Black Country Study: Delivery Prospectus
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Black Country Study: Delivery Prospectus Work in progress January 2007 CONTENTS 1. Introduction............................................................................. 1 The Black Country Study.............................................................. 1 Delivery Agencies ....................................................................... 1 Regeneration Is Well Underway .................................................... 2 2. The Black Country Study .......................................................... 4 3. Regeneration is Well Underway ............................................... 6 A. Expanding The Four Strategic Town And City Centres ............. 6 Wolverhampton .......................................................................... 7 Brierley Hill/Merry Hill.................................................................10 Walsall Town Centre...................................................................14 West Bromwich Town Centre .......................................................18 Dudley Town Centre ...................................................................22 B. Accelerating Growth Of The Knowledge Economy ................. 26 Enterprise Black Country North....................................................28 Enterprise Black Country Central..................................................28 Enterprise Black Country West.....................................................29 Enterprise Black Country East......................................................29 C. Building Quality Housing –Offering More Choice .................. 34 D. Creating A Workforce For The 21st Century............................ 40 E. Transforming The Environment: ‘Black Country As Urban Park’ .............................................................................................. 43 F. Developing An Integrated Transport Network ....................... 49 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. The Black Country Consortium is the strategic public-private partnership shaping the regeneration of the Black Country. Its founding partners and guarantee members are: Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council, Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council, Wolverhampton City Council, Black Country Business Link and the Black Country Learning and Skills Council (LSC). All are represented on the Board of Directors, together with other key stakeholders from the public and private sectors. The Black Country Study 1.2. Over the last three years, the Consortium has been working with partners to forge a radical new future for the Black Country. A future that will fundamentally change the way people live, work and travel around the Black Country; a future where the Black Country is at the cutting edge of a modern global economy and where its communities are able to share in renewed prosperity. 1.3. The Black Country Study is a commitment to transformational change. It began with a shared Vision, stating what the Black Country should look like in 2031. This Vision provides the driving force for change. It provided the starting point for the Study to set ambitious high-level targets and objectives for job creation, housing development, transport, town centres and the environment. Following on from this, a highly sustainable Spatial Strategy has been developed to adapt the Black Country land use/transport structure. This aims to promote growth in a way which is responsive to today’s challenges of global climate change. In doing so, the Study and the Spatial Strategy provides clear signals to the market of the scale, location and implications of growth across the Black Country. 1.4. The biggest challenge now facing the Consortium and partners is delivery - turning aspirations for regeneration and growth into reality. Delivery Agencies 1.5. Delivering the targets for urban renaissance set out in the Study will require the commitment and coordination of efforts from a range of public and private sector delivery agencies. A Consortium Delivery Sub Board is being established and a Delivery Plan Framework was submitted to Government in July 2006. This identifies the need for a set of Investment Plans to define the shape, timing and resourcing of development in the strategic centres and growth corridors in the subregion. 1.6. The four local planning authorities have come together to form a Black Country Joint Advisory Group to agree and coordinate joint planning activities. An officer task group has also been established to pursue the preparation of the Joint Core Strategy for all four Black Country local authorities and to fast track the preparation of Area Action Plans (see Appendix). 1.7. In consultation with partners, many regeneration initiatives are also now being re-aligned to deliver the priorities of the Black Country Study. At a regional level, Advantage West Midlands (AWM) – the Regional Development Agency – promotes the economic development of the Black Country. In developing the Regional Economic Strategy (RES), AWM established a number of Regeneration Zones –areas where regeneration needs and opportunities are most aligned. The two Regeneration Zones that fall within the Black Country have now been combined and placed under the control of the Black Country Consortium. A - 1 - Black Country Delivery Prospectus combined Zone Implementation Plan has been published, to align the priorities of the Consortium and AWM. 1.8. In 2003, AWM established the Wolverhampton Telford Technology Corridor – a University of Wolverhampton-led network of public and private sector organisations. Over the first three years it supported projects worth £30m to boost innovation, knowledge transfer and enterprise. The Black Country Study identifies priority employment land corridors to provide the spatial focus for this technology-led investment in the Black Country. 1.9. English Partnerships (EP) is also active in the Black Country. In a joint initiative with AWM and the Black Country Consortium, a new Brownfield Land Action Plan is now being prepared, mapping out opportunities and constraints in the Black Country’s employment land corridors. Together with Black Country Investment, the URCs and local authorities, the Plan will ensure that the Black Country has a property portfolio to accommodate employment growth in high value-added sectors. The Plan will provide the basis for comprehensive Investment Plans for the corridors to be published in Spring 2007. 1.10. EP also supports Housing Market Renewal in the Black Country. In 2004, Urban Living - the Birmingham/Sandwell Housing Market Renewal Area (HMRA) - was established to address areas of low housing demand through renewal and redevelopment. Since then, funding from the Regional Housing Board has also been allocated for the whole of the Black Country (and Telford) Housing Market Area (HMA) prioritising areas at risk of low demand in Wolverhampton and Walsall. 1.11. Local delivery partners working across the subregion are helping to change the face of the Black Country, making strategic interventions to bring forward sites and projects. Urban Regeneration Companies (URCs) in Sandwell and Walsall are now well established and proposals for a special purpose vehicle in Wolverhampton are at an advanced stage. Brierley Hill Regeneration Partnership - a public, private and community partnership – is leading on the integrated expansion of the Brierley Hill, Merry Hill and Waterfront areas. The four local authorities of Sandwell, Dudley, Walsall and Wolverhampton have played a lead role in establishing these delivery agencies and work alongside them to promote regeneration. Regeneration Is Well Underway 1.12. The Black Country is already undergoing significant change as multinational companies choose to invest here. Westfield Group - a global company with assets of more than £23 billion - has made a significant investment at Merry Hill shopping centre, and is committed to further sustainable mixed use development in the Brierley Hill area. Microsoft - the world leading software developer - has partnered with the Consortium to support the objectives of the Black Country Study. As part of the company’s ethos to work locally and use digital technology to change people’s lives, it has committed to a multi-million pound investment programme over the next three years focused on education and business support. 1.13. As more high profile investors choose the Black Country, others will follow, creating new jobs, homes, retail, leisure and cultural opportunities for our communities. Investment in town centres and along key employment corridors is laying the foundations for the Black Country to become an attractive location for high value-added businesses and their employees. In the housing market, Regional Planning Monitoring and Urban Capacity updates demonstrate that completions have accelerated in the last two years and are now exceeding the - 2 - Black Country Delivery Prospectus RSS target. As more sites in town centres and along public transport corridors are brought forward, the rate of house building will continue at an even faster pace. 1.14. The two most fundamental drivers of change for the Black Country are the environment and skills and new initiatives are being launched to address these issues. The Black Country-wide Living Landmarks: People’s Millions bid is one of only six shortlisted for a national competition and the only one with an urban focus. If successful it will accelerate the creation of ‘Black Country as Urban Park’–an environmental framework for the creation of