gillian Anderson, Anne Alvaro, Michelle Goddet, Yannick Wilson, Anthony Head, Angel Coulby, Katie (k.J.) McGrath, Eve Myles, Michelle Ryan, Emilia Choirat - Dir. Sandra Nettelbeck Vixen Fox, Tom Ellis - Dir. Ed Fraiman, James Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of Erica Gavin, Garth Pillsbury, Harrison Page, Drama 2013 116min. Hawes, Jeremy Webb, Dave Moore, Stuart Jon Evans, Vincene Wallace, Robert S. Senator Home Entertainment 31.01.2014 Orme Audiokommentare, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Aiken, Peter Carpenter, Jackie Illman - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056924 Scenes Russ Meyer Fantasy/Abenteuer 2925min. Erotik/Komödie 1968 75min. Monika - Eine Frau sieht rot polyband Medien GmbH 29.11.2013 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 29.11.2013 Monika 199,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056425 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056450 Jason Wiles, Cerina Vincent, Jeff Branson,

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Andrew Howard, C. Thomas Howell, Elisa und Claudio Morabito (ca. 15 Min.); Featurette „ Töte die FilmConfect Home Entertainment 29.11.2013 Lebenden und bete für dir Toten“ mit Filmhistoriker Fabio Donovan, Tim Thomerson, Shayla Beesley - Melelli (ca. 11 Min.); Italienischer Orginaltrailer; Bildergale- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056691 Dir. Steven R. Monroe rie mit seltenem Werbematerial Trailer Western 1971 91min. The Nature of Nicholas (OmU) Thriller/Mystery 2012 89min. Koch Media 23.10.2013 The Nature Of Nicholas Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056466 Jeff Sutton, David Turnbull, Ardith Boxall, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056474 Tom McCamus, Robert Huculak, Katherine More Than Friendship Lee Raymond, Samantha Hill - Dir. Jeff Er- Monika - Eine Frau sieht rot (Blu- Jakob Philipp Graf, Michèle Fichtner, Holger bach ray) Foest, Gabrielle Scharnitzky, Andreas Trailer, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie Monika Külzer, Nils Weckbecker - Dir. Timmy Ehe- Drama/Fantasy 2002 96min. Jason Wiles, Cerina Vincent, Jeff Branson, götz cmv-Laservision 25.10.2013 Andrew Howard, C. Thomas Howell, Elisa Making of, Outtakes, Bildergalerie, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056555 Donovan, Tim Thomerson, Shayla Beesley - Drama 2013 88min. Dir. Steven R. Monroe PRO-FUN MEDIA 29.11.2013 New Girl - Season 2 (3 Discs) Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056467 New Girl Thriller/Mystery 2012 92min. Zooey Deschanel, Jake M. Johnson, Max Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 Morenga (2 Discs) Greenfield, Lamorne Morris, Hannah Simo- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056519 Jacques Breuer, Edwin Nöel, Jürgen Holtz, ne, , Damon Wayans jr. - Dir. Manfred Seipold, Tobias Hoesl, Harrison Jake Kasdan, Peyton Reed, Jason Winer Monsters from Hell Collection (2 Coburn, Arnold Vosloo, Robert Whitehead, Audiokommentar, Featurette, Entfallene und erweiterte Sze- Vernon Dobtcheff, Brian O’Shaugnessy, nen, Outtakes Discs) Komödie min. Suzanne Stoll - Dir. Egon Günther / / Amphibious / Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama/Abenteuer 1983-1984 265min. Warbirds / Snake Megadeath / The Rig Germany 29.11.2013 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 15.11.2013 Eric Balfour, Iva Hasperger, , 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056286 Brad Johnson, Kelly McGillis, Bianca 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056293 Lawson, Janna Fassaert, Michael Paré, Motel (Blu-ray) (k.J.) New Tricks - Die Krimi- Monica Sayangbati, Jamie Elle Mann, Brian spezialisten, Staffel 1 (3 Discs) Krause, Lucy Faust, DMX, Wes Brown, Motel New Tricks Louis Herthum, William Forsythe, Art Robert De Niro, John Cusack - Dir. David Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2003 351min. LaFleur, Sarah Laine - Dir. Kevin O’Neill, Grovic polyband Medien GmbH 29.11.2013 Brian Clyde, Brian Yuzna, Kevin Gendreau, Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2013 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056426 Amir Valinia, Peter Atencio Highlight Communications Wendecover (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.03.2014 Horror 2007-2010 514min. tba BestellNr.: 20056831 Die Nibelungen MIG Film 05.12.2013 Uwe Beyer, Karin Dor, Siegfried 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056340 Motel (k.J.) Wischnewski - Dir. Harald Reinl Motel Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1966 172min. Monsters from Hell Collection Robert De Niro, John Cusack - Dir. David Universum Film 15.11.2013 (Blu-ray) Grovic 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056186 Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2013 min. Dinoshark / Supergator / Amphibious / Die Nibelungen (Blu-ray) Warbirds / Snake Megadeath / The Rig Highlight Communications Uwe Beyer, Karin Dor, Siegfried Eric Balfour, Iva Hasperger, Roger Corman, (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.03.2014 Wischnewski - Dir. Harald Reinl Brad Johnson, Kelly McGillis, Bianca tba BestellNr.: 20056795 Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1966 178min. Lawson, Jamie Elle Mann, Brian Krause, Universum Film 15.11.2013 Lucy Faust, Janna Fassaert, Michael Paré, Mutter & Sohn 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056223 Monica Sayangbati - Dir. Kevin O’Neill, Pozitia Copilului Luminita Gheorghiu, Bogdan Dumitrache, Brian Clyde, Kevin Gendreau, Brian Yuzna Die Nibelungen (Deluxe Edition) Wendecover Ilinca Goia, Natasa Raab, Florin Horror 2007-2010 355min. Zamfirescu, Vlad Ivanov, Adrian Titieni, (Blu-ray) MIG Film 05.12.2013 Mimi Branescu - Dir. Calin Peter Netzer Paul Richter, Margarete Schön, Hanna 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056353 Making of, Nicht verwendete Szenen, Trailer Ralph - Dir. Fritz Lang Drama 2013 108min. Dokumentation, Booklet Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 6.2 (3 Warner Home Video Germany(X Filme) Abenteuer/Fantasy 1924 281min. Discs) 22.11.2013 Universum Film(Transit Classics) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056252 15.11.2013 Murder, She Wrote 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056222 , William Windom, Ron Nachhilfe für Vati Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael Dieter Montag, Sebastian Paasch, Falk Die Nibelungen (Deluxe Edition, Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Rockstroh, Bärbel Röhl, - Dir. Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen 2 Discs) Karola Hattop Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, Paul Richter, Margarete Schön, Hanna Komödie 1984 85min. Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John Ralph - Dir. Fritz Lang Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen Dokumentation, Booklet 29.11.2013 Abenteuer/Fantasy 1924 268min. Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056666 Universum Film(Transit Classics) Havinga 15.11.2013 Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 min. Nashville - Season 1.2 (3 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056185 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Nashville 16.01.2014 Connie Britton, Hayden Panettiere, Charles Nightmare Boulevard (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056701 Esten, Eric Close, Clare Bowen, Jonathan Quiet Kill Der Mörder des Klans Jackson, Sam Palladio, Robert Wisdom, Claudia Christian, Corbin Bernsen, Ron Powers Boothe, Judith Hoag, Kourtney Perlman, Dick van Patten, Nicholas Celozzi, Prega Il Morto E Ammazza Il Vivo Hansen, Ed Amatrudo, Sylvia Jefferies, James van Patten - Dir. Mark Jones Klaus Kinski, Victoria Zinny, Paul Sullivan, Burgess Jenkins, Lennon Stella, Maisy Stel- Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2004 87min. Dino Strano, John Ely, Anthony Rock - Dir. la, Jeremy Childs - Dir. R. J. Cutler Edel Germany(Starmovie) 15.11.2013 Guiseppe Vari Featurette „Töte Kinski“ mit den Kameramännern Franco Villa Drama 462min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056216

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No Holds Barred Numbers Station (Blu-ray) Nightmare of the Living Dead Hulk Hogan, Kurt Fuller, Tommy ‘Tiny’ Lister The Numbers Station (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jr., Joan Severance, Mark Pellegrino, John Cusack, Malin Akerman, Liam Collapse Charles Levine, David Paymer - Dir. Tho- Cunningham - Dir. Kasper Barfoed Chris Mulkey, Karen Landry, Travis Slade mas J. Wright Action/Thriller 2013 min. Reinders, Linnea Quigley, Angela Dezen, Bildergalerie Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Action 1988 95min. Michael Cornelison, Clint Curtis, Mike 24.01.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(SES) Tweeton - Dir. Jason Bolinger, „Insane“ 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056883 08.11.2013 Mike Saunders 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056717 Bildergalerie O.C., - Die komplette Horror/Thriller 2010 92min. zweite Staffel (7 DVDs) Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 17.01.2014 Nostradamus The O.C. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056956 Nostradamus Tchéky Karyo, Rutger Hauer, F. Murray Peter Gallagher, Kelly Rowan, Benjamin Nightmare of the Living Dead Abraham, Julia Ormond, , McKenzie, Mischa Barton, Adam Brody Assumpta Serna - Dir. Roger Christian Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Entfallene Szenen (k.J.) Drama 2003-2006 1079min. Drama 1994 127min. Collapse Warner Home Video Germany 08.11.2013 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Chris Mulkey, Karen Landry, Travis Slade 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056401 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056264 Reinders, Linnea Quigley, Angela Dezen, Michael Cornelison, Clint Curtis, Mike Nostradamus (Blu-ray) Obendrüber, da schneit es Tweeton - Dir. Jason Bolinger, „Insane“ Diana Amft, Lara Sophie Rottmann, Wotan Nostradamus Mike Saunders Wilke Möhring, Gisela Schneeberger, Au- Tchéky Karyo, Rutger Hauer, F. Murray Bildergalerie gust Zirner, Bibiana Zeller, Fred Stillkrauth, Abraham, Julia Ormond, Amanda Plummer, Horror/Thriller 2010 88min. Thomas Loibl, Janina Fautz, Maria Weidner, Assumpta Serna - Dir. Roger Christian Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 17.01.2014 Mario Klischies, Florian Karlheim, Anja Drama 1994 127min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056935 Klawun, Sarah Camp, Walter Hess - Dir. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Vivian Naefe 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056322 Nirgendwo in Afrika (Jubiläums- Drama/Komödie 2012 89min. Edition 2 Discs) Not Fade Away Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Juliane Köhler, Merab Ninidze, Matthias 13.12.2013 Not Fade Away Habich, Sidede Onyulo, Lea Kurka (Regina 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056505 John Magaro, , Will Brill, James Redlich), Karoline Eckertz, Gerd Heinz, Gandolfini, Bella Heathcote, Molly Price, Hildegard Schmahl, Maritta Horwarth, Regi- Odd Thomas (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Dominique McElligott, Brad Garrett, Christo- ne Zimmermann, Gabrielle Odinis, Bettina Odd Thomas pher McDonald, Julia Garner, Veronica Redlich, Julia Leidl, Mechthild Großmann, Anton Yelchin, Addison Timlin, Willem Milagros - Dir. Peter Lenaeku (Jogona), Silas Kerati, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Dafoe, Nico Tortorella, Patton Oswalt, Kanya Man, Andrew Rashleigh, Anthony Drama 2012 108min. Leonor Varela, Melissa Ordway, Gugu Bate, David Michaels, Andrew Sachs, Paramount Home Entertainment 23.01.2014 Mbatha-Raw, Shuler Hensley, Ashley Som- Diane Keen - Dir. Caroline Link tba BestellNr.: 20056725 mers - Dir. Stephen Sommers Drama 2001 136min. Komödie/Horror 2013 104min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MC One) Nothing Left to Fear - Das Tor zur Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 11.12.2013 05.11.2013 Hölle (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056609 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056271 Nothing Left To Fear Ohnsorg Theater: Brand-Stiftung Anne Heche, James Tupper, Clancy Brown, Nirgendwo in Afrika (Jubiläums- Nachdruck des Original-Programmhefts Ethan Peck, Rebekah Brandes, Jennifer Edition 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 98min. Stone, Heather Roop, Michelle DeVito, Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Juliane Köhler, Merab Ninidze, Matthias Wayne Pére, Carter Cabassa, J.D. 19.11.2013 Habich, Sidede Onyulo, Lea Kurka (Regina Evermore, James C. Victor - Dir. Anthony 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056371 Redlich), Karoline Eckertz, Gerd Heinz, Leonardi Hildegard Schmahl, Maritta Horwarth, Regi- Horror 2013 101min. Ohnsorg Theater: Der schönste ne Zimmermann, Gabrielle Odinis, Bettina Splendid Film 31.01.2014 Mann von der Reeperbahn Redlich, Julia Leidl, Mechthild Großmann, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056722 Peter Lenaeku (Jogona), Silas Kerati, Jürgen Pooch, Heidi Kabel, Heidi Mahler - Kanya Man, Andrew Rashleigh, Anthony Nothing Left to Fear - Das Tor zur Dir. Jochen Schenck Bate, David Michaels, Andrew Sachs, Nachdruck des Original-Programmhefts Hölle (k.J.) Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1972 Diane Keen - Dir. Caroline Link Nothing Left To Fear 109min. Drama 2001 141min. Anne Heche, James Tupper, Clancy Brown, Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MC One) Ethan Peck, Rebekah Brandes, Jennifer 19.11.2013 05.11.2013 Stone, Heather Roop, Michelle DeVito, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056372 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056324 Wayne Pére, Carter Cabassa, J.D. No Holds Barred - Der Hammer Evermore, James C. Victor - Dir. Anthony Ohnsorg Theater: In Luv und Lee Leonardi No Holds Barred die Liebe Horror 2013 97min. Hulk Hogan, Kurt Fuller, Tommy ‘Tiny’ Lister Hans Mahler, Heinz Lanker, Jochen Splendid Film 31.01.2014 Jr., Joan Severance, Mark Pellegrino, Schenck, Walter Scherau, Erna Raupach- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056706 Charles Levine, David Paymer - Dir. Tho- Petersen, Auth Rastedt Nachdruck des Original-Programmhefts mas J. Wright Numbers Station Bildergalerie Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 95min. Action 1988 92min. The Numbers Station Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(SES) John Cusack, Malin Akerman, Liam 19.11.2013 08.11.2013 Cunningham - Dir. Kasper Barfoed 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056373 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056703 Action/Thriller 2013 min. Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Die Oktonauten... und der See- No Holds Barred - Der Hammer 24.01.2014 elefant (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056874 The Octonauts

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Bjørn Alex Olsen - Dir. Monica Kruse, Lars 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056163 KSM GmbH 20.01.2014 Julio Muri 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056767 Kinderfilm 2010-2011 60min. Papadopoulos & Söhne Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Papadopoulos & Sons Paranormal Whacktivity (Blu-ray) Division(Europa) 22.11.2013 Stephen Dillane, Cosima Shaw, Georges Paranormal Whacktivity 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056590 Corraface, Thomas Underhill, Frank Dillane, Sasha Formoso, William Patrick Riley, Georgia Groome, Ed Stoppard, Selina Damatri Crayton - Dir. Roger Roth Operation Olympus - White House Cadell, Cesare Taurasi, Richard Durden - Trailer, Bildergalerie Taken Dir. Markus Markou Komödie 2012 90min. KSM GmbH 20.01.2014 Suddenly Making of, Charakterprofile Komödie/Drama 2012 109min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056816 Dominic Purcell, Ray Liotta, Erin Karpluk, good!movies(Neue Visionen) 22.11.2013 Michael Paré, Ed Anders, Cole Coker, Brad 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056574 Parkland Kelly, Haig Sutherland - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Parkland Thriller/Action 2013 88min. Papadopoulos & Söhne (Blu-ray) Zac Efron, Marcia Gay Harden, Billy Bob KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 29.11.2013 Papadopoulos & Sons Thornton, Jackie Weaver, Paul Giamatti, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056364 Stephen Dillane, Cosima Shaw, Georges Jeremy Strong, Bitsie Tulloch, James Badge Corraface, Thomas Underhill, Frank Dillane, Dale - Dir. Peter Landesman Operation Olympus - White House Georgia Groome, Ed Stoppard, Selina Drama/Thriller 2013 min. Taken (Blu-ray) Cadell, Cesare Taurasi, Richard Durden - Universum Film 13.12.2013 Dir. Markus Markou 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056629 Suddenly Making of, Charakterprofile Dominic Purcell, Ray Liotta, Erin Karpluk, Komödie/Drama 2012 113min. Parkland (Blu-ray) Michael Paré, Ed Anders, Cole Coker, Brad good!movies(Neue Visionen) 22.11.2013 Parkland Kelly, Haig Sutherland - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056605 Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Zac Efron, Marcia Gay Harden, Billy Bob Thornton, Jackie Weaver, Paul Giamatti, Thriller/Action 2013 92min. Paranoia - Riskantes Spiel KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 29.11.2013 Jeremy Strong, Bitsie Tulloch, James Badge Paranoia 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056388 Dale - Dir. Peter Landesman Liam Hemsworth, Gary Oldman, Amber Drama/Thriller 2013 min. Operation Zucker Heard, Harrison Ford, Lucas Till, Embeth Universum Film 13.12.2013 Davidtz, Julian McMahon, Josh Holloway, Nadja Uhl, Senta Berger, Anatole Taubman, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056640 Richard Dreyfuss - Dir. Robert Luketic Parashiva Dragus, Adrian Ernst, Uwe Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Der Pate (Masterworks Preuss, Gernot Kunert, Hans-Uwe Bauer, Wendecover Matthias Dittmer, Stefan Rudolf, Jörg Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 102min. Collection) (Blu-ray) Panknin, Holger Doellmann - Dir. Rainer STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment The Godfather Kaufmann Germany 28.01.2014 Marlon Brando, , James Caan, Drama/Thriller 2012 88min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056847 Robert Duvall, Richard S. Castellano, Ster- KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) ling Hayden, John Marley, Richard Conte, 14.11.2013 Paranoia - Riskantes Spiel (Blu- Diane Keaton, Al Lettieri, Abe Vigoda, Talia 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056487 ray) Shire, Gianni Russo, John Cazale, Al Paranoia Martino, Morgana King, Simonetta Oslo, 31. August (OmU) Liam Hemsworth, Gary Oldman, Amber Stefanelli, Rudy Bond, Richard Bright, Alex Oslo, 31. August Heard, Harrison Ford, Lucas Till, Embeth Rocco - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola Anders Danielsen Lie, Hans Olaf Brenner, Davidtz, Julian McMahon, Josh Holloway, Drama/Kriminalfilm 1972 177min. Ingrid Olava, Øystein Roger, Tone Most- Richard Dreyfuss - Dir. Robert Luketic Paramount Home Entertainment 05.12.2013 raum, Kjærsti Odden Skjeldal, Johanne Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056560 Kjellevik Ledang, Petter Width Kristiansen, Wendecover Renate Reinsve, Anders Borchgrevink Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 106min. Pawn - Wem kannst du vertrau- (Øystein) - Dir. Joachim Trier STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment en? Germany 28.01.2014 Drama 2011 90min. Pawn 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056853 absolut MEDIEN 10.01.2014 Michael Chiklis, Forest Whitaker, Common, tba BestellNr.: 20056894 Paranormal Movie Nikki Reed, Ray Liotta, Sean Faris, Stephen Lang, Marton Csokas, Jessica Szohr, Paranormal Movie Pain & Gain Jonathan Bennett, Ronald Guttman - Dir. Kevin P. Farley, Carly Craig, Deep Roy - Dir. Pain & Gain David Armstrong Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson, Anthony Kevin P. Farley Behind the Scenes, Trailer Mackie, , Ed Harris, Rob Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 85min. Komödie 2013 85min. Corddry, Bar Paly, Rebel Wilson, Ken Universum Film 13.12.2013 KSM GmbH 20.01.2014 Jeong, Michael Rispoli, Keili Lefkowitz, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056147 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056766 Emily Rutherfurd, Larry Hankin, Tony Plana, Peter Stormare - Dir. Michael Bay Paranormal Movie (Blu-ray) Pawn - Wem kannst du vertrau- Action/Komödie 2013 125min. Paranormal Movie en? (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 20.12.2013 Kevin P. Farley, Carly Craig, Deep Roy - Dir. Pawn 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056104 Kevin P. Farley Michael Chiklis, Forest Whitaker, Common, Trailer, Bildergalerie Nikki Reed, Ray Liotta, Sean Faris, Stephen Pain & Gain (Blu-ray) Komödie 2013 88min. Lang, Marton Csokas, Jessica Szohr, Pain & Gain KSM GmbH 20.01.2014 Jonathan Bennett, Ronald Guttman - Dir. Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson, Anthony 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056815 David Armstrong Mackie, Tony Shalhoub, Ed Harris, Rob Behind the Scenes, Trailer Corddry, Bar Paly, Rebel Wilson, Ken Paranormal Whacktivity Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 88min. Jeong, Michael Rispoli, Keili Lefkowitz, Paranormal Whacktivity Universum Film 13.12.2013 Emily Rutherfurd, Larry Hankin, Tony Plana, Sasha Formoso, William Patrick Riley, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056183 Peter Stormare - Dir. Michael Bay Damatri Crayton - Dir. Roger Roth Action/Komödie 2013 130min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Das Pendel des Todes (Horror Paramount Home Entertainment 20.12.2013 Komödie 2012 86min. Cult, Uncut)

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The Pit And The Pendulum Fillion, Anthony Head, Sean Bean, Missi Kadelbach Vincent Price, John Kerr, Barbara Steele, Pyle, Derek Mears, Daniel Cudmore - Dir. Historienfilm 180min. Luana Anders - Dir. Roger Corman Thor Freudenthal Universum Film(ZDF Video) 10.01.2014 Wendecover Fantasy/Abenteuer 2013 106min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056821 Horror 1961 77min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 12.12.2013 Pitch Black / Riddick - Krieger Germany(MGM/UA) 06.12.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056160 der Finsternis / Riddick - Chroni- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056478 Phantom ken eines Kriegers (3 Discs) (Blu- Percy Jackson - Diebe im Olymp / Phantom ray) Percy Jackson - Im Bann des Zy- Ed Harris, David Duchovny, William Pitch Black / The Chronicles Of Riddick / klopen (2 Discs) Fichtner, Lance Henriksen, Johnathon The Chronicles Of Riddick - Dark Fury Vin Diesel, Radha Mitchell, Dame Judi Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Schaech, Jason Beghe, Dagmara Dench - Dir. David Twohy, Peter Chung Lightning Thief / Percy Jackson: Sea Of Dominczyk, Sean Patrick Flanery, Jason Science Fiction/Horror 2000-2004 270min. Monsters Gray-Stanford - Dir. Todd Robinson Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alex- Featurette, Hintergrundinfo, Filmmusik, Musikvideo, Audiokommentar 09.01.2014 andra Daddario - Dir. Chris Columbus, Thor Action/Thriller 2013 94min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056718 Freudenthal Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Fantasy/Abenteuer 2010-2013 215min. Germany 03.01.2014 PlayOff Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056854 PlayOff Germany 17.01.2014 Danny Huston, Mark Waschke, Amira 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056622 The Philosophers - Wer überlebt? Casar, Max Riemelt, Hanns Zischler, Selen The Philosophers Percy Jackson - Diebe im Olymp / Savas, Irm Hermann, Smadar Wolfman, James D’Arcy, Daryl Sabara, Sophie Lowe Andreas Eufinger, Mathias von Percy Jackson - Im Bann des Zy- - Dir. John Huddles Heydebrand, Yehuda Almagor - Dir. Eran klopen (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Drama/Science Fiction 2013 107min. Riklis Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 11.02.2014 Drama 2011 107min. Lightning Thief / Percy Jackson: Sea Of tba BestellNr.: 20056759 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Monsters Pictures) 03.12.2013 Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alex- The Philosophers - Wer überlebt? 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056593 andra Daddario - Dir. Chris Columbus, Thor (Blu-ray) Freudenthal The Philosophers PlayOff (Blu-ray) Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, James D’Arcy, Daryl Sabara, Sophie Lowe PlayOff Comic - Dir. John Huddles Danny Huston, Mark Waschke, Amira Fantasy/Abenteuer 2010-2013 215min. Drama/Science Fiction 2013 112min. Casar, Max Riemelt, Hanns Zischler, Selen Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 11.02.2014 Savas, Irm Hermann, Smadar Wolfman, Germany 12.12.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20056808 Andreas Eufinger, Mathias von 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056332 Heydebrand, Yehuda Almagor - Dir. Eran Percy Jackson - Im Bann des Zy- Rosamunde Pilcher: Winter- Riklis Drama 2011 107min. klopen sonne, Teil 1&2 Sinéad Cusack, Jan Niklas, Geraldine Chap- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters lin, Sophie Schütt, Ralf Bauer, Jason Durr, Pictures) 03.12.2013 Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alex- Jean Simmons, Emma Streets, Marsha 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056608 andra Daddario, Jake Abel, Douglas Smith, Fitzalan, Anna Maguire, Sir Peter Ustinov, Stanley Tucci, Leven Rambin, Nathan Alastair G. Bruce, Gregory Finnegan, Policeman (OmU) Fillion, Anthony Head, Sean Bean, Missi Andrew McCulloch, David Ashton, William Ha-Shoter Pyle, Derek Mears, Daniel Cudmore - Dir. McBain, Katherine Stark, Chrissie Cotterill - Yiftach Klein, Yaara Pelzig, Michael Thor Freudenthal Dir. Martyn Friend Mushonov, Menashe Noi, Michael Aloni, Gal Fantasy/Abenteuer 2013 102min. Drama/Melodram 2003 166min. Hoyberger, Meital Barda, Shaoul Mizrahi, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Rona-Lee Shim’on, Ben Adam - Dir. Nadav Germany 12.12.2013 Home Edition) 05.12.2013 Lapid 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056101 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056634 Drama 2011 108min. good!movies(GMfilms) 25.10.2013 Percy Jackson - Im Bann des Zy- Die Pilgerin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056114 klopen (Blu-ray 3D, 2 Discs) (Blu- Josefine Preuß, Jacob Matschenz, Volker ray) Bruch, Sebastian Hülk, Lucas Polizeiruf 110 - Box 16 (4 Discs) Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters Gregorowicz, Dietmar Bär, Muriel Wimmer, Andreas Schmidt-Schaller, Peter Borgelt, Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alex- Lucas Prisor, Uwe Preuss, Lore Richter, Jürgen Frohriep - Dir. Helmut Krätzig, Tho- andra Daddario, Jake Abel, Douglas Smith, Ernst Stötzner, Roeland Wiesnekker, Tómas mas Jacob, Hans Werner, Edgar Kaufmann, Stanley Tucci, Leven Rambin, Nathan Lemarquis, Sven Pippig, Carlo Ljubek, Lau- Gerald Hujer Fillion, Anthony Head, Sean Bean, Missi ra de Boer, Stipe Erceg - Dir. Philipp Booklet Kriminalfilm 1988-1989 630min. Pyle, Derek Mears, Daniel Cudmore - Dir. Kadelbach Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) Thor Freudenthal Historienfilm 180min. 08.11.2013 Fantasy/Abenteuer 2013 106min. Universum Film(ZDF Video) 10.01.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056298 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056775 Germany 12.12.2013 Portugal, mon amour 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056161 Die Pilgerin (Blu-ray) La Cage Dorée Josefine Preuß, Jacob Matschenz, Volker Rita Blanco, Joaquim De Almeida, Barbara Percy Jackson - Im Bann des Zy- Bruch, Sebastian Hülk, Lucas Cabrita, Alex Alves Pereira, Roland Giraud, Gregorowicz, Dietmar Bär, Muriel Wimmer, klopen (Blu-ray) Chantal Lauby, Lannick Gautry, Maria Lucas Prisor, Uwe Preuss, Lore Richter, Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters Vieira, Jacqueline Corado, Jean-Pierre Ernst Stötzner, Roeland Wiesnekker, Tómas Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alex- Martins, Sergio Da Silva, Nicole Croisille - Lemarquis, Sven Pippig, Carlo Ljubek, Lau- andra Daddario, Jake Abel, Douglas Smith, Dir. Ruben Alves Stanley Tucci, Leven Rambin, Nathan ra de Boer, Stipe Erceg - Dir. Philipp Interview, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurette, Bilderga-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 47 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD lerie, Trailer, Teaser, Wendecover Joseph Gordon-Levitt, , Komödie 2013 87min. Dania Ramirez, Jamie Chung, Kym Perfetto, Psychopathen Box (k.J.) Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 16.01.2014 Anthony Chisholm, Ashley Austin Morris, Gvozdi / Nightmare / Star Vehicle 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056791 Wolé Parks, Kevin Bolger, Aasif Mandvi - Horror min. Dir. David Koepp Soulfood Music Distribution(Moviepoint) Portugal, mon amour (Blu-ray) Action/Thriller 2012 91min. 08.11.2013 La Cage Dorée Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056422 Rita Blanco, Joaquim De Almeida, Barbara 09.01.2014 Cabrita, Alex Alves Pereira, Roland Giraud, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056745 The Quest - Die Herausforderung Chantal Lauby, Lannick Gautry, Maria The Quest Vieira, Jacqueline Corado, Jean-Pierre Pretender - Die komplette erste Jean-Claude van Damme, Sir Roger Moore, Martins, Sergio Da Silva, Nicole Croisille - Staffel (6 Discs) James Remar, Janet Gunn, Jack McGee, Aki Dir. Ruben Alves Aleong, Louis Mandylor - Dir. Jean-Claude Interview, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurette, Bilderga- The Pretender lerie, Trailer, Teaser, Wendecover Michael T. Weiss, Andrea Parker, Patrick van Damme Komödie 2013 91min. Bauchau, Jon Gries, Richard Marcus, Action/Abenteuer 1996 91min. Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 16.01.2014 James Denton, Harve Presnell, Paul Dillon, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 09.12.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056829 Jeffrey Donovan, Ryan Merriman, Alex 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056784 Wexo, Ashley Peldon, Pamela Gidley, Kim Practice - Die Anwälte, Vol. 1 (3 Myers, Jason Brooks - Dir. Frederick King The Quest - Die Herausforderung Discs) Keller, James Whitmore Jr., Terrence (Blu-ray) The Practice O’Hara, Chuck Bowman, Rodney Charters, The Quest Michael Badalucco, Camryn Manheim, Steven Long Mitchell, Michael Lange, Scott Jean-Claude van Damme, Sir Roger Moore, Steve Harris, Dylan McDermott, Kelli Lautanen, , Joe Napolitano, James Remar, Janet Gunn, Jack McGee, Aki Williams, Lisa Gay Hamilton - Dir. Michael Ian Toynton, Vern Gillum, Krishna Rao, Mi- Aleong, Louis Mandylor - Dir. Jean-Claude Schultz chael Klick, Jon Koslowsky van Damme Featurette, Wendecover Booklet, Episodenguide Action/Abenteuer 1996 95min. Drama 1997 430min. Drama/Science Fiction 1996-2000 946min. VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 09.12.2013 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 29.11.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056826 Germany 28.01.2014 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056365 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056845 R.E.D. 2 - Noch älter. Härter. Bes- Prince of the City ser. Prince Of The City RED 2 Julian Cheah, Michael Madsen, Tara The Internship Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Mary-Louise Wallace, Aaron Aziz, Jehan Miskin, Nabihan Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Rose Byrne, Parker, Lee Byung-hun, Catherine Zeta- Yaacob, Himanshu Bhatt, Kenji Sawahii - Max Minghella, Josh Brener, Josh Gad, Jones, Helen Mirren, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Dir. Roslan Hussin Dylan O’Brien, Tobit Raphael, Tiya Sircar, Neal McDonough - Dir. Dean Parisot Chuti Tiu, John Goodman, JoAnna Garcia Trailer Action 2012 80min. Making of, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Swisher, B.J. Novak, Jessica Szohr - Dir. Action/Komödie 2013 112min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.01.2014 Shawn Levy Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056879 Komödie 2013 115min. Cine Collection) 30.01.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Prince of the City (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056694 Germany 24.01.2014 Prince Of The City 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056623 R.E.D. 2 - Noch älter. Härter. Bes- Julian Cheah, Michael Madsen, Tara ser. (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Wallace, Aaron Aziz, Jehan Miskin, Nabihan Yaacob, Himanshu Bhatt, Kenji Sawahii - RED 2 The Internship Dir. Roslan Hussin Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Mary-Louise Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Rose Byrne, Trailer Parker, Lee Byung-hun, Catherine Zeta- Max Minghella, Josh Brener, Josh Gad, Action 2012 84min. Jones, Helen Mirren, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Dylan O’Brien, Tobit Raphael, Tiya Sircar, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.01.2014 Neal McDonough - Dir. Dean Parisot Chuti Tiu, John Goodman, JoAnna Garcia 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056884 Making of, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Swisher, B.J. Novak, Jessica Szohr - Dir. Action/Komödie 2013 117min. Shawn Levy Der Prinz von Bel-Air - Die kom- Concorde Home Entertainment 30.01.2014 Komödie 2013 120min. plette zweite Staffel (4 DVDs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056713 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air Germany 24.01.2014 R.I.P.D. - Rest in Peace Depart- Will Smith, James Avery, Janet Hubert- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056637 Whitten (Vivian Banks), Daphne Reid ment R.I.P.D. Predator (Blu-ray 3D, 2 Discs) (Vivian Banks), Alfonso Ribeiro, Karyn Parsons, Tatyana Ali, Joseph Marcell - Dir. Jeff Bridges, Ryan Reynolds, Kevin Bacon, (Blu-ray) Debbie Allen, Madeline Cripe Mary-Louise Parker, Stephanie Szostak, Predator Outtakes Robert Knepper, James Hong, Devin Ratray, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Komödie 1990-1996 555min. Mike O’Malley, , Larry Joe Elpidia Carrillo, Bill Duke, Jesse Ventura, Warner Home Video Germany 08.11.2013 Campbell, Zoe Aggeliki - Dir. Robert Sonny Landham, Richard Chaves, R. G. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056415 Schwentke Armstrong, Shane Black, Kevin Peter Hall - Action/Komödie 2013 92min. Dir. John McTiernan Prinzessin Fantaghirò Superbox Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) 09.01.2014 Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056697 Action/Science Fiction 1987 111min. Alessandra Martines, Mario Adorf, Kim Rossi Stuart, Ángela Molina, Jean-Pierre Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment R.I.P.D. - Rest in Peace Depart- Germany 12.12.2013 Cassel, Brigitte Nielsen, Stefano Davanzati, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056337 Tomás Valík, Ornella Marcucci, Katerina ment (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) Brozova, Nicholas Rogers, Elena D’Ippolito, (Blu-ray) Premium Rush (Steelbook) (Blu- Ursula Andress - Dir. Lamberto Bava R.I.P.D. ray) Fantasy 1991-1996 925min. Jeff Bridges, Ryan Reynolds, Kevin Bacon, Koch Media 25.10.2013 Premium Rush Mary-Louise Parker, Stephanie Szostak, 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056317

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Robert Knepper, James Hong, Devin Ratray, Bindi Sue Irwin, Toby Wallace, Matthew Ali Lyons, Scott Graham, James Cosmo - Mike O’Malley, Marisa Miller, Larry Joe Lillard - Dir. Brendan Maher Dir. Yelena Lanskaya Campbell, Zoe Aggeliki - Dir. Robert Abenteuer/Familie 2013 87min. Komödie/Action 2010 88min. Schwentke Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) justbridge entertainment media 08.11.2013 Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, 16.01.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056131 Featurettes 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056699 Action/Komödie 2013 96min. Santiago, der Verdammte Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Rush Racer - Der letze Held The Naked Dawn 09.01.2014 The Last American Heroe Arthur Kennedy, Betta St. John, Eugene 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056715 Jeff Bridges, Valerie Perrine, Geraldine Iglesias - Dir. Edgar G. Ulmer R.I.P.D. - Rest in Peace Depart- Fitzgerald, Gregory Walcott, Ned Beatty, Western 1955 78min. Gary Busey, Art Lund, Ed Lauter, William Koch Media 06.12.2013 ment (Blu-ray) Smith, Tom Ligon, Ernie F. Orsatti - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056620 R.I.P.D. Lamont Johnson Jeff Bridges, Ryan Reynolds, Kevin Bacon, Drama 1973 91min. Saturday Morning Massacre Mary-Louise Parker, Stephanie Szostak, HanseSound Musik und Film GmbH Saturday Morning Mystery Robert Knepper, James Hong, Devin Ratray, 18.10.2013 Ashley Rae Spillers, Jonny Mars, Mike O’Malley, Marisa Miller, Larry Joe 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056109 Josephine Decker, Adam Tate, Paul Gordon, Campbell, Zoe Aggeliki - Dir. Robert Mallory Culbert, Chris Doubek, Heather Schwentke Russian Cannibal Kafka - Dir. Spencer Parsons Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Featurettes Evilenko Horror/Komödie 2012 83min. Action/Komödie 2013 96min. Malcolm McDowell, Marton Csokas, Ronald Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Pickup, Frances Barber, Alexei Chadyuk, GmbH & Co. KG(Little Brother Films) 09.01.2014 Vernon Dobtcheff, Ostap Stupka, Ruby 24.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056714 Kammer - Dir. David Grieco 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056773 Thriller/Drama 2004 119min. Rani (3 Discs) Soulfood Music Distribution(Artworks Saturday Morning Massacre (Blu- Rani Entertainment) 31.01.2014 ray) Mylène Jampanoi, Jean-Hugues Anglade, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056968 Saturday Morning Mystery Rémi Bichet, Pascal Demolon, Olivier Sitruk, Ashley Rae Spillers, Jonny Mars, Yaël Abecassis - Dir. Arnaud Sélignac Sadie J. - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) Josephine Decker, Adam Tate, Paul Gordon, Abenteuer/Drama 2011-2012 416min. Sadie J. Mallory Culbert, Chris Doubek, Heather Studio Hamburg Enterprises 01.11.2013 Komödie 2011 390min. Kafka - Dir. Spencer Parsons 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056299 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Horror/Komödie 2012 87min. 12.12.2013 Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Richard Wagner (Deluxe Edition) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056209 GmbH & Co. KG(Little Brother Films) Giuseppe Becce, Ernst Reicher, Olga Engl, 24.01.2014 Manny Ziener, Miriam Horwitz - Dir. Carl Sadistic Torture - Penance (Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056819 Froelich, William Wauer ray) (k.J.) Drama 1913 min. Penance Saving Santa - Ein Elf rettet Universum Film(Transit Classics) Marieh Delfino, Michael Rooker, Graham Weihnachten 06.12.2013 McTavish, Alice Amter, Valorie Hubbard, Saving Santa 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056626 Allison Lange, Tony Todd, James Duval, Dir. Arish Fyzee Eve Mauro, Katherine Randolph, Lochlyn Komödie 2013 80min. Robinson Crusoe - Der komplette Munro, Jason Connery - Dir. Jake Kennedy Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 Zweiteiler (2 Discs) Wendecover, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056281 Thriller/Horror 2009 72min. Robinson Crusoé Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.11.2013 Pierre Richard, Nicolas Cazalé, Jean- Saving Santa - Ein Elf rettet 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056081 Claude Leguay, Jennifer Lauret, Marie Weihnachten (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Beraud, Michel Perron - Dir. Thierry Sadistic Torture - Penance (k.J.) ray) Chabert Booklet, Trailer Penance Saving Santa Abenteuer 2002 190min. Marieh Delfino, Michael Rooker, Graham Dir. Arish Fyzee absolut MEDIEN(Fernsehjuwelen) McTavish, Alice Amter, Valorie Hubbard, Komödie 2013 84min. 07.02.2014 Allison Lange, Tony Todd, James Duval, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056898 Eve Mauro, Katherine Randolph, Lochlyn 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056331 Munro, Jason Connery - Dir. Jake Kennedy Die Rückkehr des Dr. Phibes (Hor- Wendecover, Originaltrailer, Trailershow Saving Santa - Ein Elf rettet Thriller/Horror 2009 78min. Weihnachten (Blu-ray) ror Cult, Uncut) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.11.2013 Saving Santa Dr. Phibes Rises Again 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056075 Vincent Price, Robert Quarry, Valli Kemp, Dir. Arish Fyzee Hugh Griffith, John Thaw, Keith Buckley, Sahara (Blu-ray) Komödie 2013 84min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 Lewis Fiander, Gerald Sim, Milton Reid, Sahara 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056330 Peter Jeffrey, John Cater, , Brooke Shields, Horst Buchholz, Sir John Beryl Reid, Terry-Thomas, Fiona Lewis - Mills, Lambert Wilson, John Rhys-Davies, Saw Butchery (k.J.) Dir. Robert Fuest Steve Forrest - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen Nine Dead Wendecover Abenteuer 1983 110min. Horror 1972 85min. Melissa Joan Hart, William Lee Scott, John dtp entertainment AG(Breu Media) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Terry, James C. Victor, Marc Macaulay, 17.01.2014 Germany(MGM/UA) 06.12.2013 Lucille Soong, Chip Bent, Edrick Browne - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056959 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056482 Dir. Chris Shadley Trailer, Making of Die Rückkehr zur Insel der Aben- The Santa Incident - Der Thriller/Horror 2009 84min. teuer Weihnachtsvorfall Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 13.12.2013 The Santa Incident 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056492 Return To Nim’s Island

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Scandal - Die komplette erste George C. Scott, Richard Charles, Tim Cur- Javier Bardem, Judith Diakhate, Carlos Staffel (2 Discs) ry, Harry Carey Sr., Sir C. Aubrey Smith, Bardem, Hovik Keuchkerian, Juan Carlos Charles Winninger - Dir. John Cromwell, Vellido, Luis Mottola - Dir. Santiago Zannou Scandal Mitchell Leisen, Clive Donner, A. Edward Making of, Trailer , Columbus Short, Darby Sutherland Drama 2013 100min. Stanchfield, Katie Lowes, Guillermo Diaz, Drama 1936-1982 367min. Capelight Pictures 14.02.2014 Jeff Perry, Tony Goldwyn, Matt Letscher - Maritim Pictures 15.11.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056982 Dir. Paul McGuigan, Roxann Dawson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056554 Allison Liddi-Brown, Michael Katleman, Scrubs: Die Anfänger - Die kom- Steve Robin, Tom Verica Das Schreckenskabinett des Dr. plette Serie, Staffel 1-9 (32 Discs) Featurettes Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 287min. Phibes (Horror Cult, Uncut) Scrubs The Walt Disney Company (Germany) The Abominable Dr. Phibes Zach Braff, Donald Faison, Sarah Chalke, GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(ABC Vincent Price, Joseph Cotten, Virginia John C. McGinley, Neil Flynn, Ken Jenkins, Studios) 05.12.2013 North, Terry-Thomas - Dir. Robert Fuest Judy Reyes 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056543 Wendecover Diverse, Spiel Horror 1971 90min. Komödie 2001-2010 3807min. Schloss Einstein - Die komplette Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment The Walt Disney Company (Germany) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(ABC 16. Staffel (6 Discs) Germany(MGM/UA) 06.12.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056480 Studios) 28.11.2013 Robert Schupp, Henrieke Fritz, Lukas Lan- 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056306 ge, Jelena Herrmann, Svea Engel, Helene Das schwarze Buch Mardicke, Ruth Schönherr, Jacob Körner, Reign Of Terror Sesamstraße - Elmo rettet Weih- Johna Fontaine, Oskar McKone, Marie Robert Cummings, Richard Basehart, Ri- nachten Meinzenbach, Yannik Rau, Gert Schaefer, chard Hart, Norman Lloyd - Dir. Anthony Maya Angelou, Charles Durning, Harvey Angelika Böttiger, Björn von der Wellen, Mann Fierstein, Bob McGrath Ernestine Kemnitz, Paul Hartmann, Lucas Abenteuer/Drama 1949 86min. Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 55min. Leppert, Robert Reichert - Dir. Severin Koch Media 06.12.2013 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 29.11.2013 Lohmer, Sabine Landgraeber, Frank Stoye, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056618 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056868 Nils Dettmann, Irina Popow Kinderfilm 2013 1300min. Die Schwarzen Brüder (2 Discs) Sesamstraße Classics - Die 70er Universum Film(Universum Kids) Robert Bricker - Dir. Diethard Klante 03.01.2014 Jahre (2 Discs) Abenteuer/Jugend 1984 300min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056934 Universum Film(Universum Kids) Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1969 180min. Die Schlümpfe 2 24.01.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) tba BestellNr.: 20056940 Smurfs 2 29.11.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056242 , Jayma Mays, Hank Schwiegereltern inklusive Azaria, Brendan Gleeson, Sofía Vergara - Peeples Dir. Sesamstraße Classics - Die 70er Craig Robinson, Kerry Washington, David Featurette Jahre (2 Discs) Alan Grier, S. Epatha Merkerson, Tyler Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 101min. Sesame Street Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) James Williams, Melvin van Peebles, Booklet 03.12.2013 Diahann Carroll, Kali Hawk - Dir. Tina Gor- Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1969 180min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056141 don Chism Studio Hamburg Enterprises 29.11.2013 Interviews, B-Roll 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056869 Die Schlümpfe 2 (Blu-ray 3D, + Komödie 2013 91min. Universum Film(SquareOne) 24.01.2014 Shame the Devil Blu-ray 2D) (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056907 Smurfs 2 Shame The Devil Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, Hank Science of Sleep - Anleitung zum Simon Phillips, Juliette Bennett, Doug Bradley, Will de Meo, Bradford West, Kellie Azaria, Brendan Gleeson, Sofía Vergara - Träumen Dir. Raja Gosnell Shirley, Peter Woodward, Peter Barrett - Featurette La Science Des Rêves Dir. Paul Tanter Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 105min. Gael García Bernal, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Trailer Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Alain Chabat, Miou-Miou, Emma de Caunes, Thriller/Horror 2013 90min. 03.12.2013 Aurélia Petit, Sacha Bourdo - Dir. Michel Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056177 Gondry 17.12.2013 Komödie 2006 102min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056094 Die Schlümpfe 2 (Blu-ray) Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 22.11.2013 Smurfs 2 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056307 Shameless - Die komplette 3. Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, Hank Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Azaria, Brendan Gleeson, Sofía Vergara - Scorpion: Brother. Skinhead. Shameless Dir. Raja Gosnell Fighter. William H. Macy, , Jeremy Featurette Alacrán Enamorado Allen White, Cameron Monaghan, Emma Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 105min. Álex González, Miguel Angel Silvestre, Kenney, Ethan Cutkosky, Blake Alexander Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Javier Bardem, Judith Diakhate, Carlos Johnson, Brennan Kane Johnson, Justin 03.12.2013 Bardem, Hovik Keuchkerian, Juan Carlos Chatwin, Joan Cusack, Joel Murray, Laura 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056176 Vellido, Luis Mottola - Dir. Santiago Zannou Wiggins, Shanola Hampton, Steve Howey, Making of, Trailer Tyler Jacob Moore, Pej Vahdat, Noel Fisher, Die schönsten Filme für Weih- Drama 2013 96min. Jane Levy, Moreau, Missy Doty, nachten (2 Discs) Capelight Pictures 14.02.2014 Michael Patrick McGill, Madison Davenport, Der kleine Lord / Die unvergessliche 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056972 Dennis Boutsikaris, Robert Knepper, Weihnachtsnacht / Oliver Twist / Wunder- Timothy V. Murphy, Dennis Cockrum, Frank volles Weihnachten Scorpion: Brother. Skinhead. Pacheco, Julia Duffy, Chloe Webb, Freddie Bartholomew, Mickey Rooney, Do- Fighter. (Blu-ray) Carlease Burke, Amy Smart, Vanessa Bell lores Costello Barrymore, Barbara Alacrán Enamorado Calloway - Dir. Mark Mylod, John Wells, Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray, Beulah Bondi, Álex González, Miguel Angel Silvestre, Stephen Hopkins, Todd Holland, Mimi Leder,

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John Dahl, David Nutter, , Adam Dylan Horne, Grace Powell, Krystn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056239 Bernstein, Sanaa Hamri Caldwell - Dir. Larry Wade Carrell Featurettes Trailer Splatter 3er Pack (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Komödie/Drama 2011-2013 528min. Thriller/Horror 2011 88min. Blood Splattered / Halloween IV / Muttertag Warner Home Video Germany 24.01.2014 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 Horror 1980-2007 254min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056914 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056994 Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) 13.12.2013 Shameless - Die komplette 3. Slim Callaghan greift ein (2 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056824 Staffel (3 Discs) Discs) Shameless Eva Pflug, Viktor de Kowa, Hellmut Lange, Splatter 3er Pack (k.J.) William H. Macy, Emmy Rossum, Jeremy Rosemarie Fendel, Ursula Herking, Dieter Blood Splattered / Halloween IV / Muttertag Allen White, Cameron Monaghan, Emma Eppler, Helmuth Rudolph - Dir. Karl Anton Horror 1980-2007 249min. Kenney, Ethan Cutkosky, Blake Alexander Kriminalfilm 1964 200min. Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Johnson, Brennan Kane Johnson, Justin Pidax film media(Pidax film) 13.12.2013 13.12.2013 Chatwin, Joan Cusack, Joel Murray, Laura 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056690 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056779 Wiggins, Shanola Hampton, Steve Howey, Tyler Jacob Moore, Pej Vahdat, Noel Fisher, Slinger (Platinum Cult Edition) Die Spur des Windes Jane Levy, Marguerite Moreau, Missy Doty, Cyborg A Far Off Place Michael Patrick McGill, Madison Davenport, Jean-Claude van Damme, Deborah Richter, Reese Witherspoon, Ethan Randall, Jack Dennis Boutsikaris, Robert Knepper, Vincent Klyn, Alex Daniels, Dayle Haddon, Thompson, Sarel Bok, Maximilian Schell, Timothy V. Murphy, Dennis Cockrum, Frank Blaise Loong, Ralf Möller - Dir. Albert Pyun Robert John Burke, Patricia Kalember, Dani- Pacheco, Julia Duffy, Chloe Webb, Action/Fantasy 1989 80min. el Gerroll - Dir. Mikael Salomon Carlease Burke, Amy Smart, Vanessa Bell VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 02.12.2013 Abenteuer 1993 103min. Calloway - Dir. Mark Mylod, John Wells, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056663 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Stephen Hopkins, Todd Holland, Mimi Leder, GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Walt John Dahl, David Nutter, Scott Frank, Adam Slinger (Platinum Cult Edition) Disney Pictures) 05.12.2013 Bernstein, Sanaa Hamri (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20056541 Nicht verwendete Szenen Cyborg Komödie/Drama 2011-2013 528min. Jean-Claude van Damme, Deborah Richter, Der Staatsanwalt - Staffel 5 + 6 (3 Warner Home Video Germany 24.01.2014 Vincent Klyn, Alex Daniels, Dayle Haddon, Discs) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056893 Blaise Loong, Ralf Möller - Dir. Albert Pyun Rainer Hunold Shang Li - Der Tod hat tausend Action/Fantasy 1989 83min. Kriminalfilm 480min. VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 02.12.2013 Edel Germany(Aviator) 15.11.2013 Namen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056678 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056272 Men Of The Hour Chin Shang Ling, Fang Doo - Dir. Joseph Soko Edition - Soko Wismar (4 Stalled (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kong Discs) Stalled Wendecover, Bildergalerie, Hintergrundinfo Dan Palmer, Antonia Bernath, Tamaryn Action/Eastern 1978 92min. Kriminalfilm 810min. Payne - Dir. Christian James Intergroove Media(TB Karate Productions) Edel Germany(Aviator) 15.11.2013 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056263 Wendecover 29.11.2013 Komödie/Horror 2013 85min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056084 SOKO Kitzbühel 6 (2 Discs) Mad Dimension GmbH 07.02.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056910 Shaw Brothers Classics (6 Discs) Kristina Sprenger, Hans Sigl, Andreas Bian fu chuan qi / Chu Liu Xiang / Shi er Kiendl, Andrea L’Arronge, Heinz Marecek, Stalled (k.J.) Ferry Öllinger, Christine Klein - Dir. Gerald jin pai / Sui woo juen / Wang Yu - Sein Stalled Liegel, Michael Zens, Regina Huber, Fabian Schlag war tödlich / Wu du Dan Palmer, Antonia Bernath, Tamaryn Eder Action/Eastern 612min. Payne - Dir. Christian James VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 27.11.2013 Kriminalfilm 2006 440min. Wendecover 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056695 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Rexfilm) Komödie/Horror 2013 81min. 07.11.2013 Mad Dimension GmbH 07.02.2014 Sinn und Sinnlichkeit 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056549 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056887 Sense And Sensibility Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Kate Ein Sommer in .... Box 3 (3 Discs) Starke Mädchen weinen nicht Winslet, Hugh Grant, James Fleet, Harriet Ein Sommer in Amalfi / Ein Sommer in Achtste Groepers Huilen Niet Walter, Gemma Jones, , Portugal / Ein Sommer in Schottland Hanna Obbeek, Nils Verkooijen, Fiona Robert Hardy, Greg Wise, , Komödie/Lovestory 2012-2013 270min. Livingston, Bram Flick, Amin Belyandouz, Imogen Stubbs, Hugh Laurie, Emile Edel Germany(Aviator) 01.11.2013 Eva van der Gucht, Loek Peters, Johanna Francois, Richard Lumsden, Oliver Ford 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056274 ter Steege, Reinout Bussemaker, Chris Davies - Dir. Ang Lee Comvalius, Xander Straat, Bram van den Drama/Komödie 1995 131min. Sons of Anarchy - Season 3 (3 Hooven, Lea Vlastra, Renee de Graaff, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Lucas Dijker, Mattijn Hartemink, Genio de 14.11.2013 Sons Of Anarchy Groot, Jacques Vriens, Hanna Verboom - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056667 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen Dir. Dennis Bots Action/Drama min. Trailer Sister (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama/Jugend 2012 95min. Jacob Germany 06.12.2013 Capelight Pictures 07.02.2014 Dylan Horne, Grace Powell, Krystn 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056244 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056835 Caldwell - Dir. Larry Wade Carrell Trailer Sons of Anarchy - Season 3 (4 Starke Mädchen weinen nicht Thriller/Horror 2011 92min. Discs) (k.J.) (Blu-ray) Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 Sons Of Anarchy Achtste Groepers Huilen Niet 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057003 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen Hanna Obbeek, Nils Verkooijen, Fiona Action/Drama min. Livingston, Bram Flick, Amin Belyandouz, Sister (k.J.) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Eva van der Gucht, Loek Peters, Johanna Jacob Germany 06.12.2013 ter Steege, Reinout Bussemaker, Chris

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Comvalius, Xander Straat, Bram van den Clint Browning, Jason Ellefson, Dustin siebte Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Hooven, Lea Vlastra, Renee de Graaff, Fitzsimons - Dir. Teo Konuralp (k.J.) Lucas Dijker, Mattijn Hartemink, Genio de Action 2008 82min. Supernatural Groot, Jacques Vriens, Hanna Verboom - Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.01.2014 Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jeffrey Dir. Dennis Bots 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056880 Trailer Dean Morgan, Jim Beaver, Samantha Ferris, Drama/Jugend 2012 100min. Street Racer (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Samantha Smith, Alona Tal, Katie Cassidy, Chad Lindberg, Nicki Aycox, Fredric Lehne Capelight Pictures 07.02.2014 ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056849 - Dir. Kim Manners, Robert Singer, Philip Street Racer Sgriccia, Michael Rohl, Charles Beeson, Der Stoff, aus dem die Helden Clint Browning, Jason Ellefson, Dustin Peter Ellis, David Nutter Fitzsimons - Dir. Teo Konuralp sind (Special Edition, 2 DVDs) Horror/Fantasy 2005-2012 923min. Action 2008 85min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.01.2014 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056674 The Right Stuff 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056886 Sam Shepard, Scott Glenn, Ed Harris, Supernatural - Die komplette Dennis Quaid, Fred Ward, Barbara Street Racer (Blu-ray) siebte Staffel (6 Discs) (k.J.) Hershey, Kim Stanley, Veronica Cartwright, Street Racer Supernatural Pamela Reed, Charles Frank, Scott Paulin, Clint Browning, Jason Ellefson, Dustin Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jeffrey Lance Henriksen - Dir. Philip Kaufman Fitzsimons - Dir. Teo Konuralp Dean Morgan, Jim Beaver, Samantha Ferris, Action/Drama 1983 192min. Action 2008 85min. Samantha Smith, Alona Tal, Katie Cassidy, Warner Home Video Germany 08.11.2013 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.01.2014 Chad Lindberg, Nicki Aycox, Fredric Lehne 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056313 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056885 - Dir. Kim Manners, Robert Singer, Philip Störkanal Triple Box 3 (3 Discs) Stubbe - Von Fall zu Fall: Folge Sgriccia, Michael Rohl, Charles Beeson, Peter Ellis, David Nutter (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 21-30 (5 Discs) Horror/Fantasy 2005-2012 923min. 5150, Rue des Ormes / Bellflower / Civic Wolfgang Stumph, Stephanie Stumph Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 Duty Kriminalfilm 900min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056659 Thriller/Horror 2006-2011 303min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 15.11.2013 Splendid Film(I-On Störkanal) 28.02.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056277 Supernova 3D- Wenn die Sonne 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056920 Stubbe - Von Fall zu Fall: Folge explodiert (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Störkanal Triple Box 3 (3 Discs) Supernova 31-40 (5 Discs) Luke Perry, Tia Carrere, Peter Fonda, (k.J.) Wolfgang Stumph, Stephanie Stumph Clemency Burton-Hill, Emma Samms, 5150, Rue des Ormes / Bellflower / Civic Kriminalfilm 881min. Jessica Brooks, Eliza Bennett, Marcus Duty Edel Germany(Aviator) 10.01.2014 Jean Pirae, Philip Lenkowsky, Ronald Thriller/Horror 2006-2011 303min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056877 Pickup, Lance Henriksen, Patrick Walton, Splendid Film(I-On Störkanal) 28.02.2014 Nkuli Kgositsile, Chris April, Mehboob 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056902 Sturmfrei - Staffel 1 Bawa, Adrienne Pearce, Jeremy Crutchley, Katharina Wolfert, Fanni Pantförder, Bürger Tamsin MacCarthy, Patrick Lyster - Dir. Straight A’s - Jede Familie hat Lars Dietrich, Nick Schuck, Lukas Sperber, John S. Harrison ein schwarzes Schaf Milena Tscharntke - Dir. Anton Riedel, David Science Fiction/Action 2005 170min. Straight A’s Gromer (Co-Regie) justbridge entertainment media 18.11.2013 Ryan Phillippe, Anna Paquin, Luke Wilson, Komödie/Jugend 2011 195min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056350 Riley Thomas Stewart, Ursula Parker, Josh Studio Hamburg Enterprises 29.11.2013 Meyers, Christa Campbell, Tess Harper, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056865 Sweet Desire Powers Boothe - Dir. James Cox Lellebelle Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Sturmfrei - Staffel 2 Anna Raadsveld, Benja Bruijning, Charlie Drama/Komödie 2013 81min. Katharina Wolfert, Fanni Pantförder, Bürger Dagelet - Dir. Mischa Kamp Pecom AG 20.01.2014 Lars Dietrich, Nick Schuck, Lukas Sperber, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056762 Milena Tscharntke - Dir. Martin Busker Drama/Erotik 2010 89min. Komödie/Jugend 2012 195min. Capelight Pictures 14.02.2014 Straight A’s - Jede Familie hat Studio Hamburg Enterprises 10.01.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056973 ein schwarzes Schaf (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056866 Straight A’s Sweet Desire (Blu-ray) Ryan Phillippe, Anna Paquin, Luke Wilson, Sturmfrei - Staffel 3 Lellebelle Riley Thomas Stewart, Ursula Parker, Josh Katharina Wolfert, Fanni Pantförder, Bürger Anna Raadsveld, Benja Bruijning, Charlie Meyers, Christa Campbell, Tess Harper, Lars Dietrich - Dir. Martin Busker Dagelet - Dir. Mischa Kamp Powers Boothe - Dir. James Cox Komödie/Jugend 2013 195min. Trailer Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Studio Hamburg Enterprises 10.01.2014 Drama/Erotik 2010 93min. Drama/Komödie 2013 85min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056867 Capelight Pictures 14.02.2014 Pecom AG 20.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056983 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056811 Sunset Boulevard (Masterworks Collection) (Blu-ray) Sweetwater - Rache ist süß Sweet Vengeance Straßen in Flammen (Blu-ray) Sunset Boulevard Ed Harris, January Jones, Jason Isaacs - Streets Of Fire Gloria Swanson, William Holden, Erich von Dir. Logan Miller , Michael Paré, , Stroheim, Nancy Olson, Cecil B. DeMille, Amy Madigan, Willem Dafoe, Deborah van Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Fred Clark, Hedda Hopper, Buster Keaton, Western 2013 92min. Valkenburgh - Dir. Walter Hill Anna Q. Nilson, H. B. Warner - Dir. Billy Planet Media Home Entertainment Trailer Wilder Musikfilm 1983 94min. 16.01.2014 Drama 1950 110min. Koch Media 08.11.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056241 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.12.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056636 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056559 Sweetwater - Rache ist süß (Blu- Street Racer Supernatural - Die komplette ray) Street Racer Sweet Vengeance

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Ed Harris, January Jones, Jason Isaacs - Berger, Hélène Duc, Aurore Clément, Jean- Morley - Dir. Douglas Hickox Dir. Logan Miller Paul Rouve, André Wilms, Richard Guedj, Wendecover Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Roger Van Hool, Nathalie Krebs (Noëlle), Thriller/Komödie 1973 99min. Western 2013 95min. Delphine Serina, Sachi Kawamata, Annelise Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Planet Media Home Entertainment Hesme, Jacques Boudet, Philippe Lauden- Germany(MGM/UA) 06.12.2013 16.01.2014 bach (Maître Badinier), Arlette Thomas, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056484 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056246 Christiane Millet, Bunny Godillot, Sandrine Le Berre (Edith), Niels Dubost (Paul), Thrill to Kill (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Sympathy for Delicious Anthony Paliotti, Thomas Derichebourg, (k.J.) Sympathy For Delicious François Vincentelli, Jean-Pierre Jorris, Rush Mark Ruffalo, Christopher Thornton, Juliette Patrick Bouchitey - Dir. Étienne Chatiliez Dolph Lundgren, Vinnie Jones, Randy Cou- Lewis, Laura Linney, John Carroll Lynch, Komödie 2001 105min. ture - Dir. Giorgio Serafini Noah Emmerich, James Karen, Nathan Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 22.11.2013 Making of, Trailer Wetherington, Dov Tiefenbach, Orlando 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056308 Action 2013 97min. Bloom - Dir. Mark Ruffalo Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Making of, Trailer Tatanka - Die Reise zurück in das 16.01.2014 Drama/Komödie 2010 92min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056460 Koch Media 24.01.2014 Reich der Camorra 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056098 Tatanka Thrill to Kill (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Clemente Russo, Rade Serbedzija, Giorgio Rush Colangeli, Susanne Wolff, Carmine Recano, Sympathy for Delicious (Blu-ray) Dolph Lundgren, Vinnie Jones, Randy Cou- Sascha Zacharias, Raiz, Giacomo Sympathy For Delicious ture - Dir. Giorgio Serafini Mark Ruffalo, Christopher Thornton, Juliette Gonnella, Damir Todorovic, Alexander Making of, Trailer Lewis, Laura Linney, John Carroll Lynch, Yassin - Dir. Giuseppe Gagliardi Action 2013 97min. Noah Emmerich, James Karen, Nathan Action/Drama 2011 100min. Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Wetherington, Dov Tiefenbach, Orlando Lichtblick Films(Little Brother Films) 16.01.2014 Bloom - Dir. Mark Ruffalo 28.01.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056459 Making of, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056755 Drama/Komödie 2010 96min. Thrill to Kill (k.J.) Koch Media 24.01.2014 Tatanka - Die Reise zurück in das Rush 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056157 Reich der Camorra (Blu-ray) Dolph Lundgren, Vinnie Jones, Randy Cou- Tatanka ture - Dir. Giorgio Serafini Systemfehler - Wenn Inge tanzt Clemente Russo, Rade Serbedzija, Giorgio Making of, Trailer Paula Kalenberg, Tim Oliver Schultz, Peter Colangeli, Susanne Wolff, Carmine Recano, Action 2013 93min. Kraus - Dir. Wolfgang Groos Sascha Zacharias, Raiz, Giacomo Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Making of, Interviews, Musikvideo Gonnella, Damir Todorovic, Alexander 16.01.2014 Komödie/Lovestory 2013 99min. Yassin - Dir. Giuseppe Gagliardi 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056441 Splendid Film 31.01.2014 Action/Drama 2011 100min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056603 Lichtblick Films(Little Brother Films) Tilt - Das Spiel ist aus, wenn du Systemfehler - Wenn Inge tanzt 28.01.2014 aufgibst. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056802 Tilt (Blu-ray) Jawor Emiloff Baharoff, Radina Kardjilowa, Paula Kalenberg, Tim Oliver Schultz, Peter Taxi - Die erste Season (4 Discs) Georgi Staykow, Owanes Torosian, Iwaylo Kraus - Dir. Wolfgang Groos Taxi Dragiew, Alexander Sano, Phillip Making Of, Interviews, Musikvideo Judd Hirsch, Danny DeVito, Marilu Henner Awramow, Joreta Nikolowa, Georgi Komödie/Lovestory 2013 103min. Komödie 1978-1979 520min. Nowakow, Robert Janakiew, Max Reimann, Splendid Film 31.01.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 07.11.2013 Alexander Hegedush - Dir. Viktor 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056615 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056381 Tschoutschkow Jr. Talking to Heaven - Mein Leben Drama 2010 94min. Taxi Quadrilogie (4 Discs) (Blu- Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs mit Toten ray) GmbH & Co. KG(Port-au-Prince) 06.12.2013 Living With The Dead Taxi 1-4 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056113 Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, Diane Samy Naceri, Frédéric Diefenthal - Dir. Ladd, Michael Moriarty, Connor Widdows, Gerard Krawczyk Titanic 2 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Joy Coghill, Jay Brazeau, Queen Latifah, Action/Komödie 1998-2007 min. Titanic II Maggie Blue O’Hara, Jack Palance, Reece Universum Film 06.12.2013 Shane Van Dyke, Marie Westbrook, Bruce Thompson, Neil Denis, Mikela J. Mikael, Eric 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056351 Davison, Brooke Burns, Michelle Glavan, Breker, Lindsay Bourne, Kavan Smith, Hiro Carey Van Dyke, D. C. Douglas, Dylan Vox, Kanagawa, Bill Meilen, John Lowe, Henry Tequila Sunrise (Blu-ray) Wittly Jourdan, Myles Cranford, Joshua Watson, Veena Sood, David Kaye, James Tequila Sunrise Michael, Matt Wise - Dir. Shane Van Dyke Kirk, Bethoe Shirkoff, Michael Eklund, Nan- Mel Gibson, , , Action/Drama 2010 91min. cy Sivak, Karen Austin, Kwesi Ameyaw, Raul Julia, J. T. Walsh, Arliss Howard, Arye Edel Germany(Starmovie) 08.11.2013 Lorena Gale, Richard Sali, Joel Palmer, Gross, Ann Magnuson, Gabriel Damon, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056236 Simone Bailly, Linda Darlow, Don Mackay, Garret Pearson, Eric Thiele, Tom Nolan, Chilton Crane, Larry Musser, James Van Dawn Martel - Dir. Robert Towne Der Tod steht ihr gut (Blu-ray) Praagh, Norman Armour, Tim Henry - Dir. Thriller/Drama 1988 115min. Death Becomes Her Stephen Gyllenhaal Warner Home Video Germany 03.01.2014 , Goldie Hawn, Bruce Willis, Booklet Isabella Rossellini, Ian Ogilvy, Adam Storke Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2001 175min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056912 - Dir. Robert Zemeckis AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Theater des Grauens (Horror Cult, Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Kinotrailer, TV-Clips, Bilder- AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 20.12.2013 galerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056558 Uncut) Komödie 1992 103min. Theatre Of Blood Koch Media 17.01.2014 Tanguy - Der Nesthocker Vincent Price, Diana Rigg, Ian Hendry, Har- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056980 Tanguy ry Andrews, Coral Browne, Robert Coote, Sabine Azéma, André Dussollier, Eric Jack Hawkins, Sir Michael Hordern, Robert Der Tod zählt keine Dollar

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La Morte Non Conta I Dollari Donald Glover - Dir. Maggie Carey Bryan Cranston, John Cho, Bill Nighy, Bill Pamela Tudor, Mark Damon, Luciana Gilli, Trailer Nighy, Bokeem Woodbine, Ethan Hawke - Stephen Forsyth - Dir. Riccardo Freda Komödie 2012 94min. Dir. Len Wiseman Featurette „Nora zählt keine Dollar“ mit Komponistin Nora Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 Science Fiction/Action 2012 130min. Orlandi (ca. 15 Min.); Featurette „Johnny Dollar“ mit Film- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056521 historiker Fabio Melelli; Deutscher Kinotrailer; Bildergalerie Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) mit seltenem Werbematerial 12.12.2013 Western 1967 86min. Die To-Do Liste (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056391 Koch Media 23.10.2013 The To Do List 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056465 Aubrey Plaza, Johnny Simmons, Bill Hader, Eine total verrückte Bescherung Scott Porter, Alia Shawkat, Connie Britton, Battle Of The Bulbs Die Todesliste Rachel Bilson, Andy Samberg, Christopher Daniel Stern, Matt Frewer, Allison Hossack, The List Mintz-Plasse, Clark Gregg, Nolan Gould, Teryl Rothery, Ryan Grantham, Emily Sienna Guillory, Anthony Flanagan, Nigel Donald Glover - Dir. Maggie Carey Tennant, C. Ernst Harth, William Planer, Bill Paterson, Clive Russell, Louise Trailer Hutchinson, Tim Henry, Maxine Miller, Luis Komödie 2012 94min. Delamere, Andrew Havill, Rita Davies - Dir. Javier, Harvie - Dir. Harvey Frost Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 Klaus Hüttmann Trailer Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056520 Komödie/Familie 2010 84min. Thriller 2013 90min. Soulfood Music Distribution(Best Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 Tom und Hacke Entertainment) 01.11.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056990 Benedikt Weber, Xaver Maria Brenner, Fritz tba BestellNr.: 20056476 Karl, Franziska Weisz, Franz Buchrieser, Die Todesliste (Blu-ray) Julia Forstner, Rainer Bock, Merab Ninidze, Töte, Django (k.J.) The List Elisabeth von Koch, Ludo Vici - Dir. Norbert Se Sei Vivo Spara Sienna Guillory, Anthony Flanagan, Nigel Lechner Tomás Milián, Marilù Tolo, Piero Lulli, Milo Planer, Bill Paterson, Clive Russell, Louise Audiokommentar, Making of, Interview Quesada, Francisco Sanz, Miguel Serrano Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2012 94min. Delamere, Andrew Havill, Rita Davies - Dir. - Dir. Giulio Questi good!movies(Zorro) 25.10.2013 Klaus Hüttmann Booklet, Bildergalerie Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056102 Western 1966 112min. Thriller 2013 94min. Film Art 21.10.2013 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 Torture Extreme Collection (2 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056400 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056999 Discs) (k.J.) Broken / The Clinic / Cornered! / Nine Tower of Death Tödliches Spiel - Would You Rat- Dead / Penance / Resurrection County II her? (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Horror 520min. Bruce Lee, Tang Lung, Huang Cheng-li, Roy Would You Rather MIG Film 21.11.2013 Horan, Roy Chiao - Dir. Ng See-yuen Brittany Snow, Jeffrey Combs, Sasha tba BestellNr.: 20056550 Action/Eastern 1980 92min. Grey, Jonathan Coyne, Lawrence Gilliard Splendid Film 29.11.2013 Jr., Enver Gjokaj, John Heard, Charlie Torture Killer (Uncut) (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056451 Hofheimer, Logan Miller, June Squibb - Dir. (k.J.) David Guy Levy House Tower of Death (Blu-ray) Thriller/Horror 2012 97min. Michael Madsen, Julie Ann Emery, Bill Game Of Death II Maritim Pictures 28.01.2014 Moseley, Leslie Easterbrook, Lew Temple, Bruce Lee, Tang Lung, Huang Cheng-li, Roy tba BestellNr.: 20056152 J.P. Davis, Allana Bale - Dir. Robby Henson Horan, Roy Chiao - Dir. Ng See-yuen Horror/Thriller 2007 88min. Action/Eastern 1980 96min. Tödliches Spiel - Would You Rat- Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 13.12.2013 Splendid Film 29.11.2013 her? (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056823 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056464 Would You Rather Trance - Gefährliche Erinnerung Brittany Snow, Jeffrey Combs, Sasha Torture Killer (Uncut) (k.J.) Trance Grey, Jonathan Coyne, Lawrence Gilliard House James McAvoy, Vincent Cassel, Rosario Jr., Enver Gjokaj, John Heard, Charlie Michael Madsen, Julie Ann Emery, Bill Dawson, Danny Sapani, Matt Cross, Hofheimer, Logan Miller, June Squibb - Dir. Moseley, Leslie Easterbrook, Lew Temple, Wahab Sheikh, Mark Poltimore, Simon Kunz, David Guy Levy J.P. Davis, Allana Bale - Dir. Robby Henson Tuppence Middleton - Dir. Danny Boyle Thriller/Horror 2012 93min. Horror/Thriller 2007 85min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 13.12.2013 Featurettes, Trailer Maritim Pictures 28.01.2014 Drama/Thriller 2013 97min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056777 tba BestellNr.: 20056092 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Torture Porn 3er Pack Vol. 2 (Blu- Germany 06.12.2013 Die To-Do Liste 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056287 The To Do List ray) (k.J.) Aubrey Plaza, Johnny Simmons, Bill Hader, La petite mort / Popular / Schlaraffenhaus Trance - Gefährliche Erinnerung Scott Porter, Alia Shawkat, Connie Britton, Horror 219min. (Blu-ray) Rachel Bilson, Andy Samberg, Christopher Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Trance Mintz-Plasse, Clark Gregg, Nolan Gould, 13.12.2013 James McAvoy, Vincent Cassel, Rosario Donald Glover - Dir. Maggie Carey 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056527 Trailer Dawson, Danny Sapani, Matt Cross, Komödie 2012 90min. Torture Porn 3er Pack Vol. 2 (k.J.) Wahab Sheikh, Mark Poltimore, Simon Kunz, Tuppence Middleton - Dir. Danny Boyle Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 La petite mort / Popular / Schlaraffenhaus 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056475 Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurette, Kurzfilm, Trailer Horror 215min. Drama/Thriller 2013 101min. Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Die To-Do Liste (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 13.12.2013 Germany 06.12.2013 ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056494 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056333 The To Do List Aubrey Plaza, Johnny Simmons, Bill Hader, Total Recall (Steelbook, 2 Discs) Die Trapp-Familie / Die Trapp- Scott Porter, Alia Shawkat, Connie Britton, (Blu-ray) Familie in Amerika (2 Discs) Rachel Bilson, Andy Samberg, Christopher Total Recall Die Trapp-Familie / Die Trapp-Familie in Mintz-Plasse, Clark Gregg, Nolan Gould, Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, Amerika (2 Discs)

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Ruth Leuwerik, Hans Holt, Maria Holst, Peter Barrett, , Jean-Claude Josef Meinrad, Friedrich Domin, Hilde von van Damme - Dir. Dominic Burns Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter Stolz, Agnes Windeck, Liesl Karlstadt - Dir. Making of, Trailer (Special Edition, 3 Discs) Science Fiction/Action 2012 97min. Wolfgang Liebeneiner Volker Bruch, Tom Schilling, Katharina Pecom AG 20.01.2014 Starinfos, Trailer, Wendecover Schüttler, , Miriam Stein, Drama/Heimatfilm 1956-1958 197min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056812 Mark Waschke, Christiane Paul, Sylvester STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Groth, Henriette Richter-Röhl, Götz Schu- Germany 05.12.2013 Die Unbesiegten bert, Maxim Mehmet, Samuel Finzi, Dorka 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056140 The Undefeated Gryllus, Johanna Gastdorf, Peter Kremer, John Wayne, Rock Hudson, Tony Aguilar, Trystan Pütter, David Zimmerschied, Joel Das Traumschiff DVD-Box 9 (3 Roman Gabriel, Marian McCargo, Lee Basman, Antonio Wannek, Alina Levshin, Meriwether, Merlin Olsen, Melissa Newman, Discs) Paul Maaß, Ludwig Blochberger, Bernd Bruce Cabot, Jan-Michael Vincent, Ben Heide Keller, Horst Naumann, Siegfried Michael Lade, Laurens Walter, Martin Johnson, Edward Faulkner, Harry Carey Rauch - Dir. Fritz Umgelter Bruchmann, Benjamin Trinks, Tino Mewes, Jr., Richard Mulligan, Paul Fix, Royal Dano, Drama 351min. Marek Harloff, Lucas Gregorowicz, Hilde- Carlos Rivas, John Agar, Don Collier, Big Universum Film(ZDF Video) 13.12.2013 gard Schroedter, Inga Jarkova, Valentin John Hamilton, Dub Taylor, Henry Beckman, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056628 Novopolskij, Karina Plachetka, Adam Robert Donner, Pedro Armendáriz Jr., Markiewicz, Anne Diemer, Merle Dissen - James Dobson, Rudy Diaz, Richard Ein treuer Diener seines Herrn Dir. Philipp Kadelbach Heinz Moog, Brigitte Grothum, Günter Kö- Angarola, James McEachin, Gregg Palmer, Dokumentation, Making of, Interviews, Audiokommentare, nig, Ellen Schwiers, Bert Fortell, Peter Juan García - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen Booklet Capell - Dir. Wilhelm Semmelroth Western 1969 min. Drama 2013 270min. Drama 1967 92min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Studio Hamburg Enterprises (ZDF Video) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 03.01.2014 Germany 06.12.2013 18.10.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056945 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056670 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056087 Two and a Half Men - Die kom- Die Unbesiegten (Blu-ray) Upside Down plette zehnte Staffel (3 Discs) The Undefeated Upside Down John Wayne, Rock Hudson, Tony Aguilar, Kirsten Dunst, Jim Sturgess, John Two And A Half Men Roman Gabriel, Marian McCargo, Lee MacLaren, Timothy Spall, Agnieshka Ashton Kutcher, Jon Cryer, Angus T. Meriwether, Merlin Olsen, Melissa Newman, Wnorowska, Jayne Heitmeyer, Neil Napier, Jones, Conchata Ferrell, Judy Greer, Hol- Bruce Cabot, Jan-Michael Vincent, Ben Heidi Hawkins, Frank M. Ahearn, James land Taylor - Dir. James Widdoes Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, u.a. Johnson, Edward Faulkner, Harry Carey Kidnie, Holly O’Brien, Vincent Messina, Don Komödie 467min. Jr., Richard Mulligan, Paul Fix, Royal Dano, Jordan, Holden Wong, Elliott Larson, Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 Carlos Rivas, John Agar, Don Collier, Big Nicholas Rose, Jesse Sherman - Dir. Juan 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056664 John Hamilton, Dub Taylor, Henry Beckman, Diego Solanas Robert Donner, Pedro Armendáriz Jr., Science Fiction/Lovestory 2012 104min. U-Bahn - Nächster Halt: Terror James Dobson, Rudy Diaz, Richard Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Redline Angarola, James McEachin, Gregg Palmer, Home Edition) 16.01.2014 Nicole Gale Anderson, Kunal Sharma, Kevin Juan García - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056438 Sizemore, Mark Saul, Keena Ferguson, Trailer Western 1969 118min. John Billingsley, Renee Sly, Kym Jackson - Upside Down (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Robert Kirbyson ray) Germany 06.12.2013 Trailer Upside Down 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056336 Thriller/Drama 2013 83min. Kirsten Dunst, Jim Sturgess, John Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 Underworld Takes Over (k.J.) MacLaren, Timothy Spall, Agnieshka 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056995 Wnorowska, Jayne Heitmeyer, Neil Napier, Rise Of The Dead Heidi Hawkins, Frank M. Ahearn, James Chris Ferry, Stephen Seidel, Peter Blitzer, U-Bahn - Nächster Halt: Terror Kidnie, Holly O’Brien, Vincent Messina, Don Erin Wilk, Emily Ackerman, Jason Madera, (Blu-ray) Jordan, Holden Wong, Elliott Larson, Brooke Delaney, Matt Regney, Vickie Myers Redline Nicholas Rose, Jesse Sherman - Dir. Juan - Dir. William Wedig Nicole Gale Anderson, Kunal Sharma, Kevin Diego Solanas Horror 2007 72min. Sizemore, Mark Saul, Keena Ferguson, Science Fiction/Lovestory 2012 109min. Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) John Billingsley, Renee Sly, Kym Jackson - Concorde Home Entertainment 16.01.2014 08.11.2013 Dir. Robert Kirbyson 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056457 Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056265 Thriller/Drama 2013 87min. Ungezähmte Herzen - Ein Mu- Upside Down (Blu-ray) Sunfilm Entertainment 06.02.2014 Upside Down 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057005 stang zum Verlieben Kirsten Dunst, Jim Sturgess, John Our Wild Hearts MacLaren, Timothy Spall, Agnieshka UFO - Versuche ruhig zu bleiben Cambrie Schroder, Rick Schroder, Luke Wnorowska, Jayne Heitmeyer, Neil Napier, Alien Uprising Schroder - Dir. Rick Schroder Heidi Hawkins, Frank M. Ahearn, James Bianca Bree, Sean Brosnan, Simon Phillips, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Kidnie, Holly O’Brien, Vincent Messina, Don Drama/Familie 2013 86min. Jazz Lintott, Maya Grant, Andrew Shim, Jordan, Holden Wong, Elliott Larson, KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.01.2014 Peter Barrett, Julian Glover, Jean-Claude Nicholas Rose, Jesse Sherman - Dir. Juan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056768 van Damme - Dir. Dominic Burns Diego Solanas Making of, Trailer Science Fiction/Lovestory 2012 109min. Science Fiction/Action 2012 93min. Unser Mann ist König (3 Discs) Concorde Home Entertainment 16.01.2014 Pecom AG 20.01.2014 Horst Drinda, Annekathrin Bürger, Doris 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056455 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056763 Otto-Franke, Stefan Naujokat, Carl Heinz Choynski, Evamaria Bath, Ilona Grandke, - Die kom- UFO - Versuche ruhig zu bleiben Marga Legal - Dir. Hubert Hoelzke (Blu-ray) Drama 1980 420min. plette erste Staffel (6 Discs) The Vampire Diaries Alien Uprising Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Bianca Bree, Sean Brosnan, Simon Phillips, 06.12.2013 Steven R. McQueen, Katerina Graham, Jazz Lintott, Maya Grant, Andrew Shim, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056507

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Candice Accola, Zach Roerig, Michael War Carin Sprague - Dir. Frank Michels Trevino, Sara Canning, Kayla Ewell, Jeff Chandler, Maureen O’Hara, Suzan Ball, Bildergalerie, Making of, Trailer Marguerite MacIntyre, Chris William Martin, Charles Drake, John McIntire - Dir. George Science Fiction/Action 2008 97min. Jasmine Guy, Malese Jow - Dir. Marcos Sherman Edel Germany(Starmovie) 15.11.2013 Siega Western 1953 75min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056234 Fantasy/Mystery 2009 887min. Koch Media 06.12.2013 Warner Home Video Germany 01.11.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056621 Vikingdom - Schlacht um 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056413 Midgard Verschwörung auf Fort Clark (Blu- Vikingdom The Vampire Diaries - Die kom- ray) Dominic Purcell, Natassia Malthe, Conan plette vierte Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu- War Arrow Stevens - Dir. Yusry Abd Halim ray) Jeff Chandler, Maureen O’Hara, Suzan Ball, Fantasy/Action 2013 110min. Splendid Film 03.01.2014 The Vampire Diaries Charles Drake, John McIntire - Dir. George 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056443 Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Sherman Western 1953 78min. Steven R. McQueen, Kate Graham, Zach Vikingdom - Schlacht um Roerig, Candice Accola, Michael Trevino, Koch Media 06.12.2013 Matthew Davis, Sara Canning, Susan Wal- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056635 Midgard (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) ters, Joseph Morgan - Dir. John Behring, J. Vikingdom Miller Tobin, Joshua Butler, Chris Grismer, Verspielte Nächte Dominic Purcell, Natassia Malthe, Conan John Dahl, Wendey Stanzler Jasmin Tabatabai, Vicky Volioti, Sharon Stevens - Dir. Yusry Abd Halim Fantasy/Mystery 1012min. Brauner, Frank Stieren, André Hennicke, Fantasy/Action 2013 115min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 Andreas Mannkopff, Stefan Lohse, Heike Splendid Film 03.01.2014 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056677 Steinweg, Ralf Knebel, Vassilis Anastasia- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056463 dis, Thanos Grammenos, Tasso Kavadia, The Vampire Diaries - Die kom- Dimitris Mikelis - Dir. Angeliki Antoniou Vikingdom - Schlacht um plette vierte Staffel (5 Discs) Drama 1997 86min. Midgard (Blu-ray) KNM Home Entertainment(Basis-Film) The Vampire Diaries Vikingdom 14.11.2013 Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Dominic Purcell, Natassia Malthe, Conan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056489 Steven R. McQueen, Kate Graham, Zach Stevens - Dir. Yusry Abd Halim Fantasy/Action 2013 115min. Roerig, Candice Accola, Michael Trevino, Verwundete Erde (OmU) Matthew Davis, Sara Canning, Susan Wal- Splendid Film 03.01.2014 La Terre Outragée ters, Joseph Morgan - Dir. John Behring, J. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056462 Olga Kurylenko, Andrzej Chyra, Ilya Iosifov, Miller Tobin, Joshua Butler, Chris Grismer, Sergei Strelnikow, Wyacheslaw Slanko, John Dahl, Wendey Stanzler Vindicator (Horror Cult, Uncut) Nicolas Wanczycki, Nikita Emschanow, Fantasy/Mystery 930min. The Vindicator Tatyana Rasskazova, Julia Artamonov, Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 David McIlwraith, Teri Austin, Pam Grier, Natalya Bartyewa - Dir. Michale Boganim 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056662 Richard Cox, Maury Chaykin - Dir. Jean- Drama 2011 104min. Claude Lord Vampires Vs Zombies Box (k.J.) Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Wendecover GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 06.12.2013 Science Fiction/Action 1985 90min. Whore From Hell / Your Damanding Blood tba BestellNr.: 20056648 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment / Vampires And Werewolves Germany(MGM/UA) 06.12.2013 Horror 250min. Verzauberter April 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056485 Soulfood Music Distribution(Artworks Enchanted April Entertainment) 22.11.2013 Miranda Richardson, Joan Plowright, Alfred Voodoo Passion - Der Ruf der 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056974 Molina, Josie Lawrence, Polly Walker, Mi- blonden Göttin (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Vengeance Is Mine - Mein ist die chael Kitchen - Dir. Mike Newell Ruf der blonden Göttin Komödie 1992 89min. Rache Muriel Montossé, Adela Tauler, Jack Taylor, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 Karine Gambier, Vítor Mendes - Dir. Jess True Justice: Vengeance Is Mine 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056282 Franco Steven Seagal, Steve Bacic, Sarah Lind - Abenteuer 1977 83min. Dir. Keoni Waxman Victorious - Season drei, Volume Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 Action/Thriller 2012 87min. 1 (2 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056328 Splendid Film 31.01.2014 Victorious 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056604 Komödie 2012 317min. Voodoo Passion - Der Ruf der Vengeance Is Mine - Mein ist die Paramount Home blonden Göttin (k.J.) Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 07.11.2013 Rache (Blu-ray) Ruf der blonden Göttin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056383 Muriel Montossé, Adela Tauler, Jack Taylor, True Justice: Vengeance Is Mine Karine Gambier, Vítor Mendes - Dir. Jess Steven Seagal, Steve Bacic, Sarah Lind - Videogame Earth Force Franco Dir. Keoni Waxman The Controller Abenteuer 1977 83min. Action/Thriller 2012 91min. Bob Rue, Larry „Tank“ Jones, Lolita Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 Splendid Film 31.01.2014 Sahwany, John Dobradenka, Jeff 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056279 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056616 Niemoeller, Vince Reign, Jimmy Flowers, Carin Sprague - Dir. Frank Michels Die Wache - Staffel 6, Folgen 1- Der verloschene Mond Bildergalerie, Making of, Trailer Chand Bujh Gaya Science Fiction/Action 2008 93min. 13 (3 Discs) Faisal Khan, Shama Sikander, Sanam Aliza, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 15.11.2013 Hans Heinz Moser, Axel Pape, Siegfried Faraz Khan - Dir. Sharique Minhaj 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056215 Kernen, Daniel Hajdu, Michael Zittel, Bernd Originaltrailer E. Jäger van Boxen, Holger Kunkel, Drama 2005 116min. Videogame Earth Force (Blu-ray) Béatrice Bergner, Gernot Schmidt, Hans da music(Laser Paradise) 01.11.2013 The Controller Heller, Karsten Dörr, Francesco Pahlevan, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056597 Bob Rue, Larry „Tank“ Jones, Lolita Beate Finckh, Mogens von Gadow, Matthi- Sahwany, John Dobradenka, Jeff as Haase, Lutz Reichert, Carmen Plate, Verschwörung auf Fort Clark Niemoeller, Vince Reign, Jimmy Flowers, Birge Schade, Michael Breitsprecher, Anja

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Freese, Martina Mank, Harald Kempe, Jana Horror/Drama 2013 101min. Warner Home Video Germany 03.01.2014 Hora, Uwe Kockisch, Alexander Virgolini, Koch Media 24.01.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056909 Irmelin Beringer, Eva Maron, Aram van de 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056099 Rest, Nik Neureiter, Karin Schröder, Dana The Western Collection (4 Discs) Geissler, Daniel Hartwig, Eva-Maria Straka, We Are What We Are (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Mike Reichenbach, Patrick Bach, Tanya We Are What We Are Die Gewaltigen / Ein Fressen für die Geier Neufeldt, Alexander Kiersch, Andrea Bill Sage, Ambyr Childers, Julia Garner, / Sinola / Mit Dynamit und frommen Sprü- Suwa, Ingo Brosch, Caroline Grothgar, Billy Sparks, Wyatt Russell, Kelly McGillis, chen Leon Boden, Anne Sarah Hartung, Christian Odeya Rush, Michael Parks, Nick Damici, John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, Howard Keel, Spitzl, Mirco Wallraf, Meike Gottschalk, Jack Gore, Annemarie Lawless, Nat de Clint Eastwood, Shirley MacLaine, Albert Mark Keller Wolf - Dir. Jim Mickle Morin, Robert Duvall, John Carter, Kathari- Kriminalfilm 1993-2003 560min. Trailer ne Hepburn, Anthony Zerbe - Dir. Burt Ken- Horror/Drama 2013 105min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 01.11.2013 nedy, Don Siegel, John Sturges, Stuart Koch Media 24.01.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056275 Millar 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056158 Western 1966-1975 408min. Die Wache - Staffel 6, Folgen 14- Ein Weihnachtsmärchen wird Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 25 (3 Discs) 14.11.2013 Hans Heinz Moser, Axel Pape, Siegfried wahr 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056848 Kernen, Daniel Hajdu, Michael Zittel, Bernd Home For Christmas E. Jäger van Boxen, Holger Kunkel, Mickey Rooney, Simon Richards, Lesley White Frog ... Kraft unserer Liebe Béatrice Bergner, Gernot Schmidt, Hans Kelly, Chantellese Kent, Noah Plener, Joel (OmU) Kaiser, Susan Hamann, Ken McKenzie, Heller, Karsten Dörr, Francesco Pahlevan, White Frog Peter Ferri, John Tench, Karen Inwood, Beate Finckh, Mogens von Gadow, Matthi- Tyler Posey, Booboo Stewart, Harry Shum Alberta Davidson - Dir. Peter McCubbin as Haase, Lutz Reichert, Carmen Plate, jr., Gregg Sulkin, B.D. Wong, Joan Chen, Drama/Familie 1990 94min. Birge Schade, Michael Breitsprecher, Anja Kelly Hu, Talulah Riley, Amy Hill - Dir. Maritim Pictures 19.11.2013 Freese, Martina Mank, Harald Kempe, Jana Quentin Lee 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056404 Hora, Uwe Kockisch, Alexander Virgolini, Drama/Familie 2012 89min. Irmelin Beringer, Eva Maron, Aram van de Der Weihnachtsurlaub PRO-FUN MEDIA 08.11.2013 Rest, Nik Neureiter, Karin Schröder, Dana 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056121 Geissler, Daniel Hartwig, Eva-Maria Straka, Christmas Holiday Mike Reichenbach, Patrick Bach, Tanya Deanna Durbin, Gene Kelly, Richard Whorf, White House Down Dean Harens, Gladys George - Dir. Robert Neufeldt, Alexander Kiersch, Andrea White House Down Siodmak Suwa, Ingo Brosch, Caroline Grothgar, Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx, Maggie Leon Boden, Anne Sarah Hartung, Christian Wendecover Drama 1944 94min. Gyllenhaal, Jason Clarke, Richard Jenkins, Spitzl, Mirco Wallraf, Meike Gottschalk, Maritim Pictures 15.11.2013 James Woods, Rachelle Lefevre, Joey Mark Keller 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056553 King, Nicolas Wright - Dir. Kriminalfilm 1993-2003 560min. Action/Thriller 2013 127min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 22.11.2013 Die Welt der Hedwig Courths- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056276 Mahler - Die Bettelprinzess 09.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056551 Edgar Wallace & Edgar Allan Poe Silvia Reize, Clara Walbroehl, Alexander Collection (3 Discs) Kerst, Michael Schwarzmaier, Susanne White House Down (Blu-ray) Barth, Else Quecke, Rainer Basedow, Das mysteriöse Schiff / Die dunklen Augen White House Down Marilene von Bethmann - Dir. Bruno Voges von / Die Kammer des Schreckens Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx, Maggie Drama 1974 84min. / Die Maske des roten Todes / Zurück Gyllenhaal, Jason Clarke, Richard Jenkins, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 20.12.2013 bleibt die Angst / The Terror - Schloss James Woods, Rachelle Lefevre, Joey 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056798 des Schreckens / Das unsterbliche Mon- King, Nicolas Wright - Dir. Roland Emmerich ster / Die schwarze Katze Die Welt der Hedwig Courths- Action/Thriller 2013 132min. Action/Kriminalfilm 620min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Mahler - Die Kriegsbraut 09.01.2014 Pictures) 19.11.2013 Volkert Kraeft, Donata Höffer, Eva Christi- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056564 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056591 an, Wolfgang Preiss, Alice Treff - Dir. Tom Toelle White House Down (Steelbook) Was für eine Bescherung (3 Drama 1974 88min. (Blu-ray) Pidax film media(SWR) 10.01.2014 Discs) White House Down 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056799 Chaos unterm Weihnachtsbaum / Einsatz Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx, Maggie auf 4 Pfoten / Weihnachtsmann wider Wil- Die Welt der Hedwig Courths- Gyllenhaal, Jason Clarke, Richard Jenkins, len James Woods, Rachelle Lefevre, Joey Patrick Swayze, Matthew Knight, Amy Mahler - Eine ungeliebte Frau King, Nicolas Wright - Dir. Roland Emmerich Schlagel, Kelsey Grammer, Charles Ulli Philipp, Christian Wolff, Wolfgang Action/Thriller 2013 132min. Durning, Katherine Helmond, Jordan-Claire Preiss, Edda Seippel, Diana Körner, Helmut Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Green, Tom Kemp, Susan Wood - Dir. Förnbacher, Günther Jerschke - Dir. Tom 09.01.2014 James Orr, Craig Zisk, Kieth Merrill Toelle 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056565 Komödie/Familie 2002-2007 284min. Drama 1974 93min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 07.11.2013 Pidax film media(SWR) 10.01.2014 Who’s Next? (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056412 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056800 Lost Lake Ezra Buzzington, Katie Keene, John We Are What We Are Wenn der Postmann zweimal Shartzer, Pat McNeely, Kimberly Stewart, We Are What We Are klingelt (Blu-ray) Chris Hammel, Sherry Weston, Brian Bill Sage, Ambyr Childers, Julia Garner, The Postman Rings Twice Dullaghan - Dir. Marcus Nash Billy Sparks, Wyatt Russell, Kelly McGillis, Jessica Lange, Jack Nicholson, John Trailer Odeya Rush, Michael Parks, Nick Damici, Colicos, Michael Lerner, John Ryan - Dir. Horror 2012 85min. Jack Gore, Annemarie Lawless, Nat de Bob Rafelson Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 13.12.2013 Wolf - Dir. Jim Mickle Audiokommentar, trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056525 Trailer Drama/Kriminalfilm 1980 121min.

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Who’s Next? (k.J.) AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 07.02.2014 Marsan, David Bradley, Mark Heap - Dir. Lost Lake 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056896 Edgar Wright Ezra Buzzington, Katie Keene, John Komödie 2013 109min. Shartzer, Pat McNeely, Kimberly Stewart, Wildes Land - Return to Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Chris Hammel, Sherry Weston, Brian Lonesome Dove, Teil 1-4 (Blu-ray) 16.01.2014 Dullaghan - Dir. Marcus Nash Return To Lonesome Dove 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056716 Trailer Jon Voight, Barbara Hershey, Louis Horror 2012 82min. Gossett Jr. Wut Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 13.12.2013 Western/Drama 1993 322min. Oktay Özdemir, August Zirner, Corinna 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056488 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Harfouch, Robert Höller, Ralph Herforth, AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 07.02.2014 Melika Foroutan, Demir Gögköl - Dir. Züli Wild Bill - Vom Leben 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056916 Aladag beschissen! Interview Drama/Thriller 2005 90min. Wild Bill Wir sind die Millers Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 08.11.2013 Charlie Creed-Miles, Will Poulter, Sammy We’re The Millers 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056212 Williams, Liz White, Leo Gregory, Neil Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Emma Maskell, Iwan Rheon, Jaime Winstone, Roberts, Nick Offerman, Kathryn Hahn, Ed X-Men Origins - Wolverine: Wie Amanda Henderson, Charlotte Spencer, Helms, Will Poulter, Molly C. Quinn - Dir. Andy Serkis, Olivia Williams, Jason Rawson Marshall Thurber alles begann / Wolverine - Weg Flemyng, Peter Hugo Daly, Radoslaw Kaim, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes des Kriegers (2 Discs) Peter McCabe, Dixie Arnold, Jay Simpson - Komödie 2013 114min. X-Men Origins: Wolverine / The Wolverine Dir. Dexter Fletcher Warner Home Video Germany 30.12.2013 Hugh Jackman, Danny Huston, Ryan Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056653 Reynolds, Liev Schreiber, Dominic Drama/Familie 2011 94min. Monaghan, Lynn Collins,, Daniel Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 Wir sind die Millers (Blu-ray) Henney, Kevin Durand, Tao Okamoto, Rila 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056477 We’re The Millers Fukushima - Dir. Gavin Hood, James Man- Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Emma gold Wild Bill - Vom Leben Roberts, Nick Offerman, Kathryn Hahn, Ed Featurette, Alternatives Filmende, Making of, Trailer beschissen! (Blu-ray) Helms, Will Poulter, Molly C. Quinn - Dir. Action/Science Fiction 2009-2013 218min. Wild Bill Rawson Marshall Thurber Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Charlie Creed-Miles, Will Poulter, Sammy Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurette Germany 29.11.2013 Komödie 2013 110min. Williams, Liz White, Leo Gregory, Neil 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056103 Warner Home Video Germany 30.12.2013 Maskell, Iwan Rheon, Jaime Winstone, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056672 Amanda Henderson, Charlotte Spencer, X-Men Origins - Wolverine: Wie Andy Serkis, Olivia Williams, Jason World War II Bloodbath alles begann / Wolverine - Weg Flemyng, Peter Hugo Daly, Radoslaw Kaim, Pathfinders: In The Company Of Strangers des Kriegers (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Peter McCabe, Dixie Arnold, Jay Simpson - Michael Conner Humphreys, Philip De X-Men Origins: Wolverine / The Wolverine Dir. Dexter Fletcher Lorenzo, Christopher Serrone, Jon Ashley Hugh Jackman, Danny Huston, Ryan Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer Reynolds, Liev Schreiber, Dominic Drama/Familie 2011 98min. Hall, Ryan Findley, Catherine Johnson IV, Monaghan, Lynn Collins,, Daniel Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 Billy Reynolds, Travis Mason, David Poland, Henney, Kevin Durand, Tao Okamoto, Rila 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056522 Dick McMahon, Rebecca Ovall, Dan Limb - Dir. Curt A. Sindelar Fukushima - Dir. Gavin Hood, James Man- Die wilde Zeit Trailer, Doku gold Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 96min. Audiokommentar, Interviews, Featurettes, Entfallene und Après Mai Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 13.12.2013 alternative Szenen, Alternatives Filmende, Making of, Trailer, Clément Métayer, Lola Créton, Felix App 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056493 Armand, Carole Combes, India Menuez, Action/Science Fiction 2009-2013 227min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Hugo Conzelmann, Mathias Renou, Lea World War II Bloodbath (Blu-ray) Rougeron, André Marcon, Martin Loizillon, Germany 29.11.2013 Pathfinders: In The Company Of Strangers Johnny Flynn, Dolores Chaplin - Dir. Olivier 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056162 Michael Conner Humphreys, Philip De Assayas Making of, Trailer Lorenzo, Christopher Serrone, Jon Ashley A Young Doctor’s Notebook - Staf- Drama 2012 117min. Hall, Ryan Findley, Catherine Johnson IV, fel 1 Billy Reynolds, Travis Mason, David Poland, EuroVideo Bildprogramm(NFP) 05.12.2013 A Young Doctor’s Notebook Dick McMahon, Rebecca Ovall, Dan Limb - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056115 Daniel Radcliffe, Jon Hamm Dir. Curt A. Sindelar Behind the Scenes Die wilde Zeit (Blu-ray) Trailer, Doku Drama/Komödie 2012 90min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 100min. Après Mai polyband Medien GmbH 29.11.2013 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 13.12.2013 Clément Métayer, Lola Créton, Felix 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056418 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056526 Armand, Carole Combes, India Menuez, Hugo Conzelmann, Mathias Renou, Lea The World’s End A Young Doctor’s Notebook - Staf- Rougeron, André Marcon, Martin Loizillon, The World’s End fel 1 (Blu-ray) Johnny Flynn, Dolores Chaplin - Dir. Olivier Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Paddy Considine, A Young Doctor’s Notebook Assayas Daniel Radcliffe, Jon Hamm Making of, Trailer Martin Freeman, Rosamund Pike, Eddie Marsan, David Bradley, Mark Heap - Dir. Behind the Scenes Drama 2012 122min. Drama/Komödie 2012 90min. Edgar Wright EuroVideo Bildprogramm(NFP) 05.12.2013 polyband Medien GmbH 29.11.2013 Komödie 2013 105min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056169 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056432 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Wildes Land - Return to 16.01.2014 Die zehn Gebote (Masterworks 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056700 Lonesome Dove, Teil 1-4 Collection) (Blu-ray) Return To Lonesome Dove The World’s End (Blu-ray) The Ten Commandments Jon Voight, Barbara Hershey, Louis The World’s End Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter, Gossett Jr. Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Paddy Considine, Edward G. Robinson, Yvonne De Carlo, Western/Drama 1993 310min. Martin Freeman, Rosamund Pike, Eddie Debra Paget, John Derek, Sir Cedric AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing

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Hardwicke, Nina Foch, Martha Scott - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056758 good!movies(Kool) 15.11.2013 Cecil B. DeMille 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056403 Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1956 min. Metallica - Through the Never Paramount Home Entertainment 05.12.2013 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Baraka (Special Edition, 2 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056562 Metallica - Through The Never Baraka Dane DeHaan, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Dir. Ron Fricke Zeuge gesucht Kirk Hammett, Roberto Trujillo - Dir. Nimród Making of, Dokumentation Dokumentarfilm 1992 92min. Phantom Lady Antal AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Busch Franchot Tone, Ella Raines, Alan Curtis, Musikfilm 2013 93min. Media Group) 15.11.2013 Aurora Miranda, Thomas Gomez, Elisha Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.01.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056556 Cook Jr. - Dir. Robert Siodmak 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056806 Thriller 1943 83min. Koch Media 06.12.2013 Metallica - Through the Never Erde, Wasser, Luft, Eis - Die gro- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056619 (Blu-ray 3D, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) ße Naturfilm Edition (4 Discs) Mikrokosmos / Deep Blue / Nomaden der Metallica - Through The Never ZombeX - Walking of the Dead Lüfte / Die Reise der Pinguine Dane DeHaan, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Dir. Claude Nuridsany, Marie Pérennou, Luc (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kirk Hammett, Roberto Trujillo - Dir. Nimród ZombeX Jacquet, Jacques Perrin, Alastair Fothergill Antal Audiokommentar, Texttafeln, Isolierte Musik- und Effektspuren, Lew Temple, David Christopher, Malcolm Musikfilm 2013 93min. Vogelalmanach, Trailer, Wendecover McDowell, , Corey Feldman, John Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.01.2014 Dokumentation/Natur 1996-2005 337min. Doe, Emily Kaye, Desiree McKinney, Tom 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056807 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Araya - Dir. Jesse Dayton Germany(Arthaus) 16.01.2014 Trailer, Bildergalerie Metallica - Through the Never 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056836 Horror 2013 84min. (Blu-ray) KSM GmbH 29.11.2013 Erde, Wasser, Luft, Eis - Die gro- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056390 Metallica - Through The Never Dane DeHaan, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, ße Naturfilm Edition (4 Discs) ZombeX - Walking of the Dead Kirk Hammett, Roberto Trujillo - Dir. Nimród (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Antal Mikrokosmos / Deep Blue / Nomaden der Musikfilm 2013 93min. ZombeX Lüfte / Die Reise der Pinguine Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.01.2014 Lew Temple, David Christopher, Malcolm Dir. Claude Nuridsany, Marie Pérennou, Luc 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056805 McDowell, Sid Haig, Corey Feldman, John Jacquet, Jacques Perrin, Alastair Fothergill Audiokommentar, Interviews, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Doe, Emily Kaye, Desiree McKinney, Tom Isolierte Musik- und Effektspuren, Musikvideo, Vogel- Araya - Dir. Jesse Dayton almanach, Bildergalerien, Trailer, Wendecover Trailer, Bildergalerie Dokumentation/Natur 1996-2005 346min. Horror 2013 80min. Special Interest STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment KSM GmbH 29.11.2013 Germany(Arthaus) 16.01.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056368 11 Freundinnen - Sie wollen nicht 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056850 Zombie Box (k.J.) nur spielen First Position - Ballett ist ihr Le- The Being / Rise of the Dead / The Lira Bajramaj, Uschi Holl, Dzsenifer ben Vanguard Marozsán, Anja Mittag, Bianca Schmidt - First Position Horror min. Dir. Cho Sung-Hyung Miko Fogarty, Jules Fogarty, Joan Sebasti- Soulfood Music Distribution(Moviepoint) Kinotrailer an Zamora, Aran Bell, Michaela DePrince, 25.10.2013 Dokumentarfilm 2012 98min. Rebecca Houseknecht - Dir. Bess Kargman 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056420 EuroVideo Bildprogramm(NFP) 07.11.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056260 Dokumentarfilm/Tanz 2011 91min. Zombies, Monstren, Mutationen Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056273 Vol. 2 (k.J.) Die Alpen - Unsere Berge von Horror 253min. oben First Position - Ballett ist ihr Le- Dir. Dr. Peter Bardehle, Sebastian Linde- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8 Films) ben (+ DVD) (Blu-ray) 19.11.2013 mann First Position 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056407 Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Miko Fogarty, Jules Fogarty, Joan Sebasti- Dokumentarfilm 2013 90min. Zwei Schlitzohren rechnen ab an Zamora, Aran Bell, Michaela DePrince, Alamode Film 14.02.2014 Rebecca Houseknecht - Dir. Bess Kargman Draw! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056967 Dokumentarfilm/Tanz 2011 95min. Kirk Douglas, James Coburn, Alexandra Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 Bastedo - Dir. Steven Hilliard Stern Die Alpen - Unsere Berge von 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056327 Western 1984 91min. oben (Blu-ray) HanseSound Musik und Film GmbH Dir. Dr. Peter Bardehle, Sebastian Linde- First Position - Ballett ist ihr Le- 15.11.2013 mann ben (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056416 Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer First Position Dokumentarfilm 2013 90min. Miko Fogarty, Jules Fogarty, Joan Sebasti- Alamode Film 14.02.2014 an Zamora, Aran Bell, Michaela DePrince, Music 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056981 Rebecca Houseknecht - Dir. Bess Kargman Dokumentarfilm/Tanz 2011 95min. Appassionata Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 Metallica - Through the Never Appassionata 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056326 Metallica - Through The Never Alena Cherny, Monika Pfister, Sofia Bach- Dane DeHaan, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, mann, Nikolaj Petrenko, Swetlana Petrenko, Fuck for Forest Kirk Hammett, Roberto Trujillo - Dir. Nimród Joanna Grunovich, Tatjana Marchenko, Leona Johansson, Tommy Hol Ellingsen, Antal Tatjana Ochotnik - Dir. Christian Labhart Natty Mandeau, Dan Devero, Kaajal Shetty Musikfilm 2013 89min. Booklet, Bonuskonzerte - Dir. Michal Marczak Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.01.2014 Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2012 83min. Dokumentarfilm 2012 86min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 59 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD good!movies(Neue Visionen) 15.11.2013 Bill, Marita Breuer, Werner Herzog, Ute Schnell 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056191 Cremer - Dir. Jörg Adolph Slow Entfallene Szenen Dir. Sascha Seifert Gold - Du kannst mehr als Du Dokumentarfilm/Film 2013 119min. Wendecover, Featurette denkst AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Dokumentarfilm 2012 86min. AG(DocCollection) 25.10.2013 Kirsten Bruhn, Kurt Fearnley, Henry AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Mouna) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056572 Wanyoike - Dir. Michael Hammon 06.12.2013 Making of, Nicht verwendete Szenen, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056588 Dokumentarfilm/Sport 2013 101min. Max Beckmann - Departure Warner Home Video Germany(NFP) Dir. Michael Trabitzsch vierzehn 03.01.2014 Interviews, Booklet Steffi Schmolz, Laura Keller, Fabienne Porträt/Biographie 2012 93min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056889 Renaud, Lisa Brown - Dir. Cornelia Grün- good!movies(Piffl) 15.11.2013 berg 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056575 Gold - Du kannst mehr als Du Dokumentarfilm 2012 92min. denkst (Blu-ray) Max Beckmann - Departure (Blu- Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 06.12.2013 Kirsten Bruhn, Kurt Fearnley, Henry ray) Wanyoike - Dir. Michael Hammon 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056647 Making of, Nicht verwendete Szenen, Trailer Dir. Michael Trabitzsch Dokumentarfilm/Sport 2013 105min. Interviews, Booklet What Happiness Is Porträt/Biographie 2012 97min. Warner Home Video Germany(NFP) Tshoki Zangmo, Karma Wangdi - Dir. Harald good!movies(Piffl) 15.11.2013 03.01.2014 Friedl 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056606 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056911 Dokumentarfilm 2012 88min. More Than Honey Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs The Great American West of John GmbH & Co. KG(Kinostar) 06.12.2013 Dir. Markus Imhoof Ford Interview, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Bildergalerie, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056646 The Great American West Of John Ford Trailer Dir. Denis Sanders Dokumentarfilm/Ökologie 2012 90min. Dokumentation 1971 60min. Senator Home Entertainment 31.01.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.01.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056908 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056927 Müll im Garten Eden (OmU) Haus Tugendhat (2 Discs) Dir. Fatih Akin Dir. Dieter Reifarth Making of, Camburnu Feature, Trailer Dokumentationen, Trailer Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2012 93min. Dokumentarfilm/Architektur 2013 112min. Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG 15.11.2013 29.11.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056118 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056437 NWR - Die Refn-Doku Haus Tugendhat (2 Discs) (Blu- NWR (Nicolas Winding Refn) ray) Nicolas Winding Refn, Ryan Gosling, Mads Mikkelsen - Dir. Laurent Duroche Dir. Dieter Reifarth Dokumentationen, Trailer Porträt/Biographie 2011 64min. Dokumentarfilm/Architektur 2013 117min. Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056993 29.11.2013 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056454 NWR - Die Refn-Doku (Blu-ray) NWR (Nicolas Winding Refn) IMAX: Faszination Meer & Ozean Nicolas Winding Refn, Ryan Gosling, Mads (4 Discs) Mikkelsen - Dir. Laurent Duroche Porträt/Biographie 2011 64min. Ocean Men / Ultimate Wave Tahiti / Vulka- Sunfilm Entertainment 09.01.2014 ne der Tiefsee / Wild Ocean 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057002 Umberto Pelizzari, Pipin Ferreras, Kelly Slater, Raima Van Bastolear, Michael One Direction: Hanrahan - Dir. Bob Talbot, Stephen Low Featurettes, Erweiterte Szene, Interview, Behind the Scenes One Direction: This Is Us Dokumentarfilm 2001-2010 167min. Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, EuroVideo Bildprogramm 05.12.2013 Zayn Malik, Liam Payne - Dir. Morgan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056347 Spurlock Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2013 88min. IMAX: Höhenflüge 3D (Blu-ray 3D, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 4 Discs) (Blu-ray) 20.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056724 Im Rausch der Lüfte / Legenden der Luft- fahrt / Rescue One Direction: This Is Us (Blu-ray) Joel McNichol, Emma Campbell - Dir. One Direction: This Is Us Stephen Low, Keith Melton Interview, Making of, Trailer, Hintergrundinfo Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Dokumentarfilm 2000-2011 129min. Zayn Malik, Liam Payne - Dir. Morgan EuroVideo Bildprogramm 07.11.2013 Spurlock 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056427 Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2013 92min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Making of Heimat 20.01.2014 Edgar Reitz, Gernot Roll, Anton Gerg, Chri- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20056734 stian Reitz, Salome Kammer, Nikolai Eberth, Jan Schneider, Maximilian Scheidt, Antonia Slow - Langsam ist das neue

LASER HOTLINE Seite 60 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Ms. Mimi loses her voice, her class finds ways to venomous snake bite in a very, very bad place! Packed with communicate through music. After a musical mishap, AZ terrorist threats, sexual shenanigans, and all things doesn’t miss a beat and discovers another way to keep tempo. inappropriate, Archer: Season Four comes fully loaded with Animation Gracie learns an important lesson about finding inspiration, outrageous top- extras! and Angelina and Polly set the stage for a perfect Action, Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, FX, : The Complete for their dad! Come along as the mouselings let their creativity shine and get on with the show! Spies & Secret Agents, Television 286min. Third Season Animated Animals, Animation, Ballet, 20th Century Fox 07.01.2014 Its one crazy adventure after another for Finn the human, and Children’s, Family, Fantasy, girl power, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120141 his best friend, Jake, a 28-year old dog with magical powers. The Adventure Time Season 3 DVD features 26 episodes of Music 62min. the hit series plus special features. Lionsgate 21.01.2014 Aria: The Natural - Part One Adventure, Animation, , 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120520 Akari, Aika and Alice are three girls who share a single dream: to become the most talented gondoliers in all of Neo- Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Television Venezia! Every day they train toward their goal, exploring all 286min. Angry Birds Toons: Season One - the wondrous sights that the water-covered planet Aqua has Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 to offer. Whether it’s spending a wild day at Carnevale, Volume One sharing a beautiful sunset, or even crossing paths with the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120629 Life isn’t easy on Piggy Island for the Angry Birds. Red and mysterious spirits that dwell in Aqua’s shadows, for these his fearless feathered companions, Chuck, Matilda, Bomb, the three friends, each day is a new adventure! Audio: Japanese. Adventure Time: The Complete Blues and Terence, must band together to protect their eggs Subtitles: English subtitles and English on-screen and their future from the wily plotting of the Bad Piggies! translations. Special Features: Aria The Natural promotional Third Season (Blu-ray) Angry Birds Toons brings to life the characters and video, interview with Director Junichi Sato, interview with Its one crazy adventure after another for Finn the human, and adventures from one of the beloved games in history, now as Yui Makino, Aria and the World of Sound, cast reflections on his best friend, Jake, a 28-year old dog with magical powers. mini episodes for the whole family to enjoy. Aria the Animation, clean ending 1 and Nozomi Entertainment The Adventure Time Season 3 DVD features 26 episodes of Animated Animals, Animation, Comedy, trailers. the hit series plus special features. Family 73min. Animation, Anime, Drama, Foreign, girl Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Cartoon Sony Pictures Home Entertainment power, International TV, Japanese, Space, Network, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Tele- 03.12.2013 Television 325min. vision 286min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119963 Right Stuf 07.01.2014 Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120444 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120636 Angry Birds Toons: Season One - Volume One (Blu-ray) Auto-B-Good: Fruitful Pursuits AKB0048: Next Stage - The Join the cars of Auto as they investigate an amazing mystery! Life isn’t easy on Piggy Island for the Angry Birds. Red and Along the way they learn that being quick to judge is not a Complete Season Two his fearless feathered companions, Chuck, Matilda, Bomb, the good thing and forgiveness is in order. Episodes that teach The road trip to war has already been brutal for the 77th Blues and Terence, must band together to protect their eggs the importance of selflessness and a bonus episode on being generation of understudies to AKB0048, the combination and their future from the wily plotting of the Bad Piggies! confident is also included. Hop in and enjoy the ride! singing group and combat squad seeking to bring peace and Angry Birds Toons brings to life the characters and Animation, Cars & Motorcycles, Children’s, entertainment back to the universe. However, the competition adventures from one of the beloved games in history, now as between the individual candidates, as well as the remaining mini episodes for the whole family to enjoy. Children’s / Educational, Family, Television 75th and 76th generation understudies, is about to get even Animated Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, 2006 min. rougher. With the opportunity to become a successor to one of Comedy, Family 73min. E1 Entertainment 14.01.2014 the original members of the legendary singing squad hanging in the balance, the fights on stage and on the battlefield will Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120245 become even more cutthroat, and things are only going to get 03.12.2013 nastier when it turns out that someone has been feeding 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119975 Auto-B-Good: Life In The Fast critical information to the opposing DES . Will the revelation of the source of the Kiraras prove to be a deadly Lane misstep in the intricate choreography that’s allowed the team Aqua Tales Power Slide into fun as EJ learns the importance of good to keep dancing out of danger? Will public opinion prove to be Never wanting to endure the taste of fish again, 10-year-old hygiene after neglecting his daily maintenance, which costs more important than actual skill and valor as the squad Opil jokingly wishes for his dinner to disappear forever. But Franklin first prize at the annual flower show. Episodes that undergoes a series of grueling trials by fan? The harmony and the wish becomes a reality when space mutants from his teach the importance of bravery and decency are also harmonization that’s held this band of sisters together will be favorite comic books come to life and threaten to dry up all the included along with a bonus episode about being resourceful. pushed to the breaking point in AKB0048 oceans. Now he must team up with the heroic Captain Animation, Cars & Motorcycles, Children’s, Animation, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Interna- Mackerel and his daughter Marina and undo his wish before Children’s / Educational, Family, Television tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- it’s too late. min. vision 325min. Adventure, Animation, Family, High Seas, E1 Entertainment 14.01.2014 Section23 Films 04.02.2014 Movies 74min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120246 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120429 Phase 4 Films 14.01.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120449 AKB0048: Next Stage - The Best Friends Forever Archer: The Complete Season Enjoy Valentine’s Day with this fantastic collection that Complete Season Two (Blu-ray) includes 10 episodes of your favorite shows! Enjoy Franklin, The road trip to war has already been brutal for the 77th Four The Berenstain Bears, George Shrinks, Elliot Moose and generation of understudies to AKB0048, the combination H. Jon Benjamin, Judy Greer Timothy Goes To School on this DVD! singing group and combat squad seeking to bring peace and Swing back into action with Sterling Archer - the world’s Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, entertainment back to the universe. However, the competition greatest spy - and the agents of ISIS for another hilarious Family, Fantasy, Friendships, Television between the individual candidates, as well as the remaining season of cocktails, carousing and animated awesomeness! min. 75th and 76th generation understudies, is about to get even Follow the team around the globe, from the mysterious Bermu- rougher. With the opportunity to become a successor to one of da Triangle all the way to the Vatican, as they bicker, Phase 4 Films 14.01.2014 the original members of the legendary singing squad hanging backstab and bumble their way through assassination plots, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120450 in the balance, the fights on stage and on the battlefield will an ill-advised marriage, an unexpected pregnancy, and a become even more cutthroat, and things are only going to get venomous snake bite in a very, very bad place! Packed with nastier when it turns out that someone has been feeding terrorist threats, sexual shenanigans, and all things Beware The Batman: Shadows critical information to the opposing DES forces. Will the inappropriate, Archer: Season Four comes fully loaded with Gotham - Season 1 Part 1 revelation of the source of the Kiraras prove to be a deadly outrageous top-secret extras! misstep in the intricate choreography that’s allowed the team Adventure, Animation, Based On Comic to keep dancing out of danger? Will public opinion prove to be Action, Animation, Comedy, FX, Spies & more important than actual skill and valor as the squad Secret Agents, Television 286min. Book, Children’s, Family, Superheroes, undergoes a series of grueling trials by fan? The harmony and 20th Century Fox 07.01.2014 Television 286min. harmonization that’s held this band of sisters together will be 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120131 Warner Bros. 18.02.2014 pushed to the breaking point in AKB0048 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120550 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Science Archer: The Complete Season Fiction, Television 325min. Four (Blu-ray) Hunters: The Complete Section23 Films 04.02.2014 H. Jon Benjamin, Judy Greer First Season 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120436 Swing back into action with Sterling Archer - the world’s Lisa Lampanelli, Jason Jones, Larry The greatest spy - and the agents of ISIS for another hilarious Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, , season of cocktails, carousing and animated awesomeness! Angelina Ballerina: On With The Follow the team around the globe, from the mysterious Bermu- Show da Triangle all the way to the Vatican, as they bicker, Jeff, Bill and Larry are old pals who work together at Barton backstab and bumble their way through assassination plots, Bounty Hunters in the small southern town of Skeeter The stage is set for big performances and lots of fun! When an ill-advised marriage, an unexpected pregnancy, and a Creek.They get their bounties from LISA (Lisa Lampanelli), a

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 61 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA loudmouth bail bondsman whose office is next door. Jeff is the blockbuster sequel to the worldwide phenomenon. Just as Gru Family, Fantasy, Holidays, Medieval Times, owner of the company and leader of the team. Bill is the has given up being super-bad to be a super-dad, the Anti- resident criminal profiler. And Larry is the team muscle. Villain League recruits him to track down a new criminal Movies, Short Film Collections min. Together, they track down redneck fugitives, making Skeeter mastermind and save the world. Partnered with secret agent Anderson Merchandisers 01.10.2013 Creek a little bit safer. Lucy Wilde, Gru, along with the wildly unpredictable Minions, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120331 Animation, Canadian, Comedy, Foreign, must figure out how to keep his cover while also keeping up Television 2013 390min. with his duties as a father. Assemble the Minions for laugh- out-loud comedy in „one of the funniest, most enjoyable movies Enchanted Tales: Anastasia / The E1 Entertainment 21.01.2014 ever!“ (MovieGuide) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120377 Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Legend Of Su-Ling (Double Fea- , Family, Movies, ture) Casshan: The Complete Science Fiction 2013 98min. Animation, Children’s, Double Features, Collection Universal Studios 10.12.2013 Tales, Family, Movies min. When lightning strikes the prototype android BK-1, a new 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120486 New Video DVD 14.01.2014 horror is unleashed on the world as the resulting monster 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120626 Buraiking begins taking over all other robots on Earth, setting Despicable Me 2 3D (Blu-ray 3D + them against their creators in a massive orgy of planet-wide destruction! With humanity helpless in the face of the new Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- Enchanted Tales: Tarzan Of The Neoroiders and their mechanical armies, mankind’s only hope Apes / Treasure Island (Double may lie in the hands of Tetsuya Azuma, son of the creator of ray) BK1, who transfers his consciousness into an android body to Benjamin Bratt, Kristen Wiig, Steve Carell - Feature) become a Neoroider himself... the ultimate robot fighter: Casshan! Now, together with his robot dog Flender and the Dir. Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud Animation, Children’s, Double Features, beautiful Luna Uetsuki, the daughter of another scientist and PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Family, Jungle, Movies 96min. wielder of the most robot-lethal gun on the planet, Casshan is is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. New Video DVD 14.01.2014 on a mission to clear his father’s name, avenge his mother’s A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on almost death, and save the Earth from the iron clutches of Buraiking! all standard Blu-ray players. Gru, his adorable girls, and the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120622 But things aren’t going to be easy, not when you’re three mischievous Minions are back with a cast of unforgettable against thousands, and Buraiking has some shocking new characters in the blockbuster sequel to the worldwide Enchanted Tales: The Hunckback surprises in store that will rip Casshan’s world in two! It’s phenomenon. Just as Gru has given up being super-bad to be the ultimate blast from the past as the battle for the future pits a super-dad, the Anti-Villain League recruits him to track Of Notre Dame / Gullier’s Travels the good bots against the bad in Cas down a new criminal mastermind and save the world. Partnered with secret agent Lucy Wilde, Gru, along with the (Double Feature) Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Interna- wildly unpredictable Minions, must figure out how to keep his tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- cover while also keeping up with his duties as a father. Children’s, Double Features, Fairy Tales, vision 875min. Assemble the Minions for laugh-out-loud comedy in „one of the Family, Fantasy, Movies 96min. Section23 Films 21.01.2014 funniest, most enjoyable movies ever!“ (MovieGuide) New Video DVD 14.01.2014 Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120002 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120625 Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Movies, Science Fiction 2013 98min. Enchanted Tales: The New Casshan: The Complete Universal Studios 10.12.2013 Collection (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120487 Adventures Of Peter Rabbit When lightning strikes the prototype android BK-1, a new Hop into a delightful version of Beatrix Potter’s classic story horror is unleashed on the world as the resulting monster in this marvelously animated, song-and-laughter-filled Buraiking begins taking over all other robots on Earth, setting Dick Figures: The Movie adventure. Peter Rabbit is a little cottontail who is fond of tall them against their creators in a massive orgy of planet-wide Dick Figures: The Movie tells the story of best friends, Red tales. He tells them to his mother, his sisters, and even his destruction! With humanity helpless in the face of the new and Blue, who journey around the world hunting down The cousin, Benny. Then a run-in with Mr. McGregor’s hungry cat Neoroiders and their mechanical armies, mankind’s only hope Great Sword of Destiny. But when Blue discovers Red’s causes Peter to tell one tale too many. Joined by a motor- may lie in the hands of Tetsuya Azuma, son of the creator of terrible secret, the two friends-turned-enemies dodge booby- mouthed mouse, a comical chipmunk, a clever squirrel and a BK1, who transfers his consciousness into an android body to trapped temples, island-hop in WWII bombers, survive a high- pretty kitty named Perky, little Peter finds himself on the become a Neoroider himself... the ultimate robot fighter: speed motorcycle chase, and evade Demon Ninjas while biggest adventure of his life. So come on, hit the bunny trail Casshan! Now, together with his robot dog Flender and the constantly at each other’s throats. Not only must Blue get with Peter Rabbit for an animated adventure to enjoy over and beautiful Luna Uetsuki, the daughter of another scientist and home in time for his girlfriend’s birthday party, but Red and over! wielder of the most robot-lethal gun on the planet, Casshan is Blue have to work together to save the world... and their Animated Animals, Animation, Book-To-Film, on a mission to clear his father’s name, avenge his mother’s friendship. Children’s, Family, Fantasy min. death, and save the Earth from the iron clutches of Buraiking! Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, But things aren’t going to be easy, not when you’re three New Video DVD 14.01.2014 against thousands, and Buraiking has some shocking Movies 73min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120623 surprises in store that will rip Casshan’s world in two! It’s New Video DVD 03.12.2013 the ultimate blast from the past as the battle for the future pits 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119932 the good bots against the bad in Cas Enchanted Tales: Tom Thumb Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Dick Figures: The Movie (Blu-ray) Meets Thumbelina / Princess International TV, Japanese, Science Castle (Double Feature) Fiction, Television 875min. Dick Figures: The Movie tells the story of best friends, Red and Blue, who journey around the world hunting down The Animation, Children’s, Double Features, Section23 Films 21.01.2014 Great Sword of Destiny. But when Blue discovers Red’s Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy 96min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120021 terrible secret, the two friends-turned-enemies dodge booby- trapped temples, island-hop in WWII bombers, survive a high- New Video DVD 14.01.2014 speed motorcycle chase, and evade Demon Ninjas while 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120624 Despicable Me 2 constantly at each other’s throats. Not only must Blue get Benjamin Bratt, Kristen Wiig, Steve Carell - home in time for his girlfriend’s birthday party, but Red and Blue have to work together to save the world... and their Freak Show: The Complete Dir. Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud friendship. Gru, his adorable girls, and the mischievous Minions are Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Series back with a cast of unforgettable new characters in the Adventure, Animation, Television min. blockbuster sequel to the worldwide phenomenon. Just as Gru Comedy, Movies 73min. has given up being super-bad to be a super-dad, the Anti- New Video DVD 03.12.2013 Olive Films 12.06.2012 Villain League recruits him to track down a new criminal 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119949 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119961 mastermind and save the world. Partnered with secret agent Lucy Wilde, Gru, along with the wildly unpredictable Minions, must figure out how to keep his cover while also keeping up Adventure: Volume Five Frosty The Snowman with his duties as a father. Assemble the Minions for laugh- Jackie Vernon, Billy De Wolfe, Jimmy Dur- out-loud comedy in „one of the funniest, most enjoyable movies Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, ever!“ (MovieGuide) Children’s, Family, Fantasy, International ante - Dir. Jules Bass 2013 98min. TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Television Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Classics, Universal Studios 10.12.2013 min. Family, Holidays, Movies, Rankin / Bass, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120480 New Video DVD 14.01.2014 Television, TV Movies 1969 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120607 Anderson Merchandisers 07.09.2010 Despicable Me 2 (Blu-ray + DVD + 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120332 Dragons Holiday: Gift Of The UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Frosty The Snowman (Blu-ray + Benjamin Bratt, Kristen Wiig, Steve Carell - Night Fury Dir. Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud Adventure, Animation, Children’s, DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Gru, his adorable girls, and the mischievous Minions are Christmas, Comedy, Computer Animation, Jackie Vernon, Billy De Wolfe, Jimmy Dur- back with a cast of unforgettable new characters in the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 62 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA ante - Dir. Jules Bass Children’s, Comedy, Computer Animation, Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Christmas, The Jungle Book: Diamond Editi- Family, Holidays, Martial Arts 2010 min. Classics, Family, Holidays, Movies, Rankin / on Anderson Merchandisers 01.10.2013 Bass, Television, TV Movies 1969 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120333 Bruce Reitherman, Verna Felton, John Anderson Merchandisers 07.09.2010 Abbott, Sebastian Cabot, Phil Harris, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120346 Darleen Carr - Dir. Wolfgang Reitherman Lagrange: Set Two Meet the most unforgettable characters and embark on a Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Henry Hugglemonster: Meet The thrilling adventure with Mowgli as he journeys deep into the International TV, Japanese, Television min. jungle and learns „The Bare Necessities“ of life from happy- Hugglemonsters! go-lucky Baloo the bear. Meet Magheera, the wise old Viz Entertainment 07.01.2014 Welcome to the newest, happiest, most monster-rific spot on panther, and crazy King Louie the orangutan. But watch out 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119953 the map - the wondrous land of Roarsville - where five-year- for cunning Shere Khan the tiger and Kaa, the ssssneakiest old Henry Hugglemonster lives, plays and learns something snake in the jungle! Bursting with wild fun, toe-tapping music „roarsome“ every day! Together with his loving parents and and beloved characters, this timeless masterpiece celebrates Lagrange: Set Two (Blu-ray) grandparents, big brother Cobby, sister Summer, baby bro the true meaning of friendship. Experience all the excitement Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Ivor, and a town full of cuddly monsters, Henry embraces all of Disney’s jumpin’ Jungle Classic and share the wonder with the joys and challenges of growing up. Whether he’s helping someone you love. Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- his sister put on a show, setting up a hugglejuice stand or Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated sion min. entering his monsterdog Beckett in a pet pageant, he’s always Viz Entertainment 07.01.2014 discovering new ways to be the best brother, friend and Animals, Animated Feature Films, Animati- monster he can be! Packed with over two hours of song-filled on, Children’s, Classics, Comedy, Disney, 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119970 fun, teamwork and adventure, Henry Hugglemonster: Meet Family, Movies, Musical, Rudyard Kipling The Hugglemonsters! will make your preschooler roar for Lalaloopsy: Friends Are Sew more every time! 78min. Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Disney, Disney / Buena Vista 11.02.2014 Special! Family, Fantasy, Monsters, Television 2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120634 Join Lalaloopsy in 4 fabulous friendship episodes! Watch as the friends plan a special trip to the moon for Dot, prepare for 120min. the Princess Parade, help one another when a mysterious Disney / Buena Vista 14.01.2014 The Jungle Book: Diamond Editi- illness spreads through Lalaloopsy Land, and more! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120074 on (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, (Blu-ray) Friendships, Television 2013 88min. Nickelodeon 04.02.2014 : Great Guardians - Bruce Reitherman, Verna Felton, John 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120540 Season 3 Abbott, Sebastian Cabot, Phil Harris, With the climactic recreation of the Battle of Red Cliffs ending Darleen Carr - Dir. Wolfgang Reitherman much as it did centuries ago, life has once again returned to Meet the most unforgettable characters and embark on a LEGO: Legends Of Chima - normal for those who’ve inherited the destiny of the Three thrilling adventure with Mowgli as he journeys deep into the Season One Part One Kingdoms. However, the gap left by Sousou’s defeat is soon jungle and learns „The Bare Necessities“ of life from happy- filled by the appearance of new and old faces. As Nanyou go-lucky Baloo the bear. Meet Magheera, the wise old Once a pristine, natural paradise, the Kingdom of Chima has Academy and Seito High School adjust to the new additions, panther, and crazy King Louie the orangutan. But watch out become a battle ground for eight animal tribes. Best friends Genpou Saji appears to be once again plotting something from for cunning Shere Khan the tiger and Kaa, the ssssneakiest are now enemies. The animals fight for control of a natural the shadows... snake in the jungle! Bursting with wild fun, toe-tapping music resource called CHI, a powerful element that is both a source Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, and beloved characters, this timeless masterpiece celebrates of life and potential destruction. Only a few brave heroes in Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- the true meaning of friendship. Experience all the excitement Chima understand the true nature of Chi, and the possible of Disney’s jumpin’ Jungle Classic and share the wonder with downfall of Chima that will result from its misuse. Their sion 2008 min. someone you love. stories, and the stories of those who seek to destroy them, 31.12.2013 Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated are known as... The Legends Of Chima. Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120162 Animals, Animated Feature Films, Animati- Computer Animation, Family 220min. on, Blu-ray, Children’s, Classics, Comedy, Warner Bros. 28.01.2014 Jakers!: The Adventures Of Disney, Family, Movies, Musical, Rudyard 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120380 Piggley Winks - Legends Of Kipling 2007 78min. Raloo Disney / Buena Vista 11.02.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120638 Maria Holic: Complete Collection Learn all the legends of Raloo Farm with Piggley and friends! It’s not easy to find the perfect girl, even when you’re the Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, same sex! Kanako thought attending an all girls school would Children’s, Computer Animation, Family Justice League: War be the perfect way to meet the girl of her dreams, but after her 96min. Going back to a time when superheroes were new to our hot new roommate turns out to be a guy in drag, and catching world, we learn how the Justice League came together during the eye of the most popular girl in school only brings down the New Video DVD 14.01.2014 an alien attack of Earth. wrath of all the other similarly obsessed girls, she’s not so 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120619 sure! Complicate things with a cat-eared dorm leader, her Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On roommate’s rude-mannered maid and identical twin sister (who Comic Book, Movies, Superheroes min. attends an all boys school, of course,) and way too many Jakers!: The Adventures Of Warner Bros. 04.02.2014 attractive girls of questionable persuasions and the question becomes whether Kanako can die from frustrated nosebleeds! Piggley Winks - Rock Around The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120347 (Life would be so much easier if guys didn’t literally give her Barn the hives!) Will Kanako ever find a non-polar opposite of a Justice League: War (Blu-ray + compatible non-opposing polarity? Let’s just say that the Sing and dance your way around the barn with Piggley and quest for true love will not run straight in MariaHolic: The friends! DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Complete Collection! Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Going back to a time when superheroes were new to our Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, High Children’s, Computer Animation, Family world, we learn how the Justice League came together during School, International TV, Japanese, 96min. an alien attack of Earth. Romance, Television 300min. Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On New Video DVD 14.01.2014 Section23 Films 28.01.2014 Comic Book, Blu-ray, Movies, Superheroes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120620 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120005 min. Jakers!: The Adventures Of Warner Bros. 04.02.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120367 Maria Holic: Complete Collection Piggley Winks - Wish Upon A Sto- (Blu-ray) ry Kung Fu Panda Holiday It’s not easy to find the perfect girl, even when you’re the In present day Piggley lives with his three grandchildren and same sex! Kanako thought attending an all girls school would their mother. Whenever the children have a problem, Piggley Seth Rogen, , Jack Black, Lucy be the perfect way to meet the girl of her dreams, but after her tells them one of his childhood stories as a moral lesson, with Liu, Angelina Jolie, James Hong, Dustin hot new roommate turns out to be a guy in drag, and catching flashbacks to 1950s Ireland showing Piggley with his friends Hoffman - Dir. Tim Johnson the eye of the most popular girl in school only brings down the and family and the lessons he learned. The grandchildren are wrath of all the other similarly obsessed girls, she’s not so In this hilarious action adventure, Master Shifu calls on Po to sure! Complicate things with a cat-eared dorm leader, her able to identify core preschool themes such as storytelling, host the year’s biggest event - the Winter Feast, a special integral relationships and importance of family. roommate’s rude-mannered maid and identical twin sister (who time of the year to celebrate family, tradition and the attends an all boys school, of course,) and way too many Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, awesomeness of Kung Fu! Po and the Furious Five must team attractive girls of questionable persuasions and the question Children’s, Computer Animation, Family min. up to throw the best celebration the Valley of Peace has ever becomes whether Kanako can die from frustrated nosebleeds! New Video DVD 14.01.2014 seen. Can Po pull off the perfect party, impress his heroes, (Life would be so much easier if guys didn’t literally give her and discover the true meaning of the Winter Feast? the hives!) Will Kanako ever find a non-polar opposite of a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120621 Action, Animated Animals, Animation, compatible non-opposing polarity? Let’s just say that the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 63 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA quest for true love will not run straight in MariaHolic: The Tom McGrath, Christopher Knight, Andy Anderson Merchandisers 16.11.2010 Complete Collection! Richter, Jim Cummings, Cedric The Entertai- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120371 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, ner, , Chris Miller, Ben Foreign, High School, International TV, Stiller, Carl Reiner, , David Japanese, Romance, Television min. Naruto Shippuden: The Movie - Schwimmer, Nina Dobrev, Danny Jacobs, Section23 Films 28.01.2014 Blood Prison David Soren, Willow Smith - Dir. David 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120023 Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Soren When Santa and his reindeer crash onto the island of Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts, Movies, Max & Ruby: Everybunny Loves Madagascar it’s up to Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman and those Ninjas, Science Fiction, Thrillers min. Spring! wacky penguins to save Christmas. Get ready for a sleigh Viz Entertainment 18.02.2014 full of laughs in this hilarious holiday classic. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120467 Get ready to hop into the spring season with Max and Ruby! Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Ruby thinks she has a lot to teach her little brother, Max, but Children’s, Christmas, Comedy, Family, he’s got his own big ideas. Enjoy their sweet springtime Naruto Shippuden: The Movie - sibling rivalry in these 12 funny bunny adventures! Holidays, Movies, Short Film Collections Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, 2009 min. Blood Prison (Blu-ray) Collections, Family, Holidays, Nickelodeon, Anderson Merchandisers 01.10.2013 Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- Television 96min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120334 ray, Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts, Nickelodeon 11.02.2014 Movies, Ninjas, Science Fiction, Thrillers 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120542 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: min. Minnie’s Bow-Tique Viz Entertainment 18.02.2014 Todd McFarlane’s Spawn: The Welcome to the grand opening of Minnie’s sparkling-new 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120483 Animated Collection (Repackage) store, packed with the coolest bows and bow ties you’ve ever seen! Watch as Daisy’s amazing mood bow magically changes Nura: Rise Of The Yokai Clan - Ten years ago, the world first encountered Todd McFarlane’s colors. Say „Cheese“ and smile for Donald’s camera bow tie, Spawn, a dark and thrilling series that forever changed the and help catch a bunch of runaway butterfly bows. It looks Demon Capital Set One landscape of television animation. Al Simmons was once a like there’s something here for everyone...But Pete has a he’s a hellspawn, battling the forces of evil on problem: He wants to get a present for his Aunt Mabel, and Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, earth, and in himself. Gradually discovering the terrifying he’s never shopped for ladies’ bows before. He’ll need a lot Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- power he possesses, Spawn fights to uncover the truth about of help from Minnie, Toodles and YOU to find the perfect gift. sion min. his identity and fulfill his destiny. Based on the classic comic Then, join your Clubhouse pals for a daytime sleepover, a book created by Todd McFarlane, this Emmy-winning series picnic in Mickey Park and more exciting adventures. If fun Viz Entertainment 28.01.2014 comes alive once again on a new signature edition 4-disc set and fashion are what you seek, you’ll love Minnie’s Bow- 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119954 with all 18 episodes digitally remastered, and with over 3 Tique! hours of bonus material. Now’s your chance to journey back Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, into the dark city alleys and witness the ultimate battle Nura: Rise Of The Yokai Clan - against evil. Disney, Family, Television 2009 96min. Action, Animation, Based On Comic Book, Disney / Buena Vista 19.01.2014 Demon Capital Set One (Blu-ray) Devils And Demons, Fantasy, HBO, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120523 Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- Superheroes, Television 1997 min. ray, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, HBO Home Video 03.12.2013 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Television 300min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120473 Viz Entertainment 28.01.2014 Minnie’s Masquerade 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119971 Be whoever you want to be! Share the fun and excitement of Medaka Box: Abnormal - The playing dress-up with Minnie, Daisy, and the whole Club- house gang! You’re invited to Minnie’s Masquerade, a One Piece: Season Five - Fifth Complete Collection costume party where everyone wins a prize! Help Minnie and What started as a simple assistance program has escalated Mickey put the finishing touches on their royal crowns, Voyage insanely out of control, and now Medaka Kurokami finds search for „Sir Goofsalot’s“ missing shoe, and much more. All Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, herself exposed as something far more than human. But that’s it takes is a heaping helping of imagination...and the right only the beginning of a new series of shocking revelations Mouseketools! So get up on your feet and join the costume Comedy, Foreign, International TV, that lead towards a dark secret plan that not even the parade at the ultimate „mousekerade“ ball! Japanese, Television 320min. unbelievable power of her War God Mode may be able to Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Funimation 14.01.2014 withstand. Still, Medaka’s proving to be good at thinking outside of the box, and if she needs the full backing of every Disney, Family, Television 120min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120161 hidden resource of the Student Council to meet the challenge, Disney / Buena Vista 19.01.2014 then that’s what she’s going to get. Even the Abnormal ones! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120524 The Original Christmas Classics: Get ready for action, violence and gorgeous girls the way only Studio Gainax can make them as the hits, grins, jiggles Sing Along! and girls gone wild enter the berserker stage in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Super incredible: Medaka Box Abnormal! Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Family, Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Adventure Holidays, Music, Rankin / Bass, Stop Motion Zoom! Wow! It’s Super Mickey, Wonder Minnie, Super Power Animation min. International TV, Japanese, Television min. Pup, Super Goof, Dynamo Duck and Upsy-Daisy to the Section23 Films 21.01.2014 rescue! In an exciting adventure straight out of a comic book, Anderson Merchandisers 14.08.2012 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120004 Power-Pants Pete swoops down and starts shrinking 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120330 everything in sight down to teeny-tiny size! to save the day, Professor Von Drake transforms the Clubhouse Gang into Medaka Box: Abnormal - The super heroes with incredible powers. But Pete’s merely a Pac-Man And The Ghostly sidekick. A wily villain named Megamort is the true Adventures: All You Can Eat! Complete Collection (Blu-ray) mastermind behind the shrinky-dinky caper. Can our heroes What started as a simple assistance program has escalated outsmart the bad guys? Only by working together, with help Lord Betrayus plans to render Pac powerless - by getting insanely out of control, and now Medaka Kurokami finds from YOU... and the right Mousketools! Packed with action, Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde to feed Pac so much he’ll be too herself exposed as something far more than human. But that’s surprises, and nearly two hours of fun - including three full to eat anything else... power berries or ghosts! But Pac only the beginning of a new series of shocking revelations additional episodes - this Super Adventure celebrates the isn’t getting full, even when he’s eating everything in both that lead towards a dark secret plan that not even the unstoppable power of teamwork and friendship! worlds! Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures is a big, unbelievable power of her War God Mode may be able to Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, bustling world of action, chills, chases and comedy, starring withstand. Still, Medaka’s proving to be good at thinking three unique and winning teenagers who will stop at nothing outside of the box, and if she needs the full backing of every Children’s, Computer Animation, Disney, to protect their friendship, their freedom, and the future! hidden resource of the Student Council to meet the challenge, Family, Fantasy, Preschool, Television Animation, Based On , then that’s what she’s going to get. Even the Abnormal ones! 117min. Children’s, Family 88min. Get ready for action, violence and gorgeous girls the way only Studio Gainax can make them as the hits, grins, jiggles Disney / Buena Vista 03.12.2013 Phase 4 Films 07.01.2014 and girls gone wild enter the berserker stage in the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120210 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120447 incredible: Medaka Box Abnormal! Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol (Blu- Pac-Man And The Ghostly Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- sion min. ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Adventures: The Adventure Section23 Films 21.01.2014 Jim Backus - Dir. Abe Levitow Begins! 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120022 Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Christmas, Thanks to the school bully, Pac-Man accidentally opens the Classics, Family, Holidays, Movies, Televi- portal to the Netherworld, unleashing an army of ghosts, led sion, TV Movies 1962 min. by the fiery Lord Betrayus! Lucky for Pac-World, the Legend Merry Madagascar of Last Yellow Orb proves to be true: thanks to power-berries

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 64 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA from the ancient Tree Of Life, young Pac has the ability to eat World - Valentine’s Edition 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120351 the ghosts.. and burp out their eyeballs! WOW! Unfortunately, the ghosts manage to steal the Tree Of Life, which could mean In a Victorian mansion on the outskirts of Gloomsville lives the end of Pac-World! Ruby Gloom. Some kids might be afraid of the dark, the Serial Experiments Lain: The Adventure, Animation, Based On Video eccentric neighbors and the unknown things that dwell in the closet, but Ruby is different - she befriends these strange and Complete Series - Classic (Blu- Game, Children’s, Family min. sometimes scary creatures. In fact, Ruby finds them all Phase 4 Films 07.01.2014 delightful. She pays no attention to their unusual ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) appearances, perceptive only to their . As Close the World. Open the Next. Decades before the internet 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120448 Ruby likes to point out „Always look on the bright side - was something people carried around in their pockets, these unless of course the dark side is your bright side and that’s words introduced anime fans to a surreal existence where PatLabor TV: Collection Four okay too!“ Ruby’s perfect day is a gloomy one, full of computer monitors served as portals to brave new worlds. creativity and adventure with her offbeat circle of friends. Serial Experiments: Lain and its deceptively „ordinary“ title Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Family character redefined an entire generation’s concepts of the Japanese, Robots / Androids, Science world wide web, prompting us all to suspiciously take note of 90min. humming power lines and central processing units. Follow Fiction, Television, War 300min. Phase 4 Films 14.01.2014 along as fourteen year old Lain - driven by the abrupt suicide Section23 Films 07.01.2014 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120451 of a classmate - logs on to the Wired and promptly loses 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120001 herself in a twisted mass of hallucinations, memories, and interconnected-psyches. Close the World. Open the Next. It’s Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer as simple as the flip of a switch. PatLabor TV: Collection Four Burl Ives - Dir. Larry Roemer Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- (Blu-ray) Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, tional TV, Japanese, Mystery, Science Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- Christmas, Classics, Family, Holidays, Fiction, Television 325min. tional TV, Japanese, Robots / Androids, Movies, Rankin / Bass, Stop Motion Animati- Funimation 28.01.2014 Science Fiction, Television, War 300min. on, Television, TV Movies 1964 min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120169 Section23 Films 07.01.2014 Anderson Merchandisers 07.09.2010 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120019 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120363 Shrek The Halls Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Pokemon The Movie: Genesect Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Christmas, Comedy, Computer Animation, And The Legend Awakened (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Holidays, Tele- vision 2007 min. A peaceful park amid the hustle and bustle seems like the Burl Ives - Dir. Larry Roemer Anderson Merchandisers 01.10.2013 perfect new home for a group of Mythical Pokemon: four Animated Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, Genesect and their red leader. These new neighbors quickly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120365 become a problem for the city’s residents, though... they don’t Children’s, Christmas, Classics, Family, trust people, and they’ve found a dangerous ally in the Holidays, Movies, Rankin / Bass, Stop Moti- Legendary Pokemon Mewtwo, whose origins also involve 3D (Blu-ray 3D + human tampering. But the red Genesect doesn’t want on Animation, Television, TV Movies 1964 Mewtwo’s help, and their confrontation quickly rages out of min. Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- control! Can Ash and friends stop these two powerful Anderson Merchandisers 03.09.2013 ray) Pokemon before they destroy the city? 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120369 Adventure, Animation, Anime, Based On Jayma Mays, Brendan Gleeson, Neil Patrick Video Game, Foreign, Japanese 70min. Harris, Hank Azaria - Dir. Raja Gosnell Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Viz Entertainment 03.12.2013 is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119955 Keenan Wynn, Fred Astaire, Mickey A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Rooney - Dir. Jules Bass standard Blu-ray players Evil wizard creates a Pokemon: Limited Edition - Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Classics, couple of mischievous Smurf-like creatures called the Family, Holidays, Movies, Rankin / Bass, Naughties hoping they will let him harness the magical Smurf- Collector’s Set essence. However, he soon discovers that he needs the help Television, TV Movies 1970 min. of , who knows the secret to turning the Naughties Adventure, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Anderson Merchandisers 07.09.2010 into real Smurfs. When Gargamel and his Naughties kidnap Japanese, Movies, Television 330min. Smurfette from Smurf Village and bring her to Paris, it’s up to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120364 Papa, Clumsy, Grouchy and Vanity to reunite with their human Echo Bridge Home Entertainment friends, Patrick and Grace Winslow, and rescue her! 20.01.2013 Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119922 (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Movies 2013 105min. Keenan Wynn, Fred Astaire, Mickey Pokemon: Seson One - Indigo Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Rooney - Dir. Jules Bass 03.12.2013 League Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Christmas, Enjoy the Pokemon story from the beginning! Meet our hero, 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119914 Ash, in his hometown of Pallet Town where boys and girls are Classics, Family, Holidays, Movies, Rankin / encouraged to begin their Pokemon journeys! Join the Indigo Bass, Television, TV Movies 1970 min. League in these 26 episodes from Season 1 of Pokemon! Anderson Merchandisers 03.09.2013 The Smurfs 2 (Blu-ray + DVD + Animation, Anime, Based On Video Game, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120370 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Children’s, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Jayma Mays, Brendan Gleeson, Neil Patrick Television 624min. Scooby-Doo And The Vampires Harris, Hank Azaria - Dir. Raja Gosnell Viz Entertainment 05.11.2013 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Evil wizard Gargamel creates a couple of mischievous Smurf- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120151 like creatures called the Naughties hoping they will let him Family, Mystery, Television, Vampires min. harness the magical Smurf-essence. However, he soon Warner Bros. 14.01.2014 discovers that he needs the help of Smurfette, who knows the The Princess Twins Of Legendale 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120350 secret to turning the Naughties into real Smurfs. When From MGA Entertainment, the creators of Lalaloopsy, comes Gargamel and his Naughties kidnap Smurfette from Smurf an enchanted movie adventure. Sheltered in the land of Village and bring her to Paris, it’s up to Papa, Clumsy, Eternal Daylight, Princess Dawn dreams of a world beyond Scooby-Doo! Adventures: The Grouchy and Vanity to reunite with their human friends, the palace. Certain the forbidden Night World holds the key to Patrick and Grace Winslow, and rescue her! her past, Dawn embarks on a mystical moonlit adventure and Mystery Map! Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, discovers that the two worlds were divided by an evil Get ready to experience the world famous Scooby-Doo! and Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Movies 2013 sorceress. The kingdom’s only hope is revealed when Dawn Crew like never before in this all-new original puppet movie! encounters her twin sister Eve and they realize that they What begins as a routine night for the Gang - which includes 105min. alone hold the power to unite the kingdom. With spellbinding the slobbering sleuth and Shaggy eating a triple extra-large Sony Pictures Home Entertainment music by the award-winning singer/songwriter Kara Scooby snack pizza - becomes a mad dash to find the 03.12.2013 DioGuardi, Princess Twins of Legendale will capture your frightening Phantom Parrot with a map to pirate Gnarlybeard’s heart - day and night! hidden treasure. Scooby sniffs out the map’s clues, which 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119913 Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, lead him right to a spooky pirate ship. Ruh-roh! What will Gnarlybeard be willing to do to protect his booty? The whole The Smurfs 2 (DVD + UltraViolet) Fantasy, Movies 80min. family will love casting off on this mysterious, fun-filled Lionsgate 28.01.2014 voyage again and again. Jayma Mays, Brendan Gleeson, Neil Patrick 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120576 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Harris, Hank Azaria - Dir. Raja Gosnell Comedy, Family, Mystery min. Evil wizard Gargamel creates a couple of mischievous Smurf- like creatures called the Naughties hoping they will let him Ruby Gloom: Happiest Girl In The Warner Bros. 11.02.2014 harness the magical Smurf-essence. However, he soon

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 65 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA discovers that he needs the help of Smurfette, who knows the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120102 Complete Season One (Blu-ray) secret to turning the Naughties into real Smurfs. When Gargamel and his Naughties kidnap Smurfette from Smurf When Haruka gets the chance to take the entrance exam for Village and bring her to Paris, it’s up to Papa, Clumsy, Tom And Jerry: Global Games Saotome Academy for the Performing Arts, it seems as though she’s one step closer to her dream of composing songs for her Grouchy and Vanity to reunite with their human friends, This is a compilation of fun-filled episodes with everyone’s Patrick and Grace Winslow, and rescue her! favorite singer, Hayato. However, this is no gleeful high favorite cat and mouse! Tom and Jerry: Global Games school musical experience, and Haruka’s hiding a dreadful Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, includes: Mucho Mouse, It’s Greek to Me-Ow, Tomb It May secret that may silence her musical ambitions forever. And Family, Fantasy, Movies 2013 105min. Concern, Zent out of shape, You’re Lion, Kangadoofus. even if she does get into Saotome, the competition will be Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, more brutal than going on Japan’s Top Idol! That’s because, Comedy, Family min. as a writer, Haruka could be paired with any one of six 03.12.2013 radically different male singers. Will it be upbeat Otoya, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119905 Warner Bros. 14.01.2014 serious Masato, flirtatious Ren, split-personality Natsuki, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120354 optimistic Syo, or the unapproachable Tokiya, who’s rumored to be Hayato’s brother? And just to make things more Steven Spielberg Presents: complicated and awkward, writers and singers are expressly Pinky, Elmyra & The Brain - The Tom And Jerry: Mouse Trouble NOT allowed to get romantically involved! Can one girl and Tom and Jerry are at it again in Tom And Jerry: Mouse six handsome young men learn to make beautiful music Complete Series Trouble this is a fun collection of 30 cartoons featuring Jerry together in a strictly platonic sense? They can if the oddball and his mischievous hijinks. This is a must-own 2-disc set for staff of Saotome, most of whom are and former idols Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, every Tom and Jerry fan. themselves have anything to say about it in Uta no Prince Comedy, Family, Television min. Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Sama 1 Warner Bros. 28.01.2014 Comedy, Family 210min. Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119888 Warner Bros. 18.02.2014 Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120353 sion 325min. SpongeBob And Friends: Patrick Section23 Films 07.01.2014 SquarePants Totally Spies: Season Three - 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120018 Prepare to be blown back on your tail fins with this collection Mission Mania of 14 Star-centric episodes. See best buddies SpongeBob and Warner Bros. Home Patrick in school, at work, at play and celebrating Best The adventures continue with Sam, and Alex, three Friends Day. So grab your best pal and hunker down for more utterly fashionable students by day and international secret Entertainment Academy Award than 3 hours of nautical nonsense. spies by night! At Beverly Hills High School the girls are Nominated Animation: Part Two Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, obsessed with fashion and boys, but also have the huge responsibility of solving crimes and fighting super villains Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Family, Nickelodeon, Television 192min. working as spies for The World Organization Of Human Collections, Comedy, Family min. Nickelodeon 14.01.2014 Protection (WOOHP). See the girls fight off a physicist and Warner Bros. 11.02.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120039 evil dentist, stop caffeine addiction in its tracks and even head back to the future to save their mentor Jerry’s present. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120355 Animation, Cartoon Network, Children’s, Taisho Baseball Girls: Complete Family, Fantasy, girl power, Spies & Secret Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: Season Three Collection (Blu-ray) Agents, Television min. The Battle City Finals rages to its ultimate climax! As Yugi’s 1925 - six years since the end of the Great War, four years New Video DVD 14.01.2014 pals succumb one-by-one to the dreaded magic of the Shadow since women were allowed to join political associations and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120605 Realm, Yugi and his remaining friends must travel to the one year since Emperor Hirohito assumed the throne. Only ultimate dueling arena for the showdown of the millennium thirteen years after the death of the Meiji Emperor, Japan is a against the nefarious Marik! It’s time to duel! However, on nation re-inventing itself, swept by wave after wave of wars, Totally Spies: Season Three - their journey, a mysterious child named Noah kidnaps and disasters and political unrest. War looms in China, males traps Yugi and friends in a virtual world! Who is this over the age of 24 are about to receive the right to vote and a Rank Super Spies! mysterious Noah, and why does he know so much about strange new type of school uniform called the „sailor suit“ is The adventures continue with Sam, Clover and Alex, three ’s past? Can Yugi escape from the virtual world in time being introduced. But at least the national pastime, baseball, utterly fashionable students by day and international secret to stop Marik before his friends are lost forever in the remains bound by tradition, the exclusive realm of men and spies by night! As high schoolers the girls are obsessed with Shadow Realm? boys. Until now. When a local player arrogantly states that fashion and boys, but as spies for The World Organization Of Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, girls should become housewives instead of going to school, Human Protection (WOOHP) they’re thrown into exciting and teenage firebrands Koume and Akiko respond by forming their sometimes dangerous situations. After countless missions all Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, own baseball team. It’s shocking. It’s scandalous. And yet, in over the world, the girls learn they are being promoted and Japanese, Television min. a nation in which almost anything seems suddenly possible, it joining the ranks of the WOOHP’s most elite secret agents, New Video DVD 14.01.2014 may just be the start of something greater than any nine girls which means more danger, more responsibility and more can imagine. It’s not just a game, its history in the making in missions! 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120602 Taisho Baseball Girls: Complete Collection Animation, Cartoon Network, Children’s, Animation, Anime, Baseball, Blu-ray, Family, Fantasy, girl power, Spies & Secret Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: Season Three, Comedy, Foreign, girl power, International Agents, Television min. Volume One TV, Japanese, Television 2010 300min. New Video DVD 14.01.2014 The Battle City Finals rages to its ultimate climax! As Yugi’s Section23 Films 14.01.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120606 pals succumb one-by-one to the dreaded magic of the Shadow 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120020 Realm, Yugi and his remaining friends must travel to the ultimate dueling arena for the showdown of the millennium Uta No Prince Sama 1000%: The against the nefarious Marik! It’s time to duel! However, on Teen Titans Go!: Mission To their journey, a mysterious child named Noah kidnaps and Complete Season One traps Yugi and friends in a virtual world! To make things Misbehave - Season 1 Part 1 When Haruka gets the chance to take the entrance exam for worse, The Big 5, the former board of directors that tried to Khary Payton, Greg Cipes Saotome Academy for the Performing Arts, it seems as though take over KaibaCorp, are working for Noah! In the past, Kaiba Featuring the return of Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and she’s one step closer to her dream of composing songs for her thwarted The Big 5 and trapped their minds inside Cyborg in all-new, comedic adventures, Teen Titans Go! favorite singer, Hayato. However, this is no gleeful high cyberspace, but they’re now back for and planning to Character-driven comedy is the order of the day as this new school musical experience, and Haruka’s hiding a dreadful steal our heroes’ bodies to escape into the real world! Who is take on the superhero series focuses on the funny business secret that may silence her musical ambitions forever. And this mysterious Noah, and why does he know so much about that happens between saving the world and living together as even if she does get into Saotome, the competition will be Kaiba’s past? Can Yugi escape from the virtual world in time teenagers without adult supervision. The series stars the more brutal than going on Japan’s Top Idol! That’s because, to stop Marik before his friends are lost forever in the principal voice cast from the original Teen Titans, and is as a writer, Haruka could be paired with any one of six Shadow Realm? It’s time to duel! produced by Warner Bros. Animation. radically different male singers. Will it be upbeat Otoya, Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, serious Masato, flirtatious Ren, split-personality Natsuki, Action, Animation, Based On Comic Book, optimistic Syo, or the unapproachable Tokiya, who’s rumored Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Superheroes, Television 2013 min. to be Hayato’s brother? And just to make things more Japanese, Television min. Warner Bros. 04.03.2014 complicated and awkward, writers and singers are expressly New Video DVD 14.01.2014 NOT allowed to get romantically involved! Can one girl and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120472 six handsome young men learn to make beautiful music 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120603 together in a strictly platonic sense? They can if the oddball Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: staff of Saotome, most of whom are current and former idols Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: Season Three, themselves have anything to say about it in Uta no Prince Rise Of The Turtles / Enter Shred- Sama 1 Volume Two der (2 Pack) Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Inter- Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, national TV, Japanese, Television 325min. 2 Packs, Action, Adventure, Animated Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Section23 Films 07.01.2014 Animals, Animation, Based On Comic Book, Japanese, Television min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120000 Comedy, Martial Arts, Nickelodeon, Science New Video DVD 14.01.2014 Fiction, Television min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120604 Nickelodeon 31.12.2013 Uta No Prince Sama 1000%: The

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 66 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Zatch Bell: Complete Seasons 1 & 406min. Clark Duke, Amy Poehler, Jessica Alba, 2 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Jane Lynch, Adam Scott, Richard Jenkins 03.12.2013 A.C.O.D. follows Carter (Adam Scott), a seemingly well- Every one thousand years, one hundred mamodo descend adjusted Adult Child of Divorce. Having survived the madness upon Earth to conduct the ultimate battle and the winning 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119920 of his parents (Richard Jenkins and Catherine O’Hara) mamodo is crowned king of the mamodo world. There is only divorce, Carter now has a successful career and supportive one catch... the many mamodo need a human partner. Kiyo is a 4 Film Favorites: Elvis Presley girlfriend (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). But when his younger brilliant but aloof 14-year-old. Kiyo’s archeologist father finds brother (Clark Duke) gets engaged, Carter is forced to a mamodo child named Zatch unconscious in a forest in Girls Collection reunite his bitterly divorced parents and their new spouses . He sends the goodhearted and mysterious Zatch to (Amy Poehler and Ken Howard) for the wedding, causing the be his son’s mentor. Zatch has amnesia and doesn’t realize he Stella Stevens, Pat Priest, Dodie Marshall, chaos of his childhood to return including his wacky therapist is a powerful mamodo... it is up to Kiyo and Zatch to discover Pat Harrington, Elvis Presley - Dir. Norman (Jane Lynch). this together! In the meantime, the unsuspecting Zatch and Kiyo must defend themselves against the relentless ambush of Taurog, John Rich Comedy, Movies 2013 87min. mamodo-king wannabes. Unbeknownst to their enemies, Zatch Adventure, Classics, Collections, Comedy, 14.01.2014 and Kiyo have formed a special bond, which enables them to High Seas, Movies min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120573 unleash Zatch’s incredible powers. Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120549 Family, Television min. A.C.O.D. (Blu-ray) New Video DVD 03.12.2013 Clark Duke, Amy Poehler, Jessica Alba, 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119938 4 Film Favorites: Hilary Swank Jane Lynch, Adam Scott, Richard Jenkins Collection A.C.O.D. follows Carter (Adam Scott), a seemingly well- adjusted Adult Child of Divorce. Having survived the madness Mario, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Imelda of his parents (Richard Jenkins and Catherine O’Hara) Staunton, Gerard Butler, Lisa Kudrow, divorce, Carter now has a successful career and supportive Hilary Swank, Kathy Bates, Harry Connick girlfriend (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). But when his younger Film brother (Clark Duke) gets engaged, Carter is forced to Jr., Gina Gershon, Scott Glenn, Patrick reunite his bitterly divorced parents and their new spouses Dempsey - Dir. Richard LaGravenese (Amy Poehler and Ken Howard) for the wedding, causing the 10 Movie Adventure: Volume chaos of his childhood to return including his wacky therapist Collections, Drama, Gangs, High School, (Jane Lynch). Three Movies, Romance, Teachers min. Comedy, Movies 2013 87min. Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Bo Hopkins, Ron Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Paramount Pictures 14.01.2014 White, John Denver, Fred Ward, Jaimz 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120545 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120588 Woolvett, Bruce Greenwood, Michael Ans- ara, Peter Graves, Charlton Heston, Mickey 4 Film Favorites: Matthew Adore Rooney, Miranda Cosgrove, Robert Ulrich McConaughey Collection Xavier Samuel , Naomi Watts, Robin Wright Adventure, Collections, Family, Movies Ewen Bremner, Alexis Dziena, Kevin Hart, Penn - Dir. Anne Fontaine 881min. Adam Goldberg, Shalom Harlow, Ray Escape to a close-knit seaside community where friendship, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Winstone, Kate Hudson, Michael Michele, love and lust collide. Starring Academy Award nominee Naomi 03.12.2013 Watts and Golden Globe nominated actress Robin Wright, Matthew McConaughey, Donald Sutherland 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119924 Adore is a sensual yet thought provoking drama in which two - Dir. Donald Petrie, Andy Tennant lifelong friends find themselves entangled in passionate Adventure, Collections, Comedy, Movies, sexual relationships with each other’s sons. As they struggle 12 Disasters to make sense of conflicting emotions and desires, the lines Romance min. between family, friendship and morality are blurred. When Magda Apanowicz, Holly Elissa Dignard, Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 powerful bonds reach their breaking point, discover what Roark Critchlow, Ed Quinn - Dir. Steven R. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120546 truly keeps us connected. Monroe Australian, Drama, Foreign, Friendships, It’s Christmas season in the mountain village of Calvary, but Movies 2013 111min. merry and bright have suddenly fled town: There are mass 4 Film Hauntings: Based On True Paramount Pictures 10.12.2013 bird deaths. Blood red water running from faucets. Grandmas Case Files impaled by humongous flying icicles. And for 18-year-old 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120034 Jacey (Magda Apanowicz of Continuum), a newly discovered Blake Clark, Henry Czerny, Patty Duke, gift has led her and her dad (Ed Quinn of Eureka) to the Kelly Rowan, Shirley MacLaine, Peter Adore (Blu-ray + Digital Copy) revelation that a beloved holiday carol may hold the key to a Ustinov, Kirstie Alley yuletide Mayan apocalypse. Can their desperate search for (Blu-ray) Collections, Ghosts, Horror, Movies, five golden rings now stop a global cataclysm of tornados, Xavier Samuel , Naomi Watts, Robin Wright volcanoes and killer twinkle lights? Holly Elissa (Ice Quake), Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers Roark Critchlow (), Andrew Airlie Penn - Dir. Anne Fontaine (Reaper), Ryan Grantham (Diary Of A Wimpy Kid) and 434min. Escape to a close-knit seaside community where friendship, Donnelly Rhodes (Battlestar Gallactica) co-star in this hit Echo Bridge Home Entertainment love and lust collide. Starring Academy Award nominee Naomi Syfy Movie that delivers the ultimate countdown of Xmas 03.12.2013 Watts and Golden Globe nominated actress Robin Wright, mayhem! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119923 Adore is a sensual yet thought provoking drama in which two Canadian, Christmas, Foreign, Holidays, lifelong friends find themselves entangled in passionate Movies, Science Fiction, TV Movies 2012 sexual relationships with each other’s sons. As they struggle 4 Films Favorites: Elvis Presley to make sense of conflicting emotions and desires, the lines 89min. between family, friendship and morality are blurred. When Starz / Anchor Bay 07.01.2014 Blues Collection powerful bonds reach their breaking point, discover what 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120164 Juliet Prowse, Nicky Blair, William truly keeps us connected. Australian, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, Demarest, Cesare Danova, Elvis Presley - Friendships, Movies 2013 111min. Dir. George Sidney, 12 Movie Action Collection Paramount Pictures 10.12.2013 Action, Classics, Collections, Military, Vincent Cassel, Ben Chaplin, Casey 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120049 Affleck, Matt Damon, Mira Sorvino, Dolph Movies, Music, Musical, Romance, War, Lundgren, Juliette Lewis, Brad Pitt, Steven World War II min. Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Against The Grain Seagal, , Donald Sutherland Isaiah Johnson, an inner-city kid from Oakland, California, Action, Collections, Drama, Movies 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120544 has an opportunity to attend an elite university and study 1189min. neuroscience on scholarship. In his first year of college, he 4 Movie Lifetime Collection struggles to maintain his grades, attempts to remain loyal to Echo Bridge Home Entertainment his troubled childhood friends, and valiantly tries to capture 03.12.2013 Roma Downey, Marion Ross, Kellie Martin, the heart of his dream-girl. But when he arrives at a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119925 Marlee Matlin, Joss Ackland, Tom Skerritt crossroad, he’s forced to choose between his past and his Collections, Drama, Movies, TV Movies future. College Life, Drama, Movies, Romance 363min. 4 Film British Cinema Collection 87min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Stephen Dillane, Thandie Newton, Cheryl FilmWorks 14.01.2014 03.12.2013 Ladd, Jon Bon Jovi, Daniel Craig, Ewan 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120359 McGregor, Michael Caine, Richard E. Grant, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119921 Greta Scacchi, Pete Postlethwaite The Agatha Christie Hour: The British, Collections, Drama, Foreign, Movies A.C.O.D. Complete Collection

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Stephanie Cole, John Nettles, Amanda Able, Amber Heard, Edwin Hodge, Michael Angry Planet Redman, James Grout, Ralph Bates, Chri- Welch, Anson Mount - Dir. Jonathan Levine Daryl Boling - Dir. Andrew Bellware stopher Cazenove, Cherie Lunghi, Maurice Sixteen-year-old Mandy Lane (Amber Heard) has been A convict arrives on a prison planet where the guards and Denham, Rupert Everett - Dir. Desmond courted by every available man in her small Texas town to no prisoners all have brain implants which control them. This avail. When the normally reclusive enchantress reluctantly prisoner isn’t who he says he is, but is bent on exacting Davis, Christopher Hodson, Brian Farnham, agrees to accompany her new friends on a weekend getaway, revenge for crimes committed long ago. Cyril Coke the initially irritating adolescent advances made toward her rapidly turn menacing. As the sun falls behind the hills a Action, Movies, Science Fiction 101min. Acorn Media, British, Foreign, International volatile mix of drugs, alcohol, and hormones turns explosive. Phase 4 Films 07.01.2014 TV, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television While the festivities rage on, the number of partygoers begins 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120446 1982 517min. to mysteriously drop one at a time. High School, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thril- Acorn Media 28.01.2014 The April Fools 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120421 lers 2006 90min. Starz / Anchor Bay 03.12.2013 Peter Lawford, Catherine Deneuve, Jack 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120432 Lemmon - Dir. Ain’t Them Bodies Saints Join two-time Academy Award winner Jack Lemmon and Rooney Mara, Casey Affleck, Ben Foster Academy Award nominee Catherine Deneuve in The April Academy Award Nominees Rooney Mara (The Girl with the American Milkshake Fools. This stylishly filmed romantic comedy is one bumpy Dragon Tattoo, Side Effects) and Casey Affleck (The Killer ride. Howard Brubaker (Lemmon) is a newly promoted man Tyler Ross, Shareeka Epps trapped in a loveless marriage. Catherine’s (Deneuve) Inside Me, Gone Baby Gone) star as a pair of doomed lovers Chosen by the man himself, the Kevin Smith Movie Club separated by prison bars and miles of desert wasteland in marriage would be ideal if her husband weren’t a womanizer. presents American Milkshake. In mid-90’s America, bookish When Howard and Catherine meet at a trendy party for New Ain’t Them Bodies Saints, a moody collision of love and crime high-school student Jolie knows the only way to get in with in the tradition of Bonnie and Clyde. Four years ago, York’s corporate elite, they decide to escape and explore the the gangsta crowd is to make the varsity basketball team. He city instead. Soon the pair find themselves falling in love and impassioned young outlaw couple Bob Muldoon (Affleck) and wants an edge like Henrietta - his secret girlfriend who is Ruth Guthrie (Mara) were apprehended in the Texas hills deciding to run off to Paris. All they have to do now is tell pregnant with another man’s baby - while still being popular their spouses. With outstanding performances by the hilarious during a shootout that left a local officer wounded by a bullet with the cheerleaders. Making the team not only means from Ruth’s gun. Taking the blame, Bob was sentenced to 25 Lemmon and the captivating Deneuve, this urban adventure approval from the inner-city crew of Maple Avenue, but also truly demonstrates the power of great love and great years in prison. After having engineered a daring escape, Bob gets him a step closer to being the one thing he is not - black. is now determined to reconnect with the love of his life and entertainment. meet the daughter who was born while he was incarcerated. Comedy, High School, Movies 82min. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 1969 But the journey back won’t be easy, and the powers that be Phase 4 Films 07.01.2014 94min. threaten to keep the two lovers apart forever. Co-starring Ben 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120445 Foster (The Messenger) and set against the gritty landscape Paramount Pictures 28.01.2014 of 1970s Texas Hill Country, Ain’t Them Bodies Saints is a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120324 breathtaking and exquisitely photographed meditation on the Amuse Me fragility and transience of love. Bill Zebub - Dir. Bill Zebub Army Of The Damned Crime, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 Captives find themselves at the mercy of a man who dresses 96min. like a clown. He derives amusement from subjecting his Joey Fatone, Michael Berryman, Tony Todd MPI 17.12.2013 victims to games of degradation. As frightening as it is to see Horror, Movies 2013 90min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120507 how disconnected he is from another person’s suffering, this Screen Media Films 14.01.2014 is just a taste of the true rage that hides beneath the laughter. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120175 Horror, Movies 2013 90min. Ain’t Them Bodies Saints (Blu- Music Video Distribution 17.12.2013 ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120180 Ass Backwards Casey Wilson, June Diane Raphael, Jon Rooney Mara, Casey Affleck, Ben Foster Cryer Academy Award Nominees Rooney Mara (The Girl with the The Angels’ Share Adventure, Comedy, Movies min. Dragon Tattoo, Side Effects) and Casey Affleck (The Killer John Henshaw, - Dir. Paul Inside Me, Gone Baby Gone) star as a pair of doomed lovers Millennium Entertainment 28.01.2014 separated by prison bars and miles of desert wasteland in Laverty Ain’t Them Bodies Saints, a moody collision of love and crime Winner of the 2012 Cannes Film Festival Jury Prize, The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120572 in the tradition of Bonnie and Clyde. Four years ago, Angels’ Share is a comic fable about wasted talent and what impassioned young outlaw couple Bob Muldoon (Affleck) and happens when we are given a chance in life. It would be hard Autumn Blood Ruth Guthrie (Mara) were apprehended in the Texas hills to see Robbie as a man worthy of redemption. He’s constantly during a shootout that left a local officer wounded by a bullet watching out for a gang of thugs looking to settle a family Samuel Vauramo, Sophie Lowe , Gustaf from Ruth’s gun. Taking the blame, Bob was sentenced to 25 grudge, his girlfriend is giving birth to a baby while her father Skarsgard, Peter Stormare years in prison. After having engineered a daring escape, Bob offers him money to leave Glasgow, and he’s serving 300 High in the Mountains on a secluded farm a widowed mother is now determined to reconnect with the love of his life and hours of community service. But when Robbie meets Harry, dies leaving her two children alone and orphaned. Fearing meet the daughter who was born while he was incarcerated. the gruff but benevolent man in charge of his sentence, he being taken away and split up they keep their mother’s death a But the journey back won’t be easy, and the powers that be finds a hidden talent for Scotch whiskey - and a new chance secret and survive off the land with no one to rely on but each threaten to keep the two lovers apart forever. Co-starring Ben at life. For distillers the angels’ share is the whiskey lost to other. The sixteen year old sister is one with nature, Foster (The Messenger) and set against the gritty landscape evaporation each year, and that little fact makes a rare cask innocent, and unaware of the evils that exist in mankind. Her of 1970s Texas Hill Country, Ain’t Them Bodies Saints is a of whiskey the perfect target for a heist. A hilarious story ten year old brother is traumatized and mute from witnessing a breathtaking and exquisitely photographed meditation on the about second chances, The Angels’ Share is tender crowd- disturbing incident years earlier (the death of his father) fragility and transience of love. pleaser from legendary filmmaker Ken Loach (The Wind that involving the town’s Mayor. As the girl into Crime, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 Shakes the Barley, Kes) and screenwriter Paul Laverty. womanhood a harsh brutality destroys her innocence when 96min. British, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Foreign, savage hunters led by the Mayor’s son attack and rape her. A Movies 2012 101min. social worker from a distant city arrives to investigate but MPI 17.12.2013 ultimately it is the siblings who must come of age to protect 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120534 MPI 10.12.2013 each other and survive. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120203 Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 100min. All The Boys Love Mandy Lane Virgil Films And Entertainment 28.01.2014 Luke Grimes, Aaron Himelstein, Whitney Angels Sing (Blu-ray + 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120492 Able, Amber Heard, Edwin Hodge, Michael UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Welch, Anson Mount - Dir. Jonathan Levine Chandler Canterbury, Connie Britton, Harry Aviator / Shutter Island (Double Sixteen-year-old Mandy Lane (Amber Heard) has been Connick Jr. - Dir. Tim McCanlies Feature) (Blu-ray) courted by every available man in her small Texas town to no avail. When the normally reclusive enchantress reluctantly Christmas, Family, Holidays, Movies 2013 Emily Mortimer, Michelle Williams, Cate agrees to accompany her new friends on a weekend getaway, min. Blanchett, John C. Reilly, Kate Beckinsale, the initially irritating adolescent advances made toward her Lionsgate 10.12.2013 rapidly turn menacing. As the sun falls behind the hills a Jude Law, Leonardo DiCaprio, Max Von volatile mix of drugs, alcohol, and hormones turns explosive. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119934 Sydow, Alan Alda, Alec Baldwin, Ben While the festivities rage on, the number of partygoers begins Kingsley, Patricia Clarkson, Mark Ruffalo - to mysteriously drop one at a time. Angels Sing (DVD + UltraViolet) Dir. Martin Scorsese High School, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thril- Chandler Canterbury, Connie Britton, Harry Academy Award Winners, Biopics, Blu-ray, lers 2006 90min. Connick Jr. - Dir. Tim McCanlies Crime, Double Features, Drama, Historical / Starz / Anchor Bay 03.12.2013 Christmas, Family, Holidays, Movies 2013 Period Piece, Mental Illness, Movies, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120426 min. Mystery, Thrillers min. Lionsgate 10.12.2013 Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 All The Boys Love Mandy Lane 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119919 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120609 (Blu-ray) Luke Grimes, Aaron Himelstein, Whitney

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Babysitter Massacre imagination. The American team, a group of underdogs, is pitted against the world’s elite as they tear it up in their Years ago on Halloween night, a group of childhood friends struggle for the top spot with the help of their coaches, Blake Big Ass Spider! watched in horror as a member of their Babysitter’s Club was (Josh Holloway) and Franklyn (Josh Peck). Set to pumping Greg Grunberg, Ray Wise, Lin Shaye - Dir. abducted by a masked stranger. Now, haunted by their tragic beats and an amped soundtrack, the All-Star dream team past, the young women plan a bittersweet reunion before thrills in this epic dance-off. Mike Mendez heading off to college. But on that night, a sinister guest Bugs, Movies, Science Fiction 85min. brings chaos and fear as one-by-one the women are stalked, Dancing, Drama, Movies, Music 2013 mutilated and murdered... 110min. Millennium Entertainment 07.01.2014 Horror, Movies, Thrillers 78min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120564 Music Video Distribution 15.10.2013 10.12.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119944 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120222 Big Ass Spider! (Blu-ray) Greg Grunberg, Ray Wise, Lin Shaye - Dir. Badges Of Fury Battle Of The Year (DVD + Mike Mendez Jet Li UltraViolet) Bugs, Movies, Science Fiction 85min. Millennium Entertainment 07.01.2014 Badges Of Fury, a crime thriller featuring one hell of a martial Caity Lotz, Laz Alonso, Josh Peck, Josh arts trio with Jet Li (needs no introduction), Collin Chou (The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120584 Matrix Reloaded, Flashpoint) and Wu Jing (SPL / Kill Zone) Holloway, Chris Brown - Dir. Benson Lee in the lead roles. When a spate of eerie murders erupts Brace yourself as the world’s best B-Boy teams hit the stage across HK two troublemaking cops are assigned to the case. in the most intense dance tournament. The Battle of the Year The Big Gundown: Deluxe Editi- Young maverick Wang and grizzled vet Huang who is fed up competition is an all out war of mind-blowing dance moves, with his reckless younger partner always landing them in hot explosive routines and electrifying displays of skill and on (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- water. Reaching a dead end after discovering all the victims imagination. The American team, a group of underdogs, is ray) were former boyfriends of aspiring starlet Liu, the detectives pitted against the world’s elite as they tear it up in their must play a deadly game. One of them must go undercover as struggle for the top spot with the help of their coaches, Blake Nieves Navarro, Fernando Sancho, Tomas Liu’s lover to lure the killer out. Li, Chou and Wu are three of (Josh Holloway) and Franklyn (Josh Peck). Set to pumping Milian, Lee Van Cleef - Dir. Sergio Sollima the finest screen fighters in the world and with Kung Fu beats and an amped soundtrack, the All-Star dream team Grindhouse Releasing is proud to present the first-ever U.S. Hustle and Crouching Tiger vet Po Chu Chui in the thrills in this epic dance-off. home video release of the greatest Spaghetti Western you’ve producer’s chair here’s betting they’re put to good use Dancing, Drama, Movies, Music 2013 never seen - Sergio Sollima’s widescreen epic The Big Action, Chinese, Comedy, Crime, Foreign, 110min. Gundown. The legendary Lee Van Cleef stars as a relentless Movies 2013 98min. bounty hunter on the trail of Cuchillo (Euro-film superstar Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Tomas Milian), a savage Mexican outlaw accused of the rape Well Go USA 07.01.2014 10.12.2013 and murder of a twelve-year-old girl. Written by Once Upon A 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120360 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120208 Time In The West screenwriter Sergio Donati, The Big Gundown features an incredible soundtrack by Ennio Morricone. This special edition contains 15 additional minutes Badges Of Fury (Blu-ray) Being Human: The Complete of gunslinging action never before seen in America. Jet Li Third Season Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Italian, Movies, Badges Of Fury, a crime thriller featuring one hell of a martial Western 1966 95min. Meaghan Rath, Sam Witwer, Sam arts trio with Jet Li (needs no introduction), Collin Chou (The CAV 10.12.2013 Matrix Reloaded, Flashpoint) and Wu Jing (SPL / Kill Zone) Huntington in the lead roles. When a spate of eerie murders erupts Leading everyday lives is a lot harder than it looks for three 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120533 across HK two troublemaking cops are assigned to the case. twenty-something, supernatural roommates - vampire Aidan, Young maverick Wang and grizzled vet Huang who is fed up ghost Sally and werewolf Josh - who share their secrets and Black Devil Doll From Hell / Tales with his reckless younger partner always landing them in hot a Boston brownstone. Together they learn that there are fates water. Reaching a dead end after discovering all the victims worse than death and more to life (and the afterlife) than most From The Quadead Zone (Double were former boyfriends of aspiring starlet Liu, the detectives ‘normal’ humans could ever imagine. must play a deadly game. One of them must go undercover as Feature) Liu’s lover to lure the killer out. Li, Chou and Wu are three of Canadian, Fantasy, Foreign, Ghosts, Hor- the finest screen fighters in the world and with Kung Fu ror, International TV, Supernatural & Double Features, Horror, Movies 133min. Hustle and Crouching Tiger vet Po Chu Chui in the Paranormal, Television, Vampires, CAV 12.11.2013 producer’s chair here’s betting they’re put to good use Werewolves 2012 572min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119942 Action, Blu-ray, Chinese, Comedy, Crime, E1 Entertainment 07.01.2014 Foreign, Movies 2013 98min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120233 Black Water Vampire Well Go USA 07.01.2014 Danielle Lozeau, Bill Oberst Jr. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120368 Being Human: The Complete A group of young documentary filmmakers set off to uncover the true story behind the Black Water murders, a series of Barney: Storytime With Barney Third Season (Blu-ray) brutal killings where women were found dumped in the woods, savagely slain, with their mutilated bodies completely drained Once upon a time, Baby Bop, Ryan and Daniel joined Barney Meaghan Rath, Sam Witwer, Sam of blood. In an attempt to exonerate the man accused of the on some storybook adventures! With the help of classic tales Huntington crimes, they journey into the wilderness where the deaths like Pandora’s Box, Sword in the Stone, and more, the Dinos Leading everyday lives is a lot harder than it looks for three occurred and find themselves face to face with a form of evil and friends learn important lessons like patience, honesty and twenty-something, supernatural roommates - vampire Aidan, they could have never imagined. What began as a mission to perseverance. Baby Bop must contain her excitement to ghost Sally and werewolf Josh - who share their secrets and save a wrongly convicted man turns into a battle for their own understand that good things come to those who wait, Ryan a Boston brownstone. Together they learn that there are fates lives. sees that it’s better to be honest and play fair; and Daniel worse than death and more to life (and the afterlife) than most discovers that practice makes perfect! Barney shows that Crime, Horror, Movies, Thrillers, Vampires ‘normal’ humans could ever imagine. 2013 82min. stories, imagination, and friends can lead to Happily Ever Canadian, Fantasy, Foreign, Ghosts, Hor- After! Image Ent. 21.01.2014 ror, International TV, Supernatural & Children’s, Children’s / Educational, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120415 Dinosaurs, Family, Preschool, Television Paranormal, Television, Vampires, Werewolves 2012 572min. 62min. Blind Date Lionsgate 21.01.2014 E1 Entertainment 07.01.2014 Bruce Willis, Kim Basinger, John 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120521 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120286 Larroquette, William Daniels - Dir. Blake Berberian Sound Studio Edwards The Bat When Walter Davis (Bruce Willis, The Sixth Sense) is set up Agnes Moorehead, Vincent Price - Dir. with gorgeous Nadia Gates (Kim Basinger, No Mercy), the Mild-mannered sound engineer Gilderoy (Toby Jones, The perfect Blind Date dissolves into disaster in this sexy comedy Crane Wilbur Hunger Games, Captain America) arrives in Rome to begin caper. Walter invites beautiful southern belle Nadia to a Horror, Movies, Thrillers 1959 80min. work on the soundtrack to a film called The Equestrian button-down corporate dinner, expecting to impress his Film Chest Media Group 12.11.2013 Vortex, a tale of witchcraft and murder set inside an all-girl associates with this dazzling beauty. But all hell breaks lose riding academy. Before long he finds himself entranced by the when Nadia has „one too many“ and reduces the evening - and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120066 film’s mysteriously terrifying allure, and the lines between Walter’s career - to shambles. Bad turns to worse when reality and fantasy begin to blur. Now Gilderoy’s own mind Nadia’s insanely jealous ex-beau David (John Larroquette, Battle Of The Year (Blu-ray + has become the battleground between his horrifying delusions TV’s „Night Court“), discovers them together and decides to and his desperate grasp on the real world. Tense, annihilate the unsuspecting Walter. Can true love blossom UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) claustrophobic, and featuring a tour-de-force performance by amidst this hilarious havoc? Will Nadia and Walter ever get Jones, Berberian Sound Studio is an electrifying portrayal of down to courting each other instead of courting disaster? Find Caity Lotz, Laz Alonso, Josh Peck, Josh a man’s descent into the darkest pit of madness. out in the zany Blind Date, where first encounters can lead to Holloway, Chris Brown - Dir. Benson Lee British, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Movies, close encounters of the worst kind. Brace yourself as the world’s best B-Boy teams hit the stage Comedy, Movies, Romance, Screwball, in the most intense dance tournament. The Battle of the Year Thrillers 2012 92min. competition is an all out war of mind-blowing dance moves, MPI 10.12.2013 Slapstick 1987 95min. explosive routines and electrifying displays of skill and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120204 Image Ent. 14.01.2014

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17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120405 Shakespeare In Love), Boiler Room takes you deep insid Cafe de Flore is a love story about people separated by time Drama, Movies, On The Job, Thrillers, Wall and place but connected in profound and mysterious ways. Street 2000 120min. Atmospheric, fantastical, tragic and hopeful, the film Blind Date (Blu-ray) chronicles the parallel fates of Jacqueline, a young mother New Line Home Entertainment 04.03.2014 Bruce Willis, Kim Basinger, John with a disabled son in 1960s Paris, and Antoine, a recently 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120435 divorced, successful DJ in present day Montreal. What binds Larroquette, William Daniels - Dir. Blake the two stories together is love - euphoric, obsessive, tragic, Edwards youthful, timeless love. In 1960s Paris, a working class When Walter Davis (Bruce Willis, The Sixth Sense) is set up Brutalization woman gives birth to her first child, Laurent - a Down Syndro- with gorgeous Nadia Gates (Kim Basinger, No Mercy), the Bryan Marshall, Alexandra Stewart, Sylvia me son. Undaunted she embraces the challenge of raising her perfect Blind Date dissolves into disaster in this sexy comedy beloved offspring as normally as one would any other child. caper. Walter invites beautiful southern belle Nadia to a Kristel - Dir. Fons Rademakers Her husband abandons them both. She bravely brushes this button-down corporate dinner, expecting to impress his Sylvia Kristel, of Emmanuelle fame, stars in this nasty rape additional hiccup aside as Laurent replaces her spouse as the associates with this dazzling beauty. But all hell breaks lose and revenge thriller in which a gang of wealthy bastards perfect man of her dreams. As Laurent approaches school age when Nadia has „one too many“ and reduces the evening - and break into peaceful homes and rape the women while forcing Jacqueline’s aplomb becomes obsessive and cloying. Her Walter’s career - to shambles. Bad turns to worse when their husbands to watch in pain. Inspector van der Walk increasingly self-destructive attachment to her son is raised Nadia’s insanely jealous ex-beau David (John Larroquette, (Bryan Marshall) a strong-willed police cop, is determined to to a fever pitch when, at the age of seven, he meets a Down TV’s „Night Court“), discovers them together and decides to make them pay for their awful crimes but the members of the Syndrome girl (Véronique) and experiences his first crush. annihilate the unsuspecting Walter. Can true love blossom gang are bounded by an oath that is linked in some His sudden desire for independence, and his amidst this hilarious havoc? Will Nadia and Walter ever get unpredictable ways to some high ranking people in the upper Drama, Foreign, French, Movies, Romance down to courting each other instead of courting disaster? Find echelon of the Dutch society. Thus begins a painstaking quest 2011 120min. out in the zany Blind Date, where first encounters can lead to for truth and to make sure that the ruthless gang of rapists is close encounters of the worst kind. put behind bars. But van der Walk has to play against all Kino Video 14.01.2014 Comedy, Movies, Romance, Screwball, odds... 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120511 Crime, Drama, Erotica, Movies, Thrillers Slapstick 1987 95min. 1973 98min. Image Ent. 14.01.2014 Cannibal Diner CAV 07.01.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120411 In German with English subtitles. Kati is on her way to a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120627 birthday party for her little sister Celine, while Tanja, Kati’s best friend, and other friends are celebrating in a camp near Blood Moon Rising: Lucy’s the woods. While camping the girls are attacked by strangers. Buffalo 66: 15th Anniversary (Blu- Kati, who is on her way to the camp site, gets lost in the Revenge ray) forest and arrives at an old factory, where a clan of cannibals Ron Jeremy is already preparing their feast’s main course - Kati’s friends. It’s up to a chick, Sadie Hawkins, and a comic book- Ben Gazzara, , Vincent Gallo Cannibalism, Horror, Movies 2012 75min. reading soda Jerk, Darrel Lee, to save the world, but not - Dir. Vincent Gallo Music Video Distribution 05.11.2013 without a little help from a group of indie film rejects shooting C.I.A. Agent Billy Brown (Vincent Gallo) brings his wife home a zombie film in an old west ghost town. Set in 1969, an to meet his absurdly dysfunctional family. Only Billy’s not 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120179 ancient curse has spilled over into the world of the living, really in the C.I.A., and his „wife,“ Layla (Christina Ricci), is with werewolves, vampires, zombies, and bucket-loads of actually a young tap dancer he just kidnapped to impress his The Canyons blood. ridiculous and unloving parents (Anjelica Huston, Ben Horror, Movies, Vampires, Werewolves, Gazzara). In reality, Billy’s whole life is an empty lie. He’s Nolan Gerard Funk, - Dir. Zombies 2009 96min. fresh out of prison and now on a deadly mission to hunt down Paul Schrader and kill the Buffalo Bills kicker whose botched field goal he Director Paul Schrader (writer of Raging Bull and Taxi Music Video Distribution 15.10.2013 believes ruined his life. However, Billy’s new hostage may Driver) and screenwriter Bret Easton Ellis (author of Ameri- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119945 ruin everything. Their crazy attachment blossoms into a can Psycho) team up for The Canyons, a searing indictment of desperate and oddly beautiful romance that may or may not be Hollywood culture and the year’s most controversial film. a sweet enough substitute for revenge. Vincent Gallo Young trust-fund baby Christian (James Deen) is working on Blue Caprice composed and performed the original music and also wrote, financing a horror film simply to keep his dad off his back. His directed and stars in the film that calls, girlfriend-turned-plaything Tara (Lindsay Lohan) is helping Tequan Richmond, Tim Blake „...a deadpan original.“ Inspired by true events, Blue Caprice investigates the him with casting, and his producer, Gina, is trying to get her notorious and horrific Beltway sniper attacks from the point of Comedy, Crime, Drama, Movies 1998 min. boyfriend Ryan the lead role. But unbeknownst to Christian view of the two perpetrators, whose distorted father-son Lionsgate 14.01.2014 and Gina, Ryan and Tara were once a couple, and as soon as relationship facilitated their long and bloody journey across 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120194 the two meet again at an audition, their romance is rekindled. America. Recently abandoned by his mother, teenager Lee When Christian discovers that Tara has been having an Malvo (Tequan Richmond) finds an unlikely father figure in affair, he begins to play a series of cruelly escalating mind John Allen Muhammad (Isaiah Washington, Grey’s Anatomy), Burton & Taylor games with both Ryan and Tara, leading to an act of violence who takes the boy in and shows him the moral decay of the from which there can be no redemption. Featuring fearless society that declared him unfit to be a husband and parent. Greg Hicks, Dominic West, Helena Bonham and unprecedented performances from its young cast, The Before long the impressionable Lee follows in John’s Carter - Dir. Richard Laxton Canyons is a thought-provoking examination of privilege run footsteps and learns the art of killing for vengeance. When Richard Burton and had one of the most amok. John obtains the whereabouts of his estranged wife and fascinating, glamorous and tempestuous relationships of the Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 100min. children, he outfits a blue Chevy Caprice with a shooting bay 20th century - the two most famous movie stars of their day MPI 26.11.2013 and he and Lee head for . What follows is a weeks- who played out every high and low of their love affairs, long assault that held the nation’s capital in fear as the duo’s multiple marriages and divorces right in the public eye. Burton 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120068 sniper attacks took the lives of innocent men, women, and and Taylor follows their private and public relationship played children until their apprehension by police. Featuring out against their ill-fated appearance in a 1983 revival of Noel The Canyons: Unrated Director’s captivating performances by Washington and Richmond, Blue Coward’s stage play, Private Lives. Tempestuous, funny, and Caprice paints a riveting portrait of 21st-century America and dripping with diamonds - this is the last battle of the Burtons. Cut is a BBC, Biography, Biopics, British, Drama, Nolan Gerard Funk, Lindsay Lohan - Dir. Crime, Drama, Movies 2013 94min. Foreign, International TV, Movies, Televisi- Paul Schrader MPI 14.01.2014 on, TV Movies 2013 90min. Director Paul Schrader (writer of Raging Bull and Taxi 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120581 BBC Home Video 04.02.2014 Driver) and screenwriter Bret Easton Ellis (author of Ameri- can Psycho) team up for The Canyons, a searing indictment of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120461 Hollywood culture and the year’s most controversial film. Boiler Room (Blu-ray) Young trust-fund baby Christian (James Deen) is working on Giovanni Ribisi, Nicky Katt, , Vin Byzantium financing a horror film simply to keep his dad off his back. His girlfriend-turned-plaything Tara (Lindsay Lohan) is helping Diesel, Scott Caan, Ben Affleck - Dir. Ben Gemma Arterton, Saoirse Ronan, Sam Riley him with casting, and his producer, Gina, is trying to get her Younger - Dir. Neil Jordan boyfriend Ryan the lead role. But unbeknownst to Christian Seth Davis (Giovanni Ribisi, Saving Private Ryan) runs a and Gina, Ryan and Tara were once a couple, and as soon as small-time casino operation out of his apartment. With his Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Movies 2012 min. the two meet again at an audition, their romance is rekindled. streetwise business smarts, he’s recruited to join the city’s MPI 29.10.2013 When Christian discovers that Tara has been having an newest and hottest stock brokerage firm, an aggressive, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120504 affair, he begins to play a series of cruelly escalating mind renegade corporation far from the traditions of Wall Street. games with both Ryan and Tara, leading to an act of violence Trained by the company’s top young turks, Chris (Vin Diesel, from which there can be no redemption. Featuring fearless Saving Private Ryan) and Greg (Nicky Katt, A Time To Kill, Byzantium (Blu-ray) and unprecedented performances from its young cast, The The Limey), Seth takes quickly to his new job’s instant riches Canyons is a thought-provoking examination of privilege run and fast-life pleasure. He even gains new favor with his Gemma Arterton, Saoirse Ronan, Sam Riley amok. estranged father (Ron Rifkin, L.A. Confidential). When Seth - Dir. Neil Jordan Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 100min. wins the eye and the heart of Greg’s ex-girlfriend Abbie (Nia Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Movies 2012 min. Long, The Best Man) it all seems too good to be true. But he’s MPI 26.11.2013 about to learn the devastating secret behind all this MPI 29.10.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120067 intoxicating success. Just as quickly as he was seduced into 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120528 the firm, Seth finds himself caught in a trap that could bring himself, his father and his whole world crashing down. With The Canyons: Unrated Director’s riveting performances from its dynamic cast, including Cafe De Flore Cut (Blu-ray) Academy Award winner Ben Affleck (Good Will Hunting, Vanessa Paradis

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Nolan Gerard Funk, Lindsay Lohan - Dir. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, James Cromwell, Russell Crowe, David Paul Schrader Movies, Science Fiction, Superheroes, Strathairn, Burt Young, Faye Dunaway, Kim Director Paul Schrader (writer of Raging Bull and Taxi Thrillers 2011 min. Basinger, Jack Nicholson, Kevin Spacey, Driver) and screenwriter Bret Easton Ellis (author of Ameri- can Psycho) team up for The Canyons, a searing indictment of Disney / Buena Vista 24.09.2013 Perry Lopez, Bill Young - Dir. Curtis Hanson Hollywood culture and the year’s most controversial film. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120532 Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Young trust-fund baby Christian (James Deen) is working on Classics, Cops, Crime, Double Features, financing a horror film simply to keep his dad off his back. His girlfriend-turned-plaything Tara (Lindsay Lohan) is helping Cassadaga Drama, Film Noir, Historical / Period Piece, him with casting, and his producer, Gina, is trying to get her Kevin Alejandro, Kelen Coleman - Dir. Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Mystery, boyfriend Ryan the lead role. But unbeknownst to Christian National Film Registry, Thrillers 268min. and Gina, Ryan and Tara were once a couple, and as soon as Anthony DiBlasi the two meet again at an audition, their romance is rekindled. Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2011 108min. Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 When Christian discovers that Tara has been having an Millennium Entertainment 31.12.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120462 affair, he begins to play a series of cruelly escalating mind games with both Ryan and Tara, leading to an act of violence 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120044 from which there can be no redemption. Featuring fearless A Chorus Line (Blu-ray) and unprecedented performances from its young cast, The The Cat Michael Douglas - Dir. Richard Canyons is a thought-provoking examination of privilege run amok. So-yeun gets stuck with a Persian cat when its owner dies. Attenborough From then on, she is haunted by a girl with green cat-like Michael Douglas stars as a choreographer who subjects 16 Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 100min. eyes. dancers to a grueling audition in this Academy Award- MPI 26.11.2013 Animals & Nature, Drama, Foreign, Horror, nominated adaptation of the landmark Broadway musical. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120072 Featuring Marvin Hamlisch’s Oscar-nominated music and Korean, Movies, Mystery 106min. Jeffrey Hornaday’s (Flashdance) sizzling choreography, this Well Go USA 28.01.2014 thrilling portrayal of life behind the velvet curtains is truly Captain America: The First 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120079 „One Singular Sensation“! After narrowing down hundreds of Broadway hopefuls, Zach (Douglas) leads a select group of Avenger dancers on the tryout of their lives. In an audition twist, Zach Hayley Atwell, Dominic Cooper, Sebastian The Cat (Blu-ray) asks each performer personal and intimate questions-with Stan, Richard Armitage, Derek Luke, Chris So-yeun gets stuck with a Persian cat when its owner dies. results that powerfully affect not only the young performers From then on, she is haunted by a girl with green cat-like but the hardened stage veteran as well. Evans, Hugo Weaving, Neal McDonough, eyes. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Musical 1985 Stanley Tucci, Tommy Lee Jones - Dir. Joe Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, 118min. Johnston Horror, Korean, Movies, Mystery 106min. MGM / UA 14.01.2014 Captain America leads the fight for freedom in the action- packed blockbuster starring Chris Evans as the ultimate Well Go USA 28.01.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120337 weapon against evil! When a terrifying force threatens 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120088 everyone across the globe, the world’s greatest soldier Agatha Christie’s The Queen Of wages war on the evil HYDRA organization, led by the villainous Red Skull (Hugo Weaving, The Matrix). Critics Chances Are Crime Collection and audiences alike salute Captain America: The First Shepherd, Robert Downey Jr., Mary Avenger as „pure excitement, pure action, and pure fun!“ Dominic Cooper, John Gielgud, James (Bryan Erdy, CBS-TV/Movie Planet) Stuart Masterson - Dir. Emile Ardolino Warwick, Cheryl Campbell, Pauline Collins, In Chances Are, the irresistable romantic comedy of two Action, Adventure, Movies, Science Fiction, lifetimes, Cybill Shepard stars as Corinne Jeffres, a beautiful Francesca Annis, Susan Hampshire - Dir. Superheroes, Thrillers 2011 min. young woman whose picture-perfect life comes to a shattering Tony Wharmby, John Davies, Tristram Disney / Buena Vista 24.09.2013 halt when her husband Louie dies unexpectantly. Fortunately, Powell 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120506 Louie gets a second shot at life when he agrees to be Agatha Christie has delighted millions of fans with her deft „recycled“ back to Earth as the newborn Alex Finch. But fate plots, memorable characters, charming settings, and keen crosses Alex’s path twenty-three years later when he meets insight into the darker motives of mankind. The Queen of Captain America: The First Corinne’s daughter Miranda, and is suddenly flooded with a Crime enchants once again with these three fascinating wealth of memories that all belong to Louie! Now, as Alex’s mysteries featuring sublime casts. Stars include Sir John Avenger (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital former existance slowly comes to life, he must confront a wife Gielgud (Brideshead Revisited), Francesca Annis (Lillie), Copy) (Blu-ray) who thinks he is dead, a daughter who could be his girlfriend Pauline Collins (Upstairs, Downstairs), James Warwick and a best friend who’s in love with Corinne. From Dirty (Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime), Cheryl Campbell Hayley Atwell, Dominic Cooper, Sebastian Dancing director Emile Ardolino comes this heartwarming (Pennies from Heaven), Dominic Cooper (The Duchess), and Stan, Richard Armitage, Derek Luke, Chris comedy that gives romance an unforgettable second chance. Susan Hampshire (The Pallisers). Comedy, Movies, Romance 1989 108min. Evans, Hugo Weaving, Neal McDonough, Acorn Media, British, Foreign, International Image Ent. 14.01.2014 Stanley Tucci, Tommy Lee Jones - Dir. Joe TV, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120406 Johnston 2003 412min. Captain America leads the fight for freedom in the action- Acorn Media 28.01.2014 packed blockbuster starring Chris Evans as the ultimate Changing Lanes / The Town 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120422 weapon against evil! When a terrifying force threatens everyone across the globe, the world’s greatest soldier (Double Feature) wages war on the evil HYDRA organization, led by the Pete Postlethwaite, Rebecca Hall, Jeremy A Christmas Tree Miracle villainous Red Skull (Hugo Weaving, The Matrix). Critics Renner, Titus Welliver, Amanda Peet, Toni In A Christmas Tree Miracle, a dysfunctional family is and audiences alike salute Captain America: The First reminded of the true meaning of Christmas as they learn that Avenger as „pure excitement, pure action, and pure fun!“ Collette, , Chris Cooper, Ben miracles do come true - if you believe! A warm-hearted (Bryan Erdy, CBS-TV/Movie Planet) Affleck, William Hurt, Samuel L. Jackson, holiday tale for the whole family. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Blake Lively, Jon Hamm - Dir. Ben Affleck, Christmas, Dysfunctional Families, Family, Science Fiction, Superheroes, Thrillers Roger Michell Holidays, Movies min. 2011 min. Action, Caper, Crime, Double Features, Green Apple Entertainment 03.12.2013 Disney / Buena Vista 24.09.2013 Movies, Revenge, Thieves, Thrillers min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120097 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120531 Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120592 City Of Angels (Blu-ray) Captain America: The First Andre Braugher, Dennis Franz, Nicolas Avenger 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray Children Of A Darker Dawn Cage, Meg Ryan - Dir. Brad Silberling + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) A doomsday virus of madness and death has destoyed the Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Romance, Star- world’s adult population. Only the young survive. They watch Hayley Atwell, Dominic Cooper, Sebastian in horror as their parents go mad and die. Haunted by Crossed Lovers, Tearjerkers 1998 114min. Stan, Richard Armitage, Derek Luke, Chris terrifying memories, they fight for life in a bleak wasteland. Warner Bros. 04.02.2014 Gangs of teens and outlaw children roam the scarred 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120070 Evans, Hugo Weaving, Neal McDonough, landscape. Sisters Evie and Fran keep to themselves, two Stanley Tucci, Tommy Lee Jones - Dir. Joe outsiders gathering food and moving from town to town. Johnston Horror, Movies 106min. Closed Circuit Captain America leads the fight for freedom in the action- Music Video Distribution 17.12.2013 Rebecca Hall, Eric Bana, Jim Broadbent - packed blockbuster starring Chris Evans as the ultimate weapon against evil! When a terrifying force threatens 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120181 Dir. John Crowley everyone across the globe, the world’s greatest soldier From the producers of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy comes a wages war on the evil HYDRA organization, led by the Chinatown / L.A. Confidential riveting and suspenseful mystery starring Eric Bana and villainous Red Skull (Hugo Weaving, The Matrix). Critics Rebecca Hall. A high-profile terrorism case unexpectedly and audiences alike salute Captain America: The First (Double Feature) brings two exceptional lawyers (Bana and Hall) with a Avenger as „pure excitement, pure action, and pure fun!“ romantic past together on the defense team. They soon realize (Bryan Erdy, CBS-TV/Movie Planet) Guy Pearce, John Huston, Danny DeVito, they’ve stepped into a dangerous web of cover-ups and lies,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 71 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA and their knowledge of the government’s top-secret classified Love Boat) plays a singer who is haunted by the death of his business from Christopher (Jesse Metcalfe) and Bobby evidence has put their reputations and lives at stake. Co- estranged wife, and led into a confrontation with the killer, in (Patrick Duffy), while the ladies take their own sides. Sue starring Ciarán Hinds, Julia Stiles and Jim Broadbent, it’s a The Comeback. A sleek and entertaining slasher film from Ellen (Linda Gray) runs for governor, Ann (Brenda Strong) non-stop, heart-racing guessing game that critics call „an director Pete Walker (Schizo), it is a bloody illustration of takes aim at her ex, Harris (Mitch Pileggi), and Pamela (Julie entertaining conspiracy thriller.“ (Jocelyn Noveck, the costs of fame. While recording an album he hopes will Gonzalo) and Elena (Jordana Brewster) prove that being Associated Press) vault him back up the charts, singer Nick Cooper (Jones) beautiful and fighting dirty sometimes go hand in hand. Plus, Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers begins suffering from hallucinations, pushing him to the brink Elena’s brother, Drew (Kuno Becker), and Ann’s long-lost of a nervous breakdown. When those close to him start dying daughter, Emma (Emma Bell), add their own agendas to life at 2013 96min. in brutal murders, his connection to reality frays even more, Southfork. It’s a season of must-see drama and even though Universal Studios 07.01.2014 until he himself is staring death in the face. Rounding out the J.R. and his Stetson are laid to rest, he’s still calling the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120428 cast are cult movie and TV favorites David Doyle (Charlie’s shots, bequeathing a legacy he calls his „masterpiece,“ which Angels), Pamela Stephenson (Superman III, Saturday Night leaves the normally unshakable Ewing family in shock. Live) and Holly Palance (The Omen). Drama, , Television min. Closed Circuit (Blu-ray + DVD + Horror, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Thrillers Warner Bros. 11.02.2014 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 1978 100min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120348 Rebecca Hall, Eric Bana, Jim Broadbent - Redemption USA 14.01.2014 Dir. John Crowley 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120512 Dark Desires: The Oniroku Dan From the producers of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy comes a riveting and suspenseful mystery starring Eric Bana and Crossing Lines: Season One Collection Rebecca Hall. A high-profile terrorism case unexpectedly Onimata Kan is famous for two things: a successful career brings two exceptional lawyers (Bana and Hall) with a William Fichtner, Marc Lavoine, Donald writing S&M erotica, and hosting the erotic gatherings aboard romantic past together on the defense team. They soon realize Sutherland the Slave Ship, where the main attraction is the auctioning of they’ve stepped into a dangerous web of cover-ups and lies, Set in exciting and exotic locations Crossing Lines taps into the services of sexual partners willing to fulfill any desire. and their knowledge of the government’s top-secret classified the charter of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to But when he learns that one of the frequent auctionees has evidence has put their reputations and lives at stake. Co- mandate a special crime unit to investigate serialized crimes gone insane, Onimata goes to investigate, and soon discovers starring Ciarán Hinds, Julia Stiles and Jim Broadbent, it’s a that cross over borders, hunt down criminals and bring them that his own writings only hint at the extremes to which some non-stop, heart-racing guessing game that critics call „an to justice... a global FBI is born. Crossing Lines stars William will go in The Slave Ship! She’s tantalizing and irresistible, entertaining conspiracy thriller.“ (Jocelyn Noveck, Fichtner (Prison Break) as Carl Hickman, a wounded New but those who’ve had affairs with the beautiful Mari have all Associated Press) York cop, pulled from the edge by a group of unlikely saviors, expired prematurely. Uemura tries to fight his attraction for Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers Emmy and Golden Globe winner Donald Sutherland (The her, but he’s already in the jaws of a trap designed to suck 2013 96min. Hunger Games) as Michel Dorn, an inspector in the Interna- men dry and spit out the husks. For Mari’s husband is all too tional Criminal Court, and Marc Lavoine (The Good Thief) as aware of who’s been sleeping in his wife’s bed, and what Universal Studios 07.01.2014 Louis Daniel, the head of an elite cross-border police unit follows will pull Uemura into a world of bondage and 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120434 charged with hunting down the world’s most brutal criminals. depravity in The Curse - M! When former sex slave Kumiko joins the editorial desk at a small newspaper, the most deeply Action, Crime, Drama, Serial Killers, Televi- kept secrets of the leader of a religious cult suddenly begin Coal Miner’s Daughter (Blu-ray + sion 2013 min. finding their way into print. Even more shocking, however, are UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 21.01.2014 the repercussions for the p 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120574 Action, Collections, Erotica, Foreign, Sissy Spacek, Tommy Lee Jones, Levon Japanese, Movies 209min. Helm - Dir. Crossing Lines: Season One (Blu- Section23 Films 04.02.2014 Coal Miner’s Daughter is the amazing true story based on the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120430 book Loretta Lynn wrote with George Veesey. The book was ray) the first country musician autobiography to hit the bestseller list and sold more than a million copies in six weeks. When William Fichtner, Marc Lavoine, Donald Dead Of The Nite bringing Loretta’s story to the screen, director Michael Apted Sutherland assembled an incredible cast: Sissy Spacek (who won an When a group of internet sensation ghost hunters are found Set in exciting and exotic locations Crossing Lines taps into brutally slaughtered in the infamous Jericho Manor, Police Oscar® for her role), Tommy Lee Jones, Beverly D’Angelo the charter of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to and Levon Helm. The result is a remarkable tale of a rousing Detectives Jenkins and Anderson (Joseph Millson) must mandate a special crime unit to investigate serialized crimes piece together what happened on the fatal night by viewing the love affair and a woman’s triumph in making her name in the that cross over borders, hunt down criminals and bring them world. paranormal investigators video footage. With the only witness to justice... a global FBI is born. Crossing Lines stars William being the secretive caretaker (Tony Todd- Transformers, Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Fichtner (Prison Break) as Carl Hickman, a wounded New Candyman, Hatchet, Final Destination, The Crow) claiming it Country, Drama, Independent Women, York cop, pulled from the edge by a group of unlikely saviors, was the ghost of killer Jeffery Heath, will the detectives Movies, Music, Western 1980 125min. Emmy and Golden Globe winner Donald Sutherland (The discover more than they had bargained for? From ghostly Hunger Games) as Michel Dorn, an inspector in the Interna- happenings to breath-taking action thanks to stunt co- Universal Studios 07.01.2014 tional Criminal Court, and Marc Lavoine (The Good Thief) as ordinator Claudio Pacifico (Mission Impossible: III, Pirates of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120559 Louis Daniel, the head of an elite cross-border police unit the Caribbean 4, Gang of New York), Dead Of The Nite will charged with hunting down the world’s most brutal criminals. have audiences on the edge of their seat and guessing until Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Serial Kil- the very end as to who, or what is slaughtering the team, and Collision (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) lers, Television 2013 min. usher in the new dawn of ‘psychological slashers’. (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 21.01.2014 Comedy, Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Slasher Jaimie Alexander, Frank Grillo - Dir. David 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120589 2013 102min. Marconi Brain Damage Films 07.01.2014 On their honeymoon in Morocco, Scott and Taylor Dolan set The Curious Case Of Benjamin 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120357 off on a day trip through the Sahara. When something goes terribly wrong, the couple find themselves stranded in the Button / Forrest Gump (Double middle of the remote desert with no way home. Soon, lies and Dead betrayals are revealed, and they discover that nothing Feature) In the wake of a worldwide viral outbreak, a group of happens by chance. Robin Wright Penn, Taraji P. Henson, Cate survivors travel across the country to reunite with loved ones Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Thrillers 101min. Blanchett, Jason Flemyng, Mykelti only to encounter a zombie apocalypse. Will they survive the Lionsgate 28.01.2014 walking dead without killing each other first? Williamson, , Sally Field, Gary Apocalyptic Future, Horror, Movies, Thril- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120590 Sinise, Tom Hanks, Julia Ormond, Brad Pitt - lers, Zombies 2012 89min. Dir. Robert Zemeckis, David Finck Kino Video 21.01.2014 Collision (DVD + UltraViolet) Academy Award Winners, Double Fea- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120515 Jaimie Alexander, Frank Grillo - Dir. David tures, Drama, Epics, Fantasy, Historical / Marconi Period Piece, Movies, Romance 308min. Degrassi: The Next Generation - On their honeymoon in Morocco, Scott and Taylor Dolan set Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 off on a day trip through the Sahara. When something goes Season 11 terribly wrong, the couple find themselves stranded in the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120463 middle of the remote desert with no way home. Soon, lies and Jordan Todosey, Justin Kelly, Aislinn Paul, betrayals are revealed, and they discover that nothing Dallas: The Complete Second happens by chance. This season, the Degrassi crew will do it all - from Action, Movies, Thrillers 101min. Season confronting insecurities and enemies, to dealing with raging hormones and bad break-ups. In these 45 episodes from Lionsgate 28.01.2014 Emma Bell, Julie Gonzalo, Jesse Metcalfe, season 11, it’s now or never as chances are taken, scores 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120575 Josh Henderson, Jordana Brewster, Linda are settled and the envelope is pushed on the hottest teen Gray, Kuno Becker, Patrick Duffy, Brenda series TV has to offer. The Comeback Strong, Mitch Pileggi, Larry Hagman Drama, Family, Friendships, High School, Television 1069min. Holly Palance, Bill Owen, Sheila Keith, Da- J.R. Ewing (Larry Hagman), one of the most iconic television villains of all time, takes his last breath under very Echo Bridge Home Entertainment vid Doyle, Jack Jones, Pamela Stephenson suspicious circumstances but not before stirring up a 03.12.2013 - Dir. Pete Walker season’s worth of Texas-size trouble. J.R. deviously guides Pop star Jack Jones (best remembered for the theme from The his son, John Ross (Josh Henderson), in stealing the family 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119926

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Cole, Paul Seed Eric Andre, Ray Ford, James Van Der Beek Deranged Fan favorite Martin Clunes (Men Behaving Badly) is back as A Midwesterner June (Dreama Walker) moves to New York the surly, self-centered Dr. Martin Ellingham. In the sixth City, she finds her corporate job has disappeared and her Craig Fairbrass series, the doctor tackles fatherhood and his complicated roommate Chloe (Krysten Ritter) is an amoral party-girl. Four young, attractive girls go on a bachelorette party relationship with local teacher Louisa. June’s life-view is put to the test as she struggles to adapt to weekend in a remote country house in Spain, owned by their British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Television Chloe and her colorful cast of friends including James Van friend looking for sun, sex and sangria. The private party Der Beek, hilariously playing himself. The two roommates takes a sinister turn for the worst as one by one, the guests 384min. eventually form a friendship that leads them both to are brutally murdered. The race is on to uncover the killers Acorn Media 10.12.2013 unexpected places. This complete series proves why Don’t identity and either fight back or die. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120207 Trust The B In Apt. 23 has earned the reputation of being one British, Foreign, Horror, Movies 2012 of the most original and edgiest comedies on television. ABC, Comedy, Television 2012 min. 81min. Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde: The MTI Home Video 14.01.2014 20th Century Fox MOD 08.10.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120493 Deluxe Edition 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120048 Charles Lane, Louis Wolhelm, Nita Naldi, Devil’s Pass John Barrymore - Dir. John S. Robertson Dream On The great John Barrymore takes on the title characters in Polar opposite teenagers Paul and George meet and fall in Matt Stokoe - Dir. Renny Harlin Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic tale of a tormented doctor love on a campsite in Wales during the summer of ’88 in this In February of 1959, nine Russian hikers ventured into a who ventures into the unknown only to find his dark side. quintessentially British drama from first-time director Lloyd remote area of the Ural Mountains. Two weeks later, all of Directed by John S. Robertson and co-starring Nita Naldi, Eyre-Morgan. The young lovers make a pact to return the them were found dead. What happened is a mystery that has Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is one of the all-time classics of following summer and run away together, but when only Paul baffled investigators and researchers for decades. It has silent cinema. shows up, he vows to find his young lover and sets off with become known as the Dyatlov Pass Incident. When five Art & Architecture, Classics, Drama, Hor- his best friend in tow and his overbearing mother not far ambitious American college students are issued a grant to behind. If they think running away is going to be easy, they’d return to the site of the original events, they gear up with the ror, Mad Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Movies 1920 79min. better dream on. belief that they can uncover and document the truth of what Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies happened to the supposedly experienced hikers. But what Kino Video 28.01.2014 2012 95min. they find is more shocking than anything they could have 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120517 imagined. Retracing the steps of the Russians’ ill-fated TLA Releasing 12.11.2013 journey, the students are plagued by strange and increasingly 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120064 terrifying phenomena that suggest that in spite of the desolate Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde: The surroundings, they are not alone. The forces at work in the Dyatlov Pass Incident have been waiting for them. Based on a Deluxe Edition (Blu-ray) Dreamworld (Blu-ray) true story, director Renny Harlin’s (Cliffhanger) Devil’s Pass is an edge-of-your-seat thriller that delivers nail-biting Charles Lane, Louis Wolhelm, Nita Naldi, Mary Kate Wiles , Nora Kirkpatrick, Whit suspense right up to its shocking final frame. John Barrymore - Dir. John S. Robertson Hertford Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 100min. The great John Barrymore takes on the title characters in Oliver, an aspiring animator whose confidence and career MPI 17.12.2013 Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic tale of a tormented doctor prospects are at an all-time low, meets the beautiful and free- who ventures into the unknown only to find his dark side. spirited Lily on the same night that his world is turned upside 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120508 Directed by John S. Robertson and co-starring Nita Naldi, down with devastating family news. Coping with the recent Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is one of the all-time classics of turn of events, he impulsively abandons his day job and Die Screaming Marianne silent cinema. leaves that night for San Francisco with Lily. In a passionate Art & Architecture, Blu-ray, Classics, Dra- haze, the couple begins to fall in love, but as the trip Paul Stassino, Kenneth Hendel, Anthony ma, Horror, Mad Scientists & Deadly continues, Oliver discovers troubling things about Lily. As her Sharp, Susan George, Judy Huxtable, Chri- behavior grows more erratic, and his comforting romantic Doctors, Movies 1920 79min. fantasy begins to fall apart, Oliver must decide if he wants to stopher Sandford, Barry Evans, Leo Genn, Kino Video 28.01.2014 face reality or stay in the dreamworld that he’s fled to. Alan Curtis - Dir. Pete Walker 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120537 Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2012 With the death of her mother, Marianne (Susan George, Straw Dogs) stands to inherit a rather substantial family fortune as min. soon as she turns 21. Not only is there a vast sum of money Don Jon CAV 07.01.2014 involved, there are also certain incriminating documents that 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120485 her father, a corrupt judge (Leo Genn, A Lizard In A Woman’s Julianne Moore, Brie Larson, Scarlett Skin), does not want getting out. And with her money-hungry Johansson, Tony Danza, Glenne Headly half-sister chomping at the bit, will Marianne even live to see Jon Martello (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a handsome, good old- Drinking Buddies her 21st birthday? An early outing for British blood baron fashioned guy known as Don Jon for his ability to bed Pete Walker (Frightmare, The Confessional), Die Screaming beautiful women at will. But ironically, even the finest fling Jake Johnson, Anna Kendrick, Olivia Wilde Marianne is a psychological thriller that deals with jealousy, doesn’t compare to the bliss Jon finds alone-watching porn on - Dir. Joe Swanberg murder, incest and explores the paranoia of being surrounded his computer. Barbara Sugarman (Scarlett Johansson) is a Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 by a family that cannot be trusted. gorgeous, good old-fashioned girl raised on romantic movies, 90min. British, Drama, Euroshock, Foreign, and she’s determined to find her Prince Charming. Wrestling Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.12.2013 Ghosts, Horror, Love Gone Bad, Movies, with expectations of the opposite sex, Jon and Barbara struggle against false fantasies to find true intimacy in this 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120440 Mystery, Thrillers 1971 97min. unexpected comedy written and directed by Joseph Gordon- Kino Video 14.01.2014 Levitt. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120514 Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 Drinking Buddies (Blu-ray) 91min. Jake Johnson, Anna Kendrick, Olivia Wilde Do You Like My Basement? 20th Century Fox 31.12.2013 - Dir. Joe Swanberg Do You Like My Basement? is a dark, comic horror film with a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120327 Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 unique voyeuristic approach to fear and a subtle commentary 90min. on actors and filmmakers. The story begins with a cameraman Don Jon (Blu-ray) Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.12.2013 entering a home, he introduces himself as: „Stanley Farmer - a filmmaker.“ It immediately becomes obvious that he is an Julianne Moore, Brie Larson, Scarlett 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120457 intruder and after the clinical disposal of the owners, Stanley Johansson, Tony Danza, Glenne Headly transforms the apartment, particularly its dank basement, into Jon Martello (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a handsome, good old- Edge Of Salvation a homemade studio and places several hidden cameras around fashioned guy known as Don Jon for his ability to bed the space. Soon Chad, a cheerful actor, arrives at the house beautiful women at will. But ironically, even the finest fling Charlene Tilton, Jeremy London - Dir. for a casting session and is surprised when Stanley films doesn’t compare to the bliss Jon finds alone-watching porn on Luciano Saber everything he does. When questioned about his approach, his computer. Barbara Sugarman (Scarlett Johansson) is a A documentary producer, David Stevens is a thoughtful Stanley explains he is attempting to: „achieve a sense of gorgeous, good old-fashioned girl raised on romantic movies, professional, currently making a film about the „Victims of the unequaled realism.“ It’s only when we are midway through the and she’s determined to find her Prince Charming. Wrestling Recession“. Convinced that the Malone family is a good first of his auditions that we realize what a truly original film with expectations of the opposite sex, Jon and Barbara subject because of their financial loss and the story of the this will be. Stanley creates a spontaneous, dark, comic, struggle against false fantasies to find true intimacy in this orphaned teenage boy they’ve recently adopted, David follows narrative, spun from the auditions of innocent actors who unexpected comedy written and directed by Joseph Gordon- them throughout the move exploring the intra-familial tension, arrive at his apartment and agree to play along with his Levitt. as well as their awkward integration into a somewhat hostile homemade horror project. We are sucked into his film-within- Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 new neighborhood. Inclined to be a quietly murmuring a-film as we bear witness to the actors’ questioner, David does his best not to take center stage, to Comedy, Horror, Movies, Serial Killers, 91min. keep his focus on the Malone’s and their rapid descent down Thrillers 2012 87min. 20th Century Fox 31.12.2013 the ladder of socio-economic status. Virgil Films And Entertainment 21.01.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120338 Drama, Family, Movies, Thrillers 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120491 MTI Home Video 14.01.2014 Don’t Trust The B In Apt 23: The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120494 Doc Martin: Series 6 Complete Series Caroline Catz, Martin Clunes - Dir. Nigel Dreama Walker, Liza Lapira, Krysten Ritter, El Dorado (Blu-ray)

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John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Michelle Olive Films 17.09.2013 from The Walking Dead, Alexander Isaiah Thomas from Cabin Carey, Arthur Hunnicutt, Charlene Holt, Paul 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120498 Fever 2 and the Legendary Lloyd Kaufman. Horror, Movies 2009 75min. Fix, James Caan - Dir. Howard Hawks Music Video Distribution 15.10.2013 Legendary producer-director Howard Hawks teams with two An Evening With Ed Wood, Jr. equally legendary stars, John Wayne and Robert Mitchum, in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119946 this classic Western drama. Mitchum plays to perfection an Lyle Talbot, Edward D. Wood Jr., Bela alchoholic but gutsy sheriff who relentlessly battles the dark Lugosi - Dir. Edward D. Wood Jr. The Family side of the wild West, ruthless cattle barons and crooked Two of Ed Wood’s most famous/infamous films on a single „businessmen.“ The Duke gives an equally adept performance DVD. Glen or Glenda tells two stories, one of Glen/Glenda Dianna Agron, Jimmy Palumbo, Michelle as the sheriff’s old friend who knows his way around a who likes to dress in women’s cloths and doesn’t know how to Pfeiffer, Stan Carp, Robert De Niro, Dome- gunfight. Filled with brawling action and humor, El Dorado tell his fiancee. Plan 9 From Outer Space is Wood’s opus to delivers the goods. James Caan and Ed Asner co-star. sci-fi and horror films that succeeds on every level except as nick Lombardozzi, Tommy Lee Jones - Dir. Classics, Drama, Movies, Western 1967 good film making. Comically horrendous, it still manages to Luc Besson 126min. entertain and features Bela Lugosi in his final film role. Academy Award Winners Robert De Niro and Tommy Lee Double Features, Horror, Movies, Science Jones star in this dark actioncomedy from executive producer Paramount 11.03.2014 Martin Scorsese and acclaimed director Luc Besson. A Mafia 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120554 Fiction 144min. boss and his family are relocated to a sleepy town in E1 Entertainment 14.01.2014 under the Witness Protection Program after snitching on the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120244 mob. Despite Agent Stansfield’s (Jones) best efforts to keep Enough Said them in line, Fred Blake (Robert De Niro), his wife Maggie Catherine Keener, - Dir. (Michelle Pfeiffer), and their children Belle (Dianna Agron) F6 Twister and Warren (John D’Leo), can’t help resorting to old habits Nicole Holofcener by handling their problems the „family“ way. Chaos ensues as James Gandolfini, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Catherine Keener Richard Burgi, Casper Van Dien - Dir. Peter their former Mafia cronies try to track them down, and scores shine in this heartwarming comedy that A.O. Scott of The New Sullivan are settled in the unlikeliest of settings. York Times calls „a small miracle of a movie.“ Divorced mom After a freak tornado destroys a small diner and gas station, Comedy, Crime, Mobsters & The Mafia, Eva (Louis-Dreyfus) may be falling for Albert (Gandolfini), a weather scientist Ethan Walker realizes that a deadly swarm sweet, funny, like-minded divorcé. But as their relationship of twisters is about to hit the region. Unable to convince his Movies, Thrillers 2013 112min. blossoms, Eva befriends Marianne (Keener), who’s always reporter wife , or her station’s meteorologist , of the 20th Century Fox 17.12.2013 complaining about her ex-husband. When Eva realizes that impending disaster, he must take it upon himself to save his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120130 Albert is the target of Marianne’s rants, she begins to family. Leaving the safety of his lab behind, Ethan must brave question her own perceptions about first impressions and the fury of nature in order to track down his missing children second chances. and rescue his wife before the largest and deadliest tornado The Family (Blu-ray + DVD + Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 93min. in recorded history hits the city of Fort Worth. 20th Century Fox 14.01.2014 Action, Animals & Nature, Disasters, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120562 Movies 2013 90min. Dianna Agron, Jimmy Palumbo, Michelle Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.02.2014 Pfeiffer, Stan Carp, Robert De Niro, Dome- Enough Said (Blu-ray + 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120551 nick Lombardozzi, Tommy Lee Jones - Dir. Luc Besson UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Academy Award Winners Robert De Niro and Tommy Lee Catherine Keener, James Gandolfini - Dir. Fame / Flashdance (Double Fea- Jones star in this dark actioncomedy from executive producer ture) Martin Scorsese and acclaimed director Luc Besson. A Mafia Nicole Holofcener boss and his family are relocated to a sleepy town in France James Gandolfini, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Catherine Keener Gene Anthony Ray, Lee Curreri, Paul under the Witness Protection Program after snitching on the shine in this heartwarming comedy that A.O. Scott of The New McCrane, Lilia Skala, Irene Cara, Michael mob. Despite Agent Stansfield’s (Jones) best efforts to keep York Times calls „a small miracle of a movie.“ Divorced mom them in line, Fred Blake (Robert De Niro), his wife Maggie Eva (Louis-Dreyfus) may be falling for Albert (Gandolfini), a Nouri, Jennifer Beals, Belinda Bauer, Barry (Michelle Pfeiffer), and their children Belle (Dianna Agron) sweet, funny, like-minded divorcé. But as their relationship Miller - Dir. Alan Parker, Adrian Lyne and Warren (John D’Leo), can’t help resorting to old habits blossoms, Eva befriends Marianne (Keener), who’s always Ballet, Dancing, Double Features, Drama, by handling their problems the „family“ way. Chaos ensues as complaining about her ex-husband. When Eva realizes that their former Mafia cronies try to track them down, and scores Albert is the target of Marianne’s rants, she begins to High School, Independent Women, Movies, are settled in the unlikeliest of settings. question her own perceptions about first impressions and Music, Musical, Romance 229min. Book-To-Film, Comedy, Crime, Mobsters & second chances. Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 93min. The Mafia, Movies, Thrillers 2013 112min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120464 20th Century Fox 14.01.2014 20th Century Fox 17.12.2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120582 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120140 : The Complete Erotic Blackmail Fourth Season Fanny Hill / The Phantom From the darkest underbelly of European erotic cinema JoMarie Payton, Bryton McClure, Jaimee Gunslinger (Blu-ray + DVD Com- bordering on early hardcore, comes this seedy tale of a Foxworth, Kellie Shanygne Williams, Jaleel bo) (Blu-ray) couple whose pleasures involves swinging with other White, Rosetta Lenoire, Darius McCrary, couples, money and blackmail. When Hugo and Valerie invite Miriam Hopkins, Troy Donahue, Ulli Lommel Max and Dauphine over for a short vacation in the country, Telma Hopkins, Reginald VelJohnson they do not realize that they are being played by the couple. Life lessons and laughs go hand in hand with the Winslow - Dir. Russ Meyer But there are more people that want to join in the fun. Etienne family and their ever-present neighbor Steve Urkel. So Acclaimed producer Albert Zugsmith (Touch Of Evil, The and his friend Julien do not accept any longer to just watch as whether it’s hilarity on Halloween, a comical crisis on Incredible Shrinking Man) crafted some of the strangest and silent bystander from the outside in: they want to be in the Christmas, a veritable „va-va-voom!“ on Valentine’s Day or a most unlikely exploitation films of the 60s. Vinegar Syndrome midst of the action. Therefore, once alone in the villa, they memorable moment on a Monday, every day can be a good day presents the blu-ray debut of two of his rarest works: Cult take advantage of the situation and rape Valerie and Dauphine with Family Matters. This season, Michelle Thomas guest filmmaker Russ Meyer takes on directorial duties in while both their husbands are absent. But whoÃ-s the really stars as Myra, Steve’s girlfriend. Wait, Steve gets a Zugsmith’s adaptation of the notorious erotic classic Fanny victim and whoÃ-s playing who? girlfriend? Don’t miss Myra wooing Steve with her accordion, Hill. Set in pre-Victorian London, young Fanny finds herself Drama, Erotica, Foreign, Italian, Movies, or the epic episode where Carl and Steve compete on Ameri- taken in by a madame at one of the city’s most elite brothels. A can Gladiators in hopes of settling a dispute, or the one when strange mix of Zugsmith’s surreal slapstick and Meyer’s Thrillers 1974 65min. Steve literally glues himself to Laura’s side - as her dream trademark buxom beauties and thoughtful satire, FANNY HILL CAV 07.01.2014 date is on his way over! And what will happen when Harriette is an over-the-top saga of low-rent thrills in high-brow 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120628 goes on strike, sick of being the only one to do the settings. Zugsmith’s mind-numbing blend of surrealism and housework, and Eddie’s math teacher (guest star Debra Jo slapstick comedy done as a self-aware parody of westerns Rupp - That ’70s Show) decides to stop by? Family Matters stars Troy Donohue as Phil P. Phillips, fresh out of divinity Escape From Zahrain means family laughs! Join Urkel and the Winslow family in all school and living in the frontier town of Yucca Flats. When a gang of seven criminals take the town hostage, itÃ-s up to Anthony Caruso, Yul Brynner, Sal Mineo - 24 Season four episodes of Family Matters! ABC, Comedy, Drama, Family, Television Phil to save the village, or die trying, again and again... Both Dir. Ronald Neame films have been restored from their original negatives and are 1992 528min. Action, Adventure, Drama, Movies 1962 being offered on Blu-ray & DVD fully uncut fo Warner Bros. 04.02.2014 Book-To-Film, Comedy, Double Features, min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120149 Erotica, Movies, Western min. Olive Films 07.12.2010 CAV 10.12.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120495 Family Property: Backwoods 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120484 Killing Spree Escape From Zahrain (Blu-ray) Farscape: The Complete Season Anthony Caruso, Yul Brynner, Sal Mineo - Lloyd Kaufman On his deathbed Derek’s Dad made him vow to not let One - 15th Anniversary Edition Dir. Ronald Neame anybody whatsoever come on this property, but if they do, Kill’ Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies Em! For the first time in ten years people make the mistake of Virginia Hey, Claudia Black, Ben Browder, 1962 min. stepping onto the Jones’s land, which evokes a horrific and Anthony Simcoe - Dir. Pino Amenta grisly killing spree like no other. Featuring Jeremy Ambler Flung through a cosmic wormhole, American astronaut John

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Crichton finds himself fighting for his life in the middle of an Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1984 103min. troupe from France attempting to put on a play in Sarajevo. alien prison break, inside a Leviathan - a living space ship - Along their journey they are captured and held in a POW on the far side of the galaxy. Hunted by the relentless Crais, a Olive Films 31.07.2012 camp, and they call for help from their friends and relations in commander of the galactic enforcers known as Peacekeepers, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119958 France. Crichton joins forces with the alien convicts - hulking warrior Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Movies, Ka D’Argo; blue-skinned Priestess Z’haan; diminutive Dominar Rigel XVI; the giant symbiote and the The Fitzgerald Family Christmas War 1996 85min. „irreversibly contaminated“ Peacekeeper Aeryn Sun. Each Kerry Bishe, Connie Britton, Edward Burns E1 Entertainment 07.01.2014 desperately seeks a way home, but first, they have to find a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120289 way to trust one another. Daring escapes and selfless acts of - Dir. Edward Burns courage forge a measure of loyalty, friendship and even love. Christmas, Drama, Holidays, Movies 2012 The first season’s breakneck action heats up with the 99min. Force Of Evil introduction of the coquettish thief Chiana and the sinister Scorpius with his dreaded Aurora Chair. Arrival and Magnolia Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 John Garfield, Beatrice Pearson, Marie departure, birth and death, rescue and betrayal, all lead up to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120134 Windsor, Thomas Gomez - Dir. Abraham a season finale cliffhanger that is, literally and figuratively, Polonsky breathtaking. This groundbreaking first season of Farscape The Fitzgerald Family Christmas John Garfield has never had it so good. The smart young Wall presents all 22 groundbreaking in spectacular Street lawyer joins a get-rich-quick scheme of a mob boss Aliens, Australian, Foreign, Prison, Science (Blu-ray) who plans on bankrupting the city’s small-time numbers Fiction, Space, Television 1999 1060min. racketeers and consolidating their businesses . However, Kerry Bishe, Connie Britton, Edward Burns when Garfield discovers he must choose between his loyalty New Video DVD 03.12.2013 - Dir. Edward Burns to the ruthless racket kingpin or his family, the true force of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119937 Christmas, Drama, Holidays, Movies 2012 evil is revealed. 99min. Drama, Movies 1949 82min. Farscape: The Complete Season Magnolia Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Olive Films 31.07.2012 One - 15th Anniversary Edition 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120144 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119960 (Blu-ray) Force Of Evil (Blu-ray) Virginia Hey, Claudia Black, Ben Browder, Flame Of Barbary Coast John Garfield, Beatrice Pearson, Marie Anthony Simcoe - Dir. Pino Amenta John Wayne, Butterfly McQueen, Ann Dvo- Flung through a cosmic wormhole, American astronaut John rak, William Frawley, Virginia Grey, Joseph Windsor, Thomas Gomez - Dir. Abraham Crichton finds himself fighting for his life in the middle of an Schildkraut - Dir. Joseph Kane Polonsky alien prison break, inside a Leviathan - a living space ship - John Wayne is „Duke,“ a good-hearted rancher from Montana John Garfield has never had it so good. The smart young Wall on the far side of the galaxy. Hunted by the relentless Crais, a who comes to San Francisco to collect a debt owed to him by Street lawyer joins a get-rich-quick scheme of a mob boss commander of the galactic enforcers known as Peacekeepers, Tito (Joseph Schildkraut), slick owner of a casino. he falls in who plans on bankrupting the city’s small-time numbers Crichton joins forces with the alien convicts - hulking warrior love with Flaxen (Ann Dvorak), the beautiful saloon singer racketeers and consolidating their businesses . However, Ka D’Argo; blue-skinned Priestess Z’haan; diminutive engaged to Tito! Duke loses his hard-earned bankroll at when Garfield discovers he must choose between his loyalty Dominar Rigel XVI; the giant symbiote Pilot and the Tito’s casino forcing him to leave town. But not for long! The to the ruthless racket kingpin or his family, the true force of „irreversibly contaminated“ Peacekeeper Aeryn Sun. Each next time he comes to town, his luck radically changes. In evil is revealed. desperately seeks a way home, but first, they have to find a fact, he’s so lucky that he almost cleans out Tito’s casino. Drama, Movies 1949 82min. way to trust one another. Daring escapes and selfless acts of With his winnings, Duke builds a casino across the street Olive Films 31.07.2012 courage forge a measure of loyalty, friendship and even love. from Tito, hiring Flaxen to star in his floor show. All goes The first season’s breakneck action heats up with the well until the great San Francisco earthquake forces Duke, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119973 introduction of the coquettish thief Chiana and the sinister Flaxen and all the residents of the city to regroup and rebuild. Scorpius with his dreaded Aurora Chair. Arrival and William Frawley also stars in this exciting drama featuring Force Of Execution departure, birth and death, rescue and betrayal, all lead up to „the Duke“ at his larger then life finest. a season finale cliffhanger that is, literally and figuratively, Classics, Drama, Movies 1945 92min. Danny Trejo, Ving Rhames, Steven Seagal breathtaking. This groundbreaking first season of Farscape Steven Seagal stars as mob kingpin Mr. Alexander, an old- presents all 22 groundbreaking in spectacular Olive Films 18.06.2013 school boss who rules his criminal empire with both nobility Aliens, Australian, Blu-ray, Foreign, Prison, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119959 and brutality. But when a simple prison hit goes wrong, he’ll Science Fiction, Space, Television 1999 ignite a war between a cold-blooded gangster known as ‘The Iceman’ (Ving Rhames of Mission: Impossible and Pulp 1060min. Flame Of Barbary Coast (Blu-ray) Fiction), a disgraced former protégé (Taekwondo World New Video DVD 03.12.2013 John Wayne, Butterfly McQueen, Ann Dvo- Champion Bren Foster of Fight Science), a merciless Mexican 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119951 cartel, and an ex-con shopkeeper (Danny Trejo of Machete rak, William Frawley, Virginia Grey, Joseph Kills) with some unexpected skills of his own. The lines are Schildkraut - Dir. Joseph Kane drawn. The fuse is lit. And in a citywide massacre measured Fenced Off John Wayne is „Duke,“ a good-hearted rancher from Montana in pain, fear, honor and vengeance, the ultimate power Josh and Anne just moved into their first house. George and who comes to San Francisco to collect a debt owed to him by belongs to Force Of Execution. Tia live next door. George is retired and ready for life to slow Tito (Joseph Schildkraut), slick owner of a casino. he falls in Action, Crime, Mobsters & The Mafia, down. Josh is a young and idealistic social worker ready to love with Flaxen (Ann Dvorak), the beautiful saloon singer Movies 2013 min. be welcomed into the neighborhood. Much to Tia’s chagrin, engaged to Tito! Duke loses his hard-earned bankroll at George has little interest in giving Josh a warm welcome. Tito’s casino forcing him to leave town. But not for long! The Starz / Anchor Bay 17.12.2013 What starts as a day of yard work and random t-dos for the next time he comes to town, his luck radically changes. In 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119999 new neighbors turns into a series of misunderstandings and fact, he’s so lucky that he almost cleans out Tito’s casino. confrontation. With his winnings, Duke builds a casino across the street from Tito, hiring Flaxen to star in his floor show. All goes Force Of Execution (Blu-ray + Drama, Movies 2013 78min. well until the great San Francisco earthquake forces Duke, E1 Entertainment 14.01.2014 Flaxen and all the residents of the city to regroup and rebuild. DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120248 William Frawley also stars in this exciting drama featuring Danny Trejo, Ving Rhames, Steven Seagal „the Duke“ at his larger then life finest. Steven Seagal stars as mob kingpin Mr. Alexander, an old- Classics, Drama, Movies 1945 92min. school boss who rules his criminal empire with both nobility Fiddler On The Roof (Blu-ray) Olive Films 18.06.2013 and brutality. But when a simple prison hit goes wrong, he’ll Topol, Paul Mann, Molly Picon, Leonard ignite a war between a cold-blooded gangster known as ‘The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119972 Iceman’ (Ving Rhames of Mission: Impossible and Pulp Frey, Norma Crane - Dir. Norman Jewison Fiction), a disgraced former protégé (Taekwondo World The heartwarming scenes and uplifting songs of a timeless For Ever Mozart Champion Bren Foster of Fight Science), a merciless musical masterpiece meet the spectacular sound and picture Mexican cartel, and an ex-con shopkeeper (Danny Trejo of quality of Blu-ray for the first time ever to celebrate the film’s Berangere Allaux, Ghalia LaCroix, Made- Machete Kills) with some unexpected skills of his own. The 40th anniversary - bursting with hours of extras that will keep lines are drawn. The fuse is lit. And in a citywide massacre you entertained from sunrise to sunset! Nominated for eight leine Assas For Ever Mozart is an episodic film that follows a theater measured in pain, fear, honor and vengeance, the ultimate , including Best Picture, Best Actor (Topol) power belongs to Force Of Execution. and Best Directing (Norman Jewison), Fiddler On The Roof troupe from France attempting to put on a play in Sarajevo. tells the life-affirming story of a poor Jewish milkman whose Along their journey they are captured and held in a POW Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Mobsters & The love, pride and faith help him cope with the challenges of camp, and they call for help from their friends and relations in Mafia, Movies 2013 min. raising a family in czarist . France. Starz / Anchor Bay 17.12.2013 Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Movies, Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120017 Classics, Drama, Family, Historical / Period War 1996 85min. E1 Entertainment 07.01.2014 Piece, Movies, Musical 1971 181min. Four MGM / UA 07.01.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120237 Emory Cohen, Wendell Pierce 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120336 In a nameless, suburban American town, the smell of barbeque For Ever Mozart (Blu-ray) fills the air as Fourth of July celebrations move from a hot Firstborn Berangere Allaux, Ghalia LaCroix, Made- summer day into night. Joe, a man who works hard and travels a lot, leaves his family behind for the holiday, citing a Christopher Collet, Peter Weller, Teri Garr - leine Assas business trip. Abigayle, his precocious daughter, is left to Dir. Michael Apted For Ever Mozart is an episodic film that follows a theater tend to her ill mother and manage the house on her own, yet

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 75 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA again. Seeking just enough attention to get her through But why he’s there - and how he’ll survive - will reveal a another night of her lonely responsibilities, she turns to chilling nightmare of mistaken identity, the Russian mob, a Dexter, a former high school basketball star whose best days missing $8 million, and a wounded cop (Peter Facinelli of The Generation Kill (Repackage) are behind him. And while Abigayle is out with Dexter, Joe is Twilight Saga) who may hold the key it all. The is Billy Lush, James Ransone, Stark Sands, quietly spending time around town with June, a young man he dropping. The fear is growing. And for a man caught between met online who’s struggling to accept himself. And for just this frozen death and vicious thugs, what happens next may lead Jon Huertas, Jonah Lotan, Lee Tergesen, night, the small world that these four live in will become even to the most cold-blooded twist of all. Robert John Burke, David Simon, Ed Burns smaller, though the freedom they experience has never been Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Drama, HBO, Mini-Series, Movies, Televisi- so dangerous, fleeting and honest. Adapted from Obie- winning, Pulitzer Prize-nominee Christopher Shinn’s highly- 91min. on, TV Movies, War, War In The Middle East acclaimed stage play, Four is full of the poetic and tender Starz / Anchor Bay 21.01.2014 2008 470min. human drama of great theatre. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120613 HBO Home Video 19.11.2013 Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120349 75min. Fresh Meat Wolfe Video 14.01.2014 Temuera Morrison - Dir. Danny Mulheron Getting That Girl 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120356 When a dysfunctional gang’s prison breakout goes violently Gia Mantegna, Escher Holloway wrong, they need a hideout in a hurry. Picking the McMansion Comedy, High School, Movies, Romance Frankenstein Created Woman of a middle-class family in the suburbs seems like a safe , until it becomes clear that this particular family has 2011 92min. (Blu-ray) reintroduced some very old-fashioned cuisine to their table. Millennium Entertainment 14.01.2014 Will the Tans escape the trap, or is there gangster in the Susan Denberg, Peter Cushing - Dir. casserole tonight? A gruesomely funny, no-holds-barred 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120567 Terence Fisher comedy with style to burn, Fresh Meat will leave you hungry In a 19th century Balkan village, Baron Frankenstein (Peter for more. Ghost Team One Cushing) and Dr. Hertz (Thorley Walters) are embarking Cannibalism, Comedy, Gangs, Horror, upon an experiment to capture the souls of the dead and Carlos Santos, Fernanda Romero impose them into other bodies. When their assistant, Hans Hostage Crisis, Movies 2012 92min. When roommates Brad and Sergio accidentally arouse the (Robert Morris), is unjustly accused of murdering his New Video DVD 14.01.2014 dead, they team up with sexy amateur ghost hunter, Fernanda, girlfriend Christina’s father and put to death, the two men 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120617 to expose the evil inside their home. But just as the guys start claim his body and trap his soul in their laboratory. to get close to their hot new partner, they discover that a Meanwhile, Christina (Susan Denberg) is consumed with horny demon wants in on the action. Now, cameras are up and grief over the death of her beloved Hans and commits suicide. Game Of Thrones: The Complete more than fear is rising in this outrageous romp - Ain’t It Cool Frankenstein and Dr. Hertz are able to revive Christina and News calls it „genuinely hilarious“ - where only one thing is transfer Hans’ soul into her body which results in a vision of Third Season certain: someone is gonna get screwed. beauty. Their experiment appears successful until Franken- Michelle Fairley, Peter Dinklage, Lena Comedy, Ghosts, Horror, Movies, stein discovers that Christina’s actions are being driven by the spirit of Hans and his passion for revenge... Headey, Iain Glen Supernatural & Paranormal 2013 84min. In the third season of the hit HBO original series based on the Paramount Pictures 17.12.2013 Frankenstein, Horror, Monsters, Movies bestselling book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George 1967 92min. R.R. Martin. This epic drama is set in the grounded fantasy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120231 Millennium Entertainment 14.01.2014 continent of Westeros, where ambitious men and women of both honor and ill-repute live in a land where summers and Ghost Team One (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120586 winters can last years. In Season 3, family and loyalty will be the overarching themes, and many critical plot points from the Carlos Santos, Fernanda Romero Frankenstein: The Real Story first two seasons will come to a violent head, with several When roommates Brad and Sergio accidentally arouse the major characters meeting cruel fates. While a primary focus dead, they team up with sexy amateur ghost hunter, Fernanda, The Frankenstein: The Real Story collection from History continues to be on King’s Landing, where the Lannisters to expose the evil inside their home. But just as the guys start examines how the tale of a brilliant but deranged scientist barely held onto power after a savage naval onslaught from to get close to their hot new partner, they discover that a who builds a grotesque monster from the body parts of fresh Stannis Baratheon, stirrings in the North threaten to alter the horny demon wants in on the action. Now, cameras are up and corpses has its in reality. In Search Of The Real overall balance of power in Westeros. Robb Stark, King of more than fear is rising in this outrageous romp - Ain’t It Cool Frankenstein looks at scientists throughout history who the North, will face a major calamity in his efforts to build on News calls it „genuinely hilarious“ - where only one thing is experimented with reviving animal and human corpses to find his victories over the Lannisters in Season 2, while further certain: someone is gonna get screwed. the secret force of life. Frankenstein explores the fact-or- north, Mance Rayder (new character) and his huge army of Comedy, Ghosts, Horror, Movies, fiction origins of the tale that became the first science fiction wildlings begin an inexorable march south to scale the Wall. novel. It’s Alive! The True Story Of Frankenstein further Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen - reunited with Supernatural & Paranormal 2013 84min. traces the story through all its artistic renditions, from 19th- her three deadly, fast-maturing dragon Paramount Pictures 17.12.2013 century stage adaptations to 1930s silent films to Mel Brooks’s satirical Young Frankenstein and Kenneth Adventure, Book-To-Film, Drama, Fantasy, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120284 Branagh’s faithful horror interpretation. This spectacular set HBO, Medieval Times, Royalty, Swords & features interviews with actors including Gene Wilder and Sworcery, Television 2013 550min. Ghost Town experts on Mary Shelley, the 19th-century novel, the horror genre, cinema makeup and much more. HBO Home Video 18.02.2014 Greg Kinnear, Tea Leoni, Ricky Gervais, Action, Adventure, Frankenstein, History 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120630 Kristen Wiig, Billy Campbell, Dana Ivey - Dir. Channel, Television 178min. David Koepp A&E 14.01.2014 Game Of Thrones: The Complete Comedy, Fantasy, Movies, Romance, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120174 Third Season (Blu-ray + DVD + Supernatural & Paranormal 2008 min. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Paramount 01.01.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120279 Freezer Michelle Fairley, Peter Dinklage, Lena Peter Facinelli, Dylan McDermott - Dir. Headey, Iain Glen Mikael Salomon In the third season of the hit HBO original series based on the Ghost Town (Blu-ray) Dylan McDermott of Hostages and American Horror Story bestselling book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George Greg Kinnear, Tea Leoni, Ricky Gervais, stars as Robert Saunders, a mechanic who is R.R. Martin. This epic drama is set in the grounded fantasy knocked unconscious at his birthday dinner and wakes up to continent of Westeros, where ambitious men and women of Kristen Wiig, Billy Campbell, Dana Ivey - Dir. find himself locked inside the restaurant’s walk-in freezer. both honor and ill-repute live in a land where summers and David Koepp But why he’s there - and how he’ll survive - will reveal a winters can last years. In Season 3, family and loyalty will be Comedy, Fantasy, Movies, Romance, chilling nightmare of mistaken identity, the Russian mob, a the overarching themes, and many critical plot points from the missing $8 million, and a wounded cop (Peter Facinelli of The first two seasons will come to a violent head, with several Supernatural & Paranormal 2008 min. Twilight Saga) who may hold the key it all. The temperature is major characters meeting cruel fates. While a primary focus Paramount 01.01.2013 dropping. The fear is growing. And for a man caught between continues to be on King’s Landing, where the Lannisters 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120316 frozen death and vicious thugs, what happens next may lead barely held onto power after a savage naval onslaught from to the most cold-blooded twist of all. Stannis Baratheon, stirrings in the North threaten to alter the Action, Movies, Thrillers 2013 91min. overall balance of power in Westeros. Robb Stark, King of Gingerdead Man Vs. Evil Bong the North, will face a major calamity in his efforts to build on Starz / Anchor Bay 21.01.2014 his victories over the Lannisters in Season 2, while further Ryan Curry, Amy Paffrath, Robin Sydney, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120598 north, Mance Rayder (new character) and his huge army of John Patrick Jordan, Sonny Carl Davis wildlings begin an inexorable march south to scale the Wall. It’s a War of the Colossal Freaks when serial killing cookie, Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen - reunited with Gingerdead Man, tracks down the lone survivor of his Freezer (Blu-ray + DVD + her three deadly, fast-maturing dragon murderous rampage, Sarah Leigh (Robin Sydney), to take UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, care of unfinished business. But his devious plans go up in smoke when Sarah meets Larnell (John Patrick Jordan), who Peter Facinelli, Dylan McDermott - Dir. Fantasy, HBO, Medieval Times, Royalty, has a pint-sized problem of his own. The Evil Bong, Eebee, Mikael Salomon Swords & Sworcery, Television 2013 has been unleashed once again. Bodies begin to pile up as Dylan McDermott of Hostages and American Horror Story 550min. Gingerdead Man carves a path for them. Their only salvation stars as Robert Saunders, a New York City mechanic who is HBO Home Video 18.02.2014 is to turn to help from the dastardly Bong. It’s one tough knocked unconscious at his birthday dinner and wakes up to cookie versus one bad trip mother when the two Titans of find himself locked inside the restaurant’s walk-in freezer. 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120637 Terror hash out a war in the Bong World. The stakes have never been higher.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 76 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Hor- featured attraction in Goliath And The Sins Of Babylon se, Drama, Foreign, Martial Arts, Movies (1964)... a buddy movie with muscles. When the evil ruler of ror, Movies 80min. Babylon demands twenty-four virgins for sacrifice, Goliath 2013 130min. Full Moon 21.01.2014 and his gang (including future Spaghetti Western star Starz / Anchor Bay 26.11.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120096 Giuliano Gemma) step in to save the day. Spectacular 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119933 highlights include a large scale sea battle and that epic movie requisite, a chariot race...all in breathtaking widescreen and The Girl Who Knew Too Much color. The bonus feature is the beefcake comedy Colossus The Grass Is Greener And The Amazon Queen (1960) which stars Rod („The Time Adam West, Robert Alda, Nancy Kwan - Machine) Taylor and muscleman Ed Fury as a couple of Greek Deborah Kerr, Robert Mitchum, Jean Dir. Francis D. Lyon Geeks who end up on the island of the Amazons. Italian Simmons, Cary Grant - Dir. Stanley Donen Crime, Drama, Movies min. cheese-cake is served up in large portions by Gianna Maria When a struggling British earl (Grant) opens his manor to the Olive Films 28.05.2013 Canale, Daniela Rocca, and an array of arresting Amazons. public, what he wants is some badly needed money... what he Action, Ancient Greece / Rome, Double gets is a handsome American millionaire (Mitchum) who 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119962 sweeps the earl’s gorgeous wife off her feet. Encouraged by Features, Movies 1960 180min. his wife’s chatterbox best friend (Simmons), the jealous earl Bayview Entertainment 24.12.2013 challenges his Yank rival to a duel. The romantic royal is The Girl Who Knew Too Much 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120080 fighting for love and honor, but he could lose something more - (Blu-ray) his life! Affairs & Love Triangles, Classics, Drama, Adam West, Robert Alda, Nancy Kwan - Gone Dark Movies, Romance 1960 105min. Dir. Francis D. Lyon Bill Oberst Jr., Rance Howard Olive Films 28.05.2013 Crime, Drama, Movies min. Five years ago Jack’s partners helped him fake his death. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119965 Olive Films 28.05.2013 When his little sister Kim becomes an agent she finds 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119974 evidence that shows his partners killing him and blames them for his death. She goes off the grid to hunt them down and The Grass Is Greener (Blu-ray) starts climbing the drug food chain to find Jack’s former friend God’s Little Acre and closest partner, Slick, who took the blame for pulling the Deborah Kerr, Robert Mitchum, Jean trigger on Jack. When the company finds out what’s going on Simmons, Cary Grant - Dir. Stanley Donen Buddy Hackett, Michael Landon, Robert they send in several cleaners to clean up the mess they When a struggling British earl (Grant) opens his manor to the Ryan, Tina Louise, Fay Spain, Aldo Ray, Vic already tried to cover up. Everything gets bloody when Jack public, what he wants is some badly needed money... what he finds himself in the middle of an every man for himself hunt to gets is a handsome American millionaire (Mitchum) who Morrow, Jack Lord - Dir. Anthony Mann the death where only the last man standing will walk away. This rollicking look inside the rural Deep South brings to life sweeps the earl’s gorgeous wife off her feet. Encouraged by the primitive, ribald rustics of Erskine Caldwell’s steamy Action, Movies 2012 78min. his wife’s chatterbox best friend (Simmons), the jealous earl bestselling novel. Both humorous and heartrending, this Brain Damage Films 07.01.2014 challenges his Yank rival to a duel. The romantic royal is critically acclaimed film reveals the hidden passions heating 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120358 fighting for love and honor, but he could lose something more - up beneath the hot Southern sun, as well as the warmth and his life! humor of everyday life. A poor sharecropper’s family Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Classics, struggling to survive is nearly torn apart as the patriarch Gorillas In The Mist (Blu-ray) Drama, Movies, Romance 1960 105min. stubbornly pursues his belief that gold is buried somewhere on his land. Nothing will stop him as he goes to outrageous Julie Harris, Bryan Brown, Sigourney Olive Films 28.05.2013 lengths in his efforts to find the treasure. Directed by Anthony Weaver - Dir. Michael Apted 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119977 Mann (Cimarron, El Cid), Robert Ryan (The Wild Bunch) Based on the true story of young anthropologist Dian Fossey gives a stunning performance as the rugged family patriarch. who travels to the African mountains to study the rare The star-packed cast also includes Tina Louise before being gorillas. In this incredible paradise which she describes as Greed In The Sun marooned as Ginger on „Gilligan’s Island“ as the sultry being „as close to God as you can get,“ her interest in the Lino Ventura - Dir. Henri Verneuil Griselda; „Bonanza’s Little Joe, Michael Landon, playing the gorillas turns to passion and finally obsession. Not even her albino farmhand Dave Lawson; Jack Lord before „Hawaii 5-0“ lover, photographer Bob Campbell, can tear her away-or stop Action, Adventure, Comedy, Movies 1964 and funnyman Buddy Hackett. Full of hope and courage her from risking her life to protect the gorillas from poachers min. despite the most dire circumstances, God’s Little Acre „is a and animal traders. Desperate to save her „family“ from Olive Films 30.10.2012 rustic revel with the kick of a Georgia mule“ (Variety). extinction, Fossey searches for justice, but in the end settles 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119966 Classics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, for revenge. You my applaud what she does. Or you may Illness & Disease, Movies 1958 229min. condemn it. But you will never forget the passion that turned her into a legend. Greed In The Sun (Blu-ray) Olive Films 30.07.2013 Animals & Nature, Based-On-A-True-Story, Lino Ventura - Dir. Henri Verneuil 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119964 Blu-ray, Drama, Jungle, Movies 1988 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, 150min. Movies 1964 112min. God’s Little Acre (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 07.01.2014 Olive Films 30.10.2012 Buddy Hackett, Michael Landon, Robert 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120560 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119978 Ryan, Tina Louise, Fay Spain, Aldo Ray, Vic Morrow, Jack Lord - Dir. Anthony Mann The Grandmaster Groucho Marx TV Classic 3 This rollicking look inside the rural Deep South brings to life Ziyi Zhang, Tony Leung, Chang Chen the primitive, ribald rustics of Erskine Caldwell’s steamy Groucho Marx bestselling novel. Both humorous and heartrending, this Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Wong Kar Wai, The critically acclaimed film reveals the hidden passions heating Grandmaster is an epic action feature inspired by the life and Comedy, Television 630min. up beneath the hot Southern sun, as well as the warmth and times of the legendary Kung FU master, Ip Man who mentored Film Chest Media Group 07.05.2013 humor of everyday life. A poor sharecropper’s family Bruce Lee. The story spans the tumultuous Republican era 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120366 struggling to survive is nearly torn apart as the patriarch that followed the fall of China’s last dynasty, a time of chaos, stubbornly pursues his belief that gold is buried somewhere division and war that was also the of Chinese on his land. Nothing will stop him as he goes to outrageous martial arts. Filmed in a range of stunning locations that Guest Wife lengths in his efforts to find the treasure. Directed by Anthony include the snow-swept landscapes of Northeast China and Mann (Cimarron, El Cid), Robert Ryan (The Wild Bunch) the subtropical South, The Grandmaster features virtuoso Claudette Colbert, Dick Foran, Don Ameche gives a stunning performance as the rugged family patriarch. performances by some of the greatest stars of contemporary - Dir. Sam Wood The star-packed cast also includes Tina Louise before being Asian cinema, including Tony Leung and Ziyi Zhang. Comedy, Movies, Romance 1945 min. Action, Biography, Biopics, Chinese, Dra- marooned as Ginger on „Gilligan’s Island“ as the sultry Olive Films 24.09.2013 Griselda; „Bonanza’s Little Joe, Michael Landon, playing the ma, Foreign, Martial Arts, Movies 2013 albino farmhand Dave Lawson; Jack Lord before „Hawaii 5-0“ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120496 and funnyman Buddy Hackett. Full of hope and courage 130min. despite the most dire circumstances, God’s Little Acre „is a Starz / Anchor Bay 26.11.2013 rustic revel with the kick of a Georgia mule“ (Variety). 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119916 Guest Wife (Blu-ray) Classics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Claudette Colbert, Dick Foran, Don Ameche Illness & Disease, Movies 1958 229min. The Grandmaster (Blu-ray) - Dir. Sam Wood Olive Films 30.07.2013 Comedy, Movies, Romance 1945 min. Ziyi Zhang, Tony Leung, Chang Chen 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119976 Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Wong Kar Wai, The Olive Films 24.09.2013 Grandmaster is an epic action feature inspired by the life and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120499 Goliath And The Sins Of Babylon times of the legendary Kung FU master, Ip Man who mentored Bruce Lee. The story spans the tumultuous Republican era / Colossus And The Amazon that followed the fall of China’s last dynasty, a time of chaos, Gunfight At The O.K. Corral (Blu- division and war that was also the golden age of Chinese ray) Queen (Double Feature) martial arts. Filmed in a range of stunning locations that Ed Fury, Giuliano Gemma, Gianna Maria include the snow-swept landscapes of Northeast China and Rhonda Fleming, , Burt Lanca- the subtropical South, The Grandmaster features virtuoso ster, Kirk Douglas, Lee Van Cleef, John Canale, Daniela Rocca, Mark Forest, Rod performances by some of the greatest stars of contemporary Taylor Asian cinema, including Tony Leung and Ziyi Zhang. Ireland - Dir. John Sturges Sword and Sandal star extraordinaire, Mark Forest, is the A gang of ruthless outlaws...a pair of larger-than-life Action, Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Chine- heroes...a timeless tale of good versus evil. Blended together,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 77 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the result is a sprawling, epic adventure bigger than the wild McGavin - Dir. James L. Conway pro, coping with the trauma of their childhood captivity by frontier-Gunfight at the O.K. Corral! Acclaimed actors Burt slaying witches for hire. But when the seemingly unstoppable Lancaster and Kirk Douglas team up to rid Tombstone, Arizona Action, Aliens, Based-On-A-True-Story, bounty hunters meet their match in an enemy so evil, it’ll take of the murderous Clanton gang in this all-star, action-packed Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Conspiracies, all their training, weapons and courage to survive. Payback is classic. When lawman Wyatt Earp (Lancaster) and gunfighter Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers 1980 a witch! „Doc“ Holiday (Douglas) ride into town, they find themselves Action, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Horror, pitted against one of the biggest foes ever encountered, in the 97min. form of Ike Clanton (Lyle Bettger) and his ruthless gang. It Olive Films 25.06.2013 Movies, Revenge, Witches & Warlocks isn’t long before the confrontation explodes into a survival-at- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119979 2013 87min. all-costs battle, with Rhonda Fleming, Jo Van Fleet, John Paramount 24.12.2013 Ireland Dennis Hopper, Deforest Kelley, Martin Milner and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120150 Lee Van Cleef among those swept into the drama and The Hangman excitement of one of the Wild West’s most legendary events! Robert Taylor, Tina Louise, Fess Parker - Movies, Western 1957 122min. Dir. Michael Curtiz Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters Paramount 11.03.2014 Movies, Western 1959 87min. (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120555 Olive Films 26.06.2012 Robin Atkin Downes, Derek Mears, Ingrid 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119968 Bolsh Berdal, Gemma Arterton, Jeremy Hail Mary Renner, Peter Stormare, Famke Janssen - Dick, Juliette Binoche, Anne Gautier, The Hangman (Blu-ray) Dir. Tommy Wirkola Philippe Lacoste, Manon Andersen, Malachi Robert Taylor, Tina Louise, Fess Parker - Get ready for a twisted take on the classic tale as Hansel Jara Kohan, Thierry Rode, Johan Leysen, (Jeremy Renner) and Gretel (Gemma Arterton) have turned Dir. Michael Curtiz Myriem Roussel pro, coping with the trauma of their childhood captivity by Movies, Western 1959 87min. slaying witches for hire. But when the seemingly unstoppable In this modern retelling of the Virgin birth, Mary is a student bounty hunters meet their match in an enemy so evil, it’ll take who plays basketball and works at her father’s petrol station; Olive Films 26.06.2012 all their training, weapons and courage to survive. Payback is Joseph is an earnest dropout who drives a cab. The angel 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119980 a witch! Gabriel must school Joseph to accept Mary’s pregnancy, while Mary comes to terms with God’s plan. Action, Blu-ray, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Hor- Art House, Drama, Foreign, French, Hannah Arendt ror, Movies, Revenge, Witches & Warlocks Movies, Religion/Spirituality, Romance 1985 Barbara Sukowa, Janet McTeer - Dir. 2013 87min. 107min. Margarethe Von Trotta Paramount 24.12.2013 E1 Entertainment 07.01.2014 Zeitgeist Films is proud to announce the Blu-ray/DVD and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120168 digital release of Margarethe von Trotta’s acclaimed biopic 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120239 Hannah Arendt. One of the top grossing foreign films of the year, Hannah Arendt has screened theatrically in more than Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters Hail Mary (Blu-ray) 120 markets nationwide to overwhelming critical acclaim. The 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) sublime Barbara Sukowa (who won a 2013 German Oscar for Dick, Juliette Binoche, Anne Gautier, her performance) reteams with director Margarethe von Trotta Robin Atkin Downes, Derek Mears, Ingrid Philippe Lacoste, Manon Andersen, Malachi (Vision, Rosa Luxemburg) for her brilliant new biopic of Bolsh Berdal, Gemma Arterton, Jeremy influential German-Jewish philosopher and political theorist Jara Kohan, Thierry Rode, Johan Leysen, Hannah Arendt. Arendt’s reporting on the 1961 trial of Adolf Renner, Peter Stormare, Famke Janssen - Myriem Roussel Eichmann in The New Yorker-controversial both for her Dir. Tommy Wirkola Denounced by the Pope and banned and boycotted worldwide, portrayal of the former SS officer and the Jewish councils- PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which this surprisingly serene and lyrical work translates the Virgin introduced her now-famous concept of the „banality of evil.“ is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Birth into tangible contemporary terms, with Mary as a tee- Using archival footage from the Eichmann trial and weaving a A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all nage basketball-playing gas-station attendant who receives narrative that spans three countries, von Trotta beautifully standard Blu-ray players. Get ready for a twisted take on the the Annunciation by jetliner. May is a beautiful yet ordinary turns the often-invisible passion for thought into immersive, classic tale as Hansel (Jeremy Renner) and Gretel (Gemma teenager who vows to maintain her chastity. Following a dramatic cinema. Official Selection at International Arterton) have turned pro, coping with the trauma of their warning from an angel, a confused and innocent. Mary and New York Jewish Film Festivals, Hannah Arendt co-stars childhood captivity by slaying witches for hire. But when the unexpectedly falls pregnant and is forced to wed her taxi- Klaus Pohl as philosopher Martin Heidegger, Nicho seemingly unstoppable bounty hunters meet their match in an driving boyfriend Joseph. He, in turn, must love his virgin Biography, Biopics, Drama, Foreign, enemy so evil, it’ll take all their training, weapons and bride from a distance, revering her without touching her. German, Movies 2013 113min. courage to survive. Payback is a witch! Forced to face a shocking reality, Mary and Joseph along Action, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Fairy Tales, Zeitgeist Films 19.11.2013 with their family and friends must struggle to cope as the Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Revenge, Witches provocative theme unfolds. Hail Mary is sensational and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120186 work from French master director Jean-Luc Godard which & Warlocks 2013 87min. touched off an uproar of protest heard around the world. Paramount 24.12.2013 Art House, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, Hannah Arendt (Blu-ray + DVD 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120167 French, Movies, Religion/Spirituality, Combo) (Blu-ray) Romance 1985 107min. Barbara Sukowa, Janet McTeer - Dir. Harlow (Blu-ray) E1 Entertainment 07.01.2014 Margarethe Von Trotta Leslie Nielsen, Caroll Baker, Raf Vallone, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120291 Zeitgeist Films is proud to announce the Blu-ray/DVD and digital release of Margarethe von Trotta’s acclaimed biopic Mike Connors, Red Buttons, Peter Lawford, Hannah Arendt. One of the top grossing foreign films of the Martin Balsam, Angela Lansbury - Dir. Gor- Hairspray (Blu-ray) year, Hannah Arendt has screened theatrically in more than don Douglas Divine, Debbie Harry, Ruth Brown, Ricki 120 markets nationwide to overwhelming critical acclaim. The sublime Barbara Sukowa (who won a 2013 German Oscar for Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Lake, Sonny Bono, Jerry Stiller - Dir. John her performance) reteams with director Margarethe von Trotta Romance 1965 min. Waters (Vision, Rosa Luxemburg) for her brilliant new biopic of Olive Films 23.07.2013 With huge hair, a big grin, and all the right moves, Tracy influential German-Jewish philosopher and political theorist Turnblad (Ricki Lake) becomes the queen of ’s Hannah Arendt. Arendt’s reporting on the 1961 trial of Adolf 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119981 number one TV dance party. Also starring Divine (Pink Eichmann in The New Yorker-controversial both for her Flamingos) and rock legends Sonny Bono and Debbie Harry. portrayal of the former SS officer and the Jewish councils- Hatari! (Blu-ray) Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, introduced her now-famous concept of the „banality of evil.“ John Wayne, , Gerard Blain, Musical 1988 92min. Using archival footage from the Eichmann trial and weaving a narrative that spans three countries, von Trotta beautifully Hardy Kruger, Red Buttons - Dir. Howard New Line Home Entertainment 04.03.2014 turns the often-invisible passion for thought into immersive, Hawks 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120525 dramatic cinema. Official Selection at Toronto International and New York Jewish Film Festivals, Hannah Arendt co-stars Director Howard Hawks reteams with John Wayne, who Klaus Pohl as philosopher Martin Heidegger, Nicho heads a group of highly skilled professional game hunters in Hangar 18 Africa. Only they don’t use bullets - they capture the Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, ferocious big game with strong rope and cameras for zoos and Gary Collins, Robert Vaughn, Darren Foreign, German, Movies 2013 113min. circus attractions. It is an exciting business that pits man McGavin - Dir. James L. Conway Zeitgeist Films 19.11.2013 against beast. „Hatari“ means danger in Swahili, but Hatari Action, Aliens, Based-On-A-True-Story, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120196 also means a spectacular adventure film. Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Movies Biography, Biopics, Conspiracies, Movies, 1962 157min. Science Fiction, Thrillers 1980 97min. Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters Paramount 11.03.2014 Olive Films 25.06.2013 Robin Atkin Downes, Derek Mears, Ingrid 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120556 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119967 Bolsh Berdal, Gemma Arterton, Jeremy Renner, Peter Stormare, Famke Janssen - Haven Hangar 18 (Blu-ray) Dir. Tommy Wirkola , Natasha Richardson, Gary Collins, Robert Vaughn, Darren Get ready for a twisted take on the classic tale as Hansel (Jeremy Renner) and Gretel (Gemma Arterton) have turned William Petersen, Martin Landau, Colm

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Feore, Henry Czerny, Daniel Kash, Robert When Nicole (Lisa Sheridan) kills a home invasion robber in Showtime Entertainment 07.01.2014 self-defense, his vengeful girlfriend, Jade (Haylie Duff), Joy, Tamara Gorski, Bruce Greenwood, Hal befriends her at a crime victim support group and sets about 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120037 Holbrook, Sheila McCarthy, Sebastian trying to destroy her life. Roche - Dir. John Gray Movies, Thrillers, TV Movies 2012 90min. House Of Whipcord Biography, Biopics, Drama, Movies, War MTI Home Video 03.12.2013 Penny Irving, Dorothy Gordon, Sheila Keith, 2001 191min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119940 Ann Michelle, Ray Brooks, Patrick Barr, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Barbara Markham - Dir. Pete Walker 10.12.2013 Hoodlum Empire In House Of Whipcord, fashion model Ann-Marie (Penny 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119928 Irving) is lured into a private reform school where she is Brian Donlevy, Forrest Tucker, Claire punished for her sexually liberated behavior by a zealous Trevor - Dir. Joseph Kane warden (Barbara Markham). The warden and her doddering Hellcage: Inmate 611 - Part II Crime, Drama, Movies 1952 98min. husband established this house of horrors to stifle the sexual It’s called the House of Evils, where beasts in human flesh Olive Films 30.04.2013 revolution, imprisoning and killing those who offended their prowl the corridors and the most dangerous residents aren’t moral propriety. Only Ann-Marie’s liberated roommate (Ann the luscious inmates, but the predatory guards. For the crime 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119984 Michelle) can help her escape. This politically provocative of assaulting her lover, Saya Mizushima has been sentenced women-in-prison movie was made in reaction to the rise of to three years in the most brutal prison facility in Japan. It Hoodlum Empire (Blu-ray) The Nationwide Festival Of Light, a conservative group wasn’t supposed to be a life sentence, but unless the woman established to protest sex and violence in the British media. now known as Inmate 611 can learn how to hold her own Brian Donlevy, Forrest Tucker, Claire Euroshock, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Thril- against both the ruthlessness of her fellow inmates and the Trevor - Dir. Joseph Kane lers 1974 102min. brutal harassment of the guards, she’s got little chance of walking out with both mind and body intact. Stripped, Crime, Drama, Movies 1952 98min. Redemption USA 14.01.2014 shackled, but not yet broken, an international chain gang of Olive Films 30.04.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120513 red hot models and actresses lead by Akira Kiuchi, Harumi 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119992 Nemoto , Youko Kamon, Yoshimi Asada and Kei Mizutani prepare to march into the flames of the damned in Hellcage: Hugo / Willy Wonka (Double Fea- Inmate 611- Part II The Horsemen ture) Action, Foreign, Japanese, Movies 77min. Omar Sharif, Jack Palance - Dir. John Dodo Denney, Julie Dawn Cole, Roy Section23 Films 28.01.2014 Frankenheimer Kinnear, Jack Albertson, Jude Law, Paris 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120006 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. In Themmen, Leonard Stone, Peter Ostrum, Afghanistan, the ruthless sport of buzkashi (similar to polo) is Denise Nickerson, Gene Wilder, Ben Hell’s Half Acre a game of great pride. When Uraz (Omar Sharif, Lawrence of Kingsley, Ray Winstone, Emily Mortimer, Elsa Lanchester, Evelyn Keyes, Wendell Arabia) breaks his leg and loses a spirited match, he brings shame to his village, especially his father, Tursen (Jack Sacha Baron Cohen, Chloe Grace Moretz - Corey - Dir. John H. Auer Palance, City Slickers), a former champion. After losing his Dir. Martin Scorsese, Mel Stuart Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, leg below the knee, Uraz, in order to regain his honor, must Adventure, Book-To-Film, Double Features, Movies, Mystery 1954 90min. learn to ride again and win with a special, one-of-a-kind horse. Directed by John Frankenheimer (The Manchurian Drama, Family, Fantasy, Food & Cooking, Olive Films 26.03.2013 Candidate, 1962), The Horsemen is an epic, gripping tale. Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119969 Action, Adventure, Movies 108min. Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 SPHE MOD 05.11.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120593 Hell’s Half Acre (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119895 Elsa Lanchester, Evelyn Keyes, Wendell The Hunt Corey - Dir. John H. Auer House Of Bad Thomas Bo Larsen, Mads Mikkelsen - Dir. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Three sisters with a history. a suitcase full of stolen drugs. Thomas Vinterberg Film Noir, Movies, Mystery 1954 90min. And a family house with a dark secret. That’s the recipe for Directed and co-written by Thomas Vinterberg, The Hunt is a Olive Films 26.03.2013 terror in House Of Bad- a fusion of horror and heist genres disturbing depiction of how a lie becomes the truth when that keeps the Audience guessing throughout. House Of Bad gossip, doubt and malice are allowed to flourish and ignite a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119982 features three talented young actresses in electrifying roles- witch-hunt that soon threatens to destroy an innocent man’s Heather l. Tyler (Fallen, Nerve), Sadie KatZ, (Scorned), & life. Mads Mikkelsen won the Best Actor Award at the 2012 Here’s Edie: The Edie Adams Te- Cheryl Sands (Otis E., Nip/Tuck). they are caught in an ever- Cannes Film Festival for his penetrating portrayal of Lucas, a escalatiing series of terrifying situations and darkly sexual former school teacher who has been forced to start over levision Collection scenarios. Supporting this cast are director Jim Towns (Pro- having overcome a tough divorce and the loss of his job. Just metheus Triumphant, Stiff), producer co-writer Scott FraZelle as things are starting to go his way, his life is shattered when Mitzi McCall, Edie Adams, Charlie Brill (Creepshow III) and composer Terry Huud (Children Of The an untruthful remark throws his small community into a Here’s Edie: The Edie Adams Television Collection is a 4 Corn III, Toolbox Murders II). collective state of hysteria. As the lie spreads, Lucas is DVD, 12 hour set of the entire run of Edie Adams variety Horror, Movies, Thrillers 96min. forced to fight a lonely fight for his life and dignity. show, which aired on ABC from 1962-64. It is the first-ever release of her classic variety show after more than 50 years. Osiris Entertainment 03.12.2013 Danish, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Teachers Comedy, Television, Variety / Game Shows 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119885 2012 115min. 1964 720min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Music Video Distribution 19.11.2013 House Of Bodies 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120442 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120163 Terrence Howard, Queen Latifah, Peter Fonda - Dir. Alex Merkin The Hunt (Blu-ray) Hit! Detective Starks investigates mysterious murders very Thomas Bo Larsen, Mads Mikkelsen - Dir. similar to those committed by the incarcerated serial killer Paul Hampton, Billy Dee Williams, Richard Henry Lee Bishop. As Starks tries to crack through Bishop’s Thomas Vinterberg Pryor - Dir. Sidney J. Furie creepy demeanor to get answers, a young deaf boy finds Directed and co-written by Thomas Vinterberg, The Hunt is a himself witness to a college girl fighting to stay alive on a disturbing depiction of how a lie becomes the truth when Action, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Movies voyeur house website - webcast from the very house where gossip, doubt and malice are allowed to flourish and ignite a 1973 134min. Bishop committed the murders years before. witch-hunt that soon threatens to destroy an innocent man’s life. Mads Mikkelsen won the Best Actor Award at the 2012 Olive Films 24.04.2012 Movies, Thrillers 2013 80min. Cannes Film Festival for his penetrating portrayal of Lucas, a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119983 E1 Entertainment 28.01.2014 former school teacher who has been forced to start over 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120379 having overcome a tough divorce and the loss of his job. Just as things are starting to go his way, his life is shattered when Hit! (Blu-ray) an untruthful remark throws his small community into a Paul Hampton, Billy Dee Williams, Richard House Of Lies: The Second collective state of hysteria. As the lie spreads, Lucas is Pryor - Dir. Sidney J. Furie forced to fight a lonely fight for his life and dignity. Season Danish, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Teachers Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Donis Leonard, Josh Lawson, Ben 2012 115min. Movies 1973 134min. Schwartz, Dawn Olivieri, Kristen Bell, Magnolia Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Olive Films 24.04.2012 Glynn Turman, Don Cheadle 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120459 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119991 House Of Lies is a scathing, Corporate America-skewering comedy about a self-loathing management consultant (Academy Award nominee Don Cheadle) from a top tier firm The Hurricane (Blu-ray + Home Invasion who is never above using any means (or anyone) necessary Lisa Sheridan, Haylie Duff, Jason Brooks, to get his way with and for his clients. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Al Sapienza, Barbara Niven, C. Thomas Comedy, On The Job, Showtime, Television Denzel Washington, Viscellous Reon Howell 2013 340min. Shannon, John Hannah, David Paymer, Rod

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Steiger, Liev Schreiber, Deborah Unger, Double Features, Drama, Movies, Romance, Dir. William McGann Harris Yulin, Dan Hedaya - Dir. Norman Tragedies 178min. Tom Craig (John Wayne), a handsome physician in the goldrush days, discovers that Sacramento politician Britt Jewison Image Ent. 14.01.2014 Dawson has become wealthy from forced tributes levied on Academy Award®-winner Denzel Washington plays Rubin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120412 ranches. Irate and incensed, he leads the rancers in a „Hurricane“ Carter, a man who, in the prime of his boxing successful revolt against the unfair taxes. In retalition, career finds himself wrongfully convicted of murder. Dawson viciously taints a tonic prescribed by Tom, and a Sentenced to life in prison, Carter’s published memoir, The I Will Follow You Into The Dark patient is killed. Dawson hides the evidence and incites the Sixteenth Round, inspired a teenager (Vicellous Reon Ryan Eggold, Leah Pipes, Mischa Barton mob into a furious race against Tom claiming he’s an unfit Shannon) from Brooklyn and three Canadian activists physician. When gold is discovered at Sutter’s Mill, the (Deborah Kara Unger, John Hannah, L. Schreiber) who Drama, Horror, Movies, Romance, Thrillers announcement distracts the crowd, saving Tom from being believed in the truth, to join forces with Carter to prove his 2012 112min. lynched. How will the local residents feel about Tom when innocence. Their extraordinary efforts ultimately secure this Millennium Entertainment 28.01.2014 he’s the only doctor in town especially when a terrible release, leaving Hurricane to sum up his 20 years in prison epidemic breaks out? Will Dawson still be able to make good for a crime he didn’t commit by simply stating, „Hate got me 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120571 on his attempts to destroy Tom? The outcome will have you on into this place, love got me out.“ Don’t miss the movie Rolling the edge of you saddle as the action builds to an exciting Stone called, „A stirring fight for freedom! Denzel Washington The Iceman (Blu-ray + DVD Com- conclusion. at his powerful, poignant best!“ Classics, Movies, Western 1942 88min. Boxing, Drama, Movies, Prison, Sports bo) (Blu-ray) Olive Films 28.05.2013 1999 146min. Chris Evans, Danny Abeckaser, Michael 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119993 Universal Studios 07.01.2014 Shannon, James Franco, Robert Davi, Da- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120561 vid Schwimmer, , Ray Liotta - In Sickness And In Health / To Dir. Ariel Vromen Hustle & Flow / Purple Rain Assassins & Hitmen, Based-On-A-True- Love And To Cherish (Double (Double Feature) Story, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thril- Feature) Olga Karlatos, D.J. Qualls, Apollonia, lers 2012 105min. Chico Benymon, Denise Boutte, Tommy Terrence Howard, Taraji P. Henson, Millennium Entertainment 03.12.2013 Ford, Jennifer Freeman, Golden Brooks, Anthony Anderson, Elise Neal, Clarence 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120052 Mel Jackson - Dir. Roger Melvin Williams III, Morris Day, Prince, Taryn Double Features, Drama, Movies, Plays On Manning, Paula Jai Parker - Dir. Albert I’m So Excited (Blu-ray + DVD Stage, Romance 2012 176min. Magnoli, Craig Brewer Combo) (Blu-ray) Image Ent. 07.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120383 Cult Film / TV, Double Features, Drama, Hip- Carlos Areces, Antonio de la Torre, Hugo Hop, Movies, Music, Rap 227min. Silva, Paz Vega, Maria Leone, Penelope Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 Cruz, Antonio Banderas - Dir. Pedro In The Heat Of The Night (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120465 Almodovar Rod Steiger, Lee Grant, Sidney Poitier, War- A very varied group of people are in a precarious situation ren Oates - Dir. Norman Jewison I Cannibali (The Year Of The aboard a plane flying to Mexico City. A technical failure (a Starring Academy Award winners Sidney Poitier, Rod Steiger kind of justifiable negligence, even though it sounds and Lee Grant, this provocative mystery thriller won five 1967 Cannibals) contradictory, but that’s what human actions are) has Oscars including Best Picture. Highlighted by an evocative endangered the lives of the passengers on Peninsula Flight score from Oscar-winning composer Quincy Jones, In The Pierre Clementi, Britt Ekland, Tomas Milian - 2549. The pilots, hardened, experienced professionals are Heat Of The Night is a „powerful film“ (The New York Times) Dir. Liliana Cavani striving, along with their colleagues in the Control Center, to that delivers the „highest level of exciting entertainment“ The Cannibals is a modern reworking of the drama of Antigo- find a . The flight attendants and the chief steward are ()! While traveling in the deep south, ne, in the format of a radical political allegory. Set in the city atypical, baroque characters who, in the face of danger, try to Virgil Tibbs, a black Philadelphia homicide detective, of Milan, where a fascist government leaves the bodies of forget their own personal problems and devote themselves becomes unwittingly embroiled in the murder investigation of a captured rebels on the streets, it is about Antigone, who body and soul to the task of making the flight as enjoyable as prominent businessman when he is first accused of the crime - wants to bury her dead brother. possible for the passengers, while they wait for a solution. and then asked to solve it! Finding the killer proves to be Drama, Foreign, Italian, Movies 1970 78min. Life in the clouds is as complicated as it is at ground level, difficult, however, especially when his efforts are constantly and for the same reasons, which could be summarized in two: thwarted by the bigoted town Sheriff (Steiger). But neither Kino Video 14.01.2014 sex and death. The travelers in Business Class consist of a man can solve this case alone. Putting aside their differences 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120510 pair of newlyweds, partygoers, worn out by their wedding and prejudices, they join forces in a desperate race against celebration; a financier and embezzler; unscrupulous in time to discover the shocking truth. I Cannibali (The Year Of The business but also a father afflicted by his daughter’s Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top estrangement; an inveterate Don Juan with an unea 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Cops, Crime, Comedy, Foreign, Movies, Spanish 2013 Cannibals) (Blu-ray) Detectives, Drama, Movies, Murder 90min. Pierre Clementi, Britt Ekland, Tomas Milian - Mysteries, Mystery, National Film Registry, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Dir. Liliana Cavani Thrillers 1967 110min. 07.01.2014 The Cannibals is a modern reworking of the drama of Antigo- MGM / UA 14.01.2014 ne, in the format of a radical political allegory. Set in the city 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120223 of Milan, where a fascist government leaves the bodies of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120456 captured rebels on the streets, it is about Antigone, who wants to bury her dead brother. In Old California Indiana Jones And The Last Drama, Foreign, Italian, Movies 1970 78min. John Wayne, Helen Parrish, Binnie Barnes, Kino Video 14.01.2014 Albert Dekker, Patsy Kelly, Edgar Kennedy - Crusade (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120535 Dir. William McGann Kevork Malikyan, Denholm Elliott, Alison Tom Craig (John Wayne), a handsome physician in the Doody, Michael Byrne, Julian Glover, Sean I Used To Be Darker goldrush days, discovers that Sacramento politician Britt Connery, River , Harrison Ford - Dawson has become wealthy from forced tributes levied on When Taryn, a Northern Irish runaway, finds herself in ranches. Irate and incensed, he leads the rancers in a Dir. Steven Spielberg trouble in Ocean City, she seeks refuge with her aunt and successful revolt against the unfair taxes. In retalition, There’s nothing more exciting than trying to keep up with the uncle in Baltimore. But Kim and Bill have problems of their Dawson viciously taints a tonic prescribed by Tom, and a Joneses in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Indy’s Nazi own: they’re trying to handle the end of their marriage patient is killed. Dawson hides the evidence and incites the enemies are back and have kidnapped his father, Professor gracefully for the sake of their daughter Abby, just home from mob into a furious race against Tom claiming he’s an unfit Henry Jones Sr. (Sean Connery), to get help in their search her first year of college. A story of family revelations, people physician. When gold is discovered at Sutter’s Mill, the for the Holy Grail. Following a trail from America to Venice to finding each other and letting each other go, looking for love announcement distracts the crowd, saving Tom from being the deserts of the Middle East, it’s up to Indy (Harrison Ford) where they’ve found it before and, when that doesn’t work, lynched. How will the local residents feel about Tom when to save his father, save the Grail and save the day in this figuring out where they might find it next. he’s the only doctor in town especially when a terrible non-stop action-packed adventure the whole family will Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Family, epidemic breaks out? Will Dawson still be able to make good treasure. Movies 2013 90min. on his attempts to destroy Tom? The outcome will have you on Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Historical / Strand Releasing 28.01.2014 the edge of you saddle as the action builds to an exciting Period Piece, Jungle, Movies, Thrillers 1989 conclusion. 126min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120187 Classics, Movies, Western 1942 88min. Paramount Pictures 17.12.2013 Olive Films 28.05.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120091 I Will Follow / 24 Hour Love 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119986 (Double Feature) Indiana Jones And The Raiders Omari Hardwick, Malinda Williams, Tatyana In Old California (Blu-ray) Ali, Keith Robinson, Salli Richardson - Dir. John Wayne, Helen Parrish, Binnie Barnes, Of The Lost Ark (Blu-ray) Fred Thomas Albert Dekker, Patsy Kelly, Edgar Kennedy - Harrison Ford, Alfred Molina, Wolf Kahler, Ronald Lacey, Denholm Elliott, Anthony

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Higgins, Paul Freeman, Karen Allen - Dir. family as they seek to uncover the mysterious childhood journey that is „hugely entertaining“ (Joe Morgenstern, The Steven Spielberg secret that has left them dangerously connected to the spirit Wall Street Journal). world. They must rely on familiar allies to exile the demons Action, Based On Comic Book, Movies, Get ready for edge-of-your-seat thrills in Indiana Jones and that follow them and unearth the secret before the evil the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indy (Harrison Ford) and his continues its deadly rampage. Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne Science Fiction, Superheroes 2008 min. feisty ex-flame Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) dodge and Barbara Hershey reprise their roles in the film directed Disney / Buena Vista 24.09.2013 booby-traps, fight Nazis and stare down snakes in their by James Wan (Insidious, The Conjuring). incredible worldwide quest for the mystical Ark of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120502 Covenant. Experience one exciting cliffhanger after another Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Pos- when you discover adventure with the one and only Indiana session, Supernatural & Paranormal, Thril- Iron Man (Blu-ray) Jones. lers 2013 106min. Shaun Toub, Terrence Howard, Gwyneth Action, Adventure, AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Paltrow, Robert Downey Jr., Jeff Bridges - Classics, Historical / Period Piece, Jungle, 24.12.2013 Movies, National Film Registry, Thrillers Dir. Jon Favreau 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120400 Suit up for action with Robert Downey, Jr. in the ultimate 1981 115min. adventure movie you’ve been waiting for, Iron Man! When jet- Paramount Pictures 17.12.2013 Instructions Not Included (Blu-ray setting genius-industrialist Tony Stark is captured in enemy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120089 territory, he builds a high-tech suit of to escape. Now, + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) he’s on a mission to save the world as a hero who’s built, not Eugenio Derbez - Dir. Eugenio Derbez born, to be unlike any other. Co-starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Indiana Jones And The Temple Terrence Howard and Jeff Bridges, it’s a fantastic, high-flying Resident bachelor Valentin Bravo has his life turned upside journey that is „hugely entertaining“ (Joe Morgenstern, The Of Doom (Blu-ray) down when a former fling leaves a baby girl on his doorstep. Wall Street Journal). He moves to L.A. in search of the mother, but unable to find Amrish Puri, Philip Stone, Jonathan Ke her, he decides to raise the baby and gets a job as one of Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Quan, Roshan Seth, Roy Chiao, Kate Hollywood’s top stuntmen. Movies, Science Fiction, Superheroes 2008 Capshaw, , Harrison Ford - Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Movies min. Dir. Steven Spielberg 2013 115min. Disney / Buena Vista 24.09.2013 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom brings you non-stop Lionsgate 21.01.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120526 thrills and excitement like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Indy (Harrison Ford), his sidekick Short Round (Ke Huy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120591 Quan), and nightclub singer Willie Scott (Kate Capshaw) go Iron Man 2 from high-flying action above the Himalayas to a nail-biting Instructions Not Included (DVD + runaway mine car chase and finally a spine-tingling escape Scarlett Johansson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sam from a fortress-like mine in India. Hang on tight as the world’s UltraViolet) Rockwell, Robert Downey Jr., Mickey ultimate action hero takes you on a heart-pumping roller- Rourke, Don Cheadle, Samuel L. Jackson - coaster ride of adventure that’s guaranteed to keep you on the Eugenio Derbez - Dir. Eugenio Derbez edge of your seat. Resident bachelor Valentin Bravo has his life turned upside Dir. Jon Favreau down when a former fling leaves a baby girl on his doorstep. Robert Downey Jr. returns as billionaire Tony Stark in this Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Historical / He moves to L.A. in search of the mother, but unable to find thrilling sequel to the worldwide blockbuster. Now that his Period Piece, Jungle, Movies, Thrillers 1984 her, he decides to raise the baby and gets a job as one of superhero secret has been revealed, Tony’s life is more 118min. Hollywood’s top stuntmen. intense than ever. Everyone wants in on the Iron Man Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Movies technology, whether for power or profit...but for Ivan Vanko Paramount Pictures 17.12.2013 („Whiplash“), it’s revenge! Tony must once again suit up and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120090 2013 115min. face his most dangerous enemy yet, but not without a few new Lionsgate 21.01.2014 allies of his own. Co-starring Mickey Rourke, Gwyneth 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120577 Paltrow, Don Cheadle, and Scarlett Johansson, Iron Man 2 is Innocent Bystanders „Spectacular“ Geraldine Chaplin, Donald Pleasence, Stan- Action, Based On Comic Book, Movies, ley Baker - Dir. Peter Collinson Intersection / Nights In Rodanthe Science Fiction, Superheroes 2010 min. Action, Adventure, British, Crime, Foreign, (Double Feature) Disney / Buena Vista 24.09.2013 Movies 1972 111min. Diane Lane, Scott Glenn, Sharon Stone, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120503 Olive Films 19.02.2013 Becky Ann Baker, Viola Davis, Christopher 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119987 Meloni, Lolita Davidovich, Martin Landau, Iron Man 2 (Blu-ray + DVD Combo Richard Gere - Dir. Mark Rydell, George C. + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Wolfe Innocent Bystanders (Blu-ray) Scarlett Johansson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sam Affairs & Love Triangles, Double Features, Geraldine Chaplin, Donald Pleasence, Stan- Rockwell, Robert Downey Jr., Mickey Drama, Movies, Romance min. ley Baker - Dir. Peter Collinson Rourke, Don Cheadle, Samuel L. Jackson - Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, British, Crime, Dir. Jon Favreau Foreign, Movies 1972 111min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120594 Robert Downey Jr. returns as billionaire Tony Stark in this Olive Films 19.02.2013 thrilling sequel to the worldwide blockbuster. Now that his Iron Girl superhero secret has been revealed, Tony’s life is more 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119994 intense than ever. Everyone wants in on the Iron Man In a distant land and an unknown time, a small village is under technology, whether for power or profit...but for Ivan Vanko Insidious: Chapter 2 (Blu-ray + siege, terrorized by the brutal reign of the bandits known as („Whiplash“), it’s revenge! Tony must once again suit up and the Crazy Dogs. However, the legends of the village speak of face his most dangerous enemy yet, but not without a few new DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) an Iron Clad Savior, one who shall come to the aid of the allies of his own. Co-starring Mickey Rourke, Gwyneth people and liberate them from the forces of evil and Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Scarlett Johansson and Samuel L. Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Barbara oppression. So when brave young Anne is miraculously Jackson, Iron Man 2 is a „total blast!“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Hershey - Dir. James Wan rescued from a vicious bandit attack by a superhumanly Stone) How deep into the darkness will you go to discover the truth? strong heroine in shining armor, she becomes convinced that Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, The terrifying sequel to Insidious follows the haunted Lambert this mysterious fighter must be the figure from the prophecy. family as they seek to uncover the mysterious childhood However, the woman known only as Iron Girl has been cursed Movies, Science Fiction, Superheroes 2010 secret that has left them dangerously connected to the spirit with amnesia, and not even she knows whether she can min. world. They must rely on familiar allies to exile the demons actually defeat the Crazy Dogs. Not that the Dogs are about Disney / Buena Vista 13.08.2013 that follow them and unearth the secret before the evil to let any potential threat to their power stay alive. Prepare continues its deadly rampage. Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne for a battle royale as a full frontal assault of female fury tears 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120527 and Barbara Hershey reprise their roles in the film directed into the dogs of war in Iron Girl! by James Wan (Insidious, The Conjuring). Action, Foreign, Japanese, Movies 92min. Ironweed Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Pos- Section23 Films 21.01.2014 Tom Waits, Fred Gwynne, Carroll Baker, session, Supernatural & Paranormal, Thril- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120003 Meryl Streep, Nathan Lane, Diane Venora, lers 2013 106min. Jack Nicholson - Dir. Hector Babenco Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Iron Man Academy Award winners Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep 24.12.2013 Shaun Toub, Terrence Howard, Gwyneth star with Fred Gwynne and rock singer Tom Waits in this 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120410 bittersweet story of haunting memories and the harsh realities Paltrow, Robert Downey Jr., Jeff Bridges - of life on the streets. It’s winter, 1938 in Albany, New York. Dir. Jon Favreau The soup kitchens and flophouses are overflowing with Insidious: Chapter 2 (DVD + Suit up for action with Robert Downey, Jr. in the ultimate homeless street people seeking food and refuge from the adventure movie you’ve been waiting for, Iron Man! When jet- unforgiving cold. Francis Phelan (Nicholson) wanders the UltraViolet) setting genius-industrialist Tony Stark is captured in enemy streets, back in his hometown after 22 years, an aimless Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Barbara territory, he builds a high-tech suit of armor to escape. Now, vagabond ready to confront the family he abandoned long ago. he’s on a mission to save the world as a hero who’s built, not While sharing his whiskey with longtime „pal“ Helen (Streep), Hershey - Dir. James Wan born, to be unlike any other. Co-starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Francis reveals the dark secrets of his past, the painful How deep into the darkness will you go to discover the truth? Terrence Howard and Jeff Bridges, it’s a fantastic, high-flying memories from which he once tried to escape... but now must The terrifying sequel to Insidious follows the haunted Lambert

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 81 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA reconcile. entering his neighbors’ homes and running away from his own. hard, laughed out loud and lived life by the code, the more the Drama, Movies 1987 143min. His explosively dysfunctional family reaches new levels of woman, the More to Love. That is until Margo returns from lunacy when Mom decides to pack her bags to start a new life Chicago with not just a new job, but a new body to go along Olive Films 26.03.2013 in Greece. Leon is prepared to do anything to kill the pain of it with it. Armed with a new image, no man is safe, not even 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119988 all, from destroying the neighbors’ homes to even, why not, Terence, Karen’s Bar Exam study partner and secret crush. falling in love with best friend Lea. Together, they will Believing that a full figured woman could never land a man overcome the pain of growing up when you feel abandoned. like Terrence, Karen moves out of the way and Margo and Ironweed (Blu-ray) Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Terrence get engaged. However, on Karen’s 30th birthday, Tom Waits, Fred Gwynne, Carroll Baker, Terrence professes his love for her. After sharing a night of Family, Foreign, French, Movies 2008 passion, Karen must decide whether to fight for the man she Meryl Streep, Nathan Lane, Diane Venora, 110min. loves or watch him walk down the aisle with Margo. Jack Nicholson - Dir. Hector Babenco First Run Features 04.02.2014 Movies, Romance 2013 76min. Academy Award winners Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep star with Fred Gwynne and rock singer Tom Waits in this 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120632 E1 Entertainment 14.01.2014 bittersweet story of haunting memories and the harsh realities 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120250 of life on the streets. It’s winter, 1938 in Albany, New York. It’s Only Money The soup kitchens and flophouses are overflowing with homeless street people seeking food and refuge from the Zachary Scott, Jerry Lewis - Dir. Frank Joanie Loves Chachi: The unforgiving cold. Francis Phelan (Nicholson) wanders the Tashlin Complete Series streets, back in his hometown after 22 years, an aimless vagabond ready to confront the family he abandoned long ago. Comedy, Movies 1962 min. Scott Baio, Erin Moran While sharing his whiskey with longtime „pal“ Helen (Streep), Olive Films 27.03.2012 Set in the 1960’s, this Happy Days spin-off centers on Joanie Francis reveals the dark secrets of his past, the painful 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119989 Cunningham and her boyfriend Chachi Arcola, who move to memories from which he once tried to escape... but now must Chicago and start a rock band, often performing at his family’s reconcile. Italian restaurant. Drama, Movies 1987 143min. It’s Only Money (Blu-ray) Comedy, Music, Romance, Television 1982 Olive Films 26.03.2013 Zachary Scott, Jerry Lewis - Dir. Frank 410min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119995 Tashlin Paramount Pictures 04.02.2014 Comedy, Movies 1962 83min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120539 Irreconcilable Differences (Blu- Olive Films 27.03.2012 ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119997 Johnny Guitar Sharon Stone, Shelley Long, Drew Mercedes McCambridge, Joan Crawford, Barrymore - Dir. Charles Shyer The Jayhawkers Sterling Hayden - Dir. Nicholas Ray Ryan O’Neal (What’s Up Doc?, The Main Event), Emmy Nicole Maurey, Fess Parker, Jeff Chandler - Drama, Movies, Western 1954 110min. winner Shelley Long (Cheers) and adorable Drew Barrymore Dir. Melvin Frank Olive Films 07.08.2012 (, E.T.: The Extraterrestrial) light up the screen in this witty and poignant romantic comedy. As the Movies, Western 1959 100min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120008 story opens, nine-year-old Casey (Barrymore) is taking her Olive Films 24.04.2012 parents to court - suing them for divorce! Through flashbacks 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120007 Johnny Guitar (Blu-ray) studded with moments of high comedy and tinged with sadness, we learn Casey’s story: How her parents (O’Neal Mercedes McCambridge, Joan Crawford, and Long) met, married and wrote the script that earned them Jayne Mansfield’s Car Sterling Hayden - Dir. Nicholas Ray millions. How success led to divorce - and left Casey on the sidelines. And finally, how Casey decided to strike a blow to Ray Stevenson, Tippi Hedren, Kevin Bacon Drama, Movies, Western 1954 110min. her own freedom, dragging her protesting parents to court! It’s - Dir. Billy Bob Thornton Olive Films 07.08.2012 a scathing satire, screwball comedy and surprisingly touching In what critics are calling his best work as writer/director 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120024 drama, as Casey and her folks come to grips with since Slingblade, Academy Award winner Billy Bob Thornton Irreconcilable Differences. stars - along with Oscar winner Robert Duvall, two-time Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 1984 Oscar nominee John Hurt and Golden Globe winner Kevin Jug Face (Blu-ray) Bacon - in this story of fathers and sons, wars and peace, and 113min. the turbulent time that changed America forever. It’s 1969 in a Lauren Ashley Carter, Sean Bridges, Larry Olive Films 19.02.2013 small Alabama town, and the death of a quirky clan ¡ ¦s long- Fessenden, Sean Young, Andrew Van Den 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119996 estranged wife and mother brings together two very different Houten, Robert Tonino families for the funeral. But do the scars of the past hide Jug Face tells the story of a pregnant teen trying to escape a differences that will tear them apart or expose truths that backwoods community when she discovers that she may be It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World: could lead to the most unexpected collisions of all? Robert sacrificed to a creature in a pit. Patrick (Walk The Line), Ray Stevenson (Dexter), Katherine The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray LaNasa (Deception) and Frances O’Connor (The Hunter) co- Horror, Movies 5201 81min. + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) star in the acclaimed comedy/drama that TwitchFilm calls „A Music Video Distribution 15.10.2013 perfect film for a lazy summer day with near-perfect 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119952 Spencer Tracy, Terry Thomas, Buddy performances across the board!“ Hackett, Phil Silvers, Ethel Merman, Dick Drama, Movies 2012 121min. Shawn, Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, Jonathan Starz / Anchor Bay 10.12.2013 Julius Caesar Winters, Mickey Rooney - Dir. Stanley 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119906 Jason Robards, Charlton Heston, John Kramer Gielgud, Richard Chamberlain, Diana Rigg, Spencer Tracy heads a hilariously zany cast that stars Jayne Mansfield’s Car (Blu-ray) Robert Vaughn - Dir. Stuart Burge Hollywood’s greatest comedians (Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, It is an age of unparalleled power and glory. Rome has Buddy Hackett, Ethel Merman, Mickey Rooney, Dick Shawn, Ray Stevenson, Tippi Hedren, Kevin Bacon become the mightiest empire the world has ever known. It is a Phil Silvers, Terry-Thomas and ) and - Dir. Billy Bob Thornton bloody era of violence and intrigue. It is the time of Julius features cameo appearances by every and jester in the In what critics are calling his best work as writer/director Caesar. As Rome’s greatest empire, Caesar holds absolute business, from Don Knotts and Jerry Lewis to The Three since Slingblade, Academy Award winner Billy Bob Thornton dominion over the conquered world. But his jealous rivals in Stooges. Nominated for 6 Oscars®, It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, stars - along with Oscar winner Robert Duvall, two-time the Roman senate wish to rob his power... by taking his life. Mad World is „an explosive motion picture experience“ Oscar nominee John Hurt and Golden Globe winner Kevin Led by ambitious Cassius and reluctantly joined by the (Variety)! On a winding desert highway, eight vacation-bound Bacon - in this story of fathers and sons, wars and peace, and patriotic Brutus, the conspirators secretly plot to assassinate motorists share an experience that alters their plans - and the turbulent time that changed America forever. It’s 1969 in a Caesar. Even the leader’s political ally and friend Mark their lives! After a mysterious stranger divulges the location small Alabama town, and the death of a quirky clan ¡ ¦s long- Antony cannot keep him from his brutal fate; a violent death of a stolen fortune, they each speed off in a mind-bending, estranged wife and mother brings together two very different that will divide the empire’s ruling forces and ignite an epic car-bashing race for the loot - and the most side-splitting families for the funeral. But do the scars of the past hide war for honor, vengeance and ultimate power! laughfest in history. differences that will tear them apart or expose truths that Ancient Greece / Rome, Drama, Epics, Action, Adventure, AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, could lead to the most unexpected collisions of all? Robert Historical / Period Piece, Movies 1970 Classics, Comedy, Crime, Criterion Patrick (Walk The Line), Ray Stevenson (Dexter), Katherine LaNasa (Deception) and Frances O’Connor (The Hunter) co- 116min. Collection, Movies, Road Trips 1963 star in the acclaimed comedy/drama that TwitchFilm calls „A Olive Films 19.02.2013 159min. perfect film for a lazy summer day with near-perfect 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120009 Criterion 21.01.2014 performances across the board!“ 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120343 Drama, Movies 2012 121min. Starz / Anchor Bay 10.12.2013 Julius Caesar (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119915 Jason Robards, Charlton Heston, John It’s Not Me I Swear! Gielgud, Richard Chamberlain, Diana Rigg, Suzanne Clement, Daniel Briere - Dir. Je’Caryous Johnson’s More To Robert Vaughn - Dir. Stuart Burge Philippe Falardeau It is an age of unparalleled power and glory. Rome has Leon is not like most 10-year-olds. This innocent looking boy Love become the mightiest empire the world has ever known. It is a with an overly fertile imagination is a young hellion, a Sisters Margo and Karen, along with best friend ‘Chelle, bloody era of violence and intrigue. It is the time of Julius consummate liar and thief well-versed in breaking and were full figured, bootylicious and proud of it - they loved Caesar. As Rome’s greatest empire, Caesar holds absolute

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 82 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA dominion over the conquered world. But his jealous rivals in boggling comedy. „The Idiot“ (also known as „the Prince,“ and weapon outfitted with high-tech gadgets and a personality of the Roman senate wish to rob his power... by taking his life. played by Godard himself) has been guaranteed financing for its own. Driven by justice, they set out to take down criminals Led by ambitious Cassius and reluctantly joined by the a film, if he can deliver it within 24 hours. But he encounters who operate above the law in this 21-episode DVD set tricked patriotic Brutus, the conspirators secretly plot to assassinate all sorts of hilarious problems as he attempts to do so. out with loads of special extras, including a bonus disc Caesar. Even the leader’s political ally and friend Mark Meanwhile, a pop group works on a new album. This episodic featuring the movie sequel, Knight Rider 2000. Antony cannot keep him from his brutal fate; a violent death comedy is a brilliant homage to Jerry Lewis. It includes Action, Cars & Motorcycles, Crime, that will divide the empire’s ruling forces and ignite an epic hilarious gags involving golf and travel, and some „ravishing war for honor, vengeance and ultimate power! images“. (V.A. Musetto, ) One of the most Science Fiction, Television 1982 1185min. Ancient Greece / Rome, Blu-ray, Drama, influential filmmakers of all time, Jean-Luc Godard has Universal Studios 07.01.2014 directed over eighty films, including Breathless, Contempt, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120054 Epics, Historical / Period Piece, Movies Alphaville, Letter to Jane, Passion, Histoire(s) du cinema, 1970 116min. and IN Praise of Love. Numero deux, Ici et ailleurs, and Olive Films 19.02.2013 Comment ca va are all available on the Facets Video Label. La Vie De Boheme: The Criterion 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120025 Comedy, Movies 1987 82min. Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Olive Films 25.06.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120010 (Blu-ray) Jump Evelyne Didi, Andre Wilms - Dir. Aki Nichola Burley, Martin McCann Keep Your Right Up! (Blu-ray) Kaurismaki This stylish, fast-paced romantic thriller follows the trials and This deadpan tragicomedy about a group of impoverished, tribulations of three seemingly unconnected sets of young Pauline Lafont, Fred Chichin, Michel outcast artists living the bohemian life in Paris is among the people in Belfast on New Year’s Eve. Gradually, the links Galabru, Jane Birkin most beguiling films by Finnish director Aki Kaurismäki (Le between them are revealed as fate takes a hand in a night of Havre). Based on stories from Henri Murger’s influential mid fast talk, accidents and intrigue. Jean-Luc Goddard wrote, directed, and edited this mind- boggling comedy. „The Idiot“ (also known as „the Prince,“ and nineteenth-century book Scènes de la vie de bohème (the British, Drama, Foreign, Movies 2012 played by Godard himself) has been guaranteed financing for basis for the opera La bohème), the film features a marvelous 81min. a film, if he can deliver it within 24 hours. But he encounters trio of Kaurismäki regulars, André Wilms, Matti Breaking Glass Pictures 10.12.2013 all sorts of hilarious problems as he attempts to do so. Pellonpää, and Karl Väänänen, as a poet, painter, and Meanwhile, a pop group works on a new album. This episodic composer who scrape by together, sharing in life’s daily 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119912 comedy is a brilliant homage to Jerry Lewis. It includes absurdities. Gorgeously shot in black and white, La vie de hilarious gags involving golf and travel, and some „ravishing bohème is a vibrantly scrappy rendition of a beloved tale. Justified: The Complete Fourth images“. (V.A. Musetto, New York Post) One of the most Criterion, Comedy, Criterion Collection, influential filmmakers of all time, Jean-Luc Godard has Drama, Foreign, French, Movies 1992 Season directed over eighty films, including Breathless, Contempt, Alphaville, Letter to Jane, Passion, Histoire(s) du cinema, 103min. Erica Tazel, Jacob Pitts, Walton Goggins, and IN Praise of Love. Numero deux, Ici et ailleurs, and Criterion 21.01.2014 Nick Searcy, Timothy Olyphant, Joelle Car- Comment ca va are all available on the Facets Video Label. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120344 ter Comedy, Movies 1987 82min. The Emmy Award-winning Justified returns for its fourth Olive Films 25.06.2013 Lady For A Night season with U.S. Marshall Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120026 picking at the thread of a cold case over 30 years in the Philip Merivale, Joan Blondell, John Wayne making and unraveling a riddle that echoes all the way back to - Dir. Leigh Jason his boyhood and his criminal father’s bad dealings. Kick-Ass 2 Meanwhile, Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins) finds his own Drama, Movies, Romance 1942 87min. criminal grip on Harlan County loosening due to a Pentecostal Aaron Taylor Johnson, Chloe Grace Moretz Olive Films 26.02.2013 preacher with a penchant for theatrics and a knack for - Dir. Jeff Wadlow 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120011 manipulation. Developed by Graham Yost, Justified is based Self-made superhero Kick-Ass (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and on the works of crime novelist Elmore Leonard, including sweet-faced, foul-mouthed assassin Hit Girl (Chloë Grace Leonard’s short story „Fire in the Hole.“ Moretz) try to return to life as „normal“ teenagers, but soon Lady For A Night (Blu-ray) Action, Crime, Drama, FX, Television 2013 they are faced with their deadliest challenge yet. To seek Philip Merivale, Joan Blondell, John Wayne 558min. revenge for his father’s death, Red Mist (Christopher Mintz- - Dir. Leigh Jason Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Plasse) has re-invented himself as the leader of an evil league of super-villains. To defeat their new nemesis, Kick- Drama, Movies, Romance 1942 87min. 17.12.2013 Ass and Hit Girl must team up with a new wave of masked Olive Films 26.02.2013 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120209 crusaders, led by the badass Colonel Stars and Stripes (Jim Carrey), in this battle of real-life villains and heroes. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120027 Action, Based On Comic Book, Comedy, Justified: The Complete Fourth Crime, Dark Comedy, Movies, Superheroes Lady From Louisiana Season (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) 2013 103min. Ray Middleton, Ona Munson, John Wayne - (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 17.12.2013 Dir. Bernard Vorhaus Erica Tazel, Natalie Zea, Jacob Pitts, Wal- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120031 Drama, Movies 82min. ton Goggins, Nick Searcy, Timothy Olive Films 28.05.2013 Olyphant, Joelle Carter Kick-Ass 2 (Blu-ray + DVD + 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120012 The Emmy Award-winning Justified returns for its fourth UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) season with U.S. Marshall Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) picking at the thread of a cold case over 30 years in the Aaron Taylor Johnson, Chloe Grace Moretz Lady From Louisiana (Blu-ray) making and unraveling a riddle that echoes all the way back to - Dir. Jeff Wadlow Ray Middleton, Ona Munson, John Wayne - his boyhood and his criminal father’s bad dealings. Self-made superhero Kick-Ass (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Dir. Bernard Vorhaus Meanwhile, Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins) finds his own sweet-faced, foul-mouthed assassin Hit Girl (Chloë Grace criminal grip on Harlan County loosening due to a Pentecostal Moretz) try to return to life as „normal“ teenagers, but soon Drama, Movies 82min. preacher with a penchant for theatrics and a knack for they are faced with their deadliest challenge yet. To seek Olive Films 28.05.2013 manipulation. Developed by Graham Yost, Justified is based revenge for his father’s death, Red Mist (Christopher Mintz- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120028 on the works of crime novelist Elmore Leonard, including Plasse) has re-invented himself as the leader of an evil Leonard’s short story „Fire in the Hole.“ league of super-villains. To defeat their new nemesis, Kick- Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, FX, Televisi- Ass and Hit Girl must team up with a new wave of masked The Lady Vanishes on 2013 558min. crusaders, led by the badass Colonel Stars and Stripes (Jim Iris Carr is travelling across Europe by train when she Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Carrey), in this battle of real-life villains and heroes. unwittingly becomes embroiled in a sinister Balkan plot. Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, 17.12.2013 Feeling disorientated after a fall, Iris is befriended by Miss Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Movies, Froy, an elderly English woman sharing her carriage. But 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120224 when she wakes up from a few hours’ sleep, Miss Froy has Superheroes 2013 103min. vanished without trace. As fellow passengers claim the lady Universal Studios 17.12.2013 never existed, Iris faces danger and intrigue as she fights to Kansas City Confidential / The 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120033 discover the fate of Miss Froy - and prove that she’s not Stranger (2 Pack) (Blu-ray) going crazy. Or is she? BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, International, 2 Packs, Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Film Knight Rider: Season One International TV, Movies, Mystery, TV Noir, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers min. (Repackage) Movies 2012 90min. Film Chest Media Group 21.02.2012 David Hasselhoff BBC Home Video 04.02.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120395 Gear up for action with superstar David Hasselhoff and his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120466 supercar, K.I.T.T., as they throttle crime in every high-octane Keep Your Right Up! episode from the first season of Knight Rider, finally available to own for the first time on DVD. The series follows the Last Of The Summer Wine: Pauline Lafont, Fred Chichin, Michel thrilling adventures of Michael Knight, a detective thought to Galabru, Jane Birkin be dead, who’s been given a new face and identity. His Vintage 2001 Jean-Luc Goddard wrote, directed, and edited this mind- assignment: to fight crime with the help of an artificially Jane Freeman, Peter Sallis intelligent, talking car named K.I.T.T., a high-speed, futuristic

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 83 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Truly claims that a wild tiger in on the loose, and all gather for Olive Films 26.03.2013 Set in Antwerp, Belgium in the early ’70s, Left Luggage is the the reading of Compo’s Last Will and Testament. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120030 touching and emotional story of Chaja (), a BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International rebellious philosophy student struggling to come of age. Her TV, Television min. relationship with her parents, both camp The Lawless survivors, is strained and she finds herself unable to accept BBC Home Video 14.01.2014 her Jewish identity. A family friend (Chaim Topol) finds her a 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120062 Johnny Sands, Macdonald Carey, Gail job as a nanny for the Kalmans, a Hassidic family with five Russell - Dir. Joseph Losey children. She has little knowledge and sympathy for their Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Thrillers many strict rules and immediately clashes with Mr. Kalman Late Bloomers (Jeroen Krabbe). She finds herself drawn to Simcha, their 1950 min. Doreen Mantle, William Hurt - Dir. Julie youngest son who doesn’t speak. Joining forces with Mrs. Olive Films 29.05.2012 Kalman (Isabella Rossellini) and through her love for Simcha, Gavras 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120103 Chaja learns to accept and respect a culture steeped in Drama, Movies 2011 95min. traditions, and finds the true values of life. Olive Films 09.04.2013 Hen’s Tooth, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120013 Leather Movies 1998 100min. Chris Graham - Dir. Patrick McGuinn Hen’s Tooth 26.11.2013 Leather is an entertaining and erotically charged tale of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120063 Late Bloomers (Blu-ray) modern gay urbanites forced to adjust to country living. When Doreen Mantle, William Hurt - Dir. Julie New Yorker Andrew hears that his estranged father Walter has died, he travels with his boyfriend Kyle to the cabin in the The Legend Of Bagger Vance / Gavras Catskill Mountains where his father spent his final years. Drama, Movies 2011 95min. Upon arrival, Andrew is shocked to find his childhood friend, Tin Cup (Double Feature) Olive Films 09.04.2013 Birch, is living in the cabin and spent the last few years being Matt Damon, Charlize Theron, Kevin mentored by Walter. Birch spends his days fishing, practicing 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120029 carpentry and making items from leather. Though Birch Costner, Cheech Marin, Will Smith, Don embraces a peaceful lifestyle free of modern technology, his Johnson, Rene Russo - Dir. Ron Shelton, Late Ray: Eclipse From The presence leaves Andrew with conflicting emotions - regret, jealousy, suspicion and possibly desire. Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Golf, Criterion Collection Comedy, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Romance, The films directed by the great Satyajit Ray (Charulata) in the Movies, Romance 2013 101min. Sports, War min. last ten years of his life have a unique dignity and drama. Breaking Glass Pictures 03.12.2013 Three of them are collected here: the fervent Rabindranath Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Tagore adaptation The Home and the World; the vital Henrik 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120042 Ibsen - inspired An Enemy of the People; and the filmmaker’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120595 final film, the poignant and philosophical family story The Stranger. Each is a complex, political, and humane portrait of : The Legit: Season One a world both corrupt and indescribably beautiful, constructed Complete First Season with Ray’s characteristic elegance and imbued with autumnal Jim Jefferies, DJ Qualls profundity. These late-career features are the meditative (Repackage) This outrageous new comedy stars Australian Jim Jefferies as works of a master. Set Includes The Home And The World an edgy, foul-mouthed stand-up comic living in , Both a romantic triangle tale and a philosophical take on Tony Dow, Barbara Billingsley, Ken struggling to make his life and career more „legit.“ But every violence in times of revolution, The Home and the World, set Osmond, Jerry Mathers, Hugh Beaumont time Jim tries to do the right thing, his good deeds turn into in early twentieth-century Bengal, concerns an aristocratic Finally, one of the most beloved series from television’s wildly inappropriate and utterly hilarious escapades. Joined but progressive man who, in insisting on broadening his more Golden Age comes to DVD for the first time ever! Join the by his neurotic best friend and roommate, Steve, and Steve’s traditional wife’s political horizons, drives her into the arms Cleavers, America’s quintessential family, in all 39 digitally wheelchair-bound brother, Billy, Jim takes comedy to a whole of his more radical school chum. Satyajit Ray had wanted to re-mastered, unforgettable episodes from the complete first new level, whether it’s visiting a Las Vegas brothel, partying adapt Rabindranath Tagore’s classic novel to the screen for season of Leave it to Beaver! Theodore „Beaver“ Cleaver with the mentally-challenged or trying to pick up women at a decades. When he finally did, in (Jerry Mathers) can’t seem to avoid trouble, and his older gay bar. Bengali, Book-To-Film, Criterion Collection, brother Wally (Tony Dow), and mischievous pal Eddie Comedy, Television 2013 286min. Haskell (Ken Osmond), aren’t any help. But with some wise Drama, Foreign, Movies 357min. advice from his father Ward (Hugh Beaumont) and mom’s 20th Century Fox 07.01.2014 Criterion 07.01.2014 (Barbara Billingsley) home-cooked meals, Beaver learns that 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120328 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120329 all’s well that ends well. Complete with the original pilot, brought out of the studio archives, this must-have DVD collection will have you declaring, „Gee, that Beaver sure is a Legit: Season One (Blu-ray) Laurel & Hardy: 12 Film guy!“ Jim Jefferies, DJ Qualls Collection Classics, Comedy, Family, girl power, Tele- This outrageous new comedy stars Australian Jim Jefferies as vision 1957 1040min. an edgy, foul-mouthed stand-up comic living in Los Angeles, Buddy Pictures, Classics, Collections, Universal Studios 07.01.2014 struggling to make his life and career more „legit.“ But every Comedy, Movies 300min. time Jim tries to do the right thing, his good deeds turn into 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120055 wildly inappropriate and utterly hilarious escapades. Joined Millennium Entertainment 07.01.2014 by his neurotic best friend and roommate, Steve, and Steve’s 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120565 wheelchair-bound brother, Billy, Jim takes comedy to a whole Leave It To Beaver: The new level, whether it’s visiting a Las Vegas brothel, partying Complete Second Season with the mentally-challenged or trying to pick up women at a Laverne & Shirley: The Seventh gay bar. Season (Repackage) Comedy, Television 2013 286min. Cindy Williams, Phil Foster, David L. Lander, Tony Dow, Barbara Billingsley, Ken 20th Century Fox 07.01.2014 Penny Marshall, Michael McKean Osmond, Jerry Mathers, Hugh Beaumont 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120339 The half-hour situation comedy revolved around the friendship America’s quintessential family returns with all 39 original, between bright-eyed, naive and demure Shirley Feeney and uncut episodes of Leave It to Beaver Season 2! Return to Lessons In Love brassy, tough-talking, street smart Laverne De Fazio. The duo Mayfield for a warm welcome from its most charming family - dated an array of questionable men, tolerated their dippy, the Cleavers: wise pop Ward (Hugh Beaumont), resourceful The story is about a woman who is abducted and forced to loony neighbors Lenny and Squiggy, and forever pursued to mother June (Barbara Billingsley), curious older brother watch footage of captives getting molested. She doesn’t know „make all their dreams come true.“ Wally (Tony Dow), and loveable, scruffy Theodore „Beaver“ whether the sexual torture is amateur porn, or if these are sex (Jerry Mathers). From building a boat to beating a bully to crimes caught on tape. As she is exposed to more of the Classics, Comedy, Family, Friendships, dealing with girls (cooties!), there’s nothing the two Cleaver disturbing images, her captor starts changing his behavior. Television 1981 540min. boys can’t handle with a little luck and a lot of wholesome, She senses that time is running out for her but escape seems Paramount Pictures 04.02.2014 homespun advice. Digitally remastered for optimum picture impossible. and audio quality, critics declare „...this 1957-1963 sitcom is Drama, Erotica, Kidnapping, Movies 2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120541 as enjoyable today for its ’50s nostalgia as it was then for its modern, understated humor“ (David Bianculli, New York Daily 80min. The Lawless Nineties News). Gee whiz! Music Video Distribution 17.12.2013 Comedy, Family, girl power, Television 1958 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120182 Ann Rutherford, Harry Woods, John Wayne 1009min. - Dir. Joseph Kane Universal Studios 07.01.2014 Movies, Western 1936 min. Letter From An Unknown Woman 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120056 Olive Films 26.03.2013 Marcel Journet, Mady Christians, Art Smith, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120014 Joan Fontaine, Louis Jourdan - Dir. Max Left Luggage Ophuls The Lawless Nineties (Blu-ray) Isabella Rossellini, Marianne Sagebrecht, Classics, Drama, Movies, Romance 1948 Adam Monty, Chaim Topol, Laura Fraser, min. Ann Rutherford, Harry Woods, John Wayne David Bradley, Maximillian Schell - Dir. Olive Films 16.10.2012 - Dir. Joseph Kane Jeroen Krabbe 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120104 Movies, Western 1936 min.

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40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120118 from this living nightmare comes from an affectionate prostitute (Jennifer Jason Leigh). When cryptic notes turn up Letter From An Unknown Woman mysteriously in his apartment and when hallucinations of a co- (Blu-ray) The Long Day Closes: The worker that no one else sees causes a gruesome machine shop injury, he embarks on a journey to find out whether there Marcel Journet, Mady Christians, Art Smith, Criterion Collection (Blu-ray + is an elaborate plot to drive him mad or his fatigue has simply Joan Fontaine, Louis Jourdan - Dir. Max DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) robbed him of reason. The more he learns, the less he wants Ophuls to know. The Long Day Closes is the most gloriously cinematic Art House, Blu-ray, Movies, Mystery, Thril- Classics, Drama, Movies, Romance 1948 expression of the unique sensibility of Terence Davies lers 2004 min. min. (Distant Voices, Still Lives; The Deep Blue Sea), widely celebrated as Britain’s greatest living filmmaker. Bursting Paramount 01.01.2013 Olive Films 16.10.2012 with both enchantment and melancholy, this autobiographical 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120092 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120117 film takes on the perspective of a quiet boy growing up lonely in in the 1950s. But rather than employ a straightforward narrative, Davies jumps in and out of time, The Magic Christian Life’s An Itch swoops into fantasies and fears, summons memories and Ringo Starr, , Lawrence Ali Cobrin, Andrea Bogart dreams. A singular filmic tapestry, The Long Day Closes is an evocative, movie- and music-besotted portrait of the artist as Harvey, Spike Milligan, Christopher Lee, Comedy, Movies, Romance 2012 min. a young man. Peter Sellers, Roman Polanski, Richard Monarch Home Video 21.01.2014 Biography, Blu-ray, British, Criterion Attenborough, Leonard Frey, Raquel Welch 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120362 Collection, Drama, Family, Foreign 1992 Comedy, Movies 1969 min. 85min. Olive Films 28.05.2013 Criterion 28.01.2014 Lilyhammer: Season One 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120108 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120345 After Frank „The Fixer“ Tagliano (Steven Van Zandt, ) testifies against his Mafia boss in New York, he Long Day’s Journey Into Night The Magic Christian (Blu-ray) enters the Witness Protection Program and makes an unusual Ringo Starr, John Cleese, Lawrence Jason Robards, Dean Stockwell, Ralph demand: He wants to be set up with a new life in the Harvey, Spike Milligan, Christopher Lee, Norwegian small town of Lillehammer - or as he calls it, Richardson, Katharine Hepburn - Dir. Peter Sellers, Roman Polanski, Richard Lilyhammer. Thrust into a brand new world, Frank is Sidney Lumet confronted with a colorful cast of characters totally unlike the Attenborough, Leonard Frey, Raquel Welch Classics, Drama, Movies, Substance Abuse New York variety. But as he soon finds out, the past always Comedy, Movies 1969 min. has a way of catching up with you, especially when it 1962 min. Olive Films 28.05.2013 concerns the Delucci family. Olive Films 30.10.2012 Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mobsters & The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120121 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120106 Mafia, Television 2012 378min. New Video DVD 03.12.2013 Long Day’s Journey Into Night Magic Town 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119936 Jane Wyman, Kent Smith, - (Blu-ray) Dir. William A. Wellman Lilyhammer: Season One (Blu- Jason Robards, Dean Stockwell, Ralph Comedy, Movies, Romance 1947 min. ray) Richardson, Katharine Hepburn - Dir. Olive Films 23.04.2013 Sidney Lumet Steven Van Zandt 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120110 After Frank „The Fixer“ Tagliano (Steven Van Zandt, The Classics, Drama, Movies, Substance Abuse Sopranos) testifies against his Mafia boss in New York, he 1962 min. Magic Town (Blu-ray) enters the Witness Protection Program and makes an unusual Olive Films 30.10.2012 Jane Wyman, Kent Smith, James Stewart - demand: He wants to be set up with a new life in the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120119 Norwegian small town of Lillehammer - or as he calls it, Dir. William A. Wellman Lilyhammer. Thrust into a brand new world, Frank is Comedy, Movies, Romance 1947 min. confronted with a colorful cast of characters totally unlike the New York variety. But as he soon finds out, the past always Olive Films 23.04.2013 has a way of catching up with you, especially when it Jeanette Nolan, Orson Welles - Dir. Orson 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120125 concerns the Delucci family. Welles Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mobsters & The Classics, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Magnificent Gladiator / Revolt Of Mafia, Television 2012 378min. Movies, Shakespeare 1948 min. New Video DVD 03.12.2013 Olive Films 18.09.2012 The Barbarians (Double Feature) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119950 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120107 Roland Carey, Marilu Tolo, Mark Forest - Dir. Alfonso Brescia, Guido Malatesta Living By The Gun ( DVD + The main feature is a seldom seen Sword and Sandal gem. Macbeth (Blu-ray) Mark Forest stars as the musclebound Prince of Dacio who is UltraViolet) Jeanette Nolan, Orson Welles - Dir. Orson taken captive by the Romans and forced to become a gladiator. The daughter of the Roman emperor falls in love David Miller - Dir. James Miller Welles with the handsome gladiator to the dismay of the evil Blaming her uncle for both her family’s troubles and the death Classics, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, commander of the Praetorian guards, who is plotting to of her father, a young girl vows to even the score and sets out Movies, Shakespeare 1948 min. overthrow her father. A climactic battle between gladiators on a quest for vengeance. To survive the Wild West, she and Roman soldiers insures that good triumphs over evil once becomes a ruthless killer, cutting down everyone who stands Olive Films 18.09.2012 again. Beautiful Marilu Tolo co-stars. The Magnificent Gla- in her way. When their paths finally cross, only one can 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120120 diator (1964) is presented here in a 2.35 point. survive, but who will find redemption at the end of their bloody road? Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, Action, Movies, Revenge, Western 105min. The Machinist Double Features, Movies 1964 180min. Lionsgate 07.01.2014 Christian Bale, Michael Ironside, Larry Bayview Entertainment 24.12.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120109 Gilliard, Reg E. Cathey, John Sharian, Anna 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120081 Massey, Jennifer Jason Leigh - Dir. Brad The Lonely Trail Anderson A Man Betrayed Ann Rutherford, Cy Kendall, John Wayne - Art House, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2004 Edward Ellis, Frances Dee, John Wayne - Dir. Joseph Kane min. Dir. John H. Auer Classics, Drama, Movies, Western 1936 Paramount 01.01.2013 Crime, Drama, Movies, Murder Mysteries, min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120083 Mystery 1941 min. Olive Films 30.04.2013 Olive Films 26.03.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120105 The Machinist (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120113 Christian Bale, Michael Ironside, Larry The Lonely Trail (Blu-ray) Gilliard, Reg E. Cathey, John Sharian, Anna A Man Betrayed (Blu-ray) Ann Rutherford, Cy Kendall, John Wayne - Massey, Jennifer Jason Leigh - Dir. Brad Edward Ellis, Frances Dee, John Wayne - Dir. Joseph Kane Anderson Dir. John H. Auer Trevor Reznik (Christian Bale) hasn’t slept in a year. The Crime, Drama, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Classics, Drama, Movies, Western 1936 shocking deterioration of his physical and mental health has min. made his every waking moment an unrelenting state of Mystery 1941 min. Olive Films 30.04.2013 confusion, paranoia, guilt, anxiety and terror. His only solace Olive Films 26.03.2013

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120126 darkly comedic tale of love, revenge, and the fickle nature of Cherie Lunghi, Henry Ian Cusick, and Henry Cavill. human morality. It tells the story of Matt, a down-on-his-luck British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, loser who on his birthday night discovers his fiancée, International TV, Murder Mysteries, Televi- Man Of Tai Chi Jessica, in bed with another man. As Matt learns the true sion, Thrillers 1730min. Iko Uwais, Karen Mok, Keanu Reeves - Dir. depth of Jessica’s betrayal, he begins a downward spiral revenge quest that pits him face to face with a wide array of Acorn Media 07.01.2014 Keanu Reeves characters including an eccentric pawn shop owner (Gary In the midst of Beijing’s urban bustle, ambitious young ‘Tiger’ Busey), an aging stripper (Margot Kidder), and a barber with 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120417 Chen Lin-Hu (Tiger Hu Chen) works as a lowly courier; but an agenda (Lee Majors). after work, he is a young martial arts star, rising through the Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 95min. Midsomer Murders: Series 6 ranks representing the Ling Kong Tai Chi tradition. He has Osiris Entertainment 31.12.2013 crafted the stealthy, peaceful movements of Tai Chi and (Repackage) sculpted them to suit martial arts’ competitive fighting world. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119887 Jumping to another central city of pandemonium and chaos, Neville Phillips, Trevor Cooper, Christopher Donaka Mark (Keanu Reeves) is evading the police in Hong Goode, Daniel Casey, John Nettles, Isla Kong while running an underground fight club where cold hard El Medallon Perdido Blair, Susan Wooldridge, Phoebe Nichols, cash is made by defeating one’s opponent in a no-holds Billy Unger, Sammi Hanratty, Jansen barred fight privately broadcast to wealthy patrons. Looking Honor Blackman - Dir. Richard Holthouse for a new ‘star’, Donaka tries to lure Tiger with the promise of Panettiere, Alex Kendrick, James Hong - The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most easy money. Entrance into this world brings out the darkest Dir. Alex Kendrick sinister secrets in these contemporary British television side of Chen Lin-Hu, but he needs the cash. His skill saves The journey of The Lost Medallion: The Adventures of Billy mysteries. Inspired by the novels of Caroline Graham, modern him in the ring but can he fight and maintain his integrity and Stone begins as Daniel Anderson visits a foster home to drop master of the English village mystery, the series stars John good nature? off a donation and is quickly roped into telling the kids a story. Nettles (Bergerac) as the unflappable Detective Chief Action, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts, Daniel tells the tale of Billy Stone and Allie, two 13-year-old Inspector Barnaby with Daniel Casey (The Wingless Bird) as friends who uncover a long-lost medallion and accidentally his eager young assistant. Guest stars include Honor Movies, Tai Chi 2013 105min. wish themselves back in time. Blackman, Susan Wooldridge, Isla Blair, Christopher Good, Starz / Anchor Bay 10.12.2013 Phoebe Nicholls, Trevor Cooper and Neville Phillips. The Action, Adventure, Foreign, Movies, Mysteries A Talent For Life - Sordid affairs and financial 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120599 Spanish 2013 98min. secrets boil silently beneath the surface in the village of E1 Entertainment 14.01.2014 Malham Bridge until a double murder stirs the waters. Death Man Of Tai Chi (Blu-ray) And Dreams - Investigating a string of deaths in Midsomer 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120401 Worthy, Barnaby follows a trail of strange clues, nearly to his Iko Uwais, Karen Mok, Keanu Reeves - Dir. own demise. Painted In Blood - When Joyce Barnaby finds a Keanu Reeves Mega Shark Vs. Mecha Shark fellow painter from her Midsomer Florey watercolor class In the midst of Beijing’s urban bustle, ambitious young ‘Tiger’ stabbed to death, to National Intelligence Squad agents take Chen Lin-Hu (Tiger Hu Chen) works as a lowly courier; but Elisabeth Rohm, Christopher Judge - Dir. over the case. A Tale Of Two - Som after work, he is a young martial arts star, rising through the Emile Edwin Smith British, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Inter- ranks representing the Ling Kong Tai Chi tradition. He has When a new Mega Shark threatens mankind, the government national TV, Murder Mysteries, Television, crafted the stealthy, peaceful movements of Tai Chi and unleashes the top-secret Mecha Shark to defeat the monster sculpted them to suit martial arts’ competitive fighting world. in a pitched battled that threatens the planet. Thrillers 2002 500min. Jumping to another central city of pandemonium and chaos, Action, Movies, Science Fiction, Sharks Acorn Media 07.01.2014 Donaka Mark (Keanu Reeves) is evading the police in Hong 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120419 Kong while running an underground fight club where cold hard 2013 90min. cash is made by defeating one’s opponent in a no-holds Asylum Home Entertainment 28.01.2014 barred fight privately broadcast to wealthy patrons. Looking 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119883 Midsomer Murders: Series 7 for a new ‘star’, Donaka tries to lure Tiger with the promise of easy money. Entrance into this world brings out the darkest John Nettles, John Hopkins - Dir. Richard side of Chen Lin-Hu, but he needs the cash. His skill saves Mega Shark Vs. Mecha Shark Holthouse, Peter Smith, Sarah Hellings him in the ring but can he fight and maintain his integrity and The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most good nature? (Blu-ray) sinister secrets in these contemporary British television Action, Blu-ray, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Elisabeth Rohm, Christopher Judge - Dir. mysteries. Inspired by the novels of Caroline Graham, modern master of the English village mystery, the series stars John Arts, Movies, Tai Chi 2013 105min. Emile Edwin Smith Nettles (Bergerac) as the unflappable Detective Chief Starz / Anchor Bay 10.12.2013 When a new Mega Shark threatens mankind, Barnaby. Daniel Casey (The Wingless Bird) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120615 unleashes the top-secret Mecha Shark to defeat the monster costars as Barnaby’s earnest young assistant, Sergeant Troy. in a pitched battled that threatens the planet. When Troy wins a promotion and transfer, Barnaby gets a Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Science Fiction, partner of a different stripe. Sergeant Dan Scott (John Man On A Swing Sharks 2013 90min. Hopkins, Love in a Cold Climate) is a streetwise Londoner who mistakenly expects an easy, dull life on the rural beat. Dorothy Tristan, Joel Grey, Cliff Robertson Asylum Home Entertainment 28.01.2014 Guest stars include Cherie Lunghi, John Standing, Michael - Dir. Frank Perry 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119903 Simkins, Henry Ian Cusick, Diana Kent and Stella Gonet. The Crime, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 1974 min. Mysteries: · The Green Man · Bad Tidings · The Fisher Olive Films 04.09.2012 King · Sins of Commission The Men British, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Inter- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120114 Jack Webb, Marlon Brando, Teresa Wright - national TV, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Dir. Fred Zinnemann Television 2003 701min. Man On A Swing (Blu-ray) Drama, Movies 1950 min. Acorn Media 07.01.2014 Dorothy Tristan, Joel Grey, Cliff Robertson Olive Films 30.04.2013 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120420 - Dir. Frank Perry 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120116 Crime, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 1974 min. Midsomer Murders: The Early Olive Films 04.09.2012 The Men (Blu-ray) Cases Collection 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120127 Jack Webb, Marlon Brando, Teresa Wright - Daniel Casey, John Nettles - Dir. Peter Dir. Fred Zinnemann Smith, David Tucker, Jeremy Silberston, Many Wars Ago Drama, Movies 1950 min. Moira Armstrong, Peter Cregeen, Baz Mark Frechette, Gian Maria Volonte, Alain Olive Films 30.04.2013 Taylor Cuny - Dir. Francesco Rosi 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120128 The English village mystery gets a contemporary spin in this In Northern , WWI has turned into a bloody stalemate. hit British television series that has earned a worldwide Bogged down in their trenches on a barren highland, the men Midsomer Murders: Barnaby’s following. Bucolic settings harbor macabre crimes and of an Italian infantry division have been given one objective: eccentric characters that are no match for nice-guy detective retake a commanding height from the enemy. Unfortunately, the Casebook Tom Barnaby (John Nettles, Bergerac) and his eager tactical ingenuity of general Leone, the unpopular division assistant, Sergeant Troy (Daniel Casey, The Wingless Bird). commander, consists of supplementing frontal attacks against Daniel Casey, John Nettles, John Hopkins - „Delightful in a murderously charming way“ (Leonard Maltin’s machine-guns with medieval fighting schemes. Dir. Richard Holthouse, Renny Rye, Peter Movie Crazy). Action, Adventure, Drama, Foreign, Italian, Smith, David Tucker, Jeremy Silberston, British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Movies, War, World War I 1970 101min. Sarah Hellings Murder Mysteries, Television, Thrillers 2001 Kino Video 07.01.2014 The English village mystery gets a contemporary spin in this 1878min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120509 hit British television series that has earned a worldwide following. Bucolic settings harbor macabre crimes and Acorn Media 07.01.2014 eccentric characters that are no match for nice-guy detective 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120418 Matt’s Chance Tom Barnaby (John Nettles, Bergerac) and his assistants Sergeant Troy (Daniel Casey, The Wingless Bird) and Ser- Lee Majors, Edward Furlong geant Dan Scott (John Hopkins, Love in a Cold Climate). Million Dollar Baby: 10th Featuring a strong cast anchored by acclaimed actor Edward „Delightful in a murderously charming way“ (Leonard Maltin’s Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) Furlong, Matts Chance is a dark comedy described as a „a Movie Crazy). Guest stars in this collection of Series 5-7 cross between the whimsical anti-love of 500 Days of Sum- include , Gemma Jones, Ronald Pickup, Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan mer, and the grunge chaos of Crank.“ Matt’s Chance is a

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Freeman - Dir. Clint Eastwood Vampires 2013 130min. the city. The exquisitely photographed Museum Hours is an I don’t train girls,“ trainer Frankie Dunn growls. But Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ode to the bonds of friendship, an exploration of an unseen something’s different about the spirited boxing hopeful who , and the power of art to both mirror and alter our lives. shows up daily at Dunn’s gym. All she wants is a fighting 03.12.2013 Drama, Foreign, German, Movies 2012 chance. Clint Eastwood plays Dunn and directs, produces 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120016 107min. and composes music for this acclaimed, multi-award-winning tale of heart, hope and family. Hilary Swank plays resilient Cinema Guild 10.12.2013 Maggie, determined not to abandon her one dream. And The Mortal Instruments: City Of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120382 Morgan Freeman is Scrap, gym caretaker and counterpoint to Bones (DVD + UltraViolet) Dunn’s crustiness. Grab your dreams and come out swinging. Million Dollar Baby is an absolute knockout. , - Dir. Harald Museum Hours (Blu-ray) Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Boxing, Zwart Acclaimed filmmaker Jem Cohen’s new feature, Museum Drama, Independent Women, Movies, Based on the Best-Selling YA series by . Hours, is a mesmerizing tale of two adrift strangers who find Clary’s life is turned upside down when her mother is refuge in Vienna’s grand Kunsthistorisches Art Museum. Sports 2004 132min. kidnapped and it’s revealed that she and her mother are Johann, a museum guard, spends his days silently observing Warner Bros. 04.02.2014 actually shadowhunters - billed with protecting the world from both the art and the visitors. Anne, suddenly called to Vienna 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120050 downworlders such as vampires, werewolves and demons. from overseas, has been wandering the city in a state of Clary must discover her talents and save her mother. limbo. A chance meeting sparks a deepening connection that Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, draws them through the halls of the museum and the streets of The Miracle Of The Bells (Blu-ray) the city. The exquisitely photographed Museum Hours is an Movies, Mystery, Romance, Vampires 2013 ode to the bonds of friendship, an exploration of an unseen Frank Sinatra, Alida Valli, Fred MacMurray - 130min. Vienna, and the power of art to both mirror and alter our lives. Dir. Irving Pichel Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Drama, Foreign, German, Movies 2012 Drama, Film About Film, Movies 1948 min. 03.12.2013 107min. Olive Films 14.05.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119998 Cinema Guild 10.12.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120197 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120394 Mother Of George Monster Pies Danai Gurira, Isaach De Bankole My Favorite Spy Does anyone ever forget the time they felt the incredible force Adenike and Ayodele (The Walking Dead’s Danai Gurira and Francis L. Sullivan, Hedy Lamarr, Bob Hope of first love? When Mike’s English teacher pairs him up for a veteran actor Isaach De Bakolé) are a Nigerian couple - Dir. Norman Z. McLeod class assignment on Romeo and Juliet with hot new kid living in Brooklyn. Following the joyous celebration of their William, Mike canÃ-t believe his luck! As the two spend more wedding, complications arise out of their inability to conceive Comedy, Crime, Movies, Music 1951 min. and more time working together on a monster movie version of a child - a problem that devastates their family and defies Olive Films 28.09.2010 the BardÃ-s classic tale, they soon realize their feelings for cultural expectations, leading Adenike to make a shocking 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120188 one another may be more powerful than either is truly ready decision that could either save her family or destroy it. for. A touching and original take on the all encompassing Acclaimed director Andrew Dosumnu (Restless City) power of first love, Monster Pies is sure to move even the captures the nuances of this unique and fascinating culture by My Favorite Spy (Blu-ray) hardest of hearts. creating a beautiful vibrant, and moving portrait of a couple Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies whose joys and struggles are at once intimate and universal. Francis L. Sullivan, Hedy Lamarr, Bob Hope 2013 90min. Drama, Movies 2013 106min. - Dir. Norman Z. McLeod TLA Releasing 12.11.2013 Oscilloscope Laboratories 04.02.2014 Comedy, Crime, Movies, Music 1951 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120065 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120381 Olive Films 20.08.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120199 : Almost The Truth Mother Of George (Blu-ray) John Cleese, , Danai Gurira, Isaach De Bankole My Son John At last, for the first time ever (well, at least since the 30th Adenike and Ayodele (The Walking Dead’s Danai Gurira and Robert Walker, Dean Jagger, Helen Hayes, anniversary!), the condensed history of Monty Python. It’s not veteran actor Isaach De Bakolé) are a Nigerian couple Van Heflin - Dir. Leo McCarey all parrots, grail, and Brian. This is the in-depth and true living in Brooklyn. Following the joyous celebration of their (well, yes, admittedly the almost true) story as told straight wedding, complications arise out of their inability to conceive Drama, Movies, Spies & Secret Agents from the mouths of John Cleese, , , a child - a problem that devastates their family and defies 1952 min. Eric Idle, , and thanks to incredible research and cultural expectations, leading Adenike to make a shocking Olive Films 21.08.2012 completely analog, undigitized archives, Graham Chapman. decision that could either save her family or destroy it. They are all here, the dead one, too! Acclaimed director Andrew Dosumnu (Restless City) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120189 British, Comedy, Foreign, Television 2009 captures the nuances of this unique and fascinating culture by creating a beautiful vibrant, and moving portrait of a couple Night Of The Demons 2 107min. whose joys and struggles are at once intimate and universal. E1 Entertainment 28.01.2014 Drama, Movies 2013 106min. Bobby Jacoby 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120543 Oscilloscope Laboratories 04.02.2014 Comedy, Devils And Demons, Haunted 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120393 Houses, Horror, Movies 1994 min. Monty Python: Almost The Truth Olive Films 19.02.2013 (Blu-ray) The Mountain (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120190 John Cleese, Eric Idle, Graham Chapman Spencer Tracy, Robert Wagner, Anna At last, for the first time ever (well, at least since the 30th Kashfi - Dir. Edward Dmytryk Night Of The Demons 2 (Blu-ray) anniversary!), the condensed history of Monty Python. It’s not Retired mountain climber and Guide Zachary Wheeler Bobby Jacoby all parrots, grail, and Brian. This is the in-depth and true (Spencer Tracy) reluctantly helps his younger brother (Ro- Comedy, Devils And Demons, Haunted (well, yes, admittedly the almost true) story as told straight bert Wagner) scale a treacherous mountain slope to reach the from the mouths of John Cleese, Michael Palin, Terry Jones, site of a recent plane crash. Truly his brother’s keeper, he Houses, Horror, Movies 1994 min. Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, and thanks to incredible research and puts aside their differences and agrees to help his Olive Films 19.02.2013 completely analog, undigitized archives, Graham Chapman. inexperienced brother on an immoral looting mission. After 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120200 They are all here, the dead one, too! reaching the crash site, the brother discover a lone survivor British, Comedy, Foreign, Television 2009 (Anna Kashfi)...Zachary immediately starts caring for the 107min. injured young woman planning her rescue while his brother The Night Of The Grizzly would rather abandon her and make off with the loot. The E1 Entertainment 28.01.2014 stellar cast also includes Claire Trevor, William Demarest Keenan Wynn, Martha Hyer, Clint Walker - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120557 and E.G. Marshall. This one-of-a-kind action-adventure was Dir. Joseph Pevney directed by Edward Dmytrk (The Caine Mutiny). Adventure, Movies, Wilderness 1966 min. The Mortal Instruments: City Of Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Olive Films 26.06.2012 Mountain Climbing, Movies 1956 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120191 Bones (Blu-ray + DVD + Olive Films 28.02.2012 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120198 Night Of The Scarecrow Robert Sheehan, Lily Collins - Dir. Harald John Mese, Stephen Root, Elizabeth Zwart Museum Hours Barondes - Dir. Jeff Burr Based on the Best-Selling YA series by Cassandra Clare. Acclaimed filmmaker Jem Cohen’s new feature, Museum Clary’s life is turned upside down when her mother is Hours, is a mesmerizing tale of two adrift strangers who find Horror, Movies, Witches & Warlocks 1995 kidnapped and it’s revealed that she and her mother are refuge in Vienna’s grand Kunsthistorisches Art Museum. min. actually shadowhunters - billed with protecting the world from Johann, a museum guard, spends his days silently observing Olive Films 30.04.2013 downworlders such as vampires, werewolves and demons. both the art and the visitors. Anne, suddenly called to Vienna Clary must discover her talents and save her mother. from overseas, has been wandering the city in a state of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120192 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, limbo. A chance meeting sparks a deepening connection that Fantasy, Movies, Mystery, Romance, draws them through the halls of the museum and the streets of Night Of The Scarecrow (Blu-ray)

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John Mese, Stephen Root, Elizabeth Morrow, John Corbett, Barry Corbin, Janine vision 1991 1057min. Barondes - Dir. Jeff Burr Turner Universal Studios 07.01.2014 Horror, Movies, Witches & Warlocks 1995 The northern lights are shining down on all 24 hilarious, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120057 offbeat episodes of The Complete Fifth Season of the Emmy ® min. and Golden Globe ® award-winning series Northern Olive Films 30.04.2013 Exposure! Reunite with Dr. Joel Fleischman (Emmy ® Nostalghia 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120201 nominee Rob Morrow), Maggie (Emmy ® nominee Janine Turner), Chris (Emmy ® nominee John Corbett) and the rest of Erland Josephson, , Delia the beloved and quirky residents of Cicely, Alaska, as they Boccardo, Laura Marchi, Patrizia Terreno, The Night Riders take on evil spirits, cannibalistic ancestors and the birth of a Domiziana Giordano, Oleg Jankovsky - Dir. new resident. Digitally restored for outstanding picture and Max Terhune, Ray Corrigan, John Wayne - audio quality, this 5-disc collection brings all the Andrei Tarkovsky Dir. George Sherman heartwarming episodes of Season Five to DVD for the first Nostalghia follows the mystical journey of a Russian poet on time ever. Follow the moose to fun today! a research mission in Italy. Arriving at a Tuscan village spa Movies, Western 1939 min. with Eugena, his beautiful Italian interpreter, Gorchakov is Olive Films 02.10.2012 CBS, Comedy, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, visited by memories of Russia and his wife and children. He 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120193 Television 1993 1095min. encounters the local mystic, who sets him on a challenging Universal Studios 07.01.2014 task. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120059 Drama, Foreign, Italian, Movies 1983 Nijinsky 120min. George De La Pena, Alan Bates - Dir. Her- Northern Exposure: The Kino Video 21.01.2014 bert Ross 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120516 Biography, Biopics, Drama, Historical / Complete Fourth Season Period Piece, Movies, Music 1980 min. (Repackage) Nostalghia (Blu-ray) Olive Films 28.02.2012 Darren E. Burrows, Rob Morrow, John Erland Josephson, Milena Vukotic, Delia 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120211 Corbett, Barry Corbin, Janine Turner Boccardo, Laura Marchi, Patrizia Terreno, Reunite with the eccentric and endearing folks of Cicely, Domiziana Giordano, Oleg Jankovsky - Dir. Nijinsky (Blu-ray) Alaska, as Northern Exposure: The Complete Fourth Season arrives on DVD! Nominated for an amazing 16 Emmy ® Andrei Tarkovsky George De La Pena, Alan Bates - Dir. Her- awards, including Outstanding Drama Series, this must-see Nostalghia follows the mystical journey of a Russian poet on bert Ross season has Joel (Rob Morrow), Maggie (Janine Turner), a research mission in Italy. Arriving at a Tuscan village spa „Chris-in-the-Morning“ (John Corbett) and the rest of the with Eugena, his beautiful Italian interpreter, Gorchakov is Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, town’s residents in their most hilarious and heartwarming visited by memories of Russia and his wife and children. He Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Music situations yet - from the arrival of a rock star to a totem pole encounters the local mystic, who sets him on a challenging 1980 min. war to the annual Mosquito Festival! And now, fans can see task. one of the most popular seasons ever in a newly digitally Drama, Foreign, Italian, Movies 1983 Olive Films 28.02.2012 remastered format for unbelievable picture quality. Follow the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120225 moose north for critically acclaimed comedy, and own all 25 125min. groundbreaking Fourth Season episodes today! Kino Video 21.01.2014 Ninja II Comedy, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Tele- 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120536 vision 1992 1167min. Tim Man, Scott Adkins - Dir. Issac Florenti- Universal Studios 07.01.2014 ne Nothing Special 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120058 Action, Crime, Martial Arts, Movies, Ninjas, Karen Black, Barbara Bain, Thrillers 2013 96min. Nothing Special, Karen Black’s last starring role, is an Northern Exposure: The exciting and original, in-depth exploration of the mother- Millennium Entertainment 31.12.2013 daughter relationship living in the shadow of the Hollywood 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120043 Complete Sixth Season sign. It features Academy award Nominee Karen Black (Five Easy Pieces, The Great Gatsby, The Day of the Locust, (Repackage) several Emmy’s and Best Actress citations) and Barbara Bain Ninja II (Blu-ray) Rob Morrow, John Corbett, Paul Provenza, (Mission Impossible). Tim Man, Scott Adkins - Dir. Issac Florenti- Janine Turner Comedy, Movies 2010 99min. ne Recipient of 39 Emmy nominations and winner of the Emmy and Music Video Distribution 17.12.2013 Golden Globe Awards for Outstanding Drama Series, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120183 Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Martial Arts, Movies, Northern Exposure comes to an offbeat and inspirational Ninjas, Thrillers 2013 96min. conclusion. For this final season, newcomer Dr. Phil Capra Millennium Entertainment 31.12.2013 (Paul Provenza) joins Dr. Joel Fleischman (Emmy nominee Numero Deux Rob Morrow), Maggie (Emmy nominee Janine Turner), Chris 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120053 (Emmy nominee John Corbett) and the rest of the quirky Art House, Drama, Foreign, French, Movies citizens of Cicely, Alaska. Digitally restored for optimum 1975 min. No Man Of Her Own picture quality, this must-own five-disc set includes all 23 Olive Films 26.06.2012 beloved episodes and over 30 minutes of never-before-seen John Lund, Barbara Stanwyck - Dir. Mitchell deleted scenes. See the finale of this groundbreaking, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120213 Leisen heartwarming adventure that’s as stunning as the Northern Drama, Film Noir, Movies 1950 min. Lights themselves! Old Dogs & New Tricks: Seasons 1 CBS, Comedy, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Olive Films 27.03.2012 Television 1994 1058min. & 2 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120212 Universal Studios 07.01.2014 Leon Acord 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120060 That’s the question explored by the comedic, fast-paced Old Una Noche Dogs & New Tricks, through the friendship and tribulations of four diverse and otherwise successful West Hollywood men - Trapped in the desperate slums of Havana, young Raul Northern Exposure: The each one located squarely within middle age. Los Angeles (in dreams of escaping to Miami. After he is accused of assault, general) and West Hollywood (in particular) add a strong his only option to save himself is to flee the country. He begs Complete Third Season flavor to Old Dogs & New Tricks, with its traffic, his best friend Elio to abandon his life in Cuba and help him earthquakes, plastic surgery, and strongly youth-obsessed reach the forbidden land 90 miles across the ocean. But Elio (Repackage) culture. But the focus remains on how these four different gay is torn between helping Raul escape and protecting his twin men react (or overreact) and adjust (or not) to getting older. sister Lila, and soon the trio’s commitment to their homeland Rob Morrow, John Corbett, Janine Turner and their desire of starting life anew in America is put to the The cold and quirks continue in Cicely, Alaska, with all 23 Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Television test. Brimming with the nervous energy of Havana’s restless unforgettable, highly acclaimed episodes of Northern 109min. youth, Una Noche follows one sweltering day in the crumbling Exposure: The Complete Third Season. This must-own Wolfe Video 26.11.2013 sun-bleached capital, a day full of hope and fraught with double-sided disc collection is TV’s most original series at its tension that burns to a shocking climax. best: Season Three earned a remarkable 16 Emmy Award 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120115 nominations, and won 6 - including Outstanding Drama Series! Drama, Foreign, Movies, Spanish 2012 Zip up your parkas and rejoin Joel (Rob Morrow), Maggie 91min. (Janine Turner), „Chris In The Morning (John Corbett) and Once Upon A Spy MPI 24.12.2013 the rest of the gang under the Northern lights as they learn to Eleanor Parker, Ted Danson, Christopher live with the ghosts of their pasts, ponder religion, plan 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120519 weddings and even take Joel on his first hunting trip. Now Lee - Dir. Ivan Nagy available to own for the first time, the humorous, heartwarming This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Northern Exposure: The and still slightly bizarre Northern Exposure: The Complete a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Third Season is digitally remastered for outstanding picture When NASA’s mega-computer is stolen, the government calls Complete Fifth Season quality and loaded with almost two hours of special features. on Jack Chenault (Ted Danson, TV’s Damages), a Take an offbeat trip to the eccentric small town with a big wisecracking computer expert, to help track it down. (Repackage) heart and own all 23 episodes of Season Three today! Partnered with Paige Tannehill (Mary Louise Weller, Animal House), the two find out that Marcus Valorium (Christopher Darren E. Burrows, John Cullum, Rob Comedy, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Tele- Lee, The Lord of the Rings series), a mysterious and powerful

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 88 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA millionaire, is in control of the computer and plans to use it to thousands being herded to the gas chambers - a „humane“ take over the world. It is up to Jack and Paige to take down means of easing the condemned into the next world. Playing Valorium and save the day. For Time was adapted for television by Arthur Miller (Death The Otto Preminger Collection Action, Drama, Movies, Thrillers, TV Movies Of A Salesman) and directed by Daniel Mann (The Ross (Blu-ray) 1980 91min. Tattoo). Drama, History & Events, , Includes: Hurry Sundown Skidoo Such Good Friends SPHE MOD 05.11.2013 Boxed Sets, Comedy, Director / Writer Box Movies, Television, TV Movies, World War II 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119893 Sets, Drama, Movies min. 1980 min. Olive Films 13.11.2012 Olive Films 24.09.2013 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120227 One Touch Of Venus 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120500 Dick Haymes, Robert Walker, Ava Gardner - Dir. Gregory La Cava, William A. Seiter Plus One The Prey Comedy, Fantasy, Movies, Musical, Alice Taglioni, Albert Dupontel - Dir. Eric Ashley Hinshaw, Rhys Wakefield, Logan Romance 1948 min. Valette Miller - Dir. Dennis Iliadis Olive Films 18.06.2013 Bank robber Franck Adrien serves a prison sentence after Three college friends head out for the biggest party of the successfully robbing a national bank, but before he gets 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120214 year, each looking for something different: sex, love, and a caught he manages to hide the money and it’s not just police simple human connection. When a mysterious phenomenon that are looking for it. His cellmate Jean-Louis Maurel who One Touch Of Venus (Blu-ray) disrupts the proceedings, it starts a chain reaction leading to promises to look after Franck’s family when he gets out. A the strangest night anyone has ever experienced. As the party man called Manuel Carrega tells Franck that Maurel is a Dick Haymes, Robert Walker, Ava Gardner - descends into bloody chaos, the three friends must struggle to suspected serial killer and that Franck’s family might be in keep both their relationships and themselves alive. Director danger. Franck escapes from prison and police officer Claire Dir. Gregory La Cava, William A. Seiter Dennis Iliadis (The Last House on the Left) delivers thought- Comedy, Fantasy, Movies, Musical, Linné and her team take up the chase. provoking suspense with Plus One, a supernatural thriller Action, Crime, Foreign, French, Movies, Romance 1948 min. that tests the limits of survival and the loyalties of friendship. Mystery, Thrillers 2011 105min. Olive Films 18.06.2013 Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers 2013 E1 Entertainment 21.01.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120226 97min. MPI 14.01.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120378 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120580 Overland Stage Raiders The Prey (Blu-ray) Louise Brooks, Ray Corrigan, John Wayne Alice Taglioni, Albert Dupontel - Dir. Eric - Dir. George Sherman Pony Express Jan Sterling, Rhonda Fleming, Charlton Valette Movies, Western 1938 min. Bank robber Franck Adrien serves a prison sentence after Olive Films 02.10.2012 Heston - Dir. Jerry Hopper successfully robbing a national bank, but before he gets 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120215 History & Events, Movies, Western 1953 caught he manages to hide the money and it’s not just police min. that are looking for it. His cellmate Jean-Louis Maurel who Olive Films 24.04.2012 promises to look after Franck’s family when he gets out. A Paradise: Hope man called Manuel Carrega tells Franck that Maurel is a The third installment in Ulrich Seidl’s Paradise trilogy, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120217 suspected serial killer and that Franck’s family might be in Paradise: Hope tells the story of overweight 13-year-old danger. Franck escapes from prison and police officer Claire Melanie and her first love. While her mother travels to Kenya Poor Pretty Eddie / Carnival Linné and her team take up the chase. (Paradise: Love) and her aunt (Paradise: Faith) does Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Foreign, French, missionary work, Melanie spends her summer vacation at a Magic (2 Pack) (Blu-ray) Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2011 105min. strict diet camp for overweight teenagers. Between physical education and nutrition counseling, pillow fights and her first 2 Packs, Adventure, Blu-ray, Family, E1 Entertainment 21.01.2014 cigarette, Melanie falls in love with the camp director, a Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Thrillers min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120392 doctor 40 years her senior. As the doctor struggles with the Film Chest Media Group 23.04.2013 guilty nature of his desire, Melanie had imagined her paradise differently. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120372 Pride And Prejudice: Keepsake Drama, Foreign, German, Movies 2013 Edition 91min. Megaforce: The Julia Sawalha, Susannah Harker, Benjamin Strand Releasing 14.01.2014 Mysterious Robo Knight - Volume Whitrow, Alison Steadman, , 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120132 Two Colin Firth - Dir. Simon Langton The action-packed Megaforce saga continues as best friends The landmark A&E and the BBC adaptation of Jane Austen’s Paris Countdown Troy, Noah, Emma, Gia and Jake continue their mission to Pride And Prejudice has taken its place as one of the greatest defend our world from evil insectoid monsters! It will take television productions of all time. With a masterful script, deft Carlo Brandt, Jacques Gamblin friendship, teamwork and awesome new Megazords to get direction and star-making performances from Colin Firth and Action, Crime, Foreign, French, Movies, queen warrior Beezara to buzz off, silence alien rockstar- Jennifer Ehle, Pride And Prejudice transports viewers to Thrillers 2013 90min. wannabe Dizchord, clean up toxic mutant monsters Bluefur, Georgian England, where affairs of the heart are an exquisite Bigs and Hisser, and face Creepox in a fight to the finish! And game, and marriage the ultimate prize. But Elizabeth Bennet - Screen Media Films 21.01.2014 when all seems lost, a mysterious new ally emerges - Robo spirited, independent, and one of five unmarried sisters - is 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120176 Knight! With the help of this transforming robot Ranger’s determined to wed for love, not money or privilege. Featuring Vulcan Cannon and Lion Zord, Earth’s mightiest defenders over an hour of never-before-seen bonus features, the Pride will never surrender! And Prejudice: Keepsake Edition is the definitive way to Parked Action, Children’s, Cult Film / TV, Family, experience one of the greatest love stories ever told. BBC, Book-To-Film, British, Drama, Foreign, Colin Morgan, Colm Meaney Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Televi- Historical / Period Piece, International TV, Drama, Foreign, Irish, Movies 2010 min. sion 88min. Mini-Series, Movies, Television, TV Movies Olive Films 30.04.2013 Lionsgate 14.01.2014 611min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120216 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120396 A&E 14.01.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120397 People Are Funny Predator 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray Art Linkletter + DVD) (Blu-ray) Comedy, Television 395min. Pride And Prejudice: Keepsake Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers - Film Chest Media Group 21.02.2012 Edition (Blu-ray) Dir. John McTiernan 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120387 PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Julia Sawalha, Susannah Harker, Benjamin is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Whitrow, Alison Steadman, Jennifer Ehle, Playing For Time (Blu-ray) A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Colin Firth - Dir. Simon Langton standard Blu-ray players The ultimate hunter meets the The landmark A&E and the BBC adaptation of Jane Austen’s Jane Alexander, Marisa Berenson, Christi- ultimate adversary in this action packed adventure filled with Pride And Prejudice has taken its place as one of the greatest ne Baranski, Maud Adams, Vanessa intense combat scenes and spectacular special effects. television productions of all time. With a masterful script, deft Redgrave, Verna Bloom, - Arnold Schwarzenegger wages an all-out war against an direction and star-making performances from Colin Firth and unseen enemy, a force more powerful and deadly than any on Jennifer Ehle, Pride And Prejudice transports viewers to Dir. Daniel Mann Earth - because the Predator is not of this Earth. Georgian England, where affairs of the heart are an exquisite Vanessa Redgrave (Julia) stars as Fania Fenelon, a Jewish Action, Aliens, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Jungle, game, and marriage the ultimate prize. But Elizabeth Bennet - singer in Paris during the Nazi invasion. Fania and Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers 1987 spirited, independent, and one of five unmarried sisters - is thousands of other Jewish and political prisoners are sent to determined to wed for love, not money or privilege. Featuring the Auschwitz death camp. She and a group of other classical 107min. over an hour of never-before-seen bonus features, the Pride musicians are spared from death in exchange for performing 20th Century Fox 17.12.2013 And Prejudice: Keepsake Edition is the definitive way to music for their captors, headed by SS camp matron Shirley experience one of the greatest love stories ever told. Knight (The Rain People). They are also ordered to play for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120085

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BBC, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, British, Drama, Rodney, Dean Jagger, Alan Hale, Judith Veronica Lake, Don Defore, Joel McCrea - Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Interna- Anderson - Dir. Raoul Walsh Dir. Andre De Toth tional TV, Mini-Series, Movies, Television, Movies, Thrillers, Western 1947 min. Movies, Romance, Western 1947 min. TV Movies 611min. Olive Films 04.09.2012 Olive Films 20.11.2012 A&E 14.01.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120234 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120235 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120407 Pursued (Blu-ray) Ramrod (Blu-ray) Prince Avalanche Robert Mitchum, Teresa Wright, John Veronica Lake, Don Defore, Joel McCrea - Lance Legault, Paul Rudd - Dir. David Gor- Rodney, Dean Jagger, Alan Hale, Judith Dir. Andre De Toth don Green Anderson - Dir. Raoul Walsh Movies, Romance, Western 1947 min. Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 94min. Movies, Thrillers, Western 1947 min. Olive Films 20.11.2012 Magnolia Home Entertainment 12.11.2013 Olive Films 04.09.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120287 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120136 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120285 The Red Menace Prince Avalanche (Blu-ray) Queen Bee Drama, Movies, Propaganda 1949 min. Lance Legault, Paul Rudd - Dir. David Gor- Joan Crawford, Barry Sullivan, Betsy Olive Films 26.02.2013 don Green Palmer, John Ireland, Lucy Marlow - Dir. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120236 Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 94min. Ranald MacDougall Magnolia Home Entertainment 12.11.2013 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using The Red Menace (Blu-ray) a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120146 Academy Award ®-winner Joan Crawford (Best Actress, Drama, Movies, Propaganda 1949 min. Mildred Pierce, 1945) is at her conniving and devious best as Olive Films 26.02.2013 Prisoners (Blu-ray + DVD + the Southern socialite who manipulates the lives of those around her with tragic results. The poster art screamed, „One 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120288 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) female alone may be the queen bee. The other females serve only to sacrifice themselves while tending the queen bee or The Red Pony Viola Davis, Melissa Leo, Terrence defending her. The males of the species exist only to serve Howard, Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, the queen’s pleasure...“ and who better to exact the role than Myrna Loy, Louis Calhern, Robert Mitchum - Maria Bello - Dir. Denis Villeneuve Crawford? Eva Phillips (Crawford) is married to Avery Dir. Lewis Milestone (Barry Sullivan), a wealthy mill owner who has been driven to Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Movies, drink and bitterness by Eva’s ruthless, self-seeking Family, Movies, Western 1949 min. Thrillers 2013 153min. machinations and frank infidelity. When Avery’s sister Carol Olive Films 23.04.2013 Warner Bros. 17.12.2013 Lee (Betsy Palmer) announces her engagement, Crawford 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120238 maneuvers to prevent the wedding to Judson Prentiss (John 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120497 Ireland), the queen bee’s secret lover. William K. Zinsser in the New York Herald Tribune said of her performance, „Miss The Red Pony (Blu-ray) Prisoners (DVD + UltraViolet) Crawford plays her role with such silky villainy that we lon Myrna Loy, Louis Calhern, Robert Mitchum - Classics, Drama, Movies 1955 95min. Viola Davis, Melissa Leo, Terrence Dir. Lewis Milestone SPHE MOD 05.11.2013 Howard, Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Family, Movies, Western 1949 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119894 Maria Bello - Dir. Denis Villeneuve Olive Films 23.04.2013 Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Movies, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120290 Thrillers 2013 153min. La Rafle Warner Bros. 17.12.2013 Melanie Laurent, Jean Reno Red River Range On July 16th, 1942, French authorities carried out an extensi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120489 ve raid of Jews in greater Paris, resulting in the arrest of Max Terhune, Ray Corrigan, John Wayne - more than 13,000 people - including 4,000 children. After Dir. George Sherman Private Hell 36 spending several miserable days in the Vélodrome d’Hiver stadium at the apex of summer with little food or water, Movies, Western 1938 min. Howard Duff, Steve Cochran, Ida Lupino - families were deported to internment camps elsewhere in Olive Films 02.10.2012 Dir. Don Siegel France and then, finally, to Auschwitz - never to be seen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120240 again. Audiences of all ages are discovering writer-director Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Movies 1954 min. Rose Bosch’s powerful portrayal of France’s infamous Vel’ Olive Films 21.08.2012 d’Hiv Roundup, featuring international stars Jean Reno Repo 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120218 (~~The Da Vinci Code, Mission: Impossible, The Professio- nal) and the luminous Mélanie Laurent (Beginners, Zack Ward, Ben Gourley, Sunny Mabrey, Inglorious Bastards, Now You See Me~~) in a subtly moving, Lindsey McKeon, Jason Mewes, Patrick Project X career-defining performance. With its emotionally astute and Muldoon Christopher George, Henry Jones - Dir. sensitive exploration of a long taboo subject - Jacques Chirac Best friends Leon (Ben Gourley) and T.J. (Jason Mewes) are issued a public apology to the citizens of France only in 1995 „Repo Men.“ Ten years into the trade and fresh out of a bad William Castle - the raid, its political backdrop and the exquisite and relationship, Leon wants a new job and a new girl. But when Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction, Spies & poignant beauty of Paris during wartime are brought to T.J. comes up with an outrageous, money-making scheme to Secret Agents 1968 min. stirring life in this modern French classic. steal and resell the cars they’ve repossessed, it’s up to Leon Drama, Foreign, History & Events, Movies, Olive Films 19.06.2012 to set things right - for T.J. and for himself - in this story of War, World War II 2010 115min. friendship, love and pink slips. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120219 Passion River 10.12.2013 Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 96min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119890 MTI Home Video 17.12.2013 Project X (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119941 Christopher George, Henry Jones - Dir. Raising Hope: The Complete William Castle Third Season Retreat, Hell! Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction, Spies & Frank , Richard Carlson, Anita Shannon Woodward, Gregg Binkley, Garret Secret Agents 1968 min. Louise - Dir. Joseph H. Lewis Olive Films 19.06.2012 Dillahunt, Martha Plimpton, Cloris Leachman This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Drama, History & Events, Korean War, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120228 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. It Movies, War 1952 min. takes a village, or as The Chance family proves, it takes one Olive Films 18.06.2013 Psych: The Musical well-intentioned but slightly nutty family to raise Hope. Season three include the bumpy road to the alter for Sabrina 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120241 James Roday, Maggie Lawson, Ally Sheedy and Jimmy, the casting of Hope on „Yo Zappa Do“ and the plot Comedy, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Music, to break Maw Maw out of the nursing home... or should they? The Returned With relentless laughs and a stellar cast, Raising Hope Musical, Mystery, Television, USA Network charmingly reminds us that happiness is making the best of Anne Consigny, Clotilde Hesme, Frederic 2013 88min. what we are given. Pierrot Universal Studios 17.12.2013 Comedy, Family, Fox, Television 2012 min. In an idyllic French Alpine village, a seemingly random 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119935 20th Century Fox MOD 08.10.2013 collection of people find themselves in a state of confusion as they attempt to return to their homes. What they do not yet 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120047 know is that they have been dead for several years, and no Pursued one is expecting them back. Buried secrets emerge as they Ramrod grapple with this miraculous and sinister new reality, Robert Mitchum, Teresa Wright, John struggling to reintegrate with their families and past lovers.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 90 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

But it seems they are not the only ones back from the dead. latest chapter of the groundbreaking saga. A dangerous, John Derek, James Cagney, Viveca Their arrival coincides with a series of gruesome murders escaped convict wanted by every bounty hunter in the known that bear a chilling resemblance to the work of a serial killer galaxy, Riddick has been left for dead on a sun-scorched Lindfors - Dir. Nicholas Ray from the past... planet that appears to be lifeless. Soon, however, he finds Movies, Western 1955 min. Foreign, French, Ghosts, International TV, himself fighting for survival against alien predators more Olive Films 29.05.2012 lethal than any human he’s encountered. The only way off is Supernatural & Paranormal, Television, for him to activate an emergency beacon and alert 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120243 Thrillers 2012 min. mercenaries who rapidly descend to the planet in search of Music Box Films 21.01.2014 their bounty. With time running out and a deadly storm on the Run For Cover (Blu-ray) horizon that no one could survive, his hunters won’t leave the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120321 planet without Riddick’s head as their trophy. Also starring John Derek, James Cagney, Viveca Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica), Karl Urban ( Lindfors - Dir. Nicholas Ray Reuben, Reuben (Blu-ray) Into Darkness) and Dave Bautista (WWE). Experience the Riddick: Unrated Directors Cut with an alternate ending! Movies, Western 1955 min. Roberts Blossom, Tom Conti, Kelly McGillis Action, Aliens, Blu-ray, Bounty Hunters, Olive Films 29.05.2012 - Dir. Robert Ellis Miller Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers 2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120294 Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 1983 119min. min. Universal Studios 14.01.2014 Runner Runner Olive Films 28.05.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120558 Gemma Arterton, Justin Timberlake, Ben 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120292 Affleck - Dir. Brad Furman Rififi: The Criterion Collection Justin Timberlake and Ben Affleck star in this high-stakes Richard: The Lionheart (DVD + crime thriller where the lure of easy money is the riskiest bet (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) of all. When Princeton grad student Richie Furst UltraViolet) (Timberlake) believes he’s been swindled by an online poker Robert Manuel, Carl Mohner, Jean Servais - site, he heads to Costa Rica to confront gambling tycoon Ivan Malcolm McDowell Dir. Jules Dassin Block (Affleck), the man he thinks is responsible. But Richie The aging King Henry II has chosen his son Richard to lead After making such American noir classics as The Naked City will soon face the ultimate power play as he finds himself England in the coming war against France. To test Richard’s and Brute Force, blacklisted director Jules Dassin went to caught between Block’s promises of unlimited wealth and the loyalty, honor and skill, Henry sends him to a hellish prison in Paris and embarked on his masterpiece: a twisting, turning zealous FBI agent (Anthony Mackie) trying to bring him down. which the captives must fight a never-ending stream of tale of four ex-cons who hatch one last glorious heist in the Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 92min. enemies in order to survive. As Richard overcomes each new City of Lights. At once naturalistic and expressionistic, this challenger, his strength, ingenuity and character are proven, melange of suspense, brutality, and dark humor was an inter- 20th Century Fox 07.01.2014 and the legend of Richard the Lionheart is born. national hit and earned Dassin the Best Director prize at the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120437 Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Movies 2013 Cannes Film Festival. Criterion is proud to present Rififi in a 104min. pristine digital transfer. Runner Runner (Blu-ray + DVD + Lionsgate 21.01.2014 Art House, Blu-ray, Classics, Crime, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120522 Criterion Collection, Drama, Film Noir, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Foreign, French, Movies, Thrillers 1955 Gemma Arterton, Justin Timberlake, Ben Riddick 118min. Affleck - Dir. Brad Furman Criterion 14.01.2014 Justin Timberlake and Ben Affleck star in this high-stakes Katee Sackhoff, Karl Urban, Vin Diesel - 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120341 crime thriller where the lure of easy money is the riskiest bet Dir. David Twohy of all. When Princeton grad student Richie Furst Vin Diesel reprises his role as the antihero Riddick in the (Timberlake) believes he’s been swindled by an online poker latest chapter of the groundbreaking saga. A dangerous, Ritual (DVD + UltraViolet) site, he heads to Costa Rica to confront gambling tycoon Ivan escaped convict wanted by every bounty hunter in the known Block (Affleck), the man he thinks is responsible. But Richie galaxy, Riddick has been left for dead on a sun-scorched Derek Phillips, Brian Lally, Larry Fessenden will soon face the ultimate power play as he finds himself planet that appears to be lifeless. Soon, however, he finds A long time ago, Tom and Lovely were married and everything caught between Block’s promises of unlimited wealth and the himself fighting for survival against alien predators more was perfect. But that’s over. When Lovely kills a man after he zealous FBI agent (Anthony Mackie) trying to bring him down. lethal than any human he’s encountered. The only way off is tries to drug and kidnap her, she calls Tom for help and while Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 92min. for him to activate an emergency beacon and alert cleaning up, they find a VHS tape that depicts a satanic ritual 20th Century Fox 07.01.2014 mercenaries who rapidly descend to the planet in search of in which a woman is murdered. When they’re forced to return their bounty. With time running out and a deadly storm on the to the scene they discover just how far this cult will go to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120454 horizon that no one could survive, his hunters won’t leave the perform their ritual. planet without Riddick’s head as their trophy. Also starring Horror, Movies 2013 90min. Running Wild Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica), Karl Urban (Star Trek Lionsgate 31.12.2013 Alden Ehrenreich Into Darkness) and Dave Bautista (WWE). Experience the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119917 Riddick: Unrated Directors Cut with an alternate ending! Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 93min. Action, Aliens, Bounty Hunters, Movies, Screen Media Films 03.12.2013 Science Fiction, Thrillers 2013 119min. Romantic Comedies Collection 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120177 Universal Studios 14.01.2014 Vivica A. Fox, Gabrielle Dennis, Caryn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120547 Ward, Jason Weaver, Jackie Long, Anthony Ruthless Montgomery - Dir. Mark Brown, Russ Parr, Diana Lynn, Zachary Scott, Louis Hayward Jennifer Sharp, Roger Melvin Riddick: The Complete Collection - Dir. Edgar G. Ulmer Collections, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Matt Nable, Katee Sackhoff, Jordi Molla, Drama, Film Noir, Movies 1948 min. Romance 379min. Raoul Trujillo, Vin Diesel, Bokeem Woodbine Olive Films 26.03.2013 Image Ent. 14.01.2014 - Dir. David Twohy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120251 Vin Diesel stars as the ultimate anti-hero in one of the most 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120413 action-packed sci-fi epics of all time! Journey to a remote, hostile planet with a group of marooned passengers who learn Run Ruthless (Blu-ray) that escaped convict Riddick isn’t the only thing they have to Diana Lynn, Zachary Scott, Louis Hayward fear in Pitch Black. Then, from Emmy® Award winning William Moseley - Dir. Edgar G. Ulmer animator Peter Chung (Eon Flux), Riddick and crew face off Action, Movies, Romance, Thrillers 90min. against ruthless soldiers of fortune in The Chronicles of Drama, Film Noir, Movies 1948 min. Millennium Entertainment 14.01.2014 Riddick: Dark Fury. Riddick then finds himself humanity’s Olive Films 26.03.2013 unlikely champion for a universe on the edge of annihilation in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120566 The Chronicles of Riddick. And in the latest chapter, Riddick, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120295 he is forced to work with mercenaries who want his head in order to escape a sun-scorched planet facing a deadly storm. Run 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray) Sail A Crooked Ship Action, Aliens, Bounty Hunters, Movies, (Blu-ray) Science Fiction, Thrillers min. Carolyn Jones, Dolores Hart, Robert Wag- William Moseley Universal Studios 14.01.2014 ner PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120548 is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Gilbert Barrows (Robert Wagner, TV’s Hart to Hart) tries to Riddick: Unrated Director’s Cut standard Blu-ray players save a broken-down ship from being destroyed and hires a Action, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Movies, gang of oddball criminals to fix it, but they have other plans in (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- Romance, Thrillers 90min. mind - to rob a bank in Boston and pull off the greatest crime ever. The crew finds itself trying to dodge other ships, a ray) Millennium Entertainment 14.01.2014 hurricane and a mutiny in the process. Featuring comic legend Katee Sackhoff, Karl Urban, Vin Diesel - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120585 Ernie Kovacs (North to Alaska), Carolyn Jones (TV’s The Addams Family), Frankie Avalon (Grease) and Frank Gorshin Dir. David Twohy (TV’s Batman), Sail A Crooked Ship is a zany, madcap Vin Diesel reprises his role as the antihero Riddick in the Run For Cover comedy.

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Comedy, Movies 1961 88min. most powerful kingpin since the notorious Pablo Escobar. are attracted to each other when they are in bed with a client. Armed with ruthless ambition, Aurelio outsmarts the law and, Never less than exciting and passionate, Sexual Tension: SPHE MOD 05.11.2013 most importantly, his cartel rivals with a fleet of drug Violetas offers up six unforgettable stories of lesbian 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119896 smuggling airplanes - earning him the nickname „El Señor de attraction. los Cielos“ (The Lord of the Skies). Now at the height of his Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies min. narcotics empire, Aurelio’s money is rolling in and so are his Samson And The 7 Miracles / Ali enemies. On the hunt is Marco MejÃ-a (Gabriel Porras), a TLA Releasing 08.10.2013 Baba And The 7 Saracens (Doub- Special Forces police officer determined to personally expose 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120069 and destroy El Señor de los Cielos. With the Casillas le Feature) territories and his identity on the line, the cartel king will stop Shameless: The Complete Third After appearing in five feature films as Tarzan, Gordon Scott at nothing to retain his crown. Inspired by true events, El headed to Italy in 1961 to co-star with Steve Reeves in Duel Señor de los Cielos is action-fill drama too exhilarating to Season Of The Titans. Scott remained in Europe where he appeared resist! in a myriad of Sword and Sandal films, becoming one of the Action, Based-On-A-True-Story, Crime, Joan Cusack, William H. Macy, Ethan genre’s more prolific stars. The first of his solo starring Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Romance, Televi- Cutkosky, Jeremy Allen White, Shanola performances was in Maciste At The Court Of The Grand Hampton, Zach McGowan, Steve Howey, Khan which American International Pictures imported to the sion, Thrillers 2013 min. U.S. as Samson And The 7 Miracles Of The World. Universal Studios 14.01.2014 Noel Fisher, Justin Chatwin, Cameron Eschewing the usual Greek or Roman settings, this story is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120375 Monaghan, Emmy Rossum set in the 13th Century China where Maciste (aka Samson) Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, has come to rescue a prince and princess from a cruel Tarter Gay / Lesbian Interest, Showtime, chieftain who is trying to steal their kingdom. After many Separate But Equal Substance Abuse, Television 2013 min. miraculous feats of strength, good triumphs over evil. Samson Richard Kiley, Burt Lancaster, Sidney And The 7 Miracles Of The World is presented here for the Warner Bros. 17.12.2013 Poitier, Cleavon Little - Dir. George Stevens frist time on DVD in the proper 2.35 widescreen format. The 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120501 second feature is Ali Baba And The 7 Saracens in which the Documentary, Drama, History & Events, famous hero of the Arabian Nights (herein played by Dan Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies, Special Harrison) is pitted against Omar (Gordon Mitchell), the evil Shanks king of Coprah. To complicate matters, Ali Baba is in love with Interest 1991 193min. Oma Paramount Pictures 14.01.2014 Tsilla Chelton, Philippe Clay, Marcel Action, Adventure, Double Features, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120038 Marceau - Dir. William Castle Movies 1961 180min. Fantasy, Horror, Movies 1974 min. Bayview Entertainment 24.12.2013 Serpico / Dog Day Afternoon Olive Films 28.05.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120082 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120254 (Double Feature) Screwed: The Movie James Broderick, Al Pacino, John Cazale, Shanks (Blu-ray) Charles Durning - Dir. Sidney Lumet Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 96min. Tsilla Chelton, Philippe Clay, Marcel Classics, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Dark Screen Media Films 10.12.2013 Marceau - Dir. William Castle Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Lawyers 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120178 Fantasy, Horror, Movies 1974 min. / Legal Issues, Movies, Thieves, Thrillers Olive Films 28.05.2013 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120297 Secret Beyond The Door Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Michael Redgrave, Joan Bennett, Anne 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120596 Revere - Dir. Fritz Lang Shaolin Warrior (DVD + Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Mystery 1947 Sesame Street: Be A Good Sport UltraViolet) min. Learning how to be a good sport can be hard for little Trying to escape a criminal past, one man attempts to join the Olive Films 04.09.2012 monsters! When Elmo takes a game of Hot Potato too ranks of the Shaolin Warriors, but he’s denied. However, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120252 seriously, he hurts Abby’s feelings. Can Leela help Elmo learn having impressed the king with his dedication, he is hired as not to be a sore loser and that winning isn’t everything? Then, a temple groundskeeper. Working on the temple grounds Abby uses magic to make Elmo an amazing basketball player. during the day and mastering kung fu at night, he prepares for Secret Beyond The Door (Blu-ray) He really has game! But Elmo realizes he wants to learn to a second chance at becoming a warrior. His test comes play on his own and feel proud. Featuring two full hour sooner than expected when the king’s enemy declares war, Michael Redgrave, Joan Bennett, Anne episodes of Sesame Street, this video is fully of sporty leaving him alone to defend the temple. Revere - Dir. Fritz Lang surprises! Action, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts, Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Mystery 1947 Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, Movies 95min. min. Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Street, Televi- Lionsgate 31.12.2013 Olive Films 04.09.2012 sion min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119918 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120296 Warner Bros. 21.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120469 Shark! El Senor De Los Cielos: Volume Silvia Pinal, Arthur Kennedy, Burt Reynolds One : The Complete - Dir. Samuel Fuller Rafael Amaya, Robinson Diaz First Season (Repackage) Action, Adventure, Killer Animals, Movies, Aurelio Casillas (Rafael Amaya) is about to claim his place as Sarah Jessica Parker, Christopher Noth, Sharks, Thrillers 1969 min. Mexico’s wealthiest and most powerful kingpin since the Olive Films 25.06.2013 notorious Pablo Escobar. Armed with ruthless ambition and , Kristin Davis, Willie Garson, animal-like instincts, Aurelio outsmarts the law and, most Kim Cattrall - Dir. John David Coles, Allen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120255 importantly, his cartel rivals with a fleet of drug smuggling Coulter airplanes - earning him the nickname „El Señor de los A hilarious, outspoken and outrageous look at dating, mating, Shark! (Blu-ray) Cielos“ (The Lord of the Skies). But when revenge-seeking and relating in New York. Sex And The City goes places Special Forces police officer Marco MejÃ-a (Gabriel Porras) network television can’t with this release of its entire first Silvia Pinal, Arthur Kennedy, Burt Reynolds demands personal retribution, Aurelio’s guarded anonymity season (12 episodes). Sarah Jessica Parker stars as a New - Dir. Samuel Fuller and rising empire fall under attack. The two men plunge into a York writer who draws on her personal experiences - and Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Killer Animals, life-or-death battle of drugs, raw passion, and betrayal that those of her friends - for her newspaper column on the can only end in blood. Inspired by true events, the smash hit „relationship“ habits of New Yorkers. Movies, Sharks, Thrillers 1969 min. El Señor de los Cielos uncovers the looming dangers of the Comedy, Drama, Fashion, Friendships, Olive Films 25.06.2013 drug underworld in an action-filled drama. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120298 Action, Based-On-A-True-Story, Crime, HBO, Movies, Romance, Television 1998 Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Romance, Televi- 300min. sion, Thrillers 2013 min. HBO Home Video 15.10.2013 She Devil Universal Studios 14.01.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119956 Mari Blanchard, Albert Dekker, - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120374 Dir. Kurt Neumann Sexual Tension: Violetas Horror, Movies, Science Fiction 1957 min. El Senor De Los Cielos: Volume Exploring the art of seduction between two women, through Olive Films 26.02.2013 six very different, incredibly sexy stories, Sexual Tension: 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120221 Two Violetas is an assured lesbian classic in the making. Two Rafael Amaya, Robinson Diaz guests of a hostel become roommates (and more); a keen shop assistant helps a woman uncertain about what dress to buy; She Devil (Blu-ray) Irresistibly corrupt, the smash hit crime saga returns with great passion starts to develop between girls during a picnic, Rafael Amaya starring as Aurelio Casillas, a Mexican drug a few women get a little carried away whilst discussing films Mari Blanchard, Albert Dekker, Jack Kelly - lord who is about to claim his place as the wealthiest and at a restaurant, and two high-class escorts discover that they Dir. Kurt Neumann

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Horror, Movies, Science Fiction 1957 min. Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 1972 min. 2013 94min. Olive Films 26.02.2013 Film Chest Media Group 10.12.2013 TLA Releasing 12.11.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120230 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120385 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119911

She’s / Boys And Girls Silver City Something To Live For (Double Feature) Richard Arlen, Yvonne De Carlo - Dir. Byron Joan Fontaine, Ray Milland, Teresa Wright - Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan, Rachael Haskin Dir. George Stevens Leigh Cook, Paul Walker, Claire Forlani, Movies, Western 1951 min. Drama, Movies 1952 min. Matthew Lillard, Freddie Prinze Jr., Anna Olive Films 29.05.2012 Olive Films 27.03.2012 Paquin - Dir. Robert Iscove 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120257 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120259 Comedy, Double Features, High School, Movies, Romance 190min. Silver City (Blu-ray) The Sopranos: The Complete Lionsgate 14.01.2014 Richard Arlen, Yvonne De Carlo - Dir. Byron First Season (Repackage) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120399 Haskin , , , Movies, Western 1951 min. Nancy Marchand, , , Short Term 12 Olive Films 29.05.2012 Vincent Pastore, Michael Imperioli, James Brie Larson 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120300 Gandolfini, , Steven Van Short Term 12 is told through the eyes of Grace (Brie Larson), Zandt - Dir. Nick Gomez, Allen Coulter, Da- a twenty-something supervisor at a foster-care facility for at- A Single Shot risk teenagers. Passionate and tough, Grace is a formidable vid Chase, Daniel Attias, John Patterson, caretaker-and in love with her long-term boyfriend and co- Kelly Reilly, Jeffrey Wright, Sam Rockwell Alan Taylor, Lorraine Senna, Tim Van worker, Mason (John Gallagher Jr.). But Grace.s own The tragic death of a beautiful young girl starts a tense and Patten, Andy Wolk, Mathew Penn, Henry J. difficult past—and the surprising future that suddenly atmospheric game of cat and mouse between hunter John presents itself—throw her into unforeseen confusion, made Moon and the hardened backwater criminals out for his blood. Bronchtein sharper with the arrival of a new intake at the facility, a gifted Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Meet Tony Soprano: your average, middle-aged businessman. but troubled teenage girl with whom Grace has a charged Tony’s got a dutiful wife. A not-so-dutiful daughter. A son connection. 116min. named Anthony, Jr. A mother he’s trying to coax into a Well Go USA 14.01.2014 retirement home. A hot headed uncle. A not-too-secret Drama, Movies 2013 96min. mistress. And a shrink to tell all his secrets, except the one New Video DVD 14.01.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120361 she already knows: Tony’s a mob boss. These days it’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120608 getting tougher and tougher to make a killing in the killing A Single Shot (Blu-ray) business. Just because you’re „made“...doesn’t mean you’ve got it made. Disc 1: Episode 1 - „The Sopranos“ Episode 2 - Short Term 12 (Blu-ray + DVD Kelly Reilly, Jeffrey Wright, Sam Rockwell „46 Long“ Episode 3 - „ Denial, Anger, Acceptance“ Episode 4 The tragic death of a beautiful young girl starts a tense and - „Meadowlands“ Disc 2: Episode 5 - „College“ Episode 6 - Combo) (Blu-ray) atmospheric game of cat and mouse between hunter John „Pax Soprana Episode 7 - „Down Neck“ Episode 8 - „The Brie Larson Moon and the hardened backwater criminals out for his blood. Legend Of Tennessee Moltisanti“ Disc 3: Episode 9 - „Boca“ Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Episode 10 - „A Hit Is A Hit“ Episode 11 - „Nobody Knows Drama, Movies 2013 96min. Anything“ Episode 12 - „Isabella“ Disc 4: Episode 13 - „I New Video DVD 14.01.2014 116min. Dream Of Jeannie Cusamano“ Plus - Sopranos Special 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120616 Well Go USA 14.01.2014 Features 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120087 Crime, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, HBO, Showdown At Boot Hill Mobsters & The Mafia, Television 1999 680min. Robert Hutton, John Carradine, Charles Six Feet Under: The Complete HBO Home Video 15.10.2013 Bronson - Dir. Gene Fowler Jr. Series 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119957 Movies, Western 1958 min. Frances Conroy, Patricia Clarkson, Jeremy Olive Films 18.06.2013 Sisto, Richard Jenkins, Rachel Griffiths, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120256 Freddy Rodriguez, Lili Taylor, Lauren The Sound Of Music: Live! Ambrose, James Cromwell, Kathy Bates, Christian Borle, Carrie Underwood, Showdown At Boot Hill (Blu-ray) Peter Krause, Mathew St. Patrick, Michael Stephen Moyer, Audra McDonald An aspiring nun in pre-World War II leaves the abbey Robert Hutton, John Carradine, Charles C. Hall - Dir. to become a governess for the widower Captain Von Trapp’s Bronson - Dir. Gene Fowler Jr. Dark Comedy, Drama, Gay / Lesbian seven children and finds herself falling in love. Beloved Interest, HBO, Television 780min. worldwide, The Sounds of Music includes unforgettable Movies, Western 1958 min. songs including „Edelweiss,“ „Do-Re-Mi,“ „My Favorite Olive Films 18.06.2013 HBO Home Video 12.11.2013 Things“ and „The Sound of Music.“ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120299 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120352 Universal Studios, Movies, Musical, Televi- sion, TV Movies 2013 180min. Sightseers The Slender Thread Universal Studios 17.12.2013 Chris wants to show his girlfriend Tina his world and he Sidney Poitier, Anne Bancroft, Telly 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120061 wants to do it his way - on a journey through the British Isles Savalas - Dir. Sydney Pollack in his beloved caravan. Tina’s led a sheltered life and there are things Chris simply needs her to see. But it doesn’t take Drama, Movies 1965 min. The Space Children long for annoying tourists, overbooked camp sites, and Tina’s Olive Films 16.10.2012 Michel Ray, Adam Williams, Peggy Webber - meddling mother to spoil Chris’ dream. Now he’s out to prove 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120258 that hell truly hath no fury like a vacationer scorned. Director Dir. Jack Arnold Ben Wheatley (Kill List) cleverly mixes pitch-black humor Movies, Science Fiction 1958 min. with over the top violence to create an uncomfortably The Slender Thread (Blu-ray) Olive Films 19.06.2012 hilarious portrait of a seemingly normal man pushed over the edge. Sidney Poitier, Anne Bancroft, Telly 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120260 Adventure, British, Comedy, Crime, Foreign, Savalas - Dir. Sydney Pollack Horror, Movies 2012 88min. Drama, Movies 1965 min. The Space Children (Blu-ray) MPI 10.12.2013 Olive Films 16.10.2012 Michel Ray, Adam Williams, Peggy Webber - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120205 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120301 Dir. Jack Arnold Movies, Science Fiction 1958 min. Silent Night, Bloody Night Solo Olive Films 19.06.2012 Tally Brown, Walter Klavun, Astrid Heeren, Mario Veron 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120302 In this sexy, romantic, and uncomfortably chilling tale of love Ondine And The Los Angeles..., James and deception from first time director Marcelo Briem Stamm, Patterson, Walter Abel, Candy Darling, two men meet in a chat room but when they eventually meet in The Spectacular Now (Blu-ray + Mary Woronov, John Carradine - Dir. person and the sexual sparks are hot. While sex is satisfying UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) and often, it is their collective problems with intimacy, trust Theodore Gershuny and the fear of being hurt that make them hesitant to commit Shailene Woodley, Miles Teller, Brie Larson, A young man inherits a house in which his grandfather died in fully. As their relationship develops, both reveal secrets from Kyle Chandler, Jennifer Jason Leigh - Dir. a fire. The house had been used as an insane asylum. When their past but these revelations may be real, imagined or he puts it up for sale another madman is hiding there and outright lies. James Ponsoldt threatening anyone who comes near the house. Based on the beloved book by Tim Tharp, The Spectacular Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies Now is the story of Sutter Keely (Miles Teller), a high school

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 93 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA senior and self-proclaimed „life of the party,“ who / TV, In The Future..., Science Fiction, Olive Films 26.03.2013 unexpectedly falls in love with „nice girl“ Aimee Fineky (Shailene Woodley). While Aimee dreams of the future, Sutter Space, Star Trek, Television, Time Travel 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120263 lives in the now, and yet somehow, they’re drawn together. 2002 1025min. What starts as an unlikely romance becomes a sharp- eyed, Paramount Pictures 07.01.2014 The Sun Shines Bright (Blu-ray) straight-up snapshot of the heady confusion and haunting passion of youth. Costarring Brie Larson, Kyle Chandler and 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120051 Arleen Whelan, John Russell, Charles Jennifer Jason Leigh. Winninger - Dir. John Ford Book-To-Film, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Steal Comedy, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Romance 2013 100min. Stephen Dorff, Bruce Payne, Natasha Movies 1953 min. Lionsgate 14.01.2014 Henstridge - Dir. Gerard Pires Olive Films 26.03.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120142 Slim (Stephen Dorff) is a rollerblading, rock climbing, extreme 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120304 sports junkie. But where he really gets his kicks is on high- stakes robbery jobs with his talented young crew of thieves. The Spectacular Now (DVD + Action, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 2002 Sunlight Jr. UltraViolet) 85min. Naomi Watts, Norman Reedus, Matt Dillon - Shailene Woodley, Miles Teller, Brie Larson, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Dir. Laurie Collyer Kyle Chandler, Jennifer Jason Leigh - Dir. 10.12.2013 Drama, Movies 2013 95min. James Ponsoldt 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119927 Millennium Entertainment 21.01.2014 Based on the beloved book by Tim Tharp, The Spectacular 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120569 Now is the story of Sutter Keely (Miles Teller), a high school senior and self-proclaimed „life of the party,“ who Stop-Loss (Blu-ray) unexpectedly falls in love with „nice girl“ Aimee Fineky Abbie Cornish, Alex Frost, Channing Tatum, Sunrise (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Shailene Woodley). While Aimee dreams of the future, Sutter lives in the now, and yet somehow, they’re drawn together. Victor Rasuk, Rob Brown, Timothy (Blu-ray) What starts as an unlikely romance becomes a sharp- eyed, Olyphant, Ciaran Hinds, Ryan Phillippe - Dir. Margaret Livingston, Janet Gaynor - Dir. straight-up snapshot of the heady confusion and haunting Kimberly Peirce F.W. Murnau passion of youth. Costarring Brie Larson, Kyle Chandler and Ryan Phillippe leads an all-star cast in Stop-Loss, the Jennifer Jason Leigh. This story of betrayal and redemption earned Oscars at the inspirational film about family, friends, loyalty and first Academy Awards ceremony in 1929 for the most „Unique Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 camaraderie. After completing his tour of duty, Brandon King And Artistic Picture,“ Best Actress (Janet Gaynor) and Best 100min. (Phillippe) faces an unexpected new challenge that will put Cinematography. The love and loyalty of a farmer and his wife him at odds with former soldiers and test the bonds with old are put to the ultimate test in this classic silent film. Lionsgate 14.01.2014 friends. Featuring rising stars Channing Tatum, Abbie 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120133 Cornish and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Stop-Loss is the must- Drama, Movies, Romance 1927 94min. own DVD that critics are hailing as „a generation-defining 20th Century Fox 14.01.2014 film“. (Carrie Rickey, Philadelphia Inquirer) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120455 The Spirit Is Willing Drama, Military, Movies, War, War In The Barry Gordon, Sid Caesar, - Dir. Middle East 2008 111min. Sweeney Todd / Sleepy Hollow William Castle Paramount 04.02.2014 Comedy, Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Horror, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120015 (Double Feature) Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal 1967 Christina Ricci, Johnny Depp, Alan min. A Strange Brand Of Happy Rickman, Sacha Baron Cohen, Timothy Olive Films 26.06.2012 Spall, Michael Gambon, Jeffrey Jones, He- Rebecca St. James, Joe Boyd, Shirley 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120261 lena Bonham Carter, Casper Van Dien, Jones After losing his job David is pushed to hire a life coach named Miranda Richardson - Dir. Tim Burton Stalag 17 / The Dirty Dozen Joyce. David quickly falls for Joyce, but discovers so has his Action, Book-To-Film, Double Features, (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) ex-boss William. David finds himself in competition with Historical / Period Piece, Horror, Movies, William, but soon learns he must turn to a rag-tag band of Musical, Play-To-Film, Thrillers 221min. Trini Lopez, Otto Preminger, Don Taylor, retirees at the retirement home where he volunteers to find Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 John Cassavetes, Lee Marvin, Clint Walker, true north. Comedy, Movies 2013 78min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120470 Jim Brown, Charles Bronson, Telly E1 Entertainment 14.01.2014 Savalas, William Holden, Donald Sutherland 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120253 - Dir. Robert Aldrich, Sword Masters: Death Duel Lee Marvin leads an ensemble cast of ragtag misfits and The Third Master (Erh Tung Sheng, aka Derek Yee, in the rejects as he commands a suicide mission against the Nazis. Strangers In The Night role that launched his career) is considered to be the greatest The Dirty Dozen remains a milestone action flick. William swordmaster of the day. His displays of skill and strength Holden stars as J.J. Sefton, a prisoner of the notorious Virginia Grey - Dir. Anthony Mann bring armies of challengers to his door, seeking the title for prisoner camp Stalag 17. Following the death of two prisoners Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Movies 1944 min. themselves. Not to be defeated, the Third Master fights evil, during an escape attempt, it becomes clear there is a spy saves damsels in distress, and duels rival swordsmen to the Olive Films 26.02.2013 death. among the prisoners. Is it Sergeant Sefton? 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120262 Academy Award Winners, Action, Army, Action, Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Martial Blu-ray, Classics, Double Features, Drama, Arts, Movies, Swordfighting, Swords & Military, Movies, War, World War II 270min. Strangers In The Night (Blu-ray) Sworcery 91min. Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Virginia Grey - Dir. Anthony Mann Well Go USA 28.01.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120610 Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Movies 1944 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120077 Olive Films 26.02.2013 Stalker 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120303 Sword Masters: Legend Of The Jane March, Colin Salmon Bat When novelist Paula Martin retreats to the seclusion of her Street Dance 2 Welcome to Bat Island: a dangerous haven of questing family home Crows Hall she hopes to clear her mind and focus George Sampson, Tom Conti swordsmen, assassins, and the dead. Chu Liu Hsiang (Ti on her new book. The arrival of an assistant, Linda, should When top street dancer Ash is laughed off stage by the dance Lung) arrives seeking adventure, but instead stumbles across take the off... but as the bodies pile up, Paula finds crew Invincible, he and his best friend Eddie search a martial-arts underworld, ruled by a mysterious kingpin herself trapped in a terrifying nightmare of murder and everywhere to assemble the best dancers from around the known as Mr. Bat. He joins forces with a band of warriors, madness. world to take them on - with a dance style they werent but as they draw close to their target, true motives are Horror, Movies, Stalkers, Thrillers 2011 expecting! revealed. Now, these travelers face a challenge far more 84min. Dancing, Drama, Hip-Hop, Movies, Music, dangerous than anyone could have imagined. Action, Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Martial Screen Media Films 15.10.2013 Romance min. Arts, Movies, Swordfighting, Swords & 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119884 Phase 4 Films 14.01.2014 Sworcery min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120452 Well Go USA 28.01.2014 Star Trek: Enterprise - The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120078 Complete Third Season (Blu-ray) The Sun Shines Bright Connor Trinneer, Linda Park, Anthony Arleen Whelan, John Russell, Charles Syrup Winninger - Dir. John Ford Montgomery, John Billingsley, Dominic Kellan Lutz, Shiloh Fernandez, Amber Comedy, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Keating, Jolene Blalock, Heard Movies 1953 min. Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Cult Film Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013

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90min. One a new law requiring them to turn back undocumented peoples Magnolia Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 seeking aid. Tyler Posey, Holland Roden, Crystal Reed, Drama, Foreign, Italian, Movies 2011 88min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120135 Tyler Hoechlin E1 Entertainment 14.01.2014 Four months after the events that nearly ended Jackson’s life 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120391 Syrup (Blu-ray) and resurrected Peter Hale’s, teen wolf Scott McCall and his friends begin their junior year of high school unaware that a Kellan Lutz, Shiloh Fernandez, Amber new threat has arrived in Beacon Hills: A pack of Alpha The Terror / Dementia 13 (2 Pack) Heard werewolves intent on bringing Derek into their fold, while Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 destroying his young pack. (Blu-ray) Comedy, Drama, High School, Horror, MTV, min. 2 Packs, Blu-ray, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Romance, Television, Thrillers, Magnolia Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Movies, Thrillers min. Werewolves 2012 528min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120145 Film Chest Media Group 23.04.2013 MGM / UA 10.12.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120373 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120035 Take Me Home Tonight (Repackage) Thanks For Sharing (Blu-ray + Tell No One UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Teresa Palmer, Monica Guerritore Dan Fogler - Dir. Michael Dowse Charming and funny, Tell No One bubbles over with Josh Gad, Alecia Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Tim A talented ensemble cast delivers laugh-out-loud irresistible romantic playfulness. Italian- born Matthia is Robbins, Gwyneth Paltrow, Leslie Urdang, performances in this „fun nostalgia trip“ (Richard Roeper). about to move to Madrid to be with his gorgeous boyfriend, Edward Norton, David Koplan, Miranda De When Matt Franklin’s (Topher Grace) high-school crush Tori Eduard. By all accounts, their relationship couldn’t be more (Teresa Palmer) shows up at his dead-end mall job, he and perfect so it’s in a no-brainer for Eduard to surprise Matthia Pencier, Dean Vanech his buddy Barry (Dan Fogler) devise a wild scheme for Matt by flying over to Italy before the move to meet his man’s family. Gwyneth Paltrow, Mark Ruffalo, Tim Robbins, Josh Gad and to finally win the girl of his dreams. But only time will tell if There is only one problem- despite assurances otherwise, Alecia „Pink“ Moore shine in an unconventional romantic Matt can seduce this gorgeous goddess at a wild party and Matthia has Not come out to his loved ones! Now, Matthia has comedy that follows the topsy-turvy lives and loves of three survive an outrageous night of seduction, destruction and to juggle expectations on both sides whilst also trying to keep obsessive characters: an overachieving environmental debauchery. Take this hilarious comedy home tonight! his perfect, sexy boyfriend from leaving him all together. consultant (Ruffalo), a stubborn small- business owner (Robbins) and a wisecracking ER doctor (Gad). They meet in Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2011 Comedy, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, a support group... and set into motion a life-changing journey 98min. Movies, Romance 2012 97min. filled with laughter and surprises. 20th Century Fox 14.01.2014 TLA Releasing 10.12.2013 Lionsgate, Comedy, Drama, Movies, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120563 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120478 Romance, Sexy Comedies 2012 113min. Lionsgate 07.01.2014 Take Me Home Tonight The Ten Commandments (Blu-ray 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120098 (Repackage) (Blu-ray) + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Teresa Palmer, Edward G. Robinson, Yvonne De Carlo, Thanks For Sharing (DVD + Dan Fogler - Dir. Michael Dowse Anne Baxter, Yul Brynner, Charlton Heston UltraViolet) A talented ensemble cast delivers laugh-out-loud - Dir. Cecil B. DeMille Josh Gad, Alecia Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Tim performances in this „fun nostalgia trip“ (Richard Roeper). When Matt Franklin’s (Topher Grace) high-school crush Tori Adventure, Ancient Egypt, Blu-ray, Robbins, Gwyneth Paltrow, Leslie Urdang, (Teresa Palmer) shows up at his dead-end mall job, he and Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Edward Norton, David Koplan, Miranda De his buddy Barry (Dan Fogler) devise a wild scheme for Matt Piece, History & Events, Movies, National Pencier, Dean Vanech to finally win the girl of his dreams. But only time will tell if Film Registry, Religion/Spirituality 1956 min. Gwyneth Paltrow, Mark Ruffalo, Tim Robbins, Josh Gad and Matt can seduce this gorgeous goddess at a wild party and Alecia „Pink“ Moore shine in an unconventional romantic survive an outrageous night of seduction, destruction and Paramount 01.01.2013 comedy that follows the topsy-turvy lives and loves of three debauchery. Take this hilarious comedy home tonight! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120093 obsessive characters: an overachieving environmental Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2011 consultant (Ruffalo), a stubborn small- business owner 98min. Terms Of Endearment / An Officer (Robbins) and a wisecracking ER doctor (Gad). They meet in 20th Century Fox 14.01.2014 a support group... and set into motion a life-changing journey And A Gentleman (Double Fea- filled with laughter and surprises. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120583 Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance, Sexy ture) Comedies 2012 113min. Tales From Danny DeVito, Robert Loggia, Debra Lionsgate 07.01.2014 Curly Howard, Moe Howard, Winger, Lisa Blount, Shirley MacLaine, Da- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120095 Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Slapstick, vid Keith, Richard Gere, John Lithgow, Jeff Television 720min. Daniels, Jack Nicholson, Lisa Eilbacher - That Cold Day In The Park Dir. Taylor Hackford, James L. Brooks Film Chest Media Group 11.06.2013 Michael Burns, Susanne Benton, Sandy Academy Award Winners, Action, Comedy, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120384 Dennis - Dir. Double Features, Drama, Military, Movies, Drama, Movies 1969 min. Romance, Tearjerkers 256min. Tales That Witness Madness Olive Films 19.02.2013 Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 Donald Pleasence, Jack Hawkins, Kim 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120266 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120475 Novak - Dir. Freddie Francis Comedy, Horror, Movies, Mystery 1973 min. Terraferma That Cold Day In The Park (Blu- Olive Films 26.06.2012 ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120264 Beppe Fiorello, Donatella Finocchiaro, Filippo Pucillo - Dir. Emanuele Crialese Michael Burns, Susanne Benton, Sandy Terraferma is the story of an uncontaminated Sicilian island Dennis - Dir. Robert Altman Tales That Witness Madness (Blu- inhabited by fisherman. Still barely touched by tourism, the Drama, Movies 1969 min. ray) islanders have begun to alter their mentality and behaviour as they realize the economic potential of this new industry. At the Olive Films 19.02.2013 Donald Pleasence, Jack Hawkins, Kim same time, they deal with illegal aliens flooding the island and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120306 Novak - Dir. Freddie Francis a new law requiring them to turn back undocumented peoples Comedy, Horror, Movies, Mystery 1973 min. seeking aid. Drama, Foreign, Italian, Movies 2011 88min. That Show With Joan Rivers Olive Films 26.06.2012 E1 Entertainment 14.01.2014 Joan Rivers 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120305 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120376 Comedy, Television 1968 414min. Film Chest Media Group 21.02.2012 Taxi For Tobruk Terraferma (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120386 Drama, Foreign, French, Movies, War 1961 Beppe Fiorello, Donatella Finocchiaro, min. Filippo Pucillo - Dir. Emanuele Crialese That Touch Of Mink Olive Films 30.10.2012 Terraferma is the story of an uncontaminated Sicilian island Gig Young, Doris Day, Cary Grant - Dir. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120265 inhabited by fisherman. Still barely touched by tourism, the Delbert Mann islanders have begun to alter their mentality and behaviour as they realize the economic potential of this new industry. At the Classics, Comedy, Movies, Romance 1962 Teen Wolf: Season Three - Part same time, they deal with illegal aliens flooding the island and min.

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Olive Films 30.07.2013 banished to Earth from his homeworld of Asgard, he must fight ghostly, fog-enshrouded landscape in feudal Japan. As a to reclaim his lost powers. Pursued by an invasion force sent tough warrior who rises savagely to power, Toshiro Mifune 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120267 to destroy him, the fallen God of Thunder must rise to the (Yojimbo) gives a remarkable, animalistic performance, as battle and learn what it takes to become a true hero. Natalie does Isuzu Yamada (Black River) as his ruthless wife. Throne That Touch Of Mink (Blu-ray) Portman (Black Swan) and Anthony Hopkins (Beowulf) also of Blood fuses classical Western tragedy with formal star in the blockbuster adventure critics are calling „thrilling, elements taken from Noh theater to create an unforgettable Gig Young, Doris Day, Cary Grant - Dir. entertaining and cool“ (Harry Knowles, Ain’t It Cool News).“ cinematic experience. Delbert Mann Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Action, Art House, Blu-ray, Criterion Classics, Comedy, Movies, Romance 1962 Blu-ray, Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Myths & Collection, Drama, Foreign, Japanese, min. Legends, Superheroes 2011 min. Movies, Shakespeare, Thrillers, War 1957 Olive Films 30.07.2013 Disney / Buena Vista 24.09.2013 110min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120307 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120530 Criterion 07.01.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120340 That’s The Way Of The World Thor: Limited 3D Edition (Blu-ray (Blu-ray) 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Tom Clancy’s Netforce Harvey Keitel, Bert Parks, Ed Nelson, Ralph Copy) (Blu-ray) CCH Pounder, Sarah Chalke, Scott Bakula, Judge Reinhold, Brian Dennehy, Malcolm Johnson, Philip Bailey, Verdine White, Mau- Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Kat McDowell, Sandra Bullock rice White - Dir. Sig Shore Dennings, Jeremy Renner, Ray Stevenson, Action, Book-To-Film, Drama, Movies, Coleman Buckmaster (Academy Award® nominee Harvey Idris Elba, Colm Feore, Stellan Skarsgard, Keitel) is an ambitious young music producer with A-Kord Science Fiction, Thrillers, TV Movies Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Rene Records. In the midst of recording an up-and-coming group 448min. (play by Earth, Wind and Fire), he is directed by the Russo - Dir. Kenneth Branagh president of the record company to concentrate all of his PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Echo Bridge Home Entertainment efforts, against his wishes, on an unknown music trio The is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. 05.11.2013 Pages, The and corruption of the recording A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120040 industry begin to weigh him down and ultimately force his to standard Blu-ray players. The world has many heroes... but make crucial decisions impacting the success of The only one is a god. When the arrogant warrior Thor (Chris Pages,the group and even his own relationships. Produced Hemsworth, Star Trek) is banished to Earth from his Too Late Blues and directed by Sig Shore (producer of Superfly). homeworld of Asgard, he must fight to reclaim his lost powers. Drama, Movies, Music, R&B 1975 min. Pursued by an invasion force sent to destroy him, the fallen Stella Stevens, Bobby Darin - Dir. John Scorpion Releasing 03.12.2013 God of Thunder must rise to the battle and learn what it takes Cassavetes to become a true hero. Natalie Portman (Black Swan) and Drama, Movies, Music 1961 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120611 Anthony Hopkins (Beowulf) also star in the blockbuster adventure critics are calling „thrilling, entertaining and cool“ Olive Films 29.05.2012 Thief: The Criterion Collection (Harry Knowles, Ain’t It Cool News).“ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120271 Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Drama, Fantasy, Too Late Blues (Blu-ray) Tuesday Weld, Willie Nelson, James Caan - Movies, Myths & Legends, Superheroes Stella Stevens, Bobby Darin - Dir. John Dir. Michael Mann 2010 min. The adored American auteur Michael Mann burst out of the Cassavetes gate with his bold artistic sensibility fully formed with Thief, Disney / Buena Vista 24.09.2013 Drama, Movies, Music 1961 min. his first theatrical feature. James Caan (The Godfather) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120529 Olive Films 29.05.2012 stars, in one of his most riveting performances, as a no- nonsense ex-con safecracker planning to leave the criminal 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120309 world behind after one final diamond heist, but discovering Three Faces West that escape is not as simple as he hoped. Finding hypnotic Sigrid Gurie, Charles Coburn, John Wayne Touchy Feely beauty in neon and rain-slick streets, sparks and steel, Thief effortlessly established the moody stylishness and tactile - Dir. Bernard Vorhaus Rosemarie DeWitt, Ellen Page, Josh Pais - approach to action that would define such later iconic Adventure, Drama, Movies, Romance 1940 Dir. Lynn Shelton entertainments from Mann as Miami Vice, Manhunter, and min. Drama, Movies 2013 89min. Heat. Olive Films 14.05.2013 Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Criterion Collection, Magnolia Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120268 Drama, Thrillers 1981 124min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120443 Criterion 14.01.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120342 Three Faces West (Blu-ray) Touchy Feely (Blu-ray) Sigrid Gurie, Charles Coburn, John Wayne Rosemarie DeWitt, Ellen Page, Josh Pais - Thor - Dir. Bernard Vorhaus Dir. Lynn Shelton Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Kat Drama, Movies 2013 89min. Romance 1940 min. Dennings, Jeremy Renner, Ray Stevenson, Magnolia Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Olive Films 14.05.2013 Idris Elba, Colm Feore, Stellan Skarsgard, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120460 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120308 Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Rene Russo - Dir. Kenneth Branagh Train Of Life The world has many heroes... but only one is a god. When the Three Secrets Lionel Abelanski, Rufus - Dir. Radu arrogant warrior Thor (Chris Hemsworth, Star Trek) is Eleanor Parker, , Ruth Roman - banished to Earth from his homeworld of Asgard, he must fight Mihaileanu to reclaim his lost powers. Pursued by an invasion force sent Dir. Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Historical to destroy him, the fallen God of Thunder must rise to the Drama, Movies 1950 min. / Period Piece, Holocaust, Movies, World battle and learn what it takes to become a true hero. Natalie Olive Films 16.10.2012 Portman (Black Swan) and Anthony Hopkins (Beowulf) also War II 1998 min. star in the blockbuster adventure critics are calling „thrilling, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120269 Olive Films 02.10.2012 entertaining and cool“ (Harry Knowles, Ain’t It Cool News).“ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120272 Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Three Texas Steers Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Myths & Legends, Max Terhune, Ray Corrigan, John Wayne - Train Of Life (Blu-ray) Superheroes 2010 min. Dir. George Sherman Lionel Abelanski, Rufus - Dir. Radu Disney / Buena Vista 24.09.2013 Movies, Western 1939 min. Mihaileanu 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120505 Olive Films 02.10.2012 Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Historical 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120270 / Period Piece, Holocaust, Movies, World Thor (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital War II 1998 min. Copy) (Blu-ray) Throne Of Blood: The Criterion Olive Films 02.10.2012 Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Kat Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120310 Dennings, Jeremy Renner, Ray Stevenson, (Blu-ray) Idris Elba, Colm Feore, Stellan Skarsgard, Isuzu Yamada, Minoru Chiaki, Toshiro Triple Crossed Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Rene Mifune - Dir. Akira Kurosawa Laura Reilly Russo - Dir. Kenneth Branagh A vivid, visceral Macbeth adaptation, Throne of Blood, With a tour in Afghanistan behind him, war-torn Chris Jensen The world has many heroes... but only one is a god. When the directed by Akira Kurosawa (Seven Samurai), sets (introducing Jack Brockett) struggles to assimilate back to arrogant warrior Thor (Chris Hemsworth, Star Trek) is Shakespeare’s definitive tale of ambition and duplicity in a life in California. Drifting and living out of his car, he soon

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 96 Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) November 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA discovers that few are willing to deal with the remnants of a Comedy, Movies, On The Job, Romance face the toughest audition of his career. In Vic, director Sage damaged career military man. Chris is self medicating; despe- Stallone has created a moving, heartfelt character study that rate to silence the echos from the front lines. When an 2002 102min. reveals harsh truths about the nature of the movie business. opportunity finally presents itself, he makes the hard decision Warner Bros. 04.02.2014 As Vic, legendary actor Clu Gulager (The Last Picture Show, to employ his most coveted talents honed in special ops. A job 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120071 The Killers) delivers a brilliant, deeply personal and is a job and Chris knows civilian life can be just as cut-throat unforgettable performance. Cinematographer John Gulager as time on active duty. But just how close does he have to get went on to win Project Greenlight and direct the genre to Andrew Warner (Sean Paul Lockhart) to secure the kill? The Unbelievable Truth favorites Feast, Feast 2, and Pirahna 3DDD. Featuring Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies cameos from Carole Lynley (The Poseidon Adventure), John Adrienne Shelly, Robert John Burke - Dir. Philip Law (Barbarella), Gary Frank (TV’s Family), Gregory 2013 90min. Hal Hartley Sierra (Barney Miller) and John Lazar (Beyond The Valley Of TLA Releasing 12.11.2013 Art House, Comedy, Drama, Movies, The Dolls), and music by acclaimed Italian composer Franco 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119910 Micalizzi (Roma A Mano Armata, Beyond The Door), Vic won Romance 1989 min. Sage Stall Olive Films 14.05.2013 Drama, Movies, Short Film Collections 2006 Tropic Thunder 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120273 min. Brandon T. Jackson, Danny McBride, Bill CAV 10.12.2013 Hader, Jay Baruchel, Steve Coogan, Jack Uptight 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120479 Black, Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr., Nick Jason Bernard, Raymond St. Jacques, Nolte - Dir. Ben Stiller Ruby Dee - Dir. Jules Dassin Vikingdom Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr. lead an all- star cast in the outrageous comedy Tropic Thunder. When Drama, Movies 1968 min. Jon Foo, Natassia Malthe, Dominic Purcell - three of Hollywood’s biggest stars head into the jungles of Olive Films 02.10.2012 Dir. Yusry Abdul Halim Vietnam to shoot a war movie, they have no idea how real 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120274 things can get. Unexpected and controversial, Tropic Thunder Adventure, Movies, Vikings 2013 114min. is „A knockout of a comedy that keeps you laughing.“ - Peter Millennium Entertainment 21.01.2014 Travers, Rolling Stone Uptight (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120568 Action, Comedy, Film About Film, Jungle, Jason Bernard, Raymond St. Jacques, Movies, War 2008 min. Ruby Dee - Dir. Jules Dassin Voodoo Possession Paramount 01.01.2013 Drama, Movies 1968 min. Kerry Knuppe, David Thomas Jenkins, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120084 Olive Films 02.10.2012 Tomas Boykin, Treva Etienne, Danny Trejo 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120311 Imagine an insatiable demon that feeds on blood, thrives on Tropic Thunder: Unrated pain, and reaches from beyond the grave to torment the living - and the dead. For believers and skeptics alike, there is Director’s Cut (Blu-ray) Valley Of Saints nothing in this world or the next to rival the relentless evil of Brandon T. Jackson, Danny McBride, Bill Considered to be jewel of Kashmir, Dal Lake is a a Voodoo Possession. Burdened since childhood with a sprawling aquatic community where erupting political violence gnawing sense of guilt, cynical Aiden Chase journeys to a Hader, Jay Baruchel, Steve Coogan, Jack often distracts from the natural beauty. Gulzar, a young, Haitian insane asylum in search of his missing brother. Upon Black, Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr., Nick working-class boatman, plans to skip town with his best arriving, he discovers all the inmates and the hospital Nolte - Dir. Ben Stiller friend Afzal in search of a better life, but a weeklong military administrator (Danny Trejo, Machete) are seemingly Go deeper into Tropic Thunder with this extended version of curfew derails their departure. Forced to wait it out, Gulzar possessed by a bloodthirsty voodoo spirit. Now, Aiden must the hit film, packed with more action, more comedy, and more and Afzal discover they’re not alone: a young woman named abandon reality and descend into a terrifying spirit world to madness than ever before. When three of Hollywood’s biggest Asifa is also trapped on the lake, but by choice. She’s try to rescue his brother - or they will both be damned for stars head into the jungles of Vietnam to shoot a war movie, researching the lake’s ecosystem and brings on Gulzar to be eternity. they have no idea how real things can get. Starring Ben her guide. As they navigate the floating landscape, an unlikely Horror, Movies, Possession, Thrillers 2013 Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr., Tropic Thunder is relationship blossoms between the two. With the end of the conflict looming, Gulzar has to choose between a new life or a 94min. the most unexpected and controversial movie of the year. Image Ent. 14.01.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Film About Film, new love. Drama, Foreign, Indian, Military, Movies 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120414 Jungle, Movies, War 2008 min. 2012 82min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Virgil Films And Entertainment 14.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120094 Wake Of The Red Witch 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120476 Gig Young, Luther Adler, Gail Russell, Ade- Twenty8k le Mara, John Wayne - Dir. Edward Ludwig Vera: Set 3 Action, Adventure, Classics, High Seas, Kaya Scodelario, Parminder Nagra - Dir. David Leon, Jon Morrison, Brenda Blethyn - Movies, Romance 1948 min. Neil Thompson, David Kew Parminder Nagra (Bend It Like Beckham, ER, Alcatraz) is Dir. Paul Cotter Olive Films 23.04.2013 Deeva Jani, a successful, Paris-based fashion executive who Two-time Oscar nominee Brenda Blethyn (Pride & Prejudice, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120275 is forced to return home to the UK when she receives the Atonement) plays Detective Chief Inspector Vera Stanhope in shocking news that her teenage brother Vipon, played by this compelling mystery series inspired by Ann Cleeves’s newcomer Sebastian Nanena, has been arrested for a fatal bestselling novels. Patrolling her patch of northeast England, Wake Of The Red Witch (Blu-ray) gang shooting in East London. As she and her family are Vera resolutely pursues the truth in cases of murder, Gig Young, Luther Adler, Gail Russell, Ade- vilified and the dead boy’s violent family threaten retribution kidnapping, and blackmail. While her manner is sometimes against her brother in jail, Deeva turns detective in an attempt caustic, her single-mindedness gets results. Vera is le Mara, John Wayne - Dir. Edward Ludwig to uncover the truth, prove her brother’s innocence and save supported by her trusted team, including right-hand man Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, High his life. Teaming up with youth worker and ex-gang member, Detective Sergeant Joe Ashworth (David Leon, RocknRolla). Seas, Movies, Romance 1948 min. Clint, played by Jonas Armstrong (Robin Hood), Deeva soon A family man, Ashworth is ever trying to strike a balance finds herself up against powerful and unexpected adversaries between home and work. Meanwhile, forensic pathologist Olive Films 23.04.2013 including the corrupt but highly connected DCI Stone, played Billy Cartwright (Paul Ritter, The Eagle) and Detective 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120312 by Tony Award-winner Stephen Dillane (The Hours, Constable Kenny Lockhart (Jon Morrison, High Times) tend SpyGame). As events unfold a deeper conspiracy is unlocked to bring out the scathing side of their boss. Guest stars in involving political corruption, media manipulation, prostitution, these four new feature-length dramas include Saskia Reeves Wakefield Poole’s Bible murder and power struggles way beyond London’s street (Luther), Dean Andrews (Life on Mars), and Liam Cunningham (Game of Thrones). Georgina Spelvin - Dir. Wakefield Poole gangs, all the way to the heart of the government. From acclaimed erotic filmmaker, Wakefield Poole, comes The British, Foreign, Movies, Thrillers 2012 British, Foreign, International TV, Murder Bible, like you’ve never seen it before! The stories of Adam & 106min. Mysteries, Mystery, Television 2013 Eve, Bath Sheba and Samson & Delilah are given sexual 369min. twists in this visually stunning and sensually charged Osiris Entertainment 10.12.2013 masterpiece of the erotic avant-garde. Featuring Georgina 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119886 Acorn Media 28.01.2014 Spelvin (The Devil in Miss Jones), Gloria Grant and Bo 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120423 White, Wakefield Poole’s Bible comes to home video for the first time fully restored from the original negative and loaded Two Weeks Notice (Blu-ray) with extra features. Hugh Grant, Sandra Bullock, Alicia Witt, Vic Erotica, Fantasy, History & Events, Movies, Dana Ivey, Heather Burns, Robert Klein - Peter Mark Richman, Tom Gulager, Gary Romance 1973 76min. Dir. Marc Lawrence Frank, Gregory Sierra, John Lazar, John CAV 10.12.2013 Attorney Lucy Kelson wants to save the world. Instead, she’s Phillip Law, Clu Gulager, Carol Lynley - Dir. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120477 choosing ties and interviewing prospective girlfriends for her Sage Stallone handsome and hapless billionaire boss George Wade. Is this Vic Reeves was once a Hollywood star respected for his why she got a Harvard Law degree? Lucy’s fed up, so she award-winning roles in classic Westerns and television The War Between Men And submits her notice. But Wade-with an assist from Cupid-has dramas. Today, past his prime, overlooked, and forgotten, he Women other plans. Written and directed by Mare Lawrence (Miss is reduced to making appearances in cheap B-grade slasher Congeniality) Two Weeks Notice is „sweet, sexy, sassy fun!“ flicks. When a late-night phone call from director Tony La Jason Robards, Barbara Harris, Jack (Bill Bregoli, Westwood One). Salle offers Vic an opportunity for a comeback, the actor must Lemmon - Dir. Melville Shavelson

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Opposites attract, fight, and fall in love in The War Between - Dir. Edward Dmytryk Men and Women. This one-of-a-kind comedy stars legend Jack Lemmon, the two-time Academy Award winner and Weeds: The Complete Collection Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies honoree of AFI’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and features (Blu-ray) 1964 min. live-action and animated sequences based on the artwork of Olive Films 28.02.2012 Alexander Gould, Hunter Parrish, Justin James Thurber. Peter (Lemmon), a cartoonist, has 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120315 successfully avoided marriage for his entire life... until he Kirk, Kevin Nealon, Romany Malco, meets Theresa (Academy Award nominee Barbara Harris). Elizabeth Perkins Peter and Theresa couldn’t be more wrong for one another, Who Is Harry Kellerman And Why but Cupid has a sense of humor and soon the pair finds When Nancy Botwin (Golden Globe® winner Mary-Louise themselves dangerously close to living happily ever after. If Parker) faces both sudden widowhood and poverty, she’s Is He Saying Those Terrible they can overcome flirtatious ex-husbands, clashing lifestyles determined to do anything to keep her kids in suburbia - and Peter’s potential blindness, the might just see their including taking on the job of neighborhood pot dealer. Sub- Things About Me? relationship for what it is... true love. versive and hilarious, the complete series is as intoxicating as ever, with everyone’s favorite pot-selling soccer mom and Jack Warden, Dom DeLuise, Barbara Comedy, Drama, Movies 1972 104min. the rest of the Botwin clan dealing with the mafia, love affairs, Harris, Dustin Hoffman Paramount Pictures 28.01.2014 the birth of an illegitimate child and relocation after Georgie Soloway (Dustin Hoffman) is a hit love song writer 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120325 relocation. Watch as the Botwins’ plans go up in smoke! who cannot love others, or himself. Although he’s rich, Comedy, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, successful and seemingly on top of the world, he spends his Showtime, Stoners, Television 2005 min. days dreaming of suicide and trying to track down a man War Of The Wildcats named Harry Kellerman, who had been spreading outrageous Lionsgate 05.11.2013 Albert Dekker, Martha Scott, John Wayne - lies about him. 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120538 Comedy, Drama, Movies 1971 107min. Dir. Albert S. Rogell Paramount Pictures 28.01.2014 Movies, Western 1943 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120326 Olive Films 23.04.2013 We’re The Millers (Blu-ray + DVD 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120276 + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Emma Roberts, Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Who’s Got The Action War Of The Wildcats (Blu-ray) Aniston - Dir. Rawson Marshall Thurber Eddie Albert, Lana Turner, Dean Martin - Dir. Daniel Mann Albert Dekker, Martha Scott, John Wayne - David Burke (Sudeikis) is a small-time pot dealer whose clientele includes chefs and soccer moms, but no kids... after Classics, Comedy, Movies 1962 min. Dir. Albert S. Rogell all, he has his scruples. After his stash and his cash are Olive Films 27.03.2012 Movies, Western 1943 min. stolen, leaving him in major debt to his supplier, Brad (Ed Helms), he must become a big-time drug smuggler by bringing 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120280 Olive Films 23.04.2013 Brad’s latest shipment in from Mexico. One fake wife, two 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120313 pretend kids and a huge, shiny RV later, the Millers are headed south of the border for a Fourth of July weekend that Who’s Got The Action (Blu-ray) We Are What We Are is sure to end with a bang. Eddie Albert, Lana Turner, Dean Martin - New Line Home Entertainment, Comedy, Dir. Daniel Mann Julia Garner, Ambyr Childers, Bill Sage - Crime, Movies 2013 110min. Classics, Comedy, Movies 1962 min. Dir. Jim Mickle New Line Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 The Parkers have always kept to themselves, and for good Olive Films 27.03.2012 reason. Behind closed doors, patriarch Frank rules with a 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119904 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120317 rigorous fervor, determined to keep his ancestral customs intact at any cost. As a torrential rainstorm moves into the We’re The Millers: Special Editi- area, tragedy strikes and his daughters Iris and Rose are Who’s Minding The Store forced to put meat on the table... but not the kind that can be on (DVD + UltraViolet) Jill St. John, Ray Walston, Jerry Lewis - found at the local supermarket. As the unrelenting downpour continues, local authorities begin to uncover clues that bring Emma Roberts, Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Dir. Frank Tashlin them closer to the secret that the Parkers have held closely Aniston - Dir. Rawson Marshall Thurber Classics, Comedy, Movies, On The Job for many years. David Burke (Sudeikis) is a small-time pot dealer whose 1963 min. Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 clientele includes chefs and soccer moms, but no kids... after all, he has his scruples. After his stash and his cash are Olive Films 27.03.2012 105min. stolen, leaving him in major debt to his supplier, Brad (Ed 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120281 E1 Entertainment 07.01.2014 Helms), he must become a big-time drug smuggler by bringing 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120242 Brad’s latest shipment in from Mexico. One fake wife, two pretend kids and a huge, shiny RV later, the Millers are Who’s Minding The Store (Blu- headed south of the border for a Fourth of July weekend that ray) We Are What We Are (Blu-ray) is sure to end with a bang. Jill St. John, Ray Walston, Jerry Lewis - Julia Garner, Ambyr Childers, Bill Sage - Comedy, Crime, Movies 2013 110min. Dir. Frank Tashlin Dir. Jim Mickle New Line Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 The Parkers have always kept to themselves, and for good 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119889 Classics, Comedy, Movies, On The Job reason. Behind closed doors, patriarch Frank rules with a 1963 min. rigorous fervor, determined to keep his ancestral customs Westward Ho Olive Films 27.03.2012 intact at any cost. As a torrential rainstorm moves into the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120318 area, tragedy strikes and his daughters Iris and Rose are John Wayne, Jack Curtis, Frank McGlynn forced to put meat on the table... but not the kind that can be Jr., Sheila Manners, Yakima Canutt - Dir. found at the local supermarket. As the unrelenting downpour The Wicker Man (Blu-ray) continues, local authorities begin to uncover clues that bring Robert N. Bradbury them closer to the secret that the Parkers have held closely Movies, Western 1935 min. Christopher Lee, Edward Woodward, Britt for many years. Olive Films 26.03.2013 Ekland, Ingrid Pitt, Diane Cilento - Dir. Robin Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120277 Hardy 105min. When a young girl mysteriously vanishes, Police Sergeant E1 Entertainment 07.01.2014 Howie (Edward Woodward) travels to a remote Scottish Westward Ho (Blu-ray) island to investigate. But the seemingly quiet community is not 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120293 as it appears, as the detective uncovers a secretive pagan John Wayne, Jack Curtis, Frank McGlynn society led by the strange Lord Summerisle (Christopher Wedding Palace Jr., Sheila Manners, Yakima Canutt - Dir. Lee). While the townsfolk tempt and threaten him with bizarre Robert N. Bradbury rituals and wanton lust, Howie must race to discover the truth Brian Tee, Bobby Lee behind the girl’s disappearance before his clash with Lord Wedding Palace has been called the Korean-American My Big Movies, Western 1935 min. Summerisle builds to a terrifying conclusion - one that Fat Greek Wedding. Abandoned at the altar, Jason’s (Brian Olive Films 26.03.2013 cemented this cult shocker as a modern horror masterpiece. Tee) family approaches bridal replacements, but to their 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120314 Cult Film / TV, Horror, Movies, Mystery, horror, he rejects them all. On a business trip to Korea, he meets the girl of his dreams, Na Young (Kang Hye-jung). They Supernatural & Paranormal 1973 88min. embark on a cyber love affair fueled by imagination and video When Calls The Heart Lionsgate 07.01.2014 chats. Jason proposes and his family is delighted. When Na 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120143 Young arrives, Jason’s wacky family screws things up at Stephen Amell, Maggie Grace, Lori Loughlin every turn causing a roller coaster of ups and downs to this Drama, Movies, Teachers, TV Movies 2013 modern romance. Jason will have to bridge the gap between 89min. Witchboard 2: The Devil’s family expectations and true love. Award winning indie trailblazer, Wedding Palace is the first ever US-Korea indie Millennium Entertainment 31.12.2013 Doorway coproduction and was shot in both Los Angeles and Seoul. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120046 Timothy Gibbs, John Gatins, Ami Dolenz, Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 98min. Laraine Newman Passion River 07.01.2014 Where Love Has Gone (Blu-ray) Horror, Movies 1993 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120206 Mike Connors, Susan Hayward, Bette Davis Olive Films 15.10.2013

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40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120481 Calvin Reeder, Sharni Vinson, Wendy Adams Glenn, Amy Seimetz, Lane Hughes, Rob Dawn Upshaw Witchboard 2: The Devil’s Moran, Joe Swanberg, Larry Fessenden, This live recording from the Theatre du Chatelet in Paris Doorway (Blu-ray) Barbara Crampton - Dir. Adam Wingard harnesses all the different means of expression used by Peter Aubrey and Paul Davison decide to celebrate their wedding Sellars in his dynamic staging of the world première of Timothy Gibbs, John Gatins, Ami Dolenz, anniversary by inviting their four children and their Adams’ El Niño to create an enormously exciting and original Laraine Newman significant others to a family reunion at their remote and screen version. The piece explores the familiar Nativity story slightly rundown weekend estate. But the family reunion goes from a number of surprising angles. The soloists are Dawn Horror, Movies 1993 min. awry when their home comes under siege by a mask-wearing Upshaw, Lorraine Hunt Lieberson and Willard White and the Olive Films 15.10.2013 team of crossbow-bearing assailants. The family has no idea cast also includes three counter-tenors, three dancers and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120488 who’s attacking them, why they’re under attack, or if the two choruses. Kent Nagano conducts the Deutsches Sympho- attackers are inside or outside the cavernous, creaking nie-Orchester Berlin. house. All they know for certain is that nobody is safe. Opera, Performing Arts, Religion/Spirituality, Wolfblood: Season One Comedy, Dark Comedy, Horror, Movies, Special Interest 147min. Being a teenager is hard enough. Being a Wolfblood teenager Thrillers 2011 94min. Kultur 17.12.2013 is ten times more complicated. Fourteen-year-old Maddy loves her abilities - heightened senses, being faster, stronger and Lionsgate 14.01.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120154 more graceful - but hates the secrets that come with them. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120173 Neither completely wolves nor humans, Wolfbloods can Good Ol’ Freda change from one form to another, and just as Maddy’s getting ready for her first transformation, Rhydian, a new boy starts Zombie John Lennon, Paul McCartney at her school - and they both instinctively know their true Jason Mewes - Dir. John Murlowski Freda Kelly was just a shy Liverpudlian teenager when she nature. Rhydian helps Maddy master her first challenge, but was asked to work for a local band hoping to make it big. after that she must learn to control her powers on her own and Comedy, Movies, Zombies 96min. Though she had no concept of how far they would go, Freda keep her true nature hidden from the outside world. Millennium Entertainment 31.12.2013 had faith in The Beatles from the beginning, and The Beatles British, Fantasy, Foreign, High School, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120045 had faith in her. History notes that The Beatles were together for 10 years, but Freda worked for them for 11. Many people Science Fiction, Television, Werewolves came in and out of the band’s circle as they grew to interna- min. Zulu Dawn tional stardom, but Freda remained a staple because of her New Video DVD 31.12.2013 unfaltering loyalty and dedication. As the Beatles’ devoted , Simon Ward, Burt Lancaster, secretary and friend, Freda was there as history unfolded; 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119939 Denholm Elliott, John Mills - Dir. Douglas she was witness to the evolution - advances and setbacks, Hickox breakthroughs and challenges - of the greatest band in Womb Burt Lancaster, Peter O’Toole, Simon Ward, Bob Hoskins and history. In Good Ol’ Freda, Freda tells her stories for the first Sir John Mills lead an all-star cast in the shocking true story time in 50 years. One of few films with the support of the Eva Green, Matt Smith, Lesley Manville of The Battle of Isandhlwana: In January 1879, arrogant living Beatles and featuring original Beatles music, the film Drama, Foreign, German, Movies, officials of the British colony of Natal, Africa issued a list of offers an insider perspective on the beloved band that Romance, Science Fiction 2010 min. unauthorized ultimatums to the Zulu Nation. When the Zulu changed the music industry. Biography, Documentary, History & Events, Olive Films 09.04.2013 King refused their demands, the Empire declared war. And in a series of grave tactical blunders, a garrison of 1,500 British Music, Special Interest 2013 86min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120282 soldiers faced an army of 25,000 enraged Zulu warriors in what would become the most horrifying disaster in British Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.12.2013 military history. Nigel Davenport (Chariots Of Fire), Denholm 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120441 Womb (Blu-ray) Elliott (Raiders Of The Lost Ark), Phil Daniels Eva Green, Matt Smith, Lesley Manville (Quadrophenia) and 13,000 actual Zulus co-star in this Good Ol’ Freda (Blu-ray) Drama, Foreign, German, Movies, acclaimed prequel to the classic Zulu, now packed with exclusive Bonus Features, fully restored to its correct aspect John Lennon, Paul McCartney Romance, Science Fiction 2010 min. ratio, and re-mastered in stunning HD for the first time ever in Freda Kelly was just a shy Liverpudlian teenager when she Olive Films 09.04.2013 America. was asked to work for a local band hoping to make it big. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120319 Action, Adventure, Drama, History & Though she had no concept of how far they would go, Freda Events, Movies, War, Wilderness 1979 had faith in The Beatles from the beginning, and The Beatles 113min. had faith in her. History notes that The Beatles were together WUSA (Blu-ray) for 10 years, but Freda worked for them for 11. Many people CAV 11.12.2013 Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Anthony came in and out of the band’s circle as they grew to interna- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120036 tional stardom, but Freda remained a staple because of her Perkins - Dir. Stuart Rosenberg unfaltering loyalty and dedication. As the Beatles’ devoted Conspiracies, Drama, Movies, Romance secretary and friend, Freda was there as history unfolded; Z-War she was witness to the evolution - advances and setbacks, 1970 min. breakthroughs and challenges - of the greatest band in Olive Films 23.07.2013 Fred Williamson - Dir. Ryan Thompson history. In Good Ol’ Freda, Freda tells her stories for the first 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120320 In the tradition of World War Z, Dawn of the Dead. Legendary time in 50 years. One of few films with the support of the action star Fred „The Hammer“ Williamson leads one of the living Beatles and featuring original Beatles music, the film last remaining groups of human survivors in a zombie offers an insider perspective on the beloved band that Wyoming Outlaw apocalyptic world. When his group saves a mysterious changed the music industry. wanderer with an unknown past, they must come together to Ray Corrigan, Raymond Hatton, John protect their outpost from hordes of flesh eating zombies and Biography, Blu-ray, Documentary, History & Wayne - Dir. George Sherman even deadly human raiders bent on their destruction. Events, Music, Special Interest 2013 86min. Movies, Western 1939 min. Horror, Movies, Zombies 2012 101min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.12.2013 Olive Films 26.03.2013 Music Video Distribution 17.12.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120458 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120283 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120185 The Green Table You’re Next (Blu-ray + DVD + One of the masterpieces of twentieth-century dance, Kurt Jooss’ ballet expresses the futile, relentless tragedy of war. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The flashing white gloves of the diplomats around the green Music table and Death’s inexorable stamping as he gathers in his Calvin Reeder, Sharni Vinson, Wendy victims make an unforgettably powerful impact. This studio Glenn, Amy Seimetz, Lane Hughes, Rob recording with the Joffrey Ballet of Chicago was staged by Moran, Joe Swanberg, Larry Fessenden, Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me the choreographer’s daughter, Anna Markard, who reconstructed his work as faithfully as possible. Frederic Barbara Crampton - Dir. Adam Wingard Documentary, Hard Rock, Music, Rock ‘N’ Cohen’s score for two pianos is played by May Sofge and Aubrey and Paul Davison decide to celebrate their wedding Roll, Special Interest 2012 113min. Fiona Boznos. anniversary by inviting their four children and their significant others to a family reunion at their remote and Magnolia Home Entertainment 26.11.2013 Ballet, Dancing, Performing Arts, Special slightly rundown weekend estate. But the family reunion goes 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120138 Interest min. awry when their home comes under siege by a mask-wearing Kultur 17.12.2013 team of crossbow-bearing assailants. The family has no idea who’s attacking them, why they’re under attack, or if the Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120157 attackers are inside or outside the cavernous, creaking (Blu-ray) house. All they know for certain is that nobody is safe. Documentary, Hard Rock, Music, Rock ‘N’ Halloween Nights Of Horror Comedy, Dark Comedy, Horror, Movies, Super scary music combined with some of the most chilling Thrillers 2011 94min. Roll, Special Interest 2012 113min. scenes make this a great Halloween pick! Lionsgate 14.01.2014 Magnolia Home Entertainment 26.11.2013 Documentary, Film About Film, Holidays, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120195 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120148 Horror, Music, Special Interest 60min. Music Video Distribution 15.10.2013 You’re Next (DVD + UltraViolet) El Nino: The Nativity - John 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119947

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Ballet, Christmas, Dancing, Holidays, Halloween: A Night In The Performing Arts, Special Interest 125min. Graveyard Kultur 17.12.2013 Super scary music combined with some of the eeriest scenes 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120156 imaginable make this one a true Halloween creep a thon. Telefonische Documentary, Holidays, Horror, Music, One Direction: This Is Us (Blu-ray Bestellannahme: Special Interest 60min. + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Music Video Distribution 01.01.2013 One Direction: This Is Us is a captivating and intimate all- Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119948 access look at life on the road for the global music Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr phenomenon. Weaved with stunning live concert footage, this Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr inspiring feature film tells the remarkable story of Niall, Zayn, Yvonne Kenny: Viva La Diva! Liam, Harry and Louis’ meteoric rise to fame, from their Yvonne Kenny humble hometown beginnings and competing on the X-Factor, Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Australian soprano Yvonne Kenny has an international to conquering the world and performing at London’s famed O2 und Feiertags (Baden- reputation. But the life of a diva is not what most people Arena. Hear it from the boys themselves and see through their Württemberg) bleibt unser imagine or would envy. This documentary gives an intimate own eyes what it’s really like to be One Direction. Directed insight into the life of the singer and discovers what motivates by Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) and produced by Simon Verkauf geschlossen. her as an artist and as a woman. It is peppered with candor Cowell, Adam Milano, Spurlock and Ben Winston. and humor. The hard work and sacrifice involved in her Documentary, Music, Pop Music, Special ‘glamorous’ profession takes enormous commitment but Interest, Teen Pop 92min. Yvonne’s passion for singing and her desire to release music’s power to touch the heart and soul keeps her going. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Documentary, Music, Opera, Special 17.12.2013 Interest min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120123 Kultur 17.12.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120160 One Direction: This Is Us (DVD + UltraViolet) Let’s Get Lost One Direction: This Is Us is a captivating and intimate all- Traveling with the elusive jazz vocalist and trumpeter Chet access look at life on the road for the global music Baker, Let’s Get Lost weaves together the life story of a jazz phenomenon. Weaved with stunning live concert footage, this great. The film uses excerpts from Italian B movies, rare inspiring feature film tells the remarkable story of Niall, Zayn, performance footage and candid interviews with Baker, Liam, Harry and Louis’ meteoric rise to fame, from their musicians, friends, battling ex-wives and his children in what humble hometown beginnings and competing on the X-Factor, turns out to be his last year of life. to conquering the world and performing at London’s famed O2 Arena. Hear it from the boys themselves and see through their Documentary, Music, Special Interest own eyes what it’s really like to be One Direction. Directed 119min. by Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) and produced by Simon Newsletter 11/13 (Nr. 334) Docurama 03.12.2013 Cowell, Adam Milano, Spurlock and Ben Winston. ISSN 1610-2606 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119929 Documentary, Music, Pop Music, Special Interest, Teen Pop 2013 92min. Credits Redaktion: Felicity Lott & Thomas Allen: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 17.12.2013 Wolfram Hannemann Recital 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120111 Design & Layout: Two of opera’s greatest British stars, Dame Felicity Lott and Sir Thomas Allen, sing songs and duets by Schumann, Wolfram Hannemann Brahms, Mendelssohn, Bizet, Duparc, Saint-Saens and Faure One Direction: This Is Us 3D (Blu- Assistenz: from the Wigmore Hall, London. Dame Felicity Lott has always had a special love for the song repertoire. As well as ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Beate Hannemann expertise in the songs of Strauss, Schubert, Schumann and UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Brahms she is also a master of French Melodies. This concert, therefore, is especially suited to her talents. Sir PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Anna Rudschies Thomas Allen is, perhaps, best known as a singer of great is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. © (2013) by Mozart roles. He is a star of all the great Opera houses: La A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Scala, Vienna and the Metropolitan to name but a few. He standard Blu-ray players One Direction: This Is Us is a LASER HOTLINE brings his unique dramatic talent and flair to these songs. Sir captivating and intimate all-access look at life on the road for ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt Thomas is a much-acclaimed recitalist worldwide and his the global music phenomenon. Weaved with stunning live warm voice, capable of immense tenderness, is shown to its concert footage, this inspiring feature film tells the remarkable nur in Verbindung mit einem full advantage in this recital. story of Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis’ meteoric rise to „Persönlichen Import- Classical Music, Opera, Performing Arts, fame, from their humble hometown beginnings and competing on the X-Factor, to conquering the world and performing at service“-Vertrag und be- Special Interest 88min. London’s famed O2 Arena. Hear it from the boys themselves Kultur 17.12.2013 and see through their own eyes what it’s really like to be One inhaltet den Warenpreis Direction. Directed by Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) and sowie alle anfallenden 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120076 produced by Simon Cowell, Adam Milano, Spurlock and Ben Winston. Importkosten inkl. unserer The Makropulos Case (Blu-ray) Blu-ray 3D, Documentary, Music, Pop Vermittlungsprovision. Anja Silja Music, Special Interest, Teen Pop 92min. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und The Makropulos Case focuses on the issue of longevity - the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment das doppelte D-Symbol pros and cons of living for 337 years, as happens to the 17.12.2013 sind Warenzeichen der mysterious Emilia Marty, the sexually irresistible prima donna 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120124 who’s seen it all and done it all. Part grotesque human Dolby Laboratories Inc. comedy, part profound personal tragedy, this opera examines Der NEWSLETTER ist die the eternal mystery of human existence with uniquely life- Released!: The Human Rights enhancing vision. offizielle Informationsbro- Classical Music, Music, Opera 1995 95min. Concerts 1986 - 1998 schüre für Kunden der Fir- Kultur 17.12.2013 Alternative, Boxed Sets, Concerts, Music, ma LASER HOTLINE. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120086 Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Interest min. Shout Factory Music 05.11.2013 Alle in diesem Mailing ent- The Nutcracker: Bejart Ballet 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120453 haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- Lausanna An inspired showman, Béjart attracted huge new audiences öffentlicht werden, stellen for dance with the productions he mounted in sports stadia, kein Verkaufsangebot dar, public squares and circus tents. He now works on a more intimate scale but his style is as vivid and direct in its appeal sondern dienen nur zur as ever. Punctuated by Béjart’s narration of his life story, Information. his magical staging of The Nutcracker is an enchanting and enchanted autobiography. Tchaikovsky’s score is augmented LASER HOTLINE ist with popular accordion music performed on-stage by the autorisierter legendary Yvette Horner. The Béjart Ballet Lausanne were recorded performing the work at the Théâtre du Châtelet. Dolby Merchandise Händler

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