
PRAIRIE DOGS ALL GOING. IT- -' The Northern ltl Stage Line. 1 1 the rar Wtil, City Meat I ! our llirlylnif liur U nut ri'ri" ei'tiUol in your vatiiaMt' hmt r'Kilrly. ramrritf r who hat rldrlrn the Vrt-tr- r LAKEVII2W PAISLEY. part of a day through wratrrn I ll hIhmiI-M- . Market Tliu mtl will "'tin-rrdi- .' anl raitrrn Coloriiilo inwa imlon K"i'K t wnli In llila A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. g) the prairlt (log. He la nuttier-fi- n ( I IimikI yu l.k Cmiily. In aeetlnn of country. C-vhE'- that the I.nkcview nt C a. iY ERICK BUILDING59 fi-- Ieavtr in. liuritH'illi a Ih'iim m'li tiii He lu lllii(ff, an1 the villatrrt lr Hutnlay. h, htIihi, Br lilllt! nni ii'iil to are a r!nr together a the lllj(r every day lut Door North of Hotel Lakeview w III' lltlMTII. h HOIIH' MNilu, Iml ill ni'ws to of rrrtmn parti of Kurj). JtctiirniiiK, IcaveH Tairley Hut the prairie dug naa had hl day. TIio hiiow in mImhiI nil u""' I" at (J :'M a. m. every day but viillny, Iml llirri! lit nn uliiiiiiliini't in the The k rii'iilliiral drpartnimt aaya he Mr. YYKmhi Hundiiy. Mil hihI iiMMintaiiiM In iiiauru iilinty ol nniMt (fo. hua that the Iik kill the xrana and ruin food fOMnfrrt' lare Bound trip S Beef, Pork and wali-- r tlio siiinuinr (or li coiniiitf slrkiiuti land. Jim" hn little UI'I'ICR-- C. U. Bnlder'a Btore, Lakevlew, Ora. Miiwiiimiily trraliiK "Tama mill dtrnifm, nml tluy aru if the love of plrt urenpienp In hii Mutton 1 lniy. tiiiike-up- . He U eniiiirnt!y pruclirnl V. Conn'" wni'liin,' t ia lion. i'lvntt arid hln philanthropy of the type mm ailara Bologna, Sausage, Etc iiIhiiiI oiiiiII, ami Ih oiim o( iIim I whieh tik to make two h'lulin of KIT. QUMTHER lininlicl Mint Milciiililly (uriiiMliol dwell-lug- s erami (ftow limtt-a- of one. Therefore Ori-non- . he proponea to rrlrjrate the prairie in Nnil'ifKHU-ri- i UiMirtfe Watchmaker umliir-hlitnil- to plrture hooka and to the CO, Him'iI, tltt arrliiU'rt uml ImiiIiIit, lor the 1 S, 0, COULTER & alufTr-d- . aperimena of the 'f'vt and Jeweler ImxiiicHH ir(i''tion. liiiinn lii lo nlotiir with the buffalo, aayt tin ! V4X itl 'nilfv' im'w limit utorn, ttioittili Mol lira Ne-w- located at Ahlstrom Bros U lilm k, In lo i not yi'l in ilH own lun Mr. Wilnon'a ehemlata have dlarov-ere- d Monogram ili( It llo irinliili iiiixiiifKH on tint flrxl a mixture whlrh will muke whole . Hour o( llm V. O. W. hull. Tin new vil!tim fiirht for the Ami t. but Al work In my line fully The Hungry Should Be Fed South and East driitf Hlorx lilU Ioiik (i ll want. "On whleli at the lakt biteth like n nirpMit VIA i Guaranteed T and that u my mosion. For a with iiiiriiVfiiinl" in lint cl"MM. n ml at riff t li like an adder. I'mler lu ititlueiu'e the hole knows ((ikkI meal go to the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Clark JohiiHoii. mm of T. J. JuIiiinoii, that the prairie do(f will know It no more for- irh-r- V. Conn' hii STILLIAN RESTAURANT. in tin nnw in lir, ever. The ftiiky. nervoii. barking lit- Shasta Route. Hllil tllH MV Chirk Wail oil till' liUlifH IN tle benet will Joiu the innumerable Two huihliPifk North of Opera H'ju.e Traim lea re Acer for Portland and way ta ttoinctlitnif iIiihIiIiii;. of who have gone AVIRAGNETE. The Tailor On Mio Street tln at a. in. and 11:W p, m. rnrmaii prairie doffi J. L , syro miM hi Portland 1:30 am :30 pm Ivl iriH'fi, ho wiiiki linn before. JAMES KTILLMAN. Prop. " Aai--r 4:iaam S:7pas llugm, lum iircliHKil There will be more when ttie Ar Aitiland 12::) am 12 :!' p rmich to iior;ii ffraaa s.rr.mpoto ft:0C p to aaa MMTly in I'alUy mi l will ImiM in prairie dof U (Tone, and therefore tTt J. W. Howard's " Han FraaviKo 7:45 pm 8:15 am more rattle. There will be leia breuk-Inj- f tln nirui. " ( n1en 8:4S a m 11 :4S a at of the Ivk of cowboy' Hnir and " 9 I'iiixh-- oftiTx n (imh hilHim-H- oMniiit( "1 ii0 a m l:40pn the rattlesnake will live alone in the New Goods, rLflckniTii5 " Karn.au City 7:25 am 7:26 a ra W want a AND bicaKO 7:44 m aa (or itoiini iiihii. hole until the lummoni come to him t a a mm iiImmiI in New Samples, luciil nuirki't, hull thii tiuit alio. " txi A nKele 1:20pm IMim hilnl ol line hIih k Ih ihi lin-- t " Kl Paw 6:110 p m i:UI) p aa thin thn Everything New. "Fort Worth 6:) am ::) a a o( k hi! Iiml fowl, HOLY LAND. " City ol Mexico 9:S5 a m a m miy iml to rxifptinit THROUGH THE I !:. ..Fit Guaranteed or no Pay.. Hountou J:35 a iu 8:3&am mnl hi wu hnvti a n-- milliliter lirn " w Orleana t:iS p m S:2S p m f " "yellow I'K-1- " rhii:kfii won't IuhI Tk Teals Maa llawlr, u I,.,, WaahiiiKtou., 6:12 a m 6:42 a m II f New York U:i p iu 12:4S p m hunt. DltKik Haaallaa IkalM Lakovlew Carpenter Shop - niifor-tmit- rkaatoaaa. Pullman and Touriit can on both train, Mr. Tlmnm Stanley hail tin- i and Lumber Yard f'liair er Haerameuto lo Oifilen and El ao, mifliT a hrnki'ii h-- a linn and loiirim c nto ' bicago, Hi. Loui. New Or-le- to lnrt There li no ruh in th orient; the and Washington. ainct Mu wan from I'uinlt)' t rain movei ilowly through Holy i'lace Connecting at Pan Franvlico with the to htr Ilium' w Im'ii thi' team il riven hy an if loth to diaturb the ahailra and teamiliip line (or Honclulu, Japan. China, , Tboanaa llandley, Am.-rii-a- . Inxiiim (ri'lili-iHi- l mnl ran pliNiitoini haunting the I.anr) of from-ie- rrp. Pliiiliuinp. Central and South her iioii bee agent Ager nation, or adilreaa w Mra. Wallaee of "Jeru- - at away, upn-tlint- f the wutfnii ami throw-- I rite Iw (J. U.MAHKUAM. (i. P. A., alein a We See It To-Da- y. " in I.adiet' Portland, Or. ill? the ih iiiiaiitii out with tho ahove llmiie Journal. Deep rinotion poi-ni- ri All klnili of Ckrrwntcr Work proniptly allrmlnl vault. Ileaiilett Mr. Stanley' injury - tin. The Jaffa frate in the en- to Hull. Unit Contract Tkkrn and btimau- Mule. Horseshoeing A Specialty wero hriliii-el- . .wool l.er eliihlren trance from the went, a market where Will herp on hand at all tlniaa a Urv luck of drr Ager-Lakcvi- ew r. Withaui wiih iiii:kly ioiiiiiiioii-ei- l there it much traftir carrieil on In drcawii lumlwr. Now on h.nd lono fort ctiIIiik ami anil now all the iiijurixl uru on the Inniruairei. We hear name that luuo frrt ruMic. hhop ojipoalla Ctkiuiiirr office, Irw, Oregon, i i t f tkc Stage roml to nrovery. r annoriatii-- iu the LOOK OUT Line. Iiuiiit the hitf hiiow utoriii .lark remote pnt. W e ee rnnt nniea inch aa Ahkiilom. ImmiiiI L. McNAUGHTON, ilriveron Hie I'aiHley-l-akevie- the iful. the lirloved. S. Proprietor I wure; n.en in aoft raiment, flnwinir For any on killing ur ttl- - I line, eame In alxuil foiirleen hoiirN late ..Vegetable More..; ' rnlrv I'firirara, !eper. Chief ainornr Inir ttoc-- belontfing to the Office, Hotel Llnkville one owiim to a "Heparation" The only More ill trii, i he iiu t!c xvvarm ia the iincompiered 0 I team ami ilriver the ni(;ht hefore Klamath Falls, Or. A ral, atuirly an Saul, ailenl in lii aj I.akevicw i locateil at Hie South Eastern Oregon the .lours raui'h. Ja.'k h:iv it wan an till-in- " at iarmenta. thmiv'h the Nortli etui of Water Street. 1 Charlie Innen' mineral water jutf that of the ileserl htnl piitreil into hit leave Ikeview at 6:30 a. m.; arrive at Bly Live Stock Association 11 e 0 VcKi'taMci, Fruit, I'riHlu. e; in houra. eauxeil ll loirha. At any rate we until. iiiiui(ieil ut niKht of ti foreign Bly at 6 a. m.; arrive at Klamath fall 15 mi-ce- il iiuicliiiie route to lireuk lii civilization. Alm MerehauilliH, in hour. the mail that tiip. Hki.inmih. 0 c Job w fin Mich a one- - khcik of the rleiert, Klamath Fall at 7 a. m.; arrive at I'aiNley, ilreKon, New Century. t'liiars anil Tobaeco. in 9 houra. with lonlly hearing, aa became the $500 REWARD Lrave at 5 a. m.; arrive at Ager ia lciiilrr of huraeiurn with kpeara ant 0 Free Delivery, 7 hour. t Muke connection with Ager, Now U Opptirtunltv In Procure the owner nf camel. rrrfttt-- " all traina at Vaur k ' ill te f the arrest and oonTiirtion of any per a Mar(ain In tluuil UcaJIntf Mailer: men of the eat. Doc thi round ir- Whorton & Barnes uivtii ir Cal. reverent? Wait, we are Hearing the 4ii or (H.notii sttealing any itock belong ' Dally S Bulletin and the hill where David act hi thrnuu; the to inetiittert of tht Awociation. Easy Coaches lake County Jxamincr ')! !uw wheel turn ilower. a lirick, a EE BEALL, J. D. COUGML1N, Acqcmmodations Jerk, atop. The tiirhtmci! brakeinan DRUGGIST Excellent One Vear l ur $5 50. it in ! y cull "Mount .Ion" a rimh of J, H. INNES, President. PaasrnKer, expra and freiht traffic fcc!inir. n thrill that can conic but once, Secretary. aol.citeil. All buine entrusted to aa we lif l our ey e to t he city of our Lord, I will be expedited. whether in body or out of the body Freighters Arrive. the Everything; known I cannot tell. to the trade carried A. I,. Smith ami eon I'.lhic, the irrc-- f in 5tock VISIT DR. JORDAN'S GRCATf G. W WISE. irt'f hi I who ilrfy tho LONELY LIVES OF HERDERS. General Merchandise, nml iilwayH "jri-- t then4," mllfil MUSEUM OF ANATOMY I'm mm I0SI MARKET ST., , CAL. First-Cla- ss l.iiki-vii'N- l;iNt wilh two Aoitrallaa Cattle Taadera Hotel, into Thuriiiy IINE Soaps, Perfumes, (bmiwmm SUlSu Mmaii.j loinli"! with :I4.ihh) miiiiiiU of Miiauloauui Kililtnet la The Plush House, Iba lluab. Toilet Goods, Etc. Th lar;t Aaaiomlcai Moaaum liM'l'i'hiiniliHi1. Tin net mil linn' roiiNiim-- ; in ia Hint Tonsorial Hnm'H marmttUm (it th CVy. A Parlors. on the mil l 1V tin SmitliH wan liftiTti Not even ita rrciiteat admirer could CIGARS. .STATIONARY Plush, La we County, Oregon. Dl ooaniol- - k iliiyn for llm roiiiul trip, tlimtih 1 call the AiiKtrnlitin I hi It bctiuiiful. It dit rasavMn. by III UIu.fMlil.l7uu Tlii-- livi- - iIiivm tl Mie-colnre- wild cnca'yp-lit- s ulAvl 8nrU. It Ih. fuili lui'l over in lumber. of Uoaab Ifrt.hiuaod M ;mt ''( in i cr piTM'd with 0 Attn riiH , yi'inii iliin, Hulking jnnl forc't. arid UK. ilUKUAN TRiTAIa DISEASII I r.uk s of th Hi-- n ml pin n Tlierc U Frank Smith's mi l.i) ! thry left Laki-- icw . Thi'V ife. v Towaar aa4 Baldia no khaiic itiiil the in intense, 111 mmum ki r mi IT. ring I'lli'iilllitrlril liciivy hiiow in hoiiiii jihii'i'H eVt:ir Iroia lb oSMIa ml roathlal India. nivk the .Newcastle ( li nriiele. At far BarberShop raatwu mw mtt mmmm In MiaiMf iitul iniiil ill ntlit'iH. in i raarn Harvoua and pkTtieu ilrcp Thin tin' it t c a K n Ucblllt.. in. r you I'umc neruss si.i.it ter's pmtmmmr. Lu all lucumpll-- I - KM mI4 limil trip fur tin- nml Ihry li 1 Mot and Cold Baths ration.; riurt clearing, with il !e coin inn u il v of rmmm, Np.rilsfSM,miMI, frwlaur. I'm HI oiiiiiIm aaarrka, all tlin mirthiTii frii'tiht Iml hiiiiian brinu"- - Deeper Mill in these ml I II r . oomblnallonrr.rarTat rciiitllM.rla.lla,of ar..t aarmtlv.!. Mw.r. tiia rat..r I Dyspepsia Cure rli'iini'il up at tin' Tt'i mo whi'li Nolitinlck, aloof and almost lost. lie liaa ao arrftna ala Irkmtm.tii Ih.t Pt lll i A only .iTura Ttamwlaata rollrl, Sut W 1 the un p.m.n.nl tlii'V Imiiioil. iiiifi" in t a mi. ill iiiiiomit shepherds and bushiitcn. caeb our. Tkm Duatur Ammn an u p.ilorm Digests what you eat. ' tlun Alexander Selkirk marooned in :t mlrulM. but la w.ll fenowa to b. . lair mni V of otluT fri'inlit anivi'il ut Ti rini) fur M'ltr. Phvlolaa aal lurfMn. MMDlKut It artificially digests the food and aids waste of (rrnsa or foret. ni e a month llalilap-'l.llr-llakM- r Mmm. Natura sLreQgtheaing and recon-- i l.rtkrviiMV iiifrclimitH. In tho fri'inlil mAl-t- A la thej are visited iind-thei- r rat ii ns car- ITall.la exhausted digestive or- I structing tbe lnoiilit in liy the SmitliH wiih tho ilyiui-in- o u araiam wita.ui m . um m mmrrmry. ried to them, but for the rest they live TrauM fltud by aa IiaarL Blsatlaal gans. It lathe latest discovered digest for tin I.ukt'vh'w llli'ctiii' IJhl in exile, euro hir Raplnr. A qolrk and radivut and tonic. No other preparation solitary the only eoiiipnniona eurm fnr I'll., ria.ar aad rll.la,li ant riant, 1 liHKI poiimlH of Hiijit r nml othur their aheep, cattie nnd ilojrs. Cut off ur. riwuu .ii.giM pmmiM. Bawoaa can approach it In efficiency. It In MAM applying tovswlu raoatTs siantly relieves and permanently cures KooiIh for II. (!. Kutho A Co., fiiruiturti from human intercourse, they almoat I ou r rialtnM opinion of blacnnipl.ini. wiU rOHJTIVM CUMM Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, iV: I lose ir. SuanmlN t for Stinllcy liirriH, uml tin pronn for their faculty of speech, and become tvrm tat ui kailtrlnM Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, 1 a w it lea a sheep or cat I le. And Vnnmitati.ia f KKK ana atneity pnraia, 'I'lin Chew iiiiciiii I'uht. their CH.tKOKS YKItr MKASOXABLM Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand when they return toeivilizution for (he Tr.atinaiit parMaally or by l.n.r. all other results of imperfect digestion. 'i Writ for Rook. PHILOaOPHT Fine Cattle. abort holiday that is ill owed them, it fey MaiLaaFaaav ' - Price 50c. and ft. Large slie contain ttt time Ia N4RRUOS. : too probable that they hand iu their &:&it book tor m.a.) CaUarwrlla small sisa. Book alt about dyspepsia maUedtreo Thi! Hi'tto (inzi'tlc of Jitniiiiry 5 miyH "eheiiie" fur the half-year'- s to OH J0ROAN CO.,1011 Markat SI. S, IL Prtpartd by E. C Ot WITT A CO.. Crjleoga. "1'iofoMMor McDowell of tho KxHrimcnt waj;cs the proprietor of the ihanty known a Iiiih (ci'iliiiK Ouc door Mouth or 1IAXK Lakeview Drug Company. Slutioii furiii hi'i'ii four ntcciM the "Himh hotel," and stay there to Hincu Fchriutry II, 11HK). Thin iiioinintt drink it out. he Hiiltl tlifin to tlu Western Meat ('inn-pun- y of Oakland fur 4'tt' contH vvr Ilia Uulet Aaaaranee, "One flniU 1. 1 wry little real iioetry I 11 , weight. Tho I'liinhiniul mil uroHH lu print nowuduya," remarked, the wiiN7,-ii- A weight of thttfimr lunul l) pomulf, youn woman. mnl they brought '!l7.1 1, or over fHl "Yea," uiiKwereil Mr. Hardly Serins, per head. Two of them urn ll'j vein's ns he ptisheil uia hair back from bis WW old, uml thu other two a ro yearn old. brow, "it- - the old ktory with me.' If Of Hardware, Implements, Wagons, 'I'liey huvu heen (ciluhuut thirty poiimlH a man wuiita to be mire aomethiiiK' ia Call and see us and Buggies, etc. We carry a full stock In of liny per iluy hinco I'Vhniary .'I, 1W0. well done he must do it himself." Washington Star. our line. We can best serve you by They uie 11 li i nl ni I eatllu mni " you calling on us us la find we are right. and letting know in laige It Trad. Thin hciihoii there a deal rale Tom O! he's ualnir all sorts of what your wants are. Our Wares are hiiioiik i hililreii Iiihii itoiiji hiiiI limn achciiiea to IroiiblcH. Prompt action will avn bolster up his prctenaious Qood, our prices Right. We merit your tho to leiidefKhip lilth oiii'H from thoMi lui riblu iliHcuni'8. iu swell society. Dick -- Dock patronage by fair and square treatment Wti know iiolhinif ho eei lain to uivo he admit that? relief iihOiiu Minnie Cough Cure. Tdiii-- O. yes; he docNii't deny It. It eiiu iiIho he relied upon in gnppo ami Dick Then he's not a gentleman, all throat ami Iuiil' U'oiiIjIch of adiilU. sfter nil. Merely an J'leaniu; to take, l.akeview lHu$ Co. Philadelphia, l'ress. J. E. BERNARD & SON, Lakeview, Oregon