CAO 2016-02 Re: 2016 Budget Consultation Government of Canada, Government of Ontario
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AGENDA COUNTY OF OXFORD COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2016 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER, OXFORD COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, WOODSTOCK MEETING #2 1. CALL TO ORDER Time ______ 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. ADOPTION OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING January 13, 2016 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS 6. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Chris Friesen, Chair Future Oxford Partnership Re: Introduction of Future Oxford Program Director - Miranda Fuller 2. Susan Acton on behalf of the Board representing the Residents of 18 Balazs Court, Hickory Hills, Tillsonburg Re: Request for Reinstatement of previously provided Waste Removal Services *See Councillor Molnar's Motion S Acton - 011316 Link to Video - S Acton 3. Kenneth Westcar Re: Importance of Canada's VIA Rail Passenger Service *See CAO 2016-01 7. CONSIDERATION OF DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Resolution That the information provided in the delegation from Susan Acton, requesting on behalf of the residents of 18 Balazs Court, Hickory Hills, Tillsonburg, reinstatement of previously provided waste removal services, be received. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 2 COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 27, 2016 Consideration of: Councillor Molnar's Motion Resolution That the information provided in the delegation from Kenneth Westcar, regarding the importance of Canada's VIA Rail passenger service, be received and referred for consideration during deliberation on Report No. CAO 2016-01. 8. CONSIDERATION OF CORRESPONDENCE 9. REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTS CAO/CLERK CAO 2016-01 Re: The Importance of Canada’s VIA Rail Passenger Service Recommendations 1. That Council recognizes the positive influence a revitalized VIA passenger rail service can have on the Canadian, Ontario and Southwestern Ontario economy while playing a vital role in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as envisioned within a Canada-Ontario Climate Change Strategy; 2. And further, that Council encourages a strategic partnership between the Federal Government, the Provincial Government , VIA Rail, and Metrolinx to advance a coordinated and enhanced Quebec-Windsor Passenger Rail Corridor in a manner that exploits the inter-municipal mass transportation value of the VIA Rail corridor while optimizing and complementing coordination with GO Transit services and municipal transit systems while fostering small urban and rural community connection through use of a motor coach industry based VIA corridor feeder system; 3. And further, that Council support Transportation Action Canada’s VIA 1-4-10 Plan which, in conjunction with the previously endorsed SWOTA’s Network Southwest Plan and Modernizing Intercity Bus Services comments, provides an opportunity for an innovative mass transportation solution serving Southwestern Ontario as outlined in Report CAO 2016-01; 4. And further, that the Warden request the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of Ontario, all appropriate Federal and Provincial Ministers, and the President and CEOs of VIA Rail and Metrolinx meet to discuss a strategic, timely and coordinated plan to enhance passenger rail within the Quebec City to Windsor Corridor, prior to any advancement of either the Ontario HSR or VIA Rail HPR proposals as outlined in Report CAO 2016-01; 5. And further, that the Western Ontario Wardens Caucus (WOWC) and the South West Ontario Urban Mayors Caucus (SWOUMC) and all WOWC/SWOUMC Member Municipalities be similarly requested to support “The VIA 1-4-10 Plan” as outlined in Report CAO 2016-01. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 3 COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 27, 2016 CAO 2016-02 Re: 2016 Budget Consultation Government of Canada, Government of Ontario Recommendations 1. That Council adopt the 2016 Budget Consultation Position Paper, dated January 27, 2016 as outlined in Report CAO 2016-02; 2. And further, that the Warden write the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of Ontario and the appropriate Federal and Provincial Ministers outlining the position of Oxford County Council as it pertains to key 2016 Federal and Provincial Budget issues. PUBLIC WORKS PW 2016-03 Re: Oxford Road 20 - Parking Modification (Tillsonburg) Recommendation 1. That Schedule E to By-law No. 4897-2007 be amended to authorize a “No Parking” designation on Oxford Road 20 (North Street) in Tillsonburg between Broadway Street and 40 metres east of Herford Street. PW 2016-05 Re: Source Water Protection Fees and Charges By-Law Amendment Recommendations 1. That Schedule “A” to By-law No. 4889-2007, being a by-law to impose fees and charges for services that the County of Oxford provides that are not covered through direct taxation, be amended to include a new charge in the amount of $200 for staff time involved in the negotiation of Risk Management Plans as part of property development review processes and recovery of costs for any related peer reviews. 2. And further, that the new fee come into effect January 28, 2016. COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING CASPO 2016-2 Re: Bill 73: Amendments to the Development Charges Act and Planning Act Recommendations 1. That County Council receive Report No. CASPO 2016-2 as information; 2. And further, that the Community and Strategic Planning Office forward Report No. CASPO 2016-2 to the Area Municipalities for their information and work with the Area Municipalities regarding the implementation of Bill 73 - “Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015”. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 4 COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 27, 2016 PUBLIC HEALTH AND EMERGENCY SERVICES PHES 2016-01 Re: Response to Patients First: Proposal to Strengthen Staff Presentation Patient-Centred Health Care in Ontario Discussion Paper Recommendations 1. That Council receive Report No. PHES 2016-01 “Response to Patients First: Proposal to Strengthen Patient-Centered Health Care in Ontario Discussion Paper.” 2. And further, directs the Director Public Health and Emergency Services to prepare a response to the Ministry, regarding the recommendations contained within the discussion paper, for consideration by Council at the February 24, 2016 meeting. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Pending Items 11. MOTIONS Councillor Molnar, at the December 1, 2015 meeting, gave notice that he would introduce the following motion at the December 9th meeting. At the December 9th meeting he advised that he would bring the motion forward to the January 13, 2016 meeting but due to a related delegation scheduled for the meeting of January 27th, Councillor Molnar asked that the motion be dealt with on the 27th. “Whereas Oxford County has a mandate to provide Solid Waste Management and Recycling responsibilities, including curbside collection, in the County of Oxford; And whereas the County of Oxford had engaged Council, residents and area municipalities on waste management collection options through a defined period in advance of the awarding of the contract; And whereas a new curbside collection contract took effect in September 2015; And whereas there are three identified properties within the County (Tillsonburg) that have seen a reduction in service level regarding curbside collection subsequent to this new delivery contract; And whereas there was no public reference or communication to the impacted residents of a change in level of service; Therefore be it resolved that Council direct a reinstatement of the level of curbside collection service as experienced by residential customers at 18 Balazs Court, 23 North Street West and King Richard’s Court (King Street) in the Town of Tillsonburg; And further, if required, that County staff work with the residents, property owners and the Town of Tillsonburg to facilitate other options to ensure the return to the level of service experienced prior to the contract change in September 2015.” 12. NOTICE OF MOTIONS 13. NEW BUSINESS/ENQUIRIES/COMMENTS County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 5 COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 27, 2016 14. CLOSED SESSION (Room 129) Resolution Time ______ That Council rise and go into a Closed session for the purpose of considering correspondence, dated January 22, 2016, from Peter Pickfield, Solicitor, Garrod-Pickfield, LLP, and Report No. PW (CS) 2016-04 regarding matters that have not been made public concerning the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, litigation or potential litigation, and a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land. Resolution Time ______ That Council rise and reconvene in Open session 15. CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS ARISING FROM THE CLOSED SESSION CORRESPONDENCE 1. Peter Pickfield, Solicitor Garrod-Pickfield, LLP January 22, 2016 Re: Advice that is Subject to Solicitor-Client Privilege [Closed Session Document] PUBLIC WORKS PW (CS) 2016-04 16. BY-LAWS BY-LAW NO. 5775-2016 Being a By-law to remove certain lands from Part Lot Control. BY-LAW NO. 5776-2016 Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 5731-2015, a By-law declaring real property located on Balsam Street, Innerkip, in the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock, designated as Part 9 on Plan 41R-2592, as surplus to the needs of the County. BY-LAW NO. 5777-2016 Being a By-law to remove certain lands from Part Lot Control. BY-LAW NO. 5778-2016 Being a By-law to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a Collaboration Agreement documenting the collaboration on the development, implementation and use of a Local Source Water Information Management System (LSWIMS) by the parties thereto. BY-LAW NO. 5779-2016 Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed. 17. ADJOURNMENT Time ______ County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD County Council Chamber Woodstock January 13, 2016 MEETING #1 Oxford County Council meets in regular session this thirteenth day of January 2016, in the Council Chamber, County Administration Building, Woodstock.